I wasn't sure where to post this article, then decided with Spring practices in full swing a new thread would be in order.
This is pretty interesting.
The Bag Man excuses himself to make a call outside, on his "other phone," to arrange delivery of $500 in cash to a visiting recruit. The player is rated No. 1 at his position nationally and on his way into town. We're sitting in a popular restaurant near campus almost a week before National Signing Day, talking about how to arrange cash payments for amateur athletes.
"Nah, there's no way we're landing him, but you still have to do it," he says. "It looks good. It's good for down the road. Same reason my wife reads Yelp. These kids talk to each other. It's a waste of money, but they're doing the same thing to our guys right now in [rival school's town]. Cost of business."
Technically, this conversation never happened, because I won't reveal this man's name or the player's, or even the town I visited. Accordingly, all the other conversations I had with different bag men representing different SEC programs over a two-month span surrounding National Signing Day didn't happen either.
Even when I asked for and received proof -- in this case a phone call I watched him make to a number I independently verified, then a meeting in which I witnessed cash handed to an active SEC football player -- it's just cash changing hands. When things are done correctly, there's no proof more substantial than one man's word over another. That allows for plausible deniability, which is good enough for the coaches, administrators, conference officials, and network executives. And the man I officially didn't speak with was emphatic that no one really understands how often and how well it almost always works.
These men are fans who believe they're leveraging football success $500 or $50,000 at a time. I can't show you that money, and neither can anyone else. You might think you see the money -- a flash of $20 bills all over some kid's Instagram or Facebook update -- but that's just money.
This is the arrangement in high-stakes college football, though of course not every player is paid for. Providing cash and benefits to players is not a scandal or a scheme, merely a function. And when you start listening to the stories, you understand the function can never be stopped.
"Last week I got a call. We've got this JUCO transfer that had just got here. And he's country poor. The [graduate assistant] calls me and tells me he's watching the AFC Championship Game alone in the lobby of the Union because he doesn't have a TV. Says he never owned one. Now, you can buy a Walmart TV for $50. What kid in college doesn't have a TV? So I don't give him any money. I just go dig out in my garage and find one of those old Vizios from five years back and leave it for him at the desk. I don't view what I do as a crime, and I don't give a shit if someone else does, honestly."
"If we could take a vote for these kids to make a real salary every season, I would vote for it. $40,000 or something. Goes back to mama, buys them a car, lets them go live like normal people after they work their asses off for us. But let's be honest, that ain't gonna stop all this. If everyone gets $40,000, someone would still be trying to give 'em 40 extra on the side."
This is how you become a college football bag man.
Chances are you didn't just wake up one day and decide that your passion for Team A was suddenly worth forking over money to entice and reward student-athletes. If you haven't already grown up in your team's culture, you start going to games, first as a student, then a young alum, then a married alum, and then as a young family. You become a person everyone in your age group knows has enough money that a low-five-figure deduction wouldn't be missed.
One caveat. If you're stinking, filthy rich, a good athletic director or university fundraiser has already contacted you for above-board donations, and you likely won't get into the business of paying players. It's the guys with just about 10 or 15 grand to burn annually that usually become bag men.
"I think it took me seven years. I knew some guys. They knew some older guys. And before, I really didn't believe any of this happened. Then I start coming around different events, parties, tailgates. After a while one guy says, 'Oh hey, I know him. It's okay, he loves the [team],' and starts talking who needed to get what. And so I was a part of it. I wanted to be."
Once properly vetted, your money usually buys you first or secondhand access to information most fans (or journalists) would kill for: player run-ins with the law that go unreported, what certain coaches are really like, what kind of power an A.D. or president really has, and most importantly, who really is in charge of your football program.
Southern states feature vastly different cultural, economic and physical territories, but every state with a school in the SEC contains a few consistent features from which a kind of map can be built:
The university housing your team.
A capital city. Your school likely has some concentration of lawyers or elected officials.
The metro area (sometimes also the capital), the state's most populated and therefore talent-rich area.
A community or city closest to your state's border with another conference state.
Enemy territory. Just as your team has boosters active in other states, so too are enemy agents inside your borders. In many cases they're concentrated in a single area, like an in-state rival's town, a town close to the border, or just an area with a concentration of sidewalk fans who support someone else.
From these areas, borders are drawn and districts are created, but over time specific territories are shaped by the bag men in them. It's a somewhat fluid map, at least over long amounts of time.
Regardless of the state, a school's bag men gravitate towards two centers of power: the university and the state's metro area, the latter because of population, the former because of power. Regardless of where top-dollar shadow boosters and bag men might live, the university town serves as the primary center of operations. After all, that's where the coaches and players are.
Bag men tend to operate in plain sight. And while there might be a kind of cabal of particularly rich boosters who direct operations at private meetings, there aren't dungeons and robes or some kind of "X-Files" syndicate in a smoky boardroom.
"No secret lair, although a couple guys have some pretty ridiculous-looking hunting camps. I mean, we're shooting the shit about college football players. That in and of itself isn't a crime. Sometimes we go to the Waffle House."
The rules of communication tend to follow your typical sleeper cell or drug-dealing outfit. Talk in person as much as possible, preferably in group settings. Don't use email. Never interact with the media and avoid the university's public relations or sports information departments whenever possible. And buy burners. Lots of burners.
"It's the bat phone. Everybody has a bat phone. Buy some in a gas station out of town, use 'em for a while, toss 'em. The worst part was convincing my wife it wasn't so I could carry on an affair, because I wouldn't let her use it or see who I was talking to."
Burners are seasonal and used mostly around the height of recruiting season, when local bag men need to communicate quickly with other shadow boosters across the state and region higher up the fiscal chain. Later on they'll be used to communicate directly with active players. But calls are often made to a person's primary number, and in a pinch basic code-talking will suffice.
"I can call up a guy in real estate and say, 'Hey man, we thought about it, and let's do that 24-acre plot. How's a 4 p.m. meeting sound?'"
The first number is the player, usually designated by a jersey number. Here, it's player No. 24. The time is the cost. In this example, $4,000. Listen long enough and it's not much of a code, but there's never been much to codebreaking here, either.
"I don't sell drugs. I don't even speed on the highway. No one's listening to me."
There's a weird code of personal conduct for a bag man. It's okay to be flashy, but within the limits. Set up your lavish tailgate, put a deposit down on a luxury box, or name your child after a famous player or coach. After all, you're passionate enough to be paying, so you might as well enjoy yourself.
But while drawing attention to yourself is fine, drawing importance to yourself is forbidden. You are now somebody in one very small social circle but forever destined to be nobody in the public eye.
"Coach has met me a few times. I've talked to Coach. But Coach doesn't really know me from Adam. How many other folks do you think he meets a week? After he got hired, I walked up and shook his hand, and the guy introducing us says, "Hey Coach, this here's [first name], he takes care of stuff for us.' Now, what does that really mean? Do I charter planes for the university? Do I run a company that sells concessions to the stadium? Or do I make sure kids get taken care of? Coach doesn't know what I 'take care of.' He knows someone out there is doing this, and that's all."
A good bag man will never be famous. He will never be that guy hovering right next to the head coach after a big win. His name will never be known by the majority of students, fans, and alumni of the university he loves. There is no dead bag man memorial on the campus of any football powerhouse. There are no memorial scholarships named after the guy who gave a running back's mother $3,000 a month for four years.
"There's some guy I know. He's in the [official booster club for the university]. I've known him almost all my life; he's a friend of my family. Guy gives about $50,000 a year to the program. And so he gets to wear a jacket and have his name in the [annual alumni magazine] and gets to shake hands with the coaches and feel really goddamn important. I see this guy all the time, and we talk about the team, and he's always trying to big dick about how important he is to the program. Now let me ask you, who do you think is more important to this team winning next season? Him with his $50,000 getting bathrooms painted in the basketball arena, or what I do with not even a quarter of that much money?"
Bottom line: if you're successful in landing a player who is in turn successful on the field, and you can't abide people not knowing you had a hand in the process, you're in the wrong field of athletic support.
You've probably read a detailed breakdown on some message board about how your rival school managed to land that prized wide receiver, and it probably involves something to do with a bank account.
The player might have been bought, but he didn't pop into the local savings and loan to pick up his check. Bank accounts carry more potentially traceable information than any other facet of an illegal payments system, even more than phone records. Yet in almost every popular Internet rumor about a recruit's family being paid off, there's some mention of a bank account or a slush fund that boosters pay into and athletes take out of.
"If you hear stories about bank accounts, they're fake. Why would there be a bank account? Yeah, I'm gonna open a checking account with statements someone could subpoena. Oh and hey, in this small town of however-many-thousands of people I'm gonna go in and open some account and then ask for a bunch of black teenagers to be put on there and ask for a bunch of debit cards they could get caught with. Why don't I just take out a fucking ad?"
There might not be a FDIC-insured savings account at a local bank branch, but there is always a pool from which money can be accessed quickly. A majority of fundraising occurs in the offseason, when coaches visit alumni and booster clubs throughout their schools' regions.
"The coach or coaches come in, say their piece, bullshit with the folks and take pictures and then they're in the car and headed back home. When they leave, we start talking. What we figure out then is what we need to put together in that area [of the state] for anyone we're trying to land from that area. That's when the hat gets passed."
The actual money is never collected in a single area, but a collective of shadow boosters keeps an unwritten counter on how much each of them can contribute in cash at any given moment for three major purposes:
Large single sums to be paid out in order to convince a recruit to sign with the school.
Maintenance payments to current players, delivered in an ongoing basis.
Cash owed by an out-of-area shadow booster to a bag man living in the college town. Sometimes a player whose sponsor lives back at home needs money immediately, so a local bag man not assigned to that player will pay the player, with a marker going to his booster back home.
The small business fuels America. Cash that doesn't have to be accounted for exists in any variety of ways. Sell a pair of lower bowl tickets to a guy you know from church? Cash. Sell a bass boat on Craigslist? Cash. Run or own a restaurant? Cash. Work in agriculture? Lots of cash.
"We all do different things. Finding liquid capital is not a problem for any of us. If it was, we wouldn't be doing this."
Some towns or high schools have already made a recruit's decision before he's out of diapers. These are strongholds. The local money, the high school coaches and principals, the parents and the "uncles" are already all on all the same team.
This is built by heritage and takes decades and sometimes millions of dollars. Maybe it's a local business that employs working-class families. Jobs for parents can be arranged with ease, as can pressure on those currently employed.
A player can be identified as a prospect in middle school, either by a coach friendly to your program or a bag man himself. A collegiate head coach would never inform a bag man of his preferences, but in a well-run program, his desires would be known without communicating them.
Extenuating factors to consider when putting together a plan:
What's the climate of the high school? Does the high school coach lean towards or away from your college program?
Is this a stronghold town or disputed territory? How fast will competition come in? Or is someone already in with the family, meaning you're the competition?
What's the economic status of the family? Any criminal history? Could other incentives (jobs, cars) be arranged?
What is the family dynamic? Who other than the mother or grandmother is workable? ("I've never encountered a situation where a parent or guardian worried about the legality. I can't say that's ever even been asked of me.")
Who is the one person that can be trusted to take payments before the player signs and keep the money out of public view?
"If mama's been working all her life to provide, you can make that work. That's a very manageable situation. But if you've got an uncle talking about being the kid's manager or agent, talking about his rap label he's starting or interviews with ESPN, shit ... you better hold on, or reevaluate how bad you want this player."
Often a full assessment of a recruit's situation reveals that a promise of cash payments isn't the way to go. Sometimes a recruit's family could be so far under the poverty line that any kind of sudden flush spending would draw the attention of the NCAA, or the recruit is so high-profile that he's receiving multiple cash gifts from competing boosters. That's when the personal touch becomes a better option.
"I've paid to put a single mother through rehab. It was the recruit's older sister. He's playing ball and mama's raising two grandchildren, his sister's kids. Mama's tired and doesn't want to raise another set of kids. So we make the calls and arrange for the daughter to go to rehab, then set her up with a job when she's done. Fast track her to a job at a private business, nothing suspicious. Now mama can enjoy her son playing and the daughter is back on her feet. And when it came time to sign, we made sure she saw something [cash], but I promise you that meant more than just money."
The most common non-cash gifts to recruits are cars. In every major city inside the Southeastern Conference's footprint is a tangle of auto dealerships with varying ties to particular schools.
"There are jokes about kids getting cars, but that's actually pretty easy. We all have dealerships all over. You practically have to nowadays, anyway, just for the coaches. Think about it. Most schools, all the football, basketball, and baseball coaches and their wives are getting some kind of vehicle for free as part of their contract. Then they're turning them in every three years or so. That's a fleet right there. You need a lot of guys with dealerships, and you need them in different towns. Then getting a clean title on a member of the family is pretty easy."
Whatever the minimum of necessary paperwork to absolve a player of improper benefits received is, it's not a problem. A title for a moderately priced SUV can be created in a relative's name, as can a receipt of sale for a reasonable price.
"Hey, how'd he get that ride? His uncle bought it. How did his uncle buy it? Paid cash. Paid cash, how'd he do that? Shit, we don't know, but here's the receipt where he paid cash, and now y'all ain't got shit. Go tell the NCAA you think we're cheating because this kid's uncle bought him a used Tahoe in cash, you racist."
Resources, assistance, paperwork, and even a subpar explanation mean most needs can be taken care of.
"One time grandpa needed his tractor fixed. He and grandma were the primary care-givers of this kid out in a rural area. Well, they aren't going to turn down the money, and they didn't, but what they needed was a tractor to get fixed. But we couldn't take this tractor to get fixed just anywhere, because the guy who does that locally works for a business that's owned by a [rival school] fan."
Why not just buy a new tractor?
"Because that would be like a Lamborghini showing up in their driveway. See, you don't know how much a tractor costs. So we've got to get this tractor to a repair guy who we're comfortable enough calling up and saying, 'Hey, fix this. He's good for it. We're taking care of it.' The tractor gets fixed. Now you try and prove we fixed that tractor."
What about a receipt?
"You're a reporter. You can't demand a receipt from a private business. Besides, did you know that repair guy owed that farmer a favor? He did it for half the normal cost and the guy paid him in cash. You're not the IRS, anyway."
And the NCAA?
"He's a farmer. He got paid extra on a side job or made extra taking something to market. Paid for it that way. Whatever."
Still, why not limit the interaction to simply providing the money for the repair? Why get so involved when it only increases potential complications or chances of exposure?
"Because of the competition. If we're after a guy, what are the chances four more schools in the SEC aren't after him too? What you want more than anything else is the ability to sit down with that decision-maker, grandma or mama or the uncle, right before the time comes and say, 'Hey, we know that old so-and-so from [rival school] has come to see you. That's fine. But we know you know who's been here since the beginning and who's been taking care of you.' You want them to believe that you'll take care of them the best in the future, too."
Remember, your job as a bag man isn't to hide the benefit. It's to hide the proof. In a region as passionate about college football as the American South, there's no real moral outrage when new cars or clothes or jobs for relatives appear.
"We can only get away with whatever's considered reasonable by the majority of the folks in our society. That's why it's different in the SEC. Maybe that's why we're able to be more active in what we do. Because no one ever looks at the car or the jewelry and says, 'How did you get that, poor football player?' They say, 'How did they get you that and not get caught, poor football player?'"
Rural Southerners make a habit of knowing each other's business. Chances are you'll become aware of and -- believe it or not -- friends with bag men for rivals schools. Not that there's such a concept of friends in love or war.
"It's a small group. If you grow up in the state, you end up knowing folks. It's really that simple. But that won't stop them from trying to bury your ass when it gets down to it. A few years back, we were fighting hard for a kid in their backyard. We went for a full year with the family, thought we had it wrapped up. Still thought we had it done the night before Signing Day. He liked our coaches. But the family keeps dragging it and dragging it. Late that night I get a call, and it's the player on the phone, the kid himself. You could tell he was nervous. He said, 'Mr. [name], I talked to my mama, and we decided that $70,000 and we're going with you, if you can promise us $70,000 tonight.' I knew right away we were being recorded, and I knew the asshole down there who had set it up. I knew him personally. They had him. That part was done. But they wanted to get someone on tape to try and turn it over to the NCAA. So I said, 'Well gosh [player name], we'd love to see you here next season, but we just don't do that kind of thing.' Then I hung up."
The bag men associated with certain schools pay potential signees one-time bonus payments not to visit a rival school that's offered a scholarship. The going rate is stated to be $2,500. This has become a popular tactic in recent years, as the recruiting process has become more publicized.
"You can have a rival coach who is considered a great recruiter, and he might say, 'We feel great about this kid, if we can just get him on campus.' Well, what if you can't even get him to show up? How great a recruiter are you now?"
This tactic is not universally employed. Some coaches encourage players to visit other campuses to recruit other players. Some like for everyone to know how many other schools have offered a player before he makes his choice, making it look like the chosen school beat an even longer list of rivals. Regardless, it's a shining example of how influential shadow boosters are in the recruiting process and how crucial they are to the success of a coach's reputation as a good recruiter.
It's also how lame duck coaching staffs are created. If a majority of bag men want a particular coach out and an A.D. or president won't make a move, they'll just dry up funds.
"The coach won't know exactly when we decide to make that happen, but they've got a good idea. Then we get to see just how damn good a recruiter he really is. I know one of our guys once stopped putting in big bucks, way more than what I do, just because a head coach cussed too much on the team plane. [The coach] was losing anyway, but because he took the Lord's name in vain, that guy was offended by his morality and stopped illegally paying college football players."
There's little use for an actual bag, especially once an athlete is signed and on campus. Rather than dole out large sums of money, the bag man usually prefers to hand over frequent payments of $200 to $500. It prevents the player from overspending, losing the money or getting robbed, and ...
"I don't like to run around with thousands in cash on my person, either. This isn't 'Scarface.'"
Think of how quickly the average student blows through a student loan check. The increased frequency of the meets help foster a better relationship, as each bag man is assigned or volunteers for particular players. The more often the meetings, the more casual and less clandestine they can become, but the level of maintenance can be stressful. This also means that bag men willing to either live in or near the university town are highly valued.
This usually isn't a problem, as most college towns are considered desirable places to raise families and operate businesses.
"I don't know how much some of the kids are getting. I just handle my guys. Obviously I know it's happening, but I can't tell you when or where or how much or how often. I just handle my guys."
"I had this one kid, great player, good guy. Never got in trouble, but never did much on the field. But he's calling me all the time. 'Hey, the sunroof in my car is leaking,' he says, so I tell him to come meet me. $150. Two days later it's: 'Hey, I'm going out this weekend with a girl, can you help me?' $200. Next week after that he's got $300 in parking tickets. So one day I go to meet him to give him money and I ask, "Hey man, aren't you a business major? Have y'all learned what ROI means yet? It means return on investment, and at this rate I'm going to need to start seeing some touchdowns.'"
This is a newer wrinkle for the bag man. As a fan, the temptation might be to reward a player who's putting up great numbers, just as you might want to withhold from one who's thought to be showing poor effort. But as a businessperson, that's poor management. The 1980s Miami Hurricanes are in many ways a what-not-to-do guide for shadow boosters, but it was the system of incentives and bounties favored by 2000s Miami booster Nevin Shapiro that's shown the foolishness of incentives.
Handing out $100 bills for interceptions or sacks used to seem like the bag man's top responsibility, but they've learned. Performance-based rewards require some kind of record-keeping, which is the first red light. The second is a potential for competition among players that could bleed over into animosity or somehow affect on-field efficiency.
"I read the stuff Oklahoma State was accused of. The reason I don't believe a lot of it is because how stupid they come off. When they said players were getting cash envelopes handed out in the locker room after the game like it was Gatorade, I thought, 'surely this is a joke.' And if I was a player, stopped getting money because I was hurt or buried on the depth chart or was maybe playing through an injury you didn't know about, I'd go to the media, too."
College majors like Exercise Science and General Education have long been assailed by critics as crip-course degrees, but shadow boosters see them as a vital way to perpetuate the cycle. If a player finishes out his eligibility and has no feasible future in the pros, he might return home and become a nearby high school coach. It doesn't matter if it's junior high or seven-on-seven camps; each means a new brand ambassador for the program.
"You win the gym teachers, and you can go a long way. That's why all those basket-weaving degrees are so important, because we need 'em on both ends. You need 'em to keep the kids qualified, and you need 'em to produce guys who can go back and coach and teach and help us."
It doesn't hurt that the system produces agents who often become the most powerful male influence in a young athlete's life. And there is, of course, a fiscal incentive for the ex-athlete to help steer future players in the same direction he went. The bag man doesn't expect any coach to push 100 percent of his Division I-worthy talent to any one particular place, let alone his alma mater, but rather pick spots for the big ones.
"Kids are going to grow up liking teams for one reason or another, but when it comes time to start seriously talking to them, you need as many folks as you can get. Mama wins almost every time. Mama's most important. But you get coaches with ties to the school, then you get one person who has all those kids' attention."
This system and the men operating it want you to know that they don't succeed so often and raise the stakes so fearlessly because they're that good. It's because so many people care so much. There might not be a cultural mandate, but describing an October Saturday in the South as a culture accepting of this behavior would be a raging understatement.
"I'm not Nevin Shapiro. I'm not telling these kids to give another player a concussion. I'm not paying for abortions. It's 2014. Who's left to tell that would get angry? Who's left that would object to seeing these kids getting some money?"
If you believe any of this happens with the frequency and level of organization described, you might assume that such practices surely couldn't go entirely unnoticed, that surely someone not involved in a conspiracy to illegally funnel money to college-aged athletes would expose the plot. It's happened before, after all.
"It happens, yeah, but now we start to ask, 'Who would do that?' You try your damnedest to take care of everyone involved for a long as you can. Look at where we live. Look at how much everyone cares. Think about how much of a pariah any one of us would become if we spoke out, especially with no real evidence.
"I look at this as an investment. When you ask me why I do this ... let me ask you something. Who's your favorite sports team? Most favorite. Who do you live and die with? What if I told you that if you gave me $10,000 right now I could guarantee you they'd be better? That if they were usually bad that they'd have a winning season? Or if they were just a game shy of going to a championship that they'd get there next season?"
"Hey, man," he calls to the bartender.
"If I told you right now the [team] would win the SEC this fall and go to the Playoff, but only if you gave me 10 grand, would you do it?"
"Shit, man ... will you take a check?," the bartender asks. "But if you could really do that, I'd probably get the cash together in a day or two."
I wonder if any of this is mere exaggeration. A lot of it is pretty clearly untrue (though I don't know whether the reporter is making up the stories or is being fed them and believes them himself). If this was as widespread as the reporter reports, it couldn't be kept secret. It surely happens on some scale, though.
Quote from: grumbler on April 10, 2014, 08:40:15 PM
I wonder if any of this is mere exaggeration. A lot of it is pretty clearly untrue (though I don't know whether the reporter is making up the stories or is being fed them and believes them himself). If this was as widespread as the reporter reports, it couldn't be kept secret. It surely happens on some scale, though.
Secret? Haven't we been hearing about this stuff for decades?
"Remember, your job as a bag man isn't to hide the benefit. It's to hide the proof. "
Quote from: Valmy on April 11, 2014, 08:43:55 AM
Secret? Haven't we been hearing about this stuff for decades?
Who has been doing it? I can't think of a single program convicted of this.
Ash broke his foot aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on April 11, 2014, 06:35:59 PM
Ash broke his foot aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
It is a fracture. He will be back for Fall camp. He will only get to spend one week of Spring Practice in The Pit.
Quote from: grumbler on April 11, 2014, 12:55:28 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 11, 2014, 08:43:55 AM
Secret? Haven't we been hearing about this stuff for decades?
Who has been doing it? I can't think of a single program convicted of this.
This is almost exactly the same thing, a bit more modernized and sophisticated, the SWC schools were doing in the 80s and basically what the SEC fans have been saying they have been doing for years.
Quote from: Valmy on April 11, 2014, 10:36:02 PM
This is almost exactly the same thing, a bit more modernized and sophisticated, the SWC schools were doing in the 80s and basically what the SEC fans have been saying they have been doing for years.
And I wonder the exact same thing about the bragging of old SC fans and current SEC fans. I simply cannot believe that this is as pervasive as the author and his anonymous bag man claim, and yet no one has ever stepped forward and said "yeah, that happened to me."
Quote from: grumbler on April 13, 2014, 09:10:45 AM
I simply cannot believe that this is as pervasive as the author and his anonymous bag man claim, and yet no one has ever stepped forward and said "yeah, that happened to me."
President, NCAA
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 13, 2014, 09:28:05 AM
Quote from: grumbler on April 13, 2014, 09:10:45 AM
I simply cannot believe that this is as pervasive as the author and his anonymous bag man claim, and yet no one has ever stepped forward and said "yeah, that happened to me."
President, NCAA
-- CountDeMoney
President-for-Life, Jim Jones Flavor Kool-aid Appreciation Society
Nyuks from the Big School Defender, who wants to believe that NCAA violations are reserved solely for the really big stars, and that it can't possibly happen to the dozens of lower-tiered players getting by on nickels and dimes from boosters and "bag men"; a used TV here, a few free dinners there, a couple of dollars to get through the month from the local Cadillac dealer (Class of '87) that wants to help his team out.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 13, 2014, 02:52:19 PM
Nyuks from the Big School Defender, who wants to believe that NCAA violations are reserved solely for the really big stars, and that it can't possibly happen to the dozens of lower-tiered players getting by on nickels and dimes from boosters and "bag men"; a used TV here, a few free dinners there, a couple of dollars to get through the month from the local Cadillac dealer (Class of '87) that wants to help his team out.
-- CountDeMoney,
President, National Association for the Advancement of Strawman People.
Quote from: grumbler on April 13, 2014, 09:10:45 AM
And I wonder the exact same thing about the bragging of old SC fans and current SEC fans. I simply cannot believe that this is as pervasive as the author and his anonymous bag man claim, and yet no one has ever stepped forward and said "yeah, that happened to me."
Seems to me people have said that, there are reports of people getting things all the time. Well in any case this is out there now. We will see. With all this money and jobs out there, you have to have a grievance of some sort to spill the beans in a way that is actually useful to the NCAA like what happened at SMU.
Quote from: Valmy on April 13, 2014, 04:49:04 PM
Seems to me people have said that, there are reports of people getting things all the time. Well in any case this is out there now. We will see. With all this money and jobs out there, you have to have a grievance of some sort to spill the beans in a way that is actually useful to the NCAA like what happened at SMU.
People have said that they heard that someone else was getting paid, or "people are getting paid," and the like. I don't know of anyone who has said, "yeah, I got paid" or "yeah, when Ohio State was recruiting me, they offered me $2500 not to visit Michigan." You'd think if tens of thousands of players have met with bag men, and everyone thinks that this is no big deal, there would be at least one willing to admit it, even years later.
Quote from: grumbler on April 13, 2014, 05:10:23 PM
People have said that they heard that someone else was getting paid, or "people are getting paid," and the like. I don't know of anyone who has said, "yeah, I got paid" or "yeah, when Ohio State was recruiting me, they offered me $2500 not to visit Michigan." You'd think if tens of thousands of players have met with bag men, and everyone thinks that this is no big deal, there would be at least one willing to admit it, even years later.
If they do not have a motive why would they? I mean nobody admitted it during the late 70s, early 80s either and it was a lot less sophisticated.
Quote from: Valmy on April 13, 2014, 05:16:24 PM
If they do not have a motive why would they? I mean nobody admitted it during the late 70s, early 80s either and it was a lot less sophisticated.
You'd think that one player out of tens of thousands would grow up enough to realize that corruption is bad. I suppose you could argue that not one football player for the SEC or SWC in the last 40 years has a motive to support fair intercollegiate competition, but I'd argue that position really doesn't pass the smell test.
Quote from: grumbler on April 13, 2014, 05:26:23 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 13, 2014, 05:16:24 PM
If they do not have a motive why would they? I mean nobody admitted it during the late 70s, early 80s either and it was a lot less sophisticated.
You'd think that one player out of tens of thousands would grow up enough to realize that corruption is bad. I suppose you could argue that not one football player for the SEC or SWC in the last 40 years has a motive to support fair intercollegiate competition, but I'd argue that position really doesn't pass the smell test.
Players come out all the time, but as I said not with sufficient evidence to bust anybody because why should they put their ass on the line in a crusade that doesn't benefit them and would probably hurt them quite a bit? Besides it is not the players job to monitor all the adults in this stuff. The SMU guy did because he had a specific grievance. Anyway, we will see if anybody bothers to actually investigate and look into this, I suspect nothing will happen as it always does when stories like this come out. I mean we had evidence, in writing, of Oregon giving out money to influence (not directly to him of course) Lache Seastrunk and nothing happened at all and everybody was sure Oregon was screwed.
Quote from: Valmy on April 13, 2014, 06:40:59 PM
Besides it is not the players job to monitor all the adults in this stuff.
The majority of studint-affletes probably don't even know what the very complicated rules are, and when they are told, they either forget or don't care or both.
grumbler, however, has faith in the fact that studint-affletes believe in the healing power of confession by narcing out coaches, boosters and fellow teammates immediately upon graduation.
Quote from: Valmy on April 13, 2014, 06:40:59 PM
Players come out all the time, but as I said not with sufficient evidence to bust anybody because why should they put their ass on the line in a crusade that doesn't benefit them and would probably hurt them quite a bit?
I suppose for the same reason that Kain Colter has been ramrodding the NW players' union effort, even though it won't come into existence until after he has left, and all his efforts could do is harm him. Maybe the bagmen are good enough to avoid programs like that and people like Colter, and a guy smart enough to graduate from NW in four years doesn't know anything about such a supposedly-widespread problem.
QuoteBesides it is not the players job to monitor all the adults in this stuff.
I have no idea what this means. Who thinks someone has a job of "monitor[ing] all the adults?"
QuoteThe SMU guy did because he had a specific grievance. Anyway, we will see if anybody bothers to actually investigate and look into this, I suspect nothing will happen as it always does when stories like this come out. I mean we had evidence, in writing, of Oregon giving out money to influence (not directly to him of course) Lache Seastrunk and nothing happened at all and everybody was sure Oregon was screwed.
You think the healthy guys Saban cuts from the team for "football-ending injuries" don't have a specific grievance? That Brandon Gibbons doesn't have a specific grievance? There are lots of players with specific grievances. Not one has come out and said that they took money, as far as I know.
The NCAA hasn't got shit from this article - the article is designed not to give them anything. I don't know what evidence we have of Oregon paying Seastrunk indirectly to go to Baylor, unless you mean the Complete Scouting Services bullshit (which wouldn't just have been Seastrunk). Even then, "everybody" isn't you and your next-door neighbor. I think everyone I was talking to about this thought Oregon had covered their tracks well enough to avoid indictment, though not well-enough to avoid getting caught doing the dirty.
But even the Oregon stuff isn't anywhere near the scale of what this Steven Godfrey and his "bag man" claims is happening. I just don't think that things could happen on that scale and it not become known.
Washington's new textured alternate helmets are weird.
Looks like that ionized powder-paint stuff.
Wyoming held the Spring Game today. Sadly, after the final whistle Wyoming is now 1-1 on the season.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 19, 2014, 05:38:07 PM
Looks like that ionized powder-paint stuff.
Apparently, it is supposed to show better on TV. Michigan played a night game in helmets that had that stuff, specifically because it looked better (or so the AD said) on hi-def TV.
Quote from: grumbler on April 19, 2014, 07:20:21 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 19, 2014, 05:38:07 PM
Looks like that ionized powder-paint stuff.
Apparently, it is supposed to show better on TV. Michigan played a night game in helmets that had that stuff, specifically because it looked better (or so the AD said) on hi-def TV.
If the Michigan AD wants his team to look good on hi-def TV, he should look into fielding a team that can win more than a game or two in the back half of the season.
Quote from: alfred russel on April 19, 2014, 08:12:10 PM
If the Michigan AD wants his team to look good on hi-def TV, he should look into fielding a team that can win more than a game or two in the back half of the season.
Or schedule those as night games...
I enjoyed the bag man article but I saw no mention of sex.
Quote from: grumbler on April 20, 2014, 11:03:55 AM
Quote from: alfred russel on April 19, 2014, 08:12:10 PM
If the Michigan AD wants his team to look good on hi-def TV, he should look into fielding a team that can win more than a game or two in the back half of the season.
Or schedule those as night games...
Lets face it...the only way to avoid looking bad when Denard Robinson is your QB, and with that defense, is to play all night games. Without turning the lights on.
Quote from: alfred russel on April 20, 2014, 11:47:45 AM
Lets face it...the only way to avoid looking bad when Denard Robinson is your QB, and with that defense, is to play all night games. Without turning the lights on.
Denard Robinson hasn't been the QB for the last season and a half. Ironically, when he left, so did the defense.
You are correct that the team would be better off if the opponents were as much in the dark as the Michigan players.
But There's Always Next year(TM)
Quote from: grumbler on April 20, 2014, 01:09:14 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on April 20, 2014, 11:47:45 AM
Lets face it...the only way to avoid looking bad when Denard Robinson is your QB, and with that defense, is to play all night games. Without turning the lights on.
Denard Robinson hasn't been the QB for the last season and a half. Ironically, when he left, so did the defense.
You are correct that the team would be better off if the opponents were as much in the dark as the Michigan players.
But There's Always Next year(TM)
I might be getting senile.
I was going to make the suggestion that Denard Robinson games should be played at night, without lights, and in the nude. He would be naturally camouflaged. Maybe that would give him a competitive advantage, maybe not. But at least it would keep Brady Hoke from having a stroke from seeing him throw another interception.
And me from having a stroke when he decides to have his one good quarter of downfield passing in his whole college career against the ND defense.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on April 19, 2014, 11:43:39 AM
Washington's new textured alternate helmets are weird.
Spackling is a cheap way to boost resale value.
Quote from: alfred russel on April 20, 2014, 01:19:12 PM
I might be getting senile.
I was going to make the suggestion that Denard Robinson games should be played at night, without lights, and in the nude. He would be naturally camouflaged. Maybe that would give him a competitive advantage, maybe not. But at least it would keep Brady Hoke from having a stroke from seeing him throw another interception.
And me from having a stroke when he decides to have his one good quarter of downfield passing in his whole college career against the ND defense.
Robinson was 16-4 as Michigan's QB under Hoke. Hoke hasn't done nearly as well since he left. Robinson certainly wasn't the best passing running QB the game has seen, but he wasn't awful. He's the only running QB to get 1500 yards through the air as well as 1500 on the ground in a season.
Quote from: grumbler on April 20, 2014, 01:42:44 PM
Robinson was 16-4 as Michigan's QB under Hoke. Hoke hasn't done nearly as well since he left. Robinson certainly wasn't the best passing running QB the game has seen, but he wasn't awful. He's the only running QB to get 1500 yards through the air as well as 1500 on the ground in a season.
The game has changed to be a lot more passing oriented. And also now there are 12 games, and bowl games now count for stats. 1500 yard passing isn't too much more than 100 a game. Unless you play for a military academy or Georgia Tech etc., getting 1500 yards passing should be a function of being named starting QB and not getting injured. Checking his numbers, he completed under 60% of his passes and threw 49 TDs and 39 INTs. Not good.
1500 yards rushing is awesome--even for a RB. No doubt he was a phenomenal when running. If he didn't have the option to run, and defenses didn't have to account for that even on 3rd and long, you can imagine how shitty his passing numbers would have been. It really highlights just how bad ND's secondary was a few years ago when he had the big 4th quarter comeback (3 years ago?).
He had 2500 yards passing and 1700 yards rushing that year.
Quote from: alfred russel on April 20, 2014, 02:03:58 PM
The game has changed to be a lot more passing oriented. And also now there are 12 games, and bowl games now count for stats. 1500 yard passing isn't too much more than 100 a game. Unless you play for a military academy or Georgia Tech etc., getting 1500 yards passing should be a function of being named starting QB and not getting injured. Checking his numbers, he completed under 60% of his passes and threw 49 TDs and 39 INTs. Not good.
1500 yards rushing is awesome--even for a RB. No doubt he was a phenomenal when running. If he didn't have the option to run, and defenses didn't have to account for that even on 3rd and long, you can imagine how shitty his passing numbers would have been. It really highlights just how bad ND's secondary was a few years ago when he had the big 4th quarter comeback (3 years ago?).
No question his passing was his weakness (which is why he isn't a QB any more) but in college the key stat is yards per attempt (passing or running) and he was actually pretty decent there in the passing game, with an 8.4 ypa. You'd like to see closer to 10 ypa in a QB, but 8.4 is decent.
The NCAA has passed a new rule allowing UConn to feed Shabazz Napier (and all other athletes) as much food as they want/need during the entire school year.
They also endorsed a plan that would make the 65 "BCS Conference" schools "more autonomy in how to fund scholarships, handle health care and decide other increasingly hot-button issues involving their athletes."
QuoteThe NCAA's board of directors took the first step toward shifting power to the five largest football conferences on Thursday, endorsing a 57-page plan that calls for giving 65 of the nation's biggest schools more autonomy in how to fund scholarships, handle health care and decide other increasingly hot-button issues involving their athletes.
If approved later this year, schools in the ACC, Big Ten, Big 12, Pac-12 and SEC could implement some rules on their own and would get more voting power over legislation that would affect every NCAA member school.
A formal vote on the recommendations is tentatively scheduled for the board's August meeting, and if it passes then, the transition could begin this fall.
Supporters insist the changes are long overdue.
"We (the big schools) have some issues we've got to deal with, but you've got to get a way to get the issues into the process," Purdue athletic director Morgan Burke said. "We've got enough flashpoints out there that we need to build some credibility with the fan base. We've just got work to do and if the governance system is impeding these issues, we've got to overhaul the governance system."
The endorsement came one day before Northwestern football players were scheduled to vote on whether to create what would be the first union for college athletes in U.S. history. NCAA President Mark Emmert this week suggested the changes within the NCAA will address some of the issues raised by those backing the unionization effort.
Burke and Missouri athletic director Mike Alden spent months before reaching a consensus on the plan among the roughly 350 Division I athletic directors.
Even lower-profile conferences believe in the general outline, though they acknowledge some additional details still need to be worked out.
"Do I think it can work? Probably," Horizon League commissioner Jon LeCrone said. "Is it perfect? Probably not. But I think it's going to work better than what we've got now."
If approved, the 65 schools in the five big conferences would be granted autonomy to implement some of the most dramatic changes in college sports — though it would require a two-thirds majority for approval.
While the list of autonomous items has not been finalized, it is likely to include issues such as providing money to students that goes uncovered by traditional scholarships; expanded insurance, including coverage for pro prospects; more resources for academic and career counseling; and funding to help athletes' families travel to NCAA tournaments. Other components that could be added include creating mandatory break times from sports, a change that would allow athletes to pursue careers away from the playing field and still maintain their eligibility and even transfer rules.
Critics contend the NCAA is only starting to move on these issues now because players are threatening to unionize.
But Burke, Emmert and others have repeatedly noted these issues have been on the agenda for months or years and had gotten bogged down in the NCAA's cumbersome approval process.
"I only wish the association could move that fast," Emmert said when asked if this was a response to the union movement. "It's taken longer than anybody wanted, but we got it done and that's a good thing."
What's still unclear is how well this plan will work.
Still to be determined is how, or if, the other 27 Division I conferences might apply measures approved through the autonomy rules.
"If it's approved by the five conferences, the Horizon League should decide if it wants to adopt that approach," said LeCrone, whose league approved providing the full cost-of-attendance for its athletes after the measure initially passed in October 2011.
Board Chairman Nathan Hatch, the president at Wake Forest, said even if the new governing structure does pass in August, the current committees will remain in place until the NCAA's annual convention in January to ensure a smooth transition.
In other moves Thursday, the board approved a measure to give a small group of students who receive "hardship waivers" to transfer to a new school one additional year to complete their eligibility and to provide unlimited meals and snacks year-round to all athletes — an issue that drew national attention when men's basketball tournament Most Outstanding Player Shabazz Napier of Connecticut said he sometimes went to bed "starving."
But the bigger focus Thursday was finding a way to make the NCAA work more efficiently.
"To do nothing is absolutely wrong and to make a good faith effort is the absolute right thing to do," Burke said. "So let's put the best minds around it, give it time and let it work."
Quote from: sbr on April 24, 2014, 06:24:51 PM
The NCAA has passed a new rule allowing UConn to feed Shabazz Napier (and all other athletes) as much food as they want/need during the entire school year.
They also endorsed a plan that would make the 65 "BCS Conference" schools "more autonomy in how to fund scholarships, handle health care and decide other increasingly hot-button issues involving their athletes."
Good, these reforms are long overdue.
Quote from: Valmy on April 24, 2014, 11:00:04 PM
Good, these reforms are long overdue.
Emmert has been trying to get those reforms passed for years.
I must admit that I am enjoying the whole media circus of the "starving" Shabazz Napier more than any media myth of the last year or so. It is so pervasive and so obviously untrue.
Quote from: grumbler on April 25, 2014, 06:48:45 AM
Emmert has been trying to get those reforms passed for years.
I must admit that I am enjoying the whole media circus of the "starving" Shabazz Napier more than any media myth of the last year or so. It is so pervasive and so obviously untrue.
Hey three meals a day is not enough for growing college men. Admit it you would have been starving to without access to snacks.
Quote from: Valmy on April 25, 2014, 08:13:26 AM
Hey three meals a day is not enough for growing college men. Admit it you would have been starving to without access to snacks.
Hey he gets an allowance on top of the three meals a day. If he wants to spend money on snacks, he is entitled to. The idea that he is "starving" because he "only" eats three meals a day is an insult to people in the world who really do starve, and who would be glad to have as much food as Napier gets.
Unless you were being sarcastic, in which case, yeah, man.
Quote from: grumbler on April 25, 2014, 06:48:45 AM
I must admit that I am enjoying the whole media circus of the "starving" Shabazz Napier more than any media myth of the last year or so. It is so pervasive and so obviously untrue.
Sports media is/are becoming worse than regular media for stuff like this.
I wish college athletics would stand up for themselves with a bit of passion rather than being weenies about it.
It would be awesome if Emmert would say, "Lets get real for a moment. College sports don't turn a profit at most schools. That is because a lot of the money goes to support women athletes and men's sports that can't pay their own bills. If we are going to pay athletes, we either need to stop supporting these other athletes, or have significant funding come from the educational side of institutions. Otherwise, we are going to have only a handful of schools competing at the highest level. Plus, without serious salary restrictions, there won't be anything resembling parity, as revenues dramatically differ between universities.
So that is a future where a few guys get paid money, and dramatically fewer people get the chance to play college sports. Playing college sports kicks ass. College athletes usually come to their schools less prepared than their fellow classmates, but graduate in higher numbers. The graduate without student debt. They get free meals and to travel around the country. They get way more than their fair share of hot college pussy. We have even had scandals where schools send hot college pussy to high school athletes to try to get them to come to their schools. There are guys that have a chance to make millions in the NFL but come back to school anyway. Why? They say it is to be a part of a team, to stay with their teammates. You know and I know that is bullshit. They want to stay because there is no one on earth better positioned to score a shitload of hot 18-22 year old ass than a star college football player.
Almost every guy on campus wishes he was on the football team. These guys aren't exploited. Lets not screw this up for them."
Quote from: sbr on April 10, 2014, 06:28:50 PM
I wasn't sure where to post this article,
The NCAA college football thread 2014 - 2015 that was already started was one option you had. :P
I rewatched the U yesterday. And thought of Valmy when the Hurricanes raped Texas in the cotton bowl.
Hook 'em horns.
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 25, 2014, 09:30:14 AM
I rewatched the U yesterday. And thought of Valmy when the Hurricanes raped Texas in the cotton bowl.
Hook 'em horns.
If it makes you enjoy it any more I cried at the time. Man I loved that team but they were completely intimidated by Miami. I have a deep hatred of the Hurricanes down in my DNA to this day as a result. Texas never got revenge for that but I felt like Alabama did it for all College Football in 1993.
Quote from: Valmy on April 25, 2014, 09:31:52 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 25, 2014, 09:30:14 AM
I rewatched the U yesterday. And thought of Valmy when the Hurricanes raped Texas in the cotton bowl.
Hook 'em horns.
If it makes you enjoy it any more I cried at the time. Man I loved that team but they were completely intimidated by Miami. I have a deep hatred of the Hurricanes down in my DNA to this day as a result. Texas never got revenge for that but I felt like Alabama did it for all College Football in 1993.
Well, the next year they were undefeated national champions and the year after 11-1 with that loss to Alabama.
The year before they were national champs (1 loss to FSU with a true frosh QB standing in for an injured Craig Erickson), the year before that 11-1 (with a bullshit loss to ND because of incompetent or cheating refs), the year before that undefeated national champs, and the year before that 11-1 with a loss to Penn State.
The 1990 team that beat Texas in the Cotton Bowl was the most unremarkable team in that run, and the only time they went to a bowl game without a good shot at a national title, but I think that bowl game is the most remembered by Miami fans.
Quote from: alfred russel on April 25, 2014, 09:44:59 AM
The 1990 team that beat Texas in the Cotton Bowl was the most unremarkable team in that run, and the only time they went to a bowl game without a good shot at a national title, but I think that bowl game is the most remembered by Miami fans.
The team that smashed Texas was not the same bunch of chumps who lost to BYU, I don't know what the hell happened.
That Texas team was the best one between 1982 and 1995 so it is difficult to really vocalize what a crushing blow that was. It took Texas years to get over it. It was not until the run at the end of 1994 the ended with Texas beating Mack Brown in the Sun Bowl that it was fully shaken off. The sheer contempt and hostility the Hurricane team and their fans had towards us was weird. The savage way they beat Texas down, while setting records for personal fouls and doing the upside down horns and everything, one would have thought Texas was their most hated rival not some team they hardly ever played. It was truly bizarre. I think that is what made it so enraging to me as a 12 year old, Texas was total dogshit to them and they let us know with every opportunity.
Quote from: Valmy on April 25, 2014, 09:55:06 AM
The team that smashed Texas was not the same bunch of chumps who lost to BYU, I don't know what the hell happened.
The game was in Provo. I think it was the third game of the year for BYU. It was the first game of the year for Miami. Ty Detmer basically won the heisman trophy in that game. Everything went wrong--I think the Ibis even broke his leg and went around on a scooter the rest of the year.
I think BYU should give an assist to the scheduler for that one.
Also, I think the 1990 Hurricanes were starting to lose control.
Jimmy Johnson ran a very tight ship that just looked like it was wild and crazy. Some fighting and things that others considered unsportsmanlike were fine, but the players couldn't do things that hurt the team and had to practice hard.
Erickson took over in 1989 and I think he really lost control. I understand he was crying in his office after that Cotton Bowl. In a lot of ways I think Miami was lucky to keep the run going into 1991 and 1992. The team wasn't so dominant. People laugh at Gino Torretta now, but he was a much better college QB than he gets credit for. That offensive line in 1992 was horrendous. I think one of the tackles was 230 something pounds. FSU sacked Torretta something like 9 times in 1991.
If he hadn't been given the Heisman Trophy over Marshall Faulk, in one of the most inexplicable Heisman votes ever, nobody would remember him as being anything but just one of many good UM QBs. Instead he gets remembered as a guy who did not deserve the Heisman. Not his fault though.
I love how vividly I remember everything that happened in College Football from 1988 to 1994. I was such a fanatic as a tweener. It all was so serious back then.
Quote from: Valmy on April 25, 2014, 10:18:30 AM
I love how vividly I remember everything that happened in College Football from 1988 to 1994. I was such a fanatic as a tweener. It all was so serious back then.
It was a fun era for football.
Quote from: derspiess on April 25, 2014, 10:19:49 AM
It was a fun era for football.
In 1991 there was this game between the fightin' Detmers and the fightin' Faulks that ended up in a 52-52 tie and I was so excited about the rematch in 1992 I could barely sleep the night before...about a game between BYU and SDSU.
Quote from: Valmy on April 25, 2014, 10:18:30 AM
I love how vividly I remember everything that happened in College Football from 1988 to 1994. I was such a fanatic as a tweener. It all was so serious back then.
We've been brainwashed into thinking that there are more important things in life than college football and who wins the world series. :(
It all made so much sense when we were 13.
Quote from: alfred russel on April 25, 2014, 09:18:35 AM
Quote from: sbr on April 10, 2014, 06:28:50 PM
I wasn't sure where to post this article,
The NCAA college football thread 2014 - 2015 that was already started was one option you had. :P
I didn't see that one. I didn't look either, but let's not pick nits.
The world has been changing so fast the last few decades, it is nice to have a few constants to keep us grounded. The excitement of a child on christmas morning, shoplifting by fsu superstars.
Quote from: sbr on April 30, 2014, 08:46:58 PM
Finally, we get some insight into what it is like to be a youngish football coach in Texas.
In a rare episode of true investigative journalism, a fake tinder account was created for Kliff Kingsbury. Results were better than those of his football team, to say the least.
It says a lot about the current state of Texas Tech that the beauty of their head coach is the only item of interest.
Quote from: Valmy on May 15, 2014, 11:37:56 AM
It says a lot about the current state of Texas Tech that the beauty of their head coach is the only item of interest.
Only three things have ever been of interest for Texas Tech football. Or Texas Tech in general:
1) That weird but hilarious head coach they had, that thought he was a pirate and locked some D Bag in the closet.
2) A truly beautiful man as head coach.
3) The glory days of the air raid.
2 out of 3 involve head coach hiring decisions. Guns Up! :alberta:
Well, at least they have that. About the only thing interesting about WVU these days is that their coach smashes 3 headsets per game while chugging Red Bull and has an insane buyout in his contract. I was mildly surprised they got two guys drafted this year.
I thought htis article was interesting: http://www.blackheartgoldpants.com/football/2014/5/14/5713374/how-iowa-recruits-still-make-the-nfl-despite-blue-chip-dominance (http://www.blackheartgoldpants.com/football/2014/5/14/5713374/how-iowa-recruits-still-make-the-nfl-despite-blue-chip-dominance)
basically, its an article by the excellent "Black Hearts, Gold Pants" Iowa blog about how and why Iowa sends so many lowly-ranked-as-recruits players to the NFL. I thought the point about recruiting QBs as athletes and then slotting them into where they were needed was an especially interesting one.
Iowa may schedule like crap, and get regularly beaten by Iowa State teams they should crush, but it is an entertaining team with a lot of heart. It is probably my third or fourth-favorite Big Ten team.
Iowa bores me to tears.
Miami of Florida sucks cock.
It is the only team more despicable than the Florida gators.
I just wanted to clear that up for y'all.
Quote from: Rasputin on May 15, 2014, 09:06:04 PM
Miami of Florida sucks cock.
It is the only team more despicable than the Florida gators.
I just wanted to clear that up for y'all.
People with small provincial worldviews will often mistake the two big in state rivals of their team as the most despicable in the country. :console:
As someone who is objective on this stuff, and can see the big picture, let me assure you that the most despicable team is the Florida Gators. :)
Quote from: alfred russel on May 15, 2014, 09:29:17 PM
Quote from: Rasputin on May 15, 2014, 09:06:04 PM
Miami of Florida sucks cock.
It is the only team more despicable than the Florida gators.
I just wanted to clear that up for y'all.
As someone who is objective on this stuff, and can see the big picture, let me assure you that the most despicable team is the Florida Gators. :)
Ill grant you it's a close question and in a state known for close calls the gators and the canes are merely a few hanging chads apart.
I will give you the three most evil programs in the history of college football, in descending order.
1. The Florida Gators.
2. Ohio State.
3. Penn State back when they were ass raping all those kids in the shower.
Yeah, #2!
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 15, 2014, 09:41:05 PM
Yeah, #2!
Hiring Urban Meyer was a real coup for your program in the evilness ratings.
If you can get Maurice Clarrett to coach running backs and Jerry Sandusky as defensive coordinator, you will be in position to give Florida a run for its money.
The Rice Owls just landed crazy CdM Quarterback:
QuotePussy is going to college
In college football recruiting, as long as it's within the rules, it's never a bad idea to go above and beyond to show how much you want a player. Coaches get to know an athlete's parents, and that can ultimately mean a coach knowing every little detail about a recruit.
The Rice Owls took it one step further this week. Rice showed love to a recruit's cat. And apparently, it worked.
Rice picked up a commit in three-star quarterback J.T. Granato from The Kinkaid School in Houston. According to Houston TV station KRIV, Rice scored the commitment after mailing -- get this -- a handwritten note to Granato's cat, White Sox.
This was posted on the Twitter account of Granato's father, John:
@JTGranato10 committed to Rice today. Rice closed the deal by sending JT's cat a recruiting letter. Well done Owls pic.twitter.com/NBCqPX7PIG
— John Granato (@johngranato) May 16, 2014
The note in the letter -- which was addressed to "Kitty Granato," read, "Please help us to get J.T. to choose Rice." It then added, "Paw me in case you have any questions."
Granato had offers from Rice and Houston and interest from multiple schools from coast to coast, including Texas A&M, Maryland, Houston, TCU and Yale. He thought Rice's gesture was extremely creative, but he also recognized that the program really wanted him. Really, really wanted him.
"I mean it was really funny honestly," Granato said. "It was just so crazy how hard they recruited me."
When asked about the cat's thoughts, Granato said: "She didn't care. She doesn't care about anything."
How often can someone admit a cat helped to get him a scholarship? So much for dogs being man's best friend in the Granato home.
All jokes aside, Rice is getting a quarterback who put up solid numbers en route to winning Texas' Southwest Preparatory Conference state championship last season. Granato threw for nearly 3,400 yards and 42 touchdowns.
What's wrong with his face? And why is the cat in the pic?
It's his mewtivator.
Oh I see they sent a letter to his cat. :rolleyes:
Let's start a pool on when he comes out of the closet. I want March 2018.
Wyoming changed coaches because things went badly here. Now there is a rebuilding year. I hope someday there isn't a rebuilding year and Wyoming can be successful.
In the end, there isn't enough beer to be a happy Wyoming fan.
Quote from: PDH on May 16, 2014, 11:05:42 PM
Wyoming changed coaches because things went badly here. Now there is a rebuilding year. I hope someday there isn't a rebuilding year and Wyoming can be successful.
In the end, there isn't enough beer to be a happy Wyoming fan.
Is that why wyoming has so much meth?
Quote from: alfred russel on May 17, 2014, 08:03:06 AM
Is that why wyoming has so much meth?
The meth is for weekdays.
And a happy 135th birthday to michigan football. They played their first game may 30th, 1879, defeating Racine 1-0. It was described at the time as as "certainly the finest game of [football] played [west of] the Alleghenies."
It was. Of course, it was also the first game of football played west of the Alleghenies! :lol:
There were only eight teams that year.
So you are saying Michigan had a top 10 team that year?
And did you manage to catch that game?
Quote from: Valmy on May 30, 2014, 09:50:26 PM
So you are saying Michigan had a top 10 team that year?
Yes, Michigan was a top 10 team the very first year they competed. In fact, they didn't give up a single point that year.
Quote from: grumbler on May 31, 2014, 08:47:24 AM
Quote from: Valmy on May 30, 2014, 09:50:26 PM
So you are saying Michigan had a top 10 team that year?
Yes, Michigan was a top 10 team the very first year they competed. In fact, they didn't give up a single point that year.
A truly dominating defense, but the offense was poor with no touchdowns or field goals. If not for a very controversial decision to allow Michigan to kick an extra point despite not scoring a touchdown, Michigan would not have scored all season.
Quote from: alfred russel on May 31, 2014, 01:36:06 PM
A truly dominating defense, but the offense was poor with no touchdowns or field goals. If not for a very controversial decision to allow Michigan to kick an extra point despite not scoring a touchdown, Michigan would not have scored all season.
:huh: Michigan scored a touchdown against Racine early in the second half. You must have been getting out getting popcorn, or fucking a pig, or something, when that happened.
However, touchdowns didn't score points in the game at that point. They just allowed a team to kick the goal (essentially, a drop-kicked extra point) at any later point in the game. The fact that Michigan scored a goal means that, by definition, they had already scored a touchdown.
We are less than two months from kick off people.
Get ready to celebrate Meth:
And embrace the high brow intellectual climate of the University setting:
Dan Dierdorf has come out of retirement to do the color commentary on the Michigan radio show. He'll be teamed with the guy who used to line up just outside him at tackle on those Michigan teams, Jim Brandstatter. The sideline guy is Jon Jansen, who was an All-American right tackle on the 1997 national championship team and, like Dierdorf, an all-pro.
Think they are going to talk about the offensive line much? :lol:
Jesus that might be the one time you mute the radio to listen to the TV broadcast.
Big Ten network has started going into football overdrive. :cool:
So, Ohio State's band director gets fired because it turns out that his band has the same fucked up culture as the rest of the campus: http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2014/07/24/ohio-state-band-waters.html (http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2014/07/24/ohio-state-band-waters.html)
QuoteOhio State fires band director Jonathan Waters over 'sexualized' culture
Ohio State University has fired the director of its marching band and is expanding an internal investigation that uncovered a deep culture of sexual harassment among students that reportedly has existed for years.
The two-month investigation, triggered by the complaint of a parent, revealed a cascade of evidence that students routinely harassed one another –– often directed at new band members by older students –– and that director Jonathan Waters knew about it or should have known.
Waters, 38, was ousted from his post effective today, OSU President Michael V. Drake said. Details of the investigation are laid out in a 23-page report obtained by The Dispatch.
Some of the report:
QuoteWhen asked to estimate how many current nicknames are sexual or offensive, Waters responded that "fifty percent" probably were "questionable." When asked whether he thought such sexual nicknames are appropriate, Waters answered, "No." When asked why he then tolerates such sexual nicknames, Waters replied, "Good point."
Witnesses stated that "tricks" are acts individual Band members perform, either on command or at their own volition. Several witnesses described how tricks are assigned to rookies, and often are performed throughout their entire tenure in the Band. The tricks are usually connected to the students' assigned nicknames. Several witnesses provided examples of sexually explicit tricks assigned to and performed by new Band members given sexually explicit nicknames. Examples of tricks include:
A female student sitting on laps and pretending to orgasm. This included her sitting on her younger brother's lap and pretending to orgasm on "make the Band night." Her nickname was "Squirt."
A female student thumping the ground with her foot and pretending to orgasm. Her nickname was "Thumper."
Two females rubbing their chests together. Their nicknames were "Jewoobs" and "Tiggles."
A male student conducting a full-body demonstration of a flaccid penis becoming erect and spitting candy. This trick was also occasionally performed with another female student who pretended to stimulate the male student. His nickname was "Jizzy."
A male student stamping other students' foreheads with a penis stamp. His nickname was "Mushroom Stamp."
A male student chanting, "haaaay, we want some pusssaay." His nickname was "Captain Dildo."
A female student pretending to be a vibrating sex toy. Her nickname was "ERV", which stood for "E Row Vibrator."
In addition, as recently as September 2013, a series of events related to the University of California game demonstrate Waters' notice of a hostile environment. Pam Bork, Physical Therapy Manager with Student Health Services who volunteered for 18 years with the Band, resigned from the Band after the game because of students' alcohol abuse and Waters' reluctance to address the problem.
Bork reported to Waters that students were drinking excessively on the trip. She stated that Waters did not want to discuss the topic of drinking with the Marching Band and suggested that she should do so. On that bus trip, she said to Waters: "If I have to hear the word 'penis' or 'vagina' one more time, I'm going to scream." According to Bork, she also witnessed a "flying 69" being performed on her bus, which is also the bus Waters monitored. Bork relayed that other students (non-Band members) who were on this bus were "horrified" by this atmosphere. Bork added that she was concerned that someone would get hurt and that she quit the Band because she believed "something bad was going to happen." Bork then referenced a sexual assault that had occurred as what she feared could come to pass.
The staff interpreted Bork's concern as being limited to drinking. Smith stated that the students' alcohol consumption bothered Bork. He added that she was concerned she would lose her license if someone became seriously ill because of alcohol poisoning. Hoch stated that they followed up on Bork's report of alcohol consumption and did not find any problems.
Sounds a lot like another famous college sports case where authorities ignored a clear problem because they were afraid to "damage the image..."
I wouldn't shed a tear if a nuclear warhead erased columbus from the map, but that is a bullshit scandal. "Excessive drinking" on a college campus? LOL. A "sexualized" culture that doesn't apparently involve sex or even nudity (aside from a flying 69, whatever that is)? Even more LOL.
This must have been the band camp Alyson Hannigan attended.
So, Seedy, are you torn by the fact that Ralpie-boy is going to be on the opposite sidelines for the Rutgers game this fall? I know Friedgen was a favorite of yours at Maryland (as he was one of mine) and it is weird that a coach gets fired in the same season he wins a conference coach of the year award, but do you forgive his "I burned my diploma" act and his decision to coach for a conference foe?
I am torn on this one. I like the guy, but don't much like Rutgers and wish they and the Terps well....
... away from the Big Ten.
Okay, that's funny: https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/yahoo-sports-minute/longhorns-misspell--texas--in-their-2014-football-media-guide-041956080.html (https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/yahoo-sports-minute/longhorns-misspell--texas--in-their-2014-football-media-guide-041956080.html)
Much less funny: The two shitheels who got arrested and thrown off the team for sexually assaulting a student.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on July 25, 2014, 07:01:39 PM
Much less funny: The two shitheels who got arrested and thrown off the team for sexually assaulting a student.
I wasn't gonna even go there. 5 Texas players kicked off the team for various reasons (plus one medical) in the last 48 hours. Bad couple of days for Texas football, but it happens, especially when you scoff at this kind of thing like alfred russel does.
*LOL excessive drinking on road trips that leads to sexual assaults? LOL LOL*
Quote from: grumbler on July 25, 2014, 06:11:01 PM
Okay, that's funny: https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/yahoo-sports-minute/longhorns-misspell--texas--in-their-2014-football-media-guide-041956080.html (https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/yahoo-sports-minute/longhorns-misspell--texas--in-their-2014-football-media-guide-041956080.html)
Far less embarrassing than the LBJ school printing up tons of 'LBJ School of Pubic Affairs' programs.
UT Printing Services. Always doing us proud.
Quote from: grumbler on July 25, 2014, 07:36:53 PM
Bad couple of days for Texas football, but it happens,
I was bummed to see these guys all fall on their asses and act like punks but proud to see Strong deal with it like this.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on July 25, 2014, 07:01:39 PM
Much less funny: The two shitheels who got arrested and thrown off the team for sexually assaulting a student.
Did you read the affidavit? Fuck those guys man. I always thought Sanders was a bit of a tool but nothing like that.
Quote from: Valmy on July 25, 2014, 07:55:40 PM
Quote from: grumbler on July 25, 2014, 07:36:53 PM
Bad couple of days for Texas football, but it happens,
I was bummed to see these guys all fall on their asses and act like punks but proud to see Strong deal with it like this.
Agreed. At Ohio things might have been different, but these guys chose Texas and Strong has taken a stand. Good for him.
Quote from: grumbler on July 25, 2014, 07:36:53 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on July 25, 2014, 07:01:39 PM
Much less funny: The two shitheels who got arrested and thrown off the team for sexually assaulting a student.
I wasn't gonna even go there. 5 Texas players kicked off the team for various reasons (plus one medical) in the last 48 hours. Bad couple of days for Texas football, but it happens, especially when you scoff at this kind of thing like alfred russel does.
*LOL excessive drinking on road trips that leads to sexual assaults? LOL LOL*
Don't be a dipshit all the time, I didn't and don't scoff at sexual assault.
Quote from: grumbler on July 25, 2014, 07:36:53 PM
I wasn't gonna even go there. 5 Texas players kicked off the team for various reasons (plus one medical) in the last 48 hours. Bad couple of days for Texas football, but it happens, especially when you scoff at this kind of thing like alfred russel does.
*LOL excessive drinking on road trips that leads to sexual assaults? LOL LOL*
It's up to eight (e: 8 for disciplinary reasons, 9 including Kendall Thompson), since Strong started, I think. Rumors are the most recent set (the ones who aren't going to prison, that is) popped on random drug tests.
QuoteDid you read the affidavit? Fuck those guys man. I always thought Sanders was a bit of a tool but nothing like that.
I didn't read it, no. Just caught the gist of it from an AAS article. Consensual sex, then Sanders comes rolling in and they both assault her.
Aw, isn't this cute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoaiFPHEZ2Q (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoaiFPHEZ2Q)
Sam Gordon, last year's internet star as a fifth-grade football player in SLC, attended the Michigan Youth Football Camp this summer, and made (well, her dad did) this video.
Commence the comments about how she is better than the school's current players. I do have to admit that she'd probably be an upgrade on the offensive line...
I think we learned the true nature of the michigan coaching staff in that video. She was assigned to the skins team because the coaches "forgot" she had to wear a shirt? More likely she was invited to the camp as a ploy to see a way underage girl without a shirt on.
Quote from: alfred russel on July 28, 2014, 07:25:32 PM
I think we learned the true nature of the michigan coaching staff in that video. She was assigned to the skins team because the coaches "forgot" she had to wear a shirt? More likely she was invited to the camp as a ploy to see a way underage girl without a shirt on.
Quote from: grumbler on July 25, 2014, 05:13:10 PM
So, Seedy, are you torn by the fact that Ralpie-boy is going to be on the opposite sidelines for the Rutgers game this fall? I know Friedgen was a favorite of yours at Maryland (as he was one of mine) and it is weird that a coach gets fired in the same season he wins a conference coach of the year award, but do you forgive his "I burned my diploma" act and his decision to coach for a conference foe?
I am torn on this one. I like the guy, but don't much like Rutgers and wish they and the Terps well....
... away from the Big Ten.
Meh, I can't fault Fridge for copping the attitude he did, although the diploma-burning thing was a tad too Rex Ryanish, but I believe he was genuinely hurt. Personally, I think he had every right to be. They didn't have to do him like that.
I really don't know about the UMD Athletic Department. I'm glad they got rid of that goofy bean-counting bitch Debbie Yow--and yes, chicks can't fucking be ADs, they just can't--but if you really want to be a competitive organization in NCAA football, you just don't get your AD from fucking Army. You just don't.
I think hiring Edsall was a decent move for the options they had, but one that will be eventually wiped out by the incredibly stupid decision to turn themselves into a Big Ten tune up team from the MAC. INTRODUCING YOUR KENT STATE TERRAPINS
I'd say I was more excited by UMD basketball, but the Turgeon pick is backfiring; he's consistently recruited some of the best classes in the nation but all his picks are fucking headcases with no basketball sense, four players transfer en masse this offseasn...and who gives that kind of contract? Even Gary Williams, with all the personality of Steve Spurrier on an Ativan overdose, never had kids leave like that.
Only thing working at UMD any more is the lacrosse, and fuck that noise. Prep school douchebag soccer fags with sticks.
Huh surprised Tim didn't mention the Power five conferences getting the right to write their own rule book. With the SEC writing the rules College Sports is about to enter a new golden age.
So when David and Henry get this letter:
It will come with two cars and a contract for one million dollars, being the league minimum by then.
Quote from: Valmy on August 08, 2014, 04:20:43 PM
Huh surprised Tim didn't mention the Power five conferences getting the right to write their own rule book. With the SEC writing the rules College Sports is about to enter a new golden age.
So when David and Henry get this letter:
It will come with two cars and a contract for one million dollars, being the league minimum by then.
The Big 5 don't get to write the rules. That, admissions requirements, scholarship numbers, transfer rules, etc don't fall within the purview of autonomy.
Unless you just mean the "recruiting rule book," but, even then, there are only a few things the Big 5 can do. Title IX being what it is, if every football recruit gets offered a million dollars to come and play, every women's volleyball recruit will have to get offered a million dollars, as well.
True. Man there are going to be some rich volleyball players.
Quote from: grumbler on August 08, 2014, 04:30:30 PM
Title IX being what it is, if every football recruit gets offered a million dollars to come and play, every women's volleyball recruit will have to get offered a million dollars, as well.
You hardly ever hear it mentioned, but yeah that is going to cause some really odd side effects.
Quote from: derspiess on August 08, 2014, 04:34:45 PM
Quote from: grumbler on August 08, 2014, 04:30:30 PM
Title IX being what it is, if every football recruit gets offered a million dollars to come and play, every women's volleyball recruit will have to get offered a million dollars, as well.
You hardly ever hear it mentioned, but yeah that is going to cause some really odd side effects.
Actually I tend to see that as the first argument against paying the players. But seriously yeah each and every scholarship from swimming to field hockey will probably now be getting stipends and other goodies (or a portion depending on what percent of an athletic scholarship they have). The students who get scholarships for something stupid like academics will sure feel silly.
Quote from: Valmy on August 08, 2014, 04:38:12 PM
Actually I tend to see that as the first argument against paying the players. But seriously yeah each and every scholarship from swimming to field hockey will probably now be getting stipends and other goodies (or a portion depending on what percent of an athletic scholarship they have). The students who get scholarships for something stupid like academics will sure feel silly.
Students on academic scholarships can and do get employment outside of their scholarship work, and get paid for it. No TA is required to spend the time an athlete is required to spend, and they get paid for the job. I don't think any academic scholarship player is going to be jealous because athletes get another $2,000 a year for spending 40 hours a week (during season) or 20 hours a week (out of season) at "work."
Frankly, I think one of the first items on the agenda for the Big 5 should be further limits on the amount of an athlete's time the various sports can demand.
And, as expected, the NCAA loses the O'Bannon case: http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/writer/jon-solomon/24653743/obannon-judge-rules-ncaa-violates-antitrust-law (http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/writer/jon-solomon/24653743/obannon-judge-rules-ncaa-violates-antitrust-law)
Basically, the judge ruled that the NCAA was illegally constraining the abilities of athletes to profit from the use of their names, images, and likenesses, but allowed the NCAA to limit (to some extent) the amount that a given athlete could get for use of likeness, and allowed the NCAA to pool such reimbursements, and to limit the payout until the players had finished their college athletic career. So, we won't have the case where some bagman promises to buy an athlete's signature for $50,000 if he commits to State. That was my big concern. As far as I can tell, this is pure win for college football.
Wake me up when it is through the appeals process.
My personal view is that the structure of college football has roughly been the same for generations. The idea of a court rewriting the rules without any new laws being passed is bullshit. I'm rather certain that when anti trust laws were being passed, the intent wasn't to undermine the charade of amateurism that we've been entertained by for the past 100+ years.
$50 even money, or any amount you wish to wager, that the decision survives appeal.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on August 09, 2014, 02:01:10 AM
$50 even money, or any amount you wish to wager, that the decision survives appeal.
I'm not sure what there is to appeal, or who would want to appeal. The decision is a great one for the NCAA, and probably a satisfactory one for the O'Bannon crowd. The biggest gripe people are having, I think, is the semi-arbitrary $5,000 number, but that's not a hard-and-fast number and judges sometimes need to put out arbitrary numbers - that's just what they do. I agree that it survives appeal.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on August 09, 2014, 02:01:10 AM
$50 even money, or any amount you wish to wager, that the decision survives appeal.
I don't want to wager, but it was a ~100 page decision...isn't it most likely to be upheld in parts and overturned in others?
Quote from: grumbler on August 09, 2014, 06:52:12 AM
I'm not sure what there is to appeal, or who would want to appeal. The decision is a great one for the NCAA, and probably a satisfactory one for the O'Bannon crowd. The biggest gripe people are having, I think, is the semi-arbitrary $5,000 number, but that's not a hard-and-fast number and judges sometimes need to put out arbitrary numbers - that's just what they do. I agree that it survives appeal.
I'm sure as shit not reading the ruling, or even espn's take on the ruling (espn is a joke with sports reporting, so I'm disinclined to give its legal reporting much weight).
So from an uneducated distance, it seems like a rather bizarre half pregnant ruling. You can conspire to pay players well below market wages. You can conspire to withhold payments to players for years. You don't have to differentiate between a superstar like Tebow and a scrub (we are talking about marketing revenue generated). But in the end, you have to give schools the ability to pay them $5,000 / year or you violate anti trust law.
This is a decent article on the decision
QuoteA federal judge ruled Friday that the NCAA's rules prohibiting athletes from being paid for use of their names, images and likeness violate antitrust law because they "unreasonably restrain trade." The ruling in the five-year case of the Ed O'Bannon lawsuit allows for trust funds to be established for athletes to share in licensing revenue.
In a 99-page opinion, U.S. District Judge Claudia Wilken issued an injunction that will prevent the NCAA "from enforcing any rules or bylaws that would prohibit its member schools and conferences from offering their FBS football or Division I basketball recruits a limited share of the revenues generated from the use of their names, images and likenesses in addition to a full grant-in-aid." Wilken said the injunction will not prevent the NCAA from implementing rules capping the amount of money that may be paid to college athletes while they are enrolled in school, but the NCAA will not be allowed to set the cap below the cost of attendance.
O'Bannon decision signals the end of the collegiate model
The injunction will also prohibit the NCAA from "enforcing any rules to prevent its member schools and conferences from offering to deposit a limited share of licensing revenue in trust for their FBS football and Division I basketball recruits, payable when they leave school or their eligibility expires," Wilken wrote. Her injunction will allow the NCAA to set a cap on the trust fund at less than $5,000 in 2014 dollars for every year an athlete remains academically eligible to compete. The money would be payable to athletes upon expiration of their athletic eligibility or graduation, whichever comes first. She ruled schools could offer lower amounts of compensation if they want, but they can't "unlawfully conspire with each other in setting these amounts."
Wilken stopped short of allowing athletes to receive money for endorsements, which was one of the proposals by the O'Bannon plaintiffs. "Allowing student-athletes to endorse commercial products would undermine the efforts of both the NCAA and its member schools to protect against the 'commercial exploitation' of student-athletes," Wilken wrote.
Also, Wilken did not prevent the NCAA from creating rules that prohibit athletes from selling their name, image and likeness rights individually. "The NCAA has produced sufficient evidence to support an inference that some circumscribed restrictions on student-athlete compensation may yield pro-competitive benefits," she wrote.
Wilken said the injunction will not be stayed pending any appeal of her order, but won't take effect until the start of the next football and basketball recruiting cycles. She said the injunction will not affect any recruit who will enroll in college before July 1, 2016. Both sides previously said they expected Wilken's decision to be appealed no matter how she ruled.
Lawyers for the plaintiffs and one outside legal expert described Friday's outcome as a significant defeat for the NCAA, which said it disagreed with Wilken's ruling.
"We note that the Court's decision sets limits on compensation, but are reviewing the full decision and will provide further comment later," NCAA chief legal officer Donald Remy said in a statement. "As evidenced by yesterday's Board of Directors action, the NCAA is committed to fully supporting student-athletes."
On Thursday, the NCAA Division I Board of Directors passed a new model that will allow the five major conferences to create their own legislation to benefit athletes, such as a cost-of-attendance stipend above their current scholarship amount.
Bill Isaacson, a lead attorney for the O'Bannon plaintiffs, said the ruling is a "major step towards decency for college athletes." The decision will allow conferences and schools, if they choose to do so, to compete for recruits by providing up to a full cost of attendance plus up to $5,000 in licensing revenue, Issacson said.
"That's reasonable but significant sharing for athletes given the billions in revenues that schools earn from their football and basketball players," Isaacson said. "Now, what's the full cost of attendance and why is the NCAA fighting at this point? When college football and basketball fans pick up the paper and it says athletes can share in revenue for the full cost of education and a trust fund, why would anybody be bothered by that?"
The plaintiffs are allowed to recover their costs from the NCAA. A previous document in a related case listed those costs at exceeding $30 million. Isaacson would only say legal costs for the plaintiffs are in the "millions."
Sonny Vaccaro, the former shoe marketer and longtime NCAA critic who spearheaded the O'Bannon lawsuit, said he's so happy by the ruling that he's "incoherent."
"I'm never at a loss of words, but I just can't explain it to you," Vaccaro said of his emotions. "It's like that impossible dream thing. Don Quixote finally got it. (Wilken) took out the word amateurism for the NCAA. To me, the ones who are going to benefit are the ones who don't even know we won today, the kids of the future. I feel very good about that."
O'Bannon, the former UCLA basketball star who became the face of the case, said he is happy there's finally a resolution and that players can use their likeness to be paid.
"I think the players will have a little more control over what goes on," O'Bannon said. "To me, it boggles the mind that billions of dollars are made and the players -- the people that are actually doing a lot of the work to make these billions of dollars -- don't see any of it."
