Since it doesn't make much sense to post in a 2009-2010 thread (and viper's The Coyotes Arer Staying in Phoenix thread is lost to historians)...
QuoteIs Winnipeg a viable NHL market?
Globe and Mail Update
Posted on Monday, March 7, 2011 11:19AM EST
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Increase text size With speculation mounting that the announcement of the Phoenix Coyotes' relocation is both inevitable and imminent, we asked our team of hockey writers if they think Winnipeg is now positioned to be a viable, long-term NHL market.
Of course it will work. One of the simplest historical interpretations of the National Hockey League in the modern era is that Wayne Gretzky caused the league to go insane. No Gretzky, no spike in casual/celebrity interest in the game in the U.S.A. - and no "southern footprint" along with expansion madness. Gretzky has been out of the game since 1999 and now, a dozen years later, the NHL is finally recovering from its bout of delusion. Hockey is a northern game. Hockey is a gate-driven game. Hockey is a television success where there is an appetite for the game.
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•Report: City of Glendale inches towards hockey lawsuit
All this works in Winnipeg's favour. Add in the healthy Canadian dollar, surely to stay high for a long, long time, and take into consideration the growth and economic well-being of Winnipeg - not to mention a serviceable new rink - and you have a situation where teams like the Phoenix Coyotes and Atlanta Thrashers and Florida Panthers and who knows what else could actually have a chance at filling the stands with real tickets rather than giveaways that even then don't fill a rink.
Canadians used to shout "Go Jets Go!" Time now to yell "Come Jets Come!" It will work out just fine.
As an NHL landing place, Winnipeg comes with questions. Is it big enough? Rich enough? Viable enough with a slightly under-sized arena in its downtown core?
But here's the $165-million (US) question: where the heck else is the NHL going to plunk its Phoenix Coyotes? Kansas City has fallen off the list of possibilities. So that leaves, what, Houston, Portland, Seattle, Duluth, Minn.?
Three things make Winnipeg the best choice for the Coyotes, so long as the NHL wants to stay out of Southern Ontario. One, the city and its fans want the team. Two, there's likely to be sufficient local ownership to keep the team going, something that wasn't there the first time around with the Winnipeg Jets. Three, the Canadian dollar is once again a healthy marker, and while that can't always be counted on, it is a compelling factor for a troubled U.S. hockey team in need of a rescue.
As an NHL returnee, Winnipeg may have issues long-term, especially with its arena's seating capacity (less than 16,000). That could mean having to increase ticket prices to produce more revenue, a move that could alienate and squeeze out the common fan.
But with the Coyotes operating on limited time – and the Atlanta Thrashers already being linked to Quebec City – where else is the NHL going to go? It's either relocation or retraction. And if there's still money to come from somewhere, then it's like that old TV commercial said, "Goin' to Winnipeg."
Winnipeg is well-positioned now to survive and even succeed in the NHL, but much of its long-term viability will depend upon two factors that require some prescient crystal-ball gazing:
1. Will the Canadian dollar continue to hover at or near or even above par vis-a-vis its U.S. counterpart?
2. How will the collective bargaining agreement between owners and players look after 2012, when the current deal expires and a whole lot of new demands by both sides could fundamentally change the way the business of hockey is run?
Under the current CBA, Winnipeg would likely qualify for revenue sharing because it fits into the classic definition of a small-market team. The building is relatively undersized by NHL standards; and its local TV revenues would likely be no match for what they earn in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and elsewhere around the NHL. Even corporate sponsorship will be an issue, especially in the long term.
Chances are, lots of companies will jump on the bandwagon early, fuelled by the excitement of the NHL's possible return to Manitoba. Is there enough support in the business community over time to fill the luxury suites and pay the high-end ticket prices needed to sustain a system that has changed a lot since the Jets bolted for Phoenix 15 years ago. Remember, sticker shock - for tickets - will be an issue for some, who are used to paying AHL prices to watch the Manitoba Moose play.
In short, there will be obstacles and if, in a decade's time, the Canadian dollar starts to slide down to its more traditional values against the U.S. currency, some of the issues that saw the Jets leave in the first place could rise again. Of course, if that happens, they'll have company too - in Ottawa, Edmonton and maybe even Calgary, all of whom were on the edge of the precipice soon after Winnipeg left and managed to survive long enough to see the changes in the industry model that have then thriving - for now.
I applaud Roy's optimism, and would love to agree, but there are a few factors that could make it tough for Winnipeg to make a go of it over a 20-year horizon. Yes, the rink is newish, but no, it's not as capacious as other NHL barns, nor are the luxury box revenues going to match those in other cities. Having the richest family in Canada - and the country's finest newspaper owners! - as part of the ownership group will certainly help, having someone not averse to losing a few million here or there is of capital importance in today's NHL.
Regional TV rights are a different ballgame now, but the big problem, according to several Winnipeggers of my acquaintance, is that an average ticket price of $100 - likely the minimum required to sustain half-way decent revenues - could be a pinch in a town with few corporate heavyweights to hoover up ducats and where people remember what it used to cost to see the Jets 1.0.
It'll happen, a team will move there and there will be a long and ardent honeymoon, but I think it's rash to assume that the Loonie won't tank at some point over the next quarter-century. And if the team sucks? Lots of folks can tell you about nights where the old Winnipeg Arena only had 6,000-8,000 souls to watch the beloved Jets.
At this point, the best you can say is Winnipeg will be a better NHL market than Phoenix or Atlanta. The long-term prospects are rather blurry for several reasons, most of which were cited by my colleagues.
Eric is right in that the Canadian dollar and the new collective agreement will have an as-yet-unknown impact on a Winnipeg franchise, particularly the dollar, should it return to pre-lockout levels. However, I think the major factors will be what they always are: the willingness of the local fans and businesses to buy high-end tickets and luxury boxes, the size of local broadcasting revenue and the willingness of the owners to write cheques every year to cover the losses.
At this point, the Winnipeggers have one out of three.
As an aside, I am sure Winnipeg is going to get an NHL team in the next three to five years, and probably Quebec as well, but I am not 100-per-cent sure the Phoenix Coyotes will be the first franchise to move.
Gary Bettman has moved heaven and earth to keep Phoenix, which is a large television market, in the league. I don't think he is finished pulling rabbits out of hats yet, although time is running short. But even if this bond sale gets back on track for the Coyotes, the Atlanta Thrashers are not long for the south and there are other candidates as well.
The NHL owners do not want to go back to Winnipeg but they will if the only alternative is losing more money, which means Bettman is down to weeks to pull this off. And don't think the six Canadian teams will fall all over themselves to roll out the Welcome Home signs. The Winnipeg Jets 2.0 means the national Canadian broadcast revenue will, at some point (I'm sure part of the deal will be the Jets won't get any for a while), be divided by seven rather than six.
What makes a good hockey market is not the willingness of the fans to buy tickets when the team is winning, as too many of those connected to the Coyotes embarrassment think. What makes a good hockey market is the willingness of the fans to do so when the team is playing .500 hockey or worse.
A move from one of the best places to live in North America during the winter to one of the worst is not going to result in a group of enthusiastic players, at least not in the first few years, so do not expect the recent on-ice success of the Coyotes to continue. There will be much unhappiness in those player households, particularly those of the married ones.
It tends to be forgotten or brushed aside, although not by my esteemed colleagues, that Winnipeg fans were not always willing to pay to see the Jets play. And that was in the days of $17-million payrolls. Owners will tell you it is not what fans pay for your cheap seats that creates profits, it is what corporations and wealthy fans will pay for the luxury suites, club seats and the best tickets.
I don't think Winnipeg's corporate base is much bigger than it was 15 years ago and the city as a whole is not wealthier. This still means the city will create more revenue for an NHL team than Glendale, Ariz., but the owners will not strike gold even if the arena is expanded, something else that has to happen for the team to survive.
Local broadcast revenue will be better than it is in Phoenix, but it will never compare to the big-market teams.
Thus it comes down to the willingness of the owners to write cheques every year to pay for the losses rather than try to squeeze it out of the local yokels. Here is where Winnipeg has it all over a lot of NHL cities, so in the end I must agree, it will work as an NHL market.
Edit: not certain of this. Will delete for now.
I don't know. Last time I saw the Florida Panthers play against the Habs the Arena was sold out (of Habs fans).
Gawd. Having team in the south serves who?
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 07, 2011, 01:00:31 PM
Gawd. Having team in the south serves who?
I saw a bunch of Austin kids playing in our pee wee hockey league a couple years ago and they were all wearing sweaters of their favorite teams. I found it telling that the numbers of Bruins. Habs, Leafs, Red Wings, and Rangers sweaters were each about on par with the Stars. Even the local kids know the northern teams are cooler.
Anyway the NHL's delusions of becoming bigger than Elvis have clearly failed. A retreat to the north or contraction are the only options.
Quote from: Valmy on March 07, 2011, 01:05:29 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 07, 2011, 01:00:31 PM
Gawd. Having team in the south serves who?
I saw a bunch of Austin kids playing in our pee wee hockey league a couple years ago and they were all wearing sweaters of their favorite teams. I found it telling that the numbers of Bruins. Habs, Leafs, Red Wings, and Rangers sweaters were each about on par with the Stars. Even the local kids know the northern teams are cooler.
Anyway the NHL's delusions of becoming bigger than Elvis have clearly failed. A retreat to the north or contraction are the only options.
Any Jets sweaters? :)
Dallas works no?
I wonder, what makes Tampa bay a working market, while Sunrise sucks?
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 07, 2011, 01:11:20 PM
Dallas works no?
I wonder, what makes Tampa bay a working market, while Sunrise sucks?
Dallas has been reasonably successful yes. Much to my chagrine.
The southern teams work best in places that have lots of immigrants from northern areas. Florida is a famous retirement area for yankees.
Quote from: Valmy on March 07, 2011, 01:10:32 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 07, 2011, 01:08:35 PM
Any Jets sweaters? :)
No. No Caps either :(
A bit surprising - they have one of the most exciting players in the league.
And I ave nothing against southern teams per se. In particular since Minnesota got a team again, I'm happy to have the Stars stay put.
I just want the Jets back.
Quote from: Barrister on March 07, 2011, 01:17:54 PM
And I ave nothing against southern teams per se. In particular since Minnesota got a team again, I'm happy to have the Stars stay put.
I hate the Stars because they are a team from Dallas :P
But Southern teams in general are just empty shells with no tradition, no fanbase, no passion, and no interest. They make the NHL really...really...boring. It is best when they lose and the teams that are actually cool play for the Cup.
This was 2007 (prior to the 2007-2008 season mind you) so the Ovechkin-Crosby thing was just starting. If I went back and saw them playing today there would be more Pens and Caps sweaters I bet.
I dream of a Coyote-Trashers Stanley Cup final :P
Quote from: viper37 on March 07, 2011, 01:45:17 PM
I dream of a Coyote-Trashers Stanley Cup final :P
I think you'll find the teams are called Jets - Nordiques by the time it happens. :yeah:
And you're just sore that you believed Matthew Hulsizer would own the Coyotes. :P
QuoteNothing's clear when it comes to Winnipeg
March 7, 2011 11:24 AM | Comments1Recommend7
By Elliotte Friedman
Fans hold up signs as the Phoenix Coyotes warmup before an NHL game against the Anaheim Ducks earlier this season. According to a report in The Arizona Republic, the financially-troubled Coyotes have lost $40 million US this season. (Christian Petersen/Getty Images)
If there's one thing we've learned about Winnipeg, Phoenix or Atlanta, it's anyone who claims they know what's going to happen is kidding themselves, and you.
All I can say is this: When the Winnipeg rumours surfaced last season, plenty of people who know a helluva lot more than I do said such discussion was premature. Now, those same people believe that while relocation is not the NHL's preferred option, there is a realization the time is coming.
On Sunday, The Arizona Republic reported the Coyotes have lost $40 million US this season. That would push Matthew's Hulsizer's purchase price to $210 million. Of course, Hulsizer might not be able to close the deal because Glendale's about to become Lawsuit City in its battle with corporate watchdog The Goldwater Institute.
"No offence to the Coyotes," said one source, "but who would really want to get into the middle of that?"
The team's on- and off-ice employees deserve much better, but the NHL's other owners want closure. You'll remember, Glendale pledged to fund $25 million in losses for this season, but the newspaper's figure beats that, significantly. And now, we've got another five-alarm blaze in Georgia.
Like any Canadian, I'd love to see the Jets (and Nordiques) return. However, there are some legitimate questions to ask. Winnipeggers won't like this, but there is some significant skepticism despite their passion. The NHL's done several detailed analyses of the market. (I'm aware of two, apparently, there were more.) According to a couple of sources, the league estimates revenues of approximately $70 million per season. That would be lowest among Canadian teams.
Ask several financial wizards if you can survive in the NHL with $70 million (plus any additional monies from a very successful MTS Centre), and many of the answers are negative. Luckily for Winnipeg, the only ones that matter belong to the prospective owners, Mark Chipman and the Thomson family.
"Anyone who thinks they are committing $170 million to this without believing they can make it work is wrong. They know what they're doing," says one Manitoba supporter. (That figure is the purchase price for the Winnipeg group.)
The good news is that $70 million in revenues would double Phoenix's totals and be approximately $20 million more than Atlanta's. And, even though the Jets would be a revenue-sharing team, other owners would find that much more palatable than funding losses.
The feel-good story in the NHL right now is Buffalo. The Sabres are re-energized by an owner who walked in, teared up at the sight of Gilbert Perreault and pledged to build a champion. In Chipman and the Thomsons, the Jets have that passion and financial power.
That's the difference between Winnipeg and Phoenix, which has a prospective owner who is drowning in legal quicksand. That's the difference between Winnipeg and Atlanta, in an emergency search for investors. Gary Bettman's proven over and over again that only a fool underestimates him in hopeless-looking situations.
But, across the NHL, a northern wind is blowing.
The only thing he's missing is the 'additional monies from the MTS Centre'. It's significant, and the owners now have an interest in quite a bit of land and buildings near the arena.
It also points out the impossibility of Phoenix. He's wondering about the viability of a franchise earning $70 mil in revenue, but then points out that Phoenix only has $35 mil.
Excited my boys in Buffalo are making a push for the playoffs. I want something other than the awfulness that is sure to be the Royals this year to watch.
article today in Vancouver Sun about how a Canucks dad took his family to LA for the weekend. Bellingham flight, hotels and two hockey games (and Disneyland). cost him $400 plus and he's looking forward to doing it all again next year. 1000 'nucks fan made the trip.
he can't get tickets in Vancouver for $400.
lots of Manitobans everywhere. Maybe Chipman can cook up a deal with Westjet and offer "homecoming" packages.
Quote from: saskganesh on March 07, 2011, 04:22:17 PM
article today in Vancouver Sun about how a Canucks dad took his family to LA for the weekend. Bellingham flight, hotels and two hockey games (and Disneyland). cost him $400 plus and he's looking forward to doing it all again next year. 1000 'nucks fan made the trip.
he can't get tickets in Vancouver for $400.
lots of Manitobans everywhere. Maybe Chipman can cook up a deal with Westjet and offer "homecoming" packages.
Probably too late in the year for that, but I've heard of a number of fans on their own making pilgrimages down to Phoenix with Jets gear on.
Quote from: Barrister on March 07, 2011, 02:09:35 PM
The only thing he's missing is the 'additional monies from the MTS Centre'. It's significant, and the owners now have an interest in quite a bit of land and buildings near the arena.
It also points out the impossibility of Phoenix. He's wondering about the viability of a franchise earning $70 mil in revenue, but then points out that Phoenix only has $35 mil.
they forgot an important part of the equation: the team in itself does not have to turn a huge profit if it's owned by a media group. Basically, all they want, is for the team to break even.
The media group will generate content to boost the profits of its own tv channel(s). In the case of Quebecor, they have a license for a Sport channel, and the Habs are already exclusive for RDS, (french TSN) so they need hockey, because you know as well as I do that a sport channel with no hockey up here ain't gonna be a real network.
Quote from: Barrister on March 07, 2011, 02:09:35 PM
It also points out the impossibility of Phoenix. He's wondering about the viability of a franchise earning $70 mil in revenue, but then points out that Phoenix only has $35 mil.
They lost 40millions. 35+40=75 million US$ to break even. That's why he's concerned of the viability of the franchise.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on March 07, 2011, 04:08:05 PM
Excited my boys in Buffalo are making a push for the playoffs. I want something other than the awfulness that is sure to be the Royals this year to watch.
Too bad Satan isn't around to stick the knife in again.
Quote from: viper37 on March 07, 2011, 05:35:08 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 07, 2011, 02:09:35 PM
It also points out the impossibility of Phoenix. He's wondering about the viability of a franchise earning $70 mil in revenue, but then points out that Phoenix only has $35 mil.
They lost 40millions. 35+40=75 million US$ to break even. That's why he's concerned of the viability of the franchise.
But there ya go - revenues of $70 mil versus expenses of $75 mil is pretty close to working right there.
As the article says, Jets 2.0 will likely require some revenue sharing. But that's certinly a lot better than shovelling tens of millins of dollars into Phoenix year after year.
I've been waiting for some news all day on Glendale's alleged lawsuit. Finally this:
QuoteShare Updated: March 7, 2011, 5:25 PM ETSources: Glendale suit on holdEmail Print Comments By Scott Burnside
The City of Glendale remains poised to file suit against the Goldwater Institute over what it alleges is illegal interference in the attempted sale of municipal bonds critical to keeping the Phoenix Coyotes in Arizona.
However, discussions aimed at getting the bonds sold and a lease agreement finalized with Chicago businessman Matthew Hulsizer continued Monday and so the city held off on filing the suit, a source told Monday afternoon.
The City of Glendale believes the Goldwater Institute illegally interfered with potential buyers of the municipal bonds and their legal department is prepared to file suit against the institute and individual board members if talks run aground or if the deal falls through. The city has said the loss of the team would cost the municipality more than $500 million in lost jobs, taxes and revenue.
The city needs revenue from the sale of the bonds to pay Hulsizer $100 million which will go towards the purchase price of the team that is currently owned by the National Hockey League.
Goldwater is claiming that the parking rights that the city will receive as part of the lease agreement will not cover the monies provided Hulsizer and therefore represent a "gift" which would make the lease agreement illegal under state law.
Multiple sources have told that the fate of the team in Arizona will be decided one way or another in a matter of days.
The NHL has the right to begin relocation of the team at any time, and if the bond issue drags out much longer without a resolution or the deal falls apart for any other reason, the NHL will move swiftly to announce the team will move to Winnipeg for the start of the 2011-12 season.
I like the last line. There's no 'may consider moving', no "Winnipeg is one of many options' - it's 'if the deal falls apart the team *is* moving to Winnipeg'.
Quote from: Barrister on March 07, 2011, 04:29:06 PM
Probably too late in the year for that, but I've heard of a number of fans on their own making pilgrimages down to Phoenix with Jets gear on.
just look at the
Nordiques Nation assaulting Nassau Coliseum, invading Bell Centre, and soon to be in New Jersey. They pay for their trip&hotels, deals are around 200$ maybe.
Well, looking at it, it's 220$ for the ticket, trip and hotel room (4 per rooms). I believe however that there's a bit of sponsorship to get at these insanely low prices. I think it's about time I get a passport. :hmm:
Quote from: Barrister on March 07, 2011, 05:40:34 PM
The NHL has the right to begin relocation of the team at any time, and if the bond issue drags out much longer without a resolution or the deal falls apart for any other reason, the NHL will move swiftly to announce the team will move to Winnipeg for the start of the 2011-12 season. (
I like the last line. There's no 'may consider moving', no "Winnipeg is one of many options' - it's 'if the deal falls apart the team *is* moving to Winnipeg'.
Because I like you, if I will extend the deadline for our bet ;) If the Coyotes play as the Jets in Winnipeg by the start of 2011-2012 season, I'll buy the beer. Otherwise, you will pay.
Quote from: viper37 on March 07, 2011, 05:45:03 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 07, 2011, 05:40:34 PM
The NHL has the right to begin relocation of the team at any time, and if the bond issue drags out much longer without a resolution or the deal falls apart for any other reason, the NHL will move swiftly to announce the team will move to Winnipeg for the start of the 2011-12 season. (
I like the last line. There's no 'may consider moving', no "Winnipeg is one of many options' - it's 'if the deal falls apart the team *is* moving to Winnipeg'.
Because I like you, if I will extend the deadline for our bet ;) If the Coyotes play as the Jets in Winnipeg by the start of 2011-2012 season, I'll buy the beer. Otherwise, you will pay.
One thing - based on the rumours I've heard, I'm not betting anything about what their name will be.
If that's acceptable to you, you're on.
BB your sig is too large. Get rid of it or I'll report you to Ed Anger for signature re-education.
Just for you J, I'll see if I can find a larger one.
p.s. Go Jets Go!
Quote from: Jaron on March 07, 2011, 05:55:54 PM
BB your sig is too large. Get rid of it or I'll report you to Ed Anger for signature re-education.
Beeb is on my very short list of people I approve of on languish. Although this Jets shit makes me want to put my Walther PPK in my mouth and pull the trigger.
Am I on your list....
Is Tim growing on you?
Quote from: Ed Anger on March 07, 2011, 05:59:23 PM
Quote from: Jaron on March 07, 2011, 05:55:54 PM
BB your sig is too large. Get rid of it or I'll report you to Ed Anger for signature re-education.
Beeb is on my very short list of people I approve of on languish. Although this Jets shit makes me want to put my Walther PPK in my mouth and pull the trigger.
I'm sorry, but I don't care. I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl. My team is coming home - I can feel it. :cool:
Quote from: Jaron on March 07, 2011, 06:02:49 PM
Is Tim growing on you?
Tim is an illiterate and naive fungus.
My TIm is certainly growing on me - I can't believe how big he is getting. :)
:nelson: Ain't gonna happen beeb
QuoteBut while it seems certain the hockey side would thrive in Winnipeg, where pucks are as native as the prairie, the business side is less certain. Winnipeg is the eighth-largest TV market in Canada, behind even Quebec City, which also lost its NHL team in the mid-'90s and wants the league to return, and there are concerns about the population and corporate base. The MTS Centre – currently home to the American Hockey League's Manitoba Moose (the farm club for the Vancouver Canucks) – seats 15,015 and would be the smallest arena in the NHL. reported that the NHL has done several detailed analyses of the Winnipeg market, and according to a couple of sources, the league estimates revenues of about $70 million per season. That would be double the revenue generated by the Coyotes and about $20 million more than the revenue generated by the Atlanta Thrashers, another franchise with ownership issues that could move to Winnipeg. But it would still be the lowest among Canadian teams.
I'm also slightly pissed that the Bluejackets traded Klesla to the Coyotes/Jets/Nordiques/Thunder Bay Trailer dwellers.
It better pay off. IT BETTER. *shakes impotent fist*
Quote from: katmai on March 07, 2011, 07:01:00 PM
:nelson: Ain't gonna happen beeb
QuoteBut while it seems certain the hockey side would thrive in Winnipeg, where pucks are as native as the prairie, the business side is less certain. Winnipeg is the eighth-largest TV market in Canada, behind even Quebec City, which also lost its NHL team in the mid-'90s and wants the league to return, and there are concerns about the population and corporate base. The MTS Centre – currently home to the American Hockey League's Manitoba Moose (the farm club for the Vancouver Canucks) – seats 15,015 and would be the smallest arena in the NHL. reported that the NHL has done several detailed analyses of the Winnipeg market, and according to a couple of sources, the league estimates revenues of about $70 million per season. That would be double the revenue generated by the Coyotes and about $20 million more than the revenue generated by the Atlanta Thrashers, another franchise with ownership issues that could move to Winnipeg. But it would still be the lowest among Canadian teams.
No less a person than Gary Bettman has said he has 'no concerns' about the size of the MTS Centre.
And while the revenue from Winnipeg would be the lowest in Canada, it would still be middle of the pack for the league as a whole.
Winnipeg isn't Toronto, to be sure, and would never generate the money that franchise does. But it doesn't need to be Toronto sized to make it work.
Today's Jets Meter reading is:
While the original Jet-O-Meter is:
The Nordiques moved to Colorado, right?
Quote from: sbr on March 07, 2011, 07:12:15 PM
The Nordiques moved to Colorado, right?
Yes. And the Whale to Carolina.
And poor Beeb, he's gonna go catatonic when nothing happens in Glendale.
How's this for nothing katmai?
QuoteGoldwater Institute CEO Darcy Olsen's Statement on Rumored Glendale Lawsuit
Submitted by goldwater on March 7, 2011
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Darcy Olsen
Goldwater Institute
March 7, 2011
Saturday afternoon I learned from a reporter that the City of Glendale intends to file a lawsuit against the Goldwater Institute. We have not yet been served, but if the City files a lawsuit against the Institute, it will be frivolous and unsuccessful. The Goldwater Institute's efforts to obtain public records and to determine the constitutionality of the Coyotes deal advance the public interest and are fully protected by the First Amendment.
Let me be clear: the Goldwater Institute will not stop this investigation.
The Goldwater Institute files lawsuits when public officials abuse the law and all other options are exhausted. We also file only when we have all the relevant facts to properly assess a situation. Because Glendale continues withholding public documents, in spite of a court order to release this information to the public, our analysis of the deal remains incomplete.
The City of Glendale has been under a court order to provide the Institute with all records and documents pertaining to the Coyotes sale since July 2009. On Thursday March 3 during a press conference, Glendale Mayor Elaine Scruggs said "Glendale has provided the Goldwater Institute with everything they have asked for." The statement was clearly misleading. During the following 36 hours, the City proceeded to release an additional 750 pages of documents to the Goldwater Institute.
Glendale has been deliberately recalcitrant in providing public records. In one email City Attorney Craig Tindall specifically directed his deputy attorney to "play with" or "ignore" the Goldwater Institute's request seeking to view public records subject to the court order.
The Institute has continued meeting with City staff and attorneys to discuss our concerns about the sale. In the last three months, Goldwater Institute attorneys and staff have met with and had phone conferences with Glendale and buyer Matthew Hulsizer at least a dozen times. In addition, the Goldwater Institute has extended an invitation to Mayor Scruggs, Mr. Hulsizer, and NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman to gather for a meeting that would be open to journalists.
Because so much of this deal has been conducted behind closed doors and out of public view, we believe any future meetings or phone conferences should be conducted openly and transparently. We believe the media should be able to report first hand on the interactions between interested parties.
We recognize that Glendale has dug itself into a financial hole by building the taxpayer-funded arena for a team that has proven financially unsustainable. However, the City must find a way to improve its financial situation within the boundaries of the law. Likewise, we hope the city can find a way to attract great sports teams like the Coyotes without the unconstitutional use of taxpayer funds.
The Gift Clause of the Arizona Constitution prohibits gifts by subsidy, loan or otherwise to private individuals or corporations. Under the current structure of this deal, Glendale will send $100 million to Mr. Hulsizer to assist him in buying the team and will pay him another $97 million to manage the arena for the next five-and-a-half years. Giving public funds to the buyer of a sports franchise raises red flags under the Gift Clause.
In Turken v. Gordon, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that a city may provide financial support to a private enterprise only if it receives a tangible benefit of roughly proportionate value. That does not include indirect benefits, such as jobs or tax revenues, but only direct benefits that make the transaction a valuable contract rather than an illegal subsidy.
The $100 million payment to Mr. Hulsizer is primarily in return for the sale of parking lot revenues by the team to the city. However, the City may already own a significant portion of those rights. If so, the city essentially is "selling" parking revenue rights to itself, which would be an obvious sham and a clear violation of the Gift Clause.
The city insists the team owns the parking rights. Unfortunately, it has not yet been able to demonstrate that it does. It has identified numerous documents in support of its assertion, but they tend to show the opposite. Notably, the current agreement recites that "to the best of [the team's] knowledge, it was the intent of the City and Grantor's predecessors in interest in connection with the Arena Facility for Grantor's predecessors in interest to have the right to use and, to some extent, in other ways exploit 5,500 vehicular parking spaces on or in the immediate vicinity of the Arena Land." That is hardly the certainty required to demonstrate that at some point over the past ten years, the city transferred parking rights that are now contended to be worth as much as $100 million.
Even if the team owns some or all of the parking rights, the value must be roughly proportionate to the compensation paid. The city has given the public the impression that it would use only parking revenues to repay the $100 million in bonds used to finance the payment to Mr. Hulsizer. However, when the draft bond statement was released, it was revealed that the city is pledging excise and sales tax revenues if necessary to repay the bonds. That is extremely significant, because it means that if the team fails again—at any point over the next 30 years—or if parking revenues are insufficient to repay the bonds, Glendale taxpayers will be on the hook to repay the bonds through their tax dollars. The financial consequences could be catastrophic.
The city initially used two studies for the contention that parking revenues would be sufficient to repay the bonds, one by TLHocking & Associates and another by Walker Parking Consultants. We hired a national consulting firm to review those reports. Our consultant found that the city's reports relied on untenable assumptions and, even then, the projected revenues would be insufficient to repay the bonds, leaving the shortfall to the taxpayers.
The Institute expended $7,000 for this evaluation, only to discover the city withheld another study by Walker Parking Consultants purporting to justify the payment to Mr. Hulsizer. We have not yet evaluated the new study as it was only recently provided to us, but the fact that the city found it necessary to pledge sales and excise tax revenues corroborates the view that parking revenues will be insufficient to repay the bonds.
There is an easy solution to this problem. If Glendale and Mr. Hulsizer believe that parking revenues will be sufficient to repay the bonds, then it is Mr. Hulsizer, not the city, who should guarantee any revenue shortfall. That would prevent serious harm to the taxpayers and place the financial responsibility where it should be: with the owner of the team, rather than on taxpayers' shoulders. Taxpayers should not be asked to take a risk that the prospective owner is unwilling to take with his own money.
Glendale asserts that because the Goldwater Institute has expressed concerns about the deal, it has caused the bonds' interest rates to rise. On January 25, 2011, Goldwater Institute attorney Carrie Ann Sitren sent a letter to various bond-rating entities (attached) stating that "the Goldwater Institute is currently investigating a potential legal challenge to the constitutionality of the lease" of the arena. The letter noted, "If the Institute were to initiate litigation on this basis and prevail, holders of bonds arising from the financing of the transaction could face the risk that the transaction would be held unconstitutional and void." Prospective bond purchasers must not be kept in the dark about potential legal risks, which would be akin to the seller of a home failing to disclose serious construction defects.
We are not anxious to sue over this deal or any deal; to the contrary. But we are anxious for government bodies to follow the law. If this behavior can be subject to a retaliatory lawsuit by a legion of government attorneys, then journalists, bloggers, and regular citizens across the state are all at risk.
The Goldwater Institute is doing what the City of Glendale should be doing on its own: working to protect taxpayers. There should be no need for an independent organization to take the city to court to ensure public documents are made public; the city should make public records public. There should be no need for the Goldwater Institute to file a lawsuit to block this deal because the city should not craft deals that violate the Constitution. Until the city does its job, the Goldwater Institute will be there, asking questions, exposing the truth, and filing lawsuits if and when such action becomes necessary.
QuoteMatthew Hulsizer running out of patience with Coyotes
From Tuesday's Globe and Mail
Published Monday, Mar. 07, 2011 7:49PM EST
Last updated Monday, Mar. 07, 2011 8:43PM EST
Print/LicenseDecrease text sizeIncrease text size
The city of Glendale, Ariz., has decided not to take any legal action against the Goldwater Institute for now, according to a source, but Matthew Hulsizer says other NHL teams are beckoning and he cannot wait much longer to complete his purchase of the Phoenix Coyotes.
A potential legal war between the suburban Phoenix community and the Goldwater Institute, a public watchdog group, is delaying the sale of municipal bonds that would back Hulsizer's purchase of the team from the NHL. The Chicago businessman is to get $100-million (all currency U.S.) from the bonds to put toward the $170-million purchase of the Coyotes from the NHL.
Glendale not filing lawsuit over Coyotes - for now
Is Winnipeg a viable NHL market?
Winnipeg ready for its close up, tearful Heat, Cuban for tanking and more
The bonds were supposed to go on sale two weeks ago but Goldwater lawyers issued warnings that the deal between Glendale and Hulsizer violates the state of Arizona's gift laws that prohibit excessive public subsidies to private enterprises. While the NHL has not set a deadline for the sale to Hulsizer before it considers selling the team to a group that plans to move it to Winnipeg, the Chicago businessman said Monday time is running out.
"We have been approached by other teams, yes," Hulsizer said, adding that he is not pursuing that interest "right now because we love Arizona."
However, even though the NHL has not put a squeeze on the sale by imposing a deadline, Hulsizer said he needs to have the municipal bonds on the market soon.
Some NHL governors said in an informal survey that the NHL could wait as long as its entry draft on June 24 and 25 before deciding to leave Phoenix in order to facilitate a move for next season. But Hulsizer is not prepared to wait that long.
"I don't think I have the patience to last months," he said. "Weeks, yes, months no."
There was much speculation in NHL circles in the past few days about how much longer the NHL is prepared to wait. Some insiders feel the league has already decided to sell to the Winnipeg group and others think it could happen in the next week.
NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly acknowledged there is a date where a decision will be needed in order to draw up a schedule for next season with Winnipeg in it and to handle other logistics. But, he added, "It's not one we have established, or quite frankly, that we are particularly focused on right now."
There were hopes more talks between Glendale and Goldwater would produce a solution but Goldwater president and chief executive officer Darcy Olsen blasted the city's handling of the Coyotes sale. She said the institute has not filed its own lawsuit because Glendale officials have not complied with court orders to release information about the Coyotes deal.
"Let me be clear: The Goldwater Institute will not stop this investigation," Olsen said in a statement released Monday night. "Glendale has been deliberately recalcitrant in providing public records."
Olsen said Goldwater will only take legal action once it has all the relevant records. But she added that the institute believes Glendale may already own the parking rights it plans to sell to Hulsizer.
"If so, the city essentially is 'selling' parking revenue rights to itself, which would be an obvious sham and a clear violation of the gift clause [in Arizona law]," Olsen said.
Glendale officials did not respond to a request for comment.
An report on the weekend said Glendale was planning to sue Goldwater for more than $500-million, which is what city officials are said to believe would be the cost to the city if the Coyotes move to Winnipeg. Olsen said, "We have not been served [by Glendale] but neither have we received word that the city plans to hold off."
Some close to the situation feel that if Glendale proceeds with legal action against Goldwater it will set off a legal battle that would doom any hope of keeping the Coyotes in Arizona. "If they file, bring in the moving vans," one source said.
However, Daly said a lawsuit filed by Glendale will have no effect on the future of the team, although he declined to say why.
Under the proposed deal, Hulsizer will get $100-million from the sale of the bonds. He will also cover this season's estimated $40-million in losses by the Coyotes and Arena.
In exchange, Glendale will get back the $25-million it put up with the NHL to cover this season's losses and the right to sell the parking around the arena. The worth of the parking is subject to much debate, with the Goldwater Institute accusing one of Glendale's consulting firms of inflating the parking revenue in order to help the bond sale.
Those on the other side of the deal argue the parking is worth between $60-million and $80-million (although estimates from Glendale's consultants are higher) over the 30 years of the agreement and there are other benefits like naming and usage rights that will bring the total to more than $100-million once Glendale adds the $25-million it recovered from the NHL.
There are signs the NHL is looking at Winnipeg. A report by said the league commissioned studies of the Winnipeg market that estimated a team in the MTS Centre, which seats 15,015 people, would bring in around $70-million in a season, which is about double what the Coyotes earn at Arena. However, the report said this would be the lowest revenue of the six current Canadian teams.
They're forgetting to take into account the losses that a Winnipeg team would suffer to theft. Manitoba is full of Indians, and theft and crime is a way of life for them.
Quote from: Neil on March 07, 2011, 09:52:26 PM
They're forgetting to take into account the losses that a Winnipeg team would suffer to theft. Manitoba is full of Indians, and theft and crime is a way of life for them.
You're forgetting how much Indians love hockey though.
Seriously - it's a lot. For example, the whole territory goes nuts for the Indian Hockey Tournament.
IIRC the date for the schedule is sometime in May.
Quote from: katmai on March 07, 2011, 07:01:00 PM
:nelson: Ain't gonna happen beeb
QuoteBut while it seems certain the hockey side would thrive in Winnipeg, where pucks are as native as the prairie, the business side is less certain. Winnipeg is the eighth-largest TV market in Canada, behind even Quebec City, which also lost its NHL team in the mid-'90s and wants the league to return, and there are concerns about the population and corporate base. The MTS Centre – currently home to the American Hockey League's Manitoba Moose (the farm club for the Vancouver Canucks) – seats 15,015 and would be the smallest arena in the NHL.
Let's see.
Cities like Pheonix and Atlanta are bigger than cities like Quebec city or Winnipeg, unless I'm mistaken.
Average attendance to Quebec city's old Coliseum was 15 000 people in the good years, 12 500 in the very bad years, when the Nordiques were constantly finishing last, and that was for 2-3 seasons (they did not qualify for the playoffs 5 years in a row) in a 16 year reign in the NHL. The max capacity is just above 15 000 people, and that's when the people in the top rows can't see the ice and need to watch the game on a black&white monitor. I'll assume the numbers were similar for Winnipeg.
Coyotes & Trashers attract about 8000 people on their biggest games. Out of these, many tickets are given.
Figure 15 000 for 41 games vs 8000 people for 41 games. Pop size of the city is irrelevant if there's no NHL fans willing to shell 40$ for a game compared to others paying 100$.
So, all these things about numbers, I'm taking it with a grain of salt.
size doesn't matter. it's what you do with it.
Numbers at the gate aren't that important anyway.
TV Deals! TV Deals! That's Bettman's #1.
Speaking of Bettman...
QuoteBettman, Daly headed to Phoenix
By: Gary Lawless
Posted: 03/8/2011 9:43 AM | Comments: 0 | Last Modified: 03/8/2011 10:11 AM | Updates
Print E–mail 67Share15Share83Report Error WINNIPEG — NHL commissioner Gary Bettman and deputy commissioner Bill Daly are headed to Phoenix today.
It is unknown whether the two are going there to try and make a last-ditch effort to save the Phoenix Coyotes or to inform the City of Glendale the NHL will begin exploring other options for the league-owned franchise.
Bettman and Daly are scheduled to meet with Glendale officials, and potentially with the Goldwater Institute. Goldwater has opposed the arrangement struck between Glendale and potential owner Matthew Hulsizer.
Any meetings with Goldwater would have to be held publicly with members of the media invited as stipulated by CEO Darcy Olsen in a letter issued on Monday. Glendale has threatened to sue Goldwater for tortious interference due to the institute's insistence the deal between city and Hulsizer contravenes Arizona's state gift clause law.
Goldwater has warned investors they may sue and in doing so made it difficult for Glendale to sell a $116 bond issue the city needs in order to raise $100 million in cash they have pledged to Hulsizer to help him meet the $170-million purchase price.
The league bought the team out of bankruptcy for $140 million and have accumulated losses in the neighbourhood of $30 million while operating the club.
The league has been in the position to exercise its relocation option since Dec. 31st.
True North Sports and Entertainment is considered the front-runner to purchase and move the team to Winnipeg should the league determine it cannot reach a favourable outcome in Glendale.
Could they be there to deliver the bad news in person? What else is left to talk about?
Beats me, but I certainly want to find out...
Seriously - after the mini-controversy of players learning they'd been traded on trade deadline day by the media, not management, I feel pretty confident they're going to deliver the bad enws before it leaks to the media.
What else could they be going to Phoenix for?
I think it's an attempt to put leverage on GWI to back off or City of Glendale will sue them for "tortious interference."
:lol: @ Beeb.
Your tears are going to be delicious.
Quote from: saskganesh on March 08, 2011, 12:39:47 PM
I think it's an attempt to put leverage on GWI to back off or City of Glendale will sue them for "tortious interference."
But they already tried that. Go back to one of the articles I posted yesterday, which was GWI's response to the threat of litigation. They don't have any other leverage to use against GWI.
Maybe I'm wrong that this is to deliver the bad news. But if I'm wrong, the visit has nothing to do with GWI (who, in their statement, said any meeting with them would need to be in public, which'll never happen).
Quote from: katmai on March 08, 2011, 12:42:01 PM
:lol: @ Beeb.
Your tears are going to be delicious.
You're not even trying anymore. :(
The analysis of the ability of Winnipeg to support an NHL team are not exactly promising. No potential for a good TV/Radio contract; no major corporate sponsorship; no high end corporate suites; not a lot of people able to afford what the tickets are going to cost.
Vancouver on the other hand has all those things and the number 1 team in the league. It is not by accident that Vancouver's farm team is located in Winnipeg.
Quote from: Barrister on March 08, 2011, 12:48:56 PM
Quote from: katmai on March 08, 2011, 12:42:01 PM
:lol: @ Beeb.
Your tears are going to be delicious.
You're not even trying anymore. :(
No need to try, you've gone completely off the deep end.
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 08, 2011, 12:52:57 PM
The analysis of the ability of Winnipeg to support an NHL team are not exactly promising. No potential for a good TV/Radio contract; no major corporate sponsorship; no high end corporate suites; not a lot of people able to afford what the tickets are going to cost.
And what "analysis" is that? Your own preconceptions by the sounds of it.
From the G&M website, posted today:
1994: 676,000
2010: 750,000
Average house value:
1994: $84,000 (Canadian average $158,000)
2009: $227,000 (Canadian average $340,000)
Total value of building permits issued:
1994: $300-million
2009: $1.1-billion
Housing starts:
1994: 972
2010: 3,200
Average household income:
1994: $43,000 (Canadian average $49,000)
2010: $72,000 (Canadian average $70,500)
Unemployment rate
1994: 10.4% (Canadian average 9.5%)
2010: 4.9% (Canadian average 8.1%) (best in Canada)
Total employment
1994: 318,000
2010: 425,000
Retail sales:
1994: $4.3-billion
2010: $9.8-billion
GDP per capita
1994: $21,100 (Canada $26,700)
2009: $37,500 (Canada $39,000)
Personal disposable income per capita:
1994: $17,700
2010: $29,900
Difference: +170% increase
NHL average ticket Prices:
1994: $34
2010: $49
Difference: +140% increase
Corporate head offices, companies of all sizes:
Edmonton: 157
Winnipeg: 129
Ottawa: 101
Corporate head offices, total employment:
Winnipeg: 6,890
Ottawa: 4,667
Edmonton: 3,428
Canada's 800 largest corporations:
Winnipeg: 32 plus three 3 subsidiaries = 35
Edmonton: 25 plus one subsidiary = 26
Quebec City: 16 plus two subsidiaries = 18
Ottawa: 15 plus one subsidiary = 16
In the end David Thomson isn't doing this for love of hockey. He doesn't even live in Winnipeg and could care less about us. He's in it for the money, and thinks he can make money on this deal.
Winnipeg is no Vancouver, to be sure. Neither is it a Toronto or Montreal. But the Peg can hang with Edmonton and Ottawa just fine, thank you.
And all this BS because MLSE are being a bunch of babies.
Quote from: Barrister on March 08, 2011, 01:12:08 PM
But the Peg can hang with Edmonton and Ottawa just fine, thank you.
Let's not go crazy here.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 08, 2011, 01:23:26 PM
And all this BS because MLSE are being a bunch of babies.
Meh - the Thrashers still need to go somewhere...
From a fluff piece on "getting to know the Coyotes" published yesterday, here's oddball Paul Bisonnette:
QuoteOver here sits Paul Bissonnette, the social-network specialist and one of the team's more-compelling figures. It's a shame his on-ice efforts don't match his online production.
"I'd be upset to leave here, but I wouldn't be too upset either way," Bissonnette said.
Suddenly, teammates in the vicinity begin eavesdropping.
"It would be exciting to be the team that went back to Canada," he said. "C'mon, we'd be treated like gods. I mean, the big difference is the weather. The weather is awful, but you know that, and it's like everything would be opposite in Canada. The fans would be the opposite. The media would be different. There's no pressure from the media here, and it only comes from inside the room."
Is this guy serious? Teammate Kyle Turris can't believe his ears.
"But what about the girls?" he said.
"The girls are undercover hot in Canada," Bissonnette said. "Besides, we'd be the only game in town. I'm sure we'd have first dibs."
Now you know why he has 55,000 followers on Twitter, and why Maloney told him to tone down his act or he was a goner.
BizNasty is Twittergod.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 08, 2011, 11:09:47 AM
Numbers at the gate aren't that important anyway.
TV Deals! TV Deals! That's Bettman's #1.
Given that ESPN is the major TV deal he's after, he has more luck with a team in Pheonix or Atlanta than Winnipeg or Quebec.
I feel so dirty, but too much Return Of The Jets (ROTJ) news breaks on Twitter.
TSN's Darren Dreger does say Bettman will talk with media before tonight's game in Phoenix.
Quote from: Barrister on March 08, 2011, 01:38:19 PM
From a fluff piece on "getting to know the Coyotes" published yesterday, here's oddball Paul Bisonnette:
QuoteOver here sits Paul Bissonnette, the social-network specialist and one of the team's more-compelling figures. It's a shame his on-ice efforts don't match his online production.
"I'd be upset to leave here, but I wouldn't be too upset either way," Bissonnette said.
Suddenly, teammates in the vicinity begin eavesdropping.
"It would be exciting to be the team that went back to Canada," he said. "C'mon, we'd be treated like gods. I mean, the big difference is the weather. The weather is awful, but you know that, and it's like everything would be opposite in Canada. The fans would be the opposite. The media would be different. There's no pressure from the media here, and it only comes from inside the room."
Is this guy serious? Teammate Kyle Turris can't believe his ears.
"But what about the girls?" he said.
"The girls are undercover hot in Canada," Bissonnette said. "Besides, we'd be the only game in town. I'm sure we'd have first dibs."
Now you know why he has 55,000 followers on Twitter, and why Maloney told him to tone down his act or he was a goner.
Éric Bélanger was saying just this morning that nobody wants to move to Winnipeg, mainly because of the climate.
Quote from: Barrister on March 08, 2011, 02:54:49 PM
I feel so dirty, but too much Return Of The Jets (ROTJ) news breaks on Twitter.
TSN's Darren Dreger does say Bettman will talk with media before tonight's game in Phoenix.
Gary Bettman to the media:
"Gentleman, we have no plans for now to move any team, anywhere. I know there have been rumours in the past few days leading some of you to think we were having difficulties with the property transfer of the Coyotes, but nothing could be further from the truth. We have had minor disagreements and unexpected dealy, such as happens in any business deal of this magnitude, but these problems are about to be solved in the next few weeks, as I have been assured from the city of Glendale. If, in the future, there is opportunity for an expansion or a relocation, and I stress 'if' because we have no plans for this at the moment, we certainly would like to revisit places we were in the past, but where things did not turn out as expected and we were forced, sadly, to relocate these teams to US cities."
Quote from: viper37 on March 08, 2011, 03:11:50 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 08, 2011, 02:54:49 PM
I feel so dirty, but too much Return Of The Jets (ROTJ) news breaks on Twitter.
TSN's Darren Dreger does say Bettman will talk with media before tonight's game in Phoenix.
Gary Bettman to the media:
"Gentleman, we have no plans for now to move any team, anywhere. I know there have been rumours in the past few days leading some of you to think we were having difficulties with the property transfer of the Coyotes, but nothing could be further from the truth. We have had minor disagreements and unexpected dealy, such as happens in any business deal of this magnitude, but these problems are about to be solved in the next few weeks, as I have been assured from the city of Glendale. If, in the future, there is opportunity for an expansion or a relocation, and I stress 'if' because we have no plans for this at the moment, we certainly would like to revisit places we were in the past, but where things did not turn out as expected and we were forced, sadly, to relocate these teams to US cities."
HIs last public statements (from last Thursday) were still guarded, but much more negative. Something about they were concerned, no deadline but things had to happen soon, would consider relocation...
I'll see what I can find.
GB may not announce anything, but he won't be as rosey as you think.
GB last Thursday:
"Absolutely if they can close the deal. (Goldwater) has put a cloud over the bonds which is making it difficult to sell them. If it looks like the bonds can't sell because the clouds can't move, we're going to have to start exploring our other options. But if in fact because of the position that (GWI) are taking, after everything we've been through, we're going to have to look at other options. I'm hoping we can get this resolved. I'm not looking forward to the alternative solution if we have to go that route but we will if it comes to that."
apparently, not a single hockey player in the annals of recorded history has ever wanted to move to Winnipeg.
Quote from: saskganesh on March 08, 2011, 03:37:05 PM
apparently, not a single hockey player in the annals of recorded history has ever wanted to move to Winnipeg.
Just look at Beeb he hightailed out of there asap
Quote from: saskganesh on March 08, 2011, 03:37:05 PM
apparently, not a single hockey player in the annals of recorded history has ever wanted to move to Winnipeg.
Who cares what millionaires think. They can leave via free agency whenever they want. (
The commissioner said that he believes that the Goldwater Institute, an independent government watchdog, has "chilled the marketplace" when it comes to the plan to sell bonds at a higher interest rate to raise the funds to pay Hulsizer as part of the deal.
There were reports earlier Tuesday that the NHL was discussing lowering the sale price to keep the team in Arizona, or that the City of Glendale would lower the amount it was hoping to raise with the municipal bonds that it's been having trouble getting to sale. NHL sources say that those reports are not accurate.
The Goldwater Institute released a statement on Tuesday afternoon.
"Many members of the media have asked if we have met or plan to meet with Commissioner Bettman or any representatives from the NHL today. We have not met with anyone from the NHL, Glendale, or Matthew Hulsizer this week. Yesterday morning, we extended an invitation to Mayor Elaine Scruggs, Commissioner Bettman, and Mr. Hulsizer to gather for a meeting that would be open to journalists to ensure transparency for the public. To-date, only Mr. Hulsizer has indicated an interest in meeting.
Well I have to admit I was hoping for, well perhaps not The Announcement, at least An Announcement. Instead we got more of the same.
But here's an amusing article:
QuoteBettman has no Plan B for Phoenix
Globe and Mail Update
Published Tuesday, Mar. 08, 2011 9:56PM EST
Last updated Tuesday, Mar. 08, 2011 9:57PM EST
Print/LicenseDecrease text sizeIncrease text size
Hard to imagine that was really worth the airfare from New York to Phoenix.
Last night, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman, accompanied by his right-hand man, Bill Daly, completed what must have been a long and tiring day, addressing the press at the Arena in advance of the Phoenix Coyotes game against the Vancouver Canucks.
It is a safe bet that far more people were hanging on his words in Winnipeg – where they watched via a live Internet feed, at least until it crashed – than in the Valley of the Sun, where the Coyotes' death throes have caught the imagination only of the team's modest number of hardcore supporters, and of those who make a fetish of monitoring government waste.
The latter group, under the banner of the Goldwater Institute, received virtually all of the commissioner's attention Tuesday.
In effect, he called them out. He said it was all their fault that the City of Glendale's $116-million (U.S.) municipal bond issue, designed to underwrite the purchase of the Coyotes by Matthew Hulsizer, has so far been a miserable failure.
He implied in veiled fashion that the Institute's motives might be less than pure. He came close to suggesting a conspiracy. He asked that it step away and stop messing around forthwith – and if it didn't, well then the gloves will really come off, but only after the Coyotes are long gone.
For a group of ideologues and zealots, heretofore obscure to even many Arizonans, what a day, what a glorious day.
A commissioner comes almost the entire way across the country to single them out, to declare war, even as they are standing on what they firmly believe is a point of principle and a point of law.
And at the same time, that commissioner acknowledges there is nothing he can do to thaw the bond market, that there is no plan B, no alternate strategy. If Goldwater Institute simply holds its ground and stays the course – maybe for days, maybe for weeks, at most for a couple of months – it can kill the deal without even filing a lawsuit, because soon enough either Hulsizer (who certainly seemed to be losing his nerve Tuesday) or the NHL, or both, is going to have to fish or cut bait.
Now what would possibly compel the GWI to do otherwise – given it refused even to meet with Bettman, unless he agreed to a session open to the press and public? (... And wouldn't that be something.)
A sudden loss of nerve? If it backed down now in the face of Glendale's threatened lawsuit, the group might as well turn out the lights and turn Senator Barry's picture to the wall.
A sudden change of heart? Did we mention that these are ideologues?
It would seem they have not much to lose here and plenty to gain in terms of their self-styled mission as the righteous enemies of big government.
Bettman looked weak Tuesday. He looked like someone who was playing his last card, trying to save face, trying to set up a future speech in which he can claim he did everything he could to keep the Coyotes right where they were.
But it isn't public relations that ought to be his concern right now. The NHL's loyal fans won't suffer any angst if the Coyotes do indeed move back to Manitoba. A significant portion – surely a majority, given how the game's popularity is strongest in traditional markets – would see it as the righting of a historical wrong.
The folks Bettman will have sway with his great powers of persuasion are his employers, the owners. He needs to come up with a story to explain how, following the Coyotes bankruptcy, the Jim Balsillie incursion, the season of league ownership, the accumulation of losses, and the revelation of Hulsizer as saviour thanks to that remarkably generous offer from Glendale, the whole thing could hit the rocks because a small band of true believers sent out a few letters and press releases, filed some access to information requests, wouldn't promise not to sue, and refused to be bullied off their position.
It still looks like Winnipeg's gain in the end, even if the governors will return there with gritted teeth.
But the whole thing, the whole process ... it just doesn't seem very big league, does it?
Anyone seen the hit by Chara on Pacioretty?
Quote from: katmai on March 08, 2011, 04:03:12 PM
Quote from: saskganesh on March 08, 2011, 03:37:05 PM
apparently, not a single hockey player in the annals of recorded history has ever wanted to move to Winnipeg.
Just look at Beeb he hightailed out of there asap
That must be why, salmon-like, I return there every single year.
Quote from: Zoupa on March 09, 2011, 12:44:45 AM
Anyone seen the hit by Chara on Pacioretty?
Sorry, didn't see it. I'd take a look if you link some video.
I'm somewhat single-minded these days...
I finally tracked down video from Bettman's news conference:
Wow. He's pissed, yet there's absolutely nothing new here. Why fly out to Arizona when you have nothing new to add?
However, seeing the angry commissioner is kind of funny.
Edit: although as I kept watching, he said he is aware of the interest "in Winnipeg, and is appreciative of that interest". It's not like he mentioned any other interest in the franchise.
Quote from: Barrister on March 09, 2011, 03:13:04 AM
Quote from: Zoupa on March 09, 2011, 12:44:45 AM
Anyone seen the hit by Chara on Pacioretty?
Sorry, didn't see it. I'd take a look if you link some video.
I'm somewhat single-minded these days...
Quote from: Zoupa on March 09, 2011, 12:44:45 AM
Anyone seen the hit by Chara on Pacioretty?
That was a pretty crappy play by Chara. The puck was long gone, and he Pacioretty was beating him on the outside, so he had to do something, and drilling guys into the boards is what Chara does. He's done that a hundred times, but because of where he was on the ice, it was a dangerous hit. He definitely earned the major and the game misconduct, but I'd be surprised if he got a suspension, even though I think one is deserved.
I agree with Bob Mckenzie 2 games seems what the league will suspend. If it's suspend at all.
Quote from: Zoupa on March 09, 2011, 12:44:45 AM
Anyone seen the hit by Chara on Pacioretty?
Not pretty, borderline vicious, not intentional. Chara is a big, well, huge guy. He should have known it was dangerous zone even if he didn't want Pacioretty to hit the "soft" border and be knocked unconscious. I think he watched a little too much of Spartacus lately. It might be called an arena, but it's not an "arena".
Quote from: Barrister on March 09, 2011, 03:16:05 AM
I finally tracked down video from Bettman's news conference:
Wow. He's pissed, yet there's absolutely nothing new here. Why fly out to Arizona when you have nothing new to add?
However, seeing the angry commissioner is kind of funny.
What did I tell you? ;)
Edit: although as I kept watching, he said he is aware of the interest "in Winnipeg, and is appreciative of that interest". It's not like he mentioned any other interest in the franchise.
It's a diversion. Everyone's attention will be focused to Winnipeg while he secretly moves the team to Quebec city :P
Quote from: viper37 on March 09, 2011, 10:14:58 AM
Quote from: Zoupa on March 09, 2011, 12:44:45 AM
Anyone seen the hit by Chara on Pacioretty?
Not pretty, borderline vicious, not intentional. Chara is a big, well, huge guy. He should have known it was dangerous zone even if he didn't want Pacioretty to hit the "soft" border and be knocked unconscious. I think he watched a little too much of Spartacus lately. It might be called an arena, but it's not an "arena".
We must not forget it's Chara vs PatCHes. Chara is pissed off at PatCHes since early Jan.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 09, 2011, 10:20:29 AM
We must not forget it's Chara vs PatCHes. Chara is pissed off at PatCHes since early Jan.
he probably wanted him out of the game, but not like this.
No suspension.
Not even surprised. The NHL really is a joke.
Such a beautiful sport, such a moronic league. It's a shame. It really turns me off the whole sport.
The hit wasn't that bad. Chara was beat to the puck so he took the man and he just hit the guy and it was in a bad spot on the ice. Chara did not go after the guys head in any way and if that was into the boards at any other part of the rink then there would have been no problem. Chara should only have gotten a 2 minute interference penalty on the play.
Quote from: PRC on March 10, 2011, 12:52:04 PM
The hit wasn't that bad. Chara was beat to the puck so he took the man and he just hit the guy and it was in a bad spot on the ice. Chara did not go after the guys head in any way and if that was into the boards at any other part of the rink then there would have been no problem. Chara should only have gotten a 2 minute interference penalty on the play.
No he souldn't have a 2mins penalty. When illegal actions results in injury you get a 5min major. That's the rule.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 10, 2011, 01:05:55 PM
Quote from: PRC on March 10, 2011, 12:52:04 PM
The hit wasn't that bad. Chara was beat to the puck so he took the man and he just hit the guy and it was in a bad spot on the ice. Chara did not go after the guys head in any way and if that was into the boards at any other part of the rink then there would have been no problem. Chara should only have gotten a 2 minute interference penalty on the play.
No he souldn't have a 2mins penalty. When illegal actions results in injury you get a 5min major. That's the rule.
I'll Accept Chara wasn't deliberately trying to injure him. But if you're involved in a penalty and someone gets seriously injured, you should receive a multi-game suspension.
Those of us obsessively following the situation in Phoenix have known that the proposed deal was outrageous for months, both it has received absolutely zero attention of scrutiny outside of Winnipeg.
Until recently. I probably post only one article out of 20 these days, but here's a good one from Forbes:
QuoteWarren Meyer
Coyote DenMy ProfileMy Headline GrabsMy RSS Feed
A Key Battle Over The Sports Economics Model
Mar. 10 2011 - 11:40 am | 0 recommendations
A battle is underway challenging the very heart of the professional sports economics model — and it is not the NFL labor negotiations. The unlikely fight is between a struggling league (the NHL), a suburb with delusions of grandeur (Glendale, Arizona), and a small, regional think tank (the Goldwater Institute). At stake is a critical source of value for nearly every professional sports team: taxpayer subsidies.
While the NFL's Superbowl is held in different cities each year, locations for the game used to have one thing in common: They were warm weather tourist cities like New Orleans, Miami, or San Diego. But recently we have seen the NFL award their big game to cities like Detroit, a record cold Dallas, Indianapolis, and New York. It turns out the NFL has changed its decision-model for choosing Superbowl cites. Rather than choose the city best able to attract fans, it now chooses the location best able to attract government subsidies.
Four of the seven Superbowls between 2008 and 2014 will be held in cities where taxpayers have built their football clubs brand new stadiums. In each case, the NFL held out the promise of a future Superbowl — music to the ears of powerful hotel and retail interests — as a deal-closer on a contentious publicly funded stadium proposal.
Consider the Arizona Cardinals new football stadium in Glendale, for example. In part due to the promise of a Superbowl bid, the local taxpayers paid $346 million of the total $455 million cost of the facility — a building that will be used just three hours a day on ten days a year for its primary purpose. By contrast, in 2010 Forbes valued the Arizona Cardinals at $919 million, meaning well over a third of the franchise's value accrues from the public subsidy of its retractable roof palace.
If anything, this example from the NFL understates the importance of public funding of stadiums. Why? Because of all the major sports leagues, the NFL gets the lowest percentage of its total revenues from its stadiums. Leagues like the NBA and in particular the NHL, are far more dependent on stadium revenue for their well-being.
Let's again return to precocious Glendale. In 2003, the city agreed to publicly fund $180 million of the $220 million cost of building a new arena for the Phoenix Coyotes hockey team. Whereas Glendale's subsidy of the Cardinals represented about a third of that franchise's value, their $180 million subsidy of the Coyotes represents over 130% of the current $134 million value of the team. Stuck in Arizona and losing as much as $40 million a year, the team is literally worthless without ongoing public subsidies.
Given the importance of public money to professional sports revenues, it should be no surprise that NHL commissioner Gary Bettman rushed to Phoenix this week to fly cover for yet another proposed taxpayer giveaway. Because, incredibly, those crazy folks in the City of Glendale are attempting to subsidize the Phoenix Coyotes yet again.
Specifically, the city has proposed a new $100 million bond issue whose proceeds would be handed to private investor Matthew Hulsizer so he could buy the team. Another $97 million would be paid to Hulsizer over five years in a sweetheart no-bid stadium management deal. At the end of the day, between this deal and the original stadium giveaway, Glendale will have spent nearly $400 million of public money on a a team worth $134 million, a team that still has not presented any plan for becoming profitable.
Enter the Goldwater Institute, a local Libertarian-Conservative think tank. Goldwater has a long track record in Arizona challenging certain public subsidies as violations of the Arizona Constitution's "gift clause." This sensible Constitutional provision says that neither the state nor any municipality in it may "give or loan its credit in the aid of, or make any donation or grant, by subsidy or otherwise, to any individual, association, or corporation."
The issues in Glendale are fairly complex, and are made worse by the city's lack of transparency in these dealings . The city argues that it is not subsidizing the purchase of the team, but rather is merely buying the rights to charge for parking at the arena, a right others argue the city already owns (if the city does not own the parking rights, it raises a separate issue that the City transferred these rights to the team sometime in the last 10 years, apparently with no scrutiny and no compensation). One wonders why, if the team really does own parking rights that are objectively worth $100 million, the buyer does not use them as collateral for private financing.
The Goldwater Institute's fairly sensible questioning of the deal vis a vis the gift clause has ignited a firestorm. We shouldn't be surprised to see Mr. Hulsizer lashing out at Goldwater — after all, Goldwater is standing in the way of his feeding at the public trough to the tune of $200 million. But the NHL, the City of Glendale, and our local paper the Arizona Republic (after all, the sports section drives a lot of revenue) have all piled on Goldwater. Glendale has even threatened a lawsuit against Goldwater.
Most intelligent people understand that a lawsuit by a government body against a private group for its excercie of free speech will likely not go over well with the voters (or courts). So Glendale has come up with a novel critique — repeated by Commissioner Bettman — that by questioning the constitutionality of the deal, Goldwater has driven interest rates on their pending bond issue up by as much as 150 basis points. Goldwater stands accused, in other words, of tampering with a public offering.
But this argument is a sham, and demonstrates just how desperate the NHL is to keep the public gravy train going, and how desperate Glendale is to paper over the terrible decision it made 8 years ago when it initially built the stadium.
There are in fact many factors other than Goldwater influencing the price of Glendale's proposed bond issue. For example:
•The major bond ratings agencies recently put the city of Glendale on a credit watch list
•The bond issue depends on the success of the Coyotes franchise, which has lost money every year it has been in Arizona (including $40 million this last year) and for which no roadmap to profitability has ever been proposed. Remember, the parking rights are worthless if the team fails or leaves town in the next 30 years.
•Sales tax revenues that are pledged to pay for the bonds (as a backup if parking revenues fall short or the team goes into bankruptcy again) are way down in both Arizona and Glendale. Tax receipts in Glendale are already pledged to other bond issues, so in some sense this is a second mortgage.
•One of the consultants who prepared the parking revenue forecasts for the bond issue is being sued by purchasers of another municipal bond issue for fraudulently inflating potential stadium revenues in a deal that was initially highly rated but now has fallen to junk status.
•A dearth of new municipal bond issues in the first quarter has made it difficult for market participants to forecast yields, particularly for longer duration bonds like these, so it is no surprise initial forecasts of the issue's yield may have been wrong.
As Darcy Olsen of Goldwater has observed, "Hulsizer could get a private loan to buy this team like most businesses do. They finance their investments not on the backs of taxpayers but take the risk privately where it belongs." Of course, this would break the business model that has come to dominate professional sports.
The NFL labor negotiations going on this week are contentious, but are merely about how to split the pie between owners and players. The fight here in Arizona is about whether the size of the pie they are splitting will continue to be enlarged at the expense of taxpayers.
It's an interesting thought - is this deal so outrageous, so scandalous to the taxpayers, that it might form the tipping point over subsidies to pro sports in general?
No, it won't be the tipping point. I wish it would be, but it won't.
Why? Panem et circenses.
People bitch about subsidies, but they're the first to attend the games of their favourite sports team. It's no different than ancient roman nobles paying for games in the arena to help their election.
That a city gave 200 million$ to private interest for building an arena will be forgotten by the time the next elections come by; in Quebec city, people love hockey and if there's a new team, they'll forget that silly financial plan; in Glendale, no one really cares about hockey, so it won't be noticed. I haven't seen any Tea Party rally in Glendale to rally against waste of public money... Goldwater in an exception, not a norm.
Quote from: viper37 on March 10, 2011, 02:25:09 PM
No, it won't be the tipping point. I wish it would be, but it won't.
Why? Panem et circenses.
People bitch about subsidies, but they're the first to attend the games of their favourite sports team. It's no different than ancient roman nobles paying for games in the arena to help their election.
That a city gave 200 million$ to private interest for building an arena will be forgotten by the time the next elections come by; in Quebec city, people love hockey and if there's a new team, they'll forget that silly financial plan; in Glendale, no one really cares about hockey, so it won't be noticed. I haven't seen any Tea Party rally in Glendale to rally against waste of public money... Goldwater in an exception, not a norm.
Arizona Tea Party Patriots will hold a protest about the Yotes next week.
Glendale is certainly noticing - the entire reason Glendale is tryng to save the Yotes is because they're worried they'll be stuck paying the mortgage on with no tennant to pay the bills.
They should just let the NHL die so that it stops taking up valuable TV time during March Madness.
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 10, 2011, 02:58:06 PM
They should just let the NHL die so that it stops taking up valuable TV time during March Madness.
You make baby Bobby Hull cry. :cry:
Edit: post changed to honour my current avatar. :cool:
p.s. a good summary of where the whole story is at as of today:
Quote from: Barrister on March 10, 2011, 02:41:45 PM
Glendale is certainly noticing - the entire reason Glendale is tryng to save the Yotes is because they're worried they'll be stuck paying the mortgage on with no tennant to pay the bills.
They don't want to pay a 100 million mortgage, so they go and borrow another 100 million$ and they agree to pay 97 million over a few years... it really ain't making any sense.
Quote from: viper37 on March 10, 2011, 03:26:46 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 10, 2011, 02:41:45 PM
Glendale is certainly noticing - the entire reason Glendale is tryng to save the Yotes is because they're worried they'll be stuck paying the mortgage on with no tennant to pay the bills.
They don't want to pay a 100 million mortgage, so they go and borrow another 100 million$ and they agree to pay 97 million over a few years... it really ain't making any sense.
Ding ding ding ding ding!
Quote from: PRC on March 10, 2011, 12:52:04 PM
The hit wasn't that bad. Chara was beat to the puck so he took the man and he just hit the guy and it was in a bad spot on the ice. Chara did not go after the guys head in any way and if that was into the boards at any other part of the rink then there would have been no problem. Chara should only have gotten a 2 minute interference penalty on the play.
I'm sorry, what?
Looking at anything shot-by-shot Zapruder-style will often be deceiving.
Quote from: Barrister on March 10, 2011, 03:47:56 PM
Looking at anything shot-by-shot Zapruder-style will often be deceiving.
You also have Pacioretty saying Chara was pushing his head directly towards the post. Is that also deceiving? :huh:
I can't understand how you guys think there's no intent here. Dude is a veteran of 12 years in the league, Norris trophy winner. He knows where he is on the ice, and where that hit is going. Factor in the history between the 2 players, Chara's history of rage on the ice, the fact that it's 4-0, the fact that there's 15 seconds left, the fact that the puck is 60 feet away.
He's a piece of shit. Montreal police have launched an official investigation.
It's dumb, but the NHL is run by morons, so whatever.
Quote from: Zoupa on March 10, 2011, 03:46:15 PM
I'm sorry, what?
Exactly, his arm is on Pacioretty's shoulder.
Quote from: Zoupa on March 10, 2011, 03:56:24 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 10, 2011, 03:47:56 PM
Looking at anything shot-by-shot Zapruder-style will often be deceiving.
You also have Pacioretty saying Chara was pushing his head directly towards the post. Is that also deceiving? :huh:
I can't understand how you guys think there's no intent here. Dude is a veteran of 12 years in the league, Norris trophy winner. He knows where he is on the ice, and where that hit is going. Factor in the history between the 2 players, Chara's history of rage on the ice, the fact that it's 4-0, the fact that there's 15 seconds left, the fact that the puck is 60 feet away.
He's a piece of shit. Montreal police have launched an official investigation.
It's dumb, but the NHL is run by morons, so whatever.
Wow - for a man who grew up in France, you sure have drunk the Habs kool-aid haven't you! :lol:
I'm on your side to the point I think he should have been suspended for awhile. Whether or not he tried to injure him, it was an illegal hit, and so if an injury results you're responsible.
Good luck with an investigation. This is miles away from the Bertuzzi incident.
Quote from: PRC on March 10, 2011, 04:38:12 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on March 10, 2011, 03:46:15 PM
I'm sorry, what?
Exactly, his arm is on Pacioretty's shoulder.
Well, let's see how you react when a kid's arm is on another kid's shoulder one day, and then he dies.
"Hockey is a physical sport".
You guys make me sick.
Wtf does is matter where Chara's arm is anyways? You can use your tippy toes to send someone head first into the boards, it's still boarding.
Quote from: Zoupa on March 10, 2011, 05:28:48 PM
Wtf does is matter where Chara's arm is anyways?
You tell us - you're the one who posted the pic, apparently saying it showed something.
That this play can be consider "ok" is yet more evidence hockey just needs to die and let more civilized sport take its place. For example the speed, grace and athletic excellence that is the NCAA basketball tournament.
If the police don't scare the NHL, losing sponsers will
Quotegrows over escalating NHL violence
Politicians, fans, sponsors speak out following string of scary hits to head
By Steve Keating
updated 4:04 p.m. ET March 10, 2011
TORONTO - The National Hockey League was under attack from all sides on Thursday as fans, sponsors and politicians expressed outrage at the rising levels of violence in the sport, following a devastating hit on Montreal Canadiens' forward Max Pacioretty.
The romantic image of children playing hockey on a pond that appears on Canada's five-dollar bill was replaced by disturbing pictures of Pacioretty lying unconscious on the ice on Tuesday after having his head violently slammed into partition at the end of the players' bench by the Boston Bruins' hulking 6-foot, 9-inch, 260-pound defenseman Zdeno Chara.
As a sellout crowd at Montreal's Bell Center watched in stunned silence, Pacioretty was carefully loaded onto a stretcher and rushed to a Montreal hospital where he remains with a fractured vertebrae and severe concussion.
Despite being assessed a five-minute major and a game misconduct, Chara escaped further punishment for his role in the gruesome collision, sparking a firestorm of anger that has been building for months following a string of on ice fights, and ugly hits that have sidelined some of the NHL's biggest names, including Pittsburgh superstar Sidney Crosby.
That outrage could even be heard in Canada's House of Commons on Wednesday, as politicians from all parties voiced concerns about the escalating violence.
The Conservative government stopped short of saying it would intervene if the NHL did not clean up its act but Minister of State for Sport Gary Lunn called the hit "unacceptable" adding: "We would do everything to ensure that NHL does not allow this kind of action to continue."
Unless the NHL acts quickly, it could also find the league's finances taking a hit. Air Canada, one of the NHL's major backers, has threatened to withdraw its sponsorship if the league does not take serious action on hits to the head.
Air Canada spokesperson Peter Fitzpatrick confirmed to Reuters that director of marketing and communications, Denis Vandal, had sent a letter to all six of Canada's NHL clubs making it clear the airline expects the league to take action or risk losing it as a financial partner.
"We are contacting you (Wednesday) to voice our concern over (Tuesday night's) incident involving Max Pacioretty and Zdeno Chara at the Bell Center in Montreal," wrote Vandal, in a letter printed in the Ottawa Sun. "This is following several other incidents involving career-threatening and life-threatening headshots in the NHL recently."
He continued: "From a corporate social responsibility standpoint, it is becoming increasingly difficult to associate our brand with sports events which could lead to serious and irresponsible accidents; action must be taken by the NHL before we are encountered with a fatality.
"Unless the NHL takes immediate action with serious suspension to the players in question to curtail these life-threatening injuries, Air Canada will withdraw its sponsorship of hockey."
The NHL was also staring at the possibility of courtroom battle on Thursday after Quebec's director of criminal and penal prosecutions requested a police investigation into the Pacioretty incident.
While the NHL ruled the hit just another hockey play, incensed fans have seen it as something much more calculated and sinister, venting their anger through social media such as Twitter and Facebook.
In the United States, where hockey is rarely water cooler talk of the day, replays of the violent hit were replayed repeatedly and debated on sports television and radio.
Even before the Pacioretty incident, the NHL was under increasing pressure to do something about hits to the head and the issue of concussions that have robbed the league and fans of some of their most popular and talented players.
Not seen on the ice since absorbing two cranium-rattling hits in early January, Crosby's continued absence has reignited the debate, which has stubbornly refused to be pushed from the spotlight despite compelling playoff races in both the Western and Eastern Conferences.
"The NHL does track, monitor and pay attention to public reaction," Neal Pilson, head of Pilson Communications and former president of CBS Sports told Reuters. "At some point the league has to assess whether changes will affect the competitiveness and entertainment value of the sport.
"I would pay attention to what is going on."
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 10, 2011, 05:38:35 PM
That this play can be consider "ok" is yet more evidence hockey just needs to die and let more civilized sport take its place. For example the speed, grace and athletic excellence that is the NCAA basketball tournament.
I like you better when you talk about Baseball.
Quote from: Barrister on March 10, 2011, 05:30:39 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on March 10, 2011, 05:28:48 PM
Wtf does is matter where Chara's arm is anyways?
You tell us - you're the one who posted the pic, apparently saying it showed something.
You're an idiot. The picture shows that Chara pushed him, illegaly, head first into the post. PRC claimed that Chara did not go after the guy's head :lmfao:
He could have pushed him with his butt of pinky or pancreas that it wouldn't have mattered. He pushed him, illegaly, head first into the post.
Quote from: Zoupa on March 10, 2011, 08:57:07 PM
You're an idiot. The picture shows that Chara pushed him, illegaly, head first into the post. PRC claimed that Chara did not go after the guy's head :lmfao:
He could have pushed him with his butt of pinky or pancreas that it wouldn't have mattered. He pushed him, illegaly, head first into the post.
Bullshit. It shows that Chara checked him on Pacorietty's side, legally, into the boards. It happened to be at that part of the ice where the stanchion that caused the injury was and that is irrelevant to whether the hit was legal or not. The hit was just fine, other than the fact that Chara should only have been assessed a minor interference penalty because Pacorietty did not have the puck.
You didn't read my post from the last time you said this earlier today, eh?
Major penalties are assess on illegal play that incure injuries. Chara deserve a 5min & got a 5min.
Quote from: PRC on March 10, 2011, 09:57:39 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on March 10, 2011, 08:57:07 PM
You're an idiot. The picture shows that Chara pushed him, illegaly, head first into the post. PRC claimed that Chara did not go after the guy's head :lmfao:
He could have pushed him with his butt of pinky or pancreas that it wouldn't have mattered. He pushed him, illegaly, head first into the post.
Bullshit. It shows that Chara checked him on Pacorietty's side, legally, into the boards. It happened to be at that part of the ice where the stanchion that caused the injury was and that is irrelevant to whether the hit was legal or not. The hit was just fine, other than the fact that Chara should only have been assessed a minor interference penalty because Pacorietty did not have the puck.
There is no legal check when the player does not have the puck. That's the whole point of the check, to separate player from puck. That's the whole point of the interference call.
Chara didn't have to make that illegal check to begin with (what with being illegal). Furthermore in a 4-0 game, furthermore with 10 seconds left in the period, but foremost considering where they were on the ice, which he knew full well. What's the point of arguing about the other side of the rink? How is that relevant in any possible way? They were on the bench side, Chara knew it, still made an illegal hit.
It's an incredibly dirty play that should have had him suspended.
Quote from: Zoupa on March 11, 2011, 12:08:31 AM
Quote from: PRC on March 10, 2011, 09:57:39 PM
Bullshit. It shows that Chara checked him on Pacorietty's side, legally, into the boards. It happened to be at that part of the ice where the stanchion that caused the injury was and that is irrelevant to whether the hit was legal or not. The hit was just fine, other than the fact that Chara should only have been assessed a minor interference penalty because Pacorietty did not have the puck.
There is no legal check when the player does not have the puck. That's the whole point of the check, to separate player from puck. That's the whole point of the interference call.
Chara didn't have to make that illegal check to begin with (what with being illegal). Furthermore in a 4-0 game, furthermore with 10 seconds left in the period, but foremost considering where they were on the ice, which he knew full well. What's the point of arguing about the other side of the rink? How is that relevant in any possible way? They were on the bench side, Chara knew it, still made an illegal hit.
It's an incredibly dirty play that should have had him suspended.
Glad you agree that the hit was only illegal in the sense that it was an interference play. Still... Chara had to make the check. If a defenceman can't take the puck then he takes the body. That is taught to every single defenceman starting at a very young age and every single coach in the league would call an interference penalty in that situation a "good penalty". That thinking is ingrained and drilled into every defenceman in the league.
Nobody's a robot.
A hit at that time of the game serves no purpose.
A hit like that is illegal.
A hit there is dangerous, and as we saw potentially lethal. The guy broke his neck, for fuck's sake.
Add to that Chara's history, the history between the two players and it starts to stink. A competent disciplinary comittee takes context into account.
The guys on HNIC Radio were universally saying Chara does not have a history for dirty play, and that was part of the reason he wasn't suspended. :huh:
I can't say I've followed the guys career anywhere near enough to be able to say one way or another.
Quote from: Zoupa on March 11, 2011, 01:13:24 AM
Nobody's a robot.
A hit at that time of the game serves no purpose.
A hit like that is illegal.
A hit there is dangerous, and as we saw potentially lethal. The guy broke his neck, for fuck's sake.
Add to that Chara's history, the history between the two players and it starts to stink. A competent disciplinary comittee takes context into account.
I agree with all your points.
Throw in that Chara had a history with the guy and that the score was 4-0 with less than 20 seconds left in the period and it was clearly an attempt to send the guy a message. Did he mean to cause such a severe injury, no. That doesn't excuse him from responsibility for what resulted. I am not sure there was much difference between what Bertuzzi did and what Chara did. They both intended to send a message to a player that involved previous history and both actions resulted in severe injury that Bertuzzi and Chara didn't intend to do.
Quote from: Zoupa on March 11, 2011, 01:13:24 AM
Nobody's a robot.
A hit at that time of the game serves no purpose.
A hit like that is illegal.
A hit there is dangerous, and as we saw potentially lethal. The guy broke his neck, for fuck's sake.
Add to that Chara's history, the history between the two players and it starts to stink. A competent disciplinary comittee takes context into account.
You said they know where they are on the ice at all times... that seems pretty robotic.
The injury was severe but that's what you want a suspension for, the severity of the injury. The hit was what any defenceman in that situation would do... it was a clean check, illegal because it was an interference play. The lowered boards because of the bench and the stanchions make that area a dangerous spot on the ice just like in the corners where many many hits take place and that hole in the glass for cameramen are (check out Darryl Boyce's recent adventure with that). As for the history of the players... as just noted, Chara does not have a reputation for dirty play, sure though he has a reputation for hard physical play.
I give up. If you think sending a player head first into a solid pole is a hockey play, then I guess we want different leagues.
He's a Canucks fan. Neck-breaking is just a part of the game for them.
I support the Canucks but do not agree with PRC on this. Your break a guys neck, that's not okay. It might just have been an accident, but that doesn't make it any better. It might make it a little better if we look at just the guy who did it, but if we look at the sport, the rules and the league it makes it much worse; they're encouraging play that leads to accidents like that.
Quote from: Jacob on March 11, 2011, 12:20:19 PM
I support the Canucks but do not agree with PRC on this. Your break a guys neck, that's not okay. It might just have been an accident, but that doesn't make it any better. It might make it a little better if we look at just the guy who did it, but if we look at the sport, the rules and the league it makes it much worse; they're encouraging play that leads to accidents like that.
Well... our legal system, and hockey's rules, are a fault-based system. If something is purely an accident then you are not at fault. The problem is this isn't an accident - he meant to hit him.
I sincerily hope that between this incident and Crosby that the league takes a serious look at how to better protect its players from concussions in the off season.
Go back to those old foam and leather shoulder pads. if you can break your shoulder blade from taking stupid runs at people you'll be less likely to do it.
Wouldn't help in this case, or course, but in other cases it might.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 10, 2011, 08:47:54 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 10, 2011, 05:38:35 PM
That this play can be consider "ok" is yet more evidence hockey just needs to die and let more civilized sport take its place. For example the speed, grace and athletic excellence that is the NCAA basketball tournament.
I like you better when you talk about Baseball.
Its March. The madness is about to begin. You will have to let this one go.
Quote from: Neil on March 11, 2011, 07:34:09 AM
He's a Canucks fan. Neck-breaking is just a part of the game for them.
You are forgetting the Canucks are the skilled team. I think you are thinking about Oliers fans - at least Oilers fans for the last decade or so.
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 11, 2011, 01:06:06 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 10, 2011, 08:47:54 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 10, 2011, 05:38:35 PM
That this play can be consider "ok" is yet more evidence hockey just needs to die and let more civilized sport take its place. For example the speed, grace and athletic excellence that is the NCAA basketball tournament.
I like you better when you talk about Baseball.
Its March. The madness is about to begin. You will have to let this one go.
Basketball. You only like it because you are tall. One day, you'll see the light.
To bring things back to hockey, I'm hoping the NHL plans to bury the news that the Coyotes are leaving Phoenix by announcing it during the start of March Madness.
I'm hoping that the top 4 of the NHL executives somehow dies in an accident.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 11, 2011, 01:15:13 PM
I'm hoping that the top 4 of the NHL executives somehow dies in an accident.
Not me. Bettman appears poised to sell the Coyotes to Winnipeg. I don't want to chance that a new commissioner takes a different approach.
Quote from: Zoupa on March 10, 2011, 05:28:48 PM
Wtf does is matter where Chara's arm is anyways? You can use your tippy toes to send someone head first into the boards, it's still boarding.
he's hitting MaxPac's shoulders on this picture, not the head.
Nobody here is saying he didn't do anything wrong. He was careless in the way he hit Pac, that's for sure. What we disagree with, and that only Hab's fans believe, is that the hit was intentionally made to severly injure MaxPac.
Quote from: Barrister on March 11, 2011, 01:21:49 AM
The guys on HNIC Radio were universally saying Chara does not have a history for dirty play, and that was part of the reason he wasn't suspended. :huh:
it's still a dumb argument. You don't penalize this kind of gesture because the guy has no record. So he does it again, and you don't punish him again because he has no record?
Quote from: Jacob on March 11, 2011, 12:20:19 PM
I support the Canucks but do not agree with PRC on this. Your break a guys neck, that's not okay. It might just have been an accident, but that doesn't make it any better. It might make it a little better if we look at just the guy who did it, but if we look at the sport, the rules and the league it makes it much worse; they're encouraging play that leads to accidents like that.
Zoupa is out for blood.
Quote from: Barrister on March 11, 2011, 12:29:10 PM
Well... our legal system, and hockey's rules, are a fault-based system. If something is purely an accident then you are not at fault. The problem is this isn't an accident - he meant to hit him.
hitting is part of the game. You couldn't accuse a driver of armed assault because he accidentally hit a pedestrian with his car. It's a similar situation here.
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 11, 2011, 01:07:58 PM
Quote from: Neil on March 11, 2011, 07:34:09 AM
He's a Canucks fan. Neck-breaking is just a part of the game for them.
You are forgetting the Canucks are the skilled team. I think you are thinking about Oliers fans - at least Oilers fans for the last decade or so.
Do you think I'm a big Edmonton fan or something?
Still, it wasn't an Oiler out there breaking some guys neck. Canucks can't say that. Canuck's can't say much at all, since they always choke.
Quote from: viper37 on March 11, 2011, 01:30:54 PM
hitting is part of the game.
And as long as that kind of hitting is part of the game it will always be a third rate sport with limited appeal.
Today's TSN Jets-Meter:
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 11, 2011, 06:03:11 PM
And as long as that kind of hitting is part of the game it will always be a third rate sport with limited appeal.
Seems like a first rate sport out where you live...
Quote from: Valmy on March 14, 2011, 11:20:03 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 11, 2011, 06:03:11 PM
And as long as that kind of hitting is part of the game it will always be a third rate sport with limited appeal.
Seems like a first rate sport out where you live...
Crazy canuck doesn't know what he is talking about when it comes to sports.
After all, this is a man who likes basketball.
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 11, 2011, 06:03:11 PM
And as long as that kind of hitting is part of the game it will always be a third rate sport with limited appeal.
That kind of hitting is not part of the game. Just like driving a car at 140km/h in a 30 zone isn't normal.
The NHL dropped the ball on this, but there's no way it would hold in court, even with the best prosecutors.
Quote from: Barrister on March 14, 2011, 11:29:51 AM
Crazy canuck doesn't know what he is talking about when it comes to sports.
After all, this is a man who likes basketball.
QuoteGoldwater Institute Announces Lawsuit against City of Glendale
Submitted by goldwater on March 15, 2011
Printer-friendly versionBackroom Deal to Subsidize Coyotes Abuses Taxpayers, Violates Law
Goldwater Institute News Release
March 15, 2011
Phoenix--After examining more than 1,000 pages of documents provided by the City of Glendale under court order in the past 10 business days, the Goldwater Institute is announcing today that it will file a legal challenge to the agreement between the City of Glendale and Chicago businessman Matthew Hulsizer to subsidize the purchase of the Phoenix Coyotes. The deal has not been signed by the parties yet but is expected to close soon.
Under the pending deal, Glendale plans to borrow $100 million to help Mr. Hulsizer purchase the team. The bonds ostensibly will be repaid from parking revenues, but the city has pledged sales and excise taxes as well. According to Moody's investor service, the city's existing debt level already is three times higher than the typical city of its size. Additionally, the city will pay Mr. Hulsizer $97 million to manage the arena over the next five-and-a-half years.
The Goldwater Institute has determined the agreement violates two prohibitions of the Arizona Constitution, which requires that no Arizona government "shall ever give or loan its credit in aid of, or make any donation or grant, by subsidy or otherwise, to any individual, association, or corporation. . ." The Goldwater Institute prevailed in a similar case against corporate subsidies last year in the Arizona Supreme Court.
The first part of the clause is violated by Glendale's decision to provide its credit to make a payment to Mr. Hulsizer, who will use the proceeds to purchase the team. The city's credit rating was lowered by Moody's due to its debt overload, thereby increasing the cost of city borrowing. The second prohibition is violated because under the Arizona Supreme Court's decision in Turken v. Gordon (the CityNorth case), Mr. Hulsizer is not providing roughly proportionate value for the payments he will receive from the city.
Earlier this year, the Buffalo Sabres hockey franchise was sold to a private buyer who purchased the team with his own money. And this month, the Arizona Center was sold to private buyers for $136.5 million. Goldwater Institute President and CEO Darcy Olsen points out that "Deals of this size and scope happen all the time in the private marketplace without putting taxpayers on the line." Mr. Hulsizer's net-worth is reported to "dwarf" that of other known multi-hundred millionaires. "Mr. Hulsizer certainly appears better equipped to buy this team with his own funds than the taxpayers of Glendale," said Ms. Olsen.
The Coyotes franchise is a perennial money loser, posting losses between $25 million and $40 million each year and having already plunged once into bankruptcy. The deal poses enormous risks to Glendale taxpayers, who will have to repay the bonds if the team fails again or if parking revenues are insufficient to repay the bonds. The Institute has urged the City to restructure the deal so that Mr. Hulsizer or another private buyer, rather than taxpayers, bear those risks.
The decision to file the lawsuit takes place against the backdrop of a two-year legal battle by the Goldwater Institute to obtain public records from Glendale. Because the city has changed the deal's parameters multiple times and continues disclosing previously withheld documents, including 391 yesterday, the Institute will file its lawsuit when the deal closes. The Goldwater Institute's Scharf-Norton Center for Constitutional Litigation will represent Glendale taxpayers whose taxes are pledged to repay the bonds for the Coyotes subsidy.
Lulz - and that drives the TSN Jet-Meter up further. for March 15th:
(I know the Jet-Meter is ridiculous, but it amuses me nontheless)
Bettman's response, according to the Winnipeg Free Press:
"I assume the Goldwater Institute is going to do what it thinks is appropriate," Bettman told the Free Press. "And frankly I hope that's how they have been conducting themselves all along.
"Let them do what they have to do."
Quote from: Barrister on March 15, 2011, 06:25:14 PM
Lulz - and that drives the TSN Jet-Meter up further. for March 15th:
(I know the Jet-Meter is ridiculous, but it amuses me nontheless)
I always thought the point of the hockey-stick J (point just past half-way) was the needle on the meter. Today is the first time I noticed the actual red line. Now I know why it never seemed to be moving. :Embarrass:
Quote from: sbr on March 15, 2011, 06:46:16 PM
I always thought the point of the hockey-stick J (point just past half-way) was the needle on the meter. Today is the first time I noticed the actual red line. Now I know why it never seemed to be moving. :Embarrass:
When they put it up, the red line was right near the bottom. I always wondered why they'd bother if they really thought it was 5 notches away from "throw in the towel".
The answer of course is that it is a gimmick.
Did you read the reports that say that the team won't be known as the Winnipeg Jets but something a long the line of the Manitoba Team.
I'm pulling for "The Winnipeg General Strikes"
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 15, 2011, 07:08:30 PM
Did you read the reports that say that the team won't be known as the Winnipeg Jets but something a long the line of the Manitoba Team.
I'm still hoping for Manitoba Jets. :cool:
I'm afraid of it being Manitoba Moose. :homestar:
I think it should have some significance.
Manitoba Voyageurs
Manitoba [Red River] Rebels
Manitoba Strikers
Manitoba Polar Bears/Bears
Manitoba Short Time Loaners cause even if they get a team they won't stay long lol
Quote from: HVC on March 16, 2011, 11:05:46 AM
Manitoba Short Time Loaners cause even if they get a team they won't stay long lol
Well I guess this is progress - the eartern know-nothings have gone from "Winnipeg will never get a team" to "well you won't be able to keep it". :rolleyes:
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2011, 11:09:25 AM
Quote from: HVC on March 16, 2011, 11:05:46 AM
Manitoba Short Time Loaners cause even if they get a team they won't stay long lol
Well I guess this is progress - the eartern know-nothings have gone from "Winnipeg will never get a team" to "well you won't be able to keep it". :rolleyes:
i still say they'll never have a team, but right now i just wast to hurt you because you're the marti of hockey lol.
Actually, did i say never, or that Quebec city will have one first? i can't recall now. Long term i don't know if they can support a team without being sandbags a la the southern teams, which really what's the point of having that when other canadian markets can sustain a team.
and i don't represent all eastern know-nothings, i just represent one eastern know-nothing :D
Quote from: HVC on March 16, 2011, 11:18:12 AM
i still say they'll never have a team, but right now i just wast to hurt you because you're the marti of hockey lol.
What did I ever do to you to deserve such harsh words? :cry:
Actually, did i say never, or that Quebec city will have one first? i can't recall now. Long term i don't know if they can support a team without being sandbags a la the southern teams, which really what's the point of having that when other canadian markets can sustain a team.
You should look at some of those southern teams. Hell look at Phoenix. As of right now they're in 5th place in the west. They played the Flames last night and handled them pretty nicely. (I watched much of the game and couldn't help myself - I was pulling for the Yotes over the Flames. :o)
The market is there.
Maybe the "Manitoba Crown Prosecutors"? The "Manitoba Maple Leafs" has a nice ring to it, as well. Or maybe the "Manitoba Flatlanders"?
Quote from: Jacob on March 16, 2011, 11:59:22 AM
Maybe the "Manitoba Crown Prosecutors"? The "Manitoba Maple Leafs" has a nice ring to it, as well. Or maybe the "Manitoba Flatlanders"?
The rumour going around is that Mark Chipman feels he has "built up the brand" of the current AHL team, the Manitoba Moose, and that all of that work and effort would go to waste if the new NHL team had a different name.
It makes some sense, but really (if the rumour is true) sounds more like it's Chipman's ego. The NHL is a very different animal than the AHL (with very differenr ticket prices to match). Why you would want to associate your new NHL team with minor league hockey is beyond me - as is why you would want to give up the international brand recognition that is the Winnipeg Jets.
Anyways, I'm hoping he wants to attract an audience beyond the perimeter bby naming it Manitoba, but otherwise keeps the Jets moniker.
And the TSN Jets Meter increases a single notch today.
The March 17 reading:
And showing how Winnipeg can afford the NHL:
Quote102 million reasons to get CoyotesProjected revenue would put 'Peg in top half of all NHL franchisesBy: Tim Campbell
Posted: 03/17/2011 1:00 AM | Comments: 11
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True North and the MTS Centre generate revenues from concerts and other events, in addition to Manitoba Moose games.
BOCA RATON, Fla. -- Revenue and fans appear to be scarce in more markets than Phoenix, where the financially troubled Coyotes continue to struggle along without a settled future.
If the NHL is looking or plans to look at other options, the one waiting on that side table with Winnipeg's True North Sports and Entertainment will be a lot more solid than the league's skeptics think.
TNSE owns the MTS Centre and the AHL's Manitoba Moose and its interest in an NHL franchise is well-known to the league.
That interest is legitimate, and so are its revenue projections.
Sources, including one from Winnipeg, have confirmed that the $102-million annual revenue number for potential Winnipeg NHL franchise run up the flagpole by Hockey Night in Canada's Scott Oake last Saturday is a realistic scenario.
It's higher than some hockey people might have expected but a nine-digit number isn't far-fetched.
And if it would be realized, $102 million per season would today put a Winnipeg franchise in the top half of annual NHL team revenue.
In his report, Oake cited $45 million in annual ticket revenue from an average per-ticket price of $75, $19 million in broadcast revenue, $15 million in in-arena revenue, $10 million from luxury boxes and $13 million (the maximum) in NHL revenue sharing.
Sources have said that the overall number is no dream, nor is it any kind of reach, though the report's ticket price is on the high side.
If the ticket revenue number is actually lower, however, it would easily be offset by True North's concert and event revenue outside of hockey, which is believed to be considerable.
At this week's general managers' meetings, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman made it clear -- as he did last Tuesday in Glendale, Ariz. -- that he is not near declaring a deadline for a resolution of the Coyotes matter.
He also indicated that the time frame for that resolution continues to dwindle because the league is eager to set its lineup for next season.
Beyond that, Bettman remains highly reluctant to talk at all about Winnipeg because he's deeply concerned about raising expectations.
He does answer the odd question at press conferences about the subject but basically says the same thing every time -- that he doesn't think it's fair to raise expectations and that he's aware of TNSE's interest in acquiring a franchise. It's a given Bettman and most of his board of governors are aware of those hypothetical Winnipeg revenue numbers.
But presently, they run away from the subject not because they can't bear the thought of a team returning to the Manitoba capital, but because they have no other choice but to support the Coyotes deal.
It's their obligation. The Coyotes are not only owned by the NHL (from bankruptcy) but they are a member club and as such, are entitled to the full support of their partners.
When Bettman's and the NHL's options run out in the desert, they have a pretty good idea about where to turn.
And Winnipeg revenue numbers like the ones cited are no grand secret, and they will make the decision pretty easy.
[email protected]
Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition March 17, 2011 C3
The only problem with Scott Oake's number is that with revenue in the top half of the league you wouldn't actually get revenue sharing. But then, as the Free Press article mentions, this doesn't cover all of the concert and other revenue generated by True North.
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2011, 12:05:25 PMIt makes some sense, but really (if the rumour is true) sounds more like it's Chipman's ego. The NHL is a very different animal than the AHL (with very differenr ticket prices to match). Why you would want to associate your new NHL team with minor league hockey is beyond me - as is why you would want to give up the international brand recognition that is the Winnipeg Jets.
I agree that any attachment to the "Manitoba Moose" is about someone's ego more than any real brand-value. As for "the international brand recognition that is the Winnipeg Jets" :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:
That's not to say there's no value in the local nostalgia, you're a prime example of it, but that's not the same as "international brand recognition".
Well NHL fans across the world might at least remember the Winnipeg Jets. The Manitoba Moose sounds like a joke.
But then this the league that once had the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim.
Quote from: Jacob on March 17, 2011, 02:05:28 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2011, 12:05:25 PMIt makes some sense, but really (if the rumour is true) sounds more like it's Chipman's ego. The NHL is a very different animal than the AHL (with very differenr ticket prices to match). Why you would want to associate your new NHL team with minor league hockey is beyond me - as is why you would want to give up the international brand recognition that is the Winnipeg Jets.
I agree that any attachment to the "Manitoba Moose" is about someone's ego more than any real brand-value. As for "the international brand recognition that is the Winnipeg Jets" :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:
That's not to say there's no value in the local nostalgia, you're a prime example of it, but that's not the same as "international brand recognition".
I'm quite serious.
Now obviously "Winnipeg Jets" is not akin to Coca Cola or anything.
But to hockey fans around the world - they know the name Winnipeg Jets. I'll wear my Jets hat or Jets shirt out in public and get comments on it. Hockey fans in Europe know of the team (and the Jets were the first team to start bringing Euros over to play). That's not true of the Moose.
Well, okay, maybe you're right.
But it still sounds funny when you say it.
Just when you thought things couldn't get any stupider in Glendale:
Goldwater Institute robocall urges opposition to Glendale's Phoenix Coyotes deal
26 commentsby Rebekah L. Sanders - Mar. 17, 2011 11:49 AM
The Arizona Republic
Just as Glendale has summoned support for its Phoenix Coyotes deal, the Goldwater Institute is galvanizing opposition.
The watchdog group recently put out a robocall and e-mail urging Arizonans to oppose the city's agreement with team buyer Matthew Hulsizer.
The automated call Monday night went to registered voters across the state who engaged in a live discussion with Goldwater officials on the group's concerns. Goldwater President Darcy Olsen said 14,925 people tuned in at some point during the nearly hourlong call and left about 100 messages afterward with the group.
The e-mail, sent last week, asked recipients to visit the group's website and contact Glendale City Council members.
City spokeswoman Jennifer Stein said the robocall resulted in a few dozen calls to the city, mostly opposed to the deal. Only five of the callers were Glendale residents, she said.
But most Glendale residents voicing opinions to the city in recent months, Stein said, have been "overwhelmingly supportive of keeping the Coyotes in Glendale."
Goldwater said Tuesday that it would sue to block the deal once it is completed.
Goldwater argues that the city would put taxpayers at risk and illegally subsidize the private team by borrowing money that would help Hulsizer buy the Coyotes. Goldwater said Hulsizer should put more of his own money into buying the team.
Glendale contends it would get more benefit than it would pay for the deal, which keeps the team at Arena until 2041. Mayor Elaine Scruggs said the city would lose about $500 million in economic impact if the team left.
The city is trying to sell bonds to pay Hulsizer $100 million, which Hulsizer would use to buy the team from the National Hockey League for about $210 million. In return, Glendale could charge parking fees during arena events to help pay back the bond debt.
Other elements of the deal include the city paying Hulsizer for arena management and Hulsizer paying the city fees such as arena rent and purchasing the arena at the end of the lease.
Goldwater's other efforts to reach out to supporters have drawn fire from Glendale.
Goldwater litigation Director Clint Bolick and his wife, Shawnna Bolick, joined a Facebook group called "Support the Goldwater Institute, bring home the Jets." The group's title refers to the Winnipeg Jets, the team that became the Coyotes when it moved to the Valley and may return to Winnipeg if the Glendale deal doesn't close.
Glendale spokeswoman Julie Frisoni said the Bolicks' participation shows the institute wants the team to leave.
"For members of the institute to be a part of a group that supports the Coyotes' move to Canada is completely inappropriate," Frisoni said. "(It) removes any guise of impartiality the institute may have in evaluating this agreement."
Bolick said he joined the group because it supports Goldwater and is a source of news on the deal.
"The Glendale staffers who are spending their time perusing Facebook apparently overlooked my profile picture," said Bolick, who wears a Coyotes shirt in the photo and said he enjoys going to games. "All of this of course is irrelevant to the constitutionality and merits of the deal."
Some have speculated that Canadians eager to see the team return have donated to Goldwater. Olsen said the institute will not release records of donors without their consent due to privacy law. But she said the institute searched its donation database "high and low" and found one $100 gift from a Canadian.
Read more:
ZOMG they joined a Facebook group! Clearly Goldwater is being funded by Jets fans in a nefarious plot to get out team back!!!!11111
Of course, anyone who supports a move to Canada is a moron and downright evil.
Quote from: katmai on March 17, 2011, 04:24:42 PM
Of course, anyone who supports a move to Canada is a moron and downright evil.
Hey! Get your own arguments. Those are ours when teams move to the US.
If the jets came back, they might have to be my team. But for now I'm hoping the Canucks will keep on rolling.
fucking leafs
Quote from: HVC on March 17, 2011, 09:44:30 PM
fucking leafs
Lulz. The leafs: an endless source of entertainment.
Quote from: Zoupa on March 17, 2011, 10:00:51 PM
Quote from: HVC on March 17, 2011, 09:44:30 PM
fucking leafs
Lulz. The leafs: an endless source of entertainment.
Their eternal failure is pretty funny, as is the pain of the oldsters and Newfs who actually still cheer for them.
Even worse than the scumbags who cheer for the Canucks.
i'm not delusional enough that i think they'll win the cup or something (delusional fans of any team annoy me) but the fucking panthers?
Well, that was stupid.
Tim has tainted hockey. Today is truely a sad day :(
That doesn't make a lick of sense.
Quote from: katmai on March 17, 2011, 04:24:42 PM
Of course, anyone who supports a move to the American south is a moron and downright evil.
Gawd damn it, Tim. I usually try to defend you but that's just not something you do. It's like you just fuck my mom in the ass & showed me a picture of it. Don't. do. that.
Bah, if they had Leafs and Canadians logos on them you'd love it.
Quote from: jimmy olsen on March 18, 2011, 10:18:54 AM
Bah, if they had Leafs and Canadians logos on them you'd love it.
No, that would make it worse.
I, too, can post pictures that don't make any sense.
You've been doing that for a while in this thread, with your jets meter :P
Quote from: HVC on March 18, 2011, 11:18:20 AM
You've been doing that for a while in this thread, with your jets meter :P
It's not my meter - it's the Official TSN Jets Meter. :contract:
TSN has officially jumped the shark
Quote from: HVC on March 18, 2011, 11:27:01 AM
TSN has officially jumped the shark
Don't be a hater. :(
Could be nothing, or it could be something.
This is from TSN's Dreger Report, and I've linked it in the past. Darren Dreger is their "NHL Insider", which seems to me he gets inside information from the league, but has to stay constantly 'on message' for the league and can't say anything negative, or release anything he isn't supposed to release.
This is the concluding paragraph to his Friday article.
QuoteThanks for your emails. I look forward to next weeks mailbag. In the meantime, enjoy your weekend and stay close to as we continue to monitor all developments involving the Phoenix Coyotes. If a resolution isn't reached today, tomorrow or Sunday, we'll have a full update in Monday's edition of The Dreger Report.
Why does he seem to think something might happen this weekend?
Once again Beeb proves my point. :lol:
Quote from: katmai on March 18, 2011, 06:36:31 PM
Once again Beeb proves my point. :lol:
If you see me posting in the hockey thread you know what it is going to be about. :contract:
And if you had some actual news report it, not quoting a line from a writers blog about "hey something may or may not happen this weekend in regards to sale" How about you comment on you know the actual teams playing for playoff positions.
The Canucks are doing good, and the Danish guy even scored a couple of goals this season :cheers:
Quote from: katmai on March 18, 2011, 06:45:22 PM
How about you comment on you know the actual teams playing for playoff positions.
Because that's not what I'm interested about at this point. :contract:
Quote from: katmai on March 18, 2011, 06:45:22 PM
And if you had some actual news report it, not quoting a line from a writers blog about "hey something may or may not happen this weekend in regards to sale" How about you comment on you know the actual teams playing for playoff positions.
- Philadelphia - I think this might be their year. The Flyers have skill and toughness, and they have the right mix of young and old. They also have Pronger, and so can't be counted out ever.
- Washington - They can be exciting at times, but I just can't bring myself to really care about the Captials right now. Maybe it's all the Russians or something, but I just can't develop a rapport.
- Boston - Normally I'd want the best for them, but Chara's thuggery has me on an anti-Bruin tear. Their goal-tending situation is shaky too, although Thomas can light on fire at the drop of a hat. Also, Tim's certainty in the presence of life on Europa has cursed this team.
- Pittsburgh - I don't know if I buy the Penguins without Crosby. The guy hasn't played for two months, but he's still their leader in pretty much all offensive categories. Without Crosby, Malkin has slumped ferociously. They've had some good secondary scoring, but we'll see if they can count on that.
- Tampa Bay - Tons of firepower, but the real question is can Roloson be a god again in the playoffs? If he gets hot again, and it looks like that might be happening, then Tampa will be a real force to contend with in the playoffs. It looks like Stamkos is for really real, and not just a product of an attempt to get the 'Crosby Sweepstakes' rookie fever to last another year.
- Montreal - My emotional favorite. I think they have strong fundamentals, but injuries have taken a toll on them. Hopefully they meet Boston in the first round, and crush them. The Eller kid is looking really good.
- New York - To be honest, I don't expect a lot out of the Rangers. They have some interesting pieces, capable defencemen and really good goaltending, but I just don't see them as having a player who can deliver playoff goals on a regular basis.
- Buffalo - I like the Sabres, although Miller's not the wall he once was and he needs more focus on defence from the team. They'll probably get crushed by Philly or Washington in the first round.
- Carolina - Southern hockey teams can go to hell. The only thing that the former Whalers have going for them is Ric 'WHOOOO" Flair.
- Toronto - Their tears of failure as they fail to make the playoffs will be delicious. Thank heavens we live in the 21st century where no hockey fan is forced to cheer for the Leafs.
- Vancouver - Suck more than any non-Leafs team. Vancouver fans are a bunch of no-class assholes, at least since the 90s. Since they're a bunch of choke artists, their failure this year will bring howls of rage from the drug-addicted goofballs that call that hellhole home. I hope they get hit with a hydrogen bomb by Iran.
- Detroit - Fucking mercs. The Curse of the Neck-Breaker will keep them from making a deep run.
- San Jose - Maybe these guys will finally have their year, since they haven't left everyone in the dust this year and consequently have something to play for. I like the Sharks, I like their players, but their history has taught me to be cautious.
- Phoenix - Will soon be the Jets again, unless Bettman decides to try getting into the untapped hockey market in Mexico City. Given the quality of decisionmaking this guy has shown, would we be surprised? On the ice, it's nice to see these guys not being futile, although I don't think they're quite there yet. Beeb could be cheering for a team hoisting the cup in a few years, if they make the right moves.
- Los Angeles - I like the Kings and their youth movement. Quick's a good goalie, and their team has toughness and heart. They remind me of the young Flyers players of a few years back, before they got their veteran leadership.
- Dallas - These guys are always just around, you know? Because they employ the hated Mike Ribeiro, they will fail. Also, they should be the Minnesota North Stars, so double fuck you to them.
- Chicago - Even with all the quality players they lost, these guys are a great scoring team, full of exciting scorers. I'm a little concerned with goaltending though. Still, these guys are dangerous and they can beat anybody at any time, even as they are now.
- Nashville - You won't win in the playoffs playing the trap. This isn't the 90s, and you are not the New Jersey Devils. If they make it in, they'll get raped to death by one of the teams who can skate and score.
- Anaheim - I don't give these guys much of a chance. You don't make a playoff run without goaltending, and when your choices are Ellis (who made his rep playing for the trapping Predators), Emery (the NHL's answer to T.O., banished to Russia for the last couple years) and McElhinney (whose only achievement in the league was being put in by Calgary to chop down Red Wings who were roughing up Kipprusoff), you might be in trouble. If only they still had Pronger, who makes average goalies better.
- Calgary - Canada's only hope in the West. I don't like their odds though. Apart from Glenncross and Bourque, the team might as well be called Jerome Iginla and the Underachievers.
thanks neil
Quote from: Neil on March 20, 2011, 01:21:25 PM
Vancouver - Suck more than any non-Leafs team. Vancouver fans are a bunch of no-class assholes, at least since the 90s. Since they're a bunch of choke artists, their failure this year will bring howls of rage from the drug-addicted goofballs that call that hellhole home. I hope they get hit with a hydrogen bomb by Iran.
Quote from: Jacob on March 20, 2011, 02:04:15 PM
Quote from: Neil on March 20, 2011, 01:21:25 PM
Vancouver - Suck more than any non-Leafs team. Vancouver fans are a bunch of no-class assholes, at least since the 90s. Since they're a bunch of choke artists, their failure this year will bring howls of rage from the drug-addicted goofballs that call that hellhole home. I hope they get hit with a hydrogen bomb by Iran.
Sorry, but you shouldn't have blamed your goalies for not being Patrick Roy back in the days when your gays were playing 4 forwards against the trap.
Quote from: Neil on March 20, 2011, 02:11:47 PM
Quote from: Jacob on March 20, 2011, 02:04:15 PM
Quote from: Neil on March 20, 2011, 01:21:25 PM
Vancouver - Suck more than any non-Leafs team. Vancouver fans are a bunch of no-class assholes, at least since the 90s. Since they're a bunch of choke artists, their failure this year will bring howls of rage from the drug-addicted goofballs that call that hellhole home. I hope they get hit with a hydrogen bomb by Iran.
Sorry, but you shouldn't have blamed your goalies for not being Patrick Roy back in the days when your gays were playing 4 forwards against the trap.
Not all fans did that. Example: Me. Some Vancouver fans are actually hockey fans first. When Vancouver is fielding a sucky team, I'm always the first to say so. part of being a fan is whinging about (what you think are) bad decisions/players etc. Every team in the league has fansof the type you ascribe to Vancouver, all the teams also have fans who understand the game and know when their team is for real or not.
Will Vancouver do better in the playoffs? My gut says yes, but my brain says it's as likely as San Jose choking, that Vancouver could also.
My desire is however for them to win.
Other teams deserving of going all the way (based on reg season play) imo:
Washington, and all other teams who make the playoffs are to me Dark Horses.
Quote from: Barrister on March 17, 2011, 03:54:44 PM
Some have speculated that Canadians eager to see the team return have donated to Goldwater. Olsen said the institute will not release records of donors without their consent due to privacy law. But she said the institute searched its donation database "high and low" and found one $100 gift from a Canadian.
I think I know where that 100$ came from :P
Quote from: Neil on March 20, 2011, 01:21:25 PM
- Phoenix - Will soon be the Jets again, unless Bettman decides to try getting into the untapped hockey market in Mexico City. Given the quality of decisionmaking this guy has shown, would we be surprised? On the ice, it's nice to see these guys not being futile, although I don't think they're quite there yet. Beeb could be cheering for a team hoisting the cup in a few years, if they make the right moves.
With the Yotes playing a bunch of games against Canadian teams recently I've had a chance to follow them a bit. Some nice young players - they could be good.
Or the team could fall apart if it moves. Bryzgalov is a UFA and apparently unlikely to re-sign in a cold weather city. Shane Doan, although he spent his rookie season in the 'Peg, has spent 15 years in the desert and might very well retire rather than move his family. Those two would be major, major losses.
I'm still shocked they're in fourth place though.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on March 20, 2011, 03:08:49 PM
Quote from: Neil on March 20, 2011, 02:11:47 PM
Sorry, but you shouldn't have blamed your goalies for not being Patrick Roy back in the days when your gays were playing 4 forwards against the trap.
Not all fans did that. Example: Me. Some Vancouver fans are actually hockey fans first. When Vancouver is fielding a sucky team, I'm always the first to say so. part of being a fan is whinging about (what you think are) bad decisions/players etc. Every team in the league has fansof the type you ascribe to Vancouver, all the teams also have fans who understand the game and know when their team is for real or not.
Will Vancouver do better in the playoffs? My gut says yes, but my brain says it's as likely as San Jose choking, that Vancouver could also.
My desire is however for them to win.
I just remember how bad it got back when the Canucks were scoring at will, but giving up 3-on-1s every few minutes. Poor Dan Cloutier.
Quote from: Barrister on March 20, 2011, 04:49:20 PM
Quote from: Neil on March 20, 2011, 01:21:25 PM
- Phoenix - Will soon be the Jets again, unless Bettman decides to try getting into the untapped hockey market in Mexico City. Given the quality of decisionmaking this guy has shown, would we be surprised? On the ice, it's nice to see these guys not being futile, although I don't think they're quite there yet. Beeb could be cheering for a team hoisting the cup in a few years, if they make the right moves.
With the Yotes playing a bunch of games against Canadian teams recently I've had a chance to follow them a bit. Some nice young players - they could be good.
Or the team could fall apart if it moves. Bryzgalov is a UFA and apparently unlikely to re-sign in a cold weather city. Shane Doan, although he spent his rookie season in the 'Peg, has spent 15 years in the desert and might very well retire rather than move his family. Those two would be major, major losses.
I'm still shocked they're in fourth place though.
That's true. Quality goaltenders and experienced veterans are hard to replace.
They were in fourth last year, weren't they?
Quote from: Neil on March 20, 2011, 05:44:20 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 20, 2011, 04:49:20 PM
Quote from: Neil on March 20, 2011, 01:21:25 PM
- Phoenix - Will soon be the Jets again, unless Bettman decides to try getting into the untapped hockey market in Mexico City. Given the quality of decisionmaking this guy has shown, would we be surprised? On the ice, it's nice to see these guys not being futile, although I don't think they're quite there yet. Beeb could be cheering for a team hoisting the cup in a few years, if they make the right moves.
With the Yotes playing a bunch of games against Canadian teams recently I've had a chance to follow them a bit. Some nice young players - they could be good.
Or the team could fall apart if it moves. Bryzgalov is a UFA and apparently unlikely to re-sign in a cold weather city. Shane Doan, although he spent his rookie season in the 'Peg, has spent 15 years in the desert and might very well retire rather than move his family. Those two would be major, major losses.
I'm still shocked they're in fourth place though.
That's true. Quality goaltenders and experienced veterans are hard to replace.
They were in fourth last year, weren't they?
I thought they snuck in.
Nope, you're right. 4th place last year.
Somebody needs to pulverize Matt Cooke. Maybe Milan Lucic can send him through the glass.
like this:
Well, Montreal looked awesome today. Calgary is basically done.
Quote from: Neil on March 20, 2011, 07:45:40 PM
Well, Montreal looked awesome today. Calgary is basically done.
It's the Theodore curse. Poor dude cannot stop a beach ball against us.
Quote from: katmai on March 18, 2011, 06:45:22 PM
And if you had some actual news report it, not quoting a line from a writers blog about "hey something may or may not happen this weekend in regards to sale" How about you comment on you know the actual teams playing for playoff positions.
Okay, so during the Chicago - Phoenix game. Hulsizer comes on during intermission (this is all second hand from web reports). He says something about how of the $100 mil bond offering, he will re-pay $25 mil, and 'guarantee' the remaining $75 mil.
Then, nobody less than John McCain comes on to say that the Goldwater Institute has done a public service, the bond is now legal, and they should step aside having done their good deed for the day.
No idea what any of this meaning, other than it's yet another twist in this saga.
Oh, and by the way, it means that something did indeed happen this weekend. :contract:
Edit: here's a link to a story confirming same (except for McCain).
The $75 million dollar question - what does he mean by "guarantee"? Who guarantees - the Coyotes? Peak6 (his investment co.)? Hulsizer personally? Guarantee against what?
Hulsizer video.
Jets-o-Meter should be down tomorrow morning...
Quote from: Barrister on March 20, 2011, 09:01:14 PM
The $75 million dollar question - what does he mean by "guarantee"? Who guarantees - the Coyotes? Peak6 (his investment co.)? Hulsizer personally? Guarantee against what?
ah, i listened to the video.
Step 1 :
So, he's giving back 25 million$ to the city immediatly, so they pay their part of the loss for this year.
Step 2:
If the city doesn't make 75 million$ in parking revenue and other revenues (selling the arena in 20 years for an estimated value of 40 million$), he's giving back the city up to 75 million$, if their revenues where of 0$. If they make 70 million$ over 20 years, including the sale of the arena, he's paying back 5 million$ in 20 years.
It will depend on the wording of the contract, but it could be a very good deal for Hullsizer or for Glendale, but I don't think it will be good for both.
What it really means, is that from the original deal, he needs to pay 25 million$ more than he had too.
the tax payers face less risks, though they still have to pay 100 million$ to the guy (well, his company) and assume the interests of this.
I doubt the price of the bonds will change, so they are still liable for something like 9% over a principal of 116 000 000$, if the numbers are accurate. Hullsizer is still getting the team on the cheap, but really, is the team really worth more than that? He'll need to be a creative genius to sell hockey down there and turn a profit on these operations.
The thought that occurs to me about the 'guarantee'.
What if it's a guarantee by the Coyotes (or whatever his holding Co. is). That's still a guarantee. But it's tied to the exact same asset as the bonds are. So if the parking revenue doesn't generate enough $$$, then neither are the Coyotes, and they can always go bankrupt and get out of any such guarantee.
Just a thought though. Maybe more details will come on Monday.
We're certainly VERY late in the day to be making changes to the deal. Very real deadlines are rapidly approaching. If the deal does not get done, and the team is not sold, it is the NHL that is left holding the bag.
Interesting times my friends... and this is way more interesting than anything happening on the ice.
Quote from: Barrister on March 20, 2011, 11:41:31 PM
Interesting times my friends... and this is way more interesting than anything happening on the ice.
The Sabres are giving me an ulcer. :frusty:
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on March 21, 2011, 02:32:50 AM
The Sabres are giving me an ulcer. :frusty:
Miro Satan has cursed them.
Quote from: Zoupa on March 21, 2011, 02:29:56 AM
Quote from: Barrister on March 20, 2011, 11:41:31 PM
Interesting times my friends... and this is way more interesting than anything happening on the ice.
I don't think that there were any games being played when he said that. Otherwise, his statement would be crazy.
Quote from: viper37 on March 20, 2011, 10:06:33 PM
Jets-o-Meter should be down tomorrow morning...
You are correct.
March 21:
Some speculation that this is a lot of smoke and mirrors on HUlsizer's part - that the $25 mil is the $25 mil to cover the team's 2010-2011 losses which was already part of the deal, and the $75 mil is the rent that he was going to pay, only now he has "guaranteed" that money.
Report over Twitter from a known PX area reporter says that after 5 years, will review parking receipts and HUlsizer/Coyotes/Someone will make up any shortage (up to a max of $75 mil).
Be interesting to see what GWI does next. The John McCain angle is interesting, as he is ideologically also on the right. But is GWI more aligned with tea party types? Does McCain carry any weight with them?
Time will tell.
Quote from: Barrister on March 20, 2011, 11:41:31 PM
What if it's a guarantee by the Coyotes (or whatever his holding Co. is). That's still a guarantee. But it's tied to the exact same asset as the bonds are. So if the parking revenue doesn't generate enough $$$, then neither are the Coyotes, and they can always go bankrupt and get out of any such guarantee.
As I said, it depends on how the contract is worded. Hullsizer agrees to maintain the team there for 20 years in exchange for 172million$ over 20 years.
The city hopes to generate way more than 100 million$ with the parking rights, over a 20 years period.
Goldwater says it's giving 100 million$ for nothing, because there's no guarantee the parking rights will bring in 100 million$ or more over 20 years.
So, Hullsizer makes a deal to pay this year's loss guaranteed by the city (25 million$) and he tells the city: "if you don't make at least 75 million$ with the parking rights and the arena in 20 years, I'll pay the difference between what you earnt and 75 millions".
They evaluate the arena at 40 million in 20 years. So, I'm guessing that sold or not, the real guarantee is 35 million$. If the city can't make 35 million$ in parking rights, Hullsizer will pay back the city 35 million$ minus whatever they earned. And I'm betting he's sure the city will earn 35 million over 20 years with this deal.
QuoteWe're certainly VERY late in the day to be making changes to the deal. Very real deadlines are rapidly approaching. If the deal does not get done, and the team is not sold, it is the NHL that is left holding the bag.
and the NHL doesn't want the team to move and they will extend the deadline for as long as is necessary.
Quote from: Zoupa on March 21, 2011, 02:29:56 AM
Quote from: Barrister on March 20, 2011, 11:41:31 PM
Interesting times my friends... and this is way more interesting than anything happening on the ice.
He's delusionnal :P
Quote from: viper37 on March 21, 2011, 02:41:09 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on March 21, 2011, 02:29:56 AM
Quote from: Barrister on March 20, 2011, 11:41:31 PM
Interesting times my friends... and this is way more interesting than anything happening on the ice.
He's delusionnal :P
Not at all.
Every hockey game is more or less predictable. Someone wins, someone loses. A goal wil be scored, there will some penalties, there will be hitting.
BUt this? The last two years? Between Hulsizer, Moyes, Reinsdorf, Ice Edge, Bettman, Winnipeg, bankruptcy, Balsillie - there's nothing predictable about any of it. It's been sheer WTF madness. In order for the on-ice product to be as exciting you'd have to have the undead body of Rocket Richard take to the ice and start gnawing on the brains of the players while Elvis riding a unicorn is giving colour commentary
All this talking and negotiating surrounding a second-tier team is less exciting than a well-shot puck, especially if you don't care about the hockey situation in Winnipeg.
Quote from: Barrister on March 21, 2011, 01:49:55 PM
Some speculation that this is a lot of smoke and mirrors on HUlsizer's part - that the $25 mil is the $25 mil to cover the team's 2010-2011 losses which was already part of the deal, and the $75 mil is the rent that he was going to pay, only now he has "guaranteed" that money.
Oh, I didn't know about this. Then the deal ain't really sweatened.
QuoteReport over Twitter from a known PX area reporter says that after 5 years, will review parking receipts and HUlsizer/Coyotes/Someone will make up any shortage (up to a max of $75 mil).
Can't be over such a short term.
More likely, they will see if they're on track in 5 years from now, to make 75 million$ - the theoritical sale price of the arena. Then they will readjust the deal, one way or another.
Quote from: Barrister on March 21, 2011, 02:45:31 PM
BUt this? The last two years? Between Hulsizer, Moyes, Reinsdorf, Ice Edge, Bettman, Winnipeg, bankruptcy, Balsillie - there's nothing predictable about any of it. It's been sheer WTF madness. In order for the on-ice product to be as exciting you'd have to have the undead body of Rocket Richard take to the ice and start gnawing on the brains of the players while Elvis riding a unicorn is giving colour commentary
It was predictable that the NHL would do everything it can to prevent the team from moving, even if it meant losing money or going the socialist way.
Sadly the Coyotes will say in Phoenix simply because Bettman never loses.
Quote from: viper37 on March 21, 2011, 02:56:34 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 21, 2011, 01:49:55 PM
Some speculation that this is a lot of smoke and mirrors on HUlsizer's part - that the $25 mil is the $25 mil to cover the team's 2010-2011 losses which was already part of the deal, and the $75 mil is the rent that he was going to pay, only now he has "guaranteed" that money.
Oh, I didn't know about this. Then the deal ain't really sweatened.
QuoteReport over Twitter from a known PX area reporter says that after 5 years, will review parking receipts and HUlsizer/Coyotes/Someone will make up any shortage (up to a max of $75 mil).
Can't be over such a short term.
More likely, they will see if they're on track in 5 years from now, to make 75 million$ - the theoritical sale price of the arena. Then they will readjust the deal, one way or another.
The problem is we have nothing to go off of other than HUlsizer's tv statement. We don't know exactly what he's proposing. It may well be little more than smoke and mirrors. Or it might be a substantial change.
GWI is expected to give a response this afternoon.
What a tool McCain is to get involved with this nonsense.
Quote from: Valmy on March 21, 2011, 03:25:42 PM
What a tool McCain is to get involved with this nonsense.
I don't understand his position. Maybe he's friend with the mayor or someone from her office?
Quote from: viper37 on March 21, 2011, 04:09:27 PM
Quote from: Valmy on March 21, 2011, 03:25:42 PM
What a tool McCain is to get involved with this nonsense.
I don't understand his position. Maybe he's friend with the mayor or someone from her office?
I chalked it up to "being in favour of local sports teams never hurts a politician" angle.
WIth the proviso it doesn't hurt as long as you don't have any money on the table...
And here's Hulsizer's letter. Digesting it now...
QuoteDigesting it now...
Try reading it instead of printing it out and eating it.
And that didn't take long.
So what he's saying is that the Coyotes, over the life of the lease, will pay the City $75 mil. IIRC they were going to anyways in lease payments. And the guarantee is from the hockey team itself, so if it goes bankrupt the guarantee becomes worthless.
I feel the Jets Meter will go up again shortly. :cool:
The spelling errors, inconsistent capitalization and names, and the 2005 date stamp are what let's you know it's legitimately from Hulsizer. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on March 21, 2011, 05:54:03 PM
I feel the Jets Meter will go up again shortly. :cool:
March 21st:
Quote from: Barrister on March 21, 2011, 06:23:05 PM
The spelling errors, inconsistent capitalization and names, and the 2005 date stamp are what let's you know it's legitimately from Hulsizer. :cool:
GWI's response:
QuoteIllegal, expensive deal for taxpayers remains in place
Printer-friendly version
Goldwater Institute
March 21, 2011
Phoenix — Late Friday afternoon, potential buyer of the Phoenix Coyotes Matthew Hulsizer delivered a letter to the Goldwater Institute stating, "Arizona Hockey is willing to modify the lease agreement with Glendale to guaranty [sic] to the city that they [sic] will receive direct revenues from the Coyotes, Arena and parking that have a value to day [sic] of at least $75 million. If the cumulative direct revenues received from the Coyotes, Arena and parking are that amount, than [sic] the shortfall will be the liability of Arizona Hockey Holdings." No further details were presented.