Judge: Market exists for players' NILs on live TV
In a key part of the opinion, Wilken ruled that a group market exists in live television broadcasts for college athletes' names, images and likenesses (NILs).
"The court finds that a submarket exists in which television networks seek to acquire group licenses to use FBS football and Division I basketball players' names, images and likenesses in live game telecasts," Wilken wrote. "Television networks frequently enter into licensing agreements to use the intellectual property of schools, conferences and event organizers -- such as the NCAA or a bowl committee -- in live telecasts of football and basketball games. In these agreements, the network often seeks to acquire the rights to use the names, images and likenesses of the participating student-athletes during the telecast."
In ruling that a group market exists for live TV broadcasts, Wilken cited television contracts produced by the plaintiffs, such as old NCAA tournament contracts with CBS and an old BCS deal with Fox. She said testimony by former CBS Sports president Neal Pilson that networks enter into agreements with event organizers for access to facilities is "not convincing."
Wilken noted that Pilson, an expert witness for the NCAA, admitted that "broadcasters must acquire certain rights even from visiting teams who do not control access to the event facility. ... He also acknowledged that broadcasting agreements ... sometimes refer expressly to name, image and likeness 'rights.'"
Michael Hausfeld, a lead attorney for the O'Bannon plaintiffs, said his team will now consider whether to take any legal action against networks for use of players' NILs.
"It's an open field right now because of the antitrust violation," Hausfeld said. "We're going to have to take a look at what our next letter might be to ESPN or CBS or Turner. We've been looking at it. For example, maybe we don't go to the larger networks, but go right to the Big Ten Network or Pac-12 Network. Here you have a conference with a most direct relationship to an athlete. They're clearly use the name, image and likeness."
In determining that the NCAA violates antitrust law, Wilken cited the plaintiffs' economic expert, Roger Noll, 30 times in the ruling and overwhelmingly agreed with his antitrust analysis. She also noted damaging testimony from one of the NCAA's own economic experts, Daniel Rubinfeld.
"Although he opined that this restraint was lawful because it serves procompetitive purposes, he never denied that the NCAA restricts competition among its members for recruits," Wilken wrote. "In fact, his own economics textbook specifically refers to the NCAA as a 'cartel,' which he defined during his testimony as a 'group of firms that impose a restraint.'"
Wilken wrote that she "rejects" the theories of another NCAA economic expert, Lauren Stiroh, who testified that the plaintiffs did not prove that college athletes were being harmed by the restraints. Evidence in the case demonstrates that athletes "are harmed by the price-fixing agreement" by the schools, Wilken wrote.
When a recruit decides to play at a school, the school provides tuition, room and board, fees and book expenses that often are little or no cost to the school, Wilken wrote. In return, she said, the recruit provides his athletic performance and the use of his name, image and likeness.
"However, the schools agree to value the latter at zero by agreeing not to compete with each other to credit any other value to the recruit in the exchange," Wilken wrote. "This is an anticompetitive effect."
Wilken's decision on what athletes receive in exchange for their services may impact other antitrust lawsuits that are before her. The NCAA's financial limits on scholarships being challenged in a scholarship case, where the damages could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars if those sets of plaintiffs win. The NCAA and many Division I conferences, who are also being sued, must respond to Wilken by Aug. 20 in the scholarship case.
Hausfeld said Wilken's ruling solves the antitrust scholarship lawsuits with one exception: "Now they can go back and collect damages." Hausfeld said the NCAA is in a difficult spot about appealing the O'Bannon ruling.
"What are they going to appeal?" Hausfeld said. "This is what at least the major conferences professed they want to do (pay players cost of attendance) and they can't because of the cartel. The judge just said not only am I letting you five do it, I'm telling everybody it's an open field. You've got no cover not to do this."
There's a perception by some in the public since the ruling that the NCAA got off easy with Wilken's injunction of a $5,000-per-year cap on licensing revenue per player.
"The problem with some lawyers is they're not satisfied with what they get," Hausfeld said. "Could it have been more? Possibly. Is it enough? When you add that amount per year per athlete for all of the schools, you're talking $300 to $500 million, if not more. That's not a bad chunk."
'Big loss' for NCAA moving forward
Wilken struck down the NCAA's justifications for preventing college athletes from being paid, including amateurism, competitive balance and the integration of athletics and academics. Amateurism has been the NCAA's frequent defense of why college sports is popular and thus why the association can legally avoid allowing players to be paid.
"This evidence demonstrates that the NCAA's restrictions on student-athlete pay is not the driving force behind consumer interest in FBS football and Division I basketball," Wilken wrote. "Thus, while consumer preferences might justify certain limited restraints on student-athlete compensation, they do not justify the rigid restrictions challenged in this case."
Wilken wrote that the NCAA's current rules demonstrate "the NCAA does not consistently adhere to a single definition of amateurism."
She noted that under NCAA rules, a tennis recruit can preserve amateur status by accepting tens of thousands of dollars in prize money before enrolling in college, yet a track and field recruit would forfeit his eligibility if he or she did the same. Also, Wilken said, a football player is deemed an amateur by accepting a Pell grant that exceeds his total financial aid package above the cost of attendance, yet he would not be an amateur if he instead received the same amount of money for use of his name, image and likeness in live broadcasts.
"Such inconsistencies are not indicative of 'core principles,'" Wilken wrote.
In disagreeing with the NCAA's argument that competitive balance justifies not paying players, Wilken noted the average salary for a head football coach exceeds $1.5 million. She also cited testimony by NCAA president Mark Emmert in which he said it's not the NCAA's mission to take away advantages universities have made in building up their facilities.
"The fact that high-revenue schools are able to spend freely in these other areas cancels out whatever leveling effect the restrictions on student-athlete pay might otherwise have," Wilken wrote. "The NCAA does not do anything to rein in spending by the high-revenue schools or minimize existing disparities in revenue and recruiting."
When addressing the NCAA's defense about the integration of academics and athletics, Wilken wrote it's not clear "why paying student-athletes would be any more problematic for campus relations than paying other students who provide services to the university, such as members of the student government or school newspaper."
Wilken added that "certain limited restrictions on student-athlete compensation may help to integrate student-athletes into the academic communities of their schools, which may in turn improve the schools' college education product."
Wilken determined it's "not credible" schools would leave FBS and Division I for financial reasons if players could be paid, another frequent defense brought by the NCAA. Wilken cited testimony by some of the NCAA's own witnesses, such as from South Carolina president Harris Pastides and Conference USA commissioner Britton Banowsky, who expressed skepticism that universities would leave Division I if the restrictions were removed.
Rutgers law professor Michael Carrier, who has closely followed the O'Bannon case, said the ruling is a "big loss" for the NCAA.
"All of the defenses about amateurism and competitive balance the NCAA had been boasting about for years, if not decades, have been washed away in this incredibly thorough opinion," Carrier said. "There is lots of litigation going on and this is something plaintiffs can use in every case now. You have a comprehensive opinion that thoroughly looks at the justifications and thoroughly strikes them down. The NCAA may disagree, but the default position now is the NCAA does not have its amateurism defense position to stand behind."
Said Isaacson, a lawyer for the O'Bannon plaintiffs: "There will be a lot of lawyers reading this opinion moving forward."
Near the end of the O'Bannon ruling, Wilken acknowledged the "conflicting opinions" about the best policies to apply in regulating college sports and described avenues for course corrections.
"To the extent other criticisms have been levied against the NCAA and college policies and practices, those are not raised and cannot be remedied on the antitrust causes of action in this lawsuit," Wilken wrote. "It is likely that the challenged restraints, as well as other perceived inequities in college athletics and higher education generally, could be better addressed as a remedy for the antitrust violations found here. Such reforms and remedies could be undertaken by the NCAA, its member schools and conferences, or Congress."
But that wasn't Wilken's task in this case. Pending appeals, it's now up to others to sort through the ramifications of Wilken's landmark decision.
"The NCAA will hopefully never be the same," Hausfeld said. "It's going to go through a metamorphosis and if it approaches it wisely, it should sit down and discuss with all the interested entities how best to form a new way going forward."
Quote from: sbr on August 09, 2014, 10:16:14 AM
This is a decent article on the decision
Actually, that's a rather crap article.
QuoteO'Bannon decision signals the end of the collegiate model
Not at all. It signals the end of the most significant challenge to the college model, with the college model surviving intact. If the players had been allowed to negotiate individually for endorsement contracts and the like, as the plaintiffs sought, that would have been the end of the college model. The judge explicitly rejected that, understanding that all that was was an attempt to legalize the bag men.
The O'Bannon lawyers had already realized the fatal flaws in their case for restitution, and dropped that, so the NCAA is liable only for court costs. That's also a win for them, compared to what they faced at the start of the case. The ongoing costs to any given university will be, at max, $500,000 a year (100 football and basketball scholarships times $5,000 per year each). That's peanuts to the major programs - probably less than they spend for practice footballs and basketballs.
Quote from: grumbler on August 09, 2014, 11:19:50 AM
Not at all. It signals the end of the most significant challenge to the college model, with the college model surviving intact. If the players had been allowed to negotiate individually for endorsement contracts and the like, as the plaintiffs sought, that would have been the end of the college model. The judge explicitly rejected that, understanding that all that was was an attempt to legalize the bag men.
The O'Bannon lawyers had already realized the fatal flaws in their case for restitution, and dropped that, so the NCAA is liable only for court costs. That's also a win for them, compared to what they faced at the start of the case. The ongoing costs to any given university will be, at max, $500,000 a year (100 football and basketball scholarships times $5,000 per year each). That's peanuts to the major programs - probably less than they spend for practice footballs and basketballs.
I agree with grumbler on this.
It is basically in a round about way giving the big schools what they wanted on the cost of attendance debate a year or so ago.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 09, 2014, 11:28:45 AM
I agree with grumbler on this.
It is basically in a round about way giving the big schools what they wanted on the cost of attendance debate a year or so ago.
Actually, they got that with the autonomy vote, so this is just gravy. It'll suck for Indiana State, but fuck them - Indiana State led the charge against being fair to student athletes when all of this could have been avoided.
Quote from: grumbler on August 09, 2014, 11:42:11 AM
Quote from: alfred russel on August 09, 2014, 11:28:45 AM
I agree with grumbler on this.
It is basically in a round about way giving the big schools what they wanted on the cost of attendance debate a year or so ago.
Actually, they got that with the autonomy vote, so this is just gravy. It'll suck for Indiana State, but fuck them - Indiana State led the charge against being fair to student athletes when all of this could have been avoided.
On the one hand, while this is clearly where the autonomy vote was headed, it hadn't officially gotten there yet. The story that carries forward is that the courts had to force colleges to do this, which isn't good PR.
On the other hand, if I understand the ruling correctly, the ruling bypasses title IX concerns. Since the money comes out of media deals, sports without them don't have to give their women anything. Sorry every single women's athlete (possibly excluding a very small handful of basketball players). I doubt the colleges could have done this so effectively without an uproar.
I agree that this specific case was about as good a loss as the NCAA could have hoped for.
The problem as I see it, is that this is not the endgame of anti-trust litigation against the NCAA but the beginning (or at least the start of a new phase) and in the opening move the judge almost completely shredded the NCAA's version of amateurism.
QuoteRutgers law professor Michael Carrier, who has closely followed the O'Bannon case, said the ruling is a "big loss" for the NCAA.
"All of the defenses about amateurism and competitive balance the NCAA had been boasting about for years, if not decades, have been washed away in this incredibly thorough opinion," Carrier said. "There is lots of litigation going on and this is something plaintiffs can use in every case now. You have a comprehensive opinion that thoroughly looks at the justifications and thoroughly strikes them down. The NCAA may disagree, but the default position now is the NCAA does not have its amateurism defense position to stand behind."
Quote from: alfred russel on August 09, 2014, 12:56:10 PM
On the other hand, if I understand the ruling correctly, the ruling bypasses title IX concerns. Since the money comes out of media deals, sports without them don't have to give their women anything. Sorry every single women's athlete (possibly excluding a very small handful of basketball players). I doubt the colleges could have done this so effectively without an uproar.
I believe that you are correct, since this isn't the school providing the money, it is the network. Players who have the power to contract out their likenesses are technically losing something for that, and are getting paid for the sacrifice.
Quote from: sbr on August 09, 2014, 01:00:58 PM
I agree that this specific case was about as good a loss as the NCAA could have hoped for.
The problem as I see it, is that this is not the endgame of anti-trust litigation against the NCAA but the beginning (or at least the start of a new phase) and in the opening move the judge almost completely shredded the NCAA's version of amateurism.
QuoteRutgers law professor Michael Carrier, who has closely followed the O'Bannon case, said the ruling is a "big loss" for the NCAA.
"All of the defenses about amateurism and competitive balance the NCAA had been boasting about for years, if not decades, have been washed away in this incredibly thorough opinion," Carrier said. "There is lots of litigation going on and this is something plaintiffs can use in every case now. You have a comprehensive opinion that thoroughly looks at the justifications and thoroughly strikes them down. The NCAA may disagree, but the default position now is the NCAA does not have its amateurism defense position to stand behind."
I'm not so sure that this is, in fact, going to be the case going forward. The judge ruled that the NCAA sacrificed amateurism by its agreement with the American Tennis Federation (something like that) to allow ATF players to collect $10,000 in winnings before they entered college (tennis is pretty much the only sport where pre-college athletes can collect winnings), though not during college. It seems to me that the NCAA can just say, "okay, if that strips us of amateurism, we just won't follow that agreement any more." That wouldn't be a big loss to anyone bar the few tennis players effected.
Dana Holgerson dances the Flamenco on his crank: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000376634/article/dana-holgorsen-says-lying-in-recruiting-happens-a-bunch (http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000376634/article/dana-holgorsen-says-lying-in-recruiting-happens-a-bunch)
QuoteIt's one thing to be candid and honest.
It's another to arm your enemy with candor and honesty.
That's exactly what West Virginia coach Dana Holgorsen has done in saying that lying to recruits is business as usual in college coaching. According to the Twitter feed of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's West Virginia beat writer, Stephen J. Nesbitt, Holgorsen said: "You lie in recruiting a bunch. That's just kind of part of it. You become a salesman."
Even if he believes this is true (and it almost certainly is), that's not something you want to say while you you are still trying to recruit guys. Save it for your book.
Good article on the Pac-12's prospects and challenges to get a team into the "Final Four" in the inaugural BCS playoff year.
I really like Ted Miller. He does a outstanding job covering the Pac-12.
Quote from: Berkut on August 13, 2014, 09:10:46 AM
I really like Ted Miller. He does a outstanding job covering the Pac-12.
Of course you do. He is to the Pac 12 what MSNBC is to the Democrats and Fox News is to Republicans.
To be fair, all the conference based bloggers for ESPN are homers for the conferences on which they "report." Maybe excluding the ACC. She seems to be gone now, but poor Heather Dinich seemed to lose her enthusiasm after having to cover a gazillion out of conference losses to the SEC and consistent 2-6 bowl records.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 13, 2014, 09:25:15 AM
Quote from: Berkut on August 13, 2014, 09:10:46 AM
I really like Ted Miller. He does a outstanding job covering the Pac-12.
Of course you do. He is to the Pac 12 what MSNBC is to the Democrats and Fox News is to Republicans.
To be fair, all the conference based bloggers for ESPN are homers for the conferences on which they "report." Maybe excluding the ACC. She seems to be gone now, but poor Heather Dinich seemed to lose her enthusiasm after having to cover a gazillion out of conference losses to the SEC and consistent 2-6 bowl records.
They are bloggers paid to focus on a specific conference. Of course they are going to present a conference-biased view in their articles, they are selling to a specific market of people who care about that conference. That doesn't mean they ought to be unobjective, but Miller does a great job of presenting the Pac-12 consistently and being fair to all the teams within the conference....within reason.
I don't go to his blog to find an objective view of college football in general, I go to his "blog" to find a good source for news about the Pac-12 in general, and the teams in the Pac-12 in particular. He does an outstanding job of
1. Presenting various articles from around the country about Pac-12 specific and Pac-12 team specific news.
2. Is an excellent writer about his area of expertise, which is in fact the Pac-12.
This is an excellent example of #2. And while I am sure he is somewhat of a "homer", he is quite willing to point out when he thinks the conference is not all sunshine and roses.
I see the conference blogger network as a part of the greater plan of ESPN's marketing ploy:
-get national ratings by inflaming the masses with retarded commentary and "hot takes"
-suck in hard core fans turned off by the above with in more in depth reporting biased toward the point of view of the reader.
I find the idea that a national "news" source provides "journalism" biased toward every region in the country a bit off putting. I really doubt Ted Miller gives a shit about the Pac-12. He is from the south and I think went to school at UGA or Auburn or something. He is presenting things in the way that the audience wants to hear it and also in a way that preserves his sources (good luck reporting on Pac12 schools if they hate you). The same goes for all the other bloggers at ESPN.
OK, whatever. Thanks for your telling insight, I am glad we have someone around who can state the obvious to everyone.
Any comment on the actual content, or do you limit your contributions to just trolling?
Bunch of West Coast bias there. :mad:
Anyway he is right the PAC 12 is a pretty brutal slog. I was glad the Big 12 at least got a mention for its mighty 9 game conference schedule :showoff:
Quote from: Berkut on August 13, 2014, 09:53:07 AM
OK, whatever. Thanks for your telling insight, I am glad we have someone around who can state the obvious to everyone.
Any comment on the actual content, or do you limit your contributions to just trolling?
A guy who is apparently paid to be a fanboy of the Pac 12 writes an article about how awesome it is? That isn't trolling, that is what I read.
FWIW, I think the Pac 12 is the second best conference, whatever that means. I'm just not sure what kind of posts you want. The problem the Pac 12 has, imo, is that while there is a ton of talent on the west coast, it tends to be distributed among a lot of teams. There is diminished ability to field the really great teams to win championships, while at the same time the teams that begin to separate themselves have a tough schedule to get through.
The PAC 12 is like an all-star coaching line up I will say. I mean geez they have Mike Leach as one of the scrubs.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 13, 2014, 10:07:52 AM
Quote from: Berkut on August 13, 2014, 09:53:07 AM
OK, whatever. Thanks for your telling insight, I am glad we have someone around who can state the obvious to everyone.
Any comment on the actual content, or do you limit your contributions to just trolling?
A guy who is apparently paid to be a fanboy of the Pac 12 writes an article about how awesome it is? That isn't trolling, that is what I read.
Only an SEC fanboy would typify someone saying another conference is the clear 2nd best is "writing an article about how awesome it is".
And yes, that is most certainly trolling.
FWIW, I think the Pac 12 is the second best conference, whatever that means.
Oh, so you agree with the author? How incredible. I guess you must be a Pac-12 fanboy as well then.
And if you don't know what your own words you are writing mean, perhaps you should write different words that you can understand?
I'm just not sure what kind of posts you want. The problem the Pac 12 has, imo, is that while there is a ton of talent on the west coast, it tends to be distributed among a lot of teams. There is diminished ability to field the really great teams to win championships, while at the same time the teams that begin to separate themselves have a tough schedule to get through.
I think the "problem" with the Pac-12 (and it is only a problem in the context of getting teams into the BCS games, it isn't really a "problem" at all for people who actually care about actual college football itself instead of the meta-game of fanboard trolling about how oh so wonderful their conference is because they game the system better at the expense of actual competition) is exactly as the author stated it - they've elected to create a much more difficult system to work in because they care more about creating parity and good or even great college football rather than using the conference as a vehicle to prop up a few "great" teams at the expense of the rest of the conference.
They are trying to balance that of course, and find a reasonable sweet spot between the system of blatant manipulation and cupcake OOC scheduling and the previous Pac-12 system where it was even worse, but IMO they are actually doing a pretty good job of that.
Quote from: Valmy on August 13, 2014, 10:29:42 AM
The PAC 12 is like an all-star coaching line up I will say. I mean geez they have Mike Leach as one of the scrubs.
I love that, even if it does mean that we won't get as much BCS love. It is ridiculous how balanced the conference has become in terms of teams top to bottom that you have to prepare very seriously for week to week.
We just need Colorado to get their act together...
Berkut, you keep claiming I'm an SEC fan, but I'm an ACC fan. One that can objectively see that the ACC sucks, and the SEC is the best. (with the caveat that there isn't an objective measure to rank conferences)
You keep talking about meta game, blah blah blah, but the fact is the Pac 12 doesn't have much of a case they are getting screwed out of championships by a tough conference schedule. Their top teams haven't posted top results OOC:
2013 Stanford - lost to Michigan State (rose bowl)
2012 Stanford - lost to Notre Dame
2011 Oregon - lost to LSU
2010 Oregon - lost to Auburn (BCS championship)
2009 Oregon - lost to Boise State and Ohio State (rose bowl)
2008 USC - won them all
Before that we start getting into multiple winners, and are well before the Pac 12 championship. 2008 was also before the Pac 12 championship.
If one were to measure the issue by trolls ability to pick out specific games that conference teams lost, then you would have a great point.
Of course, if you look at overall conference OOC schedules, rather than seeing if you can find any examples where a "top team" lost any game at any point, then of course you see a different picture.
Quote from: Berkut on August 13, 2014, 11:25:56 AM
If one were to measure the issue by trolls ability to pick out specific games that conference teams lost, then you would have a great point.
Of course, if you look at overall conference OOC schedules, rather than seeing if you can find any examples where a "top team" lost any game at any point, then of course you see a different picture.
What I'm responding to is the previously voiced complaint that the Pac 12 was getting screwed regarding not getting teams in the championship game because of east coast bias/their schedule is too tough/etc.
If you want to argue that the mid tier of the Pac 12 is better than anyone else, fine. But only 2 teams made the BCS championship game. With ~6 power conferences, that generally means each conference either gets 1 representative, or none.
So basically, if the Pac 12 consistently had teams that were among the 5 best in the country, and even 4-5 teams in the top 10, but there were always a couple of teams better...sorry but the Pac 12 doesn't deserve teams in the title game.
I'm not randomly picking teams. I'm picking the champion of the Pac 12. And in every case since 2008, the Pac 12 champ lost an OOC game, which really derails the argument that the Pac 12 had some juggernauts screwed out of championships. You know how many OOC games were lost by actual national champions since 2008? 0.
That is almost stunning in its myopia.
Pointing out that Stanford, for example, lost to Notre Dame in 2012 doesn't weaken my argument, it weakens yours. Had Stanford, like all teams not in the Pac-12, had a schedule that year that replaced a game against Washington with a game against Cal-State Modesto, they would have had a better record and a better shot at a title game.
Nor is the argument even about whether Standford in 2012 deserved to be in the NC game - they did not, and I don't think anyone argued that they did.
The discussion is around whether or not the Pac-12 SOS, title game, and playing 9 conference games instead of loading up with yet another patsy lame ass team in a fourth OOC game is going to hurt their chances of placing a team into a 4 slot playoff, as it HAS hurt their chances of getting teams into BCS games in the past.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 13, 2014, 11:41:09 AM
So basically, if the Pac 12 consistently had teams that were among the 5 best in the country, and even 4-5 teams in the top 10, but there were always a couple of teams better...sorry but the Pac 12 doesn't deserve teams in the title game.
But then is entirely dependent on how you define "better". The issue is that the rankings themselves are biased, and overly weight wins and losses rather than quality of those wins and losses, and hence a conference where every single year the best teams have 1 more tough game is going to get screwed over time.
We are talking about every single team in the conference replacing a game against what is likely a top-25 opponent, or at least top-40, with one against some complete patsy. That is a huge difference over time, and I suspect has resulted in the conference missing out on probably 3 or 4 BCS games in the last decade or so.
Which is fine by me - as a Pac-12 fan, I can live with that inequity in the system if it means I get to watch one more good game a year, rather than watching the teams I care about roll over some sacrificial lamb one more time a year, so they can pad their schedule for the dumbass voters and win the meta-game.
But it would be better for everyone, and college football in general, if the power conferences all adopted the Pac-12 model. It might mean that the vaunted SEC won't get pay outs for two or three BCS bowl games every year, but that would be a small price to pay even for SEC fans...at least those that value actual competitiveness rather than the shallow satisfaction of cheap wins against uninteresting competition. Sadly, I suspect that is a small minority of actual SEC fans, from what I've seen.
Man, kind of weird reading pre-season team summaries, and seeing something like this:
Best case record: 15-0
15 games...
Quote from: Berkut on August 13, 2014, 12:31:31 PM
The discussion is around whether or not the Pac-12 SOS, title game, and playing 9 conference games instead of loading up with yet another patsy lame ass team in a fourth OOC game is going to hurt their chances of placing a team into a 4 slot playoff, as it HAS hurt their chances of getting teams into BCS games in the past.
The discussion is between you and me, and that isn't what I'm talking about. Maybe there isn't a discussion at all, but there certainly isn't a discussion on that stuff.
I'm talking about how in the past I've read about, "the Pac 12 is cannabalizing its best teams and losing out on titles with a really tough schedule". The OOC results indicate that isn't the case: the best teams in the Pac 12 don't do that well.
When judging against national title caliber, Notre Dame blew in 2012. We all saw what happened when they played Alabama in the national title game. Now maybe if they didn't play Notre Dame, they would have gotten into the BCS title game. But so long as they didn't draw another shitty team like Notre Dame, they probably would have gotten exposed just like Notre Dame did. Hence why they lost to Notre Dame in the first place.
It also isn't like Stanford had some fierce OOC schedule in 2012 either. San Jose State, Duke, and Notre Dame.
Except that the best teams in the Pac-12 do in fact do just fine. The fact that they actually lose games against good OOC teams is not evidence that they are not very good, it is evidence that they are willing to play tough OOC schedules, and the Pac-12 has by far the toughest OOC schedule by percentage of quality teams they play (which should be obvious since they only play 3 OOC games each year, instead of 4). All the major programs have basically the same OOC fomula - 1 game against another BCS level school, 2 patsy, and 1 mid-tier. The Pac-12 and Big-12 replace a patsy with a conference game, which of course by definition is most likely NOT a patsy if you are in a good conference.
I suppose this all goes back to what you find important - is the purpose of a conference to figure out how to anoint a couple uber teams to rake in a gigantic pile of cash playing weak schedules to ensure a high ranking and a payday for the conference?
Or is it to promote quality football and competitiveness *within* the conference, with the outcome of the post-season left as a secondary importance?
Texas' best record would only be 14-0 :(
But Texas will probably have at least three top ten teams on their schedule so....yeah.
It isn't a case of whether the Pac 12 does well, it is a case of whether the best team in the Pac 12 can post a strong case to be the best in the country. You pulled out 2012 as an example, and in 1 of the 2 competitively scheduled OOC games (1 of which was a bowl) Stanford lost to Notre Dame.
I did not pull them as an example - you did. Of course you did, because it was a year where the champion lost a OOC game, they very definition of cherry picking.
Quote from: Berkut on August 13, 2014, 01:28:47 PM
I did not pull them as an example - you did. Of course you did, because it was a year where the champion lost a OOC game, they very definition of cherry picking.
Uh, dude, I showed the out of conference losses for every Pac 12 champ since 2008. That isn't cherry picking. That is highlighting why the best team in the Pac 12 can't just say "cannibalization" for why it isn't the national champ.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 13, 2014, 01:26:31 PM
It isn't a case of whether the Pac 12 does well, it is a case of whether the best team in the Pac 12 can post a strong case to be the best in the country.
The question I've posed all along (and specifially in this case) is whether or not the Pac-12 gets a fair shot at spots in BCS games, and in this case, whether they will get a fair shot at a spot in the 4 team playoff. givent he weight that the human polls gives to W-L without much consideration given to SOS?
Like I said, I don't think the Pac-12 should change, even if it does reduce their chances of getting into those games. I think it is a small price to pay for getting to see better football.
Quote from: Berkut on August 13, 2014, 01:34:15 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on August 13, 2014, 01:26:31 PM
It isn't a case of whether the Pac 12 does well, it is a case of whether the best team in the Pac 12 can post a strong case to be the best in the country.
The question I've posed all along (and specifially in this case) is whether or not the Pac-12 gets a fair shot at spots in BCS games, and in this case, whether they will get a fair shot at a spot in the 4 team playoff. givent he weight that the human polls gives to W-L without much consideration given to SOS?
Like I said, I don't think the Pac-12 should change, even if it does reduce their chances of getting into those games. I think it is a small price to pay for getting to see better football.
Outside of the BCS title game, a major driver of BCS selection is an ability to sell tickets. "Fairness" really isn't what it is about.
Going forward a committee is going to be picking the playoff participants, so right now all we can do is speculate what they will value when they make the decisions.
Indeed. They have said that SOS will be paramount, which should actually give the Pac-12 a *better* shot than the other conferences, if in fact they actually follow through.
I suspect, however, that the pressure to make sure the SEC gets over-represented will be too great for that to happen. Which is really too bad, since if they actually do do what they claim they are going to do, it will push everyone to play tougher schedules, whether that be a 9 game conference schedule, or at least schedule a real BCS conference quality school for that fourth OOC game.
Quote from: Berkut on August 13, 2014, 01:59:13 PM
Indeed. They have said that SOS will be paramount, which should actually give the Pac-12 a *better* shot than the other conferences, if in fact they actually follow through.
I suspect, however, that the pressure to make sure the SEC gets over-represented will be too great for that to happen. Which is really too bad, since if they actually do do what they claim they are going to do, it will push everyone to play tougher schedules, whether that be a 9 game conference schedule, or at least schedule a real BCS conference quality school for that fourth OOC game.
It isn't clear that there should be a hard and fast rule that 8 SEC games plus a championship is easier than 9 Pac 12 plus a championship. Especially considered that some (but not all) Pac 12 teams have a watered down out of conference schedule.
I would think that an 8 game conference schedule with a championship game is generally harder than a 9 game schedule without a championship game (as with the Big 12). If the Big 12 was to split into divisions and implement an 8 game schedule with a championship game, that 9th game they are losing would be--on average--against an average Big 12 school, while they would pick up a conference champion.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 13, 2014, 03:14:01 PM
Quote from: Berkut on August 13, 2014, 01:59:13 PM
Indeed. They have said that SOS will be paramount, which should actually give the Pac-12 a *better* shot than the other conferences, if in fact they actually follow through.
I suspect, however, that the pressure to make sure the SEC gets over-represented will be too great for that to happen. Which is really too bad, since if they actually do do what they claim they are going to do, it will push everyone to play tougher schedules, whether that be a 9 game conference schedule, or at least schedule a real BCS conference quality school for that fourth OOC game.
It isn't clear that there should be a hard and fast rule that 8 SEC games plus a championship is easier than 9 Pac 12 plus a championship. Especially considered that some (but not all) Pac 12 teams have a watered down out of conference schedule.
I think all other things being equal, a team that plays 9 conference games is playing a tougher schedule that a team that is playing 8, assuming we are talking about the major conferences. Since the stats show that the Pac-12 is basically a wash compared to the SEC in strength of schools overall (Sagarin ranks last year as SEC-West, Pac-12 North, Pac12 South, SEC East), then it seems pretty clear that replacing a game against a conference opponent with a game against a weak OOC opponent is almost certainly going to mean an easier SOS.
Unless you are arguing that overall playing SEC teams is so much harder that it is a wash, but the stats clearly do NOT show that.
But if you are just saying that there isn't any reason to assume that a given team in the Pac-12 is going to have a stronger SOS vs a given team in the SEC, then no argument from me. Of course it may very well be the case that any particular team could happen to have a higher SOS based on what actual teams they play, but overall it is clear that the Pac-12 has made the hardest road to follow with their "contenders" playing 10 conference opponents to other conferences 9 (with the tenth replaced with a patsy, by and large).
Real football ends at the Plains.
Quote from: Ed Anger on August 13, 2014, 04:52:44 PM
Real football ends at the Plains.
No shit. Further west is just filler for late Saturday evening TV.
I'm just glad Boise St. is back to being nothing again. I was sick of those damn scrubs and that stupid blue field.
Quote from: Ed Anger on August 13, 2014, 04:56:43 PM
I'm just glad Boise St. is back to being nothing again. I was sick of those damn scrubs and that stupid blue field.
And the Timmays. Don't forget the Timmays.
Quote from: derspiess on August 13, 2014, 04:57:34 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on August 13, 2014, 04:56:43 PM
I'm just glad Boise St. is back to being nothing again. I was sick of those damn scrubs and that stupid blue field.
And the Timmays. Don't forget the Timmays.
I hope JoePa's ghost rapes tim.
Quote from: Ed Anger on August 13, 2014, 04:52:44 PM
Real football ends at the Plains.
Real football only has three downs. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on August 13, 2014, 05:01:16 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on August 13, 2014, 04:52:44 PM
Real football ends at the Plains.
Real football only has three downs. :cool:
I poop in your general direction.
Quote from: Berkut on August 13, 2014, 04:15:03 PM
I think all other things being equal, a team that plays 9 conference games is playing a tougher schedule that a team that is playing 8, assuming we are talking about the major conferences. Since the stats show that the Pac-12 is basically a wash compared to the SEC in strength of schools overall (Sagarin ranks last year as SEC-West, Pac-12 North, Pac12 South, SEC East), then it seems pretty clear that replacing a game against a conference opponent with a game against a weak OOC opponent is almost certainly going to mean an easier SOS.
Unless you are arguing that overall playing SEC teams is so much harder that it is a wash, but the stats clearly do NOT show that.
But if you are just saying that there isn't any reason to assume that a given team in the Pac-12 is going to have a stronger SOS vs a given team in the SEC, then no argument from me. Of course it may very well be the case that any particular team could happen to have a higher SOS based on what actual teams they play, but overall it is clear that the Pac-12 has made the hardest road to follow with their "contenders" playing 10 conference opponents to other conferences 9 (with the tenth replaced with a patsy, by and large).
Without getting into Sagarin rankings (which I used to love for individual team rankings, but with a revised formula seemed jacked up last year and have always seemed iffy for conference rankings), keep in mind that the SEC with an 8 game schedule and 14 teams is two conferences for all intents and purposes.
The SEC West teams only play 2 games against the SEC East. So if we consider a team like LSU or Auburn, one of those 2 games is locked in against a high quality SEC East team and then a random team from the East. So are 6 games in the SEC West, 1 game against Florida or UGA, and 1 random game in the SEC East more challenging than 9 in the Pac 12?
Why would we only consider LSU or Auburn?
We don't have to imagine any of this. The numbers are right there.
LSU SOS in 2013: 25
Auburn SOS: 13
Alabama: 39
Arkansas: 12
Missouri: 24
Stanford: 1
Oregon: 29
Washington: 17
Arizona State: 2
Is the schedules in the Pac-12 tougher? Survey says: Uhh, duh. It isn't even very close. Nor should you expect it to be - how could replacing a conference opponent with some patsy result in anything else?
The nice thing about a Big 12 schedule is you will always have Kansas to be your patsy. In the PAC 12 you may not always have Colorado on your schedule.
Quote from: Berkut on August 13, 2014, 11:32:49 PM
Why would we only consider LSU or Auburn?
We don't have to imagine any of this. The numbers are right there.
LSU SOS in 2013: 25
Auburn SOS: 13
Alabama: 39
Arkansas: 12
Missouri: 24
Stanford: 1
Oregon: 29
Washington: 17
Arizona State: 2
Is the schedules in the Pac-12 tougher? Survey says: Uhh, duh. It isn't even very close. Nor should you expect it to be - how could replacing a conference opponent with some patsy result in anything else?
A lot depends on how you compute strength of schedule, but regardless, that shows exactly what I thought it would. Some SEC teams have tougher schedules than some Pac 12 schools, and vice versa. If the strength of schedule is the same this year, and Oregon is making a run at a playoff, they should be disadvantaged against everyone in that list except Alabama.
...but overall, 9 Pac-12 conference games versus 8 SEC conference games plus a patsy is going to result in a much tougher SOS for the Pac-12. Not in every case of course, since the particulars matter, but in general that is true.
The other advantage of the 9 conference game schedule is consistency. That fourth OOC game is going to vary a lot I imagine, but adding another conference opponent is not going to vary as much, and will also mean that there is less chance of a team getting a much harder or easier conference schedule in some given year based on who they get lucky enough to "miss" that year.
Not that any of that matters to the SEC of course. They don't much care about competitiveness of quality of football compared to their need to make sure they get into at least two BCS game every year for that sweet, sweet pile of cash.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 14, 2014, 10:59:33 AM
Quote from: Berkut on August 13, 2014, 11:32:49 PM
Why would we only consider LSU or Auburn?
We don't have to imagine any of this. The numbers are right there.
LSU SOS in 2013: 25
Auburn SOS: 13
Alabama: 39
Arkansas: 12
Missouri: 24
Stanford: 1
Oregon: 29
Washington: 17
Arizona State: 2
Is the schedules in the Pac-12 tougher? Survey says: Uhh, duh. It isn't even very close. Nor should you expect it to be - how could replacing a conference opponent with some patsy result in anything else?
A lot depends on how you compute strength of schedule, but regardless, that shows exactly what I thought it would. Some SEC teams have tougher schedules than some Pac 12 schools, and vice versa.
The question you asked though is:
QuoteSo are 6 games in the SEC West, 1 game against Florida or UGA, and 1 random game in the SEC East more challenging than 9 in the Pac 12?
And the answer is rather definitively "No".
I disagree. LSU having to play Texas A&M, Alabama, Auburn, and Florida every year is a rather formidable conference slate. Their rating last year is going to be hurt by not playing anyone good out of conference, and in general Pac 12 schools play stronger out of conference schedules.
Strip out the out of conference games from the rating system, and then we can discuss exactly how the rankings are being produced. Then you might start to have a definitive case to make. My subjective opinion, and I think the opinion of most people that follow the sport, is that LSU running the conference schedule is at least as difficult as a generic Pac 12 team doing the same.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 14, 2014, 11:57:22 AM
LSU having to play Texas A&M
Yeah they have really sweated that one the past three years.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 14, 2014, 11:57:22 AM
I disagree. LSU having to play Texas A&M, Alabama, Auburn, and Florida every year is a rather formidable conference slate.
And Oregon having to play Stanford, UCLA, and USC is not? The numbers say that in fact it is just as formidable.
And more importantly, Oregon does not get to replace a game against Stanford or Washington or Arizona State with a game against Southeast Mississippi State School of Mines.
Their rating last year is going to be hurt by not playing anyone good out of conference
Yeah, it hurts the SOS schedule rating for all the SEC teams. Replacing a good BCS team with a terrible FCS team will do that.
, and in general Pac 12 schools play stronger out of conference schedules.
Strip out the out of conference games from the rating system, and then we can discuss exactly how the rankings are being produced. Then you might start to have a definitive case to make. My subjective opinion, and I think the opinion of most people that follow the sport, is that LSU running the conference schedule is at least as difficult as a generic Pac 12 team doing the same.
Got it - so if we ignore the shitty teams they play because their system encourages them to play shitty teams, then their strength of schedule is pretty good.
Why is that? Because the SEC is so OSSUMSAUCIMZOMG! How do we know that? Because they win so many games against that weak schedule we should ignore!
The numbers are there - the SEC is the #1 conference overall, but it is by a pretty narrow margin. A given SEC is team is not far and away better than a given Pac12 team, and the numbers make that clear.
Playing 8 SEC teams and 1 terrible team is by every rational and objective measure, easier than playing 9 Pac12 teams.
Again, this is pretty damn obvious. I don't even know why you are arguing it, except that you really, really have faith that those West Coast Pac12 teams can't really be all that good, so the numbers must all be wrong...
The summation of your argument is that we should ignore the objective data, and just take your word that, well, the Pac12 really isn't THAT good, despite what the numbers say, and having to play SEC teams is just plain more difficult than playing Pac12 teams.
I for one applaud Berkut's ability to maintain consistency in sanity by debating someone who "ages" Miami teams.
As an aside, the Dish Network commercial with Matt Leinhart and Heath Shuler is brilliantly priceless.
"We're going back to college."
"Take me with you."
Was it Brian Bosworth who came in at the end? That was hilarious.
Lol, yeah. Awesome commercial.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on August 14, 2014, 02:22:20 PM
I for one applaud Berkut's ability to maintain consistency in sanity by debating someone who "ages" Miami teams.
Heh, Berkut lives for this stuff. And the FSU win has revitalized him.
You watch, if the champ this year comes from the ACC, Big 10 or Big 12, he'll be out there next year arguing the Pac is clearly the best conference.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on August 14, 2014, 02:36:21 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on August 14, 2014, 02:22:20 PM
I for one applaud Berkut's ability to maintain consistency in sanity by debating someone who "ages" Miami teams.
Heh, Berkut lives for this stuff. And the FSU win has revitalized him.
You watch, if the champ this year comes from the ACC, Big 10 or Big 12, he'll be out there next year arguing the Pac is clearly the best conference.
The best conference is not defined by who produces the NC, especially given a system that has in the past been clearly setup to create adverse results.
I would certainly not trade being a Pac12 fan for being a SEC fan. Maybe Big 10 if not Pac12.
If all college football was run like the Pac12 and Big10, it would be a greatly improved product. If it was all run like the SEC, I would quit watching.
Quote from: Berkut on August 14, 2014, 02:12:27 PM
And Oregon having to play Stanford, UCLA, and USC is not? The numbers say that in fact it is just as formidable.
And more importantly, Oregon does not get to replace a game against Stanford or Washington or Arizona State with a game against Southeast Mississippi State School of Mines.
What numbers are you talking about? What scenario are we talking about?
If we are talking about the challenge of qualifying for a national title game, the you are talking about the odds of achieving perfection or close to it. That is very different than the odds of getting into a bowl game.
I would think that for a national title contender, replacing Washington And Arizona State with Alabama and the Southeast Mississippi State School of Mines would be a bad trade (from the perspective of ease of running the table).
Quote from: CountDeMoney on August 14, 2014, 02:22:20 PM
I for one applaud Berkut's ability to maintain consistency in sanity by debating someone who "ages" Miami teams.
Not today, but we should revisit that someday. When I deleted all my threads, I left that one because I knew history would prove me right.
I still remember Berkut going nuts in multiple posts about the stupidity of my assertion that the WR trio Santana Moss, Reggie Wayne, and Andre Johnson was more talented than the top three trio on most NFL teams.
Quote from: Berkut on August 14, 2014, 03:42:12 PM
If all college football was run like the Pac12 and Big10, it would be a greatly improved product. If it was all run like the SEC, I would quit watching.
They are all run the exact same way. It's all about $$$ with a bit of college politics and PR posturing.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 14, 2014, 04:30:39 PM
Quote from: Berkut on August 14, 2014, 02:12:27 PM
And Oregon having to play Stanford, UCLA, and USC is not? The numbers say that in fact it is just as formidable.
And more importantly, Oregon does not get to replace a game against Stanford or Washington or Arizona State with a game against Southeast Mississippi State School of Mines.
What numbers are you talking about?
Sagarin ratings and conference strength ratings.
If we are talking about the challenge of qualifying for a national title game, the you are talking about the odds of achieving perfection or close to it. That is very different than the odds of getting into a bowl game.
I would think that for a national title contender, replacing Washington And Arizona State with Alabama and the Southeast Mississippi State School of Mines would be a bad trade (from the perspective of ease of running the table).
More cherry picking. How about replacing Missouri and FCS Chumpstate with Oregon and Stanford?
The numbers speak for themselves. Overall, the SEC is not significantly better than the Pac12. Replacing a Pac12 caliber team with a FCS team results in a vastly weaker strength of schedule. This is stupidly obvious. The only way it would not be true is if the SEC was so radically superior to the Pac12 that it balances out the 9 Pac12 games. But if that was actually true, the SOS ratings would show that...but they don't.
They show just the opposite. As I've said about 30 times now.
We can believe your "gut feeling" that the Pac12 just really isn't very good, or we can believe actual results and objective analysis.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 14, 2014, 04:37:27 PM
Quote from: Berkut on August 14, 2014, 03:42:12 PM
If all college football was run like the Pac12 and Big10, it would be a greatly improved product. If it was all run like the SEC, I would quit watching.
They are all run the exact same way. It's all about $$$ with a bit of college politics and PR posturing.
Except that they are rather obviously not all run the same way, or everyone would have the same number of conference and non-conference games.
Quote from: Berkut on August 14, 2014, 05:55:47 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on August 14, 2014, 04:37:27 PM
Quote from: Berkut on August 14, 2014, 03:42:12 PM
If all college football was run like the Pac12 and Big10, it would be a greatly improved product. If it was all run like the SEC, I would quit watching.
They are all run the exact same way. It's all about $$$ with a bit of college politics and PR posturing.
Except that they are rather obviously not all run the same way, or everyone would have the same number of conference and non-conference games.
They have different fan bases with different markets which pushes them to schedule differently.
As an example, Miami in the 1980s was winning national titles and still scheduling series games against opponents without a return date. Was that because the athletic department brashly thought it was the best in the country and wanted to just play really good teams and would go anywhere anytime to do it? That is the way it was portrayed, but at the time Miami was drawing 20k a game to non marquee games, so maybe taking a payout to play at Michigan had more to do with dollar and cents after all.
Quote from: Berkut on August 14, 2014, 05:54:58 PM
More cherry picking. How about replacing Missouri and FCS Chumpstate with Oregon and Stanford?
It isn't cherry picking, it is the illustration of a principle. That is, if you want to run the table, a big roadblock can be more challenging than a bunch of smaller ones. A lot of strength of schedule systems use some variation of opponents records, and opponent's opponent's record, to come up with values. In that case, a Washington / Arizona State pair of games will probably rate higher than Alabama / Eastern Michigan, even though the biggest risk to running the table is the latter pairing.
It also depends on what the strength of schedule is designed to show. If you just want to get into a bowl game (say you are Western Kentucky), the Washington / Arizona State pairing is probably more menacing.
Man I cannot believe a Canes fan is a shrill for the SEC. After the Gators were too chickenshit to play Miami once they got good I figured you had lost all respect for them. Just another famous example of the SEC being too scared to play real competition. Except LSU they play everybody.
Quote from: Valmy on August 14, 2014, 06:30:00 PM
Man I cannot believe a Canes fan is a shrill for the SEC. After the Gators were too chickenshit to play Miami once they got good I figured you had lost all respect for them. Just another famous example of the SEC being too scared to play real competition. Except LSU they play everybody.
I'm not a shill for the SEC. But if you can't give them credit for being the best conference when the win 7 of 8 national titles, what is the point of playing the game?
I'm definitely not a fan of the Gators. They like to think they are the premier team in the state, but are 1-7 against Miami in the last 8 and only have 3 national titles.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 14, 2014, 06:39:03 PM
Quote from: Valmy on August 14, 2014, 06:30:00 PM
Man I cannot believe a Canes fan is a shrill for the SEC. After the Gators were too chickenshit to play Miami once they got good I figured you had lost all respect for them. Just another famous example of the SEC being too scared to play real competition. Except LSU they play everybody.
I'm not a shill for the SEC.
Oh yes you are.
But if you can't give them credit for being the best conference when the win 7 of 8 national titles, what is the point of playing the game?
What drugs are you on?
Where in this thread has anyone ever claimed that the SEC is NOT the best conference?
Quote from: alfred russel on August 14, 2014, 06:05:19 PM
They are all run the exact same way.
Quote from: also alfred russel
They have different fan bases with different markets which pushes them to schedule differently.
Your second statement disproves your first. You are wrong. Again.
Quote from: Berkut on August 14, 2014, 08:14:10 PM
What drugs are you on?
Where in this thread has anyone ever claimed that the SEC is NOT the best conference?
No one has claimed it directly, but the whole point of contention is whether an 8 game SEC schedule can be as challenging as a 9 game schedule in another conference. With unbalanced divisions and 1 fixed game against the other side, it seems unlikely that at least 1 team doesn't have an equal challenge in the SEC if they really are the best conference.
I don't care for the SEC. Except Gene Stallings's 'Bama.
Quote from: Berkut on August 14, 2014, 08:15:23 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on August 14, 2014, 06:05:19 PM
They are all run the exact same way.
Quote from: also alfred russel
They have different fan bases with different markets which pushes them to schedule differently.
Your second statement disproves your first. You are wrong. Again.
My first statement is saying they are all chasing money. My second statement is pointing out that chasing money can prompt different decisions. At some schools in the country, you can get monster attendance scheduling a FCS school and there won't be much collateral damage to your TV contract. At some schools, that isn't the case.
What really confuses me is why Berkut is raging on scheduling when his own team has the following schedule:
My own team will have the SOS it deserves. And I am not particularly worried about our shot at a BCS bowl this year, much less the playoffs.
Such is the life of a non-bandwagon fan. You should try it sometime.
You are still bitter about '94, aren't you?
Quote from: Berkut on August 15, 2014, 01:33:19 AM
My own team will have the SOS it deserves. And I am not particularly worried about our shot at a BCS bowl this year, much less the playoffs.
Such is the life of a non-bandwagon fan. You should try it sometime.
You are still bitter about '94, aren't you?
The world has moved on since 94 berkut. A lot of the current student section for Miami and Arizona were born after that game was played, and if you had been paying attention to the last decade, Miami doesn't really have a bandwagon anymore.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 14, 2014, 08:29:56 PM
What really confuses me is why Berkut is raging on scheduling when his own team has the following schedule:
To Arizona those are tough games.
UTSA certainly is - if you aged the score of that game last year, Arizona lost.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 15, 2014, 08:49:18 AM
The world has moved on since 94 berkut.
As a Redskins fan I am still stuck in 1991 personally.
Quote from: Berkut on August 15, 2014, 09:04:32 AM
UTSA certainly is - if you aged the score of that game last year, Arizona lost.
And if you keep aging Santana Moss, Reggie Wayne, and Andre Johnson, in a few more years they won't be NFL caliber receivers.
Andre Johnson finally snapped a little this offseason, but still ended up coming back to camp and all that instead of demanding a trade or something like he probably should have.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 15, 2014, 09:12:51 AM
Andre Johnson finally snapped a little this offseason, but still ended up coming back to camp and all that instead of demanding a trade or something like he probably should have.
Being forced to play for a Houston franchise will do that to anybody eventually.
Hey did you see the kickoff luncheon yesterday? Think Ash will live up to the legacy that Vince Carter left?
No I didn't see it. Vince Carter? :lol: I seem to have missed someone screwing up pretty bad.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 15, 2014, 09:15:21 AM
No I didn't see it. Vince Carter? :lol: I seem to have missed someone screwing up pretty bad.
Coach Strong gets excited and says malapropisms. This will remain charming right up until the moment he loses :P
He referred to Texas' great players 'Bobby Lane, Early Campbell, Ricky Williams, Vince Carter, and Colt McCoy' :lol:
:lol: Would have been a helluva thing for the basketball team.
Rich Rod apparently had his yearly practice blow up:
Big sex and academic fraud scandal seems to be going on at old Notre Dame. Fortunately no priests, altar boys, or imaginary girl friends are involved. How very juicy.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 15, 2014, 09:58:07 AM
:lol: Would have been a helluva thing for the basketball team.
So Wyoming has: No QB. No Offensive line. No Defensive Line depth.
This is gonna be a long year...
Good thing I have so many other long years that this is the norm!
Quote from: Valmy on August 15, 2014, 01:17:48 PM
Big sex and academic fraud scandal seems to be going on at old Notre Dame.
Since catholic girls don't put out until they are married, it is probably a gay sex scandal too.
Quote from: PDH on August 15, 2014, 03:04:46 PM
So Wyoming has: No QB. No Offensive line. No Defensive Line depth.
This is gonna be a long year...
Good thing I have so many other long years that this is the norm!
You guys need to step it up if you still want that Big 12 invite.
I think it is only my quest. I have tried to convince others that Wyoming being the Big 12 doormat is better than what we have now, but they aren't listening. They don't understand traveling to Texas every other year to drink boiling water out of the bubblers.
Quote from: PDH on August 15, 2014, 04:41:26 PM
I think it is only my quest. I have tried to convince others that Wyoming being the Big 12 doormat is better than what we have now, but they aren't listening. They don't understand traveling to Texas every other year to drink boiling water out of the bubblers.
If you were a conference foe you would come down in November when the water would be lukewarm.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 15, 2014, 03:47:56 PM
Quote from: Valmy on August 15, 2014, 01:17:48 PM
Big sex and academic fraud scandal seems to be going on at old Notre Dame.
Since catholic girls don't put out until they are married, it is probably a gay sex scandal too.
Well there is a news conference at 6 pm today, EST I presume, for all the sordid details.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 15, 2014, 03:47:56 PM
Since catholic girls don't put out until they are married,
I'd accuse you of being ironic, but you're too sociopathic and Assburgery to conceptualize irony.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on August 16, 2014, 08:21:30 AM
Quote from: alfred russel on August 15, 2014, 03:47:56 PM
Since catholic girls don't put out until they are married,
I'd accuse you of being ironic, but you're too sociopathic and Assburgery to conceptualize irony.
Maybe you should reevaluate your assessment of my sociopathy and assburgery. :)
Quote from: alfred russel on August 16, 2014, 11:33:51 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on August 16, 2014, 08:21:30 AM
Quote from: alfred russel on August 15, 2014, 03:47:56 PM
Since catholic girls don't put out until they are married,
I'd accuse you of being ironic, but you're too sociopathic and Assburgery to conceptualize irony.
Maybe you should reevaluate your assessment of my sociopathy and assburgery. :)
In a reevaluation I just conducted, my original findings are supported.
Of the two of you only one went to Notte Dame, the other just wishes he had.
Quote from: katmai on August 16, 2014, 03:48:25 PM
Of the two of you only one says he went to Notte Dame, the other just wishes he had.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 15, 2014, 03:47:56 PM
Quote from: Valmy on August 15, 2014, 01:17:48 PM
Big sex and academic fraud scandal seems to be going on at old Notre Dame.
Since catholic girls don't put out until after they are married, it is probably a gay sex scandal too.
BTW, Berkut, I noticed that your Pac-12 corrspondent is a bit behind the times. He argued that
QuoteThere is a big reason the other conferences can't [argue that they won't play nine conference games]: They don't want to.
when the Big Ten is doing so next year. They decided to do so the same year the Pac-12 decided to do so (and for the same reasons: better football for the fans) but had to put it off for two years because they foolishly decided to add Maryland and Rutgers.
I agree with the argument that the Pac-12 is the second-best conference, though. The Big Ten won't start challenging that until Michigan and Pen State return to form. I think that this is the year Michigan starts the return to form, though, and wouldn't be completely flabbergasted if Penn State didn't start the march back this year as well. I'm just not sold on Franklin yet. Too much snake oil there.
James Franklin is an awesome coach.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 17, 2014, 10:19:54 PM
James Franklin is superficially an awesome coach.
I'm not saying that he isn't a great coach, I am just saying that I am not sold yet. He has the appearance of an excellent coach, but also the faint stench of a douchbag. We'll see. A certain Michigan coach was all bright and shiny at one point, but only 15 of 52 recruits in his touted 2009 and 2010 classes ever survived to be seniors.
BTW, I'd love it if ND has to surrender the winning percentage crown (in which they lead Michigan by less than one-one-thousandth of a percentage point) over an academic scandal. That would be even sweeter than them losing it on the field (which would probably have happened this year anyway).
Quote from: grumbler on August 17, 2014, 10:54:53 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on August 17, 2014, 10:19:54 PM
James Franklin is superficially an awesome coach.
I'm not saying that he isn't a great coach, I am just saying that I am not sold yet. He has the appearance of an excellent coach, but also the faint stench of a douchbag. We'll see. A certain Michigan coach was all bright and shiny at one point, but only 15 of 52 recruits in his touted 2009 and 2010 classes ever survived to be seniors.
No, I think he is an awesome coach based on what he did at Vanderbilt. He recruits like a motherfucker, but was still seriously outgunned at Vandy, and put together teams that no one wanted to play. I think Maryland regrets ever letting him get away.
He does have a faint stench of douchebag, but so what? Pete Carroll, Urban Meyer, Steve Spurrier, and Nick Saban are all douchebags, but they are winners. Hell, I'll admit that Brian Kelly is a douchebag too. OTOH, Ty Willingham seemed like a nice guy.
Unfortunately, being a douchebag isn't enough, as Charlie Weis discovered.
When Franklin beats an SEC team that wins more game than it loses, that will be the first time. He did beat up the dead underbelly of the SEC, but I'm just not sure that makes him a great coach. He can recruit so far, but we will see if that stands the test of time.
And Charlie Weiss still makes more than Brian Kelly, so your example is misplaced.
Quote from: grumbler on August 17, 2014, 11:41:01 PM
When Franklin beats an SEC team that wins more game than it loses, that will be the first time. He did beat up the dead underbelly of the SEC, but I'm just not sure that makes him a great coach. He can recruit so far, but we will see if that stands the test of time.
And Charlie Weiss still makes more than Brian Kelly, so your example is misplaced.
I seem to remember him beating UGA, Florida and Tennessee at Vandy. Probably other solid programs I don't remember. Those schools may have had 500 records or less in the SEC the years he beat them, but they weren't exactly the "dead underbelly".
No one is going to be beat the top programs in the SEC at Vandy when the top programs are cranking, aside from a freak upset. Franklin's tenure represents peak vanderbilt.
Actually, that isn't even true. I was just looking up Vandy's record. They beat UGA last year, and UGA had a winning recording in the SEC (5-3).
A few things to keep in perspective. Vandy started playing football in 1890, and has been to 7 bowls. James Franklin coached Vandy for 3 years and went to 3 of those 7. Vandy has won 4 bowl games in its history. Franklin won 2 of them.
Both of the last 2 years Franklin was coach he went 9-4. His SEC records those years were 5-3 and 4-4. His last year he beat Georgia, Florida, and Tennessee. The team he took over had gone 2-10 the previous two years, with a combined SEC record of 1-15.
Franklin's last two Vandy teams finished ranked, the first time that has ever happened. Previously, the last time a team finished the season ranked was 1948.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 18, 2014, 12:05:36 AM
Actually, that isn't even true. I was just looking up Vandy's record. They beat UGA last year, and UGA had a winning recording in the SEC (5-3).
You are correct. I missed that one. He has beaten
one SEC team with a winning record. That doesn't change my doubts. My position remains "we'll see."
Quote from: grumbler on August 17, 2014, 09:53:08 PM
BTW, Berkut, I noticed that your Pac-12 corrspondent is a bit behind the times. He argued that QuoteThere is a big reason the other conferences can't [argue that they won't play nine conference games]: They don't want to.
when the Big Ten is doing so next year. They decided to do so the same year the Pac-12 decided to do so (and for the same reasons: better football for the fans) but had to put it off for two years because they foolishly decided to add Maryland and Rutgers.
I agree with the argument that the Pac-12 is the second-best conference, though. The Big Ten won't start challenging that until Michigan and Pen State return to form. I think that this is the year Michigan starts the return to form, though, and wouldn't be completely flabbergasted if Penn State didn't start the march back this year as well. I'm just not sold on Franklin yet. Too much snake oil there.
I've always liked the Big-10. Maybe just because the Rose Bowl thing.
But it is kind of annoying that we get to sit around speculating about who the 2nd best conference is...I think it is the Pac-12 right now, but I think the Pac-12 right now is stronger top to bottom than it has ever been, so I don't know that it will last necessarily.
I wish there was some way to knock the SEC off the throne, but I just don't see it happening any time soon.
Quote from: Berkut on August 18, 2014, 01:36:39 AM
I wish there was some way to knock the SEC off the throne, but I just don't see it happening any time soon.
Beat them in the playoff.
Quote from: Berkut on August 18, 2014, 01:36:39 AM
But it is kind of annoying that we get to sit around speculating about who the 2nd best conference is...I think it is the Pac-12 right now, but I think the Pac-12 right now is stronger top to bottom than it has ever been, so I don't know that it will last necessarily.
I wish there was some way to knock the SEC off the throne, but I just don't see it happening any time soon.
A lot of it is determined by demographics. The southeast just produces a lot of good players. Probably the biggest threat to the SEC is for the ACC to start to get its act together and have teams suck away some of the talent that heads to the SEC.
The west coast also produces a lot of good players--it would probably help to have them concentrate in less schools.
UTSA gave Coker a raise and extension. Four more years at $450k/yr. I think he was at...maybe $300k. Maybe $250. Something like that.
Quote from: Berkut on August 18, 2014, 01:36:39 AM
I wish there was some way to knock the SEC off the throne, but I just don't see it happening any time soon.
The SEC has a significnat demographic advantage, but I think that two things will fialry soon erode their other advantages:
(1) four-year scholarships, so you won't see teams like Alabama and LSU taking scholarships away from the lowest-performing existing players to give them to more promising recruits, and
(2) the fact that the Big 5 teams will be required to play only other Big 5 teams (with probably one exception, to allow for seven home games every other season).
With these reforms, the SEC will probably remain the overall strongest conference, but not every year.
Quote from: grumbler on August 18, 2014, 10:00:24 AM
(1) four-year scholarships, so you won't see teams like Alabama and LSU taking scholarships away from the lowest-performing existing players to give them to more promising recruits, and
I don't know that will really hurt anyone.
First, what many schools do is simply tell players, "you won't play here anymore. If you want to transfer, we will help you (though of course not to a future opponent or conference member)." The problem usually takes care of itself at that point.
Second, I'm not an expert on the rules, but what Alabama has been doing is not outright pulling scholarships but classifying players as medically disabled. They can't play anymore, but stay on scholarship while not counting against the cap. There was a story a while back on how Saban appears to be gaming this system.
In actually relevant news, Braxton Miller is out for the year. I imagine Jim Delany is crying under his desk at the moment. Urban Meyer is feeling chest pains and missing his family.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 19, 2014, 01:09:03 PM
In actually relevant news, Braxton Miller is out for the year. I imagine Jim Delany is crying under his desk at the moment. Urban Meyer is feeling chest pains and missing his family.
time for sad Urban:
On the other hand, Notre Dame officials are delighted. For a time, at least, no one is talking about the academic scandal that looks to cost them three starters and a second-string player. If they have to forfeit the winning percentage crown over this, it will be even sweeter.
Quote from: grumbler on August 19, 2014, 05:09:10 PM
On the other hand, Notre Dame officials are delighted. For a time, at least, no one is talking about the academic scandal that looks to cost them three starters and a second-string player. If they have to forfeit the winning percentage crown over this, it will be even sweeter.
Losing the players is all that matters. The all time winning percentage crown is stupid to begin with, and no one with a life cares about whether wins are vacated.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 19, 2014, 05:15:07 PM
Quote from: grumbler on August 19, 2014, 05:09:10 PM
On the other hand, Notre Dame officials are delighted. For a time, at least, no one is talking about the academic scandal that looks to cost them three starters and a second-string player. If they have to forfeit the winning percentage crown over this, it will be even sweeter.
Losing the players is all that matters. The all time winning percentage crown is stupid to begin with, and no one with a life cares about whether wins are vacated.
I figured you would be the one to bite on that one! :lol:
To Miami fans no football of any note was played prior to 1980.
Quote from: Valmy on August 19, 2014, 08:00:45 PM
To Miami fans no football of any note was played prior to 1980.
I just don't care about vacating wins. Miami had to vacate a ton of wins and the collective response of the fan base was "can we vacate a few more of our shitty seasons too?" FSU had to vacate a bunch of wins and I never bothered to go back and taunt FSU fans for the wins they lost to Miami. They won on the field. Everyone saw it happen. What the record books say is really moot.
Losing the players ND looks like it will lose is a disaster though. That comes close to scuttling the season before it starts.
Quote from: Ed Anger on August 19, 2014, 01:58:49 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on August 19, 2014, 01:09:03 PM
In actually relevant news, Braxton Miller is out for the year. I imagine Jim Delany is crying under his desk at the moment. Urban Meyer is feeling chest pains and missing his family.
time for sad Urban:
Must've gotten busted with a coed again by Missus Urban. He should stop that.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 19, 2014, 08:51:02 PM
I just don't care about vacating wins. Miami had to vacate a ton of wins and the collective response of the fan base was "can we vacate a few more of our shitty seasons too?" FSU had to vacate a bunch of wins and I never bothered to go back and taunt FSU fans for the wins they lost to Miami. They won on the field. Everyone saw it happen. What the record books say is really moot.
No one with a life believes that a vacated win becomes a win for the opponent.
QuoteLosing the players ND looks like it will lose is a disaster though. That comes close to scuttling the season before it starts.
Agreed. They were already headed for a bad season, but this may mean a catastrophic season. I'd say that Rice and Purdue would become the only teams they would be clearly favored to beat if they lose those four guys.
Shame Notre Dame didn't display the same degree of institutional integrity with Dorsey4PathologicalLiar.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on August 20, 2014, 06:35:33 AM
Shame Notre Dame didn't display the same degree of institutional integrity with Dorsey4PathologicalLiar.
Could just be that Dorsey drew the line at fucking ugly chicks in return for a research paper. His scams were usually much more entertaining and complex.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on August 20, 2014, 06:35:33 AM
Shame Notre Dame didn't display the same degree of institutional integrity with Dorsey4PathologicalLiar.
Glad to see you reaching the acceptance stage with me going to Notre Dame. :hug:
Quote from: grumbler on August 20, 2014, 06:11:50 AM
No one with a life believes that a vacated win becomes a win for the opponent.
That isn't what I was trying to say, but I find it funny you associate having a life to understanding the process governing vacated wins in college football. :lol:
QuoteI'd say that Rice and Purdue would become the only teams they would be clearly favored to beat if they lose those four guys.
:lol: Dream on.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 20, 2014, 08:51:01 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on August 20, 2014, 06:35:33 AM
Shame Notre Dame didn't display the same degree of institutional integrity with Dorsey4PathologicalLiar.
Glad to see you reaching the acceptance stage with me going to Notre Dame. :hug:
I'v always been a fan of fiction.
Bring on the Wolverines!!!!!
Well in 2020 & 2021 :P
Quote from: katmai on August 20, 2014, 05:48:37 PM
Bring on the Wolverines!!!!!
Well in 2020 & 2021 :P
Yeah, I saw that. Michigan doesn't have a very good record against early-season West Coast teams playing at home. At least we get VT at home that year.
Texas and Michigan should play again. That was a good game.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 21, 2014, 06:20:41 PM
Texas and Michigan should play again. That was a good game.
Agreed. Texas is pretty booked, though. Michigan has one more "big series" to announce (in fact, they are behind the schedule for announcement) and there are rumors that it is Texas. They'd be my #1 choice. But not at JerryWorld.
I'd say Maryland would be a nice tune-up game before Texas, but I don't think they'd make Michigan sweat enough.
Stupid school. :mad:
Quote from: grumbler on August 22, 2014, 12:47:48 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 21, 2014, 06:20:41 PM
Texas and Michigan should play again. That was a good game.
Agreed. Texas is pretty booked, though. Michigan has one more "big series" to announce (in fact, they are behind the schedule for announcement) and there are rumors that it is Texas. They'd be my #1 choice. But not at JerryWorld.
Man I was pissed when I found out the UCLA game is at JerryWorld. Texas already plays the biggest game of the year in Dallas every year. Don't take a home game against a top 10 team away from the hometown fans.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on August 22, 2014, 01:37:53 PM
I'd say Maryland would be a nice tune-up game before Texas, but I don't think they'd make Michigan sweat enough.
Stupid school. :mad:
I think Maryland will be an exciting team to watch this year. The main contest will be to see if their line can buy their QB enough time to utilize their excellent receiving corps (a bunch of guys whom you wouldn't have even thought would consider Maryland). I don't think they match up well against Michigan, though, because Michigan's corners are going to be
very hard to throw against (and the more receivers, the better for Michigan, because they are way deeper at corner than anyone is at receiver).
Quote from: Valmy on August 22, 2014, 01:56:10 PM
Man I was pissed when I found out the UCLA game is at JerryWorld. Texas already plays the biggest game of the year in Dallas every year. Don't take a home game against a top 10 team away from the hometown fans.
Brian Cook at MGoBlog finally cracked the code on why teams do that JerryWorld shit; because the TV rights to those games goes to Jerry, they get a bigger cut than they'd get sharing home game TV revenue with the rest of the conference. That's about as big a betrayal of the spirit of college football as I can think of offhand. Students, especially, want to travel to other campuses and see other teams' home stadiums in action. The atmosphere at pro stadiums is pro; if you want that, there are already teams playing at pro stadiums...
I hope the conferences crack down on this shit. The LSU-Wisconsin "home and home" series at Houston's Reliant Stadium and Lambeau Field is an especially egregious example: there is no excuse for these games not to be at their home stadiums, because they aren't one-offs. It is interesting that LSU has agreed to play in the north (and that Wisconsin is willing to be an SEC punching bag for three straight years), but it would be far better if they played at their actual stadiums in front of their actual fans.
Quote from: Valmy on August 22, 2014, 01:56:10 PM
Man I was pissed when I found out the UCLA game is at JerryWorld. Texas already plays the biggest game of the year in Dallas every year. Don't take a home game against a top 10 team away from the hometown fans.
It's at Jerryworld instead of the Rose Bowl IIRC. The Horns aren't missing out on a home game.
E: At not a.
Just checked my listings. After ESPN quit the cable market here, we still get college football, but no more College Game Day, it seems. :(
(And no pregame/half time shows for NFL, either)
SHSU and EWU have been playing on EWUs terrible red field for a couple hours now. The Bearkats can't stop committing penalties.
Quote from: Syt on August 22, 2014, 03:06:47 PM
Just checked my listings. After ESPN quit the cable market here, we still get college football, but no more College Game Day, it seems. :(
(And no pregame/half time shows for NFL, either)
What the hell, man.
Aye. Also no more SportsCentre, 30 for 30 etc.
For a long time the coverage was with NASN ("North American Sports Network"), who were bought by ESPN like six or so years ago. ESPN stopped last year. I think the problem might have been that ESPN Europe financed themselves through subscription fees only (and they were part of my standard cable package, so no special fees). They broadcast mostly their own productions, obviously, except for live pro sports: NHL, MLB, NFL. For example NFL they showed three live games on Sunday, Monday Night Football and the Thursday night game, plus most other games taped after Sunday. For which they most probably had to pay extra to CBS, FOX etc.
Might have worked better if they had tried for third party advertising during ad breaks (their admittedly funny promo spots got old after seeing them a dozen times during a football game), but oh well.
At least the German station Sport 1 who took over don't put German commentary over the football games. Because that's *really* atrocious.
One would think Disney would be more open to taking Europeans' money.
So my Marshall friends are trying to talk me into going to their game at Miami (OH) Saturday. It's the same time as the WVU game so I'd normally say no, but given how I'm about as unenthusiastic about this year's team as I've ever been and how I can always record them getting destroyed by Bama and watch it later, I'm tempted to go.
Funny thing is I was looking on Miami's site for ticket info. Apparently you can get season tickets (6 home games) for as little as $75 :lol:
Quote from: derspiess on August 27, 2014, 12:07:43 PM
So my Marshall friends are trying to talk me into going to their game at Miami (OH) Saturday. It's the same time as the WVU game so I'd normally say no, but given how I'm about as unenthusiastic about this year's team as I've ever been and how I can always record them getting destroyed by Bama and watch it later, I'm tempted to go.
Funny thing is I was looking on Miami's site for ticket info. Apparently you can get season tickets (6 home games) for as little as $75 :lol:
I just looked, season tickets to the U of A Golden Bears football team cost $36 (for four games). That's not "as little as" - that's the price for everyone (less if you're a student).
The $75 for Miami tickets is for 18-under. You pay $95 if you're an adult (and of course more for "premium" seats). Students don't have to pay to get into games at most/all US universities.
Anyone following the Josh Shaw story out of USC?
Formerly starting CB managed to get high ankle sprains on both ankles outside of football. Out indefinitely.
Depending on who you believe, he injured himself either
A) Bravely jumping from a second floor balcony to the ground and then crawling into a pool to heroically rescue his drowning nephew, or
B) Jumping out of window while engaging in a burglary of a apartment building, or
C) Something else.
USC must be really missing Pete Carroll right now.
Quote from: Berkut on August 27, 2014, 02:20:33 PM
Anyone following the Josh Shaw story out of USC?
Formerly starting CB managed to get high ankle sprains on both ankles outside of football. Out indefinitely.
Depending on who you believe, he injured himself either
A) Bravely jumping from a second floor balcony to the ground and then crawling into a pool to heroically rescue his drowning nephew, or
B) Jumping out of window while engaging in a burglary of a apartment building, or
C) Something else.
USC must be really missing Pete Carroll right now.
I don't think it was a burglary. It was his girlfriend's apartment. I suspect they were having a tiff and he wasn't going to go away.
He definitely needed to come up with a better story, though. Concocting a heroic story and then watching everything spiral out of control... sounds like something a teenager would do.
Quote from: derspiess on August 27, 2014, 01:37:46 PM
The $75 for Miami tickets is for 18-under. You pay $95 if you're an adult (and of course more for "premium" seats). Students don't have to pay to get into games at most/all US universities.
I'd say that the number of Div-1A schools that don't charge for student tickets is probably less than those that do. Michigan charges $295 for season tickets; OSU $252; Alabama only sells half-season tickets at $10 per game. Texas charges $175 for an entire years' worth of tickets in all sports.
I need to go to a game this year. I need to hear "seven nation army" played repeatedly.
Interesting story about Hugh Freeze pranking his players to end two-a-days. I'm undecided over whether this prank just went to the edge, or went over it. http://www.redcuprebellion.com/2014/8/26/6070637/coach-hugh-freeze-likes-practical-jokes (http://www.redcuprebellion.com/2014/8/26/6070637/coach-hugh-freeze-likes-practical-jokes)
QuoteThroughout two a day practices, Freeze sends his "guy" (someone he trusts) up into Vaught Hemingway to look over the practice field with a camera phone and binoculars. When he sees the man take his post overlooking practice, Freeze yells at security, "Get that guy out of here! He can't be up there! Get rid of him!" Off the guards go, chasing the man away. Eventually, the players think nothing of this.
On the last day of two a day practices, Coach Freeze lets Paul Jackson in on his prank. Paul Jackson, of course, is the Strength Coach for the Ole Miss Rebels. With Coach Jackson in on the secret, they continue out to practice. As usual, Freeze's guy shows up to spy on practice. When Freeze sees the man, he yells out, "That's it! Forget security! Coach Jackson, get that camera and get that guy out of here, now!" Coach Jackson takes off running toward the stadium. The players go back to work, preparing for Oklahoma drills and other full contact drills.
As Coach Jackson begins to approach the man, Freeze exclaims to the team, "Look guys! Coach is about to get him!" Everyone looks up to see Coach Jackson knock the camera phone out of the man's hand and over the side of the stadium. The team begins to get excited and begins to cheer on their Strength Coach. The spy takes of running up the stadium with Coach Jackson in full pursuit. Players are screaming, "Get him Coach!" All eyes are on the chase that is taking place high up in the Vaught.
Now, what no one knows, except for Freeze, Jackson, and the spy, is that there is a dummy hidden atop the stadium. The dummy is dressed just like the spy. When the men reach the top, Coach Jackson hurls the dummy over the side of the stadium, seemingly sending the spy plummeting to the ground. You can hear a pin drop. The team goes from cheering to speechless. Immediately, Coach Freeze begins to shout, "Call the paramedics! Coaches, get these guys in the locker room now! No cell phones! Take their phones and don't let them talk to anyone!"
Now, with the players and the assistant coaches in the locker room flustered and bewildered, Freeze walks in. He looks over his team and begins to speak, "Okay guys, this is it. This is one of those All In moments. We have to protect Coach Jackson. We're going to bury the body, and we're going to bury the shovel."
The players faces are blank. Even a few freshman are heard whispering, "bury the body?!"
At this moment, Coach Jackson and the spy come rolling into the locker room. Practice is over, and the prank is a success. The team heads off to the movies. This is how two a day practices for the Ole Miss Rebels comes to a close in August of 2014. The End.
That is one of the funniest things I've read.
Quote from: grumbler on August 27, 2014, 06:25:27 PM
I'd say that the number of Div-1A schools that don't charge for student tickets is probably less than those that do. Michigan charges $295 for season tickets; OSU $252; Alabama only sells half-season tickets at $10 per game. Texas charges $175 for an entire years' worth of tickets in all sports.
Ouch. Seems a bit odd if you're already paying a student activity fee. But I guess if the tickets are in demand that much you can do it. At Marshall the students bitched about having to pay $5 for I-AA playoff tickets (which were subsidized by local businesses). And at Delaware they couldn't pay students to attend. About the only students who went to football games were freshman girls who had nothing else to do.
Quote from: derspiess on August 28, 2014, 11:19:18 AM
Quote from: grumbler on August 27, 2014, 06:25:27 PM
I'd say that the number of Div-1A schools that don't charge for student tickets is probably less than those that do. Michigan charges $295 for season tickets; OSU $252; Alabama only sells half-season tickets at $10 per game. Texas charges $175 for an entire years' worth of tickets in all sports.
Ouch. Seems a bit odd if you're already paying a student activity fee. But I guess if the tickets are in demand that much you can do it. At Marshall the students bitched about having to pay $5 for I-AA playoff tickets (which were subsidized by local businesses). And at Delaware they couldn't pay students to attend. About the only students who went to football games were freshman girls who had nothing else to do.
I don't know what schools charge student activity fees to support athletics, but I know Michigan and OSU don't. I'm pretty sure that Texas doesn't have any student support for athletics, either (and if they do, with what they make, they should be ashamed).
Quote from: alfred russel on August 28, 2014, 10:57:19 AM
That is one of the funniest things I've read.
pete carool faked cutting a football player from the team after the final practice, and the kid left, ran to the top of the practice facility roof, and threw over a dummy dressed just like him, leaving the players to watch him supposedly plunge to his death in a suicide. The dummy shattered when it hit the ground, thus ending the prank, but I think Carroll's idea was better. His prank ended on a bang, and Freeze's with more of a whimper. Freeze did do a better job of setting his prank up, though I thought he should have told his assistants.
That is fucking hilarious.
Quote from: grumbler on August 28, 2014, 11:25:41 AM
I don't know what schools charge student activity fees to support athletics, but I know Michigan and OSU don't. I'm pretty sure that Texas doesn't have any student support for athletics, either (and if they do, with what they make, they should be ashamed).
At both schools I attended the student activity fee paid for all student activities, like guest speakers, concerts, comedians, sporting events, etc.
Quote from: grumbler on August 28, 2014, 11:29:27 AM
Quote from: alfred russel on August 28, 2014, 10:57:19 AM
That is one of the funniest things I've read.
pete carool faked cutting a football player from the team after the final practice, and the kid left, ran to the top of the practice facility roof, and threw over a dummy dressed just like him, leaving the players to watch him supposedly plunge to his death in a suicide. The dummy shattered when it hit the ground, thus ending the prank, but I think Carroll's idea was better. His prank ended on a bang, and Freeze's with more of a whimper. Freeze did do a better job of setting his prank up, though I thought he should have told his assistants.
Pete Carroll also once had a guy fall out of scissor lift while his team watched--supposedly to his death--only to have Will Ferrell show up with the guy in good health--supposedly after saving him.
Brian Kelly tried to one up this by sending up a video guy up into a scissor lift in 50 mph winds, resulting in his death. While this did not get a huge number of laughs, it could be seen as an attempt to bring the team together in an update to the "win one for the gipper" strategy. "Win one for the video guy" was less effective, as Notre Dame lost its next contest to Tulsa.
What I think made Hugh Freeze superior to the others is that he didn't let it stop with his team thinking someone died. He took it to the next level and tried to get them into a cover up of the incident.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 28, 2014, 11:45:10 AM
What I think made Hugh Freeze superior to the others is that he didn't let it stop with his team thinking someone died. He took it to the next level and tried to get them into a cover up of the incident.
That's what made his prank's ending more lame and anticlimactic. He basically turned "All In" into a joke. Now his players have associated "All In" with a supposedly-hilarious mistruth, and I don't think that they will lose that association quickly.
Quote from: grumbler on August 28, 2014, 01:05:18 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on August 28, 2014, 11:45:10 AM
What I think made Hugh Freeze superior to the others is that he didn't let it stop with his team thinking someone died. He took it to the next level and tried to get them into a cover up of the incident.
That's what made his prank's ending more lame and anticlimactic. He basically turned "All In" into a joke. Now his players have associated "All In" with a supposedly-hilarious mistruth, and I don't think that they will lose that association quickly.
I think that is the best part. He was basically poking fun at the football culture he is building by extending it to a murder cover up.
"All in", if taken literally, is an absurd slogan for football. He is leading a team of grown men who should have known this.
Quote from: grumbler on August 28, 2014, 11:25:41 AM
I'm pretty sure that Texas doesn't have any student support for athletics, either (and if they do, with what they make, they should be ashamed).
Correct. Not a dime for intercollegiate athletics. In fact athletics gives money (a portion of the LHN money) to the school.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 28, 2014, 01:33:11 PM
I think that is the best part. He was basically poking fun at the football culture he is building by extending it to a murder cover up.
"All in", if taken literally, is an absurd slogan for football. He is leading a team of grown men who should have known this.
Actually, I am pretty sure he is a college coach, not a coach of "grown men." :hmm:
Any coach can, if he wants to, mock any element of his football culture that he wants to. But a smart coach doesn't damage his team's morale through mocking its values, even if it amuses the coach potatoes.
Edit: upon further reflection, I withdraw the argument. There were some funny moments in the locker room, and that's worth striving for as a coach.
Sounds like "meh" joke.
Really want to pull one on the team? Get the charter pilot to go pitch down for 15,000 feet on that first long flight to the Marshall road game.
Quote from: grumbler on August 28, 2014, 02:06:48 PM
Actually, I am pretty sure he is a college coach, not a coach of "grown men." :hmm:
Almost all of his players are 18+, hence men. I'll concede there is a philosophical issue of whether 18 year olds are "grown". After all, is anyone truly "grown"? Don't we all "grow" through life?
QuoteAny coach can, if he wants to, mock any element of his football culture that he wants to. But a smart coach doesn't damage his team's morale through mocking its values, even if it amuses the coach potatoes.
Are you referring to me as a coach potato? :hmm:
Quote from: Berkut on August 27, 2014, 02:20:33 PM
Anyone following the Josh Shaw story out of USC?
Formerly starting CB managed to get high ankle sprains on both ankles outside of football. Out indefinitely.
Depending on who you believe, he injured himself either
A) Bravely jumping from a second floor balcony to the ground and then crawling into a pool to heroically rescue his drowning nephew, or
B) Jumping out of window while engaging in a burglary of a apartment building, or
C) Something else.
USC must be really missing Pete Carroll right now.
Childishness and lying are probably to be expected from senior leaders in the Trojan program that came up under Lane Kiffen.
Anthony Brown also just quit the team after accusing Sarkisian of treating him like a slave.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 28, 2014, 04:26:47 PM
Anthony Brown also just quit the team after accusing Sarkisian of treating him like a slave.
Yeah, that's another one of those stupid statements that will live with a guy a lot longer than he will want. I think someone else would have noticed that Sarkasian was a racist by now, if he actually was one. That the statement comes from a guy bounced from position to position and buried on the depth chart doesn't add to its credibility.
Imo, the most interesting thing coming out of last night was Vandy getting beat down by Temple 37-7. Vandy looks like it has returned to being Vandy.
I was really questioning the whole "Franklin is a good coach" story in the first half of PSU-UCF game. There were a lot of bad calls by PSU. The second half has been much better-called.
PSU's O-line is awful. Looks like Michigan's line last year.
Wyoming and Montana going to fight the battle of the empty states this weekend.
West Virginia and Oklahoma State are playing some creampuffs...oh wait I mean they are the creampuffs.
Iowa State is playing the Fightin' Lacroix and everybody else just has some warm up games. But man I am so excited for the first game of the Charlie Strong era.
The Michigan-ASU game was highly unusual in that I never once thought "why the fuck did they call that play?" It's been at least ten years since I last saw a Michigan game that didn't feature at least one boneheaded offense play call. I think Nussmeier is a keeper.
This Michigan defense is for real. When the first string was in, ASU averaged something like 2.3 yards per play (and zero third down conversions). Sure, it is just ASU, but that's still good football play.
The Michigan offensive line still has a lot of issues, but Nussmeier's play calling kept them out of bad situations barring the one sack.
ASU's offensive coordinator is good. ASU didn't have the talent to execute the plays until they faced Michigan's third-string defense, but the play calling was solid and a plus. His players came ready to play, and made few mistakes. I wonder how long they will be able to keep him.
Stoopid Appalachian State. :mad:
Stoopid Navy. :mad:
Seedy, I thought both of those teams played excellent games. Neither had the talent to keep up over time, but both played hard and were prepared. I think the Domers might be in for a shock when they play Navy. They don't have the offensive weapons to come back with big plays like OSU did.
Well, it was just Nevada of course, but Arizona's freshman QB set some records in his first college start.
Throwing to an NFL caliber receiving corps (if they were aged of course) probably helps.
College football in August just doesn't seem right for some reason.
Quote from: Berkut on August 30, 2014, 03:58:14 PM
Well, it was just Nevada of course, but Arizona's freshman QB set some records in his first college start.
Throwing to an NFL caliber receiving corps (if they were aged of course) probably helps.
And he had a lot of help in the running game. That's a tough offense to stop if they are executing well.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on August 30, 2014, 04:25:50 PM
College football in August just doesn't seem right for some reason.
Agreed. Or, I should say, a greed.
They should probably drop the twelfth game and play an 8-team playoff, distributing the playoff money more evenly to make up for lost revenue from that twelfth game.
Quote from: grumbler on August 30, 2014, 03:54:43 PM
Seedy, I thought both of those teams played excellent games. Neither had the talent to keep up over time, but both played hard and were prepared. I think the Domers might be in for a shock when they play Navy. They don't have the offensive weapons to come back with big plays like OSU did.
Navy's offfensive line is serious business. They are going to truck some motherfuckers this year.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on August 30, 2014, 04:45:43 PM
Quote from: grumbler on August 30, 2014, 03:54:43 PM
Seedy, I thought both of those teams played excellent games. Neither had the talent to keep up over time, but both played hard and were prepared. I think the Domers might be in for a shock when they play Navy. They don't have the offensive weapons to come back with big plays like OSU did.
Navy's offfensive line is serious business. They are going to truck some motherfuckers this year.
They badly need a serviceable secondary, though.
Quote from: Valmy on August 30, 2014, 10:52:02 AM
West Virginia and Oklahoma State are playing some creampuffs...oh wait I mean they are the creampuffs.
Hey Spicey that creampuff has been tough for Bama to swallow so far.
Oh and how about those CycLOLs?
Quote from: Valmy on August 30, 2014, 05:36:13 PM
Quote from: Valmy on August 30, 2014, 10:52:02 AM
West Virginia and Oklahoma State are playing some creampuffs...oh wait I mean they are the creampuffs.
Hey Spicey that creampuff has been tough for Bama to swallow so far.
Oh and how about those CycLOLs?
WVU has played amazingly well so far, compared to expectations. This is also one of the few "neutral" site games I have seen that actually makes sense.
The Big 12 starts off 0-2. Le sigh.
Oh, and Berkut: tell me those were one-game jerseys on Arizona. Those were hideous. I think I won't watch any more games with red-on-blue jerseys.
Quote from: Valmy on August 30, 2014, 06:21:14 PM
The Big 12 starts off 0-2. Le sigh.
Best team in FCS beats a BCS team! BIGGEST UPSET OF ALL TIME!
Seriously, relax. The B12 lost two games they were expected to lose. The Big ten was closer in more games against cupcakes than I like, and NW lost to Cal.
I know it is just North Texas but damn Charlie Strong's defense is suffocating.
Wyoming completely curbstomped the #5 FCS team the Montana Grizzlies with a suffocating defense and powerful offense...
Ok, Wyoming escaped with a 17-12 win, no offense and a decent defense.
This might be a long, long year. At least Wyoming HAD a defense for the first time in about 5 years.
Oh, and no more "METH" signs in the endzone. Too bad.
I think an official just accidentally blew his whistle in the middle of a play in the UT-UNT game. Ash threw a little shovel pass to the TE, but while the ball was in the air, someone blew the play dead. TE caught it and just sort of stood there with it+gave the DB a smack. Everyone was in bounds. Very strange.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 30, 2014, 08:22:56 PM
I think an official just accidentally blew his whistle in the middle of a play in the UT-UNT game. Ash threw a little shovel pass to the TE, but while the ball was in the air, someone blew the play dead. TE caught it and just sort of stood there with it+gave the DB a smack. Everyone was in bounds. Very strange.
I know that was weird. The play just randomly stopped.
North Texas has three turnovers and 31 yards at the half :cool: :punk:
Quote from: Valmy on August 30, 2014, 07:32:52 PM
I know it is just North Texas but damn Charlie Strong's defense is suffocating.
I imagine playing his defense is a lot like getting a Charlie Strong bear hug. You may wiggle and flail a bit at first, but eventually you give up and are crushed to death in silence.
Quote from: Valmy on August 30, 2014, 08:37:19 PM
North Texas has three turnovers and 31 yards at the half :cool: :punk:
That being said, North Texas. :P
John Harris started out a shakily with a couple drops, but now the guy is making catches and trucking DBs. Ran over some poor schmuck for a TD just now. Earlier (after the weird play Val and I were talking about above) he carried a whole bunch of UNT players for a few yards before getting facemasked and finally going down. WRs that do shit like that are awesome.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 30, 2014, 08:52:02 PM
Quote from: Valmy on August 30, 2014, 08:37:19 PM
North Texas has three turnovers and 31 yards at the half :cool: :punk:
That being said, North Texas. :P
Held them to 94 yards and forced four turnovers. I know it is North Texas but that did my heart good. No play for over 8 yards all night.
MBM: Espinosa out, a defensive player who moved to OLine a few weeks ago started at tackle. It is going to be a rough season for the dudes up front on offense.
Edit: Oklahoma State and West Virginia did the Big 12 proud today. They both had every reason to expect to be blown out but they both brought it.
Todd Gurley 4 Heisman :cool:
Man here comes LSU.
Quote from: Valmy on August 30, 2014, 10:51:23 PM
MBM: Espinosa out, a defensive player who moved to OLine a few weeks ago started at tackle. It is going to be a rough season for the dudes up front on offense.
I saw Strong was talking about that in the press conference after the game. Talking about reshuffling the line and such. I just hope they can coach that freshman C up a lot over the next week. The "new" line has like....10 starts?...something like that, between them.
Wow brutal choke job by Wisconsin.
Quote from: Valmy on August 30, 2014, 11:52:46 PM
Wow brutal choke job by Wisconsin.
It's the grass.
(made by someone on SA from the "they're in" commercial)
e: spelling derp
Man, Washington's O looks.....off.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 31, 2014, 12:07:23 AM
Man, Washington's O looks.....off.
It is the magic of Chris Petersen. His presence gives the little guy a shot in every david vs. goliath matchup he coaches.
Horns starting C and the only Sr. on the line, Dom Espinosa, is done for the season with a broken ankle: http://www.barkingcarnival.com/2014/8/31/6091253/dominic-espinosa-lost-for-the-season
So who you got Valmy? Raulerson or James? James hasn't played C in a while, but has like 50 or 60lbs on Raulerson.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 31, 2014, 06:41:36 PM
So who you got Valmy? Raulerson or James? James hasn't played C in a while, but has like 50 or 60lbs on Raulerson.
Raulerson is not physically ready at all. But there was a reason he was the backup so it is him. This is bad, playing freshmen O-Lineman is a recipe for disaster. That is what happened in 2011 when Espinosa first got the job. It will be good to get Harrison back.
So David Ash has concussion symptoms and is out versus North Texas. So...yeah. Hope he just retires now.
I liked this composite picture (both of the players who have worn number 98 in Michigan football history, Devin Gardner and Tom Harmon); I like it when stuff like this happens, and am amazed that there are fans who can make these connections.
Quote from: Valmy on September 01, 2014, 01:31:05 PM
So David Ash has concussion symptoms and is out versus North Texas. So...yeah. Hope he just retires now.
Probably better to just get that out of the way now, and with (relatively, I guess) little damage, instead of worrying about the guy every time he takes a hit. He probably should have retired last year.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 01, 2014, 04:01:44 PM
Quote from: Valmy on September 01, 2014, 01:31:05 PM
So David Ash has concussion symptoms and is out versus North Texas. So...yeah. Hope he just retires now.
Probably better to just get that out of the way now, and with (relatively, I guess) little damage, instead of worrying about the guy every time he takes a hit. He probably should have retired last year.
Does Texas have the "three concussions and you are out" rule? This would be his third, no?
I agree that he needs to retire. Was he anything of a real pro prospect?
Quote from: grumbler on September 01, 2014, 04:10:33 PM
I agree that he needs to retire. Was he anything of a real pro prospect?
Nah he was an average College QB nothing more.
Quote from: grumbler on September 01, 2014, 03:42:47 PM
I liked this composite picture (both of the players who have worn number 98 in Michigan football history, Devin Gardner and Tom Harmon); I like it when stuff like this happens, and am amazed that there are fans who can make these connections.
Pretty neat.
Quote from: grumbler on September 01, 2014, 04:10:33 PM
Does Texas have the "three concussions and you are out" rule? This would be his third, no?
I agree that he needs to retire. Was he anything of a real pro prospect?
Strongly disagree that he should be forced (if that is what you are implying). Ron Jaworski had something like 30 concussions and is fine. There is something of a concussion panic right now that imo isn't warranted--NFL players, adjusted for demographics, appear to actually live longer than the average population. Most of those guys played before there were concussion rules and back in the day when trainers would give you smelling salts to get you alert and back in the game.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 01, 2014, 05:12:23 PM
Quote from: grumbler on September 01, 2014, 03:42:47 PM
I liked this composite picture (both of the players who have worn number 98 in Michigan football history, Devin Gardner and Tom Harmon); I like it when stuff like this happens, and am amazed that there are fans who can make these connections.
Pretty neat.
So, how you feeling about the ND-UM game? I can't imagine what is going through gamblers' minds that ND is a 5.5 point favorite. I think Michigan wins this outright. Golsen is a great QB, but everything he does well has to go against a Michigan strength.
I actually think that ND would start just about anybody in Michigan's defensive backfield 3-deep. ND will be able to run some, but they won't be able to pass. Michigan won't be able to run except to keep ND honest, but they will pass at will against ND's secondary. ND has nobody that can cover Funchess (height+speed+athleticism = #1JERSEYFORTHEFIRSTTIMEINTENYEARS), and Chesson wide and Funchess inside means ND can't double-team Funchess without going dime giving up the run game.
ND doesn't have the horses to handle Michigan this year. Only a total breakdown of the Michigan O-line (which isn't inconceivable; look at last year) can save the Domers.
QB v Safeties: Michigan, big
OL v DL: Domers, big
RB v LB: Michigan, big
Receivers v DB: Michigan, huge
That's the Tale of Two Cities.
Quote from: alfred russel on September 01, 2014, 06:06:28 PM
Strongly disagree that he should be forced (if that is what you are implying). Ron Jaworski had something like 30 concussions and is fine. There is something of a concussion panic right now that imo isn't warranted--NFL players, adjusted for demographics, appear to actually live longer than the average population. Most of those guys played before there were concussion rules and back in the day when trainers would give you smelling salts to get you alert and back in the game.
Lots of assertion, no facts. Do NFL players who suffer concussions live longer than those who do?
Some citations, bitte.
FACT: A records-based study of retired players conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) concludes that they have a much lower death rate than men in the general population.
Quote from: grumbler on September 01, 2014, 06:09:30 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 01, 2014, 05:12:23 PM
Quote from: grumbler on September 01, 2014, 03:42:47 PM
I liked this composite picture (both of the players who have worn number 98 in Michigan football history, Devin Gardner and Tom Harmon); I like it when stuff like this happens, and am amazed that there are fans who can make these connections.
Pretty neat.
So, how you feeling about the ND-UM game? I can't imagine what is going through gamblers' minds that ND is a 5.5 point favorite. I think Michigan wins this outright. Golsen is a great QB, but everything he does well has to go against a Michigan strength.
I actually think that ND would start just about anybody in Michigan's defensive backfield 3-deep. ND will be able to run some, but they won't be able to pass. Michigan won't be able to run except to keep ND honest, but they will pass at will against ND's secondary. ND has nobody that can cover Funchess (height+speed+athleticism = #1JERSEYFORTHEFIRSTTIMEINTENYEARS), and Chesson wide and Funchess inside means ND can't double-team Funchess without going dime giving up the run game.
ND doesn't have the horses to handle Michigan this year. Only a total breakdown of the Michigan O-line (which isn't inconceivable; look at last year) can save the Domers.
QB v Safeties: Michigan, big
OL v DL: Domers, big
RB v LB: Michigan, big
Receivers v DB: Michigan, huge
That's the Tale of Two Cities.
The only way ND has a chance is to grind it out on the ground, setting up the short pass, winning the time of possession battle, since Michigan can score and score fast, and ND's air defense is worse than Ukraine's. If they can get some turnovers and capitalize, but if they can't keep Michigan's offense off the field with consistent 3-and-outs, they're Golden Toast. My prediction is they keep it close until it all falls apart halfway through the 3rd quarter and Michigan decides to wake up and runs away with it.
Notre Dame is also eternally cursed and tainted.
By you know who.
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 01, 2014, 07:37:11 PM
Notre Dame is also eternally cursed and tainted.
By you know who.
You are talking about Brian Kelly?
FuckifIknow why anyone would play for him. He's a douche who recruits and then loses 5-stars like no one outside Lane Kiffin (LOL kiffin to Alabama to undo everything Saban has done).
Quote from: grumbler on September 01, 2014, 07:52:23 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 01, 2014, 07:37:11 PM
Notre Dame is also eternally cursed and tainted.
By you know who.
You are talking about Brian Kelly?
FuckifIknow why anyone would play for him. He's a douche who recruits and then loses 5-stars like no one outside Lane Kiffin (LOL kiffin to Alabama to undo everything Saban has done).
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 01, 2014, 07:55:17 PM
Quote from: grumbler on September 01, 2014, 07:52:23 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 01, 2014, 07:37:11 PM
Notre Dame is also eternally cursed and tainted.
By you know who.
You are talking about Brian Kelly?
FuckifIknow why anyone would play for him. He's a douche who recruits and then loses 5-stars like no one outside Lane Kiffin (LOL kiffin to Alabama to undo everything Saban has done).
FuckifIknow why anyone would play for him. He's a douche who writes about recruits and then writes about losing 5-stars like no one outside Lane Kiffin (LOL kiffin to Alabama to undo everything Saban has done).
Quote from: grumbler on September 01, 2014, 04:10:33 PM
Does Texas have the "three concussions and you are out" rule? This would be his third, no?
I agree that he needs to retire. Was he anything of a real pro prospect?
At least his third, yeah. I don't know if they have a rule like that though.
Pro prospects: Meh. Without the concussions and being able to play a normal amount of games and continuing to show normal improvement and all that, he'd probably be at least a late round pick practice squad/camp arm/maybe backup type guy (depending on how much he improved, obv). Good enough size, arm strength, and mobility, just needs to work on decision making.
So, how good is UTSA?
Are they improved over the last Arizona played them?
Quote from: grumbler on September 01, 2014, 07:58:11 PM
FuckifIknow why anyone would play for him. He's a douche who writes about recruits and then writes about losing 5-stars like no one outside Lane Kiffin (LOL kiffin to Alabama to undo everything Saban has done).
Many if not most successful coaches are douches.
Nick Saban: douchebag
Pete Carroll: douchebag
Urban Meyer: douchebag
Butch Davis: douchebag
Al Golden: seems like a nice and classy guy
God how I wish Butch Davis would come back. :(
I don't think it is odd players want to play for Brian Kelly: he is a winner. See the undefeated season at Cincinnati, multiple national championships at lower divisions, and the undefeated regular season at Notre Dame.
Wyoming plays Air Force this week. Wyoming has had a horrible defense for years, last week showed Wyoming has no offense, and even the "Howdy Fucking Doody" incident is long passed.
It will be a long night in Laramie. Valmy, I need my Meth-Vision.
I'd put Brian Kelly at the top of the douchebag rankings. As far as I know, none of those other guys were responsible for the death of a student.
Quote from: derspiess on September 02, 2014, 11:45:07 AM
I'd put Brian Kelly at the top of the douchebag rankings. As far as I know, none of those other guys were responsible for the death of a student.
Barry Switzer even allowed automatic weapons in players' dorms, but they never hit anybody shooting up the quad. KINDA LIKE THEIR WIDE RECEIVERS
Quote from: Valmy on August 30, 2014, 05:36:13 PM
Quote from: Valmy on August 30, 2014, 10:52:02 AM
West Virginia and Oklahoma State are playing some creampuffs...oh wait I mean they are the creampuffs.
Hey Spicey that creampuff has been tough for Bama to swallow so far.
The only reason they were competitive for most of the game is that I wasn't watching (tried to watch on my phone but for some reason the Watch ESPN app kept showing a different game instead of WVU-Bama).
The Marshall-Miami (OH) game felt like a I-AA game. Attendance was pathetic, but I guess what you'd expect for a MAC school coming off a perfect 0-12 season. I did get to overhear some entertaining Herd fan banter-- apparently they can write their own ticket for a spot in the 4-team playoff, with a prestigious (ex-BCS bowl) being the consolation if they don't.
Quote from: alfred russel on August 31, 2014, 10:06:58 AM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 31, 2014, 12:07:23 AM
Man, Washington's O looks.....off.
It is the magic of Chris Petersen. His presence gives the little guy a shot in every david vs. goliath matchup he coaches.
Or more so they are replacing QB( and this is the backup as the starter is sitting out 1 game suspension), 1st string RB and TE
Arizona fans are kind of going a little nuts over Anu, I think.
Arizona, which has had some pretty decent offenses at times, set a school record for yards in that game against UNLV.
Solomon had the 9th most passing yards for a single game in school history.
A freshman running back went for over 100 yards, and a senior running back who took his first snap at the RB position *ever* that night went over 100 as well.
Now, I think what all this means is:
1. UNLV doesn't have a very good defense...and part of that is because they were just brutally out-coached by RichRod and his staff. Davonte Neal, a 5-star WR recruit, caught a touchdown pass when he was matched up against a linebacker. Ooops.
2. Senior offensive lines are good to have. A couple years ago, when Arizona was struggling with an offensive line composed almost entirely of freshman and sophomores, people were saying "Man, these guys are rough...but in a couple years if they all stay healthy...". Well, it's a couple years, and they have most stayed healthy. You cannot over-estimate how important an experienced, quality O-Line is.
3. This WR group is ridiculous.
I think it is going to be a very interesting year. If the defense can just be...decent, we will do very well.
Quote from: Berkut on September 03, 2014, 08:18:21 AM
2. Senior offensive lines are good to have. A couple years ago, when Arizona was struggling with an offensive line composed almost entirely of freshman and sophomores, people were saying "Man, these guys are rough...but in a couple years if they all stay healthy...". Well, it's a couple years, and they have most stayed healthy. You cannot over-estimate how important an experienced, quality O-Line is.
Yep. That's what has Michigan fans snickering over all the "hot seat" comments regarding Hoke. Everyone knew that the team was going to pass through Attrition Valley after the woeful retention of RR's last two classes at Michigan; there were nine RS Juniors/seniors in the two-deep last year, and only six this year; on the offensive line, two and one, respectively. But next year, the O-line will have ten redshirt juniors and seniors available, lose one single player from the defensive two-deep, AND have all the rivalry games at home. It is almost impossible to imagine a scenario in which the AD throws all that away chasing a new coach.
Also, the Michigan AD came up through the pizza business and still has a lot of dominos stock. He doesn't just view Hoke as an employee, but also one of his best and most loyal customers.
Quote from: alfred russel on September 03, 2014, 08:48:59 AM
Also, the Michigan AD came up through the pizza business and still has a lot of dominos stock. He doesn't just view Hoke as an employee, but also one of his best and most loyal customers.
I am sure that that made sense in your mind when you thought of it, but it translates as gibberish in text. Care to try again, in English this time?
Quote from: grumbler on September 03, 2014, 08:53:50 AM
Quote from: alfred russel on September 03, 2014, 08:48:59 AM
Also, the Michigan AD came up through the pizza business and still has a lot of dominos stock. He doesn't just view Hoke as an employee, but also one of his best and most loyal customers.
I am sure that that made sense in your mind when you thought of it, but it translates as gibberish in text. Care to try again, in English this time?
I think you are slipping regarding your personal attacks. You were doing better when you implied I was a couch potato. :lol:
Quote from: alfred russel on September 03, 2014, 09:08:44 AM
Quote from: grumbler on September 03, 2014, 08:53:50 AM
Quote from: alfred russel on September 03, 2014, 08:48:59 AM
Also, the Michigan AD came up through the pizza business and still has a lot of dominos stock. He doesn't just view Hoke as an employee, but also one of his best and most loyal customers.
I am sure that that made sense in your mind when you thought of it, but it translates as gibberish in text. Care to try again, in English this time?
I think you are slipping regarding your personal attacks. You were doing better when you implied I was a couch potato. :lol:
Nope. That red herring still doesn't help make sense of your original post. :hmm:
:lol: I think plenty of people are capable of understanding the meaning of what I wrote. If you can't, maybe you should work at upping your reading comprehension skills.
Quote from: alfred russel on September 03, 2014, 09:20:02 AM
:lol: I think plenty of people are capable of understanding the meaning of what I wrote. If you can't, maybe you should work at upping your reading comprehension skills.
I'm starting to think that the obvious (that this is a mere fat joke) is the answer, though I hadn't thought even you so juvenile and 90s as to make one. It no longer maters, however, as I have lost interest in whatever it was that you were trying to do. Nice job blaming your unintelligible posts on everyone but yourself, though. :thumbsup:
Speaking of maters, my old neighbor keeps giving me tomatoes (I think he forgets he gave them to me before) and I have too many to know what to do with. He gets such a kick out of giving them away, I'd feel bad turning them down.
Quote from: derspiess on September 03, 2014, 11:40:30 AM
Speaking of maters, my old neighbor keeps giving me tomatoes (I think he forgets he gave them to me before) and I have too many to know what to do with. He gets such a kick out of giving them away, I'd feel bad turning them down.
Can 'en and sell them to Ohio State. They pay a lot for tomato cans they can kick around.
ND and Ohio State schedule a series in '22 and '23.
Wow, UTSA looked so much improved. They deserved to win that game tonight.
I think that this game will be good for Arizona though. They won ugly, but they won.
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 04, 2014, 07:16:15 PM
ND and Ohio State schedule a series in '22 and '23.
Yeah, this sort of blows all their excuses about cancelling the Michigan series out the window. They wouldn't even talk to Michigan about resuming the series because they "couldn't fit in a game against a Midwestern power team" and then they schedule exactly that, only not the traditional Midwestern power that has owned them five of the last six.
Quote from: grumbler on September 05, 2014, 11:32:46 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 04, 2014, 07:16:15 PM
ND and Ohio State schedule a series in '22 and '23.
Yeah, this sort of blows all their excuses about cancelling the Michigan series out the window. They wouldn't even talk to Michigan about resuming the series because they "couldn't fit in a game against a Midwestern power team" and then they schedule exactly that, only not the traditional Midwestern power that has owned them five of the last six.
Not really. College football these days is all about shiny flashy new things that catch the eye of recruits. Ohio State - ND will probably pull a higher rating than the 95th edition of Michigan - ND, and that buzz matters more than what the hardcore fans think.
Quote from: alfred russel on September 05, 2014, 11:41:42 AM
Not really. College football these days is all about shiny flashy new things that catch the eye of recruits. Ohio State - ND will probably pull a higher rating than the 95th edition of Michigan - ND, and that buzz matters more than what the hardcore fans think.
Not really. The UM-ND game was the fourth-most-watched regular season game on TV last year. When ND played OSU last time 'round (during a scheduled interregnum in the UM-ND series), the TV draw wasn't nearly as good. Facts trump uninformed guesses.
Quote from: alfred russel on September 05, 2014, 11:41:42 AM
Not really. College football these days is all about shiny flashy new things that catch the eye of recruits.
Sad, but true. And a big part of why I follow NFL a lot more than college football these days.
Quote from: derspiess on September 05, 2014, 12:07:01 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on September 05, 2014, 11:41:42 AM
Not really. College football these days is all about shiny flashy new things that catch the eye of recruits.
Sad, but true. And a big part of why I follow NFL a lot more than college football these days.
Meh. The flashy stuff catches the eye of the lightweights, and I am willing to allow the lightweights to be astonished and entertained by the way Oregon changes its uniforms more frequently than its underwear. For the most part, there are enough decent teams with the right priorities to support all the serious fans there are.
Oregon's uniforms have very little to do with any fans.
Quote from: sbr on September 05, 2014, 12:16:21 PM
Oregon's uniforms have very little to do with any fans.
AR seems to disagree. In fact, he thinks that college football "is all about shiny flashy new things."
Yes, and as the leaves turn to bear witness as a harbinger of another college football season, so does Dorsey4Sociopath talking out his ass and shitting up the college ball thread.
Quote from: grumbler on September 05, 2014, 12:13:50 PM
Meh. The flashy stuff catches the eye of the lightweights, and I am willing to allow the lightweights to be astonished and entertained by the way Oregon changes its uniforms more frequently than its underwear. For the most part, there are enough decent teams with the right priorities to support all the serious fans there are.
I also don't like where the game seems to be headed. I'll still watch, just less enthusiastically.
Quote from: derspiess on September 05, 2014, 03:12:51 PM
Quote from: grumbler on September 05, 2014, 12:13:50 PM
Meh. The flashy stuff catches the eye of the lightweights, and I am willing to allow the lightweights to be astonished and entertained by the way Oregon changes its uniforms more frequently than its underwear. For the most part, there are enough decent teams with the right priorities to support all the serious fans there are.
I also don't like where the game seems to be headed. I'll still watch, just less enthusiastically.
Oh, I agree absolutely that major college football is going down the wrong path. I think a lot of that will be corrected, though, now that the O'Bannon case has been so-well-decided, and the Big 5 are getting more autonomy. Plus, Dave Brandon has got to step down someday.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 05, 2014, 02:34:26 PM
Yes, and as the leaves turn to bear witness as a harbinger of another college football season, so does Dorsey4Sociopath talking out his ass and shitting up the college ball thread.
Here's one just for you and me. No Timmay clicks, please. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6acrHCbpRnw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6acrHCbpRnw)
You know he clicked it. :mad:
F'ing Desmond Howard. What, no Earnest Byner fumble highlights available for that extra special torture?
Quote from: grumbler on September 05, 2014, 12:06:51 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on September 05, 2014, 11:41:42 AM
Not really. College football these days is all about shiny flashy new things that catch the eye of recruits. Ohio State - ND will probably pull a higher rating than the 95th edition of Michigan - ND, and that buzz matters more than what the hardcore fans think.
Not really. The UM-ND game was the fourth-most-watched regular season game on TV last year. When ND played OSU last time 'round (during a scheduled interregnum in the UM-ND series), the TV draw wasn't nearly as good. Facts trump uninformed guesses.
Well yeah, it was a primetime game between two of the most popular teams in the country, one of which was coming off a title game appearance. Both were thought to be contenders. It even had some shiny newness to it with a rare bighouse night game and brady hoke trash talk.
I'd rather nd keep playing michigan rather than ohio state, and not wear stupid random uniforms and helmets, and not do things like play washington state in texas. But that isnt where the sport is. Notice that msu oregon is getting the gameday treatment this week while an arguably more important game with history (usc stanford) isnt. (Though a lot goes into that)
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 05, 2014, 06:46:01 PM
You know he clicked it. :mad:
F'ing Desmond Howard. What, no Earnest Byner fumble highlights available for that extra special torture?
F'in' Desmond Howard? What about Rocket Ishmail? Fucker defeated a dominant Michigan team all by himself.
Never been much of a Michigan State fan, but I hope they punch the Ducks right in the quackers.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 06, 2014, 11:05:48 AM
Never been much of a Michigan State fan, but I hope they punch the Ducks right in the quackers.
I'll really be interested to see how Oregon works against that MSU defense. MSU may not have the best players, but that defense is something else. Coaching, coaching, coaching. And I hate State.
There's a big debate on the Michigan forums about whether or not it is "treason" to hope that MSU defeats Oregon. To me, this isn't even a possibility. It clearly benefits Michigan, as a member of the Big Ten, to see the Big Ten look as strong as possible against non-conference foes, because there is a (small) chance that Michigan wins the Big Ten this year, and thus end up in consideration for the playoff. One of the Big 5 conference champs will end up outside the playoffs looking in. I'd prefer that not be my team.
Yeah, Sparty is a major asshole and their forums are a cesspool. Yeah, Sparty would rather see Sparty lose than Michigan benefit (fans of theirs have already said that they'd rather lose to Oregon than see Michigan go to the playoffs on the back of a Sparty win). But, Sparty's gonna Spart. The Big Ten does look bad again this year (Penn State required a superhuman play to beat Div 1AA McNeese State, FFS). It (and Michigan fans) actually needs Sparty to win, even if in-state Michigan fans have to listen to Sparty crow for a few weeks before Michigan beats them.
Best thing ever: a combo of the extremely rare cop facepalm, plus Buckeyes being Buckeyes:
"This is my handle, this is my spout"
No idea how to gauge this Washington team. Leading 59-52 vs #2 team in FCS E. Washington.
USC-Stanford was a fantastic game, right up to the last :19.
Quote from: grumbler on September 06, 2014, 02:18:00 PM
I'll really be interested to see how Oregon works against that MSU defense.
So far it doesn't seem to be much of an issue. Goddammit.
Hey look, it's Michigan State's 1st half, in 26 seconds
Quote from: katmai on September 06, 2014, 05:41:35 PM
No idea how to gauge this Washington team. Leading 59-52 vs #2 team in FCS E. Washington.
Survey results don't look promising. I am sure they will be back, though.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 06, 2014, 06:42:09 PM
Hey look, it's Michigan State's 1st half, in 26 seconds
MSU 24, Oregon 18 at the half. I'll take it.
Quote from: grumbler on September 06, 2014, 07:31:14 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 06, 2014, 06:42:09 PM
Hey look, it's Michigan State's 1st half, in 26 seconds
MSU 24, Oregon 18 at the half. I'll take it.
Great, I change the channel and then they decide to wake the fuck up. If I were living IN MY OWN FUCKING HOME, my NORAD Command Center would be up.
Fucking Wall Street.
Who should I cheer for MSU or Oregon?
Quiet, you.
Two Ohio State field goals missed. Christ.
Well the offense is a complete dumpster fire and the D is getting tired. SWEET
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 06, 2014, 09:01:43 PM
Well the offense is a complete dumpster fire and the D is getting tired. SWEET
THe D got whipped from the opening gun of the second half. Did they really get that tired in the first half? The special teams has collapsed as well pinning the young offense inside the ten twice and fumbling it once. The offense at least is a bunch of freshmen, these are Juniors and Seniors getting destroyed.
Damn Coach Strong you have a lot of work to do. I have to admit I did not see this 3rd quarter coming. This sets our expectations though, this is going to take a few years.
The D bailed the offense out for the entire first half. They cannot be expected to just be out there kicking ass the whole damn time with quick "drives" or turnovers from the O on every series. Eventually they were going to break and/or give up.
The O has done nothing but turn the ball over for the entire game, and no, they aren't a bunch of freshmen.
E: Actually, is Raulerson the only Fr? Swoopes (So), Brown (Sr), Gray (Jr), Harris (Sr), Johnson (Jr), Shipley (Sr), Swaim (Sr), Hutchins/Flowers/Doyle are Jr, Raulerson RS Fr, Perkins So. Gray isn't technically a starter, but w/e. Inexperienced, yes, but they're aren't a bunch of 18 year old Freshmen right out of high school.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 06, 2014, 09:12:38 PM
The D bailed the offense out for the entire first half. They cannot be expected to just be out there kicking ass the whole damn time with quick "drives" or turnovers from the O on every series. Eventually they were going to break and/or give up.
The O has done nothing but turn the ball over for the entire game, and no, they aren't a bunch of freshmen.
Um the offense put up about as many yards as BYU did in the first half and had more time of possession so I do not get the argument they got worn out. The defense played well but they hardly dominated. And yes ok not ALL the offense are freshman just the entire line and the QB. The special teams pinned that young unit back at the goal line on two straight drives before just fumbling it.
Besides even if what you say is true a defense needs to play well for more than a half and needs to get through more than three quarters without giving up nearly 400 yards. We needed an elite performance by this defense to help this offense get its legs today and we didn't get it. The special teams though did even worse.
Anyway pretty much have to score on every possession the rest of the game. Let's see what we got here.
I'm at some shitty hotel outside geneva at 4 in the morning trying to watch a laggy stream of the ND - Michigan game in my shitty room, and you know what? I appreciate the lag because this is making the game take longer making it possible to savor it just a bit more.
But what is going on in the Texas - BYU game? I see 34-0? Has the mormon god descended from the heavens to slay the Longhorns? Does Texas really suck that bad?
QuoteUm the offense put up about as many yards as BYU did in the first half and had more time of possession so I do not get the argument they got worn out.
:lol: Did you not see the first half? All BYU was doing was pounding on them for most of the half. They gave up one long drive (for 3), then kicked BYUs ass for a while, including giving up only 3 off of two turnovers that were in or right near Horns territory. The O needed to score some fucking points and take some pressure off.
Quote from: Valmy on September 06, 2014, 09:23:08 PM
And yes ok not ALL the offense are freshman just the entire line and the QB.
Or, you know, just Raulerson.
QuoteBesides even if what you say is true a defense needs to play well for more than a half and needs to get through more than three quarters without giving up nearly 400 yards. We needed an elite performance by this defense to help this offense get its legs today and we didn't get it. The special teams though did even worse.
They weren't going to win either way, Valmy, but actually having the offense shows up helps every once in a while.
E: Dude seriously, Swoopes was in Austin and actually playing in some games last year. You don't remember Mack burning his RS?
Quote from: katmai on September 02, 2014, 11:57:28 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on August 31, 2014, 10:06:58 AM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on August 31, 2014, 12:07:23 AM
Man, Washington's O looks.....off.
It is the magic of Chris Petersen. His presence gives the little guy a shot in every david vs. goliath matchup he coaches.
Or more so they are replacing QB( and this is the backup as the starter is sitting out 1 game suspension), 1st string RB and TE
Is that why they gave up 52 to East Washington?
I'm just saying, don't discount magic.
Also, don't discount the possibility that Boise State curses its coaches as they leave the school. How else can we explain Dan Hawkins at Colorado?
I like that they apparently have worked on Swoopes throwing motion.
E: But the O responds to a TO by giving it back. That's....I think four turnovers now.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 06, 2014, 09:28:56 PM
:lol: Did you not see the first half? All BYU was doing was pounding on them for most of the half. They gave up one long drive (for 3), then kicked BYUs ass for a while, including giving up only 3 off of two turnovers that were in or right near Horns territory. The O needed to score some fucking points and take some pressure off.
Of course I watched it. The O did some nice things. Those turnovers (by a junior and senior no less :bleeding:) were pretty bad. BYU was moving the ball but the defense managed to keep it together. The O got some first downs and had some time of possession though so there were a few good things to build on. Or at least should have helped keep the defense fresh.
Or, you know, just Raulerson
Well ok you got me. They line and the QB were all making amongst their first starts. Still that is pretty nitpicky.
QuoteThey weren't going to win either way, Valmy, but actually having the offense shows up helps every once in a while.
How did you know that?
Quotebut actually having the offense shows up helps every once in a while.
Of course it would have helped. I was only saying I did not see how the defense had been playing enough to justify the theory that they were just to exhausted by the beginning of the third quarter, they just got worked. That is also a special teams loaded with starters that fumbled and put the offense deep in their own territory. Seems like the whole team has serious work to do to me.
Quote from: grumbler on September 01, 2014, 06:09:30 PM
So, how you feeling about the ND-UM game? I can't imagine what is going through gamblers' minds that ND is a 5.5 point favorite. I think Michigan wins this outright. Golsen is a great QB, but everything he does well has to go against a Michigan strength.
I actually think that ND would start just about anybody in Michigan's defensive backfield 3-deep. ND will be able to run some, but they won't be able to pass. Michigan won't be able to run except to keep ND honest, but they will pass at will against ND's secondary. ND has nobody that can cover Funchess (height+speed+athleticism = #1JERSEYFORTHEFIRSTTIMEINTENYEARS), and Chesson wide and Funchess inside means ND can't double-team Funchess without going dime giving up the run game.
ND doesn't have the horses to handle Michigan this year. Only a total breakdown of the Michigan O-line (which isn't inconceivable; look at last year) can save the Domers.
QB v Safeties: Michigan, big
OL v DL: Domers, big
RB v LB: Michigan, big
Receivers v DB: Michigan, huge
That's the Tale of Two Cities.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 06, 2014, 09:36:06 PM
I like that they apparently have worked on Swoopes throwing motion.
E: But the O responds to a TO by giving it back. That's....I think four turnovers now.
That was a pretty bad throw but the only one on Swoopes. One of the TOs was by the special teams.
Don't get me wrong here I am not saying the offense doesn't suck, I expected that. But a total melt down by every phase of the game is something else.
And that's it for me. Ohio state's O is miserable.
Doh there goes the under. Knew I should have bet on the over.
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 06, 2014, 09:42:52 PM
And that's it for me. Ohio state's O is miserable.
Join the club!
Quote from: Valmy on September 06, 2014, 09:41:16 PMOf course I watched it. The O did some nice things. Those turnovers (by a junior and senior no less :bleeding:) were pretty bad. BYU was moving the ball but the defense managed to keep it together. The O got some first downs and had some time of possession though so there were a few good things to build on. Or at least should have helped keep the defense fresh.
Well Swoopes did some good things. But he needed to be 05 Vince Young to get anything with the way the rest of the O was generally playing.
QuoteWell ok you got me. They line and the QB were all making amongst their first starts. Still that is pretty nitpicky.
That's not nitpicky. You can't say they're just a bunch of freshmen to explain their screwups if they're not freshmen. They're inexperienced, but they didn't just step onto the 40 straight out of HS. Hell even Raulerson has had a redshirt year.
QuoteHow did you know that?
With that OL against a team like BYU? No fuckin way. I didn't think they'd embarrass themselves though.
QuoteOf course it would have helped. I was only saying I did not see how the defense had been playing enough to justify the theory that they were just to exhausted by the beginning of the third quarter, they just got worked. That is also a special teams loaded with starters that fumbled and put the offense deep in their own territory. Seems like the whole team has serious work to do to me.
I didn't say they were exhausted, I said they were getting tired and the O is no good. They gave up the initial drive, and they were right back out there when the O pissed the possession away. That's the kind of shit that made Muschamp look like he wanted to murder Mack every week.
My, my, my.
Quote from: Valmy on September 06, 2014, 09:42:34 PM
That was a pretty bad throw but the only one on Swoopes. One of the TOs was by the special teams.
Don't get me wrong here I am not saying the offense doesn't suck, I expected that. But a total melt down by every phase of the game is something else.
I think, of all players, Swoopes has looked the best on O. Which is ridiculous, but hey, maybe the guy will grow into being some sort of badass.
Today is the Big 10's Waterloo.
Today is Texas' Hiroshima.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 06, 2014, 09:55:35 PM
Well Swoopes did some good things. But he needed to be 05 Vince Young to get anything with the way the rest of the O was generally playing.
QuoteThat's not nitpicky. You can't say they're just a bunch of freshmen to explain their screwups if they're not freshmen. They're inexperienced, but they didn't just step onto the 40 straight out of HS. Hell even Raulerson has had a redshirt year.
I am saying the offense was inexperienced and was expected to struggle.
QuoteWith that OL against a team like BYU? No fuckin way. I didn't think they'd embarrass themselves though.
I thought they had a chance, but the defense needed to play elite. But yeah even if I thought they had no chance I did not expect this. But maybe after five years of having at least one beat down like this every year I should have started to get used it heh.
QuoteI didn't say they were exhausted, I said they were getting tired and the O is no good. They gave up the initial drive, and they were right back out there when the O pissed the possession away. That's the kind of shit that made Muschamp look like he wanted to murder Mack every week.
The O was getting run over, but the special teams also had them pinned back. Even so the BYU offense hardly broke a sweat. That was a total team effort and a shocking one.
Or maybe not. I remain constantly shocked just how thoroughly Mack Brown destroyed the program. It just gets more incomprehensible every year. It will be interesting what Strong can do with this dumpster fire moving forward. Unlike last year the schedule is brutal. Texas could, or rather probably should, be 2-4 going into Iowa State. That is going to be rough on recruiting.
Quote from: alfred russel on September 06, 2014, 10:00:59 PM
Today is Texas' Hiroshima.
Nah this is normal now. The only people still surprised by this are fans as delusional as me. But the Hiroshima was the 2012 OU game. We are still wading through the nuclear wreckage.
I didn't get to see much of the Ducks game at all, my old boss had a surprise 60th Birthday party. It was at the bar of a local golf course so I figured it would be OK, there would be TVs there. Nope, we got the goddamn banquet room. :bleeding:
I did get to see the sweet pick by Ifo and the last TD by watching a TV halfway blocked by a column through the mirror while I was eating and talking to my old boss.
Oh well. Great win, I wasn't expecting much, and then when they went down at the end of the half I figured they were done. This team might have something more than I am used too. We'll see when we play Stanford.
And I forgot to DVR it. :mad:
Quote from: alfred russel on September 06, 2014, 10:00:59 PM
Today is the Big 10's Waterloo.
Ohio State is now tied with Virginia Tech at 21.
Edit: whoops just jinxed them.
Helluva drive by VT there.
Not anymore
Quote from: Valmy on September 06, 2014, 10:23:25 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on September 06, 2014, 10:00:59 PM
Today is the Big 10's Waterloo.
Ohio State is now tied with Virginia Tech at 21.
The Imperial Guard's advance is underway.
LOL, Art Schlichter highlights from that Penn State game. THAT SEALS IT
Glad to see Maryland did their part for the Big 10. Lulz.
How can you not root for a QB named Kirkegaard? :lol:
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 07, 2014, 12:12:09 AM
How can you not root for a QB named Kirkegaard? :lol:
Captain Kirk has been roughed up by the fans and press here for a while. He is a career backup who only is starting because all the other QBs left and the roster is him and some redshirts and transfers. Still, Wyoming won after beating the mighty Falcons of Air Force, who came into War Memorial Stadium riding high after demolishing a powerful Nicholls State University the week before.
Now, of course, all Oregon Duck fans are shaking in their birks about the Brown and Gold juggernaut rolling into town this weekend, a Wyoming team ready to demolish them.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 06, 2014, 11:48:01 PM
Glad to see Maryland did their part for the Big 10. Lulz.
They and Rutgers; even Purdue got walloped by Central Michigan and Northwestern by NIU. Overall I think this is the ugliest week for the Big 10 I've ever seen (outside of bowl week ;).)
Well, we found out in week 2 which Big 5 conference isn't getting their champ into the playoff! :rolleyes:
God, does the Big Ten suck (again) this year.
Good to see you emerge from the darkness, g. Somebody showed up for yesterday's game, just wasn't the somebody I expected.
Shame the last game of the series had to go out that way. Bah, who am I kidding, that was awesome.
Oh, and Ed? Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha3.
Too many cubed Ha's.
Michigan and Texas desperately need to play this year. It would be a glorious pillow fight.
Quote from: Valmy on September 07, 2014, 07:50:11 PM
Michigan and Texas desperately need to play this year. It would be a glorious pillow fight.
You just want to see Hoke in a teddy.
Hoke looks uncannily like Mike Golic.
Fred Flintstone.
Hoke should have stayed in San Diego State. At least there he could have eaten at the Chart House after losing to some punk team.
Man, this weekend might have been the worst weekend for Big-10 football, ever. What a pounding.
The only consoloation, and it is pretty thin considering their performance, is that they have a chance to redeem themselves next week at least.
Was this week any worse than the average first week in January?
Seems like Maryland may have had the best showing for the conference last week. And Wisconsin at least throttled their patsy rather than squeaking by.
NCAA has reinstated Penn State's post season eligibility effective immediately.
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 07, 2014, 07:54:44 PM
Quote from: Valmy on September 07, 2014, 07:50:11 PM
Michigan and Texas desperately need to play this year. It would be a glorious pillow fight.
You just want to see Hoke in a teddy.
The good news is is that it seems Texas and Michigan are in negotiations for a home and home series this week. Bad news is it is for ten years from now. Hoke is probably not going to keep this job that long :(
Wyoming is a 43 point underdog to Oregon this week. I thought the spread was for the whole game, not just one half.
Maryland's unis for the West Virginia game, in celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Star Spangled Banner--
If only the Brits had knocked down that flag - they might've spared us that uniform. :(
I've seen far worse.
I'm pretty sure I heard that if the ducks win tomorrow they will be the first FBS program to win 50 games this decade.
Quote from: sbr on September 13, 2014, 01:33:36 AM
I'm pretty sure I heard that if the ducks win tomorrow they will be the first FBS program to win 50 games this decade.
All the more reason why Wyoming will have to put an end to the madness and pull off THE BIGGEST UPSET EVER.
Why are all these damned Maryland players named "Triumph"?
Because this game is to poop on.
Juggernaut. Been ages since I've seen WVU do something like this.
Lol some top notch officiating here.
Wyoming is up 7-0. I can shut off the internet, this one is in the bag.
Wyoming wins 14-48!
Well I want to say Huskies looked better today, but it was against Big Ten team....
South Carolina picking apart Georgia's secondary at will. And Ide doesn't even appreciate it. <_<
Quote from: katmai on September 13, 2014, 06:52:51 PM
Well I want to say Huskies looked better today, but it was against Big Ten team....
Yeah, nobody had much trouble beating a Big Ten team this week, so long as the match was even remotely equal. I think a Big Ten team will win when Penn State plays Rutgers...
Geez Iowa
Iowa State is to the NCAA what the Seattle Seahawks were to the NFL in the late 80s and early 90s: they'd never make it to the Super Bowl, but they were more than capable of ruining your day.
The Seahawks ruin every Sunday for me because the local affiliates still think 4 hours away still counts as the local team.
God watching College Football on Fox is horrible. Ads every two seconds. Announcers calling Tyrone Swoops Vince Young 2.0 because he threw a 8 yard TD pass. :wacko:
Edit: UCLA COUGHS IT UP! Just have burn four minutes off the clock :ph34r:
Edit 2: Damn it 1-2-3 punt. Back to feeling a bit queezy.
Edit 3: And they collapse. Well it was a nice 10 seconds it looked like Texas would win there :lol:
Did Hundley ever come back into the game?
Quote from: sbr on September 13, 2014, 10:37:17 PM
Did Hundley ever come back into the game?
Nope. That sucked to see. I hope he is ok. Hyperextended elbow I think they said.
Quote from: Valmy on September 13, 2014, 10:17:44 PM
Edit 3: And they collapse. Well it was a nice 10 seconds it looked like Texas would win there :lol:
:( If it makes you feel any better, Wyoming got stomped today.
Wait, that happens all the time, so that must make everyone feel better...
Getting stomped by those fucks from BYU two years in a row is like a billion times worse than getting stomped on the road at Oregon :P
Quote from: Valmy on September 13, 2014, 10:47:26 PM
Getting stomped by those fucks from BYU two years in a row is like a billion times worse than getting stomped on the road at Oregon :P
Ok, that's true. Trust me on that one, I know that from personal experience.
USC lost, UCLA looks pedestrian. Only team worth note for huskies seems to be Ducks.
This Arizona offense is pretty fucking sick.
Mayweather kicked Maidanas ass. Again.
Also there was apparently football today. UTSA and UT both lost. Sucks.
Is there a better freshman QB/RB combo in the nation than Anu Solomon and Nick Wilson? Certainly not through three games (which of course is not the meaningful, but still...)
Anu Solomon (redshirt freshman):
64 102 934 62.7 9.16 8 1 163.6
Nick Wilson(true freshman):
66 449 6.8 85 (TD) 4
Being a Longhorn fan is rough these days...but I would sure take it over being a Georgia fan. It must be rough getting Richt'd square in the nuts every single year.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 14, 2014, 01:45:25 AM
UTSA and UT both lost.
Much needed off week coming up before a game against Kansas. Offense looks like it is coming together, maybe they might have the ship righted before Baylor and the Okies. Hope springs eternal.
I'm seeing Oklahoma favored by only 7 over WVU. I know WVU has their offense chugging and they'll be at home, but I just don't see it being that close. I'd put money on Okietards and be happy if I lost.
Quote from: derspiess on September 16, 2014, 10:40:07 AM
I'm seeing Oklahoma favored by only 7 over WVU. I know WVU has their offense chugging and they'll be at home, but I just don't see it being that close. I'd put money on Okietards and be happy if I lost.
I've seen some commentary that suggests the opposite: that WVU matches up very well to OU's strengths, and that most of those seven points are a gift to the cognoscenti from those who just bet based on reputation.
Quote from: grumbler on September 16, 2014, 11:09:13 AM
I've seen some commentary that suggests the opposite: that WVU matches up very well to OU's strengths, and that most of those seven points are a gift to the cognoscenti from those who just bet based on reputation.
WVU's offense may be able to put up some points, but I just don't see the defense being up to the task. If it's as competitive as last year's game (though maybe with fewer turnovers) I'll be happy.
WVU will be striping the stadium according to the countless emails & FB posts, so there'll be that.
This a a joke, right? http://www.lostlettermen.com/article/texas-football-longhorns-add-intramural-qb-jimmy-greenwood (http://www.lostlettermen.com/article/texas-football-longhorns-add-intramural-qb-jimmy-greenwood)
QuoteWith starting quarterback David Ash out indefinitely and an untested Tyrone Swoopes under center — backed up by true freshman Jerrod Heard — the Longhorns have brought on intramural quarterback Jimmy Greenwood, reportedly a sophomore in the fraternity SAE.
I mean, there is no way Texas just had three total QBs on the whole team, walkons included, right? No former high school QBs playing wide receiver or linebacker or DB? It has to be a joke that Texas has to draft in the QB of a fraternity football team just to get the minimum QB depth to run a team... right? :unsure:
That's awesome.
Quote from: grumbler on September 17, 2014, 08:23:28 PM
I mean, there is no way Texas just had three total QBs on the whole team, walkons included, right? No former high school QBs playing wide receiver or linebacker or DB? It has to be a joke that Texas has to draft in the QB of a fraternity football team just to get the minimum QB depth to run a team... right? :unsure:
Ash is gone, Onyegbule tore his ACL. They Have Swoopes, Heard, Holtz, and Vinklarek. Heard is redshirted this year. Vinklarek and Holtz are walk ons.
E: Oh shit, he has a highlight video: http://www.burntorangenation.com/2014/9/11/6136441/did-ut-reach-out-to-former-high-school-qb-and-regular-college-kid
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 17, 2014, 08:41:49 PM
Quote from: grumbler on September 17, 2014, 08:23:28 PM
I mean, there is no way Texas just had three total QBs on the whole team, walkons included, right? No former high school QBs playing wide receiver or linebacker or DB? It has to be a joke that Texas has to draft in the QB of a fraternity football team just to get the minimum QB depth to run a team... right? :unsure:
Ash is gone, Onyegbule tore his ACL. They Have Swoopes, Heard, Holtz, and Vinklarek. Heard is redshirted this year. Vinklarek and Holtz are walk ons.
Okay. That's much more believable.
They just need more bodies, it looks like.
But that highlight video has me convinced: Dude is the next superstar QB out of Texas. :yes:
Quote from: grumbler on September 17, 2014, 08:23:28 PM
This a a joke, right? http://www.lostlettermen.com/article/texas-football-longhorns-add-intramural-qb-jimmy-greenwood (http://www.lostlettermen.com/article/texas-football-longhorns-add-intramural-qb-jimmy-greenwood)
QuoteWith starting quarterback David Ash out indefinitely and an untested Tyrone Swoopes under center backed up by true freshman Jerrod Heard the Longhorns have brought on intramural quarterback Jimmy Greenwood, reportedly a sophomore in the fraternity SAE.
I mean, there is no way Texas just had three total QBs on the whole team, walkons included, right? No former high school QBs playing wide receiver or linebacker or DB? It has to be a joke that Texas has to draft in the QB of a fraternity football team just to get the minimum QB depth to run a team... right? :unsure:
Texas' depth everywhere is pretty much a joke. Mack Brown's recruiting had been slumping for 8 years or so.
Arizona thanks you for Jones, btw.
Thank his lawyer. That was a felony.
DickRod eats dicks.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 17, 2014, 09:48:53 PM
Thank his lawyer. That was a felony.
But see, that's OK by Berkut, because he's not a Raven.
Soooooo apparently Texas doesn't have the worst kicker in the Big 12.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 17, 2014, 09:48:53 PM
Thank his lawyer. That was a felony.
Lots of things are felony's, but the story as I understand is that he got in a fight with someone over some girl and punched the guy in the face.
Was charged with assault, suspended from the team, charges were reduced to a misdemeanor, and he was reinstated but decided to transfer.
Is there more to it than that?
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 18, 2014, 06:48:58 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 17, 2014, 09:48:53 PM
Thank his lawyer. That was a felony.
But see, that's OK by Berkut, because he's not a Raven.
It's ok with Berkut because he is some kid who got in a fight. So what?
I love how you compare that to someone murdering someone and covering it up. Yeah, the only difference between him and your hero is that he isn't a Raven - that is the key detail.
Quote from: Berkut on September 18, 2014, 10:39:03 PM
It's ok with Berkut because he is some kid who got in a fight. So what?
You're OK with violence. Just not domestic violence. Gotcha.
QuoteI love how you compare that to someone murdering someone and covering it up. Yeah, the only difference between him and your hero is that he isn't a Raven - that is the key detail.
Still going with the whole "murdering" thing. That's almost as tired as Hansy's "Iraq wanted us to stay in 2010 but Obama destroyed America" meme. It is to LOL.
Berk, he attacked a guy and broke his face for talking to his ex-girlfriend who he didn't want talking to anyone. He was a fucking nutcase and Mack was a douche for reinstating him.
E: I don't think it got posted here: Texas Tech's DC got shitcanned for supposedly showing up to work "under the influence of an unknown substance."
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 19, 2014, 08:33:13 AM
Berk, he attacked a guy and broke his face for talking to his ex-girlfriend who he didn't want talking to anyone.
Source? I googled this last night, and all I could find was the initial police report, which sounded like a lot of "He said, she said, he said".
I would love to see something more definitive.
If it was an unprovoked attack, why wasn't he charged as such?
He was a fucking nutcase and Mack was a douche for reinstating him.
Were there other incidents beyond that one?
edit: I am not disputing your recounting MbM, I really don't know. I am thinking you probably had a much better view of the story back when it happened than myself, since of course I never paid any attention to him until he turned up at Arizona. And the press at Arizona was the standard "Dude fucks up with the law, got in trouble, needs a new home after proper due diligence was done to make sure he is a fine, upstanding young man of impeccable character blahblahbla (who happens to be really fucking good at catching oddly shaped balls)".
It doesn't really matter of course, since I have to presume that Rodriguez did reasonable diligence in his own investigation, but I would like to note it for future reference - I would hate to see Arizona become the refuge for dirtballs, no matter how good they are..
He was charged with felony aggravated assault due to the injuries he caused. They later decided the injuries weren't sufficient for a felony, which is interesting since he broke his jaw, and reduced it to misdemeanor assault. He had/has to meet some sort of requirements, I don't remember specifically what they were, or they'd toss him in jail for a year. Affidavit said it was unprovoked, and he had previously threatened the guy he attacked specifically because of this girl.
From when it happened:
It's good that he has apparently gotten his shit together and is doing well, but there was no way he should have still been at Texas after that. You just can't have football players going crazy and putting other scholarship athletes in the hospital because their ex girlfriend is hanging around with them.
E: It was a pretty big deal down this way in Longhorn-land, since he was a bigtime recruit and how it all happened. Can't believe he took out a damn tennis player over a damn volleyball player.
Yeah, no question he has to move on after something like that.
I don't know if the reduced charges are typical or not.
The entire thing where athletes get in trouble, and then go somewhere else is always kind of weird - if you do something bad enough that you cannot play for the school you were at when you did it, then how is it ok to go play somewhere else?
On the other hand, it isn't really reasonable to just say that once you do something bad, you are done forever.
In any case, he is doing incredibly well so far this year, which is pretty impressive considering how much competition there is at Arizona at his position.
Quote from: Berkut on September 19, 2014, 10:24:25 AM
Yeah, no question he has to move on after something like that.
I don't know if the reduced charges are typical or not.
That I don't know. I remember seeing a quote from the DA though saying they didn't consider the injuries sufficient to be a felony, which was surprising to me because the dude's jaw was broken. Always figure when you start talking about an assault that breaks bones, it gets to be pretty serious business.
QuoteThe entire thing where athletes get in trouble, and then go somewhere else is always kind of weird - if you do something bad enough that you cannot play for the school you were at when you did it, then how is it ok to go play somewhere else?
On the other hand, it isn't really reasonable to just say that once you do something bad, you are done forever.
In any case, he is doing incredibly well so far this year, which is pretty impressive considering how much competition there is at Arizona at his position.
Yeah, it's definitely weird. Fortunately this particular case seems to have worked out okay for him. If THE LAW is going to give him a second chance, really there's no reason another university shouldn't too. vOv
Quote from: Berkut on September 19, 2014, 09:29:34 AMI would hate to see Arizona become the refuge for dirtballs, no matter how good they are..
Looks like it's getting a head start. Ray Lewis will pray for them.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 19, 2014, 11:54:48 AM
Quote from: Berkut on September 19, 2014, 09:29:34 AMI would hate to see Arizona become the refuge for dirtballs, no matter how good they are..
Looks like it's getting a head start. Ray Lewis will pray for them.
Did you see RayRay's interview where he ranted about how Rice's situation was just totally different from his own?
Steve Young's response was hilarious.
Still doesnt change the fact Arizona's in the thug transfer market.
Berkut's smug sense of moral superiority: diminished.
I enjoy this. Please do continue.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 19, 2014, 02:09:32 PM
Still doesnt change the fact Arizona's in the thug transfer market.
The same market every D1 school is in, I am guessing.
Berkut's smug sense of moral superiority: diminished.
Feeling morally superior to you is based entirely on your slobbering all over a guy who murdered two people or helped someone get away with murdering two people. And since....yep, that is still true...my sense of moral superiority over Raven's fans is still intact.
Quote from: derspiess on September 19, 2014, 02:32:03 PM
I enjoy this. Please do continue.
Lulz, Bengals fan.
Just wait until the video comes out of Berkut's wife knocking him the fuck out in an elevator.
The best part would be watching her trying to drag me out of the elevator...
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on September 19, 2014, 10:01:03 AM
He was charged with felony aggravated assault due to the injuries he caused. They later decided the injuries weren't sufficient for a felony, which is interesting since he broke his jaw, and reduced it to misdemeanor assault. He had/has to meet some sort of requirements, I don't remember specifically what they were, or they'd toss him in jail for a year. Affidavit said it was unprovoked, and he had previously threatened the guy he attacked specifically because of this girl.
From when it happened:
It's good that he has apparently gotten his shit together and is doing well, but there was no way he should have still been at Texas after that. You just can't have football players going crazy and putting other scholarship athletes in the hospital because their ex girlfriend is hanging around with them.
E: It was a pretty big deal down this way in Longhorn-land, since he was a bigtime recruit and how it all happened. Can't believe he took out a damn tennis player over a damn volleyball player.
Any actual evidence?
:unsure: Of...what?
Raining a little bit for the USF - UCONN game.
Georgia crushes the Trojans! Well, the real ones from Troy, not the ones from Southern California...
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on September 20, 2014, 02:21:47 PM
Georgia crushes the Trojans! Well, the real ones from Troy, not the ones from Southern California...
Looks like Achilles had some 65+ kills. What a heel.
He was enraged because Steve Spurrier absconded with Briseis.
Michigan looking really sloppy right now...
Wyoming completely curbstomped the might Owls of Florida Atlantic 20-19.
All in all it was an excellent display of poor play calling and lucky breaks for Wyoming. As someone on the Wyoming board mentions, the game ball smells like shit because Wyoming pulled it out of their ass.
FAU fumbled on 1st and 10 from the 10 yard line with 2 minutes left. All they needed to do was kneel down three times and kick a field goal. Wyoming then threw an 85 yard pass and ran the clock down to kick the winning FG.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on September 20, 2014, 05:03:08 PM
Michigan looking really sloppy right now...
Really shitty playcalling, and some mental breakdowns by players. With this game, Hoke has lost me. If he can't beat Utah, there isn't a game left on the schedule that isn't a tossup at best. Time for a change.
So after taking first half off, UDub is now up 28-14 on Georgia St.
Quote from: katmai on September 20, 2014, 07:52:41 PM
So after taking first half off, UDub is now up 28-14 on Georgia St.
42-14 now
I've moved on from the Wendy's redhead to the Verizon Wireless brunette.
Wendy's chick has awful taste in men.
Quote from: grumbler on September 20, 2014, 07:34:17 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on September 20, 2014, 05:03:08 PM
Michigan looking really sloppy right now...
Really shitty playcalling, and some mental breakdowns by players. With this game, Hoke has lost me. If he can't beat Utah, there isn't a game left on the schedule that isn't a tossup at best. Time for a change.
Utah is a mediocre Pac-12 team, you can't expect Big Ten teams to hang with that without an outstanding game in all phases.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 20, 2014, 08:40:38 PM
I've moved on from the Wendy's redhead to the Verizon Wireless brunette.
No, too squishy faced and Jewwy.
edit: it's the AT&T girl I'm thinking about. Not as Jewwy.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on September 20, 2014, 08:44:54 PM
Wendy's chick has awful taste in men.
They're catering to their male demographic.
MSU 73, EMU 14; or as they say in Ypsilanti: "A close game."
As for Michigan, someone vandalized the Wikipedia page for Brady Hoke so that the opening line reads:
QuoteBrady Patrick Hoke (born November 3, 1958) is the former head football coach for the Michigan Wolverines football team
and changed his current title to "Exercise Coach."
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 20, 2014, 09:10:50 PM
They're catering to their male demographic.
Their demographic is tubbos, not beanpole hipster doofuses.
I did not expect many points in the Clemson-FSU game, but I expected some.
Quote from: Savonarola on September 20, 2014, 09:13:08 PM
MSU 73, EMU 14; or as they say in Ypsilanti: "A close game."
:( now they are going to be all tired out for the Wyoming game.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 20, 2014, 09:08:58 PM
No, too squishy faced and Jewwy.
edit: it's the AT&T girl I'm thinking about. Not as Jewwy.
Lol she is from Uzbekistan
I'd send her to Mahscrotumstan.
"Watching" the Arizona-Cal game on Gamecast is very stressful. How can DirectTV still not have Pac-12 network?
Arizona just recovered on onside kick and punched in another TD to close it to 43-45 with a couple minutes left. Apparently missed the 2 pt conversion.
Arizona has put up 30 points in the fourth quarter to make this a game. Was down 28-6 in the first half.
Caleb Jones has 13 catches for 186 and 3 scores.
Fuck, 2nd and 14 for Cal with 2:30 left and DPI for a first down. Killer penalty.
Cal misses a 47 yard field goal. Arizona ball down 2 with 52 seconds left, no timeouts.
Arizona hits Jones again for 41 yards, played called back on OPI call. :bleeding:
Solomon hits Hill for 20 yards, down to the Cal 47. We have a pretty good kicker, but probably need at least another 20...
As time expires, Solomon hits HIll for a 47 yard TD. Game over. Arizona fucking wins. HOLY SHIT WHY CANT I WATCH THAT ON TV???
Just trying to watch highlights now on ESPN.
Arizona hit Hill for 20 yard completiong, 7 seconds left on the clock, got down and spiked the ball with 4 seconds remaining at the Cal 47.
Last play of the game, Solomon to Austin Hill for a 47 yard TD. Stll no video posted of that last TD...there it is - Hail Mary into the end zone.
Anu Solomon ends up going 47/73 for 520 yards, 5 TDs, 2 INTs. That has to be some records there.
Caleb Jones: 13/186 3 TDs
Austin Hill: 8/127 2 TDs
Wow, what a game.
This might be one of the most amazing games at Arizona ever.
Cal celebrates a little early - sent this out in an email during the 4th quarter apparently.
RichRod comes to Jesus:
lol, Berkut transmitting play-by-play to Languish on Pacific Time, only people on are European soccer fags. Bless his little heart. DESERT SMARM
QuoteOhio State coach Urban Meyer told HBO's "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel" he was depressed while coaching at Florida in 2009, lost 37 pounds and was "mentally broke."
Meyer was suffering from chest pains and self-medicating for his stress.
"Now I'm taking two Ambiens," Meyer told the HBO show. "I would drink a beer on top of it, just to get some sleep. Not many people know that.
"And I go from 217 pounds to 180 pounds. I lose 37 pounds."
That all occurred when the Gators were undefeated in 2009 -- until losing to Alabama in the SEC title game.
After the loss to the Crimson Tide, Meyer was admitted into a hospital with chest pains.
"They said, 'We don't believe it was a heart attack.' " Meyer said. "So, OK, 'Well, what is it?' 'We don't know.'
"And then you start thinking, 'There's something wrong with me mentally, you know? What is going on here?' "
Meyer said he was depressed.
"I thought I was dying," Meyer said. "Mentally, I was broke."
Meyer said after Florida won the national title after the 2008 season he didn't -- and couldn't -- enjoy the victory. He began recruiting literally minutes after the 24-14 win over Oklahoma in the BCS title game in Miami ended.
"I was in a panic situation," Meyer said. "We just won it. We got to do it again. I close the door. And I started just recruiting. One of my friends came and said, 'What are you doing?' He said, 'Enjoy, what's wrong with you, man? Enjoy this.' I tried."
In 2009, Meyer resigned as Florida's coach before the Sugar Bowl, but then changed his mind and stayed. He left Florida for good after the 2010 season. He worked as an ESPN analyst in 2011 before becoming Ohio State's head coach in 2012.
Funny, I don't see him mention anywhere how he was self-medicating with a member of the U of F dance team. :lol:
Line up of suspects:
19 of 26 for 254 yards, 4 TDs, 0 ints.
Not a bad stats game, eh?
That is Anu Solomon in the 4th quarter last night.
Arizona State is sexier.
Hah! There is nothing anyone can say to make me sad about my Wildcats today.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 21, 2014, 10:08:44 AM
Line up of suspects:
1/22 are black. In Florida. Maybe affirmative action is still needed. :hmm: :P
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 21, 2014, 10:08:44 AM
Line up of suspects:
They are all guilty. Each and every one. Not an innocent among them. :)
Charlie Strong apparently kicked another guy off the team. I'm convinced this is part of his master plan to get rid of all the defensive players and take the field himself. Sternly looking at the opponent with his arms crossed, he will terrify the opponent into submission. He won't even have to move.
Quote from: alfred russel on September 23, 2014, 12:49:46 PM
Charlie Strong apparently kicked another guy off the team. I'm convinced this is part of his master plan to get rid of all the defensive players and take the field himself. Sternly looking at the opponent with his arms crossed, he will terrify the opponent into submission. He won't even have to move.
Kennedy Estelle played on the Oline. This is #9 kicked off the team. Mack was just letting them do whatever the fuck they wanted, it looks like.
I generally don't want to post other people's stuff here, but I saw this and had to share (ouch on the last one):
10 Promotional Slogans for the Michigan Football Ticket Sales Office
Watching them in-person is cheaper than breaking your TV.
- – – – -
Reserve your seat for the Jim Harbaugh Era.
- – – – -
Because where else can you see a guy with a
lineman's number try to play quarterback.
- – – – -
The Big House: The State of Michigan's largest depression support group.
- – – – -
A chance to maybe see Kate Upton in person
instead of leering at her online, you pervert.
- – – – -
You wanted RichRod gone. Deal with the consequences.
- – – – -
It really helps you appreciate all that we once were.
- – – – -
We wouldn't have put in all of these seats if we
thought you'd stop coming in. Do us a solid here.
- – – – -
Please. All the Coke you can drink. Please just come, guys.
- – – -
Because Michigan State games are sold out.