"The offer recognizes the significant risk to taxpayers under the current deal and to that extent is a positive development," said Goldwater Institute president Darcy Olsen. "Regrettably, however, the proposal fails to remedy the core legal violation at issue, leaving the expensive taxpayer gamble intact."
The Arizona Republic reports that the bonds offered by the city of Glendale for Mr. Hulsizer will ultimately cost taxpayers $250-340 million. That figure includes the initial bond offering of $100 million the city plans to issue to help Mr. Hulsizer buy the team, as well as projected interest on that bond. Additionally the city is obligated to pay Mr. Hulsizer $97 million for arena management over 5 years.
Mr. Hulsizer apparently is promising only that revenues from all sources—such as arena events, rental payments, parking revenues—will total at least $75 million over 30 years and that he would make up any shortfall up to that amount. That would still leave taxpayers on the hook for as much as $362 million, which Mr. Hulsizer is not guaranteeing.
Glendale taxpayers have been given no protection against a future team bankruptcy. If the team goes bankrupt again, taxpayers will assume the full cost of bond repayment—this is on top of what taxpayers are already paying for the construction of Arena. Any restructured deal should legally protect taxpayers from liability for the bond repayment if the team fails again.
Arizona's Constitution categorically prohibits the use of public debt to finance private businesses. Glendale justifies public borrowing on the grounds that the city is acquiring valuable consideration in the form of parking rights. However, the city may already own a significant portion of those rights, and the team does not presently have the legal right to sell the rest. If so, the city essentially is "selling" parking revenue rights to itself, which would be a clear violation of the Gift Clause. The new proposal does not address this.
"We hope Glendale will put a deal on the table that doesn't expose taxpayers to unnecessary risk," said Darcy Olsen, president of the Goldwater Institute. In an email to the Institute, Mr. Hulsizer wrote, "I don't need the City's credit to buy the team." The Goldwater Institute has recommended that Mr. Hulsizer use his resources to buy the team and hold taxpayers harmless. In a less than perfect compromise, Mr. Hulsizer could also protect taxpayers by personally guaranteeing the full repayment amount of the bonds.
Mr. Hulsizer also says he is relieving Glendale of its obligation to pay the National Hockey League $25 million for team losses over the last year. It is not clear whether Mr. Hulsizer would actually repay the obligation, or whether the NHL would be forgiving the debt, thus costing Mr. Hulsizer nothing.
The City of Glendale continues to ignore multiple requests from the Goldwater Institute to disclose public information related to the funding source of the $25 million and the documentation supporting the proposed arena management fees.
Gotta love it when your opponents use your own spelling errors against you. Timmy better watch out if he ever goes against the Goldwater Institute. :menace:
The Canucks lose Manny Malhotra for the season due to a puck in the eye and that is a big big loss. He was the biggest addition to the team this year and would've been a big part of them going deep.
And nucks fan start with the excuses as to why their team will eventually choke :P
The Habs have 9 regular roster players injured, including Markov for the whole season, and lately Plekanec.
The Cup is still coming home this year. :sleep:
An editorial from Glendale. Apparently, not all approve of Goldwater:
There is yet hope for this good team to remain in place with its legion of fans ;)
Quote from: viper37 on March 22, 2011, 09:46:18 AM
An editorial from Glendale. Apparently, not all approve of Goldwater:
There is yet hope for this good team to remain in place with its legion of fans ;)
Meh - the Arizona Republic has had several similar editorials in the past. It hasn't helped them yet.
Quote from: viper37 on March 22, 2011, 09:46:18 AM
An editorial from Glendale. Apparently, not all approve of Goldwater:
There is yet hope for this good team to remain in place with its legion of fans ;)
Lots of name calling in that article but they fail to address in any way the central issues raised by the GWI. What a pathetic article it reads like a whiny tweener writing in his Middle School Newspaper.
Quote from: Valmy on March 22, 2011, 11:47:44 AM
Quote from: viper37 on March 22, 2011, 09:46:18 AM
An editorial from Glendale. Apparently, not all approve of Goldwater:
There is yet hope for this good team to remain in place with its legion of fans ;)
Lots of name calling in that article but they fail to address in any way the central issues raised by the GWI. What a pathetic article it reads like a whiny tweener writing in his Middle School Newspaper.
If you want to see whining and name-calling... this is a blog from Scott Burnside, an ESPN hockey analyst/reporter:
Quote1. Will Goldwater let Coyotes' deal go through?
Well, it looks like we'll finally find out whether the Goldwater Institute is all about the people or just all about the Goldwater Institute.
After throwing a giant bag of pucks into the mechanics of a lease agreement that would have seen the beleaguered team sold to Chicago businessman Matthew Hulsizer, thus ensuring the team's future in Arizona, the public watchdog group can claim victory after Hulsizer essentially took a knee Sunday night. In very public fashion -- appearing during the first intermission of the Fox Sports Arizona broadcast of the Coyotes' game against Chicago on Sunday -- Hulsizer agreed to cover any shortfalls in parking revenues the City of Glendale may have over the course of the lease.
The parking revenues are at the heart of Goldwater's concerns about the lease agreement and what prompted them to warn off potential investors in municipal bonds that are needed to generate revenue to close the deal. The group also threatened to sue the City of Glendale if the deal closed, creating uncertainty among investors and threatening to drive up the interest rate of the bonds.
All of this was done under the guise of protecting taxpayer interests in Glendale.
In the wake of Hulsizer's concessions and the very vocal support of the Coyotes by Sen. John McCain and former state attorney general Grant Woods, who also appeared on television Sunday, the deal now hinges on whether Goldwater will declare victory and move on or not.
One would assume this would be enough, but they are an odd bunch, those Goldwater folks.
They are funded through private donations, and the publicity they've received via the Coyotes saga has revealed rich fundraising soil. There are also other issues, like the agenda of the group given the connection between board members and the Arizona Diamondbacks -- the wife of D-backs owner Ken Kendrick, Randy, is a Goldwater board member.
Is it better for the Diamondbacks in a depressed economic market if another pro franchise disappears?
And then there are people like CEO Darcy Olsen, whose public profile has skyrocketed as a result of the process. Is it in her own best interests to keep the fight?
These are questions that will be brought into sharper focus if Goldwater doesn't let go of the bone on this one, ensuring the deal fails and the team leaves Arizona for Winnipeg.
After months of artificial deadlines and drop-dead points, it actually appears as though a resolution is at hand in the desert.
Regardless of which side of the fence one stands on, it's hard to argue that the people of Glendale -- and the people of Winnipeg, who have waited patiently in the hopes of a return of the NHL -- deserve an answer from the Goldwater people, and soon.
Now he posted this before we saw Hulsizer's mis-spelled letter so he not only gets the details of what Hulsizer was offering wrong, he then follow up by questionins GWI's motive saying alternatively they're only doing this 1. to help with fundraising, 2. because they're in league with the Diamondbacks, or 3. to feed the ego of their President.
Quote from: Valmy on March 22, 2011, 11:47:44 AM
Quote from: viper37 on March 22, 2011, 09:46:18 AM
An editorial from Glendale. Apparently, not all approve of Goldwater:
There is yet hope for this good team to remain in place with its legion of fans ;)
Lots of name calling in that article but they fail to address in any way the central issues raised by the GWI. What a pathetic article it reads like a whiny tweener writing in his Middle School Newspaper.
I know :)
But I find it surprising that some people, in a city where they obviously don't care much about hockey, are trying to defend the subsidy to keep the team in place.
Quote from: viper37 on March 22, 2011, 02:11:41 PM
Quote from: Valmy on March 22, 2011, 11:47:44 AM
Quote from: viper37 on March 22, 2011, 09:46:18 AM
An editorial from Glendale. Apparently, not all approve of Goldwater:
There is yet hope for this good team to remain in place with its legion of fans ;)
Lots of name calling in that article but they fail to address in any way the central issues raised by the GWI. What a pathetic article it reads like a whiny tweener writing in his Middle School Newspaper.
I know :)
But I find it surprising that some people, in a city where they obviously don't care much about hockey, are trying to defend the subsidy to keep the team in place.
You have to remember that Glendale is only a Phoenix suburb. Many of the people supporting the Coyotes are not Glendale taxpayers.
Quote from: Barrister on March 22, 2011, 02:14:57 PM
Quote from: viper37 on March 22, 2011, 02:11:41 PM
Quote from: Valmy on March 22, 2011, 11:47:44 AM
Quote from: viper37 on March 22, 2011, 09:46:18 AM
An editorial from Glendale. Apparently, not all approve of Goldwater:
There is yet hope for this good team to remain in place with its legion of fans ;)
Lots of name calling in that article but they fail to address in any way the central issues raised by the GWI. What a pathetic article it reads like a whiny tweener writing in his Middle School Newspaper.
I know :)
But I find it surprising that some people, in a city where they obviously don't care much about hockey, are trying to defend the subsidy to keep the team in place.
You have to remember that Glendale is only a Phoenix suburb. Many of the people supporting the Coyotes are not Glendale taxpayers.
that's probably the detail I am forgetting :)
So I have heard this rumour a number of times: it is actually the Thrashers the NHL wants to move to Winnipeg. The Coyotes have a building that was specifically built for the NHL and would be empty without them, and has a city council willing to spend hundred of millions of dollars to subsidize the team. Atlanta on the other hand plays in the same building as the NBA Hawks, the owners want them out of the building, and the city council couldn't care less about them.
So with that backdrop, I give you:
QuoteCoyote delays jets at busy Atlanta airport
Share Print Font: +-ATLANTA — Authorities say a coyote wandered onto a runway in Atlanta, delaying flights for a few minutes at the world's busiest airport until ground crews chased the animal away.
..The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that the flights were briefly delayed Tuesday afternoon at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport.
Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Kathleen Bergen said the coyote was spotted on the south side of the airport around 3:30 p.m.
She said an airport vehicle chased the animal into a ravine, and flights resumed after about five minutes.
The airport is ranked the world's busiest by the industry group Airports Council International.
Apparently, there are 2 buyers in line to invest in the Thrashers.
And I heard this morning, coming from an unnamed source, but very high placed in the NHL, that Quebec city and Winnipeg will get their teams, but via an expansion in a few years from now. Priority #1 for the league is to stabilize the owner's issues, where some want out of the game and are trying to sell their shares.
They don't want to move any team, and they will do everything they can to keep them in place. Only if it becomes absolutely necessary, as a last resort before the team simply ceases to exists or it's moving will the NHL agree.
Quote from: viper37 on March 23, 2011, 01:04:44 PM
Apparently, there are 2 buyers in line to invest in the Thrashers.
And I heard this morning, coming from an unnamed source, but very high placed in the NHL, that Quebec city and Winnipeg will get their teams, but via an expansion in a few years from now. Priority #1 for the league is to stabilize the owner's issues, where some want out of the game and are trying to sell their shares.
They don't want to move any team, and they will do everything they can to keep them in place. Only if it becomes absolutely necessary, as a last resort before the team simply ceases to exists or it's moving will the NHL agree.
Meh - I read so many rumours from "unnamed sources". If the person with the rumour isn't a professional journalist I just skip them entirely.
The Thrashers have to move. Atlanta Spirit doesn't want them any more. They own the arena. Any NHL team can not survive without getting ancillary revenue from the arena. If the Hawks have to pay rent to use their arena there is no way they'll ever survive.
Too many teams have struggling ownership, too many teams for sale. Moving a team or two to Canada is a fairly easy fix to a troubled ownership group. Remember the Islanders are still also out there - while Phoenix and Atlanta are 28th and 29th in attendance, Long Island is still 30th.
*if* expansion happens, it would be to southern Ontario.
Quote from: viper37 on March 23, 2011, 01:04:44 PM
And I heard this morning, coming from an unnamed source, but very high placed in the NHL, that Quebec city and Winnipeg will get their teams, but via an expansion in a few years from now.
Expand? The NHL? Not even Bettman is that stupid.
Quote from: Valmy on March 23, 2011, 01:30:15 PM
Quote from: viper37 on March 23, 2011, 01:04:44 PM
And I heard this morning, coming from an unnamed source, but very high placed in the NHL, that Quebec city and Winnipeg will get their teams, but via an expansion in a few years from now.
Expand? The NHL? Not even Bettman is that stupid.
Oh. It'll expand. It's 250-500mil right there in cold hard cash.
Quote from: Barrister on March 23, 2011, 01:09:15 PM
Meh - I read so many rumours from "unnamed sources". If the person with the rumour isn't a professional journalist I just skip them entirely.
He's a professional journalist, but his source will not speak publicly about this.
The Thrashers have to move. Atlanta Spirit doesn't want them any more. They own the arena. Any NHL team can not survive without getting ancillary revenue from the arena. If the Hawks have to pay rent to use their arena there is no way they'll ever survive.
Honestly, it's the first I heard about this.
Too many teams have struggling ownership, too many teams for sale. Moving a team or two to Canada is a fairly easy fix to a troubled ownership group. Remember the Islanders are still also out there - while Phoenix and Atlanta are 28th and 29th in attendance, Long Island is still 30th.
*if* expansion happens, it would be to southern Ontario.
You are delusional, my friend ;)
The Islanders will never move. Even the owner doesn't really want to sell or relocate.
An expansion in Southern Ontario is out of the question. The first news I remember hearing about the Nordiques were their relocation in Hamilton, more than once. It never happenned.
Any expansion or more to Southern Ontario will see the opposition of Buffalo, Toronto and Detroit.
Quote from: Valmy on March 23, 2011, 01:30:15 PM
Expand? The NHL? Not even Bettman is that stupid.
Kansas City and Las Vegas want hockey teams. So first, they'll expand to Canada by 2015, than come 2020 they'll move our teams to these US cities :(
Quote from: viper37 on March 23, 2011, 01:41:36 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 23, 2011, 01:09:15 PM
Too many teams have struggling ownership, too many teams for sale. Moving a team or two to Canada is a fairly easy fix to a troubled ownership group. Remember the Islanders are still also out there - while Phoenix and Atlanta are 28th and 29th in attendance, Long Island is still 30th.
*if* expansion happens, it would be to southern Ontario.
You are delusional, my friend ;)
The Islanders will never move. Even the owner doesn't really want to sell or relocate.
An expansion in Southern Ontario is out of the question. The first news I remember hearing about the Nordiques were their relocation in Hamilton, more than once. It never happenned.
Any expansion or more to Southern Ontario will see the opposition of Buffalo, Toronto and Detroit.
I'm not sure what will happen, but the Islanders are in the worst shape of any NHL franchise. Something has to change there.
You outline why S Ontario would be an expansion, not relocation. If you demand some ridiculous expansion fee like $300 mil, then give $80 mil each to Toronto, Buffalo and Detroit in compensation, a lot of opposition will dry up. But you can't demand that kind of money on a relocation.
Notice I said "if" expansion happens. I'm not convinced it will.
Quote from: Barrister on March 23, 2011, 01:53:37 PM
I'm not sure what will happen, but the Islanders are in the worst shape of any NHL franchise. Something has to change there.
The owner is at odds (to say the least) with the local authorities, mainly the State, IIRC.
He doesn't get what he wants, so he let the team fall. He wanted his precious real estate development around the arena, didn't get it, now he sulks. And the fans suffer from a mediocre product, and many are now disinterested, wich I understand. If you're a sports fan in Montreal, there's pretty much just the Habs you can see. But in New York, you have what, 1 NFL team, 2 baseball teams, 1 basketball team and another hockey team, not counting minor sports. I say there's a lot of opportunities there.
QuoteYou outline why S Ontario would be an expansion, not relocation. If you demand some ridiculous expansion fee like $300 mil, then give $80 mil each to Toronto, Buffalo and Detroit in compensation, a lot of opposition will dry up. But you can't demand that kind of money on a relocation.
If the cost of an expansion is too high, you won't have it, the NHL just can't charge as much as they want.
I'd like to see the Maple Leafs move, though. Maybe to Laval :P
Quote from: viper37 on March 23, 2011, 02:52:39 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 23, 2011, 01:53:37 PM
I'm not sure what will happen, but the Islanders are in the worst shape of any NHL franchise. Something has to change there.
The owner is at odds (to say the least) with the local authorities, mainly the State, IIRC.
He doesn't get what he wants, so he let the team fall. He wanted his precious real estate development around the arena, didn't get it, now he sulks. And the fans suffer from a mediocre product, and many are now disinterested, wich I understand. If you're a sports fan in Montreal, there's pretty much just the Habs you can see. But in New York, you have what, 1 NFL team, 2 baseball teams, 1 basketball team and another hockey team, not counting minor sports. I say there's a lot of opportunities there.
QuoteYou outline why S Ontario would be an expansion, not relocation. If you demand some ridiculous expansion fee like $300 mil, then give $80 mil each to Toronto, Buffalo and Detroit in compensation, a lot of opposition will dry up. But you can't demand that kind of money on a relocation.
If the cost of an expansion is too high, you won't have it, the NHL just can't charge as much as they want.
I'd like to see the Maple Leafs move, though. Maybe to Laval :P
Eh! Je te souhaite pas de malheur moi!
Quote from: viper37 on March 23, 2011, 01:43:09 PM
Las Vegas
Ah yes. Where professional sports goes to die.
Quote from: Valmy on March 23, 2011, 03:19:48 PM
Ah yes. Where professional sports goes to die.
didn't stop the NHL before ;)
Wow Montreal... way to "do it for Max".
It's all Gomez's fault.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 25, 2011, 06:04:51 AM
It's all Gomez's fault.
did it finish 7-0 or more? I hardly think it's the fault of only one player. Didn't see the game though.
I laughed at the Canadiens taking it in the ass from the Bruins.
Quote from: viper37 on March 25, 2011, 10:34:49 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 25, 2011, 06:04:51 AM
It's all Gomez's fault.
did it finish 7-0 or more? I hardly think it's the fault of only one player. Didn't see the game though.
Yeah, 7-0.
It's still his fault. He's a flaky player that doesn't work while taking too much ice time & too much cap space. He's killed every winger he's had this year except PatCHes but Chara took care of him.
I hate the freaking Mexican't.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 25, 2011, 10:54:04 AM
Yeah, 7-0.
It's still his fault. He's a flaky player that doesn't work while taking too much ice time & too much cap space. He's killed every winger he's had this year except PatCHes but Chara took care of him.
I hate the freaking Mexican't.
Careful... katmai will sit on you with that kind of talk.
This thread has just slipped in 2nd page. I can not and will not allow that!
More news from the Coyotes :)
12 questions Glendale [and the NHL] should answer:
1) Hulsizer has offered to sign a non-relocation agreement. Will the NHL sign onto that agreement to guarantee the Coyotes franchise cannot be moved from Glendale even if Hulsizer's company goes bankrupt or the team is sold? If the NHL is not willing to make the guarantee, what prevents the buyer from declaring bankruptcy, as the prior owners did, and allowing the team to be sold to an investor who wants to move the team? If the NHL is not willing to make that guarantee, how would the Hulsizer guarantee be enforced?
2) Has Glendale ever asked Hulsizer or any other prospective buyer to use his own money to buy the team without city debt or backing? Or has the city's negotiating position always been about how much it is willing to provide to the buyer through incentive payments and/or debt? If the city has attempted to get a privately financed buyer for the team, it should provide documentation. Why can't the city simply require that Hulsizer be personally liable for any shortfall of what is needed for full repayment of the $100 million in bonds? Has the city raised that prospect with Hulsizer? If so, the city should provide documentation.
3) The city now claims it has "strong language" to prevent Hulsizer's company from breaking the terms by declaring bankruptcy. What guarantee does the city have? Has he signed a personal guarantee or simply a guarantee through his company, Arizona Hockey Holdings LLC? How can these guarantees be enforced if the company declares bankruptcy unless Hulsizer signs a personal guarantee?
4) The city claims it will lose $500 million in economic activity if the Coyotes leave, a figure that apparently was raised in the bankruptcy case. Who produced that figure and why has the documentation not been released? What is the time frame associated with that figure? Has the city conducted its own analysis of the amount of economic activity directly attributable to the Coyotes? If so, how does it differ from the number used in the bankruptcy proceedings and has that analysis been released?
5) Has the city solicited competitive proposals for management of the arena? Hulsizer is being offered $97 million to essentially manage the arena for a little more than five years. How was that figure derived? Has the city sought proposals from private arena management companies that would be responsible for bringing in events for a far lower sum than is being offered to Hulsizer, or for free in exchange for all or part of the net revenue? If the city has solicited alternative proposals, it should provide documentation.
6) The city has pledged to pay the NHL $25 million to cover the team's losses for this year. Where did the money for that $25 million pledge come from? The documentation should be produced. If it's from general revenues, why is that a better investment for the citizens than averting cuts in police, fire, libraries, etc.? If the money came from a different source such as an enterprise fund, why is retaining the Coyotes more important than other uses of the money?
7) The city is touting parking rights as a revenue stream to repay the $100 million in bonds, yet at this point it's unclear who owns those parking rights now, how they were acquired and whether they are worth $100 million. On what basis does the city claim the parking rights being pledged to repay the bonds are owned by the team, rather than the city?
8) Has Hulsizer made specific, written, contractual guarantees to the city of his latest offer to ensure the arena will generate $75 million over the next 30 years? If there is additional documentation, the city should produce it.
9) Why does the city refuse to meet with the Goldwater Institute, which has met with Glendale officials repeatedly and has offered to hold open discussions with the media present? Why does Glendale refuse to meet on the record? Why has the city not responded to the Institute's March 7 request for a meeting?
10) Why are Glendale taxpayers responsible for paying hundreds of millions of dollars to maintain the viability of shopping centers that were built by private developers? Were those developers not expected to face any risk when they chose to build, especially if their business plan relied so heavily on a team that was already losing money when the arena was built?
11) Why doesn't the city simply offer to rent the arena to the Coyotes in competition with other potential event promoters? If the team is financially viable in Glendale, why does the city need to offer any incentive?
12) The city claims it has four legal opinions concluding the deal is not an illegal subsidy under the gift clause. Are those opinions in writing? If so, why has the city not released them publicly? If they are confidential under lawyer-client privilege, the city can waive that privilege so taxpayers could review the opinions before being asked to invest $197 million in the team. If the city does not have a written legal analysis, how can it proceed with the issuance of bonds without having done the requisite legal research?
Yo BB, you signed in on Viper's account somehow.
Quote from: Jacob on March 26, 2011, 12:34:03 AM
Yo BB, you signed in on Viper's account somehow.
Nah... he's just angling for the Nordiques.
Quote from: PRC on March 26, 2011, 12:43:04 AM
Quote from: Jacob on March 26, 2011, 12:34:03 AM
Yo BB, you signed in on Viper's account somehow.
Nah... he's just angling for the Nordiques.
yes :) if a team moves to Winnipeg, it means more chances for Quebec to get a team at some point :)
John McCain jumping into the fray.
Nowicki: McCain intensifies Goldwater criticism
by Dan Nowicki, columnist - Mar. 27, 2011 12:00 AM
The Arizona Republic
U.S. Sen. John McCain has intensified his criticism of the Goldwater Institute for its "disgraceful" refusal to negotiate with Chicago investor Matthew Hulsizer on his pending purchase of the Phoenix Coyotes.
McCain, R-Ariz., told The Arizona Republic Friday that the high-stakes deal is on the verge of collapsing because of what he characterized as "basically blackmailing by the Goldwater Institute."
"It's not their role to decide whether the Coyotes should stay in (the Phoenix area) or not," McCain said of the Phoenix-based, libertarian-leaning watchdog group. "No one elected them."
Glendale hopes to sell bonds to raise $100 million to help Hulsizer buy the Coyotes from the National Hockey League and keep the team playing at the city's Arena. The Goldwater Institute has signaled that it will challenge the arrangement in court as a violation of the Arizona Constitution. Hulsizer responded by guaranteeing that the team will pay Glendale $75 million in revenue over the course of a 30-year arena lease and that he will cover another $25 million that the city agreed to give the NHL to help offset the Coyotes' financial losses.
Goldwater Institute president Darcy Olsen has said the latest overture would not resolve the legal concerns. McCain counters that former Arizona Attorney General Grant Woods, a longtime friend and political ally of his, says it would.
One Goldwater Institute official questioned McCain's stance, given his long crusade against government waste.
"It's disappointing that someone who has made such a career fighting pork in Washington, D.C., is so willing to support the city of Glendale shoveling $100 million into a Chicago businessman's pocket," said Clint Bolick, the institute's litigation director. "We think it's a bit inconsistent. If he wants the Coyotes to stay, he certainly could consider putting together a group that would buy it on terms that are more favorable to the taxpayers of Glendale."
McCain is a well-known fan of the Coyotes and other Arizona pro-sports teams, but he said that's not why he weighed in.
"The point is they are going to lose a thousand jobs," McCain said. "A non-elected organization is going to cause it."
Read more:
American right wing infighting over a hockey team, huh?
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on March 28, 2011, 05:59:20 PM
"The point is they are going to lose a thousand jobs," McCain said. "A non-elected organization is going to cause it."
I was not aware only people in elected office were allowed to speak their opinions in this country.
Caps are awesome. Tonights game fills me with joy and dreams of a Team of Destiny(tm). A goal in the last minute to tie and then Ovechkin in overtime. Hell to the yeah!
Yes I am one sick bastard. I let the Caps set me up year after year.
Quote from: Valmy on April 03, 2011, 12:18:59 AM
Caps are awesome. Tonights game fills me with joy and dreams of a Team of Destiny(tm). A goal in the last minute to tie and then Ovechkin in overtime. Hell to the yeah!
Yes I am one sick bastard. I let the Caps set me up year after year.
:mad: I was watching the game as well. I did not walk away happy. Fucking Sabres. At least they're staying in contention with Miller out and Enroth in.
To bad they didn't lose in regulation <_<
The Canucks should feel shame. Losing to the Oilers? Perhaps they're practicing for their traditional playoff choke.
Quote from: Neil on April 03, 2011, 09:40:58 AM
The Canucks should feel shame. Losing to the Oilers? Perhaps they're practicing for their traditional playoff choke.
Just mailing it in. They've wrapped up the "best in the league" title already so they can coast the rest of the way.
Quote from: PRC on April 03, 2011, 10:12:57 AM
Quote from: Neil on April 03, 2011, 09:40:58 AM
The Canucks should feel shame. Losing to the Oilers? Perhaps they're practicing for their traditional playoff choke.
Just mailing it in. They've wrapped up the "best in the league" title already so they can coast the rest of the way.
They can coast right on through the playoffs and enjoy getting eliminated in the first round by Chicago. Let's see what those stupid fucking green men think about that.
Quote from: Valmy on April 03, 2011, 12:18:59 AM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on March 28, 2011, 05:59:20 PM
"The point is they are going to lose a thousand jobs," McCain said. "A non-elected organization is going to cause it."
I was not aware only people in elected office were allowed to speak their opinions in this country.
Caps are awesome. Tonights game fills me with joy and dreams of a Team of Destiny(tm). A goal in the last minute to tie and then Ovechkin in overtime. Hell to the yeah!
Yes I am one sick bastard. I let the Caps set me up year after year.
they'll finish first. The Habs will finish last. And the Habs will eliminate the Caps 4-1. Meh. Another bad playoff season is coming for me, I feel it.
Edit: silly mistake.
Quote from: Neil on April 03, 2011, 09:40:58 AM
The Canucks should feel shame. Losing to the Oilers? Perhaps they're practicing for their traditional playoff choke.
possibly or possibly they were riding a winning streak and facing a team desperate to prove it could get off an even longer losing streak. Edmoton played with more intensity all evening. The Canucks have been doing the sluggish start big finish on all their winning streaks lately. Last night they didn't come back. It was also Schneid's weakest game all year (and he wasn't that bad really.)
meaningless game though. The Playoffs are the playoffs. Everyone is one far more equal footing. and choke or not I look forward to entertaining hockey.
Qui veut jouer à Winnipeg? (
Who wants to play in Winnipeg?
A survey made on 318 NHL players. 53% says Quebec city is the canadian city most deserving of a team. Only 25% for Winnipeg.
And this interview ( with Éric Bélanger where he says most players of the Coyotes don't want to go to Winnipeg, especially the ones who played there. They would prefer playing in Quebec city.
The rest of the french news piece talks about how Quebec city fans are the greatest, most wonderful fans of the world while 'peg fans are boring :P
(now BB's blood is boiling for sure :P :P )
Actually, it says Winnipeg fans are staying quiet for fears of seeing Bettman 'angry' and passing over them while Quebec city fans have a more pro-active way of demonstrating support with the Nordiques Nation.
Also, Winnipeg businness model is to sell 15 000 seats at full price all night rather than a 3000 extra at half price with a bigger arena. Not sure wich is best.
I just want the Thrashers and Coyotes gone. Does it really matter which one goes to Winnipeg and which one goes to QC?
Quote from: viper37 on April 03, 2011, 01:17:49 PM
they'll finish first. The Habs will finish last. And the Habs will eliminate the Caps 5-1. Meh.
Next you will predict the sun will rise in the east. :P
Though unless the expanded the first round to 9 games I am pretty sure the Caps will be eliminated 4-1.
Quote from: Valmy on April 04, 2011, 10:35:54 AM
I just want the Thrashers and Coyotes gone. Does it really matter which one goes to Winnipeg and which one goes to QC?
No, it doesn't matter. I was just teasing BB :)
These 2 teams have no support, compared to other places where hockey might be struggling.
Quote from: viper37 on April 04, 2011, 10:28:32 AM
Qui veut jouer à Winnipeg? (
Who wants to play in Winnipeg?
A survey made on 318 NHL players. 53% says Quebec city is the canadian city most deserving of a team. Only 25% for Winnipeg.
And this interview ( with Éric Bélanger where he says most players of the Coyotes don't want to go to Winnipeg, especially the ones who played there. They would prefer playing in Quebec city.
The rest of the french news piece talks about how Quebec city fans are the greatest, most wonderful fans of the world while 'peg fans are boring :P
(now BB's blood is boiling for sure :P :P )
Actually, it says Winnipeg fans are staying quiet for fears of seeing Bettman 'angry' and passing over them while Quebec city fans have a more pro-active way of demonstrating support with the Nordiques Nation.
Also, Winnipeg businness model is to sell 15 000 seats at full price all night rather than a 3000 extra at half price with a bigger arena. Not sure wich is best.
Meh. Winnipeg is at the front of the list - we don't need to hold demonstrations.
And how can they ask 'ones' who used to play in winnipeg? There's only one - Shane Doan - and he has only ever said nice things about Winnipeg, but expressed a strong desire to stay in Phoenix.
He played for other teams too, namely the Wild and the Kings. It's unclear if they are Coyotes players or somehwere else in the league.
Quote from: viper37 on April 04, 2011, 05:23:22 PM
He played for other teams too, namely the Wild and the Kings. It's unclear if they are Coyotes players or somehwere else in the league.
Shane Doan has spent his entire career with the Jets/Coyotes franchise.
There are very, very few former Jets still playing in the league. Besides Doan, I can only think of Selanne and Khabibulin. I've never heard either say anything bad about Winnipeg.
Quote from: Barrister on April 04, 2011, 05:26:01 PM
There are very, very few former Jets still playing in the league. Besides Doan, I can only think of Selanne and Khabibulin. I've never heard either say anything bad about Winnipeg.
They'd be the only ones.
Don't forget Kris Draper. He played 20 games with Jets from 1990 to 93.
Interesting article about the Coyotes in Macleans.
nobody cares about whether Winnipeg will get a failed sports franchise.
Dont clutter the thread during the playoffs.
Back on topic.
CCR. We are coming for you and your Hawks!
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 11, 2011, 11:37:27 AM
nobody cares about whether Winnipeg will get a failed sports franchise.
Dont clutter the thread during the playoffs.
Back on topic.
CCR. We are coming for you and your Hawks!
The people in the picture seem to care. :blurgh:
Of course all the empty seats behind them are absolutely priceless. :)
I think I'll support the Kings, Coyotes, Blackhawks and ...Ducks in the West, and the Habs, Flyers, Rangers and Lightning in the East.
The Trashers are moving this summer. You heard it, here first.
*No source*
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 11, 2011, 12:34:35 PM
The Trashers are moving this summer. You heard it, here first.
*No source*
I've been saying this for months. :huh:
How can we tell in between all that Jets clutter?
Quote from: Neil on April 11, 2011, 12:32:46 PM
I think I'll support the Kings, Coyotes, Blackhawks and ...Ducks in the West, and the Habs, Flyers, Rangers and Lightning in the East.
:mad: Sabres!
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 11, 2011, 12:40:07 PM
How can we tell in between all that Jets clutter?
It's part and parcel of the Jets talk.
ASG wants out. The NHL *wants* to keep the Coyotes in Phoenix, and move the Thrashers to Winnipeg. If however they have to move the Coyotes, I'm not sure what happens to Atlanta.
Kansas City Scouts?
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 11, 2011, 01:33:41 PM
Kansas City Scouts?
No ownership group in Kansas City. You gotta have someone willing to write a $100mil+ cheque.
Quote from: Barrister on April 11, 2011, 01:36:22 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 11, 2011, 01:33:41 PM
Kansas City Scouts?
No ownership group in Kansas City. You gotta have someone willing to write a $100mil+ cheque.
PKP is willing but Quebec City doesn't have an NHL ready arena.
Blackberry dude has the money but the ownership group isn't letting him in.
Anyone else?
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on April 11, 2011, 12:46:10 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 11, 2011, 12:32:46 PM
I think I'll support the Kings, Coyotes, Blackhawks and ...Ducks in the West, and the Habs, Flyers, Rangers and Lightning in the East.
:mad: Sabres!
The Sabres and their fans are eternally cursed for treating Miro Satan like shit.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 11, 2011, 01:37:42 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 11, 2011, 01:36:22 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 11, 2011, 01:33:41 PM
Kansas City Scouts?
No ownership group in Kansas City. You gotta have someone willing to write a $100mil+ cheque.
PKP is willing but Quebec City doesn't have an NHL ready arena.
Blackberry dude has the money but the ownership group isn't letting him in.
Anyone else?
Well there is Mark Chipman / David Thomson of course... :whistle:
Is the Quebec City arena deal 100% finalized? The Colisee could be used as an interim arena until a new one is built - but only if the new arena is guaranteed.
BB you are cluttering the thread to such an extent that CCR has still not noticed the guantlet being thrown down. Now take you silly talk of Winnipeg being a real city elsewhere.
Winnipeg will win a Stanley Cup before Vancouver ever will. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on April 11, 2011, 11:29:55 AM
I love all the empty seats behind them.
Quote from: Neil on April 11, 2011, 12:32:46 PM
I think I'll support the Kings, Coyotes, Blackhawks and ...Ducks in the West, and the Habs, Flyers, Rangers and Lightning in the East.
The Kings, Coyotes, Ducks, and Lightning? You, sir, are worse than Bettman-Hitler.
Quote from: Valmy on April 11, 2011, 11:29:04 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 11, 2011, 12:32:46 PM
I think I'll support the Kings, Coyotes, Blackhawks and ...Ducks in the West, and the Habs, Flyers, Rangers and Lightning in the East.
The Kings, Coyotes, Ducks, and Lightning? You, sir, are worse than Bettman-Hitler.
Quote from: Valmy on April 11, 2011, 11:29:04 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 11, 2011, 12:32:46 PM
I think I'll support the Kings, Coyotes, Blackhawks and ...Ducks in the West, and the Habs, Flyers, Rangers and Lightning in the East.
The Kings, Coyotes, Ducks, and Lightning? You, sir, are worse than Bettman-Hitler.
The Kings are a young team with dash, toughness and élan. They're old enough that I don't really think of them as one of the misbegotten southern expansion teams. They've just always been there. I don't bear the Sharks any ill will, I just decided that if the Kings got in, they'd have my support against most of the non-Canadian teams in the West.
The Coyotes have cast off the Gretzky-led futility to become a decent team. And since they're playing the Mercs from Detroit, I have to support them in any event. It'd be a nice last hurrah for Glendale.
The Ducks are somewhat loathsome, but since they are playing against the trapping Predators, whose goal it is to ruin the playoffs, let the Ducks get to the second round.
The Lightning have firepower and Dwayne Roloson. The Penguins have too many commercials about Sidney Crosby. My choice is clear.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on April 12, 2011, 01:22:16 AM
Quote from: Valmy on April 11, 2011, 11:29:04 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 11, 2011, 12:32:46 PM
I think I'll support the Kings, Coyotes, Blackhawks and ...Ducks in the West, and the Habs, Flyers, Rangers and Lightning in the East.
The Kings, Coyotes, Ducks, and Lightning? You, sir, are worse than Bettman-Hitler.
I know. It is bizarre that anybody has an emotional reaction at all to the boring, dry, and corporate southern US teams but I try.
Quote from: Barrister on April 11, 2011, 11:17:20 PM
Winnipeg will win a Stanley Cup before Vancouver ever will. :cool:
Edmonton is already having damaging effects on your sanity. Soon you will become a Neil.
Quote from: Barrister on April 11, 2011, 03:08:39 PM
Is the Quebec City arena deal 100% finalized? The Colisee could be used as an interim arena until a new one is built - but only if the new arena is guaranteed.
About 95% done. The mayor is under investigation because of some trip(s?) he made with with Pierre-Karl Péladeau to Vegas, and maybe some other place.
Financing for the arena is ok, though there are new conditions that have surfaced. Part of the deal involves having restaurants and shops inside the new arena. However, this deal is conditional to a revival of the Limoilou sector (the neighbourhood where the old Coliseum is and the new one will be), wich is the poorest sector of Quebec city. Not Bronx 1980s style, but not pretty.
Apparently, there are private corporations willing to build at least 2 new hotels there, but all these people need for the place to be revamped.
And there's the problem. Revamping the place for the mayor means demolishing the highway near the Arena and transforming it in a urban boulevard. It also includes digging the electric lines, something wich people there do not approve. It obviously includes new infrastructures, like sewers and reworking the roads to get there. This is 150 million$ + the tramway the mayor wants so much.
Add to these projects the costs of building a tramway troughout the entire city, revamping the highways at Quebec city's entrance, enlarging the part of the highway north of there, and some various works on other highways in the city... this place is gonna be hell on earth for anyone driving for the next 20 years. Not even counting the tax hikes that will result from this.
My picks for the playoffs:
NY Rangers vs Washington 5
Buffalo vs Philadelphie 6
Montreal vs Boston 5
Vancouver 6
Nashville vs Anaheim 5
Tampa Bay vs Pittsburgh 7
Phoenix vs Detroit 6
Los Angeles vs San Jose 5
Nashville, winning a playoff series? :lol:
Quote from: Valmy on April 12, 2011, 08:49:48 AM
I know. It is bizarre that anybody has an emotional reaction at all to the boring, dry, and corporate southern US teams but I try.
Interesting fact: All hockey teams, and in fact all pro sports teams of any kind, are corporations. Quit being a weirdo.
Quote from: Neil on April 12, 2011, 11:09:21 AM
Interesting fact: All hockey teams, and in fact all pro sports teams of any kind, are corporations. Quit being a weirdo.
Nothing weird about hating teams from geographical areas (in my case the American South). Literally 100% of sports fans do that.
And I meant corporate because that is who they cultivate for their least in Dallas. That is fine for business practices but it makes them colorless and dull as hell. But really it just viceral hatred and not based on anything rational. After all if I was rational I would not waste valuable time watching Hockey in the first place.
My picks:
NY Rangers vs Washington 7
Buffalo vs Philadelphia 6
Montreal vs Boston 6
Vancouver vs Chicago 7
Nashville vs Anaheim 6
Tampa Bay vs Pittsburgh 5
Phoenix vs Detroit 7
Los Angeles vs San Jose 5
Sorry Valmy :(
It's just that Boudreau is a terrible coach.
Quote from: Zoupa on April 12, 2011, 11:49:00 AM
Sorry Valmy :(
It's just that Boudreau is a terrible coach.
You got that right <_<
However even if he was Scotty Bowman's secret alter-ego the Caps still have that horrible curse going against them.
Here are my first round picks:
NY Rangers vs Washington in 6
Buffalo vs Philadelphia in 7
Montreal vs Boston in 4
Vancouver vs Chicago in 6
Nashville vs Anaheim in 7
Tampa Bay vs Pittsburgh in 6
Phoenix vs Detroit in 7
Los Angeles vs San Jose in 5
Montreal in 4. Gawd damn it.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 12, 2011, 10:20:14 AM
Nashville, winning a playoff series? :lol:
You're right :) That was my friend's picks :) I edited my choices :)
We should to a playoff pool.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 12, 2011, 12:34:22 PM
Montreal in 4. Gawd damn it.
I hope Lucic puts a Hab through the glass.
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 12, 2011, 05:37:42 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 12, 2011, 12:34:22 PM
Montreal in 4. Gawd damn it.
I hope Lucic puts a Hab through the glass.
It might be possible in Boston but impossible in Montreal, those boards are made out of concrete it seems. Also I'm unsure if any Habs player other then HMCS Gill is tall enough to be put thru the glass.
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 12, 2011, 05:37:42 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 12, 2011, 12:34:22 PM
Montreal in 4. Gawd damn it.
I hope Lucic puts a Hab through the glass.
I hope Columbus... oh wait. Right. :P
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 11, 2011, 06:31:57 PM
BB you are cluttering the thread to such an extent that CCR has still not noticed the guantlet being thrown down. Now take you silly talk of Winnipeg being a real city elsewhere.
I probably wouldn't have even come looking for it if you hadn't called me out in my vasectomy thread... :P
Like I said there, Canucks in 4 -- or maybe 5 if everything clicks for the Hawks in one game. It's not my explicit intent to piss in the Canucktards' collective cereal, but the Blackhawks lick balls this year & get curly red pubes stuck in their teeth. Beating them should be slightly less difficult than clubbing a baby seal.
Which I'm fine with. After watching like 78 of the 82 or whatever regular season Blackhawk games last year & then every second of every game in the playoffs I burned out. It was almost a relief when the Hawks traded half the team away in July, because it nipped in the bud any unrealistic expectations of them repeating this year & freed up a metric fuckton of free time for me. For the next couple of years, at least, the Blackhawks are back to Business As Usual: Mediocrity...
Fan 590 radio reporting that the NHL will announce the relocation of the Coyotes to WInnipeg once their season is over.
Pretty shitty thing to do, if you ask me. Let the fans say goodbye.
Quote from: Barrister on April 13, 2011, 01:07:05 PM
Fan 590 radio reporting that the NHL will announce the relocation of the Coyotes to WInnipeg once their season is over.
Pretty shitty thing to do, if you ask me. Let the fans say goodbye.
Which is shocking because the NHL is usually all about class.
I have no idea what to make of this:
some dude from ESPN does a preview of the Western Conference NHL games... while very obviously wearing a Winnipeg Jets t-shirt. :huh:
it's another expat from Winnipeg. They are legions these days, I hear :P
Quote from: viper37 on April 13, 2011, 02:37:08 PM
it's another expat from Winnipeg. They are legions these days, I hear :P
We are everywhere. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on April 13, 2011, 02:38:01 PM
Quote from: viper37 on April 13, 2011, 02:37:08 PM
it's another expat from Winnipeg. They are legions these days, I hear :P
We are everywhere. :cool:
Of course. Who would actually want to live there - or play hockey there.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 13, 2011, 02:47:47 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 13, 2011, 02:38:01 PM
Quote from: viper37 on April 13, 2011, 02:37:08 PM
it's another expat from Winnipeg. They are legions these days, I hear :P
We are everywhere. :cool:
Of course. Who would actually want to live there - or play hockey there.
I'd take Winnipeg over Edmonton. <_<
Quote from: Barrister on April 13, 2011, 02:48:45 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 13, 2011, 02:47:47 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 13, 2011, 02:38:01 PM
Quote from: viper37 on April 13, 2011, 02:37:08 PM
it's another expat from Winnipeg. They are legions these days, I hear :P
We are everywhere. :cool:
Of course. Who would actually want to live there - or play hockey there.
I'd take Winnipeg over Edmonton. <_<
Should have stayed single then :P
Quote from: Barrister on April 13, 2011, 02:48:45 PM
I'd take Winnipeg over Edmonton. <_<
Fewer Indians and halfbreeds in Edmonton.
Quote from: Neil on April 13, 2011, 02:57:06 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 13, 2011, 02:48:45 PM
I'd take Winnipeg over Edmonton. <_<
Fewer Indians and halfbreeds in Edmonton.
I think you are mistaken sir.
Quote from: Barrister on April 13, 2011, 02:58:36 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 13, 2011, 02:57:06 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 13, 2011, 02:48:45 PM
I'd take Winnipeg over Edmonton. <_<
Fewer Indians and halfbreeds in Edmonton.
I think you are mistaken sir.
No, definitely not. Over 8% of Winnipeg is Native, whereas only 5.3% of Edmonton is. When you add in the fact that all the riff-raff surrounding Winnipeg stream into the city in order to cause trouble, the result is an extremely dangerous, unpleasant city.
Also, they had a major Communist rebellion in Winnipeg.
Quote from: Barrister on April 13, 2011, 02:48:45 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 13, 2011, 02:47:47 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 13, 2011, 02:38:01 PM
Quote from: viper37 on April 13, 2011, 02:37:08 PM
it's another expat from Winnipeg. They are legions these days, I hear :P
We are everywhere. :cool:
Of course. Who would actually want to live there - or play hockey there.
I'd take Winnipeg over Edmonton. <_<
How does that prove anything I said was incorrect. Edmonton is the armpit of the universe.
Quote from: Neil on April 13, 2011, 03:10:17 PM
Also, they had a major Communist rebellion in Winnipeg.
Metis rebellion, Neil, Metis.
Quote from: viper37 on April 13, 2011, 07:22:35 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 13, 2011, 03:10:17 PM
Also, they had a major Communist rebellion in Winnipeg.
Metis rebellion, Neil, Metis.
I was thinking of 1919, but I suppose they did call it the
Red River Rebellion.
strikes were common around the world in this era.
Ah the sweet taste of victory.
Canucks got to an early lead and then sat back a bit... the Blackhawks were pressing hard from the 2nd on but the Nucks held on. That was a good opening game to a series, i'm happy with the result.
Damn it, Nashville won. Dan Ellis sucks.
Quote from: viper37 on April 13, 2011, 07:22:35 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 13, 2011, 03:10:17 PM
Also, they had a major Communist rebellion in Winnipeg.
Metis rebellion, Neil, Metis.
1919 Winnipeg General Strike.
QuoteCoyotes deal on last leg, True North readyBy: Gary Lawless
Posted: 04/13/2011 1:11 PM | Comments: 82 | Last Modified: 04/13/2011 5:35 PM | Updates
Print E–mail 316 252Share585Report Error The NHL is preparing to hold a gun to the City of Glendale's head and is again planning to use Winnipeg as the bullet.
Reports that Matthew Hulsizer's $170-million bid to purchase the Phoenix Coyotes is dead may be premature but it appears there is only one chapter left to be played out in this saga.
Expect the next move to be the NHL's. It will involve positioning the city of Winnipeg against Phoenix in a manner reminiscent of last spring's leverage play by commissioner Gary Bettman.
Sports radio talk in Toronto on Wednesday had the deal in the desert near or at the end of the line and the Free Press has a Glendale source stating Hulsizer has pulled any concessions he's made off the table and reverted to his original proposal with the NHL and City of Glendale.
The next move will be Bettman's and it will likely come in the next five to 10 days. He'll need Winnipeg's help again and it's quite possible that talks between the league and True North have begun anew.
The NHL has painted itself into a bit of a corner by waiting this long to resolve the sale and now runs the risk of having to announce relocation of the franchise during a playoff run. It would be bad enough to make such an announcement in the first round but even worse to make it in the Stanley Cup final.
It's unlikely Bettman will wait that long to pull the trigger. Expect the commissioner to get in front of this one in the latter stages of the opening round. Bettman will give Hulsizer and the City of Glendale one final crack at closing a deal.
Mark Chipman and his partner David Thomson are still interested in an NHL franchise they would bring to Winnipeg and operate out of the MTS Centre.
Playing stalking horse for the NHL a second time will, however, come with some strings says a U.S.-based attorney with experience in sports franchise transfer-of-ownership deals.
The lawyer, who has been involved in NBA and NHL relocations deals, demanded anonymity but said the next few steps will be common practice in terms of the league's arrangement with True North.
According to the source, True North will require financial and contractual guarantees to sign a purchase offer that Bettman can then take to Arizona and use to prod Glendale and Hulsizer.
Before True North signs a deal, they'll want exclusivity, a firm timeline, board of governor approval and likely a seven-figure compensation — called a breakup fee — should the deal sour at the last moment.
True North will insist Bettman only shop their deal to Hulsizer and that no other party be allowed in at the last minute. The NHL will have the opportunity to use this leverage with Hulsizer alone. If he can't or won't buy the team — then it's Winnipeg's.
The NHL made its choice to relocate to Winnipeg a long time ago, if needed. Any talk of other markets has been silliness. The league is once again working with Winnipeg and no one else. That won't change.
The deal will have a small window. Once True North signs off, the NHL will have a firm deadline which it will need to work within. Bettman will tell Glendale and Hulsizer they have a certain number of days — certainly less than seven — to conclude their deal. If it's not consummated within the agreed term — the agreement in principle between the NHL and True North will come into effect.
Board of Governor approval, required for any relocation, will need to be signed off on before this agreement is signed. Should Bettman's leverage play in Glendale work a second time and prompt the city and Hulsizer to act, True North will be compensated for its role and efforts. Our source says a sum in the neighbourhood of $5 million would be the norm for a deal of this size.
Most interesting there here is the report that Hulsizer, far from making further concessions, has pulled the minor concession he made a month ago. This deal is dead, dead, dead.
Quote from: Barrister on April 14, 2011, 09:16:28 AM
1919 Winnipeg General Strike.
I had to read that in Wikipedia. Not something we were tought in our history classes.
Make it!
Quote from: Barrister on April 14, 2011, 09:18:00 AM
Most interesting there here is the report that Hulsizer, far from making further concessions, has pulled the minor concession he made a month ago. This deal is dead, dead, dead.
the rumours of their death have been largely exagerated ;)
They're only exagerrated until they come true.
Quote from: Valmy on April 14, 2011, 12:14:16 AM
Ah the sweet taste of victory.
i have bet against your team and they must choke!
Quote from: HVC on April 14, 2011, 10:08:55 AM
i have bet against your team and they must choke!
People have been talking alot about last years Montreal series since the Caps are back with the #1 seed and damn if I still can hardly believe it. Even for the Caps that was the most shocking ever but maybe they will go up 3-0 against the Rangers and then lose four straight just to try to top it.
even then i only gave them a 2 to lose. this is the weirdest pool i have ever seen. give 1-8 for the series (only usig the number once) and then multiply that number by the total games played (only if your your team wins). so really, to maximize you should weigh your points on the closest games. But if you lose that series you can't carry forward the multiplier.
Quote from: PRC on April 14, 2011, 12:37:34 AM
Canucks got to an early lead and then sat back a bit... the Blackhawks were pressing hard from the 2nd on but the Nucks held on. That was a good opening game to a series, i'm happy with the result.
I am worried the Canucks are going to play down to the Hawks' level like they did with Edmonton at the end of the season. Hopefully the history with the Hawks stokes their fire a bit more in game two. The problem is now the Hawks think they can play with the Canucks. The Canucks have to rip out their heart at the beginning of game two.
BB, nobody cares about Winnipeg.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 14, 2011, 11:36:56 AM
BB, nobody cares about Winnipeg.
Yet you keep feeling the need to say that.
By the way - Detroit is up 1-0... :shifty:
I care about Winnipeg. Well not Winnipeg per se. Just about having MORE canadian teams in the NHL.
Next Quebec, then Hamilton, then second team for Vancouver, Toronto & Montreal. Make it 12!
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 14, 2011, 12:05:11 PM
I care about Winnipeg. Well not Winnipeg per se. Just about having MORE canadian teams in the NHL.
Next Quebec, then Hamilton, then second team for Vancouver, Toronto & Montreal. Make it 12!
Now that's just crazy talk.
Quote from: Barrister on April 14, 2011, 12:08:36 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 14, 2011, 12:05:11 PM
I care about Winnipeg. Well not Winnipeg per se. Just about having MORE canadian teams in the NHL.
Next Quebec, then Hamilton, then second team for Vancouver, Toronto & Montreal. Make it 12!
Now that's just crazy talk.
10 years ago, a Team in Winnipeg would have sounded crazy too. Yet, here we are.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 14, 2011, 12:12:22 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 14, 2011, 12:08:36 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 14, 2011, 12:05:11 PM
I care about Winnipeg. Well not Winnipeg per se. Just about having MORE canadian teams in the NHL.
Next Quebec, then Hamilton, then second team for Vancouver, Toronto & Montreal. Make it 12!
Now that's just crazy talk.
10 years ago, a Team in Winnipeg would have sounded crazy too. Yet, here we are.
10 years ago it was properly crazy talk. We had no arena, and no salary cap.
Now this is some very interesting news - and not just the same BS re-tweeted from a dozen different sources:
QuoteTruth North expected to trigger campaign for NHL season ticketsBy: Gary Lawless
Posted: 04/14/2011 5:15 PM | Comments: 0
Print E–mail 15 11Share28Report Error Time to put up or shut up.
The next time we hear from True North Sports and Entertainment it likely won't be to announce the return of the NHL to our city but will instead be a call for Winnipeggers to demonstrate their ability to support an NHL team.
Related Items
Are you ready to pony up for NHL season tickets? Does this city want an NHL franchise and is it willing to pay for it? Are Winnipeggers willing to buy tickets at NHL prices with a long-term financial commitment?
A Winnipeg franchise is not a guaranteed economic success in the minds of many NHL types and it's a certainty the league's board of governors will tell True North, should they get to the point where they are prepared to relocate to Winnipeg, to go to its constituents and ask for a vote of confidence.
Such a cash call could come as early as next week.
True North, in order to satisfy the board of governors, will likely ask Winnipeggers to commit to purchasing season tickets for a minimum of three seasons.
It's unknown how long the community will have to respond but count on a week to sell the vast majority of the MTS Centre's 15,000 seats.
A poor response from the community would likely scuttle True North's attempt to land an NHL franchise.
"There is nothing in the constitution on this," said NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly in an email to the Free Press on Thursday. "Certainly, one of the things the board has to have satisfied is that the market is capable of supporting an NHL team at NHL prices. But that can be done in a variety of ways, depending on the market. There is no one 'cookie cutter' approach here."
It's believed the NHL and True North are working on a deal for partners Mark Chipman and David Thomson to purchase the Phoenix Coyotes from the league should the NHL fail to conclude a deal to keep the team in Arizona.
The NHL bought the team out of bankruptcy in 2009 and has been trying to sell it ever since. The league appears to be at an impasse in Arizona with no buyer willing to pay their asking price of $170 million to keep the team in Glendale, Ariz., at Arena.
Chipman and Thomson are prepared to meet the NHL's asking price and move the team to Winnipeg to play out of the MTS Centre.
The league has been working with Chicago businessman Matthew Hulsizer to keep the team in Glendale but the deal has stalled. The NHL has been patient but appears close to imposing a deadline on the transaction or moving on altogether.
For Winnipeg, the moment of truth may be close at hand.
There will likely be only one crack at gaining an NHL franchise and no time for hesitation if the city truly wants its beloved Jets or an NHL team of another name.
The bald truth of the matter is we are viewed as failures in the NHL boardroom and will have to prove otherwise before they determine that we can be welcomed back into the world's finest hockey league.
That's a tall order. Sell out THREE SEASONS WORTH of season tickets - in one week. Sounds like a movie premise.
It's a shame I can't do anything to support it. I'll go to games - either in Winnipeg or in Alberta, but I obviously can not contribute to season tickets. I'll buy merchandise, but that's not what they're asking for.
I think Winnipeg can do it though. :ph34r:
Quote from: Barrister on April 14, 2011, 12:00:48 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 14, 2011, 11:36:56 AM
BB, nobody cares about Winnipeg.
Yet you keep feeling the need to say that.
Only because you feel the need to post irrelevant material in this thread.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 14, 2011, 12:05:11 PM
I care about Winnipeg. Well not Winnipeg per se. Just about having MORE canadian teams in the NHL.
Next Quebec, then Hamilton, then second team for Vancouver, Toronto & Montreal. Make it 12!
No chance of a second team in Vancouver. We have a Major Junior Hockey team and an NHL team. We couldnt support an NBA team along with an NHL team. We certainly could support two NHL teams.
Toronto needs a real team so a second team might make a go there.
Montreal. Doubt there is enough corporate sponsorship for the one team.
Man. The Canadians are much better than the Bruins. Lucic looked like a retard out there, and Price was ultra-clutch.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 12, 2011, 12:34:22 PM
Montreal in 4. Gawd damn it.
My real prediction is/was Habs in 5 tho.
The Jetsmeter has been quiet recently.
But not today. :menace:
April 14:
Can we ban BB until the end of the playoffs? pretty please.
Quote from: HVC on April 14, 2011, 10:07:50 PM
Can we ban BB until the end of the playoffs? pretty please.
Ban me? In my moment of triumph?
I think you underestimate my chances. :smoke:
I would never read this thread if it weren't for following the Coyotes/Jets/Goldwater soap opera it has turned into. It's not like it's about a real sport.
Quote from: sbr on April 14, 2011, 10:14:33 PM
I would never read this thread if it weren't for following the Coyotes/Jets/Goldwater soap opera it has turned into.
Quote from: sbr
It's not like it's about a real sport.
Quote from: PRC on April 12, 2011, 12:31:54 PM
Here are my first round picks:
Montreal vs Boston in 4
Our first fail.
How good do you think Claude Julien will be sleeping tonight? Your job is on the line buddy. Hopefuly the Habs threw them into a mindfuck for saturday.
Quote from: sbr on April 14, 2011, 10:14:33 PM
I would never read this thread if it weren't for following the Coyotes/Jets/Goldwater soap opera it has turned into. It's not like it's about a real sport.
:huh: I mean, we could argue that it sucks & all but that it isn't a sport? Come on!
Quote from: Zoupa on April 14, 2011, 11:24:43 PM
Quote from: PRC on April 12, 2011, 12:31:54 PM
Here are my first round picks:
Montreal vs Boston in 4
Our first fail.
How good do you think Claude Julien will be sleeping tonight? Your job is on the line buddy. Hopefuly the Habs threw them into a mindfuck for saturday.
Somebody predicted that the Habs would get swept? That was foolish.
I guess Boston never regained their testicular fortitude they lost last year. Oh well.
Quote from: sbr on April 14, 2011, 10:14:33 PM
I would never read this thread if it weren't for following the Coyotes/Jets/Goldwater soap opera it has turned into. It's not like it's about a real sport.
Another excellent reason for banning BB from this thread for the next three months.
Would going up 2-0 tonight be good for the Caps or would taking a series lead only ensure their eventual collapse? :hmm:
Winnipeg radio reporting that Senator McCain (who had lobbied in favour of the deal) has said it is "dead", and Mayor Scruggs of Glendale has said that the City has done everything it can (which is funny, as you'd think they were still trying to sell bonds or soemthing).
Poor Hulsizer should have went the Gillet way.
Dude bought the Habs for around 150mil (with a loan of 100mil from Quebec gov) & sold them 550mil.
Quote from: Barrister on April 15, 2011, 12:49:37 PM
Winnipeg radio reporting that Senator McCain (who had lobbied in favour of the deal) has said it is "dead", and Mayor Scruggs of Glendale has said that the City has done everything it can (which is funny, as you'd think they were still trying to sell bonds or soemthing).
My enthusiasm for this story has faded now that the long wait for the playoffs is over :yeah:
But I would be shocked now if they are not in Winnipeg next year :cheers:
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 15, 2011, 12:40:52 PM
Quote from: sbr on April 14, 2011, 10:14:33 PM
I would never read this thread if it weren't for following the Coyotes/Jets/Goldwater soap opera it has turned into. It's not like it's about a real sport.
Another excellent reason for banning BB from this thread for the next three months.
Can't be done, mostly because you're a Canucks fan.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 15, 2011, 01:03:11 PM
Poor Hulsizer should have went the Gillet way.
Dude bought the Habs for around 150mil (with a loan of 100mil from Quebec gov) & sold them 550mil.
But the Habs actually make money. :mellow:
Quote from: Neil on April 15, 2011, 01:10:54 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 15, 2011, 12:40:52 PM
Quote from: sbr on April 14, 2011, 10:14:33 PM
I would never read this thread if it weren't for following the Coyotes/Jets/Goldwater soap opera it has turned into. It's not like it's about a real sport.
Another excellent reason for banning BB from this thread for the next three months.
Can't be done, mostly because you're a Canucks fan.
I always assumed there would be an element of Edmontonion sour grapes bias.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 15, 2011, 02:08:22 PM
I always assumed there would be an element of Edmontonion sour grapes bias.
I wouldn't think that 'sour grapes' applies, would you? Or any sort of Edmontonian factor. I simply hate the Canucks and everything they stand for, and most especially their scumbag fans.
Quote from: Barrister on April 15, 2011, 02:02:08 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 15, 2011, 01:03:11 PM
Poor Hulsizer should have went the Gillet way.
Dude bought the Habs for around 150mil (with a loan of 100mil from Quebec gov) & sold them 550mil.
But the Habs actually make money. :mellow:
When he bought them? Barely but that's not my point. My point is, if you want the state to buy you a team you have to do it somewhere the general population cares about hockey.
San Jose beat the Kings but I didn't like that it had to go to OT. The Sharks should be stomping them.
Quote from: Jaron on April 15, 2011, 02:22:46 PM
San Jose beat the Kings but I didn't like that it had to go to OT. The Sharks should be stomping them.
The Kings are resilient, but the Sharks are talented.
Besides, OT in the playoffs is the best time of the year.
Quote from: Zoupa on April 14, 2011, 11:24:43 PM
Quote from: PRC on April 12, 2011, 12:31:54 PM
Here are my first round picks:
Montreal vs Boston in 4
Our first fail.
How good do you think Claude Julien will be sleeping tonight? Your job is on the line buddy. Hopefuly the Habs threw them into a mindfuck for saturday.
Mea Culpa...
Julien's job is on the line, so is Boudreaus and probably Vigneaults as well.
Again the Canucks with the win but those Blackhawks don't make life easy for them, that was a stressful third period.
Good summary of current events, and a few nice turns of phrase. :cool:
QuoteMidas touch unnecessary for Winnipeg to get Coyotes
STEPHEN BRUNT | Columnist profile | E-mail
From Saturday's Globe and Mail
Published Friday, Apr. 15, 2011 8:54PM EDT
Last updated Friday, Apr. 15, 2011 9:24PM EDT
Oh there is smoke, great billowing plumes of smoke, and yes, that probably means what it usually does.
Either they've found a new pope, or something's burning out there.
A couple of the fellows at Sportsnet reporting that multiple National Hockey League sources say the Phoenix Coyotes are likely bound for Winnipeg next season. Senator John McCain and Wayne Gretzky, both speaking publicly, both with a rooting interest in a different outcome, and both sounding extremely pessimistic about the franchise's future in Arizona.
American Hockey League president Dave Andrews acknowledging that there have been discussions about relocating the Manitoba Moose. The Winnipeg Free Press reporting that a season's ticket drive is imminent, which if successful would cement a deal for the Coyotes. And the Hockey News laying out the terms under which Mark Chipman and company have agreed to purchase the franchise from the NHL, once the Glendale bond issue is officially declared dead.
All of that news breaking over the course of 48 hours strongly suggests that the Coyotes' final playoff game this spring will be their final game, period, based in the Valley of the Sun.
And yes, one might well say we've heard that before over the course of the past couple of years, except that there is one crucial difference this time around.
Some of those stories seem to be coming straight out of Manitoba, where until now the potential new owners of the Coyotes have been moving on little cat feet, making damned sure that they don't make any noise or generate any headlines.
Wouldn't want to upset the powers at the NHL head office. Wouldn't want to appear too eager, and give them an excuse to look elsewhere.
Of course, truth is, there is no elsewhere.
But you can't blame them for being extra careful, even though it's a myth that speaking and acting out of turn was what cost Jim Balsillie an NHL team. Balsillie was rebuffed not because he did things like selling season's tickets in Hamilton without commissioner Gary Bettman's permission. He was blocked because he wanted to relocate a franchise within territory guaranteed to the Toronto Maple Leafs (and Buffalo Sabres) under the NHL constitution. (Anyone who doubts that need only to listen to Brian Burke this week when he was asked about the possibility of a second Toronto team: he sounded rather certain that it was the Leafs' decision to make.)
Now, though, there are leaks springing everywhere, which is exactly what figured to happen when a possibility morphed into an inevitability. Though Winnipeg is certainly not the preferred option of Bettman and the league's owners, all signs point to them finally moving on, acknowledging defeat, bidding adieu to Matthew Hulsizer and the Glendale municipal government, eating some crow, and heading back whence they came in those heady days when the NHL was outgrowing little Canadian markets.
It certainly won't be spun that way, especially since there's an easy scapegoat now in the Goldwater Institute, as though those pesky libertarians were the disease, rather than a symptom.
Just to avoid confusion: the Coyotes won't be leaving because someone threatened to sue over a municipal bond issue which may or may not be legal under Arizona law. They will be leaving because of the single unassailable truth that has been lurking behind this entire exercise – there is no one on earth prepared to invest their own money to keep the team where it is because to do so would mean absorbing tens of millions of dollars in losses in perpetuity. And the reason that's the case is that there aren't enough people in the Phoenix area willing to spend enough money on big-league professional hockey as an entertainment option to make a franchise viable there.
In the end, grand strategies for NHL growth are irrelevant. So is the importance of Phoenix as a television market.
Somebody has to be willing to pay the bills. Nobody has, at least since Jerry Moyes took the Coyotes into bankruptcy. No one is willing in Kansas City, either, or in Las Vegas, or in any of those other fantasy destinations.
And now that smoke on the horizon is telling us that it is Winnipeg's turn – again.
blah blah blah.
Detroit is up 1-0 in game 2. :ccr
2-0 :ccr :ccr (
Coyotes closing in on move to Winnipeg
Amid reports the deal to sell the Phoenix Coyotes to Chicago businessman Matthew Hulsizer is on life support, a source with knowledge of the situation told a deal is basically done to move the Coyotes to Winnipeg and will be announced sometime between the end of the Stanley Cup final and the June 24 draft.
According to the source, the deal calls for the Coyotes to be sold to True North Sports and Entertainment for $140 million. It's believed the deal will be announced at something north of $200 million, but that includes more than $60 million in renovations to add 2,500 seats to the MTS Centre in Winnipeg.
The source said the deal has not been signed, but there is a memorandum of agreement in place and that the deal will be signed when the NHL's deal with Hulsizer officially dies.
And once it does, both the NHL and those on Glendale city council who voted for the $197 million deal with Hulsizer will have a convenient scapegoat to blame for the demise of the pact - the Goldwater Institute. The public watchdog has vowed to file a lawsuit to block the sale of municipal bonds to finance the purchase of the Coyotes. The Goldwater Institute has been steadfast in its insistence the deal between Hulsizer and the city of Glendale, which includes an upfront payment of $100 million to Hulsizer, violates Arizona law with respect to public subsidies.
NHL commissioner Gary Bettman and those on Glendale council who held their nose and voted to approve the lease at Arena to keep the Coyotes in Phoenix will be off the hook and will simply be able to blame the Goldwater Institute and its incessant meddling as the reason why the deal could not work.
But pointing to Goldwater as the reason for the demise of the Coyotes sale is based on the same flawed logic that blames the salary cap for the downward spiral of the Chicago Blackhawks.
Doing so makes sense to Phil Lieberman, a Glendale councilor who has been vocal in his opposition to the deal and was one of two councilors who voted against it.
"I have talked to the Goldwater Institute and they don't have a case until the bonds are actually sold," Lieberman said. "There is no possible way, and I stand behind this publicly, that the 5,500 parking spots at $10 a night can pay the $7 million to $8 million a year that the debt service would require to cover the debt. It just can't be done."The lease was expected to cost the city of Glendale $197 million over a six year period, much of which would be covered by a sale of $116 million worth of municipal bonds. But any shortfall would have to be covered by the city.
Lieberman said when the city set aside $20 million for Hulsizer's management fees for next year, it had to take $9.5 million out of the city's contingency fund to balance the budget. In a weak economy with unfinished and crumbling infrastructure, Lieberman finds that unacceptable.
Lieberman said there are several areas where the money would be better used. He pointed out the city currently has 20 openings for police officers it won't fill in order to meet the budget. He also said construction began on a courthouse in his district and $42 million was earmarked for the project, but after just $12 million was spent, the basement was capped until the additional $30 million can be found; the project has been put off until between 2015 and 2017. Also, a cultural center could not be properly completed 10 years after it opened because there was not enough money to do so.
He also said city employees last year had to take a furlough that resulted in a 10 percent reduction in their pay and will do the same this year to account for a five percent pay cut.
"I want streets, I want sewers, I want gutters and I want cops," Lieberman said. "Making sure that Hulsizer has a $20 million management fee, how does that provide the services to my 39,900 constituents?"
I don't buy several elements of that particular story though.
I can't see the NHL demanding an extra 2,500 seats to the MTS Centre. That's a lot of money for seats that would be the cheapest ones in the building.
I can't also see the timeline working at all. Announcing the deal in June? Already the timing is extremely tight in Winnipeg. They have to announce sooner. And the Free Press story talked about a season ticket drive as early as next week (although that is not "the announcement").
Then there's a lot of fluff from Lieberman, who doesn't mention he voted for the Coyotes deal at certain points in time.
If Bettman learned anything from his apprenticeship from David Stern, there is no way he will allow a announcement of the team moving to take peoples' eyes off of the playoffs, especially while the Coyotes are still active in the playoffs. He likely wouldn't want the announcement to happen until the playoffs are completely over. That would make the timing for next season rather difficult though.
Quote from: sbr on April 16, 2011, 07:06:30 PM
If Bettman learned anything from his apprenticeship from David Stern, there is no way he will allow a announcement of the team moving to take peoples' eyes off of the playoffs, especially while the Coyotes are still active in the playoffs. He likely wouldn't want the announcement to happen until the playoffs are completely over. That would make the timing for next season rather difficult though.
Which is why I was 100% positive this would be over by now.
But as I said - waiting until June makes next season impossible. If it was other people's money Bettman wouldn't care - but the league owns the Coyotes, and they don't want to be on the hook for another year of losses of $25 to $40 mil.
Now then could try and finesse it somehow - announce a "possible" or "tentative" move to Winnipeg, and only make it official in June. But I don't see how that makes things any better for the league.
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 16, 2011, 07:26:59 PM
You saw it was me, posting in the NHL thread. What did you expect me to be talking about? :wacko:
By the way - plenty of tickets are still available for Game 3 in Phoenix on Monday. :lol: :rolleyes:
Quote from: Barrister on April 16, 2011, 07:29:19 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 16, 2011, 07:26:59 PM
You saw it was me, posting in the NHL thread. What did you expect me to be talking about? :wacko:
Apples. :mad:
Another loss for the Bruins. Fucking assholes. Can't nobody play decent hockey against the Habs anymore? CRUSH them for Hod's sake!
So viper, I wonder is there a team that you like?
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 16, 2011, 10:13:41 PM
So viper, I wonder is there a team that you like?
Anyway the Caps will go up 3-0 tommorow. It is their destiny.
Quote from: Zoupa on April 14, 2011, 11:24:43 PM
Hopefuly the Habs threw them into a mindfuck for saturday.
Today was a good day. :) I'm not a huge fan of Jacques Martin, but you have to admit he's outcoaching Julien and by a big margin.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 16, 2011, 10:13:41 PM
So viper, I wonder is there a team that you like?
I like the Penguins, the Ducks, the Sharks and the Avalanche. Oh, Tampa Bay too.
I haven't been a real fan of a club since the Nordiques left. :cry:
I can't believe that Rangers goal didn't count.
Glad to see instant replay interpretation by the officials in the NHL is just as fucked up as it is in the NFL.
The clocked showed 0.00 & the puck hasn't cross the goal line. How is that wrong?
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 17, 2011, 07:15:59 PM
The clocked showed 0.00 & the puck hasn't cross the goal line. How is that wrong?
He's a football fan. Can't understand the rules. In football, if you cross the line after the timer, it's a valid touchdown.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 17, 2011, 07:15:59 PM
The clocked showed 0.00 & the puck hasn't cross the goal line. How is that wrong?
The clock did NOT show 0.00 and the puck hadn't crossed the goal line; at 0.01, the puck was already obscured by the bar. It was already in at 0.00.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 17, 2011, 07:49:07 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 17, 2011, 07:15:59 PM
The clocked showed 0.00 & the puck hasn't cross the goal line. How is that wrong?
The clock did NOT show 0.00 and the puck hadn't crossed the goal line; at 0.01, the puck was already obscured by the bar. It was already in at 0.00.
Not it wasn't. NBC overlay isn't the official clock. TSN showed an image with official clock time stamp. At 0.00 the puck is under the crossbar.
Not even a miracle of God could save the Caps :(
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 17, 2011, 08:06:52 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 17, 2011, 07:49:07 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 17, 2011, 07:15:59 PM
The clocked showed 0.00 & the puck hasn't cross the goal line. How is that wrong?
The clock did NOT show 0.00 and the puck hadn't crossed the goal line; at 0.01, the puck was already obscured by the bar. It was already in at 0.00.
Not it wasn't. NBC overlay isn't the official clock. TSN showed an image with official clock time stamp. At 0.00 the puck is under the crossbar.
Quote from: Valmy on April 17, 2011, 10:24:09 PM
Not even a miracle of God could save the Caps :(
Fuck the Caps. They choked last season, they'll choke this season.
Only thing that would make it better is if they were owned by Daniel Snyder, and sued their own fans.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 17, 2011, 10:37:05 PM
Fuck the Caps. They choked last season, they'll choke this season.
They choke every season. It is their thing.
I've cleared the calendar.
I'm going to cheer on the Whiteout in the Detroit-Phoenix game on Monday.
Of course I may be the only one outside of Winnipeg who figured that wearing white means cheering AGAINST the Coyotes... :blush:
Sharks :weep:
Quote from: viper37 on March 23, 2011, 01:04:44 PM
Apparently, there are 2 buyers in line to invest in the Thrashers.
And I heard this morning, coming from an unnamed source, but very high placed in the NHL,
Is this perchance the ambassador of Portugal?
QuoteSifting through fact, fiction & fantasyPossible return of NHL spurs rumour, innuendoBy: Gary Lawless
Posted: 04/18/2011 1:00 AM | Comments: 0
Print E–mail 3 1Share4Report Error What is fact? What is fiction? What is speculation?
Some days it takes a scorecard to keep up with all the hard news, rhetoric and speculation spinning around when it comes to the potential return of the NHL to Winnipeg.
Between television, radio and print media across North America, people talking on the street, bloggers and message boards everywhere -- there is a lot to digest.
Sometimes keeping all the information in its proper box is difficult. Speculation bleeds over into fact. Fiction, sometimes more popular than fact, gets taken as gospel.
With this in mind -- here is what the Free Press knows to be true, not true and some really good guesses.
The Phoenix Coyotes and Atlanta Thrashers are for sale.
Both franchises are being considered for relocation by the NHL should local ownership not step forward.
True North Sports and Entertainment continues to speak with the NHL about the potential of buying one of these franchises and bringing it to Winnipeg.
If and when the NHL elects to relocate a franchise and should talks with True North advance to a certain point, Winnipeg's marketplace will be tested.
Free Press hockey writer Tim Campbell first broached this subject in the spring of 2010 in his report on the nuts and bolts of bringing the NHL back to Winnipeg. Campbell was granted exclusive access to True North chairman Mark Chipman for the project.
Campbell wrote that credit card numbers and multi-year promises would be required from Winnipeg fans as well as multi-year commitments in corporate sponsorship areas.
The results of such a market test will provide True North, the NHL and Winnipeg with a gauge on the community's ability to support a franchise.
True North, as evidenced by its major press box expansion at the MTS Centre, continues to work and bring itself closer as an organization for potential membership in the NHL.
Winnipeg is the only market that has a building, organization and ownership group that is 'plug-and-play' ready for next season.
A deal to bring the Phoenix Coyotes back to Winnipeg is already done but the NHL is waiting until after the Coyotes season is over to announce it.
True North has an agreement in place with the NHL to buy the Coyotes that includes a $60 million promise to renovate and add 2,500 seats to the MTS Centre.
True North will house an NHL franchise for one or two seasons in Winnipeg and then move it to Southern Ontario.
Jerseys, supposedly with a team name, logo and colour scheme, are already made and hanging in some secret location within the MTS Centre.
The NHL will ask the City of Glendale to dip into one of its rainy day funds and aid Matthew Hulsizer's purchase of the Coyotes from the league.
The NHL will come to a form of resolution on the Coyotes before the Stanley Cup final begins.
The NHL has another buyer looking into buying the Coyotes and keeping them in Phoenix.
Should the NHL come to terms with a buyer to keep the Coyotes in Phoenix, the league will then immediately begin to discuss a sale of the Atlanta Thrashers with True North Sports and Entertainment.
A mysterious buyer, referred to in Atlanta radio reports as The Balkan, is close to finalizing an agreement to purchase the Thrashers, Atlanta Hawks and the rights to Philips Arena.
So, if you're scoring at home -- from this standpoint the game remains tied with the outcome still to be determined. It may be late in the ninth inning and Winnipeg may or may not have the winning run on board.
Either way, the winning run still needs to be plated. So stay in your seats.
Article debunks the arena expansion element, and again summarizes where we are at.
Quote from: Barrister on April 18, 2011, 10:05:44 AM
Either way, the winning run still needs to be plated. So stay in your seats.
Awwww a baseball analogy :wub:
The Hawks are not putting up enough of a fight to make this revenge satisfying. Its like having a boxing rematch against an opponent who was hit by a train and has been wheeled into the ring, dumped on the canvas and lies there while you pound on him.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 18, 2011, 11:46:55 AM
The Hawks are not putting up enough of a fight to make this revenge satisfying. Its like having a boxing rematch against an opponent who was hit by a train and has been wheeled into the ring, dumped on the canvas and lies there while you pound on him.
I dunno - I turned the game on last night just to have something in the background, and wound up watching the whole thing. It was lively. Being up 3-0 it's unlikely the Canucks will choke now, but, of course, they are the 'Nucks.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 18, 2011, 11:46:55 AM
The Hawks are not putting up enough of a fight to make this revenge satisfying. Its like having a boxing rematch against an opponent who was hit by a train and has been wheeled into the ring, dumped on the canvas and lies there while you pound on him.
It's alright. The Canucks are throwing in enough goonery and cheapshots to make up for Chicago's lack of just about everything that made last year's team so much better than the Canucks could ever hope to be.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 18, 2011, 11:46:55 AM
The Hawks are not putting up enough of a fight to make this revenge satisfying. Its like having a boxing rematch against an opponent who was hit by a train and has been wheeled into the ring, dumped on the canvas and lies there while you pound on him.
I told you before: These are not the same Blackhawks. The entire depth chart was traded last July & replaced with used puck bags. They shouldn't have even made the playoffs...
Quote from: C.C.R. on April 18, 2011, 12:10:35 PM
I told you before: These are not the same Blackhawks. The entire depth chart was traded last July & replaced with used puck bags. They shouldn't have even made the playoffs...
Why? Are the Hawks actually losing money despite being in Chicago?
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 18, 2011, 11:46:55 AM
The Hawks are not putting up enough of a fight to make this revenge satisfying. Its like having a boxing rematch against an opponent who was hit by a train and has been wheeled into the ring, dumped on the canvas and lies there while you pound on him.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch!
Quote from: Valmy on April 18, 2011, 12:12:52 PM
Why? Are the Hawks actually losing money despite being in Chicago?
Supposedly they lost a hefty chunk money for a few years -- the few years right after old owner Bill Wirtz (who was despised here) died, his son Rocky took over & bent over backwards running a marketing blitz & team upgrade that culminated in last year's Stanley Cup win. I obviously don't have access to the Blackhawks' books to know how far in the Red or Black they really were running, but I can buy that it wasn't sustainable in the long term. Or at least it's easier to swallow with that 2010 Stanley Cup banner hanging in the rafters. It's one more Blackhawks' Stanley Cup win than I ever expected to see in my lifetime...
Quote from: C.C.R. on April 18, 2011, 12:25:01 PM
Or at least it's easier to swallow with that 2010 Stanley Cup banner hanging in the rafters. It's one more Blackhawks' Stanley Cup win than I ever expected to see in my lifetime...
Heh it is certainly one more than I ever expect to see the Caps win.
What's with you negative nellies?
I expect to see my team win a Stanley Cup before I die, and I don't even have a team yet.
Quote from: Barrister on April 18, 2011, 11:51:55 AM
I dunno - I turned the game on last night just to have something in the background, and wound up watching the whole thing. It was lively.
QuoteI expect to see my team win a Stanley Cup before I die, and I don't even have a team yet.
Ok, a hockey fanatic who thinks a non existent team is going to win a championship found a game "lively". What exactly am I to make of that?
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 18, 2011, 02:03:57 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 18, 2011, 11:51:55 AM
I dunno - I turned the game on last night just to have something in the background, and wound up watching the whole thing. It was lively.
QuoteI expect to see my team win a Stanley Cup before I die, and I don't even have a team yet.
Ok, a hockey fanatic who thinks a non existent team is going to win a championship found a game "lively". What exactly am I to make of that?
Not non existent. They exist - in Phoenix. They just have to move back home first. Which will happen any moment now.
Quote from: jimmy olsen on April 17, 2011, 11:52:09 PM
Is this perchance the ambassador of Portugal?
I don't get this... But no, it wasn't.
Quote from: Barrister on April 18, 2011, 02:07:55 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 18, 2011, 02:03:57 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 18, 2011, 11:51:55 AM
I dunno - I turned the game on last night just to have something in the background, and wound up watching the whole thing. It was lively.
QuoteI expect to see my team win a Stanley Cup before I die, and I don't even have a team yet.
Ok, a hockey fanatic who thinks a non existent team is going to win a championship found a game "lively". What exactly am I to make of that?
Not non existent. They exist - in Phoenix. They just have to move back home first. Which will happen any moment now.
I hope they move to nevada :contract: :P
Quote from: HVC on April 18, 2011, 02:19:33 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 18, 2011, 02:07:55 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 18, 2011, 02:03:57 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 18, 2011, 11:51:55 AM
I dunno - I turned the game on last night just to have something in the background, and wound up watching the whole thing. It was lively.
QuoteI expect to see my team win a Stanley Cup before I die, and I don't even have a team yet.
Ok, a hockey fanatic who thinks a non existent team is going to win a championship found a game "lively". What exactly am I to make of that?
Not non existent. They exist - in Phoenix. They just have to move back home first. Which will happen any moment now.
I hope the move to nevada :contract: :P
Prepare to be disappointed. :menace:
Quote from: Valmy on April 18, 2011, 12:12:52 PM
Quote from: C.C.R. on April 18, 2011, 12:10:35 PM
I told you before: These are not the same Blackhawks. The entire depth chart was traded last July & replaced with used puck bags. They shouldn't have even made the playoffs...
Why? Are the Hawks actually losing money despite being in Chicago?
They're not losing money, they were up against the salary cap ceiling is all.
In shocking news - I'm nto posting about the Jets. Yet.
The league signed a ten year, two billion dollar broadcasting rights deal with Comcast/Versus, which will see the league receive $200 mil per eyar over 10 years. NBC will show a few more games on the main network, but mostly will expand Versus (soon to become NBC Sports Channel or something similar).
I dunno - I still think they should beg and plead to get onto ESPN (and they were apparently involved in negotiations).
I just can't get into hockey on Versus. Or pay for the NHL package again. I like the games, just not the couple hundred bucks worth. I'd rather spend that money and go to the Bluejackets games.
Fuck ESPN. Assholes put Poker before Hockey in the last year of their contract. They can sit there & die while the NBA & NFL are on lock-out.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 19, 2011, 05:56:08 PM
They can sit there & die while the NBA & NFL are on lock-out.
Only the NHL could keep ESPN from going under :weep:
I can only dream the NHL would return to ESPN. That is where I watched it when I was a kid and if it had not been on ESPN I never would have become a NHL fan.
Well, the refs are certainly doing their best to enable Vancouver's goonery. They've totally lost control of the game.
Titans aren't travelling much. Under 8k miles.
So, anyone planning to watch the last NHL game in Phonix tonight? :)
I don't even think they are showing that on on versus. The Cap-Rangers got their attention.
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 20, 2011, 10:39:34 AM
I don't even think they are showing that on on versus. The Cap-Rangers got their attention.
Sounds surprising. Detroit is always a good draw on TV. NBC even picked up game 2.
The on-ice action has been mediocre. the final scores have been close, even if the overall play has not been. But I definitely want to watch this because of the potential drama of it being "the last game". I expect a teery good-bye from players, even if they say "well we hope to see you next season".
The game is on Versus & CBC.
I won't watch it. It starts too late.
Quote from: Barrister on April 20, 2011, 10:46:10 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 20, 2011, 10:39:34 AM
I don't even think they are showing that on on versus. The Cap-Rangers got their attention.
Sounds surprising. Detroit is always a good draw on TV. NBC even picked up game 2.
The on-ice action has been mediocre. the final scores have been close, even if the overall play has not been. But I definitely want to watch this because of the potential drama of it being "the last game". I expect a teery good-bye from players, even if they say "well we hope to see you next season".
I think that is why Versus would rather show Ovechkin.
and I just checked and I forgot the Coyotes game starts at 10pm. :blush:
I should get a Semin Capitals jersey and go into Wal-Mart with it. Even funnier than the Satan bruins jersey. :)
The start time isn't too bad - it's just the ending (which is what I want to see anyways)... :(
Once again we learn that Lou is one of the highest paid over rated players in the league. All it took was the Hawks getting two lines for the Canucks to fold.
At least this sets the stage for a revenge game in Vancouver. But will the Canucks outplay the Hawks in game 5? Tough to know with the Canucks. On paper they should easily do it. But on paper this was a sweep - not a 7-2 game four loss.
What an incredible comeback by the Sharks!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: Jaron on April 20, 2011, 12:34:00 PM
What an incredible comeback by the Sharks!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, it was. I thought that game was over, especially after watching the Canucks not come back and instead go into cheapshot mode. But the Sharks showed some character, the sort that they'll need if they want to make it all the way this year.
Ah Canucks... I want to win, but even when they're doing good they come out with this kind of occasional utter collapse. I'm kind of getting used to it, though.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 20, 2011, 11:33:32 AM
Once again we learn that Lou is one of the highest paid over rated players in the league. All it took was the Hawks getting two lines for the Canucks to fold.
At least this sets the stage for a revenge game in Vancouver. But will the Canucks outplay the Hawks in game 5? Tough to know with the Canucks. On paper they should easily do it. But on paper this was a sweep - not a 7-2 game four loss.
Heh. The past two years I predicted that the Hawks would "light Luongo up like a pinball machine" for at least one game a series, but I wouldn't have guessed it this year. Oh, well. At least now they won't be swept...
So the Coyotes are actually making a game of this one.
Come on Detroit - you wiped Winnipeg out of the playoffs in their final season in '96, I'm sure you have it in you to do it again.
I didn't realize that CBC shows all of their games live over the internet. :thumbsup:
4-3 Detroit, 5 minutes remaining.
While I do very much respect that they kept the White Out tradition, it does seem like a pretty poor White Out...
I'll give these fans props - they're not leaving the building.
And wow - does Shane Doan ever seem like a defeated man.
Really - Winnipeg isn't so bad. You know - you played there!
I can't resist:
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 19, 2011, 05:08:49 PM
I'd rather spend that money and go to the Bluejackets games.
Not this month. Lulz.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 21, 2011, 06:29:30 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 19, 2011, 05:08:49 PM
I'd rather spend that money and go to the Bluejackets games.
Not this month. Lulz.
I have a feeling if the Bluejackets don't shape up, some Canadian city will get a underachieving team. Columbus doesn't tolerate losers very well.
It just seems wrong beating the 8th seed is so difficult. Ah well.
Quote from: Valmy on April 21, 2011, 08:08:14 AM
It just seems wrong beating the 8th seed is so difficult. Ah well.
why couldn't they just lose that game? why?!?!
Quote from: Barrister on April 21, 2011, 12:18:02 AM
And wow - does Shane Doan ever seem like a defeated man.
Really - Winnipeg isn't so bad. You know - you played there!
I can't resist:
Face it BB, Nobody wants to go to Winnipeg. If the team is moved there it just means there was no other option available.
ESPN Headline:
"Caps starting to reverse playoff trend"
Yeah I remember hearing how the curse was lifted after they finally beat the Pens in a playoff series. I wish ESPN would at least wait for them to win the series before jinxing them.
Gawd fucking damn it, it's 2006 all over again.
This series should be over.
Oh Canucks.
Montreal D really needs to move some guys. They can't just let them skate wherever they want. The missed offside was hurtful, but it never should have come for that.
As for the Canucks, fuck them and their goonery. Nothing would please me more than for them to drop this series.
Let's talk about the Thrashers (
Some former baseball star is trying to find investors to buy the team and keep it in Atlanta. I'm guessing it's one more team that won't be moving in the near future.
Quote from: Neil on April 21, 2011, 10:38:54 PM
As for the Canucks, fuck them and their goonery. Nothing would please me more than for them to drop this series.
Quote from: viper37 on April 22, 2011, 09:44:36 AM
Some former baseball star is trying to find investors to buy the team and keep it in Atlanta. I'm guessing it's one more team that won't be moving in the near future.
Poor Tom Glavine.
Quote from: Valmy on April 22, 2011, 10:12:10 AM
Quote from: viper37 on April 22, 2011, 09:44:36 AM
Some former baseball star is trying to find investors to buy the team and keep it in Atlanta. I'm guessing it's one more team that won't be moving in the near future.
Poor Tom Glavine.
Zane Smith returns.
Quote from: Valmy on April 22, 2011, 10:12:10 AM
Poor Tom Glavine.
well, it's not like I'm a fan of baseball and I know the guy...
Back on to serious matters :)
It's been a while since we had any news about the Coyotes/Jets (Moose? ;) ). Almost 24hrs have passed.
Coyotes - Goldwater meeting (
A meeting that did not solve anything.
"The meeting was disappointing from our perspective," said Clint Bolick, Goldwater's litigation director. "The mayor asked for our concerns and our ideas and we provided a number of concerns and ideas. The city did not seem to be open to the ideas we suggested and the city attorney repeatedly told us he would see us in court."
bad lawyer, bad. ;)
Quote from: viper37 on April 22, 2011, 12:07:21 PM
bad lawyer, bad. ;)
Busy day in court, was dog tired when I got home so when baby went to bed, so did I. :(
You summed up the pertinent news from yesterday. Thanks. :hug:
In response, the TSN Jetsmeter moved up yet again.
April 22:
And by the way, the latest rumour is the name will NOT be Moose, but rather... *drumroll*
The Manitoba Jets. :cool:
No words from CC or CCR about last night's game. Curious... :hmm:
[non lurker status] :cry: [/non lurker status]
ps happy tho if Jets come back.
Quote from: Barrister on April 22, 2011, 12:20:39 PM
No words from CC or CCR about last night's game. Curious... :hmm:
If the Blackhawks win on Saturday, I'll have no choice but to believe.
Also, Luongo is not a good goalie. What's his save percentage over the last two games? .700?
It's fun being a Canucks fan. You think things are going pretty good, and all of a sudden you get kicked in the nuts. Twice in a row. Or more.
Quote from: Jacob on April 22, 2011, 01:36:53 PM
It's fun being a Canucks fan. You think things are going pretty good, and all of a sudden you get kicked in the nuts. Twice in a row. Or more.
I feel you <_<
Quote from: Jacob on April 22, 2011, 01:36:53 PM
It's fun being a Canucks fan. You think things are going pretty good, and all of a sudden you get kicked in the nuts. Twice in a row. Or more.
Let me just say I have tons of sympathy.
Quote from: Barrister on April 22, 2011, 12:20:39 PM
No words from CC or CCR about last night's game. Curious... :hmm:
Meh. The situation is what the situation is. I'm not going to get excited -- the odds of the Canucks choking four games in a row are astronomical...
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on April 22, 2011, 12:31:59 PM
[non lurker status] :cry: [/non lurker status]
ps happy tho if Jets come back.
Buddha! :hug:
Quote from: C.C.R. on April 22, 2011, 08:04:45 PMMeh. The situation is what the situation is. I'm not going to get excited -- the odds of the Canucks choking four games in a row are astronomical...
You only say that because you're not a Canucks fan or Neil.
Quote from: Jacob on April 23, 2011, 12:31:46 AM
Quote from: C.C.R. on April 22, 2011, 08:04:45 PMMeh. The situation is what the situation is. I'm not going to get excited -- the odds of the Canucks choking four games in a row are astronomical...
You only say that because you're not a Canucks fan or Neil.
Didn't I say that I wasn't going to get excited until game 7?
Of course, that doesn't mean I won't spew my venom at the Canucks every step of the way. I just won't believe that they'll fail that badly.
Quote from: Jacob on April 23, 2011, 12:31:46 AM
You only say that because you're not a Canucks fan or Neil.
No, I say that because I am a Blackhawks fan that hasn't lost sight of Objective Reality...
This article is a bit more salacious that the one Viper posted about the Glendale-Goldwater "summit":
QuoteGlendale considers alternate strategy
Could finance sale with reserve funds
By: Gary Lawless
Darcy OLSEN says the cupcakes are tasty.
Mayor Elaine Scruggs says, "You just hate me."
Glendale lawyer Craig Tindall says, "Tell it to the judge."
Gary Bettman says he doesn't know what's going to happen.
Matthew Hulsizer says he has a plane to catch.
True North Sports and Entertainment says nothing.
Winnipeg and its dreams of NHL hockey have been tossed about like a pair of socks in an emotional clothes dryer and the tumbling will likely go on for a little longer. So too, it appears, will the absurdity.
Logic went out the window long ago in this tug of war over the Phoenix Coyotes and now it appears so has civility. A quick listen to the audio from Thursday's now infamous Cupcake Summit between the Goldwater Institute and City of Glendale representatives, including Mayor Scruggs, leaves one laughing, disgusted and dismayed all at once.
Goldwater CEO Olsen left the meeting saying the dainties were "tastier than the conversation," and during the meeting Scruggs looked across the table at Goldwater people and uttered, "I know I make you -- I amuse you, don't I? You have such a look on -- every time I speak, you look at me like I'm -- you just hate me."
Unbelievable as it seems -- this is the level of discourse involved in a major sports franchise transaction.
One can argue that the tail (Goldwater) is wagging the dog (NHL, Glendale and Hulsizer) but the pooch isn't doing much to defend its personal space. In fact, to this point, Goldwater has absolutely spanked its adversary.
There is palpable animosity between Goldwater and Glendale. Even Hulsizer, who is working with Glendale to purchase the hockey team, has grown tired of the city's antics and lack of transparency. Gary Bettman blew the meeting off entirely, offering up the excuse that he "wasn't invited." Neither was Hulsizer, but he crashed the party all the same.
Thursday's sit-down solved nothing but only served to underscore what we already knew, that Goldwater thinks the arrangement between Hulsizer and Glendale is illegal and plans to sue on the grounds the deal contravenes Arizona's gift clause statute.
For its part, Glendale says the deal is legal and plans to forge ahead. Hulsizer says the same thing.
The fly in the ointment is that Glendale now needs to find a new way to finance the deal. Hulsizer is willing to put in $70 million of the NHL's $170 million asking price but requires Glendale to come up with $100 million.
Glendale had planned to sell a bond issue north of $100 million but Goldwater's threat of suit has, in Bettman's words, "chilled the market."
Now, sources involved in the transaction tell the Free Press, Glendale is contemplating dipping into its reserve funds to front Hulsizer the $100 million.
Glendale went to council for a vote last May when it needed to put up $25 million to cover the NHL's operating losses for the 2010-11 Coyotes season and it passed 7-0. Scruggs would likely take a $100-million manoeuvre to council rather than act independently.
Goldwater says it would still have grounds to sue under such a framework.
The other possibility is the NHL digging up more investors to help the deal along and reports say Bettman is working the phones.
Scruggs said on Thursday she only had "three to four days," to close the deal but later recanted saying it was a "flip remark" and she had been given no deadline by the league.
Sure thing, mayor.
Two main forces are at play in the sale of the Coyotes -- want and time.
The want of the NHL, Matthew Hulsizer and the City of Glendale to keep the Coyotes in Arizona pushes from one side.
Shoving just as hard from the other direction is time.
There is precious little of it left for a deal to be reached. After close to two years of working on this transaction, it has come down to this -- close a deal in the coming days to make Hulsizer the new owner or ramp up negotiations with True North.
Pass the cupcakes, this should be interesting.
Could we hear some news on Monday / Tuesday? :shifty:
Quote from: Jacob on April 22, 2011, 01:36:53 PM
It's fun being a Canucks fan. You think things are going pretty good, and all of a sudden you get kicked in the nuts. Twice in a row. Or more.
One of my cousin, who used to live right next to our home is a Canucks fan. And a Habs fan too, but mainly a Canucks fan.
I think I'll wait a couple weeks before I call him :P
Quote from: Jacob on April 22, 2011, 01:36:53 PM
It's fun being a Canucks fan. You think things are going pretty good, and all of a sudden you get kicked in the nuts. Twice in a row. Or more.
Maybe if they change that blatantly rascist name, their fortunes will change with it.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 23, 2011, 07:18:18 PM
Quote from: Jacob on April 22, 2011, 01:36:53 PM
It's fun being a Canucks fan. You think things are going pretty good, and all of a sudden you get kicked in the nuts. Twice in a row. Or more.
Maybe if they change that blatantly rascist name, their fortunes will change with it.
Ilya Bryzgalov on Winnipeg:
Quote"What's the difference between Winnipeg and St. Petersburg?" Bryzgalov asked. "Much more Russian people [in St. Petersburg] – and at least you can buy Russian salami."
"I love this place [Phoenix]," Bryzgalov continued. "It's a good place to live and a good place to play. But our hands are tied. I don't make any decisions. I hold my ground and I enjoy the summer right now and make the decision a little bit later."
For PRC:
QuoteKatz to Bryzgalov: See city for yourself
Mayor offers 'Peg-bashing player free trip here
Phoenix Coyotes goaltender Ilya Bryzgalov already has a free plane ticket to Winnipeg for a trip this spring or summer, if he wants it, courtesy of Mayor Sam Katz.
The mayor says he's willing to pay out of his own pocket for Bryzgalov to fly here to get a taste of the city, after the netminder told the Winnipeg Sun this week that he wants no part of Winnipeg, should the Coyotes relocate to Manitoba for the next NHL season.
"I will extend an invitation to him, and will personally pay for the airline ticket for him to come here and really get an understanding of Winnipeg, what it's all about and what it has to offer. When he sees the variety of culture, arts and sports, and all the activities in our wonderful city, he might have a completely different opinion," Katz told the Sun.
Katz extended the offer through the Sun after the 30-year-old Russian star player decried Winnipeg's winters and said "there's no excitement except the hockey" in Manitoba's capital. The six-year NHL player, who has also been with the Anaheim Ducks, added that "not many Russian people" live in Winnipeg to make it enticing for him.
"Plus, it's cold. No park, no entertaining for the families, for the kids," the goalie said after the financially troubled Coyotes were poised for potential relocation following their loss to the Detroit Red Wings in a Western Conference opening playoff series.
"It's going to be tough life for your family."
If the Coyotes move to Winnipeg, Bryzgalov said, he probably won't listen to a contract offer from the team's new owners.
Bryzgalov noted that he has been to Winnipeg "just once, maybe twice," as an AHL player for games against the Manitoba Moose, and "used the tunnels between the buildings to get to the arena" to avoid the chilly winter conditions.
Denys Volkov, a Winnipeg resident of Ukrainian and Russian ancestry, points out that Winnipeg has a Russian-Canadian community of "a few thousand" who would make the goalie feel more than welcome.
"We have a new group of young, Russian-speaking newcomers who organize Russian nightclub parties," said Volkov, 32, who has lived in Winnipeg since 2003.
"We've also started getting Russian concerts and theatres coming to our city. We have a great Assiniboine Park, being renovated as we speak."
Nice of the mayor but he's going to be flying him out in the Spring / Summer. During the season Bryzgalov is correct: "Plus, it's cold. No park, no entertaining for the families, for the kids, it's going to be tough life for your family."
I'm pretty sure Winnipeg has parks. :rolleyes:
Quote from: Zoupa on April 24, 2011, 01:01:35 AM
I'm pretty sure Winnipeg has parks. :rolleyes:
Inferior canadian parks. :rolleyes:
O Canada is an easy song, but the Chicago anthem singer is absolutely awful at it.
Quote from: PRC on April 24, 2011, 12:20:05 AM
Nice of the mayor but he's going to be flying him out in the Spring / Summer. During the season Bryzgalov is correct: Plus, its cold. No park, no entertaining for the families, for the kids, its going to be tough life for your family."
Maybe he should teach his kids to: play hockey. I hear they can do that when it is cold.
Anyway Washington Caps: Team of Destiny
You know, the Preds really won me over in this series. Their series against Anaheim has been one of the best so far.
Looks like Vancouver will cheat their way to the second round. The fix is in.
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2011, 11:55:06 PM
For PRC:
QuoteKatz to Bryzgalov: See city for yourself
Mayor offers 'Peg-bashing player free trip here
Phoenix Coyotes goaltender Ilya Bryzgalov already has a free plane ticket to Winnipeg for a trip this spring or summer, if he wants it, courtesy of Mayor Sam Katz.
The mayor says he's willing to pay out of his own pocket for Bryzgalov to fly here to get a taste of the city, after the netminder told the Winnipeg Sun this week that he wants no part of Winnipeg, should the Coyotes relocate to Manitoba for the next NHL season.
"I will extend an invitation to him, and will personally pay for the airline ticket for him to come here and really get an understanding of Winnipeg, what it's all about and what it has to offer. When he sees the variety of culture, arts and sports, and all the activities in our wonderful city, he might have a completely different opinion," Katz told the Sun.
Katz extended the offer through the Sun after the 30-year-old Russian star player decried Winnipeg's winters and said "there's no excitement except the hockey" in Manitoba's capital. The six-year NHL player, who has also been with the Anaheim Ducks, added that "not many Russian people" live in Winnipeg to make it enticing for him.
"Plus, it's cold. No park, no entertaining for the families, for the kids," the goalie said after the financially troubled Coyotes were poised for potential relocation following their loss to the Detroit Red Wings in a Western Conference opening playoff series.
"It's going to be tough life for your family."
If the Coyotes move to Winnipeg, Bryzgalov said, he probably won't listen to a contract offer from the team's new owners.
Bryzgalov noted that he has been to Winnipeg "just once, maybe twice," as an AHL player for games against the Manitoba Moose, and "used the tunnels between the buildings to get to the arena" to avoid the chilly winter conditions.
Denys Volkov, a Winnipeg resident of Ukrainian and Russian ancestry, points out that Winnipeg has a Russian-Canadian community of "a few thousand" who would make the goalie feel more than welcome.
"We have a new group of young, Russian-speaking newcomers who organize Russian nightclub parties," said Volkov, 32, who has lived in Winnipeg since 2003.
"We've also started getting Russian concerts and theatres coming to our city. We have a great Assiniboine Park, being renovated as we speak."
Let the players decide: Quebec city or Winnipeg ;)
Fuck the god damn millionaires. They'll go where they are paid to go.
It's getting dark on the pond...Mom's calling for goal wins!
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2011, 07:50:55 PM
Looks like Vancouver will cheat their way to the second round. The fix is in.
Van deserved a better fate tonight, but thems the breaks.
So, how 'bout them Bruins? :P
And Tim ruins the series I have been watching. I hope you get hit by a bus.
Vancouver is trying to pull a Capitals.
Yay Chicago, boo Boston.
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2011, 10:50:10 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2011, 07:50:55 PM
Looks like Vancouver will cheat their way to the second round. The fix is in.
It seems I might have been mistaken. I was a little distraught about what I felt was a poor penalty. Still, Chicago battled through adversity to win. Now, surely the spirit of the Canucks, who were never known for having much heart anyways, must be broken.
Vancouver is the Ottawa of the west (well, the old Ottawa that was theoretically good)
Oy vey - 1-0 for Vancouver after 2 periods.
I still can't help but think that if Chicago ties it up the Nucks are just going to crumble.
There is belief the National Hockey League and city of Glendale have gained some momentum building in their push to sell the Coyotes to Matt Hulsizer.
The two sides are working on an additional financing plan to facilitate the sale.
Some question whether there is enough time left to salvage the deal, but the league remains committed to exhausting all options to keep the franchise in Glendale.
Sources say the NHL and True North remain in constant communication and continue to work on the details of an agreement in the event this last ditch effort to save the Coyotes ultimately fails.
Establishing a timeline is difficult, although sources suggest a resolution should be determined within a week to ten days.
These timelines are laughable - we've heard that the deal will close in "two weeks" almost non-stop since December. :lol:
I can't believe this game might end as 1-0. :o
Quote from: Barrister on April 26, 2011, 11:33:23 PM
I can't believe this game might end as 1-0. :o
And it won't.
Shorthanded Chicago goal with under 2 minutes left. :lol:
Jesus fucking Christ Canucks. That was just sad.
BB you jinxed Vancouver... So thank you :p
I'm going to have a heart attack.
Oh what a burn :lol:
Luongo was bumbling the puck all night though.
It's getting dark on The Pond...Mom's calling for dinner...NEXT GOAL WINS!!!
Grats Vancouver.
I was sure you'd collapse after that late tie goal.
Quote from: Barrister on April 27, 2011, 12:04:49 AM
Grats Vancouver.
I was sure you'd collapse after that late tie goal.
Yeah the Caps sure would have. Way to reverse the emotional momentum there.
Third time's the charm for Vancooter. 'Grats on a great game -- Crawford stood on his head to keep it as close as what it was, but the 'Nucks deserved the win that they got...
That was an amazing game, Crawford played out of his mind! Wow, my heart can't take that kind of series.
And in more important hockey news:
QuoteNHL, Hulsizer tweak deal to purchase Coyotes
From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
Published Tuesday, Apr. 26, 2011 11:19PM EDT
Last updated Tuesday, Apr. 26, 2011 11:21PM EDT
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The NHL and Matthew Hulsizer are making a last-ditch effort to restructure the sale of the Phoenix Coyotes in hopes of overcoming the opposition of the Goldwater Institute.
While no one involved in the talks was willing to divulge any details, it appears the changes involve Hulsizer increasing the amount of money he and his partners will put into the purchase and the NHL reducing its asking price of $170-million (all currency U.S.) or defer payment of the full price. In turn, this would allow the suburban city of Glendale to reduce the amount of the $116-million municipal bond sale that is to provide Hulsizer with much of the purchase price, perhaps by as much as half, to less than $60-million.
One source said it could only be "a few days" before the success or failure of the latest 11th-hour attempt to prevent the Coyotes from moving to Winnipeg will be known. Time is drawing short because the NHL needs to finalize a schedule for next season and another prospective owner, True North Sports and Entertainment Ltd., which wants to take the team to Winnipeg, also needs to know if it will have to move its American Hockey League team, the Manitoba Moose, out of the city.
However, a lawyer for the Goldwater Institute, a privately-funded government watchdog group, said that unless the revised deal addresses the institute's main concerns it will not back off from its promise to block the bond sale in court.
Nick Dranias said Goldwater still believes Glendale has no right to buy the parking rights around Arena as part of the $100-million lump-sum payment to Hulsizer because it already owns them. The Goldwater lawyer also said the $97-million arena management fee Glendale proposes to pay Hulsizer over five years is too high and would not be subject to competing bids.
But Dranias did say, "If they are going to get significantly more private financing and they are going to restructure the [management] fees, we would have to re-examine our position."
When asked if the NHL is willing to lower its asking price for the Coyotes and Hulsizer is willing to top up the $70-million he is putting into the deal, deputy commissioner Bill Daly said in an e-mail message he disagreed with that "characterization." Daly also disputed the notion the deal is being revised to appease Goldwater: "Goldwater is not even a factor in this for us any more. We are not trying to structure a deal to satisfy them. We are trying to structure a deal that can close."
However, even NHL commissioner Gary Bettman admitted Goldwater's opposition "chilled" the bond market. The bond issue stalled when it became clear the bonds would only sell at an interest rate too high for Glendale to afford.
Dranias said the sale of the parking rights has to be taken completely out of the Coyotes deal, especially since the Goldwater Institute obtained a copy of an agreement dated Jan. 25, 2011, between Glendale and three companies controlled by Steve Ellman, the former owner of the Coyotes whose Westgate City Center development surrounds Arena. The agreement gives the parking rights, which include the 5,500 parking spots in the Coyotes deal, back to the city from Ellman. It also notes Ellman's creditors gave their consent.
Dranias brought this up at last week's meeting between Goldwater and Glendale officials, saying it shows Glendale is attempting to buy something it already owns. Glendale officials did not provide a clear answer when Dranias asked why the document was not produced despite court orders for the city to hand over all relevant documents to the sale.
Glendale lawyer Craig Tindall said, "We're in the midst of litigation. Take it up with the judge."
Dranias said Tuesday the agreement shows the sale of the parking rights "is really a sham. [Glendale] is really buying nothing."
All Glendale can buy from Hulsizer, Dranias said, is an iron-clad agreement not to move the Coyotes and a much better "put agreement" than the one in the current deal. The put allows Hulsizer to buy the arena from the city for the lesser of $40-million or any price they agree upon after the lease expires in 30 years.
The trouble is, Dranias added, the NHL can override any relocation agreement between Hulsizer and the city and the parties could agree on a price of zero for the arena. But if they could find a way to make the NHL agree not to ever move the team and guarantee more money for the arena, that might make the bond deal more palatable.
Finally the most important issue seems to be coming to the forefront - why is Glendale paying $100mil for parking rights it already owns!!!
But as Daly said, there's no use trying to satisfy GoldWater at this point - the question is whether they can close the deal. Personally if they couldn't do it between December and now, they're not going to do it in a week. But we'll see.
And Atlanta is still out there without an owner... :shifty:
This just in: C.C.R. is now officially on the Sharks' bandwagon for the duration of Spring '11. Film at eleven...
Quote from: C.C.R. on April 27, 2011, 12:34:52 AM
This just in: C.C.R. is now officially on the Sharks' bandwagon for the duration of Spring '11. Film at eleven...
There's still room on the Jets bandwagon.
I'm just sayin'. :whistle:
Quote from: Barrister on April 27, 2011, 12:37:14 AM
Quote from: C.C.R. on April 27, 2011, 12:34:52 AM
This just in: C.C.R. is now officially on the Sharks' bandwagon for the duration of Spring '11. Film at eleven...
There's still room on the Jets bandwagon.
I'm just sayin'. :whistle:
I'm sure that there's still room on the Cleveland Barons' bandwagon, but I'm not climbing up there, either...
I'd love to see the Coyotes go back to Winnipeg, the Hurricanes go back to Hartford and a few other southern teams fold so that the league can contract, but I'm not going to worry about that right now. I just think that it's the Sharks' year, I think that they've paid their dues & I ain't got nuthin' agin 'em, so that's where I'm going to Hang My Hat. I have to. I can't handle four months of baseball before the NFL starts up. Christ, I might have to start watching Da Bulls just to have something to do -- and for me that's like running out of PBR & having to strain Sterno through a handkerchief. Or something. Sorry. I'm a little drunk right now. And out of PBR. And looking for a handkerchief...
LOL, Sabres.
Lulz - from Tuesday's Winnipeg Free Press:
I wonder, if Huls wants to buy a team so much, why can't he just come up with the money? Why is he helping the NHL in this?
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 27, 2011, 09:43:21 AM
I wonder, if Huls wants to buy a team so much, why can't he just come up with the money? Why is he helping the NHL in this?
He's interested because he gets the team for free under this deal. He's putting very little of his own money in.
Who wouldn't want to own an NHL franchise for no money down?
Quote from: Barrister on April 27, 2011, 09:45:16 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 27, 2011, 09:43:21 AM
I wonder, if Huls wants to buy a team so much, why can't he just come up with the money? Why is he helping the NHL in this?
He's interested because he gets the team for free under this deal. He's putting very little of his own money in.
Who wouldn't want to own an NHL franchise for no money down?
But what happens when the team loses 50mil & Glendale only gives him 25mil, year after year?
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 27, 2011, 09:51:25 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 27, 2011, 09:45:16 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 27, 2011, 09:43:21 AM
I wonder, if Huls wants to buy a team so much, why can't he just come up with the money? Why is he helping the NHL in this?
He's interested because he gets the team for free under this deal. He's putting very little of his own money in.
Who wouldn't want to own an NHL franchise for no money down?
But what happens when the team loses 50mil & Glendale only gives him 25mil, year after year?
Then he can put the team into bankruptcy and walk away.
It's a no-lose scenario for Hulsizer. But only if he doesn't have any money on the line. which is why whenever someone dares to suggest to him that he should try actually buying the team with his own money he just laughs.
Ah, NHL.
The NHL is really showing itself to be a bushleague joke if it starts giving teams away. Heck give me a team. I always wanted to be a sports owner.
Quote from: Valmy on April 27, 2011, 10:15:44 AM
The NHL is really showing itself to be a bushleague joke if it starts giving teams away. Heck give me a team. I always wanted to be a sports owner.
Oh, no no no. The NHL is not giving the team away. They will get $170 mil for the Coyotes.
But the people paying the money are the taxpayers of Glendale, NOT the new owner. :lol:
Quote from: C.C.R. on April 26, 2011, 11:43:22 PM
It's getting dark on The Pond...Mom's calling for dinner...NEXT GOAL WINS!!!
We would happily trade Lou for Crawford.
April 26th Jets Meter:
4/27/2011 3:19:12 PM
While speculation grows over the possibility of the NHL moving back to Winnipeg, the city's mayor is not convinced that it will be the Phoenix Coyotes returning.
"Do I believe the Coyotes are coming to Winnipeg - my answer would be no," mayor Sam Katz said on Wednesday. "I don't believe that. I believe the Coyotes will stay in Phoenix and they will do everything they can, because I happen to know some of the commitments that were made when they went there. And there were commitments that - if they were not fulfilled - there could easily be a lawsuit. So I think you have to start looking at some of the other potential franchises."
While the NHL, the City of Glendale and Matt Hulsizer's focus remains on keeping the Coyotes in Arizona, the future of the Atlanta Thrashers also hangs in the balance and sources say Atlanta is waiting for the league to determine the fate of the Coyotes.
According to sources, if a deal is made to keep the Coyotes in Glendale, there's a chance the Thrashers will move quickly into negotiations with True North to move the team to Winnipeg. A source close to the situation added that when it comes to relocation, there simply isn't anywhere else to go.
There are also questions as to whether Thrashers ownership and True North could work out an agreement, but the possibility is not being ruled out.
If the NHL is unsuccessful in closing the deal and the Hulsizer sale crumbles, the Coyotes become the likely target for Winnipeg while the league's attention will shift to the Thrashers and an effort to keep the team in Atlanta.
League sources say the negotiations to close the sale in Glendale are ongoing and that no decision has been reached yet, while all involved are hopeful a resolution can be reached no later than next week.
Seedy will love this one:
From Dave Shoalts, a Globe and Mail sports reporter:
Quotedshoalts David Shoalts
How long would it take Atlanta Thrashers to replace Coyotes in going to Winnipeg? See Irsay, Robert and Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts.
Suddenly a lot of news reports about Atlanta again...
Damnit one of those teams better leave.
Quote from: Valmy on April 27, 2011, 02:59:32 PM
Damnit one of those teams better leave.
How do you think I feel. *sigh*
Quote from: Valmy on April 27, 2011, 02:59:32 PM
Damnit one of those teams better leave.
to nevada :P
Quote from: HVC on April 27, 2011, 03:08:28 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 27, 2011, 02:59:32 PM
Damnit one of those teams better leave.
to nevada :P
QuoteWinnipeg only option for Thrashers saleBy: Gary Lawless
Posted: 04/27/2011 4:45 PM | Comments: 4
Print E–mail 64 16Share80Report Error TORONTO — The whirring sound one can hear coming out of the desert right now is Gary Bettman furiously pumping on a hamster wheel in an effort to keep the Coyotes in Phoenix.
The cheering in the background? Some of it is from Coyotes fans, but the real loud cowbell and drum-banging stuff, that's from the clubby, leather-and-mahogany set in Atlanta.
Related Items
NHL's Coyotes likely won't howl in Winnipeg, Katz says Polls
Do you think the Atlanta Thrashers will move to Winnipeg this off season? In between hauls on faux Cubans and long, breathless slurps of 18-year-old single malt, the monied partners of Atlanta Spirit, the group that owns the Thrashers, are watching the action in Arizona very intently.
"They want to sell and they have no options other than Winnipeg," a source close to the transaction told the Free Press. "They want the NHL to solve its issues in Phoenix and sell the team to (Matthew) Hulsizer so they can then sell to the group in Winnipeg.
"The NHL will let them sell. This market has failed once before and these guys have been trying to sell for years and no local group has come forward. They are desperate to sell and the Winnipeg guys are the only ones with money ready to go."
Former Atlanta Braves pitcher Tom Glavine said last week he'd like to put together a group to buy the Thrashers, but he himself didn't have the "$80 million to $100 million" required to make a deal.
"If the NHL gives Spirit the green light to sell to Winnipeg, the team will sell in the neighbourhood of $145 million, with the NHL taking its cut off the top for a relocation fee and Spirit receiving somewhere around $100 million," said the source. "That's more than they can expect to get from a group that wants to keep the team here. The team is a financial disaster and no one wants to touch it."
As much as some want an NHL franchise to return to Winnipeg, the owners of the Thrashers want to get rid of one.
Seems like a perfect match, except for those pesky Coyotes and the drama in the desert.
While Bettman does his very best to fix his problem in Arizona with a complicated financing package that would allow Hulsizer to ascend to the throne and take ownership of the Coyotes, the Thrashers must wait.
But the waiting is likely to be soon over. Whispers out of the NHL's New York offices have the clock on the deal in Phoenix about to expire — this week or next. Phoenix is far from over, with any number of hoops, including the Goldwater Institute and its threat of a lawsuit, to jump through.
True North Sports and Entertainment has been working with the NHL for some time on a deal to bring the Coyotes to Winnipeg should the deal in Arizona fall apart.
The league will need to determine where its teams will be located for next season by mid-May at the latest in order to work out a schedule.
Should the league get its desired result in Phoenix, it would have very little time to orchestrate a deal between True North and Atlanta Spirit. But as Bettman pointed out recently in regard to the Coyotes, the league is very cognizant of Plan B scenarios.
Presumably, if True North has most of the paperwork on a relocation transaction completed in terms of the Coyotes, a lot of that legwork could be transferred to a deal regarding the Thrashers.
The details of the deal the league is now trying to put together that would allow Hulsizer to close and keep the team at Glendale's Arena are unknown. Speculation has Hulsizer putting in more real money and the NHL dropping its asking price of $170 million.
There's also talk of a deferred payment schedule, with the league still getting its sticker price, just not right away.
Bettman's owners will not be happy about taking a haircut on the Coyotes, and a hefty relocation fee from a Thrashers sale could go a long way towards easing that pain.
It's been said for a while that the NHL has two troubled franchises and only one automatic solution in Winnipeg.
Lots has changed in this debacle, but one thing has remained constant, and that's True North.
[email protected]
Quote from: Barrister on April 27, 2011, 02:56:31 PM
Seedy will love this one:
From Dave Shoalts, a Globe and Mail sports reporter:
Quotedshoalts David Shoalts
How long would it take Atlanta Thrashers to replace Coyotes in going to Winnipeg? See Irsay, Robert and Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts.
Suddenly a lot of news reports about Atlanta again...
If that happens, then hopefully the NHL will never give them another team again. This is the second franchise that failed.
Quote from: Josephus on April 27, 2011, 05:36:27 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 27, 2011, 02:56:31 PM
Seedy will love this one:
From Dave Shoalts, a Globe and Mail sports reporter:
Quotedshoalts David Shoalts
How long would it take Atlanta Thrashers to replace Coyotes in going to Winnipeg? See Irsay, Robert and Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts.
Suddenly a lot of news reports about Atlanta again...
If that happens, then hopefully the NHL will never give them another team again. This is the second franchise that failed.
But there's nothing wrong with giving a hockey market a second chance. After all it worked in Minnesota and Denver... and will work in Winnipeg.
But two failures and you're out.
So in 10 years when the Peg fails again will you shut up about it?
I'd shit my pants if the Coyotes Hartford.
Just for the shits and giggles.
Now the Whale, there is a town deserving a team again.
The Brawl In The Mall was a fun visit...
Quote from: katmai on April 27, 2011, 05:50:25 PM
Now the Whale, there is a town deserving a team again.
They're third in line - right behind Winnipeg and Quebec City.
Hartford however is still lacking an arena. That's why Winnipeg keeps being mentioned - we have a modern, NHL-ready arena. Quebec is going to build one, but hasn't broken ground yet. Hartford... they're still talking.
And yes - I think all of winnipeg understands if we lost the Jets a second time, that would be it for a generation or two at a minimum.
Quote from: Barrister on April 27, 2011, 05:47:17 PM
Quote from: Josephus on April 27, 2011, 05:36:27 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 27, 2011, 02:56:31 PM
Seedy will love this one:
From Dave Shoalts, a Globe and Mail sports reporter:
Quotedshoalts David Shoalts
How long would it take Atlanta Thrashers to replace Coyotes in going to Winnipeg? See Irsay, Robert and Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts.
Suddenly a lot of news reports about Atlanta again...
If that happens, then hopefully the NHL will never give them another team again. This is the second franchise that failed.
But there's nothing wrong with giving a hockey market a second chance. After all it worked in Minnesota and Denver... and will work in Winnipeg.
But two failures and you're out.
Oh don't get me wrong; I too would love to see Winnipeg get a team. And I'd like to see the Nordiques back too.
Zoups and GF sure are quiet...
Well, between the Canucks and Bruins, there sure will be a lot of goonery in the 2nd round.
I suck at predicting hockey games <_<
Are you Canadian Valmy?
Quote from: katmai on April 27, 2011, 09:05:26 PM
Zoups and GF sure are quiet...
Rioting in defeat is no fun. I am drowning my sorrow in Booze.
Gawd fucking damn it. Now they'll go on & get beaten by the Flyers. Fuck the Bruins!
:O don't even kid.
Actually I only got the rangers and this one wrong but Montreal losing annoys me because everyone inthe pool im in is going to get lots
Of points and I lose my 6 multiplier... Pools got a weird point system
Well, honour can be restored to the playoffs by having Vancouver and Detroit be eliminated as quickly as possible. It'd be nice if Boston lost too, as their goonish behavior has turned me off of them. Still, I'm going to enjoy Washington and Tampa. It's a series I can watch without hating anyone.
Quote from: Neil on April 27, 2011, 09:58:28 PM
Well, honour can be restored to the playoffs by having Vancouver and Detroit be eliminated as quickly as possible. It'd be nice if Boston lost too, as their goonish behavior has turned me off of them. Still, I'm going to enjoy Washington and Tampa. It's a series I can watch without hating anyone.
Tampa delenda est.
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 27, 2011, 07:24:10 AM
LOL, Sabres.
:cry: I was out at a bar right near HSBC Arena rocking my Andrew Peters jersey. It was a sad, but typical, Buffalo sports night.
Quote from: Neil on April 27, 2011, 09:58:28 PM
Well, honour can be restored to the playoffs by having Vancouver and Detroit be eliminated as quickly as possible. It'd be nice if Boston lost too, as their goonish behavior has turned me off of them. Still, I'm going to enjoy Washington and Tampa. It's a series I can watch without hating anyone.
I quite like Tim Thomas, but the rest of the Bruins are a disgrace. Lucic's hit yesterday, Boychuk's boarding today, Ference giving the finger, then aiming at Halpern's head with the puck 20 meters away...
Imagine a Habs lineup with Markov, Gorges and Desharnais? Not to mention a certain Max Pacioretty, who had 4 goals and 2 assists in 3 games against Boston this year... Good going Chara.
Anyhoo. The boston goons will "play" the philly goons. Richards' asshattery against the Campbell bruins. I predict a few concussions and lots of broken teeth. Yay hockey!
Told you.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on April 27, 2011, 10:32:32 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 27, 2011, 07:24:10 AM
LOL, Sabres.
:cry: I was out at a bar right near HSBC Arena rocking my Andrew Peters jersey. It was a sad, but typical, Buffalo sports night.
That's the best thing about being a Leaf fan; the hockey season has been over a long time ago.
Enjoyed watching our soccer team kick Edmonton ass last night. :D
Quote from: Josephus on April 28, 2011, 07:13:45 AM
That's the best thing about being a Leaf fan; the hockey season has been over a long time ago.
Enjoyed watching our soccer team kick Edmonton ass last night. :D
You watched a North American soccer game? That's pretty bad to begin with, but with hockey on?
I stop watching hockey once it becomes clear teh Leafs are not going to make the playoffs....normally somewhere just before Thanksgiving.
QuoteNHL sends Glendale $25 million bill for Coyotes' losses
34 commentsby Rebekah L. Sanders - Apr. 28, 2011 12:00 AM
The Arizona Republic
Glendale has until Monday to pay $25 million to the National Hockey League to cover this season's Phoenix Coyotes losses, according to a bill sent to the city Tuesday.
The documents, sent a week after the team finished its season in the playoffs, show that actual losses for eight months ending in March totaled $36.6 million.
Glendale promised the NHL last year that it would set aside $25 million from a utilities-repair account to pay team losses in exchange for more time to land a team owner. For months, the money sat untouched.
Glendale officials promised taxpayers at the time that the city would not have to pay the money if it found a buyer. Later, officials said the buyer would cover the expense.
But so far, Glendale's deal with team buyer Matthew Hulsizer remains incomplete as the city seeks financing.
Glendale spokeswoman Julie Frisoni said the city would audit the figures. She said negotiations continue and the city hopes to close a deal soon.
- Rebekah L. Sanders
It does seem like this is going to end one way or another shortly...
My picks for the 2nd round:
Washington in 6
Philadelphia in 7
San Jose in 7
Vancouver in 6.
I was reminded that on today's date in 1996 the last Winnipeg Jets game was played. :cry:
Quote from: Barrister on April 28, 2011, 09:21:17 AM
It does seem like this is going to end one way or another shortly...
on related news, I heard the Thrashers are just waiting to move to Winnipeg.