Number 9 burgers are the best thing about Ann Arbor.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on September 23, 2014, 06:12:09 PM
Number 9 burgers are the best thing about Ann Arbor.
Blimpy's is no more. They may re-open, but for now they are gone (lost their lease).
Quote from: Berkut on September 21, 2014, 09:35:15 AM
This is phenomenally bad Hail Mary defense.
Quote from: alfred russel on September 23, 2014, 12:49:46 PM
Charlie Strong apparently kicked another guy off the team. I'm convinced this is part of his master plan to get rid of all the defensive players and take the field himself. Sternly looking at the opponent with his arms crossed, he will terrify the opponent into submission. He won't even have to move.
His standards were:
Don't rape anybody
Go to class
Don't take any drugs
I didn't think that was that hard but apparently it is :lol:
Anyway loving what Charlie is doing so far. You can see him slowly whipping those dudes into shape.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on September 23, 2014, 08:27:39 PM
Quote from: Berkut on September 21, 2014, 09:35:15 AM
This is phenomenally bad Hail Mary defense.
Very few successful Hail Mary's don't involve bad defense of some kind or another.
Rushing 3 was a mistake to start.
This pillow fight between Texas and Kansas is riveting.
Meanwhile what is going on in Raleigh? plj any thoughts?
Gophers beating down Wolverines at Michigan. Total domination.
Caught a highlight that the Bearcats are up 7-0 on The Ohio State.
Big Ten: 3rd rate conference?
Who knew Maryland would be the juggernaut to save the Big 10?
Ed, grumbler: your conference sucks donkey assballs.
Quote from: Valmy on September 27, 2014, 05:25:06 PM
This pillow fight between Texas and Kansas is riveting.
Meanwhile what is going on in Raleigh? plj any thoughts?
An actual pillow fight would probably be more interesting than this shit. I mean, win however you can, but damn.
The alleged rapist thief guy who screams out obsenities in the Student Union has led the Noles back.
What is amazing to me is that Swoopes runs with all the speed and athletic prowess of Dan Marino yet the Texas offensive staffs think running the option with him is a great plan. The offense has regressed since the off week. That is bad news right there these guys suck so they cannot afford to not be working their asses off.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on September 27, 2014, 05:33:34 PM
Gophers beating down Wolverines at Michigan. Total domination.
Caught a highlight that the Bearcats are up 7-0 on The Ohio State.
Big Ten: 3rd rate conference?
Huh. 23-7 Ohio State now. Why don't you faggits wait a bit and stop acting like Tim.
Hm. UTSA games that are just local broadcasts have the Spurs radio guy as the pbp dude. He's actually better than a lot of the "regular" announcers on ESPN/FOX/etc. The guy with him sucks pretty bad though.
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 27, 2014, 06:03:47 PM
Huh. 23-7 Ohio State now. Why don't you faggits wait a bit and stop acting like Tim.
Sphincter says wrong score?
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 27, 2014, 07:05:37 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 27, 2014, 06:03:47 PM
Huh. 23-7 Ohio State now. Why don't you faggits wait a bit and stop acting like Tim.
Sphincter says wrong score?
Shut up before I punch your cat in the fart box trans-dimensionally.
Alrighty then. We'll check back with Ed later in the show, back to you at the studio, Steve.
Eli Apple of Ohio State sucks.
Michigan managed 171 yards of offense.
I think it is important for the 49ers to win lots of games this year to prevent Harbaugh from going to Michigan. Also, it is important for Michigan to really suck this year, because this seems to be the best opportunity in a generation to laugh at Michigan football.
Quote from: alfred russel on September 28, 2014, 12:35:05 AM
Michigan managed 171 yards of offense.
I think it is important for the 49ers to win lots of games this year to prevent Harbaugh from going to Michigan. Also, it is important for Michigan to really suck this year, because this seems to be the best opportunity in a generation to laugh at Michigan football.
Well, the best opportunity since 2008. This team might not be good, but I think they could beat Toledo.
Wyoming lost a close one at Michigan State 56-14. The plucky guys went in on the Spartan Homecoming and nearly pulled off the upset. In fact, the game was tied for most of the morning before kickoff.
Well, at least that paid for the new turf in War Memorial Stadium.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 27, 2014, 05:44:02 PM
Who knew Maryland would be the juggernaut to save the Big 10?
Ed, grumbler: your conference sucks donkey assballs.
I said that two weeks ago! :lol:
Quote from: Savonarola on September 28, 2014, 06:07:27 AM
Quote from: alfred russel on September 28, 2014, 12:35:05 AM
Michigan managed 171 yards of offense.
I think it is important for the 49ers to win lots of games this year to prevent Harbaugh from going to Michigan. Also, it is important for Michigan to really suck this year, because this seems to be the best opportunity in a generation to laugh at Michigan football.
Well, the best opportunity since 2008. This team might not be good, but I think they could beat Toledo.
2008 was always going to be a rebuilding year, and the inept offense that year was wholly predictable, what with the starters being a walkon and a transfer who'd never played a snap.
2014 is a complete mystery. They suck so hard, and yet this is year four of the second "rebuilding project." They have a redshirt senior QB who was a five-star recruit and who played at the end of last year like he was ready for the pros. This year, that same guy is a complete wreck, and the backup (also a 5-star recruit) is much, much worse.
No, this is the Year of Infinite Pain. Soon, analysts will be comparing Michigan to Miami (FL), and the humiliation will be complete.
As far as Harbaugh is concerned, no record will keep him with the 49ers - too much bad blood there. But he's not going back to college next year, not even if the Michigan job opens up.
Quote from: grumbler on September 28, 2014, 10:27:22 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 27, 2014, 05:44:02 PM
Who knew Maryland would be the juggernaut to save the Big 10?
Ed, grumbler: your conference sucks donkey assballs.
I said that two weeks ago! :lol:
Yeah, but I wasn't sold until now. Yikes.
Hoke made the evening national news for keeping that QB out there. The chick anchor tsk tsk'ed after the story.
Quote from: alfred russel on September 28, 2014, 12:35:05 AM
I think it is important for the 49ers to win lots of games this year to prevent Harbaugh from going to Michigan.
Wrong Harbaugh. :unsure:
QuoteMichigan interested in Baltimore Ravens coach John Harbaugh
the Wolverines would prefer John over brother Jim Harbaugh, the San Francisco 49ers coach who once quarterbacked the Wolverines, because he is viewed as more of a long-term option.
Both brothers told Texas to shove off, I wonder if it will be different for Big Blue.
Quote from: Valmy on September 28, 2014, 07:01:42 PM
Both brothers told Texas to shove off, I wonder if it will be different for Big Blue.
Jim played there...not sure why it would be different for John, unless he thought he was threatened with being fired (after a 3-1 start that doesn't seem so likely).
Probably, this is another situation where some elements of a college program (maybe just its fans) has deluded itself into thinking it is somehow such a premier college job it can bring in a top tier NFL coach. It would be fun to laugh at Michigan if this didn't happen at every single school worth a damn. In the end, most programs end up taking a successful coach from a lesser program like San Diego State, Louisville, Cincinnati, Temple, etc. or a coordinator from a top program or the NFL.
Charlie Weis just got fired by Kansas. I imagine the press conference:
First Question: What led you to the decision?
AD's Answer: It was a combination of factors that led us to terminate Coach Weis, such as...
Questioner Interrupts: No, I meant what led you to hire him? We all know why he should be fired.
Apparently, Jim's not just a raving psychopath during games; he's been rubbing the team the wrong way with crazy shit like banning card playing on team flights.
Charlie Weis was apparently talking about how dangerous Joe Bergeron is and how they need to account for him. Last week.
Quote from: Valmy on September 28, 2014, 07:01:42 PM
Both brothers told Texas to shove off, I wonder if it will be different for Big Blue.
It might if they actually ask, unlike Texas.
Why would Harbaugh want to leave the Niners? What did I miss?
Quote from: Berkut on September 28, 2014, 08:14:51 PM
Why would Harbaugh want to leave the Niners? What did I miss?
Rumors his relationship is bad there and money.
Quote from: Berkut on September 28, 2014, 08:14:51 PM
Why would Harbaugh want to leave the Niners? What did I miss?
Well-known tensions between the owner and Harbaugh. Last summer, they sat down to work out a contract extension, and when they stood up, there was no deal. They talked about talking again after this season, but all signs right now are that Harbaugh will be coaching a different (NFL) team next year.
There are some player issues as well (he's a rah-rah coach and they think of themselves as pros who make more than he does), but I don't think that's a factor.
Was just looking at the lines for the upcoming week. A couple suprised me:
Arizona a 23 pt dog to Oregon. This is a game I'm interested in watching--I expect Oregon to win, but I wouldn't be shocked if Arizona pushes them hard.
Basically a pick em in Tennessee - Florida. For years people have been waiting for this rivalry to get back to the competitiveness it had in the late 90s early 2000s. I'm not sure this is the way people wanted it to happen. Go Vols!
Go Ducks!
Quote from: alfred russel on September 29, 2014, 05:36:28 PM
Basically a pick em in Tennessee - Florida. For years people have been waiting for this rivalry to get back to the competitiveness it had in the late 90s early 2000s. I'm not sure this is the way people wanted it to happen. Go Vols!
It's a shame they can't both lose.
Quote from: alfred russel on September 29, 2014, 05:36:28 PM
Was just looking at the lines for the upcoming week. A couple suprised me:
Arizona a 23 pt dog to Oregon. This is a game I'm interested in watching--I expect Oregon to win, but I wouldn't be shocked if Arizona pushes them hard.
Basically a pick em in Tennessee - Florida. For years people have been waiting for this rivalry to get back to the competitiveness it had in the late 90s early 2000s. I'm not sure this is the way people wanted it to happen. Go Vols!
Arizona-Oregon is always bizarre it seems. Obviously Oregon is the better team, and will likely win.
I cannot at all predict how it will fall out though. I am not surprised by anything that happens in this game anymore, and that includes nothing at all happening, and Oregon cruising to a comfortable win.
I don't think Arizona will catch them sleeping again though.
Looks like I am going to the Ducks/Arizona game on Thursday.
Oregon Arizona is always a weird game, and always on Thursday for some reason.
Quote from: sbr on September 30, 2014, 06:23:57 PM
Looks like I am going to the Ducks/Arizona game on Thursday.
Awesome, I am so jealous.
I think Arizona winning this game would be an even bigger upset than last year. We have a freshman QB making his first road Pac-12 start in a brutal environment.
Frankly, last year happened because Arizona played far, far above themselves, while Oregon played far, far below themselves. That resulted in a complete blowout in a classic case of the upper team having everything to lose and the spoiler having everything to gain.
Oregon last year was down because of their loss to Stanford, and it showed on the road against a very hungry Arizona team.
None of those factors are at play. Oregon is playing brilliantly, they have everything to lose, and after last year they are going to be jacked up for some revenge.
Arizona has a great offense, but I suspect they will be stunned by the speed of the Oregon defense - Arizona might put up some points, but I don't see it being close.
Oregon 42-17.
On the way to Eugene now.
Well, Oregon has been saved by a couple calls going their way so far (Oregon just scored and the throwback play). That TD was probably a fumble, but no good angle to overturn.
Still, the Oregon o-line is not impressive. This Oregon team is likely good enough to beat Arizona at home, but so far I haven't seen anything to suggest they are a top ten team, much less a top 2 team. Kind of disappointing so far.
Well, I cannot really complain. Arizona is keeping it close despite some serious home field help from the officials.
That being said, the Arizona player is lucky he didn't get tossed for targeting on that last personal foul.
Oregon is, no surprise, incredibly dirty, but they are good at it. They extra shove "getting up" on every play, the not quite really late shots, etc., etc. not that it comes as a surprise, that is the culture they embrace.
Wow. So far the story here is the respective offensive lines.
Agreed and it isn't as closer as the score shows
24-17 Arizona. Arizona has dominated the 2nd half, but Oregon is driving....
Huge 4th and 11 play coming up...Let's see if Arizona can get pressure again.
Mariotta has not really run at all this game.
Man, that unsportsmanlike on Oregon is huge. The right call, but a bullshit rule, IMO.
If Arizona loses this game because they stop trying to put pressure on Oregon I am going to be...
And as I right that we send the best three star linebacker in the country and he strips the ball on a sack...
Holy shit. That is huge. How good is Arizona?
Barely beat California, so not that good.
Barely beat Oregon as well. And UTSA. So yeah, probably the worst 5-0 team in the country. :P
Huskies are best 4-1 so sure :D
Nice job, Arizona. Should help Gurley's Heisman chances. :cool:
For the rankings, this is a great way to win for Arizona and a terrible loss for Oregon. Arizona is now undefeated and beat Oregon in Eugene, so pollsters should put Arizona ahead of Oregon. But to do that, Arizona is going to have to jump way up the rankings (from unranked) and/or Oregon plummet.
Yeah, I was kind of wondering that myself - Arizona didn't get votes because it was thought that their perfect record was something of a fluke.
Beating Oregon at Autzen is not a fluke.
I can't see how you can rank a 5-0 Arizona with the single most impressive win of the year behind any team with a loss, for example. But will pollsters really be willing to move them from UR to, say, 12 or something?
If the Mississippi schools lose this weekend, they should be top 10. They need to be ahead of Oregon and Michigan State. Michigan State is ranked too high right now.
Quote from: Berkut on October 03, 2014, 09:08:28 AM
Yeah, I was kind of wondering that myself - Arizona didn't get votes because it was thought that their perfect record was something of a fluke.
Beating Oregon at Autzen is not a fluke.
More likely their 4-0 record was considered "untested", considering they beat 4 mediocre teams and 3 of them by a touchdown or less. Beating Oregon was probably a fluke, but we won't know until they get into the meat of their schedule.
Great win-- I guess you never underestimate RichRod. Congratz Berkut.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on October 03, 2014, 09:53:44 AM
Beating Oregon was probably a fluke, but we won't know until they get into the meat of their schedule.
I don't think it was a fluke.
One of the great tragedies of the 2014 season is that Arizona is not playing Michigan this year.
Yeah, that was definitely not a fluke. Arizona won the war on the lines, and when that happens, it isn't a "fluke" that you win.
Doesn't mean I think Arizona is going to beat Oregon more often than not if they replay that game in Autzen, of course, but it was not luck or a fluke.
Of course, the million dollar question now for Arizona is if they can sustain this, and beat USC at home next week.
I suspect Casteel's defense might be rather uniquely suited to play teams like Oregon. But perhaps not so much going up against more traditional power teams.
I suspect RichRod never quite got the Michigan guys to have this much fun:
Arizona really was a great land for him - a place where the expectations are reasonable, and he doesn't have to overcome and entrenched and storied existing tradition and way of doing things that might not line up with his own.
Ok now Arizona just has to finish 7-0 so they can take a playoff spot from the SEC. RichRod has got this right?
Yeah, I know.
But there are 4 spots and 5 power conferences. I don't think the Pac-12 is going to end up without one of those spots one way or another.
We really need an 8 team playoff. Each power conference gets a bid, and then three at large.
Arizona doesn't play Pittsburgh in the last game, right?
Quote from: Valmy on October 03, 2014, 01:43:36 PM
Ok now Arizona just has to finish 7-0
And then call off the rest of the season.
Quote from: Berkut on October 03, 2014, 01:45:26 PM
Yeah, I know.
But there are 4 spots and 5 power conferences. I don't think the Pac-12 is going to end up without one of those spots one way or another.
We really need an 8 team playoff. Each power conference gets a bid, and then three at large.
I wouldn't be surprised if one of the (financially)weaker of the power conferences dissolves and it resolves itself naturally. We fixed the glitch.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on October 03, 2014, 01:57:40 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 03, 2014, 01:43:36 PM
Ok now Arizona just has to finish 7-0
And then call off the rest of the season.
No I meant go 7-0 in their next seven games. But I just remembered the PAC 12 has a championship game so make that 8-0.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on October 03, 2014, 02:03:02 PM
Quote from: Berkut on October 03, 2014, 01:45:26 PM
Yeah, I know.
But there are 4 spots and 5 power conferences. I don't think the Pac-12 is going to end up without one of those spots one way or another.
We really need an 8 team playoff. Each power conference gets a bid, and then three at large.
I wouldn't be surprised if one of the (financially)weaker of the power conferences dissolves and it resolves itself naturally. We fixed the glitch.
Impossible. The conference are all too big as it is. Where would all those schools go?
Quote from: Valmy on October 03, 2014, 02:03:48 PM
No I meant go 7-0 in their next seven games. But I just remembered the PAC 12 has a championship game so make that 8-0.
I know, just don't think it will happen.
There is no way anyway gets out of the Pac-12 this year undefeated.
If we've learned anything at all about the Pac-12 it is that the bad teams are pretty good, and the great teams aren't as great as they thought.
The parity level is almost ridiculous.
Quote from: Valmy on October 03, 2014, 02:04:27 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on October 03, 2014, 02:03:02 PM
Quote from: Berkut on October 03, 2014, 01:45:26 PM
Yeah, I know.
But there are 4 spots and 5 power conferences. I don't think the Pac-12 is going to end up without one of those spots one way or another.
We really need an 8 team playoff. Each power conference gets a bid, and then three at large.
I wouldn't be surprised if one of the (financially)weaker of the power conferences dissolves and it resolves itself naturally. We fixed the glitch.
Impossible. The conference are all too big as it is. Where would all those schools go?
I don't know, but there is a bit of a size mismatch even in the five conferences. Bringing them all up to 14 each in four conferences would only leave like two or three teams out in the cold.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on October 03, 2014, 02:21:50 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 03, 2014, 02:04:27 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on October 03, 2014, 02:03:02 PM
Quote from: Berkut on October 03, 2014, 01:45:26 PM
Yeah, I know.
But there are 4 spots and 5 power conferences. I don't think the Pac-12 is going to end up without one of those spots one way or another.
We really need an 8 team playoff. Each power conference gets a bid, and then three at large.
I wouldn't be surprised if one of the (financially)weaker of the power conferences dissolves and it resolves itself naturally. We fixed the glitch.
Impossible. The conference are all too big as it is. Where would all those schools go?
I don't know, but there is a bit of a size mismatch even in the five conferences. Bringing them all up to 14 each in four conferences would only leave like two or three teams out in the cold.
...which is politically impossible to do. What conference commissioner would ever agree to such a thing?
Huh? The Big 10, ACC, and SEC already have 14 teams (and the ACC has 15 if you count Notre Dame). Eight would get left out.
And 14 is an upper limit. Those conferences are stupid big, like they hardly ever play a lot of their conference mates.
Quote from: Berkut on October 03, 2014, 02:26:30 PM
...which is politically impossible to do. What conference commissioner would ever agree to such a thing?
A conference commissioner brought in to do just that?
But I agree that it won't happen. Costs would skyrocket, and thus profits plummet. Who in the current ACC (which is, I believe, the wekaest conference financially, though that may have changed) would agree to play in the Pac-12 to bring them up to 14 teams?
My prediction is that Arizona get's ranked 26th; it would be 25th, but the mere presence of Notre Dame will be the one reason they're pushed off the radar.
Maryland got a proper introduction to the Big 10. Snap snap fags.
Nice one from the Other Bulldogs.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on October 04, 2014, 02:30:51 PM
Nice one from the Other Bulldogs.
I haven't seen the vaunted offensive line of A&M get this whipped since the pre-Sherman days. That does not bode well for Sumlin moving forwards.
Quote from: Ed Anger on October 04, 2014, 02:26:37 PM
Maryland got a proper introduction to the Big 10. Snap snap fags.
Enjoy it while it lasts, before Mrs. Meyer finds out about Little Miss Buckeye Dance Team.
Down goes Alabama, down goes Oklahoma, 2,3,4 all lose this week?
Maybe now people will take Notre Dame seriously. :mad:
Good day for TCU and Baylor, bad day for Texas and Texas A&M. The state is being turned upside down.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 04, 2014, 06:34:12 PM
Maybe now people will take Notre Dame seriously. :mad:
woah let's not get carried away
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 04, 2014, 06:34:12 PM
Maybe now people will take Notre Dame seriously. :mad:
Not until they beat Florida State.
charliebear wants Sparty to win so bad she telepathically knocks over Nebraska's O-Line.
Ok now I really want to see who Mark May picks for the playoff next week.
Mark May eats poop
Grumble's blood pressure might be a tad high righ now.
I'm curious as to what Saban's going to do tonight; kick some puppies, or cruise for runaway streetwalkers, the kind that nobody will miss.
I assume Hoke is gonna order the 2 large pizzas for 5.99 each.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 04, 2014, 09:18:33 PM
I'm curious as to what Saban's going to do tonight; kick some puppies, or cruise for runaway streetwalkers, the kind that nobody will miss.
I'm pretty sure you won't find him diddling prepubescent boys along side the Notre Dame staff.
Wait what? :huh:
Notre Dame -> Catholic -> buttfuck prepubescent boys :huh:
Quote from: sbr on October 04, 2014, 10:04:58 PM
Notre Dame -> Catholic -> buttfuck prepubescent boys :huh:
Oh gotcha. After Penn State it is hard to know whether you were being literal or not.
Quote from: sbr on October 04, 2014, 09:55:04 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 04, 2014, 09:18:33 PM
I'm curious as to what Saban's going to do tonight; kick some puppies, or cruise for runaway streetwalkers, the kind that nobody will miss.
I'm pretty sure you won't find him diddling prepubescent boys along side the Notre Dame staff.
I understand; with your Patriots officially in the shitter, all you have is college football season. I understand the need to lash out. It's OK.
Ok how many Hail Marys is the freaking PAC 12 season going to have?
Wow is Michigian State going to Michigan State this thing away?
Frankly, I don't know what all the fuss is about. Down here in Mississippi, the weather is perfect, the women are beautiful, and the beer is cheap.
charliebears psychic powers did it again!
Lolz at USC and UCLA is losing to Utes.
Quote from: Valmy on October 04, 2014, 10:10:07 PM
Quote from: sbr on October 04, 2014, 10:04:58 PM
Notre Dame -> Catholic -> buttfuck prepubescent boys :huh:
Oh gotcha. After Penn State it is hard to know whether you were being literal or not.
I think this is a good point. Remember when Miami and Penn State played in the Fiesta Bowl? Even today the game is remembered in good versus evil terms, with the thug Hurricanes wearing camo and sabotaging some of the pre game festivities. But you know what? That was all bullshit. Miami may not have conformed to what the college world of the time wanted, but in hindsight they were the good guys. Penn State was an evil beyond what most imagined possible in college football.
Eventually Miami was beaten down/stupid enough to try to conform to the "good guy" image the rest of college football. So what did they do? They went right to the supposed source of traditional virtue that the college football establishment put on a pedestal: a former Penn State player and coach, who played for Sandusky and coached for Paterno, Al Golden.
Fuck Al Golden and his stupid ass tie on the sideline. If he wants to play dress up, he should at least look up Schnellenberger.
After the 1991 Cotton Bowl Miami can go 0-12 every year forever. Serves them right.
So today, a most glorious day of college football, with upsets all over the place, and a dramatic ND win over a quality opponent, went like this:
-I worked all day
-I went to the Miami game, meaning while I could have caught the second half of the ND game, I didn't get to as I was going to the stadium.
-I watched Al Golden take a team full of solid South Florida talent lose to a Paul Johnson team that can't convince anyone worth a damn to come to an engineering school with a half dozen coeds enrolled and play in a high school offense.
-I didn't get to see any other games today.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 04, 2014, 11:26:41 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 04, 2014, 10:10:07 PM
Quote from: sbr on October 04, 2014, 10:04:58 PM
Notre Dame -> Catholic -> buttfuck prepubescent boys :huh:
Oh gotcha. After Penn State it is hard to know whether you were being literal or not.
I think this is a good point. Remember when Miami and Penn State played in the Fiesta Bowl? Even today the game is remembered in good versus evil terms, with the thug Hurricanes wearing camo and sabotaging some of the pre game festivities. But you know what? That was all bullshit. Miami may not have conformed to what the college world of the time wanted, but in hindsight they were the good guys. Penn State was an evil beyond what most imagined possible in college football.
Eventually Miami was beaten down/stupid enough to try to conform to the "good guy" image the rest of college football. So what did they do? They went right to the supposed source of traditional virtue that the college football establishment put on a pedestal: a former Penn State player and coach, who played for Sandusky and coached for Paterno, Al Golden.
Fuck Al Golden and his stupid ass tie on the sideline. If he wants to play dress up, he should at least look up Schnellenberger.
You say it's a good point, and then you write something totally unrelated. It's as if you aged your post.
Wazzu qb threw for 734 yds and the totaled 812 yds only to lose 60-59 to California who now leads Pac-12 North. :lol:
Suddenly Arizona beating Cal doesn't look like such a bad win anymore...
Uh it was Wazzu Berk :P
Quote from: Scipio on October 04, 2014, 11:15:13 PM
Frankly, I don't know what all the fuss is about. Down here in Mississippi, the weather is perfect, the women are beautiful, and the beer is cheap.
Biggest day in the history of the state of Mississippi that doesn't involve Ulysses grant or the national guard!
Quote from: katmai on October 05, 2014, 06:39:21 AM
Uh it was Wazzu Berk :P
Not about waz u, it is about Cal being 4-1 now overall.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 05, 2014, 12:59:52 AM
You say it's a good point, and then you write something totally unrelated. It's as if you aged your post.
I agree. To expand on what you are saying, there a few things that should be changed to make attending college football games less annoying.
1) Alcohol sales should be allowed everywhere. I know most schools don't allow this, but Miami does (or at least has until recently, haven't been to a home game in a few years), and it makes a much better atmosphere.
2) I've sort of come to accept that people will yell at you to sit down if you stand up all game. But I don't want to sit down, and I know lots of people don't want to either. There should be sections for fans that want to stand. (for what its worth, at the old Orange Bowl there used to be an area like this, but it got broken up when Miami moved to the new stadium).
3) No more TV timeouts, and bring back the old clock rules (lol, never going to happen).
4) I've made peace with uniform changes. But I think they are counterproductive. Tradition is probably the best selling point to fans, and one of the best to recruits (depending on the school), and rather than capitalizing on that by coming out in a uniform reminiscent of the old glory days, you come out in some butt ugly uniform designed by the B team at Nike/Adidas/Whoever. I'm not sure if some of them are actually designed at all—they may be random color combinations thrown together by a computer program. Jersey sales are negligible sources of revenue anyway, and it seems most fans are buying the throwbacks and more traditional designs.
5) College football was better when Miami didn't lose all the time.
I would hope, in some twist of fate, that you and Shane Conlan are both convicted of separate crimes at the exact same time and sent to the same prison to be cell mates so, over the course of many years, he can rape you.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 05, 2014, 01:00:08 PM
I would hope, in some twist of fate, that you and Shane Conlan are both convicted of separate crimes at the exact same time and sent to the same prison to be cell mates so, over the course of many years, he can rape you.
The guy was Sandusky's understudy; I'm sure he would want to.
Arizona makes the largest jump from UR in AP poll history, to #10.
Quote from: Berkut on October 05, 2014, 06:11:16 PM
Arizona makes the largest jump from UR in AP poll history, to #10.
Unless there is an unwritten rule that a Big 10 team must at all times be ranked in the top 10, I'm confused how Michigan State is #8. They have played two opponents worth mentioning (in addition to Wyoming of course): and lost to Oregon and barely beat Nebraska.
Also it feels like overkill to have 4 SEC West teams in the top 7, but I think that will sort itself out.
Michigan is much further east than Arizona, so I am not surprised.
Anyway, I could not care less about ranking at this point anyway.
Right now Arizona is first in the Pac-12. The rest of their schedule though is just brutal, especially given how well some of these teams that are not supposed to be very good are playing.
USC at home next week. 65%
@WSU a team that just broke the FBS record for passing, and Arizona's secondary is...not so good. 60%
@UCLA A more traditional, power team, and Arizona struggles against those 40%
Colorado at home - that should be a win at least, right? 75%
Washington at home - again, should be a win, but they are pretty good 70%
@Utah has been playing extremely well, with an excellent defense. 50%
ASU at home. It is ASU. RR is 0-2 against them, and assuming we come into this game with the league title on the line, this would make their decade to knock Arizona out of the conference title game 50%
I could see Arizona finishing anywhere from 6-1 to 3-4 from here out. Even 3-4 is 8-4 overall - a pretty decent season considering we came into this with no running back and a freshman QB. But of course now expectations are rather different.
The real key is our defense. Was Oregon a fluke? A particulary good match up, speed against speed? Or has the Arizona defense finally figured out this 335 thing? They don't have to be great, just..average. But other than Oregon, they have not been average even this year...
You guys are actually an underdog right now to USC.
I can imagine Arizona making a run, but the odds of a team doing that with a freshman qb are not good, and on a team without a dominant defense even worse. Maybe they could win the division with two or three losses?
Quote from: alfred russel on October 05, 2014, 10:16:28 PM
You guys are actually an underdog right now to USC.
That makes no sense at all, if only because we are at home.
However, Arizona does have a pretty terrible record after huge wins, so I guess I could see that from a betting perspective.
I can imagine Arizona making a run, but the odds of a team doing that with a freshman qb are not good, and on a team without a dominant defense even worse. Maybe they could win the division with two or three losses?
Two losses, sure. Three? Probably not. The Pac-12 South looks really good, and we haven't played any of those teams yet.
Quote from: Berkut on October 05, 2014, 10:45:03 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on October 05, 2014, 10:16:28 PM
You guys are actually an underdog right now to USC.
That makes no sense at all, if only because we are at home.
However, Arizona does have a pretty terrible record after huge wins, so I guess I could see that from a betting perspective.
Last I heard, UDub has opened as favorite vs Cal :D
Quote from: Berkut on October 05, 2014, 10:45:03 PM
Two losses, sure. Three? Probably not. The Pac-12 South looks really good, and we haven't played any of those teams yet.
With enough parity a 6-3 team can win the division. The ACC one year had both division winners finish 5-3. A 9 game schedule only makes it more likely.
Hell, right now every team except Arizona has a conference loss, and none has played more than 3 games. Everyone but Arizona is on pace for a 3 conference loss season or worse.
UF QB busted for sexual assault. Miami is now the only big 3 school in Florida without such a QB. Prediction: Miami will still be considered Thug U and the bad guys.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 06, 2014, 01:06:59 PM
UF QB busted for sexual assault. Miami is now the only big 3 school in Florida without such a QB. Prediction: Miami will still be considered Thug U and the bad guys.
Only because Idi Amin, Adolph Hitler, and Satan are all such prominent hurricane boosters. I recently read that two thirds of Isis members in this hemisphere are hurricane season ticket holders. Like most Miami fans they don't actually go to the games.
Quote from: Rasputin on October 06, 2014, 02:54:27 PM
Only because Idi Amin, Adolph Hitler, and Satan are all such prominent hurricane boosters. I recently read that two thirds of Isis members in this hemisphere are hurricane season ticket holders. Like most Miami fans they don't actually go to the games.
One of the few bright spots in the Georgia Tech game was when we got a good "Lets go Canes" cheer going and drowned out the Georgia Tech band playing the alma mater before the game.
See? That shit is just in poor taste.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on October 06, 2014, 05:54:50 PM
See? That shit is just in poor taste.
Especially with GT having the highest student suicide rate in the country, probably had 3 engineering majors do half gainers off the stadium parking garage the next day.
Considering how my semester is going I think I understand.
What did ever happen to our GT grad anyways.
He didn't think this forum was awful enough.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 06, 2014, 06:20:44 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on October 06, 2014, 05:54:50 PM
See? That shit is just in poor taste.
Especially with GT having the highest student suicide rate in the country, probably had 3 engineering majors do half gainers off the stadium parking garage the next day.
Tragic that they die as their team conquers and takes possession of the commanding heights of the ACC Coastal. :(
Quote from: alfred russel on October 06, 2014, 08:12:54 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 06, 2014, 06:20:44 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on October 06, 2014, 05:54:50 PM
See? That shit is just in poor taste.
Especially with GT having the highest student suicide rate in the country, probably had 3 engineering majors do half gainers off the stadium parking garage the next day.
Tragic that they die as their team conquers and takes possession of the commanding heights of the ACC Coastal. :(
I remember when Miami joined the conference and everyone assumed Miami and FSU would be stuck playing twice per year....
Florida verses Tennessee had a noon kickoff....oh the times they are a changing
Why Al Golden needs to be fired, in one picture:
(https://languish.org/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fs10.postimg.org%2Fa05e0pvmx%2FAl_Golden_Blows.png&hash=73d2c851586b8d2b22f1ce23cae629f29aa21d80) (http://postimage.org/)
photo hosting (http://postimage.org/)
3rd and 2, down by two scores, 6 minutes left, against a team that threw 7 passes in the whole game. You almost have to have that stop--it is close to being a goal line type situation. And that is your formation. :rolleyes:
The players never had a chance.
But we can't let them get behind the DBs!
Pretty awesome story, at least if you are an Arizona/RRod fan.
I actually don't even think firing him was a mistake per se - by that point, it seemed kind of hopeless that he could have a normal relationship with the powers around Michigan, at least enough of them hated him that it would be problematic.
The mistake was letting Carr and that crew interfere for the three years prior to that...
There seems to be a lot of noise about Harbaugh - does anyone think he would really leave the NFL to go back to college? I could see him going somewhere else in the NFL of course, but back to college seems unlikely. Michigan/Harbaugh would be a great fit though if he did want to return to the college ranks...would they be willing to pay him?
I know this is all Arizona stuff, and most people probably don't care, but if you do...
Really cool breakdown on the play that put Arizona up by 10 on Oregon, and what RRod is such a great offensive coach...
:frusty: :frusty: :frusty: :frusty:
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on October 09, 2014, 07:25:43 PM
:frusty: :frusty: :frusty: :frusty:
Ok, maybe knock that down to 3 :frusty: out of 4.
Where was this defense against South Carolina(or Tennessee for that matter)?
Funny though, while pitching a shutout against Missouri all the announcers could talk about was how well Georgia's running game was going. Chubb's performance wasn't as good as Gurley's typical one and it didn't have to be.
Holy shit, great win for WVU. Best game I've seen from them in ages.
Purdue's helmets blinded me.
Those uniforms burned Bob Griese's retinas through his glasses.
Quote from: Ed Anger on October 11, 2014, 03:12:15 PM
Not nearly as awful as the product they put on the field. Watching an entire Purdue football game is one of the leading causes of depression in the United States.
Yeah Berk, this Cal team isn't very impressive.
Texas battled their guts out today. They fucked it up because they are still learning how to win but man we could all feel it. Charlie Strong is getting this thing going.
They are about to go on a run, Texas will finish with a winning record. Iowa State is first on the chopping block. TEXAS STRONG
This new world of Miami sucking isn't so bad since Florida sucks too. LOL Gators.
Quote from: Valmy on October 11, 2014, 10:17:44 PM
They are about to go on a run, Texas will finish with a winning record. Iowa State is first on the chopping block. TEXAS STRONG
Good thing Yi and Guller don't post in this thread, somebody would be making money off you. :console:
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on October 11, 2014, 10:34:15 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 11, 2014, 10:17:44 PM
They are about to go on a run, Texas will finish with a winning record. Iowa State is first on the chopping block. TEXAS STRONG
Good thing Yi and Guller don't post in this thread, somebody would be making money off you. :console:
Well not being able to play Missouri anymore will hurt their chances a bit. How the fuck were those turds in the top 25 after losing to Indiana?
At least there's still Baylor and TCU to kick around. Err, uh... :ph34r:
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on October 11, 2014, 10:49:22 PM
At least there's still Baylor and TCU to kick around. Err, uh... :ph34r:
Did you see what Texas' defense did to Baylor and what Baylor did to TCU? That's right. I tell you the corner is about to be turned. Feeling it.
Quote from: Valmy on October 11, 2014, 10:52:36 PM
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on October 11, 2014, 10:49:22 PM
At least there's still Baylor and TCU to kick around. Err, uh... :ph34r:
Did you see what Texas' defense did to Baylor and what Baylor did to TCU? That's right. I tell you the corner is about to be turned. Feeling it.
You guys need to go 4-2 to make a bowl game, and I'm not sure there are any games that will be as easy as Kansas and North Texas the rest of the way.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 12, 2014, 12:45:11 AM
Quote from: Valmy on October 11, 2014, 10:52:36 PM
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on October 11, 2014, 10:49:22 PM
At least there's still Baylor and TCU to kick around. Err, uh... :ph34r:
Did you see what Texas' defense did to Baylor and what Baylor did to TCU? That's right. I tell you the corner is about to be turned. Feeling it.
You guys need to go 4-2 to make a bowl game, and I'm not sure there are any games that will be as easy as Kansas and North Texas the rest of the way.
They shut down the mighty Baylor offense and nearly beat OU, totally dominating them on defense in the first half and outgaining them 482-232. I think they are about to turn it around and stomp some people. Did I say I sure hope they can play North Texas and Kansas four times and back into a bowl game at 6-6? I am looking at my posts and I don't see that anywhere :hmm:
Quote from: Valmy on October 12, 2014, 01:10:31 AM
I am looking at my posts and I don't see that anywhere :hmm:
I'm not trying to contradict anything you said. Just more of a general observation that it will take a significant turnaround to get to 6-6 and make a bowl.
WTF why are Texas and Miami fans shitting up this thread while good teams are playing?
Quote from: katmai on October 11, 2014, 08:18:18 PM
Yeah Berk, this Cal team isn't very impressive.
Apparently neither is this Arizona team.
They looked awful tonight - I can't believe they actually had a chance to win it at the end.
Quote from: Berkut on October 12, 2014, 01:52:14 AM
Quote from: katmai on October 11, 2014, 08:18:18 PM
Yeah Berk, this Cal team isn't very impressive.
Apparently neither is this Arizona team.
They looked awful tonight - I can't believe they actually had a chance to win it at the end.
Yeah just saw the score. I missed the game but was hoping they would squash the Trojans.
Was impressed with Huskies but still not sure what to make of this team halfway through the season.
It's that time of year again:
From Twitter:
QuotePrior to "The Pick" Oregon all-time had a .495 Win% (359-366-34). Since that game, Oregon is .731 (177-65) #GoDucks
Quote from: sbr on October 13, 2014, 04:42:50 PM
Quote from: katmai on October 13, 2014, 04:37:39 PM
Damon Huard :lol:
Hot air balloons from the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade riddled with holes from German 88s over Bremen have floated faster than that pass.
Quote from: sbr on October 13, 2014, 04:42:39 PM
From Twitter:
QuotePrior to "The Pick" Oregon all-time had a .495 Win% (359-366-34). Since that game, Oregon is .731 (177-65) #GoDucks
That's cute.
Like there is something driving Oregon athletic success other than the $300 million Uncle Phil paid for the UO athletic department.
Quote from: sbr on October 12, 2014, 01:46:23 AM
WTF why are Texas and Miami fans shitting up this thread while good teams are playing?
Nothing else to do while we patiently wait for Oregon to finally win something.
The Notre Dame - FSU line is off on speculation that Jameis Winston will be suspended.
Personally, I'm convinced that any Tallahassee based investigation into Jameis Winston will only "discover" that he is awesome so long as he has eligibility remaining. I might have made an exception for a situation in which he rapes one of their white women, but well...
Best college football line I've read in a long time: "Put Dave Brandon* in charge of the CDC and tell him that Ebola is student attendance at football games; he'll wipe it out within the year."
* Michigan's Athletic Director, for those who don't know
After missing an extra point and a 19 yard field goal in Oklahoma's 31-30 loss to Kansas State I can only assume the OU kicker had money on the game.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 18, 2014, 03:05:43 PM
Hillbillies beat Baylor. After Texas beats Kansas State next week I think we can say goodbye to a Big 12 representative in the playoff.
Well ok I guess there will still be TCU until Thanksgiving. :menace:
Quote from: Valmy on October 18, 2014, 02:31:08 PM
After missing an extra point and a 19 yard field goal in Oklahoma's 31-30 loss to Kansas State I can only assume the OU kicker had money on the game.
This day will be long remembered. It has seen the end of Oklahoma, and soon it will see the end of Baylor.
I hope West Virginia's great victory will take some of the sting off of the Cardinal's loss for Spicey.
Quote from: Valmy on October 18, 2014, 03:06:32 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on October 18, 2014, 03:05:43 PM
Hillbillies beat Baylor. After Texas beats Kansas State next week I think we can say goodbye to a Big 12 representative in the playoff.
Well ok I guess there will still be TCU until Thanksgiving. :menace:
The Pac 12 looks primed to cannibalize itself. Someone is going to have to go to the playoffs, but yeah, the major helmet teams in the Big 12 have 2 losses, and everyone else at least one loss.
Baylor shouldn't feel too bad. The aren't the first outsider to merrily stroll into West Virginia, only to escape a few hours later battered and bruised with blood dripping from their backside.
Damn A&M. Saban will have no mercy, even Fielding Yost was impressed with that first half.
A general rule of sideline reporting: when a (theoretically) top tier program is down 45-0 at halftime, the more entertaining pre-halftime interview will be with the coach that has the 0. God Damn CBS.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 18, 2014, 04:32:22 PM
A general rule of sideline reporting: when a (theoretically) top tier program is down 45-0 at halftime, the more entertaining pre-halftime interview will be with the coach that has the 0. God Damn CBS.
Probably gave the finger to the crew beforehand, so the producer said "Meh, no Lloyd Carrs today."
http://youtu.be/0TvJy2Ot48M (NSFW)
Goodbye couch! :punk: :Canuck:
Quote from: derspiess on October 18, 2014, 06:06:58 PM
Goodbye couch! :punk: :Canuck:
Don't you feel just a bit of remorse for WV ruining Baylor's playoff chances you monster :angry:
Wyoming lost on homecoming. The season was never going to be good, but it has gotten bad really, really fast.
Sure some of you get to root for teams that have bad years now and then, rebuilding times that turn around. Wyoming fans get bad teams year after year, heartbreaking losses (like today, hitting the upright on a last second chance to win then the game goes to OT for a loss), and the occasional slightly above mediocre year.
Wyoming has won 2 bowl games since 1966. They have been to 8 in that time. 8 good seasons since the year I was born. Jesus, it is hard to be a fan.
Quote from: PDH on October 18, 2014, 06:47:52 PM
Wyoming lost on homecoming. The season was never going to be good, but it has gotten bad really, really fast.
Sure some of you get to root for teams that have bad years now and then, rebuilding times that turn around. Wyoming fans get bad teams year after year, heartbreaking losses (like today, hitting the upright on a last second chance to win then the game goes to OT for a loss), and the occasional slightly above mediocre year.
Wyoming has won 2 bowl games since 1966. They have been to 8 in that time. 8 good seasons since the year I was born. Jesus, it is hard to be a fan.
Always remember it could be worse. You could be a fan of one of those schools that squeezes their testicles during games.
Quote from: PDH on October 18, 2014, 06:47:52 PM
Wyoming lost on homecoming. The season was never going to be good, but it has gotten bad really, really fast.
Sure some of you get to root for teams that have bad years now and then, rebuilding times that turn around. Wyoming fans get bad teams year after year, heartbreaking losses (like today, hitting the upright on a last second chance to win then the game goes to OT for a loss), and the occasional slightly above mediocre year.
Wyoming has won 2 bowl games since 1966. They have been to 8 in that time. 8 good seasons since the year I was born. Jesus, it is hard to be a fan.
Speaking of homecoming...Florida invited Missouri to theirs....they have given up only 121 yards to Missouri and forced a turnover at this point in the 4th quarter....but are losing 42-7. :lol:
Missouri's QB went 6/18 for 20 yards and one interception. He seemed to have respectable numbers up until last week.
Quote from: PDH on October 18, 2014, 06:47:52 PM
Wyoming lost on homecoming. The season was never going to be good, but it has gotten bad really, really fast.
Sure some of you get to root for teams that have bad years now and then, rebuilding times that turn around. Wyoming fans get bad teams year after year, heartbreaking losses (like today, hitting the upright on a last second chance to win then the game goes to OT for a loss), and the occasional slightly above mediocre year.
Wyoming has won 2 bowl games since 1966. They have been to 8 in that time. 8 good seasons since the year I was born. Jesus, it is hard to be a fan.
They just have to do it the Boise State and Fresno State way: get a coach who is willing to play anybody anytime anywhere, willing to be the road warriors and tune ups of elite schools for a few seasons as the program's profile slowly rises. Then the kids that Wyoming needs to win consistently will come.
Ugh, I know Brian Kelly coaches offensive pass interference to look better than that!
Hell of a game.
That was weird I was half way through my ND fight song rendition when I looked up and they were back on the 18. Ah well nice try Northern Based Team. Florida State's drive to the playoff looks clear now.
Ok so I kind of predicted Texas was going to roll now that its offense was going and its defense had been mighty. But then they gave up 500+ yards to Iowa State and barely won 48-45. Look I know I am pretty clueless about football but I never thought I was that clueless.
Quote from: Valmy on October 18, 2014, 11:28:08 PM
Ok so I kind of predicted Texas was going to roll now that its offense was going and its defense had been mighty. But then they gave up 500+ yards to Iowa State and barely won 48-45. Look I know I am pretty clueless about football but I never thought I was that clueless.
We are in new age college football now. You almost need to divide scores by 2 to get the equivalent score from when you were a kid.
That's good for the Aggies, means they kept it within 30.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 18, 2014, 10:56:24 PM
Ugh, I know Brian Kelly coaches offensive pass interference to look better than that!
I think it looked worse than it was. FSU was trying to jam the receiver at the line, and obviously he had no interest to avoid the jam. The pass was barely ahead of the line of scrimmage--it is too bad it was as then you can block downfield legally.
Supposedly teargas and rubber bullets tonight in Morgantown. :Canuck:
Quote from: alfred russel on October 18, 2014, 11:55:04 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 18, 2014, 10:56:24 PM
Ugh, I know Brian Kelly coaches offensive pass interference to look better than that!
I think it looked worse than it was. FSU was trying to jam the receiver at the line, and obviously he had no interest to avoid the jam. The pass was barely ahead of the line of scrimmage--it is too bad it was as then you can block downfield legally.
I didn't think it was all that bad, but being in the end zone totally compounded how it looked to the refs. Hell of a game, though.
Quote from: Valmy on October 18, 2014, 11:26:49 PM
Florida State's drive to the playoff looks clear now.
Yeah, if Winston doesn't get tossed out of school it looks pretty good for them.
It's certainly a new age of college football when FSU still has to play Miami and Florida and the espn announcers proclaim that FSU has nobody left on their schedule.
Quote from: Rasputin on October 19, 2014, 11:08:24 AM
It's certainly a new age of college football when FSU still has to play Miami and Florida and the espn announcers proclaim that FSU has nobody left on their schedule.
Has it been officially announced whether or not the game between Florida and Idaho is going to be made up? It looks like Florida might need the win to become bowl eligible.
Quote from: Rasputin on October 19, 2014, 11:08:24 AM
It's certainly a new age of college football when FSU still has to play Miami and Florida and the espn announcers proclaim that FSU has nobody left on their schedule.
It really does depend. If Winston is suspended or arrested, either of both of those teams have a good shot to take down FSU, among others on the FSU schedule.
Quote from: dps on October 19, 2014, 11:18:31 AM
Quote from: Rasputin on October 19, 2014, 11:08:24 AM
It's certainly a new age of college football when FSU still has to play Miami and Florida and the espn announcers proclaim that FSU has nobody left on their schedule.
Has it been officially announced whether or not the game between Florida and Idaho is going to be made up? It looks like Florida might need the win to become bowl eligible.
I don't think it will. I also doubt anyone at Florida cares whether they go to a really shitty bowl game, especially in a coaching transition year.
Quote from: dps on October 19, 2014, 11:18:31 AM
Quote from: Rasputin on October 19, 2014, 11:08:24 AM
It's certainly a new age of college football when FSU still has to play Miami and Florida and the espn announcers proclaim that FSU has nobody left on their schedule.
Has it been officially announced whether or not the game between Florida and Idaho is going to be made up? It looks like Florida might need the win to become bowl eligible.
I've not heard but I don't think Florida wants to play it. Their offense is Jeff Bowden bad.
I think that Saban's suggestion that something needs to be done about offense in college football is spot on. In the day you couldn't even block with your hands, now the o-line can grab onto the defensive line as long as it's not outside of their torso, you get kicked out of the game for tackling the quarterback, if you look at a receiver it's pass interference et cetera. I know some of these moves have been echoed in the NFL as well and it all is similar to why baseball got the live ball in terms of generating fan interest but in the NFL defense is generally good enough you don't see nonsense offenses like this.
Far too many rule changes have favored the offense and the diluted talent pool in college football IMO has created an unpleasant situation where we're regularly seeing 100pt + combined point games. I think Saban is right that offensive schemes that rely on the defense not being able to sub players is a problem. I'd like to see the Saban 10 second rule. I think these offenses that execute so many plays so quickly hurt both football as a sport at the college level and put the player's health in greater jeopardy than is necessary.
Quote from: OttoVonBismarck on October 19, 2014, 01:50:05 PM
I think that Saban's suggestion that something needs to be done about offense in college football is spot on. In the day you couldn't even block with your hands, now the o-line can grab onto the defensive line as long as it's not outside of their torso, you get kicked out of the game for tackling the quarterback, if you look at a receiver it's pass interference et cetera. I know some of these moves have been echoed in the NFL as well and it all is similar to why baseball got the live ball in terms of generating fan interest but in the NFL defense is generally good enough you don't see nonsense offenses like this.
Far too many rule changes have favored the offense and the diluted talent pool in college football IMO has created an unpleasant situation where we're regularly seeing 100pt + combined point games. I think Saban is right that offensive schemes that rely on the defense not being able to sub players is a problem. I'd like to see the Saban 10 second rule. I think these offenses that execute so many plays so quickly hurt both football as a sport at the college level and put the player's health in greater jeopardy than is necessary.
I can't comment on your personal feelings, but Dave Bartoo with cbfmatrix.com did a statistical study that makes the claim that Hurry-Up No-Huddle (HUNH) offenses produce more injuries pretty sketchy.
The copy/paste screws up the formatting, but here you go anyhoo.
By Dave Bartoo
National CFB Attrition Expert and Analytics Consultant
and Founder of the CFBMatrix
(Contact Dave)
Note: A lot of fans have read this page. Understand in advance it is not 'proof' nor does it refute the blind assertions of some coaches. Like most things I do here, I wanted to provide a different angle. One that causes fans to discuss and THINK about taking rules action before it is studied. The most common response is "It's fact that if you play more snaps the likelihood of injury goes up." Yes, but you can say the same for practice time, weight room time, game length, number of tackles, number of blocks, total games played and playing hurt. As a fan are you willing to also give up games on the schedule for 'player safety'. If coaches want a play count or limit the number of plays in a game are they willing to do the same in limiting practice time when a player is fatigued? Reduce work in the weight room? Place hit, block and tackle counts on each player for their 'safety'? If you start down this path the logical result is get rid of football as there is no end to limiting at risk activities for player safety. Study, think, act. Please. Others are already doing the opposite. – Dave 2|14|2014
I love assumptions about college football and finding new ways to look at data and information. The flavor of the year seems to be a focus on the Pace of Play (POP) created by the rising of the Hurry Up No Huddle (HUNH) offenses in college football.
If this 'fast' football causes more injuries, why not slow it down? But if you slow it down, then why not put a number of plays per game limit, reduce the time of the game or lengthen the play clock?
If this fatigue is causing a concern over 'player safety', are these same coaches willing to reduce practice intensity and fatigue for 'player safety'? Are they willing to cap weight room workouts to reduce fatigue for 'player safety'? It now takes 15 games instead of 10 to win a national title. Are they willing to reduce games played for 'player safety"? An injured player has a higher risk of injury in a game so are coaches willing, for 'player safety', to sit a guy and not play him when he is hurt? You see, this 'player safety' game is a convenience excuse that can be played over and over and used to 'control' the game. Convenient?
Observation Note: To even start researching this topic, head coaches must provide daily injury reports on all players year round to see a pattern of injury development and occurrence. Until there is full disclosure from coaches for a full review of their complaints about HUNH offenses are unjustified and self-serving. Please stop this shoot, aim, think mentality.
It is easy to spin numbers to match an argument. Here is how we can use 2012 metrics to show that 'fast' HUNH offenses are better for rates of injury in college football.
The way I see it just take the top teams with the most plays per game ('fast teams') and divide out the games lost to injury in an offense to total plays run. Thus getting an injury per play ratio. Do the same for the bottom 20 teams of plays run per game ('slow' teams) to get a comparable injury per play ratio.
Top 20 'Fast' Teams in FBS Football 2012
Average Plays per Game: 83.12
Total Starts Lost to Injury: 143
Average Number of Starts Lost Per Team: 7.15
Average Starts Lost per Play: .086
Top 20 'Slow' Teams in FBS Football 2012
Average Plays per Game: 65.85
Total Starts Lost to Injury: 151
Average Number of Starts Lost Per Team: 7.55
Average Starts Lost per Play: .115
For all of FBS football in 2012, the 'fast' teams averaged over 17 plays per game more than the bottom 20 'slow' teams. This is 26% more plays run per game than a 'slow' teams. Even though this adds up to over 340 more plays run in a season, the 'slow' teams still lost 8 more starts to injury than the 'fast teams.
The average number of starts lost per play was 33% HIGHER for the 'slow' teams. Although this is all FBS programs and just the 2012 season, that is a huge argument in favor of 'fast' play.
I know, I was thinking the same thing you are "That's all FBS teams Dave, how about just big boy AQ football." If you were hoping the numbers got better. Stop here. It gets worse.
The top 15 'fast*' teams in AQ football in 2012 ran 2697 MORE plays than the 15 'slow' teams in 2012. This resulted in 24 FEWER starts lost to injury to the 'Fast' teams. The 'fast' teams lost just 5.87 starts to injury in 2012 which is 22.7% less that the 7.50 starts lost per team for the 'slow' teams. The amazing stat is that injuries that created starts lost per play occurred at a rate 56% greater for teams that play 'slow'.
Top 15 'Fast' Teams in AQ Football 2012
Average Plays per Game: 81.2
Total Starts Lost to Injury: 88
Average Number of Starts Lost Per Team: 5.87
Average Starts Lost per Play: .072
Top 15 'Slow' Teams in AQ Football 2012
Average Plays per Game: 66.2
Total Starts Lost to Injury: 112
Average Number of Starts Lost Per Team: 7.50
Average Starts Lost per Play: .113
While this may not settle the argument of the safety of 'fast' up-tempo for coaches or fans against the up-tempo style of play, it certainly does not cement the suggestion that 'fast' play causes more injuries. The 'slowest' conference for play in 2012 was the SEC. The highest rate of injury per play, the SEC.
Certainly in 2012 it was the opposite of the suggestion that 'fast' play cause more frequent injury rates as total starts lost to injury and frequency of this injury per play was higher across the board for all of FBS football and AQ football teams.
To hate fast offenses, game ingenuity and thinking outside the box is simply Un-American. It was George Washington that decided that lining up against an opponent and playing war the 'traditional' way was a disadvantage to his future. By being an innovator to what was commonly accepted style of play, he found out a way to win.
The biggest threat to injury is speed and size. The faster players move and the bigger they get, the more injuries you will see on and off the field. Is it any surprise that the conference with the biggest players and the slowest pace of play per game also has the highest rate of significant injury per play in 2012? Maybe fatigue helps REDUCE violent collisions as guys are moving at a slower pace later in the game.
Football is high energy, high contact and high risk. There are nearly 120,000 plays per year in FBS football and thousands of way to get hurt preparing for and playing this game. If you don't like the injury risk then stop playing football. If I want to watch guys doing the same thing for a set number of plays, I'll watch bowling.
Data thanks to the folks at teamrankings.com for their contributions and philsteele.com for injury numbers
*2012 'Slow' Teams 2012 'Fast' Teams
Cincinnati Baylor
Mississippi State Texas A&M
USC Oregon
Kansas State Duke
Alabama Arizona State
Florida Syracuse
Temple Clemson
Michigan West Virginia
Rutgers Oklahoma
Wisconsin Washington State
Auburn Oklahoma State
Georgia Arizona
Kentucky Penn State
Minnesota NC State
For the first time since the wheels came off midway through that horrid 2012 season, WVU is ranked. And I think this is the first time ever during the regular season that both Marshall and WVU are ranked.
Apparently a FSU player took off his helmet after the ND pass interference play. Wouldn't it have been interesting to see that called? Brian Kelly was bitching about that--it would have been an automatic first down for ND. Apparently the refs said they didn't see it.
Interestingly, in the same endzone, in 2005, Ernie Sims took off his helmet after a successful goal line stand late in the fourth quarter against Miami. It wasn't called, and FSU won 10-7.
There has been much bitching in Pac-12 land since a utah player made the "Praying/bow" thing in the endzone two weeks ago that looked basically identical* to the one that got Oregon's Washington flagged, and of course it wasn't called.
Of course, all the people whining (and I include journalists who should know better) don't bother to read the rules, or even ask an expert about the difference, and the Pac-12 does it's normal level best to respond in a fashion that makes it look as idiotic as possible.
* the difference being the timing of the event. *Specific* instructions from the director of NCAA officiating about how to enforce these kinds of actions state that "spontaneous" acts immediately after a play are to be largely ignored (or just get a "talking to"), within reason, while "sustained and/or prolonged acts designed to call specific attention to the individual" are to be enforced strenuously. In other words, a qucik bow/prayer right after the play is going to be ignored, but that exact same bow/prayer after you run from the spot of the play to the 50 yard line is going to draw a flag, because the intent is clearly different (celebration vs attention whoring).
Me bitching about flags not being thrown for FSU players taken helmets off aside, the whole unsportsmanlike penalty thing is bullshit.
Go watch pick up games between friends. Some guy makes a play and half the time he will do something that would draw a penalty in organized football. The culture has changed, and what was obnoxious 30 years ago isn't that way today. If guys want to dance or spike the ball after scoring a touchdown, I say let them have fun.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 20, 2014, 12:48:31 PM
Me bitching about flags not being thrown for FSU players taken helmets off aside, the whole unsportsmanlike penalty thing is bullshit.
Go watch pick up games between friends. Some guy makes a play and half the time he will do something that would draw a penalty in organized football. The culture has changed, and what was obnoxious 30 years ago isn't that way today. If guys want to dance or spike the ball after scoring a touchdown, I say let them have fun.
Well, I dunno - I am conflicted about that as an official. But I think there is a perfectly valid argument to be made about WHAT the rules should state. What annoys the fuck out of me is seeing people, and especially journalists, bitch about the officiating, as if the calls themselves are the problem, rather than the rules.
Lastly, it is bullshit crybaby whining when ANYONE complains about a missed call that is a unsporting penalty on the other team - those are necessary rules, but that is just crying about you not getting an advantage you didn't earn anyway. I hate it when people complain about stuff like that - "Waaaahhhhh! We couldn't stop them on fourth down, and he took off his helmet and you didn't give it to us anyway!".
Now, if you are complaining about about a blown call that actually effects the play, like a hold of OPI or something, that is different, IMO. Bitching about not getting a gimme call is sour grapes of the first order.
Quote from: sbr on October 19, 2014, 03:44:35 PM
I can't comment on your personal feelings, but Dave Bartoo with cbfmatrix.com did a statistical study that makes the claim that Hurry-Up No-Huddle (HUNH) offenses produce more injuries pretty sketchy.
I agree with Otto's post, but only because I don't prefer the style of game Saban's points criticize. They have screwed over the defense with rule changes over the years. I guess it started with the forward pass. :P
I guess it's an attempt to make the game more exciting and make fans happy (money). I'd personally love it if it were a general thing for defensive players to win Heismans.
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2014, 12:57:46 PM
Well, I dunno - I am conflicted about that as an official. But I think there is a perfectly valid argument to be made about WHAT the rules should state. What annoys the fuck out of me is seeing people, and especially journalists, bitch about the officiating, as if the calls themselves are the problem, rather than the rules.
Lastly, it is bullshit crybaby whining when ANYONE complains about a missed call that is a unsporting penalty on the other team - those are necessary rules, but that is just crying about you not getting an advantage you didn't earn anyway. I hate it when people complain about stuff like that - "Waaaahhhhh! We couldn't stop them on fourth down, and he took off his helmet and you didn't give it to us anyway!".
Now, if you are complaining about about a blown call that actually effects the play, like a hold of OPI or something, that is different, IMO. Bitching about not getting a gimme call is sour grapes of the first order.
Ernie Sims made a 3rd down tackle at the goal line with a huge hit, and while celebrating took off his helmet. The score was 10-7. Had the penalty been thrown, the probability shifts--Miami is a very heavy favorite to win the game at that point.
If the official throws the flag, and Miami wins, I'm sure you would respond to a whining FSU fan that the rules are the rules and they should follow them or face the consequences. But apparently if the official doesn't throw the flag, Miami fans shouldn't bitch (see the post above).
I don't think taking off your helmet in celebration should be a penalty--but if it is, a part of the game becomes not doing stupid shit to get celebration penalties. If FSU can't put a team on the field that can avoid such penalties, doesn't an official overlooking that give them a competitive edge?
Quote from: alfred russel on October 20, 2014, 01:17:07 PM
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2014, 12:57:46 PM
Well, I dunno - I am conflicted about that as an official. But I think there is a perfectly valid argument to be made about WHAT the rules should state. What annoys the fuck out of me is seeing people, and especially journalists, bitch about the officiating, as if the calls themselves are the problem, rather than the rules.
Lastly, it is bullshit crybaby whining when ANYONE complains about a missed call that is a unsporting penalty on the other team - those are necessary rules, but that is just crying about you not getting an advantage you didn't earn anyway. I hate it when people complain about stuff like that - "Waaaahhhhh! We couldn't stop them on fourth down, and he took off his helmet and you didn't give it to us anyway!".
Now, if you are complaining about about a blown call that actually effects the play, like a hold of OPI or something, that is different, IMO. Bitching about not getting a gimme call is sour grapes of the first order.
Ernie Sims made a 3rd down tackle at the goal line with a huge hit, and while celebrating took off his helmet. The score was 10-7. Had the penalty been thrown, the probability shifts--Miami is a very heavy favorite to win the game at that point.
Granted, and it should have been thrown - but that is a classic example of an unearned advantage. Miami might win the game, but not because they were the better team, but because Sims is an idiot *outside* the actual play.
If the official throws the flag, and Miami wins, I'm sure you would respond to a whining FSU fan that the rules are the rules and they should follow them or face the consequences.
Yep - without question. In both cases, neither sets of fans have much cause for crying. In the first, they are crying because they didn't get a gift, and in the second they are crying because their own player is an idiot. Neither rates as particularly valid bitches.
But apparently if the official doesn't throw the flag, Miami fans shouldn't bitch (see the post above).
Yes, it is entirely possible that there is no reason for either side to bitch much, regardless. His removing his helmet was not the reason he made the stop, nor was it the reason they Miami player could not successfully execute the play.
Of course, I do realize that this level of discretion requires caring about the game itself beyond the level of "Just win no matter what", which is probably not a realistic expectation for many "fans".
I don't think taking off your helmet in celebration should be a penalty--
What should it be?
If you remove your helmet, the officials have to stop the clock, as you cannot allow a play to go off with a helmet not on the player - that is why if a helmet comes off unintentionally, we stop the clock, and if it is under a minute in either half, the other team has the option of a ten second clock runoff (depending on circumstances).
Should we just let players stop the clock whenever they like by removing their helmet "in celebration"?
but if it is, a part of the game becomes not doing stupid shit to get celebration penalties. If FSU can't put a team on the field that can avoid such penalties, doesn't an official overlooking that give them a competitive edge?
It gives them a stupidity edge, but not a competitive one.
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2014, 01:26:02 PM
It gives them a stupidity edge, but not a competitive one.
A stupidity edge is a competitive edge. :hmm:
You truly have a noble sentiment that players doing really dumb things outside of the actual play should somehow be overlooked by the opposition, who should win during plays, etc.
That isn't how college football actually works. College players do dumb things all the time. A team that eliminates really dumb mistakes, even just between plays, is almost sure to win (unless it is outclassed). A referee declining to enforce the rules against a team that can not comply is giving that team a huge advantage.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 20, 2014, 01:49:50 PM
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2014, 01:26:02 PM
It gives them a stupidity edge, but not a competitive one.
A stupidity edge is a competitive edge. :hmm:
You truly have a noble sentiment that players doing really dumb things outside of the actual play should somehow be overlooked by the opposition, who should win during plays, etc.
Yeah, I know, sportsmanship and all that trumping "OMG WE MUST WIN NO MATTER WHAT" is a silly idea for most people.
That isn't how college football actually works.
I don't agree at all - thank god college football is not entirely driven by people who only care about winning no matter what.
College players do dumb things all the time.
Indeed. Some of those dumb things revolve around the actual play, and some around dead ball dumbassedness. There is a difference between the two.
A team that eliminates really dumb mistakes, even just between plays, is almost sure to win (unless it is outclassed).
It certainly does help, but it isn't a competitive advantage, that happens during the play.
Ideally, we would never have games decided by anything that happens before or after the whistle. That would be best.
A referee declining to enforce the rules against a team that can not comply is giving that team a huge advantage.
That would be a huge advantage, but that isn't what we are talking about.
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2014, 01:26:02 PM
What should it be?
If you remove your helmet, the officials have to stop the clock, as you cannot allow a play to go off with a helmet not on the player - that is why if a helmet comes off unintentionally, we stop the clock, and if it is under a minute in either half, the other team has the option of a ten second clock runoff (depending on circumstances).
Should we just let players stop the clock whenever they like by removing their helmet "in celebration"?
It has only been a penalty to take your helmet off in celebration for 10 years or so. Surely it is possible to live in a world where such a penalty is no longer mandatory?
My radical suggestion: don't stop the clock because a player doesn't have on a helmet. If you are really concerned about safety (not sure why as in the many years of watching football I never saw someone injured without a helmet, but whatever), call a deadball penalty on a team that has a player without a helmet when the offense is in position to snap the football.
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2014, 01:54:11 PM
It certainly does help, but it isn't a competitive advantage, that happens during the play.
Ideally, we would never have games decided by anything that happens before or after the whistle. That would be best.
Fascinating point of view; I'm not sure Rich Rodriguez would agree. Accelerated pace of play, putting pressure on the opposition to get in substitutions and calls quickly, presnap adjustments and motion to reveal coverages/disguise defenses, are where a lot of innovation in college football has been the past 10 years.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 20, 2014, 01:54:28 PM
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2014, 01:26:02 PM
What should it be?
If you remove your helmet, the officials have to stop the clock, as you cannot allow a play to go off with a helmet not on the player - that is why if a helmet comes off unintentionally, we stop the clock, and if it is under a minute in either half, the other team has the option of a ten second clock runoff (depending on circumstances).
Should we just let players stop the clock whenever they like by removing their helmet "in celebration"?
It has only been a penalty to take your helmet off in celebration for 10 years or so. Surely it is possible to live in a world where such a penalty is no longer mandatory?
Sure, but is it a better world? I dunno. Someone thought it was important enough to change the rule.
My radical suggestion: don't stop the clock because a player doesn't have on a helmet. If you are really concerned about safety (not sure why as in the many years of watching football I never saw someone injured without a helmet, but whatever), call a deadball penalty on a team that has a player without a helmet when the offense is in position to snap the football.
And then when that happens, or doesn't happen, and it changes the outcome of a game in the minds of the "fans", we will be right back here complaining about it.
And remember, there isn't a RFP anymore - the offense can be in position to snap the football seconds after the previous play. That change (eliminating the RFP signal and going to the 40/25 clock) has spawned a huge number of follow on changes, such as this helmet issue, that simply wasn't much of a problem before.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 20, 2014, 01:58:49 PM
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2014, 01:54:11 PM
It certainly does help, but it isn't a competitive advantage, that happens during the play.
Ideally, we would never have games decided by anything that happens before or after the whistle. That would be best.
Fascinating point of view; I'm not sure Rich Rodriguez would agree. Accelerated pace of play, putting pressure on the opposition to get in substitutions and calls quickly, presnap adjustments and motion to reveal coverages/disguise defenses, are where a lot of innovation in college football has been the past 10 years.
Meh, that isn't what I am talking about of course, obviously.
I am talking about stupid unsporting penalties that have no bearing on the play itself. But you knew that.
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2014, 01:54:11 PM
I don't agree at all - thank god college football is not entirely driven by people who only care about winning no matter what.
The first sentiment is rather clearly about generating more dollars. I'm not sure how many sentiments are between generating dollars and winning, but I don't think any of them are noble.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 20, 2014, 02:01:32 PM
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2014, 01:54:11 PM
I don't agree at all - thank god college football is not entirely driven by people who only care about winning no matter what.
The first sentiment is rather clearly about generating more dollars. I'm not sure how many sentiments are between generating dollars and winning, but I don't think any of them are noble.
I think I have a better understand of my sentiments than you do.
Dorsey, what did he actually do? Did he take off his helmet and prance around?
Or was it just taking it off as he ran to the sideline?
I had a play a couple years ago where a coach was super pissed off because a player on the other team took of his helmet on the field and we didn't flag it. At the time, I had no idea what he was talking about, since I didn't see it and neither did any of the others on my crew.
On tape, which he sent to our assignor, the player in question was running to his sideline as the punt team came on, and took off his helmet before he was off the field - probably came off his head at about the numbers as he jogged off. Which is why we didn't see it, and frankly, even if we did see it, we would never flag it, since he wasn't celebrating or anything, just taking his helmet off as he left the field, which is no way going to draw a UNS.
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2014, 01:59:13 PM
And then when that happens, or doesn't happen, and it changes the outcome of a game in the minds of the "fans", we will be right back here complaining about it.
Yes, if the rules state that you can't start a play without a helmet, and a play starts without a helmet and that play determines the outcome of a game, you bet people will (justifiably) bitch about it.
And remember, there isn't a RFP anymore - the offense can be in position to snap the football seconds after the previous play. That change (eliminating the RFP signal and going to the 40/25 clock) has spawned a huge number of follow on changes, such as this helmet issue, that simply wasn't much of a problem before.
Whatever. The rules state the offense has to be set before the play can start. If they can get set in a few seconds before a player can get his helmet on, good for them.
In any event, I don't care if a player wants to play without a helmet. Brian Cox survived the experience back in the day. Someone dumb enough to try probably doesn't have much to lose from a concussion anyway.
Quote from: Berkut on October 20, 2014, 02:15:12 PM
Dorsey, what did he actually do? Did he take off his helmet and prance around?
Or was it just taking it off as he ran to the sideline?
In the Notre Dame - FSU game, I have no idea. I just heard Brian Kelly complain about no flag.
In the FSU - Miami game, he actually took his helmet off to celebrate. It was shortly after the rule was changed to prohibit taking off your helmet to celebrate, and it was the first game of the year.
Sorry D4H the early 2000s are calling and want you back, talk about Miami has no place in a college football thread. Let's keep it to marginally relevant teams like Wyoming.
Quote from: OttoVonBismarck on October 20, 2014, 05:16:47 PM
Sorry D4H the early 2000s are calling and want you back, talk about Miami has no place in a college football thread. Let's keep it to marginally relevant teams like Wyoming.
Actually, I wish to someday have Wyoming become marginally relevant.
Quote from: PDH on October 21, 2014, 08:00:03 AM
Quote from: OttoVonBismarck on October 20, 2014, 05:16:47 PM
Sorry D4H the early 2000s are calling and want you back, talk about Miami has no place in a college football thread. Let's keep it to marginally relevant teams like Wyoming.
Actually, I wish to someday have Wyoming become marginally relevant.
Didn't they have a year a while back when they were undefeated late into the season and ranked fairly high? They were getting a lot of talk back then.
By a while back you mean 1996 when Joe Tiller was the coach and Wyoming went 10-2 (and didn't go to a bowl game despite finishing 20th in the country).
18 years is a long time ago...before that it was the late 80s and two WAC champion teams. Before that it was a Fiesta Bowl in 1976. That is four years of being somewhat relevant in the past 40 years. Not a lot to go on.
A really good angle on the ND - FSU "penalty"--shows just how BS the penalty was.
I heard that fsu talked to the officials about nd running picks and the Irish were previously warned. FWIW.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 21, 2014, 11:39:58 PM
A really good angle on the ND - FSU "penalty"--shows just how BS the penalty was.
Yeah, no.
That is classic OPI pick play. The mistake made was by the QB who should have thrown the ball behind the LOS, which would make the downfield blocking legal.
If that should be seen by the officials as NOT offensive blocking, we are going to need to just throw the concept of offensive pass interference away.
You should watch the video.
I did. The idea that the receiver was just trying to get open and the mean DB initiated the contact is giggly.
It takes a serious and dedicated lack of understanding of football to believe that ND was running trips to one side with a pass to the receiver behind the other two just over the LOS...and they were not trying to run a screen.
I've seen this play a thousand times - the difference between a receiver trying to run a route and a receiver trying to stop a DB from covering is obvious.
The ND QB made a mistake and threw the ball a yard or so too long. He shortens that throw as designed, and this is a great play.
Here is the definitive answer on this, from Rogers Redding, who is the national director of NCAA officiating.
This is his weekly video he puts out for all NCAA officials to call out particular plays.
The Arizona illegal forwards pass/roughing play is in there as well, which was a rather bizarrely handled play in the Arizona-USC game. Not sure how the officials got the idea that you could not have roughing because the pass was potentially illegal.
I wonder if they just missed the roughing entirely, but the replay official told them they needed to enforce it after reviewing (and correctly overturning) the illegal forward pass call.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 22, 2014, 07:14:41 AM
You should watch the video.
You should watch the play, ignoring the commentary. You will see, as everyone has who has looked at this without knowing what they will see ahead of time, that the call is so obviously correct as to need no weaselly commentary.
Quote from: PDH on October 21, 2014, 08:34:25 PM
By a while back you mean 1996 when Joe Tiller was the coach and Wyoming went 10-2 (and didn't go to a bowl game despite finishing 20th in the country).
18 years is a long time ago...before that it was the late 80s and two WAC champion teams. Before that it was a Fiesta Bowl in 1976. That is four years of being somewhat relevant in the past 40 years. Not a lot to go on.
Yeah, well that's our burden to bear for following "have-not" teams. I've come to terms with WVU having peaked during the RichRod era through the Orange Bowl win, and that it may never come close to reaching those heights again in my lifetime. Actually helps me enjoy each win that much more.
I noticed the Thundering Turds are ranked.
Quote from: Berkut on October 22, 2014, 07:20:09 AM
I did. The idea that the receiver was just trying to get open and the mean DB initiated the contact is giggly.
It takes a serious and dedicated lack of understanding of football to believe that ND was running trips to one side with a pass to the receiver behind the other two just over the LOS...and they were not trying to run a screen.
I've seen this play a thousand times - the difference between a receiver trying to run a route and a receiver trying to stop a DB from covering is obvious.
The ND QB made a mistake and threw the ball a yard or so too long. He shortens that throw as designed, and this is a great play.
I also like that the commentator in Dorsey's video stopped it each time just before the play actually reached the point where the foul occurred, and asked boneheaded "is that a penalty?" The one time he actually ran through the point at which the foul occurred, he stepped in front of the player committing the foul on the TV screen. Pretty giggly stuff, indeed, and I understand why this guy is a small time radio talk show host.
Quote from: grumbler on October 22, 2014, 10:21:46 AM
Quote from: Berkut on October 22, 2014, 07:20:09 AM
I did. The idea that the receiver was just trying to get open and the mean DB initiated the contact is giggly.
It takes a serious and dedicated lack of understanding of football to believe that ND was running trips to one side with a pass to the receiver behind the other two just over the LOS...and they were not trying to run a screen.
I've seen this play a thousand times - the difference between a receiver trying to run a route and a receiver trying to stop a DB from covering is obvious.
The ND QB made a mistake and threw the ball a yard or so too long. He shortens that throw as designed, and this is a great play.
I also like that the commentator in Dorsey's video stopped it each time just before the play actually reached the point where the foul occurred, and asked boneheaded "is that a penalty?" The one time he actually ran through the point at which the foul occurred, he stepped in front of the player committing the foul on the TV screen. Pretty giggly stuff, indeed, and I understand why this guy is a small time radio talk show host.
Perhaps if the notre dame receivers hadnt done such a great text book job of driving their blocks, the referees might have held their hankies?
of course when one is a hurritard like dorsey, one must go against the noles even if it means becoming a domer for a week
Quote from: Ed Anger on October 22, 2014, 09:48:54 AM
I noticed the Thundering Turds are ranked.
Yeah. Their fans are all geeked up about being undefeated on their 133rd-ranked SoS and have penciled themselves in as a playoff team.
Quote from: Rasputin on October 22, 2014, 10:28:36 AM
of course when one is a hurritard like dorsey, one must go against the noles even if it means becoming a domer for a week
Talk about selling your soul...
Quote from: grumbler on October 22, 2014, 09:24:02 AM
You should watch the play, ignoring the commentary. You will see, as everyone has who has looked at this without knowing what they will see ahead of time, that the call is so obviously correct as to need no weaselly commentary.
Clearly you are the all knowing fount of college football wisdom. Some of your highlights from earlier this year:
Quote from: grumblerThe Michigan-ASU game was highly unusual in that I never once thought "why the fuck did they call that play?" It's been at least ten years since I last saw a Michigan game that didn't feature at least one boneheaded offense play call. I think Nussmeier is a keeper.
This Michigan defense is for real. When the first string was in, ASU averaged something like 2.3 yards per play (and zero third down conversions). Sure, it is just ASU, but that's still good football play.
Quote from: grumblerSo, how you feeling about the ND-UM game? I can't imagine what is going through gamblers' minds that ND is a 5.5 point favorite. I think Michigan wins this outright. Golsen is a great QB, but everything he does well has to go against a Michigan strength.
I actually think that ND would start just about anybody in Michigan's defensive backfield 3-deep. ND will be able to run some, but they won't be able to pass. Michigan won't be able to run except to keep ND honest, but they will pass at will against ND's secondary. ND has nobody that can cover Funchess (height+speed+athleticism = #1JERSEYFORTHEFIRSTTIMEINTENYEARS), and Chesson wide and Funchess inside means ND can't double-team Funchess without going dime giving up the run game.
ND doesn't have the horses to handle Michigan this year. Only a total breakdown of the Michigan O-line (which isn't inconceivable; look at last year) can save the Domers.
QB v Safeties: Michigan, big
OL v DL: Domers, big
RB v LB: Michigan, big
Receivers v DB: Michigan, huge
That's the Tale of Two Cities.
Quote from: Guess who? (hint: its grumbler)
Yep. That's what has Michigan fans snickering over all the "hot seat" comments regarding Hoke. Everyone knew that the team was going to pass through Attrition Valley after the woeful retention of RR's last two classes at Michigan; there were nine RS Juniors/seniors in the two-deep last year, and only six this year; on the offensive line, two and one, respectively. But next year, the O-line will have ten redshirt juniors and seniors available, lose one single player from the defensive two-deep, AND have all the rivalry games at home. It is almost impossible to imagine a scenario in which the AD throws all that away chasing a new coach.
Quote from: Berkut on October 22, 2014, 07:20:09 AM
I did. The idea that the receiver was just trying to get open and the mean DB initiated the contact is giggly.
It takes a serious and dedicated lack of understanding of football to believe that ND was running trips to one side with a pass to the receiver behind the other two just over the LOS...and they were not trying to run a screen.
I've seen this play a thousand times - the difference between a receiver trying to run a route and a receiver trying to stop a DB from covering is obvious.
The ND QB made a mistake and threw the ball a yard or so too long. He shortens that throw as designed, and this is a great play.
The DBs did initiate contact. Both DBs that were "blocked" jammed their receiver. The DB closest to the play actually made a move inside to get a jam even though the guy he was supposed to be covering was going outside.
You have a quick pass out from the QB, and are calling pass interference related to two defenders that jammed other wide receivers off the ball.
The play looked similar to a bubble screen but that does not mean it is what it was.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 22, 2014, 07:29:57 PM
Quote from: grumbler on October 22, 2014, 09:24:02 AM
You should watch the play, ignoring the commentary. You will see, as everyone has who has looked at this without knowing what they will see ahead of time, that the call is so obviously correct as to need no weaselly commentary.
Clearly you are the all knowing fount of college football wisdom. Some of your highlights from earlier this year:
Quote from: grumblerThe Michigan-ASU game was highly unusual in that I never once thought "why the fuck did they call that play?" It's been at least ten years since I last saw a Michigan game that didn't feature at least one boneheaded offense play call. I think Nussmeier is a keeper.
This Michigan defense is for real. When the first string was in, ASU averaged something like 2.3 yards per play (and zero third down conversions). Sure, it is just ASU, but that's still good football play.
Quote from: grumblerSo, how you feeling about the ND-UM game? I can't imagine what is going through gamblers' minds that ND is a 5.5 point favorite. I think Michigan wins this outright. Golsen is a great QB, but everything he does well has to go against a Michigan strength.
I actually think that ND would start just about anybody in Michigan's defensive backfield 3-deep. ND will be able to run some, but they won't be able to pass. Michigan won't be able to run except to keep ND honest, but they will pass at will against ND's secondary. ND has nobody that can cover Funchess (height+speed+athleticism = #1JERSEYFORTHEFIRSTTIMEINTENYEARS), and Chesson wide and Funchess inside means ND can't double-team Funchess without going dime giving up the run game.
ND doesn't have the horses to handle Michigan this year. Only a total breakdown of the Michigan O-line (which isn't inconceivable; look at last year) can save the Domers.
QB v Safeties: Michigan, big
OL v DL: Domers, big
RB v LB: Michigan, big
Receivers v DB: Michigan, huge
That's the Tale of Two Cities.
Quote from: Guess who? (hint: its grumbler)
Yep. That's what has Michigan fans snickering over all the "hot seat" comments regarding Hoke. Everyone knew that the team was going to pass through Attrition Valley after the woeful retention of RR's last two classes at Michigan; there were nine RS Juniors/seniors in the two-deep last year, and only six this year; on the offensive line, two and one, respectively. But next year, the O-line will have ten redshirt juniors and seniors available, lose one single player from the defensive two-deep, AND have all the rivalry games at home. It is almost impossible to imagine a scenario in which the AD throws all that away chasing a new coach.
Wow! The ultimate
ad hom argument of the long, distinguished Languish history of
ad hom arguments! I'm touched that you went to all the effort to compile such an
ad hom, but wouldn't the effort have been better-spent just conceding that you are wrong about the issue at hand?
Quote from: grumbler on October 22, 2014, 07:39:18 PM
Wow! The ultimate ad hom argument of the long, distinguished Languish history of ad hom arguments! I'm touched that you went to all the effort to compile such an ad hom, but wouldn't the effort have been better-spent just conceding that you are wrong about the issue at hand?
It wasn't hard to find a bunch of quotes or remember a guy getting super confident about his team after beating App State.
Well, i officiate college football. And I think it is an obvious OPI. The director of all NCAA officials who is responsible for all college officiating thinks it was an obvious OPI call. The covering officials thought it was OPI, and the director of the ACC officials thought it was obvious OPI.
Against that we have some radio tool and you. The radio tool has more credibility that you, for sure, but I think you plus radio tool doesn't trump my own eyes and the opinions of those who are actual experts on officiating college football. Sorry.
Assuming the offending player was in fact running a slant after a jab step out, and that the DB did in fact jump the slant, what should the offending player have done differently to avoid the flag?
Quote from: Berkut on October 22, 2014, 09:09:10 PM
Well, i officiate college football. And I think it is an obvious OPI. The director of all NCAA officials who is responsible for all college officiating thinks it was an obvious OPI call. The covering officials thought it was OPI, and the director of the ACC officials thought it was obvious OPI.
Against that we have some radio tool and you. The radio tool has more credibility that you, for sure, but I think you plus radio tool doesn't trump my own eyes and the opinions of those who are actual experts on officiating college football. Sorry.
If the offensive pass interference had been aged, would it have made a difference?
Quote from: Admiral Yi on October 22, 2014, 09:12:06 PM
Assuming the offending player was in fact running a slant after a jab step out, and that the DB did in fact jump the slant, what should the offending player have done differently to avoid the flag?
Put his hands up in the air to show he wasn't engaged with the defender at all.
Quote from: Berkut on October 22, 2014, 09:09:10 PM
Well, i officiate college football.
You know, I think appeals to authority can sometimes be perfectly valid rhetorical tools.
And I think this is one of those times.
Quote from: Berkut on October 22, 2014, 09:09:10 PM
Well, i officiate college football. And I think it is an obvious OPI. The director of all NCAA officials who is responsible for all college officiating thinks it was an obvious OPI call. The covering officials thought it was OPI, and the director of the ACC officials thought it was obvious OPI.
Against that we have some radio tool and you. The radio tool has more credibility that you, for sure, but I think you plus radio tool doesn't trump my own eyes and the opinions of those who are actual experts on officiating college football. Sorry.
You are right. It is just some radio tool and me. There aren't hordes of people that think the same way, including neutrals. :rolleyes:
I'd also be far more prone to listen to the NCAA and ACC officiating directors if they didn't back up the calls made on the field basically every time there is any justification to do so. Ie, a misapplication of the rules or blatantly not supported by video evidence.
You claim you know it was a screen and the QB threw the ball too long. I don't think that is obvious. The offensive line did not block as though it was a screen (they were forming a pocket rather than trying to block downfield or aggressively knock back the defenders). The receiver's route was actually past the line of scrimmage and going toward the endzone by the time the ball was thrown.
You have a pass thrown quickly--probably within 2 seconds of the snap. There were 3 receivers on the right of the formation, along with 3 DBs. It is worth keeping in mind that this was a play that was probably anticipated, deliberated, and practiced for a moment like this--the ball was on a hash, at about the 2.5 yard line. One would think this was one of the 2 point plays ND had in for the game. The FSU DBs were predictably playing aggressively. If you have the outside guy fake going out and then go in, while the inside guy goes out, that puts incredible pressure on both the outside corners to switch coverages.
Darby, the FSU DB, clearly took the wrong guy. He attacked the wrong receiver at the line when he should have been going out to cover the receiver who scored the touchdown. How do you tell the difference between blocking and trying to continue running a route against press coverage when the contact is sustained for just a second or so? This is why Brian Kelly was bitching about FSU getting rewarded for blowing their coverage. You press receiver x when you should be covering y, a collision results, and when receiver y is wide open the ref thinks it was a pick because receiver x was blocking you.
Holy shit, I just saw this. It seems there was a plot to screw Notre Dame over.
QuoteThe conspirator indicated here is junior cornerback Ronald Darby, the player against whom Will Fuller was falsely accused of committing pass interference. The media wants you believe Darby was just playing a game and not part of a larger concerted effort to destroy Notre Dame football. The media is nothing but L I A R S W I T H B A D F A S H I O N S E N S E, as you will see:
1. "Ronald Darby" is an anagram for "A brandy lord."
2. The Romanovs were known to have one of the world's most impressive collections of brandy.
3. Scientific consensus is that there are no surviving members of the Romanov dynasty, but careful thinkers know that this is likely a convenient fiction. According to that fiction, the Romanovs were all executed together in Yekaterinburg.
4. Yekaterinburg is a sister city of Genoa, Italy, population 594,904.
5. 5+9+4+9+4 = 31. 1931 was the year Knute Rockne died in a plane crash that W A S O R C H E S T R A T E D B Y T H E G O V E R N M E N T to create competitive balance in college football and undermine Notre Dame's deserved dominance of the sport.
It goes even deeper.
QuoteDavid Epperley is the head referee who oversaw the P U B L I C F R A U D perpetrated against Notre Dame last Saturday night in Florida. Epperley is not the mastermind of this C O N S P I R A C Y, but he is one of its puppets, and there is proof.
1. "EPP-ERLE" on a telephone keypad gives you the number 377-3753.
2. In Boise, Idaho, 377-3753 is the number of a Blimpie Subs & Salads.
3. The most famous blimp in the W O R L D is operated by the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company.
4. Goodyear Tire & Rubber is headquartered in Akron, Ohio.
5. The head football coach at the University of Akron is Terry Bowden, son of FSU legend Bobby Bowden.
Sweet Jesus.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 22, 2014, 10:39:38 PM
Quote from: Berkut on October 22, 2014, 09:09:10 PM
Well, i officiate college football. And I think it is an obvious OPI. The director of all NCAA officials who is responsible for all college officiating thinks it was an obvious OPI call. The covering officials thought it was OPI, and the director of the ACC officials thought it was obvious OPI.
Against that we have some radio tool and you. The radio tool has more credibility that you, for sure, but I think you plus radio tool doesn't trump my own eyes and the opinions of those who are actual experts on officiating college football. Sorry.
You are right. It is just some radio tool and me. There aren't hordes of people that think the same way, including neutrals. :rolleyes:
I'd also be far more prone to listen to the NCAA and ACC officiating directors if they didn't back up the calls made on the field basically every time there is any justification to do so. Ie, a misapplication of the rules or blatantly not supported by video evidence.
Wow - that is a pretty interesting comment. So you think all the people who officiate for a living are all in some grand conspiracy to hide officiating mistakes that are obvious to the like of you and South Bend radio talk show hosts?
The video I linked, and which you obviously did not watch, is a video put out by Redding every week addressed to officials primarily to highlight mistakes and procedural errors. Officials constantly, and I mean that literally, CONSTANTLY highlight mistakes that are made to each other. We watch video every single week where coordinators point out things done wrong. Hell, just last week I got to have the enjoyable experience of reviewing clips from my game and invited to explain why I didn't make some calls I should have, and this was as a result of clips sent into my boss by the losing coach. And I was wrong. Well, on one of them I was wrong anyway.
The idea that they all sit around lying and telling everyone nobody makes mistakes is so completely ignorant it pretty much destroys any credibility you never had on the subject. Hell, the other situation I pointed out (because it had to do with Arizona) on that very video was Redding telling the officials they screwed up the play!
Finally, I find it kind of amazing that your whine is that they don't say the officials screwed up except when their is evidence that the officials screwed up. Gosh, what a bunch of assholes, they don't throw their officials under the bus based on something other than actual video evidence or clear mis-application of the rules! Why, that is ridiculous! Doesn't Redding listen to South Bend radio hosts?
You claim you know it was a screen and the QB threw the ball too long. I don't think that is obvious.
I think it is rather obvious. This is not some special unique play, it is run all the time in college football.
If those receivers were there to catch passes rather than block, they sure do a bad job of getting open since they both run directly into defenders.
The offensive line did not block as though it was a screen (they were forming a pocket rather than trying to block downfield or aggressively knock back the defenders).
Why would they - this is a 2 yard play. They don't need to block downfield, the play will have failed or succeeded long before any block they place downfield will matter. They just need to give the QB time to dump the quick screen. You should watch more college football. This is a very common goal line play.
The receiver's route was actually past the line of scrimmage and going toward the endzone by the time the ball was thrown.
So? Of course his route goes towards the end zone. That is kind of normal for football, there are few routes that go away from the end zone, even on screen plays.
The QB let the play develop too long, or the WR didn't delay long enough, and the timing was a little off. They ran this same play earlier in the game, and the ball was caught right at the LOS, maybe just slightly over, but not enough to pull a flag.
You have a pass thrown quickly--probably within 2 seconds of the snap. There were 3 receivers on the right of the formation, along with 3 DBs. It is worth keeping in mind that this was a play that was probably anticipated, deliberated, and practiced for a moment like this--the ball was on a hash, at about the 2.5 yard line.
I am sure that is the case. And I don't doubt that part of that practice includes instruction to the 2 WRs to seal of the DBs to make sure they cannot get to the intended target.
One would think this was one of the 2 point plays ND had in for the game. The FSU DBs were predictably playing aggressively. If you have the outside guy fake going out and then go in, while the inside guy goes out, that puts incredible pressure on both the outside corners to switch coverages.
Darby, the FSU DB, clearly took the wrong guy. He attacked the wrong receiver at the line when he should have been going out to cover the receiver who scored the touchdown. How do you tell the difference between blocking and trying to continue running a route against press coverage when the contact is sustained for just a second or so? This is why Brian Kelly was bitching about FSU getting rewarded for blowing their coverage. You press receiver x when you should be covering y, a collision results, and when receiver y is wide open the ref thinks it was a pick because receiver x was blocking you.
That was not a collision, it was the receiver going out and creating contact - both of them. Easy call, except for the situation. Only question is whether the pass would cross the LOS.
Look at the contact on the DBs - both of them are in the endzone, the outside DB doesn't even get contacted by the WR until they are BOTH in the endzone! He is actually backing away! The idea that this receiver was trying to get open and just kind of happened to Oopsie! run right into the DB who is the only defensive player in position to make any play on the WR is laughable. Pass interference restrictions for the offense start when the ball is snapped - they know it is going to be a pass and are responsible for blocking accordingly.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on October 22, 2014, 09:12:06 PM
Assuming the offending player was in fact running a slant after a jab step out, and that the DB did in fact jump the slant, what should the offending player have done differently to avoid the flag?
Run around the DB, go another direction.
OPI restrictions start with the snap for the offense, but not until the ball is thrown for the defense for a reason - the offense knows the play, the defense does not.
The defense has every right to interfere with the route before the ball is in the air, as long as they don't actually hold the receiver. The defender has the right to his spot on the field if he gets there first. The offensive player doesn't get to say "Hey, I was running a slant, and he was where I wanted to go, so I ran over him". If that was the case, offensive players could just find the nearerst defender and run them down, because of course there is always some route that would take them that way. He was inside! I was running a slant! He was outside, I was running a fade! It was right in front of me! I was running a go!
Quote from: sbr on October 22, 2014, 09:55:40 PM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on October 22, 2014, 09:12:06 PM
Assuming the offending player was in fact running a slant after a jab step out, and that the DB did in fact jump the slant, what should the offending player have done differently to avoid the flag?
Put his hands up in the air to show he wasn't engaged with the defender at all.
Correct answer. Also he could maybe turn his head to at least pretend to look back at the QB.
Quote from: derspiess on October 23, 2014, 10:16:30 AM
Quote from: sbr on October 22, 2014, 09:55:40 PM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on October 22, 2014, 09:12:06 PM
Assuming the offending player was in fact running a slant after a jab step out, and that the DB did in fact jump the slant, what should the offending player have done differently to avoid the flag?
Put his hands up in the air to show he wasn't engaged with the defender at all.
Correct answer. Also he could maybe turn his head to at least pretend to look back at the QB.
Indeed. There are lots of things you can (and would) do if you were actually looking to run a route.
Especially on play like this where it is going to develop very quickly.
If you pause the video I linked at 8:42 you can see a ND WR already engaged with the DB. Notice that the other WR is right at the LOS, and the intended WR just a step behind him. The DB he is going to block is backing away and his feet at right at the goal line.
Advance 8:46/7 in the video.
DB is now a yard into the endzone, WR is now a yard short of the endzone - the DB is backing up.
Inside WR still engaged with his defender, doing a nice job of keeping him out of the play. Intended WR at this point is STILL BEHIND THE LOS! If he continues along it, or the QB throws along it, this would be a legal play and a TD.
8:47 - now the WR has actively "chased" the widest DB 2 yards into the endzone and engaged him, and the intended WR has slipped a yard beyond the LOS.
Dorseys claim that his route is actively downfield is actually not even correct - his route is mostly lateral, and in fact the throw actually looks pretty good - if the WR has held his route along the LOS, he would have caught that same throw right at the LOS, which would almost certainly not get a flag.
Anyone who can look at that image and say that those 2 receivers are trying to run routes is crazy.
The fun part about this photo right here is that at this point, ND hasn't actually done anything wrong yet - that WR extends his route down the LOS, and they are golden...so to speak.
But he doesn't, he slips downfield and the pass is clearly caught beyond the LOS.
But it is blatantly obvious that neither WR is running a route.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 22, 2014, 07:44:23 PM
It wasn't hard to find a bunch of quotes or remember a guy getting super confident about his team after beating App State.
Gump, you're a fuckin' genius!
Quote from: Berkut on October 23, 2014, 10:03:03 AM
Wow - that is a pretty interesting comment. So you think all the people who officiate for a living are all in some grand conspiracy to hide officiating mistakes that are obvious to the like of you and South Bend radio talk show hosts?
The video I linked, and which you obviously did not watch, is a video put out by Redding every week addressed to officials primarily to highlight mistakes and procedural errors. Officials constantly, and I mean that literally, CONSTANTLY highlight mistakes that are made to each other. We watch video every single week where coordinators point out things done wrong. Hell, just last week I got to have the enjoyable experience of reviewing clips from my game and invited to explain why I didn't make some calls I should have, and this was as a result of clips sent into my boss by the losing coach. And I was wrong. Well, on one of them I was wrong anyway.
The idea that they all sit around lying and telling everyone nobody makes mistakes is so completely ignorant it pretty much destroys any credibility you never had on the subject. Hell, the other situation I pointed out (because it had to do with Arizona) on that very video was Redding telling the officials they screwed up the play!
Finally, I find it kind of amazing that your whine is that they don't say the officials screwed up except when their is evidence that the officials screwed up. Gosh, what a bunch of assholes, they don't throw their officials under the bus based on something other than actual video evidence or clear mis-application of the rules! Why, that is ridiculous! Doesn't Redding listen to South Bend radio hosts?
I've never said there was a conspiracy (except in an obvious joke post). I don't believe there is one. Everyone acting in their own interest is not a conspiracy.
There is a ton of judgment in being an official. Many flags could be thrown that are not, and vice versa. There is a strong bias in the sport not to question any but the most egregious officiating judgments after the game. The NFL and every conference I'm aware actually has rules against publicly criticizing officials post game--Brian Kelly is somewhat unique in being able to go on his post game tirade against the refs because ND isn't in a conference for football.
If that doesn't correspond with your experience, then fine. But there is a narrative that ND was warned by the officials to stop rubbing DBs during the game or else they would get a penalty (which Jimbo Fisher was lobbying for). If this is so cut and dried, then why not call other penalties on ND earlier in the game? If this isn't such a huge gray area, then it seems ND was either committing penalties the refs were delinquent in not calling (even after seeing), or being given warnings for legal plays.
I'd respond to the substance but I'm supposed to be working today.
Quote from: grumbler on October 23, 2014, 11:55:28 AM
Quote from: alfred russel on October 22, 2014, 07:44:23 PM
It wasn't hard to find a bunch of quotes or remember a guy getting super confident about his team after beating App State.
Gump, you're a fuckin' genius!
Thanks, but before I start feeling good about my self, I'm going to wait for the judgment of someone who 6 games ago thought there was no way Brady Hoke would get shitcanned. :hug:
That penalty in the ND-FSU game was blatantly obvious. How is this even a thing?
Berkut, I don't want to show the vid yet because I think Dorsey is going to dig himself a deeper hole with that ego of his, but if you extend your pictures about one second beyond the second picture, you will see that Fuller actually bends forward with his arms on the DB, power-driving with his legs. He is distinctly and obviously bent forward at the waist, which he could not be if he were actually trying to avoid contact. This is what Mr Midnight radio steps forward to block with his body when he does his "better angle replay."
I am sure he was bent forward because the spawn of Satan Florida DB was pulling on his jersey. What you see there is blatant DPI.
Quote from: Berkut on October 23, 2014, 10:03:03 AM
Quote from: me
The offensive line did not block as though it was a screen (they were forming a pocket rather than trying to block downfield or aggressively knock back the defenders).
Why would they - this is a 2 yard play. They don't need to block downfield, the play will have failed or succeeded long before any block they place downfield will matter. They just need to give the QB time to dump the quick screen. You should watch more college football. This is a very common goal line play.
Generally when you run a quick screen to a receiver and don't anticipate blocking downfield, the tackles don't passively give ground to the opposing defensive line. Otherwise you give the defensive ends an opportunity to get into the backfield and knock the ball down.
You said this.
It takes a serious and dedicated lack of understanding of football to believe that ND was running trips to one side with a pass to the receiver behind the other two just over the LOS...and they were not trying to run a screen.
Keep these things in mind:
1) The ND receivers said that they were not blocking (as for a screen) and no one for ND has said that.
2) Brian Kelly said they were not running a screen, and all 3 receivers were running pass routes.
3) Contrary to what you said first about the QB messing up and throwing the ball across the line, the receivers route actually took him across the line before the ball was thrown.
4) The pass took the receiver downfield another couple yards after the ball was thrown
5) While both of the receivers on that side of the ball had major contact with FSU DBs, the DBs were attempting to initiate contact (in press coverage).
So here we are. You apparently believe that every public statement from Notre Dame is a bald faced lie, and that everyone with any football knowledge knows that Kelly is a liar. Any sense of integrity he may have pretended to have with his team is now shot, as presumably they know the play that was called, and would know that he is lying to the world about it. And why is Brian Kelly lying and erasing his credibility? Everyone knows that there is zero chance of getting the outcome of the game changed.
What is scary here is that you are an official, and don't understand that non screen plays can be run out of such a look in such a situation.
Quote from: derspiess on October 23, 2014, 10:16:30 AM
Quote from: sbr on October 22, 2014, 09:55:40 PM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on October 22, 2014, 09:12:06 PM
Assuming the offending player was in fact running a slant after a jab step out, and that the DB did in fact jump the slant, what should the offending player have done differently to avoid the flag?
Put his hands up in the air to show he wasn't engaged with the defender at all.
Correct answer. Also he could maybe turn his head to at least pretend to look back at the QB.
Wait, what?
You need to turn your head to look for a ball when you are getting jammed at the line and not anywhere near the end of your route?
There were 3 ND receivers, and because they picked up the wrong men in coverage only 2 FSU DBs. They both jammed receivers that were not thrown the ball. I'd be interested if anyone can find a youtube clip where offensive pass interference was called on a pass thrown so quickly in such a situation.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 24, 2014, 12:32:30 PM
Quote from: Berkut on October 23, 2014, 10:03:03 AM
Quote from: me
The offensive line did not block as though it was a screen (they were forming a pocket rather than trying to block downfield or aggressively knock back the defenders).
Why would they - this is a 2 yard play. They don't need to block downfield, the play will have failed or succeeded long before any block they place downfield will matter. They just need to give the QB time to dump the quick screen. You should watch more college football. This is a very common goal line play.
Generally when you run a quick screen to a receiver and don't anticipate blocking downfield, the tackles don't passively give ground to the opposing defensive line. Otherwise you give the defensive ends an opportunity to get into the backfield and knock the ball down.
You said this.
It takes a serious and dedicated lack of understanding of football to believe that ND was running trips to one side with a pass to the receiver behind the other two just over the LOS...and they were not trying to run a screen.
Keep these things in mind:
1) The ND receivers said that they were not blocking (as for a screen) and no one for ND has said that.
Officials rarely make calls based on what someone says in a press conference.
2) Brian Kelly said they were not running a screen, and all 3 receivers were running pass routes.
They should learn to run better routes then, and not run straight into the DBs.
3) Contrary to what you said first about the QB messing up and throwing the ball across the line, the receivers route actually took him across the line before the ball was thrown.
Except not - look at the screenshot above. The WR is on the LOS as the ball is thrown. The path of the ball in flight is mostly lateral, and could have certainly been caught on the LOS rather than beyond it. Not that it matters, since there is no reason to presume that the actual flight of the ball is what is intended when the play is drawn up.
4) The pass took the receiver downfield another couple yards after the ball was thrown
Again, this is not correct and irrelevant even if it was correct. QBs miss. Receivers don't run perfect routes.
5) While both of the receivers on that side of the ball had major contact with FSU DBs, the DBs were attempting to initiate contact (in press coverage).
This is just plan not true. Watch the video. The outside DB is backing up, and the WR chases him down into the endzone, then seals him inside.
So here we are. You apparently believe that every public statement from Notre Dame is a bald faced lie, and that everyone with any football knowledge knows that Kelly is a liar.
I think anyone who knows anything about football knows that if this is NOT OPI, then there is no such thing as OPI. If Kelly says something that isn't exactly true in a press conference, he might not be the first coach to ever do so.
Any sense of integrity he may have pretended to have with his team is now shot, as presumably they know the play that was called, and would know that he is lying to the world about it. And why is Brian Kelly lying and erasing his credibility? Everyone knows that there is zero chance of getting the outcome of the game changed.
Yeah, I know you in your vast knowledge of football know that no coach ever says anything in a press conference after losing a game that is not 100% absolutely true.
What is scary here is that you are an official, and don't understand that non screen plays can be run out of such a look in such a situation.
I understand that offensive players restrictions on pass interference start with the snap, and they are not allowed to go down and block DBs, and that is what they did. Easy OPI call, as every credible and objective observer who understands the rules and how they are applied has said over and over again.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 24, 2014, 12:32:30 PM
2) Brian Kelly said they were not running a screen, and all 3 receivers were running pass routes.
You're putting an awful lot of trust in Brian Kelly, who has shown himself to be pretty untrustworthy.
Quote from: derspiess on October 24, 2014, 01:39:28 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on October 24, 2014, 12:32:30 PM
2) Brian Kelly said they were not running a screen, and all 3 receivers were running pass routes.
You're putting an awful lot of trust in Brian Kelly, who has shown himself to be pretty untrustworthy.
Yeah Brian Kelly is a great football coach who is doing great things at Notre Dame but he is a pretty ruthless competitor with few scruples. Objectivity is not to be expected.
Quote from: derspiess on October 24, 2014, 01:39:55 PM
If only West Virginia still played them.
Quote from: Valmy on October 24, 2014, 02:04:33 PM
Quote from: derspiess on October 24, 2014, 01:39:28 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on October 24, 2014, 12:32:30 PM
2) Brian Kelly said they were not running a screen, and all 3 receivers were running pass routes.
You're putting an awful lot of trust in Brian Kelly, who has shown himself to be pretty untrustworthy.
Yeah Brian Kelly is a great football coach who is doing great things at Notre Dame but he is a pretty ruthless competitor with few scruples.
Yeah, just ask the guy he sent up on a lift to film practice in >50mph winds. Oh wait, you can't. He's dead.
Quote from: Valmy on October 24, 2014, 02:06:55 PM
Quote from: derspiess on October 24, 2014, 01:39:55 PM
If only West Virginia still played them.
I kind of wish they still did, but it's one of those things where WVU has nothing to win and everything to lose.
Quote from: Valmy on October 24, 2014, 02:04:33 PM
Yeah Brian Kelly is a great football coach who is doing great things at Notre Dame but he is a pretty ruthless competitor with few scruples. Objectivity is not to be expected.
I'm glad there's so few of those types in college football.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 24, 2014, 02:47:54 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 24, 2014, 02:04:33 PM
Yeah Brian Kelly is a great football coach who is doing great things at Notre Dame but he is a pretty ruthless competitor with few scruples. Objectivity is not to be expected.
I'm glad there's so few of those types in college football.
Berkut: I think those pictures you posted actually advance the case for blown coverage. In the first pic the outside receiver and his DB are on the same axis. In the second the DB is inside his man, proving, in my mind, that he was jumping the slant. He also doesn't appear to be making any effort to fight through a block and get back outside to cover the open receiver.
Receivers always fight their way clear of press coverage, and I think the case can be made that that is what those two engaged receivers are doing.
Quote from: derspiess on October 24, 2014, 02:52:32 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 24, 2014, 02:47:54 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 24, 2014, 02:04:33 PM
Yeah Brian Kelly is a great football coach who is doing great things at Notre Dame but he is a pretty ruthless competitor with few scruples. Objectivity is not to be expected.
I'm glad there's so few of those types in college football.
...And they all lived happily ever after. Douchebag.
Btw we forgot to trash talk last week when our alma maters played. Your cheating Tigers got lucky.
edit: oops
Yay. Tiger Pride, etc.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on October 24, 2014, 02:54:20 PM
Berkut: I think those pictures you posted actually advance the case for blown coverage. In the first pic the outside receiver and his DB are on the same axis. In the second the DB is inside his man, proving, in my mind, that he was jumping the slant.
A couple things:
1. The WR is on the outside of the DB because that is his job - to seal the outside from the defender so they cannot get over to make a play. That is how a screen play like this works.
2. Officiating a football game is not a court case. The "defense" doesn't get to come up with some palusible story under which they can come up with a scenario to explain away an obvious infraction. Is it possible that BOTH ND WRs were trying to run routes and it just so happened that the DBs did exactly the right things that made it look like OPI? I suppose it's possible - but it isn't likely. And it takes more than a desperate effort to come up with an alternate explanation to convince.
2. Whether there was blown coverage is completely irrelevant to the call. It's not like there is a rule that says "If in the judgement of the covering official, the defensive backs mistake who they should cover, then offensive pass inteference restrictions shall be lifted from the offense". It doesn't matter who the DBs were supposed to cover - the offensive players cannot initiate contact with the defenders on a pass that crosses the line of scrimmage. Period. And that is clearly what is happening.
He also doesn't appear to be making any effort to fight through a block and get back outside to cover the open receiver.
He doesn't need to - but for the offensive player to convince anyone that they are trying to run a route, they DO need to make an effort to avoid defenders who are legitimately occupying a spot on the field they are entitled to, and neither ND WR was doing that. They were clearly not trying to get into any route, just trying to screen the DBs.
Receivers always fight their way clear of press coverage, and I think the case can be made that that is what those two engaged receivers are doing.
Errrh, no, actually, you cannot make such a case. The outside DB is backing UP as the play develops - if the WR wanted to get away from him, he could do so trivially - he makes no effort to do so, and in fact runs straight at the DB and seals him inside. In fact, they make an excellent play for a screen pass.
There are two reasonable possibilities here:
1. This was a screen play where the target WR and/or the QB missed their route/throw causing the ball to go beyond the LOS when it should not, which makes this OPI.
2. This was not a screen play, but an intentional pick play where the ND players coaches thought the officials would not have the balls to call OPI in such a critical situation and told the WRs to screen downfield and dare the covering officials to call OPI. In which case this is OPI.
Is it possible that this was three WRs all trying to run normal routes and in each of those two cases where there was significant contact that looks exactly like OPI they were entirely innocent victims of the defenders "jumping their routes"? Sure - it is possible. And maybe OJ really was setup, and perhaps the moon landings really were faked. Anything is possible.
Funny things coaches say:
At my game this weekend, it is 2nd and 8, I am on the wing on the offenses side of the field.
B44 is offsides at the snap, so I throw my flag. Coach starts yelling "FREE PLAY! FREE PLAY!" and the QB scrambles a bit and throws a bomb downfield which ends up incomplete. The R throws a flag for holding on one of the offensive linemen, so we have offsetting penalties, replay the down.
Head coach of this college team comes up to me and starts yelling "Jeff! Jeff! JEFF!!!! IT WAS A FREE PLAY!!! YOU CANNOT HAVE HOLDING ON A FREE PLAY!!!!!".
I didn't even know how to respond to that.
Probably better not to respond at all, or just say, "No, that's not correct". Anything I can think of that you might say beyond that would probably get you in trouble--things that spring to mind are along the lines of "Are you fucking insane?", "What have you been smoking?", or "You'd think a coach should know the rules better than that". None of those are things that are probably appropriate for a game official to say to a coach.
Quote from: Berkut on October 24, 2014, 01:12:48 PM
Officials rarely make calls based on what someone says in a press conference.
That wasn't about the call of the officials. It was about your statement:
"It takes a serious and dedicated lack of understanding of football to believe that ND was running trips to one side with a pass to the receiver behind the other two just over the LOS...and they were not trying to run a screen."
There is a mountain of evidence that it wasn't a screen. Aside from the words coming out of ND, the national discussion over the play has had a lot of football people weigh in, and I've yet to hear anyone say it was supposed to be a screen. If you want names, Chris Spielman and Sean McDonough were discussing the play, and they agreed that the receivers for ND should have done a better job selling that they were trying to run routes (meaning they didn't think it was a screen, else the fault would have been with the pass catcher and/or QB). [for the record, one thought it was correctly called, the other thought it could have gone either way]
But hey, you've officiated high school games and maybe some games at lower division colleges. You probably know more about plays that are run out of formations than Chris Spielman, who only played big time college ball and in the NFL for a lot of years.
The real tragedy in all of this is that our poor Canadian colleague BB seems to be deferring to your authority in this, and is going to mistakenly go through life thinking that such a formation and slot receiver route running invariably means the team is trying to run a screen. :cry:
LOL, they are saying the receivers should do a better job "selling" that they are running routes as evidence that this is NOT a screen?
How about just running a route, instead of "selling" anything?
Whatever man, I think the evidence is pretty clear for anyone who doesn't have a hard on for Florida. It was an easy call, and correctly made, and every official I know, and every official who has weighed in all have the exact same opinion. Easy OPI call, except for the situation. I am sure all the talking heads who are paid to come up with something to talk about know more than the officials what the right call was.
You can latch on to my one sentence taken out of context if it makes you feel like less of a douchebag for being so thoroughly wrong if you like, but I don't really care. Our poor Canadian friend should, in fact, defer to the authority of actual officials (and I am by far the least of the ones cited) over fans and talking heads.
TCU is kind of scary. derspiess, I'm worried about your boys.
Quote from: Berkut on October 26, 2014, 11:35:16 PM
LOL, they are saying the receivers should do a better job "selling" that they are running routes as evidence that this is NOT a screen?
How about just running a route, instead of "selling" anything?
Because if it is a screen, those guys are legal blockers. They don't need to sell anything.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 26, 2014, 11:39:30 PM
Quote from: Berkut on October 26, 2014, 11:35:16 PM
LOL, they are saying the receivers should do a better job "selling" that they are running routes as evidence that this is NOT a screen?
How about just running a route, instead of "selling" anything?
Because if it is a screen, those guys are legal blockers. They don't need to sell anything.
SO that raises the second possibility I mentioned - an intentional attempt to run a pick play, which is still OPI and correctly called.
You can slice it any way you like, but you cannot get away from a simple truth: The rules state that the offense cannot go downfield and screen/block/make contact with defenders on a pass beyond the line of scrimmage. They did so. It is OPI.
Only Dorsey4Heisman could turn the ND-FSU game into the fucking Warren Commission. Even the Pope's moved on, fool.
No shit.
Quote from: Berkut on October 26, 2014, 11:43:01 PM
The rules state that the offense cannot go downfield and screen/block/make contact with defenders on a pass beyond the line of scrimmage. They did so. It is OPI.
I quit talking about whether it was pass interference because the play was over a week ago. I was focusing on your statements that were made in a highly insulting way that it was a screen play, which there is significant evidence simply isn't true.
But, your statement above is not really correct either. Receivers can make contact with DBs--they do so all the time when the DBs press them. In this case, both DBs were pressing the ND receivers that "blocked" them. You pointing out earlier that the defenders were moving back was an odd thing to say--of course they were moving back--when you press guys in man to man coverage without over the top help, you sure as hell better start moving back or there won't be anyone in coverage once the receiver gets off the line.
The real tragedy of all this is that FSU is accumulating all these wins that is going to create so much sadness when they get vacated.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 26, 2014, 11:55:27 PM
You pointing out earlier that the defenders were moving back was an odd thing to say--of course they were moving back--when you press guys in man to man coverage without over the top help, you sure as hell better start moving back or there won't be anyone in coverage once the receiver gets off the line.
Are you sure you know what "press" means in this context?
By "press" he means they are counting on talking heads in the press to explain how the officials screwed up the call.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 26, 2014, 11:37:18 PM
TCU is kind of scary. derspiess, I'm worried about your boys.
Yep, but hell-- Game Day will be in Morgantown and WVU is a pretty good team at home. Only thing I can guarantee is that TCU won't put up 82 points.
https://mtc.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/3298649E861135469641834364928_2a09ba49bac.5.1.640382532488847293.mp4?versionId=RupcUgdzgOPws_QPJnqLdjDoxxU_tdKA (https://mtc.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/3298649E861135469641834364928_2a09ba49bac.5.1.640382532488847293.mp4?versionId=RupcUgdzgOPws_QPJnqLdjDoxxU_tdKA)
This is the video I referred to earlier. Note how the second receiver in (#20) hits the defensive back (who never steps forward), grabs the jersey, and drives the DB into the end zone, never turning around and only releasing the block on the whistle. I don't think that he was the player mentioned by the refs, but his play clearly was illegal.
The WR (#7) at the end of the line doesn't appear to be seeking contact and does break free of the press as the play ends. I think the refs just got confused as to which player had committed the foul (if the foul was called on #7)
It was a blown coverage by FSU, and it was boneheaded of ND to commit a foul where none was necessary.
Quote from: sbr on October 27, 2014, 03:58:55 AM
Quote from: alfred russel on October 26, 2014, 11:55:27 PM
You pointing out earlier that the defenders were moving back was an odd thing to say--of course they were moving back--when you press guys in man to man coverage without over the top help, you sure as hell better start moving back or there won't be anyone in coverage once the receiver gets off the line.
Are you sure you know what "press" means in this context?
Yeah, jam / physically impede the route.
QuoteBy "press" he means they are counting on talking heads in the press to explain how the officials screwed up the call.
Hey, you were the one that said anyone who didn't know they were running a screen had a "serious and dedicated lack of understanding of football". A lot of those talking heads have rather substantial careers in the sport.
Quote from: alfred russel on October 27, 2014, 08:54:54 AM
Quote from: sbr on October 27, 2014, 03:58:55 AM
Quote from: alfred russel on October 26, 2014, 11:55:27 PM
You pointing out earlier that the defenders were moving back was an odd thing to say--of course they were moving back--when you press guys in man to man coverage without over the top help, you sure as hell better start moving back or there won't be anyone in coverage once the receiver gets off the line.
Are you sure you know what "press" means in this context?
Yeah, jam / physically impede the route.
By backing up? They were at the 2 yard line; safety help over the top is of no concern at all at that spot on the field and anyone in press coverage rarely gives the receiver a free release especially at the 2 yard line.
Quote from: sbr on October 27, 2014, 11:55:28 AM
By backing up? They were at the 2 yard line; safety help over the top is of no concern at all at that spot on the field and anyone in press coverage rarely gives the receiver a free release especially at the 2 yard line.
Yes, obviously not at full speed.
Over the top help is a concern at the 2 yard line: if you are flatfooted at the line of scrimmage when the receiver gets by you he will end up all alone at the back of the endzone. If the receiver is at the line, you can make some initial contact before starting to go back, but in either case (and initially if the receiver does not line up on the line of scrimmage) you need to get some backward motion.
Quote from: derspiess on October 27, 2014, 08:32:06 AM
Quote from: alfred russel on October 26, 2014, 11:37:18 PM
TCU is kind of scary. derspiess, I'm worried about your boys.
Yep, but hell-- Game Day will be in Morgantown and WVU is a pretty good team at home. Only thing I can guarantee is that TCU won't put up 82 points.
They are apparently only 5.5 point underdogs.
Big Ten officials admit that they gave the game to OSU. Apparently, the blatantly obvious non-interception interception call couldn't be overturned because the replay officials didn't have the replay feed, and the 49-yard OSU field goal made after the clock expired was just a fuckup. That's pretty much 10 gratis points to OSU in a game that went to overtime.
Quote from: grumbler on October 27, 2014, 01:01:45 PM
Big Ten officials admit that they gave the game to OSU. Apparently, the blatantly obvious non-interception interception call couldn't be overturned because the replay officials didn't have the replay feed, and the 49-yard OSU field goal made after the clock expired was just a fuckup. That's pretty much 10 gratis points to OSU in a game that went to overtime.
Anything to stop Pedo State is justified.
Quote from: grumbler on October 27, 2014, 01:01:45 PM
Big Ten officials admit that they gave the game to OSU. Apparently, the blatantly obvious non-interception interception call couldn't be overturned because the replay officials didn't have the replay feed,
OSU still had to go score though - and Penn State still failed to stop them. Yeah, they officials blew the call (those interceptions suck, because there is nobody in a good position to see them other than the R, and the R is not looking that way), but it's not like it was a sure thing that OSU could capitalize on the call.
and the 49-yard OSU field goal made after the clock expired was just a fuckup. That's pretty much 10 gratis points to OSU in a game that went to overtime.
Well, it was after the play clock expired, so it's not quite the same thing as the game clock expiring, since it just means they kick it from a little further.
On the other hand, "a little further" being another 5 yards on top of an already 49 yard field goal is probably a pretty big precentage decrease in success...so yeah, that is a pretty big fuckup. And what is more, it is a weird fuckup - I don't even know how you would go about missing that. The back judge has responsibility for the play clock, with the R as secondary. I bet the back judge gets seriously downgraded. I wonder if I know him...
Might be a few spots opening on a Big 10 Crew for you Berkut!
Well, the R in our organization who moved up to the MAC/B1G wasn't on the game :) So you could say I kind of replaced him in that his leaving is what opened up a referee position in our organization.
So if you were ever called upon to ref an Arizona game would you have to recuse yourself?
Quote from: Valmy on October 27, 2014, 02:43:51 PM
So if you were ever called upon to ref an Arizona game would you have to recuse yourself?
Pfft, recuse, hell. I know bookies we could go through 4 degrees of separation to work with. :ph34r:
Quote from: Valmy on October 27, 2014, 02:43:51 PM
So if you were ever called upon to ref an Arizona game would you have to recuse yourself?
It has occurred to me that rather than spending my time going deep underground / incognito on languish I could have spent that time and effort doing the same in officiating. :ph34r:
Quote from: Valmy on October 27, 2014, 02:43:51 PM
So if you were ever called upon to ref an Arizona game would you have to recuse yourself?
Yeah, you aren't allowed to officiate a school you've attended. I don't think I could really be a Pac-12 official at all, to be honest - I like being a fan too much.
Quote from: Valmy on October 27, 2014, 02:01:26 PM
Anything to stop Pedo State is justified.
Good man.
QuotePac-12 passes reforms for athletes
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The Pac-12 passed sweeping changes for athletes in all of the conference's sports Monday, guaranteeing four-year scholarships, improving health care benefits and liberalizing transfer rules.
The changes announced by the Pac-12 presidents and chancellors include many of the same proposals outlined in a letter to university leaders in the five major football conferences in May. The conference also said its presidents and chancellors reaffirmed their support for stipends to cover the full cost of attendance.
Pac-12 Commissioner Larry Scott has said that figure will likely range between $2,000 and $5,000 per athlete depending on the university. The 65 institutions in the five major football conferences - granted autonomy by the NCAA earlier this year - and 15 representative athletes will vote on the issue at the group's inaugural meeting in January.
Washington State President Elson Floyd, the chairman of the Pac-12's CEO Group, said in a statement that the changes announced by the conference fulfill ''a promise we made when we announced our agenda for reform earlier this year.''
According to the Pac-12's new rules, all athletic scholarships will be guaranteed for four years and ''can neither be reduced nor canceled provided the student-athlete remains in good standing and meets his/her terms of the agreement.'' In addition, financial aid agreements offered to incoming athletes will be ''for no less than four academic years'' beginning in the 2015-16 academic year.
Starting in 2016-17, if an athlete leaves an institution in good standing and has completed at least 50 percent of their degree, they can ''return and receive necessary educational expenses for the remaining terms of the agreement.''
Medical expenses for athletes injured during their college careers will be covered up to four years after they leave school under a rule that goes into effect in 2015-16. Athletes who transfer between Pac-12 universities will be able to receive athletic scholarships immediately ''without restriction.''
The Pac-12 also said athletes will be represented in the conference's governance structure. Final recommendations on the structure will be determined by June.
Washington gymnast McKenzie Fechter, the chair of the Pac-12 Student Athlete Advisory Committee, praised the Pac-12 for adopting the changes.
''I'm proud to be a part of a conference that is pushing reform and doing more for student-athletes,'' Fechter said in a statement. ''These reforms are positive steps not only for those of us who are current student-athletes, but also for those who aspire to be Pac-12 student-athletes in the future.''
The Pac-12 also said its presidents and chancellors discussed how it could lessen the time demands on athletes. The conference said it will continue to examine the subject with athletes and leaders at the other major football conferences, which include the Atlantic Coast, Big Ten, Big 12 and Southeastern Conference.
''As a former student-athlete myself, I believe these reforms will mean a great deal to student-athletes in the Pac-12,'' Scott said in a statement. ''These reforms will ensure they enjoy a positive collegiate sports experience, and graduate with a meaningful college degree. This set of reforms also address various health and financial concerns that student-athletes have expressed to me in the many conversations I've had with them, while preserving the essence of the collegiate experience that has served so many student-athletes so well.
''I am very proud of the national leadership position our presidents, chancellors, athletics directors, senior women administrators, faculty athletic representatives, and other administrators have taken.''
Meanwhile in Michigan, their long statewide nightmare is over:
QuoteBrady Hoke, Mark Dantonio make amends after 'Stakegate'
Joe Rexrode and Mark Snyder, USA TODAY Sports 2:27 a.m. EDT October 27, 2014
Maybe one of them could have demonstrated better awareness. Maybe the other could have been less upset about the results.
Both felt compelled to talk about it Sunday, and now Michigan coach Brady Hoke and Michigan State coach Mark Dantonio should be all set to move forward from "Stakegate," as it will likely be known for years to come.
First, U-M issued an apology from Hoke on Sunday afternoon, a day after the Wolverines' 35-11 loss to MSU at Spartan Stadium. Before kickoff, U-M's Joe Bolden threw a stake into the ground, surrounded by several teammates, and they followed with gestures toward the MSU sideline.
"I want to publicly apologize to coach Dantonio as well as the players and supporters of Michigan State for our act of poor sportsmanship displayed pre-game yesterday," Hoke said in his statement. "I spoke with Mark earlier today and expressed to him that we meant no disrespect to his team. During our regular Friday night team meeting, one of the topics presented to motivate our team was a history lesson addressing commitment and teamwork in a tough environment. A tent stake was presented to the team as a symbol of this concept.
"The stake was brought into our locker room as a visual reminder, and one of our team leaders chose to take it out on the field. As the leader of our football program, I take full responsibility for the actions of our team. We believe in displaying a high level of respect at the University of Michigan and unfortunately that was not reflected by this action prior to kickoff."
Later Sunday, Dantonio had his usual teleconference with reporters to discuss the previous day's game – moved up 15 minutes, likely in anticipation of a longer-than-usual discussion. Dantonio and his players were openly offended by the gesture right after the game, and he said MSU's late decision to go for a touchdown rather than kneel "shoved it" back at the Wolverines.
On Sunday, Dantonio said he wanted to keep his call with Hoke private, but he reiterated what he has said many times – that "Brady and I have a great relationship, I have a lot of respect for him."
"It's my feeling as a person -- not as coach, as a person -- that I don't really care to cause pain for anybody," Dantonio said. "That's not why I'm here. So I'm good to do. We'll focus on the future."
Stakegate, the greatest scandal in the history of the Paul Bunyan Trophy.
What's the big deal with a tent stake? :huh:
Quote from: Admiral Yi on October 28, 2014, 04:13:32 PM
What's the big deal with a tent stake? :huh:
Slow news day.
The inaugural top-25 for the ESPN-SEC Invitational National Championship is out.
Your guys are 12th.
Quote from: Berkut on October 28, 2014, 06:55:51 PM
The inaugural top-25 for the ESPN-SEC Invitational National Championship is out.
Suck it, 'Murica.
You can cheer for two scrappy teams, or you can cheer for FSU and Auburn.
:lol: Marshall.
It gives me comfort that the people that count at least put Oregon ahead of Michigan State.
I feel like you can see the politics in the poll though. I think Georgia would be favored over the three teams ahead of it, but lol at people's reaction if they put 5 SEC teams in the top 8.
I'd rank it as:
1. FSU, even though they paid off the refs to get one win and have taken control of the local police to keep their guys eligible.
2. Mississippi State. Only because they are undefeated. This is Mississippi State. Never forget that. They will remember soon enough. Fuck the hype, they aren't that good. 2 losses minimum, they won't be in Atlanta, and they won't be in the playoff.
3. Alabama. They are really starting to click. They are the death star in the SEC. A weakness or two that can be exploited, but terrifying.
4. Oregon. Someone not from the SEC needs to be up here.
5. Ole Miss.
6. Georgia.
7. TCU.
8. Auburn.
9. Who the fuck knows.
Quote from: Berkut on October 28, 2014, 06:55:51 PM
The inaugural top-25 for the ESPN-SEC Invitational National Championship is out.
In a shocker, the SEC didn't have a team ranked higher than 3!!!!
From ESPN football expert Joe Schad:
(https://languish.org/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fs10.postimg.org%2Fgzg53cnih%2FScreen_Shot_2014_10_28_at_8_15_58_PM_0.png&hash=93be70acef262efc7a17a7ad23a20037e67bc0cf) (http://postimage.org/)
image upload (http://postimage.org/)
Quote from: alfred russel on October 28, 2014, 08:13:45 PM
It gives me comfort that the people that count at least put Oregon ahead of Michigan State.
I feel like you can see the politics in the poll though. I think Georgia would be favored over the three teams ahead of it, but lol at people's reaction if they put 5 SEC teams in the top 8.
I'd rank it as:
1. FSU, even though they paid off the refs to get one win and have taken control of the local police to keep their guys eligible.
2. Mississippi State. Only because they are undefeated. This is Mississippi State. Never forget that. They will remember soon enough. Fuck the hype, they aren't that good. 2 losses minimum, they won't be in Atlanta, and they won't be in the playoff.
3. Alabama. They are really starting to click. They are the death star in the SEC. A weakness or two that can be exploited, but terrifying.
4. Oregon. Someone not from the SEC needs to be up here.
5. Ole Miss.
6. Georgia.
7. TCU.
8. Auburn.
9. Who the fuck knows.
None of the current ranking really mean a darned thing yet, though. There's plenty of time for the SEC West teams to cannibalize each other. That will shake up the rankings a lot--there won't be 3 teams from that division in the top 4, unless everybody else that has 1 loss now ends up with 2 losses (in which case, who know what the ranking will look like).
I still tend to think that Alabama is the best team, and if they run the table, they will certainly be in the top 4.
Quote from: dps on October 28, 2014, 10:27:22 PM
None of the current ranking really mean a darned thing yet, though. There's plenty of time for the SEC West teams to cannibalize each other. That will shake up the rankings a lot--there won't be 3 teams from that division in the top 4, unless everybody else that has 1 loss now ends up with 2 losses (in which case, who know what the ranking will look like).
I still tend to think that Alabama is the best team, and if they run the table, they will certainly be in the top 4.
They do show the mindset of the people that will make the decisions though. For example, they have clearly communicated that Marshall is fucked. We also get some perspective on how they view relative strengths of all the one loss teams out there.
Quote from: Scipio on October 28, 2014, 07:54:01 PM
Quote from: Berkut on October 28, 2014, 06:55:51 PM
The inaugural top-25 for the ESPN-SEC Invitational National Championship is out.
Suck it, 'Murica.
You can cheer for two scrappy teams, or you can cheer for FSU and Auburn.
when does the egg bowl hype start?
When they get to that point without any more losses. :P
Quote from: alfred russel on October 28, 2014, 07:55:23 PM
:lol: Marshall.
Their fans are livid. First they're pissed that WVU fans are "rewarded for burning couches" by getting College Game Day in Morgantown (like there was ever a chance of it going to Huntington) and now their Herd gets shut out of the Playoff rankings. They had all these wonderful Quixotic dreams of making the playoffs but now they've completely lost their shit.
Pretty damned entertaining.
I don't know if Marshall fans are really as obtuse as you say, but it's entertaining to think so. :D
Okay, small sample from one of the Herd fans that hasn't yet unfriended me on FB.
And last night.
I mentioned Dave Bartoo a couple of weeks ago when I linked to his statistical analysis of injury rate vs. Pace of Play(PoP). He does a lot of pretty deep statistical analysis of college football. He started off making predictions; in the spring (March-ish) he would pick the winners of every game in the upcoming NCAA season based on 3 things: talent (his own convoluted recruiting rankings), coach effect (his own coach rankings), and where the game was played. He usually hit at about a mid-70% to low-80% rate. Since then he has become a bit of a national sports talk phenomenon and has moved on to analyzing all parts of college football. USA Today has started printing his weekly offensive and defensive efficiency rankings.
He is a pretty interesting Twitter follow as well: @cbfmatrix
Ugh, the formatting on this is horrible, even after some work by me. Might be best to go to the site to read it if interested.
His thoughts on the CFP rankings from last night: (http://cfbmatrix.com/playoff-committee-top-25-notes/)
Now that the show is over, and I am thankful for both it quick end but its delivered result. While we have zero transparency, we have a top 25, some patterns and maybe some accountability. From this top 25 I hope to find stats and metrics that appear to have a strong correlation with the rankings, and those that do not. While we will never know what any one member is thinking, or how the committee uses some, if any stats, I can find stats and rankings that matter more than others. They will not use some 'formula' so there should be a handful of rankings that make you scratch your head wondering how they came to that conclusion other that 'we just thought it was right'.
I will try to keep it simple, but loose in thought. What comes to mind, at least safe for work comes to mind, I will make a note. Feel free to comment, ask questions in comments or twitter or give an idea to investigate.
Both undefeated teams at the top. Check one for the win them all and get into the playoffs as well as there are no good loses.
Auburn no. 3 with only loss on the road to no. 1 and a win in OOC on the road over top ten KState. Strongest one loss team. I'll buy it.
Ole Miss over Alabama. Lesser stats in some areas, but OM has no. 1 scoring efficiency defense (get to know that term and stat) and a head to head win over Alabama. Doesn't mean much as other head to head winners are ranked further back. See Oregon over Arizona and TCU over Baylor. Without explanation from the committee, which we will never fully get, I am assuming it is a very small tiebreaker.
SEC teams #3, #4 and #6. Like its predecessor, the BCS, the SEC won most tie breakers on Strength of Conference ("SOC") not Strength of Schedule ("SOS"), although, they are very closely connected.
The SEC DOES NOT need to go to a 9th conference game and they are fine with their current non conference scheduling
First odd ranking. Oregon lost at HOME to no. 12 Arizona, Alabama on the ROAD at no. 4 Ole Miss. Alabama has a much stronger SOS across most every commonly known SOS models. Two of the biggest stat rankings in this top 25 have edges to Alabama over Oregon.
TCU at no. 7 with 6 wins, ahead of Michigan State with 7, a worse non-conference schedule and a road loss to a team ranked below Michigan State's only road loss. Oh boy, the committee does not like the Big Ten. Even at 12-1, the Big Ten champion looks like they are going to need help.
0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,2. That is the loss pattern of the committee top 25. That is a safe pattern and a BCS-like pattern. This is what I expected given the committee has the same tools as college football had last year to evaluate and rank teams. It is also much, much easier to anticipate future rankings, unless they scrap this one and rebuild it again.
TCU lost at Baylor and is ranked well enough ahead to make me feel head to head is a minor piece of the puzzle. Lots of bark, no bite. Committee might have been thinking TCU wins that on neutral or at home and 9 out of 10 they win that game as well in same 4th quarter starting score scenario. That still puts head to head in the back seat.
Smart move putting TCU, Kansas State and Baylor near each other. The round robin is still to come in the Big 12 so keeping them close allows the committee to hedge their bet on TCU being the Big 12 champion.
KState is undefeated in the big 12 and their only loss is to no. 3 Auburn. TCU lost to a lower ranked Baylor team. KState SOS ranking is better in every poll out there. This is a vote for non-conference scheduling and SOS meaning very little, if anything to the Playoff Committee.
Notre Dame at no .10 with only a loss/penalty away from beating no. 2 on the road? They have a top 25 SOS, which is higher than five of the nine team ranked ahead of them. They have very solid rankings in all the metrics that appear key in the Playoff Committee's process. Ranked behind one loss teams from PAC-12, SEC, Big Ten and Big 12? Better start thinking about getting yourself into a conference Irish. They need help.
Georgia has the worst loss of the top 11. Pretty simple, but they are in the SOC favorite SEC. Just win. Very convenient that they rank the odds on favorite from the East below their favorites to win the other conferences.
Arizona, Arizona State, Nebraska, Ohio State and Utah, sans Baylor make up five of the bottom six one-loss teams. There's Duke way down the list at 6-1 but that is another bullet.
I am surprised to see 5-2 Oklahoma leading the two-loss teams. They have a lower SOS ranking than LSU at 7-2 right below them. I can only fathom it was loses to TCU and KState that have them at 19. More than anything, it is a move toward the Big 12 by the committee.
With the worst average National SOS ranking among Power 5 teams, Duke is at no. 23. It's a nice gesture by the committee to acknowledge Duke's schedule but it is also a message to the ACC. We don't think highly of your conference.
Louisville is the last two loss team into the top 25. The other six have three from the Big Ten, two from the ACC and one from the SEC, Missouri.
Ranking the Teams by Conference: In the BCS, SOC was the important quality, not SOS. It does make sense as we have so few head to head games, any SOS rank is highly variable. The SOC is much easier to use and understand. Mississippi State over Florida State is an easy start. SEC ranked over the ACC. Let's look at the other groups.
One Loss Teams Average Rank by Conference: SEC #6, Big 12 #9.6, PAC-12 #12, Big Ten #13, ACC #24.
Two Loss Teams Average Rank by Conference: SEC #19, Big 12 #19, PAC-12 #22, ACC #23.3 and Big Ten all three unranked
The Big Ten and ACC need to get to 9 conference games
SOC: From those simple SOC numbers, it is clear to me that the Big Ten needs a ton of help to get into the playoffs. The committee likes the Big 12 much more than the PAC-12. The Seminoles are the ACC's only hope, and if the the Noles lose, they are going to take a BIG Fall in the ranks. Oregon looks to be near the same boat as the only real hope for the PAC-12 right now. One thing is for sure, a two loss SEC gets the least damage and none of the other power 5 conference teams can afford a second loss.
SOS: Team SOS was not a factor in sorting out the rankings for the teams. I am sure there will be a ton of ESPN employees telling you on the air, in articles and on twitter that SOS played a huge role. Here are the SOS rankings from Sagarin, in order, from teams no. 5 through no. 25: 34, 3, 48, 63, 37, 36, 22, 49, 54, 30, 58, 60, 38, 11, 9, 13, 25, 12, 116, 66. Not enough? Here is no. 5 through no. 25 from Football Outsiders/FEI/F+: Every team ranked above Arizona at no. 12 has a worse SOS ranking. 23, 30, 60, 45, 24, 22, 53 ,5, 55 ,11 ,65 ,77 ,8, 56, 37, 49, 19, 6, 57, 27
Margin of Victory: This is a HUGE metric. 22 of the top 25 in MOV heading into the first rankings are in the top 25. The only exceptions are three teams from the ACC and Big Ten. Based on the SOC averages, that is not a surprise. Another message to the ACC and Big Ten. Get better. Now. That 9th conference game schedule is being forced upon the ACC today. I don't think it will help until the Coastal improves dramatically.
Offense>Defense: The average total offense rank of the top 25 is no. 21. The average defense rank is no. 27. Yes, it may be just a coincidence but to impress the committee, put up points and fireworks. Defense, in the end, will likely win the title
Total Scoring Efficiency: I started publishing these rankings a few weeks ago, and last week you could find them in the USA Today (they will be there this week too). Even if the committee didn't directly use them, 24 of their top 25 teams are in the top 30 of total scoring efficiency rankings. (Click link)
The top ten teams are all in the top 19 of Margin of Victory and Scoring Efficiency
Turnover Margin: 18 of the top 25 teams are in the top 25 of turnover margin against Power 5 opponents. All of them but West Virginia (no. 62) are in the top 35. The average rank for the top 25 teams is 19.
Red Zone/3rd Downs, etc: No value here to the playoff committee. I feel they are focusing on bigger picture stats. Less than 70% of the top 25 teams are in the top 35 of 3rd down and red zone stats. Too much minutia in these stats. About ready to just call off looking at detail stats like these and focus on 'big picture' stats.
Team Thoughts
FSU falls like a rock if they lose a game. Committee does not like the ACC. Expect them to drop sub top 10 if they lose.
Oregon and Arizona are the PAC-12's best hope. The committee is not high on the PAC-12 and a two loss PAC -12 is very likely not in without a lot of help.
TCU, KState and Baylor. One needs to win out. TCU the favorite of the committee today but must survive the rest of the season. No 10-2 team is in for the Big 12.
The Big Ten needs the most help. The committee has them no. 5 out of five conferences. Michigan State, Ohio State or Nebraska needs to win out and they need to others ahead of them to get some loses. 12-1 Michigan State vs 11-1 TCU for the 4th spot? Got to lean TCU right now.
Biggest piece of the puzzle is conference champions. It feels like the committee is setting the chess pieces in this rankings for the future and not just today. They left the door open for 1 loss conference champs to make the leap into the top four and the back up plan is SEC teams should any of the other four fail in getting a one loss champion.
I am not sure what to make of Notre Dame. Yes, they need to win out first and foremost but being ranked behind all other power 5 conference leaders with one loss puts the Irish in a position of rooting for a ton of upsets to even get close. Could the message be: Go find a conference to join.
And for s's and giggles, in late May he projected the final Top 25 playoff rankings. Obviously injuries like te one to Braxton Miller play hell with projections done this far out.
Meh, WVU and Marshall fans barking at each other is like watching competing Mooselimb nutters trying to out-suicide bomb each other.
Well, it would seem that the message from the football powers that be to the SEC is clear - DO NOT ADD A NINTH CONFERENCE GAME!
Keep playing Southeast Puerto Rico Not Quite A State School of Mining instead.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 29, 2014, 12:23:24 PM
Meh, WVU and Marshall fans barking at each other is like watching competing Mooselimb nutters trying to out-suicide bomb each other.
Spoken like someone who hasn't spent any time around Marshall fans. WVU fans may burn couches but at least we're realistic and fairly knowledgeable about the game.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on October 28, 2014, 04:13:32 PM
What's the big deal with a tent stake? :huh:
I think Dantonio makes a big deal out of things like this to fire his team up. He still goes on about Mike Hart "Little brother" comment from 2007; even though Michigan has won only one game against MSU since then.
Quote from: derspiess on October 29, 2014, 01:10:36 PM
Spoken like someone who hasn't spent any time around Marshall fans.
There's a reason for that.
Quote from: Berkut on October 29, 2014, 01:03:26 PM
Well, it would seem that the message from the football powers that be to the SEC is clear - DO NOT ADD A NINTH CONFERENCE GAME!
Keep playing Southeast Puerto Rico Not Quite A State School of Mining instead.
Mississippi State hasn't played anyone out of conference, but they are undefeated so rather clearly they will be in the top 2.
Auburn beat Kansas State out of conference.
Ole Miss beat Boise State out of conference.
Alabama beat West Virginia out of conference.
Georgia beat Clemson out of conference.
Most of the computer rankings tend to have the SEC teams clustered near the top. Maybe they are just better teams?
Quote from: alfred russel on October 29, 2014, 03:27:29 PM
Auburn beat Kansas State out of conference.
The K-State kicker beat K-State. Auburn was just in the neighborhood.
Also, lets keep things in perspective. Among the big 5 conferences:
Conferences that play a 9 game schedule with a championship
Pac 12
Conferences that play a 8 game schedule with a championship
Big 10
Conferences that play a 9 game schedule without a championship
Big 12
Terps beat Pedo State. :lol:
I live how B10 games always have farming commercials. :P
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on November 01, 2014, 05:04:41 PM
I live how B10 games always have farming commercials. :P
The Koch Industries commercial is really starting to chafe my ABC.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on November 01, 2014, 05:04:41 PM
I live how B10 games always have farming commercials. :P
And Ro-Tel products
I don't know which band at the Ohio State-Illinois was playing Immigarnt Song, but it rocked on TV.
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 01, 2014, 07:59:13 PM
I don't know which band at the Ohio State-Illinois was playing Immigarnt Song, but it rocked on TV.
The two best bands in the nation. That's always a great game to go to.
I believe we have just seen peak Mississippi for this century. 80 years from now, a Mississippian will reflect on this day:
QuoteFor every Mississippi boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it, there is the instant when it's 3rd and 3 at the 20 on that November night in 2014, a crowd is gathered in the Grove, the Black Bear is roaming the sideline and Colonel Reb is nowhere to be seen and Hugh Freeze himself with his Ole Miss visor and his headset in one hand probably and his playsheet in the other looking upon the field for Bo Wallace to give the word and it's all in the balance, it hasn't happened yet, it hasn't even begun yet, it not only hasn't begun yet but there is stll time for it not to begin against that position and those circumstances which made more men than Mathers and Sanders and Treadwell look grave yet it's going to begin, we all know that, we have come too far with too much at stake and that moment doesn't need even a fourteen-year-old boy to think This time. Maybe this time with all this much to lose and all this much to gain: Auburn, the SEC West, the SEC, the National Championship itself to crown with desperate and unbelievable victory the desperate gamble, that wide receiver screen....
Talk about insult to injury. TONIGHT WE ARE ALL OLE MISS
OK, not really, but that ending really, really sucked ass.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 01, 2014, 11:05:23 PM
I believe we have just seen peak Mississippi for this century. 80 years from now, a Mississippian will reflect on this day:
QuoteFor every Mississippi boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it, there is the instant when it's 3rd and 3 at the 20 on that November night in 2014, a crowd is gathered in the Grove, the Black Bear is roaming the sideline and Colonel Reb is nowhere to be seen and Hugh Freeze himself with his Ole Miss visor and his headset in one hand probably and his playsheet in the other looking upon the field for Bo Wallace to give the word and it's all in the balance, it hasn't happened yet, it hasn't even begun yet, it not only hasn't begun yet but there is stll time for it not to begin against that position and those circumstances which made more men than Mathers and Sanders and Treadwell look grave yet it's going to begin, we all know that, we have come too far with too much at stake and that moment doesn't need even a fourteen-year-old boy to think This time. Maybe this time with all this much to lose and all this much to gain: Auburn, the SEC West, the SEC, the National Championship itself to crown with desperate and unbelievable victory the desperate gamble, that wide receiver screen....
:lol: Good old Faulkner
There was a time, not too long ago, when Texas winning in Lubbock at night was a huge accomplishment. Hard to believe.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 01, 2014, 11:14:18 PM
Talk about insult to injury. TONIGHT WE ARE ALL OLE MISS
OK, not really, but that ending really, really sucked ass.
The ending worked for me. :)
Quote from: Valmy on November 01, 2014, 11:23:09 PM
There was a time, not too long ago, when Texas winning in Lubbock at night was a huge accomplishment. Hard to believe.
I really don't get it...I really thought that hiring a good looking 30 something to coach a football team in west texas was a can't miss strategy.
Quote from: lustindarkness on November 01, 2014, 11:25:36 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 01, 2014, 11:14:18 PM
Talk about insult to injury. TONIGHT WE ARE ALL OLE MISS
OK, not really, but that ending really, really sucked ass.
The ending worked for me. :)
Things are beginning to fall into place for another iron bowl to decide the fate of humanity.
Arizona down 17-7 in the 4th. Solomon is finally looking like a freshman.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 01, 2014, 11:28:27 PM
Things are beginning to fall into place for another iron bowl to decide the fate of humanity Florida State, Oregon, TCU, and Michigan State to be the CFB playoff.
Ok probably not.
Quote from: Berkut on November 02, 2014, 12:24:19 AM
Arizona down 17-7 in the 4th. Solomon is finally looking like a freshman.
yeah I wouldn't have believed it if someone told me Utah would be in driver seat of Pac-12 south.
You know, Miami has dismantled Virginia Tech and North Carolina in back to back weeks. FSU has looked...vulnerable is putting it nicely. Miami has a bye before playing FSU in two weeks, while FSU has an opponent they can't look past. The game is in Miami. Not too long ago I wouldn't have said this, but there is reason for hope...
I meant to say wouldn't believe ASU would be in driver seat.
I would not believe anyone who told me that Arizona would lose a game where their defense dominated and held UCLA to 17 points. That was just bizarre. It wasn't even that normal offensive woes where you cannot get points in the red zone - Arizona never came close to scoring except on the opening drive where they got a bunch of help from Miles Jack.
In a battle of bad teams, Wyoming beat Fresno State late last night 45-17. Wyoming had a freshman RB run for something like 3248 yards, and finally the ball control power game of the new coach showed promise.
Now if Wyoming can just schedule horrible teams each game they might have another .500 season.
So, how about that Wildcat basketball team?
Quote from: alfred russel on November 01, 2014, 11:28:27 PM
Quote from: lustindarkness on November 01, 2014, 11:25:36 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 01, 2014, 11:14:18 PM
Talk about insult to injury. TONIGHT WE ARE ALL OLE MISS
OK, not really, but that ending really, really sucked ass.
The ending worked for me. :)
Things are beginning to fall into place for another iron bowl to decide the fate of humanity.
Punk move by the turtles. I can appreciate getting fired up for what used to be the school's biggest rivalry game of the 70's and 80's, but I don't even think the Hurriconvicts ever pulled that stunt.
QuoteAfter Terps refuse to shake hands with Penn State captains, Randy Edsall apologizes for snub
Maryland football coach Randy Edsall began his postgame news conference Saturday with an apology.
Before the pregame coin toss, Maryland's game captains — tight end P.J. Gallo, wide receiver Stefon Diggs and safety Sean Davis — refused to shake the hands of Penn State's captains.
Penn State coach James Franklin later said: "I've never been apart of that. In 20 years, I've never seen that before."
After the Terps' 20-19 win, Edsall addressed the snub.
"Let me just start off by saying that I want to apologize to the Penn State fans, to their team and their university for what took place at the beginning of the game," he said. "That is not who we are. Our emotions got the best of us, and we've got to be above that."
Edsall said Maryland athletic director Kevin Anderson, who addressed the incident in a written statement after the game, reached out to Penn State athletic director Sandy Barbour to apologize.
"We are extremely disappointed in the actions of our captains involved in today's coin toss prior to today's kickoff against Penn State," Anderson said in the statement. "Their behavior is not a reflection of how our student-athletes should conduct themselves in athletic competition. On behalf of president Dr. Wallace D. Loh, head coach Randy Edsall and myself, we extend our sincere apology to Penn State University president Dr. Eric J. Barron, director of athletics Sandy Barbour, head coach James Franklin and the Penn State football program."
Neither Edsall nor his players elaborated on what led to the players' decision to not shake hands, but the teams had scuffled briefly before the coin toss.
"Pregame got a little out of hand," Gallo said. "We need to keep our composure. It wasn't a smart decision. That is something that could cost us a game."
I think the Terps need new captains.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 03, 2014, 10:18:11 AM
I don't even think the Hurriconvicts ever pulled that stunt.
They did. :)
Howard Schnellenberger would never have allowed that.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 03, 2014, 10:38:01 AM
Howard Schnellenberger would never have allowed that.
Jimmy Johnson was cool with it.
I'm not sure if it happened under Dennis Erickson, but if his players basically did whatever they wanted and left him to cry in his office.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 03, 2014, 10:40:37 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 03, 2014, 10:38:01 AM
Howard Schnellenberger would never have allowed that.
Jimmy Johnson was cool with it.
I rest my case. Now go run over yourself with your car, shitbird.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 03, 2014, 10:18:11 AM
Punk move by the turtles. I can appreciate getting fired up for what used to be the school's biggest rivalry game of the 70's and 80's
To top it off, they haven't played since '93, which means that none of Maryland's current players even remember those games, and few of them were even alive at the time.
Quote from: PDH on November 02, 2014, 09:20:39 AM
In a battle of bad teams, Wyoming beat Fresno State late last night 45-17. Wyoming had a freshman RB run for something like 3248 yards, and finally the ball control power game of the new coach showed promise.
Now if Wyoming can just schedule horrible teams each game they might have another .500 season.
I stayed up to watch that game, just for you.
Also, Google Now pushed an alert to my phone about the game when it was 15 minutes from starting, so I took that as a sign from God that I should watch.
Quote from: dps on November 03, 2014, 02:53:53 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 03, 2014, 10:18:11 AM
Punk move by the turtles. I can appreciate getting fired up for what used to be the school's biggest rivalry game of the 70's and 80's
To top it off, they haven't played since '93, which means that none of Maryland's current players even remember those games, and few of them were even alive at the time.
Quote from: derspiess on November 03, 2014, 02:56:46 PM
I stayed up to watch that game, just for you.
Also, Google Now pushed an alert to my phone about the game when it was 15 minutes from starting, so I took that as a sign from God that I should watch.
Word is that the freshman RB is a bit tired after that game...