Text from the Winnipeg Free Press (
In other news, a former Quebec city general manager is threatening to sue the city over the arena deal. Quebec's government is also investigating the deal to decide if it's legal or not.
I think Kansas city will get it's team soon :(
Quote from: viper37 on April 28, 2011, 02:05:37 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 28, 2011, 09:21:17 AM
It does seem like this is going to end one way or another shortly...
on related news, I heard the Thrashers are just waiting to move to Winnipeg.
Text from the Winnipeg Free Press (
In other news, a former Quebec city general manager is threatening to sue the city over the arena deal. Quebec's government is also investigating the deal to decide if it's legal or not.
I think Kansas city will get it's team soon :(
I posted that story two pages ago. ;)
Kansas City isn't getting a team any time soon. There is no ownership group in place. There is no one willing to write a nine figure cheque to move a team there.
Regardless of what team moves to Winnipeg I sure hope they are called the Winnipeg Jets.
Quote from: viper37 on April 28, 2011, 01:24:53 PM
Washington in 6
Make it to the conference finals? :mmm:
Erm stop that I do better watching the Caps when I am gloomy and fatalistic.
Quote from: Valmy on April 28, 2011, 02:42:32 PM
Regardless of what team moves to Winnipeg I sure hope they are called the Winnipeg Jets.
I'm okay with Manitoba Jets. :Canuck:
Quote from: Barrister on April 28, 2011, 02:08:40 PM
I posted that story two pages ago. ;)
Sorry, I heard it on radio this morning and thought it was new :)
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 28, 2011, 06:38:13 AM
Told you.
Lucic was a non-factor throughout the series. I'm not sure why, but their whole top line was a mess.
Well fuck. That was hard to watch.
As a Caps fan you should be use to it.
Quote from: katmai on April 29, 2011, 09:17:51 PM
As a Caps fan you should be use to it.
Well usually a game like that happens when they are up 3-1 in the series :P
Quote from: Zoupa on April 28, 2011, 04:08:16 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 28, 2011, 06:38:13 AM
Told you.
Lucic was a non-factor throughout the series. I'm not sure why, but their whole top line was a mess.
Yet the results were still as predicted. Boston wins. I also got to see a Lucic cheap shot also. I win.
Life is meaningless of full of pain
Damn you Washignton. why must you always go against me!
How are the Canucks doing?
Quote from: Slargos on May 02, 2011, 05:03:43 PM
How are the Canucks doing?
Was at game two and it was boring as hell even though it went into double overtime. The refs let Nashville do a lot of holding. It looked like hockey being played on wet cement.
Goddammit what a bunch of miserable choking worthless motherfuckers. At least Canada was too distracted by the election for anybody to have actually watched that shit.
Oh. I watched.
Go Habs South Go!
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 05, 2011, 08:13:44 AM
Oh. I watched.
Go Habs South Go!
The only thing worse was losing to the Pens a couple years ago. Fucking Caps.
Quote"They just got the upper hand on us all the time. It's very frustrating," Washington veteran forward Mike Knuble said. "I don't think any of us saw this coming down."
You didn't see this coming down? play for the Caps...something like this has happened every year for 30 years.
The question is, will the Bruins choke this year? Which would be uber hilarious.
Quote from: Valmy on May 05, 2011, 08:03:57 AM
Goddammit what a bunch of miserable choking worthless motherfuckers. At least Canada was too distracted by the election for anybody to have actually watched that shit.
I watched. I'm losing my hockey pool, but I'm glad TB won :)
Quote from: viper37 on May 05, 2011, 02:31:55 PM
I watched. I'm losing my hockey pool, but I'm glad TB won :)
I hope the Canadiens win the next 50 Cups in a row :angry:
Quote from: Valmy on May 05, 2011, 02:37:56 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 05, 2011, 02:31:55 PM
I watched. I'm losing my hockey pool, but I'm glad TB won :)
I hope the Canadiens win the next 50 Cups in a row :angry:
Good grief.
QuoteArizona hopes to hang on to Coyotes
From Saturday's Globe and Mail
Published Friday, May. 06, 2011 9:05PM EDT
Last updated Friday, May. 06, 2011 9:11PM EDT
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In a move that will likely keep the Phoenix Coyotes operating in Arizona for at least another year, Glendale city council will on Tuesday discuss a resolution that would extend the city's management agreement with the league for the 2011-12 NHL season.
According to city councilor H. Philip Lieberman, the proposal under discussion would authorize the city to secure financial mechanisms that are "reasonably necessary to satisfy the NHL's requirements to keep the team where it for another season."
Revised deal for Coyotes could be on table
NHL exercises option to take $25-million from Glendale to cover Coyotes' losses
Glendale on the hook for $25-million
In effect, the resolution, if passed, would buy the league and the city more time to find "a qualified ownership group that will be committed to retaining the team in Glendale."
Earlier this week, Glendale paid the NHL $25-million to help cover the $36.6-million in losses sustained by the Coyotes in the 2010-11 season. Lieberman said a similar financial aid package, capped at $25-million, would be made available to the league for next year, if the measure passes.
"In my mind, it's an excellent deal," said Lieberman, who believes the measure will pass easily, either unanimously or with perhaps a single nay vote.
Just what that means for prospective Coyotes' owner Matt Hulsizer is unclear at the moment. In a short, unsourced blog item Friday, Forbes magazine reported that Hulsizer was losing interest in the Coyotes' purchase because of its complexity and might turn his attention instead to making a bid for the St. Louis Blues, another in a long list of NHL teams currently on the market. It was a report that Hulsizer's representatives denied.
"We remain committed to getting a deal done in Phoenix," said Brad Goldberg, vice-chairman of Arizona Hockey Holdings, in a telephone interview.
However, Lieberman noted that "we do not have a signed deal with Hulsizer -and there is some discussion as to whether we will ever get one or not get one. I don't personally want to give him $110-million.
"In my mind, this (proposal) will give us a year to find somebody else who may be willing to buy it and come up with much more money. Real money – instead of city money."
In an e-mail message, NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly was non-committal about the details of proposal, but acknowledged: "I anticipate Tuesday's City Council meeting will be significant."
All in all, it was another crazy day in the mind-numbing, never-ending, tug-of-war for control of the Coyotes.
For weeks now, or ever since opposition from the taxpayer watchdog group, the Goldwater Institute, stopped the NHL's original deal to sell the team to Hulsizer, the league has worked feverishly behind the scenes to rework the agreement in order to keep the team operating in Phoenix.
The authorization to extend the NHL/arena management agreement is the last of 10 items on the Tuesday's council agenda. According to the city's website, the strategic goal in making the funds available to the league again is to maintain "quality economic development in the city's entertainment district."
The fear, among Glendale politicians, is that if the Coyotes leave, the arena would become a white elephant and negatively affect the restaurant and hotel district that has grown up around the building and the neighboring Arizona Cardinals football stadium.
Lieberman theorized if the NHL did a better job of running the building apart from just the hockey team, the losses could be mitigated.
"There the ones that rent the space for concerts, shows and what have you," said Lieberman. "They did not do an exceptional job of that last year.
"The other thing about the audience backing, instead of 12,200 in attendance, let's get the number up to 15,000. Three thousand more paid for 41 nights a year, that's a lot more money."
"I'm not against the Coyotes," concluded Lieberman. "I'm just against the city financing his purchase. I don't approve of that."
So, we haven't been able to find a buyer for two years - lets try paying for their losses for a third. :frusty:
That being said the big question is what does that mean for Atlanta. The rumours have been very consistent - the NHL wants to keep the Coyotes in Phoenix. And once that is done, the Thrashers are moving to Winnipeg.
They're not really going to extend the agony of three separate cities for yet another year, are they?
Do not underestimate this league's stupidity.
I told you the NHL would do everything it could to keep the team there. Sending back the exact same team to Winnipeg wich you lost a few years ago, under the same management... eek. Unthinkable for Bettman.
See, the Coyotes lots 36M$ this year. 25 of wich are covered by the city. It's still an 11M$ loss for the NHL, at the expense of the canadian teams.
Next year won't be better. But they'll keep doing it anyway.
Imagine yourself in Bettman shoes: would you want to admit that you seriously fucked up, not one but twice already? (moving the Jets and buying the team so it would stay there). And then you don't just say "I'm sorry, I fucked up", but you completely reverse your decision after your organisation had a direct loss of 11M$ for one year of operation?
And who's going to negotiate the contracts? The NHL directily negotiating with players? Lots of vets are going autonomous by the end of the year. Without an owner to solve these contracts, many of them will play elsewhere, hence the team will be diminished next year. Even more loss.
Quote from: viper37 on May 08, 2011, 12:45:53 AM
Do not underestimate this league's stupidity.
I told you the NHL would do everything it could to keep the team there. Sending back the exact same team to Winnipeg wich you lost a few years ago, under the same management... eek. Unthinkable for Bettman.
See, the Coyotes lots 36M$ this year. 25 of wich are covered by the city. It's still an 11M$ loss for the NHL, at the expense of the canadian teams.
Next year won't be better. But they'll keep doing it anyway.
Imagine yourself in Bettman shoes: would you want to admit that you seriously fucked up, not one but twice already? (moving the Jets and buying the team so it would stay there). And then you don't just say "I'm sorry, I fucked up", but you completely reverse your decision after your organisation had a direct loss of 11M$ for one year of operation?
And who's going to negotiate the contracts? The NHL directily negotiating with players? Lots of vets are going autonomous by the end of the year. Without an owner to solve these contracts, many of them will play elsewhere, hence the team will be diminished next year. Even more loss.
You're ignoring the Atlanta angle.
Everything you say about Bettman's ego can be true, and yet the Trashers move to Winnipeg in the fall...
Fricking Canucks are the melodrama queens of hockey. I predict they win the cup in 28 games. (most of which they will barely play at all, except for Kesler who is almost beating Nashville all by himself.) sigh... my blood pressure is taking a beating.
Quote from: Barrister on May 08, 2011, 01:30:53 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 08, 2011, 12:45:53 AM
Do not underestimate this league's stupidity.
I told you the NHL would do everything it could to keep the team there. Sending back the exact same team to Winnipeg wich you lost a few years ago, under the same management... eek. Unthinkable for Bettman.
See, the Coyotes lots 36M$ this year. 25 of wich are covered by the city. It's still an 11M$ loss for the NHL, at the expense of the canadian teams.
Next year won't be better. But they'll keep doing it anyway.
Imagine yourself in Bettman shoes: would you want to admit that you seriously fucked up, not one but twice already? (moving the Jets and buying the team so it would stay there). And then you don't just say "I'm sorry, I fucked up", but you completely reverse your decision after your organisation had a direct loss of 11M$ for one year of operation?
And who's going to negotiate the contracts? The NHL directily negotiating with players? Lots of vets are going autonomous by the end of the year. Without an owner to solve these contracts, many of them will play elsewhere, hence the team will be diminished next year. Even more loss.
You're ignoring the Atlanta angle.
Everything you say about Bettman's ego can be true, and yet the Trashers move to Winnipeg in the fall...
Friday, there was a newspiece about Edmonton's gamble. Apparently, the latest rumour are that there will soon be a Winnipeg's Oilers team ;)
Lots of rumours around.
Last I heard, Atlanta is doing everything it can - without subsidies ;) - to keep the team there and they are searching for investors.
This team ain't moving north for next fall. No move before summer 2012.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on May 08, 2011, 02:51:57 PM
Fricking Canucks are the melodrama queens of hockey. I predict they win the cup in 28 games. (most of which they will barely play at all, except for Kesler who is almost beating Nashville all by himself.) sigh... my blood pressure is taking a beating.
I predicted a Vancouver win in 6 games, so I'm ok for now :)
But I'd be worried if I was a Canuck fan. Yesterday's game was awful... it seem to me Vancouver played 20 minutes in this game, scattered over 3 periods.
Letting a shot on goal while in power play is bad enough, but seeing Luango let that one pass... ouch. Oh, and scoring into your own net is never a good idea.
Quote from: viper37 on May 08, 2011, 03:27:28 PM
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on May 08, 2011, 02:51:57 PM
Fricking Canucks are the melodrama queens of hockey. I predict they win the cup in 28 games. (most of which they will barely play at all, except for Kesler who is almost beating Nashville all by himself.) sigh... my blood pressure is taking a beating.
I predicted a Vancouver win in 6 games, so I'm ok for now :)
But I'd be worried if I was a Canuck fan. Yesterday's game was awful... it seem to me Vancouver played 20 minutes in this game, scattered over 3 periods.
Letting a shot on goal while in power play is bad enough, but seeing Luango let that one pass... ouch. Oh, and scoring into your own net is never a good idea.
Fucking drama queens is right.
Are the Caps done? That's all I care about.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 08, 2011, 07:22:22 PM
Are the Caps done? That's all I care about.
Yep. Ovechfail.
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 08, 2011, 07:48:10 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 08, 2011, 07:22:22 PM
Are the Caps done? That's all I care about.
Yep. Ovechfail.
To be fair, it's not so much Ovechkin as it is the fact that almost everyone else on that team is an overpaid loser. Especially Green, who is a total bitch.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 08, 2011, 07:22:22 PM
Are the Caps done? That's all I care about.
Yes and it hurts so very very bad :weep:
Still cannot believe that stupid loser Mike Knuble.
None of the Caps could see this coming? The whole fucking world knew this was coming :P
Caps need...Miro Satan.
Well, not really, but I'd like to see him back in the league. Just for the puns.
He needs to switch careers and play for Anaheim.
Quote from: viper37 on May 08, 2011, 03:24:48 PM
This team ain't moving north for next fall. No move before summer 2012.
Words quoted for posterity. :menace:
I thought the NHL had financial problems. Does Bettman really have enough money laying around to just dump millions down a rabbit hole for no other reason than his ego?
Revenue have been growing every year since coming back from the Lock Out. The NHL is doing fine. It's individual team that aren't doing so good.
The Leafs, Rangers & #3 (Detroit?) are bankrolling the league.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 09, 2011, 10:20:39 AM
Revenue have been growing every year since coming back from the Lock Out. The NHL is doing fine. It's individual team that aren't doing so good.
The Leafs, Rangers & #3 (Detroit?) are bankrolling the league.
They should give The Leafs an honorary Stanley Cup because of that.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 09, 2011, 10:20:39 AM
The Leafs, Rangers & #3 (Detroit?) are bankrolling the league.
Well lets hope the Leafs and Rangers fans continue to keep shelling out cash even though their franchises are jokes.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 09, 2011, 10:20:39 AM
Revenue have been growing every year since coming back from the Lock Out. The NHL is doing fine. It's individual team that aren't doing so good.
The Leafs, Rangers & #3 (Detroit?) are bankrolling the league.
Habs, and Vancouver are well off selling out every game for ages now too.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on May 09, 2011, 12:34:31 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 09, 2011, 10:20:39 AM
Revenue have been growing every year since coming back from the Lock Out. The NHL is doing fine. It's individual team that aren't doing so good.
The Leafs, Rangers & #3 (Detroit?) are bankrolling the league.
Habs, and Vancouver are well off selling out every game for ages now too.
The Wild has sellout every home game of their history. Arena Attendance isn't everything.
Quote from: Valmy on May 09, 2011, 10:23:45 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 09, 2011, 10:20:39 AM
The Leafs, Rangers & #3 (Detroit?) are bankrolling the league.
Well lets hope the Leafs and Rangers fans continue to keep shelling out cash even though their franchises are jokes.
:o: :weep:
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 09, 2011, 12:41:00 PM
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on May 09, 2011, 12:34:31 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 09, 2011, 10:20:39 AM
Revenue have been growing every year since coming back from the Lock Out. The NHL is doing fine. It's individual team that aren't doing so good.
The Leafs, Rangers & #3 (Detroit?) are bankrolling the league.
Habs, and Vancouver are well off selling out every game for ages now too.
The Wild has sellout every home game of their history. Arena Attendance isn't everything.
ticket prices in Canada vs. US makes a big diff there. Wild games cost less than half what Canucks or Leaf games go for, and that's in weakass US currency.
also swag, Canadians buy a lot of jerseys Nashville gmes they give away tees. there are a few jerseys but not like the more solid base teams in Canada or US.
QuoteCheck THE DREGER REPORT each weekday for 'The Things You Need To Know' for the day in the National Hockey League from TSN Hockey Insider Darren Dreger. Darren's reports are posted here at about 1pm et/10am pt.
GOT A QUESTION FOR THE HOCKEY INSIDER? Email your questions to [email protected] and he'll answer selected questions each week.
Updated: Monday, May 09, 2011 1:25 PM
May 9, 1:25 PM
The Dreger Report is going to avoid the drama sparked in a post-game show last night from Versus analyst Jeremy Roenick, who described Sharks veteran Patrick Marleau and his 23:18 of ice time as a, 'gutless performance.'
That said, Mike Peca and Aaron Ward are in studio tonight at TSN and both will weigh in with their views on whether or not Roenick crossed the line with his cutting comments - so tune in to SportsCentre for their reaction.
My focus today and tomorrow is on the Phoenix Coyotes and the City of Glendale's planned vote to keep them in Glendale for at least one more season.
If it goes as expected tomorrow night, Glendale city council will vote in favour of covering the Coyotes' losses for another year - up to $25 million.
The NHL fully supports any plan to keep the Coyotes in Arizona, but recognizes the city is simply buying time to either work out a more suitable deal with Matt Hulsizer or any other prospective buyer the city or league can lure to the desert.
Some believe Glendale city officials are actively trying to encourage Jerry Reinsdorf to return to the table. Reinsdorf and his group pulled their bid to buy the Coyotes in August of 2009 after failing to meet deadlines prior to the NHL purchasing the team.
Further speculation suggests Hulsizer is considering pulling out of the deal, perhaps, prior to tomorrow's vote which would leave Glendale with little to work with while footing the bill next season. However, those close to Hulsizer don't believe he's plotting any such move and will instead continue to wait patiently to see if the structure of his proposal to buy the Coyotes will, in time, be accepted.
Winnipeg and Atlanta are both eager to learn the outcome of tomorrow's vote and while True North has pretty much reached its breaking point from a time stand point, there is still strong belief their patience will be rewarded in the form of NHL relocation, if not this year, then possibly next.
Atlanta's ownership wants out and Winnipeg is keenly interested, but will sit tight until given clearance from the league to begin negotiating to buy the Thrashers.
Sources say two local groups have expressed interest in buying Atlanta, but the process is moving slowly and Thrashers owners are hoping once the dusts settles in Glendale, the NHL will turn its attention on Atlanta and the possibilities this franchise will soon be faced with.
It will be a very interesting week, although it seems unlikely hockey fans in Winnipeg will get the answer they so desperately have been waiting for - confirmation of the NHL's return.
I can't believe they're going to own this team into a THIRD YEAR.
Still hoping for Atlanta. This year.
I am so glad I am not paying taxes to support a hockey Team. The people of Glendale are pathetic stooges.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on May 09, 2011, 12:47:56 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 09, 2011, 12:41:00 PM
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on May 09, 2011, 12:34:31 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 09, 2011, 10:20:39 AM
Revenue have been growing every year since coming back from the Lock Out. The NHL is doing fine. It's individual team that aren't doing so good.
The Leafs, Rangers & #3 (Detroit?) are bankrolling the league.
Habs, and Vancouver are well off selling out every game for ages now too.
The Wild has sellout every home game of their history. Arena Attendance isn't everything.
ticket prices in Canada vs. US makes a big diff there. Wild games cost less than half what Canucks or Leaf games go for, and that's in weakass US currency.
also swag, Canadians buy a lot of jerseys Nashville gmes they give away tees. there are a few jerseys but not like the more solid base teams in Canada or US.
Where is my :nelson: for Beeb...
Oh here it is
It does kind of smart that the NHL hates Winnipeg so much it is willing to pay tens of millions of dollars for no other reason than to keep a team from moving there.
Quote from: katmai on May 09, 2011, 01:36:57 PM
Where is my :nelson: for Beeb...
Oh here it is
Atlanta. :contract:
The dynamics are completely different. The City of atlanta couldn't care less. The arena owners want them OUT as they already have the Hawks as an anchor tenant.
Quote from: Barrister on May 09, 2011, 01:39:32 PM
The dynamics are completely different. The City of atlanta couldn't care less. The arena owners want them OUT as they already have the Hawks as an anchor tenant.
I thought Tom Glavine was going to bat, so to speak, for them.
Quote from: Valmy on May 09, 2011, 01:40:14 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 09, 2011, 01:39:32 PM
The dynamics are completely different. The City of atlanta couldn't care less. The arena owners want them OUT as they already have the Hawks as an anchor tenant.
I thought Tom Glavine was going to bat, so to speak, for them.
He doesn't have the money.
The problem with all these scenarios is you'll find lots of people willing to try and save the local team. They might throw in a buck or two. But nobody in either Atlanta or Phoenix is willing to wring a nine-figure check with their own money.
More Atlanta news:
QuoteVote in Arizona could go long way in determining fate of Thrashers
3:14 pm May 9, 2011, by Chris Vivlamore
The clock could start ticking on the Thrashers this week – and it could move quickly.
On Tuesday, the city of Glendale will vote on whether to pay another $25 million to the NHL. That money would be used by the league-owned team, rescued from bankruptcy in 2009, for operating expenses and would keep the financially struggling team in Arizona for one more season. According to several media outlets, the proposal is expected to pass.
Last week the city of Glendale paid the NHL $25 million for operating losses for last season.
The NHL is looking for an owner that will keep the team in Glendale. Efforts to sell to Chicago businessman Matthew Hulsizer have been ongoing for months in a complicated deal that has a local watchdog group threatening legal action.
The Phoenix franchise has been eyed by prospective buyer True North Sports and Entertainment, which would purchase the team and move it back to Winnipeg where it relocated from in 1996. However with the Coyotes staying in Arizona for at least another year, True North will likely turn its efforts, quickly, to the Thrashers, who have been for sale in earnest for several years. The Atlanta Spirit, owner of the Thrashers, Hawks and the operating rights to Philips Arena, have been looking for a buyer and/or investors and have said relocation is a possibility. Co-owner Michael Gearon Jr. told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in February and again last week that there is a "sense of urgency" to find a solution to the financial losses suffered by the team. The Thrashers could fetch upwards of $170 million from True North with the NHL getting around $60 million as a relocation fee.
The Thrashers are not expected to be sold for that much to a buyer that would keep the team in Atlanta. Team president Don Waddell has been actively working with groups interested in purchasing the Thrashers. He told the AJC this week that there are currently two groups, both out of town, interested in purchasing the Thrashers and keeping them here. However, talks have not progressed beyond a preliminary stage. The clock on getting such a deal done could start with the Coyotes situation settled, at least temporarily.
The situation brings up three main issues concerned with the Thrashers.
1. Are the Spirit committed to selling to an owner that will keep the team in Atlanta even if it means turning down a potential offer and extending the search process? If offered such a sale price from True North, the owners could stand to make more money, minus capital calls, than their original cash investment in all three entities.
Co-owner Bruce Levenson and Gearon have said that keeping the Thrashers in Atlanta is their first choice. However, they have also made it clear they no longer desire to bear the financial responsibility of a franchise that is losing money, up to $130 million over the course of their ownership according to court documents. That figure does include the fact that a portion of arena revenues go directly to bond payments.
By selling and relocating the Thrashers, the Spirit does stand to lose additional revenue. It would lose a pro-rated amount on the $10 million annual naming rights to Philips Arena without an NHL occupant. It would also lose revenue associated with having 41 dates in the arena.
2. Will the NHL work with Atlanta, as it has with Phoenix, to avoid franchise relocation?
NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman has stated, on several occasions, that the NHL currently has no plans to relocate any franchise. The league has certainly worked to keep Phoenix in Arizona. While the league may not be willing to take on any financial responsibility for Atlanta, it could turn its full attention to helping resolve the ownership situation once the Phoenix situation, job No. 1 right now, is settled. Or not. The league could give its blessing to the Spirit to open talks with True North.
It would be puzzling if Bettman and the league dedicated months to trying to resolve said situation in Phoenix and not have a strong interest in keeping a team in Atlanta, the No. 8 television market.
3. There may not be enough time to get a sale and relocation completed in time for next season. Time figures to be an issue to sell and move the Thrashers to Winnipeg – or another city. The sale of a professional sports team is not an easy, nor a quick, process. The length of time it has taken to resolve the Phoenix situation would leave a short turnaround. However, the framework possibly in place on a Phoenix-Winnipeg deal could be used to move things along with the Thrashers. A similar situation occurred when the Spirit purchased the teams and rights to the arena after negotiations with Dallas businessman David McDavid were not completed.
The sale of Phoenix would help recoup the losses, footed by the NHL owners, from rescuing the franchise from bankruptcy and running it for two seasons. However, the league may not be in a hurry to relocate to a Winnipeg. They could wait another year to see what happens in Phoenix.
If the Thrashers were to leave for Winnipeg, there would almost certainly need to be a conference re-alignment to accommodate the move.
And yet more Atlanta news.
QuoteLessons learned in Phoenix?
STEPHEN BRUNT | Columnist profile | E-mail
From Tuesday's Globe and Mail
Published Monday, May. 09, 2011 6:39PM EDT
Last updated Monday, May. 09, 2011 6:42PM EDT
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We have just passed the two-year anniversary of Jerry Moyes taking his Phoenix Coyotes into bankruptcy, having decided it was his only way out.
(The team's former owner was right, by the way.)
Tuesday, the political leadership in Glendale, Ariz., seems certain to make sure this tawdry little drama will continue for at least 12 more months, when they vote to throw another $25-million (U.S.) into their massive, good-money-after-bad sinkhole, committing to covering the Coyotes' losses for the 2011-12 NHL season with absolutely no assurance the team won't pack up and move the minute it is completed.
That's $50-million, straight up, in handouts, not counting the cost of the arena, and not factoring in the $50-million cheque Jim Balsillie had promised to write Glendale if he had been successful in acquiring the team and moving it to Hamilton – or $200 for every hockey-oblivious man, woman and child in the small, suburban city.
Whoever is your elected representative – yes, even in Toronto (yes, even the Brothers Ford) – sleep a little easier understanding it could be worse. Your tax dollars could be in the hands of these people.
So just what have we learned here?
A whole bunch of things, none of them flattering to the NHL or the people who operate it, who have had the dirtiest of their dirty linen aired, have watched franchise values erode in marginal markets, have allowed their weakest link to distract everyone from their core strengths as a sport business, and who – directly and through their loyal minions – have told dozens of little white lies about "irresponsible reporting" and rosy finances and prospective buyers lining up.
(A personal favourite: "Interestingly, [the Coyotes'] gate receipts are up 12 to 18 per cent over last year. Their attendance is up. They are not on life support. There are some cash-flow issues that we're helping them with. We haven't made any formal loans to that franchise. All of that speculation is wildly exaggerated." – NHL commissioner Gary Bettman, 2009.)
We have learned the Atlanta Thrashers must be in significantly worse shape than the Coyotes, that they must represent a whole other level of unsalvageable, which really, is hard to imagine. Because there are no patsies offering bags of money in Georgia, the league needs a solution there, pronto.
We have learned other than Winnipeg, there is not a single place in North America where the NHL could relocate a team next fall. Even in Kansas City, where there is a brand-new empty arena awaiting a tenant, no prospective owner has stepped forward. Same goes for the familiar list of possibilities: Houston, Portland, Seattle, Las Vegas, etc. If any of them had the wherewithal, they'd have a hockey team by now. In fact, they'd have their choice.
We have learned the true value of the Coyotes in Glendale is zero – actually, something less than zero, since no prospective investor has offered to put their own money into a deal, leaving Chicago businessman Matthew Hulsizer with the only offer to "buy" the team, underwritten by a $116-million municipal bond issue and a $97-million management contract. In the end, even he got cold feet.
We have learned Arizona Senator John McCain's decision to select Sarah Palin as his U.S. presidential running mate in 2008 suddenly makes a lot more sense coming from the same person who claimed the loss of the hockey team would result in the loss of a thousand jobs.
We have learned the Goldwater Institute taxpayer watchdog group was wildly underestimated by the NHL, and is certainly not (in the words of NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly) "irrelevant."
We have learned the NHL owners, who have already sunk $140-million into buying the Coyotes, and more to cover losses beyond $25-million, are willing to follow their commissioner even farther down this dead-end road, despite having been assured they would be in and out and made whole by now. (They will be placated to some degree if the league can turn around and charge the prospective Winnipeg owners a "relocation fee" for Atlanta, which in itself will be worth more than the team's actual market value.)
Head coach Dave Tippett and company worked miracles with the Coyotes the past two seasons. But imagine what's coming with no extra money to build or market the franchise, with the NHL just trying to hold losses down and get to the finish line, with yet another deadline looming. It will redefine "lame duck."
Winnipeg, you're still going to get your hockey team. It just looks like it will be a different hockey team.
Quebec City, if you can get the money and arena together by this time next year, say hello to Les Coyotes.
NHL blew up too much, too fast. You have to treat expansion like the NFL does: like the precious civil jewels that they are.*
*Except the way Tagliabue did it. You fuck, I hope you rot in hell.
Ok so I guess it's the Canucks in 27 games. Or at least Kesler in 27. The dude is a machine. If only the Sedins could halfway match his intensity, they'd be unstoppable.
Another victory for cheapshots and bullshit over skill and heart.
According to HNIC's Elliote Friedman:
Quote4) Interesting: Word is The Raine Group, which is handling the sale of the Atlanta Thrashers for Atlanta Spirit LLC, is telling prospective buyers the team can be moved because having those dates available for other events (ie. concerts) is a better financial option than hockey. Neither a phone call nor a follow-up email were returned by 10 p.m. ET Monday.
Quote from: Neil on May 10, 2011, 10:49:03 AM
Another victory for cheapshots and bullshit over skill and heart.
Why are you posting about The Back Alley in the hockey thread?
There are a TON of stories flooding the 'Net about the vote in Glendale - and every single one of them conects the situation to Atlanta / Winnipeg.
From TSN:
QuoteAlso paying close attention will be hockey fans in Winnipeg, who've been through more ups and downs these past few months than they'll ever have to endure if they actually have a team to follow.
A 'no' vote tonight would likely send the Coyotes back from whence they came all those years ago, with another name change surely awaiting them in the Manitoba capital.
A 'yes' vote would secure the Coyotes in Arizona for a year but wouldn't altogether dash Winnipeg's hopes. The Atlanta Thrashers are also for sale right now, and the current owners are anxious to sell before incurring another year of losses in Georgia.
Though time in running out, the Thrashers owners could sell the team to Winnipeg's True North Sports and Entertainment for relocation. But a deal would have to happen quickly in order for the team to be set-up in its new home for the 2011-12 season.
Not the kinds of dramatics hockey fans are used to at this time of year.
But just like in the playoffs, the end is always unpredictable.
Quote from: Neil on May 10, 2011, 10:49:03 AM
Another victory for cheapshots and bullshit over skill and heart.
really? I've watched every game and there have been about the same amount of cheapshots on either side. Pushing someone down with your stick and two hands, or grabbing someone by the collar and hauling them to the ice appears to never get called when it's within 15 feet of the net. (against any team.) That's not hockey.
Beeb makes me want to hate hockey.
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 10, 2011, 11:51:46 AM
Beeb makes me want to hate hockey.
I'm starting to think this could be the week. :)
Of course there was a time in April I thought was the week too.
and in March.
But this time I think this might be it. :cool:
I maintain my comment quoted for prosperity :P
Quote from: viper37 on May 10, 2011, 12:08:35 PM
I maintain my comment quoted for prosperity :P
As if you could hide from it now. :D
I was worried for a day or so. The NHL has used Winnipeg as leverage in Phoenix, so if Glendale was just buying itself a single year's grace the league might still need the leverage.
But it's a ten year deal (with a total cost to Glendale of $250 mil - it boggles the mind, but whatever). The league doesn't need the leverage anymore. So they can let Atlanta move to Winnipeg, which supposedly has been the plan all along.
I'm sitting here watching the City of Glendale council meeting. :ufda:
I should get some kind of Jets medal. I've sat here watching this council meeting for the last two hours or so.
Either a medal, or your taunting - I'm not sure which.
I vote for taunting :P
No fresh news out there, so what happenned? Do I owe you a beer or do you owe me one?
Quote from: viper37 on May 10, 2011, 11:44:25 PM
I vote for taunting :P
No fresh news out there, so what happenned? Do I owe you a beer or do you owe me one?
It's still going on. :bleeding:
I don't think the beer will be decided yet.
Quote from: Barrister on May 10, 2011, 12:34:12 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 10, 2011, 12:08:35 PM
I maintain my comment quoted for prosperity :P
As if you could hide from it now. :D
I was worried for a day or so. The NHL has used Winnipeg as leverage in Phoenix, so if Glendale was just buying itself a single year's grace the league might still need the leverage.
But it's a ten year deal (with a total cost to Glendale of $250 mil - it boggles the mind, but whatever). The league doesn't need the leverage anymore. So they can let Atlanta move to Winnipeg, which supposedly has been the plan all along.
How can Glendale afford it? How can the politicians pass this without being afraid of being primaried next election?
It's mildly amusing actually.
there are some seriously crazy people who show up at Glendale City Council meetings.
FINALLY after two hours getting to a vote.
Why did I waste my evening watching Arizona city council meetings? :bleeding:
Here's hoping that the Thrashers are heading "back to Winnipeg".
You keep hoping there :lol:
Sometimes I think we should have Bettman assasinated Kennedy style. FFS, Dude. Give it up.
Quote from: Barrister on May 10, 2011, 11:53:48 PM
there are some seriously crazy people who show up at City Council meetings.
There. Better.
I could tell you stories of the Fairborn City Council meetings when I was working the corporate man, but I won't.
Quote from: Barrister on May 10, 2011, 11:45:17 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 10, 2011, 11:44:25 PM
I vote for taunting :P
No fresh news out there, so what happenned? Do I owe you a beer or do you owe me one?
It's still going on. :bleeding:
I don't think the beer will be decided yet.
It's decided now, they're staying for at least one more year.
So, you owe me a beer now :)
I knew Bettman wouldn't let go of the team that easily.
If this team moves, it will be a shadow of itself.
Quote from: viper37 on May 11, 2011, 08:10:35 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 10, 2011, 11:45:17 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 10, 2011, 11:44:25 PM
I vote for taunting :P
No fresh news out there, so what happenned? Do I owe you a beer or do you owe me one?
It's still going on. :bleeding:
I don't think the beer will be decided yet.
It's decided now, they're staying for at least one more year.
So, you owe me a beer now :)
I knew Bettman wouldn't let go of the team that easily.
If this team moves, it will be a shadow of itself.
No part of this has been easy.
Quote from: viper37 on May 11, 2011, 08:10:35 AM
It's decided now, they're staying for at least one more year.
So, you owe me a beer now :)
Atlanta. :contract:
The best thing about Atlanta moving to Winnipeg will be that Detroit will finally join the Eastern Conference.
I think we should nuke winnipeg from orbit. it's the only way to b free of BB's constant pining :P
Quote from: Barrister on May 10, 2011, 09:16:59 PM
I'm sitting here watching the City of Glendale council meeting. :ufda:
Slow day in Alberta courtrooms? ;)
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2011, 09:13:37 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 11, 2011, 08:10:35 AM
It's decided now, they're staying for at least one more year.
So, you owe me a beer now :)
Atlanta. :contract:
We betted on the Coyotes, remember. ;) Don't change the rules now.
If you want to double on Atlanta, though...
Has Detroit always been in the west?
Yes. It's a complicated answer but yes.
The Islanders are relocating....
To New York :P
Texte (
If a team does move to Winnipeg its only fan will be living in Edmonton.
Quote from: viper37 on May 11, 2011, 09:36:22 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2011, 09:13:37 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 11, 2011, 08:10:35 AM
It's decided now, they're staying for at least one more year.
So, you owe me a beer now :)
Atlanta. :contract:
We betted on the Coyotes, remember. ;) Don't change the rules now.
If you want to double on Atlanta, though...
Has Detroit always been in the west?
I don't think so - it was about Winnipeg getting a team...
Atlanta. :contract:
Quote from: TSNGlendale, Winnipeg and Atlanta - The Day After: Glendale city council voted as we predicted they would and approved the city's proposal to keep the Coyotes in Glendale by covering operating losses for another season.
Discussion on the Coyotes' future in Arizona stretched to almost three hours in council chambers and included presentations from Goldwater Institute - who are still vehemently opposed to using city funds to finance the team - NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly, Coyotes general manager Don Maloney, as well as a cast of 25 local residents who lined up to either support or challenge Glendale's position.
Among the more....uh, colorful speakers was an elderly gentlemen who passionately pleaded with council and the various league and GWI representatives to give him the opportunity to spearhead negotiations to get a deal done with Matt Hulsizer (or any other prospective buyers who may be lurking).
Arthur Thursters, who appears to be a regular at Glendale council meetings, proclaimed he was willing to bet his house on his ability to broker such a deal.
In light of the fact that neither the city nor the National Hockey League has been able to complete a sale to ensure the Coyotes' survival, there's no harm in listening to what Thursters has to say - which is exactly what Bill Daly intends on doing and plans on calling Thursters out of curiosity and respect for his persistence and confidence.
The 5-2 vote in favor of absorbing another year of the Coyotes' losses wasn't surprising, as city sources felt strongly going into the meeting that the proposal would pass and knew without approval that the NHL would likely exercise its right to relocation leaving Jobing.Com Arena dark on at least 41 nights per year.
"If the resolution had not passed, it obviously would have represented a major setback, Daly told The Dreger Report. "We would have had to make some tough decisions relatively quickly."
And such decisions that would have likely paved the way for a relatively smooth transition to Winnipeg, where True North and a region consumed by the obsession for the NHL's return, eagerly await the call.
Instead, while Arizona hockey fans celebrate the Coyotes' stay of execution, fans in the 'Peg' will now hang on every word and every report that encourages the Atlanta Thrashers' move north.
There is reason for such encouragement and an agreement between True North and existing Thrashers ownership could be worked out very quickly. However, this may turn into a very tricky and sensitive negotiation with few details leaked as discussions between the two groups progress.
"It's achievable," is how a source familiar with the situation describes the Atlanta to Winnipeg scenario, implying there's a chance a deal could be reached in time for next season.
If not, True North will go about its business, biding time, while working with the NHL on the potential of a relocation opportunity for the 2012-2013 season and a real possibility either Phoenix, Atlanta - or both - will still be the primary targets.
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2011, 01:23:21 PM
I don't think so - it was about Winnipeg getting a team...
It was about the Coyotes moving from Arizona :) Anywhere, be it Winnipeg, Vegas, Kansas, Laval or Quebec city :)
Though most likely it was to be in Winnipeg, but I first told you the team would still be there by their first deadline (early december), then extended to dec. 31st, then extended 'til the end of this season.
Atlanta was never in the picture, it was all about the Coyotes.
For what it's worth, I don't think Atlanta will move this year either. But I'm not betting on this.
Quote from: viper37 on May 11, 2011, 02:13:52 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2011, 01:23:21 PM
I don't think so - it was about Winnipeg getting a team...
It was about the Coyotes moving from Arizona :) Anywhere, be it Winnipeg, Vegas, Kansas, Laval or Quebec city :)
Though most likely it was to be in Winnipeg, but I first told you the team would still be there by their first deadline (early december), then extended to dec. 31st, then extended 'til the end of this season.
Atlanta was never in the picture, it was all about the Coyotes.
For what it's worth, I don't think Atlanta will move this year either. But I'm not betting on this.
Well to be fair, it's not as if I wouldn't buy you a beer anyways, so I'll accept your recollection.
And why aren't you betting on Atlanta? :shifty:
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2011, 02:17:28 PM
And why aren't you betting on Atlanta? :shifty:
Because the owners are in a tough spot. They can't sustain losses of this magnitude for very long.
They don't want to move the team out of Atlanta, but they will do it if it's a choice between bankruptcy and living abroad under new management.
The wildcard here is how will the NHL act: will they buy a second team? In Glendale, part of the losses are covered by the city. Will the NHL agree to assume 100% of the Atlanta loss in the hopes of keeping the team there? They tought it was a done deal with Hulsizer, but then something unexpected happen. Have they learned their lesson? Do they believe a Goldwater Institute of Atlanta will appear out of nowhere to block some deal with the city or state?
I lack information.
I knew Betman wouldn't want to lose face with the Coyotes. With Atlanta, it's muddier.
Quote from: viper37 on May 11, 2011, 02:52:47 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2011, 02:17:28 PM
And why aren't you betting on Atlanta? :shifty:
Because the owners are in a tough spot. They can't sustain losses of this magnitude for very long.
They don't want to move the team out of Atlanta, but they will do it if it's a choice between bankruptcy and living abroad under new management.
The wildcard here is how will the NHL act: will they buy a second team? In Glendale, part of the losses are covered by the city. Will the NHL agree to assume 100% of the Atlanta loss in the hopes of keeping the team there? They tought it was a done deal with Hulsizer, but then something unexpected happen. Have they learned their lesson? Do they believe a Goldwater Institute of Atlanta will appear out of nowhere to block some deal with the city or state?
I lack information.
I knew Betman wouldn't want to lose face with the Coyotes. With Atlanta, it's muddier.
You're missing one of the most impotrant angles - the arena. The current owners, ASG, also own the arena. Any new owner (even the NHL) would have to negotiate a lease with ASG. And apparently ASG thinks it can make more money from concerts, etc. than they can for 41 nights of hockey.
If ASG doesn't want the team in their arena, nobody can force them to stay there.
Ah, yes, I totally forgot about the arena :)
There seems to be some movement to keep the team there though, what with the involvement of that ex baseball star. I dunno if it will play, if it's any indication of something more serious going on.
I wonder if there's been a worse commissioner for a major sports league than Bettman?
Bud Selig
Quote from: katmai on May 11, 2011, 06:52:33 PM
Bud Selig
Really? Major league baseball seems to do alright. Whenever they get into trouble they just look the other way on drug tests and put up a dubious new home run record, or have a wretched Boston team win something.
Quote from: katmai on May 11, 2011, 06:52:33 PM
Bud Selig
Only if Bud decides to start moving small market American teams to Europe or something.
Quote from: Valmy on May 11, 2011, 07:52:38 PM
Quote from: katmai on May 11, 2011, 06:52:33 PM
Bud Selig
Only if Bud decides to start moving small market American teams to Europe or something.
If that is all it takes then David stern
Quote from: Neil on May 11, 2011, 06:51:25 PM
I wonder if there's been a worse commissioner for a major sports league than Bettman?
Does FIFA count as a major sports league?
Quote from: Josephus on May 11, 2011, 09:04:52 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 11, 2011, 06:51:25 PM
I wonder if there's been a worse commissioner for a major sports league than Bettman?
Does FIFA count as a major sports league?
No. It's more like the IOC, which is a million times more fucked up than FIFA.
Quote from: katmai on May 11, 2011, 08:03:51 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 11, 2011, 07:52:38 PM
Quote from: katmai on May 11, 2011, 06:52:33 PM
Bud Selig
Only if Bud decides to start moving small market American teams to Europe or something.
If that is all it takes then David stern
Hey I am not saying Bud does not suck tremendous ass just that Bettman is far worse.
Oh and at least Stern realized his little Canadian experiment was a failure and at least he did it with expansion teams instead of leaving established markets for apathetic ones.
There were probably a hundred or so stories put up yesterday about the Thrashers, all suggesting they appear all set to move to Winnipeg - perhaps even being announced in a day or two.
I'm so excited I don't know what to say.
Those poor Thrasher players. Forced to live up in shitsville. :cry:
The Blacks are going to have a fun time.
I wonder if there's hot sauce in the 'Peg.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2011, 09:47:27 AM
The Blacks are going to have a fun time.
I wonder if there's hot sauce in the 'Peg.
Nope. No hot sauce at all. :rolleyes:
Honestly Winnipeg is a wonderful food city. I'm quite disappointed so far in Edmonton as all I can find are chain restaurants.
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 09:50:40 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2011, 09:47:27 AM
The Blacks are going to have a fun time.
I wonder if there's hot sauce in the 'Peg.
Nope. No hot sauce at all. :rolleyes:
Honestly Winnipeg is a wonderful food city. I'm quite disappointed so far in Edmonton as all I can find are chain restaurants.
Is there any Popeyes in Western Canada? That's the one they like, right?
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 09:50:40 AM
I'm quite disappointed so far in Edmonton as all I can find are chain restaurants.
Edmonton is just a strip mall pretending to be a city.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 12, 2011, 11:04:58 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 09:50:40 AM
I'm quite disappointed so far in Edmonton as all I can find are chain restaurants.
Edmonton is just a strip mall pretending to be a city.
The same could be said for North Van. :rolleyes:
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 11:11:10 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 12, 2011, 11:04:58 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 09:50:40 AM
I'm quite disappointed so far in Edmonton as all I can find are chain restaurants.
Edmonton is just a strip mall pretending to be a city.
The same could be said for North Van. :rolleyes:
Which is why I would never live in the City of North Vancouver either. ;) Btw I live in the District of N. Vancouver which is certainly not a strip mall masquerading as a city.
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 12, 2011, 09:44:21 AM
Those poor Thrasher players. Forced to live up in shitsville. :cry:
Siberia, actually. Or St-Petersburg without russians and russian sausages, or something like that :P
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 09:50:40 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2011, 09:47:27 AM
The Blacks are going to have a fun time.
I wonder if there's hot sauce in the 'Peg.
Nope. No hot sauce at all. :rolleyes:
Honestly Winnipeg is a wonderful food city. I'm quite disappointed so far in Edmonton as all I can find are chain restaurants.
Ya I rediscovered that about Winnipeg when I was there last year. Every restaurant I went to, I thought man I wish this place was in Vancouver. Great food there!
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on May 12, 2011, 12:52:40 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 09:50:40 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2011, 09:47:27 AM
The Blacks are going to have a fun time.
I wonder if there's hot sauce in the 'Peg.
Nope. No hot sauce at all. :rolleyes:
Honestly Winnipeg is a wonderful food city. I'm quite disappointed so far in Edmonton as all I can find are chain restaurants.
Ya I rediscovered that about Winnipeg when I was there last year. Every restaurant I went to, I thought man I wish this place was in Vancouver. Great food there!
I like the bar in the Fort Gary Hotel.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on May 12, 2011, 12:52:40 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 09:50:40 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2011, 09:47:27 AM
The Blacks are going to have a fun time.
I wonder if there's hot sauce in the 'Peg.
Nope. No hot sauce at all. :rolleyes:
Honestly Winnipeg is a wonderful food city. I'm quite disappointed so far in Edmonton as all I can find are chain restaurants.
Ya I rediscovered that about Winnipeg when I was there last year. Every restaurant I went to, I thought man I wish this place was in Vancouver. Great food there!
I keep hoping that I just need to "discover" the great local places here. I mean, Winnipeg has its share of chain restaurants too - but you were probably taken to all the good places by locals.
Don't look at me. I couldn't care less about experimenting with my dinner. I prefer home cooking.
Quote from: Neil on May 12, 2011, 01:33:40 PM
Don't look at me. I couldn't care less about experimenting with my dinner. I prefer home cooking.
Oh I'm looking at you. I enjoy experimenting with my dinner - both at restaurants and at home.
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 01:42:02 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 12, 2011, 01:33:40 PM
Don't look at me. I couldn't care less about experimenting with my dinner. I prefer home cooking.
Oh I'm looking at you. I enjoy experimenting with my dinner - both at restaurants and at home.
I didnt know you were German. :hmm:
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 01:09:33 PM
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on May 12, 2011, 12:52:40 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 09:50:40 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2011, 09:47:27 AM
The Blacks are going to have a fun time.
I wonder if there's hot sauce in the 'Peg.
Nope. No hot sauce at all. :rolleyes:
Honestly Winnipeg is a wonderful food city. I'm quite disappointed so far in Edmonton as all I can find are chain restaurants.
Ya I rediscovered that about Winnipeg when I was there last year. Every restaurant I went to, I thought man I wish this place was in Vancouver. Great food there!
I keep hoping that I just need to "discover" the great local places here. I mean, Winnipeg has its share of chain restaurants too - but you were probably taken to all the good places by locals.
We usually laught at me over my western experience but this is one the thing I hate the most about Edmonton. Food there sucks. Plus I couldn't find any foie gras to save my life.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2011, 01:50:20 PM
We usually laught at me over my western experience but this is one the thing I hate the most about Edmonton. Food there sucks. Plus I couldn't find any foie gras to save my life.
Edmonton has some nice Steak Houses.
That is the only nice thing you will ever hear me say about Edmonton and I will likely never say it again.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2011, 01:50:20 PM
We usually laught at me over my western experience but this is one the thing I hate the most about Edmonton. Food there sucks. Plus I couldn't find any foie gras to save my life.
Here's a tip: food sucks everywhere outside of Quebec ;)
If you're in the US, bacon&eggs means bacon, eggs and ton of grease. Everything else is extra.
In Ontario, a good meal is all about fries&pizza, or the local Subway.
East of Edmunston, it's lobster and french fries or fish & french fries, don't even think about eating a steak. The most popular dish seems to be fish&chips. You got to drive up to Louisbourg to eat a decent meal ;)
Thunderbay is a desert wasteland, the only good thing to eat is what you can hunt or fish yourself.
In Winnipeg, it's so damn cold that even Russians need to walk in underground tunnels to protect themselves. I figure all food must be deep frozen.
Alberta and Saskatchewan are like the Americas.
In Vancouver, it seems every restaurant is an Asian restaurant.
Stay away from there! :P
TO get this thread back on the correct topic (i.e. the Winnipeg Jets):
QuoteThis Is Not An Exit....Yet (NHL-style)
I simply do NOT have a dog in this fight, let me first say. When it comes to NHL teams moving, I have to admit absolute impartiality. I've only lived in one city where a sports team left where I was located and it truly bothered/crushed me depending on my mood at the given time. That team was baseball's "AA" London Tigers, who arrived to much fanfare in spring 1989 with players like Travis Fryman and Tony Clark, and left with far less fanfare in 1993 to move to Trenton, New Jersey.
The combination of lots more accessible baseball on cable/satellite tv, inconsistent performance, some dreary, rainy April/May periods, rising budgets, and a sinking Canadian dollar all took what was a real dream of many, including yours truly, to have a reasonably top-tier minor league baseball franchise in a city of 280,000 was the best.
Thus, maybe not on the same level, nobody truly is an undisputed winner when a team leaves a city, in ANY sport, at ANY level. Nobody, in relationships, business, or even sport, likes the idea that they're wrestling something beloved away from someone else, and that includes people, and that certainly includes cities.
I tweeted earlier today about a text message conversation I had with an Atlanta Thrasher player who I was interested in having as a guest on our morning show in Toronto. I've gained his trust and he's gained mine in a couple previous interviews/exchanges, and as such I broached the subject of the stability of the Thrashers staying in Atlanta. It's not exactly Woodward & Bernstein stuff, given that a conference call is/was taking place today (May 11th) between at least three parties: 1) True North Sports & Entertainment, 2) Gary Bettman, and 3) The Thrashers ownership group, headmanned in part by Atlanta Spirit LLC. They aren't having this conference call to decide where the best places to canoe will be this summer in Cottage Country.
Per my sources, wheels got in motion, and got in motion fast following the Glendale decision to pay the $25 million to keep the Coyotes for at least (some will wager, again, at most) for one more season. The Thrashers player in question told me he has been told among other things "be ready to move" and to "expect a major announcement regarding the franchise relocating". Some of his texts were a tad more pointed than that, and he agreed after, naturally, some persuasion, to let me mention that he has heard such things from people he trusts.
I didn't ask, and didn't feel it was my place to ask if this information was coming from Atlanta Thrashers management, and in all honesty, I strongly doubt it is. I would still wager that with the amount of time a management group and coaching staff spends with these players, in transit on buses and airplanes, in meals and social outings, and certainly in team, specialty group (PP or PK), or individual meetings, that the scenario of moving has been discussed before. None of that is shocking. Phoenix Coyotes coach Dave Tippett and several Coyotes players were quick to point out that, yes, the talk of a possible relocation IS a burden they've had to overcome, and it's a good bet that behind the scenes, there's been some very frank talk of just that. Again, several Coyotes players admitted that, of course, it's a conversation point amongst players.
The same is the case with Atlanta, though the situation is vastly different, as I'll explain in a couple paragraphs. I embrace Twitter — but I equally love it and loathe it at times. Many days/nights, the interaction is good-natured and vibrant and fierce and you can't get enough of it. Other times, it's ugly, and disturbing, and borderline creepy, but I fully embrace it is a tool for me and others to gather news and opinion. But is Twitter "journalism"? No one has yet come up with a real definitive answer, and if they haven't yet, I'm not sure we will anytime soon.
I am not "breaking a story" here. I don't KNOW if the Thrashers are moving. I have opinions on the subject I'm happy to share, but though 90 percent of those who have contacted me about my tweets are understanding, the text conversation I had is hardly groundbreaking, but neither is it inconsequential or trivial - though I might argue it leans more towards the latter than the former in my world. But in no way do I think the Thrashers called some clandestine team meeting and have announced anything involving their specific geographical location next year, the least of reasons why is there's probably very few of them in Atlanta right now — in fact, several of them are in Slovakia at the World Championships. So I'm quite certain that hasn't happened nor was it even remotely suggested by me. Part of the speculation boils down to this: ask a hockey media member, an esteemed hockey blogger, or, yes, an NHL player or agent this: "Do you think the Thrashers will move to Winnipeg in this particular offseason?"
I'm willing to wager 4 of 5 will say "yes, they will". So while, I owe this player anonymity and feel remarkably strongly about that, my guess is that his agent or someone close to the team is either "pretty convinced" or "reasonably confident" that not "a move" but THIS move I'm speculating on could take place. I am NOT a news-breaker, far from it. The respect I have for the people who nail the trades on Deadline Day and get word first (and most importantly, accurate) is immense, and they know that.
But I wasn't going to ignore the story or the potential rammifications of the player's comments to me. Having said that, I can guarantee you the Brady & Lang show won't be having an "Atlanta Thrasher" player on anytime soon to protect the innocent (and text-worthy). The player didn't betray any sacred trust within his organization, and I certainly haven't to him. No one has yet suggested it, but someone will at some point accuse me of putting the franchise, its players, its media, its fans under undue stress. Please, this is a talking point every day among hockey fans in Atlanta - and it has been since the puck dropped Opening Night this past season. It's frustrating enough for the players that it's a wonder with all the continental hockey media focus of the Glendale/Coyotes soap opera, that more haven't noticed the obvious signs NHL hockey may not last much longer in Atlanta, Georgia, and I include myself in that group that, though I noticed the signs, I'm not sure I saw the absolute writing on the wall.
All that to consider, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman can pull rabbits out of hats like no one I've seen. I'll argue to the grave he's done far more good than bad for the NHL, and with practically NO exception, if you can win, and your owner isn't sinking good money after bad into other investments, thus paralyzing your franchise (Tom Hicks/Dallas), you'll make it work in the NHL.
This is Season #20 in San Jose, California. The Sharks have never made the Stanley Cup Finals in those 20 years (yet.....). 20 of their 29 counterpart franchises have. Yet, the fans keep coming, and the sell-outs keep adding up. You win in the NHL, you generally make it work. Tampa Bay is winning again and the fans have come back. The atmosphere at Carolina Hurricanes playoff games is legend in itself. To indict the fans of Phoenix for not supporting a team that's never gotten out of the first-round in 16 seasons is ludicrous. I'll name you 8-10 markets where the NHL would go belly-up in a big hurry if you don't get out of the first round for a decade-and-a-half. That accepted, Atlanta hasn't found any level of success either with not even a playoff win to their credit. In fact, as the Thrashers' diehard fans would probably admit, their spring 2007 series against the New York Rangers was over as quickly as I've ever seen any best-of-seven series in any sport be over.
Here's what I think has transpired over the last couple months, based on conversations I've had — so yeah, if you're thinking this isn't "proper journalism" because I'm speculating using a combination of fact and discernible logical conclusions, then feel free to turn away and act, umm, "aghast".
1. Phoenix looks like an untenable scenario for the NHL. Can't make money, can't find an owner (Hulsizer included) willing to take on the losses AND agree not to move the team anytime in the next quarter-century thanks to the arena lease and the tie-in with Glendale City Council.
2. True North has the money. They have the arena (a touch small by NHL standards but that could change). They certainly have the fans. The questions are still for the NHL in Winnipeg: Do they have the corporate support to pump big cash into promotion, marketing, merchandising, tv/radio ads, and as well, to sell out suites night in and night out - because as is common knowledge, even the Toronto Maple Leafs aren't doing that.
3. The NHL and True North begin talking. And talking some more. And then blushing. And then there's some awkward fumbling of warm hands on cool skin. Anyway, NHL Franchise Flirtfest 2011 was on and both parties liked what they saw. If you contrast Commissioner Bettman's comments on Winnipeg THIS season and the viability of an NHL team moving there, compared to any of the last 4 or 5, you'll note Bettman is MUCH more positive and engaging. It's like he went from slow dancing with Queen Latifah to Marisa Miller.
4. A deal gets struck. Call me crazy, tell me I'm full of crap, but I strongly believe a deal was done between True North and the NHL. Money was agreed upon, so was a transfer fee, so was a division realignment there's only one thing left to, not seal the deal and make Manitobans everywhere leap for joy.....GO BACK AND GIVE GLENDALE ONE LAST CHANCE!
5. In doing so, the unthinkable and improbable happens...instead of being able to say "we tried everything, but the city won't give up the cash while we continue doing exactly what we've been doing for the better part of 3 1/2 years now, so we'll break ranks".....Glendale approves the deal and every man/woman/child in Glendale is hit with a $100 US/person tax bill to keep the Coyotes in Phoenix for the year. $25 million US gets the job done and Winnipeg/True North are left as lonely as Long Duk Dong's new-style Yankee girlfriend in Sixteen Candles did after he took Grandpa's "au-to-mo-beel" to the lake (big lake!).
Hockey people I respect a ton were shocked by this, absolutely floored that even with all the rampant (research-based) speculation about the Coyotes-to-Winnipeg, the logical opposition of The Goldwater Institute, and the seeming air of resignation that almost all the Coyotes players had about their future after they were swept by the Red Wings in the 1st round, they wound up STAYING!
6. But there is hope for Winnipeg —'s not working out. The problems are well-documented and unlike Phoenix:
a) Philips Arena has other tenants, the NBA's Atlanta Hawks (currently filling the joint in the 2nd round of the NBA playoffs) and the WNBA's Atlanta Dream (currently filling the...umm...well, they'd enjoy your company at a game soon)
b) Unlike Glendale, there is NO chance the city of Atlanta will give a dime, nor would the state of Georgia, to keep a losing proposition running. So no $25 million, not even close for bailout money — it would never happen. So why's it happening in Glendale? So complex, but they clearly feel the community suffers far more by leaving than giving it one more spin of the roulette wheel and hoping for an owner to at LEAST get them to the next NHL season missed by lockout....errr...I mean, hah, I mean, the rubber-stamping of a collective bargaining agreement.
c) The Atlanta Spirit have other investments - so they didn't cut and run like Jerry Moyes did in Phoenix. The Spirit LOVE the idea of this sale...they don't like losing the hockey team, but they have shareholders and investors.....the bottom line is that the Thrashers devastate the bottom line. They've been trying to sell locally in Atlanta for almost a half-decade now. That costs infrastructure and salaries JUST to try and find a buyer locally. In the financial world since 2008, a lot of good men and women, not just sports franchise owners, have had to make significant decisions involving losses and sacrifice — this will simply be another on the balance sheet.
So - am I reporting the Thrashers are moving to Winnipeg? Hell, no. Let someone else who's worked 30x as hard on this entire saga take the credit for that. But do I think they are - oh yeah, I do...I did before I got the conversation rolling with the Thrasher player, and he actually didn't increase it exponentially. If I'm wrong, I'll be able to admit I got bad information — and will endeavour to be smarter in the future....but there's too many arrows pointing towards this happening. Gary Bettman gets to keep hope alive in Phoenix and gets to reward Winnipeg with their first NHL hockey game (hypothetically, of course, for now) in about 15 1/2 years this fall. Bettman wins again. It's crappy for the hockey fans of Atlanta, if it turns out this way....and having lived on both sides of the border, having an American child and Canadian child and ALWAYS feeling like I'm "home" in either nation, I wish there weren't Americans who resent how badly Canadians love hockey and want more teams, just as much as I wish there weren't Canadians who will snarkily take glee IF a franchise is snatched from the Deep South and planted in Winnipeg. Have the party for what you gain, not what the others have lost.
If I can find out more, I will keep you posted. Thanks for the conversation, all.
Edit: highlighted the juicy bits for Katmai, though the entire article is a good read.
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 02:06:01 PM
TO get this thread back on the correct topic (i.e. the Winnipeg Jets):
BB this thread is about NHL hockey.
And hot off of Twitter, from TSN's Darren Dreger
QuoteA source involved in the process says there is absolutely no chance of an announcement regarding Atl to Wpg...this week
Not sure why he added the "this week" part.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 12, 2011, 02:20:01 PM
Not sure why he added the "this week" part.
You got to work on your trolling skills. That was weak.
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 02:21:40 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 12, 2011, 02:20:01 PM
Not sure why he added the "this week" part.
You got to work on your trolling skills. That was weak.
It got a response. That means victory.
It's funny, just checking the news, this headline caught my eye:
"TSN NOT REPORTING Winnipeg Thrashers Annoucement".
Don't know why, but I immediatly tought this anonymous Twitter source was BB :P
BB may be the "source" for all the move rumours.
Quote from: viper37 on May 12, 2011, 02:30:26 PM
It's funny, just checking the news, this headline caught my eye:
"TSN NOT REPORTING Winnipeg Thrashers Annoucement".
Don't know why, but I immediatly tought this anonymous Twitter source was BB :P
If you saw even one quarter of the crap people put out over twitter - and I'm not even on twitter - I see tweets other people post on my Return Of The Jets forum.
But yeah - some jocker tweeted "NHL Reporting that an announcement will be made Friday at 1pm in front of MTS Centre". Which then got re-tweeted everywhere. Despite the fact TSN said no such thing (and TSN has numerous people, including Dreger, who are on Twitter).
Two weeks ago there was a massive Twitter rumour that Portage and Main was being closed on a Friday afternoon for an announcement. It was also crap.
I make a point of only posting what actual journalists are saying - not anonymous Twitterheads.
relax, we're all just teasing you :)
I'll be happy if Atlanta of Phoenix one day moves to Winnipeg, I just don't think it will happen this year (well, one of them is 100% sure).
I'd be happier if the team was moving to Quebec city, but hey, I don't think a city that has dress-as-a-seat nights deservers to have a team.
Quote from: viper37 on May 12, 2011, 03:03:13 PM
relax, we're all just teasing you :)
I'll be happy if Atlanta of Phoenix one day moves to Winnipeg, I just don't think it will happen this year (well, one of them is 100% sure).
I'd be happier if the team was moving to Quebec city, but hey, I don't think a city that has dress-as-a-seat nights deservers to have a team.
You may well need to get ready to cheer for
les coyotes - in 2012.
The longer it drags out less chance of the manitoban thrashers
Quote from: katmai on May 12, 2011, 03:09:36 PM
The longer it drags out less chance of the manitoban thrashers
Well, duh.
The absolute drop dead date is some time in June when the schedule hs to come out.
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 03:12:06 PM
Quote from: katmai on May 12, 2011, 03:09:36 PM
The longer it drags out less chance of the manitoban thrashers
Well, duh.
The absolute drop dead date is some time in June when the schedule hs to come out.
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 03:07:58 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 12, 2011, 03:03:13 PM
relax, we're all just teasing you :)
I'll be happy if Atlanta of Phoenix one day moves to Winnipeg, I just don't think it will happen this year (well, one of them is 100% sure).
I'd be happier if the team was moving to Quebec city, but hey, I don't think a city that has dress-as-a-seat nights deservers to have a team.
You may well need to get ready to cheer for les coyotes - in 2012.
Unfortunately, I fear the team will have to be rebuilt by this time, and we'll have to live through many years of misery.
Transcript of Bill Daly AJC's Jeff Schulz
QuoteQ: Where do we stand with the Thrashers?
A: "That's more a question for [part-owner] Bruce [Levenson} than it is for me. He's the one working on trying to find new ownership for the franchise. We've been working with him closely for a number of years in efforts to sell the franchise. Those efforts are ongoing. But there is nothing that has made sense to this point."
Q: Can you guarantee the team will be in Atlanta next season?
A: "Nope. I can't guarantee that."
Q: So what are the chances of the Thrashers being relocated?
A: "I'm not into handicapping. I'm usually wrong."
Q: Can you address rumors that a franchise sale and a move to Winnipeg is pretty much done and that an announcement is imminent?
A: "There is nothing that has been done, nothing has been planned and nothing has been scheduled. Certainly, no transaction has been agreed to, not that I'm aware of."
Q: Have the Thrashers had negotiations with True North?
A: "I wouldn't comment on that. That's something you would have to ask the Thrashers about."
Q: That's not exactly a denial.
A: "But I would say the same thing even if I knew for a fact that they had not spoken to somebody. It's not my role to publicly talk to the media about who Bruce Levenson might or might not be talking to." (Note: Levenson told the AJC on Wednesday: "We are continuing to seek solutions for the Thrashers. I will not comment on any speculation."
Q: You and commissioner Gary Bettman both made frequent trips to Phoenix to speak publicly about the Coyotes staying there, but there has been no similar efforts in Atlanta. Why not?
A: "The situations are very different from a host of perspectives, but not the least of which are the bankruptcy issues we had [in Phoenix], the fight in bankruptcy court and the league having to purchase the club. There were a unique set of circumstances that required the league's presence in Glendale. The bottom line is, we owned that club."
Q: I understand that. But does that preclude you or Gary from coming to Atlanta to show support for the franchise and help the process?
A: "No, of course not. If there was some reasonable sense that a public appeal would move the process along, then something would be done. But we're not at that point."
Q: Can you understand why Atlanta hockey fans might feel like the NHL is abandoning them, especially given the league's silence?
A: "Again, what that opinion lacks is any real information as to what we have been doing over a number of years. There have been efforts to sell the club. We feel it is best that franchises not be relocated and we've made a commitment to keep franchises in the marketplace. Everything we've done with the Thrashers is consistent with that."
Q: But not to the point of guaranteeing that they will remain in Atlanta?
A: "Correct."
Q: You don't find that response in conflict with Gary saying that the NHL is committed to cities and has a covenant with fans?
A: "No, because as I just tried to explain, nobody really knows exactly what we've been doing. Good for us. But over a course of years, what we've done for the Thrashers franchise has been very consistent with what we've done for other franchises."
I envy Hitler, post gunshot to the head. He doesn't have to hear about fucking Winnipeg.
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 12, 2011, 04:05:07 PM
I envy Hitler, post gunshot to the head. He doesn't have to hear about fucking Winnipeg.
Then I guess you know what you must do.
i told u i was hardcore
Now I understand the ragequitting thread... He'll spend 3 days without hearing about Winnipeg, after that, his withdrawal symptoms will be too high :P
So... back to serious matters.
San Jose will clip the Wings tonight.
But Saturday... Who do you bet on? Boston or Tampa Bay? I'm tempted by TB, but Boston seems strong this year. 6, 7 games, maybe?
Quote from: viper37 on May 12, 2011, 07:12:49 PM
So... back to serious matters.
Return of the NHL to Winnipeg is serious business. :mad:
Holy fuck:
Darren Dreger: Atlanta WILL move to Winnipeg for next season.
No equivocation or wriggle words. All from a paid mouthpiece of the NHL.
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 08:06:21 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 12, 2011, 07:12:49 PM
So... back to serious matters.
Return of the NHL to Winnipeg is serious business. :mad:
Is it? It's sort of stalled right now.
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 08:15:31 PM
Holy fuck:
Darren Dreger: Atlanta WILL move to Winnipeg for next season.
No equivocation or wriggle words. All from a paid mouthpiece of the NHL.
Quote from: Neil on May 12, 2011, 08:17:42 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 08:06:21 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 12, 2011, 07:12:49 PM
So... back to serious matters.
Return of the NHL to Winnipeg is serious business. :mad:
Is it? It's sort of stalled right now.
Not at all.
It was only with the vote in Glendale on Tuesday that Winnipeg and Atlanta were allowed to talk.
Sharks win, bring on the Canucks!
Quote from: katmai on May 12, 2011, 10:44:55 PM
Sharks win, bring on the Canucks!
Grats - I know they've been your team for a long time.
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 01:09:33 PM
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on May 12, 2011, 12:52:40 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 09:50:40 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2011, 09:47:27 AM
The Blacks are going to have a fun time.
I wonder if there's hot sauce in the 'Peg.
Nope. No hot sauce at all. :rolleyes:
Honestly Winnipeg is a wonderful food city. I'm quite disappointed so far in Edmonton as all I can find are chain restaurants.
Ya I rediscovered that about Winnipeg when I was there last year. Every restaurant I went to, I thought man I wish this place was in Vancouver. Great food there!
I keep hoping that I just need to "discover" the great local places here. I mean, Winnipeg has its share of chain restaurants too - but you were probably taken to all the good places by locals.
actually Only one or two "taken to" restaurants. I'm a big boy, can find things by myself (i did live there, as well.) and yeah lots of chains (speaking of chains... I did go to the Sals on Pembina for Cheese nip, for old times sake. it was :meh: just like I remembered, funny part was I sat across from a group of theatre students from U of M and had a big flashback to be in a way too similar group of hungover kids back in the day)
I have some friends from Edmonton who say there indeed are some decent restaurants there, but heck if I can recall what they're called. Edmonton also has a lot of great festivals over the summer, it does have some cool things going for it.
Quote from: katmai on May 12, 2011, 10:44:55 PM
Sharks win, bring on the Canucks!
Interesting eh, which team with a history of choking will choke? I say neither, hard fought series... 6 or 7 games of really exciting hockey. Or at least that's what I'm hoping for.
TSN Jets Meter for May 13:
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 10:30:33 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 12, 2011, 08:17:42 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 08:06:21 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 12, 2011, 07:12:49 PM
So... back to serious matters.
Return of the NHL to Winnipeg is serious business. :mad:
Is it? It's sort of stalled right now.
Not at all.
It was only with the vote in Glendale on Tuesday that Winnipeg and Atlanta were allowed to talk.
No, it's still stalled because nothing final is going to happen during the playoffs.
Quote from: Neil on May 13, 2011, 08:40:13 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 10:30:33 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 12, 2011, 08:17:42 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 08:06:21 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 12, 2011, 07:12:49 PM
So... back to serious matters.
Return of the NHL to Winnipeg is serious business. :mad:
Is it? It's sort of stalled right now.
Not at all.
It was only with the vote in Glendale on Tuesday that Winnipeg and Atlanta were allowed to talk.
No, it's still stalled because nothing final is going to happen during the playoffs.
It's unlikely they wait until the playoffs are over. Lots of people need to know one way or another.
Quote from: viper37 on May 12, 2011, 02:04:28 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2011, 01:50:20 PM
We usually laught at me over my western experience but this is one the thing I hate the most about Edmonton. Food there sucks. Plus I couldn't find any foie gras to save my life.
Here's a tip: food sucks everywhere outside of Quebec ;)
If you're in the US, bacon&eggs means bacon, eggs and ton of grease. Everything else is extra.
In Ontario, a good meal is all about fries&pizza, or the local Subway.
East of Edmunston, it's lobster and french fries or fish & french fries, don't even think about eating a steak. The most popular dish seems to be fish&chips. You got to drive up to Louisbourg to eat a decent meal ;)
Thunderbay is a desert wasteland, the only good thing to eat is what you can hunt or fish yourself.
In Winnipeg, it's so damn cold that even Russians need to walk in underground tunnels to protect themselves. I figure all food must be deep frozen.
Alberta and Saskatchewan are like the Americas.
In Vancouver, it seems every restaurant is an Asian restaurant.
Stay away from there! :P
:lol: I did run away.
Quote from: viper37 on May 12, 2011, 02:04:28 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2011, 01:50:20 PM
We usually laught at me over my western experience but this is one the thing I hate the most about Edmonton. Food there sucks. Plus I couldn't find any foie gras to save my life.
Here's a tip: food sucks everywhere outside of Quebec ;)
If you're in the US, bacon&eggs means bacon, eggs and ton of grease. Everything else is extra.
In Ontario, a good meal is all about fries&pizza, or the local Subway.
East of Edmunston, it's lobster and french fries or fish & french fries, don't even think about eating a steak. The most popular dish seems to be fish&chips. You got to drive up to Louisbourg to eat a decent meal ;)
Thunderbay is a desert wasteland, the only good thing to eat is what you can hunt or fish yourself.
In Winnipeg, it's so damn cold that even Russians need to walk in underground tunnels to protect themselves. I figure all food must be deep frozen.
Alberta and Saskatchewan are like the Americas.
In Vancouver, it seems every restaurant is an Asian restaurant.
Stay away from there! :P
re: East of Edmundston wtf? (as someone born & raised in the Saint John River Valley)
what's wrong with reasonably priced Lobster? but the steak is as good as the restaurant you go to
Lots of great food in New Brunswick, and it's not all seafood. (not everyone lives on the coast) Growing up we ate a lot of great beef (i have no idea where it was from, though there are a suspicious amount of cattle farms near where I lived.) and most people I knew grew their own fresh veggies. Fish & Chips is a French NB er thing. You only see it occasionally in Anglo NB.
Winnipeg has better food than anywhere I've lived outside of Japan.
Why would anyone go to Thunder Bay though?
Vancouver? yes lots of Asian restaurants (lots of Asians) but also a very decent amount of Italian, Indian, various Euro/African restaurants also. More variety than any where east of Hogtown that's for certain (except maybe The Island of Montreal)
Quote from: Barrister on May 13, 2011, 08:48:43 AM
It's unlikely they wait until the playoffs are over. Lots of people need to know one way or another.
Nobody needs to know, at least not right away.
Well I for one am with Beeb, and hope the Jets go back to Winnipeg. If for no other reason than that there will be a more pathetic Canadian team than Toronto.
Quote from: Josephus on May 13, 2011, 01:08:28 PM
If for no other reason than that there will be a more pathetic Canadian team than Toronto.
As much as I think a new Winnipeg team will fail I dont think anyone will ever be as pathetic as Toronto.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 13, 2011, 01:25:05 PM
Quote from: Josephus on May 13, 2011, 01:08:28 PM
If for no other reason than that there will be a more pathetic Canadian team than Toronto.
As much as I think a new Winnipeg team will fail I dont think anyone will ever be as pathetic as Toronto.
That's a good point. Winnipeg is expected to suck, fail and/or choke, just like all Canadian teams other than Montreal. The difference is the enormous amount of money that has been poured into the Leafs over the years, wasted on guys like Kaberle or Darcy Tucker.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on May 13, 2011, 12:54:10 PM
re: East of Edmundston wtf? (as someone born & raised in the Saint John River Valley)
what's wrong with reasonably priced Lobster? but the steak is as good as the restaurant you go to
Lots of great food in New Brunswick, and it's not all seafood. (not everyone lives on the coast) Growing up we ate a lot of great beef (i have no idea where it was from, though there are a suspicious amount of cattle farms near where I lived.) and most people I knew grew their own fresh veggies. Fish & Chips is a French NB er thing. You only see it occasionally in Anglo NB.
My aunt lives near Shediac. We used to often go there during summers, less so often nowadays, but I still get there from time to time :)
It's a nice province, I like the French part of the country.
But... I'm not a huge fan of lobster, fish or seafood in general. I eat it, I will even like it once in a while, but not every day 3 times a day. And I dislike cold lobster.
I used to think there was only seafood in all restaurants from Fredericton to Sidney ;)
My parents and my family travelling with us were eating lobsters every fucking day, every fucking meal. Make that multiple years in a row...
Still, I was joking :) There have been some good restaurants, but I can't say I've explored the finer restaurants of Moncton or Fredericton :) The places I've eaten at, I wasn't impressed. But I suppose every restaurants having some big lobster sign in front made me dis-enjoy the meals :D
Why would anyone go to Thunder Bay though?
Work? Someone from my extended family was shipped over there to solve some productivity issues at the Bombardier plant. He hated the place, hated being so far away from his family, but he liked the fishing :)
Vancouver? yes lots of Asian restaurants (lots of Asians) but also a very decent amount of Italian, Indian, various Euro/African restaurants also. More variety than any where east of Hogtown that's for certain (except maybe The Island of Montreal)
Actually, I've never been West of Sarnia :P
One day, may be. When I win the lottery :P
Quote from: Josephus on May 13, 2011, 01:08:28 PM
Well I for one am with Beeb, and hope the Jets go back to Winnipeg. If for no other reason than that there will be a more pathetic Canadian team than Toronto.
Except that even without existing for the last 15 years, Winnipeg still has more championships since 1967 than the Maple Leafs do. :cool:
Quote from: Neil on May 13, 2011, 12:58:59 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 13, 2011, 08:48:43 AM
It's unlikely they wait until the playoffs are over. Lots of people need to know one way or another.
Nobody needs to know, at least not right away.
There are season tickets to sell, free agents to sign, advertisors to line up...
After yesterday's absolute explosion of Jets news and rumours, today there's been almost nothing. That doesn't eman it isn't happening - these thigns often come in waves.
But it's a lot less exciting than yesterday was. :(
Quote from: Barrister on May 13, 2011, 02:48:55 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 13, 2011, 12:58:59 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 13, 2011, 08:48:43 AM
It's unlikely they wait until the playoffs are over. Lots of people need to know one way or another.
Nobody needs to know, at least not right away.
There are season tickets to sell, free agents to sign, advertisors to line up...
The summer provides plenty of time for that. Besides, the free agency period doesn't start until July.
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 08:15:31 PM
Holy fuck:
Darren Dreger: Atlanta WILL move to Winnipeg for next season.
No equivocation or wriggle words. All from a paid mouthpiece of the NHL.
That's not what he said :huh: He said there's a
chance that Atlanta will move to Winnipeg for next season.
Quote from: Barrister on May 13, 2011, 02:48:55 PM
There are season tickets to sell, free agents to sign, advertisors to line up...
There are no free agents to sign, no one would ever sign there.
Quote from: Zoupa on May 13, 2011, 05:33:00 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 08:15:31 PM
Holy fuck:
Darren Dreger: Atlanta WILL move to Winnipeg for next season.
No equivocation or wriggle words. All from a paid mouthpiece of the NHL.
That's not what he said :huh: He said there's a chance that Atlanta will move to Winnipeg for next season.
You have to forgive Beeb, he's desperate.
Quote from: PRC on May 13, 2011, 05:42:05 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 13, 2011, 02:48:55 PM
There are season tickets to sell, free agents to sign, advertisors to line up...
There are no free agents to sign, no one would ever sign there.
Come on. Players sign in all kinds of cities that aren't that great. Buffalo, Vancouver, Minnesota, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto and Detroit all have players sign there, although Detroit at least wins.
Quote from: Neil on May 13, 2011, 09:06:14 PM
Come on. Players sign in all kinds of cities that aren't that great. Buffalo, Vancouver, Minnesota, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto and Detroit all have players sign there, although Detroit at least wins.
They sign in Vancouver, Toronto and Detroit.
Vancouver because they win and it's a nice city. Toronto because it's close to home. Detroit because they win.
The don't sign in Edmonton unless it's for the money (Khabibulin). They don't sign in Calgary unless it's their last chance (Tanguay).
Buffalo's classic jersey with the crossed sabres is kinda cool and that's why someone might sign there.
The NHL needs to contract by about 6 teams. The Southeast division would be a good start.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 14, 2011, 09:52:37 AM
The NHL needs to contract by about 6 teams. The Southeast division would be a good start.
Yep. :yes:
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 14, 2011, 09:52:37 AM
The NHL needs to contract by about 6 teams. The Southeast division would be a good start.
The PA ain't going let that happen.
Quote from: PRC on May 14, 2011, 02:09:55 AM
Quote from: Neil on May 13, 2011, 09:06:14 PM
Come on. Players sign in all kinds of cities that aren't that great. Buffalo, Vancouver, Minnesota, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto and Detroit all have players sign there, although Detroit at least wins.
They sign in Vancouver, Toronto and Detroit.
Vancouver because they win and it's a nice city. Toronto because it's close to home. Detroit because they win.
The don't sign in Edmonton unless it's for the money (Khabibulin). They don't sign in Calgary unless it's their last chance (Tanguay).
Buffalo's classic jersey with the crossed sabres is kinda cool and that's why someone might sign there.
Yeah I would never sign with some ugly jersey team like Carolina. uggh.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on May 14, 2011, 01:22:40 PM
Quote from: PRC on May 14, 2011, 02:09:55 AM
Quote from: Neil on May 13, 2011, 09:06:14 PM
Come on. Players sign in all kinds of cities that aren't that great. Buffalo, Vancouver, Minnesota, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto and Detroit all have players sign there, although Detroit at least wins.
They sign in Vancouver, Toronto and Detroit.
Vancouver because they win and it's a nice city. Toronto because it's close to home. Detroit because they win.
The don't sign in Edmonton unless it's for the money (Khabibulin). They don't sign in Calgary unless it's their last chance (Tanguay).
Buffalo's classic jersey with the crossed sabres is kinda cool and that's why someone might sign there.
Yeah I would never sign with some ugly jersey team like Carolina. uggh.
Whats wrong with the 'Canes unis? :huh:
They look pretty distinctive. I don't mind them a bit. Indeed I have no problem with the franchise at all - other than the fact that they never should have been moved from Hartford (WHA solidarity forevah!)
Quote from: Zoupa on May 13, 2011, 05:33:00 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2011, 08:15:31 PM
Holy fuck:
Darren Dreger: Atlanta WILL move to Winnipeg for next season.
No equivocation or wriggle words. All from a paid mouthpiece of the NHL.
That's not what he said :huh: He said there's a chance that Atlanta will move to Winnipeg for next season.
Okay, I'll concede. I've watched again. Dreger said there's a real chance, went on for a bit, that Atlanta will move. There was a funny emphasis placed, but no, he didn't state anything definitively.
But on the other hand, check out this interview with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's Chris Vivlamore:
For an Atlanta guy, he didn't have a single positive thing to say about the Thrashers staying. He puts the chance of them moving to Winnipeg at 95%.
Quote from: Barrister on May 14, 2011, 01:38:18 PM
Indeed I have no problem with the franchise at all
What? That is an outrageously vile thing to say. I hope the Thrashers stay in Altanta forever.
Quote from: Valmy on May 16, 2011, 11:49:26 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 14, 2011, 01:38:18 PM
Indeed I have no problem with the franchise at all
What? That is an outrageously vile thing to say. I hope the Thrashers stay in Altanta forever.
Do you really want to wish such a thing? DO you really want to see the Thrashers win a cup before the Caps?
If they stay in Atl little chance of that happening.
Quote from: Valmy on May 16, 2011, 11:49:26 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 14, 2011, 01:38:18 PM
Indeed I have no problem with the franchise at all
What? That is an outrageously vile thing to say. I hope the Thrashers stay in Altanta forever.
You're the one with the self-loathing hatred of southern hockey teams. Don't project that onto me.
I don't care if the NHL puts a team in Mexico City - as long as I get my Jets back.
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 11:59:16 AM
You're the one with the self-loathing hatred of southern hockey teams. Don't project that onto me.
I don't care if the NHL puts a team in Mexico City - as long as I get my Jets back.
Self-loathing? Do I play for the Coyotes now? :huh:
Nobody gets all weirded out when I hate on teams in Football. There are teams I do not like in the NHL and I want to see lose and I enjoy trash talking to whomever professes to not dislike them. Is the NHL too polite for that or something? I thought we were all like hardcore and knocked teeth out and shit.
BB isn't an hockey fan. He's a Jets fan.
Back on topic.
Lou sucked but the Canucks still won. It feels wierd having the Canucks playing against a good part of the Canadian Olympic team in the first and third rounds.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 12:08:49 PM
Back on topic.
Lou sucked but the Canucks still won. It feels wierd having the Canucks playing against a good part of the Canadian Olympic team in the first and third rounds.
Shea Weber gets no credit.
Quote from: Valmy on May 16, 2011, 12:05:59 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 11:59:16 AM
You're the one with the self-loathing hatred of southern hockey teams. Don't project that onto me.
I don't care if the NHL puts a team in Mexico City - as long as I get my Jets back.
Self-loathing? Do I play for the Coyotes now? :huh:
Nobody gets all weirded out when I hate on teams in Football. There are teams I do not like in the NHL and I want to see lose and I enjoy trash talking to whomever professes to not dislike them. Is the NHL too polite for that or something? I thought we were all like hardcore and knocked teeth out and shit.
There are individual teams I despise. You have no idea how difficult it is for me to live in Oilers country, for example. <_<
But I don't hate teams based solely on geography or latitude, though. That's what makes no sense to me. :wacko:
Neil hates the Nucks because they're a bunch of heartles, talentless hacks - not because they're on the West Coast.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 12:07:20 PM
BB isn't an hockey fan. He's a Jets fan.
I'm a Jets fan, and then a hockey fan. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:14:14 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 12:07:20 PM
BB isn't an hockey fan. He's a Jets fan.
I'm a Jets fan, and then a hockey fan. :cool:
Where does Calgary fit in that?
Oh sure Beeb. Being in van has nothing to do with it :lol:
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:13:49 PM
Neil hates the Nucks because they're a bunch of heartles, talentless hacks - not because they're on the West Coast.
And their fans are ignorant, bandwagon trash, which also has nothing to do with the West Coast.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 12:15:07 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:14:14 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 12:07:20 PM
BB isn't an hockey fan. He's a Jets fan.
I'm a Jets fan, and then a hockey fan. :cool:
Where does Calgary fit in that?
Hey man - when you're starving, when you're desparate, you can't judge what men will do in order to survive. I'm not proud of what I did, but what's done is done.
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:13:49 PM
But I don't hate teams based solely on geography or latitude, though. That's what makes no sense to me. :wacko:
Neil hates the Nucks because they're a bunch of heartles, talentless hacks - not because they're on the West Coast.
It is not the location of those teams. It is why they exist and who their fans are. They are beyond bushleague.
Fuck them. The very sight of shit like the Tampa Bay Lightening makes me want to wretch. Which is why losing them pissed me off so much.
Now if one of them stops being a bushleague joke maybe I will not hate them. A few of the California teams have graduated from that status.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 12:08:49 PM
Back on topic.
You seem quite confused about the dominant topic of conversation here. :hmm:
To in fact get it back on topic:
QuoteAtlanta Spirit, True North in negotiations about Thrashers sale, relocation
By Chris Vivlamore
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The Atlanta Spirit has begun negotiations with True North Sports and Entertainment on the sale of the Thrashers, which would result in relocation to Winnipeg, according to a person familiar with the NHL's sale process.
A deal has not been completed and it is also not known how long the two sides have been negotiating. However, the fact that talks are on-going negotiations could mean the Thrashers would relocate to Manitoba perhaps as soon as next season.
NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly, reach via e-mail, said there was "nothing I'm prepared to say at this point." A True North Sports and Entertainment spokesperson had no comment.
It's a small, but important point. I've assumed that TNSE and ASG are talking, as having a number of other news stories. But no one has reported it as a fact until now.
Quote from: Valmy on May 16, 2011, 12:20:47 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:13:49 PM
But I don't hate teams based solely on geography or latitude, though. That's what makes no sense to me. :wacko:
Neil hates the Nucks because they're a bunch of heartles, talentless hacks - not because they're on the West Coast.
It is not the location of those teams. It is why they exist and who their fans are. They are beyond bushleague.
Fuck them. The very sight of shit like the Tampa Bay Lightening makes me want to wretch. Which is why losing them pissed me off so much.
Now if one of them stops being a bushleague joke maybe I will not hate them. A few of the California teams have graduated from that status.
Southern fans seem fine - they're certainly classier than Montreal fans. :lol:
There just aren't enough of them.
And I was under the impression that the 'Canes were one of the more successful southern franchises. They're no Phoenix or Atlanta, to be sure.
Tampa, on the other hand, I gather continues to be a disaster off the ice.
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:23:01 PM
Southern fans seem fine - they're certainly classier than Montreal fans. :lol:
There just aren't enough of them.
That is because most of them are transplants with little real loyalty to the city and team. Southern fans are just as passionate and um...'classy' as Montreal fans about sports they actually give a shit about.
Well maybe not in Atlanta but they have a reputation for being laid back fans.
The southern teams bring all the excitement of a developement league NBA team. There is zero interest in Texas for the Stars though at least the D-league NBA teams get a little press.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 12:26:21 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:14:14 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 12:07:20 PM
BB isn't an hockey fan. He's a Jets fan.
I'm a Jets fan, and then a hockey fan. :cool:
No Shit
As a sport, I much prefer football. I can sit down and watch a footbal game between almost any random teams and be into it, while the same is not true for hockey.
But there's something about your hometown hockey team.
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:23:01 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 16, 2011, 12:20:47 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:13:49 PM
But I don't hate teams based solely on geography or latitude, though. That's what makes no sense to me. :wacko:
Neil hates the Nucks because they're a bunch of heartles, talentless hacks - not because they're on the West Coast.
It is not the location of those teams. It is why they exist and who their fans are. They are beyond bushleague.
Fuck them. The very sight of shit like the Tampa Bay Lightening makes me want to wretch. Which is why losing them pissed me off so much.
Now if one of them stops being a bushleague joke maybe I will not hate them. A few of the California teams have graduated from that status.
Southern fans seem fine - they're certainly classier than Montreal fans. :lol:
There just aren't enough of them.
And I was under the impression that the 'Canes were one of the more successful southern franchises. They're no Phoenix or Atlanta, to be sure.
Tampa, on the other hand, I gather continues to be a disaster off the ice.
We're classless? We're fucking Royalty.
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:21:17 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 12:08:49 PM
Back on topic.
You seem quite confused about the dominant topic of conversation here. :hmm:
only cause you won't shut the fuck up.
Most of us care about the conference finals more. Jesus Beeb.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 12:28:58 PM
We're classless? We're fucking Royalty.
Quote from: katmai on May 16, 2011, 12:30:08 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:21:17 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 12:08:49 PM
Back on topic.
You seem quite confused about the dominant topic of conversation here. :hmm:
only cause you won't shut the fuck up.
Most of us care about the conference finals more. Jesus Beeb.
Then how come I have to keep bumping this thread back onto the front page? :huh:
I don't see you talking about the Sharks much...
Quote from: Neil on May 16, 2011, 12:17:47 PM
And their fans are ignorant, bandwagon trash, which also has nothing to do with the West Coast.
The Canucks have sold out every home game for how many seasons?
Canucks fans are just that - fanatical, willing to pay for overpriced tickets to see a bunch of overhyped overpaid players play in a league that expanded too quickly and doesnt have the talent pool necessary to put a good product on the ice.
And yet there is talk of putting one of the teams that ought to be axed into a failed hockey city. The league should just take its loses and downsize.
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:32:03 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 12:28:58 PM
We're classless? We're fucking Royalty.
That is just fucking awesome. The only thing that will happen if Tampa Bay wins is that a few senior citizens will stay up past 8 PM to play a celebratory match of bingo.
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:32:03 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 12:28:58 PM
We're classless? We're fucking Royalty.
I don't understand how that is classless. It's our cop cars in our city. No one calls you classless when you happen to break something in celebration in your own home?
Plus, we really hate the Bruins.
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:33:08 PM
Then how come I have to keep bumping this thread back onto the front page? :huh:
Because you killed the thread by filling it with posts nobody else cares about.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 12:34:36 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:32:03 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 12:28:58 PM
We're classless? We're fucking Royalty.
I don't understand how that is classless. It's our cop cars in our city. No one calls you classless when you happen to break something in celebration in your own home?
Plus, we really hate the Bruins.
You're missing the truely classless part though.
You guys rioted to celebrate winning the opening series. :rolleyes:
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:37:48 PM
You're missing the truely classless part though.
You guys rioted to celebrate winning the opening series. :rolleyes:
When you have not won a cup in 18 years you take what you can get.
I think the Caps fans should tear up downtown everytime Washington plays a post season game without humiliating itself. That would only be once every few years.
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:37:48 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 12:34:36 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:32:03 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 12:28:58 PM
We're classless? We're fucking Royalty.
I don't understand how that is classless. It's our cop cars in our city. No one calls you classless when you happen to break something in celebration in your own home?
Plus, we really hate the Bruins.
You're missing the truely classless part though.
You guys rioted to celebrate winning the opening series. :rolleyes:
I told you, we really hate the Bruins.
If we ever beat them in the 2nd or 3rd round, We'll riot then too.
Quote from: Valmy on May 16, 2011, 12:20:47 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:13:49 PM
But I don't hate teams based solely on geography or latitude, though. That's what makes no sense to me. :wacko:
Neil hates the Nucks because they're a bunch of heartles, talentless hacks - not because they're on the West Coast.
It is not the location of those teams. It is why they exist and who their fans are. They are beyond bushleague.
Fuck them. The very sight of shit like the Tampa Bay Lightening makes me want to wretch. Which is why losing them pissed me off so much.
Now if one of them stops being a bushleague joke maybe I will not hate them. A few of the California teams have graduated from that status.
Tampa has Hulk Hogan for a fan. That makes them OK by me. Also, them and the Sharks winning is the only hope we have of a non-shitty Stanley Cup Finals.
Quote from: Neil on May 16, 2011, 12:55:55 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 16, 2011, 12:20:47 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:13:49 PM
But I don't hate teams based solely on geography or latitude, though. That's what makes no sense to me. :wacko:
Neil hates the Nucks because they're a bunch of heartles, talentless hacks - not because they're on the West Coast.
It is not the location of those teams. It is why they exist and who their fans are. They are beyond bushleague.
Fuck them. The very sight of shit like the Tampa Bay Lightening makes me want to wretch. Which is why losing them pissed me off so much.
Now if one of them stops being a bushleague joke maybe I will not hate them. A few of the California teams have graduated from that status.
Tampa has Hulk Hogan for a fan. That makes them OK by me. Also, them and the Sharks winning is the only hope we have of a non-shitty Stanley Cup Finals.
You sure are unpredictable. :lol:
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:21:17 PM
It's a small, but important point. I've assumed that TNSE and ASG are talking, as having a number of other news stories. But no one has reported it as a fact until now.
Meanwhile, Quebec city as announced a press conference for this afternoon, regarding the arena. It's probably to tell us the Atlanta Thraser are NOT coming to Quebec city :P
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:33:08 PM
Quote from: katmai on May 16, 2011, 12:30:08 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 12:21:17 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 12:08:49 PM
Back on topic.
You seem quite confused about the dominant topic of conversation here. :hmm:
only cause you won't shut the fuck up.
Most of us care about the conference finals more. Jesus Beeb.
Then how come I have to keep bumping this thread back onto the front page? :huh:
I don't see you talking about the Sharks much...
because these constant 3rd period collapses are killing me.
Not to mention we have no Red Wings fans here so couldn't taunt them for first half of series and 2nd half was worried they would lose it all.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 12:33:42 PM
And yet there is talk of putting one of the teams that ought to be axed into a failed hockey city. The league should just take its loses and downsize.
Atlanta was also a failed hockey city. They gave them a second chance.
Quote from: katmai on May 16, 2011, 01:45:43 PM
because these constant 3rd period collapses are killing me.
I'm annoyed too. I have them winning in 7, I still think they can pull it off, but I think they lack physical training, they always seem exhausted in 3rd period.
Quote from: viper37 on May 16, 2011, 01:49:14 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 12:33:42 PM
And yet there is talk of putting one of the teams that ought to be axed into a failed hockey city. The league should just take its loses and downsize.
Atlanta was also a failed hockey city. They gave them a second chance.
As was Denver and Minnesota.
Things are quite different between 2011 and 1996 (and 1995 for that matter).
Yeah, I forgot about the Colorado Rockies and the Minnesota North Stars.
The Avalanche and the Wild seem to be doing ok now. Atlanta was doomed from the start, imho. It seems the owners never wanted a hockey team in the first place.
The Avs were very lucky to take the amazing team that was being built in Quebec to Denver. That made it easy to earn the loyalty of the Mountain Staters.
NHL working on two schedules. One with Atlanta, one with Winnipeg.
Now I'm not all that excited about that news. Apparently they did the same last year as well (though with Phoenix, not Atlanta).
Quote from: viper37 on May 16, 2011, 01:49:14 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 12:33:42 PM
And yet there is talk of putting one of the teams that ought to be axed into a failed hockey city. The league should just take its loses and downsize.
Atlanta was also a failed hockey city. They gave them a second chance.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 03:00:56 PM
It was not really a failed Hockey City it was because Canadian currency was funny money back then and Bettman was trying to capture new markets.
Quote from: Valmy on May 16, 2011, 03:10:04 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 03:00:56 PM
It was not really a failed Hockey City it was because Canadian currency was funny money back then and Bettman was trying to capture new markets.
Why didnt all the other Canadian cities fail?
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 03:18:14 PM
Why didnt all the other Canadian cities fail?
The only two that did were the only two who concievably could have because they were the smallest markets. But all the Canadian franchises were hit really hard at the time.
Quote from: Valmy on May 16, 2011, 03:10:04 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 03:00:56 PM
It was not really a failed Hockey City it was because Canadian currency was funny money back then and Bettman was trying to capture new markets.
It wasn't just the C$ (though that was part of it). Winnipeg also had an ancient arena with little or no luxury boxes, and a lease with the city that gave the team very little additional revenue (concession sales went to the city, not the team).
We now have a nice modern arena... :shifty:
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 03:18:14 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 16, 2011, 03:10:04 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 03:00:56 PM
It was not really a failed Hockey City it was because Canadian currency was funny money back then and Bettman was trying to capture new markets.
Why didnt all the other Canadian cities fail?
Edmonton and Ottawa came close. Very close.
But it was after the example of Quebec and Winnipeg that the league did bring in the Canadian Assistance Program to help with the low currency.
Here's a crazy rumour that's making the rounds (and was just tweeted by Bob McKenzie of TSN).
due to the short timeframe, and all the issues surrounding conference realignment, Winnipeg might play it's first season in the Southeastern Conference. :wacko:
Gee - I put the Florida teams will love all those trips to Manitoba...
Hell, even the Habs came close. Why do you think it took an American with a Provincial Gov loan of 100 millions to buy the team out of the hands of Molson Co.?
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 03:32:43 PM
Gee - I put the Florida teams will love all those trips to Manitoba...
Eh all the players are from around there.
The shitty thing if Winnipeg plays in the SE for next year there's only a 50/50 chance they come to Edmonton at all (and if they do, they'll do it only once). :(
That's not going to sit well with Detroit, no matter the explanation.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 03:44:39 PM
That's not going to sit well with Detroit, no matter the explanation.
Detroit is probably the reason they'd make no change for a year - to let them try and fight it out.
Supposedly Detroit was "promised" the first chance to move back East some 20 years ago. However Detroit is a very good draw for a lot of teams in the Western conference (and lets be honest - a much better draw than Winnipeg for the US teams, and probably a push for the Canadian teams). Detroit is also doing very well for itself financially.
And on the other hand, Nashville would fit a lot better into the SE conference, and on the third hand Columbus is a struggling team that would benefit greatly from reduced travel costs and more natural rivals.
See all the Geographic juggling? This never would have happened in the Prince of Wales Conference.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2011, 03:18:14 PM
Why didnt all the other Canadian cities fail?
- Small market
- No salary cap
- CAN$ at 0,60$US instead of parity
- old buildings with not enough places
- general hostility from the local governments toward professional sport
- no owner willing to take a chance
Had there been a salary cap c.a. 1994, Quebec city would have stayed in the NHL beyond 1995. I suppose it was similar thinking with Winnipeg.
Figure that team 1 in your division is playing wiht 90 million$ on ice while you're playing with 19M$. That's a bit of a difference.
With an upper and lower limit in place, there's no more than 16 million$ difference between any team. It makes a difference in the relative competitiveness of teams on the ice.
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 03:55:19 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 03:44:39 PM
That's not going to sit well with Detroit, no matter the explanation.
Detroit is probably the reason they'd make no change for a year - to let them try and fight it out.
Supposedly Detroit was "promised" the first chance to move back East some 20 years ago. However Detroit is a very good draw for a lot of teams in the Western conference (and lets be honest - a much better draw than Winnipeg for the US teams, and probably a push for the Canadian teams). Detroit is also doing very well for itself financially.
And on the other hand, Nashville would fit a lot better into the SE conference, and on the third hand Columbus is a struggling team that would benefit greatly from reduced travel costs and more natural rivals.
Detroit is going East. There's nothing that can stop it.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 04:17:05 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 16, 2011, 03:55:19 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2011, 03:44:39 PM
That's not going to sit well with Detroit, no matter the explanation.
Detroit is probably the reason they'd make no change for a year - to let them try and fight it out.
Supposedly Detroit was "promised" the first chance to move back East some 20 years ago. However Detroit is a very good draw for a lot of teams in the Western conference (and lets be honest - a much better draw than Winnipeg for the US teams, and probably a push for the Canadian teams). Detroit is also doing very well for itself financially.
And on the other hand, Nashville would fit a lot better into the SE conference, and on the third hand Columbus is a struggling team that would benefit greatly from reduced travel costs and more natural rivals.
Detroit is going East. There's nothing that can stop it.
It may be, but I wouldn't put money on it...
Boston - Tampa tonight. Your predictions?
Quote from: viper37 on May 17, 2011, 10:35:22 AM
Boston - Tampa tonight. Your predictions?
My heart says Boston 564 Tampa 0
But it will probably be more like Tampa 3 Boston 1
Rooting for TB.
I shall place my curse on Boston by saying i think they'll win.
I no longer care about Boston since they aren't playing a Canadian team or have Miroslav Satan on the roster.
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 17, 2011, 12:22:55 PM
I no longer care about Boston since they aren't playing a Canadian team or have Miroslav Satan on the roster.
Maybe next round yoiu will find a reason to cheer again. :Canuck:
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 17, 2011, 12:22:55 PM
I no longer care about Boston since they aren't playing a Canadian team or have Miroslav Satan on the roster.
Meh, Boston has been only annoying since Ray Bourque sold his soul.
Quote from: Barrister on May 14, 2011, 01:38:18 PM
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on May 14, 2011, 01:22:40 PM
Quote from: PRC on May 14, 2011, 02:09:55 AM
Quote from: Neil on May 13, 2011, 09:06:14 PM
Come on. Players sign in all kinds of cities that aren't that great. Buffalo, Vancouver, Minnesota, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto and Detroit all have players sign there, although Detroit at least wins.
They sign in Vancouver, Toronto and Detroit.
Vancouver because they win and it's a nice city. Toronto because it's close to home. Detroit because they win.
The don't sign in Edmonton unless it's for the money (Khabibulin). They don't sign in Calgary unless it's their last chance (Tanguay).
Buffalo's classic jersey with the crossed sabres is kinda cool and that's why someone might sign there.
Yeah I would never sign with some ugly jersey team like Carolina. uggh.
Whats wrong with the 'Canes unis? :huh:
They look pretty distinctive. I don't mind them a bit. Indeed I have no problem with the franchise at all - other than the fact that they never should have been moved from Hartford (WHA solidarity forevah!)
I just find it dull. I think these days though every team has at least one jersey I do approve of.
I agree wholeheartedly on the Whalers aspect.
RE; Winnipeg... if they get the Thrashers, and for some stupid reason refuse to use the Jets nick, I would be okay with the "I saw it online somewhere" idea of The Falcons. History there, too.
It's too bad nobody is pushing for the Winnipeg Victorias. :(
My money however is on Manitoba Jets. :cool:
Wow they are playing very loose for some reason.
Last Defenders of Eastern Conference Honor 4
Corrupt Empire of Evil 2
And it is still early in the 2nd
Quote from: Barrister on May 17, 2011, 08:25:50 PM
It's too bad nobody is pushing for the Winnipeg Victorias. :(
My money however is on Manitoba Jets. :cool:
oooh Victorias would be okay also. Manitoba Jets? Well they're just "the Jets" anyway. so it's a small thing.
Quote from: Barrister on May 17, 2011, 08:25:50 PM
It's too bad nobody is pushing for the Winnipeg Victorias. :(
My money however is on Manitoba Jets. :cool:
If you do get a team I hope it will be the Winnipeg Jets.
Quote from: katmai on May 17, 2011, 07:39:58 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 17, 2011, 06:47:55 PM
Quote from: katmai on May 17, 2011, 06:40:33 PM
Bourque going to the Avs I bet.
Yeah but him leaving to winner makes the Bruins tainted how?
Boston's been boring ever since. They're annoying as balls.
He knew there was no chance to win!
Winnipeg Squares
Winnipeg Short Term Loaners
Quote from: HVC on May 17, 2011, 09:18:25 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 17, 2011, 08:25:50 PM
Winnipeg Victorias.
no. Just no.
Come on...not too often we get a hockey team named after a P'dox game. :D
Quote from: Josephus on May 17, 2011, 09:40:59 PM
Quote from: HVC on May 17, 2011, 09:18:25 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 17, 2011, 08:25:50 PM
Winnipeg Victorias.
no. Just no.
Come on...not too often we get a hockey team named after a P'dox game. :D
This could be their logo:
Holy shit the Bruins are blowing it
Kaberle might be the biggest coward in the league.
Ah good Boston pulled it out. Well that was a fun game to spend Tuesday night watching.
The news keeps on coming.
ASG has entered into an exclusivity agreement to sell the Atlanta Hawks and Philips Arena (meaning they can't talk to anyone else for a period of time). The Thrashers are not involved.
The Manitoba government is preparing to be involved in a low or no-cost loan (secured by the arena) to help bring the NHL to town.
From the Globe & Mail:
I wonder where the AHL Moose is going to move to.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 18, 2011, 11:14:19 AM
I wonder where the AHL Moose is going to move to.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 18, 2011, 11:14:19 AM
I wonder where the AHL Moose is going to move to.
One rumour had them going to Thunder Bay.
Another had them going to Abbotsford (or somewhere like that)
The second question is about affiliation. The Moose are Vancouver's farm team - but will TNSE want to keep them as the new Winnipeg's farm team? If so, then T Bay makes a lot of sense. If they stay with Vancouver, then of course Abbostford makes sense.
Moose won't go to Atlanta. Arena owners have said they can make more money from non-hockey events for 41 night per year - and that was with an NHL club.
Depends. Expect the current Atlanta Affiliate to move next year too. The Chicago Wolves. Alright they aren't moving. I guess they'll become the Jets affiliate.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 18, 2011, 11:32:52 AM
Depends. Expect the current Atlanta Affiliate to move next year too. The Chicago Wolves. Alright they aren't moving. I guess they'll become the Jets affiliate.
Not if the Jets own their own AHL team (the Moose).
The Wolves will probably just switch affiliation. I hear Vancouver might need an affiliate.
QuoteNHL's calm before the storm 2
Light on Manitoba horizon growing brighter by the day
So much for the rapper.
And the Balkan? Forget it. He's busy running from debts and lawsuits.
Two potential "saviours" of the Atlanta Thrashers have been nailed to the cross of irrelevance.
Which means that light on the Manitoba horizon is growing brighter by the day.
First, the truth about Lil John, an Atlanta-born rapper who was reportedly ready to buy a good portion of the Thrashers.
Wednesday, Lil John cleared up that lil rumour.
"I love the Thrashers. But I'm not investing in them," he told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "That's a lot of money to buy a professional hockey team! I'll help them out with some awareness, though."
Doesn't sound like Lil John got past the first step of shopping: looking at the price tag. If he was ever in the store at all.
Then there's J.B. Smith, dubbed the Balkan, who apparently can't be trusted in a store.
Smith, we were told, was in negotiations to buy the Thrashers, the NBA's Hawks and Phillips Arena from the Atlanta Spirit group.
Turns out the mysterious (ad)venture capitalist is in more trouble than he is negotiations, as there's reportedly a court judgment for nearly $2 million against him, of which he has yet to pay a dime.
That leaves one local group kicking the hockey team's tires, even as Winnipeg's Mark Chipman hooks it up to the hitch of one of his Birchwood Group SUV's, pointed north.
Even Atlanta booster Tom Glavine, the former left-hander who considered a pitch of his own for the Thrashers, admits the city appears to be down to its last at-bat, facing an 0-2 count.
"There was always some sense that we had a little bit of time as long as Phoenix was still in the picture," Glavine told the Associated Press. "Now ... everything is on an accelerated path. There seems to be a consensus there is going to be a team in Winnipeg ... unfortunately the bull's-eye seems to be on the Thrashers' back."
Sensing the sights of the Canadian hunter trained on their team, Atlanta fans are scrambling to organize a tailgate party/rally at a previously scheduled select-a-seat event for season-ticket holders, Saturday.
TSN has asked Atlanta's NBC affiliate for video of the event, which isn't likely to match the 35,000-person, save-the-Jets mob scene at Portage and Main back in 1995.
More proof that Atlanta fans don't care, the snobs from the Great White North will say.
The truth is, Thrashers fans have simply been taken advantage of far too long, and they've had enough.
The Atlanta owners have made Barry Shenkarow look like Mike Ilitch, redefining dysfunctional, too busy bickering with and suing each other to put a decent team on the ice.
Eleven seasons, one playoff appearance and not a single playoff game victory — name me one team not named the Habs or Leafs who'd thrive in that pail of crap.
Just like you can't blame fans in Phoenix for not supporting their dead franchise walking, you can't pin this one on Hotlanta hockey types. Nobody ever gave them a reason to believe.
So these last few days will likely be quiet down in Georgia. And they'll likely be quiet, here.
The calm before the storm.
Listen closely, though, and you might hear the scribblings of a sale agreement being hammered out. Followed by the rattling of a trailer hitch.
As the abandoned dreams of one city are loaded up and hauled to another, where they'll find hearts hungry to revive them.
Not with the help of rappers or mysterious, cloaked investors.
But on their own.
Just because they're eager to believe.
Canucks up 2 and 0 vs the Sharks. Looks good so far :Canuck:
The Jets, The Jets are coming!
QuoteAn agreement to sell the National Hockey League's Atlanta Thrashers to a Winnipeg group which plans to relocate the franchise to the Manitoba capital is done.
Sources confirmed tonight that preparations are being made for an announcement Tuesday, confirming the sale and transfer of the Thrashers to True North Sports and Entertainment, which owns and operates the Manitoba Moose of the American Hockey League and the MTS Centre arena, which would become the NHL team's new home.
Gary Bettman, the commissioner of the National Hockey League, is expected to travel to Winnipeg to make the news official.
The announcement would end months of speculation about whether one of the NHL's financially-troubled American sunbelt teams might move north, filling the void left when the Winnipeg Jets packed up and left for Phoenix in 1996, where they became the Coyotes.
Much of the talk this spring had centred on that failing franchise, which was bought by the league after being placed in bankruptcy by its former owner Jerry Moyes in 2009.
But sources in Winnipeg suggest that the Thrashers had in fact been the primary target of potential owners Mark Chipman and David Thomson all along, and that some months back, the NHL board of governors quietly approved the sale and transfer of the team, pending the negotiation of a purchase agreement between Atlanta Spirit LLC, the Thrashers' owners, and True North.
In the meantime, no potential owner materialized who was prepared to keep the team in Georgia, and local governments there showed no interest in propping up the Thrashers.
"There seems to be a consensus there is going to be a team in Winnpeg," former major league pitcher Tom Glavine, who had tried unsuccessfully to find new ownership for the hockey team in Atlanta, acknowledged last week. ""The question is who, and unfortunately the bullseye seems to be on the Thrashers' back."
When it appeared this spring that the Coyotes might also be in play, after a deal to sell the team to Matthew Hulsizer underwritten by a municipal bond issue fell apart in the face of political opposition from the Goldwater Institute, the Winnipeg group sought to take advantage of what suddenly seemed a buyers' market, with two teams available and no other potential
owners or relocations sites on the horizon.
After the City of Glendale agreed to cover $25-million of the Coyotes losses for the 2011-2012 season, and the NHL opted to operate the club in Arizona for at least one more year, True North's full focus returned to Atlanta, and a deal was hammered out this week.
Even before those final negotiations took place, the potential Winnipeg owners concluded an agreement with the Manitoba government which will allow revenues from a sports bar with slot machine to be used for improvements to the arena, and to be used towards the debt service on the building.
That's consistent with what Manitoba premier Greg Sellinger told reporters earlier this week, when he said that the provincial government had no interest in subsidizing an NHL team, but that the province had financially supported the renovation of the MTS Centre in the past, and would continue to be willing to do so.
There'll be no living with BB now.
Quote from: HVC on May 19, 2011, 09:18:54 PM
There'll be no living with BB now.
You really shouldn't have doubted me... :ph34r:
I never doubted Beeb. Good for Winnipeg! :)
ESPN is saying false alarm no done deal yet.
Meanwhile the Bruins are beating the Lightning!
Quote from: Valmy on May 19, 2011, 09:36:03 PM
ESPN is saying false alarm no done deal yet.
Meanwhile the Bruins are beating the Lightning!
Having followed this story for years, and on a DAILY FUCKING BASIS since April 2010, I can tell you that Brunt has been extremely reliable.
I believe that the Powers That Be(tm) are saying it is false because there are still 't's to cross and 'i's to dots.
Holy crap - listening to Winnipeg Sports Radio right now they're going into a whole special broadcast RIGHT NOW.
(and heh - they just finished with the Goldeyes baseball game - with my cousin doing play by play)
I'm just a tingling... :w00t:
Quote from: Barrister on May 19, 2011, 09:40:15 PM
Having followed this story for years, and on a DAILY FUCKING BASIS since April 2010, I can tell you that Brunt has been extremely reliable.
I believe that the Powers That Be(tm) are saying it is false because there are still 't's to cross and 'i's to dots.
I just felt good to be able to post new news for once :P
I am sure if not today then very soon.
Now we just need Timmay to make a 'Congrats BB!' post to taint everything.
Quote from: Barrister on May 19, 2011, 09:42:51 PM
I'm just a tingling... :w00t:
I love how excited the Winnipeg sports guys are :)
See this is the kind of excitement and enthusiasm crap teams like Tampa and Atlanta do not have.
Anyway I only got to watch the ending of the Tampa-Boston game but it looks like the Tampa attack might finally be cooling off...
Quote from: Valmy on May 19, 2011, 09:49:26 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 19, 2011, 09:42:51 PM
I'm just a tingling... :w00t:
I love how excited the Winnipeg sports guys are :)
See this is the kind of excitement and enthusiasm crap teams like Tampa and Atlanta do not have.
You've always been supportive Valmy. :hug:
Unlike some other people... I have not forgotten your lack of faith, crazy canuck, katmai, PRC, HVC and Ed Anger. :menace:
That being said... I'm holding back on my mega celebratory thread until it is official. Officially official. Other news outlets are all reporting the deal is not done "yet", contrary to what Brunt is saying.
On the other hand Brunt stands by his story.
Lulz - Jets fans are gathering at Portage and Main.
It's 10:40pm on a Thursday night, and POrtage and Main is the centre of town, but is surrounded by bank towers, but over 100 people are out there celebrating.
I'm probably going to hit 25 posts in a row by me, but what the hell: is reporting it, though just repeating what the G&M said, and calling it "unsubstantiated".
By the way... the Globe and Mail (the guys who broke the story) is owned by Woodbridge, which is the investment company of the Thomson family.
Why is that important?
David Thomson is also the majority investor in True North Sports and Entertainment - the new owners of the Thrashers.
Nick Kypreos from Sportsnet tweeting that he is confirming Brunt's story.!/realkyper
And it's absolutely fucking hilarious listening to Winnipeg Radio, or watching the live cam from Portage and Main. :punk:
Quote from: Barrister on May 19, 2011, 11:02:04 PM
And it's absolutely fucking hilarious listening to Winnipeg Radio, or watching the live cam from Portage and Main. :punk:
:hug: Congrats pal!
May they bring you more joy than the Caps give to me every Spring <_<
Quote from: Valmy on May 19, 2011, 11:09:04 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 19, 2011, 11:02:04 PM
And it's absolutely fucking hilarious listening to Winnipeg Radio, or watching the live cam from Portage and Main. :punk:
:hug: Congrats pal!
May they bring you more joy than the Caps give to me every Spring <_<
I'm still holding back a bit for the official announcement...
but I'm a Jets fan. I'm used to disappointment in the spring. I'm just looking forward to being disappointed in April...
The Atlanta Thrashers are not moving to Winnipeg -- yet.
Multiple sources told that no deal has been completed to sell and relocate the Thrashers, contrary to a published report.
"It's simply not true, it's not a done deal," a source from True North -- the group negotiating with the Thrashers to bring the team to Winnipeg -- told
A source at True North did, however, confirm to's Pierre LeBrun Thursday night that negotiations are ongoing with the Thrashers.
Quote from: katmai on May 19, 2011, 11:19:22 PM
The Atlanta Thrashers are not moving to Winnipeg -- yet.
Multiple sources told that no deal has been completed to sell and relocate the Thrashers, contrary to a published report.
"It's simply not true, it's not a done deal," a source from True North -- the group negotiating with the Thrashers to bring the team to Winnipeg -- told
A source at True North did, however, confirm to's Pierre LeBrun Thursday night that negotiations are ongoing with the Thrashers.
And you believe that? You're so niave... :hug:
I believe ESPN over some hack from canuckle land
Quote from: katmai on May 19, 2011, 11:23:03 PM
I believe ESPN over some hack from canuckle land
Dude - just stop digging that grave. I like you - I hate to see you make such a fool of yourself. :hug:
Damn - I wish I was in Winnipeg right now - surprising to me the party sounds like it is going strong at Portage & Main.
The Atlanta Thrashers haven't reached an agreement to be sold and relocated to Canada, the team's president, National Hockey League Commissioner Gary Bettman and the group seeking to buy the franchise said.
Terms of a sale to Winnipeg, Manitoba-based True North Sports & Entertainment have been completed and will be announced on May 24, the Toronto Globe & Mail reported last night, citing people it didn't identify.
"There is no deal to move the club anywhere right now," Bettman said in an interview in Tampa, Florida, before last night's playoff game between the Tampa Bay Lightning and Boston Bruins. "There's really nothing to report."
The Thrashers will only move if no owner can be found to keep the team in Georgia's capital city, Bettman has said.
"Not true," Thrashers President Don Waddell said in an e- mail about the Globe & Mail report.
Only chumps ATM are poor Winnipeg fans who are celebrating :lol:
Of course Bettman is going to deny it - right up until the moment he announces it.
Let me go on record - there are probably 10x more people, if not 100x more people, who are at Portage & Main right now at an impromptu rally, than there are at the pre-planned Save the Thrashers rally on Saturday.
And 1290 Winnipeg has stopped their broadcast. :(
My only worry is that Count Bettman is so upset over the story being leaked he delays the official announcement.
Yeah I'm sure that every other outlet than the G&M says there is no deal has nothing to do with it. :lol:
Quote from: katmai on May 20, 2011, 12:18:11 AM
Yeah I'm sure that every other outlet than the G&M says there is no deal has nothing to do with it. :lol:
The hole you're standing in is already up to your neck - why do you keep digging? :hmm:
This is going to happen. You should believe in Barrister. :contract: I have not lead you astray these past five years. The NHL will return to Winnipeg.
If Barrister would stop talking about himself in 3rd person and have a credible report I would congratulate him on NHL coming back to the Prairies.
QuoteThrashers to Winnipeg complete? Depends on who you ask
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Postmedia News
Andrew Ladd of the Atlanta Thrashers celebrates a goal against the Ottawa Senators on March 27, 2011 in Atlanta, Georgia. Photographed by:
Bruce Bennett, Getty Images
Negotiations to bring the Atlanta Thrashers to Winnipeg are ongoing, but contrary to a Toronto newspaper report on Thursday night, multiple sources are indicating a deal is not done yet.
The Globe and Mail is claiming that an agreement to sell the Thrashers to True North Sports and Entertainment of Winnipeg has been completed, and that the team will move into the MTS Centre in the Manitoba capital.
However, True North says the report is not accurate. A high ranking True North official involved in negotiations to buy the Thrashers would not say any more.
Later Thursday night, TSN reported as well that the deal was not completed as significant issues still needed to be addressed.
According to the Globe, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman will travel to Winnipeg on Tuesday to make the official announcement. TSN reports that the commissioner has made no such plans. and USA Today also both reported Thursday night that no deal was in place.
Sources close to the deal say progress has been made and a deal could be reached in the coming days but nothing has been signed.
Earlier Thursday on his weekly radio show, Bettman said no deal was in place, but he did not rule out relocation unless someone steps forward to but the club and keep it in Atlanta.
"We get reports, speculation, that the team's gone. And there's no deal," Bettman said. "I can tell you that with certainty that there is no deal for this team to move. Am I predicting that there will never be or that there won't be at some point in time? No, I'm not saying there is or there isn't."
If an announcement confirming the sale is eventually made, it would bring to a close months of speculation and innuendo that Winnipeg — without an NHL team since 1996 — would land one of the troubled Southern U.S. teams.
Much of that speculation surrounded the financially troubled Phoenix Coyotes, but after the City of Glendale stepped in and covered $25 million US of the Coyotes losses for the 2011-12 season, the NHL decided to give the franchise another season in Arizona.
Earlier Thursday, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution was reporting that the hunt for a buyer to purchase the Thrashers and keep them in Atlanta had narrowed down to one. The newspaper also reported that True North was still in the picture but neither group had entered into an exclusive negotiating agreement with the Atlanta Spirit — owners of the Thrashers.
© Copyright (c) Postmedia News
Quote from: katmai on May 20, 2011, 01:43:12 AM
If Barrister would stop talking about himself in 3rd person and have a credible report I would congratulate him on NHL coming back to the Prairies.
But katmai, this entire development can affect the lives of DOZENS of hockey fans across the continent!
Quote from: Valmy on May 19, 2011, 09:49:26 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 19, 2011, 09:42:51 PM
I'm just a tingling... :w00t:
I love how excited the Winnipeg sports guys are :)
See this is the kind of excitement and enthusiasm crap teams like Tampa and Atlanta do not have.
The only problem is that BB IS the Winnipeg sports guys. All of them.
Quote from: Josephus on May 20, 2011, 07:45:54 AM
The only problem is that BB IS the Winnipeg sports guys. All of them.
BB drove over to Winnipeg and did a radio show acting out the parts of several different callers and sports radio personalities? Wow that is one talented lawtalker.
I hope all the Mayflower moving trucks crash and burn right over the border. Then an Al-Q hijacked plane crashes into the Jets arena. Then Winnipeg burns.
Then Lettow haunts beeb with a tea ceremony in his front yard.
Quote from: Valmy on May 20, 2011, 08:02:02 AM
Quote from: Josephus on May 20, 2011, 07:45:54 AM
The only problem is that BB IS the Winnipeg sports guys. All of them.
BB drove over to Winnipeg and did a radio show acting out the parts of several different callers and sports radio personalities? Wow that is one talented lawtalker.
He paid people to do it.
Christ, it was a joke, relax.
Quote from: Josephus on May 20, 2011, 07:45:54 AM
Quote from: Valmy on May 19, 2011, 09:49:26 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 19, 2011, 09:42:51 PM
I'm just a tingling... :w00t:
I love how excited the Winnipeg sports guys are :)
See this is the kind of excitement and enthusiasm crap teams like Tampa and Atlanta do not have.
The only problem is that BB IS the Winnipeg sports guys. All of them.
I dunno - looks like a couple hundred people at an impromptu celebration at Portage and Main last night...
[second and third video links on the right]
Quote from: Josephus on May 20, 2011, 08:06:13 AM
He paid people to do it.
Christ, it was a joke, relax.
Winnipeg Jets = Serious business
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 20, 2011, 08:28:44 AM
Winnipeg Jets = Serious business
Serious as a Poutine-induced heart attack.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 20, 2011, 05:34:21 AM
Quote from: katmai on May 20, 2011, 01:43:12 AM
If Barrister would stop talking about himself in 3rd person and have a credible report I would congratulate him on NHL coming back to the Prairies.
But katmai, this entire development can affect the lives of DOZENS of hockey fans across the continent!
I don't think this entire development will affect the lives of only the Thrasher fans. Likely, the Winnipeg fans will be affected too. ;)
Not a single story has come out today suggestions the G&M story is substantially wrong. The most they can say is "well there are still some minor details to work out".
<--------- right all along.
I just want to know one thing BB!
Will Winnipeg Ta Ta's be as small as Vancouver Ta Ta's? (
Quote from: Barrister on May 20, 2011, 02:19:18 PM
Not a single story has come out today suggestions the G&M story is substantially wrong. The most they can say is "well there are still some minor details to work out".
<--------- right all along.
Delusional, yes
Right, not so much.
Quote from: katmai on May 20, 2011, 03:09:59 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 20, 2011, 02:19:18 PM
Not a single story has come out today suggestions the G&M story is substantially wrong. The most they can say is "well there are still some minor details to work out".
<--------- right all along.
Delusional, yes
Right, not so much.
You should not Barrister when it comes to hockey.
Dude tons of stories have come out saying the G&M report are wrong, which makes your delusions even sadder.
Seek mental help now!
Quote from: katmai on May 20, 2011, 03:15:08 PM
Dude tons of stories have come out saying the G&M report are wrong, which makes your delusions even sadder.
Seek mental help now!
QuoteThrashers moving to Winnipeg 4
News of Thrashers move leads to 'Peg party
Winnipeggers, crack out the champagne glasses and pour yourself some bubbly. It is now a done deal.
The National Hockey league will be coming back to Winnipeg, a well-placed, independent source has confirmed to the Winnipeg Sun.
Speculation continued to mount this week that an official announcement could come as early as Tuesday that the Atlanta Thrashers would be sold to Winnipeg-based True North Sports and Entertainment.
While the exact announcement date remains unclear, it has been confirmed to the Sun that an agreement in principle has been reached between the Atlanta franchise and True North to sell the team and bring it to Winnipeg.
There are still no confirmed details on how much True North will pay for the team, nor is there any confirmation about what name the team will adopt when it begins the 2011-12 season in Winnipeg.
However, sources say the only thing left to seal the deal is the paperwork required by lawyers and the rubber-stamp approval from the league's board of governors.
QuoteThe Thrashers have struggled with attendance most of their history.
"I expect the atmosphere in Winnipeg to be a lot better than it was in Atlanta," White said. "It was pretty quiet, modest crowds in Atlanta, unfortunately. It's too bad to see teams relocate like that -- there's a lot of die-hard fans who fall in love with their team -- but business is such that it happens."
Tambellini said playing games in Atlanta wasn't fun.
"It's tough to go to a building where there is two good teams going at it, and there is no one in the building. There's no atmosphere, no buzz," Tambellini said. "That, we know, is something that in Canadian cities, you'll never see.