45 points on 3000 yards rushing is not very good scoring efficiency.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on November 03, 2014, 05:47:18 PM
45 points on 3000 yards rushing is not very good scoring efficiency.
If you can get 3000 rushing in a game, you don't care much about scoring efficiency.
It might have only been 283 yards rushing and 106 yards receiving in reality.
It turns out that LSU doesn't not fear Alabama this weekend, and is feeling rather confident.
QuoteI hated my daddy.
He was a coarse man. Wicked. Mama used to say he was ill-tempered...but I knew...there was nothing ill. He knew exactly what he was doing. Screaming. Cursing. He was never afraid to put his hands on me, on her...on anybody.
I used to cry and scream and wonder "Why daddy? Why?! Why you gotta say all them things! What did I do? No daddy...not the belt...DADDY!"
But he had a way. A plan. He knew what he was doin'. My daddy was gettin' me ready. Helpin' me learn how to fly. Fly higher than he ever could ever go. To get to a place where I'd be able to survey everything that lay below me. All at my feet in little pools of maroon.
Daddy wore a lot of masks too. When those fancy folks from town came to the bayou he always put on his best face and told 'em "yes sir" and "no ma'am" and "pardon my boy...his momma don't never show him how to do nothin' right." But it was that son that showed the world his true face.
It was late one night. Daddy was passed out on the couch. I walked up...ran my hands through that greasy hair and...a razor blade right under his chin. And I shouted "DADDY DADDY LOOK AT THE WINGS YOU GAVE ME!"
Made an awful mess. The red was...everywhere. When they found him it was all over his face. It looked like a crimson mask but...that was what he tried to hide from the world.
So you see...when they talk about the Crimson Tide rollin' in, that's just something I will never fear. For you see, I have embraced a wave of the reddest blood you have ever seen. I have let it wash over me, and I have come out on the other side stronger. When I see that color...when I see that mask, on another man...it doesn't scare me. Because I know that while everybody else will be drowning in all those burgundy waves, I'll be flying above it all.
Saturday...you'll see. You'll all see...I'll have my wings...I'm going to show you all. Just like I showed my daddy.
What the fuck.
That, I believe, is called wingfic. It's a whole genre.
More like gayfic.
Quote from: Jacob on November 05, 2014, 06:22:23 PM
That, I believe, is called wingfic. It's a whole genre.
:hmm: Do you frequently read the college football thread?
I saw this on a college football site, and without knowing any other context, thought it was hilarious.
I just saw that Woody Hayes made some interesting comments on the my lai massacre.
Speaking at a football banquet in 1969, Hayes spoke about the recently revealed My Lai Massacre. He stated that the Vietnamese men in My Lai deserved to die, "and I wouldn't be so sure those women were innocent. The children are obviously innocent - if they are less than five."
quoted from wikipedia, originally from here:
Ed supports his coach defending war crimes? What a shocking turn of events. /aghast
You might faint!
Tonight is the night you all get a chance to see Wyoming suck big time on ESPN2 when they lose at home to Utah State.
You're welcome.
You in the stands?
Quote from: PDH on November 07, 2014, 06:41:35 PM
Tonight is the night you all get a chance to see Wyoming suck big time on ESPN2 when they lose at home to Utah State.
You're welcome.
Wyoming is on the comeback trail!
Well Steers vs. Neers tomorrow Spicey. I hope Strong's boys can keep it within 30.
Quote from: lustindarkness on November 01, 2014, 11:25:36 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 01, 2014, 11:14:18 PM
Talk about insult to injury. TONIGHT WE ARE ALL OLE MISS
OK, not really, but that ending really, really sucked ass.
The ending worked for me. :)
Well, I guess that's one friendship ruined.
Hey Marshall is still undefeated. :P
The Wyoming QB threw that ball...he shouldn't have thrown that ball that's a damn playing mistake. The coaches are coaching their hearts out and the players keep screwing it up!
Quote from: Scipio on November 07, 2014, 10:24:03 PM
Quote from: lustindarkness on November 01, 2014, 11:25:36 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 01, 2014, 11:14:18 PM
Talk about insult to injury. TONIGHT WE ARE ALL OLE MISS
OK, not really, but that ending really, really sucked ass.
The ending worked for me. :)
Well, I guess that's one friendship ruined.
Why were you friends with Auburn fans?
Quote from: Valmy on November 07, 2014, 10:50:50 PM
The Wyoming QB threw that ball...he shouldn't have thrown that ball that's a damn playing mistake. The coaches are coaching their hearts out and the players keep screwing it up!
They seem to be waking up in the last couple plays.
Edit: lol nevermind.
Wow. Way to jinx them MIM
That was unfortunate.
Quote from: Scipio on November 07, 2014, 10:24:03 PM
Quote from: lustindarkness on November 01, 2014, 11:25:36 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 01, 2014, 11:14:18 PM
Talk about insult to injury. TONIGHT WE ARE ALL OLE MISS
OK, not really, but that ending really, really sucked ass.
The ending worked for me. :)
Well, I guess that's one friendship ruined.
:o :(
Well, that sucked.
Shoot dude, wasn't that the 3rd string QB playing? You can't seriously expect to compete with a 3rd string QB.
Well, that was a bizarre 2-play sequence in the GT-NC State game.
Does anyone have access to the Pac-12 network they would like to share?
Wow blocked kick. Auburn getting hammered.
Hopefully those two teams continue the trend through the end of next week.
Texas got the W despite Swoopes imploding in the second half. :punk:
I forget, who needs to win the KSU/TCU game to throw the Big-12 into chaos?
Neither. TCU winning would make 3 one loss teams, but Baylor and KSU still have to play.
Hmm, I must have mis-read or mis-remembered something.
The next Ohio State player that muffs a punt or fucks up on kickoffs should be beaten with a belt.
Quote from: sbr on November 08, 2014, 08:47:12 PM
Hmm, I must have mis-read or mis-remembered something.
:hmm: I think at this point, that Baylor ksu game at the end of the year will decide it no matter what happens tonight. Unless they lose somewhere else, of course.
Quote from: Berkut on November 08, 2014, 03:26:35 PM
Does anyone have access to the Pac-12 network they would like to share?
Sorry, I missed this the first time somehow. Does the log-in I gave you last year not work any more?
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on November 08, 2014, 08:59:34 PM
Quote from: sbr on November 08, 2014, 08:47:12 PM
Hmm, I must have mis-read or mis-remembered something.
:hmm: I think at this point, that Baylor ksu game at the end of the year will decide it no matter what happens tonight. Unless they lose somewhere else, of course.
I was looking at this.
TCU wins tonight
TCU, KSU, BU win out until KSU/BU game
You will have 3 teams with one conference loss, until that last game. After that you will have 2 teams with a B-12 loss.
If KSU wins: KSU & TCU are tied and TCU won head-to-head
If BU wins: BU and TCU are tied and BU won head-to-head
I don't see a way for KSU to win the conference in this scenario, unless there is a weird tie breaker I don't know about.
Yay, another fumble.
Quote from: sbr on November 08, 2014, 09:08:13 PM
I was looking at this.
TCU wins tonight
TCU, KSU, BU win out until KSU/BU game
You will have 3 teams with one conference loss, until that last game. After that you will have 2 teams with a B-12 loss.
If KSU wins: KSU & TCU are tied and TCU won head-to-head
If BU wins: BU and TCU are tied and BU won head-to-head
I don't see a way for KSU to win the conference in this scenario, unless there is a weird tie breaker I don't know about.
Nah, I don't think even the Big 12 has come up with a tie breaker that would ignore head to head. Yet. Give them some time though and they might think one up.
Damn that was a nice run.
Quote from: Berkut on November 08, 2014, 03:26:35 PM
Does anyone have access to the Pac-12 network they would like to share?
Did you guys look on First Row Sports?
E: Arizona and Colorado: http://firstrowusa.eu/football/first-colorado-19-arizona-row556662
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on November 08, 2014, 07:50:01 PM
Texas got the W despite Swoopes imploding in the second half. :punk:
Joe Wickline is a genius. I cannot believe what he has managed to do with an offensive line full of scrubs and converted defensive linemen. But it was sort of sad when the 'Neers loaded the box and dared Texas and Swoopes to beat their dudes one on one and they failed. I mean it was expected but still sad. Swoopes is not taking advantage of this opportunity, Heard is going to beat him out in the offseason.
QuoteWell Steers vs. Neers tomorrow Spicey. I hope Strong's boys can keep it within 30.
They did manage to do that thanks to Swoopes :mad:
Anyway I think WV was down after losing that tough one to TCU which eliminated them from conference title consideration. Still monstrous win, first home win over a ranked team since 2008. This sets up a monstrous game at Oklahoma State next week. Texas wins that and they have a chance at a winning season!
I keep accidentally calling Armanti Foreman Eric Foreman.
Quote from: Valmy on November 08, 2014, 10:57:20 PM
I keep accidentally calling Armanti Foreman Eric Foreman.
After Topher Grace or Omar Epps?
Quote from: Valmy on November 08, 2014, 10:48:38 PM
Joe Wickline is a genius. I cannot believe what he has managed to do with an offensive line full of scrubs and converted defensive linemen. But it was sort of sad when the 'Neers loaded the box and dared Texas and Swoopes to beat their dudes one on one and they failed. I mean it was expected but still sad. Swoopes is not taking advantage of this opportunity, Heard is going to beat him out in the offseason.
Swoopes has a little Rex Grossman to him: When in doubt, fuck it go deep.
Anyone watching Oregon v Utah? :lol:
Oh my God that is hilarious.
I love the announcers: "What was he thinking?"
Man what a game changer. Went from 14-0 to 7-21.
If I wasn't an Oregon fan I would feel bad for Utah.
Utah deserves to lose after that bonehead play.
Well not the other ~70 guys who outplayed Oregon for 25 minutes.
Now they blew a fake point on their own 20 #unraveling
Quote from: sbr on November 08, 2014, 11:33:42 PM
Well not the other ~70 guys who outplayed Oregon for 25 minutes.
It is a team game man. You don't beat top teams like Oregon by having 14 point swings. Besides plenty of Utah players could have scooped up that ball and scored the TD or at least stopped Oregon from returning it. It was sitting on the turf for awhile.
Wow that was great.
Still think this is the best stupid fumble-while-celebrating
But you be the judge:
:lol: Pac-12 officials
I can't find a video with sounds unfortunately.
EDIT: This has sound :D
And UW Huskies QB getting blew up
Fun game going in the SLC.
No bueno
Well the ducks clinch the pac-12 north with 2 games to play, so that's nice.
Quote from: sbr on November 08, 2014, 09:05:02 PM
Quote from: Berkut on November 08, 2014, 03:26:35 PM
Does anyone have access to the Pac-12 network they would like to share?
Sorry, I missed this the first time somehow. Does the log-in I gave you last year not work any more?
Hasn't worked for some time, I figured maybe you switched providers or something.
Found a friend at work with Comcast who hooked me up though. Thanks anyway sbr.
Not really anything to say. Just...yeah.
Quote from: Berkut on November 09, 2014, 02:43:32 AM
Quote from: sbr on November 08, 2014, 09:05:02 PM
Quote from: Berkut on November 08, 2014, 03:26:35 PM
Does anyone have access to the Pac-12 network they would like to share?
Sorry, I missed this the first time somehow. Does the log-in I gave you last year not work any more?
Hasn't worked for some time, I figured maybe you switched providers or something.
Found a friend at work with Comcast who hooked me up though. Thanks anyway sbr.
Strange. I haven't changed providers, or anything else, no idea why it would have stopped working. Glad to see you got it sorted though.
Quote from: sbr on November 08, 2014, 11:17:40 PM
Anyone watching Oregon v Utah? :lol:
So I guess the ref signalling TD doesn't kill the clock and play?
Berkut would have to tell us what everyone else is/should be doing there, but the near side side judge knew exactly what was going on. His beanbag (or whatever that is) came out sy the one and he didn't whistle or signal anything, just stood there starting at the ball waiting for someone to do something with it.
I was talking about white hat (head ref?). Your clip cuts back to him signalling TD, it appears while the Beavises are still running the fumble.
A TD signal does not cause the ball to become dead, no - a whistle would.
Quote from: sbr on November 09, 2014, 10:12:17 AM
Berkut would have to tell us what everyone else is/should be doing there, but the near side side judge knew exactly what was going on. His beanbag (or whatever that is) came out sy the one and he didn't whistle or signal anything, just stood there starting at the ball waiting for someone to do something with it.
Yeah, he did a great job, stayed focus, marked BOTH fumbles (threw his hat for the second one) and just waited to see what the players would do...
Quote from: Berkut on November 09, 2014, 10:38:44 AM
A TD signal does not cause the ball to become dead, no - a whistle would.
That single Oregon-Utah play encompasses everything about college football that makes it unpredictable and great. A game-changing momentum swing based on one play: one kid playing the presence of mind to know what's going on, and another kid, well, being a kid.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 09, 2014, 10:47:31 AM
That single Oregon-Utah play encompasses everything about college football that makes it unpredictable and great. A game-changing momentum swing based on one play: one kid playing the presence of mind to know what's going on, and another kid, well, being a kid.
Indeed. It is what makes college, to me, so much more fun than the pros. The pros are so much more...controlled? Is that the right word?
Boring is what I'd use.
Oh look, another 5 yard pass. Another incompletion. Another 4 yard run. Another punt on 4th and inches.
Quote from: Berkut on November 09, 2014, 11:27:19 AM
Indeed. It is what makes college, to me, so much more fun than the pros. The pros are so much more...controlled? Is that the right word?
I think Machiavelli summed up rather well the pro game in comparison to the college game in his description of mercenaries: "The fact is, they have no other attraction or reason for keeping the field than a trifle of stipend, which is not sufficient to make them willing to die for you."
Quote from: Berkut on November 09, 2014, 10:39:44 AM
Quote from: sbr on November 09, 2014, 10:12:17 AM
Berkut would have to tell us what everyone else is/should be doing there, but the near side side judge knew exactly what was going on. His beanbag (or whatever that is) came out sy the one and he didn't whistle or signal anything, just stood there starting at the ball waiting for someone to do something with it.
Yeah, he did a great job, stayed focus, marked BOTH fumbles (threw his hat for the second one) and just waited to see what the players would do...
Obviously no one whistled that play dead, but what is the procedure for doing so on a touchdown?
I would assume that if the ball carrier is tackled at the goal line or into the end zone someone would need to whistle the play dead. Does anyone blow a whistle when someone runs into the end zone untouched like the Utah guy thought he was doing?
I think if the argument proposed is that college is more entertaining because there are more bonehead plays, you've already made up your mind going into it.
Quote from: sbr on November 09, 2014, 11:58:58 AM
Quote from: Berkut on November 09, 2014, 10:39:44 AM
Quote from: sbr on November 09, 2014, 10:12:17 AM
Berkut would have to tell us what everyone else is/should be doing there, but the near side side judge knew exactly what was going on. His beanbag (or whatever that is) came out sy the one and he didn't whistle or signal anything, just stood there starting at the ball waiting for someone to do something with it.
Yeah, he did a great job, stayed focus, marked BOTH fumbles (threw his hat for the second one) and just waited to see what the players would do...
Obviously no one whistled that play dead, but what is the procedure for doing so on a touchdown?
I would assume that if the ball carrier is tackled at the goal line or into the end zone someone would need to whistle the play dead. Does anyone blow a whistle when someone runs into the end zone untouched like the Utah guy thought he was doing?
Yes, you should blow the whistle once the ball becomes dead, and crossing the goal line causes the ball to become dead.
So the guy signalling TD *should* have blown the whistle, killing the play?
Quote from: Admiral Yi on November 09, 2014, 12:14:31 PM
So the guy signalling TD *should* have blown the whistle, killing the play?
Yeah, that's the weird thing, why would the referee run in signalling TD and not blow the whistle? Just assumed the side judge did?
Though in the 50+ times I have watched that play I have never seen the referee running in signalling TD, I am always looking at other things. One of my favorites, from a very wide angle, show Utah QB Travis Wilson running across the field very obviously from the Utah sideline.
By the way, I changed the channel when Clay got to the 5 yard line. I had no idea any of that happened until a few minutes later when I saw the 7-7 score on a ticker update. :lol: Thank hod for Tivo.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on November 09, 2014, 12:14:31 PM
So the guy signalling TD *should* have blown the whistle, killing the play?
Not if it was the R (white hat). He would signal touchdown generally just to mirror for the press box. He would never, ever, EVER blow a whistle for a TD unless he never wants to work as a white hat again.
The signal isn't really meaningful - it is just a means of communicating, it doesn't actually change the status of anything.
A whistle, in theory, is the same, except that a whistle does cause the ball to become dead, but in 99% of the cases this is an error.
The ref signalling a TD is signalling a TD at the other end - he is signalling the Oregon TD.
Which he would do (and even potentially blow his whistle in that case, since this would be reverse mechanics) since he has goal line coverage on the return (he basically becomes the back judge on a long turnover).
Ref looks to me very much like he is being corrected by the other two.
Quote from: Berkut on November 09, 2014, 02:10:58 PM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on November 09, 2014, 12:14:31 PM
So the guy signalling TD *should* have blown the whistle, killing the play?
Not if it was the R (white hat). He would signal touchdown generally just to mirror for the press box. He would never, ever, EVER blow a whistle for a TD unless he never wants to work as a white hat again.
The signal isn't really meaningful - it is just a means of communicating, it doesn't actually change the status of anything.
A whistle, in theory, is the same, except that a whistle does cause the ball to become dead, but in 99% of the cases this is an error.
What? Are you saying that 99% of the time when an official blows his whistle to signal the play dead, it's and error and the play shouldn't have been blown dead yet? Wouldn't it be the opposite--that 99%+ of the time, the play is dead, and only 1% (of less) it's an early whistle? God, I hope 99% of the plays aren't blown dead early.
I am saying that in 99% of the time that the whistle causes the ball to become dead, this is an error. Because the whistle should almost never cause the ball to become dead, it should just be letting the players know it is already dead.
There are some very unusual cases where the whistle can make the ball become dead when it isn't already and this is NOT an inadvertent whistle, like a illegal forward pass after a kick or something bizarre like that.
Quote from: Berkut on November 09, 2014, 02:53:38 PM
I am saying that in 99% of the time that the whistle causes the ball to become dead, this is an error. Because the whistle should almost never cause the ball to become dead, it should just be letting the players know it is already dead.
There are some very unusual cases where the whistle can make the ball become dead when it isn't already and this is NOT an inadvertent whistle, like a illegal forward pass after a kick or something bizarre like that.
Ah, OK.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on November 09, 2014, 02:18:54 PM
Ref looks to me very much like he is being corrected by the other two.
No, look where he is standing - he is right on the goal line. He followed the play back down the field to the other end (as he should).
He then went over to the other officials and I am sure what he is saying is "What the hell happened down there???". After the pass, the R stays with the QB, and this was a 80 yard TD pass, so he would not be anywhere near the Utah end zone.
Jameis Winston securely in the TMZ zone now.
TMZ reporting that the NCAA is investigating him for potential points shaving. :lol:
Meanwhile, the line on the Miami / FSU game is down to 1.5 in at least one place earlier today.
Lets summarize all the things Winston has been accused of (I am sure he is innocent of all of these):
-stealing drinks from a fast food joint
-shooting squirrels with a bb gun in the city
-shouting inappropriate things in the student union
-rampant douchebaggery in interviews
-selling autographs
-crab legs
-point shaving
-raping a girl
The point shaving thing is BS.
Quote from: sbr on November 12, 2014, 01:05:29 AM
The point shaving thing is BS.
This isn't the first time that a FSU QB has faced accusations of point shaving. Remember Adrian McPherson? That went to trial, including having Bobby Bowden as a witness (Bowden said it was one of the lowest points of his career).
Quote from: alfred russel on November 11, 2014, 11:18:35 PM
Lets summarize all the things Winston has been accused of (I am sure he is innocent of all of these):
-stealing drinks from a fast food joint
-shooting squirrels with a bb gun in the city
-shouting inappropriate things in the student union
-rampant douchebaggery in interviews
-selling autographs
-crab legs
-point shaving
-raping a girl
If I'm making draft-day decisions for an NFL team, the rape, stealing, and point shaving accusations give me pause. The selling autographs thing is a bit bad because it shows a lack of respect for the rules, even if it's rules that should be changed. Shouting inappropriate things in the student union is just being a normal college kid. Nobody likes a douchebag, but plenty of successful NFL quarterbacks have been douchebags, going back at least to Benny Friedman. And there's nothing wrong with shooting squirrels with a BB gun.
So anyone watch the 30 for 30 on Randy Moss last night? Overall it was pretty good. Kind of allowed him to tell some of the controversial stuff from his perspective without much from the other side, but there was a lot of footage (mostly from high school) that I had never seen.
I was never particularly fond of him, and rooted against him every chance I got (save for the one season I drafted him for my fantasy team). But man, you can't help but admire his physical talent.
Did he explain trying to run over the traffic enforcement officer?
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 12, 2014, 11:17:07 AM
Did he explain trying to run over the traffic enforcement officer?
I think they spent all of five seconds on it. IIRC they even showed a newspaper headline.
Basically, Randy is a lovable ruffian who deserves the benefit of the doubt and we should all be happy for him that he's not stuck in Rand, WV.
You don't see Jason Williams trying to run over people.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 12, 2014, 10:34:14 AM
Quote from: sbr on November 12, 2014, 01:05:29 AM
The point shaving thing is BS.
This isn't the first time that a FSU QB has faced accusations of point shaving. Remember Adrian McPherson? That went to trial, including having Bobby Bowden as a witness (Bowden said it was one of the lowest points of his career).
Stevin Smith was involved in the biggest (in terms of money bet) point shaving scandal in NCAA basketball history. Should we start investigating Arizona State's current point guard?
But back to Winston. Here is a guy who 11 months ago was going to be the #1 overall pick in the 2015 NFL draft. Since then he has been reelling from all of the incidents you have mentioned. Now 2 months before the end of his season, and ~6 months before the draft he takes the risk of costing his team a shot in the playoff and repeating as NC (coming back from that big halftime deficit was no sure thing) and get invovled in a gambling scandal to help his old high school buddy to win $5k? If this is true, Jameis Winston is the dumbest person on the face of this entire planet, and likely the dumbest person to ever walk the face of this earth.
Now maybe this is bigger and the first half of the Louisville game was just a small part of a larger point shaving scandal. That is more likely to me than the current rumor, but I don't see how that could be if the current rumors are true. According to the source that "broke" the "story" (http://ibnsportswrap.com/article.php?articleID=1716):
"Bookie of Chris Rabb (Former HS Teammate) of Jameis Winston is "alleging" that they shared gambling account together since beginning of October."
That only allows for 3 other games to be involved.
That IBN site I linked that originally made the point shaving claim is run by a dude named Incarcerated Bob. Do some research on him; I'm not gonna provide any more links because there is a TON of stuff out there, and all very one sided.
My take on Incarcerated Bob is that he is a fraud, a liar and a bully who controls a large number of Twitter accounts that all purchase fake and inactive followers in order to promote his pay-for-information gambling and "insider" web site that is about as accurate as the collective picks of languish. He likes to throw a lot of shit on the wall, in the hopes that something sticks then erases evidence when hiis guesses come up wrong.
There are some inbedded links in the orginal article
QuoteMedia Gossip/Musings
Jameis Winston, Incarcerated Bob, and the Hazards of Trusting TMZ's Accuracy
We weren't going to talk about the Jameis Winston "gambling" rumors that originated four days ago from someone known as Incarcerated Bob, who we have encountered on things like the unfounded Tahj Boyd gambling rumors. You can read more about David Purdum's interactions with Incarcerated Bob from last year, which gives a good sense of what type of source we're dealing with. There's also this site which tracked his predictions on free agent and player stuff and found that he does not do as well as claimed as an insider.
Even after Clay Travis wrote about them yesterday at his FOX Sports-hosted domain, we weren't going to cover it. Travis wrote about allegations of point shaving coming from a gambling website, ultimately saying that he didn't believe that Jameis Winston was dumb enough to do it.
QuoteUltimately, I just don't believe it's possible that Jameis Winston could be this dumb. That's despite the fact that Winston has clearly made very dumb decisions before. There's no way Winston was shaving points, right?
But the story is out there, you guys can read it for yourselves and make your own determination.
Judging by the rapidity with which this story has spread throughout the Internet, is there anything that the average college football fan believes Jameis Winston wouldn't do? It says a lot about Winston's reputation that hundreds of thousands of you see this point-shaving story and immediately think, "Yeah, that sounds plausible."
Then TMZ ran the story today, saying that "[n]ew reports have surfaced alleging Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston was involved in a point shaving scheme to help an old high school teammate win a $5,000 bet." There is no link to whose reports those are. There is no specific reference or any indication that TMZ actually has a source. The assumption has been that TMZ merely passed along the "report" from Incarcerated Bob.
I contacted TMZ to see if they had any response, because the "report" was not linked or identified, and the story was attributed to "TMZ Staff." I wanted to know whether it relied on any additional information other than what was in the original posting by Incarcerated Bob. TMZ provided no official comment on the source of their report.
Unlike Travis's piece, TMZ did not provide any thoughts or opinions on the "reports," merely passing on that they existed (and then updating to say that they contacted the FBI). This is the same outlet that has done some great work in nailing two of the biggest sports off-field stories this year: the Donald Sterling recording and Ray Rice tape, two stories that mainstream outlets might not have advanced in the same way.
It's also one that has gotten plenty wrong, such as reporting about a bar incident involving Mike Evans that was originally reported as current, but got time/place wrong, and having many of the initial details involving an incident with Colin Kaepernick wrong. Though they deserve a lot of credit for bringing the Ray Rice elevator surveillance tape to light, their two most prominent producers later issued contradictory reports hours apart from each other as to whether or not the NFL had seen it before it went public.
Nevertheless, TMZ putting today's piece out there pushed the Jameis story to a whole new level. We can certainly question the ethics of this–possibly citing a report from someone with the reputation of Incarcerated Bob without citation–but for an outlet like TMZ, who has been in the middle of so many big stories, they now own it by not allowing consumers to judge the credibility of the underlying source.
I also spoke with Clay Travis about the decision to post on the internet rumors involving Jameis Winston, and what went into deciding whether to post on a rumor that was gaining traction in the recesses of the internet.
"We've done stories on Internet rumors before if they attain enough attention that it's impossible to ignore them," Travis told the Big Lead. "For instance I wrote on the Internet rumor that 2011 LSU tanked the BCS title game against Bama over a fissure in the team over quarterback play. Basically, I trust my readers to decide for themselves whether to believe a rumor. I'll give them my opinion, but if hundreds of thousands of people are reading and sharing the story, it's reached a critical mass online to be referenced."
Travis also mentioned Auburn paying players through slot machines that was out there, along with a Cooper Manning story that derived from a Sports Pickle (a satire site) article, but was circulated by plenty of people believing it to be true.
"The SEC is rife with all sorts of conspiracy theories. We get them all the time. I just think it's kind of a fascinating question, do you give them a legitimacy when you know that hundreds of thousands of people are reading and discussing them, by discussing them further? Or do you kind of shine sunlight on them, to make people aware that stories like that exist. My opinion is you make people aware that stories like that exist. If they achieve that level of sharing, it's probably a sign that a lot of people believe it to be true."
"I understand the argument otherwise, but this isn't 1968, when one person in charge of a newspaper decides what the news is and if that person kills the story it never emerges," Travis said. "Internet stories bubble up, legit or not. If you don't address them in some way because you don't think they're "real stories" then you end up with a John Kerry Swift Boat mess, where a schism develops between what people believe to be true outside of the mainstream and what's actually true."
It's an interesting question in this case, because I fall on the side, because of the underlying source here, of concern about legitimizing a story that is not ready to be given further authority. It's a constant question to consider in this age where information can move so quickly, and can come from any number of sources in real time–a balancing of legitimizing a story rather than shining a light on something that is swelling.
Tomahawk Nation actually went through the game film, by the way, and found that, while the numbers and teammate performance changed, Winston's play was similar each half. Not that you should be surprised or have to look further into this given the source, but the claims of shaving are dubious anyway.
At the very least, if Travis is going to heighten visibility on something written by Incarcerated Bob then he should disclose near the top that the source has a very questionable reputation. A vast majority of his readers — and TMZ's — are not ones who reflexively know not to trust anything that originates there. When asked about that, though, Travis said that he had never previously crossed Internet paths with Incarcerated Bob, was unaware of him, and only became aware of this story through all the people sending this particular story over the last several days.
For what it's worth, TMZ has now come out with two more stories. One where TMZ says Jameis' teammates say there is no way he shaved points. Another where TMZ reports that UAB is looking into allegations that Chris Rabb, a defensive end at the school and the person identified in the original rumor as having placed the Louisville first half bet, was involved in gambling that would affect his eligibility.
Of course they are. The tail is wagging the dog now. TMZ passes on a rumor, based on something reported by Incarcerated Bob, and appearing on Fox Sports. It gains even more traction than it otherwise had. Any school doing due diligence would therefore have to do a basic inquiry once the rumors got so large, allowing TMZ to follow up with a report that the school is doing just that–looking into rumors that are appearing everywhere. This in turn gives the appearance of legitimacy to a report based on Incarcerated Bob.
In reality, we've learned nothing so far. The sun remains to be shined on just how we got here, whether there is any fire here at all with all the manufactured smoke, and then we get to do it again next week. There's never a shortage of things on the internet, or things that people will believe about Jameis Winston at this point.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 11, 2014, 11:11:48 PM
Jameis Winston securely in the TMZ zone now.
TMZ reporting that the NCAA is investigating him for potential points shaving. :lol:
Meanwhile, the line on the Miami / FSU game is down to 1.5 in at least one place earlier today.
how convenient....lets just hope that he doesnt shave any points against the hurritards on saturday
Quote from: Rasputin on November 12, 2014, 01:17:38 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on November 11, 2014, 11:11:48 PM
Jameis Winston securely in the TMZ zone now.
TMZ reporting that the NCAA is investigating him for potential points shaving. :lol:
Meanwhile, the line on the Miami / FSU game is down to 1.5 in at least one place earlier today.
how convenient....lets just hope that he doesnt shave any points against the hurritards on saturday
You better hope not, there are not many to shave. :)
Tomorrow is D Day. Only the Canes are underdogs and the battle will take place in our own house. We are the Japanese at Okinawa. But our path to victory is clear. First, we must disable the enemy air attack early on by sending wave after wave of kamikaze attacks led by Anthony Chikillo at the formidable USS Jameis Winston. The rules of warfare may have to be breached when we approach the target. Much will hinge on disabling the enemy. Without support from the air, Denzel Perrymen and company will have decent odds to frustrate the enemy ground attack.
Due to previous losses, our own air attack is limited with a young and inexperienced trigger man. We will not be able to successfully sustain extended air operations. However, with well timed and audacious actions, we can score aerial victories leaving the enemy confused and disoriented. This will leave the enemy vulnerable to wave after wave of frontal assault led by the heroic Duke Johnson. Ultimately, our success tomorrow will be determined by the Duke's success. In his last meeting with this enemy, he was grievously wounded, I am sure he will be ready to exact revenge this time.
This is a desperate battle. We will need maximum citizen support. They must be ready to help however they can with whatever is available (beer bottles, batteries, etc.).
This post is in honor of Jerome Brown. RIP Big Man. :cry:
QuoteFive days before the 1987 Fiesta Bowl, at a promotional Fiesta Bowl dinner with the Penn State team, Brown led a walkout by the Miami players. Leading the walkout, he asked: "Did the Japanese go sit down and have dinner with Pearl Harbor before they bombed them?"
1. Arizona beats Washington, Utah, and ASU, and
2. UCLA beats USC, and
3. UCLA loses to Stanford
Arizona would play Oregon for the conference championship. If
4. Arizona beats Oregon, then....
Should they get that 4th spot in the playoff?
We would be looking at a 2 loss Pac-12 champion taking a spot from any number of potential 1 loss teams.
On the plus side, this would be a Arizona team with two wins over Oregon (which would both be considered the "best" wins of anyone contending for that spot) and wins over ranked Utah and ASU.
On the negative side, and it is a big negative, their OOC schedule was absolutely terrible. And the committee has made it clear it is (and should) punish that.
Now, this is all moot, because the odds of all that happening or infinitesimal anyway, but it is an interesting question.
My Wildcats have an embarrassingly bad OOC schedule for the foreseeable future. I have no idea why, that isn't typical for them. Not as bad as the SEC of course, but still bad.
Quote from: Berkut on November 15, 2014, 01:42:05 AM
1. Arizona beats Washington, Utah, and ASU, and
2. UCLA beats USC, and
3. UCLA loses to Stanford
Arizona would play Oregon for the conference championship. If
4. Arizona beats Oregon, then....
Should they get that 4th spot in the playoff?
We would be looking at a 2 loss Pac-12 champion taking a spot from any number of potential 1 loss teams.
At that point, though, a lot of those "potential 1 loss teams" may actually be 2 or even 3 loss teams.
Going into last weekend's games, it was theoretically possible for every team in both the ACC Coastal and the SEC West to finish with a conference record of 4-4. Of course, for the most part teams from the ACC Coastal aren't really relevant to a discussion of the new playoff (even in Duke wins out, including a win over a previously unbeaten FSU team in the ACC championship game, they probably won't get into the top 4), but the SEC West is another matter. And the fact is that those teams can potentially cannibalize each other over the next few weeks, which would be good news for a lot of teams in other conferences.
Quote from: Berkut on November 15, 2014, 01:42:05 AM
My Wildcats have an embarrassingly bad OOC schedule for the foreseeable future. I have no idea why, that isn't typical for them. Not as bad as the SEC of course, but still bad.
If it's any consolation, they managed to struggle a little bit and make Nevada and UTSA look like competitive games. :P
Assuming Oregon and ASU win out before their losses to Arizona I don't see any way that Arizona is not the highest ranked 2 loss team by the committee. After that it depends on how many teams have fewer losses.
The biggest problem will be that the Committee really seems to like the Big-12 and we have a pretty good chance of there being 2 1 loss Big-12 teams. 2 1 loss SEC teams is likely as well.
It's not out of the question though.
Any objective observer will see the greatness that is the 2014 Big 12. -_-
Quote from: Berkut on November 15, 2014, 01:42:05 AM
My Wildcats have an embarrassingly bad OOC schedule for the foreseeable future. I have no idea why, that isn't typical for them. Not as bad as the SEC of course, but still bad.
Can't speak for this year (the schedules get made in advance of course), but it is what Rich Rodriguez wants. Its what he got at West Virginia, and wanted to do at Michigan.
I agree with Dave Bartoo of the college football matrix, who has been preaching since this committee idea was first formed, that SoS was going to be a mostly useless metric to rank these teams. There are too many teams and they play each other too little for it to have a lot of meaning. Also the number in your loss column will continue to always be the most important number in these rankings. I hate to say it as a fan of the game, but it isn't worth it for a P5 team to take the chance of losing a game in September, just to chase a better strength of schedule. You could nearly be eliminated from the playoff hunt before the leaves turn, for very little benefit.
Some SoS number crunching by college football matrix.
I have heard the incessant banter of Strength of Schedule rankings in comparing teams before and after the Selection Committee drops their top 25. I don't like the SOS as a tool to find the four best, because it is not a tool that identifies the best teams. However, the committee notes that they use their SOS to rank teams. It is not any of the public SOS ranks folks reference, in fact, as it would turn out, they do not use an SOS ranking. They just call their averaging an SOS ranking.
Noted Selection Committee expert, Stewart Mandel tweeted out the following below today about the committee's 'SOS rankings'. This is basically an in-season version of the commonly referred to NCAA pre-season strength of schedule rankings. The committee takes it a step further and considers the winning percentage of the opponents of a team's opponents on their schedule. An example of this, for Auburn. is in the little chart to the right.
Stewart further advised me that for FCS teams, only the loses count against the composite opponent record. So if Presbyterian has four loses and four wins, only the losses are added to the composite record of opponents for Ole Miss. So if you end up beating an FCS team that goes 11-1, you are only dinged for the one loss by that FCS opponent. That is weak and a minor penalty at best. These FCS games are locks, cupcakes, gimmes, body bag games. There is no strength in any of these games so I took it upon myself to count each game played by an FCS opponent against the FBS team that put it on the schedule. If you want to make a change and truly account for the ease of these games, hit it hard.
I have not been able to determine, and thus assume it counts as nothing, the strength of home versus the road. In the Big 12, the PAC 12 and soon to be in the Big Ten and ACC, some teams have five home conference games, while the other half have five road conference games. That is a significant difference in schedule strength. Additionally, I cannot tell you how the 13th game in a conference championship plays in the committee's future SOS rankings. I will cross that bridge when we get there. Maybe Stewart can give me some more information or I can find it in his book about the CFB Playoffs.
To create the final 'SOS' ranking, I averaged the records of the opponents into the records of the opponents opponents to get the composite. All three are broken down and ranked below into opponents record, opponents opponents record and the average of the two records. These will be moving each week as more wins and losses are tallied onto each schedule.
Big chart of all FBS schools. For some reason (I assume typo) Arizona wasn't colored in yellow in the far right column, they are at 42.
It seems to me that Strength of Conference and Quality Wins
TM are more important than this "SoS" ranking. Oregon is #20 of the Top 25 teams in "SoS" and 63/128 overall; much lower than Arizona (of course Oregon is hurt by not having Oregon on their schedule) and lower than Florida State, who is undefeated and was jumped by Oregon.
I wonder if snow is included in SOS. Should be.
Quote from: sbr on November 15, 2014, 12:20:43 PM
Big chart of all FBS schools. For some reason (I assume typo) Arizona wasn't colored in yellow in the far right column, they are at 42.
It seems to me that Strength of Conference and Quality WinsTM are more important than this "SoS" ranking. Oregon is #20 of the Top 25 teams in "SoS" and 63/128 overall; much lower than Arizona (of course Oregon is hurt by not having Oregon on their schedule) and lower than Florida State, who is undefeated and was jumped by Oregon.
Arizona is also hurt by not playing any respectable teams out of conference while Oregon played Michigan State.
I'm not a huge fan of that format of strength of schedule ranking, especially when evaluating the top 5-6 teams in the country. A top 5 program is going to be at a 95%+ win probability against all FCS schools, most non power 5 schools and even some really shitty power 5 schools. Winning a pair of games against say an Oregon and a Citadel is far more impressive than winning a pair against mid tier MAC teams.
That type of strength of schedule ranking also has an SEC bias, with 6 out of the top 8 spots going to SEC schools.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on November 15, 2014, 02:28:38 PM
I wonder if snow is included in SOS. Should be.
That would be silly. Both teams have to deal with the conditions. Two teams enter a stadium, and one leaves with a loss, the other with a win. Doesn't matter if it is snowing, raining, or 70 degrees and sunny with a gentle breeze.
Nope. A game won in snow is more valuable than a game won in sun.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 15, 2014, 03:09:05 PM
Quote from: sbr on November 15, 2014, 12:20:43 PM
Big chart of all FBS schools. For some reason (I assume typo) Arizona wasn't colored in yellow in the far right column, they are at 42.
It seems to me that Strength of Conference and Quality WinsTM are more important than this "SoS" ranking. Oregon is #20 of the Top 25 teams in "SoS" and 63/128 overall; much lower than Arizona (of course Oregon is hurt by not having Oregon on their schedule) and lower than Florida State, who is undefeated and was jumped by Oregon.
Arizona is also hurt by not playing any respectable teams out of conference while Oregon played Michigan State.
I'm not sure if you are arguing or agreeing with me here, but the key point is that Oregon
BEAT Michigan State for the Quality Win
TM , not that they played them. It is still obviously way to early to make too many broad predictions about the system, but I think that any team that wins a P5 conference with 0 or 1 loss will be in the playoff no matter their OOC schedule. Taking the chance of a loss in September, to possibly make a minor increase in a subjective tie-breaker that may or may not be used, doesn't seem to be a rational move by a P5 team.
The more I think about it, the less I understand Oregon leap-frogging FSU this week. FSU has not lost in 2+ years, Oregon had a home loss. FSU has the better SoS number, though the SoS numbers appear close (.512-.504), but there are 7 teams between the two schools. So apparently the gap between MSU and ND, and the SoC between ACC and Pac-12 must be much bigger than it would appear on paper. Not that it matters all that much now. Number 1, it is way too early and there are a lot of games left to be played and second the #2/#3 ranking is interchangeable at the end of the season. Those 2 teams will play each other on a neutral field, it is just a question of who wears white jerseys.
Oh my God! Virginia Tech just upset Duke....in football. What a weird world 2014 is.
Quote from: sbr on November 15, 2014, 04:01:59 PM
I'm not sure if you are arguing or agreeing with me here, but the key point is that Oregon BEAT Michigan State for the Quality WinTM , not that they played them. It is still obviously way to early to make too many broad predictions about the system, but I think that any team that wins a P5 conference with 0 or 1 loss will be in the playoff no matter their OOC schedule. Taking the chance of a loss in September, to possibly make a minor increase in a subjective tie-breaker that may or may not be used, doesn't seem to be a rational move by a P5 team.
The more I think about it, the less I understand Oregon leap-frogging FSU this week. FSU has not lost in 2+ years, Oregon had a home loss. FSU has the better SoS number, though the SoS numbers appear close (.512-.504), but there are 7 teams between the two schools. So apparently the gap between MSU and ND, and the SoC between ACC and Pac-12 must be much bigger than it would appear on paper. Not that it matters all that much now. Number 1, it is way too early and there are a lot of games left to be played and second the #2/#3 ranking is interchangeable at the end of the season. Those 2 teams will play each other on a neutral field, it is just a question of who wears white jerseys.
I was both agreeing with you and supplementing what you said. :)
But based on the methodology you presented it is irrelevant whether Oregon beat Michigan State or not, hence I just said they played (it actually probably hurt their strength of schedule, as they gave their opponent a loss, if there isn't an adjustment for that).
I've put the FSU / Oregon flip down to a few factors:
-besides losing to Arizona, Oregon has looked awesome. FSU hasn't lost, but has looked about as shaky as you can without losing.
-the bizarre (in my mind at least) overrating of Michigan State through the season.
-communicating that FSU is fucked if indeed they do lose. (if they were picking two teams for the championship, I bet they wouldn't have the balls to drop FSU to #2). If FSU loses, I think the committee has made a statement that they will be behind every other 1 loss power conference winner, and probably also 2 loss conference champs in the SEC and Pac 12.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 15, 2014, 04:40:00 PM
Quote from: sbr on November 15, 2014, 04:01:59 PM
I'm not sure if you are arguing or agreeing with me here, but the key point is that Oregon BEAT Michigan State for the Quality WinTM , not that they played them. It is still obviously way to early to make too many broad predictions about the system, but I think that any team that wins a P5 conference with 0 or 1 loss will be in the playoff no matter their OOC schedule. Taking the chance of a loss in September, to possibly make a minor increase in a subjective tie-breaker that may or may not be used, doesn't seem to be a rational move by a P5 team.
The more I think about it, the less I understand Oregon leap-frogging FSU this week. FSU has not lost in 2+ years, Oregon had a home loss. FSU has the better SoS number, though the SoS numbers appear close (.512-.504), but there are 7 teams between the two schools. So apparently the gap between MSU and ND, and the SoC between ACC and Pac-12 must be much bigger than it would appear on paper. Not that it matters all that much now. Number 1, it is way too early and there are a lot of games left to be played and second the #2/#3 ranking is interchangeable at the end of the season. Those 2 teams will play each other on a neutral field, it is just a question of who wears white jerseys.
I was both agreeing with you and supplementing what you said. :)
But based on the methodology you presented it is irrelevant whether Oregon beat Michigan State or not, hence I just said they played (it actually probably hurt their strength of schedule, as they gave their opponent a loss, if there isn't an adjustment for that).
Ah, ok. :)
I agree that the result of the MSU game has little to do with the SoS number we are talking about above (outside of the opponent loss you mentioned), but it was a Quality Win
TM for Oregon, which is another metric the committee has said they will consider. IIRC they specifically mentioned Conference Championships, SoS and Quality Wins as things they will consider. The win over another Top ~15 team is worth more than the SoS bump they got for playing the game.
QuoteI've put the FSU / Oregon flip down to a few factors:
-besides losing to Arizona, Oregon has looked awesome. FSU hasn't lost, but has looked about as shaky as you can without losing.
-the bizarre (in my mind at least) overrating of Michigan State through the season.
-communicating that FSU is fucked if indeed they do lose. (if they were picking two teams for the championship, I bet they wouldn't have the balls to drop FSU to #2). If FSU loses, I think the committee has made a statement that they will be behind every other 1 loss power conference winner, and probably also 2 loss conference champs in the SEC and Pac 12.
Yeah, those all sound about right.
Now back to your comment about Arizona's OOC schedule hurting them.
Here are the Top 8 in the committee rankings. I assume that outside of something absurd, an improved OOC schedule wouldn't move 2 loss Arizona above any of these team?
I am not going to attempt any formatting, but there is Ranking, Team, Record, SoS Rank (Rank in Top 25/Overall National Rank):
1 Mississippi State 9-0 - #10/#30
2 Oregon 9-1 - #19/#63
3 Florida State 9-0 - #17/#55
4 TCU 8-1 - #11/#37
5 Alabama 8-1 - #5/#8
6 Arizona State 8-1 - #9/#21
7 Baylor 8-1 - #24/#90
8 Ohio State 8-1 - #15/#47
Now the 2 loss teams:
9 Auburn 7-2 - #1/#1
10 Ole Miss 8-2 - #3/#4
11 UCLA 8-2 - #2/#3
12 Michigan State 7-2 - #16/#48
13 Kansas State 7-2 - #12/#41
14 Arizona 7-2 - #13/#42
15 Georgia 7-2 - #14/#44
18 Notre Dame 7-2 - #6/#14
19 Clemson 7-2 - #20/#72
20 Wisconsin 7-2 - #21/#76
22.Georgia Tech 8-2 - #18/#61
25 Minnesota 7-2 - #22/#78
Arizona is 5/12 among the 2 loss teams. KSU and UofA are #13 and #14 and have the same SoS number (0.524), so Arizona could be one step up with a better SoS. The committee really likes the Top 3 Big-12 teams though.
Arizona already has a better SoS than MSU, so I don't know how much better it would have to be to move them ahead of MSU. I imagine MSU is getting quite a bit of credit for their only lossses being to #2 Oregon and #8 Ohio State.
UCLA has one of the top 3 SoS in the country and pretty soundly beat Arizona, not sure what UofA would have to do in OOC to have moved ahead of them and whatever that is I would imagine they would then have more than 2 losses.
Then the 2 loss SEC teams both with Top 4 SoS numbers.
Outside of KSU, which would move them to #13 instead of #14 (and 4/12 in 2 loss teams) where do you see Arizona being held back by their OOC schedule? Keep in mind that any increase in OOC difficulty increases the odds that a team gets another loss knocking them even further back in the overall rankings.
Man, some serious ass goes to Alabama.
Quote from: sbr on November 15, 2014, 05:13:35 PM
Now back to your comment about Arizona's OOC schedule hurting them.
Here are the Top 8 in the committee rankings. I assume that outside of something absurd, an improved OOC schedule wouldn't move 2 loss Arizona above any of these team?
I think if they bagged a serious out of conference opponent, they could be above Kansas State and Michigan State.
In terms of teams with one loss, I'd guess they will be above Ohio State and Baylor if they lose again.
Arizona State and Oregon they probably will get ahead of if they win out (because of they would win the conference). I'd guess that FSU with a loss will stay ahead of Arizona, but not a 2 loss Oregon or Arizona State. TCU with a second loss would be interesting, but I think Arizona would end up ahead of them assuming they beat Oregon twice.
The NV-Air Force game was exciting until overtime.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 15, 2014, 06:42:21 PM
Quote from: sbr on November 15, 2014, 05:13:35 PM
Now back to your comment about Arizona's OOC schedule hurting them.
Here are the Top 8 in the committee rankings. I assume that outside of something absurd, an improved OOC schedule wouldn't move 2 loss Arizona above any of these team?
I think if they bagged a serious out of conference opponent, they could be above Kansas State and Michigan State.
In terms of teams with one loss, I'd guess they will be above Ohio State and Baylor if they lose again.
Arizona State and Oregon they probably will get ahead of if they win out (because of they would win the conference). I'd guess that FSU with a loss will stay ahead of Arizona, but not a 2 loss Oregon or Arizona State. TCU with a second loss would be interesting, but I think Arizona would end up ahead of them assuming they beat Oregon twice.
What sort of team do you mean by serious ooc opponent? Top 20? Maybe a Wisconsin, or were you thinking even better than that?
I agree that a win like that would help, but I'm not sure that Arizona would win that game.
First I want to make sure that no one thinks I am taking away from Arizona's win in Eugene. I was at that game and Arizona kicked the Ducks' ass; it was not as close as the final score showed.
However, I think that the Oregon game is the outlier on Arizona's schedule. The only other ranked team they have played (UCLA) beat them rather decisively. They handled UNLV, Washington State and Colorado pretty handily. They struggled (or at least played close games, didn't watch any of them) against the rather mediocre, at best, USTA, Nevada, California, Washington. If not for a ridiculous hail mary against Cal Arizona has 3 losses and this entire discussion is moot.
Why do we think that Arizona would be able to win this hypothetical game that would so greatly improve their ooc schedule? They are a pretty young team, at QB and RB at least, and I saw nothing in September that would make me think they could win a game against a Top 20 team.
The nice thing for Arizona though, is they still have 2 very good ranked opponents left to play, and beating them will answer a lot of questions.
tl;dr: I don't think Arizona was good enough in September to win a game that would significantly improve their ooc sos.
sbr, I'm not saying that Arizona needs to schedule stronger. Obviously if you lose an ooc game that only hurts you. I'm just saying they don't have an ideal schedule to get into the playoffs with 2 losses. I guess a strategy is to schedule the minimum difficulty to get into the playoffs. Whether or not Arizona has done that, I guess we will find out, but I think they have cut it close (of course it is probably academic because I think the vegas odds will tell you they will likely lose again).
Anyway, it is almost H hour. TORA! TORA! TORA!
Time to bomb Pearl Harbor?
Quote from: alfred russel on November 15, 2014, 07:50:23 PM
sbr, I'm not saying that Arizona needs to schedule stronger. Obviously if you lose an ooc game that only hurts you. I'm just saying they don't have an ideal schedule to get into the playoffs with 2 losses. I guess a strategy is to schedule the minimum difficulty to get into the playoffs. Whether or not Arizona has done that, I guess we will find out, but I think they have cut it close (of course it is probably academic because I think the vegas odds will tell you they will likely lose again).
Anyway, it is almost H hour. TORA! TORA! TORA!
Ah, ok I misunderstood. My bad.
I suppose if you have a color combination as ugly as Miami's, wearing all black is an improvement. I actually kinda like it.
Every year it seems college uniforms get uglier and uglier.
I enjoyed the snow games today. :)
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 15, 2014, 09:04:22 PM
I enjoyed the snow games today. :)
I was amused by the fat Minnesota (I think?) coach eating an ice cream bar on the sideline in a blizzard.
I missed that. :(
Grats Berkie, <_<
I don't think I've ever seen a black holder before. :hmm:
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 15, 2014, 09:34:08 PM
I missed that. :(
Well, maybe not quite a blizzard but whatever.
Quote from: sbr on November 15, 2014, 09:55:15 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 15, 2014, 09:34:08 PM
I missed that. :(
That is awesome.
And I want a dilly bar now. :(
From 2-4 to 6-5! Beat TCU! :yeah:
Ohio State holds "of" Minnesota.
Well, at least they remembered there's two Ns in Minnesota. You too can be a journalist! Just send us a copy of your ID and $19.95 and you'll be a certified sports journalist in just six weeks!
Learn something new all the time.
Earlier in the thread I was talking about the Utah-Oregon game where the receiver dropped the ball at the 1, and I said an inadvertent whistle causes the ball to become dead, but signalliing a TD would not.
That is actually not correct - both an inadvertent whistle and a signal which signifies the ball being dead both cause the ball to become dead. A TD signal is a dead ball signal, so signalling a TD is functionally the same (in this situation) as blowing your whistle.
That would have given the ball to Utah at the spot of the fumble.
The one time I root for the Aggies and they let me down. :mad:
Go Vols! Go Razorbacks!
Enjoyable Canes Noles game. Well played except that last possession.
Dorsey was right. The canes were the japs at Okinawa. Same result.
Quote from: Rasputin on November 15, 2014, 11:58:10 PM
Dorsey was right. The canes were the japs at Okinawa. Same result.
Then FSU's nuke better be pretty close to completion, or they're going to suffer greatly in weeks to come.
Quote from: Rasputin on November 15, 2014, 11:58:10 PM
Dorsey was right. The canes were the japs at Okinawa. Same result.
Quote from: Rasputin on November 15, 2014, 11:58:10 PM
Dorsey was right. The canes were the japs at Okinawa. Same result.
Not until our coaches commit seppuku.
If they are reluctant, I'll settle for the fans hanging them from the scoreboard with some of Al Golden's stupid ties.
I'll be equally satisfied with the university giving them multi million dollar buyouts to go away.
Or basically whatever it takes for them to never again coach at the school.
Bring back Butch Davis. Or Ed Orgeron. Or basically anyone else besides some fat fucker from Penn State with ties to the Sandusky/Paterno regime.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 16, 2014, 01:26:15 AM
Quote from: Rasputin on November 15, 2014, 11:58:10 PM
Dorsey was right. The canes were the japs at Okinawa. Same result.
Yeah, LOL. It isn't as though I picked the analogy because the Hurricanes were underdogs.
Uncle seedy, why don't you tell us about Maryland and Notre Dame.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on November 15, 2014, 07:53:17 PM
Time to bomb Pearl Harbor?
It was, but it seems admiral golden followed up a magnificent first wave by sitting around with his thumb up his ass and lost his fleet in a counterattack.
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 15, 2014, 09:04:22 PM
I enjoyed the snow games today. :)
But wasn't it nice to end the day with a game in miami where the cheerleaders weren't all bundled up?
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on November 16, 2014, 12:02:58 AM
Quote from: Rasputin on November 15, 2014, 11:58:10 PM
Dorsey was right. The canes were the japs at Okinawa. Same result.
Then FSU's nuke better be pretty close to completion, or they're going to suffer greatly in weeks to come.
The ACC offices have to be scared shitless that FSU is going to play like this against Duke or Georgia Tech in the conference title game and lose and then the conference won't get anybody in the top 4. My understanding is that that makes about a $20million difference for the league.
At some point, when can FSU get some love and respect for winning 26 in a row, or spotting Louisville 21, Miami 16 (twice), and nc state 17, while collecting wins along the way.
It is now just a couple weeks shy of two full years since anyone has beaten FSU on the field. They are the defending national champion, and the only team in the last eight years to take the title away from the sec. Shouldn't FSU be the presumptive number one team until someone takes their belt away on the field of play?
Last year they blew teams out and the knock was whether they could win the close one. This year they prove tenacious and unbeatable in the second half and are faulted for not blowing anyone out. It's getting tiring.
Quote from: Valmy on November 15, 2014, 10:54:38 PM
From 2-4 to 6-5! Beat TCU! :yeah:
What'd you think of the metallic logo? I thought it was alright, just had a tendency to get a little washed out by the lights.
Quote from: Rasputin on November 16, 2014, 03:13:32 AM
They are the defending national champion, and the only team in the last eight years to take the title away from the sec. Shouldn't FSU be the presumptive number one team until someone takes their belt away on the field of play?
Nah, too much turnover in college football to rest on last year's laurels.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 16, 2014, 01:49:16 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 16, 2014, 01:26:15 AM
Quote from: Rasputin on November 15, 2014, 11:58:10 PM
Dorsey was right. The canes were the japs at Okinawa. Same result.
Yeah, LOL. It isn't as though I picked the analogy because the Hurricanes were underdogs.
Uncle seedy, why don't you tell us about Maryland and Notre Dame.
What do they have to do with anything? I was watching Miami and FSU last might. All you retards operate under the assumption that, if I follow a team, I follow it with the same level of psychosis as you do.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on November 16, 2014, 04:19:20 AM
Quote from: Rasputin on November 16, 2014, 03:13:32 AM
They are the defending national champion, and the only team in the last eight years to take the title away from the sec. Shouldn't FSU be the presumptive number one team until someone takes their belt away on the field of play?
Nah, too much turnover in college football to rest on last year's laurels.
No one has beaten them this year either
Quote from: Rasputin on November 16, 2014, 03:13:32 AM
At some point, when can FSU get some love and respect for winning 26 in a row, or spotting Louisville 21, Miami 16 (twice), and nc state 17, while collecting wins along the way.
It is now just a couple weeks shy of two full years since anyone has beaten FSU on the field. They are the defending national champion, and the only team in the last eight years to take the title away from the sec. Shouldn't FSU be the presumptive number one team until someone takes their belt away on the field of play?
Last year they blew teams out and the knock was whether they could win the close one. This year they prove tenacious and unbeatable in the second half and are faulted for not blowing anyone out. It's getting tiring.
Need moar snow games.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on November 15, 2014, 11:35:50 PM
The one time I root for the Aggies and they let me down. :mad:
Go Vols! Go Razorbacks!
It's what they do :console:
Quote from: Rasputin on November 16, 2014, 03:13:32 AM
Last year they blew teams out and the knock was whether they could win the close one. This year they prove tenacious and unbeatable in the second half and are faulted for not blowing anyone out. It's getting tiring.
It is what not being in the SEC is all about. You must suck and be inferior somehow.
Muschamp out at Florida. Twitter thinks RichRod would be a good replacement.
Quote from: Valmy on November 16, 2014, 12:39:25 PM
It is what not being in the SEC is all about. You must suck and be inferior somehow.
No, it's really about the close games, week in, week out. Teams like Alabama and Oregon are capable of playing at a level above their opponent the entire game and not just for one solid push.
I'm not saying Florida St. shouldn't be ranked #1. Just saying I don't think they'd be favored in a game against one of those teams.
Quote from: sbr on November 16, 2014, 12:40:40 PM
Muschamp out at Florida.
Praise Tebow. Mad Zook look like Vince Lombardi.
QuoteTwitter thinks RichRod would be a good replacement.
That's why coaches coach, and Twitter twits.
Quote from: Valmy on November 16, 2014, 12:39:25 PM
Quote from: Rasputin on November 16, 2014, 03:13:32 AM
Last year they blew teams out and the knock was whether they could win the close one. This year they prove tenacious and unbeatable in the second half and are faulted for not blowing anyone out. It's getting tiring.
It is what not being in the SEC is all about. You must suck and be inferior somehow.
No. We will see when the polls come out, but it is possible FSU hasn't played a single top 25 team. When the best opposition you have played is mediocre, and you basically look at their level even if you pull out the win, that isn't a case to be the best team in the country. Miami is a 500 ACC team. Coming into the game, the smart money seemed to be saying FSU was barely better than them, and while FSU covered (barely), that was hardly convincing.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on November 16, 2014, 01:01:08 PM
Quote from: Valmy on November 16, 2014, 12:39:25 PM
It is what not being in the SEC is all about. You must suck and be inferior somehow.
No, it's really about the close games, week in, week out. Teams like Alabama and Oregon are capable of playing at a level above their opponent the entire game and not just for one solid push.
I'm not saying Florida St. shouldn't be ranked #1. Just saying I don't think they'd be favored in a game against one of those teams.
they might not be favored in Vegas but I don't think either Oregon or Bama would want to open the semis against FSU give a team that's lost a game already as an alternate.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 16, 2014, 01:27:03 PM
Quote from: Valmy on November 16, 2014, 12:39:25 PM
Quote from: Rasputin on November 16, 2014, 03:13:32 AM
Last year they blew teams out and the knock was whether they could win the close one. This year they prove tenacious and unbeatable in the second half and are faulted for not blowing anyone out. It's getting tiring.
It is what not being in the SEC is all about. You must suck and be inferior somehow.
No. We will see when the polls come out, but it is possible FSU hasn't played a single top 25 team. When the best opposition you have played is mediocre, and you basically look at their level even if you pull out the win, that isn't a case to be the best team in the country. Miami is a 500 ACC team. Coming into the game, the smart money seemed to be saying FSU was barely better than them, and while FSU covered (barely), that was hardly convincing.
We've beaten four teams who were top 25 at kickoff. Their stats are skewed now that they all have an extra loss.
All I know is if FSU were in the sec and barely winning their sec games, espn would jizz all over themselves calling FSU the team of destiny. If anyone doubts this look at auburns press coverage last year.
I do agree with Dorsey that Miami sucks ass and a win against the canes is no longer very impressive
And Gurley apparently tore his ACL. :frusty:
Nick Chubb for Heisman?
As an Oregon fan I would rather play fsu in semis rather than Alabama
Quote from: Rasputin on November 16, 2014, 06:46:07 PM
We've beaten four teams who were top 25 at kickoff. Their stats are skewed now that they all have an extra loss.
All I know is if FSU were in the sec and barely winning their sec games, espn would jizz all over themselves calling FSU the team of destiny. If anyone doubts this look at auburns press coverage last year.
The stats aren't skewed because they have an extra loss. Some of those ranked teams barely fell when losing to FSU. The stats are skewed because the teams were overrated earlier in the season when FSU played them.
Here is the AP top 5, vs how many current top 25 teams they have played:
1. FSU: 0 (none left on schedule)
2. Alabama: 2 (1 more on schedule)
3. Oregon: 4 (none left on schedule)
4. Mississippi State: 2 (1 left on schedule)
5. TCU: 3 (none left on schedule)
6. Baylor: 2 (1 left on schedule)
7. Ohio State: 1 (none left on schedule)
8. Ole Miss: 2 (1 left on schedule)
9. Georgia: 2 (1 left on schedule)
10. Michigan State: 3 (none left on schedule)
So there you have it. FSU is the only top 10 team to have not played a top 25 team, and the only top 10 team without even having a top 25 team on their schedule. In fact, excluding Ohio State, every other team has a minimum of 3 current top 25 teams on their schedule that they have played or will have played.
No one with any sense, or even a talking head on ESPN, is going to jizz all over a team that plays an incredibly weak schedule and is very fortunate to beat any competition with a pulse.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on November 16, 2014, 06:58:40 PM
And Gurley apparently tore his ACL. :frusty:
Nick Chubb for Heisman?
I assume this had to be a joke, but I don't get it.
Gurley was out of the running a long time ago, and I have n no idea who Chubb is.
Quote from: sbr on November 16, 2014, 07:18:32 PM
As an Oregon fan I would rather play fsu in semis rather than Alabama
If you look at some of the advanced statistical approaches to ranking teams (looking at play and drive outcomes in addition to raw scores), FSU is not highly rated. Their F/+ rating heading into last week's game was #9. Alabama was #1.
Quote from: sbr on November 16, 2014, 07:24:58 PM
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on November 16, 2014, 06:58:40 PM
And Gurley apparently tore his ACL. :frusty:
Nick Chubb for Heisman?
I assume this had to be a joke, but I don't get it.
Gurley was out of the running a long time ago, and I have n no idea who Chubb is.
Chubb is the backup running back who's been carrying the load since Gurley got suspended.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 16, 2014, 07:25:53 PM
Quote from: sbr on November 16, 2014, 07:18:32 PM
As an Oregon fan I would rather play fsu in semis rather than Alabama
If you look at some of the advanced statistical approaches to ranking teams (looking at play and drive outcomes in addition to raw scores), FSU is not highly rated. Their F/+ rating heading into last week's game was #9. Alabama was #1.
Thank god statistical models don't play the game
Quote from: Rasputin on November 16, 2014, 07:53:24 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on November 16, 2014, 07:25:53 PM
Quote from: sbr on November 16, 2014, 07:18:32 PM
As an Oregon fan I would rather play fsu in semis rather than Alabama
If you look at some of the advanced statistical approaches to ranking teams (looking at play and drive outcomes in addition to raw scores), FSU is not highly rated. Their F/+ rating heading into last week's game was #9. Alabama was #1.
Thank god statistical models don't play the game
No, but they do provide our best projection of what will happen in future events. But don't worry, the models show that FSU should beat the remaining teams on their schedule, and the playoffs don't start until 2015. I'm sure 2015 will be the year that math stops working.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on November 16, 2014, 04:08:41 AM
Quote from: Valmy on November 15, 2014, 10:54:38 PM
From 2-4 to 6-5! Beat TCU! :yeah:
What'd you think of the metallic logo? I thought it was alright, just had a tendency to get a little washed out by the lights.
That was my basic criticism. I didn't think it added much, just made it harder to see the Longhorn logo. I hope recruits thought it was cool, but I don't think people come here for the Oregon-esque flashy unis.
The classy uniforms are the second best part of the Texas program. They shouldn't fuck around with it.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 16, 2014, 10:41:05 PM
Quote from: Rasputin on November 16, 2014, 07:53:24 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on November 16, 2014, 07:25:53 PM
Quote from: sbr on November 16, 2014, 07:18:32 PM
As an Oregon fan I would rather play fsu in semis rather than Alabama
If you look at some of the advanced statistical approaches to ranking teams (looking at play and drive outcomes in addition to raw scores), FSU is not highly rated. Their F/+ rating heading into last week's game was #9. Alabama was #1.
Thank god statistical models don't play the game
No, but they do provide our best projection of what will happen in future events. But don't worry, the models show that FSU should beat the remaining teams on their schedule, and the playoffs don't start until 2015. I'm sure 2015 will be the year that math stops working.
Don't need any kind of sophisticated statistical models to figure that out.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 16, 2014, 10:41:05 PM
Quote from: Rasputin on November 16, 2014, 07:53:24 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on November 16, 2014, 07:25:53 PM
Quote from: sbr on November 16, 2014, 07:18:32 PM
As an Oregon fan I would rather play fsu in semis rather than Alabama
If you look at some of the advanced statistical approaches to ranking teams (looking at play and drive outcomes in addition to raw scores), FSU is not highly rated. Their F/+ rating heading into last week's game was #9. Alabama was #1.
Thank god statistical models don't play the game
No, but they do provide our best projection of what will happen in future events. But don't worry, the models show that FSU should beat the remaining teams on their schedule, and the playoffs don't start until 2015. I'm sure 2015 will be the year that math stops working.
so answer the great question
is it better to be a has been than a never was?
Quote from: Rasputin on November 17, 2014, 09:45:15 AM
so answer the great question
is it better to be a has been than a never was?
Wake me up when FSU has 5 national titles, or takes the lead in the FSU-Miami series.
Teams have ups and downs. Miami is going to be just fine. Miami almost got FSU this year even though it was coached by a retarded fat guy in a tie with a true freshman QB and FSU was QBed by a reigning heisman trophy winner.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 17, 2014, 09:53:18 AM
Quote from: Rasputin on November 17, 2014, 09:45:15 AM
so answer the great question
is it better to be a has been than a never was?
Wake me up when FSU has 5 national titles, or takes the lead in the FSU-Miami series.
Teams have ups and downs. Miami is going to be just fine. Miami almost got FSU this year even though it was coached by a retarded fat guy in a tie with a true freshman QB and FSU was QBed by a reigning heisman trophy winner.
:D I'll put that down as a decided vote for has been status.
Illinois also has five college football national championships. Does that make them relevant?
Jeff George Jr. Will lead the Illini to glory again.
For Valmy, in all its beautiful '80s production value.
Quote from: Rasputin on November 17, 2014, 10:24:41 AM
:D I'll put that down as a decided vote for has been status.
Illinois also has five college football national championships. Does that make them relevant?
Illinois claims 5 national titles and I'd say 4 of them are made up. The last came in 1951, which is one of the made up ones, and the last of the rest came in the 1920s. The relevance isn't the same as a team that won its titles in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 17, 2014, 12:47:35 PM
Quote from: Rasputin on November 17, 2014, 10:24:41 AM
:D I'll put that down as a decided vote for has been status.
Illinois also has five college football national championships. Does that make them relevant?
Illinois claims 5 national titles and I'd say 4 of them are made up. The last came in 1951, which is one of the made up ones, and the last of the rest came in the 1920s. The relevance isn't the same as a team that won its titles in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s.
That's what the ACC thought in 2005. They're still waiting for Miami (and to be fair, VT, too) to prove them right.
Quote from: dps on November 17, 2014, 12:55:25 PM
That's what the ACC thought in 2005. They're still waiting for Miami (and to be fair, VT, too) to prove them right.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 17, 2014, 12:47:35 PM
Illinois claims 5 national titles and I'd say 4 of them are made up. The last came in 1951, which is one of the made up ones, and the last of the rest came in the 1920s. The relevance isn't the same as a team that won its titles in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s.
So, why didn't going to a different school cause you to change your childhood allegiance again? :hmm:
I mean, I liked 'Bama when I was 10. The elephant was cool, and I had lived in the state a couple times.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on November 17, 2014, 01:01:57 PM
So, why didn't going to a different school cause you to change your childhood allegiance again? :hmm:
I mean, I liked 'Bama when I was 10. The elephant was cool, and I had lived in the state a couple times.
I went to a non combatant undergrad (Emory) but yeah my allegiances have split. It is just that I had just started going to grad school when I got banned and I only have enough energy to be a superfan of one school on this forum, and I'm sort of locked into Miami at this point.
I was a Miami fan because on my mother's side, my grandfather went to school there, all five of his kids went to school there, 3 of the 5 married people who went to school there, and some (including my mother) did post grad there. We had season tickets growing up and everyone was sort of a superfan.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on November 17, 2014, 01:01:57 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on November 17, 2014, 12:47:35 PM
Illinois claims 5 national titles and I'd say 4 of them are made up. The last came in 1951, which is one of the made up ones, and the last of the rest came in the 1920s. The relevance isn't the same as a team that won its titles in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s.
So, why didn't going to a different school cause you to change your childhood allegiance again? :hmm:
I mean, I liked 'Bama when I was 10. The elephant was cool, and I had lived in the state a couple times.
I've lived in NC for almost 7 years now, and it hasn't caused me to become a fan of any of the in-state schools. Of course, in football, it's not like there's a lot here to be a fan of. The 7 FBS schools in the state are a combined 32-28, which doesn't sound that bad, but if you take Duke--hardly a traditional football power--out of it, the record drops to 24-26. Basically, NC is a hotbed of college football mediocrity.
Interesting helmets on the Terps this week.
Only thing they've got going for them today.
But at least the Golden Golfers punched Nebraska in the face.
Wake Forest beat VT. That Ohio State loss in the opener is looking worse and worse.
Boy, there were shitburgers being dropped in the Shoe when Indiana went ahead.
All in all, a fun game to be at.
QuoteANN ARBOR -- Michigan has lost another football commitment for the 2015 season. This time during an actual game.
Detroit Cass Tech four-star running back Mike Weber announced his decommitment from the program on Twitter midway through the fourth quarter of the Michigan-Maryland game.
"I'm decommiting from the university of Michigan thank you Michigan for the love and support I'll remake my decision at the army bowl," Weber tweeted Saturday.
The Wolverines lost their game, 23-16, to fall to 5-6 on the season.
Weber is the fourth player to decommit from Brady Hoke's 2015 recruiting class this season, joining four-star defensive end Darian Roseboro, four-star corner Garrett Taylor and four-star linebacker Darrin Kirkland.
Michigan's 2015 recruiting class is down to six players.
I feel a disturbance.
Brady Hoke has either been crying or drinking with his eyes all glassy like that.
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 22, 2014, 07:21:02 PM
I feel a disturbance.
Don't get too far from the nearest toilet, then.
Seedy: I'm as happy as you that Maryland won. It sucks for the seniors, but I didn't want there to be any doubt that Hoke had to go.
I don't however, agree that the Stanford win over #2 USC back in 2007 was the greatest upset before today. :P
Quote from: grumbler on November 22, 2014, 07:38:16 PM
I don't however, agree that the Stanford win over #2 USC back in 2007 was the greatest upset before today. :P
:ultra: :P
Really didn't think they had it in them. I just don't know what Michigan's problem is, other than coaching. They've got the talent.
Now watch Michigan win next Saturday. :mad:
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 22, 2014, 11:08:43 PM
Now watch Michigan win next Saturday. :mad:
Unless they found a way to give Tim Biakabutuka another year of eligibility I find that unlikely.
Anyway this happened today:
Quote from: Valmy on November 23, 2014, 12:22:34 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 22, 2014, 11:08:43 PM
Now watch Michigan win next Saturday. :mad:
Anyway this happened today:
Yeah, I was watching that game. For some reason, they spent an inordinate amount of time reviewing the play.
They wanted to give Nebraska every effort of the doubt.
Quote from: Valmy on November 23, 2014, 12:22:34 AMTim Biakabutuka
Wow. There's a shitty memory: 1995. My first live Alamo Bowl. I am surrounded by Aggies who smell. Biakabutuka, Griese, and Michigan shit the bed and lose to RC Slocum's group of scumbags.
E: I probably should have watched that Minnesota - Nebraska game. That's a helluva play there. :lol:
The interactive map is cool.
Strange, the most popular college teams in the Vegas suburbs are the Ducks and the Buckeyes. UNLV nowhere. Also most of New England roots for Ohio State, Notre Dame or Florida with BC barely cracking double digits even in Boston itself.
North Dakota is split between Texas and Oregon fans. :lol:
Well we send lots of oil people up north. I cannot explain the Oregon thing.
Tyrone Swoopes is ruining Thanksgiving :mad:
Got to hand it to Tyrone Swoops that was a masterpiece of suck. I know TCU has a pretty decent defense but LOL on that last interception to a guy six feet away from him.
Yeah that wasn't so good.
OSU DT Kosta Karageorge is reported missing. Vanished yesterday after some kind of drama happened. Has no ID on him because for some reason his girlfriend has his wallet.
Hey MBM look what the Iowa Fans made:
Damn, the Oregon/Arizona rematch in the Pac-12 CG is almost a done deal.
Guess we will see if last game was fluke or not.
Lol, Marshall.
Wow, Arizona wins the Pac-12 South. Who saw that coming?
I think they are going to be rather universally rooted against in the championship game in the Pac-12 though...
Quote from: Berkut on November 29, 2014, 12:29:10 AM
I think they are going to be rather universally rooted against in the championship game in the Pac-12 though...
Don't know why, it's a simple case of Good versus Evil.
Hipsters vs. minute men combing the desert looking for illegals to shoot? :hmm:
No, it's a matter of a PAc-12 team in the playoff or not.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on November 29, 2014, 12:40:36 AM
Hipsters vs. minute men combing the desert looking for illegals to shoot? :hmm:
Oregon is Alabama without the magnolias. Fuck Oregon.
>waiting for next weather/lifestyle/employment status update from Baltimore
Quote from: sbr on November 29, 2014, 12:45:12 AM
>waiting for next weather/lifestyle/employment status update from Baltimore
The University of Oregon represents everything foul and not Notre Dame about college football.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 29, 2014, 12:47:15 AM
Quote from: sbr on November 29, 2014, 12:45:12 AM
>waiting for next weather/lifestyle/employment status update from Baltimore
The University of Oregon represents everything foul and not Notre Dame about college football.
That's true, they do win more than 8 games a year.
And they don't kill student assistants.
Towers fall. It's not like he was pushed. His Will Be Done.
Quote from: sbr on November 29, 2014, 12:40:56 AM
No, it's a matter of a PAc-12 team in the playoff or not.
Exactly. Barring something very surprising, Arizona beating Oregon is likely to be the perfect excuse for the NCSEC selection committee to leave the Pac-12 champion out of the playoff.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 29, 2014, 12:47:15 AM
Quote from: sbr on November 29, 2014, 12:45:12 AM
>waiting for next weather/lifestyle/employment status update from Baltimore
The University of Oregon represents everything foul and not Notre Dame about college football.
True. And if you throw Notre Dame in, you cover a lot of the rest of what is foul and not Oregon about college football.
QuoteOhio State Walk-On Is Missing
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Around 1:30 a.m. Wednesday, Kosta Karageorge, an Ohio State football player and wrestler, sent a text message to his mother, apologizing if he had been an "embarrassment," explaining that he had been affected by concussions.
Karageorge, apparently upset over an incident with his girlfriend, then went for a walk. He has not been seen since, and the family's concern has grown as No. 7 Ohio State readied to play Michigan on Saturday.
Sophia Karageorge, 25, his older sister, said that Kosta had sustained "at least four or five" concussions. After a concussion occurred last fall, he told his sister how he felt confused, disoriented and moody, not exactly like himself. He sustained his latest concussion around September, she said.
Sophia Karageorge said her brother typically followed the team's protocol whenever he suffered a concussion. She said that he communicated with the family regularly. When they did not hear from him that night, they grew nervous. Then he missed football practice.
"We're really confused," she said. "It doesn't make sense."
Listed at 6-foot-3 and about 273 pounds, Karageorge had wrestled at Ohio State for three years before joining the football team as a walk-on. He had recorded just one tackle all season. He was supposed to participate in senior day Saturday.
Sophia Karageorge praised how Ohio State had treated her brother after he sustained a concussion. She indicated her brother had seemed fine earlier in the week.
Columbus Police Department detectives on the case were not made available to comment. Sgt. David Pelphrey, a spokesman, said they were still talking to those close to Karageorge and looking for leads.
"We're working this strictly as a missing person case," Pelphrey said. "None of us are doctors; we can't speak to the side effects of concussions. We can't really get into that. Certainly if he's out there, wandering the streets dazed and confused, that's where we're relying on our partners in the community to help us locate him."
Quote from: Berkut on November 29, 2014, 12:56:40 AM
Quote from: sbr on November 29, 2014, 12:40:56 AM
No, it's a matter of a PAc-12 team in the playoff or not.
Exactly. Barring something very surprising, Arizona beating Oregon is likely to be the perfect excuse for the NCSEC selection committee to leave the Pac-12 champion out of the playoff.
FWIW, I think there is some validity to the idea that the Pac-10 doesn't get its due from the media. OTOH, I also pretty much agree with Seedy. So while I have no particular desire to see the Pac-10 champion shut out of the playoffs
per s, I don't really want to see Oregon win the championship.
However, beyond that, if it's a choice between Oregon and Ohio State in the playoffs, I'd rather see Oregon.
I'd support a rule that you can't be in the playoff unless you win your conference. That would give us the four highest ranked conference winners essentially.
That would be great until it wasn't.
It would at least force Notre Dame to actually join a conference and play on the same field as everyone else who isn't the SEC.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on November 29, 2014, 02:16:26 AM
I'd support a rule that you can't be in the playoff unless you win your conference. That would give us the four highest ranked conference winners essentially.
That will make a lot of people happy when Missouri somehow stumbles their way past Alabama.
34-0 and yet they still managed to beat everyone else. :wacko:
Yay, too cool for school Cardale Jones is #1 QB now.
I'm rather ambivalent whether Miami beats Pitt. A loss may make the fat man go away.
As unlikely as it seems, I think Arizona has a really good shot of getting in if it beats Oregon.
If we assume FSU and Alabama are in (which may be a big assumption), that leaves 2 spots.
As a conference champ, Arizona should be above everyone in the Pac 12 and SEC (not named Alabama).
That leaves 2 spots with the following teams in contention:
Ohio State
Michigan State
I think we can scratch out Michigan State. Would the committee put in 2 big 12 teams with soft OOC schedules?
It could come down to whether Ohio State can beat Wisconsin, which is not a sure thing.
Quote from: Berkut on November 29, 2014, 02:26:15 AM
That would be great until it wasn't.
And "it wasn't" might come as soon as this year. Right now, depending on how some games in progress, a few remaining regular season games, and the conference championship games go, if the favorites win out, that would make the playoff teams Alabama, Oregon, Florida State, and the Big 12 champion (probably TCU, but I'm not 100% sure what the Big 12's tie breaking procedures are now). Throw in a few upsets, and it could change to Georgia Tech, Missouri, Arizona, and Kansas State. Anybody really think that's a better playoff field?
Quote from: dps on November 29, 2014, 08:26:41 PM
Quote from: Berkut on November 29, 2014, 02:26:15 AM
That would be great until it wasn't.
And "it wasn't" might come as soon as this year. Right now, depending on how some games in progress, a few remaining regular season games, and the conference championship games go, if the favorites win out, that would make the playoff teams Alabama, Oregon, Florida State, and the Big 12 champion (probably TCU, but I'm not 100% sure what the Big 12's tie breaking procedures are now). Throw in a few upsets, and it could change to Georgia Tech, Missouri, Arizona, and Kansas State. Anybody really think that's a better playoff field?
I think the second one is vastly better than the first.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 31, 1969, 10:56:13 PM
It could come down to whether Ohio State can beat Wisconsin, which is not a sure thing.
Doesn't matter. They won't take OSU with the QB hurt.
I think Mark May ejaculated when Barrett went down.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on November 29, 2014, 09:50:29 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on December 31, 1969, 10:56:13 PM
It could come down to whether Ohio State can beat Wisconsin, which is not a sure thing.
Doesn't matter. They won't take OSU with the QB hurt.
Generally I wouldn't think they would hold an injury against a team. But so much of Ohio State's argument is the loss to VT was the first game of the season when they were breaking in a bunch of new guys and they were a much inferior team. Now they are back to breaking in a new QB.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 29, 2014, 08:17:50 PM
As unlikely as it seems, I think Arizona has a really good shot of getting in if it beats Oregon.
If we assume FSU and Alabama are in (which may be a big assumption), that leaves 2 spots.
As a conference champ, Arizona should be above everyone in the Pac 12 and SEC (not named Alabama).
That leaves 2 spots with the following teams in contention:
Ohio State
Michigan State
I think we can scratch out Michigan State. Would the committee put in 2 big 12 teams with soft OOC schedules?
It could come down to whether Ohio State can beat Wisconsin, which is not a sure thing.
Assuming TCU beats Iowa State the Big-12 Champ is a given, either Baylor or TCU, I don't think the other gets in but their OOC schedule is no worse than Arizona's is.
The injury to the Ohio State QB was HUGE, though I still think they should go over Arizona assuming Ohio State beats Wisconsin.
If Alabama ends up losing today they will probably just cancel this year's playoff so it won't really matter.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 29, 2014, 10:07:55 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on November 29, 2014, 09:50:29 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on December 31, 1969, 10:56:13 PM
It could come down to whether Ohio State can beat Wisconsin, which is not a sure thing.
Doesn't matter. They won't take OSU with the QB hurt.
Generally I wouldn't think they would hold an injury against a team. But so much of Ohio State's argument is the loss to VT was the first game of the season when they were breaking in a bunch of new guys and they were a much inferior team. Now they are back to breaking in a new QB.
And if they beat Wisconsin with their 3rd string QB they have to go.
Question for Berkut (or anyone else I guess):
In the Oregon-OSU game 3 Oregon defenders were slow to get up on the same play, 2 of them right next to each other. After the trainers came out and started tending to the players the referee (white hat) came in and started moving the standing Oregon players out of the area of the hurt teammates and trainers. Why? To potentially keep them from getting near coaches (no idea if any were on the field) during an unofficial time out, or something else?
Auburn-Alabama is a pinball machine.
Quote from: sbr on November 29, 2014, 10:36:50 PM
Question for Berkut (or anyone else I guess):
In the Oregon-OSU game 3 Oregon defenders were slow to get up on the same play, 2 of them right next to each other. After the trainers came out and started tending to the players the referee (white hat) came in and started moving the standing Oregon players out of the area of the hurt teammates and trainers. Why? To potentially keep them from getting near coaches (no idea if any were on the field) during an unofficial time out, or something else?
Not really any particular reason, other than you generally want, during any time out, to get everyone away from the people tending to injured players, and over to either their huddle, or their sideline, in order to make sure the opposing team players don't get near each other and have something stupid start up.
So in general it is more of a "cleaning up" the timeout than anything specific. I can't say I've ever been remotely concerned about a coach potentially talking to his players in a situation like that.
Quote from: sbr on November 29, 2014, 10:16:39 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on November 29, 2014, 08:17:50 PM
As unlikely as it seems, I think Arizona has a really good shot of getting in if it beats Oregon.
If we assume FSU and Alabama are in (which may be a big assumption), that leaves 2 spots.
As a conference champ, Arizona should be above everyone in the Pac 12 and SEC (not named Alabama).
That leaves 2 spots with the following teams in contention:
Ohio State
Michigan State
I think we can scratch out Michigan State. Would the committee put in 2 big 12 teams with soft OOC schedules?
It could come down to whether Ohio State can beat Wisconsin, which is not a sure thing.
Assuming TCU beats Iowa State the Big-12 Champ is a given, either Baylor or TCU, I don't think the other gets in but their OOC schedule is no worse than Arizona's is.
But their conference schedule is no wear near as good.
The injury to the Ohio State QB was HUGE, though I still think they should go over Arizona assuming Ohio State beats Wisconsin.
No way. It may very well turn out that way, because the system is grossly flawed, but there is no way a 1-loss B1G champion this year deserves a spot over the Pac-12 champion. The Big-10 is terrible this year.
But that is why a 4 team playoff is so bad - there are going to be more than 4 teams that will be able to make perfectly reasonable arguments of the form of "We did what was asked of us....we should be in". OSU cannot help that the Big-10 is terrible this year, why should they be punished for their conference being bad?
On the other hand, it is vastly MORE unreasonable to punish a conference for being very good compared to others, and if you left a Pac-12 champion who would have played, at that point, TEN conference games against the top to bottom best (or at worst second best) conference in the country, that would be a travesty. Like I said, I think the structure is going to make that likely...if Arizona beats Oregon. Which, of course, is a rather long shot anyway, so probably it won't even matter.
If OSU played Arizona's schedule, and Arizona played OSUs, what would their records be?
OSU could not get through 9 Pac-12 games with only one loss, IMO.
I agree with most everything you said, BUT win-loss record is and will always be the most important factor in this (for P5 teams, Marshall and Boise State will always be irrelevant).
As I have said before Strength of Schedule will never be anything more than a somewhat interesting minor tie-breaker. Strength of Conference is more important than SoS, but not enough to move a 2 loss team over a 1 loss one.
Should've been an 8 team format.
Quote from: Berkut on November 29, 2014, 11:11:16 PM
If OSU played Arizona's schedule, and Arizona played OSUs, what would their records be?
OSU could not get through 9 Pac-12 games with only one loss, IMO.
Neither could Arizona.
FWIW, all the computer rankings I've seen have Ohio State well above Arizona, and Sagarin has them roughly a 6 point favorite on a neutral field. Obviously this week would change things, including Barrett breaking his ankle.
Quote from: Berkut on November 29, 2014, 11:11:16 PM
But their conference schedule is no wear near as good.
Can we please not fight amongst ourselves and concentrate on the common SEC enemy? Considering the extent of the PAC's interaction with the Big 12 was UCLA barely beating a middle of the road team I don't see what you are basing this on.
I don't understand how anyone thought a playoff would solve anything. If anything, it expands it, because there will always be proportionally more teams that think they deserve to be in the top four than there are teams that think they are #1 or #2.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 29, 2014, 11:20:44 PM
Should've been an 8 team format.
It will happen, presuming this years playoff makes lots of money. So...inevitable I would think.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on November 29, 2014, 11:37:08 PM
I don't understand how anyone thought a playoff would solve anything. If anything, it expands it, because there will always be proportionally more teams that think they deserve to be in the top four than there are teams that think they are #1 or #2.
Sure there will always be whiners, but whiners with multiple losses have no legitimate case so can be ignored.
Quote from: Valmy on November 29, 2014, 11:37:33 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 29, 2014, 11:20:44 PM
Should've been an 8 team format.
It will happen, presuming this years playoff makes lots of money. So...inevitable I would think.
There should be an 8 team playoff, but there are also too many games. The need to go back to an 11 or even 10 game regular season now that we have conference championships and playoff.
Even though Miami really sucks, it has some good NFL prospects. Watching the team at 6-5 playing in an empty stadium in a game not even the hard core fans gave a shit about, what were those guys doing out there? FWIW, one of them suffered a knee injury. Maybe lost an NFL shot and as much money as a good part of the gate.
I never liked adding the 12th game. It was not needed and mostly just allowed everybody to add a game against some Sunbelt/FCS team.
At least the Big 12 doesn't have that stupid championship game anymore. At least something good came out of Nebraska blowing shit up....besides giving the Big 10 a team to break rushing records against.
Quote from: alfred russel on November 29, 2014, 11:30:28 PM
Quote from: Berkut on November 29, 2014, 11:11:16 PM
If OSU played Arizona's schedule, and Arizona played OSUs, what would their records be?
OSU could not get through 9 Pac-12 games with only one loss, IMO.
Neither could Arizona.
FWIW, all the computer rankings I've seen have Ohio State well above Arizona, and Sagarin has them roughly a 6 point favorite on a neutral field. Obviously this week would change things, including Barrett breaking his ankle.
Ohio State's not got just the problem of the Big 10 being weak, they've got the problem of their loss being to a .500 team. Granted, there were mitigating circumstances, but it wasn't just the offense--the OSU defense gave up 35 points to a team that ranks about 100th in the FBS in points scored.
I don't know why beating a couple good teams and losing to a bad team is considered a worse record than beating a good team and a bad team and losing to the other good team.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on November 30, 2014, 12:01:04 AM
I don't know why beating a couple good teams and losing to a bad team is considered a worse record than beating a good team and a bad team and losing to the other good team.
I'd say it's because when 2 good teams play each other, one of them has to lose, but when a good team plays a bad team, the good team should win.
If on Dec 10 the committee is deciding who the best 4 teams are, what difference does it make what happened in early September?
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on November 30, 2014, 12:01:04 AM
I don't know why beating a couple good teams and losing to a bad team is considered a worse record than beating a good team and a bad team and losing to the other good team.
In Ohio State's case, they beat a theoretically good team (Michigan State), but the possibility / probability exists that actually the big ten just sucks and Michigan State has a good record only because the teams they play are worse at football. Ohio State played one power conference team out of conference, and lost even though that team sucks, which doesn't do much to inspire confidence.
In general though I agree with you. You play your schedule, and have a record at the end. I think your record should be judged based on the degree of difficulty, and who your wins and losses were against is not so important (excepting head to head matchups as a tie breaker if evaluating two teams).
Quote from: sbr on November 30, 2014, 12:13:52 AM
If on Dec 10 the committee is deciding who the best 4 teams are, what difference does it make what happened in early September?
They aren't just deciding who the best 4 teams are.
What they are deciding is outlined here:
If they were just picking the four best teams, then why not play your scout team during September to avoid injury, treat October as preseason, and then show your dominance with a rested and healthy team in November?
Quote from: Valmy on November 29, 2014, 11:35:55 PM
Quote from: Berkut on November 29, 2014, 11:11:16 PM
But their conference schedule is no wear near as good.
Can we please not fight amongst ourselves and concentrate on the common SEC enemy? Considering the extent of the PAC's interaction with the Big 12 was UCLA barely beating a middle of the road team I don't see what you are basing this on.
Hear hear. I tried watching the SEC Network. Christ. :bleeding:
Bo Pellini fired from Nebraska. He goes 9-3 and beats Miami, so surely the 6-6 Miami team that lost to him should be firing its coach too right? Please let this logic be correct. :cry:
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 30, 2014, 10:29:16 AM
Hear hear. I tried watching the SEC Network. Christ. :bleeding:
They have this annoying habit of leaving the picture unaltered when half the field is in shadow.
The call-ins. :bleeding:
Quote from: Ed Anger on November 30, 2014, 11:10:33 AM
The call-ins. :bleeding:
Oh, I don't know...I get all the channels as well, and not even EWTN and Sister Angelica could smoke more Notre Dame cock than what happens on the Longhorn Network. At least the SEC mixes it up, and it's not all Gators and Alabama.
FWIW, the 538 blog gives arizona a 27% chance of making the playoff if they beat Oregon. Sounds about right.
Wisconsin is opening as a 3 pt favorite over Ohio State.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on November 28, 2014, 12:17:32 AM
OSU DT Kosta Karageorge is reported missing. Vanished yesterday after some kind of drama happened. Has no ID on him because for some reason his girlfriend has his wallet.
Apparently they found his body. Self inflicted gun shot wound.
EDIT: http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/11960455/kosta-karageorge-ohio-state-buckeyes-found-dead
The Pac-12 blog said there was actually a scenario where no SEC team gets in?
Alabama loses to Missouri, and Missouri has two very bad losses (shutout by Georgia, loss to a Big Ten team that itself only has a single Big-10 win).
But that would seem crazy, to not have the second best conference in the country in the playoff....
Quote from: Berkut on November 30, 2014, 09:53:58 PM
But that would seem crazy, to not have the second best conference in the country in the playoff....
Hopefully the best conference will be represented by Baylor and TCU and the second best conference will get either Arizona or Oregon.
Florida State will probably have to round it out.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 30, 2014, 11:31:16 AM
on the Longhorn Network.
The LHN does not have a call in show :unsure:
I also resent the implication that a team of analysts that comprises entirely of former UT players would have any bias. Actually I do really like David Thomas and Dan Neil breaking down the games. It is nice to hear people talk about UT Football who actually watched the game and know something about the team.
Quote from: Valmy on November 30, 2014, 11:23:01 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on November 30, 2014, 11:31:16 AM
on the Longhorn Network.
The LHN does not have a call in show :unsure:
I also resent the implication that a team of analysts that comprises entirely of former UT players would have any bias. Actually I do really like David Thomas and Dan Neil breaking down the games. It is nice to hear people talk about UT Football who actually watched the game and know something about the team.
I'm a product of 1970's television. I liked it better when it was called "Hee Haw."
Quote from: alfred russel on November 30, 2014, 12:19:33 AM
Ohio State played one power conference team out of conference
No, they played an ACC team.
So it looks like WVU has a good shot at getting the Liberty Bowl. I can live with that :)
Quote from: derspiess on December 02, 2014, 11:42:09 AM
So it looks like WVU has a good shot at getting the Liberty Bowl. I can live with that :)
Sorry about the tough end to their season. Texas had a nice run until the Thanksgiving Day Massacre. Now they will get some middling SEC team in the Texas Bowl.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 01, 2014, 12:52:04 AM
I'm a product of 1970's television. I liked it better when it was called "Hee Haw."
A Tennessee show? WTF? Does Texas look like Tennessee to you? :angry:
Well we are both Orange and go by 'UT' :unsure:
Quote from: Valmy on December 02, 2014, 11:43:23 AM
Quote from: derspiess on December 02, 2014, 11:42:09 AM
So it looks like WVU has a good shot at getting the Liberty Bowl. I can live with that :)
Sorry about the tough end to their season. Texas had a nice run until the Thanksgiving Day Massacre. Now they will get some middling SEC team in the Texas Bowl.
November was an interesting turn for both teams. Good for Texas, bad for WVU. But WVU's overall season was a solid improvement over last year. The defense is coming along and they may have found their starting QB for next year.
Also, I can't wait for the reaction from Herd Nation if/when WVU gets a nicer bowl than their team.
Arizona is the only team in both the football and basketball AP top-10.
Quote from: Berkut on December 02, 2014, 11:55:54 AM
Arizona is the only team in both the football and basketball AP top-10.
Thank Bevo for Texas Basketball this season. I hope everybody watches the 41-40 game against Kentucky this Friday (well actually considering their defense it might be 41-7 or something)
Quote from: Valmy on December 02, 2014, 11:45:42 AM
A Tennessee show? WTF? Does Texas look like Tennessee to you? :angry:
Well we are both Orange and go by 'UT' :unsure:
And you both have the same sayings. :alberta:
And Brady Hoke's been fired at Michigan. Jim Harbaugh, come on down!
Quote from: grumbler on December 02, 2014, 04:48:12 PM
And Brady Hoke's been fired at Michigan. Jim Harbaugh, come on down!
I think that would be a perfect fit for him, the team and the fan base. He gets his full control, his players and recruits will totally eat up his psycho schtick, and he's a Michigan Man. Everybody wins.
Goodbye Coach Fred Flintstone.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 02, 2014, 04:54:19 PM
Quote from: grumbler on December 02, 2014, 04:48:12 PM
And Brady Hoke's been fired at Michigan. Jim Harbaugh, come on down!
I think that would be a perfect fit for him, the team and the fan base. He gets his full control, his players and recruits will totally eat up his psycho schtick, and he's a Michigan Man. Everybody wins.
Tye best-connected guy on Michigan football, John U. Bacon, said yesterday that he thinks it's 50-50 that Harbaugh actually comes. He said he'd bet the other odds as Les Miles 25%, someone else 25%. And the guy knows Harbaugh and Miles personally. Either of those guys would walk into a situation that has a team they would themselves recruit, s transition costs would be low. Other guys, maybe not so much.
So Miles is getting tired of Saban kicking him around, huh.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 02, 2014, 04:54:19 PM
he's a Michigan Man.
The Michigan Man is no more. The AD of Michigan didn't just fire Hoke today, he also said this: "I want to get rid of the word Michigan Man".
RIP Michigan Man.
The national media was wrong about why Brandon was pushed out. It wasn't because he crapped on Michigan traditions to turn a buck. It was because he didn't go far enough. Not even Brandon would seek to overturn the concept of the Michigan Man, or even strike the concept from the English language.
He should have run PSAs on the jumbotron, "Bo Schembechler: Ohio native". The band should stop playing old and outdated and misleading Hail to the Victors (champions of the west?) with an updated tune, "Maybe we will get Bowl Eligible this year." He should have razed the Big House and rebuilt a stadium out of used Dominos Pizza boxes.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 02, 2014, 05:35:23 PM
The Michigan Man is no more. The AD of Michigan didn't just fire Hoke today, he also said this: "I want to get rid of the word Michigan Man".
RIP Michigan Man.
Nice partial quote.
Pity and effort.
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 02, 2014, 06:11:12 PM
That is easily a 7/10. It is way better than some of the stuff I could be posting, and you should give me the credit for that or I'll just post 3 genuine 1s to get to 3 points. :)
Quote from: grumbler on December 02, 2014, 11:11:37 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on December 02, 2014, 05:35:23 PM
The Michigan Man is no more. The AD of Michigan didn't just fire Hoke today, he also said this: "I want to get rid of the word Michigan Man".
RIP Michigan Man.
Nice partial quote.
Let me provide more context:
Quote from: Bo Schembechler, at the start of a coaching transitionMichigan will be coached by a michigan man.
Quote from: that dude yesterdayI want to get rid of the word Michigan Man.
Additional context regarding Michigan traditions:
-From 1969 to 2006, Michigan had 3 football coaches. From 2007-whenever the hire the new guy, they will have had 4.
-Recent NCAA violations.
-Stupid uniforms.
-Playing 1-AA / FCS opponents.
-Losing to 1-AA / FCS opponents.
-Losing the greatest winning percentage in college football.
-2 tickets with coke purchases.
-A quarterback wearing the number 98.
-Tate Forcier.
-Make believe attendance numbers.
-Scheduling games against previous teams that beat you in epic fashion in order to raise the Q rating of the game.
-And now, now more word "Michigan Man".
Quote from: alfred russel on December 03, 2014, 01:08:10 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 02, 2014, 06:11:12 PM
That is easily a 7/10. It is way better than some of the stuff I could be posting, and you should give me the credit for that or I'll just post 3 genuine 1s to get to 3 points. :)
Backtalk eh?
He should get a couple extra points just because it's Michigan.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 02, 2014, 05:35:23 PM
The Michigan Man is no more. The AD of Michigan didn't just fire Hoke today, he also said this: I want to get rid of the word Michigan Man.
"Michigan Man" is 2 words.
Having an AD who can't count to 2 doesn't bode well for the coaching search, I'd think.
Of course, considering the conference, are poor counting skills a surprise?
They're just not using a decimal system.
An obvious forgery.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 03, 2014, 01:18:06 PM
Quote from: grumbler on December 02, 2014, 11:11:37 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on December 02, 2014, 05:35:23 PM
The Michigan Man is no more. The AD of Michigan didn't just fire Hoke today, he also said this: "I want to get rid of the word Michigan Man".
RIP Michigan Man.
Nice partial quote.
Let me provide more context:
Quote from: Bo Schembechler, at the start of a coaching transitionMichigan will be coached by a michigan man.
Quote from: that dude yesterdayI want to get rid of the word Michigan Man.
Additional context regarding Michigan traditions:
-From 1969 to 2006, Michigan had 3 football coaches. From 2007-whenever the hire the new guy, they will have had 4.
-Recent NCAA violations.
-Stupid uniforms.
-Playing 1-AA / FCS opponents.
-Losing to 1-AA / FCS opponents.
-Losing the greatest winning percentage in college football.
-2 tickets with coke purchases.
-A quarterback wearing the number 98.
-Tate Forcier.
-Make believe attendance numbers.
-Scheduling games against previous teams that beat you in epic fashion in order to raise the Q rating of the game.
-And now, now more word "Michigan Man".
2/10 (including pity point)
I forgot 31-0.
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 03, 2014, 11:51:29 PM
<letter to Gardner>
At Marion? It's like UTSA sending a letter to OU for something that happened during the RRS.
Anyway, hasn't Devin Gardner always pretty much not been a douche or shithead at all throughout his time there? I don't think I've ever heard anything bad about him, but do recall stuff like writing back to sick kids and things like that.
Nebraska fires 9-3 Bo Pellini to hire 5-7 Mike Riley. Winning!
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 04, 2014, 10:08:18 AM
At Marion? It's like UTSA sending a letter to OU for something that happened during the RRS.
Sort of, but not exactly. There's a lot of cross-pollination or whatever you want to call it. OSU is closer to the satellite campuses.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 04, 2014, 03:48:25 PM
Nebraska fires 9-3 Bo Pellini to hire 5-7 Mike Riley. Winning!
:o Holy shit
Oh I don't really care just surprised.
Shoulda hired Mike Leach. That would have been hilarious.
Quote from: sbr on December 04, 2014, 04:59:42 PM
Oh I don't really care just surprised.
Your secret cornhuskiness has been noted.
I just can't believe Riley left OSU and also was hired by Nebraska.
When I was just old enough to understand college football I randomly picked Nebraska as my favorite team, that didn't last long though. Now I have no real feeling about Nebraska other than my general disdain for the Big-10. I will become a bit of a 'Huskers fan now though because I really like Riley and hope he can succeed there.
Well that was helpful. Good job girls!
Ugh I don't even want to watch this game, I have a bad feeling.
I forgot how bad the Fox national college announcers are :bleeding:
I loathe Fox sports.
At least it's not Pam Ward. And Oregon's uniforms are very 80s tonight.
Thank god Arizona is atrocious because any non- horrible team would be kicking the ducks' ass
This kid is trying to win tuition to become a fireman. :P
Going into this game I was thinking that oregon has vastly better players, but arizona has a much better coach.
Yeah, no longer thinking that is true for this game at least. RichRod is being schooled.
guess it was a fluke.
I just hope Mariota delivers a better Heisman speech than Winston.
Oregon's bench is running up the score. :wacko:
Congrats sbr.
I had a bit of a suspicion that Arizona was due to get creamed. Very dissapointed at how poorly the offensive line played though.
I wonder if FSU's luck finally runs out against an option offense they're not used to seeing. The Seminoles have been winning by the skin of their chinny-chin-chins all season long, they're due to run out of luck.
Great, Gus Johnson on Fox. I may vomit.
I hate Fox's stupid transformers. WTF do robots have to do with football anyway?
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on December 06, 2014, 08:03:14 PM
I hate Fox's stupid transformers. WTF do robots have to do with football anyway?
One small blessing:
No Fall Out Boy. THANKS ESPN
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on December 06, 2014, 08:03:14 PM
I hate Fox's stupid transformers. WTF do robots have to do with football anyway?
That shit, they brought over from CBS back in the day. CBS now just has shit from the old NBC.
I'm watching the Florida State game since it has 1) Herbstreit and 2) not Ohio State.
Your mancrush on Herbie has been noted.
Happiness is a warm Chris Fowler.
Cardale Jones making a great start so far. It would sure make a great story if he does great. Third string kid pulls off championship and all that.
Gus Johnson is rapidly getting on my last nerve.
You should watch FSU-GT. It's like the Eastern Front. FSU blitzkrieg versus GT attrition. Rinse, repeat.
I'm flipping the channels now and then.
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 06, 2014, 09:00:35 PM
Gus Johnson is rapidly getting on my last nerve.
I'll take 4 Gus Johnsons over that fucking Tim Brando that did the Ducks game last night.
Did you catch his "He's the leading thievery...guy ... on the team" after Darden made the pick last night?
I heard that. :lol:
What a doof.
Quote from: Berkut on December 06, 2014, 10:04:23 AM
Congrats sbr.
I had a bit of a suspicion that Arizona was due to get creamed. Very dissapointed at how poorly the offensive line played though.
As I have said the first Arizona/Oregon game was not a fluke, Arizona was the better team that night. Going into last night I thought Oregon was the better team, and by a bit. The 10-14 point game that most everyone, including Vegas, was talking about sounded about right, but I wouldn't have been shocked if Arizona won it. I had no thought that it would turn out the way it did, mostly because I didn't see that defensive performance coming. I know their defense has been making strides all year, which is to be expected with a new DC but that was ridiculous.
You mentioned RichRod being outcoached last night, but I'm not entirely sure what else he could have done. The Arizona O-line couldn't block the Oregon D-line. The freshman QB made some bad reads but nothing that would have changed the outcome significantly that I can remember. Once Oregon's offense got their collective heads out of their asses and put up a couple of touchdowns Arizona was way too one dimensional with QBs that just couldn't seem to make the plays.
EDIT: Thought RichROd was WAY too conservative on some early third and longs, not even trying to convert them. You can't do that against Oregon because they are probably going to get on track at some point. Though the last 2 years showed that Arizona could stop Oregon as well as anyone else out there has.
This guy is Ohio State's 3rd QB!!?? :lol:
Dude could start for most D-1 programs tomorrow.
Quote from: sbr on December 06, 2014, 09:33:42 PM
This guy is Ohio State's 3rd QB!!?? :lol:
Dude could start for most D-1 programs tomorrow.
You get what you pay for.
Quote from: katmai on December 06, 2014, 09:35:53 PM
Quote from: sbr on December 06, 2014, 09:33:42 PM
This guy is Ohio State's 3rd QB!!?? :lol:
Dude could start for most D-1 programs tomorrow.
You get what you pay for.
U jelly
Okay that targeting foul was bs. It was totally incidental.
I agree that targeting was unfortunate.
Sweet Jebus, I just came
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 06, 2014, 10:24:56 AM
I wonder if FSU's luck finally runs out against an option offense they're not used to seeing. The Seminoles have been winning by the skin of their chinny-chin-chins all season long, they're due to run out of luck.
At 29 in a row, it might be more than luck
Okay. I hate FSU and OSU. But seriously, WTF? Why does fooseball suddenly care about criminality and violence?
Were there any justice in the world, FSU, Bama, OSU, and TCU would be the top 4, in order, without doubt.
Quote from: Rasputin on December 06, 2014, 11:39:48 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 06, 2014, 10:24:56 AM
I wonder if FSU's luck finally runs out against an option offense they're not used to seeing. The Seminoles have been winning by the skin of their chinny-chin-chins all season long, they're due to run out of luck.
At 29 in a row, it might be more than luck
They certainly took their time, however. :lol: But it was going to be tough for GT to maintain those long early drives in the option against a strike-fast offense, and once you can no longer match TD for TD, you know it's over; it's not like GT can go trips right.
Great game, though.
Quote from: Scipio on December 06, 2014, 11:42:10 PM
Okay. I hate FSU and OSU. But seriously, WTF? Why does fooseball suddenly care about criminality and violence?
Were there any justice in the world, FSU, Bama, OSU, and TCU would be the top 4, in order, without doubt.
wtf why TCU?
Did the commentators just suggest Tressel for the Michigan vacancy?
Oh please no.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on December 06, 2014, 11:54:27 PM
Did the commentators just suggest Tressel for the Michigan vacancy?
Oh please no.
I'm glad I switched off before my ears were fouled with such Hersey.
Would you fellows burn all your sweater vests in protest? :hmm:
My sweater vest keeps me nice and warm.
Tressel is still under NCAA sanction. He can't be hired as a coach for another couple years.
Tressel cannot be allowed to fall under the sway of the Ruinious Powers.
Surprisingly, Mark May does not pick (http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/11991216/alabama-crimson-tide-oregon-ducks-college-football-playoff-favorites) Buckeyes to go to the playoff. It does seem to be a majority, however.
Desmond Howard also not on board. :P
Lou Holtz had an opinion but I couldn't decipher it.
Quote from: sbr on December 07, 2014, 02:24:17 AM
Lou Holtz had an opinion but I couldn't decipher it.
:D So it's not just me.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 06, 2014, 11:45:51 PM
Quote from: Rasputin on December 06, 2014, 11:39:48 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 06, 2014, 10:24:56 AM
I wonder if FSU's luck finally runs out against an option offense they're not used to seeing. The Seminoles have been winning by the skin of their chinny-chin-chins all season long, they're due to run out of luck.
At 29 in a row, it might be more than luck
They certainly took their time, however. :lol: But it was going to be tough for GT to maintain those long early drives in the option against a strike-fast offense, and once you can no longer match TD for TD, you know it's over; it's not like GT can go trips right.
Great game, though.
It was a great game and like most FSU games this season I was nervous
Was it just me, or is the GT D line tiny?
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on December 06, 2014, 11:57:16 PM
Would you fellows burn all your sweater vests in protest? :hmm:
The sweater vest was, in fact, invented by a student while he was at the University of Michigan. :D
The only benefit from last night is that all the favorites won, leaving the Committee on the hook to fuck this shit all up.
Quote from: sbr on December 07, 2014, 02:24:17 AM
Lou Holtz had an opinion but I couldn't decipher it.
Really surprised he didn't pick FSU first.
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 07, 2014, 12:49:54 PM
Twas the right decision. I'm just glad you have to deal with Alabama first.
Imagine that.
Quote from: sbr on December 07, 2014, 01:10:00 PM
Twas the right decision.
For TV ratings and merchandise, yeah.
My cousin is the equipment manager for TCU, just started this year. And his Horned Frogs are playing the Rebels in Acklanna. New Year's Eve. Sigh. And I can't go.
I thought Arizona was potentially going to drop out of a New Years Day Bowl. Cool.
Well, I had my fun on the Internet today.
Needless to say I am pretty bummed. I thought it was guaranteed the league get at least one team in there. Ah well. Now there will be all this pressure on the Big 12 to do some stupid shit and get back that boring shitty title game. Why does everybody like those horrible things?
Anyway now TCU gets matched up with the 5th place SEC team and Baylor gets the third place Big 10 team. I mean that is just fucking ridiculous. How petty and absurd is this?
Ah well time to look forward to Texas' riveting and exciting matchup with the 12th place SEC team.
Quote from: sbr on December 06, 2014, 11:51:52 PM
Quote from: Scipio on December 06, 2014, 11:42:10 PM
Okay. I hate FSU and OSU. But seriously, WTF? Why does fooseball suddenly care about criminality and violence?
Were there any justice in the world, FSU, Bama, OSU, and TCU would be the top 4, in order, without doubt.
wtf why TCU?
Because their only loss was to a top 5 team on the road? Granted Oregon's loss to Arizona looks better now than it did at the time. Ohio State's on the other hand...don't get that one.
Quote from: Valmy on December 07, 2014, 10:29:14 PMNeedless to say I am pretty bummed.
Yes, total bummer that teams in direct competition for recruits with Texas don't get a chance to look good in the first ever playoff.
Art Briles can suck it. So can the Toads.
E: Texas vs the pigs in the Texas Bowl, btw.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 07, 2014, 11:00:42 PM
Quote from: Valmy on December 07, 2014, 10:29:14 PMNeedless to say I am pretty bummed.
Yes, total bummer that teams in direct competition for recruits with Texas don't get a chance to look amazing in the first ever playoff.
Pffft those teams are not in direct competition for recruits. The teams that ARE in direct competition for recruits can, however, say that if those recruits go to Texas they will be playing in a subpar league.
If you just compare the teams' worst performances, sure TCU comes out ahead. But compare their top performances and OSU's Big 10 championship game win comes out on top.
It's a lot harder seeing a clear winner when looking at all 12 or 13 games they played, but that's how they should be doing it.
Quote from: Valmy on December 07, 2014, 11:02:06 PM
Pffft those teams are not in direct competition for recruits.
Don't kid yourself. They absolutely are. Raising their profiles by getting into bigtime games, and good god possibly winning them, helps TCU or Baylor, not Texas.
QuoteThe teams that ARE in direct competition for recruits can, however, say that if those recruits go to Texas they will be playing in a subpar league.
Is this where the Horns recruiter then tells them they play for a school, not a league? Conference cheerleading is for losers. The conference is way more fun with schools like WVU in there, but I'm not going to pretend to cheer for them like some dork from A&M with his SEC tshirt. Well, unless they're playing OU, because OU deserves to lose every game.
E: Speaking of A&M, they'll be playing WVU. OU pulled Clemson after their hilarious loss to the Pokes.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on December 07, 2014, 11:03:50 PM
But compare their top performances and OSU's Big 10 championship game win comes out on top.
TCU just blew out two teams who were top ten at the time. Granted OU kind of sucks now. They also blew out Minnesota. Who in the other top 5 conferences did Ohio State beat? Nobody? That's right. So I don't see why OSU comes out on top and I certainly do not see why they come out on top by a huge decisive margin enough to overcome such a huge difference in their worst performance.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 07, 2014, 11:04:01 PM
Don't kid yourself. They absolutely are. Raising their profiles by getting into bigtime games, and good god possibly winning them, helps TCU or Baylor, not Texas.
Don't think so. Those guys recruit for systems. We easily are going to have a higher ranked recruiting class than they are. If they ever do dump this tactic and try to get five star guys they will collapse like Baylor did in the early 90s when they tried that.
QuoteIs this where the Horns recruiter then tells them they play for a school, not a league? Conference cheerleading is for losers. The conference is way more fun with schools like WVU in there, but I'm not going to pretend to cheer for them like some dork from A&M with his SEC tshirt. Well, unless they're playing OU, because OU deserves to lose every game.
That's nice. But the conference does impact us. If nobody cares about our opponents nobody is going to tune in to see us. Interest and recruits and so forth will suffer.
QuoteE: Speaking of A&M, they'll be playing WVU. OU pulled Clemson after their hilarious loss to the Pokes.
If only they could have done that last year. Stupid OU.
Quote from: Valmy on December 07, 2014, 11:13:55 PM
Don't think so. Those guys recruit for systems. We easily are going to have a higher ranked recruiting class than they are. If they ever do dump this tactic and try to get five star guys they will collapse like Baylor did in the early 90s when they tried that.
You can not think so all you want, but that doesn't make it true. Baylor has at least four commits (I only looked at the 4* guys) coming next year that Texas was interested in. TCU is still catching up, but they look to have a similar number. You don't think Strong could use some of those WRs, DBs, and that Baylor QB? Really?
QuoteThat's nice. But the conference does impact us. If nobody cares about our opponents nobody is going to tune in to see us. Interest and recruits and so forth will suffer.
Texas needs to win to get eyeballs. Texas doesn't need Baylor to win national championships to get eyeballs on Texas games.
If only they could have done that last year. Stupid OU.
They will always suck in their own special way.
E: Speaking of incoming QBs, I wonder if announcers (if he plays) will continuously comment on Gentry's height every chance they get like they did with the guy from Arizona State who's name I can't think of right now.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 07, 2014, 11:21:12 PM
You can not think so all you want, but that doesn't make it true. Baylor has at least four commits (I only looked at the 4* guys) coming next year that Texas was interested in. TCU is still catching up, but they look to have a similar number. You don't think Strong could use some of those WRs, DBs, and that Baylor QB? Really?
Pretty sure Baylor taking all the WRs and QBs has not been the problem. The problem has been evaluation. We will get more 4* guys than Baylor. Recruiting-wise they are not a big problem, and to the extent they are the Big 12 being perceived as weak is a bigger one.
QuoteTexas needs to win to get eyeballs. Texas doesn't need Baylor to win national championships to get eyeballs on Texas games.
Both of those things are true. We both need Texas to win and the Big 12 to prosper. Also don't discount the possibility for stupid shit like adding Cincinnati or some other bums to get that championship game now everybody needs.
QuoteThey will always suck in their own special way.
Damn straight :cheers:
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 07, 2014, 11:21:12 PM
E: Speaking of incoming QBs, I wonder if announcers (if he plays) will continuously comment on Gentry's height every chance they get like they did with the guy from Arizona State who's name I can't think of right now.
I hope this freakishly tall QB is better than the one Texas presently has. But notice people do not mention Swoopes' height that much. Speaking of recruiting I have found it humorous the difference in the OL recruits once Wickline got here. Before it was all four star and five star guys. Now everybody is over 6"6'. Wickline is recruiting frames and potential, I like that. The only smallish dude is 4* Patrick Vahe who committed during the Mack regime.
Texas wins and it takes care of itself. The conference will be fine if "the names," Texas and the dumbasses in Norman, get back to their winning ways. TCU and Baylor getting even more exposure doesn't help Texas when it comes to recruiting which doesn't help with winning.
Quote from: Valmy on December 07, 2014, 11:33:18 PM
I hope this freakishly tall QB is better than the one Texas presently has. But notice people do not mention Swoopes' height that much.
Swoopes is 6'4. New guy is 6'6 and lighter. He's going to look a fair bit taller. I think ASU dude is 6'7 at least.
QuoteSpeaking of recruiting I have found it humorous the difference in the OL recruits once Wickline got here. Before it was all four star and five star guys. Now everybody is over 6"6'. Wickline is recruiting frames and potential, I like that. The only smallish dude is 4* Patrick Vahe who committed during the Mack regime.
It'll be interesting to see how the Wickline guys work out after they've been here a couple years with actual coaching.
E2: lolz
More, including Stoops, in the shamepaint thread.
Good old Shamepaint
So, Cincinnati and Memphis to the Big 12?
Yes, please. At least UC. Don't care too much about Memphis.
Oh cool. More realignment talk.
Here's my idea: B12 to 14 teams (they hold the trademark on Big 14, so that becomes the name). Add Cincy, ECU, UCF, USF. Split the divisions East/West.
WVU has some nearby teams, and now there are trips to both Florida and Texas for recruiting. :)
That would meant one of the Kansas, Okie, or Texas schools would have to go East. Ah well the SEC thinks Missouri is east.
Wyoming needs to join the Big 12. They could be the new doormat for EVERYONE in the conference.
Quote from: PDH on December 08, 2014, 08:20:43 PM
Wyoming needs to join the Big 12. They could be the new doormat for EVERYONE in the conference.
I don't know. The Big 12 has Kansas football.
Quote from: Valmy on December 08, 2014, 07:59:42 PM
That would meant one of the Kansas, Okie, or Texas schools would have to go East. Ah well the SEC thinks Missouri is east.
There would be shuffling involved, yeah. North/South would be cleaner geographically, but would end up with the Texas and Florida schools all in one division plus ECU or an Oklahoma school.
Eh just send TCU over there. They are the newbies.
Texas should join the B10. Just to piss Nebraska off.
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 08, 2014, 08:57:56 PM
Texas should join the B10. Just to piss Nebraska off.
That would almost make it worth it :hmm:
That random Northwestern fan kept claiming Texas was headed there during re-alignment.
Quote from: Valmy on December 08, 2014, 08:56:15 PM
Eh just send TCU over there. They are the newbies.
Yeah, but someone else would have to go too. I volunteer Kansas State for the honor.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 08, 2014, 09:06:51 PM
Quote from: Valmy on December 08, 2014, 08:56:15 PM
Eh just send TCU over there. They are the newbies.
Yeah, but someone else would have to go too. I volunteer Kansas State for the honor.
No they wouldn't.
Kansas State
Oklahoma State
Texas Tech
That's seven. I mean I just presumed Iowa State would go east being the most easterly school.
Keep Iowa State, send the purple menace.
Seriously though, that division needs good teams, not Iowa State. Granted, Bill Snyder won't be there forever, but Iowa State doesn't really add anything except a doormat. The Wildcats can stay respectable to good with a solid coaching hire after Snyder is gone. They're no slouch in basketball either.
E: They'll probably hire a shitty coach and go back into the toilet though.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 08, 2014, 12:16:11 PM
Oh cool. More realignment talk.
Here's my idea: B12 to 14 teams (they hold the trademark on Big 14, so that becomes the name). Add Cincy, ECU, UCF, USF. Split the divisions East/West.
WVU has some nearby teams, and now there are trips to both Florida and Texas for recruiting. :)
BYU is independent. All those other schools are inferior academically and athletically, not just to BYU but also the Big 12 membership.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 09, 2014, 08:19:50 PM
BYU is independent. All those other schools are inferior academically and athletically, not just to BYU but also the Big 12 membership.
BYU basically told the Big 12 to F off unless they fulfilled a list of demands. So, you know, probably a non-starter.
Quote from: Valmy on December 09, 2014, 08:21:34 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on December 09, 2014, 08:19:50 PM
BYU is independent. All those other schools are inferior academically and athletically, not just to BYU but also the Big 12 membership.
BYU basically told the Big 12 to F off unless they fulfilled a list of demands. So, you know, probably a non-starter.
The world has changed since then. I'd be shocked if they turned down the Big 12 now.
The Big-12 can petition the NCAA to allow them to have a championship game with only 10 teams, and I can't imagine the NCAA refusing that at this point.
Quote from: sbr on December 09, 2014, 08:25:53 PM
The Big-12 can petition the NCAA to allow them to have a championship game with only 10 teams, and I can't imagine the NCAA refusing that at this point.
I think this is what they will do, as stupid as that is. God I hate championship games.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 09, 2014, 08:23:56 PM
The world has changed since then. I'd be shocked if they turned down the Big 12 now.
Mormons haven't changed since then.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 09, 2014, 08:27:33 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on December 09, 2014, 08:23:56 PM
The world has changed since then. I'd be shocked if they turned down the Big 12 now.
Mormons haven't changed since then.
Yep their demands are all related to their Mormonism.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 09, 2014, 08:27:33 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on December 09, 2014, 08:23:56 PM
The world has changed since then. I'd be shocked if they turned down the Big 12 now.
Mormons haven't changed since then.
Seems that might not be true.
Do they still not do anything on Sundays? No? Fuck them. Besides, WVU needs nearby partners. Bowlsby is mildly retarded though, so maybe they'll get an invite!
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 09, 2014, 08:41:44 PM
Do they still not do anything on Sundays? No? Fuck them. Besides, WVU needs nearby partners. Bowlsby is mildly retarded though, so maybe they'll get an invite!
Yeah going East makes some amount of sense. Though I have never heard our Hook'em brothers at USF mentioned as a possibility.
I haven't either, tbh, except in my little ideas that have no weight at all.
The answer is simple. Add Wyoming and some other loser team out east and roll in all the added media bucks of having the nation's smallest population state as part of the coverage zone!
Quote from: PDH on December 09, 2014, 08:50:54 PM
The answer is simple. Add Wyoming and some other loser team out east and roll in all the added media bucks of having the nation's smallest population state as part of the coverage zone!
As much as everybody loves road games in Laramie in November...
Take Boise State.
Quote from: sbr on December 09, 2014, 08:57:55 PM
Take Boise State.
Is this a serious suggestion? West Virginia has been calling for a partner out East so if the league does do some expanding, and I do not think they will, then it will be in that direction.
Ugh, Boise State.
Quote from: Valmy on December 09, 2014, 09:01:15 PM
Quote from: sbr on December 09, 2014, 08:57:55 PM
Take Boise State.
Is this a serious suggestion? West Virginia has been calling for a partner out East so if the league does do some expanding, and I do not think they will, then it will be in that direction.
Not really.
Quote from: Valmy on December 09, 2014, 09:01:15 PM
Quote from: sbr on December 09, 2014, 08:57:55 PM
Take Boise State.
Is this a serious suggestion?
Maybe he hates you and wants to force you to watch a game on that blue field every other year. :shifty:
Quote from: sbr on December 09, 2014, 09:03:45 PM
Not really.
You are not the first person to suggest it. It is just a crazy idea. A school way out in BFE with nothing to recommend it?
Quote from: alfred russel on December 09, 2014, 08:19:50 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 08, 2014, 12:16:11 PM
Oh cool. More realignment talk.
Here's my idea: B12 to 14 teams (they hold the trademark on Big 14, so that becomes the name). Add Cincy, ECU, UCF, USF. Split the divisions East/West.
WVU has some nearby teams, and now there are trips to both Florida and Texas for recruiting. :)
BYU is independent. All those other schools are inferior academically and athletically, not just to BYU but also the Big 12 membership.
I don't know about academically, but looking at their record in the last decade football wise Cincinnati seems on par or better than several Big 12 teams.
Cincinnati and Memphis are both top 50 media markets as well.
Quote from: jimmy olsen on December 09, 2014, 09:54:34 PMI don't know about academically, but looking at their record in the last decade football wise Cincinnati seems on par or better than several Big 12 teams.
If you go by record Mount Union is on par or better than Alabama.
Quote from: Valmy on December 09, 2014, 09:55:47 PM
Quote from: jimmy olsen on December 09, 2014, 09:54:34 PMI don't know about academically, but looking at their record in the last decade football wise Cincinnati seems on par or better than several Big 12 teams.
If you go by record Mount Union is on par or better than Alabama.
Unlike Mount Union, Cincinnati plays FBS football and have been 75-28 in that since 2007. They were in the Big East for most of that time, and while Big East wasn't a strong conference, it wasn't the WAC either.
Also, it's the 34th largest media market in the US.
Harvard is undefeated and didn't win all their games by just 3 points. :D
Quote from: jimmy olsen on December 09, 2014, 10:00:13 PM
Quote from: Valmy on December 09, 2014, 09:55:47 PM
Quote from: jimmy olsen on December 09, 2014, 09:54:34 PMI don't know about academically, but looking at their record in the last decade football wise Cincinnati seems on par or better than several Big 12 teams.
If you go by record Mount Union is on par or better than Alabama.
Unlike Mount Union, Cincinnati plays FBS football and have been 75-28 in that since 2007. They were in the Big East for most of that time, and while Big East wasn't a strong conference, it wasn't the WAC either.
Also, it's the 34th largest media market in the US.
Yeah and SUNY Stony Brook is in the largest :P
Cinci is under consideration but they are hardly a juicy morsel. Nobody in Cincinnati cares about them.
If Cincinnati got in the Big 12 interest would go up, surely.
The Big 12 should add Cincinnati, Memphis, UCF and Colorado state (close to Denver and the legislature just voted to build them a new stadium).
Doubtful. People are not fans of schools because of what conference they are in. Ohio belongs to Ohio State and Cincinnati belongs to professional sports.
I have heard Memphis and Colorado State thrown out there. But really this is just adding schools to add schools and I don't think there is enough interest by the ADs in the conference for it go forward. Besides adding Colorado State would upset PDH too much for me to support.
PDH's opinion is obviously the biggest consideration. He really should be running the NCAA.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on December 09, 2014, 10:45:25 PM
PDH's opinion is obviously the biggest consideration. He really should be running the NCAA.
Couldn't hurt.
Quote from: Valmy on December 09, 2014, 10:49:06 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on December 09, 2014, 10:45:25 PM
PDH's opinion is obviously the biggest consideration. He really should be running the NCAA.
Couldn't hurt.
Both of you will be on my staff and I promise you more pay than any government psychologist-contractor ever made.
Quote from: PDH on December 09, 2014, 11:24:18 PM
Quote from: Valmy on December 09, 2014, 10:49:06 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on December 09, 2014, 10:45:25 PM
PDH's opinion is obviously the biggest consideration. He really should be running the NCAA.
Couldn't hurt.
Both of you will be on my staff and I promise you more pay than any government psychologist-contractor ever made.
I'll see that bid, and chop off 20%.
Quote from: Valmy on December 09, 2014, 10:34:24 PM
Cincinnati belongs to professional sports.
Cause their baseball team was pretty good 40 years ago?
Marge Schott brought so much to the game.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on December 09, 2014, 11:31:15 PM
Quote from: Valmy on December 09, 2014, 10:34:24 PM
Cincinnati belongs to professional sports.
Cause their baseball team was pretty good 40 years ago?
Who dey think gonna beat them Bengals? Probably not the Bearcats.
Well, the Dawgs ain't gonna beat the Falcons either. /shrug
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 09, 2014, 08:41:44 PM
Do they still not do anything on Sundays? No? Fuck them. Besides, WVU needs nearby partners. Bowlsby is mildly retarded though, so maybe they'll get an invite!
East Carolina is not a partner for West Virginia. it is the number 5 school in North Carolina and North Carolina isn't even good at football. Before the Big East totally collapsed, it had no shot of even getting into the Big East. It is also really far away from West Virginia. A somewhat shorter flight than the other Big 12 schools, but not sure that is so vital.
Sundays don't matter for football, and do the other sports really matter? If so, bring in BYU for football only.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 10, 2014, 05:08:55 AM
East Carolina is not a partner for West Virginia. it is the number 5 school in North Carolina and North Carolina isn't even good at football. Before the Big East totally collapsed, it had no shot of even getting into the Big East. It is also really far away from West Virginia. A somewhat shorter flight than the other Big 12 schools, but not sure that is so vital.
Cincy is a partner for WVU. WVU recruits in the Carolinas. Everybody recruits in Florida. No one recruits in Utah. No one is even close to Utah.
QuoteSundays don't matter for football, and do the other sports really matter? If so, bring in BYU for football only.
Yes, the other sports matter. It's why BYU has the requirement and why the Big 12 didn't agree to it.
E: If BYU weren't so weird (Mormon), they'd be a great add, and probably would have been added the first time around. Then again, if they weren't Mormon they wouldn't be what they are. They are though, and their policies are kinda screwey and all that, and hey...I like WVU. I'd rather the conference go that way to help them out.
So the conference with TCU and Baylor just doesn't want to let Mormons in. Got it.
Lets go back to 2003 (before the Miami / VT / BC to the ACC move).
We have gone from 6 power conferences to 5. Ignoring the switches between the conferences, this is what has happened:
-every team in the Big East just moved to a new power five conference. The exception is Temple, which was in the process of getting kicked out of the Big East.
-Utah, Louisville, and TCU are the only teams to make the jump from a non power 6 to a new power 5. They are the exceptions, I don't think any conference was thrilled with those additions (ie, they were already stretches), and all had won a BCS game before joining.
I think Cincinnati, USF, and UCF are all inferior programs to the three above, but at least Cincinnati and UCF have been in BCS games (and UCF got a win). East Carolina and Memphis haven't had anywhere near the success of the 3 schools newly admitted to the power conferences.
This is just watering down the power conferences. If someone proposed in 2003 "Lets take the Big East schools, distribute them among the other strong conferences, then start adding a bunch more Conference USA and Mountain West schools to the power conferences, and then shift teams between conferences to satisfy egos and complete power plays!" that would have seemed dumb. Lets stop being dumb.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 10, 2014, 12:00:16 PM
So the conference with TCU and Baylor just doesn't want to let Mormons in. Got it.
No, you don't seem to have it.
E: To expand: Even the Baptists and Disciples of Christ are okay with some Sunday basketball or baseball. It's fine that BYU/Mormons aren't, but it doesn't mean the Big 12 has to accommodate them if the member schools don't want to. BYU also was making certain demands of the Big 12 TV partners (ESPN and Fox) regarding national broadcasting, which is apparently another good way to stay independent. Why screw around with scheduling, forcing TV partners to do stuff they may not want to, etc, when they could instead just pick up different schools that don't make those demands? And hey, if they decide to expand a second time, those same schools that don't make Mormon-ish demands are also much closer to member schools. Everyone is a winner.
The Senate needs to appoint a dictator to fix this mess.
Abolish the Big-12. Shuffle the teams into 4 16 team conferences (2 8 team divisions) that make some sense geographically. 9 conference games, 3 out of conference games, only one of those can be against a non-64 team. Conference championship games between division winners. Conference champs go to 4 team playoff.
No computers. No committees. No rankings. No mess. No fuss.
EDIT: And no, I don't give two shits about Notre Dame or BYU.
EDIT2:They could probably afford to buy the spot of 2 other teams, maybe Iowa State and Vanderbilt out.
Just make the playoffs for 16 teams. 10 conference champs + 6 at larges. Seed them kinda like they do for the NCAA tourney. Awesomeness ensues when some mid-major 8 or whatever seed like Georgia Southern or something takes out Alabama in the first round.
I am kind of torn on that.
It would be pretty awesome, but on the other hand....well, college football is not basketball. The NCAA tourney, as amazing as it is, is IMO trying to do something different from what the college football process is trying to do.
College football, IMO, is about trying to figure out who the best team is, and letting the try to prove it on the field. We don't really WANT teams we all know are not contenders for the #1 spot to have a shot at knocking off the true contenders, even if it is exciting.
The NCAA basketball tournament isn't, IMO, really about establishing who the best team in college basketball is, it is about seeing who is hot and can catch the breaks and maybe even play above their level at the right time. But the team that wins the NCAA tournament is not necessarily the team that we all think would win 6 out 10 match ups against the truly best team - and that is ok.
College football is different, and I think what makes it difference is part of what makes it special. Having just another post season tournament where enough teams get in that suddenly the regular season doesn't mean nearly as much (something that has already been happening) isn't that appealing to me.
Not appealing to me either. I love that the college football regular season is the best regular season out there, because every single game matters.
An 8 team playoff would be bad enough, Oregon and Alabama would have been in no matter what happened in their conference championship games. With a 16 team playoff none of their games in November would have mattered.
If I was in charge, I would have an eight team playoff. Conference champs plus 3 at large, and I would eliminate the conference championship games altogether. The regular season decides that, no some single game.
Plus, if you leave it in, you know the SEC would (in a situation like they had this year) just have their Alabama throw the game to Missouri to get them both in.
Why have eight when you can have... 16.
Quote from: Berkut on December 10, 2014, 03:49:22 PM
Plus, if you leave it in, you know the SEC would (in a situation like they had this year) just have their Alabama throw the game to Missouri to get them both in.
Quote from: derspiess on December 10, 2014, 03:53:44 PM
Why have eight when you can have... 16.
Because I don't think the 16th best team has any claim to being a potential "best" team overall. I think the eighth might.
Well I say keep it at 4. Or just go back to the pre-Bowl Alliance system :pirate
Damn, Wisconsin coach Gary Anderson has left to take the Oregon State job. :huh:
That seems like, at very best, a lateral move. Really, something of a step down (hard for me to say as a Pac-12 guy).
Quote from: Berkut on December 10, 2014, 03:49:22 PM
If I was in charge, I would have an eight team playoff. Conference champs plus 3 at large, and I would eliminate the conference championship games altogether. The regular season decides that, no some single game.
Plus, if you leave it in, you know the SEC would (in a situation like they had this year) just have their Alabama throw the game to Missouri to get them both in.
How would you determine the conference champions if you eliminated the CCGs for the conferences with more than 10 teams? A round robin like the old Pac10 or current Big12 would require several more games to get everyone to play each other. Shenanigans would certainly be possible with them, but how do you get rid of them and keep the five current "power" conferences?
E: As far as the move from Wisky to Oregon State....Wisconsin also lost Bret Beliema, or however you spell his name, to Arkansas. Maybe their athletic department is weirdly dysfunctional? Maybe they can't pay as much as Arky and Oregon State (I find that hard to believe)? Both seem like strange moves, considering where the programs were/are at the time. Arkansas was only a year or so removed from the relative success of Petrino's teams, but they were still kinda screwed up. He took Wisconsin to three consecutive Rose Bowls, then left..
The rumor is that Barry Alvarez is a VERY difficult person to work for, especially as a head football coach.
It has to be something like that or 3x the money to move from Wisconsin to Oregon State.
Strikes me as going from a high-pressure gig to a low-pressure gig. I'm sure there are expectations, but this is Oregon State we're talking about.
JT Barrett supposedly had a domestic incident with his girlfriend.
Quote from: katmai on December 11, 2014, 03:50:51 AM
It has to be something like that or 3x the money to move from Wisconsin to Oregon State.
I haven't seen numbers for Anderson's contract, but there is no way. He may end up making less to start at Oregon State.
Anderson was making about $2 million at Wisconsin. Riley was making $1.5 million at OSU.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 11, 2014, 09:59:32 AM
Strikes me as going from a high-pressure gig to a low-pressure gig. I'm sure there are expectations, but this is Oregon State we're talking about.
There is something to that. Anderson is from Utah and coached in Utah, so I think it is also about getting back out west.
You would be surprised about the expectations at OSU though. The Ducks' success has a lot of Beaver fans thinking that they should be playing for conference championships every year, which given their commitment to football is laughable. There are probably a lot of Texas high school teams that would be embarrassed to play at Reeser stadium. Riley was only making $1.5 million.
When the new Pac-12 Network money came in most of the other schools immediately reinvested it into the football program (or athletic department in general) with new better paid coaches and facility upgrades. Oregon State decided to play down existing debt first. That is a legitimate idea but it has left them behind the rest of the conference. They did announce a $40 facilities upgrade this week, the actual announcement was just about an hour before the Anderson news broke, but the upgrade news had been known since shortly after Riley left.
The hiring of Anderson is huge, imo. As Berkut said, or didn't want to say, in terms of programs or 'jobs' Anderson didn't make a lateral move he made a backwards move. He went from a perennial Big-10 contender to a team that is pretty hard to recruit to, has bad facilities, a questionable commitment to football and a below average donor base.
The original though was that the OSU job was going to turn into a stepping stone program, which would be kind of embarrassing for a Pac-12 school. Bring in the new young hotshot from the Mountain West or whatever, and have him bolt for a better job and more money at the first sign of success. But there is a chance that Anderson may have taken this job because he wants to be there, which would be a good thing for the Beavs.
This is all very much speculation because I haven't even seen a written interview with the guy yet, so who knows. But why else would you leave Madison for Corvallis?
Quote from: sbr on December 11, 2014, 11:35:09 AM
They did announce a $40 facilities upgrade this week
That probably won't get them as far as they imagine. :P
Quote from: sbr on December 11, 2014, 11:35:09 AM
The hiring of Anderson is huge, imo. As Berkut said, or didn't want to say, in terms of programs or 'jobs' Anderson didn't make a lateral move he made a backwards move. He went from a perennial Big-10 contender to a team that is pretty hard to recruit to, has bad facilities, a questionable commitment to football and a below average donor base.
The original though was that the OSU job was going to turn into a stepping stone program, which would be kind of embarrassing for a Pac-12 school. Bring in the new young hotshot from the Mountain West or whatever, and have him bolt for a better job and more money at the first sign of success. But there is a chance that Anderson may have taken this job because he wants to be there, which would be a good thing for the Beavs.
This is all very much speculation because I haven't even seen a written interview with the guy yet, so who knows. But why else would you leave Madison for Corvallis?
Oh, I totally agree this is a slide down the totem pole, profile-wise. But this may also be the right move for him in his life. Big 10 ball is a microscope, and OSU has its own expectations with the Civil War, but the first person I thought of thinking about this move was June Jones. Not everybody has a Saban or Meyer ego, and sometimes people fit better in smaller ponds.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 11, 2014, 11:38:24 AM
Quote from: sbr on December 11, 2014, 11:35:09 AM
They did announce a $40 facilities upgrade this week
That probably won't get them as far as they imagine. :P
I guess they're buying Anderson a new coffee pot for his office.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 11, 2014, 11:44:56 AM
Quote from: sbr on December 11, 2014, 11:35:09 AM
The hiring of Anderson is huge, imo. As Berkut said, or didn't want to say, in terms of programs or 'jobs' Anderson didn't make a lateral move he made a backwards move. He went from a perennial Big-10 contender to a team that is pretty hard to recruit to, has bad facilities, a questionable commitment to football and a below average donor base.
The original though was that the OSU job was going to turn into a stepping stone program, which would be kind of embarrassing for a Pac-12 school. Bring in the new young hotshot from the Mountain West or whatever, and have him bolt for a better job and more money at the first sign of success. But there is a chance that Anderson may have taken this job because he wants to be there, which would be a good thing for the Beavs.
This is all very much speculation because I haven't even seen a written interview with the guy yet, so who knows. But why else would you leave Madison for Corvallis?
Oh, I totally agree this is a slide down the totem pole, profile-wise. But this may also be the right move for him in his life. Big 10 ball is a microscope, and OSU has its own expectations with the Civil War, but the first person I thought of thinking about this move was June Jones. Not everybody has a Saban or Meyer ego, and sometimes people fit better in smaller ponds.
A factor could be that Wisconsin right now is an almost impossible job to have. Wisconsin isn't a large state, and the school is decidely in the second tier of the Big 10 in terms of tradition. I'm not sure winning there is any easier than at Minnesota and Illinois, but you are following Barry Alvarez and Bret Bielema who kicked ass. If you do an absurdly good coaching job over an extended stretch, you are just meeting expectations.
The Big Ten west is a dumpster fire right now.
Ed Anger's Army-Navy prediction:
Army 24
Navy 21
Navy finally waking up. Was that a 20-yard sack? :lol:
The gloves that make a picture when you put your hands together thing is getting annoying already.
You know, for two branches of service that rely so much upon air power, you'd think they'd have figured out the forward pass by now.
13 in a row for Navy. :cool:
Thanks to the Navy I was not able to watch the Army Navy game. <_< And I was so busy that by the time I logged on to the interwebs to get the score, the game was over with! :mad: Go NAVY, beat ARMY. :)
Go Navy. :)
Jesus the Wyoming coach, Craig Bohl, is being tossed about as a dark horse for some of the jobs. Sure, he won 3 straight FCS titles with NDSU, but he was 4-8 at Wyoming in year 1. Give him a couple of years here to make Wyoming mediocre again before hiring him away.
Good for Marcus. Great player and great kid.
It's pretty cool to see a Duck win the award, but it was pretty clear that this was going to be the result for at least a couple of weeks now.
And how in the HELL does Troy Smith have the largest margin in Heisman history. :lmfao:
This is kind of cool
WVU in the Elite Eight? :lol: I like it.
Ugh. Oregon's first team all American cornerback hurt his knee and its out for playoffs
Something on the lighter side:
I laughed
That's funny.
I think college is a better fit for Harbaugh, but I would be shocked if he wasn't an NFL coach next year.
Quote from: sbr on December 20, 2014, 08:06:22 PM
I think college is a better fit for Harbaugh, but I would be shocked if he wasn't an NFL coach next year.
Dunno. All of the movement in "insider reports" has been toward Michigan - even the "NFL Insiders" who were 100% sure last week that there was no way a guy gives up the NFL are now thinking there is a 50-50 shot he does it. So, I'd be surprised, but not shocked, if he went to Michigan.
Another nice vid:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=a3rLFGzdN-w (https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=a3rLFGzdN-w)
Maybe the Wolverines should switch their focus from Harbaugh to Mike McCoy. Don't settle for the loser Michigan.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 21, 2014, 11:22:01 AM
Maybe the Wolverines should switch their focus from Harbaugh to Mike McCoy. Don't settle for the loser Michigan.
Meh. Googled him. His career batting average is only .190. DO NOT WANT.
Why would they hire somebody who went to USD? I thought Michigan only wanted Michigan men.
So former Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice (and former trial judge) Major Harding (wake forest undergrad, uva law grad) has found after a two day hearing that the evidence against winston faile to even meet the "more likely than not" standard. (Not surprisingly our resident universal expert previously opined that the investigative file of willie meggs (the state attorney who declined to prosecute ) reflected proof beyond a reasonable doubt.)
1. At this point can we leave the kid alone vis a vis the rape allegations and recognize that Winston has a presumption of innocence that we should respect? and
2. Grumbler, will you kindly concede that you were wrong, and predictably failing that, will you please at least admit that you did NOT in fact read the Meggs investigative file as you claimed you did in response to my question?
Thanks; please feel free to return to your discussion on the failings of Michigan football.
I am stunned that FSU didn't kick Winston out of school 10 days before the football playoff starts and 23 days before he leaves school on his own.
Quote from: sbr on December 22, 2014, 01:02:27 PM
I am stunned that FSU didn't kick Winston out of school 10 days before the football playoff starts and 23 days before he leaves school on his own.
so major harding, the independent hearing officer both sides agreed to sold his soul for what?
Quote from: Rasputin on December 22, 2014, 01:05:14 PM
Quote from: sbr on December 22, 2014, 01:02:27 PM
I am stunned that FSU didn't kick Winston out of school 10 days before the football playoff starts and 23 days before he leaves school on his own.
so major harding, the independent hearing officer both sides agreed to sold his soul for what?
I don't know. I didn't pay much attention to details about the hearing because I knew it would be as much a farce as the police investigation into the alleged rape was.
Quote from: sbr on December 22, 2014, 01:12:56 PM
Quote from: Rasputin on December 22, 2014, 01:05:14 PM
Quote from: sbr on December 22, 2014, 01:02:27 PM
I am stunned that FSU didn't kick Winston out of school 10 days before the football playoff starts and 23 days before he leaves school on his own.
so major harding, the independent hearing officer both sides agreed to sold his soul for what?
I don't know. I didn't pay much attention to details about the hearing because I knew it would be as much a farce as the police investigation into the alleged rape was.
well you and grumbler cynacally see eye to eye on this one.
Perhaps you should read through the investigative materials and harding's decision? They are all public records available online. Dont let me stop you from judging the case on media snippets instead of the evidence itself though.
A white woman did after all accuse a southern black man of rape. I've read to kill a mockingbird, thats all the evidence one needs to adjudicate guilt.
When did I say he was guilty? I even said alleged rape in my last post. :huh:
Quote from: Rasputin on December 22, 2014, 01:26:49 PM
A white woman did after all accuse a southern black man of rape. I've read to kill a mockingbird, thats all the evidence one needs to adjudicate guilt.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 22, 2014, 02:13:37 PM
Quote from: Rasputin on December 22, 2014, 01:26:49 PM
A white woman did after all accuse a southern black man of rape. I've read to kill a mockingbird, thats all the evidence one needs to adjudicate guilt.
i channeled my inner seedy on that gem
You certainly did.
Quote from: sbr on December 22, 2014, 02:12:06 PM
When did I say he was guilty? I even said alleged rape in my last post. :huh:
no worse than that, you concluded the hearing was a farce without reading the decision and concluded the investigation was likewise a farce without reading the investigative files, and then earlier you showed your ignorance on the hearing by suggesting that fsu made a decision instead of recognizing that the independent hearing officer to whom both sides agreed reached a decision after taking evidence for two days
The evidence is clear that he is a fine, upstanding young man who would never, ever do anything wrong whatsoever. A credit to his school and fans.
Quote from: Rasputin on December 22, 2014, 12:58:47 PM
So former Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice (and former trial judge) Major Harding (wake forest undergrad, uva law grad) has found after a two day hearing that the evidence against winston faile to even meet the "more likely than not" standard. (Not surprisingly our resident universal expert previously opined that the investigative file of willie meggs (the state attorney who declined to prosecute ) reflected proof beyond a reasonable doubt.)
What you left out is that such judges go before voters in Florida. I'm not shocked that a quasi politician living in Tallahassee would side with Winston.
Also, I'm suspecting FSU has taken Winston out of the normal routine for students. I doubt student Joe Blow has former Supreme Court justices deciding his student conduct hearings.
Quote from: sbr on December 22, 2014, 01:12:56 PM
i don't know. I didn't pay much attention to details about the hearing because I knew it would be as much a farce as the police investigation into the alleged rape was.
Sorry, sbr,
Rasputin doesn't really care what you think, he only cares what I think. And I think that is just
Quote from: alfred russel on December 22, 2014, 04:04:33 PM
Quote from: Rasputin on December 22, 2014, 12:58:47 PM
So former Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice (and former trial judge) Major Harding (wake forest undergrad, uva law grad) has found after a two day hearing that the evidence against winston faile to even meet the "more likely than not" standard. (Not surprisingly our resident universal expert previously opined that the investigative file of willie meggs (the state attorney who declined to prosecute ) reflected proof beyond a reasonable doubt.)
What you left out is that such judges go before voters in Florida. I'm not shocked that a quasi politician living in Tallahassee would side with Winston.
Also, I'm suspecting FSU has taken Winston out of the normal routine for students. I doubt student Joe Blow has former Supreme Court justices deciding his student conduct hearings.
former judges by definition do not go before voters and supreme court justices are not elected at all but instead are appointed by governors off of lists that bar committees send to the governors
Quote from: grumbler on December 22, 2014, 04:16:53 PM
Quote from: sbr on December 22, 2014, 01:12:56 PM
i don't know. I didn't pay much attention to details about the hearing because I knew it would be as much a farce as the police investigation into the alleged rape was.
Sorry, sbr, Rasputin doesn't really care what you think, he only cares what I think. And I think that is just adorable.
i dont care what you think but i am quite the admirer of your stubborness in the face of contrary facts and and your mendacity when asked whether your conclusions flowed from second hand sources or your own review of the primary source materials
Quote from: Berkut on December 22, 2014, 03:37:17 PM
The evidence is clear that he is a fine, upstanding young man who would never, ever do anything wrong whatsoever. A credit to his school and fans.
nope; but the evidence fails to to show that he commited a rape, even applying the low civil standard to the evidence
Soooooooooooo how about that Miami Beach Bowl? Pretty good game.
I was taking a nap.
You know what really sucks about all of this?
That I have to depend on Oregon to restore some measure of credibility, faith, and honor to college football. The irony.
Speaking of Oregon, this is a kind of cool article:
I, as an right thinking fan of college football does, hate Oregon.
But Mariota is a great, great QB. I predict he will have a MUCH better NFL career than Winston. Has at least as much talent, and four times the brains and maturity.
Arizona state is better than Arizona.
Quote from: Berkut on December 22, 2014, 09:04:23 PM
four times the brains
You see a black guy and just assume he is stupid? :hmm: :P
The thing is Winston is not stupid. He had a 4. GPA in high school and was admitted to Stanford. He made a good decision to go to FSU. He has yet to make a decision that will result in FSU bringing any type of serious sanction against him. Not sure that would be the case at Stanford.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 22, 2014, 11:35:17 PM
Quote from: Berkut on December 22, 2014, 09:04:23 PM
four times the brains
You see a black guy and just assume he is stupid? :hmm: :P
Maybe he made the assumption based on his having parents who named him "Jameis".
Quote from: Rasputin on December 22, 2014, 04:32:01 PM
Quote from: Berkut on December 22, 2014, 03:37:17 PM
The evidence is clear that he is a fine, upstanding young man who would never, ever do anything wrong whatsoever. A credit to his school and fans.
nope; but the evidence fails to to show that he commited a rape, even applying the low civil standard to the evidence
The retired judge/politician said this: "In light of all of the circumstances, I do not find the credibility of one story substantially stronger than that of the other."
Shockingly, there isn't a significant amount of evidence of a crime after a botched investigation. Read the New York Times article "A Star Player Accused, and a Flawed Rape Investigation" for further information: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/04/16/sports/errors-in-inquiry-on-rape-allegations-against-fsu-jameis-winston.html
So we are left with a he said /she said. The matter drops. But how often do you think women really invent stories of being raped? More than 50% of the time? And considering the pattern of disreputable conduct Winston has been engaging in, isn't he less credible than average?
Here is a more recent NYT article on the FSU program.
Quote from: Rasputin on December 22, 2014, 04:32:01 PM
nope; but the evidence fails to to show that he commited a rape, even applying the low civil standard to the evidence
Well yeah, there was no evidence at all because there was no investigation. Shocking.
Anyway I look forward to the Redskins trading away three entire drafts to get Winston and three years from now the Rams marching out 22 guys as their team captains.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 22, 2014, 11:43:08 PM
Quote from: Rasputin on December 22, 2014, 04:32:01 PM
Quote from: Berkut on December 22, 2014, 03:37:17 PM
The evidence is clear that he is a fine, upstanding young man who would never, ever do anything wrong whatsoever. A credit to his school and fans.
nope; but the evidence fails to to show that he commited a rape, even applying the low civil standard to the evidence
The retired judge/politician said this: "In light of all of the circumstances, I do not find the credibility of one story substantially stronger than that of the other."