"We should be putting our markets in the best places to have success. Winnipeg's a place with a great fan base. They deserve a fan base."
That pretty much sums up how I feel about it.
Last time the Habs were in Atlanta. The RDS play by play guy was struggling in keeping up the interest to actually describe the game.
Next game was in Sunrise against the Panthers, sure that's also an empty building but not against the Habs it's full of Habs fans, was very very exciting on his part.
Attendance, it also affects the play by play guys.
The Canucks will soon be crushed, and the Bruins are floundering.
Yet again it takes Jets talk to bring this thread to page 1. :rolleyes:
Your TSN Jets Meter from May 23, 2011:
Quote from: Neil on May 21, 2011, 06:04:47 PM
The Canucks will soon be crushed
The Sharks have them right where they want them!
Quote from: Barrister on May 23, 2011, 01:42:49 PM
Yet again it takes Jets talk to bring this thread to page 1. :rolleyes:
Well, the interesting part of the playoffs is over.
It's hard to see Winnipeg as a winning move (
A journalist questions the viability of the newest Canadian franchise saying it will fail as soon as the Jets starts losing.
Quote from: viper37 on May 23, 2011, 04:30:26 PM
It's hard to see Winnipeg as a winning move (
A journalist questions the viability of the newest Canadian franchise saying it will fail as soon as the Jets starts losing.
And since they're the Thrashers, they'll start losing immediately.
Quote from: Neil on May 23, 2011, 04:44:46 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 23, 2011, 04:30:26 PM
It's hard to see Winnipeg as a winning move (
A journalist questions the viability of the newest Canadian franchise saying it will fail as soon as the Jets starts losing.
And since they're the Thrashers, they'll start losing immediately.
Yup. It'll take years to mold that sorry bunch into a deep-run or even regular playoff team. Good luck making money till then, in the smallest arena in the league...
Quote from: Zoupa on May 23, 2011, 09:09:40 PM
Yup. It'll take years to mold that sorry bunch into a deep-run or even regular playoff team. Good luck making money till then, in the smallest arena in the league...
If they can make money with the Oilers losing every game in sight, Winnipeg should have a chance, especially while everybody is enthused by the novelty.
Quote from: Zoupa on May 23, 2011, 09:09:40 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 23, 2011, 04:44:46 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 23, 2011, 04:30:26 PM
It's hard to see Winnipeg as a winning move (
A journalist questions the viability of the newest Canadian franchise saying it will fail as soon as the Jets starts losing.
And since they're the Thrashers, they'll start losing immediately.
Yup. It'll take years to mold that sorry bunch into a deep-run or even regular playoff team. Good luck making money till then, in the smallest arena in the league...
I'll enjoying proving you wrong...
Winnipeg has 700k or so people--who aren't especially wealthy. If Winnipeg loses, it is going to lose money. If it wins, it is taking wins and excitement from other teams (such as Chicago, Montreal, Toronto, New York) with only a base of 700k to capitalize on the winning.
So basically the question is, what does a sports commissioner have to do to lose his job?
Because as we all know, the only fans of a team are the people in the city it plays in. No one else is allowed to buy merchandise or come into the city to watch games or anything that supports the teams.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on May 23, 2011, 10:28:02 PM
Because as we all know, the only fans of a team are the people in the city it plays in. No one else is allowed to buy merchandise or come into the city to watch games or anything that supports the teams.
I'm sure the arena will be filled every night, but it IS the smallest number of seats. Tv revenues also will be small. Although the owner would be that billionaire that doesnt seem to mind if he loses money on it, so who cares.
The more canadian teams in the league the better. Nobody gives a shit in Atlanta, just like nobody gave a shit when then tried to have a NASCAR race in Montreal.
Quote from: alfred russel on May 23, 2011, 10:10:54 PM
Winnipeg has 700k or so people--who aren't especially wealthy. If Winnipeg loses, it is going to lose money. If it wins, it is taking wins and excitement from other teams (such as Chicago, Montreal, Toronto, New York) with only a base of 700k to capitalize on the winning.
So basically the question is, what does a sports commissioner have to do to lose his job?
Edmonton has lost a lot the past few years - and continues to sell out every game. Toronto has always lost for as long as I've been alive - and they do just fine. In a solid hockey market you don't "have" to win to do well.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on May 23, 2011, 10:28:02 PM
Because as we all know, the only fans of a team are the people in the city it plays in. No one else is allowed to buy merchandise or come into the city to watch games or anything that supports the teams.
Wikipedia says all of Manitoba has 1.2 million people. My guess would be that the Winnipeg ticket and merchandise sales from outside Manitoba will be limited, and those sales that do occur will be largely cannibalized from other teams.
Quote from: Zoupa on May 23, 2011, 10:34:08 PM
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on May 23, 2011, 10:28:02 PM
Because as we all know, the only fans of a team are the people in the city it plays in. No one else is allowed to buy merchandise or come into the city to watch games or anything that supports the teams.
I'm sure the arena will be filled every night, but it IS the smallest number of seats. Tv revenues also will be small. Although the owner would be that billionaire that doesnt seem to mind if he loses money on it, so who cares.
The more canadian teams in the league the better. Nobody gives a shit in Atlanta, just like nobody gave a shit when then tried to have a NASCAR race in Montreal.
TV revenues are shared across the league. Winnipeg will get the same national TV money as Montreal will.
Don't worry so much about seats. The difference between 15,000 and 16,000 isn't very much - because the extra 1,000 seats are the worst seats in the house, with the lowest ticket prices.
David Thomson is apparently a smart businessman, and NOT that big a hockey fan. And living in Toronto he's not a Jets fan. He's in this because he sees a business opportunity. And he's looked at the books and decided it can work.
Quote from: Barrister on May 23, 2011, 10:34:44 PM
Quote from: alfred russel on May 23, 2011, 10:10:54 PM
Winnipeg has 700k or so people--who aren't especially wealthy. If Winnipeg loses, it is going to lose money. If it wins, it is taking wins and excitement from other teams (such as Chicago, Montreal, Toronto, New York) with only a base of 700k to capitalize on the winning.
So basically the question is, what does a sports commissioner have to do to lose his job?
Edmonton has lost a lot the past few years - and continues to sell out every game. Toronto has always lost for as long as I've been alive - and they do just fine. In a solid hockey market you don't "have" to win to do well.
Toronto isn't comparable at all--it is a major market. And the fact it has always lost is a great point: there are 30 NHL teams. If teams took turns trading championships, Toronto would only get one every 30 years. When there were less teams, they won a lot more Stanley Cups, right? You put a Stanley Cup in Toronto, you are going to get huge merchandise sales, huge TV ratings, a huge opportunity to jack up ticket prices, etc. You lose out on most of that with a team in Winnipeg.
I'm not saying moving the team is bad. Just that expanding to Winnipeg makes little sense (and that is effectively what the league has done, with a detour through Atlanta).
It also doesn't make sense to have teams in places like Nashville and not Atlanta. But then it really doesn't make sense not to have an NFL team in LA.
Sports franchises don't fit into perfect economic models. It isn't a straight bigger market = bigger profit equation. There's a lot of factors that change that and can make it a total failure. Look at a lot of the expansion teams in the various bigger markets that have struggled and continue to struggle in all of the leagues. Look at the dual failures of the Rams and Raiders in LA. Looking at population statistics and potential market size is all well and good, but it far from being a perfect insight.
Bruins are kicking ass! :cool:
Quote from: alfred russel on May 23, 2011, 10:10:54 PM
Winnipeg has 700k or so people--who aren't especially wealthy. If Winnipeg loses, it is going to lose money. If it wins, it is taking wins and excitement from other teams (such as Chicago, Montreal, Toronto, New York) with only a base of 700k to capitalize on the winning.
So basically the question is, what does a sports commissioner have to do to lose his job?
If putting a Hockey Team in Phoenix doesn't do it I do not know what will.
And agreed that the major markets need to win but they pretty much never do these days.
Quote from: alfred russel on May 23, 2011, 10:47:44 PM
But then it really doesn't make sense not to have an NFL team in LA.
The LA teams had no fans and terrible attendance. For a NFL franchise that is just not acceptable.
The Green Bay Packers on the other hand...
Quote from: alfred russel on May 23, 2011, 10:47:44 PM
It also doesn't make sense to have teams in places like Nashville and not Atlanta. But then it really doesn't make sense not to have an NFL team in LA.
And that's why I have a hard time taking your analysis seriously: The model you are using doesn't match the evidence we have, and so it should be discarded, but you cling to it in the face of contradictory evidence. You see that NHL teams succeed in Nashville, Minnesota and Carolina, but fail in Phoenix and Atlanta, or that NFL teams succeed in Green Bay and Baltimore, but fail in Los Angeles, and your explanatory model disintegrates. Clearly, there must be some factor at work beyond the potential size of the fan base.
BTW: Baltimore in the NFL is a good example of the potential good things that can happen with the Jets. They're similarly small markets which had a successful team at one point, but lost them due to various reasons.
NHL comes to Winnipeg and becomes the absolute #1 sport in town. They'll lead every sports report, the star players will be household names, little kids will buy their jerseys. The teams already there - the CFL Blue Bombers, and whatever minor league the Goldeyes play in, get demoted to #2 and #3 without question.
NHL in Atlanta? It's certainly #4 in terms of pro sports - the Hawks, Braves and Falcons all rank higher, to say nothing of college sports and NASCAR. No matter how successful, the NHL will never, ever get as much buzz as those other sports.
[By the way, this is what makes me doubt all this "second team in Toronto" talk. A second team in Toronto would be a clear second banana to the Leafs. Would Torontonians really buy tickets to some no-name team?]
And the denials are getting more and more pathetic. Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly is stuck saying "It's safe to say there will be no announcement on Tuesday," :lol:
It's an attempt to get a Cup in Toronto by doing an end-around on the inept Leafs ownership and front office.
Quote from: alfred russel on May 23, 2011, 10:35:03 PM
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on May 23, 2011, 10:28:02 PM
Because as we all know, the only fans of a team are the people in the city it plays in. No one else is allowed to buy merchandise or come into the city to watch games or anything that supports the teams.
Wikipedia says all of Manitoba has 1.2 million people. My guess would be that the Winnipeg ticket and merchandise sales from outside Manitoba will be limited, and those sales that do occur will be largely cannibalized from other teams.
you'll have people from Saskatchewan and Western Ontario. People from Thunder Bay will likely cheer the Jets over the Leafs. I know I would. No sane person should ever root for the Leafs.
Quote from: alfred russel on May 23, 2011, 10:47:44 PM
It also doesn't make sense to have teams in places like Nashville and not Atlanta. But then it really doesn't make sense not to have an NFL team in LA.
Nashvill is ok. Atlanta, well, apparently, not even baseball survives there, only college basketball and Nascar are popular.
Quote from: Barrister on May 24, 2011, 09:15:14 AM
[By the way, this is what makes me doubt all this "second team in Toronto" talk. A second team in Toronto would be a clear second banana to the Leafs. Would Torontonians really buy tickets to some no-name team?]
Detroit and Buffalo are very close to Toronto. Any team based in Hamilton or Toronto would likely draw money from these markets too. If I was the owner of Buffalo or Detroit, I wouldn't see from a keen eye a prospective 2nd Canadian team in the area.
Not likely to happen in our lifetime. Afaik, ever since I'm old enough to remember, I heard the Nordiques moving to Hamilton...
Quote from: viper37 on May 24, 2011, 02:08:21 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 24, 2011, 09:15:14 AM
[By the way, this is what makes me doubt all this "second team in Toronto" talk. A second team in Toronto would be a clear second banana to the Leafs. Would Torontonians really buy tickets to some no-name team?]
Detroit and Buffalo are very close to Toronto. Any team based in Hamilton or Toronto would likely draw money from these markets too. If I was the owner of Buffalo or Detroit, I wouldn't see from a keen eye a prospective 2nd Canadian team in the area.
Well Buffalo certainly...
Quote from: Barrister on May 24, 2011, 02:13:30 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 24, 2011, 02:08:21 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 24, 2011, 09:15:14 AM
[By the way, this is what makes me doubt all this "second team in Toronto" talk. A second team in Toronto would be a clear second banana to the Leafs. Would Torontonians really buy tickets to some no-name team?]
Detroit and Buffalo are very close to Toronto. Any team based in Hamilton or Toronto would likely draw money from these markets too. If I was the owner of Buffalo or Detroit, I wouldn't see from a keen eye a prospective 2nd Canadian team in the area.
Well Buffalo certainly...
4hrs to Detroit. Farther than I tought. But Buffalo would be pissed with someone else an hour away, that's sure.
Columbus is closer than Detroit. I for one would be unhappy. :mad:
Your TSN Jets Meter May 24:
There's only three notches left baby. :yeah:
"we expect an announcement in a couple of days"... Why do I have a feeling of déjà vu? :P
Quote from: viper37 on May 24, 2011, 04:28:13 PM
"we expect an announcement in a couple of days"... Why do I have a feeling of déjà vu? :P
We've been told "it's a couple of weeks away" since January. "a couple of days" is miles better. :cool:
Quote from: viper37 on May 24, 2011, 02:17:35 PM
But Buffalo would be pissed with someone else an hour away, that's sure.
Do the Sabres have a large number of Canadian fans? The national border is certainly a factor. Are there more Sabres or Leafs fans in St. Catherines?
So no annoucement?
Back on topic.
The Canucks are going to win the series tonight. Neil will have to face the prospect of a Vancouver team hoisting Lord Stanley's Cup in Stanley Park in front of thousands of cheering Vancouverites who would not be caught dead in Edmonton.
Quote from: Neil on May 24, 2011, 04:44:17 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 24, 2011, 02:17:35 PM
But Buffalo would be pissed with someone else an hour away, that's sure.
Do the Sabres have a large number of Canadian fans? The national border is certainly a factor. Are there more Sabres or Leafs fans in St. Catherines?
Not fans per se but patrons that can get tickets in Buffalo for cheap compate to TO.
Quote from: Neil on May 24, 2011, 04:44:17 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 24, 2011, 02:17:35 PM
But Buffalo would be pissed with someone else an hour away, that's sure.
Do the Sabres have a large number of Canadian fans? The national border is certainly a factor. Are there more Sabres or Leafs fans in St. Catherines?
I wouldn't know. Canadians are a bit touchy with the American subject in public.
Still, I suspect many Leafs fans have a Sabers jersey underneath their Leafs colors. They'll just pretend to be Americans hoping no one in Buffalo will know them.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 24, 2011, 06:31:01 PM
The Canucks are going to win the series tonight. Neil will have to face the prospect of a Vancouver team hoisting Lord Stanley's Cup in Stanley Park in front of thousands of cheering Vancouverites who would not be caught dead in Edmonton.
I'm supposed to wake up at 5:00 tomorrow, but I think I'll watch the game anyway, just to see San Jose win :)
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 24, 2011, 06:31:01 PM
The Canucks are going to win the series tonight. Neil will have to face the prospect of a Vancouver team hoisting Lord Stanley's Cup in Stanley Park in front of thousands of cheering Vancouverites who would not be caught dead in Edmonton.
I can live with it. It's not like no-talent goons haven't won the cup before.
Besides, it'll be a matter of seconds before the whole team gets shived and the Cup is fenced to buy heroin.
Do you remember how the TSN Jets Meter was just a pale imitation of the Jets-O-Meter which had been running since 2003?
Well tonight, the Jets-O-Meter hit 100%.
Where is your Tuesday announcement?
Hmmm Beeb?
Quote from: katmai on May 24, 2011, 11:41:11 PM
Where is your Tuesday announcement?
Hmmm Beeb?
The NHL was embarrassed by the leak, and has delayed the announcement. :mellow:
I would have thought it was obvious.
At this point do you really think it is anything but a matter of time? Do you really think Atlanta can save their team? :lmfao:
'Nucks win.
Thank God. One less distraction from the real story. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on May 24, 2011, 11:50:25 PM
'Nucks win.
Thank God. One less distraction from the real story. :cool:
Quote from: Zoupa on May 25, 2011, 12:10:55 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 24, 2011, 11:50:25 PM
'Nucks win.
Thank God. One less distraction from the real story. :cool:
Stanley cup playoffs come and go.
Meanwhile, my favourite team HASN'T PLAYED A FUCKING GAME IN 16 YEARS!!!!! Do you think there's a reason I'm obsessed over this???!!!!!11111 I wasn't at the final game in '96, but I was at the tear-filled farewell in '95 (before the city bought them another year, only for that to collapse a month later to become a lame duck season after that). That was FUCKING HEARTWRENCHING.
Anyways... Go Jets Go!
There are no Jets you dumbass
Quote from: katmai on May 25, 2011, 01:03:49 AM
There are no Jets you dumbass
Perhaps you missed it...
Quote from: Barrister on May 25, 2011, 12:55:13 AM
Quote from: Zoupa on May 25, 2011, 12:10:55 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 24, 2011, 11:50:25 PM
'Nucks win.
Thank God. One less distraction from the real story. :cool:
Stanley cup playoffs come and go.
Meanwhile, my favourite team HASN'T PLAYED A FUCKING GAME IN 16 YEARS!!!!! Do you think there's a reason I'm obsessed over this???!!!!!11111 I wasn't at the final game in '96, but I was at the tear-filled farewell in '95 (before the city bought them another year, only for that to collapse a month later to become a lame duck season after that). That was FUCKING HEARTWRENCHING.
Anyways... Go Jets Go!
I feel you dude, but honestly you should have just started your own thread about it. Most posters here care more about the playoffs.
Quote from: Barrister on May 25, 2011, 01:05:51 AM
Quote from: katmai on May 25, 2011, 01:03:49 AM
There are no Jets you dumbass
Perhaps you missed it...
Where is the announcement?
That's what i thought, now kindly stfu
Quote from: Zoupa on May 25, 2011, 01:17:02 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 25, 2011, 12:55:13 AM
Quote from: Zoupa on May 25, 2011, 12:10:55 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 24, 2011, 11:50:25 PM
'Nucks win.
Thank God. One less distraction from the real story. :cool:
Stanley cup playoffs come and go.
Meanwhile, my favourite team HASN'T PLAYED A FUCKING GAME IN 16 YEARS!!!!! Do you think there's a reason I'm obsessed over this???!!!!!11111 I wasn't at the final game in '96, but I was at the tear-filled farewell in '95 (before the city bought them another year, only for that to collapse a month later to become a lame duck season after that). That was FUCKING HEARTWRENCHING.
Anyways... Go Jets Go!
I feel you dude, but honestly you should have just started your own thread about it. Most posters here care more about the playoffs.
For fucks sake...
who do you think started this thread? Who do you think has bumped this thread constantly from page 2,3 or more? There'd be no NHL playoffs thread without me.
You should be happy that the Winnipeg Jets Army is giving this much attention to the NHL Playoffs. :cool:
Ok, you're creepy.
Beeb, you are obsessive, slightly bordering OCD, could you please start another thread? I want to read about hochey, not some strange politcal game of moving teams.
After BB's nonsense these past few months, I don't want to ever hear any shit again about the Baltimore Colts.
Go Jets Go. You bunch of fucking haters. Since when do thread on Languish remain on 1 topic?
Quote from: Zoupa on May 25, 2011, 01:17:02 AM
Most posters here care more about the playoffs.
At this point? We're in the boring part of the playoffs right now. At least all this Jets mania is interesting, even if we're getting three posts a day about how nothing new has happened.
I'd rather have him posting about the Jets then about Apple computers.
I just like busting Beeb's chops.
He is in creepy Steeler fan territory now, but let him have his fun.
Come on Boston...FINISH THEM!
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 25, 2011, 06:23:41 AM
After BB's nonsense these past few months, I don't want to ever hear any shit again about the Baltimore Colts.
I knew you would understand my pain.
Would CdM have done the same thing in a NFL thread in 1995?
Quote from: Barrister on May 25, 2011, 01:29:29 AMFor fucks sake...
who do you think started this thread? Who do you think has bumped this thread constantly from page 2,3 or more? There'd be no NHL playoffs thread without me.
Now you're sounding like Jaron.
The reason there's not more playoff discussion is that you're drowning it out with your incessant prattling.
Quote from: Valmy on May 25, 2011, 07:33:01 AM
Would CdM have done the same thing in a NFL thread in 1995?
Given that he still rants about Paul Tagliabue, I think the answer is obvious.
After this thread, if there is such a thing as the Jets, they will be the team we will love to hate.
Back on topic. Finally the Canucks got some puck luck and what a time to get it. Now they get some time to recover before the next series.
Bieksa & luongo come up huge in this series. If you'sd told me that during last year's playoff, I would have mocked you. But this whole year both of them really manned up. good work guys.
Also Neil you need a new bashing the canucks route. Soft Swedes maybe or something, go the Cherry route maybe.... but goons? really? where? If the Canucks have a weakness it's too much finesse, not enough goonery.
I feel pretty good regardless of their chances against either of the East teams. would prefer Boston because they are Original 6 and haven't had a shot in a while either.
RDS is reporting that the Deal is Done between True North, Atlanta Spirit & the NHL.
Welcome to the Southeast division, Winnipeg.
If the Lightning lose tonight it will be a beautiful day.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on May 25, 2011, 11:59:49 AM
Also Neil you need a new bashing the canucks route. Soft Swedes maybe or something, go the Cherry route maybe.... but goons? really? where? If the Canucks have a weakness it's too much finesse, not enough goonery.
Torres and Bieksa are both goons, and I hope both of them die.
Quote from: Valmy on May 25, 2011, 02:57:03 PM
If the Lightning lose tonight it will be a beautiful day.
Well, it'd be nice to see Vancouver try to goon it up against Boston, only to discover that Boston is much tougher than they are.
Quote from: Neil on May 25, 2011, 05:11:49 PMTorres and Bieksa are both goons, and I hope both of them die.
The team(s) you like don't have any goons?
Quote from: Neil on May 25, 2011, 05:12:40 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 25, 2011, 02:57:03 PM
If the Lightning lose tonight it will be a beautiful day.
Well, it'd be nice to see Vancouver try to goon it up against Boston, only to discover that Boston is much tougher than they are.
I'd like to see Lucic cripple one or both Sedins.
Quote from: Jacob on May 25, 2011, 05:34:04 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 25, 2011, 05:11:49 PMTorres and Bieksa are both goons, and I hope both of them die.
The team(s) you like don't have any goons?
Maybe, maybe not. The teams that I like aren't scum, and don't leave their goalies hung out to dry in the court of public opinion.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 25, 2011, 11:22:36 AM
After this thread, if there is such a thing as the Jets, they will be the team we will love to hate.
By all accounts I've heard and read, Winnepeg ain't much. But it is a hockey town. They deserve a hockey team.
Now, if the NHL is truly concerned about justice in this world, THEY WILL BRING BACK THE WHALE.
And rename the Wild back to the North Stars.
This fellow sums up my feelings perfectly.
I was also at the 1995 "farewell" that he talks about - I conned my way in with my Winnipeg Sun business card (to be fair I did actually get some interviews inside as well, but mostly I just wanted to be inside). I don't think I cried, but it was damn emotional.
QuoteA REMINISCE: NHL franchise hopes give Winnipeg its groove back
Ex-Winnipegger Cameron MacIntosh writes about likely move of Atlanta Thrashers to Manitoba capital
By Cameron MacIntosh, CBC News Posted: May 25, 2011 12:25 PM CT Last Updated: May 25, 2011 6:36 PM CT Read 1 comments1
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Cameron MacIntosh is a national reporter for CBC TV and radio based in Regina but is a former Winnipegger and loyal Jets fan. (CBC)I freely admit it: on May 6, 1995, I cried. It was in front of thousands of people. I didn't even mind doing it; 15,000 people around me were all doing the same thing.
We were standing in the Winnipeg Arena watching one of the hardest moments in the city's living memory: the sombre and hasty retirement of the colours and logo of the Winnipeg Jets hockey team.
It was a bitter afternoon, full of sadness, regret and anger. It left an indelible mark on me as I watched the Jets logo raised to the rafters and thought, "What kind of city lets this happen?"
Of course, the reasons for the NHL team leaving the city were complex, and several things conspired to make it happen: the Canadian dollar was down; no one wanted to own the team; the debate over a new arena had dragged on for years.
Worst of all, the NHL, hell-bent on expanding its presence in the southern U.S., didn't seem particularly bothered by it.
Workers hang a Winnipeg Jets banner from the rafters of the now defunct Winnipeg Arena in 2001. Jets banners were taken down when the NHL team moved to Phoenix in 1996. It now looks like the city might get a new NHL franchise. (Wayne Glowacki/Winnipeg Free Press/Canadian Press)
The whole thing became such an emotional and political lightning rod, it is hard to see how it could have been resolved any other way.
Maybe it was denial, or probably just anger, but I remember saying to a friend who stood next to me at the arena, "They'll be back in 15 years." I can't honestly say I believed it.
In the end, we got one more season of NHL hockey before the Jets moved to Phoenix after the 1995-96 season. The damage was done; our hearts were broken.
Jets took edge off 'Peg bashing
Let's face it, growing up in and around the 'Peg, you get a lot of flak from other parts of the country about your little berg on the Prairie with the winter that never ends. Having a hockey team that could consistently beat the Leafs took the edge off.
Winnipeg Jets player Teemu Selanne during a game in Toronto on March 6, 1993. Selanne and other world-class players like Bobby Hull gave Winnipeggers a sense of city pride in the years the NHL team was based in the Manitoba capital. (Phil Snell/Canadian Press)
We had Bobby Hull, Dale Hawerchuk and Teemu Selanne. They were world class, so, so were we.
Like many young Manitobans at the time, losing that was a clear signal that maybe our small and oft-ridiculed city was, indeed, second-rate, that it was falling behind as thousands of people my age looked to places like Calgary, Vancouver and Toronto, which just seemed to have so much more opportunity.
At the time, I was a journalism student at Red River College in Winnipeg. That spring, we spent a lot of time covering the ins and outs of the Jets debate that had consumed the city and the province.
It's where I learned the complexities of balance and impartiality as I tried to write stories weaving the raw emotion of fans and those opposed to using public money to prop up the team "just a little longer" around the hard economic realities of keeping an NHL team with little chance of success. (Some journalism student is learning to do the same thing in Phoenix today.)
To this day, I've seen few stories that packed as much emotion as the Jets debate.
That retirement ceremony was broadcast live by CBC; I could see the cameras clearly from my seat.
Little did I know that in a few years, I would be pursuing a CBC career that would take me out of Manitoba. My first posting outside of Winnipeg was Calgary. When I arrived, I had more friends there from high school than I did back home.
One of the last stories I did for the CBC in Winnipeg was about a plan to build a new downtown arena. It just felt like it was years too late.
City has new vision
Years would pass, and I would often cross paths with other expat 'tobans; the loss of the Jets would always come up.
We all had our own reasons for leaving, and while the loss of the Jets wasn't one of them, it always seemed to come up as one of the symbolic moments that prompted people to look beyond Manitoba.
Many of us felt we were personally better off for leaving. Still, it was rare to find someone from home that wasn't still pulling for something great to happen in Winnipeg.
That's what makes this moment so fascinating and gratifying: 15 years after the last Winnipeg White Out, it appears the NHL is on the verge of returning.
Over the years, I've noticed a few things change in Winnipeg when I've returned to the city. The economy is better; there is new construction, a sign of confident investment; and, most importantly, there's some vision for the city.
A good example is the arena. When the MTS Centre was announced in 2002, I remember someone asking Premier Gary Doer about the "NHL pipedream." He smiled and said, "Anything is possible."
Quietly, the owners of the rink, True North Sports and Entertainment, have made it one of the most profitable in North America.
With the NHL's southern ambitions going, well... south, the company also made it possible for Winnipeg to throw its hat in the ring in terms of vying to be the new home base for the Atlanta Thrashers.
'A hockey team doesn't define a city, but it certainly can be a powerful symbol.'
True North would own the new team. The company has already pulled off two feats few could have foreseen back in 1996: getting an arena built and now, apparently, getting a team back. Making the NHL's Second Coming successful would be the hat trick. I'm not betting against it.
No, a hockey team doesn't define a city, but it certainly can be a powerful symbol.
If Winnipeggers saw a strong message in the Jets leaving, there is surely an equally powerful one in an NHL team coming back.
If a team does land at Winnipeg's new airport this fall, it remains to be seen whether it will be named the Jets or something else.
Either way, I know I'll be cheering for it.
Quote from: Jacob on May 25, 2011, 05:34:04 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 25, 2011, 05:11:49 PMTorres and Bieksa are both goons, and I hope both of them die.
The team(s) you like don't have any goons?
The Edmonton Oilers have had plenty of goons. :lmfao:
Ah hell.
Stupid Bruins.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 25, 2011, 07:45:28 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 25, 2011, 11:22:36 AM
After this thread, if there is such a thing as the Jets, they will be the team we will love to hate.
By all accounts I've heard and read, Winnepeg ain't much. But it is a hockey town. They deserve a hockey team.
Now, if the NHL is truly concerned about justice in this world, THEY WILL BRING BACK THE WHALE.
Whalers and Nords. WHA solidarity forevah!
And I'd mock CC for hating the Jets, but he's a canucks fan. He has no hockey soul, so of course he'd hate a team of goodness and light like the reborn Jets.
I like the Nordiques quite a lot. As for the Jets, I'd be okay with them but BB is making it hard to be positive about them.
Still, in spite of all that, the Jets in Winnipeg is a good thing.
Quote from: Jacob on May 26, 2011, 12:02:29 AM
I like the Nordiques quite a lot. As for the Jets, I'd be okay with them but BB is making it hard to be positive about them.
Still, in spite of all that, the Jets in Winnipeg is a good thing.
Yes, I can see why having a rabid, deliriously happy fan would make cheering for a team hard... :hmm:
Quote from: Barrister on May 26, 2011, 12:21:25 AM
Quote from: Jacob on May 26, 2011, 12:02:29 AM
I like the Nordiques quite a lot. As for the Jets, I'd be okay with them but BB is making it hard to be positive about them.
Still, in spite of all that, the Jets in Winnipeg is a good thing.
Yes, I can see why having a rabid, deliriously happy fan would make cheering for a team hard... :hmm:
Exhibit a: Timmay Ortiz and his patriotardism
Quote from: Valmy on May 25, 2011, 09:52:20 PM
Ah hell.
Stupid Bruins.
The Bruins, nor the Leafs, cannot be allowed to have any post season success, god fucking damn it.
Quote from: katmai on May 26, 2011, 01:45:43 AM
Exhibit a: Timmay Ortiz and his patriotardism
Um it is his bandwagon tendencies that make him a tard not his Boston sports fandom. I mean unless you are a Ravens fan.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 26, 2011, 06:00:48 AM
the Leafs, cannot be allowed to have any post season success, god fucking damn it.
The Leafs management agrees with you.
Quote from: Valmy on May 26, 2011, 07:46:14 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 26, 2011, 06:00:48 AM
the Leafs, cannot be allowed to have any post season success, god fucking damn it.
The Leafs management agrees with you.
Quote from: Barrister on May 25, 2011, 10:39:00 PM
And I'd mock CC for hating the Jets, but he's a canucks fan. His team is going to win the Cup , so of course he'd hate a team that I go on and on and on about rather than talking about the playoffs. I know I should shut up about my Timmyesque fanboisim but I just can't help myself.
Quote from: Barrister on May 26, 2011, 12:21:25 AMYes, I can see why having a rabid, deliriously happy fan would make cheering for a team hard... :hmm:
"Rabid" is not generally a desirable quality.
Quote from: Jacob on May 26, 2011, 10:03:31 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 26, 2011, 12:21:25 AMYes, I can see why having a rabid, deliriously happy fan would make cheering for a team hard... :hmm:
"Rabid" is not generally a desirable quality.
Well maybe not for you mediocrity obsessed Canadians. If somebody is going to go through the trouble to be sports fan I say do it right.
The canucks will forever be tainted to me becasue of Bertuzzi. I know every time has a dirty player (though to different degrees) but it was the fans justifications that soured me to the team.
Quote from: Valmy on May 26, 2011, 10:28:47 AM
Quote from: Jacob on May 26, 2011, 10:03:31 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 26, 2011, 12:21:25 AMYes, I can see why having a rabid, deliriously happy fan would make cheering for a team hard... :hmm:
"Rabid" is not generally a desirable quality.
Well maybe not for you mediocrity obsessed Canadians. If somebody is going to go through the trouble to be sports fan I say do it right.
It is okay to be a fan , but not Bill in Sinton.
Or this guy:
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 26, 2011, 10:32:35 AM
It is okay to be a fan , but not Bill in Sinton.
Or this guy:
Ok I see your point.
Quote from: HVC on May 26, 2011, 10:28:48 AM
The canucks will forever be tainted to me becasue of Bertuzzi. I know every time has a dirty player (though to different degrees) but it was the fans justifications that soured me to the team.
:huh: After all these years, I still don't understand why the outrage on what Bertz did. It was never that bad.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 26, 2011, 10:34:03 AM
Quote from: HVC on May 26, 2011, 10:28:48 AM
The canucks will forever be tainted to me becasue of Bertuzzi. I know every time has a dirty player (though to different degrees) but it was the fans justifications that soured me to the team.
:huh: After all these years, I still don't understand why the outrage on what Bertz did. It was never that bad.
it's not so much what he did (which was bad too) but the justification. "he wouldn't fight so Bertuzzi had to smash his face into the ground and make him fght" (paraphrasing lol). It's like if boston players said what Chara did was warrented because the habs guy wouldn't fight and deserved a nice stationing to the noggin.
Quote from: Valmy on May 26, 2011, 10:33:21 AM
Ok I see your point.
I fear beeb has crossed into Steeler superfan type territory, where light and reason cannot escape.
Quote from: HVC on May 26, 2011, 10:35:43 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 26, 2011, 10:34:03 AM
Quote from: HVC on May 26, 2011, 10:28:48 AM
The canucks will forever be tainted to me becasue of Bertuzzi. I know every time has a dirty player (though to different degrees) but it was the fans justifications that soured me to the team.
:huh: After all these years, I still don't understand why the outrage on what Bertz did. It was never that bad.
it's not so much what he did (which was bad too) but the justification. "he wouldn't fight so Bertuzzi had to smash his face into the ground and make him fght" (paraphrasing lol). It's like if boston players said what Chara did was warrented because the habs guy wouldn't fight and deserved a nice stationing to the noggin.
But it's justification from an NHL players. The same league that holds no respect for us & constitently refers to injuries as upper & lower body.
They spew BS, 99% of the time.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 26, 2011, 10:37:45 AM
But it's justification from an NHL players. The same league that holds no respect for us & constitently refers to injuries as upper & lower body.
They spew BS, 99% of the time.
You know the reason they refer to injuries as upper and lower body is so that opposing teams can't target the exact injured part of the body, don't you?
And, yes, some of the injuries are self-evident but it's the system they use.
Quote from: Strix on May 26, 2011, 12:24:02 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 26, 2011, 10:37:45 AM
But it's justification from an NHL players. The same league that holds no respect for us & constitently refers to injuries as upper & lower body.
They spew BS, 99% of the time.
You know the reason they refer to injuries as upper and lower body is so that opposing teams can't target the exact injured part of the body, don't you?
And, yes, some of the injuries are self-evident but it's the system they use.
It's a BS reason plus it doesn't actually work.
What happens in Montreal is that they tell us shit. We start making up shit that is 100 times worse & they have to come out clean with it. It's a lot of wasted time for everyone involved.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 26, 2011, 12:30:55 PM
Quote from: Strix on May 26, 2011, 12:24:02 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 26, 2011, 10:37:45 AM
But it's justification from an NHL players. The same league that holds no respect for us & constitently refers to injuries as upper & lower body.
They spew BS, 99% of the time.
You know the reason they refer to injuries as upper and lower body is so that opposing teams can't target the exact injured part of the body, don't you?
And, yes, some of the injuries are self-evident but it's the system they use.
It's a BS reason plus it doesn't actually work.
What happens in Montreal is that they tell us shit. We start making up shit that is 100 times worse & they have to come out clean with it. It's a lot of wasted time for everyone involved.
Have you ever noticed that after a team is eliminated they immediately give full details of their players injuries? I think you understand the reason they wait until then.
I might.
I still don't like it.
Quote from: Valmy on May 26, 2011, 10:28:47 AMWell maybe not for you mediocrity obsessed Canadians. If somebody is going to go through the trouble to be sports fan I say do it right.
Going on and on and on about something to people who aren't that interested is not "doing it right", it's being a bore.
Quote from: Jacob on May 26, 2011, 03:32:02 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 26, 2011, 10:28:47 AMWell maybe not for you mediocrity obsessed Canadians. If somebody is going to go through the trouble to be sports fan I say do it right.
Going on and on and on about something to people who aren't that interested is not "doing it right", it's being a bore.
Several people have said they appreciate my Jets updates, so :blurgh:
Still not sure when the announcement is. Every single media report says the deal is either done, or close to being done. Nobody is reporting there is even a chance Atlanta stays.
Latest guess? The Finals start next Wednesday, so look for a Tuesday announcement.
Quote from: HVC on May 26, 2011, 10:28:48 AM
The canucks will forever be tainted to me becasue of Bertuzzi. I know every time has a dirty player (though to different degrees) but it was the fans justifications that soured me to the team.
Every team has retarded fans, It's not the teams fault if douchebags choose to like them. There are lots of Canucks fans who you couldn't pay me to high five, but luckily lots who like me just enjoy good hockey (punctuated by brief periods of ennui in which they play like they're stoned... I blame on the prevailing pot filled winds)... Canucks fans like Leafs fans before them expect heartbreak, and thus rally around it as easily as they do the good times... Hard to understand? people being passionate about their sports?
I was in a bookstore today buying a couple of baby books. I saw, on the discount table, a big coffee table book full of pictures of Bobby Hull. Curious, I opened it up and took a look.
About 200 pages of full colour, and in every single one has Hull wearing a Blackhawks jersey. Not a single picture of him in a Jets jersey, despite the TEN YEARS he played for the team, during which time he was the most highly paid player in all of hockey with his annual salary of [cue dr. evil] one MILLION dollars![/dr. evil]
:lol: :rolleyes:
WHA doesn't count man.
Quote from: Barrister on May 27, 2011, 03:47:37 PM
I was in a bookstore today buying a couple of baby books. I saw, on the discount table, a big coffee table book full of pictures of Bobby Hull. Curious, I opened it up and took a look.
About 200 pages of full colour, and in every single one has Hull wearing a Blackhawks jersey. Not a single picture of him in a Jets jersey, despite the TEN YEARS he played for the team, during which time he was the most highly paid player in all of hockey with his annual salary of [cue dr. evil] one MILLION dollars![/dr. evil]
:lol: :rolleyes:
Good God man. This is an NHL Hockey thread. Not the musings of a deranged Jets fan thread.
Quote from: Valmy on May 27, 2011, 03:50:42 PM
WHA doesn't count man.
Of course it counts. :mad:
Plus he also played in Winnipeg's first year in the NHL. Of course that was a colossal mistake by management. Each WHA team was only allowed to save just a couple of players. The Oilers were smart and saved rookie phenom Wayne Gretzky. The Jets saved the aging Bobby Hull who retired the following year.
Boston Vancouver final. Valmy should be happy.
Gawd fucking damn it.
Fucking Shit Fuck.
Damn it.
*smashes desk*
Well, Boston is the lesser of two evils.
Boston in six
Quote from: Neil on May 27, 2011, 09:44:49 PM
Well, Boston is the lesser of two evils.
No it is not. The only thing more Evil then the Bruins are the Flyers, maybe Lebron James too
Canucks in six.
Where is your announcement beeb?
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 27, 2011, 09:48:08 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 27, 2011, 09:44:49 PM
Well, Boston is the lesser of two evils.
No it is not. The only thing more Evil then the Bruins are the Flyers, maybe Lebron James too
Canucks in 5. Thomas will crumble.
Quote from: Zoupa on May 27, 2011, 10:09:44 PM
Canucks in 5. Thomas will crumble.
It's hard to say, since he was barely fucking tested tonight. <_<
Quote from: katmai on May 27, 2011, 09:51:17 PM
Where is your announcement beeb?
I predict Tuesday. :cool:
Of course I have predicted many announcement dates, but I only need to be right once. :blush:
There is a woman flashing a guy in the penalty box here: (
Quote from: Barrister on May 27, 2011, 10:39:25 PM
Quote from: katmai on May 27, 2011, 09:51:17 PM
Where is your announcement beeb?
I predict Tuesday. :cool:
Of course I have predicted many announcement dates, but I only need to be right once. :blush:
Until it happens i'm gonna post that question :P
NSFW man.
Quote from: PRC on May 28, 2011, 12:54:42 AM
Quote from: jimmy olsen on May 28, 2011, 12:24:47 AM
NSFW man.
In Canada it is.
No, probably not. Depends on the office. Either way, we must strive to accommodate our puritan friends to the south. Their love for Jesus does weird things to their culture.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 27, 2011, 09:48:08 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 27, 2011, 09:44:49 PM
Well, Boston is the lesser of two evils.
No it is not. The only thing more Evil then the Bruins are the Flyers, maybe Lebron James too
You really wanted a Southern team to win the cup again?
go Bruins!
Quote from: PRC on May 28, 2011, 12:13:29 AM
There is a woman flashing a guy in the penalty box here: (
Do they have any in adult size in Vancouver? :secret:
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 27, 2011, 03:52:57 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 27, 2011, 03:47:37 PM
I was in a bookstore today buying a couple of baby books. I saw, on the discount table, a big coffee table book full of pictures of Bobby Hull. Curious, I opened it up and took a look.
About 200 pages of full colour, and in every single one has Hull wearing a Blackhawks jersey. Not a single picture of him in a Jets jersey, despite the TEN YEARS he played for the team, during which time he was the most highly paid player in all of hockey with his annual salary of [cue dr. evil] one MILLION dollars![/dr. evil]
:lol: :rolleyes:
Good God man. This is an NHL Hockey thread. Not the musings of a deranged Jets fan thread.
It's the Canadian version of the Civil War Hijack? :p
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on May 28, 2011, 07:12:00 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 27, 2011, 03:52:57 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 27, 2011, 03:47:37 PM
I was in a bookstore today buying a couple of baby books. I saw, on the discount table, a big coffee table book full of pictures of Bobby Hull. Curious, I opened it up and took a look.
About 200 pages of full colour, and in every single one has Hull wearing a Blackhawks jersey. Not a single picture of him in a Jets jersey, despite the TEN YEARS he played for the team, during which time he was the most highly paid player in all of hockey with his annual salary of [cue dr. evil] one MILLION dollars![/dr. evil]
:lol: :rolleyes:
Good God man. This is an NHL Hockey thread. Not the musings of a deranged Jets fan thread.
It's the Canadian version of the Civil War Hijack? :p
I like that. I'm going to start doing that.
Quote from: Strix on May 28, 2011, 02:00:50 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 27, 2011, 09:48:08 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 27, 2011, 09:44:49 PM
Well, Boston is the lesser of two evils.
No it is not. The only thing more Evil then the Bruins are the Flyers, maybe Lebron James too
You really wanted a Southern team to win the cup again?
go Bruins!
Over the Bruins? Of course.
Seems like Atlanta found a new prospective owner to keep the Thrashers in place. The annoucement will be delayed...
But, but it's a done deal da Beeb has told me so!!!!!11
I'm going to laugh so fucking hard if the move doesn't happen. I may bust a rib laughing.
I'll feel bad, for like a second.
But of it doesn't happen will teach Beeb to be more cautious.
This whole thing reminds me of how Baseball Giants almost became the Tampa Giants bit were saved at last moment back in '92.
Same old Jets.
Quote from: katmai on May 29, 2011, 08:28:56 PM
I'll feel bad, for like a second.
But of it doesn't happen will teach Beeb to be more cautious.
This whole thing reminds me of how Baseball Giants almost became the Tampa Giants bit were saved at last moment back in '92.
I'd maybe feel bad a bit too. But Beeb's been a dorkwad lately with the Jets shit.
Quote from: viper37 on May 29, 2011, 08:19:36 PM
Seems like Atlanta found a new prospective owner to keep the Thrashers in place. The annoucement will be delayed...
Quote from: viper37 on May 29, 2011, 08:19:36 PM
Seems like Atlanta found a new prospective owner to keep the Thrashers in place. The annoucement will be delayed...
Yeah, I thought so.
You all keep doubting me when I tell you THIS WILL HAPPEN. Probably on Tuesday.
Quote from: Barrister on May 29, 2011, 11:22:09 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 29, 2011, 08:19:36 PM
Seems like Atlanta found a new prospective owner to keep the Thrashers in place. The annoucement will be delayed...
Yeah, I thought so.
You all keep doubting me when I tell you THIS WILL HAPPEN. Probably on Tuesday.
Which Tuesday? Any particular month?
Quote from: sbr on May 29, 2011, 11:26:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 29, 2011, 11:22:09 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 29, 2011, 08:19:36 PM
Seems like Atlanta found a new prospective owner to keep the Thrashers in place. The annoucement will be delayed...
Yeah, I thought so.
You all keep doubting me when I tell you THIS WILL HAPPEN. Probably on Tuesday.
Which Tuesday? Any particular month?
Tuesday, May 31, 2011. The day before the Stanley Cup Finals. Bettman gives his annual "State of the League" news conference, and rather than be bombarded by embarrassing questions about Atlanta, he'll try to claim victory in "righting a wrong" by bringing the NHL back to Winnipeg.
Quote from: Barrister on May 29, 2011, 11:22:09 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 29, 2011, 08:19:36 PM
Seems like Atlanta found a new prospective owner to keep the Thrashers in place. The annoucement will be delayed...
Link? (
Quote from: viper37 on May 30, 2011, 09:48:14 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 29, 2011, 11:22:09 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 29, 2011, 08:19:36 PM
Seems like Atlanta found a new prospective owner to keep the Thrashers in place. The annoucement will be delayed...
Here's something more recent.
So, by this time tomorrow, either BB will cry of joy or he will cry of pain :)
I hope the Jets come back, really. :)
Quote from: viper37 on May 30, 2011, 12:09:43 PM
So, by this time tomorrow, either BB will cry of joy or he will cry of pain :)
I hope the Jets come back, really. :)
I couldn't care less either way, but I DO want the BB obsession to stop either way :D
Quote from: viper37 on May 30, 2011, 12:09:43 PM
So, by this time tomorrow, either BB will cry of joy or he will cry of pain :)
I hope the Jets come back, really. :)
hmm, I wonder which one it will be:
QuoteNHL announcement imminent for Winnipeg
CBC News Posted: May 30, 2011 11:18 AM CT Last Updated: May 30, 2011 2:22 PM CT Read 67 comments67 Back to accessibility links
Members of the Winnipeg Jets including captain Lars-Erik Sjoberg (centre right) and Joe Daley (centre left) pose for a team photo with the WHA's Avco Cup after the Jets beat the Edmonton Oilers 7-3 in 1979. (Canadian Press) Supporting Story ContentStory Sharing ToolsShare with Add This Print this story E-mail this story
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Return of the NHL
If NHL returns, party at The Forks: mayor
End of Supporting Story ContentBack to accessibility links Beginning of Story ContentHockey fans anxious for word that the NHL is returning to Winnipeg could soon get good news.
CBC News has been told by True North Sports and Entertainment to have technical people ready to set up possibly late Monday for something early Tuesday.
True North has been in negotiations with Atlanta Spirit, the owners of the NHL's Atlanta Thrashers, to move the franchise to Winnipeg. But until now neither organization has hinted a deal was close.
The latest from #gojetsgo
Marwan_vs_Shark RT @NHLWinnipeg: True North has told the media to get ready for a big announcement tomorrow!! Is that a good enough source? #gojetsgo 13 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
JReischek RT @nhlwinnipeg: True North has told the media to get ready for a big announcement tomorrow!! Is that a good enough source? #gojetsgo 10 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
michaeljdyck RT @NHLWinnipeg: True North has told the media to get ready for a big announcement tomorrow!! Is that a good enough source? #gojetsgo 48 seconds ago · reply · retweet · favorite
Aisling_HkyMom RT @RSudsy: Ohhh, the Tuesday after THAT long weekend! #gojetsgo #MemorialDay 35 seconds ago · reply · retweet · favorite
MacsTheWord RT @elishadacey: Uh, #Winnipeg, no press conference has been announced or confirmed, especially no confirmed time or location yet. Calm down. #nhl #gojetsgo 20 seconds ago · reply · retweet · favorite
Join the conversation Paul Jordan, chief operating officer at The Forks, told CBC News he has been told to have the popular meeting place ready for a party on Tuesday.
Jordan said he'll be given four hours official notice but he is already getting everything ready, trying to prepare for something spontaneous.
"That's exactly what we're dealing with. So we've got talent on hold, we've got you know, the stage on hold, we've got television screens on hold, and we've got DJs on hold. We'll put something together," he said.
Jordan also intends to broadcast the NHL announcement under the canopy by the Forks Market. However, if more than a few thousand people show up, he'll move the party to the larger Scotiabank stage.
The buzz on the Twitter universe Monday reflected the speculation that a formal announcement was near, with some pinpointing the time as 10 a.m. CT on Tuesday.
As well, two of Canada's largest sports networks — TSN and Sportsnet — reported the deal is as good as done.
"The Atlanta Thrashers to Winnipeg situation has narrowed to a point where it's quite possible there could be an announcement as early as Tuesday," stated TSN.
"Lawyers on the Winnipeg side have signed off on the deal and the Atlanta legal team is doing their due diligence today. If they sign off on the deal, the sale will go through, pending league approval.
"If there is no announcement Tuesday, the next likely target would be Thursday."
'We've got talent on hold, we've got you know, the stage on hold, we've got television screens on hold, and we've got DJs on hold.'
—Paul Jordan, COO at The ForksThe report on was nearly identical, stating: "A formal announcement will likely be made on Tuesday that the Atlanta Thrashers are moving to Winnipeg."
Tuesday has been cited as an ideal day because it comes just before the puck drops for the start of the Stanley Cup final series between Vancouver and Boston.
Hundreds of hockey fans converged at Winnipeg's famed downtown intersection of Portage and Main on May 19 after the Globe and Mail initially reported an agreement had been struck.
Since then, speculation has been rampant as to when an announcement might come and it reached a point last week where feverish fans reported seeing NHL commissioner Gary Bettman in the city.
But every sudden spike in expectation has been followed by an equally sudden silence.
Until now.
There are similar stories on a number of news outlets - True North Sports and Entertainment has advised media outlets to be ready for some kind of announcement.
Quote from: Valdemar on May 30, 2011, 12:32:33 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 30, 2011, 12:09:43 PM
So, by this time tomorrow, either BB will cry of joy or he will cry of pain :)
I hope the Jets come back, really. :)
I couldn't care less either way, but I DO want the BB obsession to stop either way :D
Why would it stop? :huh:
It's just that I'll actually be a normal fan, worried about goals and trades, rather than watching bond market reports and Glendale City Council meetings.
Last chance guys to get on the bandwagon before it becomes official. :cool:
I was always on it with you mate!
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 30, 2011, 05:35:02 PM
I was always on it with you mate!
QuoteUpdated: May 30, 2011, 5:56 PM ET
Thrashers' sale could be done this weekEmail Print Comments10 Associated Press
ATLANTA -- The Atlanta Thrashers' sale to a group which would move the team to Winnipeg could be complete this week, possibly as early as Tuesday.
The Thrashers' owners are in negotiations with True North Sports and Entertainment, which would relocate the team to Winnipeg.
The Stanley Cup final between Boston and Vancouver begins on Wednesday. The NHL would prefer the Thrashers' sale is announced on a day there is no hockey.
Still, NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly told The Associated Press on Monday there is no strict rule against releasing big news during the final.
Daly said he couldn't say if the sale could be announced as soon as Tuesday, but "It's certainly possible something will be finalized this week."
Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press
Quote from: Barrister on May 30, 2011, 03:24:13 PM
Why would it stop? :huh:
It's just that I'll actually be a normal fan, worried about goals and trades, rather than watching bond market reports and Glendale City Council meetings.
When you're actually talking about the game of hockey rather than the business of hockey, your posts in this thread might be worth reading again.
It's the end of the playoffs. It's pretty much all business from now on. The interesting games in the season are done with.
The period between about game 65-70 of the regular season and the third round of the playoffs is one of the best times in all of pro sports, with only the run up to the NFL playoffs through the Superbowl being any kind of competition. So many situations. Anything can happen. Everyone playing their hearts out. Next to that, the Finals themselves are an anticlimax. Especially when it's two blah teams in there, like Detroit-Pittsburgh or Vancouver-Boston.
I have to agree with Neil.
Unless, of course, it's your team in the finals :)
Quote from: Jacob on May 30, 2011, 07:40:04 PM
Unless, of course, it's your team in the finals :)
I would have preferred the Lightning against Vancouver. Now, it's a no-brainer I have to support to Vancouver. Everyone around me will support the 'Nucks. No one to tease :(
Quote from: Jacob on May 30, 2011, 07:40:04 PM
Unless, of course, it's your team in the finals :)
Perhaps. At any rate, it's the terrible, hateful bandwagon Canucks vs. the Bruins, whose only claim to loathsomeness is some goonery and Tim.
Quote from: Jacob on May 30, 2011, 06:36:58 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 30, 2011, 03:24:13 PM
Why would it stop? :huh:
It's just that I'll actually be a normal fan, worried about goals and trades, rather than watching bond market reports and Glendale City Council meetings.
When you're actually talking about the game of hockey rather than the business of hockey, your posts in this thread might be worth reading again.
You wound me sir. :rolleyes:
Don't let these spoilsports rain on your parade, BB. They just hatin'.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 30, 2011, 10:19:46 PM
Don't let these spoilsports rain on your parade, BB. They just hatin'.
And that's it - the bandwagon is officially closed. It's happening tomorrow morning. :cool:
Only 10hrs to go :)
11am press conference.
Ah, it ain't done yet. There's still time to move the team to Seattle ;)
A very good, but not 100% infallible, source said they will be the Manitoba Polar Bears.
Alright, today I will be interested in what happens with the Thrashers.
I hope they go to Winnipeg. It would be the right thing. The only other places that would be acceptable are Quebec and maybe Hartford.
In any case, here's hoping your 99.9% certainty delivers beeb :cheers:
Quote from: Jacob on May 31, 2011, 09:51:04 AM
Alright, today I will be interested in what happens with the Thrashers.
I hope they go to Winnipeg. It would be the right thing. The only other places that would be acceptable are Quebec and maybe Hartford.
In any case, here's hoping your 99.9% certainty delivers beeb :cheers:
Why do you doubt me Jacob? :wacko:
Here's a picture of the press conference set-up.
Here's the announcement on friggin
QuoteWinnipeg group calls Tuesday press conferenceTuesday, 05.31.2011 / 8:24 AM / News 518
Share True North Sports and Entertainment, the ownership group reported to be in negotiations to purchase the Atlanta Thrashers and relocate the team to Winnipeg for the 2011-12 NHL season, has called a Tuesday press conference to make a "significant community announcement."
The media event will take place at noon ET at the MTS Centre arena in Winnipeg. and NHL Network will carry the press conference live.
This is happening. In one hour. There can be no doubt.
:yeah: :yeah: :yeah:
Quote from: Barrister on May 31, 2011, 09:33:54 AM
A very good, but not 100% infallible, source said they will be the Manitoba Polar Bears.
That's a fucking terrible name.
Manitoba Polar Bears? That's the worst thing I've ever heard.
Quote from: Barrister on May 31, 2011, 09:33:54 AM
A very good, but not 100% infallible, source said they will be the Manitoba Polar Bears.
Holy fucking shit. That is the worst name since the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim.
Where is your announce....oh damn, well Grats on team back in the Peg, but I hope you are wrong on the name as that Is pretty awful.
Quote from: katmai on May 31, 2011, 11:58:19 AM
Where is your announce....oh damn, well Grats on team back in the Peg, but I hope you are wrong on the name as that Is pretty awful.
I don't think it's that awful, and is significantly less awful than Thrashers or Wild (or Mighty Ducks), but no, it's not the name I want.
with the excpetion of the ducks the other two examples at least roll off the tongue well. Manitoba Polar Bears has too many hard stops. My jestly proposed 'squitos even sound better.
I'd be fine with the Manitoba Threshers.
Manitoba Jets, or Winnipeg Jets. The old logo seems fine to me, but it could change, be refreshed to more modern tones.
Disney presents 'THE MOUNTIES'.
The Mighty Mounties of Manitoba?
Employers across the city are letting employees go home early to catch the 5 o'clock start. Damn East Coast pussies cant stay up late enough for a normal start time.
Interesting little story about Thrashers GM Rick Dudley.
This is probably the next piece of the story to develop - before even the name. At the press conference Mark Chipman spoke highly of Rick Dudley, said he knew him for over 10 years from his time in the IHL and AHL. And some knd of continuity in the organization is vital, especially with the draft just a few weeks away.
But Chipman spoke even more highly of current Moose GM Craig Heisenger, and said Heisenger's role in the new organization would be "vital". So could Heisenger be some form of "VP Hockey Development", with GM Dudley reporting to him? Perhaps.
And I knew that Dudley, way back when, played for the Jets. What I didn't know until yesterday is that during that 30 game stint he wore #99. :lol:
I so want a Manitoba jersey with #99 Dudley on the back. :cool:
Dont you have your own thread to talk about this now?
This is thread is for interesting teams who have a chance to win the Cup. You know the game that is going to be played tonight.
nervous excitement across the city today. I understand but do not like the 2-3-1-1 format for the final... it's not as much of a home ice advantage for the team who deserves it (better record) It's really only a home ice advantage if it goes 7 games.... But I understand it's hella travel time etc. Though that said it's a bunch of millionaires who do understand "manning up" to play games with not much rest etc. and they've both had either a week or almost a week to rest for the series.
still though I predict the Canucks in 5 or 6 hard edged games
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 01, 2011, 12:06:54 PM
Dont you have your own thread to talk about this now?
This is thread is for interesting teams who have a chance to win the Cup. You know the game that is going to be played tonight.
That thread is my gloating thread. :cool:
This thread is for discussing anything NHL related. So I brought up who Manitoba's next GM might be. Manitoba has an NHL team now, so that's fair game. :P
And when are you going to acknowledge how horribly wrong you were about this? :nelson:
And so is all this talk about Maholtra just a smokescreen to cover the rest of the team from the media? They're not seriously going to let him play are they?
Buddha, I think they are using the normal 2-2-1-1-1 format for this series. The other option would be a 2-3-2 format. Nobody would use the format you set out because the away team would be getting four games.
BB, like I told you in the thread you should be posting your Jet Fanboism posts - I have not yet been shown to be wrong.
Why not? if he's cleared to play. If he's ready. we need him.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 01, 2011, 12:30:40 PM
Buddha, I think they are using the normal 2-2-1-1-1 format for this series. The other option would be a 2-3-2 format. Nobody would use the format you set out because the away team would be getting four games.
BB, like I told you in the thread you should be posting your Jet Fanboism posts - I have not yet been shown to be wrong.
ahh they are going 2-2-1-1-1 much better (teach me to use the first google link I found.) :p
Quote from: Barrister on June 01, 2011, 12:29:19 PM
And so is all this talk about Maholtra just a smokescreen to cover the rest of the team from the media?
Probably and a brilliant move at that. It sure reduced the media spotlight on the rest of the team.
Also, it forced Boston to plan for what they might do if he does actually play rather than focusing their time on more fruitful things.
The media is now reporting he will not be playing in game one.
Prices for tickets are crazy. Reserving the chance to buy a game 7 ticket will cost you 7,500. Ticket brokers are about to recover the losses they suffered during the olympics...
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 01, 2011, 12:30:40 PM
Buddha, I think they are using the normal 2-2-1-1-1 format for this series. The other option would be a 2-3-2 format. Nobody would use the format you set out because the away team would be getting four games.
BB, like I told you in the thread you should be posting your Jet Fanboism posts - I have not yet been shown to be wrong.
That's the same reasoning the crazy old man carrying a sign saying "The End Is Near" uses. :wacko:
Quote from: Barrister on June 01, 2011, 12:39:34 PM
That's the same reasoning the crazy old man carrying a sign saying "The End Is Near" uses. :wacko:
Ironic post given your almost religious zeal and faith that the Jets will ultimately be a successful hockey franchise.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 01, 2011, 12:47:43 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 01, 2011, 12:39:34 PM
That's the same reasoning the crazy old man carrying a sign saying "The End Is Near" uses. :wacko:
Ironic post given your almost religious zeal and faith that the Jets will ultimately be a successful hockey franchise.
I was always a Jets fan, but I didn't always believe.
But a few years ago when I saw some projections of the numbers, when I saw who was involved, when I learned what the plan was - then I knew it would happen.
I kept the title "I believe" for a year now - ever since we almost got the Coyotes in 2010. But it was perhaps the wrong word, for it wasn't blind faith. I knew it would work,, and that the NHL would have to turn to us eventually.
CC has moved on BB. He is now saying your team will always suck and will eventually fail.
Quote from: Valmy on June 01, 2011, 01:02:42 PM
CC has moved on BB. He is now saying your team will always suck and will eventually fail.
There will only be one Vancouver-Manitoba game next year, but you know it'll be a good one on Languish. :menace:
Quote from: Valmy on June 01, 2011, 01:02:42 PM
He is now saying your team will always suck and will eventually fail.
If you can find my first post responding to BB's fanboism I am pretty sure that is exactly what I said then as well.
Quote from: Barrister on June 01, 2011, 01:04:23 PM
Quote from: Valmy on June 01, 2011, 01:02:42 PM
CC has moved on BB. He is now saying your team will always suck and will eventually fail.
There will only be one Vancouver-Manitoba game next year, but you know it'll be a good one on Languish. :menace:
And this time it wont be in training camp when the farm team players try to make it to the big league.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 01, 2011, 01:06:12 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 01, 2011, 01:04:23 PM
Quote from: Valmy on June 01, 2011, 01:02:42 PM
CC has moved on BB. He is now saying your team will always suck and will eventually fail.
There will only be one Vancouver-Manitoba game next year, but you know it'll be a good one on Languish. :menace:
And this time it wont be in training camp when the farm team players try to make it to the big league.
If that was a shot, it's a rather poor one. :huh: Of course Manitoba used to be Vancouver's farm team - but not anymore.
Have you heard anything about what vancouver is going to do? I understand the Moose will be Manitoba's new farm team, perhaps playing out of St. John's.
Quote from: Barrister on June 01, 2011, 01:15:11 PM
Have you heard anything about what vancouver is going to do? I understand the Moose will be Manitoba's new farm team, perhaps playing out of St. John's.
We are too busy worrying about winning the Cup to think about such things. Like all other sane hockey fans we understand what should be discussed in the off season and what should be discussed 6 hours before the puck is dropped in game 1 of the final.
Nobody cares about the final. The excitig part of the season ended when Tampa was eliminated, and even the Western Conference finals were blah.
Boston - Vancouver tonight.
I'm thinking Vancouver, either 6 or 7.
Quote from: viper37 on June 01, 2011, 01:47:34 PM
Boston - Vancouver tonight.
I'm thinking Vancouver, either 6 or 7.
People around here are talking sweep or at most 5. Lots of confidence. Lots of pressure.
Quote from: viper37 on June 01, 2011, 01:47:34 PM
Boston - Vancouver tonight.
I'm thinking Vancouver, either 6 or 7.
Lets hope not.
Hating Vancouver isnt going to make living in the armpit of Alberta any more bearable.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 01, 2011, 01:18:06 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 01, 2011, 01:15:11 PM
Have you heard anything about what vancouver is going to do? I understand the Moose will be Manitoba's new farm team, perhaps playing out of St. John's.
We are too busy worrying about winning the Cup to think about such things. Like all other sane hockey fans we understand what should be discussed in the off season and what should be discussed 6 hours before the puck is dropped in game 1 of the final.
All the hockey fans I know that aren't Canucks or Bruins fans are already in off-season mode, and talking about who to draft, what free agents to sign, what the schedule would be, and 'oh yeah, I guess the final is on' as an afterthought. :huh:
I'm trying to pull for Vancouver, but you sure are making it hard... :(
Quote from: Barrister on June 01, 2011, 02:04:03 PM
All the hockey fans I know
Since the CBC ratings are going up (over 10 million watched game 5 of the Western Final) I can only assume the hockey fans you know are Jet fanbois like yourself and so cannot be reasoned with.
Besides you are also in Edmonton. Two strikes.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 01, 2011, 01:58:31 PM
Hating Vancouver isnt going to make living in the armpit of Alberta any more bearable.
Quit being so poor.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 01, 2011, 02:07:25 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 01, 2011, 02:04:03 PM
All the hockey fans I know
Since the CBC ratings are going up (over 10 million watched game 5 of the Western Final) I can only assume the hockey fans you know are Jet fanbois like yourself and so cannot be reasoned with.
Besides you are also in Edmonton. Two strikes.
Oh, between a Canadian team and an original Six team I am sure CBC will do very well in the ratings. Hell I'll probably even watch bits and pieces of the series.
It doesn't mean that hockey fans outside of the lower mainland are focused on the series to the exclusion of nothing else. In Edmonton they're more focused on who they should draft for #1. Calgary fans are wondering what off-season moves to make. and well in Winnipeg... :D
Quote from: Barrister on June 01, 2011, 02:04:03 PM
All the hockey fans I know that aren't Canucks or Bruins fans are already in off-season mode, and talking about who to draft, what free agents to sign, what the schedule would be, and 'oh yeah, I guess the final is on' as an afterthought. :huh:
I'm trying to pull for Vancouver, but you sure are making it hard... :(
Really? I always figured the Stanley Cup finals was the Canadian Super Bowl. Everybody watches even if you do not really care who wins.
Quote from: Valmy on June 01, 2011, 02:23:21 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 01, 2011, 02:04:03 PM
All the hockey fans I know that aren't Canucks or Bruins fans are already in off-season mode, and talking about who to draft, what free agents to sign, what the schedule would be, and 'oh yeah, I guess the final is on' as an afterthought. :huh:
I'm trying to pull for Vancouver, but you sure are making it hard... :(
Really? I always figured the Stanley Cup finals was the Canadian Super Bowl. Everybody watches even if you do not really care who wins.
Not quite.
As CC points out, they do get very good ratings. But it's spread out over 4-7 nights (or afternoons :bleeding:), so it's not that one single event that everyone watches. It also depends who is in it - two American, non original six teams will get terrible ratings.
The single biggest tv event in Canada is actually the Grey Cup.
Woot, something BB and I agree on.
And the Moose are indeed off to St. John's, apparently.
How many minor teams has St. Johns had?
It's starting... Vancouver is on fire!
QuoteThat's a fucking terrible name.
QuoteManitoba Polar Bears? That's the worst thing I've ever heard.
QuoteHoly fucking shit. That is the worst name since the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim.
I think it's a fine name. It's nice to be able to honor a future extinct species due to the Chinese and Republican energy policies.
The Boston goalie is having a lights-out 3rd, but his mates aren't doing him any favors.
And I totally jinxed the poor bastard.
Thomas was amazing. That was anybody's game, glad the Canucks got the win but damn that was too close for comfort.
I think what's really relevant here is the superiority of Quebec coaches. :frog:
Anyone care to give a little more detail? I understand our single dane did well?
Quote from: Valdemar on June 02, 2011, 07:35:30 AM
Anyone care to give a little more detail? I understand our single dane did well?
The game was intensive, 69 shots on goal (about even for each side) but it was 0-0 until the last 19 secondes of the 3rd period when Raffi Torres (Vancouver) shot, and scored. There's been a lot of penalties, wich is unusual for a playoff game.|NHL|home
Quote from: Valdemar on June 02, 2011, 07:35:30 AM
Anyone care to give a little more detail? I understand our single dane did well?
Jannik Hansen played a great game. His third line was the difference maker in the game, and he assisted Raffi Torres on the winning goal. Hansen also came up big with a couple big hits, one on Ferrence of the Bruins that rocked him pretty hard. Hansen is one of the fastest players on both teams and the Bruins couldn't handle his speed and drive. He was one of the better players for both teams and he has played well for the Canucks all playoffs long.
Quote from: Valdemar on June 02, 2011, 07:35:30 AM
Anyone care to give a little more detail? I understand our single dane did well?
He has had a very good playoff run. He doesnt have a lot of stats to show for his great play (although last night's assist was obviously huge) but his speed really breaks down the opposition which does two very important things:
1) It tires the other team down a lot as they try to keep up with him. Often times the opposing defencemen have to come off immediately after facing him - which is a really big deal when playing a team without a deep defence.
2) He opens up a lot of ice for his team mates which leads directly very good scoring chances. Last night is a good example. His line had a chance to score a few goals - The Bruins goalie just made some amazing saves - until the game winner.
And team speed is really what is going to win this series for the Canucks. Coach V made a great decision going for speed in last night's lineup. The Bruins just can't keep up. The only thing that stopped last night from being a blow out was the Bruin's goalie.
Quote from: PRC on June 02, 2011, 10:48:23 AM
Quote from: Valdemar on June 02, 2011, 07:35:30 AM
Anyone care to give a little more detail? I understand our single dane did well?
Jannik Hansen played a great game. His third line was the difference maker in the game, and he assisted Raffi Torres on the winning goal. Hansen also came up big with a couple big hits, one on Ferrence of the Bruins that rocked him pretty hard. Hansen is one of the fastest players on both teams and the Bruins couldn't handle his speed and drive. He was one of the better players for both teams and he has played well for the Canucks all playoffs long.
Yeah, he had an all-around great game. And he was the one Canuck that didn't have to bite anybody.
Wait - CdM watched a hockey game? :huh:
Good on the 'Nucks for winning, but the part I was most interested in was Mark Chipman on Coach's Corner. :)
In one of the few definitive things he has said since Tuesday was that no, they would not bring the picture of the Queen from the old winnipeg Arena back. :( Grapes seemed upset, but McLean cut him off. Grapes also pressed him on the "Jets" name.
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2011, 11:48:20 AM
Wait - CdM watched a hockey game? :huh:
It's not a hockey game, it's the Stanley Cup Finals. Even I'm not that philistine.
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2011, 11:48:20 AM
In one of the few definitive things he has said since Tuesday was that no, they would not bring the picture of the Queen from the old winnipeg Arena back. :( Grapes seemed upset, but McLean cut him off. Grapes also pressed him on the "Jets" name.
Canadians and their Monarchs... such a great mistery to me...
Quote from: viper37 on June 02, 2011, 12:33:28 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2011, 11:48:20 AM
In one of the few definitive things he has said since Tuesday was that no, they would not bring the picture of the Queen from the old winnipeg Arena back. :( Grapes seemed upset, but McLean cut him off. Grapes also pressed him on the "Jets" name.
Canadians and their Monarchs... such a great mistery to me...
Her Majesty hung in the rafters of Winnipeg Arena how a great many number of years. It's a party of Winnipeg hockey tradition.
I didnt see the interview. Sounds like they should have let Grapes dig into the guy a bit.
Damn, I missed it. Congrats BB.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 02, 2011, 12:36:00 PM
I didnt see the interview. Sounds like they should have let Grapes dig into the guy a bit.
June 1st Coach's Corner. Nah, they had it about right. Mark Chipman brought back a team to Winnipeg - he deserves not to get pestered by the media for a few days. Grapes being Grapes he got a few shots off someone else wouldn't be able to, but the balance was about right.
If the name isn't going to be Jets they better announce it soon, as the public pressure is just going to keep growing the longer the team name is up in the air...
New Jets have sold 4170 season tickets as of 20 minutes ago. Just over half of Moose ST holders have been allowed to order. Tickets don't do on sale to the general public till Saturday.
Should get to 13,000 no problem. :)
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2011, 04:50:06 PM
Should get to 13,000 no problem. :)
This year, sure.
Quote from: Zoupa on June 02, 2011, 04:56:52 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2011, 04:50:06 PM
Should get to 13,000 no problem. :)
This year, sure.
They're all 3-5 year commitments. :)
TNSE is being pretty smakrt (in my opinion). They're trying to create a sense similar to Toronto or Montreal - that if you don't have season tickets, you won't be able to get into games. They want there to be a waiting list for season tickets, and people to feel like if they give them up, they'll never get them back again.
So far it seems like it's working. You're right we won't know until at least 2014-2016.
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2011, 12:34:53 PM
Her Majesty hung in the rafters of Winnipeg Arena how a great many number of years. It's a party of Winnipeg hockey tradition.
Nothing wrong with changing traditions once in a while ;)
QuoteHer Majesty hung in the rafters
I always knew Liz was a wild child.
No, I'm not reading this thread.
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2011, 05:15:33 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on June 02, 2011, 04:56:52 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2011, 04:50:06 PM
Should get to 13,000 no problem. :)
This year, sure.
They're all 3-5 year commitments. :)
TNSE is being pretty smakrt (in my opinion). They're trying to create a sense similar to Toronto or Montreal - that if you don't have season tickets, you won't be able to get into games. They want there to be a waiting list for season tickets, and people to feel like if they give them up, they'll never get them back again.
So far it seems like it's working. You're right we won't know until at least 2014-2016.
3 to 5 years season tickets? Holy shit dude. That's some major cash. I assume it's paid in yearly installments.
Quote from: Zoupa on June 02, 2011, 05:19:04 PM
3 to 5 years season tickets? Holy shit dude. That's some major cash. I assume it's paid in yearly installments.
Half today, the other half when the pre-season starts, IIRC. It ranges from 1700$ to 5800$ per year, if I'm not mistaken... Only the 2 or 3 less costly options are available for half seasons.
Quote from: Zoupa on June 02, 2011, 05:19:04 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2011, 05:15:33 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on June 02, 2011, 04:56:52 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2011, 04:50:06 PM
Should get to 13,000 no problem. :)
This year, sure.
They're all 3-5 year commitments. :)
TNSE is being pretty smakrt (in my opinion). They're trying to create a sense similar to Toronto or Montreal - that if you don't have season tickets, you won't be able to get into games. They want there to be a waiting list for season tickets, and people to feel like if they give them up, they'll never get them back again.
So far it seems like it's working. You're right we won't know until at least 2014-2016.
3 to 5 years season tickets? Holy shit dude. That's some major cash. I assume it's paid in yearly installments.
Yup. :) You sign a contract promising to buy the tickets for 3-5 years (depending on the section). The price is due each year (though payment plans are available!).
They're being smart, albeit agressive. They started the season ticket drive in the midst of the press conference announcing the team. And they're being pretty clear that they need to sell out each and every game (albeit a sellout is 15,000) in order to make this work.
Quote from: viper37 on June 02, 2011, 05:21:49 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on June 02, 2011, 05:19:04 PM
3 to 5 years season tickets? Holy shit dude. That's some major cash. I assume it's paid in yearly installments.
Half today, the other half when the pre-season starts, IIRC. It ranges from 1700$ to 5800$ per year, if I'm not mistaken... Only the 2 or 3 less costly options are available for half seasons.
Not quite.
Desposit today. Then they will hold that desposit for as long as you have season tickets (no interest). Then the full amount (with no credit for your deposit) in a couple of months.
It's asking a lot. I think every game would sell out in Canada in any case even with 50% of the arena being season tickets.
QuoteEDMONTON - Edmonton Oiler Gilbert Brule and his girlfriend picked up an unusual hitchhiker in West Vancouver on Tuesday — U2 frontman Bono.
Brule and girlfriend Kelsey Nichols were driving to a park to walk Bella, their German shepherd, on Tuesday afternoon near the West Vancouver Yacht club when they spotted a couple of hitchhikers on the side of the road.
Brule, watching out the window, was sure one of them was Bono.
Nichols, who was driving, didn't believe him, because, really, why would Bono be hitchhiking in West Van?
"I didn't want to stop, but they waved and G yelled 'that's Bono'," Nichols said Wednesday night at Commonwealth Stadium. "I didn't believe him so I kept driving."
The couple went on, a short distance anyway, all the while Brule trying to convince Nichols to turn around. Eventually, she agreed.
The hitchhikers were still there when they drove up, so they yelled out: "Bono!"
He waved and walked over to their truck.
The Irishman, who indeed was Bono, asked if they could give him and his assistant a lift to Horseshoe Bay. Of course, Brule and Nichols obliged.
Turns out, he and his assistant had gone out for a walk when it started to rain, just before Brule and Nichols happened upon them.
On the drive to Horseshoe Bay, Bono and his assistant sat in the back with the couple's dog. The four chatted about Brule's hockey career, about Dublin and Bono's apparent love for Vancouver.
Bono mentioned that his band was playing a show in Edmonton on Wednesday and asked if they'd like to go.
So Brule and Nichols sold their tickets for Game 1 of the Stanley Cup finals, bought plane tickets (three, so Brule's mom could come too) and flew back to Edmonton, where Brule is a forward for the Oilers.
Bono got them backstage passes to say thanks for the ride.
On Nichols's pass, he wrote: "Thanks for the ride."
On Brule's pass, he wrote: "My hero Gilbert."
It was the strangest thing.
"We go to walk our dog and Bono ends up in our car," Brule said.
Bono paid tribute to the favour onstage during Wednesday's concert.
"I like ice hockey because people who play ice hockey are the kind of people who pick up hitchhikers," Bono told the crowd.
"I'm ever so grateful. I've decided that I want to be Gilbert Brule."
Quote from: Zoupa on June 02, 2011, 05:26:12 PM
It's asking a lot. I think every game would sell out in Canada in any case even with 50% of the arena being season tickets.
They are being praised for the number of different financing options they are providing to pay for the tickets overtime.
And no, walk up business is only good for certain teams. You need to have a large number of season ticket holders to create the sense of scarcity so that going to the game becomes a prestigous event.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 03, 2011, 02:18:29 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on June 02, 2011, 05:26:12 PM
It's asking a lot. I think every game would sell out in Canada in any case even with 50% of the arena being season tickets.
They are being praised for the number of different financing options they are providing to pay for the tickets overtime.
And no, walk up business is only good for certain teams. You need to have a large number of season ticket holders to create the sense of scarcity so that going to the game becomes a prestigous event.
It's all about mindset. If you know you can get tickets at the door, you probably won't buy tickets in advance. And when it turns out that it's a Tuesday game against, say, Nashville, and your team is in a 10 game losing streak, you say "fuck it" and don't go.
But if you know tickets are hard to come by, you bought your tickets well in advance, and you're still going to go to the game.
Apparently there will be 1000 or less tickets reserved for individual sale.
I'm planning on flying home to see a game next year. I'm definitely going to have to hit up stubhub.
Quote from: Barrister on June 03, 2011, 02:36:13 PM
there will be 1000 or less tickets reserved for individual sale.
I'm planning on flying home to see a game next year. I'm definitely going to have to hit up stubhub.
Damn with so few tickets the flight may be the cheap part.
Quote from: Valmy on June 03, 2011, 02:45:30 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 03, 2011, 02:36:13 PM
there will be 1000 or less tickets reserved for individual sale.
I'm planning on flying home to see a game next year. I'm definitely going to have to hit up stubhub.
Damn with so few tickets the flight may be the cheap part.
I don't think it'll be too bad.
First I do have friends in the 'Peg - I'll have to see if any have seasons tickets. But even if not, people are buying seasons tickets because they want to be able to go to games, but not necessarily all 41 games. I'm pretty confident people will be selling some.
Plus, I think my cousin has at least an outside shot at being the play by play man for the new team. He's been doing baseball play by play in Winnipeg for years and has a history and background in hockey... :shifty:
7,158 season tickets sold as of 4:30 CDT. They're half way to their goal of 13,000...
...and tickets don't go on sale to the general public until noon on Saturday. :ph34r:
I envy Saddam. He isn't exposed to the Jets.
Whatever happened to:
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 02, 2011, 05:17:19 PM
No, I'm not reading this thread.
I'm bored.
Awwww, the Vancouver green men are afraid to go to Boston. :lol:
Good. I'd shiv those bastards if I saw them in Edmonton.
Quote from: Neil on June 03, 2011, 05:02:56 PM
Good. I'd shiv those bastards if I saw them in Edmonton.
Please don't. I'd hate to have to prosecute you. :(
Buy him off with jets tickets!
Quote from: Barrister on June 03, 2011, 05:03:30 PM
Quote from: Neil on June 03, 2011, 05:02:56 PM
Good. I'd shiv those bastards if I saw them in Edmonton.
Please don't. I'd hate to have to prosecute you. :(
I was provoked. They were coming right for me. I thought they were a bear, or an owl or something.
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 03, 2011, 05:11:06 PM
Buy him off with jets tickets!
No, I'd want to get in front of a jury. I'm pretty sure an Edmonton jury would let me walk if I was killing a Canucks fan.
The amount of Bruins flags and signs I've seen on cars around town is a little shocking.
BB, how would you rate the competitiveness of the Winnipeg Jets for next year?
The timing seems to be awfully short to recruit free agents and sign new recruits, they will probably have to live with the choices of the Thrashers, wich I hear, was dubious, at best...
Quote from: viper37 on June 03, 2011, 05:15:49 PM
BB, how would you rate the competitiveness of the Winnipeg Jets for next year?
The timing seems to be awfully short to recruit free agents and sign new recruits, they will probably have to live with the choices of the Thrashers, wich I hear, was dubious, at best...
The current GM, Rick Dudley, seems to have made some solid picks since he took over. Winnipeg has a young team, with a lot of upside. Lots of reviews saying we got a better team than Phoenix, for example. Byfuglien, Burmistrov, Kane are all young talents with lots of upside.
Atlanta was also 29th in overall salary in the league. Chipman has made it clear they will not spend to the salary cap, but instead will be a mid-level team for overall salary. So there's some money in the budget to keep players, but they're not going to be a huge spash in the Free Agent market.
But of course I do believe that I have never, ever seen an Atlanta Thrashers game, so I can't offer a whole lot of opinion here. Last year I made a point of watching Coyotes games to try and get to know that team. :blush:
And Atlanta was in a position to make it into the playoffs, only to fade and go into a losing streak in the final two months. They don't have far to go.
So in other words, these will NOT be like the 1980 Jets, who after being stripped of all their best players once entering the NHL, set all-time records in futility and losing. :yeah:
I'd assume the franchise does a maximum effort and gets into the playoffs. And gets thrashed in the first round.
And despite my Beeb-baiting (the sport of Kings), I hope the jets get into the playoffs.
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 03, 2011, 05:50:48 PM
I'd assume the franchise does a maximum effort and gets into the playoffs. And gets thrashed in the first round.
I dunno - if there was ever a time when a team could suck, and suck a lot, it would be the Jets (I'm going to call them the Jets until and unless a new name is announced) in their first year back since 1996.
Quote from: Ed Anger
And despite my Beeb-baiting (the sport of Kings), I hope the jets get into the playoffs.
If you're not being bated around here, they just don't like you.
A playoff appearance for the Jets their first year back would be EPIC.
Maybe the franchise would even win it's first ever playoff game. :unsure:
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 03, 2011, 04:55:56 PM
Awwww, the Vancouver green men are afraid to go to Boston. :lol:
But they're going, they got sponsored.
And to beat CC from posting it, Game 1 drew the highest CBC ratings for NHL hockey ever.
But not hugely surprising - a big market Canadian team plus Original Six was always going to do well.
Let's get this thread back on topic:
13 000 season tickets sold as of today. Nice. :)
I feel bad for BB though, being trapped in Edmonton and probably won't be able to see a game live because there won't be any tickets left the few times he goes back to Winnipeg.
Quote from: viper37 on June 04, 2011, 02:52:46 PM
13 000 season tickets sold as of today. Nice. :)
I feel bad for BB though, being trapped in Edmonton and probably won't be able to see a game live because there won't be any tickets left the few times he goes back to Winnipeg.
No tickets from the box office... :shifty:
Wow. I didn't watch it but hell of a nice win Canucks.
Quote from: Valmy on June 04, 2011, 10:13:11 PM
Wow. I didn't watch it but hell of a nice win Canucks.
Good game. The Canucks didn't show up in the 2nd period, but were great otherwise.
So the Jets have declined to keep Rick Dudley, and have apparently offered the GM position to Kevin Cheveldayoff, current Assistant GM of the Chicago Blackhawks, and long-time GM of the Chicago Wolves.
CCR, you have any info on this character?
Man, I love being able to discuss actual hockey news about the Jets... :cool: :cool: :cool:
It's a lot more interesting than the rumours discussion, that's for sure. Looking forward to seeing the Peg play.
Who are the early favourites to being the rival team(s)? I.e. Which teams will the fans hate and savour victories against the most?
I imagine the Canucks, as a reaction to their current success, but will that last? How about the other (and closer) Prairie teams?
Quote from: Jacob on June 06, 2011, 09:59:52 AM
It's a lot more interesting than the rumours discussion, that's for sure. Looking forward to seeing the Peg play.
Who are the early favourites to being the rival team(s)? I.e. Which teams will the fans hate and savour victories against the most?
I imagine the Canucks, as a reaction to their current success, but will that last? How about the other (and closer) Prairie teams?
We'll see. It's all messed up since for 2011-2012 we're playing a lot of games against Tampa, Florida, Carolina and Washington by being part of the southeastern conference. :wacko:
But all of our natural rivals are out west. Historically some of our biggest rivals were the Oilers (in the 80s we had some damn good teams - but then we'd meet Gretzky and the Oilers in the 1st or 2nd round and get slaughtered), Minnesota, then perhaps Chicago and Detroit. Detroit in particular defeated the Jets in their last few playoff appearances. Minnesota is the closest NHL franchise to Winnipeg, so there is a natural rivalry there.
I don't think we have a rivalry like Calgary-Edmonton, or Toronto-Montreal, but we'll do okay.
I'm curious too see:
A: what happens when a popular original Six team or other Canadian team comes to Winnipeg? Back in the day the Habs were practically the home team in Winnipeg, and now we've had a 15 year gap. Will people stick with their old allegiances, or switch back to the Jets?
B: what happens when Winnipeg visits other Canadian cities? Are other Canadians excited about us getting a team and will we be cheered loudly, or does it immediately become business as usual?
Quote from: Barrister on June 06, 2011, 10:41:34 AM
We'll see. It's all messed up since for 2011-2012 we're playing a lot of games against Tampa, Florida, Carolina and Washington by being part of the southeastern conference. :wacko:
The Caps can be their rival BB :menace:
Quote from: Barrister on June 06, 2011, 10:41:34 AM
B: what happens when Winnipeg visits other Canadian cities? Are other Canadians excited about us getting a team and will we be cheered loudly, or does it immediately become business as usual?
They won't visit Quebec city anytime soon ;) , but if I were to go to the Bell Center in Montreal, you can bet I would cheer for the Jets ;)
I never had any particular love or hate for the Jets back in the days. It seemed to me the Nordiques always played against Boston, Montreal or Hartford during playoffs, so these are natural ennemies, except when they were playing the Canadians.
Since I don't have a club of my own anymore, I am not a good representative of the traditional hockey fan. But, heck, I might just adopt the Jets until the Nordiques get back :)
Quote from: viper37 on June 06, 2011, 10:59:38 AM
I never had any particular love or hate for the Jets back in the days. It seemed to me the Nordiques always played against Boston, Montreal or Hartford during playoffs, so these are natural ennemies, except when they were playing the Canadians.
Ah, the good Adams Division times. :blush:
Quote from: Valmy on June 06, 2011, 10:49:24 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 06, 2011, 10:41:34 AM
We'll see. It's all messed up since for 2011-2012 we're playing a lot of games against Tampa, Florida, Carolina and Washington by being part of the southeastern conference. :wacko:
The Caps can be their rival BB :menace:
You and I might be the only ones out there looking forward to a Jets-Caps game. :menace:
Well not quite - the Caps will be a good draw in Winnipeg. It's the Canes, Panthers and Lightning that'll be a tough sell.
Quote from: Barrister on June 06, 2011, 11:27:34 AM
You and I might be the only ones out there looking forward to a Jets-Caps game. :menace:
We should get a good idea when that will be when the schedule gets released in the next couple weeks. At least I usually see the schedule in early July sometime.
Quote from: Valmy on June 06, 2011, 11:42:02 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 06, 2011, 11:27:34 AM
You and I might be the only ones out there looking forward to a Jets-Caps game. :menace:
We should get a good idea when that will be when the schedule gets released in the next couple weeks. At least I usually see the schedule in early July sometime.
We're in the same conference, there will be, what, 4? 6? such matchups. :wacko:
Quote from: Barrister on June 06, 2011, 11:43:17 AM
We're in the same conference, there will be, what, 4? 6? such matchups. :wacko:
Same division so three in the frozen north and three in Obamaville.
Quote from: Barrister on June 06, 2011, 10:41:34 AM
Quote from: Jacob on June 06, 2011, 09:59:52 AM
It's a lot more interesting than the rumours discussion, that's for sure. Looking forward to seeing the Peg play.
Who are the early favourites to being the rival team(s)? I.e. Which teams will the fans hate and savour victories against the most?
I imagine the Canucks, as a reaction to their current success, but will that last? How about the other (and closer) Prairie teams?
We'll see. It's all messed up since for 2011-2012 we're playing a lot of games against Tampa, Florida, Carolina and Washington by being part of the southeastern conference. :wacko:
But all of our natural rivals are out west. Historically some of our biggest rivals were the Oilers (in the 80s we had some damn good teams - but then we'd meet Gretzky and the Oilers in the 1st or 2nd round and get slaughtered), Minnesota, then perhaps Chicago and Detroit. Detroit in particular defeated the Jets in their last few playoff appearances. Minnesota is the closest NHL franchise to Winnipeg, so there is a natural rivalry there.
I don't think we have a rivalry like Calgary-Edmonton, or Toronto-Montreal, but we'll do okay.
I'm curious too see:
A: what happens when a popular original Six team or other Canadian team comes to Winnipeg? Back in the day the Habs were practically the home team in Winnipeg, and now we've had a 15 year gap. Will people stick with their old allegiances, or switch back to the Jets?
B: what happens when Winnipeg visits other Canadian cities? Are other Canadians excited about us getting a team and will we be cheered loudly, or does it immediately become business as usual?
I sure am happy about not having to watch 2 games being played in Atlanta. I can tell you that.
2 Years ago the Habs played in Boston a game that felt like a home game. So there's no way of knowing.
BY the way CC, if you eevr stop trolling me and decide to look at the numbers for the New Jets, here's a pretty good summary:
Money quote:
QuoteWhile we know because of the bankruptcy process that the Phoenix Coyotes made only $13.33-million in ticket revenues the year before they went into bankruptcy, the yet to be named Winnipeg franchise would bring in $1.23-million per home game at their $82 average ticket price.
With the dollar basically at par, that means they would make roughly $50-million on regular-season ticket sales alone, $37-million more than Phoenix made in the year before court proceedings made their attendance situation far worse.
That's the type of gap there is between a really struggling franchise like the Coyotes and what the Return of the Jets has generated in Winnipeg.
Leaguewide gate receipt information isn't widely available, but estimates put Winnipeg in the top six or seven in terms of projected ticket revenue. While the city's smaller building and business community may mean they fall into the middle of the pack in terms of overall revenues, they will still fare far better than many of the league's most troubled markets.
And that doesn't even include the real estate angle I mentioned before.
The real estate angle has no impact on whether the Jets will succeed financially. Its just a hedge against the owners losing money.
The real issue will be whether they can get all these season ticket holders to renew after a few losing seasons have passed and the euphoria has died down.
That is when we will know if the Jets are there for the long haul or not.
On many levels.
Vancouver can barely win at home and gets smoked on the road. game 5 (yes i'm ignoring 4 lol) shall be interesting.
lol i love thomas
Wow. Just wow. Now let's see if the Bruins can carry over this insane momentum...
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on June 06, 2011, 10:02:53 PM
Wow. Just wow. Now let's see if the Bruins can carry over this insane momentum...
Score too much one get an you seem to get screwed over the next. like hockey karma or something. Feel bad for Loungo. not sure why he wasn't pulled on the 5th goal (i understand why he started the 3rd, but no reason to keep him in for the slaughter)
that game had most of the things I hate about hockey.
Why the league doesnt stop goonery in the game is beyond me. Perhaps they are trying to appeal to the UFC crowd.
The Bruins are doomed.
«Ce qui est encourageant, c'est que nous avons enfin pu percer le mystère que représentait (Roberto) Luongo et avons trouvé une façon de marquer contre lui. Alors ça fait certainement du bien à notre confiance.»
Partial translation:
At last, we cracked the Luongo mistery and we have found a way to score against him.
I remembersome Nordiques players or coach saying that against Patrick Roy in 1993... Didn't end well.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 06, 2011, 10:38:17 PM
that game had most of the things I hate about hockey.
Why the league doesnt stop goonery in the game is beyond me. Perhaps they are trying to appeal to the UFC crowd.
If they did that, what else would the Canucks have?
Just a blip. Gotta give the Bruins something to play for.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 06, 2011, 04:03:56 PM
The real issue will be whether they can get all these season ticket holders to renew after a few losing seasons have passed and the euphoria has died down.
Why wouldn't they? What the hell else is there to do in Winnipeg?
Quote from: Valmy on June 07, 2011, 09:18:34 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 06, 2011, 04:03:56 PM
The real issue will be whether they can get all these season ticket holders to renew after a few losing seasons have passed and the euphoria has died down.
Why wouldn't they? What the hell else is there to do in Winnipeg?
How does Toronto do it?
Quote from: Valmy on June 07, 2011, 09:18:34 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 06, 2011, 04:03:56 PM
The real issue will be whether they can get all these season ticket holders to renew after a few losing seasons have passed and the euphoria has died down.
Why wouldn't they? What the hell else is there to do in Winnipeg?
That's the kind of thing you get with the Canucks, though. Hopefully they'll pull themselves together and not collapse.
Quote from: Neil on June 07, 2011, 06:26:12 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 06, 2011, 10:38:17 PM
that game had most of the things I hate about hockey.
Why the league doesnt stop goonery in the game is beyond me. Perhaps they are trying to appeal to the UFC crowd.
If they did that, what else would the Canucks have?
skill. They suck at goonery (as shown in last night's game,their attempts to play the "bruin game" did not work out... at all.) I'm not sure why you keep on with that. I still thought it was a decent game heading to the 3rd, even with the 'nucks down 4 zip. the hockey was good on Boston's side at least. the 3rd was just all ugly crap.
The Bruins just figured out what Nashville & Chicago knew, that the Canucks can be "gotten to" interestingly as pointed out by the commentators in ways that, Boston as a franchise is legendary for, namely getting under the skin of the other team, letting guys like Thornton ramp up the stupidity until he (and some from the other team) get ejected. it is "old time hockey" but the Canucks are crap at that... the Canucks are a new time hockey team, skill, speed, and some solid hitting but not the goon stuff.
more eveidence is the Rome hit. if he was a real goon it wouldn't have been late. it was simply reckless, and I do think it warrants a suspension. (a game)
I'm hoping Lucic maims a Sedin.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on June 07, 2011, 11:23:40 AM
I'm not sure why you keep on with that.
So long as there are no-skill, high-cheapness players like Torres, Kessler, Bieksa and Burroughs on the team, I will continue to accuse the team of goonery.
Quote from: Neil on June 07, 2011, 11:32:47 AM
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on June 07, 2011, 11:23:40 AM
I'm not sure why you keep on with that.
So long as there are no-skill, high-cheapness players like Torres, Kessler, Bieksa and Burroughs on the team, I will continue to accuse the team of goonery.
Burrows is the Tikanen of the team, every team needs a Tikanen. Kesler and Bieksa are highly skilled, Torres well he's a guy you want on your team, not the other team.
I really do not understand how anyone can actually hate a sports team or a city. to be honest about it. I don't have the energy to be a hockey lover, and a hockey hater. I dislike certain players, teams I guess, but when they play well I always give them props. If any team other than the Canucks were to win the cup I'd not mind if it was Boston for example. Lots of feel good stories on that team Lucic is from my neighborhood. Recchi is almost my age and still playing pretty good hockey, Thomas is a great goalie.
Chara on the other hand is over rated imo. his size goes a long way, but he's boring. I don't get the belittling of the other team stuff. usually what happens in a hockety game is that one team plays better than the other. Last night it's obvious the Bruins played better, and they'd played almost as good as the Canucks in the 1st two games. I predict the next game will also be hard fought, but there will be less gooning and more skill from both teams.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 07, 2011, 09:19:35 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 07, 2011, 09:18:34 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 06, 2011, 04:03:56 PM
The real issue will be whether they can get all these season ticket holders to renew after a few losing seasons have passed and the euphoria has died down.
Why wouldn't they? What the hell else is there to do in Winnipeg?
How does Toronto do it?
Lots of corporate seats
Quote from: Barrister on June 07, 2011, 09:28:01 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 07, 2011, 09:18:34 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 06, 2011, 04:03:56 PM
The real issue will be whether they can get all these season ticket holders to renew after a few losing seasons have passed and the euphoria has died down.
Why wouldn't they? What the hell else is there to do in Winnipeg?
Um...what I meant to say was: what the hell else is there to do in Winnipeg superior to watching the glorious Winnipeg Jets.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 07, 2011, 11:41:57 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 07, 2011, 09:19:35 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 07, 2011, 09:18:34 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 06, 2011, 04:03:56 PM
The real issue will be whether they can get all these season ticket holders to renew after a few losing seasons have passed and the euphoria has died down.
Why wouldn't they? What the hell else is there to do in Winnipeg?
How does Toronto do it?
Lots of corporate seats
Which kills the atmosphere. there is more cheering for away games then home games.
Quote from: HVC on June 07, 2011, 11:43:08 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 07, 2011, 11:41:57 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 07, 2011, 09:19:35 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 07, 2011, 09:18:34 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 06, 2011, 04:03:56 PM
The real issue will be whether they can get all these season ticket holders to renew after a few losing seasons have passed and the euphoria has died down.
Why wouldn't they? What the hell else is there to do in Winnipeg?
How does Toronto do it?
Lots of corporate seats
Which kills the atmosphere. there is more cheering for away games then home games.
I'm not saying its a good thing. I am just answering the question. It also explains why Winnipeg could have a problem - they dont have access to the same corporate ticket buyers
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 07, 2011, 11:45:41 AM
I'm not saying its a good thing. I am just answering the question. It also explains why Winnipeg could have a problem - they dont have access to the same corporate ticket buyers
It is basically how the Dallas Stars operate.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on June 07, 2011, 11:41:43 AM
I really do not understand how anyone can actually hate a sports team or a city. to be honest about it. I don't have the energy to be a hockey lover, and a hockey hater. I dislike certain players, teams I guess, but when they play well I always give them props.
It's extremely easy to hate, and it just takes a little thing to get started. All it took for Vancouver was the shittiness of the fans and the mistreatment of their goalie. Besides, when Vancouver was spending fifteen years mired in failure, hating them was a source of pleasure, not an effort. Laughing at someone being punished for their misdeeds (or the misdeeds of their douchey fanbase) is very relaxing. And there's always Toronto, which is almost as sweet.
No, it's much less rewarding (but occasionally necessary), to hate a team that succeeds with regularity, like the Pittsburgh Steelers or the New England Patriots.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 07, 2011, 11:45:41 AM
I'm not saying its a good thing. I am just answering the question. It also explains why Winnipeg could have a problem - they dont have access to the same corporate ticket buyers
Sorry, didn't mean to imply that you were.
4 Game suspension for Aaron Rome, rest of the Cup Finals.
Light in my view. This kind of crap has to be taken out of the game completely. Along with all the slashing and other bs after the play ends.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on June 07, 2011, 11:41:43 AM
I really do not understand how anyone can actually hate a sports team or a city. to be honest about it. I don't have the energy to be a hockey lover, and a hockey hater. I dislike certain players, teams I guess, but when they play well I always give them props. If any team other than the Canucks were to win the cup I'd not mind if it was Boston for example. Lots of feel good stories on that team Lucic is from my neighborhood. Recchi is almost my age and still playing pretty good hockey, Thomas is a great goalie.
Hating certain teams is almost as much fun as loving your own team. It's part of the beauty of sports. :)
For me it's the Oilers. Last season was beautiful. :menace:
The Canucks though... they've just been a non-factor for me for so many years. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but never doing anything in the playoffs. They changed unis so many times it was hard to rememebr who they even were.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 07, 2011, 11:45:41 AM
Quote from: HVC on June 07, 2011, 11:43:08 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 07, 2011, 11:41:57 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 07, 2011, 09:19:35 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 07, 2011, 09:18:34 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 06, 2011, 04:03:56 PM
The real issue will be whether they can get all these season ticket holders to renew after a few losing seasons have passed and the euphoria has died down.
Why wouldn't they? What the hell else is there to do in Winnipeg?
How does Toronto do it?
Lots of corporate seats
Which kills the atmosphere. there is more cheering for away games then home games.
I'm not saying its a good thing. I am just answering the question. It also explains why Winnipeg could have a problem - they dont have access to the same corporate ticket buyers
Sure they do.
That's how all rinks work these days - the lower bowl is largely corporate tickets.
Quote from: Barrister on June 07, 2011, 12:18:04 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 07, 2011, 11:45:41 AM
Quote from: HVC on June 07, 2011, 11:43:08 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 07, 2011, 11:41:57 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 07, 2011, 09:19:35 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 07, 2011, 09:18:34 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 06, 2011, 04:03:56 PM
The real issue will be whether they can get all these season ticket holders to renew after a few losing seasons have passed and the euphoria has died down.
Why wouldn't they? What the hell else is there to do in Winnipeg?
How does Toronto do it?
Lots of corporate seats
Which kills the atmosphere. there is more cheering for away games then home games.
I'm not saying its a good thing. I am just answering the question. It also explains why Winnipeg could have a problem - they dont have access to the same corporate ticket buyers
Sure they do.
That's how all rinks work these days - the lower bowl is largely corporate tickets.
BB, even a rabid fan like you must reconize Winnipeg does not have access to the
same corporate dollars as Toronto.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 07, 2011, 12:36:16 PM
BB, even a rabid fan like you must reconize Winnipeg does not have access to the same corporate dollars as Toronto.
I've said all along that Winnipeg doesn't need to be like Toronto. Obviouslythe ACC is larger, and they sell their tickets for much more money.
But that doesn't take away from the fact that a huge number of tickets in Winnipeg were sold to corporate accounts. All the premium seats were taken up before the public sale, almost certainly to corporations.
Quote from: Barrister on June 07, 2011, 12:39:56 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 07, 2011, 12:36:16 PM
BB, even a rabid fan like you must reconize Winnipeg does not have access to the same corporate dollars as Toronto.
I've said all along that Winnipeg doesn't need to be like Toronto. Obviouslythe ACC is larger, and they sell their tickets for much more money.
But that doesn't take away from the fact that a huge number of tickets in Winnipeg were sold to corporate accounts. All the premium seats were taken up before the public sale, almost certainly to corporations.
Ok so when you said, "sure they do" when I said Winnipeg doesnt have access to the same corporate tickets as Toronto what you really meant to say was, "CC you're right, they dont but that wont matter because they can sell enough corporate tickets to stay profitable".
We shall see if you are right.
Quote from: Barrister on June 07, 2011, 12:39:56 PM
I've said all along that Winnipeg doesn't need to be like Toronto. Obviouslythe ACC is larger, and they sell their tickets for much more money.
But that doesn't take away from the fact that a huge number of tickets in Winnipeg were sold to corporate accounts. All the premium seats were taken up before the public sale, almost certainly to corporations.
The initial sale was to Manitoba Moose season ticket holders, not necessarily corporations (though sure, some corporations may have had those Moose seats), no?
Quote from: PRC on June 07, 2011, 01:04:00 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 07, 2011, 12:39:56 PM
I've said all along that Winnipeg doesn't need to be like Toronto. Obviouslythe ACC is larger, and they sell their tickets for much more money.
But that doesn't take away from the fact that a huge number of tickets in Winnipeg were sold to corporate accounts. All the premium seats were taken up before the public sale, almost certainly to corporations.
The initial sale was to Manitoba Moose season ticket holders, not necessarily corporations (though sure, some corporations may have had those Moose seats), no?
Moose ST holders, private box owners, and corporate partners.
If you buy advertising in MTSC, if you are the "Official Toilet Paper of the Manitoba Moose", you got advance access.
Quote from: Barrister on June 06, 2011, 09:30:21 AM
So the Jets have declined to keep Rick Dudley, and have apparently offered the GM position to Kevin Cheveldayoff, current Assistant GM of the Chicago Blackhawks, and long-time GM of the Chicago Wolves.
CCR, you have any info on this character?
Man, I love being able to discuss actual hockey news about the Jets... :cool: :cool: :cool:
Move made official today.
CCR? CCR? Paging CCR?
There's no official website up yet, but there is...
The Manitoba Polar Bears can fuck off, we got a game to play. Canucks will win tonight.
Quote from: PRC on June 08, 2011, 02:41:36 PM
The Manitoba Polar Bears can fuck off, we got a game to play. Canucks will win tonight.
Best of luck to you guys, but signing a new GM is fairly big news in the hockey world as well.
Quote from: Barrister on June 08, 2011, 02:43:25 PM
Best of luck to you guys, but signing a new GM is fairly big news in the hockey world as well.
Sorry, I'm just excited, you're right it is big news.
I hear he is a good pick-up, still i'm surprised they let Dudley go. Wonder if he wanted a deal like Burke, no ownership interference on hockey decisions or something like and so Dudley had to go because the owners intend to interfere Charles Wang style. That 4 year deal on the books kind of hurts when you're in a tight money situation.
Quote from: PRC on June 08, 2011, 02:47:01 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 08, 2011, 02:43:25 PM
Best of luck to you guys, but signing a new GM is fairly big news in the hockey world as well.
Sorry, I'm just excited, you're right it is big news.
I hear he is a good pick-up, still i'm surprised they let Dudley go. Wonder if he wanted a deal like Burke, no ownership interference on hockey decisions or something like and so Dudley had to go because the owners intend to interfere Charles Wang style. That 4 year deal on the books kind of hurts when you're in a tight money situation.
At the time Dudley was signed I thought Atlanta must have consulted with Winnipeg, but obviously not. Apparently his contract was a point of contention in the sales negotiation, and Atlanta may be on the hook for his salary. I do know his buyout is being paid over 8 years.
True North and Dudley did sit down and have a meeting. Apparently True North was interested in keeping him in the organization, but Dudley was only interested in being GM (and perhaps with significant power). Friedman reported it was a short meeting because they quickly realized they didn't want the same things.
Whoever is the GM will have to work very closely with Craig Heisenger. I don't know if that is ownership interference, but I don't think Chevy will have unlimited freedom either.
another blow out
Vancouver's goonery isn't paying off. Since they don't have any heart, and Boston is so much tougher than they are, they're having serious problems.
Stupid Vancouver trying isn't even trying to run the goalie they're just attacking him.
Quote from: Neil on June 08, 2011, 09:55:04 PM
Stupid Vancouver trying isn't even trying to run the goalie they're just attacking him.
and he's the wrong goalie to try to piss off becasue he seems to play better when mad and he hits back lol
Quote from: HVC on June 08, 2011, 09:59:55 PM
Quote from: Neil on June 08, 2011, 09:55:04 PM
Stupid Vancouver trying isn't even trying to run the goalie they're just attacking him.
and he's the wrong goalie to try to piss off becasue he seems to play better when mad and he hits back lol
No kidding. Burrows almost got knocked the fuck out.
Hah. Harper took a military jet to get himself, his daughter and a minister down to Boston to watch game 4. Yay austerity measures
Harper Timmayed the Canucks.
Quote from: HVC on June 09, 2011, 07:03:34 AM
Hah. Harper took a military jet to get himself, his daughter and a minister down to Boston to watch game 4. Yay austerity measures
We're not really doing those.
Besides, he just wanted to make sure that the Canucks choked. A city that votes NDP doesn't deserve the Cup.
I really appreciate Vancouver doing this beautiful tribute to the Capitals :cry:
This one's for CC :D
Quote from: HVC on June 09, 2011, 07:03:34 AM
Hah. Harper took a military jet to get himself, his daughter and a minister down to Boston to watch game 4. Yay austerity measures
As PM, Harper is forbidden from flying commercial flights.
Quote from: HVC on June 09, 2011, 07:03:34 AM
Hah. Harper took a military jet to get himself, his daughter and a minister down to Boston to watch game 4. Yay austerity measures
He's paying for it out of his own money, though. Something the previous governments did not do.
Quote from: Barrister on June 09, 2011, 09:11:21 AM
Quote from: HVC on June 09, 2011, 07:03:34 AM
Hah. Harper took a military jet to get himself, his daughter and a minister down to Boston to watch game 4. Yay austerity measures
As PM, Harper is forbidden from flying commercial flights.
ya, i know. i wasn't being serious. he'll reimburse the cost of a commerical flight, which is less then it really cost though.
Quote from: HVC on June 09, 2011, 10:38:08 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 09, 2011, 09:11:21 AM
Quote from: HVC on June 09, 2011, 07:03:34 AM
Hah. Harper took a military jet to get himself, his daughter and a minister down to Boston to watch game 4. Yay austerity measures
As PM, Harper is forbidden from flying commercial flights.
ya, i know. i wasn't being serious. he'll reimburse the cost of a commerical flight, which is less then it really cost though.
You can't joke about Harper on this forum. Haven't you learned anything yet,HVC?
Quote from: Josephus on June 09, 2011, 10:46:58 AM
Quote from: HVC on June 09, 2011, 10:38:08 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 09, 2011, 09:11:21 AM
Quote from: HVC on June 09, 2011, 07:03:34 AM
Hah. Harper took a military jet to get himself, his daughter and a minister down to Boston to watch game 4. Yay austerity measures
As PM, Harper is forbidden from flying commercial flights.
ya, i know. i wasn't being serious. he'll reimburse the cost of a commerical flight, which is less then it really cost though.
You can't joke about Harper on this forum. Haven't you learned anything yet, PVC?
i voted for him, i hoped that would give me leeway :( :D
Quote from: HVC on June 09, 2011, 10:54:24 AM
Quote from: Josephus on June 09, 2011, 10:46:58 AM
Quote from: HVC on June 09, 2011, 10:38:08 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 09, 2011, 09:11:21 AM
Quote from: HVC on June 09, 2011, 07:03:34 AM
Hah. Harper took a military jet to get himself, his daughter and a minister down to Boston to watch game 4. Yay austerity measures
As PM, Harper is forbidden from flying commercial flights.
ya, i know. i wasn't being serious. he'll reimburse the cost of a commerical flight, which is less then it really cost though.
You can't joke about Harper on this forum. Haven't you learned anything yet, PVC?
i voted for him, i hoped that would give me leeway :( :D
It does not. The left is in a post-election frenzy, and if left to their own devices will take over the narrative.
Quote from: Neil on June 07, 2011, 11:49:38 AM
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on June 07, 2011, 11:41:43 AM
I really do not understand how anyone can actually hate a sports team or a city. to be honest about it. I don't have the energy to be a hockey lover, and a hockey hater. I dislike certain players, teams I guess, but when they play well I always give them props.
It's extremely easy to hate, and it just takes a little thing to get started. All it took for Vancouver was the shittiness of the fans and the mistreatment of their goalie. Besides, when Vancouver was spending fifteen years mired in failure, hating them was a source of pleasure, not an effort. Laughing at someone being punished for their misdeeds (or the misdeeds of their douchey fanbase) is very relaxing. And there's always Toronto, which is almost as sweet.
No, it's much less rewarding (but occasionally necessary), to hate a team that succeeds with regularity, like the Pittsburgh Steelers or the New England Patriots.
well the last two games, I also have been ashamed of the players. On both teams. all the douchebag chest thumping and lame chops and hacks to the legs etc for this HOCKEY fan makes me want to give the cup to some team who didn't even make the playoffs. A bunch of millionaire professional athletes really need to resort to that kind of disrespect for each other as athletes.? really? Maybe I'll start watching soccer. Oh wait that sport is also full of diving and is dull as paint drying to watch.
sigh. win or lose I'm embarrassed that the team I put so much stock in is playing the gutter game that Boston has always thrived on. That said Thomas is teh awesome. I don't mind if Boston comes back to wn on his play as long as both teams actually start playing hockey. Personally I think anyone who thinks that either team with a few single player exceptions (Hansen on the canucks. Thomas on the Bruins for example) is actually playing entertaining hockey doesn't know anything about hockey.
I don't care about the drubbings. Sometimes one team dominates another, it happens. It is however still a seven game series, and could become fun to watch again. I would have been fine with how the Canucks played in the first two games. even if the results had been Boston wins (which they easily could have been, because those were good hockey games. Exciting even, the last two not so much.)
Why exactly are the fans shitty exactly? All the fans I know I pretty reasonable people, who occasionally get wound up over bad reffing or bad play from their team. This is called passion. maybe you've heard of it. I think I said this already at least once in this thread. Vancouver fans are no different than fans elsewhere. If the team goes deep into the playoffs there are bandwagoneers of course. Should they be discouraged from becoming fans by some stupid dismissal of their interest being peaked?
Sorry we have already met our quota of "real fans" we aren't accepting any new fans at this time, please remove your 360 dollar jersey. :blink:
And I do realize that you and others enjoy winding up Van fans. Would you like to know why I'm a Vancouver Fan? I live here (and have for quite some time.) when I was living in Winnipeg I was a Jets fan, when I was a kid in NB you had two choices (in my family) you could be a Leafs Fan or not watch hockey... I was a Leafs fan (Keon to Sittler era) but I was also a Bobby Orr fan in the biggest way. So i have a soft spot for Beantown. Does this make me a bad Canucks fan? No. it makes me a hockey fan.
I haven't heard one fan (and I talk to people all day as they come into work and jabber hockey & movies) be anything other than reasonable about the two Boston wins. The Canucks played badly (except in the first periods for some reason) , and more importantly the Bruins did not play as bad as the Canucks.
Buddha, Neil is basing his opinions on what people post on the internet and his own imagination, not on what fans in Vancouver actually say and do.
Quote from: Jacob on June 09, 2011, 12:20:24 PM
Buddha, Neil is basing his opinions on what people post on the internet and his own imagination, not on what fans in Vancouver actually say and do.
But he's not alone, I hear this a lot from people back east (which btw I consider Neil to be... anyone East of Kelowna is back east "p)
Speaking of the Sedins, I heard one of them talk. Dude comes right out of Kraut central casting with that accent.
Those two games have really turned me off hockey. Can anyone explain why slashing and crosschecking are penalized in the regular season but not in the playoffs. Does the league really want to go back to the days when the team with the biggest goons often won the game?
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on June 09, 2011, 12:23:13 PMBut he's not alone, I hear this a lot from people back east (which btw I consider Neil to be... anyone East of Kelowna is back east "p)
Hating successful and near-successful teams that aren't your own is part and parcel of the sports fan experience.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 09, 2011, 01:03:01 PM
Those two games have really turned me off hockey. Can anyone explain why slashing and crosschecking are penalized in the regular season but not in the playoffs. Does the league really want to go back to the days when the team with the biggest goons often won the game?
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 09, 2011, 01:03:01 PM
Those two games have really turned me off hockey. Can anyone explain why slashing and crosschecking are penalized in the regular season but not in the playoffs. Does the league really want to go back to the days when the team with the biggest goons often won the game?
Why not?
Quote from: Jacob on June 09, 2011, 10:05:56 AM
it's got to be tough being a Canucks fan. But I'm still confident they'll win #5 and #7. :) Nothing is lost yet. Luongo looks really, really, really tired though. It's not just a question of mental prepartion, the guy needs rests ASAP.
Quote from: viper37 on June 09, 2011, 01:35:24 PM
Quote from: Jacob on June 09, 2011, 10:05:56 AM
it's got to be tough being a Canucks fan. But I'm still confident they'll win #5 and #7. :) Nothing is lost yet. Luongo looks really, really, really tired though. It's not just a question of mental prepartion, the guy needs rests ASAP.
When they almost throw away a 3-0 series lead, but manages to win in OT in game 7 you can't let yourself give up hope. On the other hand, when a 3-0 series lead is almost thrown away and you get to watch blowouts like game 3 vs the Bruins it's hard to ever feel confident.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 09, 2011, 01:03:01 PM
Those two games have really turned me off hockey. Can anyone explain why slashing and crosschecking are penalized in the regular season but not in the playoffs. Does the league really want to go back to the days when the team with the biggest goons often won the game?
I thought MTL fans were the only ones EVAH to bitch about refereeing??
Quote from: Zoupa on June 09, 2011, 04:18:36 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 09, 2011, 01:03:01 PM
Those two games have really turned me off hockey. Can anyone explain why slashing and crosschecking are penalized in the regular season but not in the playoffs. Does the league really want to go back to the days when the team with the biggest goons often won the game?
I thought MTL fans were the only ones EVAH to bitch about refereeing??
He's bitching about how they called the game against both teams.
Habs fans always thinks the refs are out to get them.
Habs fans molest dogs.
Quote from: Barrister on June 09, 2011, 04:24:03 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on June 09, 2011, 04:18:36 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 09, 2011, 01:03:01 PM
Those two games have really turned me off hockey. Can anyone explain why slashing and crosschecking are penalized in the regular season but not in the playoffs. Does the league really want to go back to the days when the team with the biggest goons often won the game?
I thought MTL fans were the only ones EVAH to bitch about refereeing??
He's bitching about how they called the game against both teams.
Habs fans always thinks the refs are out to get them.
That's because the refs are out to get us :sleep:
In any case, that kind of "old time hockey" bullshit reffing clearly advantages the Bruins. I don't know if that's what's intended or not, but whatever. The NHL will remain a sub-par league with reffing that is not consistent. No matter what time is on the clock, no matter which period it is, no matter the players involved, no matter if it's an exhibition game in september or 3rd overtime in game 7 of the cup finals. A hook is a hook, a dive a dive.
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 09, 2011, 04:28:09 PM
Habs fans molest dogs.
Isn't that just raising them right?
Quote from: Jacob on June 09, 2011, 12:20:24 PM
Buddha, Neil is basing his opinions on what people post on the internet and his own imagination, not on what fans in Vancouver actually say and do.
Don't you remember the hate for Cloutier? Or were you not in country yet?
Quote from: Zoupa on June 09, 2011, 04:36:57 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 09, 2011, 04:24:03 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on June 09, 2011, 04:18:36 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 09, 2011, 01:03:01 PM
Those two games have really turned me off hockey. Can anyone explain why slashing and crosschecking are penalized in the regular season but not in the playoffs. Does the league really want to go back to the days when the team with the biggest goons often won the game?
I thought MTL fans were the only ones EVAH to bitch about refereeing??
He's bitching about how they called the game against both teams.
Habs fans always thinks the refs are out to get them.
That's because the refs are out to get us :sleep:
In any case, that kind of "old time hockey" bullshit reffing clearly advantages the Bruins. I don't know if that's what's intended or not, but whatever. The NHL will remain a sub-par league with reffing that is not consistent. No matter what time is on the clock, no matter which period it is, no matter the players involved, no matter if it's an exhibition game in september or 3rd overtime in game 7 of the cup finals. A hook is a hook, a dive a dive.
In this, I completely agree with you. I didn't watch game 3, but game 4 was almost embarassing to watch.
Quote from: Neil on June 09, 2011, 05:26:51 PMDon't you remember the hate for Cloutier? Or were you not in country yet?
That was before I started paying attention to hockey, I think. I remember the name and vague rumblings, but that's about it.
Quote from: Zoupa on June 09, 2011, 04:36:57 PM
The NHL will remain a sub-par league with reffing that is not consistent.
Well it has been a major stain on the NBA that is for sure.
Quote from: Neil on June 09, 2011, 05:26:51 PM
Quote from: Jacob on June 09, 2011, 12:20:24 PM
Buddha, Neil is basing his opinions on what people post on the internet and his own imagination, not on what fans in Vancouver actually say and do.
Don't you remember the hate for Cloutier? Or were you not in country yet?
I remember that, small loud minority. kind of like you.
Quote from: Valmy on June 09, 2011, 10:25:01 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on June 09, 2011, 04:36:57 PM
The NHL will remain a sub-par league with reffing that is not consistent.
Well it has been a major stain on the NBA that is for sure.
The big difference is that refs in the NHL are not calling the equivalent of someone throwing a punch in the NBA.
I still believe the Canucks will win... but man they sure don't make it easy.
One game away....
Quote from: Jacob on June 10, 2011, 10:11:09 PM
One game away....
It's the middle of June ffs.
At this rate it will be the Canucks in 7 <_<
Funny thing would be Boston losing the series despite scoring more goals than Vancouver overall.
I'm still hoping for the Canucks in 7 (sorry Tim :sleep: ). :)
Sedins fire back at Mike Milbury for calling them Thelma and Louise
"My son told me a man was making fun of me and Uncle Danny on TV. I said that can't be true because that's what usually happens in kindergarten. Sometimes grown-ups have low self-esteem and get on guys and say stupid stuff.
"I think he has to be happy with his career. He did a great job on Long Island. I'm sure he is happy with that."
:XD: the part about the Islanders lulz
This is my favourite one
The crowds downtown after game 5 were amazing. Havent seen anything like that - there were more people out and about then when Canada won the Gold medal.
Seriously, we need to go back to the days of 4 games in 5 days.
Well, this game is out of reach. Expect the Canucks to start gooning it up.
3 goals on 8 shoots with 9 minutes in net. serves loungo rightfor bad mouthing thomas.
missed game 5 becasue of finals. so for every game i've missed vancouver has won. i'm so watchin game 7 lol
Quote from: HVC on June 13, 2011, 09:54:37 PM
3 goals on 8 shoots with 9 minutes in net. serves loungo rightfor bad mouthing thomas.
No shit. Thomas has been a superhero in every game of the series, whereas Luongo comes and goes. Maybe he can lose again Wednesday.
My prediction that Thomas will collapse: doh.
What's with the 7 goals in 6 games bullshit Vancouver? Where is Kessler? Where are the twins? Maxime fucking Lapierre has 2 goals, the entire first line has 3 points. wtf. Can't blame it all on Luongo stinking it up.
I'm somewhat hopeful, game 5 in Vancouver was close to the end, B's only need one good break to win.
I can't see how anyone but Thomas wins the Conn Smythe.
Quote from: Neil on June 14, 2011, 06:38:13 AM
I can't see how anyone but Thomas wins the Conn Smythe.
I agree. I think he's pulling a Giguere & still wins it even if Vancouver wins the cup.
Oh Canucks....
Crazy crowds downtown yesterday. I expect a riot if Vancouver loses game 7. Though, I'm sure the cops do too so they may be able to head it off.
Quote from: Jacob on June 14, 2011, 09:45:26 AM
Oh Canucks....
Crazy crowds downtown yesterday. I expect a riot if Vancouver loses game 7. Though, I'm sure the cops do too so they may be able to head it off.
Oh god, I remember the coverage when the Rangers beat 'em. GO BRUINS!
Daddy needs riots on TV....
Quote from: Jacob on June 14, 2011, 09:45:26 AM
Oh Canucks....
Crazy crowds downtown yesterday. I expect a riot if Vancouver loses game 7. Though, I'm sure the cops do too so they may be able to head it off.
I expect that there'll be a riot either way.
Quote from: Neil on June 14, 2011, 09:55:17 AM
Quote from: Jacob on June 14, 2011, 09:45:26 AM
Oh Canucks....
Crazy crowds downtown yesterday. I expect a riot if Vancouver loses game 7. Though, I'm sure the cops do too so they may be able to head it off.
I expect that there'll be a riot either way.
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 14, 2011, 09:57:03 AM
I guess Vancouver riots slightly more sedately than you're used to. I wouldn't expect anyone to set anything on fire, just some brawling, some windows smashing and some looting with a more or less appropriate police response.
Quote from: Jacob on June 14, 2011, 10:05:34 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 14, 2011, 09:57:03 AM
I guess Vancouver riots slightly more sedately than you're used to. I wouldn't expect anyone to set anything on fire, just some brawling, some windows smashing and some looting with a more or less appropriate police response.
Stop buzzkilling my desire for blood.
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 14, 2011, 10:09:14 AMStop buzzkilling my desire for blood.
I just want you to avoid getting all worked up in anticipation, only to be disappointed. It's bad for the heart at your age.
Quote from: Jacob on June 14, 2011, 10:18:04 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 14, 2011, 10:09:14 AMStop buzzkilling my desire for blood.
I just want you to avoid getting all worked up in anticipation, only to be disappointed. It's bad for the heart at your age.
I'm on Lisinopril, I'll be fine.
Quote from: Jacob on June 14, 2011, 10:05:34 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 14, 2011, 09:57:03 AM
I guess Vancouver riots slightly more sedately than you're used to. I wouldn't expect anyone to set anything on fire, just some brawling, some windows smashing and some looting with a more or less appropriate police response.
Just spread a rumour that the G8 is attending Game 7. That'll drive you guys into a killing frenzy.
Quote from: Neil on June 13, 2011, 09:38:59 PM
Well, this game is out of reach. Expect the Canucks to start gooning it up.
Given how Boston has played this series and this game in particular your post is more untethered to reality than usual.
My post reflects reality just fine.
That said, it was super funny watching Marchand leisurely punching a Sedin in the face while he made no effort to defend himself. I think those boys might be retarded or something.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 14, 2011, 11:17:25 AM
Quote from: Neil on June 13, 2011, 09:38:59 PM
Well, this game is out of reach. Expect the Canucks to start gooning it up.
Given how Boston has played this series and this game in particular your post is more untethered to reality than usual.
both teams have been playing less then "gentleman like", but Vancouver is flopping more, which hurts then in the penatly department. if the ref thinks you're acting then calls aren't gonna go your way.
Quote from: HVC on June 14, 2011, 11:41:35 AM
both teams have been playing less then "gentleman like", but Vancouver is flopping more, which hurts then in the penatly department. if the ref thinks you're acting then calls aren't gonna go your way.
Kind of hard to pretend you have been driven into the board in a vulnerable position and then pretend your vertebrae has been fractured; that you are being punched in the face repeatedly with the ref looking right at you; that you are being crosschecked repeatedly with the ref looking right at you; that you are being repeatedly slashed, hooked, held with the ref looking right at you.
As I said ealier this series has gone a long way to lose me as a fan. I can see why it is considered bush league in most of the US.
You feel that way because it's your team :lol:. as a relativiely dispassionate observer i don't think this series hasn't been that bad.
Quote from: HVC on June 14, 2011, 11:48:12 AM
You feel that way because it's your team :lol:. as a relativiely dispassionate observer i don't think this series hasn't been that bad.
If you go back to my original post you will see I said the refs were missing obvious calls both ways. Its just that last night was more one sided than usual.
I am not much of a hockey fan so I am about as close to a dispassionate observer as you are going to get. I am however knowledgeable enough about the game to know that the refs change how they call in the playoffs. For some reason the league thinks this is a good thing. Imo it makes the league look bush.