Shockingly, there isn't a significant amount of evidence of a crime after a botched investigation. Read the New York Times article "A Star Player Accused, and a Flawed Rape Investigation" for further information: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/04/16/sports/errors-in-inquiry-on-rape-allegations-against-fsu-jameis-winston.html
So we are left with a he said /she said. The matter drops. But how often do you think women really invent stories of being raped? More than 50% of the time? And considering the pattern of disreputable conduct Winston has been engaging in, isn't he less credible than average?
Instead of reading an article trying to make a point go look at the investigative file. No evidence was lost by the delay in investigation because the police did gather a contemporaneous rape kit on the night of the incident and did a blood test for drugs and etoh on the accuser. This cpontemporaneous evidence has been the problem with the case ab initio. A rape kit checks for signs of forced sex. Here the rape kit is consistent with consentual doggy style sex. There was no evidence of the severe vaginal tearing or bruising on her legs one would expect from forced sex. She had some bruising on her knees. Both parties acknowledged doggy style sex on the tiled bathroom floor.
She claimed to have been hit over the head and knocked unconscious. She had no evidence of blunt force trauma.
She claims to have been drugged. There was no evidence of the date rape or any other drug in her system.
She claims to have been too drunk to consent. Retrogression on her bac showed she was below the legal limit at the time of the claimed rape and her friends testified that she seemed fine when she got in the taxi with jameis.
So what further investigation done timely would have polished this terd of a case?
Quote from: Rasputin on December 22, 2014, 04:23:42 PM
i dont care what you think but i am quite the admirer of your stubborness in the face of contrary facts and and your mendacity when asked whether your conclusions flowed from second hand sources or your own review of the primary source materials
Well, I think it is
cute when you get all huffy and insist that, since I disagreed with a conclusion of
yours, it can only be due to
mendacity, even assuming you know what a big
word like that means.
I am as big an admirer of your tantrums as you are of my stubborness [sic]. I am not sure why you picked me, rather than someone who has actually been posting on the topic (indicating a greater ability to stubbor, I'd think), but thanks. :bowler:
Quote from: grumbler on December 23, 2014, 12:45:54 PM
Quote from: Rasputin on December 22, 2014, 04:23:42 PM
i dont care what you think but i am quite the admirer of your stubborness in the face of contrary facts and and your mendacity when asked whether your conclusions flowed from second hand sources or your own review of the primary source materials
Well, I think it is cute when you get all huffy and insist that, since I disagreed with a conclusion of yours, it can only be due to mendacity, even assuming you know what a big word like that means.
I am as big an admirer of your tantrums as you are of my stubborness [sic]. I am not sure why you picked me, rather than someone who has actually been posting on the topic (indicating a greater ability to stubbor, I'd think), but thanks. :bowler:
because when you did post on the topic with your usual authoritative style I asked whether you had actually read the primary source materials or were relying on news articles. You replied that you were relying on your review of the investigative file, an untruth then and now; Im glad to have entertained you.
Quote from: Rasputin on December 23, 2014, 01:09:06 PM
because when you did post on the topic with your usual authoritative style I asked whether you had actually read the primary source materials or were relying on news articles. You replied that you were relying on your review of the investigative file, an untruth then and now; Im glad to have entertained you.
Ah, the "I'll just make shit up so I can call someone else a liar" gambit. :lol: I found out in the first grade how poorly that works; you might want to consider another approach. I won't urge you towards that course, though. As you say, it is entertaining to watch you make an ass out of yourself.
Now, just for giggles, please tell me that I have never read any of the
Game of Thrones books, and am engaging in mendacity when I say that I have. You might as well eat the sheep; you have hung yourself for the lamb.
I do admire your stubbornness. I believe that you've read game of thtones quite closely. As for meggs file I don't believe you read it any more today than I did when you claimed to have several months ago.
Brady Hoke is Samwell Tarly
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 23, 2014, 06:38:56 PM
Brady Hoke is Samwell Tarly
Not really. Tarley still has a job.
Quote from: Rasputin on December 23, 2014, 06:36:45 PM
I do admire your stubbornness. I believe that you've read game of thtones quite closely. As for meggs file I don't believe you read it any more today than I did when you claimed to have several months ago.
Come on. Why do you think I care what you "believe?" Hell, you haven't even quoted the post of mine that has your panties in such a twist. I'm betting that it was a lot more tame than your OTR stance here suggests.
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 23, 2014, 08:07:48 PM
Yeah, i know. But sometimes it is impossible to resist the temptation to see how far out on the limb someone like Raspie will go when he is busy sawing it off, obviously convinced the tree will fall and the branch will stay. No one else should probably bother even reading these posts, unless they are easily amused.
I was laughing at Samwell still having a job. :blush:
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 23, 2014, 09:56:51 PM
I was laughing at Samwell still having a job. :blush:
Oh. Never mind, then! :lol:
Do you think the christmas story is full of goodness and joy? The NCAA wants you to consider some of the implications of aspects of the story on amateurism.
The National Collegiate Athletics Association
Enforcement Division
Indianapolis, Indiana
Contact with boosters and/or donors. Requesting contact information for Messrs. Melchior, and Balthazar mentioned in memo of 12/24.
TO: Christ, Jesus
Prospective Student-Athlete/Newborn Lord & Savior
Dear Mr. Christ,
We write you today to remind you of the NCAA's commitment to preserving the integrity of the collegiate athletics experience. Amateurism is the bedrock of that experience, of course, and we steadfastly maintain that compensation is wholly inconsistent with the ideals of our organization. (We note that the Israelite class action, Moses v. Emmert, is still on appeal with the Seventh Circuit, and we are confident that court will find A.D. Pharaoh's actions were not anticompetitive.)
Keeping that in mind, we have reviewed your case and made the following notes of violations or potential violations of the existing code of conduct for amateur athletes under current NCAA rules:
1) Representation by an agent. It is alleged that, on your behalf, a heavenly spirit appeared to three shepherds for the purposes of marketing your birth. This conduct would violate Bylaw 12.3.1 and render you ineligible for participation in an intercollegiate sport.
2) Contact with boosters and/or donors. We are renewing our request that you provide contact information for Messrs. Melchior, Caspar, and Balthazar ("Magus 1", "Magus 2," and "Magus 3," respectively), as mentioned in our memorandum dated 12/24; their conduct may be in violation of Bylaw 13.02.10.
3) Receipt of nonpermissible benefits. It is further alleged that Magi 1-3 and an unnamed hotelier provided you and your family with gifts, including, but not limited to:
- Precious metals
- Incense
- Embalming oils
- Overnight accommodations
- Hay and/or straw
If you or your family accepted any of these items, this would be a violation of Bylaw
4) Your letter of intent does not include valid paternal signature. If we do not receive documented proof of paternity by April 21st, this would be a violation of Bylaw 13.02.11.
5) It has come to our attention that the likeness of you located on the campus of the University of Notre Dame exceeds the 8-1/2" by 11" size restriction required by Bylaw
Please reply in full at your nearest convenience. Send all supporting documents via fax to (317) 917-6222. We remind you that the NCAA does not accept burning bush correspondence.
By the way, the Michigan players were told today that the new coach is signed, but that the name won't be announced until next week; said coach will be in place when the players return to school Jan 3rd. That goes hand-in-hand with pretty much all the news leaks over the last couple of days: Jim Harbaugh does seem highly likely to be the next coach at Michigan.
I think it's the right move for everybody involved.
Quote from: grumbler on December 23, 2014, 07:48:08 PM
Quote from: Rasputin on December 23, 2014, 06:36:45 PM
I do admire your stubbornness. I believe that you've read game of thtones quite closely. As for meggs file I don't believe you read it any more today than I did when you claimed to have several months ago.
Come on. Why do you think I care what you "believe?" Hell, you haven't even quoted the post of mine that has your panties in such a twist. I'm betting that it was a lot more tame than your OTR stance here suggests.
our discussion follows:
QuoteRe: Columbia student carrying mattress until school expels her rapist
« Reply #344 on: September 26, 2014, 09:07:24 Rasputin: on September 26, 2014, 08:55:03 am
have you actually reviewed the investigation file, which is a public record under florida law and available on line?
I don't know what actually happened that night but I know that from my review of the primary source materials available to the state attorney, I concluded that there was significant reasonable doubt given the victim's three differing versions of events all of which were inconsistent with the forensic evidence which forensic evidence was in fact was consistent with the accused's version of events.
police corruption and cover up in small southern college town does sell more papers in New York though
discount my opinions as a seminole if you wish but I think on the other side of the bias ledger I had a daughter in undergrad at fsu at the time this all occured and think i looked at the investigative material with an objective lawyer's eye
Grumbler: Yep, I looked at the same data, and, unsurprisingly, came to a different conclusion than you. However, the investigative blunders have far more to do with the investigative process than the investigative product, given that the product was a result of the flawed process.
So what investigation after the incident fixes the doubt in her case caused by a contemporaneous rape kit's forensic evidence differing from her differing statements regarding the incident?
dorsey was the intellectualy honest one when he responded:
QuoteI didn't even have to look into the data at all to know that Winston is guilty. The game tape of him raping Miami's secondary was all the evidence I needed to know that the man is an experienced and remorseless rapist.
Quote from: Rasputin on December 24, 2014, 01:26:10 PM
Quote from: grumbler on December 23, 2014, 07:48:08 PM
Quote from: Rasputin on December 23, 2014, 06:36:45 PM
I do admire your stubbornness. I believe that you've read game of thtones quite closely. As for meggs file I don't believe you read it any more today than I did when you claimed to have several months ago.
Come on. Why do you think I care what you "believe?" Hell, you haven't even quoted the post of mine that has your panties in such a twist. I'm betting that it was a lot more tame than your OTR stance here suggests.
our discussion follows:
QuoteRe: Columbia student carrying mattress until school expels her rapist
« Reply #344 on: September 26, 2014, 09:07:24 Rasputin: on September 26, 2014, 08:55:03 am
have you actually reviewed the investigation file, which is a public record under florida law and available on line?
I don't know what actually happened that night but I know that from my review of the primary source materials available to the state attorney, I concluded that there was significant reasonable doubt given the victim's three differing versions of events all of which were inconsistent with the forensic evidence which forensic evidence was in fact was consistent with the accused's version of events.
police corruption and cover up in small southern college town does sell more papers in New York though
discount my opinions as a seminole if you wish but I think on the other side of the bias ledger I had a daughter in undergrad at fsu at the time this all occured and think i looked at the investigative material with an objective lawyer's eye
Grumbler: Yep, I looked at the same data, and, unsurprisingly, came to a different conclusion than you. However, the investigative blunders have far more to do with the investigative process than the investigative product, given that the product was a result of the flawed process.
So what investigation after the incident fixes the doubt in her case caused by a contemporaneous rape kit's forensic evidence differing from her differing statements regarding the incident?
Uh, wasn't that about a different alleged rape, one that didn't involve Winston?
Quote from: Rasputin on December 24, 2014, 01:26:10 PM
Quote from: grumbler on December 23, 2014, 07:48:08 PM
Quote from: Rasputin on December 23, 2014, 06:36:45 PM
I do admire your stubbornness. I believe that you've read game of thtones quite closely. As for meggs file I don't believe you read it any more today than I did when you claimed to have several months ago.
Come on. Why do you think I care what you "believe?" Hell, you haven't even quoted the post of mine that has your panties in such a twist. I'm betting that it was a lot more tame than your OTR stance here suggests.
our discussion follows:
QuoteRe: Columbia student carrying mattress until school expels her rapist
« Reply #344 on: September 26, 2014, 09:07:24 Rasputin: on September 26, 2014, 08:55:03 am
have you actually reviewed the investigation file, which is a public record under florida law and available on line?
I don't know what actually happened that night but I know that from my review of the primary source materials available to the state attorney, I concluded that there was significant reasonable doubt given the victim's three differing versions of events all of which were inconsistent with the forensic evidence which forensic evidence was in fact was consistent with the accused's version of events.
police corruption and cover up in small southern college town does sell more papers in New York though
discount my opinions as a seminole if you wish but I think on the other side of the bias ledger I had a daughter in undergrad at fsu at the time this all occured and think i looked at the investigative material with an objective lawyer's eye
Grumbler: Yep, I looked at the same data, and, unsurprisingly, came to a different conclusion than you. However, the investigative blunders have far more to do with the investigative process than the investigative product, given that the product was a result of the flawed process.
So what investigation after the incident fixes the doubt in her case caused by a contemporaneous rape kit's forensic evidence differing from her differing statements regarding the incident?
That's what's got you on the rag? That I noted that I looked at the same data as you, and came to a different conclusion? I can only lol.
How the hell do you call a damn fade for the game winning 2pt conversion after coming all the way back from 35 down or whatever it was??????? Someone should let Dan Enos know that Megatron isn't out there catching passes for Central Michigan.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 24, 2014, 05:48:20 PM
How the hell do you call a damn fade for the game winning 2pt conversion after coming all the way back from 35 down or whatever it was??????? Someone should let Dan Enos know that Megatron isn't out there catching passes for Central Michigan.
It was a real wtf. I picked central Michigan too :(
At grumbled, because you didn't look at the primary sources; you just claimed you did for the sake of some internet argument.
Quote from: Rasputin on December 26, 2014, 06:06:12 AM
At grumbled, because you didn't look at the primary sources; you just claimed you did for the sake of some internet argument.
Well, you would obviously know what I did better than I do, so I'll just lol one last time and move on.
I love LA Tech's uniforms; all that's missing is Pat Patriot hiking a bowl of jumbalaya.
Today's Detroit Free Press:
That's the wrong Harbaugh!
Freep gotta Freep.
Interns. :rolleyes:
As we start the fourth quarter, Texas has 29 yards of offense. On the upside, they still are doing better than Oklahoma.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 29, 2014, 11:40:27 PM
As we start the fourth quarter, Texas has 29 yards of offense. On the upside, they still are doing better than Oklahoma.
I find that upside debatable. What a disaster of a season.
At least OU didn't give a fuck. Texas needed this game.
I just hope I never have to watch Tyrone Swoopes start at QB ever again.
Quote from: Valmy on December 30, 2014, 12:09:49 AM
Quote from: alfred russel on December 29, 2014, 11:40:27 PM
As we start the fourth quarter, Texas has 29 yards of offense. On the upside, they still are doing better than Oklahoma.
I find that upside debatable. What a disaster of a season.
At least OU didn't give a fuck. Texas needed this game.
I just hope I never have to watch Tyrone Swoopes start at QB ever again.
I understand OU not giving a fuck about a December 30 bowl game. That isn't the end of the world. What I'd be more worried about is that I'm not sure they gave a fuck all year.
No dumpster fire is bigger than the one in Miami though. Duke Johnson's mother just posted that the majority of the team would transfer if they didn't have to sit out a year. Their leading receiver who is a senior apparently made comments to a local TV station that the team never bought into Al Golden's system. I think the entire fan base wants him fired. The problem is, he has a long contract, and no tienen dinero.
Quote from: Valmy on December 30, 2014, 12:09:49 AM
Quote from: alfred russel on December 29, 2014, 11:40:27 PM
As we start the fourth quarter, Texas has 29 yards of offense. On the upside, they still are doing better than Oklahoma.
I find that upside debatable. What a disaster of a season.
At least OU didn't give a fuck. Texas needed this game.
I just hope I never have to watch Tyrone Swoopes start at QB ever again.
Y'all coulda had JT Barrett.
Quote from: Valmy on December 30, 2014, 12:09:49 AM
I just hope I never have to watch Tyrone Swoopes start at QB ever again.
From Strong's comments about wanting to get another QB, it seems like he's finished.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 30, 2014, 07:09:10 PM
Quote from: Valmy on December 30, 2014, 12:09:49 AM
I just hope I never have to watch Tyrone Swoopes start at QB ever again.
From Strong's comments about wanting to get another QB, it seems like he's finished.
Strong may want him to be finished, but there isn't a waiver wire.
There's a bench.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 30, 2014, 07:22:27 PM
There's a bench.
I'm not an expert on Texas' roster, but my assumption is that Strong hasn't been holding Joe Montana in reserve. Or any adequate QB for that matter.
Benching Swoopes may solve the Swoopes problem, but not make the Texas QB problem better (I was tempted to say make the Texas QB situation worse, but based on the last game that might be impossible).
Strong has been keeping his promise the Heard and his HS coaches about giving him a redshirt year (on top of how dumb it would have been to burn it anyway). There are also two more QBs coming in with Strong talking about wanting to get another one.
So: There's a bench.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on December 30, 2014, 07:32:39 PM
Strong has been keeping his promise the Heard and his HS coaches about giving him a redshirt year (on top of how dumb it would have been to burn it anyway). There are also two more QBs coming in with Strong talking about wanting to get another one.
So: There's a bench.
Two or three true freshman and a redshirt freshman? If we are talking opening day, has a true freshman QB ever been a good option in the first part of a season? It seems Heard or bust.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 30, 2014, 07:40:17 PM
Two or three true freshman and a redshirt freshman? If we are talking opening day, has a true freshman QB ever been a good option in the first part of a season? It seems Heard or bust.
Unless he brings in a Juco (he's got three coming in already, so he has no problems with that) or Swoopes turns into Peyton Manning over the offseason, that's what it seems like. The two Fr. are Zach Gentry and Matt Merrick. I would prefer they got redshirt years as well, no matter how Heard does.
E: The Juco dudes are probably there to replace some of the guys that he cut for being dumbasses. Two OL and a DL. Probably wouldn't be too bad to have another QB who has played beyond high school as well, if only for some depth.
E2: Valmy, do you know if Espinosa got Medical redshirt? Pretty sure he was eligible for one.
Oh, Les, Les, Les. That fake FG attempt cost you. Your attempt at trickeration fails you.
"LSU loses the game, and that is a tragedy. But LSU loses the game because Les Miles had no code. LSU loses the game because Les Miles had no honor, and God was watching."
Away from the bowl games, on Harbaugh Day comes some amusing advice from a 49ers beat reporter: http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl/san-francisco-49ers/article5187357.html (http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl/san-francisco-49ers/article5187357.html)
The money quotes:
QuoteCongratulations on the purchase of your new Harbaugh! It has been carefully constructed in the Upper Midwest and California for optimum football performance. You are guaranteed to have many memorable moments with your Harbaugh, but it is important to note that it is not designed for use beyond four years.
Here are some tips and guidelines to operating your Harbaugh:
Your Harbaugh does not function like other head coaches. An innocuous query about the weather, for instance, could trigger a florid quote from Admiral William Halsey. And yet a routine question about a running back's knee injury may cause your Harbaugh to wince, pause and grimace as if a malodorous scent has wafted into the room.... This is normal.
Your Harbaugh will not alter his attire in a 1,460-day span. This is normal.
Your Harbaugh will guard his practices like North Korea guards its missile program. He will tell you he's concerned you will inadvertently leak information that will fall into enemy hands. He will say this with a straight face and will tell you that he mines other teams' media reports for that type of information. There will be no evidence, however, that he does this or that it has been helpful. You will conclude he is being overly paranoid. This is normal.
Your Harbaugh may arrive one day with a chipped tooth, a bent finger or a gash across his forehead. This is normal.
Your Harbaugh has been programmed for combat and within six months will pick a fight with the biggest, baddest bully on the block. Urban Meyer, you have been warned.
Your Harbaugh often will double-down on words for emphasis: "A-plus, plus," "erroneous, erroneous," "wonderful, wonderful." This is not a glitch. Do not bring your Harbaugh in for repair. This is normal.
You will enjoy your Harbaugh, especially at first. Then you will want to kick your Harbaugh in the shins. In the end, you will realize that your Harbaugh is perhaps the most unique operating system ever created and that you have been lucky to have had a chance to experience it. Some assembly required. Ages 18 and up.
I am still a bit surprised Harbaugh didn't stay in the NFL, but he is a much better fit in college in my opinion.
He technically has a boss in the AD, but as long as the big money boosters are on his side the head football coach runs the athletic department. Remeber Gordon Gee being happy Tressel didn't fire him in the middle of the tattoo scandal.
The players can't really revolt in college either. The coach has all of the power in that relationship, but the players only have to deal with him for 4-5 years tops. Huge difference between from the NFL where the coach has to deal with grown men, with a much closer power relationship and that could be around and annoyed by the coach for many, many years.
Quote from: sbr on December 30, 2014, 11:13:19 PM
I am still a bit surprised Harbaugh didn't stay in the NFL, but he is a much better fit in college in my opinion.
He technically has a boss in the AD, but as long as the big money boosters are on his side the head football coach runs the athletic department. Remeber Gordon Gee being happy Tressel didn't fire him in the middle of the tattoo scandal.
The players can't really revolt in college either. The coach has all of the power in that relationship, but the players only have to deal with him for 4-5 years tops. Huge difference between from the NFL where the coach has to deal with grown men, with a much closer power relationship and that could be around and annoyed by the coach for many, many years.
well, as Harbaugh said, this was always his dream job. And, right now, he wants a stable home to live in for years, after being a nomad for so long. His coming back to Ann Arbor doesn't surprise me at all. Remember, he grew up there, and didn't just attend school there. I grew up there, too, and I can tell you that there hasn't been a week that has gone by in my life that I didn't dream of getting a job there and moving back. It's a great town.
And, as you say, college is a better match for Jim's overall skills and personality. I thought he had a great answer to the question about pro v. college coaching:
QuoteGiven your fiery personality, the way you approach the game, do you feel like you're going to be able to connect better in the college game than in the professional ranks? How do you feel your personality translates to the college game...again?
"I feel like it's the only personality I have. The other ones were all taken! So I got that one.
This is a good move for Michigan, and for Harbaugh. And what's good for Michigan is good for the Big 10 and college football.
It will be fun to watch him beat up on Ohio State for a long while.
4 years is long while?
I can wait. Nothing better to do.
Michigan may beat Ohio State but I don't think anyone is going to beat up on an Urban Meyer team for am extended time.
Quote from: sbr on December 31, 2014, 08:47:36 AM
Michigan may beat Ohio State but I don't think anyone is going to beat up on an Urban Meyer team for am extended time.
Well yeah. If someone starts beating him, he will quit.
Sweet Jesus, this Ole Miss team is terrible. WTF happened?
You're getting the Ole Miss that played Arkansas instead of the one that played Alabama.
I believe TCU is making a statement of some sort.
The statement I'm taking away is the invincible SEC West is going to be 1-2 in bowl games.
A&M and Arkansas both have wins already, so your figures can't be right.
TCU is just playing pissed off and Ole Miss can't seem to catch a break. Good game for the Big 12 after the shitfest that was Monday.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on December 31, 2014, 02:35:39 PM
A&M and Arkansas both have wins already, so your figures can't be right.
I forgot A&M. 2-2.
Doesn't seem right that aTm beating WV counts as a win for the SEC and loss for the Big 12, but the world doesn't make sense anymore.
Quote from: alfred russel on December 31, 2014, 02:39:48 PM
I forgot A&M. 2-2.
Doesn't seem right that aTm beating WV counts as a win for the SEC and loss for the Big 12, but the world doesn't make sense anymore.
They should have invited Florida St and Georgia Tech. Fuck tv markets.
Quote from: Berkut on December 31, 2014, 08:22:26 PM
I put all the blame on you personally. Boise is an abomination.
All i know is Washington could beat Boise....
Quote from: katmai on December 31, 2014, 09:33:59 PM
All i know is Washington could beat Boise....
All hail the huskies!
So how bad is Alabama gonna lose tomorrow?
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 31, 2014, 09:25:01 PM
Quote from: Berkut on December 31, 2014, 08:22:26 PM
I put all the blame on you personally. Boise is an abomination.
Arizona didn't lose, they just ran out of time. Shame they were late for the game and missed the entire first quarter.
Quote from: katmai on December 31, 2014, 11:20:06 PM
So how bad is Alabama gonna lose tomorrow?
Alabama 42 Ohio St. 20
Florida St 33 Oregon 31
Florida St 27 Alabama 26
The SEC West is now 2-3, and the 2 wins are from the bottom two teams in the division; ie the bowls that really don't matter. Sorry SEC West; you can't get curb stomped by Georgia Tech in the Orange Bowl and keep your invincible reputation.
Today is going to be awesome. From noon till midnight it is going to be the wall to wall (college football) porn.
I'm gonna miss the Sugar Bowl. :cry:
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 30, 2014, 09:50:40 AM
Y'all coulda had JT Barrett.
We coulda had a lot of people. Mack Brown just had a talent for finding the worst QBs in Texas and recruiting them.
Quote from: derspiess on December 31, 2014, 02:36:44 PM
TCU is just playing pissed off and Ole Miss can't seem to catch a break. Good game for the Big 12 after the shitfest that was Monday.
Yep. Whatever trash the SEC could have talked to us went away after that Ole Miss disaster.
So we just get to trash talk Texas instead of the entire Big 12? /shrug
And Oklahoma, but nobody here cares about that.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on January 01, 2015, 03:03:18 PM
So we just get to trash talk Texas instead of the entire Big 12? /shrug
And Oklahoma, but nobody here cares about that.
Clemson is in the SEC? Damn how many schools do you root for? Trying to outdo CdM?
Texas is horrible. Arkansas didn't do anything Kansas State, BYU, and TCU couldn't do. Just glad I can start watching just Texas Basketball now, even their offense looks awesome compared to the football team.
Quote from: Valmy on January 01, 2015, 03:16:59 PM
Clemson is in the SEC?
No. Why does that mean we can't laugh at Oklahoma? :huh:
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on January 01, 2015, 03:23:18 PM
Quote from: Valmy on January 01, 2015, 03:16:59 PM
Clemson is in the SEC?
No. Why does that mean we can't laugh at Oklahoma? :huh:
Pretty sure you can always laugh at Oklahoma due to them being Okies.
I am surprised there are not more interceptions in this Baylor-Michigan State game due to both teams being the exact same shade of green.
Sec west is now 2 and 4.
SEC Least looking to go 3-0 though. :showoff:
Sparty just ran a helluva screen. :lol:
E: Noooooooo you have to catch that E2: Good it didn't hurt them with that terrible 4th down play Baylor ran. Sparty can still win this.
:XD: Holy shit, Baylor's kicker probably just doesn't want to play football anymore.
E: Suck it, Baylor
E2: (https://languish.org/forums/proxy.php?request=http%3A%2F%2Fi.imgur.com%2FxAmKC2t.gif&hash=08d4e478cc000d2f2a639879d84c4a92646e8d32)
Well Baptists and Spartans that was a helluva game.
LOL at the kicker crushing.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on January 01, 2015, 04:34:36 PM
:XD: Holy shit, Baylor's kicker probably just doesn't want to play football anymore.
Which is probably why that kind of hit is banned in the NFL now. Surprised his mother didn't run down onto the field.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on January 01, 2015, 03:56:00 PM
SEC Least looking to go 3-0 though. :showoff:
The SEC West can still go 4-4 if Alabama runs the table...and if that happens all will be forgiven.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 01, 2015, 05:04:09 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on January 01, 2015, 04:34:36 PM
:XD: Holy shit, Baylor's kicker probably just doesn't want to play football anymore.
Which is probably why that kind of hit is banned in the NFL now. Surprised his mother didn't run down onto the field.
That should result in a ejection in college as well. Targeting, contact above the shoulders.
If the SEC loses these games, what will the bandwagon fans do?
Will the winners of these playoff games also get Rose Bowl and Sugar Bowl trophies?
Quote from: Berkut on January 01, 2015, 05:34:22 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 01, 2015, 05:04:09 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on January 01, 2015, 04:34:36 PM
:XD: Holy shit, Baylor's kicker probably just doesn't want to play football anymore.
Which is probably why that kind of hit is banned in the NFL now. Surprised his mother didn't run down onto the field.
That should result in a ejection in college as well. Targeting, contact above the shoulders.
That wasn't targeting. The guy was a midget.
The officials didn't see it as targeting on the field, and if the guy isn't a senior I bet they don't suspend him for next year.
Targeting doesn't just require contact above the shoulders, it also requires intent beyond what is normal in a football play. Not sure how many guys would figure out a different way to take out a 5 ft. player.
Football used to be awesome. The rules guys are jacking it up. You don't have to jack it up more on your own.
To be honest my first thought in games like this is that I always hope the Ducks don't get embarrassed. That's out the window now so I can sit back and enjoy the game.
I'm not saying the game is over by any means, but Oregon deserves to be on this field.
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 07:30:41 PM
To be honest my first thought in games like this is that I always hope the Ducks don't get embarrassed. That's out the window now so I can sit back and enjoy the game.
I'm not saying the game is over by any means, but Oregon deserves to be on this field.
Oregon definitely deserves to be here, and I'd say that even if they were getting blown out.
However, at this point they are underperforming NC State and Miami and a whole bunch of other crappy teams FSU has played. :P
Would have been nice if the officials didn't miss the blatant holding on the 3rd an 21
Quote from: alfred russel on January 01, 2015, 07:38:08 PM
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 07:30:41 PM
To be honest my first thought in games like this is that I always hope the Ducks don't get embarrassed. That's out the window now so I can sit back and enjoy the game.
I'm not saying the game is over by any means, but Oregon deserves to be on this field.
Oregon definitely deserves to be here, and I'd say that even if they were getting blown out.
However, at this point they are underperforming NC State and Miami and a whole bunch of other crappy teams FSU has played. :P
Yeah but FSU probably didn't overlook Oregon like they did those teams.
Quote from: alfred russel on January 01, 2015, 07:28:16 PM
That wasn't targeting. The guy was a midget.
The officials didn't see it as targeting on the field, and if the guy isn't a senior I bet they don't suspend him for next year.
Targeting doesn't just require contact above the shoulders, it also requires intent beyond what is normal in a football play. Not sure how many guys would figure out a different way to take out a 5 ft. player.
Football used to be awesome. The rules guys are jacking it up. You don't have to jack it up more on your own.
Don't be a douchebag. He launched into someone who wasn't looking. A kicker, no less. Talk about a punk move. Not even Lavar Arrington did that to opposing punters. Why not start launching into puppies.
You can tell the character of a man based on his opinion of cheap shots on a kicker.
Friend and former co-worker at Rose Bowl game, even though he's from Atlanta, he is a Duck fan so must be loving this so far.
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 07:51:13 PM
You can tell the character of a man based on his opinion of cheap shots on a kicker.
Kickers lose kicker protection when they chase the ball carrier.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on January 01, 2015, 07:57:10 PM
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 07:51:13 PM
You can tell the character of a man based on his opinion of cheap shots on a kicker.
Kickers lose kicker protection when they chase the ball carrier.
I dunno; they showed the come-from-behind wins FSU has had this season, but I think the horseshoe might have finally fallen out of their ass. This isn't Louisville, or a typical Clemsoning.
And Christ, these Oregon unis are disgusting. "We're wearing our 'Linda Blairs' for the game, guys!" They actually make those atrocious Arizona red alternates look good.
These were the Uniforms for years for Ducks when they were bottom dwellers in Pac-10, understand why they went away from them then.
Wow, they just collapsed this quarter.
What's wrong with them?
I've seen some terrible unis but I don't mind these. Is it just the shade of green?
Quote from: jimmy olsen on January 01, 2015, 08:04:32 PM
Wow, they just collapsed this quarter.
Fuck you, I hope your house collapses on your dumb ass.
The Ducks are kicking their heads in.
EDIT and another turnover. Though I'm sure timmay thinks the Ducks had nothing to do with that one either:lol:
As a Pac-12 fan i'm loving this, but as Husky fan tough to root for Quackers.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 01, 2015, 07:47:09 PM
Don't be a douchebag. He launched into someone who wasn't looking. A kicker, no less. Talk about a punk move. Not even Lavar Arrington did that to opposing punters. Why not start launching into puppies.
Whatever. Kickers make tackles all the time. I just saw "Baylor kicker" as the #2 trending topic on twitter and some guy for fox wrote an article saying it was the hit of the year, and maybe 2 years (2014 and 2015).
I don't know what has happened to a lot of you people (cdm, sbr, berkut). Boxing was popular in this country when guys actually got knocked out. Mike Tyson fights against hopeless opponents were major events. Now I've seen several fights stopped before a guy even gets knocked down. People used to set out to knock people out of the game in football. A QB or kicker having to eat out of a straw is unlikley to beat you in the fourth quarter. We should pretend Ronnie Lott never existed I guess.
Stick a fork in em.
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 08:04:41 PM
What's wrong with them?
I've seen some terrible unis but I don't mind these. Is it just the shade of green?
I like a lot of the Ducks' alternate unis, but I think the green pants are too much. Hell, even yellow would've been better. This just looks like martini olives suited up. Yikes. Makes Dan Fouts' eyes water.
I just saw an article that the TPD is reopening its case against Winston as they have located new evidence.
Quote from: alfred russel on January 01, 2015, 08:12:51 PM
Whatever. Kickers make tackles all the time. I just saw "Baylor kicker" as the #2 trending topic on twitter and some guy for fox wrote an article saying it was the hit of the year, and maybe 2 years (2014 and 2015).
I don't know what has happened to a lot of you people (cdm, sbr, berkut). Boxing was popular in this country when guys actually got knocked out. Mike Tyson fights against hopeless opponents were major events. Now I've seen several fights stopped before a guy even gets knocked down. People used to set out to knock people out of the game in football. A QB or kicker having to eat out of a straw is unlikley to beat you in the fourth quarter. We should pretend Ronnie Lott never existed I guess.
There's going for the quality, meaty hit and then there's actively trying to send a 5'9" toothpick who isn't even going to catch the guy to the hospital.
And Ronnie Lott would never have gone after the fucking kicker, you tool. He would have considered it dishonorable.
You know that FSU scout team qb that is faster than Mariota? Should have played him on defense.
I bet the committee feels pretty stupid moving FSU ahead of TCU in the last rankings.
It was clear FSU was not a top 4 team this year, made it based on last year which is unfortunate.
Arizona is a better team than fsu and Arizona lost to Boise state.
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 08:42:36 PM
I bet the committee feels pretty stupid moving FSU ahead of TCU in the last rankings.
It was clear FSU was not a top 4 team this year, made it based on last year which is unfortunate.
They did go undefeated this year. :hmm:
It seems fairly clear they should have made it. They are an undefeated power 5 conference champ that played an OOC schedule including Oklahoma State and Florida (admittedly not world beaters).
Ohio State played a weak schedule and lost a game. Why would you leave out FSU and put them in?
Quote from: Rasputin on November 16, 2014, 07:53:24 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on November 16, 2014, 07:25:53 PM
Quote from: sbr on November 16, 2014, 07:18:32 PM
As an Oregon fan I would rather play fsu in semis rather than Alabama
If you look at some of the advanced statistical approaches to ranking teams (looking at play and drive outcomes in addition to raw scores), FSU is not highly rated. Their F/+ rating heading into last week's game was #9. Alabama was #1.
Thank god statistical models don't play the game
Quote from: alfred russel on January 01, 2015, 08:55:11 PM
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 08:42:36 PM
I bet the committee feels pretty stupid moving FSU ahead of TCU in the last rankings.
It was clear FSU was not a top 4 team this year, made it based on last year which is unfortunate.
They did go undefeated this year. :hmm:
It seems fairly clear they should have made it. They are an undefeated power 5 conference champ that played an OOC schedule including Oklahoma State and Florida (admittedly not world beaters).
Ohio State played a weak schedule and lost a game. Why would you leave out FSU and put them in?
The committee had TCU ahead of FSU in the second to last week. Both teams won and they moved FSU ahead of TCU. TCU and FSU's opponent slapped the living shit out of their opponents in the Bowl games. I would understand if the committee regretted their decision.
No idea why you are talking about Ohio State, but I usually dont know what you are talking about.
Who threw the banana peel on the field?
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 09:03:41 PM
The committee had TCU ahead of FSU in the second to last week. Both teams won and they moved FSU ahead of TCU. TCU and FSU's opponent slapped the living shit out of their opponents in the Bowl games. I would understand if the committee regretted their decision.
No idea why you are talking about Ohio State, but I usually dont know what you are talking about.
I know the history of the rankings.
You said that FSU was not a top 4 team. I assume the implication of this is that you think they should not have been in the playoff. That would seem to imply a field of Alabama/Oregon/TCU/Ohio State. So I was logically arguing that FSU deserved to be in over Ohio State. I'd struggle to see a justification to leave them out.
As you pointed out in your above post, I've been skeptical that FSU is good for a long time. I'm not suprised to see them get curb stomped. However, they were undefeated this year.
Quote from: alfred russel on January 01, 2015, 09:17:07 PM
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 09:03:41 PM
The committee had TCU ahead of FSU in the second to last week. Both teams won and they moved FSU ahead of TCU. TCU and FSU's opponent slapped the living shit out of their opponents in the Bowl games. I would understand if the committee regretted their decision.
No idea why you are talking about Ohio State, but I usually dont know what you are talking about.
I know the history of the rankings.
You said that FSU was not a top 4 team. I assume the implication of this is that you think they should not have been in the playoff. That would seem to imply a field of Alabama/Oregon/TCU/Ohio State. So I was logically arguing that FSU deserved to be in over Ohio State. I'd struggle to see a justification to leave them out.
As you pointed out in your above post, I've been skeptical that FSU is good for a long time. I'm not suprised to see them get curb stomped. However, they were undefeated this year.
The intended theme of the post was: FSU: Didn't belong in the playoff
I was hoping the reader would get there by putting together the implications of:
Sentence 1 : The commitee shouldn't have flip-flopped TCU and FSU
Sentence 2: FSU didn't play like a top 4 team all year, even if they won all of their games.
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 07:58:32 PM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on January 01, 2015, 07:57:10 PM
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 07:51:13 PM
You can tell the character of a man based on his opinion of cheap shots on a kicker.
Kickers lose kicker protection when they chase the ball carrier.
Well, sort of. It depends on what protection you are talking about.
They lose the "You cannot hit the kicker" protection, but they are still a defenseless player throughout the play.
That doesn't mean they can no longer be hit, but it does mean that if you target them the penalty will be 15 yards plus ejection, as opposed to just 15 yards.
And this was definitely targetting.
Also, even if this wasn't the kicker, it was someone receiving a blind-side block. That is a defenseless player as well. So he is doubly a defenseless player.
But remember, a defenseless player can still be legally hit.
The blocker leads with his forearm into the shoulders and head to the person he is blocking. It is a total cheap shot with intent to injure, and these kinds of blocks are supposed to be out of the game, for obvious reasons.
Quote from: alfred russel on January 01, 2015, 08:12:51 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 01, 2015, 07:47:09 PM
Don't be a douchebag. He launched into someone who wasn't looking. A kicker, no less. Talk about a punk move. Not even Lavar Arrington did that to opposing punters. Why not start launching into puppies.
Whatever. Kickers make tackles all the time. I just saw "Baylor kicker" as the #2 trending topic on twitter and some guy for fox wrote an article saying it was the hit of the year, and maybe 2 years (2014 and 2015).
Read the rules. Kicker are allowed to make tackles, and of course they are allowed to be blocked and hit once they are no longer receiving protection as a kicker.
They are, however, "defenseless" players for the entirety of the play, just like a QB after an interception. They can still be legally hit. Defenseless doesn't mean they cannot be blocked.
I don't know what has happened to a lot of you people (cdm, sbr, berkut). Boxing was popular in this country when guys actually got knocked out. Mike Tyson fights against hopeless opponents were major events. Now I've seen several fights stopped before a guy even gets knocked down. People used to set out to knock people out of the game in football. A QB or kicker having to eat out of a straw is unlikley to beat you in the fourth quarter. We should pretend Ronnie Lott never existed I guess.
Nothing has happened to me - lots of things has happened to sports, especially football, when the medical community realized just how dangerous concussions are, and how incredibly damaging they are long term.
Ronnie Lott would still be an outstanding safety today. He just wouldn't be allowed to go out and try to hurt people anymore.
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 09:26:09 PM
The intended theme of the post was: FSU: Didn't belong in the playoff
I was hoping the reader would get there by putting together the implications of:
Sentence 1 : The commitee shouldn't have flip-flopped TCU and FSU
Sentence 2: FSU didn't play like a top 4 team all year, even if they won all of their games.
Well fuck, that is why I went to discussing Ohio State.
FSU had the 33rd strength of schedule and won all their games.
Ohio State had the 55th strength of schedule and lost one.
I don't see much of a case to leave FSU out of the playoff, based on the criteria the committee was given.
Quote from: Berkut on January 01, 2015, 09:32:49 PM
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 07:58:32 PM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on January 01, 2015, 07:57:10 PM
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 07:51:13 PM
You can tell the character of a man based on his opinion of cheap shots on a kicker.
Kickers lose kicker protection when they chase the ball carrier.
Well, sort of. It depends on what protection you are talking about.
They lose the "You cannot hit the kicker" protection, but they are still a defenseless player throughout the play.
That doesn't mean they can no longer be hit, but it does mean that if you target them the penalty will be 15 yards plus ejection, as opposed to just 15 yards.
And this was definitely targetting.
Also, even if this wasn't the kicker, it was someone receiving a blind-side block. That is a defenseless player as well. So he is doubly a defenseless player.
But remember, a defenseless player can still be legally hit.
The blocker leads with his forearm into the shoulders and head to the person he is blocking. It is a total cheap shot with intent to injure, and these kinds of blocks are supposed to be out of the game, for obvious reasons.
I was agreeing with the general sentiment of Yi's post not the technicalities of the rules.
That said I just saw the hit on the kicker just a few minutes ago. A forearm shiver to the head of any player should be a penalty these days, regardless of who is hitting who and the situation.
More generally to the idea of smearing the kicker across the field:
1. Not all legal hits are clean and not all illegal hits are cheap.
2. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Quote from: Berkut on January 01, 2015, 09:35:59 PM
Nothing has happened to me - lots of things has happened to sports, especially football, when the medical community realized just how dangerous concussions are, and how incredibly damaging they are long term.
Ronnie Lott would still be an outstanding safety today. He just wouldn't be allowed to go out and try to hurt people anymore.
If guys don't want to accept the risks, they don't have to play, and I'm not convinced the medical evidence is as conclusive as it is made out.
Anyway, the rules changes aren't just about concussions. There have been a bunch of other rules changes for safety not related to concussions (horse collar tackles, or fining $70k for stepping on a leg, for instance).
Quote from: alfred russel on January 01, 2015, 09:44:02 PM
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 09:26:09 PM
The intended theme of the post was: FSU: Didn't belong in the playoff
I was hoping the reader would get there by putting together the implications of:
Sentence 1 : The commitee shouldn't have flip-flopped TCU and FSU
Sentence 2: FSU didn't play like a top 4 team all year, even if they won all of their games.
Well fuck, that is why I went to discussing Ohio State.
FSU had the 33rd strength of schedule and won all their games.
Ohio State had the 55th strength of schedule and lost one.
I don't see much of a case to leave FSU out of the playoff, based on the criteria the committee was given.
Ohio State was much more impressive in their last 4 regular season games than FSU was. I don't remember all of the committee's criteria off the top of my head, but "Who is playing the best right now" could have been used to justify either TCU or OSU over FSU. No loss teams will always get priority though, even if they are obviously inferior and have not played anyone worthwhile.
Quote from: alfred russel on January 01, 2015, 09:44:02 PM
Well fuck, that is why I went to discussing Ohio State.
FSU had the 33rd strength of schedule and won all their games.
Ohio State had the 55th strength of schedule and lost one.
I don't see much of a case to leave FSU out of the playoff, based on the criteria the committee was given.
I agree FSU should have been in the playoff. However, there is an argument that Ohio St is the better team(even before today) when you look at the scores of those games. Florida St. only won by over 20 points twice(and the one against the Citadel was much closer than it should have been). Ohio St. beat Kent St by 66, Wisconsin by 59, Illinois by 41 and Rutgers by 39.
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 09:54:56 PM
No loss teams will always get priority though, even if they are obviously inferior and have not played anyone worthwhile.
They played plenty of worthwhile teams and beat them by a field goal or so.
OSU O-line looks seriously outmatched. I think this one is going to get ugly.
Quote from: alfred russel on January 01, 2015, 09:52:12 PM
Quote from: Berkut on January 01, 2015, 09:35:59 PM
Nothing has happened to me - lots of things has happened to sports, especially football, when the medical community realized just how dangerous concussions are, and how incredibly damaging they are long term.
Ronnie Lott would still be an outstanding safety today. He just wouldn't be allowed to go out and try to hurt people anymore.
If guys don't want to accept the risks, they don't have to play, and I'm not convinced the medical evidence is as conclusive as it is made out.
What are you talking about?
This has nothing to do with what risks players are willing to accept - the players will accept nearly any risk to play.
This is about making the game as safe as possible while maintaining the spirit of the game.
Many people believe that unless you are allowed to send 18 and 19 year old kids to the hospital with brain damage, then the spirit of the game is lost.
Most people don't agree, and lucky enough, the people who are in charge of the sport don't agree, and maybe more imporantly they legal environment we live in doesn't accept that the willful infliction of brain damage is necessary to the enjoyment of football.
Anyway, the rules changes aren't just about concussions. There have been a bunch of other rules changes for safety not related to concussions (horse collar tackles, or fining $70k for stepping on a leg, for instance).
Nobody said every rule change ever made was only about concussions.
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 09:54:56 PM
Ohio State was much more impressive in their last 4 regular season games than FSU was. I don't remember all of the committee's criteria off the top of my head, but "Who is playing the best right now" could have been used to justify either TCU or OSU over FSU. No loss teams will always get priority though, even if they are obviously inferior and have not played anyone worthwhile.
I think they were something like:
-strength of schedule
-conference champion
-head to head
There isn't an "or", to leave out FSU it would have to be both OSU and TCU.
And yeah, I think there is a big problem with leaving out an undefeated team that played a tougher schedule than a 1 loss team based on how they looked at the end of the year. Also, Ohio State didn't play well at the end of the season before the Wisconsin game. They also have their #3 QB making his second career start tonight. Maybe it will change but so far the results don't look good at all.
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 09:50:38 PM
Quote from: Berkut on January 01, 2015, 09:32:49 PM
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 07:58:32 PM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on January 01, 2015, 07:57:10 PM
Quote from: sbr on January 01, 2015, 07:51:13 PM
You can tell the character of a man based on his opinion of cheap shots on a kicker.
Kickers lose kicker protection when they chase the ball carrier.
Well, sort of. It depends on what protection you are talking about.
They lose the "You cannot hit the kicker" protection, but they are still a defenseless player throughout the play.
That doesn't mean they can no longer be hit, but it does mean that if you target them the penalty will be 15 yards plus ejection, as opposed to just 15 yards.
And this was definitely targetting.
Also, even if this wasn't the kicker, it was someone receiving a blind-side block. That is a defenseless player as well. So he is doubly a defenseless player.
But remember, a defenseless player can still be legally hit.
The blocker leads with his forearm into the shoulders and head to the person he is blocking. It is a total cheap shot with intent to injure, and these kinds of blocks are supposed to be out of the game, for obvious reasons.
I was agreeing with the general sentiment of Yi's post not the technicalities of the rules.
Fine, but the general sentiment of his post doesn't apply to the particulars of this play, for the reasons I stated. The only protection a kicker has against being hit is long gone, of course.
But the enhanced penalties regarding hitting a defenseless player are still very much in force.
That said I just saw the hit on the kicker just a few minutes ago. A forearm shiver to the head of any player should be a penalty these days, regardless of who is hitting who and the situation.
Agreed. Had this NOT been a defenseless player, well...it's actually hard to say. The hit would not have been the same if the target knew it was coming, so it is nearly impossible to say. The violence of the hit was dependent on it being a blind side block, which is exactly why blind side targets are considered defenseless.
But yes - any hit to the head with the forearm should be a persona foul, barring some clearly mitigating circumstances like the target compressing at the last moment.
The onus is on the hitter to NOT hit at or above the shoulders.
More generally to the idea of smearing the kicker across the field:
1. Not all legal hits are clean and not all illegal hits are cheap.
2. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Well put.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on January 01, 2015, 10:03:32 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on January 01, 2015, 09:44:02 PM
Well fuck, that is why I went to discussing Ohio State.
FSU had the 33rd strength of schedule and won all their games.
Ohio State had the 55th strength of schedule and lost one.
I don't see much of a case to leave FSU out of the playoff, based on the criteria the committee was given.
I agree FSU should have been in the playoff. However, there is an argument that Ohio St is the better team(even before today) when you look at the scores of those games. Florida St. only won by over 20 points twice(and the one against the Citadel was much closer than it should have been). Ohio St. beat Kent St by 66, Wisconsin by 59, Illinois by 41 and Rutgers by 39.
Well yeah--I seem to get flamed no matter what I post. I post statistical analysis indicating that FSU is not so good, and I get flamed for that. I say they should be in the playoff, and I get flamed for that.
As long as the game is primarily about wins and losses vs strength of schedule in evaluations, and I think it should be, a team like FSU should be in the playoff. If you want to go by more subjective measures, do you take into account that Ohio State has a 3rd QB making his second start?
I don't think there is any credible argument that can be made that would have FSU out of the playoffs, given how the spots are assigned.
That being said, it was also pretty clear that they were not as good as their record suggested, and this result is not much of a surprise.
Quote from: Berkut on January 01, 2015, 10:07:28 PM
What are you talking about?
This has nothing to do with what risks players are willing to accept - the players will accept nearly any risk to play.
This is about making the game as safe as possible while maintaining the spirit of the game.
Many people believe that unless you are allowed to send 18 and 19 year old kids to the hospital with brain damage, then the spirit of the game is lost.
Most people don't agree, and lucky enough, the people who are in charge of the sport don't agree, and maybe more imporantly they legal environment we live in doesn't accept that the willful infliction of brain damage is necessary to the enjoyment of football.
I think the rule changes suck, and my enjoyment of the game has significantly declined, and the rule changes are prompted by lawyers attempting to reduce legal risks working with administrators trying to protect revenue streams.
Quote from: alfred russel on January 01, 2015, 10:17:31 PM
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on January 01, 2015, 10:03:32 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on January 01, 2015, 09:44:02 PM
Well fuck, that is why I went to discussing Ohio State.
FSU had the 33rd strength of schedule and won all their games.
Ohio State had the 55th strength of schedule and lost one.
I don't see much of a case to leave FSU out of the playoff, based on the criteria the committee was given.
I agree FSU should have been in the playoff. However, there is an argument that Ohio St is the better team(even before today) when you look at the scores of those games. Florida St. only won by over 20 points twice(and the one against the Citadel was much closer than it should have been). Ohio St. beat Kent St by 66, Wisconsin by 59, Illinois by 41 and Rutgers by 39.
Well yeah--I seem to get flamed no matter what I post. I post statistical analysis indicating that FSU is not so good, and I get flamed for that. I say they should be in the playoff, and I get flamed for that.
As long as the game is primarily about wins and losses vs strength of schedule in evaluations, and I think it should be, a team like FSU should be in the playoff. If you want to go by more subjective measures, do you take into account that Ohio State has a 3rd QB making his second start?
Well, you weren't flamed by the same person for both positions were you?
I might have done so, but I have never claimed to be consistent or logical when talking shit. :P
Quote from: Berkut on January 01, 2015, 10:19:43 PM
I don't think there is any credible argument that can be made that would have FSU out of the playoffs, given how the spots are assigned.
That being said, it was also pretty clear that they were not as good as their record suggested, and this result is not much of a surprise.
I agree, I was just fired up after the game and was carpet bombing the thread with nonsense.
That was a pretty fancy catch. I think I'm cheering for Ohio State...
The NFL would discipline for that cheapshot on the kicker. Can college football do any less?
I don't know if either of these teams will beat Oregon.
FSU's defense sucks, so maybe one of these teams will have more success. Probably more hope for Alabama. But their defense better be very stout because no way Blake Sims can lead a team to a shootout win against Mariota.
Quote from: alfred russel on January 01, 2015, 10:23:00 PM
I think the rule changes suck, and my enjoyment of the game has significantly declined, and the rule changes are prompted by lawyers attempting to reduce legal risks working with administrators trying to protect revenue streams.
To add to the things I don't like, I thought the crystal ball trophy was better. The new trophy looks like a vagina.
Which I guess represents what the guys are playing for.
Dorsey, you're at risk of turning into the Captain Occupy of college ball.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on January 01, 2015, 10:53:57 PM
Dorsey, you're at risk of turning into the Captain Occupy of college ball.
sbr has more posts than me today. :)
Also, for years I didn't post at all in this thread and focused on boring ass economics and business stuff because I was trying to be incognito. I have things to share. :)
Quote from: alfred russel on January 01, 2015, 10:58:12 PM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on January 01, 2015, 10:53:57 PM
Dorsey, you're at risk of turning into the Captain Occupy of college ball.
sbr has more posts than me today. :)
Also, for years I didn't post at all in this thread and focused on boring ass economics and business stuff because I was trying to be incognito. I have things to share. :)
My favorite team won the first playoff game. I am allowed as many posts as I want with no repercussions.
Quote from: alfred russel on January 01, 2015, 10:23:00 PM
Quote from: Berkut on January 01, 2015, 10:07:28 PM
What are you talking about?
This has nothing to do with what risks players are willing to accept - the players will accept nearly any risk to play.
This is about making the game as safe as possible while maintaining the spirit of the game.
Many people believe that unless you are allowed to send 18 and 19 year old kids to the hospital with brain damage, then the spirit of the game is lost.
Most people don't agree, and lucky enough, the people who are in charge of the sport don't agree, and maybe more imporantly they legal environment we live in doesn't accept that the willful infliction of brain damage is necessary to the enjoyment of football.
I think the rule changes suck, and my enjoyment of the game has significantly declined, and the rule changes are prompted by lawyers attempting to reduce legal risks working with administrators trying to protect revenue streams.
In general, I agree with you that many of the rules changes in recent years do suck, but headhunting has always been dirty play, even when it was legal.
This is nice. A pac-12 vs B1G championship would be great. Still a lot of football to be played though...
If Alabama pulls this out, I think their punter should be MVP.
(Ohio State would have done well to take him out early in the game if they got the opportunity)
Quote from: Berkut on January 01, 2015, 11:37:21 PM
This is nice. A pac-12 vs B1G championship would be great.
E: Oh shit. Touchdown!
Lolz at SEC
Fuck you and your sweater vest, Ed.
Wow, the Ohio running game has been great today
So the SEC is super-overrated?
Saban is running his kids ragged.
The Matthew McConnehey Lincoln commercials make me ill.
Not a terribly pretty game but an entertaining one.
OSU better show the fuck up for the national championship, because Oregon sure as shit will.
Alabama's punter seemed to have the game under control, but even he could not stop the awesome power of Urban Meyer's pleated pants.
OSU tried hard to give Alabama a chance to make it an epic come back.
You ahve the ball up 1 TD with 2 minutes left and you can't even run off half a minute before you give it back? Seriously?
Quote from: The Minsky Moment on January 02, 2015, 12:52:19 AM
Alabama's punter seemed to have the game under control, but even he could not stop the awesome power of Urban Meyer's pleated pants.
At halftime Nick Saban should have cut off his punter's foot and fed it to Blake Sims, to see if the awesomeness could be transferred. The pairing of awesome punter / crappy QB seemed unlikely to succeed.
Mark May looks physically ill. :lol:
QuoteOregon coach says school will discipline players for 'no means no' chant
lol. Hopefully they are suspended from the most unpleasant part of a practice day, or something similar.
Big Ten East gos 4-1 in bowls, knocking off #1 Alabama and #5 Baylor along the way. With that, and the hiring of Jim Harbaugh at Michigan, will this become the darling division that the SEC West was in 2014?
Best image yet:
I liked that one too, but Jimbo should have been talking to FSU's defense.
For those that don't get the joke:
[spoiler]That is Lance Stephenson who was blowing in LeBron James' ear during the NBA playoffs last year
Quote from: sbr on January 02, 2015, 10:35:07 AM
I liked that one too, but Jimbo should have been talking to FSU's defense.
Yeah. The offense turned the ball over five times, but the loss was the defense's fault. Oregon scores like 49 points on average. Nobody is going to shut that down; you have to out-score them, and you'll not do that turning the ball over 5 times.
Having said that, yeah, the FSU defense was gassed in the fourth quarter. But that was likely because the offense couldn't sustain any drives after that big one at the start of the third quarter. The very definition of "quitting" was going six straight drives three-and-out to end the game.
I didn't mean that the loss was just the defense's fault, but your image is about quitting and despite the Keystone Cops routine on 4th down and a tipped ball interception Winston sure as hell didn't quit. He actually played pretty well but for those 2 plays. If any part of the Fumble State team quit it was the defense.
Of course we have both now spent way too much time discussing a silly response to a silly image.
Great now we have to see Ed's O face.
They had a coached named Jimbo. Isnt that all we need to know?
Quote from: sbr on January 02, 2015, 11:24:38 AM
Of course we have both now spent way too much time discussing a silly response to a silly image.
True enough.
Nice comeback win by Houston just now (vs Pitt). 29 points in the 4th Q, recovered two onside kicks in a row.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on January 02, 2015, 03:27:26 PM
Nice comeback win by Houston just now (vs Pitt). 29 points in the 4th Q, recovered two onside kicks in a row.
Oh fuck. I was just going through the office talking shit to all the SEC fans about how the ACC was going to get a 500 bowl record (if we include ND in the conference). I should have known to never count on Pitt.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on January 02, 2015, 03:27:26 PM
Nice comeback win by Houston just now (vs Pitt). 29 points in the 4th Q, recovered two onside kicks in a row.
I went to go take a nap when I figured it was over. Shit.
Quote from: alfred russel on January 02, 2015, 03:51:38 PM
Oh fuck. I was just going through the office talking shit to all the SEC fans about how the ACC was going to get a 500 bowl record (if we include ND in the conference). I should have known to never count on Pitt.
Barring a huge meltdown by the Vols, the SEC will also have at least a .500 record. I'm not sure "Hey, we're as good as you!" is that great a burn. :hmm:
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on January 02, 2015, 04:37:07 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on January 02, 2015, 03:51:38 PM
Oh fuck. I was just going through the office talking shit to all the SEC fans about how the ACC was going to get a 500 bowl record (if we include ND in the conference). I should have known to never count on Pitt.
Barring a huge meltdown by the Vols, the SEC will also have at least a .500 record. I'm not sure "Hey, we're as good as you!" is that great a burn. :hmm:
Believe it or not, this isn't the first time I was talking crap. It started with the ACC going 4-0 on rivalry week. The story i get was "yeah, but that was against the east. Try playing some west teams."
So I was wandering the halls, "how about that SEC west? You know the ACC won the Orange Bowl this year, what is the SEC's best bowl win? ND sure had a tough time matching up with the SEC west, didn't they? Do you think ND is getting better or the SEC is getting soft? Hey you know the ACC is going 500 in bowl games this year, pretty average, but are you sure the SEC is going to be able to get there?"
That was before the Tennessee game started. And Pittsburgh completed a beautiful swan dive into an empty pool.
Hoping Hotel has ESPN or whatever channel is carrying the UDub-Oakie St game tonight.
Your damn Huskies better not go out and pull an Arizona tonight. :mad:
In a stunning development Jim Mora is a complete and utter asshole, blowing off Bill Snyder after a game.
And the SEC Least goes 5-0 in bowls. Huzzah. :P
Oh hey there's a bowl game going on right now. Arky State vs. Toledo. :hmm:
2TDs already in the first 1:30.
With one game left in the season, the Pac-12 is 13-4 overall this year against other Power 5 conferences, including 5-1 post season (6-2 overall).
There was some debate about who the #2 conference behind the SEC was for the last couple of years. Now the debate can be over who is #2 behind the Pac-12, because the SEC isn't even close (11-11 against other Power 5 conferences this year).
The question is...can the Pac-12 maintain it???
Wait a minute, 13-4 overall including 5-1 post-season means 8-3 regular season. So your vaunted tough ooc scheduling titans averaged just under 1 game against other Power 5 schools. :hmm:
p.s. please stop gloating. I want to be free to root for Oregon with no reservations.
Berkut will be watching the game chanting 'P-A-C P-A-C'
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on January 05, 2015, 05:59:24 PM
Wait a minute, 13-4 overall including 5-1 post-season means 8-3 regular season. So your vaunted tough ooc scheduling titans averaged just under 1 game against other Power 5 schools. :hmm:
Yeah, Colorado was the holdout this year, but they generally play a P5 school. It is rare for any P5 school to play two P5 schools OOC, especially when they have a nine-game conference slate. Michigan plays 2 such teams but only 8 teams in the conference. When they go to nine conference games in 2017, they drop one of the P5 games (because they need to have 6 home games to foot the bills, and few P5 teams will take a one-off game for cash like MWC and the like will).
Quote from: Berkut on January 05, 2015, 05:37:02 PM
With one game left in the season, the Pac-12 is 13-4 overall this year against other Power 5 conferences, including 5-1 post season (6-2 overall).
There was some debate about who the #2 conference behind the SEC was for the last couple of years. Now the debate can be over who is #2 behind the Pac-12, because the SEC isn't even close (11-11 against other Power 5 conferences this year).
The question is...can the Pac-12 maintain it???
Not even worth debating who the best conference is, huh?
FWIW, I remember you citing the Sagarin Conference Rankings in the past, so you might want to have a look (or might not):
1 SEC-WEST (A) = 88.59 88.76 ( 1) 7 88.70 ( 1)
2 PAC-12(SOUTH) (A) = 80.50 79.08 ( 2) 6 79.73 ( 2)
3 SEC-EAST (A) = 79.47 78.70 ( 3) 7 79.27 ( 3)
4 BIG 12 (A) = 76.17 76.55 ( 6) 10 76.27 ( 5)
5 BIG TEN-EAST (A) = 75.76 77.55 ( 4) 7 77.93 ( 4)
6 PAC-12(NORTH) (A) = 75.36 76.88 ( 5) 6 75.81 ( 6)
7 ACC-ATLANTIC (A) = 74.83 74.18 ( 8) 7 74.64 ( 7)
8 ACC-COASTAL (A) = 74.41 74.83 ( 7) 7 74.58 ( 8)
9 BIG TEN-WEST (A) = 72.90 72.90 ( 9) 7 72.90 ( 9)
Wait why is each division split out? Is the Big 12: half a conference?
Quote from: Valmy on January 05, 2015, 09:16:05 PM
Wait why is each division split out? Is the Big 12: half a conference?
You would have to ask Jeff Sagarin, but it makes sense. 3 of the 4 power conferences with a divisional structure play an 8 game conference schedule and have 14 teams. You play 6 division games and 2 outside your division. It isn't far off from effectively being two conferences.
A lot of creativity shown by the ACC in naming their divisions.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on January 05, 2015, 05:59:24 PM
Wait a minute, 13-4 overall including 5-1 post-season means 8-3 regular season. So your vaunted tough ooc scheduling titans averaged just under 1 game against other Power 5 schools. :hmm:
p.s. please stop gloating. I want to be free to root for Oregon with no reservations.
What a bizarre whine. Of course they aren't going to play more than one team, at most, from a P5 conference. That Pac-12 plays 9 conference games, so automatically they have an additional P5 game each year.
Nobody plays two P5 OOC games per year, for the most part.
You would think the teams that only play 8 conference games might add a tough extra OOC team, but no, they mostly add some patsy in its place.
That part wasn't a whine; I don't give a shit who they schedule ooc games against. But in the past you've claimed that the PAC schedules tougher out of conference opposition in addition to that vaunted 9th conference game.
dWell, sort of.
My argument was always that the 9 conference game schools typically scheduled 3 OOC games that were generally about as tough as the 3 best OOC games the 8 conference game teams scheduled.
Basically, the point being that the 9 conference game leagues replace the weak 4th OOC game with a conference game, while the SEC (as an example) doesn't generally make that 4th OOC game a tough game, but rather another patsy game.
The "normal" formula for 3 OOC games is 1 P5 game, 1 mid-majorgame, 1 patsy (Yes, I know Arizona is not following this formula, and I don't like it at all).
The "normal" formula for 4 OOC games seems to be 1 P5 game, 1 mid-level game, and 2 patsy's. At best, maybe 2 mid-major games.
It would be one thing if the 8 game leagues used their extra game to go out and play another "good" game, but they generally don't. Instead they schedule Southeast Louisiana State School of Agriculture and Law. So they are replacing a "good" game with a gimme game.
Nor should they, btw - the way the system is setup now, they would be foolish to do so, assuming their overall goal is to get as many of their schools into BCS level bowl games as possible, rather than entertaining their fans.
Quote from: Berkut on January 06, 2015, 09:52:55 AM
Nobody plays two P5 OOC games per year, for the most part.
Isn't Peter Wiggin the only fan of an SEC fan here? For all the grief you give the SEC about OOC scheduling, they played Georgia Tech and Clemson OOC.
As much as I'd like to praise the virtue of Georgia's athletic department, they're really following the same pattern as most everyone else- find one major team to trade games with and then fill in the rest with whoever. The rivalry game with Georgia Tech is a fixture and scheduling it in doesn't take any work on their part.
Also, St Jaba roots for Florida and I think Scipio for Ole Miss. Not that they're all that active right now.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on January 06, 2015, 12:41:43 PM
As much as I'd like to praise the virtue of Georgia's athletic department, they're really following the same pattern as most everyone else- find one major team to trade games with and then fill in the rest with whoever. The rivalry game with Georgia Tech is a fixture and scheduling it in doesn't take any work on their part.
Also, St Jaba roots for Florida and I think Scipio for Ole Miss. Not that they're all that active right now.
You should give your team more credit. Yes Georgia Tech is a fixture, but they could get away with scheduling MAC and Sunbelt teams for 2 games and an 1-AA for the other. Look at what other schools are doing.
This year, FSU played Oklahoma State, Florida, and Notre Dame OOC. Okay, so none of those teams were great, but then neither was FSU.
Quote from: alfred russel on January 06, 2015, 12:46:27 PM
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on January 06, 2015, 12:41:43 PM
As much as I'd like to praise the virtue of Georgia's athletic department, they're really following the same pattern as most everyone else- find one major team to trade games with and then fill in the rest with whoever. The rivalry game with Georgia Tech is a fixture and scheduling it in doesn't take any work on their part.
Also, St Jaba roots for Florida and I think Scipio for Ole Miss. Not that they're all that active right now.
You should give your team more credit. Yes Georgia Tech is a fixture, but they could get away with scheduling MAC and Sunbelt teams for 2 games and an 1-AA for the other. Look at what other schools are doing.
This year, FSU played Oklahoma State, Florida, and Notre Dame OOC. Okay, so none of those teams were great, but then neither was FSU.
From a scheduling standpoint, that is pretty ballsy scheduling. Schedules are done far enough in advance that you are scheduling largely based on reputation and history. Those are all teams that historically are going to challenge you more often than not.
Quote from: Berkut on January 06, 2015, 11:37:47 AM
The "normal" formula for 3 OOC games is 1 P5 game, 1 mid-majorgame, 1 patsy (Yes, I know Arizona is not following this formula, and I don't like it at all).
This has been what Texas has tried to do forever. But next year they have Cal and Notre Dame so either they consider Cal a mid major, the philosophy is changing, or they just really wanted to squeeze Notre Dame in there.
Quote from: Valmy on January 06, 2015, 01:35:24 PM
Quote from: Berkut on January 06, 2015, 11:37:47 AM
The "normal" formula for 3 OOC games is 1 P5 game, 1 mid-majorgame, 1 patsy (Yes, I know Arizona is not following this formula, and I don't like it at all).
This has been what Texas has tried to do forever. But next year they have Cal and Notre Dame so either they consider Cal a mid major, the philosophy is changing, or they just really wanted to squeeze Notre Dame in there.
Texas has Ohio State in '22 and '23. Too bad I'll be dead by then of exhaustion of the penis.
that was awful...my eyes and soul still ache
Winston got a first round draft grade and declared: http://espn.go.com/nfl/draft2015/story/_/id/12131473/jameis-winston-florida-state-seminoles-nfl-draft-father-says
Quote from: Rasputin on January 07, 2015, 12:17:35 PM
that was awful...my eyes and soul still ache
:console: I have been there my friend.
Quote from: Rasputin on January 07, 2015, 12:17:35 PM
that was awful...my eyes and soul still ache
Sorry, bro. They certainly picked a wrong time for that horseshoe to finally fall out of their ass.
One hour to kickoff.
Man, I don't want to root for either of these teams. :(
I'm rooting for the lesser evil.
I got my nintendo gun out. Will be : clicking furiously.
I just got a boner
Quote from: dps on January 12, 2015, 07:46:48 PM
Man, I don't want to root for either of these teams. :(
Me neither. Gack.
Oregon's uniforms are much more palatable this evening. They're not Dan Fouts Ducks, but they'll do.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 12, 2015, 08:36:26 PM
Oregon's uniforms are much more palatable this evening. They're not Dan Fouts Ducks, but they'll do.
Yeah because: no green. no yellow.
I'm getting a bad feeling about this one.
Hey Urban---you remember when you were coaching in that NC game with the Gators against OSU and they kept you from making any big plays but allowed Tebow to get six or seven yards on every play?
Now you're on the other side. :P
Heh. Nice catch there.
Was that a wishbone formation? Damn, I haven't seen that in a while. Nice TD.
Edit: No it wasn't. No FB.
Doesn't Oregon have to have at least one square inch of green on their home whites? Or is that just tradition?
I thought Ohio State was the away team here. But they're wearing red.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on January 12, 2015, 09:06:16 PM
Was that a wishbone formation? Damn, I haven't seen that in a while. Nice TD.
Edit: No it wasn't. No FB.
I don't even think they have a FB on the roster. Which is just weird.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on January 12, 2015, 09:06:59 PM
Doesn't Oregon have to have at least one square inch of green on their home whites? Or is that just tradition?
Uniwatch was saying they don't have any green or yellow on them tonight. They also said the trophy looks like a rolled up newspaper. :D
E: DAMN DUDE you can't drop that
E2: Wait. He deserves that for those camo socks or whatever the hell those were.
Go Ducks.
Damn. The Oregon cheerleaders already won this game. Give them the trophy now.
I wish fall out boy would drop dead. So tired of that stupid song on ESPN broadcasts.
Wow nice stop.
Took a cute video of my daughter doing the O-H-I-O thing but she deleted it when she was watching it on my phone.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on January 12, 2015, 09:27:17 PM
Damn. The Oregon cheerleaders already won this game. Give them the trophy now.
Word. How much did Phil Knight pay for them?
Can anyone tell me what the Buckeye fans are doing when they hold up two OK signs?
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on January 12, 2015, 09:27:17 PM
Damn. The Oregon cheerleaders already won this game. Give them the trophy now.
OSU abuses theirs.
As does Urban Meyer, which is why he coaches there in the first place.
This game has become incredibly annoying.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 12, 2015, 09:53:36 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on January 12, 2015, 09:27:17 PM
Damn. The Oregon cheerleaders already won this game. Give them the trophy now.
OSU abuses theirs.
As does Urban Meyer, which is why he coaches there in the first place.
That's hot.
Oregon needs to get their shit together right now. Ohio State is the only reason Ohio State isn't winning by 4 TDs.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on January 12, 2015, 08:39:10 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 12, 2015, 08:36:26 PM
Oregon's uniforms are much more palatable this evening. They're not Dan Fouts Ducks, but they'll do.
Yeah because: no green. no yellow.
Bah, there's nothing wrong with balancing it. We call that the Green Bay Packers.
My blood pressure is 175/96. I'm turning this shit off
Ohio State is giving this away man. Which is ridiculous since they are averaging about 9 yards a play.
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 12, 2015, 11:01:45 PM
My blood pressure is 175/96. I'm turning this shit off
Yeah, I can appreciate that. I figure they're good for at least 3 more turnovers before the game's out.
4 turnovers and still barely have the lead. Bleh.
Went to lunch and missed 10 Oregon points. <_<
What happened?
A decent drive that failed and ended in a FG followed by a big play for a TD.
I have the vapors.
-4 for turnovers and still up by 15 (with the ball inside the 10).
Huge night for us Buckeyes fans.
Absolutely dominate performance by the Buckeyes. Wow.
And next year they're going to have most of their play makers back.
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 13, 2015, 12:07:40 AM
So does Urban Meyer. I feel sorry for the cheerleader that has to deal with it tonight.
And the 2015 Buckeyes have officially been tainted. WTG Tim.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 13, 2015, 12:09:05 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 13, 2015, 12:07:40 AM
So does Urban Meyer. I feel sorry for the cheerleader that has to deal with it tonight.
Finally. :P
Fuck you Tebow.
Also, fuck you Mark May.
Quote from: derspiess on January 13, 2015, 12:10:45 AM
Not as much as Mrs. Meyer. Wonder where she's going to force him to coach next? I say Wyoming.
Those championship hats & shirts look like Steelers shit.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 13, 2015, 12:15:57 AM
Quote from: derspiess on January 13, 2015, 12:10:45 AM
Not as much as Mrs. Meyer. Wonder where she's going to force him to coach next? I say Wyoming.
I say back to Bowling Green, where it started.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 13, 2015, 12:15:57 AM
Not as much as Mrs. Meyer. Wonder where she's going to force him to coach next? I say Wyoming.
Wow, so only one 4 year old kid up on his dad's lap on the main stand for the post game celebration? Times are a-changin'.
Quote from: derspiess on January 13, 2015, 12:28:20 AM
Wow, so only one 4 year old kid up on his dad's lap on the main stand for the post game celebration? Times are a-changin'.
The other kids probably drove home already.
#4 won the shit.
Playoff works?
TCU wuz robbed! 8 team playoff!
Yeah, that is pretty cool that the first playoff sees a team winning that absent the playoff would never have been in a title game.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on January 13, 2015, 06:20:26 AM
TCU wuz robbed! 8 team playoff!
After the last game, Ohio State did jump TCU in the final Sagarin rankings for #1, though it still has TCU as a slight favorite on a neutral field (probably wouldn't hold up in reality based on the way Ohio State finished).
If you were to replay the playoff, I think any of the 4 teams would have a decent chance to win it, as would TCU.
Cardale Jones may jump to the NFL. He is eligible apparently.
3 starts and the ESPN homos are comparing him to Big Ben. Sheesh.
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 13, 2015, 12:13:25 AM
Also, fuck you Mark May.
Quote from: Peter Wiggin on January 13, 2015, 06:20:26 AM
TCU wuz robbed! 8 team playoff!
Meh they were #3, went out and won by 50, and got dropped to #5. Anyway water under the bridge.
Congrats to the Buckeyes. Oregon had no answer for their offense all day. What was their final average? 8 yards per play?
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 13, 2015, 09:57:44 AM
Cardale Jones may jump to the NFL. He is eligible apparently.
3 starts and the ESPN homos are comparing him to Big Ben. Sheesh.
Texas can send you Tyrone Swoopes to replace him.
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 13, 2015, 09:57:44 AM
Cardale Jones may jump to the NFL. He is eligible apparently.
3 starts and the ESPN homos are comparing him to Big Ben. Sheesh.
:lol: Akili Smith comes to mind.
Quote from: Valmy on January 13, 2015, 11:39:52 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 13, 2015, 09:57:44 AM
Cardale Jones may jump to the NFL. He is eligible apparently.
3 starts and the ESPN homos are comparing him to Big Ben. Sheesh.
Texas can send you Tyrone Swoopes to replace him.
Signing day. Miami's class looks to be a disaster. Golden sucks so bad.
It seems former Seahawks great Chris Warren's son chose Texas over UW on a coin flip. Ah teenagers.
This signing day stuff got real stupid, real fast.
Quote from: Ed Anger on February 05, 2015, 08:28:43 AM
This signing day stuff got real stupid, real fast.
Yep. Drama queens take center stage.
I do not understand recruiting at all. Why everybody is not lining up to play for Briles at Baylor and Patterson at TCU is beyond me.
Class, thy name is Ohio St.
QuoteBack in January, Ohio State quarterback Cardale Jones visited some kids at the hospital. One of the kids unwisely hopped on the sticks like Jones was going to take it easy on him in the NCAA football video game. Jones did not take it easy, and beat the kid by a reported score of 91-35. Now, more than a month later, Jones wants us to know what really happened that day.
QuoteCardale Jones @CJ12_
Man I wish everyone stop saying I beat a kid in the hospital 91-35.... It was 98-35, had 91 with 1:26 left in the 4th
Cut Cardale Jones some slack. I'd feel a bit patronized if he let me win. I can see how it can still be fun to get a visit from a football player, play video games with him, and lose the video game.
Football players are competitive and hate to lose. Big deal. At least he played with the kid.