I suppose you have to be a real hockey fan to appreciate all the crosschecking, slashing etc etc that goes on in the playoffs. ;)
For all the cry of the Habs being a bunch of divers. Neither the Bruins or the Canucks have anything on them.
It's not Soccer, get up.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 14, 2011, 12:05:31 PM
I am not much of a hockey fan so I am about as close to a dispassionate observer as you are going to get.
You are, however, a Vancouverite. I know full well how easy it is to get caught up in a championship drive in your home city, even if you normally don't care much about the team.
Quote from: Neil on June 14, 2011, 12:22:06 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 14, 2011, 12:05:31 PM
I am not much of a hockey fan so I am about as close to a dispassionate observer as you are going to get.
You are, however, a Vancouverite. I know full well how easy it is to get caught up in a championship drive in your home city, even if you normally don't care much about the team.
I probably would have if the series had not been played with all the cheap shots. But this series has reminded me about all the things I dislike about hockey. I normally would not watch at all so I suppose you have a point that I am actually watching the games. The problem the NHL has is that there will likely be a lot of people like me who rarely watch hockey but are now tuning and this is what they are seeing.
The Vancouver market wont suffer because I am definitely in the minority in this hockey crazy city but what about all the markets where the NHL is weak?
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 14, 2011, 11:46:14 AM
Quote from: HVC on June 14, 2011, 11:41:35 AM
both teams have been playing less then "gentleman like", but Vancouver is flopping more, which hurts then in the penatly department. if the ref thinks you're acting then calls aren't gonna go your way.
Kind of hard to pretend you have been driven into the board in a vulnerable position and then pretend your vertebrae has been fractured; that you are being punched in the face repeatedly with the ref looking right at you; that you are being crosschecked repeatedly with the ref looking right at you; that you are being repeatedly slashed, hooked, held with the ref looking right at you.
As I said ealier this series has gone a long way to lose me as a fan. I can see why it is considered bush league in most of the US.
You've never seen Fight Club, have you? ;)
I'm with CC on all the diving, and cross checking. On BOTH teams (and all the other teams in the playoffs for that matter) this year it seems far worse than I've ever noticed before. I spent the whole season standing up to people who talked shit about the Canucks, but they've let me down a little by stooping to this kind of thing, not that they had much choice it seems, but nonetheless, it's made me less of a hockey fan in general at the end of a season where I had become more of a fan than in recent years (since the 80's really)
in 94 I only watched that final game on tv, the rest of the playoffs i was out carousing in bars or going to the movies. since then I've been fairly casual in my fandom. This season being the first time i've used the royal "we" taliing about my team. Hadn't consciously done that since the days of Ducky, Selanne, etc. in Winterpeg.
Now I still want the Canucks to win, but I care less about the sport again, really.
Remember how after the lockout one of the big reforms was that the refs were going to start calling the playoffs just like the regular season? :lol:
I'm also turned off by the non-stop hacking and slashing.
Quote from: Barrister on June 14, 2011, 01:03:39 PM
Remember how after the lockout one of the big reforms was that the refs were going to start calling the playoffs just like the regular season? :lol:
Oh, they did it. For the 1st evening.
I'm also turned off by the non-stop hacking and slashing.
Not many people of the Don Cherry school here.
Still, if there was a penalty with 1:55 left of the 3rd period when the score is 2-2, I'm pretty sure people would bitch about it.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 14, 2011, 12:05:31 PM
I suppose you have to be a real hockey fan to appreciate all the crosschecking, slashing etc etc that goes on in the playoffs. ;)
now now, no need to play the wounded arguer :P .But that basically happens every playoffs. this one is no better or worse then the past. Now your arguement is that that makes the playoffs and the league look bad. I don't necessarily agree, but it can get annoying at times, yes.
Quote from: viper37 on June 14, 2011, 01:33:01 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 14, 2011, 01:03:39 PM
Remember how after the lockout one of the big reforms was that the refs were going to start calling the playoffs just like the regular season? :lol:
Oh, they did it. For the 1st evening.
I'm also turned off by the non-stop hacking and slashing.
Not many people of the Don Cherry school here.
Still, if there was a penalty with 1:55 left of the 3rd period when the score is 2-2, I'm pretty sure people would bitch about it.
Do you really think I'm going to complain about faithfully following the rules regardless of the circumstances?
Quote from: HVC on June 14, 2011, 01:49:39 PM
But that basically happens every playoffs. this one is no better or worse then the past. Now your arguement is that that makes the playoffs and the league look bad. I don't necessarily agree, but it can get annoying at times, yes.
This is the first time I have really paid any attention to the Final since 94 so I will take your word on the state of the game. I can tell you from my perspective as a casual viewer it most certainly makes the league look bad.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 14, 2011, 02:09:51 PM
Quote from: HVC on June 14, 2011, 01:49:39 PM
But that basically happens every playoffs. this one is no better or worse then the past. Now your arguement is that that makes the playoffs and the league look bad. I don't necessarily agree, but it can get annoying at times, yes.
This is the first time I have really paid any attention to the Final since 94 so I will take your word on the state of the game. I can tell you from my perspective as a casual viewer it most certainly makes the league look bad.
On the other hand, so does all the diving. Either way, the league looks bad, so what can they do?
Really, it makes the League look bad?
It was way worse in the day of the Broad Street Bullies, when the Philadelphia, Boston, and Montreal would win their Stanley Cup by out-punting each other's ass.
Quote from: Drakken on June 14, 2011, 02:11:36 PM
Really, it makes the League look bad?
It was way worse in the day of the Braodstreet Bullies, when the Philadelphia, Boston, and Montreal would win their Stanley Cup by out-punting each other's ass.
So basically you are telling me this has always been a bush league.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 14, 2011, 02:12:21 PM
So basically you are telling me this has always been a bush league.
No, I am telling you that at least now they play hockey, when then they were doing MMA in hockey outfits.
Quote from: Drakken on June 14, 2011, 02:12:55 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 14, 2011, 02:12:21 PM
So basically you are telling me this has always been a bush league.
No, I am telling you that at least now they play hockey, when then they were doing MMA in hockey outfits.
So less bush than before but from I have scene over this series there is a lot more illegal play than hockey. I suppose the refs were told not to call so many penalties after all the penaties called in game 1. But not enforcing the rules really ruins it for me. And they definitely need to put in a strict rule about diving.
Right now the product is less than stellar. With enforcement of the right rules it has the potential to be a good game to watch.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 14, 2011, 02:12:21 PM
So basically you are telling me this has always been a bush league.
I don't think you understand what 'bush league' means. These guys are most assuredly pros, and always have been, just as much as the players in diving sports like soccer or basketball.
Quote from: Barrister on June 14, 2011, 02:03:27 PM
Do you really think I'm going to complain about faithfully following the rules regardless of the circumstances?
In game #7, the Winnipeg Jets facing the Montreal Canadians, game tied 2-2, 1:55 left in the 3rd?
I think you'll find a way to criticize the referees, as your usual objectivity would long be gone by that time ;) :P
Quote from: viper37 on June 14, 2011, 02:34:00 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 14, 2011, 02:03:27 PM
Do you really think I'm going to complain about faithfully following the rules regardless of the circumstances?
In game #7, the Winnipeg Jets facing the Montreal Canadians, game tied 2-2, 1:55 left in the 3rd?
I think you'll find a way to criticize the referees, as your usual objectivity would long be gone by that time ;) :P
You know me - I ALWAYS support those who maintain the law. :goodboy:
enjoy the video. Stupid Sedin
Quote from: Neil on June 14, 2011, 11:39:52 AM
That said, it was super funny watching Marchand leisurely punching a Sedin in the face while he made no effort to defend himself. I think those boys might be retarded or something.
Yup :lol:
You're allowed to have some testosterone, Swedes.
well either way it turns out tonight the real winners will be the internet trolls who don't actually care about hockey but enjoy kicking people when they are down. :p
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on June 15, 2011, 12:10:01 PM
well either way it turns out tonight the real winners will be the internet trolls who don't actually care about hockey but enjoy kicking people when they are down. :p
Trolls always win!
If only I could create a GIF of Jaron hoisting the Stanley Cup.
I want blood.
I was a little late getting out of downtown. Left a little after 2. The place is nuts!
Winnipeg Jets are going to interview Craig MacTavish for the head coaching job. :yuk:
Also being considered are Claude Noel (current Moose coach), Mike Havilland (Chicago ass't), Craig Ramsey (Thashers coach), and Kirk Muller (Montreal Ass't).
Please not MacT...
Quote from: Barrister on June 15, 2011, 05:43:07 PM
Winnipeg Jets are going to interview Craig MacTavish for the head coaching job. :yuk:
Also being considered are Claude Noel (current Moose coach), Mike Havilland (Chicago ass't), Craig Ramsey (Thashers coach), and Kirk Muller (Montreal Ass't).
Please not MacT...
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 15, 2011, 06:05:58 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 15, 2011, 05:43:07 PM
Winnipeg Jets are going to interview Craig MacTavish for the head coaching job. :yuk:
Also being considered are Claude Noel (current Moose coach), Mike Havilland (Chicago ass't), Craig Ramsey (Thashers coach), and Kirk Muller (Montreal Ass't).
Please not MacT...
Surely that cat has lost his 9th life... :unsure:
BUt no, his name has not been linked to Winnipeg.
Quote from: Barrister on June 15, 2011, 06:07:07 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 15, 2011, 06:05:58 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 15, 2011, 05:43:07 PM
Winnipeg Jets are going to interview Craig MacTavish for the head coaching job. :yuk:
Also being considered are Claude Noel (current Moose coach), Mike Havilland (Chicago ass't), Craig Ramsey (Thashers coach), and Kirk Muller (Montreal Ass't).
Please not MacT...
Surely that cat has lost his 9th life... :unsure:
BUt no, his name has not been linked to Winnipeg.
Okay, that is getting old.
I was amused by Recchi turning on the afterburners on that attack run. 43 my ass. :lol:
B's up 2-0, looking good. :)
Quote from: jimmy olsen on June 15, 2011, 08:47:06 PM
B's up 2-0, looking good. :)
Bruins up 3-0. Lookin' good.
Quote from: Jaron on June 15, 2011, 08:50:03 PM
Bruins up 3-0. Lookin' good.
You ain't a filthy tainter. Good man.
Evil wins :(
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 15, 2011, 08:55:12 PM
Evil wins :(
The Oilers aren't even playing though. :huh:
Quote from: Barrister on June 15, 2011, 09:02:01 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 15, 2011, 08:55:12 PM
Evil wins :(
The Oilers aren't even playing though. :huh:
It goes Flyers -> Boston -> Toronto -> Islanders -> everyone else. Such is the Axis of Evil.
Thank fully the Laffs & Islanders are irrevelant.
Quote from: Barrister on June 15, 2011, 09:02:01 PM
The Lightening aren't even playing though. :huh:
And thank God for that.
And that should be that. Sorry Canucks fans.
Also, a Kent Tekulve reference. Awesome. NBC pleases me.
Expect Jack Edwards to compare this with Operation Overlord.
Quote from: jimmy olsen on June 15, 2011, 08:47:06 PM
B's up 2-0, looking good. :)
Fuck you.
That said, the Canucks choked, as the heartless must always do.
You know, the downside to all this is that retard Kaberle won a Cup. But it was better to the alternative.
Quote from: Neil on June 15, 2011, 09:47:18 PM
You know, the downside to all this is that retard Kaberle won a Cup. But it was better to the alternative.
Hey.....Kaberle is the closest the Leafs will get to winning a Stanley Cup :D
Vancouver fans slightly redeemed by the booing they gave Bettman.
Good thing we were picking up our new puppy this afternoon.
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 15, 2011, 09:51:55 PM
Vancouver fans slightly redeemed by the booing they gave Bettman.
Yeah. The way to tell a true fan is by the amount he'll boo Bettman.
Quote from: Jacob on June 15, 2011, 09:54:48 PM
Good thing we were picking up our new puppy this afternoon.
'Bettman sucks' is a good name.
Quote from: Josephus on June 15, 2011, 09:51:38 PM
Quote from: Neil on June 15, 2011, 09:47:18 PM
You know, the downside to all this is that retard Kaberle won a Cup. But it was better to the alternative.
Hey.....Kaberle is the closest the Leafs will get to winning a Stanley Cup :D
Yeah, and that offends me. Also, Kaberle played so bad that he humiliated the Leafs. He was one of their stars, and yet he was like the village idiot on the ice.
Cars are burning. Vancouver lives up to my expectations.
Quote from: Neil on June 15, 2011, 10:05:50 PM
Cars are burning. Vancouver lives up to my expectations.
Please don't be yanking my chain.
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 15, 2011, 10:06:42 PM
Quote from: Neil on June 15, 2011, 10:05:50 PM
Cars are burning. Vancouver lives up to my expectations.
Please don't be yanking my chain.
Nope. I'm flipping through the news channels right now. Fires are popping up all over the place, especially on Georgia Street.
Damn American news channels. :mad:
Well, the new Sun News channel is talking about Libyan 'freedom fighters' and such. But the CBC and Newsworld are giving me some good shots of some cars really burning like crazy.
A car has exploded. Somebody fell off a viaduct. People are smashing bank windows.
It's Block War, baby.
Stay classy Vancouver.
A Stanley Cup replica was just thrown through the windshield of a burning car. Hillarious.
I hope that neither Jacob or crazy canuck are killed.
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 15, 2011, 10:16:19 PM
Damn American news channels. :mad:
It's on the news here. Good times.
Edit: Well it was. They've moved on.
Quote from: Neil on June 15, 2011, 10:34:35 PM
A Stanley Cup replica was just thrown through the windshield of a burning car. Hillarious.
I hope that neither Jacob or crazy canuck are killed.
What do you have against Buddharhubarb? :o
Quote from: Barrister on June 15, 2011, 10:38:52 PM
Quote from: Neil on June 15, 2011, 10:34:35 PM
A Stanley Cup replica was just thrown through the windshield of a burning car. Hillarious.
I hope that neither Jacob or crazy canuck are killed.
What do you have against Buddharhubarb? :o
I know he's fine. He's got the experience to know when to keep off the streets.
Did Thomas steal this one too or did the Canucks choke?
Was at work, didn't see the game. I'm thinking choke though.
Quote from: Neil on June 15, 2011, 10:05:03 PM
Quote from: Josephus on June 15, 2011, 09:51:38 PM
Quote from: Neil on June 15, 2011, 09:47:18 PM
You know, the downside to all this is that retard Kaberle won a Cup. But it was better to the alternative.
Hey.....Kaberle is the closest the Leafs will get to winning a Stanley Cup :D
Yeah, and that offends me. Also, Kaberle played so bad that he humiliated the Leafs. He was one of their stars, and yet he was like the village idiot on the ice.
Not really. He had kind of become a joke by the time he was traded - a trade which, at the time, seemed like a pretty good deal for the Leafs, and which has seemed like a steal since. Still, I bet the Leafs will find a way to squander even that small mercy.
Quote from: Zoupa on June 15, 2011, 11:14:35 PM
Did Thomas steal this one too or did the Canucks choke?
Was at work, didn't see the game. I'm thinking choke though.
Little of both.
Congrats to Boston, they deserved to win the series, despite the shitty refferring.
It's the people from the suburbs. One of the downsides to decent public transportation.
The building where my wife works is right smack in the middle of the riot zone. Hopefully it'll be cleaned up by tomorrow when she's going to work.
Quote from: Jacob on June 16, 2011, 12:31:46 AM
It's the people from the suburbs. One of the downsides to decent public transportation.
The building where my wife works is right smack in the middle of the riot zone. Hopefully it'll be cleaned up by tomorrow when she's going to work.
One of the downsides to decent public transportation is allowing people from the suburbs easy access to downtown? :yeahright:
Dammit - stuff like this makes me question being a hockey fan. Fucking idiots.
On the plus side, at least my prediction to CC that Winnipeg would win the cup before Vancouver would is still alive - and a hell of a lot more likely since we actually have a team again. :)
Quote from: Zoupa on June 15, 2011, 11:14:35 PM
Did Thomas steal this one too or did the Canucks choke?
Was at work, didn't see the game. I'm thinking choke though.
Well, he shut the Canucks out despite being outshot 37-20. That said, the Sedins continued to be useless. I think it's a bit of each.
Quote from: Barrister on June 16, 2011, 12:35:28 AM
Dammit - stuff like this makes me question being a hockey fan. Fucking idiots.
Don't blame hockey fans. This is on Vancouverites.
I got my blood. I am satisfied.
Quote from: Neil on June 15, 2011, 10:21:43 PM
Well, the new Sun News channel is talking about Libyan 'freedom fighters' and such. But the CBC and Newsworld are giving me some good shots of some cars really burning like crazy.
Are you the guy who watches the Sun News channel?
Quote from: Josephus on June 16, 2011, 07:12:07 AM
Quote from: Neil on June 15, 2011, 10:21:43 PM
Well, the new Sun News channel is talking about Libyan 'freedom fighters' and such. But the CBC and Newsworld are giving me some good shots of some cars really burning like crazy.
Are you the guy who watches the Sun News channel?
No, although I do hear it's starting to find an audience. It's just found a place on my news rotation when something newsworthy takes place in Canada. Mind you, it's usually miles behind the rest of the news sources, so it's not really that good. Also, I tend to find their opinion shows to be a little uncomfortable for some reason. It's like they're very aware of the right/left divide in everything that they say.
Brock Anton is unemployable.
Facebook fags.
Lets find some more goodies!
Chinaman is a better goalie than Luango.
Look at that fucking hipster.
Only in Canada :sleep:
He can always get hired by Venture.
was that real?
Quote from: jimmy olsen on June 16, 2011, 08:16:02 AM
He can always get hired by Venture.
Who the fuck is that?
Canadian teams are now 0-28 or something in Stanley Cup game 7s.
Quote from: Neil on June 16, 2011, 08:28:20 AM
Quote from: jimmy olsen on June 16, 2011, 08:16:02 AM
He can always get hired by Venture.
Who the fuck is that?
Quote from: Valmy on June 16, 2011, 08:37:48 AM
Canadain teams are now 0-28 or something in Stanley Cup game 7s.
Boston has more canadian players, doesn't it? They should have taken a dive for canada's honour :lol:
Quote from: Valmy on June 16, 2011, 08:37:48 AM
Canadain teams are now 0-28 or something in Stanley Cup game 7s.
The Habs won the 1973 Cup in a game 7 on the road.
Quote from: HVC on June 16, 2011, 08:59:38 AM
Boston has more canadian players, doesn't it? They should have taken a dive for canada's honour :lol:
So much for that 'True patriot love in all thy sons command' shit.
Quote from: Josephus on June 16, 2011, 09:05:44 AM
Quote from: Neil on June 16, 2011, 08:28:35 AM
Quote from: Josephus on June 16, 2011, 08:28:07 AM
was that real?
The riot? Yeah. It happened.
No...I meant the Facebook page
Yes, at least according to the local news. Apparently one of his friends posted something along the lines of "Dude take that down, its evidence".
The media is also reporting that there was massive looting except for a large bookstore - nothing was taken from there...
There is glass on the streets all around my building. Going to give the crews a bit to clean it up before I head downtown.
Can't tell you how sickened I feel. The city thought they could have over a 100,000 crammed into the downtown core because we did it during the Olympics without incident. But during the Olympics the crowd was different. Mainly families coming downtown to soak in the moment. Last night was mainly drunken 20 somethings. What could possibly go wrong?
Ah I did not know you lived in Vancouver CC. Anyway they rioted in 1994 also the city should have been better prepared.
Quote from: Valmy on June 16, 2011, 09:01:35 AM
Quote from: HVC on June 16, 2011, 08:59:38 AM
Boston has more canadian players, doesn't it? They should have taken a dive for canada's honour :lol:
So much for that 'True patriot love in all thy sons command' shit.
A moment of education for you. American teams have been winning the Cup with Canadian dominated line ups since forever.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 16, 2011, 09:50:52 AM
A moment of education for you. American teams have been winning the Cup with Canadian dominated line ups since forever.
Traitors all!
Anyway I said teams from Canada I am well aware most players in professional Hockey are Canadians. I can just listen to the local minor league Hockey team players talk 'aboot' the next series with Hershey. 'We're proud to be representing Texas eh'.
Quote from: Valmy on June 16, 2011, 09:50:32 AM
Ah I did not know you lived in Vancouver CC. Anyway they rioted in 1994 also the city should have been better prepared.
They thought they were. This riot is orders of magnitude worse than 94. The police have some explaining to do - and Vancouver's mayor.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 16, 2011, 09:52:44 AM
They thought they were. This riot is orders of magnitude worse than 94. The police have some explaining to do - and Vancouver's mayor.
It's just a sore loser's riot. It's not like people were killed in the streets. :wacko:
Quote from: Drakken on June 16, 2011, 09:53:59 AM
It's just a sore loser's riot. It's not like people were killed in the streets. :wacko:
Meh they would have rioted if the Canucks had won also.
Their idea of preparing was closing the liquor stores early. As far as i know that's all the really did. that and put police in the futureshop (electronics) store.
Quote from: Drakken on June 16, 2011, 09:53:59 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 16, 2011, 09:52:44 AM
They thought they were. This riot is orders of magnitude worse than 94. The police have some explaining to do - and Vancouver's mayor.
It's just a sore loser's riot. It's not like people were killed. :wacko:
I am not that some form of riot wouldnt have happened win or lose. And I hope you are right about nobody being killed. There are currently 3 people in critical care. One stabbed, one person wearing a Boston jersey "fell" 50 feet. One person is described as having a low level of consciousness but the cause of his injury and exactly what the injury is has not been reported.
Not sure what your wacko smiley is supposed to mean.
Quote from: jimmy olsen on June 16, 2011, 08:38:21 AM
Quote from: Neil on June 16, 2011, 08:28:20 AM
Quote from: jimmy olsen on June 16, 2011, 08:16:02 AM
He can always get hired by Venture.
Who the fuck is that?
'Venture' has more than one meaning, and I doubt that a cartoon is hiring hooligans.
Next time, if you're interested in making references, be a little more transparent.
Quote from: HVC on June 16, 2011, 09:55:30 AM
Their idea of preparing was closing the liquor stores early. As far as i know that's all the really did. that and put police in the futureshop (electronics) store.
No, the way they dealt with the crowds was fundamentally different than 94. Once the riot started I think the police reacted pretty well and cleared the area fairly quickly (as opposed to 94 when they hemmed everyone in). What I am questioning is why they allowed so many obviously intoxicated people into the downtown core well before the game. There is one radio clip of an officer taking booze away from some drunken 20 somethings and saying "if I let you keep this you are going to get even more drunk" and then let them pass into the "fanzone".
Anyway, off to see the carnage first hand.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 16, 2011, 09:52:44 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 16, 2011, 09:50:32 AM
Ah I did not know you lived in Vancouver CC. Anyway they rioted in 1994 also the city should have been better prepared.
They thought they were. This riot is orders of magnitude worse than 94. The police have some explaining to do - and Vancouver's mayor.
It's a no-win position for the police. If they take action and stomp the rioters on a national telecast, the officers will be facing charges and the senior leadership involved will all lose their jobs. On the other hand, if they let the rioters go for a while, worst case scenario is the chief has to fall on his sword, but everybody else doesn't get fired. The public won't be happy no matter what.
Heh, look what happened in Toronto when the cops cracked down with the old iron fist on demonstraters - they have been taking shit for it ever since. ;)
Quote from: Malthus on June 16, 2011, 10:10:17 AM
Heh, look what happened in Toronto when the cops cracked down with the old iron fist on demonstraters - they have been taking shit for it ever since. ;)
That's exactly what I was thinking of.
Anyway, this sort of riot would NEVER happen in Toronto.*
*Because the Leafs would never be in the final. Oh, well. ;)
Quote from: Malthus on June 16, 2011, 10:18:38 AM
Anyway, this sort of riot would NEVER happen in Toronto.*
*Because the Leafs would never be in the final. Oh, well. ;)
But still, compare Vancouver shenanigans with what happened in similar situations in Ottawa, Edmonton and Calgary. Or when the Blue Jays won the world series in back-to-back in the 90s.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 16, 2011, 09:49:32 AM
The media is also reporting that there was massive looting except for a large bookstore - nothing was taken from there...
LOL. Ironic and funny.
Quote from: Valmy on June 16, 2011, 09:54:40 AM
Quote from: Drakken on June 16, 2011, 09:53:59 AM
It's just a sore loser's riot. It's not like people were killed in the streets. :wacko:
Meh they would have rioted if the Canucks had won also.
For sure. There were people there just to riot. It happens everywhere all the time. Most of the "rioters" didn't give a rat's ass about the game.
Yeah, from what I heard this morning a significant number of the rioters were black clad and wearing hoods or masks and so on. So really, it has probably less to do with the sports fans from the suburbs and more to do with G20/ WTO style agitators and pseudo-anarchists.
The Blenz cafe (local, not very good Starbucks analogue) in my wife's building was completely razed. All the windows on the ground floor were smashed as well.
No unbroken windows at the Bay (a department store), at least on ground level either.
Bunch of fucking idiots.
I can see the Bookstore windows that had been smashed in from my office and a number of store fronts aound my building have windows boarded up. As I walked toward my building I saw some police arresting a number of young men - probably guys who were updating their facebook pages to explain in detail what they had done last night....
The riot is a much bigger letdown than the loss. Boo to all the tools invoved, I hope you know you are on video/etc... and I hope you are caught and publicly flogged.
Quote from: Neil on June 16, 2011, 07:47:51 AM
Brock Anton is unemployable.
Good. I hope as many of those idiots get what they deserve.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 16, 2011, 09:49:32 AMCan't tell you how sickened I feel. The city thought they could have over a 100,000 crammed into the downtown core because we did it during the Olympics without incident. But during the Olympics the crowd was different. Mainly families coming downtown to soak in the moment. Last night was mainly drunken 20 somethings. What could possibly go wrong?
Yeah, it's sickening.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on June 16, 2011, 11:17:31 AM
The riot is a much bigger letdown than the loss. Boo to all the tools invoved, I hope you know you are on video/etc... and I hope you are caught and publicly flogged.
Yeah, my sentiment exactly.
It's just a riot. It happens quite often around the world it seems.
The most sickening thing is that the rioters weren't machinegunned.
Quote from: Jacob on June 16, 2011, 11:12:41 AM
So really, it has probably less to do with the sports fans from the suburbs and more to do with G20/ WTO style agitators and pseudo-anarchists.
There seems to be lots of those guys in that part of the world. The Pacific Northwest must be a very oppressive place to churn up so much rage.
Quote from: Valmy on June 16, 2011, 11:32:47 AM
Quote from: Jacob on June 16, 2011, 11:12:41 AM
So really, it has probably less to do with the sports fans from the suburbs and more to do with G20/ WTO style agitators and pseudo-anarchists.
There seems to be lots of those guys in that part of the world. The Pacific Northwest must be a very oppressive place to churn up so much rage.
Exactly the opposite. These are people who have never experienced any real problems or suffering, but still need to feel like victims. The problem is, they live in one of the best places in the world to live, other than Alberta. Thus, they rage against 'The Man'.
Quote from: Neil on June 16, 2011, 11:31:31 AM
The most sickening thing is that the rioters weren't machinegunned.
the Cops should have come in sooner though. I have no idea why they thought it would be an "Olympics" crowd. Though it shouldn't have happened at all. Shameful is the word that has been buzzing my brain all night/morning.
Glad to see at least some people know how to take the sting out of a loss:
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on June 16, 2011, 11:35:40 AM
Quote from: Neil on June 16, 2011, 11:31:31 AM
The most sickening thing is that the rioters weren't machinegunned.
the Cops should have come in sooner though. I have no idea why they thought it would be an "Olympics" crowd. Though it shouldn't have happened at all. Shameful is the word that has been buzzing my brain all night/morning.
If they had, they'd be condemned for jumping the gun and escalating the situation.
Still, it seems clear that mistakes were made in the planning and pre-game phase of the battle. It's not like anybody really thought that Vancouver wouldn't burn, at least nobody realistic.
Quote from: Jacob on June 16, 2011, 11:39:05 AM
Glad to see at least some people know how to take the sting out of a loss:
Oh baby riots get me so hot!
Quote from: Valmy on June 16, 2011, 11:47:28 AM
Quote from: Jacob on June 16, 2011, 11:39:05 AM
Glad to see at least some people know how to take the sting out of a loss:
Oh baby riots get me so hot!
She looks like she'd be worth it. Hahaha. That being said, almost every picture I've seen is packed with hipster douchebags. The G20/WHO hater crew is just a slightly more radical version of them. It's called growing up entitled and having mommy and daddy pay for everything for you so that you can work your part time job at a coffee shop and be an "artist" or some shit. I seriously hate that fucking crowd. So annoying. All pretentiousness, no actual substance.
Back on to the topic of sports Boston is just a blessed city this past decade.
Super Bowl, World Series, NBA Finals, and now a Stanley Cup. The grand slam of professional sports. Thank God they did not do it all in one year.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on June 16, 2011, 02:12:37 PM
That being said, almost every picture I've seen is packed with hipster douchebags. The G20/WHO hater crew is just a slightly more radical version of them. It's called growing up entitled and having mommy and daddy pay for everything for you so that you can work your part time job at a coffee shop and be an "artist" or some shit. I seriously hate that fucking crowd. So annoying. All pretentiousness, no actual substance.
That's not what hipsters look like in Vancouver at all.
Quote from: Jacob on June 16, 2011, 02:16:10 PM
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on June 16, 2011, 02:12:37 PM
That being said, almost every picture I've seen is packed with hipster douchebags. The G20/WHO hater crew is just a slightly more radical version of them. It's called growing up entitled and having mommy and daddy pay for everything for you so that you can work your part time job at a coffee shop and be an "artist" or some shit. I seriously hate that fucking crowd. So annoying. All pretentiousness, no actual substance.
That's not what hipsters look like in Vancouver at all.
No? Not skinny jeans, random older clothing, etc. with plenty of random silly tats and a general appearance of being unclean? What do they wear and/or look like in Vancouver then?
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on June 16, 2011, 02:22:31 PM
No? Not skinny jeans, random older clothing, etc. with plenty of random silly tats and a general appearance of being unclean? What do they wear and/or look like in Vancouver then?
What riot pictures are you looking at where people look like that?
Most of the pictures I've seen has what looks like testosterone jocks and douchebag Affliction/ Ed Hardy (if they weren't wearing Canucks jerseys of course)/ MMA fan guys. That, plus a handful of crusty Commercial Drive type dreadlock "anarchists".
What sort of fucking hipster would bother going to a mass event? Or care about sports at all? Or could be bothered to riot to begin with.
There's plenty of thing to dislike coffee shop workers with artistic pretentions for, if that's your thing, but this riot? It has nothing to do with them.
There's a "" or something site setup. A lot of the pictures I saw on there and some of the random ones I've seen throughout are packed with what I would call hipsters wearing what I described.
Huh... okay. I see mostly white trash from the suburbs and their multicultural equivalents.
You've probably got better access to pictures there. For all I know, things I've been looking at are filtered to focus on hipsters a la sites like and stuff.
MMA fans are a scourge on this earth.
Winnipeg fans are so pumped about the Jets returning that they are opening up the MTS Centre to fans to watch the whole thing on their screen.
As well, with Minnesota only an 8 hour drive away, quite a few Winnipeg fans are planning to drive down to see the draft live. Wonder how many Jets jerseys we'll see in the crowd.
In other news, there were hints that a name might be announced (though no logo or uniforms) after the BOG meeting on the 21st.
And the Board of Governors also officially approved both the sale and the relocation to Winnipeg today.
Quote from: Barrister on June 21, 2011, 06:35:56 PM
And the Board of Governors also officially approved both the sale and the relocation to Winnipeg today.
Justice will not be done until they are officially named the 'Winnipeg Jets'.
Quote from: Valmy on June 21, 2011, 06:41:17 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 21, 2011, 06:35:56 PM
And the Board of Governors also officially approved both the sale and the relocation to Winnipeg today.
Justice will not be done until they are officially named the 'Winnipeg Jets'.
I disagree. Justice has been done. NHL hockey is back where it belongs.
Now I really, really hope that they are called "Jets" (and IMHO it is looking more and more likely that will happen), but to say that if they aren't the Jets all is for naught is just plain wrong.
Need to be called the Winnipeg Crash and Burns...cause that is what NHL does in Manitoba!
Quote from: katmai on June 21, 2011, 08:59:35 PM
Need to be called the Winnipeg Crash and Burns...cause that is what NHL does in Manitoba!
It's okay, you can admit you were wrong. I won't hold it against you for long.
Oh, and just for a sense of completeness, your TSN Jetsmeter reading as of June 21:
Drop the puck baby. :cool:
Who will be the Captain?
Who was the Thrash captain? Big Buff?
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 22, 2011, 07:15:59 AM
Who will be the Captain?
Who was the Thrash captain? Big Buff?
Evander Kane I believe.
Quote from: Barrister on June 22, 2011, 08:40:04 AM
Evander Kane I believe.
Is he: a heavyweight boxing champion who murdered his brother?
Quote from: Valmy on June 22, 2011, 08:46:33 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 22, 2011, 08:40:04 AM
Evander Kane I believe.
Is he: a heavyweight boxing champion who murdered his brother?
Nothing like that is listed in his bio... :unsure:
And I was wrong - Andrew Ladd was captain.
Man - it is hard to get to know an entire team all at once.
Quote from: Barrister on June 22, 2011, 08:49:01 AM
Nothing like that is listed in his bio... :unsure:
Evander Holyfield and Cain from...
Quote from: Barrister on June 22, 2011, 08:49:01 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 22, 2011, 08:46:33 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 22, 2011, 08:40:04 AM
Evander Kane I believe.
Is he: a heavyweight boxing champion who murdered his brother?
Nothing like that is listed in his bio... :unsure:
And I was wrong - Andrew Ladd was captain.
Man - it is hard to get to know an entire team all at once.
Don't worry, in 6 years you won't have to remember anyone :P
Quote from: Barrister on June 22, 2011, 08:49:01 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 22, 2011, 08:46:33 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 22, 2011, 08:40:04 AM
Evander Kane I believe.
Is he: a heavyweight boxing champion who murdered his brother?
Nothing like that is listed in his bio... :unsure:
And I was wrong - Andrew Ladd was captain.
Man - it is hard to get to know an entire team all at once.
You are such a square.
Quote from: Valmy on June 22, 2011, 08:52:35 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 22, 2011, 08:49:01 AM
Nothing like that is listed in his bio... :unsure:
Evander Holyfield and Cain from...
took me a secondd to get get the cain thing. i was like killed who now? :D
New Jets first home lost will be against the Habs :cheers:
better season opener would have been the "jets" versus phoenix :D
Flyers sent away Jeff Carter and Mike Richards for some peanuts. This way, they can sign Ilya Bryzgalov and have the solid goalie they are looking for. Without a team to score in front of him.
Habs fan will be happy :)
Richards & Carter aren't exactly snipers either.
Giroux, Briere & VRD will score as much as they did with Carter & Richards.
Quote from: HVC on June 23, 2011, 03:22:41 PM
better season opener would have been the "jets" versus phoenix :D
That'll have to wait until their third game. :cheers:
The downside - Winnipeg doesn't make a trip to Edmonton!!!11111 :ultra: :cry: :weep:
At least I can drive down to Calgary for a Friday, March 9 game... :shifty:
Quote from: Valmy on June 21, 2011, 06:41:17 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 21, 2011, 06:35:56 PM
And the Board of Governors also officially approved both the sale and the relocation to Winnipeg today.
Justice will not be done until they are officially named the 'Winnipeg Jets'.
You need not worry, Valmy.
The name will be:
No surprise.
Quote from: Josephus on June 24, 2011, 03:26:43 PM
No surprise.
It's a surprise.
If they were going to go with Jets they would have said so when the move was announced. They would have had a logo and jersey all ready to go.
I think it will come out that they chanegd their minds due to overwhelming fan support for "Jets".
Oh. My. God!!!!!!
So I'm gone for the weekend, and nobody talks about the draft? :(
Of course the highlight was the 7th pick. No, seriously. Not only does Winnipeg make their pick, but Mark Chipman just slips in that the pick is being made by "the Winnipeg Jets" - thus for the first time officially announcing the team name. Oh, and Claude Noel was also announced as our head coach.
Apparently the pick for Winnipeg was assessed as a bit of a reach - Scheifele was projected anywhere from 12-16. Supposedly the big selling point for Winnipeg was a strong endorsement from Scheifele's Junior head coach. That head coach? Why no other than the Winnipeg Jets (v 1.0) biggest superstar, Mr. Dale Hawerchuk. :punk:
Quote from: Barrister on June 26, 2011, 05:11:17 PM
So I'm gone for the weekend, and nobody talks about the draft? :(
I was in Colorado for a wedding.
Congrats on your franchise doing the right thing!
Nothing really exciting in the Caps draft. They took alot of long term prospects.
The NHL draft just isn't as big a deal, since a lot of these guys are going to be spending some time in the minors.
Quote from: Neil on June 26, 2011, 05:29:00 PM
The NHL draft just isn't as big a deal, since a lot of these guys are going to be spending some time in the minors.
No, that's fair. While the NFL mandates drafting guys after college, who are then physically mature enough to play, in the NHL only a gifted few can play as 18 year olds.
Which is why the #7 pick, which announced the Return of the Jets, was the biggest news of the draft. -_- I heard the pick over the radio (we went camping this weekend) and you could tell the crowd just went bonkers - of course with Winnipeg so close to Twin Cities, there was a huge Winnipeg contingent there...
Quote from: Barrister on June 24, 2011, 03:31:48 PM
Quote from: Josephus on June 24, 2011, 03:26:43 PM
No surprise.
It's a surprise.
If they were going to go with Jets they would have said so when the move was announced. They would have had a logo and jersey all ready to go.
I think it will come out that they chanegd their minds due to overwhelming fan support for "Jets".
Let's just say, then, for the sake of argument, which you lawyers can't seem to get enough of, that it's no surprise to me. ;)
Quote from: Barrister on June 26, 2011, 05:37:58 PM
Quote from: Neil on June 26, 2011, 05:29:00 PM
The NHL draft just isn't as big a deal, since a lot of these guys are going to be spending some time in the minors.
No, that's fair. While the NFL mandates drafting guys after college, who are then physically mature enough to play, in the NHL only a gifted few can play as 18 year olds.
Which is why the #7 pick, which announced the Return of the Jets, was the biggest news of the draft. -_- I heard the pick over the radio (we went camping this weekend) and you could tell the crowd just went bonkers - of course with Winnipeg so close to Twin Cities, there was a huge Winnipeg contingent there...
And most of those players who are gifted enough couldn't get into college anyways, since they dropped out of high school when they were 16.
I watched the draft just to hear them say 'Winnipeg Jets'. My wife was not impressed.
Quote from: Neil on June 26, 2011, 06:01:35 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 26, 2011, 05:37:58 PM
Quote from: Neil on June 26, 2011, 05:29:00 PM
The NHL draft just isn't as big a deal, since a lot of these guys are going to be spending some time in the minors.
No, that's fair. While the NFL mandates drafting guys after college, who are then physically mature enough to play, in the NHL only a gifted few can play as 18 year olds.
Which is why the #7 pick, which announced the Return of the Jets, was the biggest news of the draft. -_- I heard the pick over the radio (we went camping this weekend) and you could tell the crowd just went bonkers - of course with Winnipeg so close to Twin Cities, there was a huge Winnipeg contingent there...
And most of those players who are gifted enough couldn't get into college anyways, since they dropped out of high school when they were 16.
I watched the draft just to hear them say 'Winnipeg Jets'. My wife was not impressed.
:hug: :yeah:
Since we were going camping, I was able to convince the wife we needed to hear 630 CHED for the weather reports. Even though they were doing solid live draft coverage. :ph34r:
Yeah, the draft was big news in Edmonton, but the Jets angle was the best part of it. Edmonton didn't draft a top defenceman, and so they'll probably fail, although I fear that Calgary will be even worse.
After the realignment, Winnipeg might be the best respectable Canadian team in the division.
Quote from: Neil on June 26, 2011, 06:40:16 PM
Yeah, the draft was big news in Edmonton, but the Jets angle was the best part of it. Edmonton didn't draft a top defenceman, and so they'll probably fail, although I fear that Calgary will be even worse.
After the realignment, Winnipeg might be the best respectable Canadian team in the division.
I gotta admit, as a guy with a closet with Flames jerseys buried in the back, I don't quite know what the hell they are doing these days. It could be some grim days in the C of Red.
But I gotta say - the Canucks aren't going anywhere for a little while. Even when a reborn Smythe division comes to life, I don't see the Jets on top of it.
Wow - I can say the Jets without having to put any wiggle words.
I love life. :)
Quote from: Barrister on June 26, 2011, 06:11:36 PM
:hug: :yeah:
Since we were going camping, I was able to convince the wife we needed to hear 630 CHED for the weather reports. Even though they were doing solid live draft coverage. :ph34r:
Just curious because I do a lot of backcountry hiking and camping, what area did you visit? Always on the lookout for some new vistas and i've tracked Kananaskis and Southern Alberta out over the past few years.
Quote from: Barrister on June 26, 2011, 06:47:02 PM
I gotta admit, as a guy with a closet with Flames jerseys buried in the back, I don't quite know what the hell they are doing these days. It could be some grim days in the C of Red.
Well, they seem to love Jokinen for some reason, and a lot of their heart guys are moving along. I hope for Iginla's sake that he gets traded somewhere decent when the time comes. Sutter might have been a good coach, but he's GMed the team into the ground.
QuoteBut I gotta say - the Canucks aren't going anywhere for a little while. Even when a reborn Smythe division comes to life, I don't see the Jets on top of it.
But the Canucks aren't respectable.
Quote from: PRC on June 26, 2011, 08:57:01 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 26, 2011, 06:11:36 PM
:hug: :yeah:
Since we were going camping, I was able to convince the wife we needed to hear 630 CHED for the weather reports. Even though they were doing solid live draft coverage. :ph34r:
Just curious because I do a lot of backcountry hiking and camping, what area did you visit? Always on the lookout for some new vistas and i've tracked Kananaskis and Southern Alberta out over the past few years.
We were far, far, far from the backcountry. Remember, we were camping with a baby and a trailer. We went to a golf tournament (which was odd since I hadn't golfed in 5 years), and camped in a campground attached to the golf course. :homestar:
The only backcountry camping I've done was the Chilkoot Trail, which is one of my top 10 moments in life. Highly, highly recommend it.
Quote from: Barrister on June 26, 2011, 11:49:31 PM
The only backcountry camping I've done was the Chilkoot Trail, which is one of my top 10 moments in life. Highly, highly recommend it.
I would love to do that one day. Climb the pass, build a raft and all that.
Quote from: Maladict on June 27, 2011, 08:59:38 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 26, 2011, 11:49:31 PM
The only backcountry camping I've done was the Chilkoot Trail, which is one of my top 10 moments in life. Highly, highly recommend it.
I would love to do that one day. Climb the pass, build a raft and all that.
Of course you can no longer build a raft - Lake Bennett (where the stampeders did that) is a National Park, so you can't cut down trees.
What you can do these days is hike the Chilkoot Trail up to Lake Bennett, then take the train / bus into Whitehorse. Rent or buy a canoe, then sail down the Yukon to Dawson.
We were going to do that last year - but then my wife became pregnant. It's on the bucket list though. :ph34r:
Quote from: Barrister on June 27, 2011, 09:03:55 AM
Quote from: Maladict on June 27, 2011, 08:59:38 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 26, 2011, 11:49:31 PM
The only backcountry camping I've done was the Chilkoot Trail, which is one of my top 10 moments in life. Highly, highly recommend it.
I would love to do that one day. Climb the pass, build a raft and all that.
Of course you can no longer build a raft - Lake Bennett (where the stampeders did that) is a National Park, so you can't cut down trees.
What you can do these days is hike the Chilkoot Trail up to Lake Bennett, then take the train / bus into Whitehorse. Rent or buy a canoe, then sail down the Yukon to Dawson.
We were going to do that last year - but then my wife became pregnant. It's on the bucket list though. :ph34r:
Next time don't fail us like that. I had my gf almost convince it was a btter to spend 2000$ then going to Cuba.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 27, 2011, 09:07:04 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 27, 2011, 09:03:55 AM
Quote from: Maladict on June 27, 2011, 08:59:38 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 26, 2011, 11:49:31 PM
The only backcountry camping I've done was the Chilkoot Trail, which is one of my top 10 moments in life. Highly, highly recommend it.
I would love to do that one day. Climb the pass, build a raft and all that.
Of course you can no longer build a raft - Lake Bennett (where the stampeders did that) is a National Park, so you can't cut down trees.
What you can do these days is hike the Chilkoot Trail up to Lake Bennett, then take the train / bus into Whitehorse. Rent or buy a canoe, then sail down the Yukon to Dawson.
We were going to do that last year - but then my wife became pregnant. It's on the bucket list though. :ph34r:
Next time don't fail us like that. I had my gf almost convince it was a btter to spend 2000$ then going to Cuba.
I'm sorry the birth of my child interrupted your holidays. :P
Still, I'd like to Canoe the Yukon.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 27, 2011, 10:04:24 AM
Still, I'd like to Canoe the Yukon.
Me too. Very much. :Canuck:
I might wait 10-12 years and go with no-longer-baby Tim - or go sooner without my family.
I'm pleased that Rick Nash finally has a center to work with now in Jeff Carter.
Nice to see some Classy inductees into the Hall this year. Dougie Gilmour! Niewendiieck (sp) Belfour etc... Mark Howe. Good year.
Story of the draft here: Mtl GM Pierre Gauthier drowned out by boos and chants of USA!USA!USA! when he announced his pick in French.
Stay classy America!
Quote from: Zoupa on June 28, 2011, 11:48:41 PM
Story of the draft here: Mtl GM Pierre Gauthier drowned out by boos and chants of USA!USA!USA! when he announced his pick in French.
Stay classy America!
Wait - a franchise announces it's new team name in the midst of the draft, and THIS is what you think the story of the draft was? :wacko:
You're getting really fucking annoying about your damn Jets, man.
Just because Canada is too pussy of a country to make you damn dirty people speak English, don't expect USA to bend over for you frogs.
Quote from: Barrister on June 28, 2011, 11:55:00 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on June 28, 2011, 11:48:41 PM
Story of the draft here: Mtl GM Pierre Gauthier drowned out by boos and chants of USA!USA!USA! when he announced his pick in French.
Stay classy America!
Wait - a franchise announces it's new team name in the midst of the draft, and THIS is what you think the story of the draft was? :wacko:
Yo, this is Montreal. Habs > God.
Quote from: Zoupa on June 29, 2011, 02:13:40 AM
You're getting really fucking annoying about your damn Jets, man.
Just imagine how annoying I can be once they actually play a game! :lol:
But my point still stands - how can you imagine that fans booing was the story of the draft, given what happened with the Jets?
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 09:14:47 AM
Quote from: Zoupa on June 29, 2011, 02:13:40 AM
You're getting really fucking annoying about your damn Jets, man.
Just imagine how annoying I can be once they actually play a game! :lol:
But my point still stands - how can you imagine that fans booing was the story of the draft, given what happened with the Jets?
Because we don't care about the Jets more then we care about the Habs & how Americans are a bunch of retard. That said, I was expecting some mention of it in the media but I haven't see any.
Quote from: Zoupa on June 28, 2011, 11:48:41 PM
Story of the draft here: Mtl GM Pierre Gauthier drowned out by boos and chants of USA!USA!USA! when he announced his pick in French.
Stay classy America!
I liked when Boston beat Vancouver all the Boston fans started chanting 'USA! USA! USA!' for this great nationalist victory...of course only four players on the Bruins are actually Americans....six Americans play for the Canucks.
Of course having said that at least our fans have some sort of national identity and have the decency as sports fans to shit on their northern rivals. Canadian fans, at least here, would gladly American based clubs win the cup for the next 100 years than to see one of their rival Canadian based clubs win it because they hate other Canadians far more than they hate Americans. I hope us being crass jerks to you guys at the draft will at least get your priorities straight :P
What amused me during the draft was when Bettman got up to introduce Mark Chipman (new Jets owner) the fans started to boo him, but then it turned into a chant of "Gary! Gary!" from all the fans who made the trip from Winnipeg. :D
It would amuse me if the only arena in the NHL Gary Bettman doesn't get booed at would be Winnipeg.
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 09:23:58 AM
What amused me during the draft was when Bettman got up to introduce Mark Chipman (new Jets owner) the fans started to boo him, but then it turned into a chant of "Gary! Gary!" from all the fans who made the trip from Winnipeg. :D
It would amuse me if the only arena in the NHL Gary Bettman doesn't get booed at would be Winnipeg.
How is that possible? Bettman probably delayed you getting a club by at least a year through him pouring good money after bad in Phoenix.
Quote from: Valmy on June 29, 2011, 09:28:39 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 09:23:58 AM
What amused me during the draft was when Bettman got up to introduce Mark Chipman (new Jets owner) the fans started to boo him, but then it turned into a chant of "Gary! Gary!" from all the fans who made the trip from Winnipeg. :D
It would amuse me if the only arena in the NHL Gary Bettman doesn't get booed at would be Winnipeg.
How is that possible? Bettman probably delayed you getting a club by at least a year through him pouring good money after bad in Phoenix.
At the end of the day, we wouldn't have gotten a team at all if Bettman didn't sign off on it. I for one am now a Gary Bettman fan. Hell - other than screwing Winnipeg (and Quebec, and Hartford) back in the day, I can't really argue with much that he has done as commissioner - it's just he's so damn annoying to listen to him talk.
But...I miss the Norris Division :(
Quote from: Valmy on June 29, 2011, 10:00:19 AM
But...I miss the Norris Division :(
Smythe Division was where it was at.
However... some of the latest sctullebut was that the NHL will move to 4 divisions of 7 or 8 teams next year. Maybe, just maybe, they'll return to the old division names. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 10:03:44 AM
However... some of the latest sctullebut was that the NHL will move to 4 divisions of 7 or 8 teams next year. Maybe, just maybe, they'll return to the old division names. :cool:
Very doubtful. Only real Hockey fans even know about the old names and the NHL doesn't care about us.
I wish the NHL would do away with geographical base conferences & start doing it like the NFL.
It would fix some of the issues atleast.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 29, 2011, 10:07:46 AM
I wish the NHL would do away with geographical base conferences & start doing it like the NFL.
It would fix some of the issues atleast.
:huh: The NFL has geographically-based conferences.
All I know is that having the Jets in the Southeastern conference sucks. Put teams in divisions where they play other enarby teams please. :)
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 09:14:47 AMBut my point still stands - how can you imagine that fans booing was the story of the draft, given what happened with the Jets?
He's not imagining anything. In Quebec that was the story of the draft. They care more about language issues and insults to their team than they do about some prairie team.
How can you imagine that the Jets being named the Jets is the story of the draft anywhere where they have their own team involved?
Avatar changed to Dustin Byfuglien, defenceman with the Winnipeg Jets. :cool:
No need to go retro any more. :cool:
Though I probably will again at some point - you can never have to much Bobby Hull or Dale Hawerchuk. But it'll be by choice, not necessity. :cool:
Quote from: Jacob on June 29, 2011, 10:14:03 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 09:14:47 AMBut my point still stands - how can you imagine that fans booing was the story of the draft, given what happened with the Jets?
He's not imagining anything. In Quebec that was the story of the draft. They care more about language issues and insults to their team than they do about some prairie team.
How can you imagine that the Jets being named the Jets is the story of the draft anywhere where they have their own team involved?
Hey man - I understand where you're coming from. After all I live in "Oil Country" :rolleyes:, not Winnipeg.
Oilers fans were discussing the #1 pick first and foremost. But they realized that was a purely local story. I'm sure if you asked an Oilers fan whan the biggest story from the weekend for the entire league, it'd be Jets. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 10:09:17 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 29, 2011, 10:07:46 AM
I wish the NHL would do away with geographical base conferences & start doing it like the NFL.
It would fix some of the issues atleast.
:huh: The NFL has geographically-based conferences.
All I know is that having the Jets in the Southeastern conference sucks. Put teams in divisions where they play other enarby teams please. :)
No, it has a geographically-based divisions. I'm pretty sure the AFC & NFC both have teams on the west coast.
When did Buff become a defenseman? I thought he was a winger.
Edit: i looked it up. he plays both. :Embarrass:
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 29, 2011, 10:25:58 AM
When did Buff become a defenseman? I thought he was a winger.
They switched him to defence in Atlanta. You are right - he used to be a forward in Chicago.
Quote from: Ed Anger on June 29, 2011, 10:25:58 AM
When did Buff become a defenseman? I thought he was a winger.
Edit: i looked it up. he plays both. :Embarrass:
Last Year.
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 10:09:17 AM
:huh: The NFL has geographically-based conferences.
Buffalo Bills
Miami Dolphins
New England Patriots
New York Jets
Baltimore Ravens
Cincinnati Bengals
Cleveland Browns
Pittsburgh Steelers
Houston Texans
Indianapolis Colts
Jacksonville Jaguars
Tennessee Titans
Denver Broncos
Kansas City Chiefs
Oakland Raiders
San Diego Chargers
Yeah that is really geographically based. The East Coast, California, and everywhere in between.
Quote from: Valmy on June 29, 2011, 10:28:52 AM
Yeah that is really geographically based. The East Coast, California, and everywhere in between.
Fine. Geographically-based Divisions. You know, like NFC North and AFC West?
and that (plus MLB) is really because of historical accident. It makes little sense otherwise.
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 10:35:47 AM
and that (plus MLB) is really because of historical accident. It makes little sense otherwise.
At least some leagues have not forsaken theirs unlike the NHL :P
Well ok so long as they never rename the Stanley Cup the TD Ameritrade Cup or something.
QuoteWell ok so long as they never rename the Stanley Cup the TD Ameritrade Cup or something.
The Disney Cup
As long as it is so over the top American to annoy Canadians.
Quote from: Valmy on June 29, 2011, 10:42:07 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 10:35:47 AM
and that (plus MLB) is really because of historical accident. It makes little sense otherwise.
At least some leagues have not forsaken theirs unlike the NHL :P
Well ok so long as they never rename the Stanley Cup the TD Ameritrade Cup or something.
But the NHL's tradition involved a 6 team league. They never had to divide it up into conferences originally.
And although I like the Stanley Cup just fine as it is, there is nothing wrong with a corporate-named Championship Cup. :whistle:
Nobody caught my AVCO Cup reference. :(
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 12:13:52 PM
Nobody caught my AVCO Cup reference. :(
Alternately, nobody cared :(
Quote from: Jacob on June 29, 2011, 12:20:50 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 12:13:52 PM
Nobody caught my AVCO Cup reference. :(
Alternately, nobody cared :(
And that would be truly sad, because for a brief period of tiem the AVCO Cup was the most competitive, most difficult to win award in all of hockey. :(
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 12:13:52 PM
Nobody caught my AVCO Cup reference. :(
That is because the WHA sucks.
Quote from: Valmy on June 29, 2011, 12:30:04 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 12:13:52 PM
Nobody caught my AVCO Cup reference. :(
That is because the WHA sucks.
The WHA hasn't existed for 30+ years, so of course it does. Now.
But in the 70s... :cool:
Quote from: Zoupa on June 29, 2011, 12:31:07 PM
Quote from: Valmy on June 29, 2011, 12:30:04 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 12:13:52 PM
Nobody caught my AVCO Cup reference. :(
That is because the WHA sucks.
Always has. :)
Nope - in the 70s the WHA included the best team in professional hockey - and the first club team to defeat the Soviet national team. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 12:35:00 PM
Nope - in the 70s the WHA included the best team in professional hockey - and the first club team to defeat the Soviet national team. :cool:
Of course they were the first club teams to ever PLAY the Soviet National Team...
Quote from: Valmy on June 29, 2011, 12:58:51 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 12:35:00 PM
Nope - in the 70s the WHA included the best team in professional hockey - and the first club team to defeat the Soviet national team. :cool:
Of course they were the first club teams to ever PLAY the Soviet National Team...
...because the NHL had its head so far up its own ass in the 70s.
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 09:14:47 AM
But my point still stands - how can you imagine that fans booing was the story of the draft, given what happened with the Jets?
Why would people in Montreal care about the Jets, or what happens with them?
Quote from: Neil on June 29, 2011, 01:51:52 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 09:14:47 AM
But my point still stands - how can you imagine that fans booing was the story of the draft, given what happened with the Jets?
Why would people in Montreal care about the Jets, or what happens with them?
Well they'll care when we whup their asses in our home opener. :menace:
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 10:09:17 AM
:huh: The NFL has geographically-based conferences.
All I know is that having the Jets in the Southeastern conference sucks. Put teams in divisions where they play other enarby teams please. :)
No they don't. Each conference has a North, South, East and West division, but the NFC and AFC are both national entities.
I totally missed that BB called the Southeast Division the 'Southeastern Conference'.
No wonder he is so confused.
Quote from: Valmy on June 29, 2011, 03:41:34 PM
I totally missed that BB called the Southeast Division the 'Southeastern Conference'.
No wonder he is so confused.
Hey - actually having a team and having to know stuff is a strange and new experience for me. :D
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 01:54:16 PM
Quote from: Neil on June 29, 2011, 01:51:52 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 09:14:47 AM
But my point still stands - how can you imagine that fans booing was the story of the draft, given what happened with the Jets?
Why would people in Montreal care about the Jets, or what happens with them?
Well they'll care when we whup their asses in our home opener. :menace:
Unlikely. Remember, these are the Thrashers we're talking about here.
Quote from: Neil on June 29, 2011, 04:34:12 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 01:54:16 PM
Quote from: Neil on June 29, 2011, 01:51:52 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 09:14:47 AM
But my point still stands - how can you imagine that fans booing was the story of the draft, given what happened with the Jets?
Why would people in Montreal care about the Jets, or what happens with them?
Well they'll care when we whup their asses in our home opener. :menace:
Unlikely. Remember, these are the Thrashers we're talking about here.
Jets. :contract:
Nah - that place will be hopping on opening night. I don't have great expectations for the entire season, but I'll bet you they win the home opener.
I'm liking the Bluejackets moves this offseason.
About fucking time.
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 10:18:40 AM
Quote from: Jacob on June 29, 2011, 10:14:03 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2011, 09:14:47 AMBut my point still stands - how can you imagine that fans booing was the story of the draft, given what happened with the Jets?
He's not imagining anything. In Quebec that was the story of the draft. They care more about language issues and insults to their team than they do about some prairie team.
How can you imagine that the Jets being named the Jets is the story of the draft anywhere where they have their own team involved?
Hey man - I understand where you're coming from. After all I live in "Oil Country" :rolleyes:, not Winnipeg.
Oilers fans were discussing the #1 pick first and foremost. But they realized that was a purely local story. I'm sure if you asked an Oilers fan whan the biggest story from the weekend for the entire league, it'd be Jets. :cool:
And here's proof about what the biggest story of the draft was:
QuoteOther ratings bizness: The NHL draft, which is kind of like watching a convocation without knowing the students, captured an average of 1.6 million for its four hours Friday night on TSN. The peak of 2.1 million came as the Winnipeg Jets revealed their new/old nickname and their first draft pick since returning to Manitoba.
To be fair, it's the NHL draft. No story is truly 'big'. The draft just isn't important.
Quote from: Neil on July 04, 2011, 02:18:29 PM
To be fair, it's the NHL draft. No story is truly 'big'. The draft just isn't important.
I dunno - 2.1 million people is a pretty good number.
And the draft certainly matters in the NHL. But because you're drafting 18 year olds most of these guys won't show up in the league for several years, so it doesn't have the immediacy that the NFL draft has.
Quote from: Barrister on July 04, 2011, 02:21:47 PM
Quote from: Neil on July 04, 2011, 02:18:29 PM
To be fair, it's the NHL draft. No story is truly 'big'. The draft just isn't important.
I dunno - 2.1 million people is a pretty good number.
And the draft certainly matters in the NHL. But because you're drafting 18 year olds most of these guys won't show up in the league for several years, so it doesn't have the immediacy that the NFL draft has.
The only people who really care are the hardcore fans. And since the guys getting drafted are all no-names, it's even less of an event. At least in the NFL, the guys who go in the first round are already famous. Amongst the NHL's fan base, most people haven't heard of who's hot in the WHL or the QMJL or the OHL or whatever.
Also, I'd like to say goodbye to Nikita Filatov, who I predict will disappoint Sens fans.
Goodbye, you useless fuck.
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 04, 2011, 02:47:10 PM
Also, I'd like to say goodbye to Nikita Filatov, who I predict will disappoint Sens fans.
Goodbye, you useless fuck.
Is it just me, or is Columbus going "all in" on this next season, betting that improved performance will lead to a profitable team, but taking almost everything out of the cupboard to do it?
Heatley for Havlat. :unsure:
Quote from: Barrister on July 04, 2011, 02:48:35 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 04, 2011, 02:47:10 PM
Also, I'd like to say goodbye to Nikita Filatov, who I predict will disappoint Sens fans.
Goodbye, you useless fuck.
Is it just me, or is Columbus going "all in" on this next season, betting that improved performance will lead to a profitable team, but taking almost everything out of the cupboard to do it?
Yep. That and 34-35-whatever records isn't going to cut it much longer in Columbus.
I'll make a prediction: If the Bluejackets don't consistently make the playoffs over the next 3-5 years, the team is out of there.
So they will be the Winnipeg jets 3.0?
Quote from: katmai on July 04, 2011, 03:12:56 PM
Heatley for Havlat. :unsure:
Good deal for the Sharks, Heatley is a whiner, is not the player he once was and is also prone to disappearing when the going gets tough.
Quote from: katmai on July 04, 2011, 03:18:07 PM
So they will be the Winnipeg jets 3.0?
Losers aren't welcome. Quebec city can have them if they don't produce.
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 04, 2011, 03:21:23 PM
Quote from: katmai on July 04, 2011, 03:18:07 PM
So they will be the Winnipeg jets 3.0?
Losers aren't welcome. Quebec city can have them if they don't produce.
Jets aren't going anywhere - we made the mistake of letting them go once already. :hug:
Quote from: Barrister on July 04, 2011, 03:22:55 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 04, 2011, 03:21:23 PM
Quote from: katmai on July 04, 2011, 03:18:07 PM
So they will be the Winnipeg jets 3.0?
Losers aren't welcome. Quebec city can have them if they don't produce.
Jets aren't going anywhere - we made the mistake of letting them go once already. :hug:
I was talking about the Blujackets. Not everything is about the Thrashers. :rolleyes:
Quote from: PRC on July 04, 2011, 03:20:52 PM
Quote from: katmai on July 04, 2011, 03:12:56 PM
Heatley for Havlat. :unsure:
Good deal for the Sharks, Heatley is a whiner, is not the player he once was and is also prone to disappearing when the going gets tough.
Yeah that is what I've been reading so far.
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 04, 2011, 03:25:06 PM
Quote from: Barrister on July 04, 2011, 03:22:55 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 04, 2011, 03:21:23 PM
Quote from: katmai on July 04, 2011, 03:18:07 PM
So they will be the Winnipeg jets 3.0?
Losers aren't welcome. Quebec city can have them if they don't produce.
Jets aren't going anywhere - we made the mistake of letting them go once already. :hug:
I was talking about the Blujackets. Not everything is about the Thrashers. :rolleyes:
Hey - I even made a comment about CBJ just a few minutes ago! :o
Havlat-Heatley is taking two underperforming players and swaping them to see if a change of scenery improves them. It's not a bad idea at all.
Heatley is that asshole that killed his team mate, correct?
Yes el jefe.
And Heatley was doing well in 2 regular seasons. But woefully lacking these last two playoffs production wise.
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 04, 2011, 03:33:59 PM
Heatley is that asshole that killed his team mate, correct?
Dan Snyder, while both were with Atlanta.
I'm not posting every last off-season move the Jets make, but I thought I'd post this to see if Valmy had any info:
QuoteJets Acquire Fehr from CapsSend Paquette, pick back to Washington.Friday, 08.07.2011 / 4:57 PM / News Articles The Winnipeg Jets are pleased to announce today they have acquired forward Eric Fehr from the Washington Capitals in exchange for forward Danick Paquette and Winnipeg's fourth-round pick in the 2012 NHL Entry Draft.
Fehr, 25, played in 52 games for the Washington Capitals last season, collecting 20 points (10g, 10a) and 16 penalty minutes. In six seasons with the Washington Capitals, the Winkler, MB native totaled 93 points (46g, 47a) and 78 penalty minutes in 230 NHL games. Fehr has also played in the Stanley Cup Playoffs in each of the past four seasons with the Capitals, scoring six points (5g, 1a) in 26 postseason games.
Fehr played his entire junior career in his home province with the Western Hockey League's Brandon Wheat Kings where he scored 277 points (146g, 131) in 275 games over four full seasons.
Fehr was originally drafted by the Washington Capitals in the first round, 18th overall, in the 2003 NHL Entry Draft.|WPG|home
Always nice to get a local boy to play for the home team. :cool:
But anyways V - know anything about this guy?
Fahr is injury prone and has never lived up to his vast potential. Probably best for Fehr he was going nowhere in Washington. I had kind of given up on him to be honest. Maybe a change of scenery will help him.
I am: very happy with this move.
Fehr is the guy I benched when I played a NHL '10 Capitals season. His pixel version sucked.
I do hate giving up draft picks though, even 4th rounders.
He is the 3rd and 4th line grind it out guy. In other words, the suckasses I don't want to play in a video game. I want to hit somebody with Ovechkin at Warp 5.
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 08, 2011, 04:41:04 PM
He is the 3rd and 4th line grind it out guy. In other words, the suckasses I don't want to play in a video game. I want to hit somebody with Ovechkin at Warp 5.
Yeah, well lets be honest the Jets don't have an Ovechkin-like player, and aren't likely to get one. So right now they're trying to fill out the roster with a bunch of grit and character guys. You know - typical Manitoba boys. :cool:
It still seems surreal to be talking about player trades. I used to read the business pages for Jets news, not the sports pages. :cry:
Quote from: Barrister on July 08, 2011, 04:45:31 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 08, 2011, 04:41:04 PM
He is the 3rd and 4th line grind it out guy. In other words, the suckasses I don't want to play in a video game. I want to hit somebody with Ovechkin at Warp 5.
Yeah, well lets be honest the Jets don't have an Ovechkin-like player, and aren't likely to get one. So right now they're trying to fill out the roster with a bunch of grit and character guys. You know - typical Manitoba boys. :cool:
It still seems surreal to be talking about player trades. I used to read the business pages for Jets news, not the sports pages. :cry:
I'll be sure to pulverize the Jets in NHL '12. Just for you. :)
I'll create a super line of Ovechkin, Backstrom and Rick Nash and cream the digital version of your team. Then unleash a pest line of Lucic, Carcillo and Cooke and beat the living shit out of them in fights.
Oh, you KNOW I'm buying NHL 12.
And I'll be sure to pulverize the Blue Jackets. Just for you. :menace:
Quote from: Barrister on July 08, 2011, 04:34:47 PM
I do hate giving up draft picks though, even 4th rounders.
Hey you got a former 1st rounder for him. If he works out you will not miss that pick.
I think it's a very good trade for both sides.
Okay, so I'm not predicting anything, but...
Understandably on my Jets message board the topic of conversation was at first about the Jets returning, then what they would be called, and now what the unis / logo would look like. There has now been a fair bit of chatter from a few people who have claimed they have seen them. The description was the colours were red, blue and silver, with the logo looking like the RCAF roundel (red maple leaf surrounded by a blue circle), but with a silver jet superimposed on it.
Based on these decriptions, a few people have made mock-ups, of which this is probably the best:
I gotta say that if these rumorus are true, and presuming it's more professionally done than this amateur effort, that basic look would be amazing (and a million times better than the clunky Jets logos of the past).
Great, more blue.
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 18, 2011, 10:21:36 AM
Great, more blue.
Supposedly the dominant colour of the uniform is red. Which is hardly under-represented either.
Quote from: Barrister on July 18, 2011, 10:26:46 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 18, 2011, 10:21:36 AM
Great, more blue.
Supposedly the dominant colour of the uniform is red. Which is hardly under-represented either.
True but there's too much Black & Blue. The NHL needs more Green & Yellow.
Nashville did the NHL a great service by making it's home jersey's yellow.
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 18, 2011, 10:31:43 AM
Quote from: Barrister on July 18, 2011, 10:26:46 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 18, 2011, 10:21:36 AM
Great, more blue.
Supposedly the dominant colour of the uniform is red. Which is hardly under-represented either.
True but there's too much Black & Blue. The NHL needs more Green & Yellow.
Nashville did the NHL a great service by making it's home jersey's yellow.
Except those uniforms are ugly. :bleeding:
The Moose used green uniforms, but while green works well for a team called the Moose, it doesn't work at all for a team called the Jets.
Those uniforms are different & that's all that counts.
They're not horribly ugly, and they'll come back into fashion.
The current trend in professional sports where any uniform that isn't black, white, red or blue is unacceptable is a temporary thing.
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 18, 2011, 10:37:56 AM
Those uniforms are different & that's all that counts.
Uh, no.
What counts is that a uniform looks good, and that people want to buy the jerseys. Thinking that looking "different" was all that mattered leads to this:
guys, it's summer, dammit! stop talking about hockey.
this is a time for camp fires, bbq with good Australian wine, CFL football, but not hockey. Do you see any snow outside? No? Then leave hockey where it is, and start again comme october ;)
Quote from: Barrister on July 18, 2011, 10:50:48 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 18, 2011, 10:37:56 AM
Those uniforms are different & that's all that counts.
Uh, no.
What counts is that a uniform looks good, and that people want to buy the jerseys. Thinking that looking "different" was all that mattered leads to this:
:lol: I, sadly, see your point.
It also leads to the fishsticks.
@Viper, when we talk about the CFL the americans cry.
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 18, 2011, 11:03:09 AM
@Viper, when we talk about the CFL the americans cry.
That just means you should talk more about it. Come on now this is Languish.
Quote from: viper37 on July 18, 2011, 10:53:43 AM
guys, it's summer, dammit! stop talking about hockey.
this is a time for camp fires, bbq with good Australian wine, CFL football, but not hockey. Do you see any snow outside? No? Then leave hockey where it is, and start again comme october ;)
Not this summer.
This summer it's all Jets, all the time. :cool:
Just be glad I haven't posted about every single Jets signing that has happened. :)
But I will post a couple of additional details. Apparently they have tweaked the schedule to move Jets-Penguins game from a Saturday to a Sunday, so that it can be shown on CBC's Hockey Day in Canada in February.
Also CBC related, in the spring they announced Conception Bay Newfoundland won the Hockeyville competition, which meant CB (15 minutes from St. John's) would host a NHL pre-season game between the Ottawa Senators and the Atlanta Thrashers.
Well, since it was announced the Atlanta Thashers became the Winnipeg Jets, AND St. John's became the new hom to the Jet's AHL affiliate. What was once a minorly interesting pre-season game has now become a coming out party for the new St. John's team. :punk:
More news!
Winnipeg Free Press reports that TSN, not Sportsnet, gets the regional rights to Jets games. And not that you guys care, but 1290 Sports, not CJOB 680, gets the radio rights. (but my cousin, who does play by play for the local baseball team on 1290, certainly does...)
Goddammit that looks awesome. :punk:
It's a pretty sweet jersey :cheers:
Pretty sure that's just a t-shirt or the like, not the full jersey.
But I think that logo is instantly in the top 5 for the NHL if you like clean and simple designs. It's right up there with Calgary, Montreal or Detroit.
Ah... so we don't even know if that's the official logo? It could just be someone trying to make some quick cash with their own logo?
Quote from: Barrister on July 22, 2011, 12:43:21 PM
It's right up there with Calgary, Montreal or Detroit.
And right below the Caps.
They stole the leafs logo and put a jet on it :p
Jets org. has announced they will unveiled the logo today at 4pm CT. About 15min from now.
BB was right. I like the shoulder logo.
Looks like ass.
Quote from: katmai on July 22, 2011, 09:23:03 PM
Looks like ass.
Just like the entire team and their fans.
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 01, 2011, 04:54:48 PM
I'm liking the Bluejackets moves this offseason.
Unfortunately, the one move they need to make hasn't happened yet: the one out of town.
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 22, 2011, 04:54:06 PM
BB was right. I like the shoulder logo.
I approve.
But who knew Winnipeg was sponsored by General Dynamics?
Holy shit, I just noticed it is an F-16. :lol:
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 23, 2011, 07:52:04 AM
Holy shit, I just noticed it is an F-16. :lol:
You'd think it would be one of those stripped down export Econo-Hornets, what with it being Canada and all.
Quote from: Ed Anger on July 23, 2011, 07:52:04 AM
Holy shit, I just noticed it is an F-16. :lol:
Quote from: CountDeMoney on July 23, 2011, 08:00:16 AM
You'd think it would be one of those stripped down export Econo-Hornets, what with it being Canada and all.
I'd have expected the Avro Arrow, if they were going for Canadianism.
Should have put one of those F-35 we're suppose to get.
What a weekend to be vising Winnipeg... :shifty:
The new Jets jerseys are meh imho. I worked on that airbase. Lotsa newfie coke fiends is what I mostly recall. (fondly actually)
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on July 23, 2011, 07:04:39 PM
The new Jets jerseys are meh imho. I worked on that airbase. Lotsa newfie coke fiends is what I mostly recall. (fondly actually)
Look like ass.
Quote from: katmai on July 23, 2011, 07:05:34 PMLook like ass.
I've never seen an ass that looks like anything like that.
Quote from: katmai on July 23, 2011, 07:05:34 PM
Look like ass.
Better than the "yes, we're gay" teal base colour of the Sharks.
Quote from: PRC on July 24, 2011, 02:15:01 AM
Quote from: katmai on July 23, 2011, 07:05:34 PM
Look like ass.
Better than the "yes, we're gay" teal base colour of the Sharks.
Never said Sharks don't have shitty sweaters too :P
DOn't like logo or font for Jets
I like the colors, they're very winter-appropriate. Good for a hockey team.
Alas, they're not the old-school Jets unis, but it could've been worse. Could've turned out like Arizona's. Bleech.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on July 24, 2011, 04:28:17 PM
I like the colors, they're very winter-appropriate. Good for a hockey team.
Alas, they're not the old-school Jets unis, but it could've been worse. Could've turned out like Arizona's. Bleech.
I love the old-school Jets, but even back then I didn't think the logo or uniform was very good.
But I think this logo at least is great. And I love the inspiration they took from it. The name Jets originally had no real meaning - the original owner Benny Haskin was a NY Jets fan. And the various logos over the years all felt quite clunky, with a bunch of different elements just thrown in. The last logo for example spelled out the words "Winnipeg" and "Jets", had an outline of some generic jetliner, and had a hockey stick in it. Way too busy.
This logo however - they explicitly said it was an homage to the RCAF and Winnipeg's military aviation history. And it doesn't have a single word on it.
The "Jets" wordmark isn't the logo, and as far as I can tell won't appear on any jersey. I think it's for letterhead and the like. As such I think it's fine.
As I mentioned, I was in Winnipeg when it was announced. I raced over to the arena the next day and bought myself a sweet looking shirt - light powder blue with just the logo on it. Alas they had no hats, and no child sizes. All sold out, and they're telling me to "come back on Monday" didn't help me out.
But for this week I can guarantee I'm the only one rocking a Winnipeg Jets t-shirt in the Yukon (yes, I'm in the Yukon for a week - long story).
Quote from: Barrister on July 25, 2011, 01:17:45 AM
The name Jets originally had no real meaning - the original owner Benny Haskin was a NY Jets fan.
Don'r worry; since 1968, it's had no real meaning for the NY Jets either.
Quote from: Barrister on July 25, 2011, 01:17:45 AM
This logo however - they explicitly said it was an homage to the RCAF and Winnipeg's military aviation history. And it doesn't have a single word on it.
Thing is, that's an F-16, not an F-18.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on July 25, 2011, 04:19:55 AM
Quote from: Barrister on July 25, 2011, 01:17:45 AM
This logo however - they explicitly said it was an homage to the RCAF and Winnipeg's military aviation history. And it doesn't have a single word on it.
Thing is, that's an F-16, not an F-18.
Take a look at the wing's angle of attack. The F-16 has a much sharper angle, while the logo jet has the same shallower angle as the F-18. Also look at the tail fins. The F-16 is squared off at the end, while the logo jet and the F-18 are angled.
Now it is stylized, so it's obviously not a perfect representation, but it's a lot closer to a F-18 than an F-16.
I've been reading - the Winnipeg Jets worked with Air Command, and had to get DND to sign off on the proposed design. Do you think Air Command would let them get away with using the wrong jet?
(interestingly, they also had to get permission from the Toronto Maple Leafs. According to Chipman permission was granted quite quickly from both organizations)
There might be something pathological here. Fanboism only goes so far.
Quote from: Zoupa on July 25, 2011, 12:22:22 PM
There might be something pathological here. Fanboism only goes so far.
Says the Habs Fanboi. :rolleyes:
Go Habs Go!
October 9th. Montreal at Winnipeg. Jets Home Opener. :menace:
Quote from: Barrister on July 25, 2011, 12:56:09 PM
October 9th. Montreal at Winnipeg. Jets Home Opener. :menace:
You might win. The Thrashers used to always be a thorn in the Habs side.
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 25, 2011, 01:29:37 PM
Quote from: Barrister on July 25, 2011, 12:56:09 PM
October 9th. Montreal at Winnipeg. Jets Home Opener. :menace:
You might win. The Thrashers used to always be a thorn in the Habs side.
I'm thinking that with the emotion and energy being completely off the charts that day the Jets are almost a lock to win.
Now, every other meeting between the two... :unsure:
I'm curious to see how the team does. They did play well last year, only to fade down the stretch. They have kept almost all of the team intact, but have a new coach and in a new location. It could go either way - with another year under their belts the team does even better, or they crumble under the accumulated pressure they never had to deal with before.
Okay, so yesterday I finish up court early in Mayo, Yukon, so I decide to drive the extra hour to go visit Keno, yukon (and old, almost dead mining town with 25 people still living there). Keno is about 5 hours away from Whitehorse.
I pull up to the only business in town, the "Snack Shop" which people tell me sells good pizza, when I see a huge crowd (for Keno) of about a dozen people in front. It turns out the new Premier of Yukon is doing a tour. So I walk up to this group wearing my new Winnipeg Jets shirt. Premier Paslowski immediately spots that shirt and starts asking me about it, where I got it. He motions a few other people over to take a good look at the new logo. He then reminisces with me that he was born in Winnipeg.
Jets fans - they're everywhere. :cool:
This probably doesn't meed posting, but the new name and logo of the St John's AHL franchise has been announced (aka the team formerly known as the Manitoba moose, and the new Jets farm team):
Fitting. I like it. AHL teams need to have cool edgy nick names.
Fuck the Marlies & their ilk.
Ice Caps? They should've been the Budget Caps.
Ice caps as in the Tim Hortons summer drink? :P
Quote from: Zoupa on July 30, 2011, 04:12:11 PM
Ice caps as in the Tim Hortons summer drink? :P
Ice Caps and Iced Capp sure do sound the same, don't they... :hmm:
Quote from: Barrister on July 30, 2011, 06:18:57 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on July 30, 2011, 04:12:11 PM
Ice caps as in the Tim Hortons summer drink? :P
Ice Caps and Iced Capp sure do sound the same, don't they... :hmm:
Quote from: Zoupa on July 30, 2011, 06:56:53 PM
Quote from: Barrister on July 30, 2011, 06:18:57 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on July 30, 2011, 04:12:11 PM
Ice caps as in the Tim Hortons summer drink? :P
Ice Caps and Iced Capp sure do sound the same, don't they... :hmm:
I thought I was agreeing with you... :hmm:
Man I thought Yankees fans were insufferable.
Quote from: Barrister on July 25, 2011, 10:51:25 AM
Now it is stylized, so it's obviously not a perfect representation, but it's a lot closer to a F-18 than an F-16.
No, it's not. Hockeypuck.
I've seen that Ice Caps logo before, but it was better when Clint Eastwood was in it.
Quote from: katmai on July 30, 2011, 11:17:44 PM
Man I thought Yankees fans were insufferable.
No, it was always Habs fans that were the worst. -_-
Not any longer. I think you have wrested away the forum asshole award with your rampant jetsism
Quote from: Barrister on July 30, 2011, 06:59:00 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on July 30, 2011, 06:56:53 PM
Quote from: Barrister on July 30, 2011, 06:18:57 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on July 30, 2011, 04:12:11 PM
Ice caps as in the Tim Hortons summer drink? :P
Ice Caps and Iced Capp sure do sound the same, don't they... :hmm:
I thought I was agreeing with you... :hmm:
Oh. Sorry, it's kinda hard to tell when it comes to you and Jets stuff :hug:
Quote from: Barrister on July 31, 2011, 09:25:48 AM
Quote from: katmai on July 30, 2011, 11:17:44 PM
Man I thought Yankees fans were insufferable.
No, it was always Habs fans that were the worst. -_-
Before this year, I would have agreed with you. This summer though... :P
Quote from: viper37 on August 01, 2011, 02:19:44 PM
Quote from: Barrister on July 31, 2011, 09:25:48 AM
Quote from: katmai on July 30, 2011, 11:17:44 PM
Man I thought Yankees fans were insufferable.
No, it was always Habs fans that were the worst. -_-
Before this year, I would have agreed with you. This summer though... :P
You think you'd guys would cut someone some lack when their favourite team returns from the dead, Phoenix-like, after 15 years... :cry:
So voters on Long Island reject the new arena deal.
Are the Islanders on the move after 2015? Phoenix is still not resolved :lol: as well...
It'd be sad to see the Isles move. Nobody cares about Phoenix.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on August 02, 2011, 12:09:59 PM
It'd be sad to see the Isles move. Nobody cares about Phoenix.
So would I, but the situation in Long Island is a train wreck, and has been for years. As bad as the Thrashers situation was, the Isles are absolutely dead last for attendance in the league. The owner wishes he'd never bought the team in the first place.
The Islanders were ok before this owner, I believe.
I'd think the New Nets arena is going to be the solution more then Quebec City.
Quote from: Grey Fox on August 02, 2011, 08:32:26 PM
I'd think the New Nets arena is going to be the solution more then Quebec City.
Apparently it's not designed for hockey, would have a terrible max seating with ice...
Quote from: Barrister on August 02, 2011, 11:30:55 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on August 02, 2011, 08:32:26 PM
I'd think the New Nets arena is going to be the solution more then Quebec City.
Apparently it's not designed for hockey, would have a terrible max seating with ice...
But that's alright, since not many people go to Islanders games anyways.
QuoteWinnipeg Jets gear outselling Flames at Calgary stores
CBC News Posted: Aug 12, 2011 1:20 PM ET Last Updated: Aug 12, 2011 1:20 PM ET Read 6 comments6 Merchandise for the Winnipeg Jets has been hard to keep on the shelves, even in Calgary, stores report. Winnipeg Jets
With the start of the NHL hockey season around the corner, some Calgary merchants say more customers are getting outfitted in Winnipeg Jets hats and shirts than Flames gear.
And sales of the new team's colours are expected to be even better when the official Jets jerseys arrive this fall, said April Battenfelder at Jersey City in Market Mall.
"It's pretty crazy. Hats are gone. We can't seem to have them in the stores. As soon as we get them we're gone," she said.
"Men's shirts, we're getting more and more in all the time but they're just in and out -- it's like they're the national team now or something."
Battenfelder said Jets' merchandise is selling as well as Vancouver Canuck jerseys did during that team's Stanley Cup run last season. While many of the buyers are former Winnipeggers, some are from Calgary, like college hockey player Joe Babey.
"I think it's great for Canada, it's great to have another Canadian team. I think we need more," he said.
"I'll root for them, for sure. I don't know if I'd go as far as a jersey. We'll see how much the team grows on me. But a hat for sure."
The Jets seem to have an especially strong female following. Battenfelder said women are buying three times as much Winnipeg gear as men.
Read more:
I still gets tons of comments about my new Jets gear. I know the nationwide enthusiasm will fade with time, but this is an awesome time to be a Jets fan. :cool:
Coyotes are moving... maybe, maybe not (
Apparently a new deal is on the table for the Coyotes and the NHL would be close to approve it. A Canadian group with plenty of cash would buy the franchise, with a "move" option on the contract, in case the Arizona market doesn't evolve within 7 years.
So. Quebec city's arena won't be started until next spring at the earliest. It will take 3-5 years to be completed, with all the infrastructure work around it (redesign of the highway, public transit options, a couple of old buildings razed to the ground, etc, etc). We're awfully close to 7 years.
Let's start the rumor mill :P
Quote from: viper37 on August 15, 2011, 04:43:38 PM
Coyotes are moving... maybe, maybe not (
Apparently a new deal is on the table for the Coyotes and the NHL would be close to approve it. A Canadian group with plenty of cash would buy the franchise, with a "move" option on the contract, in case the Arizona market doesn't evolve within 7 years.
So. Quebec city's arena won't be started until next spring at the earliest. It will take 3-5 years to be completed, with all the infrastructure work around it (redesign of the highway, public transit options, a couple of old buildings razed to the ground, etc, etc). We're awfully close to 7 years.
Let's start the rumor mill :P
I dunno - the Yotes are burning in excess of $30 mil per year, every year. If you have to wait seven years before being able to move the team, that's more than $200 mil.
They say the company has a minority interest in one of the canadian NHL franchise.
What I think is, if they want to move a team, anywhere in Canada, but let's assume it's Quebec city for now, they will have to play in an old arena or play where the franchise is currently. There's no other option there, unless they want to wait for a future expansion, wich is far from a sure thing.
So, they could lose money in Canada, or lose money in the US. But that's the price to pay for having an NHL team.
If their plan is to move the team, they may figure that, playing in the old arena in Quebec city will incurr the same losses as a well managed Pheonix Coyotes while the arena is built.
AFAIK, no Canadian city right now have an NHL-sized arena. Either they upgrade an older one or they build a new one.
IF they buy the Yotes for 100M$, and half of it comes from the city of Glendale, that's a heck of a deal for a team. Even if they were to losse 200M$ over 7 years, that still means they would have paid 250M$ for the franchise (actually less, as i haven't annualized the losses, and i figured the max loss).
Quote from: viper37 on August 15, 2011, 04:55:46 PM
They say the company has a minority interest in one of the canadian NHL franchise.
What I think is, if they want to move a team, anywhere in Canada, but let's assume it's Quebec city for now, they will have to play in an old arena or play where the franchise is currently. There's no other option there, unless they want to wait for a future expansion, wich is far from a sure thing.
So, they could lose money in Canada, or lose money in the US. But that's the price to pay for having an NHL team.
If their plan is to move the team, they may figure that, playing in the old arena in Quebec city will incurr the same losses as a well managed Pheonix Coyotes while the arena is built.
AFAIK, no Canadian city right now have an NHL-sized arena. Either they upgrade an older one or they build a new one.
IF they buy the Yotes for 100M$, and half of it comes from the city of Glendale, that's a heck of a deal for a team. Even if they were to losse 200M$ over 7 years, that still means they would have paid 250M$ for the franchise (actually less, as i haven't annualized the losses, and i figured the max loss).
But the Thrashers were sold / relocated for $170 mil. So even if you're right (and I think the losses would exceed $200mil over seven years), that's quite a jump in price.
If you want to buy a team to move, then do that. It's not as if Glendale can keep spending $25 mil per year forever. They'll have to sell to an out of town buyer sooner or later.
The first truly sad news coming from the Winnipeg Jets.
Rick Rypien, formerly of the Vancouver Canucks (and the Manitoba Moose), who signed with the Jets as a free agent this summer, found dead in his Alberta home.
Unofficial reports say it was suicide, and that he battled depression last year (and missed most of the season).
My heart goes out to the entire Rypien family. I know when I am depressed I watch the tape of his cousin in Super Bowl XXVI.
Quote from: Barrister on August 15, 2011, 10:03:59 PM
The first truly sad news coming from the Winnipeg Jets.
Rick Rypien, formerly of the Vancouver Canucks (and the Manitoba Moose), who signed with the Jets as a free agent this summer, found dead in his Alberta home.
Unofficial reports say it was suicide, and that he battled depression last year (and missed most of the season).
there's a mean joke in there that i won't make. My condolences to his family. Suicide is always hard.
Quote from: HVC on August 16, 2011, 08:12:39 AM
Quote from: Barrister on August 15, 2011, 10:03:59 PM
The first truly sad news coming from the Winnipeg Jets.
Rick Rypien, formerly of the Vancouver Canucks (and the Manitoba Moose), who signed with the Jets as a free agent this summer, found dead in his Alberta home.
Unofficial reports say it was suicide, and that he battled depression last year (and missed most of the season).
there's a mean joke in there that i won't make. My condolences to his family. Suicide is always hard.
Indeed. His problem was that he just cared to much, which would have made it difficult in Vancouver, where the players don't care about anything.
Quote from: Barrister on August 15, 2011, 05:18:50 PM
But the Thrashers were sold / relocated for $170 mil. So even if you're right (and I think the losses would exceed $200mil over seven years), that's quite a jump in price.
If you want to buy a team to move, then do that. It's not as if Glendale can keep spending $25 mil per year forever. They'll have to sell to an out of town buyer sooner or later.
If I take 50 000 000$ today (that's the real price, since Glendale is reportedly financing half of the purchase) and 25M$ per year loss, at 5% discount rate, I get a price of 194,6M$. Not much higher than the 170M$. Of course, 5% is arbitrary, I used the same discount rate as Quebec city used in its financial projection for the new arena. So is the 25M$, since I figure a new owner could reduce that loss.
But it's a good average prediction, with the date we got.
Of course, the best solution would be to buy a team and move it. By the NHL won't allow it to be that easy. They'll try as hard as they can to keep the team in place and only once all the possible solutions have exhausted will Bettman allow a move, and he'll be just as happy as he was for Winnipeg.
That said, I'm not necessarly getting my hopes up for the Nordiques come back. The team may well go elsewhere or suddenly turn a profit in Arizona.
Sad to see. Rypien always fought way, way above his weight class and he usually came out on top.
:( poor Rypper! very saddened to hear about this.
Hey Viper - what do you have to say about this?
QuoteBuying peace with mighty Quebecor, with our money
By DON MACPHERSON, The Gazette August 18, 2011
Even politicians between jobs need to fear the wrath of Pierre Karl Péladeau's Quebecor media empire.
Gilles Duceppe's chances of becoming leader of the Parti Québécois weren't helped when Quebecor's Journal de Montréal this week accused him of selling out to federalism.
"Gilles Duceppe accepts Radio-Canada's money," said a headline on the Journal's front page, reporting that Duceppe would contribute a weekly column to a program on the network.
The next day, the newspaper's star columnist accused Duceppe of taking federal money to serve Radio-Canada as a token on-air sovereignist.
Of course, it would hardly be the first time that the former Bloc Québécois leader had taken money from Ottawa.
But Duceppe's real sin in the eyes of the Journal was joining an enemy on whom Quebecor has declared war, a broadcaster that competes with Quebecor's TVA television network.
(Duceppe announced Wednesday that he won't be on the program because he wouldn't have been allowed to talk about politics.)
Péladeau isn't the first publisher to have his newspapers promote his other interests with what they report (or protect those interests with what they don't report). But his do it more unabashedly than most.
Last June, Premier Jean Charest postponed until fall a vote in the National Assembly on a controversial bill favouring Quebecor's interests in the Quebec City NHLarena project.
The arena, 90 per cent of whose $400-million construction cost is to be paid out of public funds, is to help Quebecor land an NHL franchise to provide programming for its new TVA Sports channel.
The bill would deter court challenges by citizens to a sweetheart deal for Quebecor to run the arena and keep most of the profits.
The Journal de Montréal accused the premier on its cover page of "abandoning Quebec City," with a cartoon showing Charest rolling on the floor laughing.
Then its sister daily in Quebec City commissioned Léger Marketing to do a poll on the arena project. The poll was conducted only in Quebec City and the regions to the north and east, the natural fan base for an NHL team in the city. Other Quebecers, who will also contribute to the province's $200-million share of the arena's construction cost, weren't asked their opinion.
Predictably, the results supported Quebecor's interests. And some Quebecor media reported them in such a way as to mislead the public into believing they reflected provincewide opinion.
Péladeau's dailies and television stations dominate in French Quebec, particularly in Montreal and Quebec City. Politicians fear their influence. And because of that, citizens and taxpayers should be concerned too.
Last year, with the publichealth system already straining to provide services, and over the objections of medical specialists, the Charest government made Quebec the first province to extend full public health insurance coverage to in-vitro fertilization.
This was in response to a lobbying campaign led by Céline Dion and Julie Snyder, a TVA star who also happens to be Péladeau's spouse. And while Péladeau's newspapers have been campaigning against public handouts, they make an exception for corporate welfare for Quebecor.
Since promising an initial $50 million toward the Quebec City arena in the last election, Charest has twice increased the province's commitment, first to 45 per cent of the cost if Ottawa matched it, then to the present, unconditional $200 million. And on the weekend, Charest again promised to pass the arena bill as soon as the Assembly resumes sitting in September.
Charest is bidding to buy not only swing votes in the Quebec City region but also peace with Péladeau's media empire.
And he's doing it with taxpayers' money.
Read more:
That's pretty much accurate. You don't get anything done anymore in Quebec if neither Bell or Quebec helps you.
The in-vitro fertilization bit is mostly true.
The rest... typical Montreal Gazette stuff. Meh.
The arena
First, the Premier has promised 200M$ for the arena, no matter who builds it, no matter who finances it.
It could be built by Telus, they would give 200M$. In fact, the 200M$ was announced before Quebecor was selected.
This is a sunk cost. If that money doesn't go to Quebec city, it will go to Montreal. Hence the hostility of Montreal's media. Their city is so badly managed that they can't pay the pension funds of their employees anymore and they asked the entire province to pay for them.
In typical Montreal-centric attitude, they deserve everything, the rest can starve. All that is missing is some Queen on a balcony to replicate a perfect historical scene.
It's a given that Jean Charest is trying to win votes in Quebec city. He's been doing that for the last 8 years, trying to win votes by distributing "gifts" and before him the PQ did the same. duh. They are politicians in a left leaning province. It's not like they win votes by balancing the budget or promising reorganization in the public services for better efficiency. re-duh!
If anything happenned, it would be the pressure from English Canada's media who went batshit insane at the tought of the former seperatist leader being hired by the CBC. Just like they went batshit insane when an Ottawa hospital hired an ex-PQ member as their director.
If anything, Peladeau's pressure would have convinced the CBC they were making a good move.
Duceppe simply decided to quit because he wouldn't be allowed to comment on federal&provincial politics for the next 2 years, due to CBC's rules on the subject. He would be considered like a former politician turned lobbyist and subjected to the same rules. He was so eager to get back on tv that he forgot to read his contract. What a moron.
Contrary to what the Gazette is saying, no one accused Duceppe (well, publicly, no journalis/columnist/editorialist of Quebecor or any other media said anything like that, but reader's comments, especially on blogs are another matter) of selling out to federalism. He himself said "he wouldn't sell his soul for 300$ a week", once he changed his mind. Radio-Canada (French CBC) frequently hires soveignists and left leaning public figures on radio&tv.
You have a funny notion of what a "sunk cost" is Viper. The $200 mil hasn't been spent yet. :mellow:
What absolutely offends me about the whole thing, and which you didn't discuss, is the insistence that Quebec needs to pass a law to ensure the business deal can't be challenged in court. That seems to me to be right out of the Berlusconi model of doing business.
It's also funny that you don't justify spending $200 mil on a new arena by itself - instead you only argue that you deserve it more than Montreal. The better question is why spend that kind of money at all.
By the way - the entirety of the MTS Centre cost less than $200mil.
By the way, I very much support the NHL coming back to Quebec City. :hug:
It's just that I think Winnipeg has shown the way on how to bring NHL hockey back to mid-size Canadian markets: build a small arena with mostly private funds, develop a track record with ownership of junior or minor league hockey, quietly work behind the scenes with the NHL, and ensure you purchase a team at a reasonable cost so you can turn a profit.
Pelladeau has done the opposite. He is trying to build a huge arena, with mostly government funds. He has no history of running a hockey team, and is working very publicly. I am very afraid this is going to wind up being an enormous gift to Pelladeau, at enormous cost to Quebec taxpayers.
Quote from: Barrister on August 18, 2011, 11:11:22 AM
It's just that I think Winnipeg has shown the way on how to bring NHL hockey back to mid-size Canadian markets: build a small arena with mostly private funds, develop a track record with ownership of junior or minor league hockey, quietly work behind the scenes with the NHL, and ensure you purchase a team at a reasonable cost so you can turn a profit.
That is the plan anyway. We shall see how it turns out. They have yet to start losing (I mean playing).
Quote from: crazy canuck on August 18, 2011, 11:20:26 AM
Quote from: Barrister on August 18, 2011, 11:11:22 AM
It's just that I think Winnipeg has shown the way on how to bring NHL hockey back to mid-size Canadian markets: build a small arena with mostly private funds, develop a track record with ownership of junior or minor league hockey, quietly work behind the scenes with the NHL, and ensure you purchase a team at a reasonable cost so you can turn a profit.
That is the plan anyway. We shall see how it turns out. They have yet to start losing (I mean playing).
Don't you ever get tired of being wrong on this question?
Well not even you can deny Winnipeg is destined to lose so decisively on November 17th that the continued existance of the franchise might be called into question.
Quote from: Barrister on August 18, 2011, 11:27:05 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on August 18, 2011, 11:20:26 AM
Quote from: Barrister on August 18, 2011, 11:11:22 AM
It's just that I think Winnipeg has shown the way on how to bring NHL hockey back to mid-size Canadian markets: build a small arena with mostly private funds, develop a track record with ownership of junior or minor league hockey, quietly work behind the scenes with the NHL, and ensure you purchase a team at a reasonable cost so you can turn a profit.
That is the plan anyway. We shall see how it turns out. They have yet to start losing (I mean playing).
Don't you ever get tired of being wrong on this question?
you make it hard to wish anything but ill will on the team :lol:
Quote from: Valmy on August 18, 2011, 11:29:50 AM
Well not even you can deny Winnipeg is destined to lose so decisively on November 17th that the continued existance of the franchise might be called into question.
We'll see how well the Caps, used to playing in those southern arenas, like coming to Winnipeg in mid November. :ph34r:
Quote from: Valmy on August 18, 2011, 11:29:50 AM
Well not even you can deny Winnipeg is destined to lose so decisively on November 17th that the continued existance of the franchise might be called into question.
Are you sure? I mean, if there's a team that knows anything about decisive losses, I would think it would be the Caps.
too early in the season. they save their mind boggling losses for later in.
Quote from: Neil on August 18, 2011, 01:42:58 PM
Quote from: Valmy on August 18, 2011, 11:29:50 AM
Well not even you can deny Winnipeg is destined to lose so decisively on November 17th that the continued existance of the franchise might be called into question.
Are you sure? I mean, if there's a team that knows anything about decisive losses, I would think it would be the Caps.
What? The Caps are amazing during the regular season.
We'll see. The total failure will eventually catch up with them.
Besides, the Caps had twenty years of failure before the recent spell of adequacy.
Quote from: Neil on August 18, 2011, 01:52:24 PM
Besides, the Caps had twenty years of failure before the recent spell of adequacy.
Nonsense they have been Regular Season champs for decades. You have to be pretty good to choke in the playoffs on an almost annual basis.
QuoteHockey Night in Canada to make most of 7 Canadian teams
CBC Sports Posted: Aug 18, 2011 2:02 PM ET Last Updated: Aug 18, 2011 2:07 PM ET Read 7 comments7 Recommend this4 The Montreal Canadiens and Vancouver Canucks will be featured prominently on Hockey Night in Canada in the 2011-12 season. (Jonathan Hayward/Canadian Press)
The 59th season of Hockey Night in Canada on CBC shapes up to be the most exciting ever, with the addition of a seventh Canadian franchise in Winnipeg resulting in an abundance of riches for the hockey fan.
There will be 104 regular season clashes presented on HNIC over the course of the 2011-12 regular season, as well as the NHL All-Star Game from Ottawa.
All seven teams will be in action as part of the annual Hockey Day in Canada festivities, on Feb. 11. The celebration wil be hosted from Prince Edward Island.
Canadian teams go head-to-head 29 times on the program. Fans can watch any game they want through the website, or if their television subscription incldues CBC channels in other regions.
There will be two pre-season broadcasts featuring the Toronto Maple Leafs, Vancouver Canucks and Edmonton Oilers to whet the appetite before the puck is dropped on the HNIC regular season schedule.
The inaugural Hockey Night in Canada broadcast of the new Winnipeg Jets takes place Sept. 26 against the Ottawa Senators in the Kraft Hockeyville preseason game from St. John's, Newfoundland.
Opening night on Thursday October 6 will include a doubleheader of the Leafs hosting the Montreal Canadiens, followed by Vancouver beginning its quest for another Stanley Cup Final berth against Pittsburgh.
Will Penguins captain Sidney Crosby be in the lineup? It is one of the biggest questions heading into the upcoming season.
The first Saturday regular season broadcast two nights later will see the Calgary Flames make their national season debut on HNIC. The Sens visit the Leafs to set up Calgary's home game against the Penguins.
If that weren't enough for a first week of action, the first regular season broadcast for the Jets takes place on Sunday October 9. Winnipeg hosts the Canadiens in a 4 p.m. CT start.
On Oct. 15 there will be coverage of five games featuring six Canadian teams, including the HNIC season regular debut of the Oilers, who host the Canucks.
The first tripleheader occurs on Oct. 29, with the Oilers and Rangers going at it in a 3 p.m. ET start. The evening games include the resumption of the heated Boston-Montreal rivalry, as well as exciting sniper Steven Stamkos and the Tampa Bay Lightning making a visit to Manitoba.
There is another tripleheader on Nov. 19, where the Winnipeg fans at the MTS Centre that afternoon that afternoon will be able to greet Philadelphia's new goalie Ilya Bryzgalov, who earlier in the year said he didn't warm to the idea of possibly playing in the province.
Should Teemu Selanne return for another season, he will visit his first NHL home on Dec. 17. The Anaheim Ducks pay a visit to Winnipeg on that night.
With New Year's Eve falling on a Saturday, hockey fans will be treated to a doubleheader that ends with Vancouver visiting the new-look Los Angeles Kings.
CBC will once again present the NHL's Winter Classic, which takes place on Jan. 2 at Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia. The Flyers host Brad Richards and the New York Rangers in the 1 p.m. ET start.
Ottawa is host city for the 2012 NHL All-Star game, and Hockey Night will have the skills competitions on Jan. 28, and the game itself the following day.
The Habs continue their Super Bowl weekend tradition of matinee games, with dates against Washington and Winnipeg on Feb. 4-5.
The spectacular Hockey Day slate of game on Feb. 11 starts with the Jets in Pittsburgh and Oilers at Senators in the afternoon. The Canadiens visit Toronto, while the Canucks and Flames renew pleasantries at the Saddledome.
A special Thursday night broadcast occurs March 1 from the Bell Centre, with the Canadiens taking on the Minnesota Wild. The Habs also take part in a Friday night HNIC battle on the 16th of that month, facing the Sens in Ottawa.
The season broadcast schedule wraps up on Saturday April 3 with a tripleheader. Ottawa is in New Jersey, while the Leafs and Canadiens and Lightning-Jets are in the 7 p.m. ET slot. The Canucks and Oilers then finish off the night in what could be a critical game for the playoff standings.
As has been the case in the past couple of seasons, Montreal leads all Canadian teams in Hockey Night in Canada appearances, with 28. The Jets are on the program on 22 occasions.
All told, an action-packed season to set up a playoff campaign that will see the Stanley Cup awarded on Hockey Night in Canada.
Read more:
Amazing. The Jets are on HNIC more than everybody not named Maple Leafs or Canadiens.
Quote from: Barrister on August 18, 2011, 11:05:01 AM
You have a funny notion of what a "sunk cost" is Viper. The $200 mil hasn't been spent yet. :mellow:
What absolutely offends me about the whole thing, and which you didn't discuss, is the insistence that Quebec needs to pass a law to ensure the business deal can't be challenged in court. That seems to me to be right out of the Berlusconi model of doing business.
It's also funny that you don't justify spending $200 mil on a new arena by itself - instead you only argue that you deserve it more than Montreal. The better question is why spend that kind of money at all.
By the way - the entirety of the MTS Centre cost less than $200mil.
The law to stop court challenge isn't because of the 200 mil from Quebec, it's because the contract was given to Quebecor breaks a couple of rules & is at best dubious. My opinion is of course, build the damn arena. No matter who pays for it in the end.
Quote from: Barrister on August 18, 2011, 02:25:47 PM
Amazing. The Jets are on HNIC more than everybody not named Maple Leafs or Canadiens.
Why is that amazing? People like novelty.
Quote from: Barrister on August 18, 2011, 02:25:47 PM
QuoteHockey Night in Canada to make most of 7 Canadian teams
As has been the case in the past couple of seasons, Montreal leads all Canadian teams in Hockey Night in Canada appearances, with 28. The Jets are on the program on 22 occasions.
All told, an action-packed season to set up a playoff campaign that will see the Stanley Cup awarded on Hockey Night in Canada.
Read more:
Amazing. The Jets are on HNIC more than everybody not named Maple Leafs or Canadiens.
I wonder if the fact that the Habs are on HNIC so much is because Molson insists that the Habs play on as many Saturday that it is possible.
Quote from: Grey Fox on August 18, 2011, 03:46:42 PM
Quote from: Barrister on August 18, 2011, 11:05:01 AM
You have a funny notion of what a "sunk cost" is Viper. The $200 mil hasn't been spent yet. :mellow:
What absolutely offends me about the whole thing, and which you didn't discuss, is the insistence that Quebec needs to pass a law to ensure the business deal can't be challenged in court. That seems to me to be right out of the Berlusconi model of doing business.
It's also funny that you don't justify spending $200 mil on a new arena by itself - instead you only argue that you deserve it more than Montreal. The better question is why spend that kind of money at all.
By the way - the entirety of the MTS Centre cost less than $200mil.
The law to stop court challenge isn't because of the 200 mil from Quebec, it's because the contract was given to Quebecor breaks a couple of rules & is at best dubious. My opinion is of course, build the damn arena. No matter who pays for it in the end.
*YOU* pay for it then.
They'll take cash or money order. Get on it - I want to see the Nordiques back ASAP.
Quote from: Grey Fox on August 18, 2011, 03:52:10 PM
Quote from: Barrister on August 18, 2011, 02:25:47 PM
Amazing. The Jets are on HNIC more than everybody not named Maple Leafs or Canadiens.
I wonder if the fact that the Habs are on HNIC so much is because Molson insists that the Habs play on as many Saturday that it is possible.
That and Montreal is the best and most popular Canadian team.
Quote from: Barrister on August 18, 2011, 04:12:57 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on August 18, 2011, 03:46:42 PM
Quote from: Barrister on August 18, 2011, 11:05:01 AM
You have a funny notion of what a "sunk cost" is Viper. The $200 mil hasn't been spent yet. :mellow:
What absolutely offends me about the whole thing, and which you didn't discuss, is the insistence that Quebec needs to pass a law to ensure the business deal can't be challenged in court. That seems to me to be right out of the Berlusconi model of doing business.
It's also funny that you don't justify spending $200 mil on a new arena by itself - instead you only argue that you deserve it more than Montreal. The better question is why spend that kind of money at all.
By the way - the entirety of the MTS Centre cost less than $200mil.
The law to stop court challenge isn't because of the 200 mil from Quebec, it's because the contract was given to Quebecor breaks a couple of rules & is at best dubious. My opinion is of course, build the damn arena. No matter who pays for it in the end.
*YOU* pay for it then.
They'll take cash or money order. Get on it - I want to see the Nordiques back ASAP.
Will you help me?
Quote from: Grey Fox on August 18, 2011, 06:40:22 PM
Quote from: Barrister on August 18, 2011, 04:12:57 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on August 18, 2011, 03:46:42 PM
Quote from: Barrister on August 18, 2011, 11:05:01 AM
You have a funny notion of what a "sunk cost" is Viper. The $200 mil hasn't been spent yet. :mellow:
What absolutely offends me about the whole thing, and which you didn't discuss, is the insistence that Quebec needs to pass a law to ensure the business deal can't be challenged in court. That seems to me to be right out of the Berlusconi model of doing business.
It's also funny that you don't justify spending $200 mil on a new arena by itself - instead you only argue that you deserve it more than Montreal. The better question is why spend that kind of money at all.
By the way - the entirety of the MTS Centre cost less than $200mil.
The law to stop court challenge isn't because of the 200 mil from Quebec, it's because the contract was given to Quebecor breaks a couple of rules & is at best dubious. My opinion is of course, build the damn arena. No matter who pays for it in the end.
*YOU* pay for it then.
They'll take cash or money order. Get on it - I want to see the Nordiques back ASAP.
Will you help me?
No. I gotta save up for plane tickets to Winnipeg during the witner. :cool:
Anyways - anyone have NHL Centre Ice? How is it? I know I'm not the kind of guy who is going to sit down and actually watch 82 Jets games during a season, but it'd be nice to have that option to watch them...;_ylt=AuxGf1gjoDPPKGU3CKdRDxVivLYF?urn=nhl-wp10735
I liked his Mutant League Hockey version also, Bonelick.
QuoteThe Winnipeg Jets' Sweaters Won't be on the Disc When NHL 12 Ships
The sale and transfer of Atlanta's NHL franchise to Winnipeg means 'Peggers beloved Jets are returning to the ice this year. But if you're expecting a sneak preview at what their new sweaters will look like, you won't find it in NHL 12.
Zack Cooper of Canada's Sportsnet Radio reported from Microsoft's X11 Canada Showcase that EA Sports doesn't expect Winnipeg's new threads to ship with the game. That will have to wait until its first roster update. A date for that was not specified, though it's possible one could arrive day-of-release, depending on when the team trots out its new look.
EA just lost a sale in Edmonton.
I've trained you people so well - I don't even have to post Jets news here, you'll do it for me. :hug:
I'll pick up EA 12 once the roster update hits.
But you know they will fix it. After all - they've already entered the MTS Centre into the game.
I wasn't going to post this at first, but it's so cool, I'll risk Ed's wrath:
Winnipeg Jets goalie Chris Mason unveils his new goalie mask:
I could quibble that those are WWII propplanes, not Jets, but whatevah. :cool:
Need a WH40K mask.
guess that's slightly better than an overweight rapist :unsure:
Quote from: Ed Anger on August 26, 2011, 07:47:59 AM
Now THIS is Winnipeg Jets news you need to know:
I finally found a new Winnipeg Jets shirt in a toddler size. Let the brainwashing commence! :cool:
Expect pics this weekend. :)
You guys really should post about your own favourite teams - I don't mean for this to be my own personal Jets blog.
Anyways - in Winnipeg, fake Jets jerseys are serious business. :mad:
QuoteFake Jets jerseys nabbed
By: Meghan Potkins
Posted: 08/31/2011 12:35 PM | Comments: 28 (including replies)
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The RCMP have made the first save for the Winnipeg Jets.
Federal RCMP officers and Canada border services agents have seized a shipment of counterfeit Winnipeg Jets jerseys.
Forty jerseys, complete with the new logo and shoulder flashes were seized estimated to be worth approximately $12,000, police said Wednesday.
RCMP are cautioning the public to make sure they are purchasing their team products through authorized dealers.
Police are considering laying charges under the Copyright Act and the Trademark and Textile act.
Quote from: Barrister on August 31, 2011, 01:32:55 PM
You guys really should post about your own favourite teams - I don't mean for this to be my own personal Jets blog.
I intend to. :)
As soon as I have a team :(
Quote from: Barrister on August 31, 2011, 01:32:55 PM
You guys really should post about your own favourite teams - I don't mean for this to be my own personal Jets blog.
The Caps have Ovechkin and will kick all kinds of glorious ass before going out with a pitiful wimper in the first or second round of the playoffs. Is there really anything more that needs to be said?
Quote from: viper37 on August 31, 2011, 02:36:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on August 31, 2011, 01:32:55 PM
You guys really should post about your own favourite teams - I don't mean for this to be my own personal Jets blog.
I intend to. :)
As soon as I have a team :(
You have much to learn grasshopper.
Not having a team yet never stopped me from posting about the Jets. -_-
You will only have a team once you accept that you already have a team - the NHL just doesn't want to recognize it yet. :zen:
Quote from: Barrister on August 31, 2011, 02:38:12 PM
You have much to learn grasshopper.
Not having a team yet never stopped me from posting about the Jets. -_-
You will only have a team once you accept that you already have a team - the NHL just doesn't want to recognize it yet. :zen:
Um did you not adopt the Flames as ersatz Jets while they were on sabbatical?
Quote from: Valmy on August 31, 2011, 02:40:07 PM
Quote from: Barrister on August 31, 2011, 02:38:12 PM
You have much to learn grasshopper.
Not having a team yet never stopped me from posting about the Jets. -_-
You will only have a team once you accept that you already have a team - the NHL just doesn't want to recognize it yet. :zen:
Um did you not adopt the Flames as ersatz Jets while they were on sabbatical?
Yes. I waved the Flaming C loud and high in 2003 for example.
But you haven't heard me talking about the Flames much for the least several years, have you?
It is because I realized the Jets WOULD come back - I only needed to believe. :worship:
Unfortunately for Viper his constitution will not allow him to utilize Les Habitants the same way.
The Buffalo Sabres are closeby though Viper!
Quote from: Valmy on August 31, 2011, 02:46:04 PM
Unfortunately for Viper his constitution will not allow him to utilize Les Habitants the same way.
The Buffalo Sabres are closeby though Viper!
You misunderstand.
My Flames days were my wandering in the desert.
Viper must embrace
les Nordiques, and only then will he find them. :mellow:
Quote from: Barrister on August 31, 2011, 02:48:01 PM
Viper must embrace les Nordiques, and only then will he find them. :mellow:
So his spiritual longing for
les Nordiques will cause them to manifest once again!
Damn it is
The Secret for Hockey fans.
Quote from: Valmy on August 31, 2011, 02:54:00 PM
Quote from: Barrister on August 31, 2011, 02:48:01 PM
Viper must embrace les Nordiques, and only then will he find them. :mellow:
So his spiritual longing for les Nordiques will cause them to manifest once again!
Quote from: Valmy
Damn it is The Secret for Hockey fans.
Winnipeg Jets defenceman Dustin Byfuglien arrested last night for BWI - Boating While Intoxicated.
Cedric Benson got one of those in Austin recently.
I'd post more about the Canucks but i can't keep pace with the Jets stuff (the rest of us get lost in the morass)... not all of us get to spend all day online like Fed employees. :p
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on September 01, 2011, 12:31:34 PM
I'd post more about the Canucks but i can't keep pace with the Jets stuff (the rest of us get lost in the morass)... not all of us get to spend all day online like Fed employees. :p
I don't work for the Feds, so :blurgh:
And the province is seriously not giving me enough to do. It's gotten to the point where, although it might be a mistake, I've had to tell my managers so. :(
Quote from: Barrister on September 01, 2011, 12:46:59 PM
And the province is seriously not giving me enough to do. It's gotten to the point where, although it might be a mistake, I've had to tell my managers so. :(
Heh I foolishly did that my first year here. All I got was alot of people really annoyed with me.
Quote from: Valmy on September 01, 2011, 12:47:37 PM
Quote from: Barrister on September 01, 2011, 12:46:59 PM
And the province is seriously not giving me enough to do. It's gotten to the point where, although it might be a mistake, I've had to tell my managers so. :(
Heh I foolishly did that my first year here. All I got was alot of people really annoyed with me.
Your co-workers, or management?
Quote from: Barrister on September 01, 2011, 12:58:14 PM
Your co-workers, or management?
Co-workers. And management just ignored me and did not give me anything else to do. So it was lose-lose from my end.
Quote from: Barrister on September 01, 2011, 10:11:00 AM
Winnipeg Jets defenceman Dustin Byfuglien arrested last night for BWI - Boating While Intoxicated.
Buff is a hoot. Not all that great in the regular season, but a frickin' menace come the playoffs. And as for BWI: Conservation Cops are really waaaaay too full of themselves...
Quote from: Barrister on September 01, 2011, 10:11:00 AM
Winnipeg Jets defenceman Dustin Byfuglien arrested last night for BWI - Boating While Intoxicated.
There's a crime for that? That's silly. What's the point of boating if you're not intoxicated?
Quote from: C.C.R. on September 01, 2011, 01:39:46 PM
Quote from: Barrister on September 01, 2011, 10:11:00 AM
Winnipeg Jets defenceman Dustin Byfuglien arrested last night for BWI - Boating While Intoxicated.
Buff is a hoot. Not all that great in the regular season, but a frickin' menace come the playoffs. And as for BWI: Conservation Cops are really waaaaay too full of themselves...
Because celebtrity mugshots are always a hoot: :lol:
And apparently he was arrested by County Sheriffs (not Fish Cops), and on arrest he weighed in at 286lb. :o He was listed at 245lb last year. :pinch:
Quote from: Valmy on August 31, 2011, 02:46:04 PM
The Buffalo Sabres are closeby though Viper!
I don't dislike the team. In fact, I have 29 teams that I like whenever they play the Habs :)
When it comes to rooting for a particular team, I pick one at the end of the season ;)
Quote from: Barrister on September 01, 2011, 03:27:32 PM
And apparently he was arrested by County Sheriffs (not Fish Cops), and on arrest he weighed in at 286lb. :o He was listed at 245lb last year. :pinch:
Well he was sent to Winnipeg.
Also, on that frame 40lbs is not much to lose once he decides to get back into shape.
Quote from: crazy canuck on September 01, 2011, 04:06:10 PM
Also, on that frame 40lbs is not much to lose once he decides to get back into shape.
well, his first game in in 19 days...
Quote from: viper37 on September 01, 2011, 04:08:33 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on September 01, 2011, 04:06:10 PM
Also, on that frame 40lbs is not much to lose once he decides to get back into shape.
well, his first game in in 19 days...
He probably wont decide to get back into shape until he is traded away....
It didn't take long for the Jets to gain a reputation as a team with "Out of Control" players...
Quote from: PRC on September 01, 2011, 04:10:13 PM
It didn't take long for the Jets to gain a reputation as a team with "Out of Control" players...
I disagree. Have they had a single player charged with a serious crime?
Quote from: Barrister on September 01, 2011, 03:27:32 PM
And apparently he was arrested by County Sheriffs (not Fish Cops), and on arrest he weighed in at 286lb. :o He was listed at 245lb last year. :pinch:
It's not uncommon for players to be above their listed weight, especially in the offseason. I'd be surprised if he played at 245.
Quote from: PRC on September 01, 2011, 04:10:13 PM
It didn't take long for the Jets to gain a reputation as a team with "Out of Control" players...
The Winnipeg Bengals.
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 01, 2011, 04:49:58 PM
Quote from: PRC on September 01, 2011, 04:10:13 PM
It didn't take long for the Jets to gain a reputation as a team with "Out of Control" players...
The Winnipeg Bengals.
The Bengals have lots of players arrested for boating while intoxicated? :blink:
Quote from: Barrister on September 01, 2011, 04:58:10 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 01, 2011, 04:49:58 PM
Quote from: PRC on September 01, 2011, 04:10:13 PM
It didn't take long for the Jets to gain a reputation as a team with "Out of Control" players...
The Winnipeg Bengals.
The Bengals have lots of players arrested for boating while intoxicated? :blink:
If they had to play in Winnipeg they would.
Quote from: Barrister on September 01, 2011, 04:58:10 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 01, 2011, 04:49:58 PM
Quote from: PRC on September 01, 2011, 04:10:13 PM
It didn't take long for the Jets to gain a reputation as a team with "Out of Control" players...
The Winnipeg Bengals.
The Bengals have lots of players arrested for boating while intoxicated? :blink:
Ok, Marti.
In happier news, the new jerseys will be announced on Tuesday, at a news conference at 17 Wing, CFB Winnipeg. :yeah:
In the mean time, he's a picture of the Jets hockey pants. :nerd:
I listened to the "Flames Town Hall" on radio tonight. It was Jay Feaster and his Master Ken King answering questions from Flames season ticketholders. Here is a sample of the questions:
Robyn Regehr traded.. why!?
To get rid of Alex Kotalik and his salary (CHEERS).
Why did you say you're against no trade / no movement clause and you gave Curtis Glencross one?
Because Glencross accepted a massive home town discount to stay and the cost of that discount was a no trade clause (RESERVED SILENCE).
Why don't you adopt the "tear it down and rebuild strategy that Edmonton, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Washington have undergone in recent years"
Laughs... Feaster and his Flames overlords are obviously jaded and cynical about this questions. They answer: Where did Edmonton finish last year!? They were bottom feeders. Being a team that gets a high draft pick means you suck. We're not that team, we're a playoff team. That was essentially the Flames brass answer which I think is hubris and bullshit - the Flames brass only referenced the Oilers in answering this question they never acknowledged that the Capitals have been a draft built team, the Blackhawks or the Penguins. This leads me to believe that the Flames brass are full of shit and have no idea what they're doing. Expect another 3-6 years of shitty Flames teams people. (TOTAL DISBELIEF). The Flames suck. They will finish 15th in the West.. possibly lower next season.
With the new draft system, it's not automatic that they get 1st pick while finishing last.
They have more chances for sure, but it's not a given.
Quote from: Barrister on September 01, 2011, 04:58:10 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 01, 2011, 04:49:58 PM
Quote from: PRC on September 01, 2011, 04:10:13 PM
It didn't take long for the Jets to gain a reputation as a team with "Out of Control" players...
The Winnipeg Bengals.
The Bengals have lots of players arrested for boating while intoxicated? :blink:
Dude...Cedric Benson I just said it a few posts ago.
RIP Wade Belak. Wasn't the best player, but he had heart and seems like a genuinly nice guy.
Sidney Crosby won't be starting the season just yet, and Marc Savard is out of commission for the entire season.
The NHL will have to acknowledge they have a problem, sooner than later.
Quote from: Valmy on September 02, 2011, 07:51:30 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 01, 2011, 04:58:10 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 01, 2011, 04:49:58 PM
Quote from: PRC on September 01, 2011, 04:10:13 PM
It didn't take long for the Jets to gain a reputation as a team with "Out of Control" players...
The Winnipeg Bengals.
The Bengals have lots of players arrested for boating while intoxicated? :blink:
Dude...Cedric Benson I just said it a few posts ago.
Huh. We'll I'll be.
What do you guys think of this?
QuoteWhat the NHL and NHLPA should learn from a year filled with tragic death
Joe Yerdon
Sep 1, 2011, 9:30 AM EDT
Wade Belak Getty Images
There's no way to be able to wrap your head around what's happened off the ice in the hockey world this year.
Since the start of 2011 we've seen four tragic deaths. Sharks minor leaguer Tom Cavanaugh, Rangers enforcer Derek Boogaard, former Canucks tough guy Rick Rypien, and now recently retired scrapper Wade Belak. Of those four, three of them are believed to be suicides (Rypien's cause of death is still yet unknown while Belak's is suspected to be a suicide) and Boogaard's came thanks to a toxic mix of painkillers and alcohol all stemming from being upset with missing time thanks to post-concussion syndrome.
We're not here to hypothesize on what caused these young men to reach that dark place where killing their body with toxins or taking their own life seemed like the right answer to the situation they were in. Doing that is a folly. Trying to figure out if the life of an NHL tough guy or a concussion victim leads to being consumed by the saddest of sad thoughts is too much for people not in the know to speculate on. While you could draw conclusions with a guy like Rypien, using the same methodology for a guy like Belak doesn't make sense. We just don't know what made these guys tick and that's part of the frustration in dealing with their untimely deaths.
What needs to be looked at is how the NHL and the NHLPA are trying to take care of their troubled souls. Former NHL tough guys Tyson Nash and Matthew Barnaby took to Twitter to point the finger at the NHLPA for not helping players prepare for their post-career lives. In Belak's case, this makes some sense although Belak wasn't lacking in opportunity post-hockey. Belak was set to be a rinkside reporter for Predators broadcasts and was also set to compete on CBC's Battle of the Blades celebrity figure skating competition.
The fact here remains that pro hockey players are guys that have been playing since childhood and have known a professional schedule lifestyle that consisted of virtually nothing but hockey. When it comes time to retire or if you're forced out of the game by injury, it's a colossal culture change for players which sometimes leaves guys feeling lost.
It's the sort of situation that makes you think of the character Brooks from the film "The Shawshank Redemption." After so many years on the inside of prison, when he was set free he became a lost soul unable to adapt to a new way of life on the outside. That's not to say that the hockey lifestyle is like a prison, just that when everything you've ever known is thrown into disarray, if you're not ready for it you can be left feeling swamped over.
Whether it comes from preparing players for their post-career lives, helping them with substance abuse, or getting them help when it feels like there's no way out of the darkness that's enveloping their lives being proactive to let the players know there's help when they need it is the absolute least they can do and it has to start early.
The NFL and NBA hold rookie symposiums for incoming players to help them better prepare for the perils of being a professional athlete. Having the NHLPA and NHL work together to let players know that there is a program in place to help (the NHL/NHLPA Substance Abuse & Behavioral Health Program) can get the word out early and let it be known that help is there if needed. Whether the problems stem from abusing alcohol or pain killers, the assistance is there.
With depression is one of the most personal and most private mental illnesses, teaching players early on what the signs of it are and that reaching out for help when it's needed. That's not nearly enough to help those who are depressed, but doing something is better than doing nothing. Depression is such a difficult thing because even with proper counseling and a great circle of friends, it still might not be enough to save someone from their thoughts. Ignoring it, however, is not an option.
With so much sadness and so many questions left unanswered for those players and their families, the time is now for the NHL and NHLPA to work together and make sure that sadness and avoidable tragedy will not happen in the future. One death is one too many, four is a sign of a much larger problem that must be addressed.
Quote from: jimmy olsen on September 02, 2011, 10:06:02 AM
What do you guys think of this?
I think your article is full of fail.
Quoteformer Canucks tough guy Rick Rypien
Quote from: Barrister on September 02, 2011, 10:16:05 AM
Quoteformer Canucks tough guy Rick Rypien
No need to further shame his memory by mentioning he was relegated to playing for the jets.
Quote from: HVC on September 02, 2011, 10:35:22 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 02, 2011, 10:16:05 AM
Quoteformer Canucks tough guy Rick Rypien
No need to further shame his memory by mentioning he was relegated to playing for the jets.
Quote from: Barrister on September 02, 2011, 10:16:05 AM
Quote from: jimmy olsen on September 02, 2011, 10:06:02 AM
What do you guys think of this?
I think your article is full of fail.
Quoteformer Canucks tough guy Rick Rypien
Screw you
Quote from: viper37 on September 02, 2011, 08:56:05 AM
Sidney Crosby won't be starting the season just yet, and Marc Savard is out of commission for the entire season.
The NHL will have to acknowledge they have a problem, sooner than later.
Zedno Chara should just pulverize Matt Cooke on the ice for Marc Savard. Then Rick Nash should beat Cooke for Fedor Tyutin.
Quote from: Barrister on September 02, 2011, 10:43:01 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on September 02, 2011, 10:42:04 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 02, 2011, 10:16:05 AM
Quote from: jimmy olsen on September 02, 2011, 10:06:02 AM
What do you guys think of this?
I think your article is full of fail.
Quoteformer Canucks tough guy Rick Rypien
Screw you
No U
He signed with Winnipeg just before his death. He didnt play with them nor did he practice with them. For all we know he might have been traded before the season started. It is silly that you would make any issue out of people referring to him as a Canuck - you know the team he played for his whole professional career.
Quote from: crazy canuck on September 02, 2011, 11:16:57 AM
He signed with Winnipeg just before his death. He didnt play with them nor did he practice with them. For all we know he might have been traded before the season started. It is silly that you would make any issue out of people referring to him as a Canuck - you know the team he played for his whole professional career.
Well the silly part was Tim waltzing in with a story when these deaths have already been discussed in this thread - hence the bigger reason for my response. :P
But most media have reported him as 'Winnipeg Jet Rick Rypien'. Heck I heard that phrase a couple times this morning on the Emonton radio (as they were discussing Belak's death).
One more reason Edomonton is a backwater of humanity. May be worse than Winnipeg itself.
Quote from: crazy canuck on September 02, 2011, 11:39:06 AM
One more reason Edomonton is a backwater of humanity. May be worse than Winnipeg itself.
Go back to rioting you hippy.
I'll believe it when I see it.
Quote from: jimmy olsen on September 04, 2011, 11:46:30 PM
I'll believe it when I see it.
First off what do you need to see before you believe what?
Also it is another opinion piece.
The NHL getting rid of fighting.
So hockey players who fight are suffering from depression, and the solution is to fire them all? Thanks, Tips.
I do feel bad for fighters in this day and age though. They're not really a part of the game's law enforcement anymore, as hockey doesn't really have much in the way of law enforcement these days. Maybe Shannahan will clean that up, but that won't help. The instigator rule turned fighting from a useful and essential part of the game into a sideshow, and turned a tough, popular game into an unpopular game filled with cheapshot artists (such as everyone on the Canucks).
Still looks more like an F-16 than an CF-18, BB. Sorry.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 05, 2011, 07:52:10 AM
Still looks more like an F-16 than an CF-18, BB. Sorry.
The angle of the wings is all wrong. It's sort of in between.
Quote from: Neil on September 05, 2011, 07:54:20 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 05, 2011, 07:52:10 AM
Still looks more like an F-16 than an CF-18, BB. Sorry.
The angle of the wings is all wrong. It's sort of in between.
It's like a F-16/18. The nose and cockpit is McDonnell Douglas, but the ass end is all General Dynamics. Looks stoopid.
Jets announce their new jerseys in 2 hours.
Is everybody excited? :w00t:
So...when Winnipeg scores its first preseason goal is BB going to die of an ecstatic fit?
Quote from: Valmy on September 06, 2011, 10:03:03 AM
So...when Winnipeg scores its first preseason goal is BB going to die of an ecstatic fit?
I might.
So I'm watching the news conference for the unveiling. They're holding right at Air Command on the tarmac, with a CF-18 as a backdrop. :lol:
In order to unveil the jerseys, they had 4 players waiting in the back of a Hercules, and the rear hatch slowly opened before they came out. :cool:
So... putting your own name on a jersey: yay or nay?
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 11:20:39 AM
So... putting your own name on a jersey: yay or nay?
Nay. 5 minutes Major for Jersey Foul.
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 11:20:39 AM
So... putting your own name on a jersey: yay or nay?
Totally gay.
Putting a name on there to troll people: Winnar!
Hmm. the emblem looks better as a stand alone. on the jersies they look odd. especially the white jersey.
Oh - they also called an election in Manitoba today.
If yo go to, guess which story gets tops billing. :D
Quote from: HVC on September 06, 2011, 11:32:38 AM
Hmm. the emblem looks better as a stand alone. on the jersies they look odd. especially the white jersey.
I think the logo really "pops" on the white. However the sleeves on the white are... funky. Not sure why they did that.
You can pre-order a jersey today, but they won't be available until October. :ultra:
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 11:34:13 AM
Quote from: HVC on September 06, 2011, 11:32:38 AM
Hmm. the emblem looks better as a stand alone. on the jersies they look odd. especially the white jersey.
I think the logo really "pops" on the white. However the sleeves on the white are... funky. Not sure why they did that.
You can pre-order a jersey today, but they won't be available until October. :ultra:
You're a bit biased :lol: We'll just agree to disagree. Although i guess it'll help the goalie to have a giant bull's-eye on his chest. Subconscious place for players to aim :P
Speaking of jerseys, I'm thinking of getting a red Devils jersey, with Satan as the name and 6 as the number. With the shoulder numbers, it'll be '666'.
180 bucks for a joke is mighty expensive though. But the laughs at church and Wal-Mart will be worth it.
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 06, 2011, 11:41:32 AM
Speaking of jerseys, I'm thinking of getting a red Devils jersey, with Satan as the name and 6 as the number. With the shoulder numbers, it'll be '666'.
180 bucks for a joke is mighty expensive though. But the laughs at church and Wal-Mart will be worth it.
Did he ever play for the Devils?
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 11:42:24 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 06, 2011, 11:41:32 AM
Speaking of jerseys, I'm thinking of getting a red Devils jersey, with Satan as the name and 6 as the number. With the shoulder numbers, it'll be '666'.
180 bucks for a joke is mighty expensive though. But the laughs at church and Wal-Mart will be worth it.
Did he ever play for the Devils?
And don't tell me you are this dense. That is timmay sized dense.
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 06, 2011, 11:43:20 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 11:42:24 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 06, 2011, 11:41:32 AM
Speaking of jerseys, I'm thinking of getting a red Devils jersey, with Satan as the name and 6 as the number. With the shoulder numbers, it'll be '666'.
180 bucks for a joke is mighty expensive though. But the laughs at church and Wal-Mart will be worth it.
Did he ever play for the Devils?
And don't tell me you are this dense. That is timmay sized dense.
Of course I get the joke. :rolleyes:
But it kind of ruins the feigned ignorance of the joke 'madam why are you so offended - I'm merely a fan of Miroslav Satan' if he didn't actually play for the Devils.
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 06, 2011, 11:41:32 AM
Speaking of jerseys, I'm thinking of getting a red Devils jersey, with Satan as the name and 6 as the number. With the shoulder numbers, it'll be '666'.
180 bucks for a joke is mighty expensive though. But the laughs at church and Wal-Mart will be worth it.
10 mins Game misconduct 40 games suspension
Only players name that have played with that jersey is acceptable or using the protest jersey clause.
This is serious bidness.
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 06, 2011, 11:51:18 AM
Quote from: Valmy on September 06, 2011, 11:49:55 AM
He saddens me now.
Maybe some Jets pictures will cheer you up. I know they work for me. :)
I haven't even bought it yet and the humor flows. :lol:
I don't know which is funnier, the prosecutor or 'lil frenchy puffing out. I'm in stitches.
I'm not sure this is an appropriate use of military hardware. :sleep:
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 06, 2011, 11:52:25 AM
10 mins Game misconduct 40 games suspension
Only players name that have played with that jersey is acceptable or using the protest jersey clause.
This is serious bidness.
I was very disappointed when the Jets didn't keep Rick Dudley as our GM. He had a cup of coffee with the original Jets back in the day as a player, so I was going to get myself a Dudley jersey.
The best part though, is when Dudley was with the team, for some bizarre reason he wore #99. Oilers fans would have a conniption seeing a #99 jersey with someone else's name - and it would be 100% accurate. :lol:
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 06, 2011, 11:54:22 AM
I haven't even bought it yet and the humor flows. :lol:
I don't know which is funnier, the prosecutor or 'lil frenchy puffing out. I'm in stitches.
I knew the Jets pictures would work! :hug:
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 11:59:41 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 06, 2011, 11:54:22 AM
I haven't even bought it yet and the humor flows. :lol:
I don't know which is funnier, the prosecutor or 'lil frenchy puffing out. I'm in stitches.
I knew the Jets pictures would work! :hug:
I'm on my fucking high horse & it's pretty fucking high. Leave it to a Blue Jackets fan to spit in the face of hockey. New markets, my ass.
Damn you Bettman, damn you to hell.
That's it. I am getting a Guy Lafleur Maple Leafs sweater.
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 06, 2011, 01:50:51 PM
I'm on my fucking high horse & it's pretty fucking high. Leave it to a Blue Jackets fan to spit in the face of hockey. New markets, my ass.
Damn you Bettman, damn you to hell.
I like this new, angry Grey Fox. :D
Quote from: Valmy on September 06, 2011, 01:54:22 PM
That's it. I am getting a Guy Lafleur Maple Leafs sweater.
Valmy, friends don't let friends buy Maple Leafs sweaters.
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 01:55:43 PM
Quote from: Valmy on September 06, 2011, 01:54:22 PM
That's it. I am getting a Guy Lafleur Maple Leafs sweater.
Valmy, friends don't let friends buy Maple Leafs sweaters.
Quote from: HVC on September 06, 2011, 02:02:19 PM
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 01:55:43 PM
Quote from: Valmy on September 06, 2011, 01:54:22 PM
That's it. I am getting a Guy Lafleur Maple Leafs sweater.
Valmy, friends don't let friends buy Maple Leafs sweaters.
Sorry. You should have said something. I would have stopped you before you bought that ugly sweater if only I had known. :console:
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 02:04:20 PM
Quote from: HVC on September 06, 2011, 02:02:19 PM
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 01:55:43 PM
Quote from: Valmy on September 06, 2011, 01:54:22 PM
That's it. I am getting a Guy Lafleur Maple Leafs sweater.
Valmy, friends don't let friends buy Maple Leafs sweaters.
Sorry. You should have said something. I would have stopped you before you bought that ugly sweater if only I had known. :console:
says mr chest target :D
Quote from: HVC on September 06, 2011, 02:06:03 PM
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 02:04:20 PM
Quote from: HVC on September 06, 2011, 02:02:19 PM
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 01:55:43 PM
Quote from: Valmy on September 06, 2011, 01:54:22 PM
That's it. I am getting a Guy Lafleur Maple Leafs sweater.
Valmy, friends don't let friends buy Maple Leafs sweaters.
Sorry. You should have said something. I would have stopped you before you bought that ugly sweater if only I had known. :console:
says mr chest target :D
As you pointed out - that's a good thing. Opposing teams can fire all the shots they want at the middle of our players chests. :D
And I finally got some awesome shots of me and baby Tim this weekend wearing our Jets shirts (although I'm actually wearing an old Jets logo on my shirt, but the new one on my hat). I'll post them tonight. :cool:
Now see, that is cute.
Quote from: Valmy on September 06, 2011, 01:54:22 PM
That's it. I am getting a Guy Lafleur Maple Leafs sweater.
Just don't visit Montreal with that, you'll start a riot or something.
Apparently the new jerseys were so top secret that the players themselves had never seen them until they got inside that Herc. And because it was so dark in there, they didn't even get a good look at them until they were outside and in front of the cameras. :lol:
Looks like most of the KHL Lokomotiv Yaroslavl team is dead in that crash in Russia.
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 07, 2011, 01:18:47 PM
Looks like most of the KHL Lokomotiv Yaroslavl team is dead in that crash in Russia.
RIP Josef Vasicek
RIP Pavol Demitra
Brutal summer for hockey.
Very sad news. :(
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 11:20:39 AM
So... putting your own name on a jersey: yay or nay?
I say "yay." Players come & players go, but you're always you - unless you decide to change your name to Miguel Sanchez & go into hiding or some fucking thing...
Quote from: C.C.R. on September 07, 2011, 08:31:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 11:20:39 AM
So... putting your own name on a jersey: yay or nay?
I say "yay." Players come & players go, but you're always you - unless you decide to change your name to Miguel Sanchez & go into hiding or some fucking thing...
See, that's what I was thinking. Who knows who might still be around in 5 years from this current Jets crew. :)
Quote from: Barrister on September 07, 2011, 09:35:43 PM
Quote from: C.C.R. on September 07, 2011, 08:31:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 11:20:39 AM
So... putting your own name on a jersey: yay or nay?
I say "yay." Players come & players go, but you're always you - unless you decide to change your name to Miguel Sanchez & go into hiding or some fucking thing...
See, that's what I was thinking. Who knows who might still be around in 5 years from this current Jets crew. :)
That's why you can't go wrong getting a name of a player from the storied past or even a current player who has already cemented their legacy in team lore.
Quote from: PRC on September 08, 2011, 11:00:33 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 07, 2011, 09:35:43 PM
Quote from: C.C.R. on September 07, 2011, 08:31:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on September 06, 2011, 11:20:39 AM
So... putting your own name on a jersey: yay or nay?
I say "yay." Players come & players go, but you're always you - unless you decide to change your name to Miguel Sanchez & go into hiding or some fucking thing...
See, that's what I was thinking. Who knows who might still be around in 5 years from this current Jets crew. :)
That's why you can't go wrong getting a name of a player from the storied past or even a current player who has already cemented their legacy in team lore.
But that brings back the somewhat awkward situation of being a fan of a team that hasn't played a game in 15 years, and technically isn't the same team at all as from it's 'storied past'.
I certainly could go out and get a new Hawerchuk jersey - except Ducky never played in these unis. But at least I wouldn't have to worry about my jersey being out of date as a result of a trade... :hmm:
I got a Lapierre jersey early last season. :glare:
I have another with no names on it though.
Quote from: viper37 on September 06, 2011, 02:33:46 PM
Quote from: Valmy on September 06, 2011, 01:54:22 PM
That's it. I am getting a Guy Lafleur Maple Leafs sweater.
Just don't visit Montreal with that, you'll start a riot or something.
I think people would respond more with 'WTF?' than violence :P
Can't... resist... mixture of... two favourite topics...
(other dude is a nobody Winipeg Conservative MP)
I'm trying to decide if my next avatar should be that pic of Jets Steve, or my son. :hmm:
And the "Jets" take to the ice for the very first time since 1996 TONIGHT! Jets rookies will play Sharks rookies at a tournament in BC. I usually mock those who watch pre-season games, and this is more like pre-pre-season, yet I am still tempted to tune in... :ph34r:
I'll be sure to mock you.
Dear God BB. I can get, though with disdain, the "jets" hyper fascination and overall jubilance, but getting excited about the a pre-season rookie match? for shame! You're better then this
Getting excited about hockey is never a bad thing. But those rookie games are atrocious.
They are atrocious - but I can't help myself - I've watched parts of both games now. :Embarrass:
It's SOOOO nice to see the Winnipeg Jets on the ice - even if it is just rookies, even if they are just in practice jerseys.
Quote from: Barrister on September 13, 2011, 09:59:01 PM
They are atrocious - but I can't help myself - I've watched parts of both games now. :Embarrass:
It's SOOOO nice to see the Winnipeg Jets on the ice - even if it is just rookies, even if they are just in practice jerseys.
You can't go by these games at all. Hell take it a step higher into the real NHL preseason. Last years Flames were 7-0 in the preseason only to lay an egg all year long once the season started.
Billions and billions of Jets stories in the news right now. I'm refraining from posting all the day-by-day stuff about the team, since I figure that has zero interest outside of Winnipeg (and to ex-pat Winnipeggers).
But stories about the novelty of it all...
QuoteHockey fever comes early in Winnipeg
ROY MacGREGOR WINNIPEG— Globe and Mail Update
Posted on Saturday, September 17, 2011 3:33PM EDT
Sept. 17, 2011 – and Game Seven of the 2011-2012 Stanley Cup Final is about to begin.
It is hard to adequately describe this topsy-turvy world of Winnipeg hockey.
Had they only added tailgate parties, it would have to have been breakfast on the grill, as they began filling up the parking lots shortly after dawn.
Puck drop at 9:04 a.m.
There was security on hand, including a van of stand-by police parked slightly off-site.
Cars whistled by, their Winnipeg Jets flags snapping in a brisk fall breeze. Out on the western end of Portage Avenue, the honking has nothing to do with migrating geese.
But everything to do with the return of the Jets, finally, big Nikolai Antropov the first Jet to step back onto Winnipeg ice in 15 years.
The cheer was deafening....for a practice.
They cheered the arrival of every player, they cheered the coaches, they cheered the first goal, they cheered the fancy plays and, in the end, the players gathered at centre ice and raised their sticks in an emotional salute to the more than 1,000 fans who jammed the Iceplex rink.
For a...practice?
But that is the state of hockey hunger in Winnipeg. The fans reacted as if they had, indeed, been sitting in the stands these past 15 years just counting the seconds until they could cheer again.
There was no Teemu Selanne to cheer for now. No Keith Tkachuk. No Thomas Steen. No Dale Hawerchuk.
Some of these players were named Akim Aliu and Zachary Yuen and Austen Brassard and Arturs Kulda – but it mattered not a whit. They were wearing the uniform, however new, of the Winnipeg Jets.
And that was what mattered.
"We're not used to practising in front of a crowd like that," said young defenceman Zach Bogosian, who had to carefully spell out his name to a television reporter who had obviously never heard of the former first-round draft pick.
"It was awesome," said team captain Andrew Ladd.
"Most players don't look forward to training camp – but this was fun."
Sunday the camp will move from the MTS Iceplex in the outskirts of downtown to the MTS Centre where the Jets will play this season.
Monday they will practice and scrimmage again.
Tuesday they will play their first at-home exhibition match against the Columbus Blue Jackets.
Given what was on display for a boring first practice, whoever scores that first re-born Jets goal might want to wear a pair of those airplane earplugs under his helmet.
And as for the first real goal of the 2011-2012 season.....
Go Jets Go...
Okay, so the Jets first pre-season game was tonight. Split squad games against the Blue Jackets, in both Winnipeg and in Columbus.
The game was not broadcast on national TV. :ultra: :weep:
However, TSN has a 5 minute video clip from the opening of the game in Winnipeg. Holy Fuck - that crowd is amped up as if it was Game 7 in the playoffs. And it's a damn split squad pre-season game!!!111 Even better - the majority of the crowd was wearing brand spanking new Jets gear (though with a good representation from old school Jets).
It must be my allergies...
I am going to be a total wreck on October 9th - the first regular season game.
What's terrible is we're hosting Thanksgiving at our house that day. I don't know what the tears of joy will do to the turkey. :unsure:
Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving too? I always tought it was an American thing only.
Quote from: viper37 on September 20, 2011, 11:30:52 PM
Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving too? I always tought it was an American thing only.
Quote from: viper37 on September 20, 2011, 11:30:52 PM
Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving too? I always tought it was an American thing only.
It's a national fucking holiday. don't pretend you never realized you got a day off in early October every year...
Thanksgiving is actually a Quebec Provincial Holiday only it seems they call it 'L'Action de grâce'
According to:
Quote from: Valmy on September 20, 2011, 11:59:01 PM
Thanksgiving is actually a Quebec Provincial Holiday only it seems they call it 'L'Action de grâce'
According to:
So, samething. :P
@BB you need to get Centre Ice or Gamecenter Live for the Computer.
Quote from: Barrister on September 20, 2011, 11:40:42 PM
Quote from: viper37 on September 20, 2011, 11:30:52 PM
Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving too? I always tought it was an American thing only.
It's a national fucking holiday. don't pretend you never realized you got a day off in early October every year...
It's not the national fucking holiday, it's the celebration with the turkey and family/friends reunion.
I usually stick in the office for half a day or do some work outside on that day.
But I'm not aware of any Québécois family gathering together over a turkey on Thanksgiving. Even in Ontario, I don't think Franco-Ontarians celebrate it the way you do, but I could be wrong.
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 21, 2011, 07:12:30 AM
Quote from: Valmy on September 20, 2011, 11:59:01 PM
Thanksgiving is actually a Quebec Provincial Holiday only it seems they call it 'L'Action de grâce'
According to:
So, samething. :P
@BB you need to get Centre Ice or Gamecenter Live for the Computer.
Thing is - I know myself, and I know I won't actually sit down and watch all 82 games even if they are available. I'd like to have a bunch on in the background, though, so... I dunno...
Quote from: viper37 on September 21, 2011, 08:14:11 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 20, 2011, 11:40:42 PM
Quote from: viper37 on September 20, 2011, 11:30:52 PM
Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving too? I always tought it was an American thing only.
It's a national fucking holiday. don't pretend you never realized you got a day off in early October every year...
It's not the national fucking holiday, it's the celebration with the turkey and family/friends reunion.
I usually stick in the office for half a day or do some work outside on that day.
But I'm not aware of any Québécois family gathering together over a turkey on Thanksgiving. Even in Ontario, I don't think Franco-Ontarians celebrate it the way you do, but I could be wrong.
Hi. My family always celebrated L'action de grâce. We gather, we have ham & a good time.
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 21, 2011, 08:23:12 AM
Hi. My family always celebrated L'action de grâce. We gather, we have ham & a good time.
Ok, I was wrong, some do celebrate.
Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays.
No expensive consumerist crap. Just a big meal and family and friends. And the Winnipeg Jets. :)
Quote from: Barrister on September 21, 2011, 09:18:24 AM
Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays.
No expensive consumerist crap. Just a big meal and family and friends. And the Winnipeg Jets. :)
4 pm start even. :mad: Well, 5 for me. Which is worse.
You fuckers got me wanting a pumpkin pie. Bastards.
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 21, 2011, 09:50:12 AM
You fuckers got me wanting a pumpkin pie. Bastards.
Well come to Canada for the second weekend in October then and we'll hook you up. :)
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 21, 2011, 09:50:12 AM
You fuckers got me wanting a pumpkin pie. Bastards.
Man, bum year for you. Irene killed them all.
Quote from: Barrister on September 21, 2011, 09:53:40 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 21, 2011, 09:50:12 AM
You fuckers got me wanting a pumpkin pie. Bastards.
Well come to Canada for the second weekend in October then and we'll hook you up. :)
I don't want a lecture when I get a slice. Or get killed when the building I'm in collapses because Canadian contractors suck balls.
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 21, 2011, 09:55:39 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 21, 2011, 09:50:12 AM
You fuckers got me wanting a pumpkin pie. Bastards.
Man, bum year for you. Irene killed them all.
Not where I'm at. Plus , plenty of cans of pumpkin fillin' at the supermarket.
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 21, 2011, 09:56:50 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 21, 2011, 09:53:40 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 21, 2011, 09:50:12 AM
You fuckers got me wanting a pumpkin pie. Bastards.
Well come to Canada for the second weekend in October then and we'll hook you up. :)
I don't want a lecture when I get a slice. Or get killed when the building I'm in collapses because Canadian contractors suck balls.
But lecturing is what we do best! :(
And stop watching so much Holmes on Homes. :mad:
Quote from: Barrister on September 21, 2011, 10:00:47 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 21, 2011, 09:56:50 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 21, 2011, 09:53:40 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 21, 2011, 09:50:12 AM
You fuckers got me wanting a pumpkin pie. Bastards.
Well come to Canada for the second weekend in October then and we'll hook you up. :)
I don't want a lecture when I get a slice. Or get killed when the building I'm in collapses because Canadian contractors suck balls.
But lecturing is what we do best! :(
And stop watching so much Holmes on Homes. :mad:
I can't help it. It's facinating.
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 21, 2011, 10:03:12 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 21, 2011, 10:00:47 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 21, 2011, 09:56:50 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 21, 2011, 09:53:40 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 21, 2011, 09:50:12 AM
You fuckers got me wanting a pumpkin pie. Bastards.
Well come to Canada for the second weekend in October then and we'll hook you up. :)
I don't want a lecture when I get a slice. Or get killed when the building I'm in collapses because Canadian contractors suck balls.
But lecturing is what we do best! :(
And stop watching so much Holmes on Homes. :mad:
I can't help it. It's facinating.
Is HGTV US showing is new show, Holmes Inspection?
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 21, 2011, 10:09:36 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 21, 2011, 10:03:12 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 21, 2011, 10:00:47 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 21, 2011, 09:56:50 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 21, 2011, 09:53:40 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 21, 2011, 09:50:12 AM
You fuckers got me wanting a pumpkin pie. Bastards.
Well come to Canada for the second weekend in October then and we'll hook you up. :)
I don't want a lecture when I get a slice. Or get killed when the building I'm in collapses because Canadian contractors suck balls.
But lecturing is what we do best! :(
And stop watching so much Holmes on Homes. :mad:
I can't help it. It's facinating.
Is HGTV US showing is new show, Holmes Inspection?
yep. Ed's conclusion: Canadian inspectors are Mr. Magoo.
Ontarians inspectors.
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 21, 2011, 10:21:07 AM
Ontarians inspectors.
Ontario = Canada. The good parts anyway.
*runs off*
Quote from: Ed Anger on September 21, 2011, 10:23:06 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 21, 2011, 10:21:07 AM
Ontarians inspectors.
Ontario = Canada. The good parts anyway.
*runs off*
USA = California & NYC. The awesome parts anyway. Everything else = Rednecks, Mexicans Cartels & ex-slave.
Quote from: Barrister on September 21, 2011, 09:18:24 AM
Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays.
No expensive consumerist crap. Just a big meal and family and friends.
To me, it's another theoritical day off like Labour's day. I know there's a special mass, but I never attended it. Even my mom, very religious, never insisted that we went to Church for Thanksgiving.
Christmas may be a consumerist crappy holyday, but it's the only time of the year I can see my family (cousins, aunt&uncles) almost all at once.
QuoteAnd the Winnipeg Jets. :)
Still too early for hockey :P
I'm not getting excited about hockey until march ;)
Thanksgiving isn't a religious holiday though. :huh:
Ok, I have to admit, all the stories about opening night in Winnipeg were... heartwarming.
Quote from: crazy canuck on September 21, 2011, 11:07:56 AM
Ok, I have to admit, all the stories about opening night in Winnipeg were... heartwarming.
And of course that wasn't even the real opening night. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on September 21, 2011, 11:06:52 AM
Thanksgiving isn't a religious holiday though. :huh:
Did that ever stop the religious type?
I remember being in Church around Thanksgiving day for a funeral, and the Church was decorated for the Thanksgiving. IIRC, the priest made a speech about thanking the Lord for the harvest season, showing the pumpkins and other vegetables and insisting there would a be a special celebration on Thanksgiving, or maybe just a special Sunday mass. But there was something special, that much I remember.
Quote from: viper37 on September 21, 2011, 08:14:11 AM
But I'm not aware of any Québécois family gathering together over a turkey on Thanksgiving. Even in Ontario, I don't think Franco-Ontarians celebrate it the way you do, but I could be wrong.
The enclaves in Alberta celebrate Action de grace.
the assimilation is worst thant I tought :(
Apparently there was a peak audience of 490,000 for the Jets pre-season split-squad game against Columbus.
That's even more amazing when you consider it's a regional game shown only in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and NW Ontario, and is only available in 500,000 homes.
I am a happy camper tonight.
though a few games were available on the internet, I finally got to watch my very first Winnipeg Jets game, start to finish. Holy Fuck were those Winnipeg fans insane for a pre-season game. This was one of those times when I love my home town. :wub:
I can't wait for October 9th.
Quote from: Barrister on September 28, 2011, 11:10:40 PM
I am a happy camper tonight.
though a few games were available on the internet, I finally got to watch my very first Winnipeg Jets game, start to finish. Holy Fuck were those Winnipeg fans insane for a pre-season game. This was one of those times when I love my home town. :wub:
I can't wait for October 9th.
Small "loud" arenas make for good hockey.
Quote from: crazy canuck on September 21, 2011, 11:07:56 AM
Ok, I have to admit, all the stories about opening night in Winnipeg were... heartwarming.
Oh yeah. You should have heard the radio show Beeb linked me up to when the move was official.
So glad for the Jets. Still hope the Caps crush them though. Real fans can take it.
Quote from: Valmy on September 29, 2011, 01:54:57 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on September 21, 2011, 11:07:56 AM
Ok, I have to admit, all the stories about opening night in Winnipeg were... heartwarming.
Oh yeah. You should have heard the radio show Beeb linked me up to when the move was official.
So glad for the Jets. Still hope the Caps crush them though. Real fans can take it.
If you can tear yourself away from the Redskins, you should tune in on October 9th. CBC live streams all of its games. First regular season game - this will be the one with some ceremonies, the fancy pre-game launch, the Prime Minister. It'll be one to remember.
You know, they're still waiting to charge people for the Vancouver riot, and at this point, what's the point? Countless millions of dollars will end up being spent, and for what? Some suspended sentences and a few hours of community service?
Quote from: Barrister on September 29, 2011, 02:17:09 PM
If you can tear yourself away from the Redskins, you should tune in on October 9th. CBC live streams all of its games. First regular season game - this will be the one with some ceremonies, the fancy pre-game launch, the Prime Minister. It'll be one to remember.
That should not be hard since that is the Redskins' off week. I will check it out if I can.
Quote from: Valmy on October 02, 2011, 07:47:15 PM
Quote from: Barrister on September 29, 2011, 02:17:09 PM
If you can tear yourself away from the Redskins, you should tune in on October 9th. CBC live streams all of its games. First regular season game - this will be the one with some ceremonies, the fancy pre-game launch, the Prime Minister. It'll be one to remember.
That should not be hard since that is the Redskins' off week. I will check it out if I can.
I'm not sure if CBC's live streams are blocked for US IPs, but they do livestream all their games. If you know the way of the :pirate: I'm sure you can find a way around that.
Like I said - it should be epic.
The game is on the NHL Network in the US. Like most Hockey Night in Canada broadcast.
Public service announcement: the season starts tonight.
Quote from: Valmy on October 06, 2011, 09:27:38 AM
Public service announcement: the season starts tonight.
May the habs crash and burn tonight. Got class so i'll miss most of it :( oh well, i have it set to record.
Quote from: Valmy on October 06, 2011, 09:27:38 AM
Public service announcement: the season starts tonight.
and the NHL's official opening party is in: Winnipeg. :showoff:
Three days and counting...
Unfortunately there'll be no Jets jerseys in Edmonton till October 17th. :(
Quote from: HVC on October 06, 2011, 09:29:26 AM
Quote from: Valmy on October 06, 2011, 09:27:38 AM
Public service announcement: the season starts tonight.
May the habs crash and burn tonight. Got class so i'll miss most of it :( oh well, i have it set to record.
May the Laffs burn!
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 06, 2011, 09:40:57 AM
Quote from: HVC on October 06, 2011, 09:29:26 AM
Quote from: Valmy on October 06, 2011, 09:27:38 AM
Public service announcement: the season starts tonight.
May the habs crash and burn tonight. Got class so i'll miss most of it :( oh well, i have it set to record.
May the Laffs burn!
it'll happen eventually. i just want the season to start with optimism. I prefer my disappointment sudden rather then drawn out :lol:
Quote from: Neil on October 02, 2011, 07:10:06 PM
You know, they're still waiting to charge people for the Vancouver riot, and at this point, what's the point? Countless millions of dollars will end up being spent, and for what? Some suspended sentences and a few hours of community service?
Typical Vancouver policing. Either too little too late, or too much on the wrong time, people. It's sad.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on October 06, 2011, 11:15:16 AM
Quote from: Neil on October 02, 2011, 07:10:06 PM
You know, they're still waiting to charge people for the Vancouver riot, and at this point, what's the point? Countless millions of dollars will end up being spent, and for what? Some suspended sentences and a few hours of community service?
Typical Vancouver policing. Either too little too late, or too much on the wrong time, people. It's sad.
Its not just sad, its a complete joke. And now our premier is showing how populist she can be with an announcement she wants the proceedings to be televised. She is really starting to make Dix look good. That is what is sad.
Game On. tonight. Crosby in the bleachers though still.
The season doesnt really start until Kesler gets back.
speaking of Kesler here he is in all his glory for the ladies and rainbow coalition.
I've got front row tix to a Leaf game against Pittsburgh. I think it's a $400 ticket!
I should be going to Ottawa on Dec. 10th, a Canucks game, with Canucks fans. :)
God damn it, stupid laffs.
Boy the Habs are gonna suck this season. :yuk:
they always lose the first (and usually the last) leafs game. nothing to get worried about.
Quote from: Drakken on October 06, 2011, 09:16:11 PM
Boy the Habs are gonna suck this season. :yuk:
How can you be sure? There are so many games that they aren't even meaningful until after the Superbowl.
Quote from: viper37 on October 06, 2011, 05:01:07 PM
I should be going to Ottawa on Dec. 10th, a Canucks game, with Canucks fans. :)
Good stuff, I expect an AAR!
Two days...
Quote from: Neil on October 06, 2011, 09:29:37 PM
Quote from: Drakken on October 06, 2011, 09:16:11 PM
Boy the Habs are gonna suck this season. :yuk:
How can you be sure? There are so many games that they aren't even meaningful until after the Superbowl.
The Superbowl? Try March. Any team that gets into a winning run from March-June can win the whole thing. Which is why I'm no big fan of North American sports and the whole playoff format.
Quote from: PRC on October 06, 2011, 09:31:13 PM
Quote from: viper37 on October 06, 2011, 05:01:07 PM
I should be going to Ottawa on Dec. 10th, a Canucks game, with Canucks fans. :)
Good stuff, I expect an AAR!
I will :)
Quote from: Josephus on October 07, 2011, 09:15:27 AM
Quote from: Neil on October 06, 2011, 09:29:37 PM
Quote from: Drakken on October 06, 2011, 09:16:11 PM
Boy the Habs are gonna suck this season. :yuk:
How can you be sure? There are so many games that they aren't even meaningful until after the Superbowl.
The Superbowl? Try March. Any team that gets into a winning run from March-June can win the whole thing. Which is why I'm no big fan of North American sports and the whole playoff format.
:huh: :blink:
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 07, 2011, 10:33:14 AM
:huh: :blink:
I knew you would find that perplexing.
Quote from: Josephus on October 07, 2011, 09:15:27 AM
The Superbowl? Try March. Any team that gets into a winning run from March-June can win the whole thing. Which is why I'm no big fan of North American sports and the whole playoff format.
the playoffs start in April. So yeah, any team that gets into a winning run from March-June can win the whole thing since the Stanley cup is won around the half of June... A team that doesn't get into a winnin run from April is usually eliminated, it's the principle beyond the playoff... :P
Quote from: viper37 on October 07, 2011, 10:47:41 AM
the playoffs start in April. So yeah, any team that gets into a winning run from March-June can win the whole thing since the Stanley cup is won around the half of June... A team that doesn't get into a winnin run from April is usually eliminated, it's the principle beyond the playoff... :P
Yeah but those European leagues just hand the title to the team with the best record at the end of the season. But I guess that makes more sense to them with all those extra tournaments their clubs play.
Damn the Caps would actually have some NHL titles.
It makes limited sense in a regulation format.
Personnally, I hate that titles can decided before the last day of the season/playoff & that other teams are playing at the same time.
I watched the last of the Premiership back in May(I think). Why were there any game between teams that didn't compete for anything? Why did ManU play when it had won the title for 3 games already.
Did anyone catch the party going on in Winnipeg during the pre-game show / intermission?
They had tens of thousands of people out at the Forks with the entertainment being Zombie Randy Bachman. Of course the crowd went nuts anytime the word "Jets" was mentioned.
I didnt see it but it made our news. Lots of excitement.
Quote from: Barrister on October 07, 2011, 11:11:13 AM
Did anyone catch the party going on in Winnipeg during the pre-game show / intermission?
They had tens of thousands of people out at the Forks with the entertainment being Zombie Randy Bachman. Of course the crowd went nuts anytime the word "Jets" was mentioned.
No but I will try to check it out on Sunday. What time should I tune in?
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 07, 2011, 11:09:51 AM
Why were there any game between teams that didn't compete for anything? Why did ManU play when it had won the title for 3 games already.
Probably the same reason the number 1 seed NHL team has to play a few games even after they have the best record wrapped up. Or the worst teams get eliminated from playoff contention with 10 games left to play or whatever.
FOR THE GLORY! Well...ok for the money.
Quote from: Valmy on October 07, 2011, 11:24:50 AM
Quote from: Barrister on October 07, 2011, 11:11:13 AM
Did anyone catch the party going on in Winnipeg during the pre-game show / intermission?
They had tens of thousands of people out at the Forks with the entertainment being Zombie Randy Bachman. Of course the crowd went nuts anytime the word "Jets" was mentioned.
No but I will try to check it out on Sunday. What time should I tune in?
This was something different.
Last night was the NHL season opener. Winnipeg doesn't play until Sunday, but CBC/NHL hosted a Season Opener party in Winnipeg last night. So the pre-game to Toronto-Montreal was from Winnipeg, and they want back to Winnipeg during second intermission for Bachman and Turner.
There will be another party on Sunday, presumably using the same stage and everything. Game itself is at 4 central. I know CBC is showing an hour long documentary starting at 2, then an hour pre-game at 3.
1st game was a first game in the shaking off the cobwebs sense for both Pittsburgh and Vancouver. Higgins & Lapierre continue to impress me as the best gets the Canucks have made in the last year. Lots of hustle. lots. Higgins is tring to be Kesler til his return it seems.
That Letang on Pitt was solid. Malkin can't skate yet, but will get his legs back I'm betting. Both these teams are going to be super dangerous in a few weeks when their big heart and soul guys are back.
Entertaining game with some funny goals at both ends.
QuoteHere's hoping Montreal Canadiens lose next game
By MIKE BOONE, THE GAZETTE October 7, 2011 1:44 PM
Comment 0 StoryPhotos ( 1 )
Ben Winnett grabs his head after loosing his helmet during the last practice at the Canadiens rookie camp held at the Bell Sports Complex in Brossard on Thursday, September 15, 2011.Photograph by: Dario Ayala/THE GAZETTEThis may read like hockey heresy – and an 0-2 season start could lead to widespread civil unrest – but I hope the Canadiens lose on Sunday afternoon.
Whoah! Put down your slings, shove the arrows back in their quivers, carefully lift the plastique explosives out of my mailbox and don't hit send on that f-bomb-laden email.
For one game out of 82, this Simpson-shaped scribe can be a non-homer. And this is that game.
I want the renascent Winnipeg Jets to win their home opener. I want their fans to go home happy.
And so should you.
Because Winnipeg is in Manitoba. If my dim memory of Grade 5 geography serves me well, Manitoba is in Canada.
And Canada, a mari usque ad mare, is hockey.
Canadians choke up watching sentimental television commercials set in minor-league rinks.
Terry Tomalty paintings of kids playing hockey on snow-covered streets stir memories of our youth.
Canadians of a certain age know the derivation of "hot-stove league", and Montrealers of that vintage can do credible impressions of Danny Gallivan describing Savardian spinaramas.
We are Canadian, dammit.
We've got pucked-up DNA.
I hope the Jets go 1-0 to kick-start a successful season that will, in turn, goose the process that brings hockey back to Quebec City ... perhaps in time for a 30th anniversary Good Friday playoff game.
What do I know about Winnipeg? Almost nothing, beyond the popular assumption that Portage and Main in January is the coldest corner of our frigid country. I've never been there – and neither, until this weekend, has globe-trotting Gazette hockey writer Patrick V. Hickey.
But the Winnipeggers I know personally – National Arts Centre president Peter Herrndorf, Gazette colleague Denise Duguay and her late partner, the brilliant photographer Shaun Best – are great people. And that's three more great people than I know from Phoenix, Tampa Bay, Dallas or Raleigh.
So bonne chance, Jets ... just this once.
Read more:
I agree with him, I don't want to but I do.
God damn it, why couldn't they beat the laffs?
i disagree. get by on your own merits dammit.
Quote from: HVC on October 07, 2011, 01:52:58 PM
i disagree. get by on your own merits dammit.
I don't think he's suggesting the Habs lie down for this one...
Thought i'd post this for Ed. Kevin Bieksa tweet to Ryan Kesler tonight referring to a Saturday night in Columbus:
@Ryan_Kesler Sat night in Cbus...does it get any better than this??!! Man I hope so!!
Quote from: PRC on October 08, 2011, 08:03:21 PM
Thought i'd post this for Ed. Kevin Bieksa tweet to Ryan Kesler tonight referring to a Saturday night in Columbus:
@Ryan_Kesler Sat night in Cbus...does it get any better than this??!! Man I hope so!!
Everybody is watching the Ohio State game.
It's game day. :cool:
Yay! An Habs goal.
Sweet short-handed goal by Montreal.
I'm conflicted. One the one hand I want the new Canadian team to do well, but on the other hand I want BB to feel pain.
I want the Habs to win 100%, but it'd be nice to see a Winnipeg goal, just to see the crowd cheer a bit.
Poor Winnipeg. New sweaters, same old team they had in Atlanta.
Quote from: Neil on October 09, 2011, 05:54:38 PM
I want the Habs to win 100%, but it'd be nice to see a Winnipeg goal, just to see the crowd cheer a bit.
I always cheer for the Habs ( when they're not facing the leafs :p ). Oh well hopefully BB's tears won't make his turkey too soggy :P
Quote from: HVC on October 09, 2011, 06:38:59 PM
Quote from: Neil on October 09, 2011, 05:54:38 PM
I want the Habs to win 100%, but it'd be nice to see a Winnipeg goal, just to see the crowd cheer a bit.
I always cheer for the Habs ( when they're not facing the leafs :p ). Oh well hopefully BB's tears won't make his turkey too soggy :P
They were tears of joy. :weep:
Seriously - this was the game I've been waiting for for 15 years. The Jets are back baby! :cool: No mere on-ice score could take away from that.
I'm glad I had everything PVR'd - I did not get to see nearly enough of the pre-game festivities while I was getting dinner ready. I did however get to watch every minute of the game itself - all in all my wife is pretty understanding for me disappearing to the basement for 3 hours while we had a house full of guests.
As for the game itself? It seemed like there were just too many sloppy giveaways - which could perhaps be chalked up to a team facing enormous expectations, and simply trying too hard to please the crowd. Or it could mean they're just not that good. Well, we have 81 games to find out.
Now that being said, of all the players I'd expect to score the first Jets goal, Antropov would've been near the last on the list. :hmm:
Antropov would always hurt the Habs when he was playing in Toronto.
Good game for us, but 2 more injuries. All in all, and I say this honestly BB, I don't think the Jets are gonna be that good this year... Who's supposed to score for you guys exactly?
I have a feeling the Leafs won't be the worst team in Canada this year :)
Quote from: Zoupa on October 10, 2011, 12:29:45 AM
Antropov would always hurt the Habs when he was playing in Toronto.
Good game for us, but 2 more injuries. All in all, and I say this honestly BB, I don't think the Jets are gonna be that good this year... Who's supposed to score for you guys exactly?
Kane, Ladd, Byfuglien, Scheifele? (if he sticks) -hell maybe Antropov will have a big year again.
All I know is it'll be fun to find out. Hell it'll even begun to complain about how bad they are again, if it comes to that.
One Josephus - the Leafs haven't been the worst team in Canada for at least two years.The Oilers have been... :shifty:
Quote from: Barrister on October 10, 2011, 08:49:26 AM
One Josephus - the Leafs haven't been the worst team in Canada for at least two years.The Oilers have been... :shifty:
Hey now! You cannot have this conversation and not mention the Senators last year.
The worse team in Canada this year will be the Sens.
Quote from: Valmy on October 10, 2011, 09:08:16 AM
Quote from: Barrister on October 10, 2011, 08:49:26 AM
One Josephus - the Leafs haven't been the worst team in Canada for at least two years.The Oilers have been... :shifty:
Hey now! You cannot have this conversation and not mention the Senators last year.
But the Oilers were the worst team in the league two years running!
A fact I do not hesitate to mention to Oilers fans when they talk about how good the team will be this year...
Damn it - 4 days till the next Jets game. :mad:
Hey CCR - which flies faster, a Hawk or a Jet! :menace:
Plus, between Byfuglien, Ladd and Cheveldayoff, we've read your book, you magnificent bastards! :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on October 10, 2011, 12:21:09 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 10, 2011, 09:08:16 AM
Quote from: Barrister on October 10, 2011, 08:49:26 AM
One Josephus - the Leafs haven't been the worst team in Canada for at least two years.The Oilers have been... :shifty:
Hey now! You cannot have this conversation and not mention the Senators last year.
But the Oilers were the worst team in the league two years running!
A fact I do not hesitate to mention to Oilers fans when they talk about how good the team will be this year...
Yeah, they've been hillariously bad. The locals were getting a little restless.
They're going to be better this year. The team I'm afraid for is Calgary.
Calgary has a definite risk of falling off a cliff this year. :mellow:
Now for your daily dose of awesome: in-game opening video from the Jets home opener. Part hockey game, part Top Gun, part over the top dramatic music. :cool:
I'll watch the vid later. I was half-expecting you to make the trip to Winnipeg, Barrister...
For the loss, hey, don't be a Habs now :)
Friday night I was with my friend watching one of these sports shows (L'Antichambre, for the Quebec bunch) where they were deeply analyzing the failures of the Habs, what was going on there, how the coach was relying too much on one defenseman (P.K. Subban), how he was too young, blah, blah, blah.
They're always pannicking at the first loss and celebrating the cup at the first win. Always. Don't be like that, please :)
Quote from: viper37 on October 10, 2011, 04:54:37 PM
I'll watch the vid later. I was half-expecting you to make the trip to Winnipeg, Barrister...
For the loss, hey, don't be a Habs now :)
Friday night I was with my friend watching one of these sports shows (L'Antichambre, for the Quebec bunch) where they were deeply analyzing the failures of the Habs, what was going on there, how the coach was relying too much on one defenseman (P.K. Subban), how he was too young, blah, blah, blah.
They're always pannicking at the first loss and celebrating the cup at the first win. Always. Don't be like that, please :)
Tickets to opening night were going for $2000+ on the black market. The fact I have a free place to stay has nothing on that price. No, I'm trying to track down tickets on December 23rd when I'm there for Christmas, and the Penguins visit town.
And I was hardly panicking after one loss. :mellow:
Quote from: Barrister on October 09, 2011, 11:48:58 PM
Now that being said, of all the players I'd expect to score the first Jets goal, Antropov would've been near the last on the list. :hmm:
Antropov isn't that bad a player. Just cause he was a leaf doesn't mean you have to down play him :p
Quote from: HVC on October 10, 2011, 09:52:19 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 09, 2011, 11:48:58 PM
Now that being said, of all the players I'd expect to score the first Jets goal, Antropov would've been near the last on the list. :hmm:
Antropov isn't that bad a player. Just cause he was a leaf doesn't mean you have to down play him :p
He's received a ton of criticism for not playing up to his contract, not showing much enthusiasm on the ice. Now maybe a move from Atlanta to Winnipeg will recharge him, but I wouldn't have bet on it, is all.
He's our 4th highest paid player at a hair over $4mil per year, but in terms of enthusiasm and expectations he's 11-20.
I'd be happy to be wrong. Maybe you had to live through the Mike Smith era in Winnipeg to be simultaneously enthused about Swedes (Thomas Steen, Anders Hedberg) and Finns (TEEMU), but dreading Russians (Sergei Bautin and so many others)...
Quote from: Barrister on October 10, 2011, 12:33:46 PM
Damn it - 4 days till the next Jets game. :mad:
Hey CCR - which flies faster, a Hawk or a Jet! :menace:
Plus, between Byfuglien, Ladd and Cheveldayoff, we've read your book, you magnificent bastards! :cool:
Jets definitely fly faster, but they burn a hell of a lot more when they crash...
Quote from: C.C.R. on October 11, 2011, 05:55:53 AM
Quote from: Barrister on October 10, 2011, 12:33:46 PM
Damn it - 4 days till the next Jets game. :mad:
Hey CCR - which flies faster, a Hawk or a Jet! :menace:
Plus, between Byfuglien, Ladd and Cheveldayoff, we've read your book, you magnificent bastards! :cool:
Jets definitely fly faster, but they burn a hell of a lot more when they crash...
We will see who crashes and burns on Thursday. :menace:
Damnit it's good to have a team back! :showoff:
Quote from: Barrister on October 11, 2011, 08:19:50 AM
Damnit it's good to have a team back! :showoff:
Your team sucks!
Quote from: Valmy on October 11, 2011, 08:21:29 AM
Quote from: Barrister on October 11, 2011, 08:19:50 AM
Damnit it's good to have a team back! :showoff:
Your team sucks!
They've only lost one game in the last 15 years! And they're undefeated in that timeframe against the Caps! :showoff:
Quote from: Barrister on October 11, 2011, 08:23:16 AM
They've only lost one game in the last 15 years! And they're undefeated in that timeframe against the Caps! :showoff:
Big talk for a guy whose team has only scored one goal this century.
Quote from: Valmy on October 11, 2011, 08:29:46 AM
Quote from: Barrister on October 11, 2011, 08:23:16 AM
They've only lost one game in the last 15 years! And they're undefeated in that timeframe against the Caps! :showoff:
Big talk for a guy whose team has only scored one goal this century.
But my team has three world championships to the Caps zero! :showoff:
Quote from: Barrister on October 11, 2011, 08:34:42 AM
Quote from: Valmy on October 11, 2011, 08:29:46 AM
Quote from: Barrister on October 11, 2011, 08:23:16 AM
They've only lost one game in the last 15 years! And they're undefeated in that timeframe against the Caps! :showoff:
Big talk for a guy whose team has only scored one goal this century.
But my team has three world championships to the Caps zero! :showoff:
No, it does not. That team is in Phoenix.
Quote from: Barrister on October 11, 2011, 08:34:42 AM
But my team has three world championships to the Caps zero! :showoff:
Yeah your team hasn't won crap.
Now that you actually have a team I got to get the internet smack talk going. That was only just really getting going back in 1996.
Quote from: Valmy on October 11, 2011, 08:43:24 AM
Quote from: Barrister on October 11, 2011, 08:34:42 AM
But my team has three world championships to the Caps zero! :showoff:
Yeah your team hasn't won crap.
Pfft. The NHL can say whatever it wants - Winnipeg fans know the truth.
Try asking Seedy who won Superbowl V. Or ask a Sens fan if their team has ever won a Stanley Cup.
Quote from: Barrister on October 11, 2011, 08:56:36 AM
Try asking Seedy who won Superbowl V.
I have never seen Seedy claim the Ravens won Super Bowl V.
QuoteOr ask a Sens fan if their team has ever won a Stanley Cup.
I have never actually met a Sens fan. But I bet they suck.
Quick check - for being in the same conference and all, it seems like the Jets and Caps don't meet until November 17th. We'll see who is laughing then. :menace:
Quote from: Barrister on October 11, 2011, 09:06:51 AM
Quick check - for being in the same conference and all, it seems like the Jets and Caps don't meet until November 17th. We'll see who is laughing then. :menace:
I know who:
But they play five more times after that.
I like this BB madly in love with Hockey, well the Jets. I guess come January he'll be over it.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 11, 2011, 09:21:34 AM
I like this BB madly in love with Hockey, well the Jets. I guess come January he'll be over it.
I have to admit - it's possible. I could burn out at this pace, in particular with a bad losing season. But hopefully not, and I'll certainly not turn away from the Jets altogether.
And Valmy, he who laughs last, laughs loudest.
A Picture of Wellwood would have been more appropriate. Winnpeg Fatsoes.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 11, 2011, 09:37:31 AM
A Picture of Wellwood would have been more appropriate. Winnpeg Fatsoes.
:huh: I don't get it.
I posted Buff because, well, it's easy to find a picture of him laughing.
Urge to wish jets ill-will rising...
Quote from: HVC on October 11, 2011, 09:55:27 AM
Urge to wish jets ill-will rising...
You must do what you feel is right, of course.
Quote from: Barrister on October 11, 2011, 09:39:45 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 11, 2011, 09:37:31 AM
A Picture of Wellwood would have been more appropriate. Winnpeg Fatsoes.
:huh: I don't get it.
I posted Buff because, well, it's easy to find a picture of him laughing.
Big Buff, Whalewood & Antropov are fat.
BB already knows what my prediction is for when the reality of multiple losing seasons sets in. But for now the Jets are a good news story.
Quote from: Barrister on October 10, 2011, 08:16:00 PM
And I was hardly panicking after one loss. :mellow:
not taking any chances. You can cheer me up when the New Nordiques lose their first game :P
Quote from: Valmy on October 11, 2011, 09:00:50 AM
I have never actually met a Sens fan. But I bet they suck.
They are border-line desperate and don't tend to get excied real quick when their team wins one :)
Quote from: viper37 on October 11, 2011, 02:00:44 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 10, 2011, 08:16:00 PM
And I was hardly panicking after one loss. :mellow:
not taking any chances. You can cheer me up when the New Nordiques lose their first game :P
How is that new arena coming?
Quote from: Barrister on October 11, 2011, 02:04:10 PM
How is that new arena coming?
They'll probably start building in the spring. Will be ready in 3-4 years after that.
Last I heard, there were problems with the localization of the arena. All I know is everything is ok for the building. But starting now is a bit late in the season.
I'm posting this article for the sheer value of the headline - though it is an interesting read in its own right.
QuoteNHL reaping benefits of Winnipeg effect
david shoalts
TORONTO— From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
Published Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2011 8:24PM EDT
Last updated Tuesday, Oct. 11, 2011 10:27PM EDT
9 comments Email Print/License Decrease text size Increase text size Mixed signals are coming from around the NHL about its economic health in the early days of a new season.
On the one hand, there are disquieting attendance numbers in some cities, such as 6,306 in Dallas, 12,096 in New Jersey and 11,278 on Long Island on Monday night and 9,187 in Columbus on Saturday. Those are the official attendance numbers from the teams, so the actual number of fans in the seats was certainly lower.
More related to this storyNoel still trying to get a read on his Jets
The fork in the road for Jets' boss Cheveldayoff
Jets' fans give standing ovation despite loss
However, it must be noted there were lots of sellouts in the first few days, too. But most of all, a key indicator of the league's economy that came out this week has a positive outlook.
The bean-counters employed by both the league and the NHL Players' Association agreed that the percentage of players' salaries that will be withheld in escrow for the first quarter of the season is 8.5. This is half of the 17 per cent held back a year ago in the first quarter and the lowest percentage since the first season after the 2004-05 lockout when the system was introduced.
Under the escrow system, which the players hate and will fight to eliminate in the labour battle looming at the end of this season, a certain amount of their salary is placed in an escrow account. The money is a safety net for the league's owners, who are to pay 57 per cent of their hockey-related revenue to the players.
When the revenue is toted up each summer, if it turns out the owners paid more than their share in salaries, they are reimbursed from the escrow account with anything left over going back to the players. In the last few years, thanks to the recession, the players have been coughing up a larger share of their salaries.
No, they aren't happy about it, especially since a club such as the Phoenix Coyotes, which is owned by the league, can single-handedly drive up the cost of escrow by routinely losing more than $30-million (all currency U.S.) per year.
However, better times may be here for the players. The percentage deducted from their salaries is calculated four times during the season and it is based on projections for NHL revenue. By slashing the first quarter's deduction to 8.5 per cent (the actual deduction, if there is one, usually proves to be about half of the projections), they are betting on a good year for the league.
Playing into their calculations was the move of the Atlanta Thrashers, long one of the NHL's biggest losers, to Winnipeg, where they will blossom into a profitable club. Also helping out is the continued strength of the Canadian dollar, since the addition of the Winnipeg Jets means there are now seven teams paying their way in Canuck bucks.
But this would not be the NHL unless there was a crisis du jour for commissioner Gary Bettman. Today's is the Edmonton Oilers, although it is a relatively small one.
Oilers owner Daryl Katz and Edmonton Mayor Stephen Mandel are in New York meeting with Bettman thanks to a squabble over their deal for a new arena. Katz wants it ironed out by Oct. 31, when his options on property for the new rink expire, and Bettman is trying to bring them together, no doubt with a quiet half-Nelson on each gentleman.
In the meantime, St. Louis Blues chairman Dave Checketts made it known he has a verbal agreement to sell a majority piece of the club to Chicago businessman Matthew Hulsizer. Checketts may be allowed a role in the club but that is not certain, nor is the sale. There have been lots of verbal agreements that went south over the years and Blues minority owner Tom Stillman has not declared himself out of the running.
Quote6,306 in Dallas
Quote from: C.C.R. on October 11, 2011, 05:55:53 AM
Quote from: Barrister on October 10, 2011, 12:33:46 PM
Damn it - 4 days till the next Jets game. :mad:
Hey CCR - which flies faster, a Hawk or a Jet! :menace:
Plus, between Byfuglien, Ladd and Cheveldayoff, we've read your book, you magnificent bastards! :cool:
Jets definitely fly faster, but they burn a hell of a lot more when they crash...
It's game day. We'll see if the embarassment of the opening day loss (apparently Chipman was Not Pleased to lay an egg in front of such a big crowd, and Coach Noel tore a strip off of them on Tuesday), combined with NOT being in front of a rabid fan base has them playing any better.
Not giving the opposition free entry in your own zone will help. Pavelec isn't god, gotta give him a chance.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 13, 2011, 09:53:18 AM
Not giving the opposition free entry in your own zone will help. Pavelec isn't god, gotta give him a chance.
Absolutely. They played terrible defence against Montreal - even I could see that. I don't think anyone was blaming that performance on Pavelec (though an elite goaltender wouldn't have let in all 5 of those).
You win this round CCR. But we'll be back!
Jets looked, well, better. (I only really saw the third period). More offence, not as terrible on defence (but still not good), and Pavelec made some very nice saves.
We'll see. I'm pretty sure Scheifele is being sent back to junior, which is probably for the best.
Pavelec looked pretty good, but needs more help from his team. The fourth goal was pretty soft, but I it was one of those goals that you could see coming because the Jets just weren't controlling the puck.
Hawks played a pretty shitty game. Emery let in some soft goals, the defense chased around their own zone too much & Carcillo annoys me -- he needs to STFU & play. Sit his ass down, show him tape of what he did during the Hossa goal & tell him "More of THIS & less yapping, please."
Or something. I had to turn the game off after the second period & go to bed, so I didn't see the third...
Fucking Habs.
They say it's class less & shamefull. I say it's awesome. Hockey is a game of intimidation.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 14, 2011, 08:50:48 AM
They say it's class less & shamefull. I say it's awesome. Hockey is a game of intimidation.
Dude lost a tooth. :yuk:
But, he did get in the first 4-5 shots.
Quote from: jimmy olsen on October 14, 2011, 09:40:29 AM
Dude lost a tooth. :yuk:
But, he did get in the first 4-5 shots.
Hockey players lose tooth all the time. Couple of year ago Eric Belanger lost 7 in the incident, less then a month after having his mouth rebuilt.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 14, 2011, 08:50:48 AM
They say it's class less & shamefull. I say it's awesome. Hockey is a game of intimidation.
And I say fighting should be banned in hockey.
Quote from: Barrister on October 14, 2011, 09:52:22 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 14, 2011, 08:50:48 AM
They say it's class less & shamefull. I say it's awesome. Hockey is a game of intimidation.
And I say fighting should be banned in hockey.
But...but....the 1976 Philadelphia Flyers!
Seriously. I don't know how much hockey media you get in Texas Valmy, but the big topic up here has been: with all the emphasis on protecting players and reducing/eliminating hits to the head, the question is been 'so why are hits to the head so completely dangerous, but the league seems to be fine with repeated punches to the head'?
Quote from: Barrister on October 14, 2011, 09:52:22 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 14, 2011, 08:50:48 AM
They say it's class less & shamefull. I say it's awesome. Hockey is a game of intimidation.
And I say fighting should be banned in hockey.
And I agree with that. I'm just saying tauting isn't bad.
Quote from: Barrister on October 14, 2011, 09:58:21 AM
Seriously. I don't know how much hockey media you get in Texas Valmy, but the big topic up here has been: with all the emphasis on protecting players and reducing/eliminating hits to the head, the question is been 'so why are hits to the head so completely dangerous, but the league seems to be fine with repeated punches to the head'?
No I agree it has to be eliminated. For some reason I find the pure over-the-top absurdity of the 1970s Flyers hilarious. I mean how was that ever allowed to happen?
As for how much Hockey Media I get in Texas well...if ESPN doesn't report it I don't see it. The Stars could win the Cup (and they have) and it might warrant a backpage mention in a Texas paper or a few minutes on Texas sports radio.
Quote from: Valmy on October 14, 2011, 10:01:13 AM
Quote from: Barrister on October 14, 2011, 09:58:21 AM
Seriously. I don't know how much hockey media you get in Texas Valmy, but the big topic up here has been: with all the emphasis on protecting players and reducing/eliminating hits to the head, the question is been 'so why are hits to the head so completely dangerous, but the league seems to be fine with repeated punches to the head'?
No I agree it has to be eliminated. For some reason I find the pure over-the-top absurdity of the 1970s Flyers hilarious. I mean how was that ever allowed to happen?
As for how much Hockey Media I get in Texas well...if ESPN doesn't report it I don't see it. The Stars could win the Cup (and they have) and it might warrant a backpage mention in a Texas paper or a few minutes on Texas sports radio.
I give the 70s Flyers a pass because they were led by the Pride of Flin Flon, Bobby Clarke. :wub:
Actually even when they do mention Hockey in Texas it mostly just serves to annoy me. They always assume you know nothing about Hockey (see the Stanley Cup was named for Lord Stanley...and they hit this thing called a 'puck'. It is really fun you should check it our sometime) and do things like mention the Montreal 'Canadians'.
Quote from: Barrister on October 14, 2011, 10:03:25 AM
I give the 70s Flyers a pass because they were led by the Pride of Flin Flon, Bobby Clarke. :wub:
Well he did slash the fuck out of that Soviet guy. A true NATO hero.
What we need to remember about the NHL is that for a very long time it was a 6 team league & after that a 12 team league. Basically, a niche sport.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 14, 2011, 10:09:35 AM
What we need to remember about the NHL is that for a very long time it was a 6 team league & after that a 12 team league. Basically, a niche sport.
Yeah but that was decades ago. There has been a big time NHL franchise in Texas for 20 years now.
I was answering the "Why were the Flyers allowed to do that" question. Sorry, I wasn't clear.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 14, 2011, 10:27:06 AM
I was answering the "Why were the Flyers allowed to do that" question. Sorry, I wasn't clear.
Ah ok. That does make sense in that context. They did get the NHL on the front pages.
Quote from: Barrister on October 14, 2011, 09:52:22 AM
And I say fighting should be banned in hockey.
And I tend to agree. I never liked the fighting, it's the reason I stayed away from the minor local league and its staged fights.
Quote from: Barrister on October 14, 2011, 09:52:22 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 14, 2011, 08:50:48 AM
They say it's class less & shamefull. I say it's awesome. Hockey is a game of intimidation.
And I say fighting should be banned in hockey.
Might as well. Even though the hockey fight is still the most credible form of discipline in the NHL, it's still pretty shit. I mean, I don't give a fuck abuot the lifespans of the enforcers and the goons (and neither do the antifighting zealots) and there was an honesty to the fight, at least before the instigator rule. Still, there's not much point to it in the modern game. It's essentially a sideshow. Let the ineffective refs manage the game, and the corrupt, incompetant and completely ineffective league office handle supplementary discipline. Sure, eventually they'll ban bodychecks altogether and turn it into a total flopfest, a kind of basketball on ice, but at least it'll be more honest in the break that has been made with the NHL of years past.
Winnipeg Jets are the only team in the NHL to not get a single point in the standings to date.
I still don't care. Go Jets Go. :cool:
QuoteColumbus 0 4 1 1
I'm glad I didn't buy those season tickets. <_<
Quote from: Barrister on October 16, 2011, 11:14:54 PM
Winnipeg Jets are the only team in the NHL to not get a single point in the standings to date.
I still don't care. Go Jets Go. :cool:
4 games. 4 wins. And they got to beat up the Pens.
Quote from: Ed Anger on October 17, 2011, 07:37:01 AM
QuoteColumbus 0 4 1 1
I'm glad I didn't buy those season tickets. <_<
The Shananahammer has really hurt the Blue Jackets for the start of the Season.
Leafs are 3-0.
Wonder what I should wear to the Stanley Cup Parade. Oh dear, I do hope the Occupy-Thing protesters are gone by then.
Citizens of Winnipeg realize they hate hockey:,26361/
Quote from: Josephus on October 17, 2011, 10:16:24 AM
Leafs are 3-0.
Wonder what I should wear to the Stanley Cup Parade. Oh dear, I do hope the Occupy-Thing protesters are gone by then.
how many wins did they go last year before the losing streak? if they top that win streaks this year everyone will be shouting this is the year :lol:
So maybe Winnipeg's first win will come tonight at home against the Penguins.
The Winnipeg Jets have taken the whole return to the city way too seriously. They've got a new team, they need to realize that the Jets legacy of unparalleled futility should have expired when the first team moved to Phoenix. This is a new era, the new team doesn't need to suck.
Quote from: PRC on October 17, 2011, 01:59:47 PM
The Winnipeg Jets have taken the whole return to the city way too seriously. They've got a new team, they need to realize that the Jets legacy of unparalleled futility should have expired when the first team moved to Phoenix. This is a new era, the new team doesn't need to suck.
The Jets won three AVCO Cups! :mad:
Quote from: Barrister on October 17, 2011, 02:02:51 PM
The Jets won three AVCO Cups! :mad:
Seriously dude nobody cares about the WHA.
Quote from: Valmy on October 17, 2011, 02:31:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 17, 2011, 02:02:51 PM
The Jets won three AVCO Cups! :mad:
Seriously dude nobody cares about the WHA.
I know 600,000 people who care about the WHA. :mad:
Well i guess the cup has to wait for another year :D
Well, the Leafs losing streak has begun. And if the score holds up, Beeb won't be at work tomorrow due to partying.
Quote from: HVC on October 17, 2011, 09:05:22 PM
Well i guess the cup has to wait for another year :D
Well it was good while it lasted. Oh well. Next year for sure. ;)
Quote from: Josephus on October 17, 2011, 09:54:28 PM
Quote from: HVC on October 17, 2011, 09:05:22 PM
Well i guess the cup has to wait for another year :D
Well it was good while it lasted. Oh well. Next year for sure. ;)
for god damn years the leafs have said they were going to build up their defense. And every year they fail. Put any goalie exceptional or not behind the leafs defense of the past several years and he's going to tank.
:punk: :punk: :punk:
So HVC - next Jets game is against... The MAPLE LEAFS! :menace:
Finally a team I can have some confidence we can beat.
Quote from: Barrister on October 18, 2011, 12:08:34 AM
So HVC - next Jets game is against... The MAPLE LEAFS! :menace:
Finally a team I can have some confidence we can beat.
The Caps are an entire team of 'Mr. Octobers' eat your heart out Reggie Jackson.
Quote from: Barrister on October 18, 2011, 12:08:34 AM
So HVC - next Jets game is against... The MAPLE LEAFS! :menace:
Finally a team I can have some confidence we can beat.
god dammit. it had to be BB's team.
To be fair, they lost to the Avs already, so their season is pretty much over. Torontonians are already planning who they'll draft first overall.
first? the always make sure to end the season will enough to lose a good draft pic :lol: the leafs sucking i can handle, i'm used to it, its losing to the Jets then is disagreable. BB will be insufferable... moreso :P
But the Leafs will trade their first round draft pick on trade deadline day for some over-the-hill centre, they think can launch them into the playoffs.
stanley cup here we come!
Well winning is better than losing of course, so grats HVC (and Josephus). But the Jets played well tonight, and the shootout is a bit of a crapshoot anyways.
What struck me is how much things have changed in the NHL. Back in the day Toronto and Montreal would come to Winnipeg for a virtual home game atmosphere. But now, in the heart of Toronto, I saw numerous Jets sweaters and shirts. :cool:
Jets played well, ya :). I wonder if face paint guy ever got a puck :lol:
Question for you guys. Would you prefer going back to the days when ties were ties and each team took home one point?
I've never been a fan of the shoot out and I wish they'd ditch it. I would have been fine with both teams taking a point.
I want a hybrid. Mini over time like now, winner gets two. No winner then still go to shoot out. Winner gets 1 loser gets zero.
*edit* as it stands teams seem to stop trying 5 minutes before period 3 ends.
I kind of like the shootout in the regular season, since they can be fairly exciting. That said, if they ever brought the shootout into the playoffs, I'd be unhappy with that decision.
or go 3 regular, 2 mini over time, 1 shoot out. loser always getting 0.
Quote from: Josephus on October 19, 2011, 10:08:56 PM
Question for you guys. Would you prefer going back to the days when ties were ties and each team took home one point?
I've never been a fan of the shoot out and I wish they'd ditch it. I would have been fine with both teams taking a point.
Nah. A tie is like kissing your sister. Let someone go home happy.
Just as long as they never, ever introduce it in the playoffs...
We should move to the 3 points for a regular or OT win, 2 points for a shootout win, none for losses system.
I'm okay with not having ties or having shootout. I just want the losers not to have any points.
And you guys thought I was the only crazy Winnipeg ex-pat:
QuoteLots of love for Jets in T.O.
Not just ex-'Peggers cheering Winnipeg's team
By: Gary Lawless
Posted: 10/20/2011 1:00 AM | Comments: 0 (including replies)
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Maple Leafs defenceman Carl Gunnarsson battles for the puck with Winnipeg Jets centre Alexander Burmistrov in the first period. (FRANK GUNN / THE CANADIAN PRESS)
TORONTO -- They were like Winnipeg-born Supermen, slipping from their Bay Street uniforms into Jets jerseys before all of Toronto's very eyes.
Grown men strolled into a downtown watering hole and shrugged out of their Italian suit jackets and pulled their hometown team's hockey sweater out of bags for a quick change from big city businessmen into Jets fans.
"I circled this date on the calendar when the schedule came out and tried to get tickets but they were already sold out. But I was able just recently to scrounge a couple up," said Mike Rosenblat, a Winnipegger living in Toronto for the past four years, standing in the corner of Earls restaurant on King Street among a group of close to 100 Jets fans decked out in jerseys old and new. "I went back to Winnipeg for the season opener, too."
Rosenblat says Toronto has embraced the Jets and all the ex-pats wearing their colours of late.
"When the team got announced, I pulled out some of the jerseys I still had with the old logo and it's actually really supportive here," said Rosenblat. "There's been no negativity and bad comments. It's been fun to be a part of. I can't get the Jets channel. I offered Bell $200 to turn it on for me but you can't get it. There's only a little news here. I have the Free Press app on my iPad and it's the first thing I check every day."
Mark Hladik got his start with Earls as a dishwasher in Winnipeg, but is now heading up the chain's expansion into Ontario. His downtown Toronto location has become a roost for Jets fans.
"This has brought all the ex-pat Winnipeggers out in a fury and they're converging on this bar for big Jets occasions," said Hladik, wearing a new Jets logo T-shirt and beaming with his restaurant bustling and half the lounge reserved for Winnipeggers.
"The first game, it was a Sunday afternoon and the bar is normally dead. We had 300 people in here wearing Jets gear and screaming their heads off. It was incredible."
Hladik sent an email blast out touting Earls as the pre-game meeting place for Winnipeggers heading over to see the Jets take on the Leafs.
"It went viral. It's gone bananas. There are lots of Winnipeggers living in Toronto. Our whole management team is from Winnipeg and we love seeing those jerseys come into the bar," said Hladik.
Chris Partridge walked into Earls with a Jets jersey in his hand and quickly replaced his jacket with the sweater bearing Bob Essensa's name on the back.
"I live in Toronto but grew up in Winnipeg. I came here before the Jets left," said Partridge. "This is fantastic. I'm going to have to retrain my kids and get them to be Jets fans instead of Leafs fans. I love having the Jets back. Seeing all these people in Jets stuff -- it's amazing."
Rick Dyal has been in Toronto for 10 years, but hasn't transformed into a Leafs fan judging from the Hawerchuk jersey he was wearing Wednesday night.
"I cried when I heard the news. I'm so proud to be from Winnipeg. I love telling people this is my team and that's my city," said Dyal.
"They used to taunt me and I'd hear the Winter-peg thing, which drove me crazy. But now there's lots of love from Toronto people. They're happy for us, too. I'm so proud to say I'm from Winnipeg."
And was I imagining things, or did I hear "Go Jets Go" chants at last nights game?
Any Sens fans out there in Languish-land?
Good. :(
Gah. In order to watch the Carolina-Winnipeg game it's covered by CBC. Which is fine, except I can't get CBC Winnipeg on my cable system, and the fact it is on CBC means it isn't covered on Centre Ice.
So I'm stuck watching an internet stream. <_<
But it's tied at the start of the second. Hopefully we can defeat the Carolina Strixes.
So you got Center Ice, eh?
But I'm surprised, it shouldn't be on Center Ice only if it's Televised nationally.
Canada can have the Bluejackets. I'm done with them.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 22, 2011, 07:16:38 PM
So you got Center Ice, eh?
But I'm surprised, it shouldn't be on Center Ice only if it's Televised nationally.
Free preview.
But I'm going to get it. I'm so weak when it comes to the Jets. :Embarrass:
The thing is that it is theoretically televised nationally. And indeed I can watch the CBC internet feed legally.
Man I love that Winnipeg crowd though. Loudest I've heard anywhere outside of the playoffs.
The fact it is now 4-2 Jets doesn't hurt though - and of course the crowd is ALL OVER the Canes goalie. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on October 22, 2011, 07:21:45 PM
The fact it is now 4-2 Jets doesn't hurt though - and of course the crowd is ALL OVER the Canes goalie. :cool:
5-2. :cool:
Just realized though that of course the Canes are going with their back-up goalie, not Cam Ward.
But still the non-stop chants of "Boo-shay" are pretty funny. :)
Quote from: Ed Anger on October 22, 2011, 07:17:17 PM
Canada can have the Bluejackets. I'm done with them.
And that is why Americans (mostly) fail as hockey fans. :(
Too bad - I like the idea of a team in Columbus, Ohio.
great goal in a relatively lousy game.
Interesting Canucks trade. Booth should be good for them and Samuellson good for the Panthers.
Habs are last in the East.
Quote from: Barrister on October 22, 2011, 07:37:04 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on October 22, 2011, 07:17:17 PM
Canada can have the Bluejackets. I'm done with them.
And that is why Americans (mostly) fail as hockey fans. :(
Too bad - I like the idea of a team in Columbus, Ohio.
The Columbus Chill in the ECHL was a better team. And all they knew how to do was cross check, board, slash and fight.
I miss the old Bombers-Chill games. :cry:
Quote from: Zoupa on October 23, 2011, 05:24:29 AM
Habs are last in the East.
You're seven games in to an 82 game season. You don't see me bitching that the Jets are in second last in the east, do you?
At least - not yet.
Well you are not in Montreal, BB.
I'm not an happy camper either but I think the Habs need a lottery pick-season so we can have a bluechip power forward.
Quote from: Barrister on October 23, 2011, 08:37:57 AM
Quote from: Zoupa on October 23, 2011, 05:24:29 AM
Habs are last in the East.
You're seven games in to an 82 game season. You don't see me bitching that the Jets are in second last in the east, do you?
At least - not yet.
what did I tell you about these Habs fans? 1 win and they're ready for the cup. 5 losses early one and they think they'll never make the playoffs.
They're already talking about changing the coach and the gm.
To be fair. We've been talking about that on both of the men first day.
God. :bleeding:
We need Captain Kirk back.
Quote from: Zoupa on October 23, 2011, 05:24:29 AM
Habs are last in the East.
Washington Capitals: NHL's October Champions.
Hey, BB is in good company.
I heard the Beeb, and I mean Justin Bieber, is a Jets fan. :D
Quote from: Josephus on October 25, 2011, 09:29:57 AM
Hey, BB is in good company.
I heard the Beeb, and I mean Justin Bieber, is a Jets fan. :D
To counteract the Beiber taint, I present to you:
Kandahar, Afghanistan
Alert, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut
Quote from: Barrister on October 26, 2011, 09:22:52 AM
The guys on the left and right scare me. :(
Guy on the left has a pedo smile :yes:
Quote from: Josephus on October 25, 2011, 09:29:57 AM
Hey, BB is in good company.
I heard the Beeb, and I mean Justin Bieber, is a Jets fan. :D
And Selena Gomez
Quote from: Barrister on October 26, 2011, 09:22:52 AM
To counteract the Beiber taint...
Sorry, he is a Jets fan. Nothing can remove that taint. Its the same as a Timmay like fanatic posting about the Jets all the time.... oh wait.
Wtf is wrong with the flyers' Claude Giroux? I hope he didn't catch the Richards/Harrnell/Pronger taint. Young dude was an asshole all night on the ice.
Quote from: Zoupa on October 27, 2011, 02:49:25 AM
Wtf is wrong with the flyers' Claude Giroux? I hope he didn't catch the Richards/Harrnell/Pronger taint. Young dude was an asshole all night on the ice.
Got shutdown in a Montreal bar the previous nite?
Also, apparently the problem was Perry Pearn. Who knew.
The important thing here people is that the Washington Caps are continuing their victory march through the NHL in Edmonton tonight.
Go Caps Go!
But in actually important news, the Jets start a 7 game, 14 day extended road trip today with a game in Philly, all against teams with winning records.
Who knows this could be just the opportunity to bond that the team needs. Or if they go 0 for 7 or 1 and 6, it could almost destroy any playoff aspirations the team has.
Quote from: Barrister on October 27, 2011, 08:23:24 AM
But in actually important news, the Jets start a 7 game, 14 day extended road trip today with a game in Philly, all against teams with winning records.
All inferior teams. They have lost and thus are only worthy of contempt.
Quote from: Valmy on October 27, 2011, 08:44:15 AM
Quote from: Barrister on October 27, 2011, 08:23:24 AM
But in actually important news, the Jets start a 7 game, 14 day extended road trip today with a game in Philly, all against teams with winning records.
All inferior teams. They have lost and thus are only worthy of contempt.
Don't make me cheer for the Oilers tonight. <_<
Quote from: Valmy on October 27, 2011, 08:03:18 AM
The important thing here people is that the Washington Caps are continuing their victory march through the NHL in Edmonton tonight.
You know, they could go 82-0 and would still get bounced in the first round of the playoffs.
Quote from: Neil on October 27, 2011, 01:55:04 PM
You know, they could go 82-0 and would still get bounced in the first round of the playoffs.
That is why I am trying to make the most of this :P
Did I mention I got a front row Ticket to Saturday's Leaf Game? :)
Quote from: Josephus on October 27, 2011, 01:55:51 PM
Did I mention I got a front row Ticket to Saturday's Leaf Game? :)
You didn't, but since they're the Leafs, I'm sure it won't be entertaining. The Leafs are the assassins of joy.
I was going to try to take my brother in law and father in law to the Redwings- Blue Jackets game Tuesday night but they decided they didn't want to do the 2 hour drive up & back from Columbus. Which sucks, because it turned out to be a good game (for the Blue Jackets anyway) & at one point I could have gotten tickets for as cheap as $6 apiece on Stubhub.
I may try to take Tommy up for his first NHL game when Toronto comes to town Nov. 3.
Quote from: derspiess on October 27, 2011, 02:14:15 PM
I was going to try to take my brother in law and father in law to the Redwings- Blue Jackets game Tuesday night but they decided they didn't want to do the 2 hour drive up & back from Columbus. Which sucks, because it turned out to be a good game (for the Blue Jackets anyway) & at one point I could have gotten tickets for as cheap as $6 apiece on Stubhub.
I may try to take Tommy up for his first NHL game when Toronto comes to town Nov. 3.
Try a minor league game. He'll like the fights and cheap shots.
So I went and got NHL Centre Ice. :homestar:
And proceeded to watch the strangest game I've seen in a long time. Final score was Jets 9, Flyers 8. There were 4 lead changes, 3 goalie pulls, and two 4 goal leads blown by the Jets, until they finally pulled it out in the end. :wacko:
But as my first principal told me during articling "a win is a win". So I'll take this win as a possible good omen to this 7 game road trip.
Well, so much for the Capitals.
Apparently the Jets-Philly game was the highest scoring game since the lockout. :cool:
It was at least a good game to watch live.
Quote from: Neil on October 27, 2011, 11:07:55 PM
Well, so much for the Capitals.
Crap I was watching the Rangers choke away the World Series championship so I did not stream it. This is what happens when I miss a game. Fuck.
Sorry MB :console:
Another nice win by the Jets, who are really turning it on during this road trip. :cool:
Leafs suck.
Jets come back from a 2-0 deficit to send it into OT.
Of course they lose in OT, but still a gutsy show by the boys from the Peg.
Quote from: Neil on November 05, 2011, 07:40:05 PM
Leafs suck.
You can say that again. That was bad. Glad I had front row $460 tickets to
last week's game.
Quote from: Josephus on November 05, 2011, 10:00:59 PM
Quote from: Neil on November 05, 2011, 07:40:05 PM
Leafs suck.
You can say that again. That was bad. Glad I had front row $460 tickets to last week's game.
It was almost like every time the Bruins scored, the Leafs figured 'Well, they've got us now, so surely they won't try and score again right after a goal, right?'
November is not going to be fun
Normally we start losing in October. This is progress. :)
Jesus Christ you Leafs fans are terrible.
The Maple Laughs are 2nd in the East, while everybody's favourite Winnipeg Jets are 12th, yet to listen to this thread you'd swear their positions are reversed.
Another nice effort by the Jets tonight, even though it ended in a OT loss. Few too many penalties - you can say it was bad reffing, you can say undisciplined, but there were a COUPLE of 5 on threes - that'll kill anybody. But still they took it to OT.
Be nice to see the boys back at home, see what they can do. I think they might be ready to go on a streak.
it's just the play of the last few games (the two wins before these two loses were wins becasue of who they played, not how they played). It's just too much of the same old same old.
What the hell is with the Oilers? It's like they can hardly fail right now. It's like they've switched places with the Habs or something.
Well, as long as they beat the Canucks, I'm alright with it.
You know, I thought the giddiness of just having a team would have worn off by now. Yet here I was at game 15 of the season, still glued to the tv (Thank God for NHL Centre Ice), and I still smile at the notion of cheering/jeering the Winnipeg Jets as they play.
It's like High School / early Undergrad all over again. But with better skin. :cool:
Quote from: Neil on November 08, 2011, 11:29:16 PM
What the hell is with the Oilers? It's like they can hardly fail right now. It's like they've switched places with the Habs or something.
Well, as long as they beat the Canucks, I'm alright with it.
It's their fucking 67 year old soviet goalie. Motherfucker stole one from the CH today.
Quote from: Zoupa on November 09, 2011, 01:04:19 AM
It's their fucking 67 year old former Winnipeg Jet goalie. Motherfucker stole one from the CH today.
Fixed your post. :cool:
Hey Valmy - it's on. The Capitals get a taste of a Winnipeg winter tonight. :menace:
Quote from: Barrister on November 17, 2011, 11:59:30 AM
Hey Valmy - it's on. The Capitals get a taste of a Winnipeg winter tonight. :menace:
Too depressed by the Caps recent woes to talk trash :weep:
Maybe after the game :P
Quote from: Valmy on November 17, 2011, 12:23:50 PM
Quote from: Barrister on November 17, 2011, 11:59:30 AM
Hey Valmy - it's on. The Capitals get a taste of a Winnipeg winter tonight. :menace:
Too depressed by the Caps recent woes to talk trash :weep:
Maybe after the game :P
Rank Team GP W L OT PTS GF GA Home Away Last 10 Streak
1 Pittsburgh 18 11 4 3 25 57 43 6-1-1 5-3-2 7-2-1 Won 1
2 Buffalo 18 11 7 0 22 55 47 5-5-0 6-2-0 6-4-0 Lost 1
3 Washington 16 10 5 1 21 56 45 6-1-1 4-4-0 4-5-1 Lost 1
4 NY Rangers 16 10 3 3 23 47 34 5-1-1 5-2-2 8-1-1 Won 7
5 Philadelphia 17 10 4 3 23 65 51 4-3-2 6-1-1 6-2-2 Won 2
6 Toronto 18 10 6 2 22 53 61 5-3-2 5-3-0 5-4-1 OT 1
7 Florida 17 9 5 3 21 52 42 2-2-3 7-3-0 5-2-3 Won 1
8 New Jersey 17 9 7 1 19 45 48 4-3-1 5-4-0 5-5-0 Won 1
9 Montreal 18 8 7 3 19 46 45 3-4-3 5-3-0 7-2-1 Won 1
10 Ottawa 19 9 9 1 19 56 66 5-4-1 4-5-0 5-4-1 Won 2
11 Boston 16 9 7 0 18 56 38 7-5-0 2-2-0 7-3-0 Won 6
12 Tampa Bay 17 8 7 2 18 48 55 5-1-0 3-6-2 6-4-0 Lost 2
13 Winnipeg 18 6 9 3 15 48 60 3-3-0 3-6-3 4-4-2 Won 1
14 Carolina 19 6 10 3 15 46 67 4-4-1 2-6-2 3-7-0 Lost 2
15 NY Islanders 15 4 8 3 11 31 47 4-4-1 0-4-2 1-6-3 Lost 2
Um...those numbers are misleading given their amazing start. They are playing way below their potential. The goaltending has been especially sucky lately.
Quote from: Valmy on November 17, 2011, 12:31:00 PM
Um...those numbers are misleading given their amazing start. They are playing way below their potential. The goaltending has been especially sucky lately.
Again - you're leading the division. The Jets, well, are not.
You will get no sympathy from me young man.
Quote from: Barrister on November 17, 2011, 12:38:25 PM
Again - you're leading the division. The Jets, well, are not.
You will get no sympathy from me young man.
Well for godsake BB our franchises are in different places in their developement. Washington has a collection of great talent right now, they have a window to win the Cup and they keep blowing it.
Quote from: Valmy on November 17, 2011, 12:44:24 PM
Quote from: Barrister on November 17, 2011, 12:38:25 PM
Again - you're leading the division. The Jets, well, are not.
You will get no sympathy from me young man.
Well for godsake Berkie our franchises are in different places in their developement. Washington has a collection of great talent right now, they have a window to win the Cup and they keep blowing it.
Berkie? :unsure:
Climb off the ledge man! The time to panic is in the playoffs, not in the first corner of the season. You have the league's most exciting player. You have good talent around him. You're a lock to make the playoffs. And your recent "woes" involve going 4-5-1 in your last ten games - hardly the end of the world to get 9 out of 20 possible points.
Of course that'll make it all the sweeter when the Jets rock the Caps in the Peg tonight. :menace:
Quote from: Barrister on November 17, 2011, 12:55:47 PM
Berkie? :unsure:
Ooops :blush:
I meant BB. Ah well it is not like Berk checks in on this thread very often.
Quote from: Barrister on November 17, 2011, 12:55:47 PM
Climb off the ledge man!
Being able to watch all the Caps games is making me more sensitive to their regular season ups and downs than I usually am :P
I better slow down though. My wife is getting pretty sick of Ice Hockey being on so much and it is not even January yet.
Quote from: Valmy on November 17, 2011, 12:57:59 PM
Quote from: Barrister on November 17, 2011, 12:55:47 PM
Climb off the ledge man!
Being able to watch all the Caps games is making me more sensitive to their regular season ups and downs than I usually am :P
I better slow down though. My wife is getting pretty sick of Ice Hockey being on so much and it is not even January yet.
My wife has so far been fairly accepting of having every Jets game on the TV. Remember our house went from 'well I might watch the odd playoff game' to being on pace to watch 70 games this year.
NHL Centre Ice is wonderful I must say. :cool: I just hate that weird quirk that means I can't get any Saturday night CBC games except by streaming online. <_<
Just for you Valmy:
QuoteCapitals head west to face a franchise in Winnipeg for the first time since 1995
By Katie Carrera, Published: November 16
NASHVILLE — The Washington Capitals left here Wednesday afternoon bound for a destination they haven't visited since December of 1995, a city in which only one of their players has ever skated in an NHL game.
Fifteen years after the NHL pulled its franchise out of Winnipeg, though, the highest level of professional hockey is back with the reincarnated Jets, and for at least one season the Capitals will get a front-row seat to the league's return to Manitoba.
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With Winnipeg's inclusion in the Southeast Division for the 2011-12 campaign, the Capitals will face the Jets six times, including three trips to western Canada.
"It's a nice city, it will be fun," defenseman Karl Alzner said. "It's smaller than [Calgary and Edmonton], it's colder than them. I think the thing that we're all excited about is we haven't had a chance to play there yet, the fans haven't really had a chance to see guys like Ovi and Nicky really, and in turn I think it's going to spill on to the ice."
In the mid-1990s, Winnipeg, a city of roughly 700,000, struggled to support the Jets. The combination of a poor exchange rate between United States and Canada, a small television market and an old arena prompted owners to transplant the franchise to Phoenix after the 1995-96 season.
The American Hockey League quickly moved in a franchise, the Manitoba Moose, and the team's local ownership group, True North Sports and Entertainment, would build a new arena in 2004 as it continued to lobby to bring the NHL back to the province.
When it became clear that the ownership group in Atlanta was seeking to sell the fledgling Thrashers, whose attendance was consistently among the bottom three in the league since it was created as an expansion franchise in 1999, Winnipeg had its opportunity. Once news of the franchise's relocation broke, the city began its celebration and the franchise quickly sold its goal of 13,000 season tickets.
"It's crazy," said rookie Cody Eakin, the lone Winnipeg native on Washington's roster. "When it was announced, they shut down the downtown and had parades, had street hockey games going on Main Street there, festivals and concerts and all that."
Washington arrives to face the Jets having dropped four of its past five outings, six of the last nine and looking to respond from a stinging defeat to the Nashville Predators on Tuesday. With a few exceptions, the Capitals will face the same team that existed in Atlanta, one that is struggling to find consistency and an identity in the midst of a rebuild. Heading into Thursday's meeting, the Jets are 6-9-3 with 15 points and sit as the third-worst team in the league, ahead of only the New York Islanders and Columbus Blue Jackets.
One of the new faces added to the dressing room once the team moved to Winnipeg was former Capitals winger Eric Fehr. The Winkler, Manitoba, native was traded from Washington in July in an effort to clear space under the salary cap.
Fehr has yet to play a game this season because he is recovering from offseason surgery on his right shoulder and won't be ready to face his former teammates, but he's seen how Winnipeg's infatuation with the NHL doesn't come without expectations.
"The first couple weeks it was just pure excitement. Everyone was just happy to have the NHL back," Fehr said in a phone interview. "The pressure has slowly started to build from there, though. I think we all want to live up to that and give this city something it can get behind. The support from the city has been great now that they got the team back; they want to make sure it stays here."
While only Roman Hamrlik has played an NHL game in the city, a handful of Capitals have positive memories of Winnipeg.
Goaltender Michal Neuvirth, defensemen Alzner and John Carlson, center Mathieu Perreault and assistant coach Bob Woods won the Calder Cup as members of the 2009 Hershey Bears the last time they visited MTS Centre.
"It's probably the most beautiful hockey memory I have so far. I'm never going to forget," said Neuvirth, who will likely get the start in goal against the Jets. "They got pretty nice rink and I'm pretty excited to see it [Thursday]."
Capitals notes: Mike Green, who has missed the past two games with a strained right groin muscle, has not skated since suffering the injury on Friday against the New Jersey Devils. As of Wednesday evening, there were no plans for the defenseman to join the Capitals on the road.
Quote from: Barrister on November 17, 2011, 12:55:47 PM
Of course that'll make it all the sweeter when the Jets rock the Caps in the Peg tonight. :menace:
4-1 Jets Final.
Okay, so I really only surf Jets-related cites for hockey news, but now that we have a team I try to only post items that might have a more general interest.
Here's an amusing video clip from Jets coach Claude Noel from Wednesday. But he's not talking about the Jets at all - rather after being asked a question about Caps coach Bruce Boudreau he launches into a five minute anecdote about playing in the ECHL in 1975, playing the team that inspired the movie Slapshot and the Hanson Brothers.|WPG|home
Quote from: Barrister on November 17, 2011, 11:11:14 PM
4-1 Jets Final.
The Caps month of shame continues :weep:
Quote from: Barrister on November 18, 2011, 09:53:39 AM
Did you watch the game V?
Not yet. I have been working hard to get ready for my son's first Birthday party on Saturday. I did DVR it. I may not watch it now that I know we got throttled by a less talented team again.
Quote from: Valmy on November 18, 2011, 09:56:39 AM
Quote from: Barrister on November 18, 2011, 09:53:39 AM
Did you watch the game V?
Not yet. I have been working hard to get ready for my son's first Birthday party on Saturday. I did DVR it. I may not watch it now that I know we got throttled by a less talented team again.
It's not that the Jets don't have talent. I mean - we don't have an Ovechkin, but we have a lot of high draft picks.
It's just that they are young. And undisciplined (Oy vey the number of penalties they took!). They have the potential to be a great team, maybe even this year, but more likely in two years. Evander Kane is turning into a huge stud right before my eyes (2 goals last night).
But anyways - if you do watch it, I'm curious about your thoughts on the Winnipeg crowd. To my ears that has to be perhaps the loudest, most passionate fans in the league - but of course I am very, very biased. -_- And I have been forced to watch many Jets away games played in the South East. :zzz:
The Winnipeg Thrashers aren't much talented.
I like this new My team is the best fuck you BB.
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 18, 2011, 10:06:27 AM
The Winnipeg Thrashers aren't much talented.
I like this new My team is the best fuck you BB.
But they're not the best. I merely said they have a lot of talent and potential, and I stand by that. Lot of players have had talent and never amounted to much in this league. We'll see how it turns out - but it is fun to watch.
Quote from: Barrister on November 18, 2011, 10:01:44 AM
But anyways - if you do watch it, I'm curious about your thoughts on the Winnipeg crowd. To my ears that has to be perhaps the loudest, most passionate fans in the league - but of course I am very, very biased. -_- And I have been forced to watch many Jets away games played in the South East. :zzz:
And now you understand why I love the Northern US and Canadian franchises and hate the California and Southern ones so much. They make Hockey, which is awesome, seem really really boring. Especially the Dallas Stars. Fuck them.
Quote from: Valmy on November 18, 2011, 10:12:14 AM
Quote from: Barrister on November 18, 2011, 10:01:44 AM
But anyways - if you do watch it, I'm curious about your thoughts on the Winnipeg crowd. To my ears that has to be perhaps the loudest, most passionate fans in the league - but of course I am very, very biased. -_- And I have been forced to watch many Jets away games played in the South East. :zzz:
And now you understand why I love the Northern US and Canadian franchises and hate the California and Southern ones so much. They make Hockey, which is awesome, seem really really boring. Especially the Dallas Stars. Fuck them.
Well yeah - playing in half empty arenas with fully asleep fans does lose a certain something.
BUt still - I've seen plenty of Canadian hockey games, and did just see the Jets go through MSG and Buffalo, and the fans their still don't compare to Winnipeg. IMHO.
Quote from: Barrister on November 18, 2011, 10:26:53 AM
BUt still - I've seen plenty of Canadian hockey games, and did just see the Jets go through MSG and Buffalo, and the fans their still don't compare to Winnipeg. IMHO.
Well the situation is totally different in Winnipeg.
Quote from: Valmy on November 18, 2011, 10:50:12 AM
Quote from: Barrister on November 18, 2011, 10:26:53 AM
BUt still - I've seen plenty of Canadian hockey games, and did just see the Jets go through MSG and Buffalo, and the fans their still don't compare to Winnipeg. IMHO.
Well the situation is totally different in Winnipeg.
What does that matter?
For whatever reason, I think Winnipeg has the loudest fans in the NHL. -_-
I watched a video of Ilya Bryzgalov (former Coyotes goalie, now with the Phillies - who play in Winnipeg tomorrow) apologize to Winnipeg for some of the the things he said about Winnipeg during all the rumours about the Yotes moving last spring.
He seems sincere, but I don't care. That Winnipeg crowd is going to ride him HARD tomorrow. :menace:
It's hard to say. Winnipeg might be the loudest now, but once the postseason rush begins, the Canadian teams really come on strong.
Quote from: Neil on November 19, 2011, 12:29:10 AM
It's hard to say. Winnipeg might be the loudest now, but once the postseason rush begins, the Canadian teams really come on strong.
Well thats it - Winnipeg fans sound like its a playoff game every single night.
Who knows who might be loudest in the playoffs - we'll just have to wait for the inevitable Winnipeg White Out to return to find out if Winnipeg fans can kick it up yet another notch. :shifty:
The legality behind the Jets logo:
Quote from: Josephus on November 19, 2011, 05:01:00 PM
The legality behind the Jets logo:
Not sure what is news here. We knew the Jets had to get permission from DND before using that logo, and we know that permission didn't come free of charge - the Jets are giving $1 mil to various military charities over the next ten years.
Bruins are on fire lately!
Valmy - Jets vs Capitals, part II is on tonight. :menace:
Quote from: Barrister on November 19, 2011, 12:27:23 AM
What does that matter?
Um because the new glow has not worn off yet. If Winnipeg has this reputation and tradition a decade from now I will be impressed but right now there is just euphoria over the team existing. In normal NHL markets the existance of the franchise is taken for granted.
Quote from: Barrister on November 23, 2011, 09:35:49 AM
Valmy - Jets vs Capitals, part II is on tonight. :menace:
Hopefully they can hold the Jets to only one goal a period and bring their GAA down.
Quote from: Valmy on November 23, 2011, 09:37:25 AM
Quote from: Barrister on November 19, 2011, 12:27:23 AM
What does that matter?
Um because the new glow has not worn off yet. If Winnipeg has this reputation and tradition a decade from now I will be impressed but right now there is just euphoria over the team existing. In normal NHL markets the existance of the franchise is taken for granted.
I dunno man - we're 20 games in and the Crowds don't sound any quieter to me. If anything, now that they're getting a bit of a reputation, they sound louder.
Apparently in the Philly game they did in fact start their backup Bobrovsky because they knew the crowd would go after Bryzgalov hardcore, and that Bobrovsky would pretty much have had to have a stroke right there on the ice and die before they'd make a goalie switch. :menace:
20 games ain't nothing. wait 3 seasons. if the fans are still there in numbers then it's a good sign.
Quote from: HVC on November 23, 2011, 09:49:08 AM
20 games ain't nothing. wait 3 seasons. if the fans are still there in numbers then it's a good sign.
If you want to get technical, the place is already sold out for three years, and it isn't until year six that all season tickets have a chance to renew (or not). But don't forget, even the waiting list is sold out these days.
sunk cost though. Financially they're set for 3 years, but fans may have the tickets and just not bother to show up.
Grats Valmy - but one point on the road is nothing to be ashamed of for a young Jets team. :)
Crosby avg is now down to 2pts/game.
Quote from: Barrister on November 19, 2011, 12:38:17 AM
Quote from: Neil on November 19, 2011, 12:29:10 AM
It's hard to say. Winnipeg might be the loudest now, but once the postseason rush begins, the Canadian teams really come on strong.
Well thats it - Winnipeg fans sound like its a playoff game every single night.
Who knows who might be loudest in the playoffs - we'll just have to wait for the inevitable Winnipeg White Out to return to find out if Winnipeg fans can kick it up yet another notch. :shifty:
Ok there buddy.
I don't think you've been to a habs-bruins playoff game. Just sayin'.
some hockey fragments from my brain:
wow. lotta hate between Buffalo and Boston, these days. Nice to see oldish rivalries rekindled. the Canucks are keeping their own lives difficult by playing either really well, or totally crappy only. Kesler really has lost his edge this year. Last year the guy had "the Stare" ... now he seems haunted more than anything. too bad. but ah well most of the games, even the losses have been entertaining on some level. I'm actually not really down on anyone this year.
I really like that all of the teams seem really competitive most nights. Enjoying Hockey this year, so far, but not so excited as the last couple. (and not just because of the Canucks' dullness so far, the only players I'm excited to see are the kids on Edmonton, to be fair.
Not really a Kessel fan, but I'd love to see a Leaf win a scoring trophy of some kind. very rare hockey sight that.
This just in.
Your Winnipeg Jets have now hit .500. :cool:
And also:
I'm pretty sure I have watched more hockey in the last two months than in the last 15 years. :uffda:
Schneider is doing good for the Canucks right now :)
I've watched a couple of Oilers games this year, and they're really exciting. Those young guys really can play.
Luke Schenn has the most unfortunate youthful mustach I have ever seen. It's growing in thcker in the middle then the sides giving him a hitler stach :lol:
Apparently they really are panicking in Caps-land. Bruce Budreau was fired this morning.
Quote from: Barrister on November 28, 2011, 09:36:24 AM
Apparently they really are panicking in Caps-land. Bruce Budreau was fired this morning.
Good. I appreciate what he did for the team but it was past time for him to go.
It's bound to happen when your top 2 players are actively lobbying for you to get fired.
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 28, 2011, 09:52:01 AM
It's bound to happen when your top 2 players are actively lobbying for you to get fired.
Yep. And it is still long before the games mean much. Lets get this thing back on track before they blow the whole thing.
Maurice is bounced too, Captain Kirk Muller takes over.
God damn it, who's going to take Martin's job now?
Dale Hunter to replace Boudreau. I just found myself a new team :D
In other news, Max Paciorrety should be suspended for 1 week, at least. Thank God Letang scored that nice goal in OT.
1 week, how many games is that?
IMO he's going to get 1 or 2 games because Letang wasn't injured on the play(Broken Noses do not count, THIS IS HOCKEY).
Too busy for a lengthy post, but:
1. Randy Carlyle fired overnight in favour of Bruce Boudreau. :cry:
2. Phoenix visits Winnipeg tonight. :menace:
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 28, 2011, 11:39:27 AM
1 week, how many games is that?
IMO he's going to get 1 or 2 games because Letang wasn't injured on the play(Broken Noses do not count, THIS IS HOCKEY).
that was 3 games, close to a week ;)
And the Habs didn't even come close to posing a challenge for one of the worst teams of the NHL... I knew I should have better on this game,
Quote from: Barrister on December 01, 2011, 10:09:13 AM
2. Phoenix visits Winnipeg tonight. :menace:
Ah, the 80s.
Quote from: viper37 on December 01, 2011, 11:01:35 AM
Quote from: Barrister on December 01, 2011, 10:09:13 AM
2. Phoenix visits Winnipeg tonight. :menace:
Well 1-0 is hardly a crushing victory, but it *is* a victory. I don't know what I would have done if my guys lost to the Yotes. They do look pretty good again this year, even without Bryzgalov. Viper you might get a half way decent team next year. :)
Quote from: Barrister on December 02, 2011, 09:43:04 AM
Well 1-0 is hardly a crushing victory, but it *is* a victory.
At the end of the season, it pays more to win ten games 1-0 then one game 10-0. ;)
I don't know what I would have done if my guys lost to the Yotes.
Probably the same as the Habs fan losing to the Ducks :D
QuoteViper you might get a half way decent team next year. :)
I'm not getting my hopes up 'til it's a done deal. You never know when someone in Kansas or Utah can come in and sweep them from under our noses. Plus, there's always the rumour about one more credible buyer out ther to keep the 'Yotes in Pheonix without public money. You never know when one might be true.
So, no optimism here. I'll cheer when they come.
Doesn't mean I haven't started planting the seed of a group season tickets buying... ;)
40 games in town, if we're 20 to buy a pair of good season tickets, with a proper lottery for picking the games, it could be nice.
Realignement of conferences approved by the GMs:
Proposed northeast division:
and wait for it...
Tampa Bay and Miami.
The NHL is a joke :(
Here is the...North-Central?
St. Louis
The fighting Barrister Boys there without one Canadian rival. At least beat Dallas will you?
And the...East Division?
New Jersey
N.Y. Islanders
N.Y. Rangers
Everybody is a bus ride away except for Carolina. Talk about a neighborhood division.
Quote from: Zoupa on December 05, 2011, 09:57:40 PM
and wait for it...
Tampa Bay and Miami.
Yeah why would the Caps get the NY teams and the Habs division get Tampa Bay and Miami? I guess the idea was to keep NJ, NYR, and NYI together and that was the only way it would work.
Should have transferred the Penn teams to the current Northeastern division and the Florida teams, Caps and Canes to join the NY teams. Would have made much more sense geographically.
With this system, the NY division teams are ridiculously advantaged. Colorado still gets the shaft.
Stupid NHL, seriously.
Quote from: Zoupa on December 06, 2011, 12:30:53 AM
Should have transferred the Penn teams to the current Northeastern division and the Florida teams, Caps and Canes to join the NY teams. Would have made much more sense geographically.
With this system, the NY division teams are ridiculously advantaged. Colorado still gets the shaft.
Stupid NHL, seriously.
Trouble with that is that you get a huge number of really successful franchises (with big fanbases that travel well) in the Northeastern division, and then a bunch of scraps in the other. The Florida teams absolutely depend on getting big crowds from all the snowbirds coming to their games.
I knew that something like this was coming, but I'm still disappointed. Nobody in this new 'central' division is going to care that Winnipeg is coming to town, but if we could have been grouped in a new Smythe division we'd have a bunch of natural rivalries with the other Western Canadian teams.
All in all though this is a big win for the simple fact that finally each team plays a home and home against every other team.
Quote from: Barrister on December 06, 2011, 12:39:59 AM
Quote from: Zoupa on December 06, 2011, 12:30:53 AM
Should have transferred the Penn teams to the current Northeastern division and the Florida teams, Caps and Canes to join the NY teams. Would have made much more sense geographically.
With this system, the NY division teams are ridiculously advantaged. Colorado still gets the shaft.
Stupid NHL, seriously.
Trouble with that is that you get a huge number of really successful franchises (with big fanbases that travel well) in the Northeastern division, and then a bunch of scraps in the other. The Florida teams absolutely depend on getting big crowds from all the snowbirds coming to their games.
I knew that something like this was coming, but I'm still disappointed. Nobody in this new 'central' division is going to care that Winnipeg is coming to town, but if we could have been grouped in a new Smythe division we'd have a bunch of natural rivalries with the other Western Canadian teams.
All in all though this is a big win for the simple fact that finally each team plays a home and home against every other team.
Then do away with geography altogether and have divisions like the NFL and baseball.
Quote from: Zoupa on December 06, 2011, 12:58:00 AM
Quote from: Barrister on December 06, 2011, 12:39:59 AM
Quote from: Zoupa on December 06, 2011, 12:30:53 AM
Should have transferred the Penn teams to the current Northeastern division and the Florida teams, Caps and Canes to join the NY teams. Would have made much more sense geographically.
With this system, the NY division teams are ridiculously advantaged. Colorado still gets the shaft.
Stupid NHL, seriously.
Trouble with that is that you get a huge number of really successful franchises (with big fanbases that travel well) in the Northeastern division, and then a bunch of scraps in the other. The Florida teams absolutely depend on getting big crowds from all the snowbirds coming to their games.
I knew that something like this was coming, but I'm still disappointed. Nobody in this new 'central' division is going to care that Winnipeg is coming to town, but if we could have been grouped in a new Smythe division we'd have a bunch of natural rivalries with the other Western Canadian teams.
All in all though this is a big win for the simple fact that finally each team plays a home and home against every other team.
Then do away with geography altogether and have divisions like the NFL and baseball.
Trouble is that geography makes a hell of a lot of sense. NFL and MLB only have their formats because of the quirks of history. Nobody on earth would design a system like that from scratch.
One thing about this system - it makes moving Phoenix to Quebec City incredibly easy to do. :shifty:
Fuck Geography.
I love a Northeast div with Florida & Tampa.
I think that the Penn teams and the New York teams are considered to be each others rivals, so that could be why they did that.
Quote from: Barrister on December 06, 2011, 01:15:15 AM
One thing about this system - it makes moving Phoenix to Quebec City incredibly easy to do. :shifty:
Bettman did say to net get our hopes up. Yeah, it looks good. 16 on one side, 14 on the other, and oh, a little move would make 15-15...
But let's wait for the official announcement before celebrating. And then for the first victory... :)
Quote from: Zoupa on December 06, 2011, 12:58:00 AM
Then do away with geography altogether and have divisions like the NFL and baseball.
Not sure what you mean. Both the NFL and MLB keep re-aligning to make it more geographically based.
Quote from: Valmy on December 06, 2011, 12:02:08 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on December 06, 2011, 12:58:00 AM
Then do away with geography altogether and have divisions like the NFL and baseball.
Not sure what you mean. Both the NFL and MLB keep re-aligning to make it more geographically based.
They tried but not really because in the end it's still National vs American.
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 06, 2011, 12:06:44 PM
They tried but not really because in the end it's still National vs American.
So having geographically based divisions is not really happening because there are two western divisions? Huh?
I mean does everything have to be cookie cutter identical to the NBA or it sucks?
The NBA sucks. I like the way the NFL is alligned.
They have geographically based divisions but they are not geographically aligned because their conferences aren't.
Is it clearer now?
You can't be geographically aligned if teams from the same city aren't in the same Conferences, imo.
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 06, 2011, 12:43:20 PM
They have geographically based divisions but they are not geographically aligned because their conferences aren't.
Is it clearer now?
You can't be geographically aligned if teams from the same city aren't in the same Conferences, imo.
Sure but that is not "doing away with geography altogether".
Quote from: Valmy on December 06, 2011, 12:48:40 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 06, 2011, 12:43:20 PM
They have geographically based divisions but they are not geographically aligned because their conferences aren't.
Is it clearer now?
You can't be geographically aligned if teams from the same city aren't in the same Conferences, imo.
Sure but that is not "doing away with geography altogether".
Yes, you are right.
I guess Zoupa wants to play the Blue Jackets 6 times a year. :yuk:
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 06, 2011, 12:53:24 PM
I guess Zoupa wants to play the Blue Jackets 6 times a year. :yuk:
Don't laugh - the Jets get to play Columbus six times per year next year. :yuck:
But tonight - now THAT is what I'm talking about. :showoff:
NYT ran a series of features on the life and death of hockey enforcer Derek Boogard. I'm only partway through part one but it's an excellent read so far.
Rogers & Bell buying MLSE.
I'm no leaf fans, 1967, but this isn't good.
I wonder how they are going to make their TV & Radio licensing work. Especially in the bitter war the 2 are in with the Toronto Radio market.
How the hell is that going to work? :wacko:
And really - you guys should takea half hour and read those Boogard features. Really good stuff.
Thomas Kaberle is also an Hab no.
Great. Can we fire him now too?
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 09, 2011, 04:49:36 PM
Thomas Kaberle is also an Hab no.
Great. Can we fire him now too?
you keep getting their old defenders :lol:
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 09, 2011, 04:49:36 PM
Thomas Kaberle is also an Hab no.
No is right, as in "Oh fuck no!"
Sorry Strix. :console:
Next up - Detroit. :menace:
I'm not sure who I should direct my hate towards, but I sure hate someone.
Yet again, despite having a beautiful 46" HD flatscreen, and paying big bucks for Centre Ice, I'm stuck watching the Jets game vs Detroit on a crappy 15" laptop. It's either Shaw, CBC, or the NHL, but someone gets my utter hatdred. :ultra:
The CBC. Their belief that anybody is interested in the Leafs and the Canucks is as misguided as it is evil.
In retrospect, I'm glad I'm not watching this game on the 46". :bleeding:
Crosby is out again.
Quote from: Neil on December 10, 2011, 08:36:29 PM
The CBC. Their belief that anybody is interested in the Leafs and the Canucks is as misguided as it is evil.
Went to see Ottawa vs Vancouver on saturday night. Boring game, but nice trip. 3 Vancouver fans, and 3 Ottawa/Gatineau natives + me. Had some time to see the family, so all in all, it was good.
But the Sens lost 4-1. It seems they forgot they were playing that night. Vancouver barely made any effort either, but they scored.
Quote from: viper37 on December 12, 2011, 10:09:44 PM
Went to see Ottawa vs Vancouver on saturday night. Boring game, but nice trip. 3 Vancouver fans, and 3 Ottawa/Gatineau natives + me. Had some time to see the family, so all in all, it was good.
But the Sens lost 4-1. It seems they forgot they were playing that night. Vancouver barely made any effort either, but they scored.
Did you enjoy the gridlock to and from? :bleeding:
The worse coach in the modern NHL history is back. John Stevens is now LA's interim HC.
Quote from: Zoupa on December 13, 2011, 12:46:49 AM
Quote from: viper37 on December 12, 2011, 10:09:44 PM
Went to see Ottawa vs Vancouver on saturday night. Boring game, but nice trip. 3 Vancouver fans, and 3 Ottawa/Gatineau natives + me. Had some time to see the family, so all in all, it was good.
But the Sens lost 4-1. It seems they forgot they were playing that night. Vancouver barely made any effort either, but they scored.
Did you enjoy the gridlock to and from? :bleeding:
are you talking about traffic? It wasn't so bad to get to the arena, only to come back, but we took our time, no hurry. It ain't worst than driving out of Montreal in summer, a friday afternoon.
They really should think about having a tramway up there. As it is, it apparentlys starts downtown and ends downtown.
Man what a disappointing season this has been so far. They have plenty of time to turn it around but man...what a downer.
Quote from: Valmy on December 14, 2011, 09:36:41 AM
Man what a disappointing season this has been so far. They have plenty of time to turn it around but man...what a downer.
Your season isn't going to get any better on Thursday. :menace:
Another wild one in Winnipeg last night as the Jets down the West-leading Wild. :cool:
But seriously Valmy - it all comes down to expectations, doesn't it. Your Caps are all of one point behind my Jets, yet I think they're having a great season, while you think the Caps are having a terrible one. The Caps are only two points out of a playoff berth - there's lots of hockey left to play.
It is not just about standings and points, after all the Caps had a big winning streak to start the season so they are going to look decent in that department for a little while longer. They just are a below par Hockey team right now. I mean they got punked last night and are just giving up goals in bunches.
Quote from: Valmy on December 14, 2011, 09:52:34 AM
It is not just about standings and points, after all the Caps had a big winning streak to start the season so they are going to look decent in that department for a little while longer. They just are a below par Hockey team right now. I mean they got punked last night and are just giving up goals in bunches.
Sorry - that's all the sympathy I can muster until after the Jets destroy your team on Thursday. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on December 14, 2011, 09:56:03 AM
Sorry - that's all the sympathy I can muster until after the Jets destroy your team on Thursday. :cool:
Um they are 8-13-1 in their last 22 games. Destroying them is not big accomplishment. The Leafs beat them 7-1 FFS.
So according to the CBC, what was the sports story of the year?
Do you really need to ask?
Grats Valmy. :mad:
That game was hard to take when it comes down to a goal in the last minute and a half. I certainly don't take the Caps lightly, but at home, against a team that has struggled recently and is in your division - those are the games you need to win in order to make the playoffs.
It was a nice moment for Ovechkin who has not been up to his normal standard this year.
But yeah the Caps have not shut anybody out in two months, makes me wonder if the problem was Vokoun...but that would be too easy. Probably just got lucky tonight and the Jets were unlucky.
Mike Milbury assaulted a 12 year old kid on the ice :lol:
Quote from: HVC on December 16, 2011, 01:53:31 PM
Mike Milbury assaulted a 12 year old kid on the ice :lol:
Send him to Sheriff Shanahan
Jacques Martin is out, Habs' website reports he has been fired.
things will changed now. The Habs will win the 'Cup this year, I'm sure. It's not like they don't fire their coach every 2.5 years with no results, after all.
Quote from: viper37 on December 17, 2011, 03:08:24 PM
things will changed now. The Habs will win the 'Cup this year, I'm sure. It's not like they don't fire their coach every 2.5 years with no results, after all.
I don't understand how you view Hockey. When the Nords come back, will you be this assholish to your team aswell?
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 17, 2011, 09:54:52 PM
Quote from: viper37 on December 17, 2011, 03:08:24 PM
things will changed now. The Habs will win the 'Cup this year, I'm sure. It's not like they don't fire their coach every 2.5 years with no results, after all.
I don't understand how you view Hockey. When the Nords come back, will you be this assholish to your team aswell?
Projecting myself on to Viper...
the Habs were never his team. They were merely the team he happened to cheer for.
And I love that you phrase it "
when the Nords come back". :showoff: I see that I have blazed the trail, and people no longer doubt the re-emergence of hockey in the heartland. :Canuck:
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 17, 2011, 09:54:52 PM
I don't understand how you view Hockey. When the Nords come back, will you be this assholish to your team aswell?
As BB said, the Habs is not my team. Why should I care what is happenning to them?
The Habs problem lies not with the coach, not even the GM. It's the Habs philosophy at the the heart of the problem.
I wasn't assholish, I just pointed out that changing the coach will change nothing. François Gagnon said the same in
La Presse today. Yet, he's a Habs fan. And now, you have a unilingual head coach for your team... I can't wait for the Habs bashing on Monday in the general media :)
See what I meant?
Different coach, same team, same result (French) (
I wasn't assholish, I was only speaking the truth. Don't blame me for that bro!
Gagnon is a Sens fan.
Also you are assholish because you only do it with the Habs. Where were the snarky comments when Davis Payne lost his job or when Randy Carlyle did? Paul Maurice?
Also, I agree, of course Gestapo Gauthier should have been fired, really never promoted to GM.
What philosophy? the NHL is a league of me too cats, they all do the same thing.
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 19, 2011, 10:43:22 AM
Gagnon is a Sens fan.
Not when speaking on
L'Antichambre ;)
Also you are assholish because you only do it with the Habs. Where were the snarky comments when Davis Payne lost his job or when Randy Carlyle did? Paul Maurice?
newsflash: I'm not a hockey expert. I almost never watch a full game until February/March, unless I attend one live, and then it's more a question of the roadtrip than the actual game.
QuoteWhat philosophy? the NHL is a league of me too cats, they all do the same thing.
shunning young players of talent, aiming for the average guy, aiming for a spot in the playoffs rather than the cup itself, etc.
It worked in 1993, and it seems they're stuck there. Where are the flamboyant attackers? The offensive-defencemen relauching the attack with superb plays? Where's the show? Seeing the Habs play is boring. They are slow and boring. It's not Pittsburgh, it ain't San Jose, it ain't Edmonton. It seems to me they always want veterans for a high price, thinking it will let them win the cup, like in 1993. And each year since then, they fail.
And once again, it ain't my team. My team was the Nordiques. They are dead, so I have no team left, but I still hate the Habs. And I'm happy at the suffering of Habs fans, just as they were happy of my suffering as a Nordiques fan :yucky:
They have a anglo interm coach. I feel sorry for the guy
Chris Mason's new goalie pads. :punk:
doesn't make sense that his blocker and glove only have half planes.
My Company is raffling some box seats to the Leafs-Winnipeg game. If i win wanna be my guest BB :lol:
Quote from: HVC on December 19, 2011, 11:37:54 AM
They have a anglo interm coach. I feel sorry for the guy
Had he won his first game, he would have been welcomed by the fan. Now they'll hate him just as much as Martin.
From Saturday's game.
QuoteTeemu Selanne still basking in afterglow of Jets game
PAUL WALDIE | Columnist profile | E-mail
Winnipeg— From Monday's Globe and Mail
Teemu Selanne knew he wanted to do something special to acknowledge the outpouring of affection he'd received all day in Winnipeg.
Hours before the Anaheim Ducks played the Winnipeg Jets at the MTS Centre on Saturday, Selanne decided that at the end of the game he'd throw a couple of sticks into the stands and make a point of circling the rink to say thank you to the fans.
Around the NHL It was the only gesture he could think of to cap off an emotional day that started at 3 a.m. with fans gathering at a downtown Winnipeg hotel to greet Selanne and the Ducks as they arrived from Chicago where they had played the night before.
From then on the tributes kept pouring in – during a morning news conference so crowded with onlookers it required a police presence, during warm-up before the game when his picture on the scoreboard elicited a standing ovation and during the game itself when he got cheered every time he touched the puck while each of his teammates got booed. And even after the game as he made his way to the team bus amid cheers, applause and a steady stream of handshaking, camera flashing and backslapping.
"It was unbelievable," Selanne said after the game, trying to contain his emotions. "I didn't really know what to expect. It was something I could never imagine, it was so special."
He hasn't played in Winnipeg since 1996, when the old Jets traded him to Anaheim just before heading to Phoenix. But the city still considers him a hero and fans still recount with reverence his rookie year with the Jets in 1992 when he scored 76 goals and piled up 132 points, both NHL records.
Selanne said he made a point of bringing his four young boys to Winnipeg just so they could see what real hockey fans are like. "My boys, they are growing up in California where hockey is not as big as here so that's why this was very special for them to come here and realize the passion that these people have here. They are going to remember this for sure the rest of their lives," he said.
He also wanted them to learn something else, too. "I've tried to teach them when you treat people well they are going to treat you well also."
Selanne said it was hard to focus on the game at first, with emotions running so high. It showed as the Ducks quickly fell behind 2-0 on goals by Kyle Wellwood and Blake Wheeler.
Anaheim coach Bruce Boudreau called a timeout to try to regroup his troops, but even he knew that wouldn't be easy with fans cheering Selanne and jeering every other Duck constantly. "I said, 'You guys are focusing on everything but the game and that's why we are down 2-0,' " Boudreau said after the game.
"It was pretty chilling," he said referring to the fans' ovations for Selanne. "It was pretty emotional. I was getting emotional."
The Ducks managed something of a comeback, scoring twice to tie the game before the first period ended. Selanne got an assist on one goal after he flipped the puck over the head of Jet defenceman Zach Bogosian and on to the stick of Niklas Hagman, who shot it past Winnipeg goalie Chris Mason.
But the Ducks' comeback never got much further. The Jets took the lead again just 31 seconds in the second period on a goal by Alexander Burmistrov. They added another one shortly afterward when Andrew Ladd redirected a shot by defenceman Dustin Byfuglien. And finally Bogosian fired a long slap shot that beat Duck goalie Dan Ellis to end whatever hopes Anaheim had.
There was one brief flurry for the Ducks and one last memory of Selanne for the fans. Duck forward Corey Perry scored the final goal of the game on a power play in the third period to make it 5-3 Jets. One assist went to Selanne. The fans stood and cheered.
It wasn't the end Selanne wanted to the game, at this stage in his career winning is far more important that piling up individual points.
But it gave the fans a chance to cheer once more, and it gave him a chance to acknowledge them once more.
Boudreau did his best after the game to play the part of the grouchy coach, complaining about goaltender interference on Ladd's goal, criticizing his own goalie for poor play and generally bemoaning his team's lost opportunities that have left the Ducks mired in the bottom of the standing.
But even he couldn't keep up the act when talking about Selanne. He couldn't criticize his star forward for spending so much of day caught up in tributes. "I didn't want to sit there and say 'Okay you can't enjoy this' because he deserved to get all the accolades that he got."
Many of the Jets felt the same.
"To be honest with you, it was hard to hear at the beginning of the game. [I was] trying to communicate with [my defencemen], but it was kind of pointless, because I could barely hear myself," Mason said. "It was pretty cool, though. You can just see what he means to the city and how high he holds Winnipeg."
Added Ladd: "He's done some special things in this league, the 76 goals he scored here. He's had an amazing career, so it's nice for him to be able to get acknowledged by the fans, and hopefully he enjoyed it. We've been a part of a lot of great games and historic games this year."
When the game ended Selanne threw the sticks into the crowd and took several turns of the ice as the crowd stood and cheered. A couple of hours later as he was about to head to the team bus, Selanne was asked if he had one last word for Winnipeggers.
"Just, 'Thank you,' " he said. "It has been so special. Tonight really makes my whole career pretty much. That was something that I am always going to remember. There's always a big piece of Winnipeg people in my heart."
Quote from: viper37 on December 19, 2011, 03:30:26 PM
Had he won his first game, he would have been welcomed by the fan. Now they'll hate him just as much as Martin.
He would have been screwed either way. Toronto and montreal is a tough place to be a coach or player thanks in large part to the media. The anglo thing is a easy foible for them not to latch onto.
Quote from: HVC on December 19, 2011, 03:40:13 PM
He would have been screwed either way. Toronto and montreal is a tough place to be a coach or player thanks in large part to the media. The anglo thing is a easy foible for them not to latch onto.
so far, the media focus their attention to Geoff Molson, and he has responded this morning, saying speaking french will be part of the job description for a permament job as head coach.
Quote from: HVC on December 19, 2011, 03:40:13 PM
He would have been screwed either way. Toronto and montreal is a tough place to be a coach or player thanks in large part to the media. The anglo thing is a easy foible for them not to latch onto.
Oh please. The teams in New York City and Philadelphia have no problem winning (in all sports) and their media is notoriously vicious. The reason the Habs and Leafs struggle is because they are incompetently managed.
Quote from: Valmy on December 19, 2011, 03:46:37 PM
Quote from: HVC on December 19, 2011, 03:40:13 PM
He would have been screwed either way. Toronto and montreal is a tough place to be a coach or player thanks in large part to the media. The anglo thing is a easy foible for them not to latch onto.
Oh please. The teams in New York City and Philadelphia have no problem winning (in all sports) and their media is notoriously vicious. The reason the Habs and Leafs struggle is because they are incompetently managed.
oh, i'm not saying that's the reason they suck, i'm just saying it's tough to play there. Probably worse because they do suck :lol:
Quote from: viper37 on December 19, 2011, 03:44:58 PM
Quote from: HVC on December 19, 2011, 03:40:13 PM
He would have been screwed either way. Toronto and montreal is a tough place to be a coach or player thanks in large part to the media. The anglo thing is a easy foible for them not to latch onto.
so far, the media focus their attention to Geoff Molson, and he has responded this morning, saying speaking french will be part of the job description for a permament job as head coach.
That's too bad. It means the Habs are not willing to hire the best coach available... and so are not dedicated to winning.
Quote from: PRC on December 19, 2011, 04:32:48 PM
That's too bad. It means the Habs are not willing to hire the best coach available... and so are not dedicated to winning.
Yeah that is just madness. I mean it is not like there is a shortage of excellent French Canadian coaches but still. That is handicaping your organization as a matter of policy.
Quote from: Valmy on December 19, 2011, 04:42:09 PM
Quote from: PRC on December 19, 2011, 04:32:48 PM
That's too bad. It means the Habs are not willing to hire the best coach available... and so are not dedicated to winning.
Yeah that is just madness. I mean it is not like there is a shortage of excellent French Canadian coaches but still. That is handicaping your organization as a matter of policy.
Bah. It's a business too. Your coach is one of your major team spokesman.
And I *think* that the Habs aren't limiting themselves to French Canadian coaches, but ratehr that knowing French is a requirement. Which opens the job to plenty of other Anglo Canadians (don't think too many Americans speak French though).
Quote from: PRC on December 19, 2011, 04:32:48 PM
That's too bad. It means the Habs are not willing to hire the best coach available... and so are not dedicated to winning.
really? I can count quite a few bilingual coaches out there. Winnipeg has a bilingual assistant coach ready for the big job. Patrick Roy is available, so is Bob Hartley at the end of the season. When the Tampa Bay Lighting hired Guy Boucher, who was part of the Habs' organization, did anybody say he was incomptent?
There's no shortage of good bilingual coach. Bilingual is the requirement here, not being French. Kirk Muller was bilingual during his stay with the Canadiens.
Lots of assistant coach or head coach in the minor leagues are bilingual. One could graduate to the job.
Or, the dude they hired could learn French in 9 months. Ruth Ellen Brosseau did learn French since May...
Part of the coach's job is to speak to the press, predominantly french. He's the first line of the Habs when it comes to public relation. I think it's important.
Besides... I've yet to see an excellent coach win with an average team, since the lock-out ended. I think 90% of the coaches out there are equally good, and the difference resides more with the players under their command and their attitude to winning than the coach himself.
I just can't imagine the Maple Leafs hiring a unilingual Punjabi hockey coach. In fact, the guy would never even make it to the junior... Are the Leafs not dedicated to winning? Ok, bad example... but let's think of other pro sports team out there in North America. How many have coached who don't speak english? Why can't a unilingual latino be the best coach for the Yankees or the Red Sox? I can't imagine seeing a non english speaking coach anwywhere. But in Quebec, it should be ok to hire someone who doesn't speak the language of the fans. That's weird.
Quote from: Barrister on December 19, 2011, 04:44:30 PM
Which opens the job to plenty of other Anglo Canadians (don't think too many Americans speak French though).
The Habs would never hire an american coach. They never did, they never will. Even if the best coach in the world was a trilingual French speaking Swiss, they'd never hire him. Same for the Leafs, never had an American coach, never will. But nobody will complain about that in the Canadian medias... In fact, for the Leafs, I count only 3 coaches who didn't come from Ontario.
Quote from: viper37 on December 19, 2011, 07:33:48 PM
Quote from: Barrister on December 19, 2011, 04:44:30 PM
Which opens the job to plenty of other Anglo Canadians (don't think too many Americans speak French though).
The Habs would never hire an american coach. They never did, they never will. Even if the best coach in the world was a trilingual French speaking Swiss, they'd never hire him. Same for the Leafs, never had an American coach, never will. But nobody will complain about that in the Canadian medias... In fact, for the Leafs, I count only 3 coaches who didn't come from Ontario.
Ron Wilson's an American....Ok, he got both Nationalities..but he declared for the US national team when he played.
Quote from: viper37 on December 19, 2011, 07:24:32 PM
I just can't imagine the Maple Leafs hiring a unilingual Punjabi hockey coach.
I keep seeing this, but it's still retarded. English is the language of hockey, and so English is the language that everybody
must speak. After that, everything else is optional.
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 19, 2011, 07:42:25 PM
Ron Wilson's an American....Ok, he got both Nationalities..but he declared for the US national team when he played.
true, but:
Born May 28, 1955 (age 56)
Windsor, Ontario, CAN
Quote from: Neil on December 19, 2011, 08:25:48 PM
I keep seeing this, but it's still retarded. English is the language of hockey, and so English is the language that everybody must speak. After that, everything else is optional.
The CBC airs hockey games in Punjabi. It's got to be important enough.
Quote from: viper37 on December 19, 2011, 08:53:37 PM
Quote from: Neil on December 19, 2011, 08:25:48 PM
I keep seeing this, but it's still retarded. English is the language of hockey, and so English is the language that everybody must speak. After that, everything else is optional.
The CBC airs hockey games in Punjabi. It's got to be important enough.
The CBC has nothing to do with hockey.
Quote from: viper37 on December 19, 2011, 07:24:32 PM
Quote from: PRC on December 19, 2011, 04:32:48 PM
That's too bad. It means the Habs are not willing to hire the best coach available... and so are not dedicated to winning.
really? I can count quite a few bilingual coaches out there. Winnipeg has a bilingual assistant coach ready for the big job. Patrick Roy is available, so is Bob Hartley at the end of the season. When the Tampa Bay Lighting hired Guy Boucher, who was part of the Habs' organization, did anybody say he was incomptent?
So already the Habs have come to learn from the superior Winnipeg Jets organization.
But keep your paws off of Claude Noel. He's ours.
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 09:41:47 AM
Quote from: viper37 on December 19, 2011, 07:24:32 PM
Quote from: PRC on December 19, 2011, 04:32:48 PM
That's too bad. It means the Habs are not willing to hire the best coach available... and so are not dedicated to winning.
really? I can count quite a few bilingual coaches out there. Winnipeg has a bilingual assistant coach ready for the big job. Patrick Roy is available, so is Bob Hartley at the end of the season. When the Tampa Bay Lighting hired Guy Boucher, who was part of the Habs' organization, did anybody say he was incomptent?
So already the Habs have come to learn from the superior Winnipeg Jets organization.
But keep your paws off of Claude Noel. He's ours.
He meant Pascal Vincent.
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 20, 2011, 10:59:57 AM
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 09:41:47 AM
Quote from: viper37 on December 19, 2011, 07:24:32 PM
Quote from: PRC on December 19, 2011, 04:32:48 PM
That's too bad. It means the Habs are not willing to hire the best coach available... and so are not dedicated to winning.
really? I can count quite a few bilingual coaches out there. Winnipeg has a bilingual assistant coach ready for the big job. Patrick Roy is available, so is Bob Hartley at the end of the season. When the Tampa Bay Lighting hired Guy Boucher, who was part of the Habs' organization, did anybody say he was incomptent?
So already the Habs have come to learn from the superior Winnipeg Jets organization.
But keep your paws off of Claude Noel. He's ours.
He meant Pascal Vincent.
christmas and easter? seriously. Is there a rudolf and and Mr. E Bunny who works for the jets too? :D
Quote from: Neil on December 19, 2011, 08:59:23 PM
Quote from: viper37 on December 19, 2011, 08:53:37 PM
Quote from: Neil on December 19, 2011, 08:25:48 PM
I keep seeing this, but it's still retarded. English is the language of hockey, and so English is the language that everybody must speak. After that, everything else is optional.
The CBC airs hockey games in Punjabi. It's got to be important enough.
The CBC has nothing to do with hockey.
Arguably the NHL wouldn't be what it is today without CBC.
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 09:41:47 AM
But keep your paws off of Claude Noel. He's ours.
See GF :)
I wouldn't dream of removing your head coach.
But Vincent might be a good candidate for the Nordiques when they come back ;)
Quote from: HVC on December 20, 2011, 11:06:18 AM
christmas and easter? seriously. Is there a rudolf and and Mr. E Bunny who works for the jets too? :D
Pâques is the actual french word for Easter. Pascal is the adjective as in
congé pascal.
Quote from: Neil on December 19, 2011, 08:59:23 PM
The CBC has nothing to do with hockey.
Right. Let's shut down the CBC and fire Don Cherry. We'll see how that goes with hockey fans accross Canada ;)
Quote from: viper37 on December 19, 2011, 07:24:32 PM
Quote from: PRC on December 19, 2011, 04:32:48 PM
That's too bad. It means the Habs are not willing to hire the best coach available... and so are not dedicated to winning.
really? I can count quite a few bilingual coaches out there. Winnipeg has a bilingual assistant coach ready for the big job. Patrick Roy is available, so is Bob Hartley at the end of the season. When the Tampa Bay Lighting hired Guy Boucher, who was part of the Habs' organization, did anybody say he was incomptent?
Irrelevant. There may be good bilingual coaches out there, that's not the issue. The Habs owner said they would only hire someone who spoke French... so the situation may arise where the best available coach would not be hired because he didn't speak French, thus potentially denying the team their best chance to win.
Coaches are over rated anyway. You need good GM's who can get good players. A good coach can make a a good team better, but not even a great coach can make a bad team good.
Quote from: viper37 on December 20, 2011, 11:55:12 AM
Quote from: Neil on December 19, 2011, 08:59:23 PM
The CBC has nothing to do with hockey.
Right. Let's shut down the CBC and fire Don Cherry. We'll see how that goes with hockey fans accross Canada ;)
The NHL will endure, CBC or no.
Quote from: Barrister on December 19, 2011, 04:44:30 PM
Bah. It's a business too. Your coach is one of your major team spokesman.
And I *think* that the Habs aren't limiting themselves to French Canadian coaches, but ratehr that knowing French is a requirement. Which opens the job to plenty of other Anglo Canadians (don't think too many Americans speak French though).
Yes they are the Montreal Canadiens. Being their coach is a business: the business of winning and the business of excellence in Hockey. Besides every year Montreal does not strive for excellence is another year their brand and their reputation as a franchise takes a blow-and over time they will hurt the business end. The ownership needs to worry about the PR side of it, the Hockey side needs to worry about Hockey not get distracted with language considerations.
The only culture anybody should care about on a franchise of that calibre should be a culture of winning and the only language that matters is the language that allows a coach to coach his team to victory.
The two most important franchises in the NHL are Montreal and Toronto. They represent the tradition, the passion Canadians have for the game, and the glory and all that. When people think about Hockey they think about those franchises. The Maple Leafs are really beyond contemptible, it is like if the Red Sox or the Yankees just decided to forget trying to win and just make money because they are the Yankees and Red Sox and be happy with last place. It sorta ticks me off Montreal would be hiring coaches on any other basis besides their ability to bring another championship to Montreal. Those two franchises need to be good, so that I can hate them. Their suckiness is very frustrating.
I understand language and nationality are important political issues in Quebec but Hockey is too important to be tainted by them :P
Quote from: HVC on December 20, 2011, 12:04:27 PM
Coaches are over rated anyway. You need good GM's who can get good players. A good coach can make a a good team better, but not even a great coach can make a bad team good.
If a good coach makes your team better how is that overrated?
Quote from: PRC on December 20, 2011, 12:02:40 PM
Irrelevant. There may be good bilingual coaches out there, that's not the issue. The Habs owner said they would only hire someone who spoke French... so the situation may arise where the best available coach would not be hired because he didn't speak French, thus potentially denying the team their best chance to win.
they change coach every 2 years on average. I don't believe in this "best coach" theory. Alain Vignault coaches Vancouver, yet he was deemed not enough qualified for the Habs. He came very close to winning the Cup. Claude Julien won the Cup with Boston, yet he was fired from Montreal a few years earlier.
From time to time, a coach will come with a new system. Like Guy Boucher in Tampa Bay. And within a year, they will all imitate him, and/or find the flaws in his system. Or simply, they'll have better players with a slightly different system. And it will become irrelevant.
What makes the difference is the quality of the players you can have on first 2 lines. And, if, like the Penguins when they won the Stanley Cup, you have 4 lines wich are as strong as the first line of an average team like the Habs, you have victory in your grasp.
Julien or Vignault in Montreal didn't do anything, they couldn't do anything now either.
Coaches are over-rated, not because they are unimportant, but because once they reach the NHL and coach for a few years, the top teams have coaches that are mostly equal in talent.
Yeah just to be clear it is more of my frustration with the Habs languishing (yuk yuk) as they are in suckiness than thinking that they are just one mono-lingual Swedish coach away from victory. But still. That accouncement rubs me the wrong way.
Quote from: Valmy on December 20, 2011, 01:22:15 PM
I understand language and nationality are important political issues in Quebec but Hockey is too important to be tainted by them :P
It's a business. First&foremost, it's a business. It lives by the number of people attending the games, seeing the games on tv, in bars&restaurants, it lives by the number of people having jerseys or other derivative products.
And for that, you need to win the heart of the populace. Winning is one way. But the coach won't change anything to that. Even the absolute best coach in the world, if he was Russian, not speaking english or french couldn't be expected to win year after year. But having local people, coaches&players, to whom the populace can identify is a big plus when it comes to marketing. But it's not as essential as the coach, the one who will communicate with the local medias.
Quote from: Valmy on December 20, 2011, 01:36:33 PM
Yeah just to be clear it is more of my frustration with the Habs languishing (yuk yuk) as they are in suckiness than thinking that they are just one mono-lingual Swedish coach away from victory. But still. That accouncement rubs me the wrong way.
bah. I'm happy at their suffering for now. That will teach them humility. So far, they spent longer without a Stanley Cup than the Nordiques ever did.
The game has changed. Lots of Europeans now, more teams, more balanced teams actually.
It's good for them that they suck.
When the Nordiques come, they'll win everything. It's sad they won't be able to win the Stanley Cup in a seventh game in Montreal tough :(
*ok, seriously, I'm sad for the Montreal fans, I know how it's tough seeing your team losing, especially when they finish first of their division and fall in 1st round. It's bad to see them lose when you're in the forum/arena/whatever place.
Quote from: viper37 on December 20, 2011, 11:51:51 AM
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 09:41:47 AM
But keep your paws off of Claude Noel. He's ours.
See GF :)
I wouldn't dream of removing your head coach.
But Vincent might be a good candidate for the Nordiques when they come back ;)
I kenw that. :cool:
I'm not so attached to Vincent, but I'm loving Noel.
Leaving the Habs behind...
How do we solve the brain injury problem? would adopting the european rules and rink size diminish the problem? Do we go back to the era of slow hockey players and the über defensive play?
Quote from: Valmy on December 20, 2011, 01:22:15 PM
The two most important franchises in the NHL are Montreal and Toronto. They represent the tradition, the passion Canadians have for the game, and the glory and all that. When people think about Hockey they think about those franchises.
I think I'm going to be sick.
Quote from: viper37 on December 20, 2011, 02:01:55 PM
Leaving the Habs behind...
How do we solve the brain injury problem? would adopting the european rules and rink size diminish the problem? Do we go back to the era of slow hockey players and the über defensive play?
I'm pretty sure a lot can be done on helmet design.
Absolutely a larger ice surface would help.
Ban fighting.
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 02:02:58 PM
I think I'm going to be sick.
Look I hate the Yankees and Cowboys as much as anybody but I am not so partisan to not know what they mean to those leagues.
You know what I am getting at.
Quote from: Valmy on December 20, 2011, 02:11:47 PM
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 02:02:58 PM
I think I'm going to be sick.
Look I hate the Yankees and Cowboys as much as anybody but I am not so partisan to not know what they mean to those leagues.
You know what I am getting at.
The Lefs in particular are improtant to the league because they drive revenue. they don't represent passion however - the ACC is one of the more lifeless places to watch hockey. Both teams are also owned by giant faceless corporations - again the oppsite of passion and tradition.
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 02:04:49 PM
Ban fighting.
How many concussions actually arrive from fights? and whats the percentage for over all concussions?
I agree with better helmet designs, but i think they should go back to softer shoulder pads.
Quote from: viper37 on December 20, 2011, 02:01:55 PM
Leaving the Habs behind...
How do we solve the brain injury problem? would adopting the european rules and rink size diminish the problem? Do we go back to the era of slow hockey players and the über defensive play?
Put the red line in the middle of the ice back in again so you blow a whistle on a two-line pass. That might slow players down coming into the offensive zone and eliminate some of the open ice hits. Those don't seem to be the real problem though... lately it's fluke plays and heads being smashed into boards from behind. Maybe those little STOP signs kids in junior have on the backs of their helmets should be brought into the NHL.
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 02:23:22 PM
The Lefs in particular are improtant to the league because they drive revenue. they don't represent passion however - the ACC is one of the more lifeless places to watch hockey. Both teams are also owned by giant faceless corporations - again the oppsite of passion and tradition.
You are getting too concrete here. I am talking about the value of their brand and what they represent. Whenever Americans make fun of Canadians and their love of Hockey, they have them all saying 'go Leafs' for example. Because even Americans who know nothing about really about Canada or the NHL are aware Canadians love Hockey and know who the Maple Leafs are.
The reason they drive revenue is because of the values their brand represents. Unfortunately it is beginning to represent bad bad hockey and if that giant faceless corporation had any sense they would be working harder to protect what they have.
First, we have to accept that this is a concussion sport, concussions will happen. You can't stop it.
Changing helmet design could help I dont know. Reducing the size of upper body gear protection will also help. Smaller & much more maneable. No more hard as kevlar.
Banning Fighting is useless, plus fighting is fun. Eliminate the investigator rule.
Quote from: HVC on December 20, 2011, 02:29:12 PM
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 02:04:49 PM
Ban fighting.
How many concussions actually arrive from fights? and whats the percentage for over all concussions?
I agree with better helmet designs, but i think they should go back to softer shoulder pads.
Go back and read the NYTimes feature on Derek Boogard. A hell of a lot of hockey enforcers are displaying significant difficulties in retirement, and Boogard's brain should substantial damage when analyzed.
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 20, 2011, 02:37:06 PM
Banning Fighting is useless, plus fighting is fun. Eliminate the investigator rule.
Fighting is fine the way it is. There are rarely any fights, we do not want a return to 'fighting as a strategy'. Besides I want to watch a Hockey game not see the players go into the Octogon where having a hockey stick puts you at an immediate disadvantage.
What are they already doing to combat concussions?
Quote from: Valmy on December 20, 2011, 02:40:24 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 20, 2011, 02:37:06 PM
Banning Fighting is useless, plus fighting is fun. Eliminate the investigator rule.
Fighting is fine the way it is.
Tell that to Derek Boogard, Wade Belak, and Rick Rypien.
Quote from: Valmy
What are they already doing to combat concussions?
Shanahaan's crackdown on dangerous hits. Implemented a concussion on protocols, though its questioned how well it is followed. Players like Pronger continued to play for several games after receiving a concussion.
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 02:43:43 PM
Shanahaan's crackdown on dangerous hits. Implemented a concussion on protocols, though its questioned how well it is followed. Players like Pronger continued to play for several games after receiving a concussion.
The team doctors should not be making those decisions for just that reason. Neither the player or the club wants the player to sit down for a few games. Maybe there should be league doctors, who are trained in brain issues and concussions in particular, who should be looking over the players and making those calls at each game?
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 02:39:31 PM
Quote from: HVC on December 20, 2011, 02:29:12 PM
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 02:04:49 PM
Ban fighting.
How many concussions actually arrive from fights? and whats the percentage for over all concussions?
I agree with better helmet designs, but i think they should go back to softer shoulder pads.
Go back and read the NYTimes feature on Derek Boogard. A hell of a lot of hockey enforcers are displaying significant difficulties in retirement, and Boogard's brain should substantial damage when analyzed.
wasn't boogard also a heavy drug user? not the best sample.
Quote from: HVC on December 20, 2011, 02:48:00 PM
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 02:39:31 PM
Quote from: HVC on December 20, 2011, 02:29:12 PM
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 02:04:49 PM
Ban fighting.
How many concussions actually arrive from fights? and whats the percentage for over all concussions?
I agree with better helmet designs, but i think they should go back to softer shoulder pads.
Go back and read the NYTimes feature on Derek Boogard. A hell of a lot of hockey enforcers are displaying significant difficulties in retirement, and Boogard's brain should substantial damage when analyzed.
wasn't boogard also a heavy drug user? not the best sample.
His brain suffered from chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which is linked to concussions.
It's quite possible his drug use was linked to the CTE as well, because confusion, depression, and impusivity and linked to CTE.
You're right that you can not draw any 100% firm conclusions based on just one individual, they've analyzed a lot more than just one individual.
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 02:39:31 PM
Go back and read the NYTimes feature on Derek Boogard. A hell of a lot of hockey enforcers are displaying significant difficulties in retirement, and Boogard's brain should substantial damage when analyzed.
I'm pretty sure that Boogard did other things than fight. He played on goon lines, and he would have taken and given out a lot of head hits, even outside of fights and scrums. Your mistake is to single out fighting as if it was the only thing that enforcers did. When they are on the ice, they are hitting and being hit a great deal.
Quote from: Neil on December 20, 2011, 03:03:51 PM
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 02:39:31 PM
Go back and read the NYTimes feature on Derek Boogard. A hell of a lot of hockey enforcers are displaying significant difficulties in retirement, and Boogard's brain should substantial damage when analyzed.
I'm pretty sure that Boogard did other things than fight. He played on goon lines, and he would have taken and given out a lot of head hits, even outside of fights and scrums. Your mistake is to single out fighting as if it was the only thing that enforcers did. When they are on the ice, they are hitting and being hit a great deal.
So you think it's merely co-incidence that most of the diagnosed CTE cases in hockey were in former enforcers?
I know people like fighting in hockey. It's popular. But the evidence is stacking up that its extremely dangerous to those involved.
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 03:07:23 PM
So you think it's merely co-incidence that most of the diagnosed CTE cases in hockey were in former enforcers?
Nope. Enforcing is more than fighting. I just think that nobody has presented me with any evidence whatsoever that fighting is worse than all the headshots and viscious checks those guys soak up. Clean it all up.
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 03:07:23 PM
I know people like fighting in hockey. It's popular. But the evidence is stacking up that its extremely dangerous to those involved.
It seems to me that the high speed collisions would be more dangerous than a few guys throwing punches. But granted I have not been in too many Hockey fights.
Quote from: Barrister on December 20, 2011, 02:04:49 PM
Ban fighting.
I wouldn't mind that. Fighting, with the no instigator rule means we sacrifice the fighters to protect the other players. I'm sure there's a way to protect anyone.
But I don't think hockey fans in Canada, and even in the US where apparently they shun the violence of hockey, will let it happen.*
But I support such a measure. I want to see fine hockey plays, I want to see a guy skating full speed and leaving behind two defencemen to trick the goalie and score. If I wanted to see a boxing match, I'd go to the Bell Center when there's no ice.
On your list of players, we should add the name of Gilles Lupien, even though not deceased, he recently said in a tv show about violence in hockey that he was suffering from memory loss, tremors and other problems associated with too many concussion. And there are possibly others like that. I remember Kordick, ex-Nordiques. Tough guy, built on steroids. Probably suffered a brain injury too much, it's hard to tell with these guys what's the cause: the concussion, the drugs, the lifestyle.
Anyway, when the police came to arrest him, there was 6 guys on him and he was carrying them, until he stopped, cold dead. They never could revive him.
So many of these guys... never the greatest players, don't often play long in the same place, so we don't really hear about them when they have problems.
One might be tempted to say better them than the kind of players like Crosby, Malkin, Brière, Giroux... but it's still a sacrifice that doesn't have to be made. It's just a sport.
*Actually, thinking about it, I see a change in hockey fans around me. Where last year many of them would still support the fights, almost all of them now agree it has to stop. My best friend used to laugh at me 'cause I didn't like the fights and prefered olympic hockey for that, and he's the one now telling me there should be no fights... I think it's changing.
Quote from: PRC on December 20, 2011, 02:30:39 PM
Put the red line in the middle of the ice back in again so you blow a whistle on a two-line pass. That might slow players down coming into the offensive zone and eliminate some of the open ice hits. Those don't seem to be the real problem though... lately it's fluke plays and heads being smashed into boards from behind. Maybe those little STOP signs kids in junior have on the backs of their helmets should be brought into the NHL.
back the 90s hockey. I'm not sure it's better for the game though.
Quote from: viper37 on December 20, 2011, 03:27:02 PM
On your list of players, we should add the name of Gilles Lupien, even though not deceased, he recently said in a tv show about violence in hockey that he was suffering from memory loss, tremors and other problems associated with too many concussion. And there are possibly others like that. I remember Kordick, ex-Nordiques. Tough guy, build on steroids. Probably suffered a brain injury too much, it's hard to tell with these guys what's the cause: the concussion, the drugs, the lifestyle.
The thing with CTE is that it could certainly be a big contributor to everything else as well - it causes personality changes, impulsivity, certainly pain and headaches - all things that may encourage someone to take drugs.
Here's a good text from Bob Hartley. I'll provide a short summary for BB:
- remove fights, he's argued for that before.
- authorize some light hooking/holding, maybe for just a second or two, just to slow down the player a little bit.
- let the goalie play the puck a little farther, as it used to be.
- European hockey rules and ring size don't change much on concussion. 20% of the league players in wich Hartley is coaching are injured this season (50 players) and about 10 are out due to concussion, 2 on his own team. The problem is beggining to be taken seriously over there too.
Quote from: Neil on December 20, 2011, 01:20:14 PM
Quote from: viper37 on December 20, 2011, 11:55:12 AM
Quote from: Neil on December 19, 2011, 08:59:23 PM
The CBC has nothing to do with hockey.
Right. Let's shut down the CBC and fire Don Cherry. We'll see how that goes with hockey fans accross Canada ;)
The NHL will endure, CBC or no.
It will now. For sure. But it wouldn't have before. (is this a haiku?)
I'd love them to take out fighting from hockey...just to see Don Cherry's reaction. :lol:
It's important for the habs coach to be a francophone not only because of the business angle but also as a sign of respect towards the majority of the fanbase. I'd have no problem with a coach taking intensive french courses to get him at a functioning level within a year let's say though.
Quote from: Zoupa on December 20, 2011, 06:27:52 PM
It's important for the habs coach to be a francophone not only because of the business angle but also as a sign of respect towards the majority of the fanbase. I'd have no problem with a coach taking intensive french courses to get him at a functioning level within a year let's say though.
On the TSN Jets telecast, they interview the Free Press columnist during the 2nd intermission. He commented the problem was entirely with management. They should have said:
1. Cunneyworth is our interim coach
2. There isn't enough time mid-season for him to learn French
3. If he is our full time coach, you bet he will get intensive French lessons
Sounds like a reasonable position to me.
You mean, you guys also understand that everything is Gestapo Gauthier's fault?
GG's killing all the goodwill that Ray Lalonde built in the past 6 years with his fear of Journos.
I don't think Gauthier is gonna be there next fall. 5-0, fifth loss in a row... they change goalie, they benched a defenseman, they got a new coach... nothing is working.
All you Leafs fans can eat a big bag of shit.
All you Habs fans - tonight is the night that you finally get a visit from the WINNIPEG JETS!
Anyway RIP Versus.
Quote from: Valmy on January 04, 2012, 03:54:57 PM
Anyway RIP Versus.
That's a tricky one... :P
Quote from: Barrister on January 04, 2012, 03:51:32 PM
All you Habs fans - tonight is the night that you finally get a visit from the WINNIPEG JETS!
How's that working out?
Quote from: Neil on January 04, 2012, 09:00:17 PM
Quote from: Barrister on January 04, 2012, 03:51:32 PM
All you Habs fans - tonight is the night that you finally get a visit from the WINNIPEG JETS!
How's that working out?
Sorry BB. Losing is bad, but losing against the Habs... Oh well. It happens some time, a good team beaten by an inferior one. Ask the Swedes, they know a thing or two about that ;)
Quote from: viper37 on January 04, 2012, 11:40:09 PM
Sorry BB. Losing is bad, but losing against the Habs... Oh well. It happens some time, a good team beaten by an inferior one. Ask the Swedes, they know a thing or two about that ;)
Meh - bad games happen from time to time. This was a bad game. I won't get too upset by it. As long as it doesn't become a trend...
Well on a positive note the Canucks are currently the #1 team in the league.
Sorry BB that it took 4! Danish goals to do that to you :showoff:
Just curious, why the nick the Habs?
Quote from: PRC on January 05, 2012, 02:19:57 AM
Well on a positive note the Canucks are currently the #1 team in the league.
Maybe you should riot.
Quote from: Valdemar on January 05, 2012, 02:50:11 AM
Sorry BB that it took 4! Danish goals to do that to you :showoff:
Just curious, why the nick the Habs?
The team's nickname is 'Les Habitants', for the old French settlers on the St. Lawrence.
Bring on The Jets, BB.
thus starts the thrasher mid season crash. new jeresy old habits
Flames beaten up badly tonight. My guess is the coach is gone tomorrow... probably should happen but Iginla needs to go as well, he's Captained this team too many gutless performances over the past couple seasons.
Beebs is quiet tonight. <_<
Quote from: Josephus on January 05, 2012, 10:33:18 PM
Beebs is quiet tonight. <_<
i tried to goad him :blush: . no dice lol
Probably burnt out from bail hearings.
Quote from: Neil on January 05, 2012, 11:01:52 PM
Probably burnt out from bail hearings.
I don't know what hurt worse - the bail hearings, or two crappy Jets performances. :bleeding:
The trouble of course is the schedule gets tougher from here out - next up is Buffalo and Boston. They really needed to pick up one of these games.
Ah well - can't get too worked up over a 4-0 loss. After all there are more bail hearings to be done tomorrow. :bleeding:
Quote from: Barrister on January 06, 2012, 12:07:12 AM
I don't know what hurt worse - the bail hearings, or two crappy Jets performances. :bleeding:
The trouble of course is the schedule gets tougher from here out - next up is Buffalo and Boston. They really needed to pick up one of these games.
Ah well - can't get too worked up over a 4-0 loss. After all there are more bail hearings to be done tomorrow. :bleeding:
January in the NHL is when we see the sheep separated from the wolves. Good teams will win, stay consistent and stay disciplined. Weak teams will lose, panic and start accepting phone calls from GMs who smell blood.
Quote from: PRC on January 06, 2012, 01:29:02 AM
Quote from: Barrister on January 06, 2012, 12:07:12 AM
I don't know what hurt worse - the bail hearings, or two crappy Jets performances. :bleeding:
The trouble of course is the schedule gets tougher from here out - next up is Buffalo and Boston. They really needed to pick up one of these games.
Ah well - can't get too worked up over a 4-0 loss. After all there are more bail hearings to be done tomorrow. :bleeding:
January in the NHL is when we see the sheep separated from the wolves. Good teams will win, stay consistent and stay disciplined. Weak teams will lose, panic and start accepting phone calls from GMs who smell blood.
And the canucks are the former, or the latter? :hmm:
I'm pissed off by the last two games, but I'm hardly enraged. Still lots of games to be played. And besides - it's good just to be in the NHL again this year.
Quote from: Barrister on January 06, 2012, 01:34:44 AM
Quote from: PRC on January 06, 2012, 01:29:02 AM
January in the NHL is when we see the sheep separated from the wolves. Good teams will win, stay consistent and stay disciplined. Weak teams will lose, panic and start accepting phone calls from GMs who smell blood.
And the canucks are the former, or the latter? :hmm:
I'm pissed off by the last two games, but I'm hardly enraged. Still lots of games to be played. And besides - it's good just to be in the NHL again this year.
Obviously the latter! :showoff:
Ovechkin seems to turning it around, Vokoun has stopped being a disaster in net...
I am not sure if they are just on a hot streak or if Dale Hunter has something new going on but it is nice to see the Caps proudly stepping from the ranks of the meh to the ranks of the not bad.
I refuse to panic over two bad games (and honestly those were more than just losses - the Jets were badly outplayed in both games by mediocre opponents). But I think I can mark the first loss up to simply an off night by Pavelec, and the second to being a back to back game (that has got to be tough no matter who you are).
We'll see over the next few. If they go 0 for 4 then I will officially panic.
Aren't you the guy who was chiding me for freaking out over the Caps November collapse? :P
Two months later...just starting to right the ship. Only had to fire our coach and bring in new players.
Quote from: Barrister on January 06, 2012, 01:34:44 AM
And the canucks are the former, or the latter? :hmm:
I'm pissed off by the last two games, but I'm hardly enraged. Still lots of games to be played. And besides - it's good just to be in the NHL again this year.
Canucks is a good team, until the crucial moment in the playoff.
Apparently the NHLPA has vetoed realignment, which means the Jets will play a second season in the southeast division. :rolleyes:
Quote from: Barrister on January 07, 2012, 04:22:17 PM
Apparently the NHLPA has vetoed realignment, which means the Jets will play a second season in the southeast division. :rolleyes:
Well it is located in Southeast Manitoba.
Quote from: Barrister on January 07, 2012, 04:22:17 PM
Apparently the NHLPA has vetoed realignment, which means the Jets will play a second season in the southeast division. :rolleyes:
That's Ok, it's apparently a fun division this year!
7 points to the 8th seed.
Can they make it?
Quote from: viper37 on January 12, 2012, 12:52:44 AM
7 points to the 8th seed.
Can they make it?
There's lots of time for a team that can play well consistently.
Quote from: viper37 on January 12, 2012, 12:52:44 AM
7 points to the 8th seed.
Can they make it?
Hopefully not. Top 5 pick, god damn it.
Quote from: Neil on January 12, 2012, 08:52:39 AM
Quote from: viper37 on January 12, 2012, 12:52:44 AM
7 points to the 8th seed.
Can they make it?
There's lots of time for a team that can play well consistently.
But it's the Habs he's talking about. :contract:
Meanwhile the Jets are only one point back from a tie for 8th, and only 5 points back from the division leading Panthers. Of course they are not a team that has played with consistency either. But if they can find some consistency... :shifty:
and on to tonight - its Sharks at Jets. Katmai I'm calling you out. San Jose is going DOWN tonight - mark my words!
I Predict a San Jose victory here :)
Quote from: viper37 on January 12, 2012, 11:15:12 AM
I Predict a San Jose victory here :)
Given YOUR history of hockey predictions (look back at my OP) then the Jets victory is assured. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on January 12, 2012, 11:17:00 AM
Quote from: viper37 on January 12, 2012, 11:15:12 AM
I Predict a San Jose victory here :)
Given YOUR history of hockey predictions (look back at my OP) then the Jets victory is assured. :cool:
we should do a playoff pool this year :)
If we do I am picking against the Caps.
I said something nice about them last Friday in the thread and they rewarded me with two humiliating blowout losses :mad:
Naturally I decided to just not watch the game last night and watch the U of Texas basketball game instead and of course they won.
Clearly they do best when I am filled with despair and loathing.
Camarelli is gone. He'll be playing with the Flames. Rene Bourque is coming to Montreal.
Rene Bourque sucks... this is a steal for the Flames.
Quote from: PRC on January 12, 2012, 10:22:51 PM
Rene Bourque sucks... this is a steal for the Flames.
Camalleri is getting paid 6 million and has 9 goals this year.
Please steal some more, Calgary.
Quote from: PRC on January 12, 2012, 10:22:51 PM
Rene Bourque sucks... this is a steal for the Flames.
All the players involve sucks. It's a wash.
It's true Camalleri's salary is outrageous. The hope there is that he can reignite the good chemistry with Iginla when he was with the Flames the first time around. I heard Gauthier say that they wanted Bourque "Because they needed players who went to the tough areas" and I laughed out loud... that is not Rene Bourque at all. He has a really good shot, but he is an incredibly lazy hockey player.
It's hard to decode Gestapo Gauthier because while everything he says is important & should be analyze, he also lies a fucking lot.
Tim Thomas skips Bruins White House visit because he is a Tea Party nutjob...
From Yahoo's Puck Daddy Blog:
Bruins MVP Tim Thomas skips Obama White House event; why he shouldn't be demonized for it
WASHINGTON, DC -- While congratulating the Boston Bruins on their 2011 Stanley Cup Championship, President Barack Obama did the obligatory spotlighting of key players in that run. Zdeno Chara got the height joke. Brad Marchand was chided for being the "Little Ball of Hate." Tim Thomas was celebrated for being only the second American player to win playoff MVP, having posted two shutouts in the Final.
Chara smiled. Marchand blushed.
Thomas wasn't there to hear it.
Bruins GM Peter Chiarelli confirmed that Thomas had told him months ago he would not attend the White House event due to his political and ideological differences with the Obama administration. Chiarelli said he had tried to convince Thomas to attend the event "over the last couple months" to no avail.
"He chose not to come. The reasons behind it I think he'll make the media aware through his Facebook," said Chiarelli.
The GM said that he could have mandated Thomas attend the event, but chose not to. "I can require someone to attend a team event. If they don't, I can suspend him. But I'm not going to suspend Tim. Whatever his position is isn't representative of the Boston Bruins or my own. But I'm not going to suspend him."
Bruins team president Cam Neely said the decision was Thomas's and the team honored his choice.
"Everybody has their own opinions and political beliefs. He chose not to join us," said Neely. "We certainly would have liked to have him come and join us but that's his choice. All the guys came except for Tim. It's his decision and his choice."
While his politics aren't common knowledge among many hockey fans, Thomas hasn't hidden his political leanings. He's a fan of former Fox News Channel host Glenn Beck, once saying he aspired to appear on Beck's talk show as a guest.
Big Government, a website founded by conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart, celebrated Thomas as a "true Tea Party patriot" for having "In God We Trust" and the Gadsden flag on his mask. From Big Government:
In addition to displaying his support for the Tea Party on the ice, Thomas is a FreedomWorks donor, giving generously right before the historic November 2010 elections, according to the FEC.
Chiarelli said he hoped Thomas's decision not to attend the White House event wouldn't overshadow the Bruins' day.
"We're like a family. We have our issues. You deal with them and move on, and try and support everyone," he said. "It may or may not. If it does ... I hope it doesn't. The guys enjoyed the day."
My take: Good on Thomas.
Good on Thomas for using this moment — where a professional sports team participates in what's both an honor for their accomplishments and a political photo opportunity — to make a political statement of his own.
It's the moment when Thomas will no doubt lose a lot of supporters, for sure, when they realize an athlete they celebrate has stark political differences than they have. He's not the first nor the last athlete to choose not to visit the White House.
It's a moment in which a professional athlete uses his fame, his influence for something he believes in, and does something that won't be popular among fans or media. Sean Avery did the same thing: Potentially alienating his teammates by taking a political stand on gay marriage.
If he's celebrated and Thomas is demonized, what does that say about our real tolerance of free speech? That it's only free when we agree with it?
(And for the "separation of politics and hockey" crowd — that flies out the window when you agree to be a backdrop to a speech in an election year. Or any year.)
There's a difference between freedom of speech and speech without consequence, of course. This is the moment when Tim Thomas, the most valuable player to his team last June, did something that detracted from his teammates' celebration. This is the moment when, for better or worse, he becomes something more than the blue-collar hockey player from Flint with the great backstory and the sterling save percentage.
And as long as he's willing to accept that his absence from an event that even Tomas Kaberle attended has overshadowed this day and changed his profile as an athlete, then like Cam Neely I'll respect the decision.
Milan Lucic put the defense secretary through the plexiglass.
What a douche.
However, he makes delicious muffins.
So Tim Thomas is racist, eh.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 23, 2012, 08:07:35 PM
So Tim Thomas is racist, eh.
No, just a Beck loving retard.
One of the stupidest articles ever on the Return of the Jets:
Yeah, it's in SI, which is why I decided to link it.
But it spends the first half of the article slamming Winnipeg, before finally getting to its point that things are going great (Hello? Ever heard the concept of 'burying your lead'?) For God knows what reason they interview a 90 year old Monty freakin Hall, who although I love the man hasn't lived in Winnipeg since 1946 (according to wiki). And of course not to mention how OLD this story is by now - the move was announced last May, and they've been playing since last October.
Quote from: katmai on January 23, 2012, 09:07:00 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 23, 2012, 08:07:35 PM
So Tim Thomas is racist, eh.
No, just a Beck loving retard.
Dave Hodge of TSN tweeted this:
"Don't know if it's fair to point this out, but Tim Thomas has three children named Kiley, Kelsey and Keegan."
Bah, any city with an NHL team can't be boring :)
Quote from: viper37 on January 26, 2012, 03:40:20 PM
Bah, any city with an NHL team can't be boring :)
... except Columbus.
Quote from: PRC on January 26, 2012, 03:39:08 PM
Quote from: katmai on January 23, 2012, 09:07:00 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 23, 2012, 08:07:35 PM
So Tim Thomas is racist, eh.
No, just a Beck loving retard.
Dave Hodge of TSN tweeted this:
"Don't know if it's fair to point this out, but Tim Thomas has three children named Kiley, Kelsey and Keegan."
Yep, racist.
Surely at this point everyone recognizes that Winnipeg is here to stay, but in case there are any remaining doubters...
QuoteReborn Jets a success off the ice
Rank high in per-game revenue
By: Ed Tait
Posted: 02/1/2012 1:00 AM | Comments: 6 (including replies)
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The Philadelphia Flyers' Brayden Schenn goes after the puck against Winnipeg Jets goalie Ondrej Pavelec during the first period at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Tuesday.The Jets won 2-1 in a shootout. (YONG KIM/ MCCLATCHEY NEWS SERVICE)
PHILADELPHIA, Pa. -- The building is jammed every night, merchandise is flying off the shelves and the buzz around the Winnipeg Jets is still electric.
And so, not surprisingly, business is very good with Winnipeg's reborn National Hockey League franchise.
Just how good? On a comparative scale, consider this:
Toronto radio host Bob McCown reported this week on Prime Time Sports the Jets are ranked in the Top 10 among NHL teams in terms of per-game revenue, while Doug MacLean -- the former Florida Panthers coach and Columbus Blue Jackets GM, also now with Sportsnet -- stated his sources have the Jets in the Top 15.
Both suggested those numbers are revealing, not just because Winnipeg is the NHL's smallest market but because of what it says of the state of some of the franchises struggling in the United States.
Jets governor Mark Chipman opted not to comment on the report -- hardly surprising given NHL teams generally guard their financial results like state secrets.
The math, however, is easy. With an average ticket price of approximately $82 and a capacity of 15,004 at the MTS Centre, Winnipeg's per-game number on tickets alone is well north of $1 million.
Despite playing in the league's smallest venue, the Jets have played to 100 per cent capacity and rank 25th in official league attendance, ahead of Columbus, Anaheim, Dallas, the New York Islanders and Phoenix.
As well, the Jets are apparently ranked No. 2 in merchandise sales among all NHL teams while all of the suites at MTS Centre are sold out for the next few years.
The per-game revenue status, however, should not be confused with a team's total revenue number, which is used to determine what, if any, revenue sharing a franchise is entitled to under the current CBA.
To qualify for a full share in that department, a payment from the NHL in excess of $10 million per season, a team must meet attendance targets set by the league (about 14,000), other revenue targets, still be in the bottom 15 of the league in total revenues and be in a market of less than 2.5 million.
It's designed to help smaller-market clubs -- who have fewer corporate and business opportunities -- compete with the mega-market teams of the league, and sources have said in recent conversations that Winnipeg's status as a revenue-sharing team is not in jeopardy.
[email protected] Twitter: @WFPEdTait
Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition February 1, 2012 D2
I actually heard McCown's bit on the radio (he's a Toronto-centric self-omportant blowhard, but he does have his sources) and he said they were 10th, not Top Ten, but whatever. Of course he mentioned it in the context of how poorly the league was doing in the US if
even Winnipeg was 10th in the league. :rolleyes:
BB, do you know if there are any plans to expand the MTS centre beyond 15k capacity?
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 01, 2012, 09:55:07 AM
BB, do you know if there are any plans to expand the MTS centre beyond 15k capacity?
No plans.
It would be very expensive (on the order of tens of millions of dollars) to add what would instantly be the worst seats in the house. TNSE would rather charge high prices for fewer tickets and make sure that every game becomes the biggest thing in town. I did mention that when I was in Winnipeg over Christmas I couldn't get a ticket to a Jets game for love or money...
No seats for the Plebs :(
The Bluejackets owner apologized for the shitty team. Gee thanks.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 01, 2012, 10:14:10 AM
No seats for the Plebs :(
Sure there are. You just have to pay the same ridiculous prices as everyone else.
It was also astonishing how the Jets logo was EVERYWHERE in Winnipeg. It certainly wasn't like that in the early 90s.
Oh beeb your innocence is so adorable...
Quite the game eh Valmy? :D
I don't know if the Jets deserved that win, but at least they kept battling, and I'll definitely take those two points. Also nice to see Kane and Byfuglien back on the scoresheet. Neither had scored for awhile.
Full page ads in the papers today:
3 wins in a row. PRAISE THE LORD!
Prions means let's pray, for our resident francophobes. Not the nasty shit you get from mad cow's disease.
Quote from: Barrister on February 09, 2012, 10:23:24 PM
Quite the game eh Valmy? :D
I don't know if the Jets deserved that win, but at least they kept battling, and I'll definitely take those two points. Also nice to see Kane and Byfuglien back on the scoresheet. Neither had scored for awhile.
It was sorta fun.
But at this point the only silver lining for this season is knowing that getting booted out of the playoffs early is not so bad when you are the 8th seed.
Prayer is what it would take. Ten points back with 30 games to play isn't impossible, but it would be very difficult and there isn't much room for error.
Quote from: Valmy on February 10, 2012, 09:30:00 AM
Quote from: Barrister on February 09, 2012, 10:23:24 PM
Quite the game eh Valmy? :D
I don't know if the Jets deserved that win, but at least they kept battling, and I'll definitely take those two points. Also nice to see Kane and Byfuglien back on the scoresheet. Neither had scored for awhile.
It was sorta fun.
But at this point the only silver lining for this season is knowing that getting booted out of the playoffs early is not so bad when you are the 8th seed.
Washington will win the SE. How could they not?
Quote from: Neil on February 10, 2012, 09:43:12 AM
Quote from: Valmy on February 10, 2012, 09:30:00 AM
Quote from: Barrister on February 09, 2012, 10:23:24 PM
Quite the game eh Valmy? :D
I don't know if the Jets deserved that win, but at least they kept battling, and I'll definitely take those two points. Also nice to see Kane and Byfuglien back on the scoresheet. Neither had scored for awhile.
It was sorta fun.
But at this point the only silver lining for this season is knowing that getting booted out of the playoffs early is not so bad when you are the 8th seed.
Washington will win the SE. How could they not?
Well Florida is still leading it at the moment.
And there is that plucky little team from the prairies nobody is talking about...
But with the state of the SE at the moment it almost appears that you have to win the division or you don't make the playoffs. Crazy.
Quote from: Barrister on February 10, 2012, 09:44:49 AM
But with the state of the SE at the moment it almost appears that you have to win the division or you don't make the playoffs. Crazy.
I know...what is this the NFL?
This season is so dissappointing I almost hope they do not make it...
Well not really but you know what I mean. They have one of the best players in the world and just cannot get their shit together.
Quote from: Ed Anger on February 01, 2012, 10:15:53 AM
The Bluejackets owner apologized for the shitty team. Gee thanks.
I actually kinda feel bad for him. I think he made some good moves before the season started and on paper it was looking like they would be competing for that 7-8th spot in the West. Then Wisniewski gets the big suspension to start the season, Carter is apparently a big baby who can't suck it up and accept his fate, and the team shows to much faith in Steve Mason which has probably hurt them the most of all. They should have traded for a goalie much earlier in the year because that's been their biggest problem. Second biggest issue, in my mind, is that when they give up the first goal or two, they just give in completely and that speaks to a lack of leadership.
The Jets need 4 points to make the playoffs, they have played to more games than the Caps... doesn't look good, but I'm hopeful for them :)
It'd be nice if they'd make the playoffs on their first year. The fans deserve this one :)
Quote from: viper37 on February 15, 2012, 12:10:36 AM
The Jets need 4 points to make the playoffs, they have played to more games than the Caps... doesn't look good, but I'm hopeful for them :)
It'd be nice if they'd make the playoffs on their first year. The fans deserve this one :)
It sure would've helped if they won last nights game. They outshot the Isles, maybe even out-played them, but not enough for the win. Perhaps payback for the Caps win, which they did not deserve to win.
The games in hand are what will kill them. By points they aren't very far back, but they've played 2-3 games more than teams they're righting with.
Dammit - games like that are what make sports worth watching. :cool:
[Jets beat the Wild in the shootout 4-3]
If you're interested, after tonight's games (Jets beat the Avs 5-1, Ducks defeat panthers 2-0), Winnipeg is now in 9th place in the standings, is tied with 8th place Toronto with 64 points each, and is only one back from Division leading Florida at 65 points. :cool:
Unfurtunately they have played two more games than Toronto, and three more than Florida, but playoffs remain a real possibility.
The Jets will get in. Otherwise, the playoffs will suck. The Jets, Flames and Senators would at least give me some Canadian content.
Quote from: Neil on February 20, 2012, 12:30:11 AM
The Jets will get in. Otherwise, the playoffs will suck. The Jets, Flames and Senators would at least give me some Canadian content.
I wish I shared your certainty.
Because NHL playoffs have certainly sucked in some years.
Quote from: Neil on February 20, 2012, 12:30:11 AM
The Jets will get in. Otherwise, the playoffs will suck. The Jets, Flames and Senators would at least give me some Canadian content.
Quote from: Barrister on February 20, 2012, 12:33:23 AM
Quote from: Neil on February 20, 2012, 12:30:11 AM
The Jets will get in. Otherwise, the playoffs will suck. The Jets, Flames and Senators would at least give me some Canadian content.
I wish I shared your certainty.
Because NHL playoffs have certainly sucked in some years.
Yeah. If all those teams didn't make it, then they would suck. The only games worth watching would probably be the Rangers and maybe the Kings and Predators.
Quote from: Barrister on February 20, 2012, 12:33:23 AM
Quote from: Neil on February 20, 2012, 12:30:11 AM
The Jets will get in. Otherwise, the playoffs will suck. The Jets, Flames and Senators would at least give me some Canadian content.
I wish I shared your certainty.
Because NHL playoffs have certainly sucked in some years.
the last year the Penguins won the cup, and the year after that were both excellent playoffs
The NHL playoffs have been quite fun lately. Especially in 2009.
You guys are crazy.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 20, 2012, 12:55:49 PM
The NHL playoffs have been quite fun lately. Especially in 2009.
You guys are crazy.
Playoffs have sucked since the Detroit-Winnipeg series in 1996. :contract:
Well, the '03 Flames run was pretty fun. :blush:
The recent Canucks run have been plenty exciting.
Quote from: Jacob on February 20, 2012, 06:30:43 PM
The recent Canucks run have been plenty exciting.
In a bad way. Watching the Canucks win is like watching the Nazis overrun Europe.
So Beeb are you ready for the Seattle Coyotes?
Quote from: katmai on February 20, 2012, 06:36:01 PM
So Beeb are you ready for the Seattle Coyotes?
Quebec City Coyotes you mean? :contract:
I kid - slightly. I have no idea what will happen with the 'Yotes specifically. Maybe they do wind up in Seattle. But from everything I have read there WILL be an NHL franchise in Quebec City in the fairly near future.
Moving another franchise to Canada, don't be ridiculous!
Somebody is gonna get the 'jackets if the don't pull their heads out of their asses.
Quote from: Neil on February 20, 2012, 06:33:53 PM
In a bad way. Watching the Canucks win is like watching the Nazis overrun Europe.
Well that was still a fairly engrossing event. And you get to cheer when the bad guys lose.
Coyotes likely to stay in the desert:
Quote from: viper37 on February 21, 2012, 09:30:48 AM
Coyotes likely to stay in the desert:
I'm sure I could go all Groundhog Day on you and post articles with an identical title from the last three years, but surely at this point even you are posting that article for sheer comedy value.
I can't believe they're even still mentioning Reinsdorf as a possible owner. :lmfao:
As of today, your Winnipeg Jets are leading the Southeast Division, and thus are in third place in the conference. :cool: :showoff:
For posterity:
15 :yeah:
Top 3 pick!
Quote from: Barrister on February 21, 2012, 09:36:11 AM
Quote from: viper37 on February 21, 2012, 09:30:48 AM
Coyotes likely to stay in the desert:
I'm sure I could go all Groundhog Day on you and post articles with an identical title from the last three years, but surely at this point even you are posting that article for sheer comedy value.
I can't believe they're even still mentioning Reinsdorf as a possible owner. :lmfao:
I don't think I can count high enough for the numer of plans they had to keep the Coyotes there. The NHL has put so much effort into keeping it there, it's insane. It's like they're buying time for the team to move anywhere but in Quebec city.
On this particular deal, I just don't know how they plan to make it work, without city/state subsidies and without losing 25M$ every year.
Anyway, I take all the Coyotes news with a grain of salt until there's a signed deal to either keep them there or move them elsewhere.
Quote from: Barrister on February 24, 2012, 12:58:10 AM
For posterity:
nice to see :)
4 games in hand toward the Panthers, wich are last of the conference and only 1pt difference though... It's gonna be hard to make the playoff, but nowhere near as impossible :)
I like that :)
Yeah, the games in hand are definitely the asterisk there.
But still - they've been on a roll, and have climbed up in the standings. If they can keep this up then who knows what might happen. Plus even if they don't win the SE division they're very much in the hunt for #8.
I can't believe I am watching a Florida vs Carolina game...
Mostly posted for CC, who is apparently a much bigger Rick Mercer fan than I am...
Rick Mercer hangs out with Chris Mason and the GST line of the Winnipeg Jets:
Nash wants a trade. He is finally fed up.
Nice win last night at least.
stupid leafs <_<
wary of the Hodgson trade, but understand it. He's going to need a big salary and 2nd line time in a year or two. here's hoping the thugs got in return aren't as scared of Scott Thornton as the rest of the team.
Thornton is easy to deal with. Hit him hard in the first ten minutes and he's a non factor the rest of the game. Dude s a pussy.
Quote from: HVC on February 29, 2012, 12:07:38 PM
stupid leafs <_<
Agreed. The ONE TIME I was forced to root for the Leafs they couldn't do me the courtesy of beating the Panthers.
Tomorrow's game (Jets v Panthers) is huge. Lose this and we'll never catch them for the division lead.
Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on February 29, 2012, 02:00:00 PM
wary of the Hodgson trade, but understand it. He's going to need a big salary and 2nd line time in a year or two. here's hoping the thugs got in return aren't as scared of Scott Thornton as the rest of the team.
Well, hopefully the Kassassin will make up for it.
Quote from: Barrister on February 29, 2012, 03:18:23 PM
Quote from: HVC on February 29, 2012, 12:07:38 PM
stupid leafs <_<
Agreed. The ONE TIME I was forced to root for the Leafs they couldn't do me the courtesy of beating the Panthers.
Tomorrow's game (Jets v Panthers) is huge. Lose this and we'll never catch them for the division lead.
7-0 for Winnipeg... it's sad I can only (well, near-only) get the Canadians and the Senators games here. It's a very close race to the 8th spot :)
Florida delenda est.
Hopefully the Caps and Jets will be the two teams to come out of the division of suck.
In other news, a very long and detailed interview with Gary Bettman. The interview was made by a francophone journalist, from his tapes. It was later re-tanslated in English by Sun News/Québécor pro translators.
The original French:
The translated article:
Bottom line:
The NHL will do everything it can to keep the Coyotes in Pheonix. If they have a prospective buyer in place, even if there's a 5% chance it will work, they will keep the team there yet one more year.
If, however, there's really no one coming forward, or if there's opposition from local groups or politicians that can't make the deal happen, than Quebec is next in line, according to the journalist's feelings.
Also, a nice interview with Gary Bettman, on a totally different subject:
The 3 mistakes Gary Bettman admit as NHL commissionner (
Then it was Bettman's turn and ... well, our expectations were low. Gary Bettman admitting an error happens about as often as Gary Bettman receiving a standing ovation at the end of the Stanley Cup Final. He's the type of guy who gets asked about his character flaws in a job interview and replies "my biggest character flaw is not having tolerance for questions like that."
That game was:
AWESOME!!!111 :punk: :punk: :punk:
Best part of the game?
The first 5 on 1 I've ever seen. :cool:
I look forward to seeing them in the playoffs. Might be the last year they'll be in the Eastern division :)
Quote from: viper37 on March 02, 2012, 05:29:57 PM
Might be the last year they'll be in the Eastern division :)
...not to mention the playoffs!
Quote from: viper37 on March 02, 2012, 05:29:57 PM
I look forward to seeing them in the playoffs. Might be the last year they'll be in the Eastern division :)
Can't get ahead of ourselves yet. The Jets have 2-3 fewer games remaining than anyone else. They might be in 8th place at the moment, but could easily slip out again by the time of their next game on Monday. Playoffs are far from guaranteed.
But the best enws is that they'll definitely be "in the hunt" when I see them live in Calgary in a week. :cool:
Looks good for the Canucks so far :)
That 5 on 1 was one of the coolest moments I've seen in hockey :lol:
Quote from: Zoupa on March 02, 2012, 10:45:33 PM
That 5 on 1 was one of the coolest moments I've seen in hockey :lol:
Wasn't it?
On the Jets boards I frequent, the move was instantly labeled the "Flying W". :lol:
Hey HVC - your new coach of the Maple Leafs?
Dammit - I might have to start liking the Leafs. But I'm not sure that's physically possible. :hmm:
Sabres making another 2nd half push for the playoffs?! :yeah:
Anyone see the stories about Saskatoon sniffing around about an NHL team? :shifty:
BB's dirty little secret - I may have been eborn in the Peg, graduated bigh schools, undergrad, and law school in the 'Peg - but most of my school age years were in Toon-town. And I was there when "Wild Bill" Hunter was trying to bring the Blues to Saskatoon.
I have my doubts, but I wouldn't rule it out...
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on March 03, 2012, 12:22:18 AM
Sabres making another 2nd half push for the playoffs?! :yeah:
I'd be surprised. They dealt Gaustad, are 5 points back and have a terrible goal differential. It'll be between the Jets and the Caps I think.
Saskatoon would never work. Not enough corporate money, could never be sold in TV deals in the states, players would never sign there and would want out... it wouldn't work.
Quote from: PRC on March 03, 2012, 12:32:04 AM
Saskatoon would never work. Not enough corporate money, could never be sold in TV deals in the states, players would never sign there and would want out... it wouldn't work.
TV deals and "players would never sign" could be said about Winnipeg - except whoops - it's one of the league's top franchieses in terms of revenue this year.
Enough corporate money? That's the rub. Winnipeg has more corporate HQs than people realize. But Saskatoon is less than half the size again, and Winnipeg is perhaps the league's smallest market.
It depends on who is showing interest. Ultimately you knew (if you listened to me) that Winnipeg was for real when Canada's richest man was behind the move - guys like that don't sink their money without an honest belief it will pay off. If someone with megabucks is willing to put a team in Saskatoon? Then I believe it could work. If not - then no, it won't.
There's certainly no shortage of hockey passion in Saskatchewan.
I just wish I still had my "Saskatoon Blues" hat from when I was a kid...
Quote from: Barrister on March 03, 2012, 12:37:19 AM
TV deals and "players would never sign" could be said about Winnipeg - except whoops - it's one of the league's top franchieses in terms of revenue this year.
Gauge it after three years, after five. Big money free agents will never sign as free agents in Winnipeg unless they're from Manitoba or if they were drafted by the team and they're re-upping there. This will be an issue for Winnipeg. It would be doubly so for Saskatoon.
Quote from: PRC on March 03, 2012, 12:56:19 AM
Quote from: Barrister on March 03, 2012, 12:37:19 AM
TV deals and "players would never sign" could be said about Winnipeg - except whoops - it's one of the league's top franchieses in terms of revenue this year.
Gauge it after three years, after five. Big money free agents will never sign as free agents in Winnipeg unless they're from Manitoba or if they were drafted by the team and they're re-upping there. This will be an issue for Winnipeg. It would be doubly so for Saskatoon.
I'm pretty happy with those criteria. Manitoba produces a hell of a lot of hockey players. And tell me - how has signing all those free agents turned out for the Leafs? :cool:
I'm still struggling to reconcile my man-crush on Randy Carlyle with my utter contempt of the Leafs...
Quote from: Barrister on March 03, 2012, 12:15:08 AM
Hey HVC - your new coach of the Maple Leafs?
Dammit - I might have to start liking the Leafs. But I'm not sure that's physically possible. :hmm:
it'll be interesting. but with 18 games to go it'll probably be the same old story. play too well get get a good draft pick, but not well enough to make it to the playoffs. That and now lupul will either suck, or be under played.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on March 03, 2012, 12:22:18 AM
Sabres making another 2nd half push for the playoffs?! :yeah:
Too bad Miroslav Satan isn't around to stick the dagger in again.
The CBCs ranting about the Ontario-content of the Leafs is hillarious. It really reminds me of the crybaby shit that Montreal was doing about the inability of the coach (or Saku Koivu, back in the day) to speak French.
Quote from: Neil on March 03, 2012, 08:01:11 PM
The CBCs ranting about the Ontario-content of the Leafs is hillarious. It really reminds me of the crybaby shit that Montreal was doing about the inability of the coach (or Saku Koivu, back in the day) to speak French.
Media's Toronto-centric ranting is always amusing / infuriating. Doesn't matter is it's CBC, TSN, or Sportsnet - it's all Leafs all the time. Hell because I tend to tune in to more national broadcasts I probably know more about what is happening with the Leafs than I do my 'hometown' *cough* Oilers.
But more about the team that actually matters - the Winnipeg Jets. Still in 8th place after handily defeating the Sabers. Man I love these guys. And I love that I'll finally get to see them this Friday in Calgary in what will be a very meaningful game. :cool:
Man I hate these guys. The Washington Caps I mean. I hate that I love them. Miserable losers.
Quote from: Valmy on March 06, 2012, 11:14:37 AM
Man I hate these guys. The Washington Caps I mean. I hate that I love them. Miserable losers.
Quote from: Barrister on March 06, 2012, 01:34:42 AM
Quote from: Neil on March 03, 2012, 08:01:11 PM
The CBCs ranting about the Ontario-content of the Leafs is hillarious. It really reminds me of the crybaby shit that Montreal was doing about the inability of the coach (or Saku Koivu, back in the day) to speak French.
Media's Toronto-centric ranting is always amusing / infuriating. Doesn't matter is it's CBC, TSN, or Sportsnet - it's all Leafs all the time. Hell because I tend to tune in to more national broadcasts I probably know more about what is happening with the Leafs than I do my 'hometown' *cough* Oilers.
But more about the team that actually matters - the Winnipeg Jets. Still in 8th place after handily defeating the Sabers. Man I love these guys. And I love that I'll finally get to see them this Friday in Calgary in what will be a very meaningful game. :cool:
I susbscribed to Sportnets, figuring I could watch some other teams, from time to time.
Whenever the Jets are playing, or the Flames, or the Canucks, I get a message saying it can't be shown on my location... I can only watch the games with the Senators and the Canadiens. Yuck.
Speaking of hockey, I'm gonna take the twins to their first hockey game on the 10th, Dayton Gems vs the Bloomington whateverthecallthemselves.
PRAY FOR ME. It's mini stick night, so I may have a concussion the next day.
Quote from: viper37 on March 06, 2012, 01:45:38 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 06, 2012, 01:34:42 AM
Quote from: Neil on March 03, 2012, 08:01:11 PM
The CBCs ranting about the Ontario-content of the Leafs is hillarious. It really reminds me of the crybaby shit that Montreal was doing about the inability of the coach (or Saku Koivu, back in the day) to speak French.
Media's Toronto-centric ranting is always amusing / infuriating. Doesn't matter is it's CBC, TSN, or Sportsnet - it's all Leafs all the time. Hell because I tend to tune in to more national broadcasts I probably know more about what is happening with the Leafs than I do my 'hometown' *cough* Oilers.
But more about the team that actually matters - the Winnipeg Jets. Still in 8th place after handily defeating the Sabers. Man I love these guys. And I love that I'll finally get to see them this Friday in Calgary in what will be a very meaningful game. :cool:
I susbscribed to Sportnets, figuring I could watch some other teams, from time to time.
Whenever the Jets are playing, or the Flames, or the Canucks, I get a message saying it can't be shown on my location... I can only watch the games with the Senators and the Canadiens. Yuck.
Yeah - Sportsnet only has "regional" rights to hockey, so their games can only be shown in their specific region. So there's almost no reason to subscribe to the other Sportsnet channels. If you want to see out or market games you have to subscribe to NHL Centre Ice, which is expensive since it gives you EVERY game. It really only makes sense if you are a serious hockey nut, or if you're a fan of a team not in your region.
Ed - sounds like fun. :) In fact, let me know how it goes. I've wondered when would be the right age to take the little guy to a hockey game. Hell I can still remember my first NHL game in the very early 80s - Winnipeg Jets vs Edmonton Oilers (in Edmonton), and getting Gretzky's autograph in the lockerroom while he was wearing a towel.
Unfortunately my dad's buddy covered the Oilers, not the Jets, so I missed my opportunity to get Howerchuk's autograph. :mad:
Quote from: Barrister on March 07, 2012, 10:59:40 AM
Yeah - Sportsnet only has "regional" rights to hockey, so their games can only be shown in their specific region. So there's almost no reason to subscribe to the other Sportsnet channels. If you want to see out or market games you have to subscribe to NHL Centre Ice, which is expensive since it gives you EVERY game. It really only makes sense if you are a serious hockey nut, or if you're a fan of a team not in your region.
I'm not a serious hockey nut :) I like the sports, I watch at least 3/4 of the playoff games, but I can't care enough about october and november games to pay a special subscription. I just like to watch and hear about different teams. Here, it's only the Canadians. They talk about the other teams when they visit the Habs, and there's the talk about the occasional vicious hit.
Quote from: viper37 on March 07, 2012, 02:10:14 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 07, 2012, 10:59:40 AM
Yeah - Sportsnet only has "regional" rights to hockey, so their games can only be shown in their specific region. So there's almost no reason to subscribe to the other Sportsnet channels. If you want to see out or market games you have to subscribe to NHL Centre Ice, which is expensive since it gives you EVERY game. It really only makes sense if you are a serious hockey nut, or if you're a fan of a team not in your region.
I'm not a serious hockey nut :) I like the sports, I watch at least 3/4 of the playoff games, but I can't care enough about october and november games to pay a special subscription. I just like to watch and hear about different teams. Here, it's only the Canadians. They talk about the other teams when they visit the Habs, and there's the talk about the occasional vicious hit.
I know all about that, being an our-of-market fan. Local sports media is all-Oilers, all the time (with a smattering of Flames).
When the Oilers went to Winnipeg I was hoping to finally hear something about the Jets - except the game was the day of the trade deadline, so it was all talking about trades that day.
PRC, crazy canuck - it's Jets and Canucks tonight. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on March 08, 2012, 10:06:10 AM
PRC, crazy canuck - it's Jets and Canucks tonight. :cool:
What do you reckon?
Quote from: Barrister on March 08, 2012, 10:06:10 AM
PRC, crazy canuck - it's Jets and Canucks tonight. :cool:
With the Canucks in a slump and playing out the season and the Jets fighting for their playoff lives I predict the game will go to overtime. :P
Well at least ron can be smug for the rest of the season "See, it wasn't me", etc. Well, at least the leafs beat montreal.
Quote from: Jacob on March 08, 2012, 12:06:38 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 08, 2012, 10:06:10 AM
PRC, crazy canuck - it's Jets and Canucks tonight. :cool:
What do you reckon?
I reckon much yawning in my house - I'm not used to watching 8pm starts! I've spent the season watching all these eastern conference games.
Jets are on a roll, so thinking good thoughts, but the Nucks are a talented team.
Canucks are slumping and have been playing sloppy... but they've been getting hammered by the press about it so hopefully they come out firing on all cylinders. Winnipeg needs the points badly so hopefully they come out wanting it. Should be a good game.
Sorry Beeb.
Quote from: PRC on March 09, 2012, 01:45:08 AM
Sorry Beeb.
It was a good game at least, and entertaining.
Her's hopingfor tomorrow...
I did love how many Jets fans were out at the game - they even shouted out "True North" as if the game was in the MTS Centre! :cool:
I predict even more Jets fans tonight in Calgary - of course I can guarantee at least one will be there. :shifty:
Quote from: Barrister on March 09, 2012, 10:02:06 AM
I did love how many Jets fans were out at the game - they even shouted out "True North" as if the game was in the MTS Centre! :cool:
I predict even more Jets fans tonight in Calgary - of course I can guarantee at least one will be there. :shifty:
By all accounts the a good time was had by all. Somebody described the atmosphere as being like one of the original six had come to town.
So I went to the Winnipeg - Calgary game on Friday night. What a hoot!
Now at the outset - on-ice result was obviously disappointing. The guys really needed to pick up at least a couple of points between this game and the Vancouver game. Now they go five days without playing, and Washington has leapfrogged them in the standings.
The atmosphere however...
Going to the game on the train I start noticing a LOT of Jets jersies. Once at the arena I notice even more. I'm going to say one person in ten was wearing either new or old Jets gear. And despite being only 10% of the audience, we made a HELL of alot of noise. The Calgary fans were pretty passive, but every few minutes the chant of "Go Jets Go" would go up. Calgary fans would then (and only then) by poked out of their lethargy to try a counter "Go Flames Go", but even then it sound like half Flames / half Jets. And there was a hell of a "True North" chant during the anthem. :cool:
And of course it was my first Jets game in maybe 18 years (to my regret I never saw a game during the final season).
It was a good night. Maybe in time I won't be happy with just "a good time", but last Friday I was.
Hope you guys make it :cheers:
Hey Valmy, it's the Biggest Game Of The Season (to date), as the Caps come to the cozy confines of the Phone Booth with a 4 point lead over Winnipeg for the 8th spot in the Eastern conference. If Winnipeg hopes to catch the Caps with 10 games left they simplay have to win this game.
Should be fun.
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2012, 08:53:20 AM
Hey Valmy, it's the Biggest Game Of The Season (to date), as the Caps come to the cozy confines of the Phone Booth with a 4 point lead over Winnipeg for the 8th spot in the Eastern conference. If Winnipeg hopes to catch the Caps with 10 games left they simplay have to win this game.
Should be fun.
Indeed. Good thing the Caps are playing decently right now. I hope we both catch the damn Panthers but that is not looking likely at this point :(
QuoteJets owner preaches patience
By Kevin Mitchell, SP Sports Editor March 15, 2012
Comment 0 StoryPhotos ( 1 )
Winnipeg's NHL franchise owner Mark Chipman listens as general manager Kevin Cheveldayoff speaks with the media after being introduced at a press conference in Winnipeg, June 8, 2011. REUTERS/Fred Greenslade (CANADA - Tags: SPORT ICE HOCKEY)
Photograph by: FRED GREENSLADE , REUTERSIt took a long time for Mark Chipman to bring the NHL back to Winnipeg — years of methodical, quiet plodding.
Similar patience, he says, could serve Saskatoon — and the ownership group trying to bring an NHL franchise to this city — well in the months and years ahead.
"We started the conversation in 2001 when we made our interest known, but it wasn't until 2007 that we were invited to make a presentation to the league," says Chipman, who is the Winnipeg Jets' co-owner. "Then there was four years of being very patient and working on the project quietly. You might, similarly, have to be that patient (in Saskatchewan). These things don't just happen overnight."
But Chipman — who spearheaded the NHL's return to Winnipeg — says he believes the league can succeed in Saskatoon, as long as the prospective ownership group spreads its geographic reach outside city borders and across the province.
Isolation, he says, won't work. "I don't think about it in terms of Saskatoon. I think about it in terms of the overall Saskatchewan market," Chipman said Thursday from Winnipeg.
"I would wonder about a town that size having the capability, but what I'd need to understand is what the marketplace really is.
"I don't have any doubt the province of Saskatchewan could support an NHL hockey team. That, I have no doubt whatsoever. I'm familiar with the strength of the economy, and the knowledge and passion for the game out there is as strong as any geographic area in our country.
"The only question is how far will people drive to get to a game? That's the only question I have in my mind." Chipman says his team's season-ticket base includes buyers in far-flung places like Regina, Thompson, and northwestern Ontario.
"I'd have to imagine that's part of the reason there is an interest in Saskatchewan — because just a few-hundred miles to the east of you, you've got an example that's working right now," Chipman said. "Provincially, our population bases are basically the same. Yours is just scattered out far more than ours is. There's 700,000-plus people in Winnipeg, but we draw from all over the province."
On Ice Management Group Inc., led by Toronto businessman John Graham, has told the NHL they're interested in bringing a franchise into Saskatoon. Approximately 260,000 people live in Saskatoon and area, which would make it the NHL's smallest city by far.
Skepticism abounds in a city which was on the cusp of landing the St. Louis Blues in 1983 before the NHL's board of governors pulled the plug.
But that doubt is rivaled by growing excitement as people ponder the possibilities. "I don't know who the people are who are advocating for it, but I'm sure they're smart and have done their homework," Chipman said.
When Saskatoon tried to land the Blues, fist-pumping frontman Bill Hunter championed his city and province loudly, filling reporters' notebooks with enthusiastic pronouncements.
But Chipman prefers the quiet approach. He worked behind the scenes, rather than publicly, while trying to return NHL sticks and pucks to his native city.
That was a marked contrast to Jim Balsillie, whose combative approach in trying to land an NHL team for Hamilton around the same time helped land him in the league's doghouse.
On the Saskatoon front, Graham is treading a path more closely aligned to Chipman than Hunter. The normally-approachable businessman hasn't yet discussed his group's intentions publicly, and seems ready to maintain that tack until business dealings with the NHL are resolved one way or the other.
"(Taking a behind-the-scenes approach) is very wise," Chipman said. "It doesn't get people's expectations up real high, only to have them disappointed if it doesn't work out for whatever reason. The league itself appreciates that approach and are more likely to take people seriously when they're doing their homework quietly and methodically and legitimately, rather than trying to grab a headline for whatever purpose.
"Headlines and those kinds of things don't get you NHL franchises. In my experience, a credible approach, an ownership model, and a market the National Hockey League can assess on its own to be strong enough is what ultimately carries the day."
Chipman says that, given Saskatchewan's current economic boom and his group's own success in bringing the NHL to Winnipeg, he wasn't surprised when he heard there's interest in trying to replicate that magic in Saskatoon.
But he also notes that, as far as he's aware, Phoenix is the NHL's only franchise with a potential move in the works. Quebec City, Seattle and Kansas City are all potential landing spots.
Chipman says he'd be happy to provide advice and aid to Graham's group if they ask for it. There's no worry on his part about a franchise in Saskatoon cutting into Winnipeg's market.
"We've got a waiting list of 8,000 people for season tickets, our suites are oversold, our corporate-sponsorship relationships are all multi-year," Chipman said. "(Having a team in Saskatoon) would be a great rivalry, and it would only strengthen our brand here in Manitoba.
"The most gratifying aspect of having brought the team back to Winnipeg, by far, is the effect it's had on our psyche — the pure unleashing of pride in our community. Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Regina ... people have a great deal of pride in their community, and having the team became a medium for people to express that. If we can have even a ripple effect on that occurring in Saskatchewan, that would be unbelievable."
Read more:
A Saskatchewan - Winnipeg NHL rivalry would be EPIC. Only thing I worry about is those banjo-picking inbred hillbillies might actually be crazier fans than Winnipeggers.
Hey now. Saskatchewan-types aren't any worse than Manitobans, although both are better than the inhabitants of the lower mainland.
Quote from: Neil on March 16, 2012, 02:42:37 PM
Hey now. Saskatchewan-types aren't any worse than Manitobans, although both are better than the inhabitants of the lower mainland.
By every objective standard (including genetic and geneological) they most certainly are.
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2012, 02:46:11 PM
Quote from: Neil on March 16, 2012, 02:42:37 PM
Hey now. Saskatchewan-types aren't any worse than Manitobans, although both are better than the inhabitants of the lower mainland.
By every objective standard (including genetic and geneological) they most certainly are.
There are more Ukrainians in Saskatchewan than Manitoba?
Quote from: Jacob on March 16, 2012, 02:50:59 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2012, 02:46:11 PM
Quote from: Neil on March 16, 2012, 02:42:37 PM
Hey now. Saskatchewan-types aren't any worse than Manitobans, although both are better than the inhabitants of the lower mainland.
By every objective standard (including genetic and geneological) they most certainly are.
There are more Ukrainians in Saskatchewan than Manitoba?
My people are legion, for the fabled "perogy belt" stretches from Manitoba through to Alberta, and thus includes Saskatchewan.
I ndeed even have Saskatchewan relatives and roots as well (albeit, the unfortunate non-Ukrainian half of my family). But since my grandparents weren't marrying their first cousins they were shunned and moved from Saskatchewan to Winnipeg. :cool:
Valmy: :cool:
Best part of the game - Winnipeg fans belt out a chant of "Crosby's Better!". :lol:
Edit: And somebody's already put it on Youtube. :D
And after blowing a one goal lead against the Canes on Sunday, now the Jets are going into Pittsburgh for Crosby's first home game in his most recent return. :bleeding:
Quote from: Barrister on March 20, 2012, 08:50:43 AM
And after blowing a one goal lead against the Canes on Sunday, now the Jets are going into Pittsburgh for Crosby's first home game in his most recent return. :bleeding:
Hey you guys said Crosby is better.
Ouch! Sorry BB Winnipeg didn't deserve that much karma.
Quote from: Valmy on March 20, 2012, 10:29:37 PM
Ouch! Sorry BB Winnipeg didn't deserve that much karma.
Hockey can be cruel. :bleeding:
These guys just aren't good enough to make the playoffs. Besides, even if they squeak into 8th it doesn't seem like they'd go very far.
I am now going out on a limb and making a tough prediction.
Ready? goes.
There will be NO Stanley Cup parade down Yonge Street this June.
I know, I know, I'm giving up on the Leafs early. Let's say I have a hunch.
stupid leafs.
What annoys me most about toronto is that they ALWAYS blame the goalie. True, neither is the top goalie in the league, but the way the defense plays Roy or Brodeur at their peak wouldn't get them to the cup (and perhaps not even the playoffs).
Quote from: HVC on March 21, 2012, 10:44:25 AM
stupid leafs.
What annoys me most about toronto is that they ALWAYS blame the goalie. True, neither is the top goalie in the league, but the way the defense plays Roy or Brodeur at their peak wouldn't get them to the cup (and perhaps not even the playoffs).
Just like Vancouver. And what do both teams have in common? They're wretched assholes.
Quote from: Josephus on March 21, 2012, 10:39:45 AM
I am now going out on a limb and making a tough prediction.
Ready? goes.
There will be NO Stanley Cup parade down Yonge Street this June.
I know, I know, I'm giving up on the Leafs early. Let's say I have a hunch.
Maybe some Ontarian from the team that wins the Cup can bring it to town.
Let's go fail for Grigorenko!
Quote from: Neil on March 21, 2012, 11:28:23 AM
Just like Vancouver. And what do both teams have in common? They're wretched assholes.
i agree regarding vancouver; but the leafs? They're to inept to deserve such hate.
Quote from: HVC on March 21, 2012, 03:28:48 PM
Quote from: Neil on March 21, 2012, 11:28:23 AM
Just like Vancouver. And what do both teams have in common? They're wretched assholes.
i agree regarding vancouver; but the leafs? They're to inept to deserve such hate.
It's not the team I hate.
It's their fans.
:o :( and I thought we were Internet friends
Quote from: HVC on March 21, 2012, 03:28:48 PM
Quote from: Neil on March 21, 2012, 11:28:23 AM
Just like Vancouver. And what do both teams have in common? They're wretched assholes.
i agree regarding vancouver; but the leafs? They're to inept to deserve such hate.
Being shit doesn't stop you from being an asshole. Example: Darcy Tucker.
Quote from: HVC on March 21, 2012, 04:10:30 PM
:o :( and I thought we were Internet friends
Not when it comes to hockey. And not when every minute detail about the Leafs gets wall to wall coverage on CBC and TSN, while the Jets might get a 10 second mention every now and then.
The Leafs have a huge, invariably moronic fanbase, and they fell off a cliff from delusions of a glorious playoff. It's only natural that the talking heads would devote a great deal of time to the postmortem.
Quote from: Neil on March 21, 2012, 04:15:02 PM
The Leafs have a huge, invariably moronic fanbase, and they fell off a cliff from delusions of a glorious playoff. It's only natural that the talking heads would devote a great deal of time to the postmortem.
But not when there are other teams that are in the midst of exciting playoff races.
Quote from: Barrister on March 21, 2012, 04:17:37 PM
Quote from: Neil on March 21, 2012, 04:15:02 PM
The Leafs have a huge, invariably moronic fanbase, and they fell off a cliff from delusions of a glorious playoff. It's only natural that the talking heads would devote a great deal of time to the postmortem.
But not when there are other teams that are in the midst of exciting playoff races.
No, even then. Besides, the Jets aren't going to make it, the Flames have folded, the Habs and Oilers have been out of it since November, the Canucks are utterly wretched with a small, bandwagoning fanbase that are permanently tainted by their repeated hooliganery and the presence of scum like the Sedins, Burrows and Bieksa, and the Senators are not only fairly secure, but also fairly boring.
Quote from: Barrister on March 21, 2012, 04:12:25 PM
Quote from: HVC on March 21, 2012, 04:10:30 PM
:o :( and I thought we were Internet friends
Not when it comes to hockey. And not when every minute detail about the Leafs gets wall to wall coverage on CBC and TSN, while the Jets might get a 10 second mention every now and then.
Jets have a hockey team? Didn't they move to Phoenix?
Quote from: Barrister on March 21, 2012, 04:08:42 PM
Quote from: HVC on March 21, 2012, 03:28:48 PM
Quote from: Neil on March 21, 2012, 11:28:23 AM
Just like Vancouver. And what do both teams have in common? They're wretched assholes.
i agree regarding vancouver; but the leafs? They're to inept to deserve such hate.
It's not the team I hate.
It's their fans.
Hard to defend the actions of some of my fellow fans last June. But we had beers in Whitehorse a few years back, didn't detect any hate then. :cool:
As a reasonable Canucks fan, I just don't understand the universal hate for my team. What do the Canucks do that is so much different from any other contending team with a few 'pest' type players on their roster? Who wouldn't want a player like Burrows on their team, especially at the 2.5 mil he's making. 25-30 goals, great pk skills and a team player. Why do similar guys like Bufuglien, Marchand and others get such praise and he gets to be the goat?
It is fun to be hated, cause bad teams don't inspire hate; but pity.
Good to see Languish thriving after my long sabbatical.
Quote from: Evil Spock on March 22, 2012, 06:38:24 PM
As a reasonable Canucks fan, I just don't understand the universal hate for my team. What do the Canucks do that is so much different from any other contending team with a few 'pest' type players on their roster?
They have a bilingual coach, it's anti-Canadian. And they don't have an over-paid captain, wich makes them elitists, I suppose :P
I think that, if some people hate them, it would be for the same reason as the hatred toward the Ottawa Senators: there's a talented team who doesn't seem to always play to their expected level, i.e. winning the Stanley Cup.
On paper, Vancouver is very good, but in playoffs, they usually don't go that far. Except last year. But in the end, they lost.
It seems to me that "newer" teams like Vancouver or Ottawa don't have the deep commitment and respect that older teams like the Leafs and the Canadiens can have. The Habs sucks, even when they win the Stanley Cup, but they are always loved, not only by their fans, but also by other fans. Something of a mystery to me. I see the same with the Leafs: everyone likes to take a jab at them, but you won't see anywhere near the level of hatred you could have had against the Nordiques in the past, the Canucks now, or one of the "newer" (non "original six" american team ). I've yet to see any hockey fan, except rabid anti-montrealers like me and a couple of my friends ;) , wishing the Habs to lose in playoffs, same of the Leafs, actually.
Anyway, I think the playoffs should be fun this year :)
I just cannot hate the Habs. The tradition and mystique are just pretty cool even though they seem to have left it all behind in their old building. I guess I like the idea of the Habs rather than the actual post-Forum Habs.
I just have contempt for the Leafs, they are the Cubs of hockey, they just sit there being popular and beloved even though they never win. They just have a sense of entitlement that makes them seem sad and dellusional. Which is kind of a black eye to the NHL IMO since they are one of the premier franchises (maybe even THE premier franchise) and they are basically symbols of mediocrity.
As for the Canadian teams in general I am usually glad when they do well just because Canadians love the game so much it makes the season more exciting. Florida gets more excited hearing about Tim Tebow's jock straps then they do about the Panthers. But then I am not surrounded by fanatical rioting Canucks fans on a daily basis.
Quote from: Valmy on March 23, 2012, 02:46:04 PM
I just cannot hate the Habs. The tradition and mystique are just pretty cool even though they seem to have left it all behind in their old building. I guess I like the idea of the Habs rather than the actual post-Forum Habs.
I just have contempt for the Leafs, they are the Cubs of hockey, they just sit there being popular and beloved even though they never win. They just have a sense of entitlement that makes them seem sad and dellusional. Which is kind of a black eye to the NHL IMO since they are one of the premier franchises (maybe even THE premier franchise) and they are basically symbols of mediocrity.
It's very easy to hate Montreal.
The last time the Jets played the Habs it was carried on CBC. The CBC announcers spent the entire game talking about the Habs, and when they interviewed one of the Jets players after the 1st period they spent all the time asking him about what the Habs were doing. :rolleyes:
That's natural. The Habs are a great franchise, whereas the Jets are ho-hum.
Quote from: Barrister on March 23, 2012, 02:51:19 PM
It's very easy to hate Montreal.
The last time the Jets played the Habs it was carried on CBC. The CBC announcers spent the entire game talking about the Habs, and when they interviewed one of the Jets players after the 1st period they spent all the time asking him about what the Habs were doing. :rolleyes:
This is why so many Americans hate Duke and Notre Dame. When your team plays Duke in basketball or Notre Dame in football the announcers have a hard time hiding their massive crush on them. But it is exactly that that makes Duke and Notre Dame (and the Habs) sorta appealing to me. They just have a certain aura.
Quote from: Neil on March 23, 2012, 02:52:08 PM
That's natural. The Habs are a great franchise, whereas the Jets are ho-hum.
Not according to the standings. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on March 23, 2012, 03:03:16 PM
Not according to the standings. :cool:
Yeah they are horrible this year.
So V - another huge game tonight. Jets lose and they can kiss the playoffs goodbye.
Quote from: Barrister on March 23, 2012, 02:51:19 PM
Quote from: Valmy on March 23, 2012, 02:46:04 PM
I just cannot hate the Habs. The tradition and mystique are just pretty cool even though they seem to have left it all behind in their old building. I guess I like the idea of the Habs rather than the actual post-Forum Habs.
I just have contempt for the Leafs, they are the Cubs of hockey, they just sit there being popular and beloved even though they never win. They just have a sense of entitlement that makes them seem sad and dellusional. Which is kind of a black eye to the NHL IMO since they are one of the premier franchises (maybe even THE premier franchise) and they are basically symbols of mediocrity.
It's very easy to hate Montreal.
The last time the Jets played the Habs it was carried on CBC. The CBC announcers spent the entire game talking about the Habs, and when they interviewed one of the Jets players after the 1st period they spent all the time asking him about what the Habs were doing. :rolleyes:
What feed do you get? Quebec fanbase is pretty imprevious to anything none-habs, since we all watch the game on RDS and RDS is Habs wall to wall.
Quote from: Barrister on March 23, 2012, 03:07:17 PM
So V - another huge game tonight. Jets lose and they can kiss the playoffs goodbye.
I know the Caps have made it difficult for me to check the scores and highlights every night I am so on edge. Another huge game but really for the past month they have all been huge.
Quote from: Barrister on March 23, 2012, 03:03:16 PM
Quote from: Neil on March 23, 2012, 02:52:08 PM
That's natural. The Habs are a great franchise, whereas the Jets are ho-hum.
Not according to the standings. :cool:
When it comes to the playoffs, missing by a millimetre and missing by a mile are equally bad. And Winnipeg has pretty much sealed their fate.
Quote from: Valmy on March 23, 2012, 03:10:21 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 23, 2012, 03:07:17 PM
So V - another huge game tonight. Jets lose and they can kiss the playoffs goodbye.
I know the Caps have made it difficult for me to check the scores and highlights every night I am so on edge. Another huge game but really for the past month they have all been huge.
I think we have a happy lawyer on board... (
Wish I could have watched the game :)
Quote from: viper37 on March 24, 2012, 02:54:09 AM
I think we have a happy lawyer on board... (
Wish I could have watched the game :)
Not entirely happy - they needed a clean two point win, since they're chasing Washington in the standings. An OT win means they only gain 1 point on the Caps.
But glad to see the urgency by the Jets. Also very, very cool to see the scoresheet - Maxwell and Machacek are two recent AHL call-ups, and Stapleton has been on the fourth line or press box all year. It was also great that since those guys were going, Noel gave up on "rolling four lines" - instead he was double-shifting his fourth line. :lol:
Lets see if they can keep it up in Nashville tonight. Back to backs have been deadly to the Jets so far this year.
So let's see - Jets need to make up 4 points on both Washington and Buffalo over the next 8 games (thankfully they do have a game in hand over both teams). Hmm... it can be done, but it also means they are not masters of their own fate.
They have won the season series against Washinton and Buffalo, so they have that tiebreaker.
Oh crap - stupid CBC - I don't think I can watch this one except for online. :rolleyes:
Another solid win for the Sabres. Thank Hod they've come around. I missed being able to enjoy winning hockey. :thumbsup:
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on March 24, 2012, 08:57:13 PM
Another solid win for the Sabres. Thank Hod they've come around. I missed being able to enjoy winning hockey. :thumbsup:
Jets lose, and Sabres win.
It is now clear to me - There Is No God. :(
Quote from: Barrister on March 24, 2012, 09:06:10 PM
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on March 24, 2012, 08:57:13 PM
Another solid win for the Sabres. Thank Hod they've come around. I missed being able to enjoy winning hockey. :thumbsup:
Jets lose, and Sabres win.
It is now clear to me - There Is No God. :(
You cannot expect to win the cup, or make the playoff, on your first year after relocation. What are you? The Colorado Avalanche?
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 24, 2012, 09:18:10 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 24, 2012, 09:06:10 PM
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on March 24, 2012, 08:57:13 PM
Another solid win for the Sabres. Thank Hod they've come around. I missed being able to enjoy winning hockey. :thumbsup:
Jets lose, and Sabres win.
It is now clear to me - There Is No God. :(
You cannot expect to win the cup, or make the playoff, on your first year after relocation. What are you? The Colorado Avalanche?
Why the Hell not????? :mad:
Silly beeb, only teams that leave Canada can win the Cup.
Or teams from USA anymore. :lol:
Quote from: katmai on March 24, 2012, 09:29:39 PM
Silly beeb, only teams that leave Canada can win the Cup.
Or teams from USA anymore. :lol:
My team is from the USA... :shifty:
And the Quebec City arena is officially a go. They break ground in late August.
Things are looking good Viper. :cool:
Yeah, it remains to be seen how far will the NHL go to keep the team in Phoenix...
If Quebec build an Arena, it will get a team. It all depends wether PKP is willing to pay 200 mil to the NHL for it or not.
PKP has said he is willing. He wouldn't be (partly) paying for the arena if he didn't think he could get a team.
I am positive that there has been a handshae agreement. Quebec City WILL get an NHL team. I just can't say for sure which one.
Gestapo Gauthier is fired!
What a marvelous day.
I wore my Winnipeg Jets tie to docket court and nobody noticed. :(
Quote from: Barrister on March 29, 2012, 03:02:24 PM
I wore my Winnipeg Jets tie to docket court and nobody noticed. :(
Or maybe they noticed, but didn't care.
Quote from: Jacob on March 29, 2012, 03:59:18 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 29, 2012, 03:02:24 PM
I wore my Winnipeg Jets tie to docket court and nobody noticed. :(
Or maybe they noticed, but didn't care.
Quote from: Barrister on March 29, 2012, 04:22:16 PM
Quote from: Jacob on March 29, 2012, 03:59:18 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 29, 2012, 03:02:24 PM
I wore my Winnipeg Jets tie to docket court and nobody noticed. :(
Or maybe they noticed, but didn't care.
Maybe they noticed but felt embarrassed for you and so they decided not to mention anything.
Quote from: PRC on March 29, 2012, 04:29:17 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 29, 2012, 04:22:16 PM
Quote from: Jacob on March 29, 2012, 03:59:18 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 29, 2012, 03:02:24 PM
I wore my Winnipeg Jets tie to docket court and nobody noticed. :(
Or maybe they noticed, but didn't care.
Maybe they noticed but felt embarrassed for you and so they decided not to mention anything.
Because of your fashion faux pas criminals went free. I hope you're happy
Quote from: Barrister on March 29, 2012, 03:02:24 PM
I wore my Winnipeg Jets tie to docket court and nobody noticed. :(
Well one person noticed!
I picked my son up from his day home (I leave before he gets up). After he yells 'daddy!' and gives me a hug, he looks at my tie.
He says "copeeko"' which is his interchangeable word for hockey in general or the Winnipeg Jets. Then he goes "nice copeeko" and gently stroke my tie! :wub:
Quote from: PRC on March 29, 2012, 04:29:17 PM
Maybe they noticed but felt embarrassed for you and so they decided not to mention anything.
Why would they be embarrassed for him? It's not like he's wearing Canucks gear, which is the same thing as saying 'I am a criminal and a hooligan. Please arrest me before I riot again.'
Jets win!
And remarkably, they are not mathematicall eliminated yet.
They need to win their next four, and Washington needs to lose every one of their remaining games (plus Buffalo can only win one of their remaining games).
So there's still a chance... :shifty:
Quote from: Barrister on March 30, 2012, 10:34:46 PM
Jets win!
And remarkably, they are not mathematicall eliminated yet.
They need to win their next four, and Washington needs to lose every one of their remaining games (plus Buffalo can only win one of their remaining games).
So there's still a chance... :shifty:
I find your plethora of faith... disturbing!
Quote from: PRC on March 30, 2012, 11:09:28 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 30, 2012, 10:34:46 PM
Jets win!
And remarkably, they are not mathematicall eliminated yet.
They need to win their next four, and Washington needs to lose every one of their remaining games (plus Buffalo can only win one of their remaining games).
So there's still a chance... :shifty:
I find your plethora of faith... disturbing!
Mathematically eliminated. :(
Quote from: Barrister on April 01, 2012, 01:34:28 AM
Mathematically eliminated. :(
My Sharks are not faring much better.
Quote from: katmai on April 01, 2012, 01:38:08 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 01, 2012, 01:34:28 AM
Mathematically eliminated. :(
My Sharks are not faring much better.
#8 by 1 pts. Hopefully, they make it :)
Sorry, BB, maybe next year will be yours :)
If the Coyotes move to Quebec, maybe they'll switch the Jets and Coyotoes from their respective divisions :)
Quote from: viper37 on April 01, 2012, 11:59:50 AM
Quote from: katmai on April 01, 2012, 01:38:08 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 01, 2012, 01:34:28 AM
Mathematically eliminated. :(
My Sharks are not faring much better.
#8 by 1 pts. Hopefully, they make it :)
Sorry, BB, maybe next year will be yours :)
If the Coyotes move to Quebec, maybe they'll switch the Jets and Coyotoes from their respective divisions :)
Honestly the Jets would be better off continuin to play in the Southeast than to suddenly start playing in the Pacific. The SEis only one hour earlier, while the pacific is 2 hours later (and none of the teams are all that close to one another).
Daly thanked the Phoenix fans for everything. Seems like we're getting another team in Qc for september.
Which would be great news for Mtl, and might have been an underlying reason behind Gauthier and Gainey's firing and bringing big Serge in the fold again.
Expect a lot more drafting of quebecers by the Canadiens, and not 4th line pluggers anymore. I can see them dealing for Huberdeau down in Florida, bringing Lapierre back from Vancouver too.
Quote from: Zoupa on April 01, 2012, 12:36:30 PM
Daly thanked the Phoenix fans for everything. Seems like we're getting another team in Qc for september.
Which would be great news for Mtl, and might have been an underlying reason behind Gauthier and Gainey's firing and bringing big Serge in the fold again.
Expect a lot more drafting of quebecers by the Canadiens, and not 4th line pluggers anymore. I can see them dealing for Huberdeau down in Florida, bringing Lapierre back from Vancouver too.
What's the story about Daly? I do agree that all signs are pointing to a returnof the Nords.
"a lot more drafting of Quebecers" - I'd love to see it, becauseif you're drafting for geography/language you're not drafting for talent. :menace: The Jets have shown an interest in trying to bring in Manitoba and surrounding area players, but aren't exactly 'paying any price' to do so.
You're drafting for heart. In 93, half the team was pepper.
Something special happens to quebecers when they put on that jersey, especially in the playoffs. You can see it too in players born elsewhere, like with Kovalev in 2008 or Cammalleri in 2010, but the fact remains qcers have that extra gear in the playoffs for the habs.
I'll be able to enjoy Chara putting froggies into that pole in the next few years. :)
Chara is a slovak that broke the neck of an american. Zombie Davout is: disappointed. :glare:
Quote from: Zoupa on April 01, 2012, 01:07:00 PM
Chara is a slovak that broke the neck of an american. Zombie Davout is: disappointed. :glare:
Zombie Davout wants more headshots.
Quote from: Zoupa on April 01, 2012, 12:36:30 PM
Daly thanked the Phoenix fans for everything. Seems like we're getting another team in Qc for september.
Which would be great news for Mtl, and might have been an underlying reason behind Gauthier and Gainey's firing and bringing big Serge in the fold again.
Expect a lot more drafting of quebecers by the Canadiens, and not 4th line pluggers anymore. I can see them dealing for Huberdeau down in Florida, bringing Lapierre back from Vancouver too.
Good luck with that, he and Higgins (another former Hab) are the Canucks' best players right now. Max is Van-tainted now. sorry. :p
Quote from: Zoupa on April 01, 2012, 12:57:13 PM
You're drafting for heart. In 93, half the team was pepper.
Something special happens to quebecers when they put on that jersey, especially in the playoffs. You can see it too in players born elsewhere, like with Kovalev in 2008 or Cammalleri in 2010, but the fact remains qcers have that extra gear in the playoffs for the habs.
The league and the CBA are just a little bit different since 1993.
I'm all for trying to bring in local boys whatever "local" means for your team. There is something special about playing close to home, and for what might have been your favourite team as a boy. But you can't go overboard in that direction.
Quote from: Barrister on April 01, 2012, 12:43:35 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on April 01, 2012, 12:36:30 PM
Daly thanked the Phoenix fans for everything. Seems like we're getting another team in Qc for september.
Which would be great news for Mtl, and might have been an underlying reason behind Gauthier and Gainey's firing and bringing big Serge in the fold again.
Expect a lot more drafting of quebecers by the Canadiens, and not 4th line pluggers anymore. I can see them dealing for Huberdeau down in Florida, bringing Lapierre back from Vancouver too.
"a lot more drafting of Quebecers" - I'd love to see it, becauseif you're drafting for geography/language you're not drafting for talent.
Tell that to the pre-expension Era managers of the 5 other teams.
Quote from: Barrister on April 01, 2012, 12:04:09 PM
Honestly the Jets would be better off continuin to play in the Southeast than to suddenly start playing in the Pacific. The SEis only one hour earlier, while the pacific is 2 hours later (and none of the teams are all that close to one another).
True. But in this case, it would mean Quebec playing in the Pacific, wich isn't practical ;)
Quote from: viper37 on April 02, 2012, 09:25:36 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 01, 2012, 12:04:09 PM
Honestly the Jets would be better off continuin to play in the Southeast than to suddenly start playing in the Pacific. The SEis only one hour earlier, while the pacific is 2 hours later (and none of the teams are all that close to one another).
True. But in this case, it would mean Quebec playing in the Pacific, wich isn't practical ;)
Suck it up. If the Jets are going to be forced to play two seasons in the Southeast, you guys can handle one in the Pacific. Because that's what is going to happen.
Quote from: Barrister on April 01, 2012, 12:43:35 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on April 01, 2012, 12:36:30 PM
Daly thanked the Phoenix fans for everything. Seems like we're getting another team in Qc for september.
Which would be great news for Mtl, and might have been an underlying reason behind Gauthier and Gainey's firing and bringing big Serge in the fold again.
Expect a lot more drafting of quebecers by the Canadiens, and not 4th line pluggers anymore. I can see them dealing for Huberdeau down in Florida, bringing Lapierre back from Vancouver too.
What's the story about Daly? I do agree that all signs are pointing to a returnof the Nords.
Not much new, if you ask me.
"a lot more drafting of Quebecers" - I'd love to see it, becauseif you're drafting for geography/language you're not drafting for talent. :menace: The Jets have shown an interest in trying to bring in Manitoba and surrounding area players, but aren't exactly 'paying any price' to do so.
Montrealers believe the Canadiens is still the 1950s team, with Maurice Richard, Boom Boom Geoffrion, Jean Béliveau, etc. They believe that all French speaking players of North America, even those who don't speak the language but have a grandfather born in Quebec want to play for the Habs, even at a reduced paycheck, even if the team is crap and they keep losing. Magically, these players would all come to play for Montreal, well below the wage cap, and let the Habs win the Stanley Cup 14 seasons in a row, with no one moving out of the city.
The truth is cruel, though. Lots of French speaking players simply don't care about the Canadiens. And if given the choice between 5 Million$ a year in Boston and 2 million$ in Montreal, 9 players out of 10 will pick Boston. I didn't say 10/10, because we don't live in an absolute world. But I'm pretty sure nearly all player will go where: a) the money is, b) where they can expect to win, c) where they ain't bothered by angry fans and harassing media when they lose.
See, the Nordiques had the same debate in the early 90s. Their defeats were blamed on the presence of lots of foreign, non french speaking players who just didn't care about what the fans thought. They couldn't read the paper, they couldn't hear the radio talk shows, so they were impervious to media pressure. Once the season was out, they went back to their respective community, so they were also impervious to fan pressure, while French speaking players living in Quebec would endure the fan harrassment and negative commentaries and as such would have a good reason to elevate their game during the season.
It seems logical, when you put it that way.
However, you just ignore the Québécois who went there and dragged their feet. Like Steve Duchesne, for one. and that's forgetting the the Nordiques all time top players were Sakic (Vancouver) and Sundin (Sweden). Sundin had its low moments, granted. But he was still a damn good player. And I can't see anyone pointing a finger at Sakic for not pulling his weight in the team. The only thing I didn't like about Sakic at the time, is that with all the rumors of moving the team (it came every year) his answer was always dispassionate: "playing here or elsewhere, so long as I play". that hurt the fans, me included.
But aside this minor nitpick, I have nothing against Sakic. And though I regret him never learning French, as captain of the team, I can understand. Why bother with a language when you never know if you'll be here next year? Back in the 50s, english player in Montreal could learn the language, seeing it would be of use to them, staying there for many years. Nowadays, players are recruited in march and traded/abandonned in june. Even captains can be traded within a few years. Learning a language that will be of use for 3 months in your life? I wouldn't bother myself.
What I do expect though, is a bilingual GM, coach and President. They can have unilingual english speaking advisors, I don't care. But people speaking to the public, to the medias must master the language of the land.
Now, onto french speaking players... it's a good thing marketing-wise, to have local players. It's easier for kids to identify to local players speaking their language, having grown up in villages like theirs, playing hockey on frozen lakes, etc than it is to have a Finnish role model.
But it shouldn't come at the price of sacrificing the gameplay. If you have a crap product on ice, Québécois or not, the team will fail to attract the necessary fanbase to fill the arena.
Quote from: Barrister on April 02, 2012, 09:28:17 AM
Quote from: viper37 on April 02, 2012, 09:25:36 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 01, 2012, 12:04:09 PM
Honestly the Jets would be better off continuin to play in the Southeast than to suddenly start playing in the Pacific. The SEis only one hour earlier, while the pacific is 2 hours later (and none of the teams are all that close to one another).
True. But in this case, it would mean Quebec playing in the Pacific, wich isn't practical ;)
Suck it up. If the Jets are going to be forced to play two seasons in the Southeast, you guys can handle one in the Pacific. Because that's what is going to happen.
it doesn't change much in terms of travelling, I suppose, for Winnipeg to play in Toronto and Montreal or in Vancouver and L.A. For Quebec, however, it's much more practical to play against Boston and Montreal than Anaheim and San Jose.
Yeah I am not sure who the Canadiens think they are. They are supposed to be the New York Yankees of Hockey and they need to start acting like it.
The tradition is victory and glorious victory at that. Only once they are doing that part of the tradition is there any reason to worry about language and culture and whatever. I mean besides the language of victory and a culture of asskicking.
Since it will be the Seattle Coyotes being in pacific will be just fine.
Quote from: viper37 on April 02, 2012, 09:44:48 AM
But people speaking to the public, to the medias must master the language of the land.
In North America, that language is English. We won that war. You lost.
Quote from: Neil on April 02, 2012, 11:47:09 AM
In North America, that language is English. We won that war. You lost.
You were so afraid of being Americans that you gave us back our language, our culture and our religion. Suck it up, we're French speaking now, the Royal Proclamation has been Superceded by the Quebec Act, the Confederation and the Official Language Act. and I forgot the 1791 act.
So, Quebec = French. Thanks to your fear of America, Canada = bilingual, French&English.
When Canadians have the guts to vote for a party proposing a return to unilinguism in Canada, we will talk. Until then, as BB said: suck it up.
In other news, the Coyotes were finalizing a deal to stay in Pheonix this morning. By the time the morning was over, there was no deal :P
Same as usual.
Some local radios have made a betting pool on the date the Nordiques will be brought back to us, on a silver plate, with Betman present himself before the fans, put his head between his legs, and kiss his own arse.
Ahem, I may be getting ahead of myself. :P
So, anyway, when it's a done deal, I'll rejoice :)
'til then, I keep my head straight. But the day they come back, I'll be drunk :D
Quote from: viper37 on April 03, 2012, 03:42:23 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 02, 2012, 11:47:09 AM
In North America, that language is English. We won that war. You lost.
You were so afraid of being Americans that you gave us back our language, our culture and our religion. Suck it up, we're French speaking now, the Royal Proclamation has been Superceded by the Quebec Act, the Confederation and the Official Language Act. and I forgot the 1791 act.
So, Quebec = French. Thanks to your fear of America, Canada = bilingual, French&English.
When Canadians have the guts to vote for a party proposing a return to unilinguism in Canada, we will talk. Until then, as BB said: suck it up.
At least my language isn't faggoty.
Quote from: katmai on April 02, 2012, 10:56:35 AM
Since it will be the Seattle Coyotes being in pacific will be just fine.
That'd be funny.
Not as funny as if Seattle had gotten a team instead of Winnipeg, but still funny.
I do like the Nordiques, so I hope Quebec gets a team.
Quote from: Jacob on April 03, 2012, 04:18:51 PM
Quote from: katmai on April 02, 2012, 10:56:35 AM
Since it will be the Seattle Coyotes being in pacific will be just fine.
That'd be funny.
Not as funny as if Seattle had gotten a team instead of Winnipeg, but still funny.
I do like the Nordiques, so I hope Quebec gets a team.
There'll be parties in the streets if Quebec City gets a team - not so in Seattle (though I think Seattle would be a fine market - long history of supporting junior hockey).
Seattle is only getting a team if the NBA sends a franchise there & that seems unlikely.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 03, 2012, 08:35:35 PM
Seattle is only getting a team if the NBA sends a franchise there & that seems unlikely.
not as unlikely as you think. Groups pursuing both the Kings who will be leaving Sacramento if the team and city don't finalize new arena deal, and also after the New Orleans Hornets (owned by NBA..sound familiar eh Coyotes fans)
So tonight Jets are in Miami, with nothing to play for save pride. The Panthers, on the other hand, guarantee a playoff spot with a win tonight.
Jets give up an early 3-0 deficit, come back to take the lead 4-3, give up a late goal to send it into overtime, but Andrew Ladd with the OT winner.
THAT'S what I'm talking about.
Kat - the difference with the Hornets is NBA guilt over Hurricane Katrina.
Didn't Seattle already have the Super Sonics at some point?
I was in Vancouver when they got their NBA.. even saw a game against Lakers.... :D
Huge game tommorow night. It all comes down to this folks (well unless the Caps lose then it all comes down to Saturday against the Rangers).
POsted more for Viper's benefit, but here's the video from last night's City of Glendale council meeting.
Skip ahead to about 3:19 when Mayor Scruggs just looses it about how the City has been screwed around by the NHL. Whether or not they were screwed is up for debate, but it sure sounds to me like they are throwing in the towel on the Coyotes.
Yes Beeb I know all about not wanting to yank team from big easy. But nba would like to sell team.
Quote from: Valdemar on April 04, 2012, 06:17:19 AM
Didn't Seattle already have the Super Sonics at some point?
I was in Vancouver when they got their NBA.. even saw a game against Lakers.... :D
Yep and then dumbass owner of team and Starbucks sold them to group of business men who had no intention of keeping team in Seattle so moved them to their hometown of Oklahoma city.
Quote from: katmai on April 04, 2012, 09:42:17 AM
Yep and then dumbass owner of team and Starbucks sold them to group of business men who had no intention of keeping team in Seattle so moved them to their hometown of Oklahoma city.
And right after they drafted Kevin Durant to. But stealing other people's stuff is what Okies do best.
The world needs the Nordiques back. They were a fun team with a great uniform and logo.
Pfft teams need to be getting out of Canada if they know what is good for them.
Quote from: katmai on April 04, 2012, 10:18:58 AM
Pfft teams need to be getting out of Canada if they know what is good for them.
The opposite seems true. Teams are coming back, due to American disinterest and poverty.
Quote from: Neil on April 04, 2012, 10:17:49 AM
The world needs the Nordiques back. They were a fun team with a great uniform and logo.
I always thought their logo was terrible. Uniform itself was nice though.
Seriously - after watching Mayor Scruggs I am utterly convinced the Coyotes are done after this season. And since Quebec City seems to be far ahead of Seattle in building a new arena...
Quote from: katmai on April 04, 2012, 10:18:58 AM
Pfft teams need to be getting out of Canada if they know what is good for them.
What a bunch of nonsense. Selling Canadians Hockey is like selling fried chicken to southerners. You go where the market is.
Oh Beeb like you were convinced they were leaving last year aNd the year before that.
Valmy just because you hate hockey doesn't mean there aren't places in US that can support it better than backwards Winnipeg and small town Quebec.
Quote from: katmai on April 04, 2012, 10:25:47 AM
Valmy just because you hate hockey doesn't mean there aren't places in US that can support it better than backwards Winnipeg and small town Quebec.
Um Tuscaloosa Alabama has no problem supporting a College Football program that is a financial juggernaut. They do a far better job than Seattle does.
Quote from: katmai on April 04, 2012, 10:25:47 AM
Oh Beeb like you were convinced they were leaving last year aNd the year before that.
Valmy just because you hate hockey doesn't mean there aren't places in US that can support it better than backwards Winnipeg and small town Quebec.
This time is different. In 2010 and 2011 there were at least named prospective buyers. In 2012 there is nobody. The City is
finally talking about what life without the Coyotes would be like (seriously - they never even seemed to consider the possibility in the past).
Beeb there is named prospective buyers this year so not sure wtf you are talking about.
Quote from: katmai on April 04, 2012, 10:44:58 AM
Beeb there is named prospective buyers this year so not sure wtf you are talking about.
Jamieson? :rolleyes:
Do you really want me to make another giant "I TOLD YOU SO" thread in a couple of weeks?
I dOnt recall you telling me they were moving to Seattle.
Quote from: katmai on April 04, 2012, 10:25:47 AM
Valmy just because you hate hockey doesn't mean there aren't places in US that can support it better than backwards Winnipeg and small town Quebec.
There are places, but they all have teams already.
Bring back the Whale!!!
Quote from: katmai on April 04, 2012, 10:58:30 AM
Bring back the Whale!!!
I know. Connecticut's only major league pro team...gone forever.
But to Carolina? Really?
I also love how the ownership did it. Jack up ticket prices, remove the partial season tickets that the middle class supporters of the team could afford and then demand the fans either buy up all the tickets or they are leaving. They still almost did it but it had to really suck to hand your money to those assholes.
Quote from: katmai on April 04, 2012, 10:58:30 AM
Bring back the Whale!!!
Conneticut could probably support a team. Apparently the AHL Whale is doing well. Alas, like so many other places, they'd need a new arena and there's been little movement on that front.
Quote from: Barrister on April 04, 2012, 09:35:26 AM
POsted more for Viper's benefit, but here's the video from last night's City of Glendale council meeting.
Skip ahead to about 3:19 when Mayor Scruggs just looses it about how the City has been screwed around by the NHL. Whether or not they were screwed is up for debate, but it sure sounds to me like they are throwing in the towel on the Coyotes.
If you don't want to watch a video, Mayor Scruggs meltdown quoted here:
Quote"The reason why we approved that second payment of $25M to the NHL. Why 5 of us voted for this, was because we were told that we were just this close to a deal being done. Mr. Daly stood right in front of us and he told us that. "We have never been closer... There was a deal that was going to be done so we should never have to pay that $25M and the NHL wouldn't go move the team off some place. So, here we are now, a year later, two months from having to pay this. No Mr. Hulsizer... No Mr. Anybody Else. No Deals, No Nothing. So we have a problem."
You mean tossing public money at a money losing business was bad policy? That is amazing. No wonder the City Council is so outraged.
Quote from: Neil on April 03, 2012, 04:17:05 PM
At least my language isn't faggoty.
I suggest you discuss your closet issued with Dr Martinus and Grallon. I am not qualified for this, sorry.
Quote from: Valmy on April 04, 2012, 01:08:39 PM
You mean tossing public money at a money losing business was bad policy? That is amazing. No wonder the City Council is so outraged.
governments do it all the time. I don't see what's so strange about it, it's like complaining about the wheater.
Quote from: viper37 on April 04, 2012, 02:32:13 PM
governments do it all the time. I don't see what's so strange about it, it's like complaining about the wheater.
There is nothing strange about it...except it was an idiotic decision. The City Council has only themselves to blame. Seeing the guy lash out in rage in hilarious.
I like #6 :)
Quote from: Valmy on April 04, 2012, 02:36:57 PM
Quote from: viper37 on April 04, 2012, 02:32:13 PM
governments do it all the time. I don't see what's so strange about it, it's like complaining about the wheater.
There is nothing strange about it...except it was an idiotic decision. The City Council has only themselves to blame. Seeing the guy lash out in rage in hilarious.
of course it was idiotic, nobody likes hockey in this town. Americans do not view hockey as a #1 sport like Canadians. Even among hockey fans, I'd be surprised if, given the choice between basket, foot and hockey they'd pick hockey.
Quote from: Barrister on April 04, 2012, 01:04:33 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 04, 2012, 09:35:26 AM
POsted more for Viper's benefit, but here's the video from last night's City of Glendale council meeting.
Skip ahead to about 3:19 when Mayor Scruggs just looses it about how the City has been screwed around by the NHL. Whether or not they were screwed is up for debate, but it sure sounds to me like they are throwing in the towel on the Coyotes.
If you don't want to watch a video, Mayor Scruggs meltdown quoted here:
Quote"The reason why we approved that second payment of $25M to the NHL. Why 5 of us voted for this, was because we were told that we were just this close to a deal being done. Mr. Daly stood right in front of us and he told us that. "We have never been closer... There was a deal that was going to be done so we should never have to pay that $25M and the NHL wouldn't go move the team off some place. So, here we are now, a year later, two months from having to pay this. No Mr. Hulsizer... No Mr. Anybody Else. No Deals, No Nothing. So we have a problem."
thanks for the link btw :)
Quote from: katmai on April 04, 2012, 05:00:19 PM
Quote from: viper37 on April 04, 2012, 02:30:40 PM
Quote from: katmai on April 04, 2012, 10:58:30 AM
Bring back the Whale!!!
Whalers, actually ;)
Jesus you are dense.
Whale sounds silly as a nick for a hockey team.
Besides, I thought you didn't like hockey and got confused in the name of the team.
Well that is pretty racist. Just cause I'm brown I can't like hockey?
Quote from: katmai on April 05, 2012, 01:30:21 PM
Well that is pretty racist. Just cause I'm brown I can't like hockey?
Unless your name is Dustin Byfuglien, Evander Kane, or Johnny Oduya. :ph34r:
Quote from: katmai on April 05, 2012, 01:30:21 PM
Well that is pretty racist. Just cause I'm brown I can't like hockey?
You're toying with me, but anyway, let's play, in case somebody would really think I'm racist.
I have no idea what you look like, I have never met you. So, you're brown, ok. Doesn't change a thing for me.
You're American however, and generally speaking, Americans do not like hockey as much as Canadians. Just like Euros often prefer soccer, Americans often prefer many other sports before hockey.
I read a few times that you didn't like the game, I thought these comments were serious, if they were not, I am sorry. I always pictured you for a fan football first, just like I picture CC as a fan of basketball first.
Quote from: katmai on April 05, 2012, 01:30:21 PM
Well that is pretty racist. Just cause I'm brown I can't like hockey?
Wrong color. It's because you're an american.
Quote from: katmai on April 05, 2012, 01:30:21 PM
Well that is pretty racist. Just cause I'm brown I can't like hockey?
Go back to the lettuce fields beaner!
Lots of brown people around here who like hockey.
Quote from: Jacob on April 05, 2012, 06:43:45 PM
Lots of brown people around here who like hockey.
Quote from: viper37 on April 05, 2012, 03:33:44 PM
You're toying with me, but anyway, let's play, in case somebody would really think I'm racist.
I have no idea what you look like, I have never met you. So, you're brown, ok. Doesn't change a thing for me.
You're American however, and generally speaking, Americans do not like hockey as much as Canadians. Just like Euros often prefer soccer, Americans often prefer many other sports before hockey.
I read a few times that you didn't like the game, I thought these comments were serious, if they were not, I am sorry. I always pictured you for a fan football first, just like I picture CC as a fan of basketball first.
I'm from Alaska, as a kid i played three sports at organized lvl here. Baseball, Soccer and Hockey.
One of my friends brother was a good hockey player, actually he's been an NHL quality player...well till last two years at least, been stinking up Montreal :P
In sports I follow now Hockey is just behind Football (American and rotw)
In this thread I really only talk shit to annoy Beeb, and really all Canadians.
Seeing as you are French and not Canadian shouldn't you not be a hockey fan?
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 05, 2012, 05:38:47 PM
Quote from: katmai on April 05, 2012, 01:30:21 PM
Well that is pretty racist. Just cause I'm brown I can't like hockey?
Go back to the lettuce fields beaner!
See America, work hard enough and you can advance!
Quote from: katmai on April 05, 2012, 07:45:13 PM
One of my friends brother was a good hockey player, actually he's been an NHL quality player...well till last two years at least, been stinking up Montreal :P
In sports I follow now Hockey is just behind Football (American and rotw)
Yeah I have heard about that site.
Quote from: katmai on April 05, 2012, 07:45:13 PM
Seeing as you are French and not Canadian shouldn't you not be a hockey fan?
Do I live in France, now?
Quote from: viper37 on April 05, 2012, 09:48:39 PM
Do I live in France, now?
I think he is confusing you with Zoups.
Yes all Quebeckers look alike to me.
Quote from: katmai on April 05, 2012, 10:33:07 PM
Yes all Quebeckers look alike to me.
You haven't even met me... :P
Yet you've never met me and think that just cause I'm American i don't like hockey.
Because i sure as shit have never posted saying I don't like the sport.
:yeah: Playoffs baby!
Beat New York!
Quote from: katmai on April 05, 2012, 11:24:39 PM
Yet you've never met me and think that just cause I'm America
and it has nothing to do with the color of your skin. I see Valmy posting about the Caps constantly, just never noticed you cheering for a particular team.
As I said before, hockey is not as popular in America as it is in Canada. I don't see any American BarristerBoy on this board :P
When it comes to football though, there's quite a few people commenting ;)
And I tought you were from California, and only going to Alaska when it was work-related.
Because i sure as shit have never posted saying I don't like the sport.
I got the impression others said you didn't like hockey, and I can't remember you commenting on that.
I was wrong, it happens, even on the internet, as strange as it can be :P
Quote from: Valmy on April 06, 2012, 12:08:45 AM
:yeah: Playoffs baby!
Beat New York!
Yeah Sharks clinched as well.
The Sharks will go all the way this year.
Quote from: viper37 on April 06, 2012, 12:14:56 AM
and it has nothing to do with the color of your skin. I see Valmy posting about the Caps constantly, just never noticed you cheering for a particular team.
As I said before, hockey is not as popular in America as it is in Canada. I don't see any American BarristerBoy on this board :P
When it comes to football though, there's quite a few people commenting ;)
And I tought you were from California, and only going to Alaska when it was work-related.
I got the impression others said you didn't like hockey, and I can't remember you commenting on that.
I was wrong, it happens, even on the internet, as strange as it can be :P
Well we can all be thankful their is no American BarristerBoy and his Curling Broom of +1.
I've lived all over with most of my time split between California and Alaska, but was here as little kid from 9months old till 8 and then pretty much back here since late 20's (last decade or so)
Growing up here In Alaska in late 70's/early 80's meant didn't have a strong affinity for a team, ended up rooting for Flyers (just because my family was from Philly). When i moved to So. California in late 80's i rooted for Kings as they were the local team and also had just acquired the Great One. Stayed a fan till Sharks were born and been a fan of them for last 20 years. Other then them I've rooted for Devils, Rangers and Canadiens just because Scott was playing on those respective squads.
Quote from: Jaron on April 06, 2012, 12:20:20 AM
The Sharks will go all the way this year.
They have got the talent, and if can upset Van, maybe....but not holding out hope.
Quote from: katmai on April 06, 2012, 12:26:10 AM
Quote from: Jaron on April 06, 2012, 12:20:20 AM
The Sharks will go all the way this year.
They have got the talent, and if can upset Van, maybe....but not holding out hope.
Not a chance, that team has issues.
Quote from: PRC on April 06, 2012, 12:27:50 AM
Not a chance, that team has issues.
I said maybe!
The Sharks gave the Kings their comeuppance tonight.
Quote from: katmai on April 06, 2012, 12:25:08 AM
Stayed a fan till Sharks were born and been a fan of them for last 20 years. Other then them I've rooted for Devils, Rangers and Canadiens just because Scott was playing on those respective squads.
I like the Sharks, I have hopes for them this year :)
I'd love to go to California and seem either Anaheim or San Jose. I'll probably settle for Tampa Bay, though, at some point. It will be less expensive that way. And if my verbal english keeps degrading, there are higher probabilities I'll find a Québécois in Tampa. Since we all look alike, they won't be hard to track :P
Sorry for your brother's friend Scott. He's been injured twice, and he hasn't really played up to the level everyone there was expecting, given his contract.
It's expected his contract will be bought this summer, or he will be "let go". The Canadiens will pay him half his wage, but it won't count on their wage cap, the other team will pay the other half and count the full wage on their cap. It could be good for a team who have trouble meeting the floor cap. And he might get another chance elsewhere, with a winning team.
Yeah I've heard same reports with him expecting that and wanting to re-sign with Devils, we shall see how it all plays out, but he's been unimpressive in his time up there, but I know he has loved Montreal as a city at least :P
Quote from: katmai on April 06, 2012, 12:25:08 AM
Well we can all be thankful their is no American BarristerBoy and his Curling Broom of +1.
Quote from: Barrister on April 06, 2012, 01:01:20 AM
Quote from: katmai on April 06, 2012, 12:25:08 AM
Well we can all be thankful their is no American BarristerBoy and his Curling Broom of +1.
You are on of a kind, what can i say?
Quote from: Barrister on April 06, 2012, 01:01:20 AM
Quote from: katmai on April 06, 2012, 12:25:08 AM
Well we can all be thankful their is no American BarristerBoy and his Curling Broom of +1.
To cheer you up:
QuoteWelcome to Curling 2012 - the realistic Curling Simulation for PC. Get your curling equipment ready! Your mission: Compete the best curling teams in the world. Curling, often called as "chess on the ice", started his run through the world in the middle ages. Over 800.000 people are playing curling actively worldwide. Now it is time for you to try curling on your PC at home!
Challenging tournament mode
Detailed 3D environment
Elaborate scoring system
Highscore function guarantees long-lasting fun
Intuitive control via keyboard and mouse
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:weep: Like a true Buffalo sports fan, I can see some hope for the future with how things ended, but still no championship.
Quote from: katmai on April 06, 2012, 12:52:25 AM
but I know he has loved Montreal as a city at least :P
yeah, lots of hockey players seem to like Montreal...
Tortorella not happy:
I haven't seen the hit in question, someone can give me a link?
You don't see too many 5-3 short-handed goals. Suck it, Maple Leafs.
Freaking Carolina. Total fail.
Ah well seventh seed it is.
Tough match-ups on both sides, no clear cut favourites for any of the series in my opinion.
Los Angeles over Vancouver - Canucks suck, and are faggots. Everyone who likes them is not just stupid, but evil and a criminal.
St Louis over San Jose - You know, the last decade has just been such a waste for the Sharks. They have had so much talent, but they never went anywhere. The Blues are young and exciting.
Chicago over Phoenix - Chicago is a tough team, like a Boston-West. Phoenix doesn't have the wherewithal to win a seven-game series.
Nashville over Detroit - I like Detroit's talent and experience against Nashville's trap, but I just think it's the Preds are going to get out of the first round.
New York over Ottawa - I really like the Rangers this year. The Senators are pretenders.
Boston over Washington - The toughest team in the league vs the softest?
New Jersey over Florida - Neither of these teams really matters in the big picture, but Brodeur and his team have a win against the worst division winner in them.
Pittsburgh over Philadelphia - Might be the best series of the first round. I like the Flyers, but I think that Pittsburgh's combination of amazing talent and Orpik thuggery will allow them to win.
Posted for CC - still think the Jets are a "pump and dump"?
Quote from: Neil on April 08, 2012, 09:03:28 AM
Boston over Washington - The toughest team in the league vs the softest?
Quote from: Barrister on April 09, 2012, 12:11:34 PM
Posted for CC - still think the Jets are a "pump and dump"?
You want me to be surprised that Winnipeg is drinking the coolaid? As you will recall I predicted that the early wave of euphoria would eventually die off and the cold hard economics that drove the team out the first time would come back to haunt them. We are a few years off from you declaring me wrong. Indeed this Winnipeg is well and truly at the euphoria stage - and forgetting to notice the playoffs were missed. Something only the truly pathetic teams manage to do on a regular basis. In a few years will there be Leafslike apology in place of this article? Time will tell.
Quote from: Neil on April 08, 2012, 09:03:28 AM
Los Angeles over Vancouver - Canucks suck, and are faggots. Everyone who likes them is not just stupid, but evil and a criminal.
What is it like to have the local team miss the playoffs. It has been so long I forget.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 10, 2012, 01:26:27 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 09, 2012, 12:11:34 PM
Posted for CC - still think the Jets are a "pump and dump"?
You want me to be surprised that Winnipeg is drinking the coolaid? As you will recall I predicted that the early wave of euphoria would eventually die off and the cold hard economics that drove the team out the first time would come back to haunt them. We are a few years off from you declaring me wrong. Indeed this Winnipeg is well and truly at the euphoria stage - and forgetting to notice the playoffs were missed. Something only the truly pathetic teams manage to do on a regular basis. In a few years will there be Leafslike apology in place of this article? Time will tell.
You should actually read the article, instead of just looking at the URL.
This was an interview with that notable Torontonian David Thomson, who just happens to own a significant portion of the team.
There was also a news story that the Jets earned so much money they do not qualify for any league revenue-sharing.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 10, 2012, 01:28:13 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 08, 2012, 09:03:28 AM
Los Angeles over Vancouver - Canucks suck, and are faggots. Everyone who likes them is not just stupid, but evil and a criminal.
What is it like to have the local team miss the playoffs. It has been so long I forget.
Well public spaces are safe and pleasant places to be this time of year for starters.
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2012, 01:31:15 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 10, 2012, 01:26:27 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 09, 2012, 12:11:34 PM
Posted for CC - still think the Jets are a "pump and dump"?
You want me to be surprised that Winnipeg is drinking the coolaid? As you will recall I predicted that the early wave of euphoria would eventually die off and the cold hard economics that drove the team out the first time would come back to haunt them. We are a few years off from you declaring me wrong. Indeed this Winnipeg is well and truly at the euphoria stage - and forgetting to notice the playoffs were missed. Something only the truly pathetic teams manage to do on a regular basis. In a few years will there be Leafslike apology in place of this article? Time will tell.
You should actually read the article, instead of just looking at the URL.
I read the first line, ran to the toilet and vomited, then returned to write my pithy response. You want me to read more? Are you trying to kill me?
Apparently, the Coyotes' fate will be decided on April 15th (next Sunday), and it's looking good for Quebec.
Source is some journalist from Sportsnet, Bob something (McCann?), I can't hear correctly on radio. Says it comes from Bill Daly.
Yes, I know, I'm making a BB out of me, even thouhg I swore not to do it. But I can't help myself.
Quote from: viper37 on April 10, 2012, 01:53:00 PM
Apparently, the Coyotes' fate will be decided on April 15th (next Sunday), and it's looking good for Quebec.
Source is some journalist from Sportsnet, Bob something (McCann?), I can't hear correctly on radio. Says it comes from Bill Daly.
Yes, I know, I'm making a BB out of me, even thouhg I swore not to do it. But I can't help myself.
Bob McCown. I've posted some stuff from him too.
But really he doesn't have any inside information on this. He does follow the story (he interviewed "Cactus" Phil Lieberman, the city counsellor from Glendale last week), but the only people really in the know are in the league HQ, and in Quebecor.
And becoming a BB? :hug:
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2012, 01:57:31 PM
And becoming a BB? :hug:
He actual meant a Buxom Blonde. He plans on snatching up a rich hockey player :D
You two should get a room in the Back Alley.
No really.
Quote from: viper37 on April 10, 2012, 01:53:00 PM
Apparently, the Coyotes' fate will be decided on April 15th (next Sunday), and it's looking good for Quebec.
Source is some journalist from Sportsnet, Bob something (McCann?), I can't hear correctly on radio. Says it comes from Bill Daly.
Yes, I know, I'm making a BB out of me, even thouhg I swore not to do it. But I can't help myself.
If it happens and they move to Quebec City (which I hope does happen)... and the Coyotes win the Stanley Cup... where do they have the parade?
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2012, 01:57:31 PM
But really he doesn't have any inside information on this. He does follow the story (he interviewed "Cactus" Phil Lieberman, the city counsellor from Glendale last week), but the only people really in the know are in the league HQ, and in Quebecor.
Well, this time he said his source was Bill Daly, that they talked to Péladeau and told him to be ready in case there was something to be announced.
It's looking good :)
And becoming a BB? :hug:
Still not watching curling though! :P
Quote from: PRC on April 10, 2012, 02:08:39 PM
If it happens and they move to Quebec City (which I hope does happen)... and the Coyotes win the Stanley Cup... where do they have the parade?
Imo, they will not make any official announcement this week-end. What could happen, is if no one comes forwared and say
"Hey, I'm a genius and I figured out how to pay 175 million$ for a hockey team in the desert with no fan support and turn it into a money making franchise with nothing to envey the Leafs or the Habs" by April 15th, they will call Péladeau and tell him to be ready, the announcement will occur once the team is out of the playoffs (wich should be early next week :P )
Quote from: viper37 on April 10, 2012, 03:36:39 PM
Imo, they will not make any official announcement this week-end. What could happen, is if no one comes forwared and say "Hey, I'm a genius and I figured out how to pay 175 million$ for a hockey team in the desert with no fan support and turn it into a money making franchise with nothing to envey the Leafs or the Habs" by April 15th, they will call Péladeau and tell him to be ready, the announcement will occur once the team is out of the playoffs (wich should be early next week :P )
I picked Chicago to win that series in 7, but I think Phoenix has a very good chance there. Phoenix was better than Chicago 5 on 5 and has a better goals against. They can make it to the second round.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 10, 2012, 01:28:13 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 08, 2012, 09:03:28 AM
Los Angeles over Vancouver - Canucks suck, and are faggots. Everyone who likes them is not just stupid, but evil and a criminal.
What is it like to have the local team miss the playoffs. It has been so long I forget.
Nice and quiet, which is just the way I like it.
Enjoy your riots when the Canucks fall apart.
Quote from: PRC on April 10, 2012, 03:44:21 PM
Quote from: viper37 on April 10, 2012, 03:36:39 PM
Imo, they will not make any official announcement this week-end. What could happen, is if no one comes forwared and say "Hey, I'm a genius and I figured out how to pay 175 million$ for a hockey team in the desert with no fan support and turn it into a money making franchise with nothing to envey the Leafs or the Habs" by April 15th, they will call Péladeau and tell him to be ready, the announcement will occur once the team is out of the playoffs (wich should be early next week :P )
I picked Chicago to win that series in 7, but I think Phoenix has a very good chance there. Phoenix was better than Chicago 5 on 5 and has a better goals against. They can make it to the second round.
Having watched the eastern-based Jets I'm no expert on either, but yes, I pondered that one for a bit. It wouldn't shock me if Phoenix won that series.
The good news for the people of Edmonton is that they get the first draft pick for the third year in a row. The bad news is their team sucks so much they get the first pick three years in a row - and they live in Edmonton.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 10, 2012, 07:52:18 PM
The good news for the people of Edmonton is that they get the first draft pick for the third year in a row. The bad news is their team sucks so much they get the first pick three years in a row - and they live in Edmonton.
Poor draft players. You try hard, you practice, you excel in your field, and as your reward you have to play in/for edmonton
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 10, 2012, 07:52:18 PM
The good news for the people of Edmonton is that they get the first draft pick for the third year in a row. The bad news is their team sucks so much they get the first pick three years in a row - and they live in Edmonton.
It's likely they will trade that first overall pick somewhere for a defenseman. They don't really need Nail Yakupov with their young and good depth at forward, they need help on the blueline now and trading the pick to get that is their best option.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 10, 2012, 07:52:18 PM
The good news for the people of Edmonton is that they get the first draft pick for the third year in a row.
I don't consider that good news.
Quote from: crazy canuck
The bad news is their team sucks so much they get the first pick three years in a row
And they aren't my team.
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2012, 09:18:39 PM
And they aren't my team.
One of the few coping mechanisms available to a resident of Edmonton.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 10, 2012, 10:27:24 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2012, 09:18:39 PM
And they aren't my team.
One of the few coping mechanisms available to a resident of Edmonton.
You know - you talk a lotof shit about Edmonton. And it's well-deserved.
But then you speak as if
Vancouver of all places is better. Weird.
At least Edmonton, for all it's shittiness, is at least located within Alberta. You're in a shitty city within a shitty province. :console:
@Beeb :lmfao:
Quote from: PRC on April 10, 2012, 08:15:26 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 10, 2012, 07:52:18 PM
The good news for the people of Edmonton is that they get the first draft pick for the third year in a row. The bad news is their team sucks so much they get the first pick three years in a row - and they live in Edmonton.
It's likely they will trade that first overall pick somewhere for a defenseman. They don't really need Nail Yakupov with their young and good depth at forward, they need help on the blueline now and trading the pick to get that is their best option.
That's what I would do, provided I could find someone willing to trade me a Lidstrom-Pronger-level defenceman in exchange for the opportunity to draft a lazy Russian forward.
Habs draft third. I'm hoping they go for F.Forsberg, but knowing them they'll probably pick Grigorenko. :glare:
Quote from: Neil on April 10, 2012, 10:58:46 PM
That's what I would do, provided I could find someone willing to trade me a Lidstrom-Pronger-level defenceman in exchange for the opportunity to draft a lazy Russian forward.
Well the trade won't be there for a tier 1 defenceman but it might be for a tier 2 defenceman + a bag of pucks and even those tier 2 guys are hard to get. Someone like Brent Burns, Dan Hamhuis, maybe Mike Green out of Washington since it looks like his injuries have taken him down a notch and you could probably grab him for a 1st overall pick. Maybe for a guy like the Sharks Doug Murray. The Oilers should want a shut-down d-man who can move the puck up ice (which i'm not sure Murray can)... a guy who is not going to get you sixty points but in a good year will get you over 40 hopefully but more importantly won't be a liability in his own zone (which Mike Green would be but if healthy would get you the 60 points). Maybe even move it for a guy like the Kings Slava Voynov or the Canucks Chris Tanev, prospects who look like they're going to have a fifteen year career on the blueline, maybe not superstars but they're going to help your team.
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2012, 04:14:43 PM
Having watched the eastern-based Jets I'm no expert on either, but yes, I pondered that one for a bit. It wouldn't shock me if Phoenix won that series.
Nah, they can't win. Most of the players are taking French lessons* right now, so they're distracted from their game.
*It's a rumor started by a Quebecor journalist wich has now reached Europe ("Le Matin", swiss newspaper) :roll:
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2012, 10:52:24 PM
But then you speak as if Vancouver of all places is better. Weird.
You are clearly insane. I put it down to living in Edmonton. The effects on Neil are apparent. It is just surprising it has taken so little time to impact you.
Quote from: viper37 on April 11, 2012, 12:35:24 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2012, 04:14:43 PM
Having watched the eastern-based Jets I'm no expert on either, but yes, I pondered that one for a bit. It wouldn't shock me if Phoenix won that series.
Nah, they can't win. Most of the players are taking French lessons* right now, so they're distracted from their game.
*It's a rumor started by a Quebecor journalist wich has now reached Europe ("Le Matin", swiss newspaper) :roll:
That was one of the most ridiculous rumours to come out of this whole saga.
Putting aside how unlikely it would be (the only thing they're telling players is "focus on the playoffs"), how on earth would q Quebec reported have some inside scoop on what is happening in Phoenix?
How would Shane Doan be received in Quebec City?
Quote from: PRC on April 11, 2012, 03:57:01 PM
How would Shane Doan be received in Quebec City?
He's be a Nordique - they'd love him.
Doan got a rough ride from some Winnipeg fans who saw him as a traitor, but come on - the guy played one season in Winnipeg, and has spent the rest of his career in Phoenix. He never said anything negative about the Peg - just constantly referenced how he hoped the team would stay put in Phoenix.
No, they'd hate him. All Quebec nationalists believe that Doan hates francophones.
He does. Especially does that are trully, trully atrocious referees & linesman.
Quote from: PRC on April 11, 2012, 03:57:01 PM
How would Shane Doan be received in Quebec City?
By some? Pretty badly. By most? Like everywhere else, good if he plays well, bad if he doesn't score.
Yeah, the people of Vancouver hate Canada. They don't even make the trumpet sounds in the right places in the anthem.
Also, the Canucks are cheating again.
Quote from: Neil on April 11, 2012, 09:53:14 PM
Yeah, the people of Vancouver hate Canada. They don't even make the trumpet sounds in the right places in the anthem.
Also, the Canucks are cheating again.
:lol: @ your envy and spite.
Quote from: Jacob on April 11, 2012, 10:00:44 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 11, 2012, 09:53:14 PM
Yeah, the people of Vancouver hate Canada. They don't even make the trumpet sounds in the right places in the anthem.
Also, the Canucks are cheating again.
:lol: @ your envy and spite.
Spite I can see, but envy?
Do you think I didn't hate the Canucks during all their years of futility?
Quote from: Jacob on April 11, 2012, 10:00:44 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 11, 2012, 09:53:14 PM
Yeah, the people of Vancouver hate Canada. They don't even make the trumpet sounds in the right places in the anthem.
Also, the Canucks are cheating again.
:lol: @ your envy and spite.
I don't understand how one could possibly be envious of the 'Nucks. :huh: After all in 40+ years they've never won a championship.
LOL at the Pens' Caps impression.
Quote from: Valmy on April 11, 2012, 10:08:24 PM
LOL at the Pens' Caps impression.
grrr... 3-0 in 2nd, and it ends 4-3 in OT. fuck.
Quote from: Barrister on April 11, 2012, 10:08:11 PMI don't understand how one could possibly be envious of the 'Nucks. :huh: After all in 40+ years they've never won a championship.
You're clearly envious of the stellar performance against the Kings tonight :blush: :lol: :Embarrass:
They're playing pretty terrible, I have to say. At least Max is chirping away. :)
When did the Canucks become so undisciplined?
Quote from: Zoupa on April 12, 2012, 12:32:26 AM
They're playing pretty terrible, I have to say. At least Max is chirping away. :)
When did the Canucks become so undisciplined?
Haven't they always been? Most of those guys never saw a cheapshot they didn't take.
Its funny to read the two residents of the worst city in Canada go on about how bad the team that finished first in the regular season two years in a row and went to game 7 of the final last year is when their teams didnt even make the playoffs. There are poor losers and then there are Neil and BB.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 12, 2012, 10:45:54 AM
Its funny to read the two residents of the worst city in Canada go on about how bad the team that finished first in the regular season two years in a row and went to game 7 of the final last year is when their teams didnt even make the playoffs. There are poor losers and then there are Neil and BB.
All I said was:
Quote from: Barrister
I don't understand how one could possibly be envious of the 'Nucks. After all in 40+ years they've never won a championship.
And I stand by my words. -_-
I didn't actually watch any games last night, so I didn't actually get to see Vancouver choke right out of the gate.
Quote from: Barrister on April 12, 2012, 10:49:15 AM
And I stand by my words. -_-
QuoteThere are poor losers and then there are Neil and BB.
Whatever. The Canucks have no courage and no heart. They're losers.
Besides, I don't have 'a team'. Also, as bad as Edmonton is, Vancouver is even worse.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 12, 2012, 10:53:15 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 12, 2012, 10:49:15 AM
And I stand by my words. -_-
QuoteThere are poor losers and then there are Neil and BB.
What. The Nucks have never won a championship, so I don't envy them. I hardly see that as controversial.
Enjoy your playoff run CC - just hope the city is still standing at the end of it.
Are the Oilers: dead to you?
Quote from: Barrister on April 12, 2012, 12:22:38 PM
Enjoy your playoff run CC - just hope the city is still standing at the end of it.
You Canadians sure are a catty bunch.
Quote from: Valmy on April 12, 2012, 12:31:45 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 12, 2012, 12:22:38 PM
Enjoy your playoff run CC - just hope the city is still standing at the end of it.
You Canadians sure are a catty bunch.
Hockey is serious business.
Quote from: Barrister on April 12, 2012, 12:32:58 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 12, 2012, 12:31:45 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 12, 2012, 12:22:38 PM
Enjoy your playoff run CC - just hope the city is still standing at the end of it.
You Canadians sure are a catty bunch.
Hockey is serious business.
Only for the envious ones.
Blackhawks in four.
:yawn: @ Bruins/Caps
Quote from: Valmy on April 12, 2012, 10:09:23 PM
That was a weak goal to let in.
Wow, the Flyers beat the shit out of Pittsburgh. :lmfao:
Quote from: Jaron on April 13, 2012, 09:20:55 PM
Wow, the Flyers beat the shit out of Pittsburgh. :lmfao:
Great game.
Quote from: Jaron on April 13, 2012, 09:20:55 PM
Wow, the Flyers beat the shit out of Pittsburgh. :lmfao:
Man, the Kings are really beating up on the Canucks. They're playing very tough against the Canucks' cheapshot, no-heart style.
No heart is right, wtf canucks? No cup for Canada this year. Again.
Quote from: Zoupa on April 14, 2012, 02:22:27 AM
No heart is right, wtf canucks? No cup for Canada this year. Again.
I meant Kings in 6, right.
Quote from: Zoupa on April 14, 2012, 02:22:27 AM
No heart is right, wtf canucks? No cup for Canada this year. Again.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 14, 2012, 08:00:11 AM
I meant Kings in 6, right.
The way things are going it probably wont take them 6
Quote from: Zoupa on April 14, 2012, 02:22:27 AM
No heart is right, wtf canucks? No cup for Canada this year. Again.
I'd rather send the Cup to Russia than have Vancouver or Toronto win it. Next year we'll get another team or two in there, and Canada might have a chance. Perhaps Winnipeg will dramatically improve this offseason, or all those Oilers draft picks will work out, or Montreal will stop being so disappointing.
Calgary has no chance, mind you.
Pittsburgh is getting throttled. Apparently, their answer to a more physical Flyers team is to descend into thuggery. It's like watching the Canucks out there, only the Penguins at least care.
Crosby is a child. Giroux should have beaten his ass.
Flyers do it again!
I guess no one saw the Flyers in 4, eh?
Damn I hate the Flyers in general, but Crosby is a real cheapshot artist. At least he went in a few scrums today, but he's a failure as a leader on that team.
And Fleury is really stinking up the joint.
A lackluster game between Vancouver and Los Angeles. LA is not a very good team, but they are completely outshining Vancouver in every way.
Yep, Quick has been great. Canucks have not penetrated to the net, Kings just box them out completely.
LOL @ Canucks.
Normally I would want Van to win, but this time I want them to lose in 4 so they might release Jannik Hansen for our national team for the WC in Sweden.
Islanders, Dallas and hmm senators? Already released their danes for the WC
Yup. No riots in Vancouver this year. :D
Quote from: Josephus on April 16, 2012, 08:39:12 AM
Yup. No riots in Vancouver this year. :D
though you'd think this would be a reason to riot :lol: there was a tweet by the Kings official website after the series went 2-0 that was along the lines " to every Canadian outside of BC: you're welcome" :D
Quote from: HVC on April 16, 2012, 08:41:34 AM
Quote from: Josephus on April 16, 2012, 08:39:12 AM
Yup. No riots in Vancouver this year. :D
though you'd think this would be a reason to riot :lol: there was a tweet by the Kings official website after the series went 2-0 that was along the lines " to every Canadian outside of BC: you're welcome" :D
No, that was after game 1.
Still, if the Canucks force a game 5, we might see some riots. That'd be nice.
At the moment, there might be riots. 2-1 Canucks going into period 3.
Penguins give Flyers their comeuppance. :worship:
Quote from: Jaron on April 18, 2012, 11:13:27 PM
At the moment, there might be riots. 2-1 Canucks going into period 3.
Penguins give Flyers their comeuppance. :worship:
Jaron, i'm curious how you became a hockey fan? I'm happy you are, but you don't fit the profile... do tell?
How do I not fit the profile? I've watched/been a fan since I was 13 or 14. Basketball games have too high a score, I'm only now developing an appreciation for football, baseball and soccer are boring -- I think hockey provides a perfect balance of individual skill and each goal feels like an accomplishment to celebrate.
The CBC guy doing the LA - Vancouver game tonight seemed to really like the Canucks.
I cannot recall ever seeing a team down 3 games to none doing what the Pens did tonight. That was some show.
Quote from: Zoupa on April 14, 2012, 02:22:27 AM
No heart is right, wtf canucks? No cup for Canada this year. Again.
Will Canada: unite behind the mighty Sens?
There goes he sweep :(
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on April 19, 2012, 12:09:06 AM
The CBC guy doing the LA - Vancouver game tonight seemed to really like the Canucks.
Jim Hughson used to be a local Vancouver radio play by play guy, then a CTV Sportsnet play by play guy and now he's with the CBC. He does good play by play so he's risen to the top of the CBC play by play charts, doing the game that will get the estimated highest ratings. Yet he is still that Canucks follower at heart and when he does their games the bias is obvious.
Quote from: PRC on April 19, 2012, 12:52:49 AM
Jim Hughson used to be a local Vancouver radio play by play guy, then a CTV Sportsnet play by play guy and now he's with the CBC. He does good play by play so he's risen to the top of the CBC play by play charts, doing the game that will get the estimated highest ratings. Yet he is still that Canucks follower at heart and when he does their games the bias is obvious.
Did he also do the EA NHL <year> games (I haven't picked one of those up in a few years, so he might not be the guy now)? His voice sounded really familiar. I agree he's a good play by play guy, just got the "GO CANUCKS!!!" vibe from him. Heh.
nice games yesterday night. the Canucks were lucky, the Kings didn't have the talent to capitalize on their defensive blunders.
The Pens... omg!! What a fucking game that was :)
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on April 19, 2012, 12:58:19 AM
Quote from: PRC on April 19, 2012, 12:52:49 AM
Jim Hughson used to be a local Vancouver radio play by play guy, then a CTV Sportsnet play by play guy and now he's with the CBC. He does good play by play so he's risen to the top of the CBC play by play charts, doing the game that will get the estimated highest ratings. Yet he is still that Canucks follower at heart and when he does their games the bias is obvious.
Did he also do the EA NHL <year> games (I haven't picked one of those up in a few years, so he might not be the guy now)? His voice sounded really familiar. I agree he's a good play by play guy, just got the "GO CANUCKS!!!" vibe from him. Heh.
Yep, that's him.
Quote from: viper37 on April 19, 2012, 09:30:32 AM
nice games yesterday night. the Canucks were lucky, the Kings didn't have the talent to capitalize on their defensive blunders.
The Pens... omg!! What a fucking game that was :)
I'd like some defense, thank you very much.
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on April 19, 2012, 12:09:06 AM
The CBC guy doing the LA - Vancouver game tonight seemed to really like the Canucks.
The play by play guy has a long history with the Canucks and was briefly the play by play guy for the local radio station that had the Canucks broadcast rights.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 19, 2012, 10:28:17 AM
Quote from: viper37 on April 19, 2012, 09:30:32 AM
nice games yesterday night. the Canucks were lucky, the Kings didn't have the talent to capitalize on their defensive blunders.
The Pens... omg!! What a fucking game that was :)
I'd like some defense, thank you very much.
once the referees decided to call all penalties, the Flyers were fucked, unable to adapt their game plan to changing conditions.
Torres is suspended for 25 games:
Quote from: viper37 on April 21, 2012, 09:50:48 PM
Torres is suspended for 25 games:
NHL justice is a joke.
Not that Torres didn't deserve 25 games, but that hit wasn't worse than Keiths on Sedin or numerous other hits this season and post-season. Repeat offender reasoning and all that doesn't go far enough to explain the inconsistency.
Fixing headshots and intent to injure plays in hockey is not going to change until former players start suing the NHL for injuries like brain damage that they've incurred during their playing days. The financial threat of lawsuits aimed at proving the NHL didn't do enough to protect the players during their playing days is the only thing that is going to change the way justice is handled in hockey.
Of course now the Caps have a series lead :ph34r:
Well on the bright side the Sharks can start their summer break after today.
Quote from: Valmy on April 21, 2012, 10:43:30 PM
Of course now the Caps have a series lead :ph34r:
Don't get cocky kid! - H. Solo
Quote from: katmai on April 22, 2012, 02:07:14 AM
Well on the bright side the Sharks can start their summer break after today.
Poor Sharks. They always underachieve.
Fuck Sidney Crosby. Too bad Giroux didn't knock him into orbit.
Quote from: katmai on April 22, 2012, 02:07:14 AM
Well on the bright side the Sharks can start their summer break after today.
I like the Sharks, but damn, they continuously underperform in the playoffs :(
I keep thinking of Barrister whenever I see this :D
Les Bruins won on yet another Capitals choke.
Quote from: Jaron on April 22, 2012, 05:31:24 PM
Les Bruins won on yet another Capitals choke.
Yeah, you could tell that the Capitals were going down. Shitty, shitty passing often leads to turnovers and goals for the other team, and the Caps looked like a AAA team out there.
Do not fail me, Vancounver Canucks! I have 20 dollars riding on you and a whole pile of shit talking quotes and pictures for obnoxious Kings fans Facebook walls.
Quote from: Jaron on April 22, 2012, 09:32:32 PM
Do not fail me, Vancounver Canucks! I have 20 dollars riding on you and a whole pile of shit talking quotes and pictures for obnoxious Kings fans Facebook walls.
You suck for supporting the Canucks. They are retarded, and you are retarded for taking their side.
I despise the Canucks, but I despise the Kings more. More than anything else, I want to lap up my ex coworkers tears when his team loses. He sucks for taking silly pictures like this:
So yes, hate and despite me for supporting the Canucks if you must, but at least respect the reasons I have for doing the unthinkable.
CC is sad.
Neil is happy.
Boom series over. Vancouver maybe burns again?
DAMN it!
All is good in the hockey world.
Quote from: viper37 on April 22, 2012, 04:39:51 PM
I keep thinking of Barrister whenever I see this :D
Bah - my reaction after the Jets were eliminated was nothing like that.
I was wearing my away jersey.
The team that played better won the series. Good job Kings.
The Canucks were put out of their misery. Time to concentrate on the yard work.
Well, at least Luongo will be able to win a Cup after he gets run out of town by Canucks fans, who all hate goalies.
Quote from: Jacob on April 22, 2012, 11:35:59 PM
Time to concentrate on the yard work.
there's like, 2 feet of snow out there... 'tis what I had planned for the week-end though. That and watchning the Penguins win, and the Canucks win. Nothing is ever right.
Problem with Vancouver going out in the first round is what I once stated either in this thread or somewhere else. The playoffs make a mockery of the September to April regular season. There's no point to doing well in the regular season. As long as you make the playoffs (and most teams, other than Toronto, do so with regularity) you can still win the Cup. While that might please the egalitarian in me, in sports I find it silly. Vancouver were the best team all year and blow it all in a 5 game series. That's why I stopped watching regular season hockey. It means absolutely nothing.
Which is why soccer is so superior. The regular season league and the knockout trophy are two separate tournaments, each with their own respectful tradition.
This is not a rarity, either. Look at the Caps two years ago and the Sharks the year before that.
Quote from: Josephus on April 23, 2012, 08:50:42 AM
Problem with Vancouver going out in the first round is what I once stated either in this thread or somewhere else. The playoffs make a mockery of the September to April regular season. There's no point to doing well in the regular season. As long as you make the playoffs (and most teams, other than Toronto, do so with regularity) you can still win the Cup. While that might please the egalitarian in me, in sports I find it silly. Vancouver were the best team all year and blow it all in a 5 game series. That's why I stopped watching regular season hockey. It means absolutely nothing.
Which is why soccer is so superior. The regular season league and the knockout trophy are two separate tournaments, each with their own respectful tradition.
This is not a rarity, either. Look at the Caps two years ago and the Sharks the year before that.
Agreed with everything you said, except you need to add Edmonton in the same sentence as Toronto.
Another thing hockey has to do to become a real sport is its star players have to be able to play and not sit at home with concussions.
The tears of the Canucks fans are delicious.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 23, 2012, 09:28:00 AM
Another thing hockey has to do to become a real sport is its star players have to be able to play and not sit at home with concussions.
i agree with that in part, but if the stars want to get into the scrum and give some shots, then they're open game (looking at you crosby)
I agree. But your example simply illustrates the problem hockey has in breaking out to a wider audience. Why is it that there are scums in the first place. In Rugby players in full contact with eachother break apart on a whistle without any assistance by a linesman or the referee.
Man this sucks. Not only am I nervous as hell about the game tonight but I am going to miss it working on this stupid ass Engineering project. Hope the Caps can win it without their #1 fan in Austin (as in their only fan in Austin) watching on TV.
This could mean no more Hockey for me this year if they lose :(
Hockey pool update: (
Quote from: viper37 on April 25, 2012, 02:40:00 PM
Hockey pool update:
Caps win. :)
Kind of a anti-climatic ending. Congrats valmy.
Woot, something to be happy about in these playoffs.
Quote from: Neil on April 22, 2012, 11:40:25 PM
Well, at least Luongo will be able to win a Cup after he gets run out of town by Canucks fans, who all hate goalies.
No one ever hated Maclean. He was the goalie "Trevor".
I really do think the media overblows the trolls Luongo hating from the cbc and Province comment boards. The people who post there are only slightly higher than youtube commenters on the internet intelligent-o-meter.
The majority of Canucks fans I deal with on a daily basis (as many as any quickie one afternoon REID poll) have nothing but respect for Lu for the most part (he is prone to massively bad single games on occasion. I think if he goes, he might go somewhere with no media (south USA) though.
As far as the Canucks run this year goes. they didn't play good enough. Simple as that. There's always next year. It's not like they are the Leafs. :p
:w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
Valmy, this is your moment.
Quote from: Jaron on April 25, 2012, 11:29:13 PM
Valmy, this is your moment.
A first round series win? Setting his sights a little low.
Well it is the caps. Aim only as high as you can reasonably reach lol
Quote from: Jaron on April 25, 2012, 11:29:13 PM
Valmy, this is your moment.
Everytime they win a playoff series I cannot help but start thinking 'maybe...finally....this is their year' :lol:
Quote from: Valmy on April 25, 2012, 11:38:28 PM
Quote from: Jaron on April 25, 2012, 11:29:13 PM
Valmy, this is your moment.
Everytime they win a playoff series I cannot help but start thinking 'maybe...finally....this is their year' :lol:
You have no idea what it is like to be a fan of a team that doesn't exist for 15 years...
Every few years I would think "finally - this is their year - to EXIST!"
Thankfully in the end I was right. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on April 25, 2012, 11:45:05 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 25, 2012, 11:38:28 PM
Quote from: Jaron on April 25, 2012, 11:29:13 PM
Valmy, this is your moment.
Everytime they win a playoff series I cannot help but start thinking 'maybe...finally....this is their year' :lol:
You have no idea what it is like to be a fan of a team that doesn't exist for 15 years...
Every few years I would think "finally - this is their year - to EXIST!"
Thankfully in the end I was right. :cool:
Quote from: Jaron on April 25, 2012, 11:51:00 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 25, 2012, 11:45:05 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 25, 2012, 11:38:28 PM
Quote from: Jaron on April 25, 2012, 11:29:13 PM
Valmy, this is your moment.
Everytime they win a playoff series I cannot help but start thinking 'maybe...finally....this is their year' :lol:
You have no idea what it is like to be a fan of a team that doesn't exist for 15 years...
Every few years I would think "finally - this is their year - to EXIST!"
Thankfully in the end I was right. :cool:
I actually went to a game and shouted Go Jets Go. And there was a team called the Jets on the ice. It was good. :cool:
Quote from: PRC on April 25, 2012, 11:32:26 PM
A first round series win? Setting his sights a little low.
Even so winning a game seven in overtime is pretty awesome no matter what round it is.
Quote from: Valmy on April 25, 2012, 11:57:19 PM
Quote from: PRC on April 25, 2012, 11:32:26 PM
A first round series win? Setting his sights a little low.
Even so winning a game seven in overtime is pretty awesome no matter what round it is.
It is something to celebrate, no doubt about it!
Quote from: Valmy on April 25, 2012, 10:53:36 PM
:w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
so they win when you don't watch them and you think it's positive? :D
Quote from: viper37 on April 26, 2012, 12:08:09 AM
so they win when you don't watch them and you think it's positive? :D
I am watching the game on DVR as I type :P
Quote from: Barrister on April 25, 2012, 11:45:05 PM
You have no idea what it is like to be a fan of a team that doesn't exist for 15 years...
Give the Expos fans a few more years.
Quote from: Barrister on April 25, 2012, 11:45:05 PM
You have no idea what it is like to be a fan of a team that doesn't exist for 15 years...
You have no idea what it's like to be a fan of a team that has sucked for 19 years.
Quote from: Barrister on April 25, 2012, 11:54:13 PM
I actually went to a game and shouted Go Jets Go. And there was a team called the Jets on the ice. It was good. :cool:
Suddenly I have this image of Mark Sanchez trying to play Hockey.
Quote from: Valmy on April 25, 2012, 10:53:36 PM
Choke now, or choke later. Your choice.
Stay classy, Boston.
QuotePosted at 03:00 PM ET, 04/26/2012
Joel Ward gets body checked by the N-word
By Jonathan Capehart
Racial animus isn't confined to racially charged events, such as the killing of Trayvon Martin. It has now made its way to the hockey rink. Joel Ward, the black hockey player with the Washington Capitals who scored the winning goal against the Boston Bruins last night in overtime, has been board-checked by irate Bruins fans. Instead of hurling their bodies at him for eliminating the 2011 Stanley Cup champions from the playoffs, they're body checking him with a barrage of N-words.
The Post's Dan Steinberg links to some of the sites where commenters have unloaded hate on Ward, who is from Canada. But be sure to check out Chirpstory for some choice invective from Twitter. Here are a few to ponder.
A n----- beat us in #OT Are you kidding me?
stupid n----- go play basketball hockey is a white sport
F---ing stupid arrogant, smelly, useless, waste of life, sad excuse for a NHL hockey playing N-----!!!!
Who let that n----- on the ice
Haha that n----- actually did something
Sickening. Only idiots — and cowards — hide behind protected Twitter feeds or fake Twitter handles to spill bile anonymously. And for what? A hockey game?! Ward, being one of more than 20 blacks in all of professional hockey, has heard this before, I'm sure. He's probably used to it or doesn't even notice it. And that's fine. But that doesn't make seeing such hate any less shocking or any more acceptable.
Just speaking of black hockey players...
Jarome Iginla's dad is a lawyer in Edmonton. His name is Elvis Iginla. And he sometimes does criminal files.
Anyways any time Elvis shows up in my courtroom I smile from this small connection to a future hall of famer.
Plus the name Elvis is awesome.
When my boy was in LA he and his friends saw Iginla and his kids at Disneyland.
Conversation went like this:
group: excuse me sire, are you Jarome Iginla?
Iginla: No, you got the wrong guy.
group Ok, sorry *as they start walking away*
Iginla: Psych!
Good fun, autographs and a group photo followed
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 27, 2012, 03:53:46 AM
When my boy was in LA he and his friends saw Iginla and his kids at Disneyland.
Conversation went like this:
group: excuse me sire, are you Jarome Iginla?
Iginla: No, you got the wrong guy.
group Ok, sorry *as they start walking away*
Iginla: Psych!
Good fun, autographs and a group photo followed
How formal of them. Do hockey players truly rule Canada as kings?
Pool update :) (
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 27, 2012, 03:53:46 AM
When my boy was in LA he and his friends saw Iginla and his kids at Disneyland.
Conversation went like this:
group: excuse me sire, are you Jarome Iginla?
Iginla: No, you got the wrong guy.
group Ok, sorry *as they start walking away*
Iginla: Psych!
Good fun, autographs and a group photo followed
Quote from: jimmy olsen on April 27, 2012, 04:22:05 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 27, 2012, 03:53:46 AM
When my boy was in LA he and his friends saw Iginla and his kids at Disneyland.
Conversation went like this:
group: excuse me sire, are you Jarome Iginla?
Iginla: No, you got the wrong guy.
group Ok, sorry *as they start walking away*
Iginla: Psych!
Good fun, autographs and a group photo followed
How formal of them. Do hockey players truly rule Canada as kings?
Pretty much, yeah.
Quote from: jimmy olsen on April 27, 2012, 04:22:05 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 27, 2012, 03:53:46 AM
When my boy was in LA he and his friends saw Iginla and his kids at Disneyland.
Conversation went like this:
group: excuse me sire, are you Jarome Iginla?
Iginla: No, you got the wrong guy.
group Ok, sorry *as they start walking away*
Iginla: Psych!
Good fun, autographs and a group photo followed
How formal of them. Do hockey players truly rule Canada as kings?
ooops :Embarrass: In my defence, it was pretty early in the morning when I typed that.
Coyotes seem to like this Winning series business, up 2-0 on Predators now :o
Quote from: katmai on April 29, 2012, 10:43:02 PM
Coyotes seem to like this Winning series business, up 2-0 on Predators now :o
Yeah. The last few years, I've been a supporter the Coyotes in the playoffs, but ever since they picked up Rafi Torres from the Cowardly Canucks, I've soured on them.
Now that Winnipeg has a team, I feel I can cheer for the 'Yotes. I approve of the comments about how the franchise has not made it to the second reound since 1987.
Although... I feel like continued success in Phenix is holding Viper and Co back from having a team.
I R conflitced.
At this point, I'd be happy to back the Flyers as my current team I favor to win the Stanley Cup, but all I really care about now is watching the Kings go down.
(I usually follow the Sharks or the Red Wings as a barely acceptable substitute, but since all the teams I enjoy watching are out I takes what I can gets)
I'm starting to think we're going to have Reunion Final between the Flyers and the Kings.
Quote from: katmai on April 29, 2012, 10:43:02 PM
Coyotes seem to like this Winning series business, up 2-0 on Predators now :o
yeah, they are surprising. They are really good on attack, much better than the Preds, wich should be better on paper, at least.
Quote from: Barrister on April 29, 2012, 11:22:53 PM
Although... I feel like continued success in Phenix is holding Viper and Co back from having a team.
According to Bill Daly, it does not change anything...
Imho, every delays help the team stay there. The NHL won't announce anything while the team is playing, and time is one of the things Jamison needs to gather the necessary funds. The other one is a huge subsidy form Glendale, wich could be problematic...
I am conflicted too. They really play better than I would have expected. Against Chicago, it was said they won because the goallie wasn't that good... but Peka Rinne doesn't look at his best now... That shot from behind, in between his legs, right in the front of the net for Hanzal to pick it up, I mean wow! What a goal!
Im conflicted, its good they are winning, but as long as they do they wont release Boedker obviously to the national team
Ward just got an assist. I'm sure the New York equivalents of Tim are getting ready to post 'Niggerniggernigger' on Twitter.
Fucking Kings.
NO Kings
Have the Caps collapsed and choked yet? Can I celebrate now?
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 01, 2012, 12:31:45 AM
Have the Caps collapsed and choked yet? Can I celebrate now?
That is to say the series is tied 1 game a piece. But I hope that last goal by Ovechkin weakened the Ranger's self confidence a tad.
One of the best things about the second round matchups is that TSN is showing the NBA playoffs.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 01, 2012, 12:58:57 PM
One of the best things about the second round matchups is that TSN is showing the NBA playoffs.
:mad: <_< :yuk: :cry: :wacko: :yucky: :frusty: :tinfoil: :blurgh:
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 01, 2012, 12:58:57 PM
One of the best things about the second round matchups is that TSN is showing the NBA playoffs.
Get out, foulr creature, and leave this hockey thread!
The power of Christ compels you!
The Preds are making a move (
Radulov and Kostitsyn are suspended for breaking the team's rules. Good thing imho. They might just win the next one :)
Quote from: Valmy on May 01, 2012, 12:58:17 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 01, 2012, 12:31:45 AM
Have the Caps collapsed and choked yet? Can I celebrate now?
That is to say the series is tied 1 game a piece. But I hope that last goal by Ovechkin weakened the Ranger's self confidence a tad.
Well, shit.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 01, 2012, 12:58:57 PM
One of the best things about the second round matchups is that TSN is showing the NBA playoffs.
You have that much trouble sleeping?
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 01, 2012, 12:58:57 PM
One of the best things about the second round matchups is that TSN is showing the NBA playoffs.
Go watch your monkeyball and take Ward with you. :angry:
.... [ /tim]
Quote from: Jaron on May 01, 2012, 08:19:20 PM
Go watch your monkeyball and take Ward with you. :angry:
.... [ /tim]
The Team of Destiny is having a nail biter of a game.
Now I go cry myself to sleep.
Quote from: Valmy on May 02, 2012, 11:18:37 PM
Now I go cry myself to sleep.
Thank you for saving me the effort of switching to ESPN, and giggling.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 02, 2012, 11:22:35 PM
Thank you for saving me the effort of switching to ESPN, and giggling.
Man it was excrutiating. Two easy goals bounced off posts. The penalty kills were nerve wracking as fuck.
Game for the ages I guess.
Quote from: Valmy on May 03, 2012, 08:02:24 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 02, 2012, 11:22:35 PM
Thank you for saving me the effort of switching to ESPN, and giggling.
Man it was excrutiating. Two easy goals bounced off posts. The penalty kills were nerve wracking as fuck.
Game for the ages I guess.
I was sure it was over when Ovechkin had that puck in the slot. Second-best players in the world should hit the damn post there.
Quote from: Neil on May 03, 2012, 08:14:16 AM
I was sure it was over when Ovechkin had that puck in the slot. Second-best players in the world should hit the damn post there.
Or rather shouldn't hit the damn post. But I am pretty used to Ovechkin coming up small at times. He is a great talent but not a champion or a leader.
Damn no hockey talk? All the Canadian clubs get eliminated and nobody cares anymore?
Man it is like the NHL TV ratings.
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2012, 08:38:32 AM
Damn no hockey talk? All the Canadian clubs get eliminated and nobody cares anymore?
Man it is like the NHL TV ratings.
I care, but the stupid Kings keep winning. If they go all the way, I'm going to start a riot.
When the Sharks, Red Wings, Canucks, Penguins are all out, and the Flyers on their way to join them it's hard to be excited about the upcoming cripple fight.
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2012, 08:38:32 AM
Damn no hockey talk? All the Canadian clubs get eliminated and nobody cares anymore?
Man it is like the NHL TV ratings.
I've made no secret of the fact I consider myself a Jets fan, not an NHL fan. -_-
Though supposedly there is going to be an announcement in Phoenix today about a new owner. We shall see.
The Coyotes are hot this year. They're definitely my favored cripple to win the West.
Quote from: Jaron on May 07, 2012, 08:46:27 AM
The Coyotes are hot this year. They're definitely my favored cripple to win the West.
I wouldn't bet against a Darryl Sutter-coached team.
Now a Darryl Sutter -managed team is a whole different story of course...
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2012, 08:38:32 AM
Damn no hockey talk? All the Canadian clubs get eliminated and nobody cares anymore?
Man it is like the NHL TV ratings.
It's more like all the clubs I picked in my pool are out :(
I liked the Nashville-Pheonix games, but the last one was über defensive. Flyers Devils wasn't so bad either, but less exciting.
The final is going to be full of teams I hate or barely like. Very, very bad year.
I barely like the Kings but gawd I hate Mike Richards & smug face Carter.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 07, 2012, 09:18:21 AM
The final is going to be full of teams I hate or barely like. Very, very bad year.
I barely like the Kings but gawd I hate Mike Richards & smug face Carter.
Flyers or New Jersey vs LA Kings.
Quote from: Jaron on May 07, 2012, 08:46:27 AM
The Coyotes are hot this year. They're definitely my favored cripple to win the West.
Last year, I might have agreed. However, teams that sign cowardly Canucks deserve to go down in flames.
The Kings are the only hope for justice in the West. Kings-Rangers would be nice.
Quote from: viper37 on May 07, 2012, 09:54:41 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 07, 2012, 09:18:21 AM
The final is going to be full of teams I hate or barely like. Very, very bad year.
I barely like the Kings but gawd I hate Mike Richards & smug face Carter.
Flyers or New Jersey vs LA Kings.
I think the Flyers have packed it in, and either the Caps or Rangers could take the Devils.
I fully expect a Caps vs Kings final.
The NBA champs also went out in the first round.
That is the only interesting thing about hockey. That and the Caps look to win this year.
Quote from: Neil on May 07, 2012, 11:16:33 AM
I think the Flyers have packed it in, and either the Caps or Rangers could take the Devils.
the games are pretty close. Bryzgalov can be a decent goalie, although inferior to Brodeur, but the Flyers have got to work on their defensive play.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 07, 2012, 12:36:33 PM
The NBA champs also went out in the first round.
Oh? I thought basketball was a real sport where the regular season did matter compared to NHL hockey where it made no sense once in the playoffs? ;)
Quote from: viper37 on May 07, 2012, 12:37:39 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 07, 2012, 12:36:33 PM
The NBA champs also went out in the first round.
Oh? I thought basketball was a real sport where the regular season did matter compared to NHL hockey where it made no sense once in the playoffs? ;)
YOu did? Because you couldn't be more wrong. The NBA is exactly like the NHL as far as the Regular Season is concerned.
Unless you were being sarcastic.
Quote from: viper37 on May 07, 2012, 12:37:39 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 07, 2012, 12:36:33 PM
The NBA champs also went out in the first round.
Oh? I thought basketball was a real sport where the regular season did matter compared to NHL hockey where it made no sense once in the playoffs? ;)
Basketball is a real sport of course. That is why the regular season matters in the NBA. The team with the better record this season defeated last year's champion - who did not have a good season this year - in a sweep.
Upsets can occur in the basketball but generally speaking the rules of the game to do not change in the post season like they do in hockey. Nor is it possible to simply knock out the oppositions best players with cheap shots.
So yeah, you were saying?
There is only 1 sport that has more cheap shots artists then BBall & it's soccer.
I find Basketball boring because too many rules seem to impeed defense.
Quote from: viper37 on May 07, 2012, 12:36:43 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 07, 2012, 11:16:33 AM
I think the Flyers have packed it in, and either the Caps or Rangers could take the Devils.
the games are pretty close. Bryzgalov can be a decent goalie, although inferior to Brodeur, but the Flyers have got to work on their defensive play.
Exactly. A superior Flyers team is being beaten by the Devils because of lack of effort. Thus, packing it in.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 07, 2012, 01:08:31 PM
That is why the regular season matters in the NBA.
Well, the last 2 minutes of each game matters.
Such is the ignorance of someone who grew up knowing nothing but hockey.
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2012, 12:40:41 PM
Unless you were being sarcastic.
I was sarcastic, because it was what CC said a week or two ago ;)
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 07, 2012, 01:08:31 PM
Nor is it possible to simply knock out the oppositions best players with cheap shots.
So yeah, you were saying?
like this, you mean? (
Wich, btw, didn't seem to warrant a penalty?
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 07, 2012, 01:48:41 PM
Such is the ignorance of someone who grew up knowing nothing but hockey.
there are other sports?
Fuck. I didn't see Giroux' hit on Zubrus. Well, I guess the Flyers are done, then. Without Giroux, I doubt they can pull it off.
Quote from: viper37 on May 07, 2012, 04:12:22 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 07, 2012, 01:08:31 PM
Nor is it possible to simply knock out the oppositions best players with cheap shots.
So yeah, you were saying?
like this, you mean? (
Wich, btw, didn't seem to warrant a penalty?
You have amply demonstrated how a love of hockey gain reduce brain function.
How did either of those knock out the oppositions best players. Also, there are no penalties in basketball. Penalties are the things given in hockey (although not necessarily in the playoffs).
Why would a Canucks fan complain about cheap shots?
I am starting to get the feeling the Canucks are not Neil's favorite team.
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2012, 05:05:34 PM
I am starting to get the feeling the Canucks are not Neil's favorite team.
I don't think he has a favorite team. Except Team Canada when they win the Gold medal.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 07, 2012, 04:28:22 PM
How did either of those knock out the oppositions best players.
he did incapacitate an ennemy player. There are multiple videos of this.
QuoteAlso, there are no penalties in basketball. Penalties are the things given in hockey (although not necessarily in the playoffs).
whatever. Calling them foul or penalties is kinda the same. And I'm pretty sure there are suspension:
"4/24/12The NBA suspended Metta World Peace (LAL) for 7 games for elbowing JamesHarden (OKC) in the head during Sunday's OKC-LAL game. The suspensionwill take placed for the Lakers' last regular season game and first 6playoff games [if the Lakers were to lose in less than 6 games, then theremaining suspension games would occur at the start of the 12-13 regularseason]."
So, there are cheap shots in basketball.
Quote from: viper37 on May 07, 2012, 09:14:49 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2012, 05:05:34 PM
I am starting to get the feeling the Canucks are not Neil's favorite team.
I don't think he has a favorite team. Except Team Canada when they win the Gold medal.
He's just embarassed to admit what his favourite team, since they have a modern record of futility that exceeds that even of the Maple Leafs.
Quote from: Barrister on May 07, 2012, 10:04:40 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 07, 2012, 09:14:49 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2012, 05:05:34 PM
I am starting to get the feeling the Canucks are not Neil's favorite team.
I don't think he has a favorite team. Except Team Canada when they win the Gold medal.
He's just embarassed to admit what his favourite team, since they have a modern record of futility that exceeds that even of the Maple Leafs.
The Habs haven't been bad, except for this last season.
Quote from: Neil on May 07, 2012, 10:25:29 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 07, 2012, 10:04:40 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 07, 2012, 09:14:49 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2012, 05:05:34 PM
I am starting to get the feeling the Canucks are not Neil's favorite team.
I don't think he has a favorite team. Except Team Canada when they win the Gold medal.
He's just embarassed to admit what his favourite team, since they have a modern record of futility that exceeds that even of the Maple Leafs.
The Habs haven't been bad, except for this last season.
We saw the pictures. There's no way a Grande Prairie boy like you has the Habs as his favourite team. :contract:
La or Phoenix in Stanley Cup Finals, suck it Grey fox/Valmy
Quote from: Barrister on May 07, 2012, 10:26:55 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 07, 2012, 10:25:29 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 07, 2012, 10:04:40 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 07, 2012, 09:14:49 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2012, 05:05:34 PM
I am starting to get the feeling the Canucks are not Neil's favorite team.
I don't think he has a favorite team. Except Team Canada when they win the Gold medal.
He's just embarassed to admit what his favourite team, since they have a modern record of futility that exceeds that even of the Maple Leafs.
The Habs haven't been bad, except for this last season.
We saw the pictures. There's no way a Grande Prairie boy like you has the Habs as his favourite team. :contract:
Sure, I'm from Grande Prairie, but not Edmonton. You're not taking into account my player-hating.
Quote from: Neil on May 07, 2012, 11:39:33 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 07, 2012, 10:26:55 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 07, 2012, 10:25:29 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 07, 2012, 10:04:40 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 07, 2012, 09:14:49 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2012, 05:05:34 PM
I am starting to get the feeling the Canucks are not Neil's favorite team.
I don't think he has a favorite team. Except Team Canada when they win the Gold medal.
He's just embarassed to admit what his favourite team, since they have a modern record of futility that exceeds that even of the Maple Leafs.
The Habs haven't been bad, except for this last season.
We saw the pictures. There's no way a Grande Prairie boy like you has the Habs as his favourite team. :contract:
Sure, I'm from Grande Prairie, but not Edmonton. You're not taking into account my player-hating.
Admit it. You think "You're in Oil Country". :rolleyes:
Quote from: Neil on May 07, 2012, 11:39:33 PM
Sure, I'm from Grande Prairie, but not Edmonton. You're not taking into account my player-hating.
How could you hate the Great One™
Quote from: katmai on May 07, 2012, 11:43:41 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 07, 2012, 11:39:33 PM
Sure, I'm from Grande Prairie, but not Edmonton. You're not taking into account my player-hating.
How could you hate the Great One™
He beat on the Jets for years and years. I can hate him easily. :mad:
Quote from: Barrister on May 07, 2012, 11:52:57 PM
Quote from: katmai on May 07, 2012, 11:43:41 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 07, 2012, 11:39:33 PM
Sure, I'm from Grande Prairie, but not Edmonton. You're not taking into account my player-hating.
How could you hate the Great One™
He beat on the Jets for years and years. I can hate him easily. :mad:
Did I quote you in my post? STFU then beeb.
It'll be Phoenix and Rangers.
Quote from: katmai on May 07, 2012, 11:43:41 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 07, 2012, 11:39:33 PM
Sure, I'm from Grande Prairie, but not Edmonton. You're not taking into account my player-hating.
How could you hate the Great One™
It's not so much that I hated the players. Rather, I resented the Edmonton media trying to tell me that I should like the team. My natural reaction was 'You can't tell me what to do! I'll show you!'.
Quote from: viper37 on May 07, 2012, 09:18:40 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 07, 2012, 04:28:22 PM
How did either of those knock out the oppositions best players.
he did incapacitate an ennemy player. There are multiple videos of this.
What is your definition of "incapacitate?
You are missing my point. Hockey is a sport where players purposefully hit the best players in the game with the intent of knocking them out of the game. "A good clean hit" that does such a thing is much desired.
To some extent Football has the same problem but it is nowhere near as common as in hockey.
So, your problem with Hockey is because it's well Hockey?
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 08, 2012, 11:56:27 AM
So, your problem with Hockey is because it's well Hockey?
No. My problem is that it isnt hockey. It is a brutal game masquerading as a real sport.
The day you dont have idiots scrumming after a whistle, trying to take the best players out of the game etc then you might be able to call this a sport. until then it has more in common with mixed martial arts then sport.
But then again some people think MMA is a sport....
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 08, 2012, 11:59:32 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 08, 2012, 11:56:27 AM
So, your problem with Hockey is because it's well Hockey?
No. My problem is that it isnt hockey. It is a brutal game masquerading as a real sport.
The day you dont have idiots scrumming after a whistle, trying to take the best players out of the game etc then you might be able to call this a sport. until then it has more in common with mixed martial arts then sport.
But then again some people think MMA is a sport....
But that's Hockey. Hockey is a game of intimidation not a game of skill. The wild era of the 80s has you confounded.
Ever since they allowed the forward pass, it has been like that.
Now, I understand why you like BBall so much.
CC is just in whine-mode because his cheapshot Canucks got shown the door in the first round.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 08, 2012, 12:18:16 PM
But that's Hockey. Hockey is a game of intimidation not a game of skill.
Yeah, you nailed the problem exactly. When it does become a game of skill (which it has great potential to be) then it could become a great sport. But until that happens it is just a goon league.
Go Devils!
I'm with CC that I hate the whole "hockey is a game of intimidation" culture. I love Don Cherry, but I hate his influence on the game.
But I'm not with CC on his loce for basketball. :yucky:
Denmark has 6 NHL players.
If Phoenix makes the final it will be two years in a row Denmark has a player in the Stanley cup finals :wacko:
Now THAT is weird :D
Crapitals prolong their agony.
1 win away from best season in 14 years :ph34r:
Viper needs to update his results but so far only Zoupa & I, have a point in the 2nd round of the pool
We suck. :lol:
I don't watch much hockey, but I'm going to watch Game 7, because I want to feel Valmy's chokepain in realtime.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 11, 2012, 12:34:16 PM
I don't watch much hockey, but I'm going to watch Game 7, because I want to feel Valmy's chokepain in realtime.
You mean the Caps moment of glorious triumph? :w00t:
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 11, 2012, 12:26:23 PM
Viper needs to update his results but so far only Zoupa & I, have a point in the 2nd round of the pool
We suck. :lol:
I think I got it now...
If it doesn't work for you, hit "refresh".
Only you and Barrister have a point, Zoupa has zero, unless I made a mistake.
I'm off to Montreal for the week-end in a few hours... Post your choices here or by PM, as usual, for the 3rd round.
If there's anything wrong, PM me, I'll see to it on Monday, once I've slept a bit :)
Just more evidence I should never bet on sports.
PSA: The biggest hockey game in the history of Western Civilization is about to begin.
Sorry Valmy.
My choices :
LA in 5
Devils in 6
Quote from: Valmy on May 10, 2012, 07:53:56 AM
1 win away from best season in 14 years :ph34r:
Alas, same old, same old.
The team of Destiny fulfilled its destiny.
Quote from: Jaron on May 12, 2012, 11:12:55 PM
The team of Destiny fulfilled its destiny.
Indeed :weep:
Ah well still their best showing since 1998 I cannot be too upset about it. It is not like they gagged away a lead or something like they usually do.
:nelson: :nelson: :nelson:
Quote from: Valmy on May 12, 2012, 06:32:43 PM
PSA: The biggest hockey game in the history of Western Civilization is about to begin.
I completely missed that! I was busy watching the Rangers vs Caps games, so I forgot about Canada-Kazhakstan entirely! who won?
Lets vote on this:
Coyotes beat Kings in 5.
Rangers beat Devils in 6.
Riots erupt throughout hockey watching world; demands are met for Kings to step down and Sharks to be reinstated.
Sharks win in 4.
Two interesting possibilities from the Conference finals:
you could get Rangers vs Kings, Gary Bettman's personal wet dream with two of the biggest media markets playing...
Devils vs Coyotes, with the team the league owns it is so unprofitable, vs the team going into bankruptcy as soon as the playoffs are over. :lol:
when you put it that way i so hope it's option 2 :lol:
Kings in 5
Ranges in 6
Hopefully it's not too late.
Oh right.
Um...Kings in 6.
Rangers in 7
Kings will triumph in the West. The East is harder to say just because the Rangers seem to play down to their opposition. It'll probably go to 7.
Quote from: Neil on May 14, 2012, 08:38:04 AM
Rangers seem to play down to their opposition.
Fortunately for the Caps so did the Bruins.
Half of you didn't submit your choices...
There is still one game tonight, before that, I can take your choices for that game.
Coyotes in 7.
Rangers in 6.
Kings in 5
Rangers in 7
Coyotes in 6
Rangers in 5
The Kings might sweep them. The Coyotes just can't compete, and have resorted to Vancouver-like goonery.
This year's playoffs are so incredibly boring.
Quote from: Zoupa on May 15, 2012, 11:30:30 PM
This year's playoffs are so incredibly boring.
I'm enjoying the Kings because of their ability to attack explosively, but apart from that it's so crazily defensive. It's like Jersey is trying to ruin hockey again like they did in the 90s.
Quote from: Zoupa on May 15, 2012, 11:30:30 PM
This year's playoffs are so incredibly boring.
it's working in reverse. the early games were exciting, and then it started dying down.
Quote from: Zoupa on May 15, 2012, 11:30:30 PM
This year's playoffs are so incredibly boring.
I think I agree, but of course I haven't watched a full hockey game since the Jets were eliminated...
Although since, unlike the Oilers, I do not have a complete and utter hatred for the WHL Oil Kings, it is kind of cool they won the WHL championship...
Quote from: HVC on May 15, 2012, 11:36:35 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on May 15, 2012, 11:30:30 PM
This year's playoffs are so incredibly boring.
it's working in reverse. the early games were exciting, and then it started dying down.
my feeling, exactly.
Update the pool!
Yeah. The trap was boring in 93, it's still boring now. Only difference, of course, was that in 93, the Leafs made a decent run for it. :D
Quote from: Zoupa on May 15, 2012, 11:30:30 PM
This year's playoffs are so incredibly boring.
The two seven game series with multiple overtime games the glorious Caps provided were not entertaining enough? :angry:
My performance in the second round shows that I am getting into my groove to repeat my 2008 Euro performance next month.
Quote from: viper37 on May 17, 2012, 08:16:59 AM
4 points, isn't it 3?
Altho, I can't say I actually read your point system. :lol:
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 17, 2012, 08:35:05 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 17, 2012, 08:16:59 AM
4 points, isn't it 3?
Altho, I can't say I actually read your point system. :lol:
All rounds: 1 point for the good team.
Round #1: +1 point for the good number of games (total 2)
Round #2: +2 point for the good number of games (total 3)
Round #3: +3 point for the good number of games (total 4)
Round #4: +4 point for the good number of games (total 5)
Some dislike that, but I feel it creates better opportunity for the late rounds, otherwise, someone who makes a head start in the 1st round is assured of winning.
It seems a good idea, yes.
Wow - after a respectable showing in round two (and a bunch of other people managing to guess every single series in round two incorrectly) suddenly I'm in 2nd place.
Quote from: Barrister on May 17, 2012, 09:06:12 AM
Wow - after a respectable showing in round two (and a bunch of other people managing to guess every single series in round two incorrectly) suddenly I'm in 2nd place.
#1 pays the beer to everyone else at the next Languish Meeting :D
I've decided to ragequit the pool, as I suck completely at it :(
Just like a frenchmen to surrender :rolleyes:
Quote from: viper37 on May 17, 2012, 10:04:45 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 17, 2012, 09:06:12 AM
Wow - after a respectable showing in round two (and a bunch of other people managing to guess every single series in round two incorrectly) suddenly I'm in 2nd place.
#1 pays the beer to everyone else at the next Languish Meeting :D
It's okay, no one wants to meet me anyway.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 17, 2012, 10:21:35 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 17, 2012, 10:04:45 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 17, 2012, 09:06:12 AM
Wow - after a respectable showing in round two (and a bunch of other people managing to guess every single series in round two incorrectly) suddenly I'm in 2nd place.
#1 pays the beer to everyone else at the next Languish Meeting :D
It's okay, no one wants to meet me anyway.
I enjoyed meeting you... :unsure:
Quote from: katmai on May 17, 2012, 10:12:50 AM
Just like a frenchmen to surrender :rolleyes:
Less than 2 minutes for a frog joke!
Sadly, this is not Languish's record.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 17, 2012, 10:21:35 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 17, 2012, 10:04:45 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 17, 2012, 09:06:12 AM
Wow - after a respectable showing in round two (and a bunch of other people managing to guess every single series in round two incorrectly) suddenly I'm in 2nd place.
#1 pays the beer to everyone else at the next Languish Meeting :D
It's okay, no one wants to meet me anyway.
My best friend lives in Mascouche. I think Laval isn't really far... ;)
QuoteSlovaks stun Canada to reach semis at Worlds
Also Team USA goes down also.
Let's hear it for the Kings.
I wanted the Kings to win, but that was one dirty hit by Brown right before the goal.
I hope he gets suspended, but of course he won't. Ah, the NHL.
It's a shoulder hit that went bad, it happens.
Woo, Lots of points in the pool!
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 23, 2012, 07:18:17 AM
It's a shoulder hit that went bad, it happens.
Woo, Lots of points in the pool!
He had his leg trolling way the fuck out there. He was going for the charleyhorse. Mind you, mid-ice hits are tricky these days. You can't hit high, and even middle can get you into trouble, so you see more and more guys going low.
Still, I have no sympathy for Phoenix. When you live by the sword of fucking goonery, you die by the sword of fucking goonery.
I got both series right Winner & # of matches.
Well, hopefully LA pulls off a sweep in the final. New Jersey has no place in the finals, what with their attempt to destroy hockey. Again.
Your picks for the finals, gentlemen :)
Kings in 5.
Devils in 6.
Devils in 6
Update the Pool.
@Neil, you mean they save Hockey from the New York Rangers.
Kings in six
the update has been done.
Devils in 7
You know, those plucky Kings are plucky.
Up 2-0 and going home, these Kings must like how the series is playing out.
If the Kings win the Stanley Cup I'm going to be royally pissed. LOL GET IT?
You know what I hate the most in the Stanley Cup Playoff? It takes too much time that by the final I don't care about it. I just want this to end so we can start talking about the Draft.
This might be the easiest Cup win evah. Kings have played 16 games and are 2 wins away. :huh:
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 03, 2012, 03:04:18 PM
You know what I hate the most in the Stanley Cup Playoff? It takes too much time that by the final I don't care about it. I just want this to end so we can start talking about the Draft.
Especially since they're drawn the Final out to get as many Saturday games as they can. Compared to the earlier rounds, where there's a game (or two) every night, the Final just seems to drag.
Still, I've really enjoyed the Kings games. They've played strong defence, but they've also been exciting with the puck, and they don't really have a boring line that just ties up in the corner. They're always trying to score.
Only the delusional think the Devils will get swept.
It's certainly a possibility. The Blues were a better team than the Devils, and they were swept.
I am not even sure what to think about the Kings. I mean they are the 8th seed but this is no cinderella run they are just destroying everybody. How can this be possible? How were they not the #1 seed if they are just good?
Quote from: Valmy on June 05, 2012, 07:53:46 AM
I am not even sure what to think about the Kings. I mean they are the 8th seed but this is no cinderella run they are just destroying everybody. How can this be possible? How were they not the #1 seed if they are just good?
Because Brent Sutter is bullying that team into a steady effort. Something Terry Murray couldn't do.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 03, 2012, 03:04:18 PM
You know what I hate the most in the Stanley Cup Playoff? It takes too much time that by the final I don't care about it. I just want this to end so we can start talking about the Draft.
100 per cent agree. I stopped watching after Round one to be honest.
Quote from: Valmy on June 05, 2012, 07:53:46 AM
I am not even sure what to think about the Kings. I mean they are the 8th seed but this is no cinderella run they are just destroying everybody. How can this be possible? How were they not the #1 seed if they are just good?
Which is my problem with the whole regular season/playoff season. The eight month regular season is just exhibition season for the playoffs and mean absolutely nothing. There's no point in watching or following the regular season.
Quote from: Valmy on June 05, 2012, 07:53:46 AM
I am not even sure what to think about the Kings. I mean they are the 8th seed but this is no cinderella run they are just destroying everybody. How can this be possible? How were they not the #1 seed if they are just good?
they changed after the end of the exchange period. In the last straight toward the series, they started winning most of their games.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 05, 2012, 08:06:57 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 05, 2012, 07:53:46 AM
I am not even sure what to think about the Kings. I mean they are the 8th seed but this is no cinderella run they are just destroying everybody. How can this be possible? How were they not the #1 seed if they are just good?
Because Brent Sutter is bullying that team into a steady effort. Something Terry Murray couldn't do.
Darryl Sutter, but yeah.
Apparently Brent Sutter is going to be the next coach in Edmonton.
What's with the Brent Sutter love. Dude is a proven loser, with a loser attitude and a losing record. I don't get it.
They should hire Jacques Martin. Get some defensive sense into the young ones.
Pfft just need to realize will never win till they relocate to US. :P
Guess which team sold the most merchandise in the NHL this past season?
That's right. :cool:
Quote from: Zoupa on June 05, 2012, 09:38:50 PM
What's with the Brent Sutter love. Dude is a proven loser, with a loser attitude and a losing record. I don't get it.
They should hire Jacques Martin. Get some defensive sense into the young ones.
He won two Stanley Cups as a player, as a coach won the Memorial Cup and two World Junior gold medals. He in fact has a winning record as a coach.
The buzz around Brent Sutter in Edmonton seems to revolve around 1. the fact Kevin Lowe hired Sutter to coach the latest international thing the name of which I am blanking on, and 2. the success Darryl seems to be having in LA.
Lots of breaking news on the Coyotes.
Glendale scheduled a vote to approve terms of lease of to Jamison. Lease includes paying Jamison an "arena management fee" of $15 mil every year for 20 years.
The much talked about Goldwater Institute files for an emergency temporary retsraining order, saying that they were provided with a copy of the lease and other materials yesterday afternoon and there's not enough time to review before the vote scheduled at 10:15.
Judge has now denied the rrestraining order application citing a lack of authority to do so, but says that there are clear violations by the city of various court orders regarding providing documents in time.
So now the vote is scheduled in 10 minutes. Not sure what they're going to do now. Glendale attorney did mention in court that the NHL deadline (which Bettman keeps claiming doesn't exist) has already been extended.
Vote or no vote, I still don't believe anyone is willing to give Jamison 140 mil to buy the team.
For being a city in such a red state, the Glendale city council sure do mingle in everything.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 08, 2012, 12:13:32 PM
Vote or no vote, I still don't believe anyone is willing to give Jamison 140 mil to buy the team.
For being a city in such a red state, the Glendale city council sure do mingle in everything.
Well that's where the stories come together. If Jamison was having trouble getting investrs before, does the threat of lawsuits make it that much harder to get them? GWI did come out of court promising a lawsuit based on the lack of timely disclosure.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 08, 2012, 12:13:32 PM
Vote or no vote, I still don't believe anyone is willing to give Jamison 140 mil to buy the team.
For being a city in such a red state, the Glendale city council sure do mingle in everything.
You have to wonder who's financing that, eh? I mean, maybe the playoff run managed to trick some idiot into thinking that with a winning team that the Coyotes could be a going concern. But a playoff run won't fill the arena for their 40 home games, half of which are pretty meaningless. Somebody with $140 million to hand off to a certain bankruptcy a few years down the road is pretty foolish.
So Glendale meeting is going on. I'm only following 2nd hand discussion of the meeting (since I don't think I should sit at work and watch a video of Glendale City Council) it sounds certain the lease will pass. Only one councilman is opposed, though he is very opposed. Curiously Mayor Scruggs is now strongly opposed, but she's a lame duck mayor (and only gets to vote on ties) so she's being ignored.
Reading between the lines from what Jamison said he still does not have the money lined up.
And of course GWI has promised to sue based on the lack of disclosure. They probably have much better grounds on that basis, but it's impact on whether the team stays or not is uncertain.
Wen asked, Jamison refused to say who his investors were. :yeahright:
He also admitted that a portion of the "arena management fee" would go to fund team operations. Which obviously it would, but they kept pretending it wouldn't.
Heh man the people of Glendale are suckers.
And COG does approve lease to Jamison.
So now we wait to see if GWI sues, and whether or not Jamison can come up with the money.
The thing is it's ridiculously late in the day to move a team, but I'm not sure what happens if Jamison can't close the deal.
Seattle Coyotes! Doesn't have great ring to it.
Quote from: katmai on June 08, 2012, 05:10:22 PM
Seattle Coyotes! Doesn't have great ring to it.
Seattle Salmon Run
Seattle Rain
Seattle Sasquatch
Seattle Eruptions (Mt. St. Helens reference!)
I wonder when they get a team if will take the minorleague moniker of Thunderbirds.
Seattle Barristas
Seattle Foggers
Seattle Rockers
Seattle Mets, because history matters.
Quote from: Barrister on June 08, 2012, 04:56:11 PM
The thing is it's ridiculously late in the day to move a team, but I'm not sure what happens if Jamison can't close the deal.
The NHL will manage the team one more year and try their best to find another owner to keep the team in Glendale. Ridiculous? Well, they've been doing that for 3 years now.
Why are they so desperate to keep the team there? If nobody showed up this year what is it going to take? Four consecutive Stanley Cups?
Quote from: Barrister on June 07, 2012, 11:43:18 AM
Guess which team sold the most merchandise in the NHL this past season?
That's right. :cool:
It sort of makes sense, though. They were a new team.
Quote from: Valmy on June 11, 2012, 10:05:07 AM
Why are they so desperate to keep the team there?
It was Betman's decision to move the team from Winnipeg. A market where a new team now works. Betman's strategy was to expand in big US markets to get television contracts that would benefit the league. American networks probably pay more than Canadian networks, due to potential market size.
Betman would look like a fool if another team was again to move out of its new market about a decade later, without evern turning a profit. He was so happy when Winnipeg got its team back... I suspect it became personal to him, a question of ego.
Also, it's entirely possible other club owners don't want Péladeau to get a hockey team and join their club, and to that, they are willing to lose money so long as they have a glimmer of hope. Besides, the NHL hasn't lost much money with that team so far. Glendale gave 25millions for the last 2 years, so the NHL's losses were around 5-10 million$ no more.
QuoteIf nobody showed up this year what is it going to take? Four consecutive Stanley Cups?
I don't know. Had the NHL done as much efforts for Quebec city and Winnipeg as they did for Glendale/Pheonix, we might have never lost our teams.
Quote from: viper37 on June 11, 2012, 02:36:43 PM
Quote from: Valmy on June 11, 2012, 10:05:07 AM
Why are they so desperate to keep the team there?
It was Betman's decision to move the team from Winnipeg. A market where a new team now works. Betman's strategy was to expand in big US markets to get television contracts that would benefit the league. American networks probably pay more than Canadian networks, due to potential market size.
Betman would look like a fool if another team was again to move out of its new market about a decade later, without evern turning a profit. He was so happy when Winnipeg got its team back... I suspect it became personal to him, a question of ego.
Also, it's entirely possible other club owners don't want Péladeau to get a hockey team and join their club, and to that, they are willing to lose money so long as they have a glimmer of hope. Besides, the NHL hasn't lost much money with that team so far. Glendale gave 25millions for the last 2 years, so the NHL's losses were around 5-10 million$ no more.
QuoteIf nobody showed up this year what is it going to take? Four consecutive Stanley Cups?
I don't know. Had the NHL done as much efforts for Quebec city and Winnipeg as they did for Glendale/Pheonix, we might have never lost our teams.
Could Bettman have done more to try and help the Jets stay? Sure. But in the end it came down to the fact that the City had dithered for years and years on building a new arena and it just never happened. So when local owner Barry Shenkarow said "that's it - I can't afford to own this team any longer" there was nobody who had the means to buy the team and sustain those losses.
Bettman wants the Coyotes to stay because Glendale purpose-built the arena for the NHL. It would look terrible to all those other cities the league is trying to convince to build them arenas if they up and left. This is what makes the situation different from Atlanta - there the arena owners wanted nothing to do with the Thrashers any more.
I doubt the league is opposed to PKP. If they were surely he wouldn't be at the forefront of getting a new NHL-ready arena built in Quebec City...
Quote from: Barrister on June 11, 2012, 02:44:27 PM
Could Bettman have done more to try and help the Jets stay? Sure. But in the end it came down to the fact that the City had dithered for years and years on building a new arena and it just never happened. So when local owner Barry Shenkarow said "that's it - I can't afford to own this team any longer" there was nobody who had the means to buy the team and sustain those losses.
But there was no one to keep the team in Pheonix/Glendale. In fact, he forced the bankruptcy of the franchise to buy it and keep it in place. I agree that Balsilie made a dick move, but still. The NHL bought and manage the team itself, went active on lobbying the city for funds, tried itself desperately to find a buyer or a group of buyers and even though Jamison still doesn't have all the money, they're willing to wait a little more.
True, there's an arena. Something Winnipeg and Quebec city did not have.
Also, the CAD$ was very low at the time, meaning Canadian teams had an hard time turning a profit.
Still, the NHL did not move a finger to keep the teams there. They did not try all possible avenues to find another owner group in Quebec city of Winnipeg.
I doubt the league is opposed to PKP. If they were surely he wouldn't be at the forefront of getting a new NHL-ready arena built in Quebec City...
Bell owns parts of two teams: the Canadians, and the Maple Leafs. Bell also owns TSN and its French equivalent, RDS. Right now, people are tuning in to RDS because there's hockey. Hockey attracts other viewers who may stay for other shows. Having one more hockey team in Quebec means Quebecor's new sports channel will get the coverage, not RDS. That means a bit less viewers for RDS. Not much, but enough to make them sit and wait.
On a personal level, apparently PKP is not really best friends with David Thompson too. There is intense rivalry between Bell and Quebecor, Quebecor and CBC, Quebecor and just about any media group in the country ;)
I don't know how much it plays, but it might be one of the many reasons why the NHL really wants to Coyotes to stay put.
It's so over. Kings have won it all.
About time.
Dustin Brown: "That's why we fuckin' play." Live on the air on NBC.
Prepare for the FCC to come down on NBC like a ton of bricks.
Quote from: Neil on June 11, 2012, 09:53:44 PM
Dustin Brown: "That's why we fuckin' play." Live on the air on NBC.
Prepare for the FCC to come down on NBC like a ton of bricks.
As if the FCC watches Stanley Cup games.
Quote from: viper37 on June 11, 2012, 07:56:41 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 11, 2012, 02:44:27 PM
Could Bettman have done more to try and help the Jets stay? Sure. But in the end it came down to the fact that the City had dithered for years and years on building a new arena and it just never happened. So when local owner Barry Shenkarow said "that's it - I can't afford to own this team any longer" there was nobody who had the means to buy the team and sustain those losses.
But there was no one to keep the team in Pheonix/Glendale. In fact, he forced the bankruptcy of the franchise to buy it and keep it in place. I agree that Balsilie made a dick move, but still. The NHL bought and manage the team itself, went active on lobbying the city for funds, tried itself desperately to find a buyer or a group of buyers and even though Jamison still doesn't have all the money, they're willing to wait a little more.
True, there's an arena. Something Winnipeg and Quebec city did not have.
Also, the CAD$ was very low at the time, meaning Canadian teams had an hard time turning a profit.
Still, the NHL did not move a finger to keep the teams there. They did not try all possible avenues to find another owner group in Quebec city of Winnipeg.
I doubt the league is opposed to PKP. If they were surely he wouldn't be at the forefront of getting a new NHL-ready arena built in Quebec City...
Bell owns parts of two teams: the Canadians, and the Maple Leafs. Bell also owns TSN and its French equivalent, RDS. Right now, people are tuning in to RDS because there's hockey. Hockey attracts other viewers who may stay for other shows. Having one more hockey team in Quebec means Quebecor's new sports channel will get the coverage, not RDS. That means a bit less viewers for RDS. Not much, but enough to make them sit and wait.
On a personal level, apparently PKP is not really best friends with David Thompson too. There is intense rivalry between Bell and Quebecor, Quebecor and CBC, Quebecor and just about any media group in the country ;)
I don't know how much it plays, but it might be one of the many reasons why the NHL really wants to Coyotes to stay put.
David Thomson. :mad:
Apparently he has nothing to do with Bell any ore - the Globe was split out from what is misleadingly called Globe Bellmedia.
Quote from: Barrister on June 12, 2012, 12:23:36 AM
Quote from: Neil on June 11, 2012, 09:53:44 PM
Dustin Brown: "That's why we fuckin' play." Live on the air on NBC.
Prepare for the FCC to come down on NBC like a ton of bricks.
As if the FCC watches Stanley Cup games.
As if anyone in the US does.
You and I could go on the air reading from the Cheyenne, Wyoming phone book and we'd get better ratings in most US markets than the NHL does.
Ah the collective yawn of a Warm weather American team winning the Stanley Cup. Or not? Does anybody in LA care?
Have a bunch of LA based friends who were cheering about it late into the night. Just cause you lame ass texans are fair weather fans....
Quote from: katmai on June 12, 2012, 07:49:40 AM
Have a bunch of LA based friends who were cheering about it late into the night. Just cause you lame ass texans are fair weather fans....
Fair weather fans at least care when their team wins the Stanley Cup. Therefore Stars "fans" do not qualify.
Do you even know what fair weather fans means? :P
No riots.? :mad:
Quote from: dps on June 12, 2012, 01:27:00 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 12, 2012, 12:23:36 AM
Quote from: Neil on June 11, 2012, 09:53:44 PM
Dustin Brown: "That's why we fuckin' play." Live on the air on NBC.
Prepare for the FCC to come down on NBC like a ton of bricks.
As if the FCC watches Stanley Cup games.
As if anyone in the US does.
You and I could go on the air reading from the Cheyenne, Wyoming phone book and we'd get better ratings in most US markets than the NHL does.
That's not quite true. Apparently NBC is getting... okay ratings with the NHL this year. It's a lot better with traditional teams playing - I gather ratings were good until this final.
Quote from: Valmy on June 12, 2012, 07:47:08 AM
Ah the collective yawn of a Warm weather American team winning the Stanley Cup. Or not? Does anybody in LA care?
the LA Times first page is about the Cup and the hard road to get there...
As for our little hockey pool, Grey Fox is the winner at 17 points, followed by Josephus at 14 and yours truly with 10 pts :)
So what do I win for coming in second?
Quote from: Josephus on June 12, 2012, 10:52:54 AM
So what do I win for coming in second?
Nothing this year :P
Next year, we might add an incentive though :)
Quote from: viper37 on June 12, 2012, 10:35:46 AM
As for our little hockey pool, Grey Fox is the winner at 17 points, followed by Josephus at 14 and yours truly with 10 pts :)
GWI announced via Twitter that they have filed suit against Glendale for failing to release information prior to voting on it.
I don't know if it's enough to stop the sale though.
Maybe all Glendale could do, is release all the info and re-vote 24hrs later.
Quote from: viper37 on June 13, 2012, 12:33:50 PM
I don't know if it's enough to stop the sale though.
Maybe all Glendale could do, is release all the info and re-vote 24hrs later.
Yes. That is all they would need to do.
But the question is - why didn't they do it in the first place? I think the answer is either
A: that there's some really damaging information in some of those documents that, if made public, might put the deal in jeopardy;
B: there is a deadline that means they couldn't wait for that to happen; or
C: they just really are that stupid.
So it is possibly enough to stop the deal.
I vote for 10% A and 90% of B. Probably Jamison and Betman told the city they needed the deal in place to get additional financing, otherwise, the team would move.
Hearing set for June 19th.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 11, 2012, 08:08:01 AM
Seattle Mets, because history matters.
Should they stick with the Sweater scheme? :P
Quote from: katmai on June 15, 2012, 06:34:11 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 11, 2012, 08:08:01 AM
Seattle Mets, because history matters.
Should they stick with the Sweater scheme? :P
It'd be awesome if they did. :D
Quote from: katmai on June 15, 2012, 06:34:11 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 11, 2012, 08:08:01 AM
Seattle Mets, because history matters.
Should they stick with the Sweater scheme? :P
I'd be for it but HDTVs don't render the barber pole scheme very well.
Quote from: Barrister on June 14, 2012, 12:06:47 PM
Hearing set for June 19th.
A reporter is tweeting the hearing as it happens:
trials are way more interesting in Boston Legal&such than this ;)
Quote from: viper37 on June 19, 2012, 01:34:26 PM
trials are way more interesting in Boston Legal&such than this ;)
I think it's very interesting. :)
Quote from: Barrister on June 19, 2012, 01:50:03 PM
Quote from: viper37 on June 19, 2012, 01:34:26 PM
trials are way more interesting in Boston Legal&such than this ;)
I think it's very interesting. :)
I hope so. Otherwise, I'd question your choice of carreer! :P
Judge holds that the CoG vote is fine, but that it was not an "emergency vote". I gather that opens the way for a citizen referendum on the vote.
Text from AZ Central (
The preseason schedule has been announced, and the Jets first game of the season is in... Edmonton. :hmm:
But its preseason - and the first game no less. Might even be split-squad.
So are you saying that you won't go and cheer your beloved Jets? Because if that's the case, I name you NO TRUE FAN.
Quote from: Barrister on June 20, 2012, 10:35:13 AM
The preseason schedule has been announced, and the Jets first game of the season is in... Edmonton. :hmm:
But its preseason - and the first game no less. Might even be split-squad.
You better go, split squad or not. Even if Evander Kane isn't a Jet anymore.
Quote from: Neil on June 20, 2012, 10:45:49 AM
So are you saying that you won't go and cheer your beloved Jets? Because if that's the case, I name you NO TRUE FAN.
But I missed 81 of 82 regular season games last year, and all of the pre-season. :(
Besides who are we kidding - the games they announced will never be played because of a lockout.
I'll just throw it out there - if ticket prices are reasonable would you want to go Neil-o?
Quote from: Barrister on June 20, 2012, 10:50:31 AM
I'll just throw it out there - if ticket prices are reasonable would you want to go Neil-o?
I'd go. I've never been to an NHL game before.
Quote from: Neil on June 20, 2012, 11:06:43 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 20, 2012, 10:50:31 AM
I'll just throw it out there - if ticket prices are reasonable would you want to go Neil-o?
I'd go. I've never been to an NHL game before.
Really? As in ever?
I've probably attended <10 lifetime so I'm hardly a huge hockey nut but I saw a handful of Jets 1.0 games in Winnipeg, I went to a couple in Calgary (in the firm luxury box). Hell I saw a Jets vs Oilers in Edmonton game in the early 80s when my dad took us. That was the last time I was in that building too.
So I have my doubts the game will even happen, but lets keep it in mind. Could be fun. :)
Never ever. I guess I just never made an effort since I moved here nine or ten years ago.
Have you been to minor leagues hockey games?
Quote from: Neil on June 20, 2012, 11:27:55 AM
Never ever. I guess I just never made an effort since I moved here nine or ten years ago.
I guess that makes sense. Until this last year I don't think I had ever paid for a ticket - they were all freebies / my dad taking me.
And actually since i got those tickets for Christmas I guess I have still never paid for a ticket.
Neil - I couldn't imagine going to 41 games a year, but a NHL hockey game is a fun (and expensive!) night out. They know how to put on a show, everyone's cheering (or in my case, ribbing me for wearing opposition colours) and having a good time.
Schedule's out. Team is playing in Phoenix by the way.
I really think Quebec is out for next season.
There will be a team in Seattle before Quebec.
Quote from: katmai on June 21, 2012, 11:24:58 AM
There will be a team in Seattle before Quebec.
NBA? 'course.
Some news.
text in french (
- for a referendum to occur, the opponents to the deal need 1862 signatures by July 8th
- if there's a referendum on the subject, it will be held in November
- Jamison still does not have the money
So, by July 8th, we should know a little more.
My guess is either way, the NHL will keep&manage the team one more year in Glendale.
Quote from: viper37 on June 21, 2012, 01:54:40 PM
My guess is either way, the NHL will keep&manage the team one more year in Glendale.
And then move to Seattle.
Quebec Devils!
Would they go back to the name Nordiques... or go with something new?
Seattle Nordiques makes no sense Whap :rolleyes:
Quote from: PRC on June 21, 2012, 03:01:01 PM
Would they go back to the name Nordiques... or go with something new?
Unlike the Winnipeg group which avoided the name and imagery of the Jets, the Quebec group has strongly embraced them from the beginning. Lots of photo-ops of politicians wearing Nords jerseys for example.
Quote from: PRC on June 21, 2012, 03:01:01 PM
Would they go back to the name Nordiques... or go with something new?
IIRC, it has been confirmed by Quebecor that if the name if available from the NHL, they will use it, if a team comes back.
They thought about "Le National", wich is the name of a fictional hockey team in a popular hockey drama (He shoots, he scores on CBC, years ago).
OMG: Bettman and Roy eat breakfast together
Jason Brough
Jun 22, 2012, 11:59 AM EDT
With about a billion reporters milling around the media hotel this morning in Pittsburgh, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman decided to sit down with Patrick Roy for the most important meal of the day.
This, of course, set off all kinds of gossip among the shorts-with-black-socks set. What were Bettman and Roy talking about? It had to be about the Coyotes moving to Quebec City, right? After all, the league owns the Phoenix franchise and it's been rumored Roy could be a key figure with the team should it move to La Belle Province.
Yahoo!'s Nick Cotsonika ran into Bettman after and told him the tête-à-tête created quite a stir. The commissioner asked Cotsonika if people were speculating. Cotsonika replied, "Of course." To which Bettman said, "Welcome to my life."
Mesdames, messieurs accueillont nos Nordiques!
Keep dreaming there Fox.
Roy denies talking about the Coyotes.
Maybe Betman is planning to move the Jets? They're already playing in the estern division :P
Quote from: viper37 on June 22, 2012, 01:57:54 PM
Roy denies talking about the Coyotes.
But did they talk about les Nordiques? :ph34r:
Nah - it's almost certainly nothing.
Quote from: Barrister on June 22, 2012, 02:04:33 PM
Quote from: viper37 on June 22, 2012, 01:57:54 PM
Roy denies talking about the Coyotes.
But did they talk about les Nordiques? :ph34r:
Nah - it's almost certainly nothing.
according to a text by Le Soleil, they met before, and they were just talking about the NHL draft, and how were things with the Rempart.
Supreme court rules in favor of Glendale. I haven't seen this in the local media, only heard on radio, but apparently Goldwater is throwing the towel and won't go further. No Coyotes in Quebec, or Seattle for that matter.
Maybe the Quebec city Devils or Islanders? Nah. That will never happen :)
So much for going to an hockey game next year.
Yeah, it's too late for next year. Still, the league will probably still own the team next year, since this guy's financing will have to fall through. I have a hard time believing that in this economy there's people that are willing to flush tens of millions of dollars down the toilet every year.
Quote from: Neil on June 29, 2012, 10:19:16 AM
Yeah, it's too late for next year. Still, the league will probably still own the team next year, since this guy's financing will have to fall through. I have a hard time believing that in this economy there's people that are willing to flush tens of millions of dollars down the toilet every year.
depends on how much money they pay the team, how much they receive from the NHL and then the city.
For 20 years, they get about 15 million$ from the city. Half the loss is there.
If they get the team for 120-130million$ from the NHL and if they get some 10-15 million$ a year as per the revenu sharing agreement, then it becomes possible. Until there's another financial crisis.
Frankie Boullion is a Hab again. If Darcy Tucker was still in the league, he'd get fucked up. :)
That and Prust should add some grit to a team that needs it.
Also, with Salo gone, the Canucks are finished.
Huh - despite how much the Jets claimed they are "interested" and "involved" in Parise, I didn't expect them to be signing anyone but 4th line role-players this off-season.
But then they went out and signed Jokinen. :hmm: Perhaps they're not quite so cheap as I thought they'd be this year.
And as a smug aside - my dad was n town. We were discussing the very recent birth of my son. Then out of the blue my dad tells a short anecdote about when I was born. It was taking awhile, so he remembers listening to the hockey game. The, you guessed it, the Winnipeg Jets had just beaten the Houston Aeros 11-0 led of course by Bobby Hull. :punk:
Ouch. Poor Jets.
Then again, it's not like Jokinen is a terrible player. He was just never worth what the Flames would trade for him every year.
Quote from: Neil on July 02, 2012, 10:50:23 PM
Ouch. Poor Jets.
Then again, it's not like Jokinen is a terrible player. He was just never worth what the Flames would trade for him every year.
His stats are decent enough. It's just that after we had a 4th-liner (Tanner Glass) and our back up goalie (Chris Mason) sign elsewhere for less money than they were being offered in Winnipeg, you had to wonder if simply nobody wanted to sign here.
They're giving Jokinen 9 mil over two years. You could argue it's more than he's worth, but the beauty of it is that it is only 2 years. And besides the Jets have cap room to burn at this point.
I'm looking forward to the wailing and gnashing of teeth when the young Oilers start pulling up stakes starting next year. It's hard for the northern teams to get free agents unless they're winning.
Quote from: Neil on July 02, 2012, 11:05:28 PM
I'm looking forward to the wailing and gnashing of teeth when the young Oilers start pulling up stakes starting next year. It's hard for the northern teams to get free agents unless they're winning.
Meh - all their young picks will only be RFAs. But I agree - if the OIlers don't start winning, they'll all leave eventually.
Offer sheets are so rare in the NHL it's pretty much assumed that owners have just colluded and agreed not to use them.
But Philly just blew up that little gentleman's agreement, giving Shea Weber a 14 year, $110 million dollar offer sheet, that would pay him $14mil in the first few years. The speculation is that the deal is just so heavily front-loaded that however much they might want to, Nashville will be simply unable to afford that salary (the deal is structured so the overall cap hit isn't that bad, but in terms of actual cash heading out the door).
Can't see how this helps the owners at the CBA talks though. :hmm:
Your goalies a drunk driver BB. For shame!
and they really have to get rid of these 10 year loaded contracts. what's the point of having a cap if you can just work around it.
Quote from: HVC on July 19, 2012, 11:22:50 AM
Your goalies a drunk driver BB. For shame!
:mad: Yeah, I was Not Happy about that bit of news. The worst of it was that it happened back in June, before he got his new contract, but he never informed the team (and I heard reports he didn't even inform his agent). It was only when a Czech enws site reported the news that everyone found out about it.
What happens in the czech republic stays in the czech republic. it's like Vegas. but with more hookers
Quote from: HVC on July 19, 2012, 11:24:19 AM
and they really have to get rid of these 10 year loaded contracts. what's the point of having a cap if you can just work around it.
It's what happens when you won't let the rich teams spend as much as they want.
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 19, 2012, 11:40:42 AM
Quote from: HVC on July 19, 2012, 11:24:19 AM
and they really have to get rid of these 10 year loaded contracts. what's the point of having a cap if you can just work around it.
It's what happens when you won't let the rich teams spend as much as they want.
Well I think teams are starting to regret signing these kinds of deals. Ask Vancouver what they think of the Loungo contract. But because they've only come about in the last 4-5 years none of them have gotten so old as to be really terrible for the teams who signed them.
But they'll keep doing it becasue there's a fear of "if i don't someone will". unless they put a cap on contract lengths. Or beter yet, for every year over 5 years on a contract you lose 1 point in the season. Make is way more risky but still have the option to do it.
They might regret it but they won't stop handing them out either.
The owners said no to a 46million hard cap for 5 years back in '04. The players need to clean them dry.
Quote from: HVC on July 19, 2012, 11:48:31 AM
But they'll keep doing it becasue there's a fear of "if i don't someone will". unless they put a cap on contract lengths. Or beter yet, for every year over 5 years on a contract you lose 1 point in the season. Make is way more risky but still have the option to do it.
I think they do it because they know that most off the GMs signing these deals won't be around by the time these contracts go sour.
But seriously - how on earh is it going to work in, say 2024, when Shea Weber is in his late 30s but carries a 7.5 mil cap hit? And because it's a contract it's not as if Philly can just cut him, and he's still earning millions so why would he voluntarily retire?
Quote from: Barrister on July 19, 2012, 11:53:14 AM
Quote from: HVC on July 19, 2012, 11:48:31 AM
But they'll keep doing it becasue there's a fear of "if i don't someone will". unless they put a cap on contract lengths. Or beter yet, for every year over 5 years on a contract you lose 1 point in the season. Make is way more risky but still have the option to do it.
I think they do it because they know that most off the GMs signing these deals won't be around by the time these contracts go sour.
But seriously - how on earh is it going to work in, say 2024, when Shea Weber is in his late 30s but carries a 7.5 mil cap hit? And because it's a contract it's not as if Philly can just cut him, and he's still earning millions so why would he voluntarily retire?
He won't make that much. Last 3 years his salary is 1 mil.
The contract has something around 68m in Signing Bonus in the first 6 years.
They'll shift him to the front office And he'll retire because they'll pay him 8 mill to keep him off the cap.
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 19, 2012, 11:55:32 AM
Quote from: Barrister on July 19, 2012, 11:53:14 AM
Quote from: HVC on July 19, 2012, 11:48:31 AM
But they'll keep doing it becasue there's a fear of "if i don't someone will". unless they put a cap on contract lengths. Or beter yet, for every year over 5 years on a contract you lose 1 point in the season. Make is way more risky but still have the option to do it.
I think they do it because they know that most off the GMs signing these deals won't be around by the time these contracts go sour.
But seriously - how on earh is it going to work in, say 2024, when Shea Weber is in his late 30s but carries a 7.5 mil cap hit? And because it's a contract it's not as if Philly can just cut him, and he's still earning millions so why would he voluntarily retire?
He won't make that much. Last 3 years carry 1 mil.
The contract has something around 56m in Signing Bonus in the first 6 years.
A million per year is still millions of dollars.
If you break down Weber's offer :
He gets 1 mil in salary, 13 mil in SB for the first 4 years
Year 5 and 6 have a 4 mil salary & 8 mil in SB
Year 7 thru 10 are 6 mil salary no SB
Year 11 is 3 mil salary no SB
Year 12 thru 14 are 1 mil salary no SB.
No one signing these long contract will play pass their 38th-39th birthday.
How do signing bonuses effect the cap?
They count against it but they are not subject to rollbacks and are guaranteed.
Quote from: HVC on July 19, 2012, 12:05:41 PM
How do signing bonuses effect the cap?
Signing bonues get counted against the cap, but I did read that potentially because so much of the deal is SBs, not salary, it may impact what compensation Nashville gets for signing a RFA. It's a difference between 4 1st round picks, and 2 1sts, a 2nd and a 3rd.
Quote from: Barrister on July 19, 2012, 11:53:14 AM
I think they do it because they know that most off the GMs signing these deals won't be around by the time these contracts go sour.
And that perhaps the team won't be there.
Quote from: Neil on July 19, 2012, 02:09:35 PM
Quote from: Barrister on July 19, 2012, 11:53:14 AM
I think they do it because they know that most off the GMs signing these deals won't be around by the time these contracts go sour.
And that perhaps the team won't be there.
Philly isn't going anywhere...
Quote from: Barrister on July 19, 2012, 11:21:56 AM
Offer sheets are so rare in the NHL it's pretty much assumed that owners have just colluded and agreed not to use them.
But Philly just blew up that little gentleman's agreement, giving Shea Weber a 14 year, $110 million dollar offer sheet, that would pay him $14mil in the first few years. The speculation is that the deal is just so heavily front-loaded that however much they might want to, Nashville will be simply unable to afford that salary (the deal is structured so the overall cap hit isn't that bad, but in terms of actual cash heading out the door).
Can't see how this helps the owners at the CBA talks though. :hmm:
Nashville matched it though no?
So heard that Tim Thomas supported the Chick-fil-A folks (
Quote from: katmai on July 26, 2012, 06:06:23 PM
So heard that Tim Thomas supported the Chick-fil-A folks (
Well, that man loves to be a contrarian. He's also in a sport that's famous for their lack of tolerance for gays. Still, I think he just torched any endorsement contracts he might have had, until he wins another championship.
Columbus traded Nash to the Rangers. Oh well.
Maybe he'll put some Canadiens into that pole in the frong arena.
The pole has been taken back about 6 inches. Not many Canadiens are tall enough to get hit by it.
I think Columbus did okay in that trade. Every team in the league would like Dubinsky and Ansimov is pretty good, especially when he pretends his stick is a rifle and mock shoots the goalie after scoring. Tim Erixon is a little bitch but if he decides to grow a pair and play in Columbus he might turn out to be a good player.
Live webcam where you can watch Quebec City's new arena being built. :)
QuoteSEATTLE (AP) -- Efforts to bring the NBA back to Seattle took a giant step forward in a revised arena deal announced Tuesday, with investor Chris Hansen agreeing to kick in more money for transportation improvements near a proposed new arena, personally guaranteeing the city's debt - and offering to buy everyone a beer.
The plan for the $490 million arena, which could also host an NHL team, represents the best shot at bringing the NBA back to Seattle. The SuperSonics ended their 41-year run here in 2008 and skipped town for Oklahoma City, where they became the Thunder.
Though formal votes are still required, Tuesday's announcement effectively gave Hansen, a San Francisco hedge-fund manager, and his fellow investors, including Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Peter and Erik Nordstrom, of the department store clan, the green light to begin shopping for an NBA team.
So, Seattle will get an NHL team before Quebec city?
Btw, did any of our Canadian lawyers saw the news where the Montreal players aim to get recognized as a legitimate union in Quebec, and thus prevent the NHL from going into lock-out, at least for Montreal, and then maybe for other provinces too?
The core of the argument would reside as to whom is the employer: the team or the league. I'd lean toward the team, but I suppose a credible argument can be made that since the contract is negotiated&signed in New York, as well as all rules of the game, the league is the real employer in terms of enforcing labour laws.
Quote from: viper37 on September 12, 2012, 12:55:19 PM
Btw, did any of our Canadian lawyers saw the news where the Montreal players aim to get recognized as a legitimate union in Quebec, and thus prevent the NHL from going into lock-out, at least for Montreal, and then maybe for other provinces too?
The core of the argument would reside as to whom is the employer: the team or the league. I'd lean toward the team, but I suppose a credible argument can be made that since the contract is negotiated&signed in New York, as well as all rules of the game, the league is the real employer in terms of enforcing labour laws.
No, the argument is different - that precisely because the NHLPA is NOT a recognized union, that the NHL can't lock them out.
They're making the same filing in Alberta. Apparently courts in Ontario already rejected that request. No idea why the PA hasn't done anything in BC or Manitoba.
Quote from: Barrister on September 07, 2012, 03:08:31 PM
Live webcam where you can watch Quebec City's new arena being built. :)
I keep coming back to this every day for a few secs. It's kind of cool to see the progress. Of course they're just excavating for right now.
When you see it stop for 6 to 8 months, do not worry, that's business as usual for these parts.
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 12, 2012, 01:30:06 PM
When you see it stop for 6 to 8 months, do not worry, that's business as usual for these parts.
I did wonder about starting construction in September. The ground is going to freeze up in a couple of months.
I think they have to decontaminate the ground first anyway. So excavate now & build foundation before Winter & then shut everything down until the spring?
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 12, 2012, 01:39:33 PM
I think they have to decontaminate the ground first anyway. So excavate now & build foundation before Winter & then shut everything down until the spring?
Didn't they move the location so they didn't have to worry about contaminated ground?
Quote from: Barrister on September 12, 2012, 01:42:04 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 12, 2012, 01:39:33 PM
I think they have to decontaminate the ground first anyway. So excavate now & build foundation before Winter & then shut everything down until the spring?
Didn't they move the location so they didn't have to worry about contaminated ground?
I don't know. Where is it being built in the end? Stampede ground or the Colisee's parking lot?
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 12, 2012, 01:39:33 PM
I think they have to decontaminate the ground first anyway. So excavate now & build foundation before Winter & then shut everything down until the spring?
The ground is not stable there. They need metal post to reach solid ground, most likely rock deep below the clay.
So that's what they'll be doing now until they start with the concrete forms come december.
It's not unusual to start public project in september. Bureaucracy at work. And they, they wonder why it costs more to build here than elsewhere in Canada.
Basically, the problem is this: bureaucrats are on vacation during summer time, rotating vacations, 3-5 weeks each person, beginning at the end of june until the end of August. So, big public projects that need governmental funding or specific authorization are practically on hold during this time. From January to March/April, nearly everyone in every government office is in "budget mode", they crunch numbers for the budget of their department and are doing the equivalent of the Federal government MYOP (multi year operational plan). So most projects are either on hold or are advancing very slowly.
Then of course, you need engineering and architectural plans. These big firms suffer from the same summer problem as the government. Add to this that a lot of these firms are the same ones supervising road&bridge construction/maintenance, so they don't have a lot of manpower during summer.
Hence, we get at this marvelous time of the year to start projects: september. Everyone is back in the office, back at home to watch the little ones go to school. Life is back to normal, projects can get started.
I had a small city project that was supposed to start early August. It's now been pushed to the end of October, best case scenario.
Quote from: Grey Fox on September 12, 2012, 01:30:06 PM
When you see it stop for 6 to 8 months, do not worry, that's business as usual for these parts.
they won't stop. They'll just build the foundations in winter time for 25-30% more of the summer price (excavation will be done, so that reduces costs a little).
Quote from: viper37 on September 12, 2012, 12:52:43 PM
So, Seattle will get an NHL team before Quebec city?
I won't be that bold in claim. But glad to see they finally worked out all the little quibbles and arena can move forward. And having Ballmer, and Nordstrom family involved means some deep pockets involved.
Quote from: katmai on September 12, 2012, 03:22:23 PM
Quote from: viper37 on September 12, 2012, 12:52:43 PM
So, Seattle will get an NHL team before Quebec city?
I won't be that bold in claim. But glad to see they finally worked out all the little quibbles and arena can move forward. And having Ballmer, and Nordstrom family involved means some deep pockets involved.
If they had only done that a few years ago. Kevin Durant would be playing for Seattle.
Different mayors administration/different city council and different possible ownership group. So fuck off frog loving fruit.
Quote from: katmai on September 12, 2012, 03:40:02 PM
Different mayors administration/different city council and different possible ownership group. So fuck off frog loving fruit.
You drunk kat? :huh:
Quote from: katmai on September 12, 2012, 03:40:02 PM
Different mayors administration/different city council and different possible ownership group. So fuck off frog loving fruit.
Um ok so you are glad they left? I was expressing regret the Sonics left. You think I like having Durant play for those Okie fucks?
Quote from: Barrister on September 12, 2012, 03:48:47 PM
Quote from: katmai on September 12, 2012, 03:40:02 PM
Different mayors administration/different city council and different possible ownership group. So fuck off frog loving fruit.
You drunk kat? :huh:
No i am not.
Valmy, i read it as why didn't this owner group step up 5 years ago, or the piece of shit Nickels didn't roll over and stop fighting the douche Okies.
Frankly I could give a fuck about NBA, i'm more excited by prospects of Hockey coming.
Quote from: katmai on September 12, 2012, 06:37:55 PM
Frankly I could give a fuck about NBA, i'm more excited by prospects of Hockey coming.
The cold climate has limited your brain function. I thought it only happened in Edmonton.
Quote from: crazy canuck on September 13, 2012, 11:46:29 AM
Quote from: katmai on September 12, 2012, 06:37:55 PM
Frankly I could give a fuck about NBA, i'm more excited by prospects of Hockey coming.
The cold climate has limited your brain function. I thought it only happened in Edmonton.
All the weed smoke has affected yours. NBA ball :x
I enjoy basketball still CC. Just won't follow NBA.
Quote from: katmai on September 13, 2012, 12:28:42 PM
I enjoy basketball still CC. Just won't follow NBA.
I suppose there is still hope for you then.
Back to real sports :P
A couple of nice ones here :)
Yuppi: the mascot.
Anarcho-panda and Banana rebel, symbol of the anarchist students.
Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, a former student leader who organized violent protests.
And this one here, not really nice for Katmai's friend, but nonetheless funny:
Basically it says: "Hell no! Not him again!"
Poor Gomez.
TSN is putting up KHL highlights on their web page. :lol:
NHL's Edmonton Oilers owner, president check out Seattle
Hockey team, which seeks a new arena in Edmonton, looks for relocation options if a deal in that city falls through.
By Jayson Jenks
Seattle Times staff reporter
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Hopefully they aren't just using us as leverage to scare Edmonton to get a deal done. (September 24, 2012, by rudy j) MORE
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The Edmonton Oilers confirmed that members of the NHL team's leadership group, including owner Daryl Katz and president Patrick LaForge, were in Seattle for meetings and attended Monday night's Seahawks game.
The Oilers, whose lease at Rexall Place runs out in 2014, have long been looking for a new arena deal but have yet to come to terms with Edmonton. The meetings in Seattle, according to the team's statement, provide the Oilers with options for relocation if a deal falls through.
The statement also said that the Oilers "remain committed to working with City Administration to achieve a deal commensurate with what Winnipeg and Pittsburgh have done to sustain the NHL in those small markets."
The Oilers' leadership group was reportedly touring KeyArena, which would be the team's home until Seattle builds a proposed $490 million arena in the Sodo District.
The Oilers, who routinely draw sold-out crowds, have been working on an arena deal for four years, according to the statement.
"If we can achieve such a deal, the Oilers will remain in Edmonton and we can get on with the important work of developing the new arena and investing in the continued revitalization of Edmonton's downtown core," said Bob Black, executive vice-president of the Katz Group, in a prepared statement.
"Nonetheless, and as the City of Edmonton is aware, the Katz Group has been listening to proposals from a number of potential NHL markets for some time. After more than four years of trying to secure an arena deal and with less than 24 months remaining on the Oilers' lease at Rexall Place, this is only prudent and should come as no surprise."
Moving to Seattle is such an empty threat. :lol:
Now, I think Seattle could support an NHL team mind you. But it'd be the number 4 sport in town (maybe even 5 or 6, after the Sounders and Huskies - assuming a Soncs return). And the Oilers are certainly profitable in Edmonton these days.
Oh fuck no not the Oilers. Come on there are dozens of shit teams in the NHL who have no fans, take one of those not one of the actual interesting teams. The league is colorless and boring enough as it is.
Quote from: Valmy on September 25, 2012, 12:09:30 AM
Oh fuck no not the Oilers. Come on there are dozens of shit teams in the NHL who have no fans, take one of those not one of the actual interesting teams. The league is colorless and boring enough as it is.
Well first of all - fuck the Oilers. They're not interesting in the least.
But like I said - this is a completely empty threat. It's right out of the NHL Ownership 101 manual.
Quote from: Barrister on September 25, 2012, 12:22:20 AM
Well first of all - fuck the Oilers. They're not interesting in the least.
they have potential, though.
Quote from: Barrister on September 25, 2012, 12:22:20 AM
Well first of all - fuck the Oilers. They're not interesting in the least.
Interesting enough for you to hate them. That is more than I can say for most NHL clubs.
Quote from: Valmy on September 25, 2012, 10:44:03 AM
Quote from: Barrister on September 25, 2012, 12:22:20 AM
Well first of all - fuck the Oilers. They're not interesting in the least.
Interesting enough for you to hate them. That is more than I can say for most NHL clubs.
I suppose. It's hard to hate sad-sack clubs like the Florida Panthers or Columbus Blue Jackets.
Just read it.
QuoteRichest in more than money
Jets co-owner Thomson at fan's northern funeral
By: Gordon Sinclair Jr.
Posted: 10/15/2012 1:00 AM | Comments: 80
Enlarge Image
Wayne Glowacki / Winnipeg Free Press archives David Thomson (above) attended the funeral of Les Mulholland on Thursday in Thompson. (POSTMEDIA)
Enlarge Image
Les Mulholland (FACEBOOK PHOTO)
For those who knew he was coming, the appearance of the richest man in Canada at a funeral reception last week in a whistle stop of a northern Manitoba town was treated with the kind of respect the famously private Winnipeg Jets owner David Thomson had shown the mourning family.
It was kept as quiet as possible.
But no one -- especially not a man who oversees the Thomson Reuters news agency -- could expect the story of the touching tribute he paid to a 26-year-old Jets fan could be kept from the mainstream media for long.
There were too many witnesses at Thursday's funeral for Les Mulholland.
And too many unanswered questions about why the Toronto-centred Thomson would travel to a place near the geographic centre of the province and more than 600 kilometres north of Winnipeg to honour the young man even the Jets organization didn't know, except maybe as a part owner of a season ticket.
First flying to Thompson for the standing-room-only funeral where Les's boyhood hockey buddies carried his casket.
And then travelling down the road south an hour to sit with Les's parents in their home at Wabowden, population 700.
All for a young man Thomson had only known since he and his True North business partner Mark Chipman brought the Jets and the National Hockey League back to Winnipeg last year.
So why would the third Baron Thomson of Fleet -- someone from the Everest-like peak of the Canadian establishment -- care so deeply about a recently hired young Stony Mountain Institution guard who was a resident of the country's socio-economic base camp?
In hopes of finding the answer, I contacted the people -- besides Thomson himself -- who one would think might know.
Les's father and mother.
I reached Lyle and Darlene Mulholland on Sunday afternoon as they were driving from Thompson to their son's apartment in Winnipeg.
What made the trip, and the conversation, even more difficult was they had learned of Les's death even as they were grieving last year's unexpected and still-under-investigation hospital death of their 29-year-old daughter Maxine Mulholland.
Les and a pal had travelled to Germany for Oktoberfest in late September.
It was there, alone on a Saturday night in the streets of Munich, that Les reportedly strayed into the path of a tram.
At first, as we spoke over the phone Sunday, both parents wanted to talk about who their son was.
How he had always wanted to help people. At first, he wanted to be a Mountie. Then he went through a series of justice-related jobs before settling seven months ago for a position as a guard at Stony Mountain.
"To serve and protect is all he ever knew, all he ever did," his mother Darlene said.
They spoke of the innate kindness and sense of responsibility that prompted him to return to Manitoba from Alberta when his single-mother sister Maxine was struggling with her health -- both mentally and physically -- and he felt the family needed his help.
The parents continued to talk about Les's caring nature -- and how it was returned in the end by his boyhood hockey buddies holding a marathon hockey game to help the family with the $20,000 it cost to bring his body home.
"He was a wonderful young man," his father said.
"I was amazed at how many lives he touched."
There was no mention of David Thomson being at the funeral.
Until I brought it up.
And even then, it was clear that Lyle and Darlene Mulholland didn't want to talk about that.
They acknowledged Thomson was at the funeral, though, and that later he came to their home in Wabowden.
"He was a very, very kind and nice man who attended our house," Darlene said.
When I asked Lyle Mulholland what Thomson said, Lyle Mulholland said he didn't notice.
"There were too many tears in my eyes," he said. "I was blind. It was amazing how many lives he touched."
Including, apparently, David Thomson's.
But why Thomson?
"I don't really want to comment on anything," Lyle said. "I don't want to go into any detail. My son was very private about his friendships."
This much the parents also confirmed, but only after I offered the answer first:
The friendship started with their son writing to Thomson -- apparently through the Jets office -- to thank him for bringing the National Hockey League back to Winnipeg.
Thomson wrote back.
And from there, apparently a kind of pen pal relationship developed.
By that time, Les and about half a dozen pals had managed to purchase two season tickets, but when Thomson heard only two in the season-ticket syndicate could go to the first game, he invited Les to be his guest in his private box for that historic game.
Or so the story goes.
The parents say they don't know that, but they do know he was at the first game.
Later Les would take each of his parents to games, where, Darlene and Lyle said, they sat in the stands.
There is another part to the story I was told by a source who was at the funeral.
That when Thomson learned Les was heading for Europe and Oktoberfest, he offered to look after the cost of the flight.
The parents told me they know nothing about that.
And, when I attempted to reach Thomson on Sunday through the Jets, there was no reply, which wasn't surprising, of course.
Given Thomson's private nature and the Mulhollands respecting that, we may never know precisely why the Winnipeg Jets owner and the Winnipeg Jets fan bonded the way they did.
But I have a theory.
I suspect, in a sense, David Thomson may have seen something of the every fan in Les Mulholland -- maybe even something of himself -- that the team owner chose to embrace when the young man from a whistle stop in northern Manitoba made the effort to thank him personally for what he did for the city and the province.
It's probably not as simple as that; nothing ever is, least of all the well from which we draw relationships.
This much I do know.
David Thomson is more than simply the richest man in Canada.
He's one of the kindest and most thoughtful, too, judging by what he did in his own quiet way for Les Mulholland and his family.
And who would have thunk these days that anyone would be saying anything like that about an NHL owner.
Any owner.
But then David Thomson isn't just any NHL owner, is he?
[email protected]
Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition October 15, 2012 B1
Even locked out, we get walls of text about the jets.
Quote from: Ed Anger on October 16, 2012, 05:17:26 PM
Even locked out, we get walls of text about the jets.
:) I aim to please.
QuoteGomez, 32, skated with the Aces in training camp but said he did not intend to play for them. With no indication the NHL lockout will end soon -- regular-season games scheduled through Nov. 30 have already been canceled -- his thinking clearly has changed. Gomez joins three other NHLers from Anchorage with the Aces -- winger Brandon Dubinsky, center Nate Thompson and winger Joey Crabb.
After that last season... the Aces are probably the only team that will take Gomez.
No comment that after 2-3 days of meetings in a "secret location" that for the first time during the lockout things are actually looking up?
Quote from: Barrister on November 08, 2012, 01:38:14 AM
No comment that after 2-3 days of meetings in a "secret location" that for the first time during the lockout things are actually looking up?
I hear they're close to a deal, with only a few minor points to solve, ever since the league started the lock-out. Hard to get excited.
Quote from: katmai on November 07, 2012, 08:40:35 PM
QuoteGomez, 32, skated with the Aces in training camp but said he did not intend to play for them. With no indication the NHL lockout will end soon -- regular-season games scheduled through Nov. 30 have already been canceled -- his thinking clearly has changed. Gomez joins three other NHLers from Anchorage with the Aces -- winger Brandon Dubinsky, center Nate Thompson and winger Joey Crabb.
Is your brother still in Alaska? He'll be able to see his friend again then :)
And that might be what Gomez needs. A few lower caliber games to help him get back in trop shape, get back his lost speed after so many injuries and mishaps.
The good thing with this lock-out though, is I don't hear anyone talking about changing Montreal's coach, exchanging Gomez, replacing the goalie... ah, peace :)
Gomez :ultra:
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 08, 2012, 11:19:19 AM
Gomez :ultra:
he might come back and be your star player :)
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 08, 2012, 11:35:43 AM
Yours too. Denier.
So far, I don't see a team moving to Quebec city anytime soon. Even though the Coyotes issue is still not solved, the new collective agreement between the NHL and the players is aim at providing more funding for the teams in difficult markets.
Basically, everytime you drink a Molson, everytime you buy a ticket, everytime you eat at La Cage aux Sports, everytime you watch a Habs game, you are financing the Coyotes :P
Quote from: viper37 on November 08, 2012, 02:24:45 PM
So far, I don't see a team moving to Quebec city anytime soon.
Assuming "soon" means "next 2-3 years" I see it happening.
New CBA isn't going to fix Phoenix. I will hopefully fix places like St. Louis, Nashville, San Jose.
still doesn't have a new owner...
Quote from: Barrister on November 08, 2012, 02:30:08 PM
Assuming "soon" means "next 2-3 years" I see it happening.
New CBA isn't going to fix Phoenix. I will hopefully fix places like St. Louis, Nashville, San Jose.
Phoenix still doesn't have a new owner...
The new Glenndale mayor wants to renegotiate the deal, sure.
But despite all the drama, the NHL is still committed to stay there.
I think that once the CBA is signed, the NHL will be in expansion mode, seeking new opportunities fro expansion. Then, maybe Quebec will get a team.
Maybe the Coyotes will move, but I just don't see it happening in the next 2-3 years.
Quote from: viper37 on November 08, 2012, 03:17:06 PM
Quote from: Barrister on November 08, 2012, 02:30:08 PM
Assuming "soon" means "next 2-3 years" I see it happening.
New CBA isn't going to fix Phoenix. I will hopefully fix places like St. Louis, Nashville, San Jose.
Phoenix still doesn't have a new owner...
The new Glenndale mayor wants to renegotiate the deal, sure.
But despite all the drama, the NHL is still committed to stay there.
I think that once the CBA is signed, the NHL will be in expansion mode, seeking new opportunities fro expansion. Then, maybe Quebec will get a team.
Maybe the Coyotes will move, but I just don't see it happening in the next 2-3 years.
NHL would like to stay, but is willing to move. Remember - in 2010 the NHL had signed an agreement with Winnipeg to move the team. They were prepared to move the team unless Glendale gave them the $25 mil. With 15 minutes to spare Glendale blinked, and the team stayed put.
The NHL was reluctant to move to QC until a new arena was built. Spring 2012 you hadn't begun construction, and knowing Quebec politics something could always pop up to prevent it from happening. But now that you've broken ground... :ph34r:
Quote from: viper37 on November 08, 2012, 10:21:58 AM
Quote from: katmai on November 07, 2012, 08:40:35 PM
QuoteGomez, 32, skated with the Aces in training camp but said he did not intend to play for them. With no indication the NHL lockout will end soon -- regular-season games scheduled through Nov. 30 have already been canceled -- his thinking clearly has changed. Gomez joins three other NHLers from Anchorage with the Aces -- winger Brandon Dubinsky, center Nate Thompson and winger Joey Crabb.
Is your brother still in Alaska? He'll be able to see his friend again then :)
:huh: My brother has never been to Alaska, and I'm friends with Scott's family. Silly Viper. I was mostly posting it to show how the 4 local boys are staying here and playing with Aces.
Supposedly, Chara and Miro Satan are buddies.
Quote from: katmai on November 08, 2012, 05:37:30 PM
:huh: My brother has never been to Alaska, and I'm friends with Scott's family. Silly Viper. I was mostly posting it to show how the 4 local boys are staying here and playing with Aces.
I got confused. I thought your brother was best friend with the guy, not you. And I thought you said you grew up in Alaska, I figured your brother was there too. That will teach me trying to remember personal stuff about forum members.
Quote from: Barrister on November 08, 2012, 01:38:14 AM
No comment that after 2-3 days of meetings in a "secret location" that for the first time during the lockout things are actually looking up?
See, what did I tell you? Nothing new on the radar.
No season this year. 50% chance of no season next year.
At some point the league needs to get down it's high horse or the FerhPA will go after the Cap itself.
They'll come to an agreement, most likely before Christmas. Of course, no one may care by that time.
Quote from: Strix on November 12, 2012, 09:46:43 AM
They'll come to an agreement, most likely before Christmas. Of course, no one may care by that time.
If they get it done with enough time for a short regular season and playoffs everybody will be fine. As the LA Kings demonstrated the regular season does not matter that much anyway.
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 12, 2012, 09:36:36 AM
No season this year. 50% chance of no season next year.
there's going to be riots in Montreal and Vancouver if there is no hockey :P
Quote from: viper37 on November 12, 2012, 09:17:30 AM
Quote from: katmai on November 08, 2012, 05:37:30 PM
:huh: My brother has never been to Alaska, and I'm friends with Scott's family. Silly Viper. I was mostly posting it to show how the 4 local boys are staying here and playing with Aces.
I got confused. I thought your brother was best friend with the guy, not you. And I thought you said you grew up in Alaska, I figured your brother was there too. That will teach me trying to remember personal stuff about forum members.
My brother is a bastard! He grew up in Wisconsin with his mother (we have same father, different Mom's) :)
Quote from: viper37 on November 12, 2012, 11:33:05 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 12, 2012, 09:36:36 AM
No season this year. 50% chance of no season next year.
there's going to be riots in Montreal and Vancouver if there is no hockey :P
I don't know about Vancouver but in Montreal we riot when we win.
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 12, 2012, 11:59:08 AM
I don't know about Vancouver but in Montreal we riot when we win.
Well Vancouver has never won so we have no idea.
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 12, 2012, 11:59:08 AM
Quote from: viper37 on November 12, 2012, 11:33:05 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 12, 2012, 09:36:36 AM
No season this year. 50% chance of no season next year.
there's going to be riots in Montreal and Vancouver if there is no hockey :P
I don't know about Vancouver but in Montreal we riot when we win.
Are you old enough to remember? 1993 was a long time ago for the Les Canadiens de Montréal.
Go Canes!
Quote from: Strix on November 12, 2012, 12:05:48 PM
Are you old enough to remember? 1993 was a long time ago for the Les Canadiens de Montréal.
Go Canes!
It was a pretty memorable series and riot. I certainly remember that better than anything the colorless and boring Canes have ever done.
Quote from: Strix on November 12, 2012, 12:05:48 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 12, 2012, 11:59:08 AM
Quote from: viper37 on November 12, 2012, 11:33:05 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 12, 2012, 09:36:36 AM
No season this year. 50% chance of no season next year.
there's going to be riots in Montreal and Vancouver if there is no hockey :P
I don't know about Vancouver but in Montreal we riot when we win.
Are you old enough to remember? 1993 was a long time ago for the Les Canadiens de Montréal.
Go Canes!
I do. It's my earliest Hockey memory. Also rioted after winnning game 7 of a First Round series in '07(?).
Go Whalers!
Quote from: Valmy on November 12, 2012, 12:11:41 PMIt was a pretty memorable series and riot. I certainly remember that better than anything the colorless and boring Canes have ever done.
I am sure people have fond memories of the last time the Cubs won the World Series as well.
Quote from: Strix on November 14, 2012, 10:13:14 AM
I am sure people have fond memories of the last time the Cubs won the World Series as well.
The Cubs winning an April series against the Padres is more exciting than the Canes.
Quote from: Valmy on November 14, 2012, 10:49:49 AM
Quote from: Strix on November 14, 2012, 10:13:14 AM
I am sure people have fond memories of the last time the Cubs won the World Series as well.
The Cubs winning an April series against the Padres is more exciting than the Canes.
Incorrect. They'd still be playing baseball, while the Canes play hockey.
And I'll always be grateful to the Canes for defeating the Oilers during their run in 04/05.
Quote from: katmai on November 12, 2012, 11:47:10 AM
Quote from: viper37 on November 12, 2012, 09:17:30 AM
Quote from: katmai on November 08, 2012, 05:37:30 PM
:huh: My brother has never been to Alaska, and I'm friends with Scott's family. Silly Viper. I was mostly posting it to show how the 4 local boys are staying here and playing with Aces.
I got confused. I thought your brother was best friend with the guy, not you. And I thought you said you grew up in Alaska, I figured your brother was there too. That will teach me trying to remember personal stuff about forum members.
My brother is a bastard! He grew up in Wisconsin with his mother (we have same father, different Mom's) :)
ah ok, I'll try to remember that.
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 12, 2012, 11:59:08 AM
Quote from: viper37 on November 12, 2012, 11:33:05 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 12, 2012, 09:36:36 AM
No season this year. 50% chance of no season next year.
there's going to be riots in Montreal and Vancouver if there is no hockey :P
I don't know about Vancouver but in Montreal we riot when we win.
In Montreal, any excuse is good for a riot.
The good citizens of Glendale have seemingly agreed to put more money into the Coyotes adventure.
All is left is for Jamieson to give the needed cash to the NHL.
In other news, an interesting piece on how the Boston Bruins leadership is the one behind the lock-out:
Here's a story illustrating the self-interested, tyrannical leadership at play on the NHL's side:
Winnipeg Jets representation at a recent NHL Board of Governors meeting piped up to say it was opposed to engaging in a long, bloody lockout sure to stymie their franchise's momentum and hurt the game of hockey.
It wasn't Winnipeg owner Mark Chipman, but rather one of the alternate governors representing the Jets.
Bruins Principal Owner and Chairman of the Board of Governors Jeremy Jacobs answered by reprimanding the Winnipeg representative as one of the "new kids on the block" and informed him that he would know when he was allowed to speak in the NHL board room.
That's the kind of hawkish, dismissive, bully mentality that's driving the bus for the NHL lockout that's now cancelled games through the middle of December.
Quote from: viper37 on November 28, 2012, 03:04:59 PM
In other news, an interesting piece on how the Boston Bruins leadership is the one behind the lock-out:
Here's a story illustrating the self-interested, tyrannical leadership at play on the NHL's side:
Winnipeg Jets representation at a recent NHL Board of Governors meeting piped up to say it was opposed to engaging in a long, bloody lockout sure to stymie their franchise's momentum and hurt the game of hockey.
It wasn't Winnipeg owner Mark Chipman, but rather one of the alternate governors representing the Jets.
Bruins Principal Owner and Chairman of the Board of Governors Jeremy Jacobs answered by reprimanding the Winnipeg representative as one of the "new kids on the block" and informed him that he would know when he was allowed to speak in the NHL board room.
That's the kind of hawkish, dismissive, bully mentality that's driving the bus for the NHL lockout that's now cancelled games through the middle of December.
On the one hand - how does this guy get that kind of anecdote? What goes on at BOG meetings is a tightly-held secret.
On the other hand, I've heard that - that NHL ownership is very much an "old boys club" and new owners are expected to sit down and shut up. Which seems incredibly bizarre to me - some of these new owners are multi-billionaires in their own right. David Thomson could buy and sell Jeremy Jacobs several times over. It seems like a funny way to run a business.
Yeah, Lord Fleet is worth more than the whole league combined.
Quote from: Barrister on November 28, 2012, 05:35:27 PMOn the one hand - how does this guy get that kind of anecdote? What goes on at BOG meetings is a tightly-held secret.
On the other hand, I've heard that - that NHL ownership is very much an "old boys club" and new owners are expected to sit down and shut up. Which seems incredibly bizarre to me - some of these new owners are multi-billionaires in their own right. David Thomson could buy and sell Jeremy Jacobs several times over. It seems like a funny way to run a business.
Yeah, that sounds pretty obnoxious.
I like hockey, but the NHL is killing itself.
Quote from: Barrister on November 28, 2012, 05:35:27 PM
On the other hand, I've heard that - that NHL ownership is very much an "old boys club" and new owners are expected to sit down and shut up. Which seems incredibly bizarre to me - some of these new owners are multi-billionaires in their own right. David Thomson could buy and sell Jeremy Jacobs several times over. It seems like a funny way to run a business.
I think it develops like some kind of aristocracy. It's not just about the money, it's about the standing. And trampling the new guy reinforces your position to the other one.
There's some optimism coming out of the owner-player meetings (Bettman and Fehr both not allowed to attend). But today they're back. Looks like they're either got to get a deal announced soon, or else things blow up again.
Quote from: katmai on November 28, 2012, 06:23:11 PM
I like hockey, but the NHL is killing itself.
It has been doing so since the day they hired Gary Bettman. Ok maybe that is unfair....maybe.
Quote from: Barrister on December 06, 2012, 02:05:35 PM
There's some optimism coming out of the owner-player meetings (Bettman and Fehr both not allowed to attend). But today they're back. Looks like they're either got to get a deal announced soon, or else things blow up again.
I am going to be very upset if the current NBA coverage is reduced to show an inferior sport played by a small number of countries.
Quote from: crazy canuck on December 06, 2012, 02:52:32 PM
Quote from: Barrister on December 06, 2012, 02:05:35 PM
There's some optimism coming out of the owner-player meetings (Bettman and Fehr both not allowed to attend). But today they're back. Looks like they're either got to get a deal announced soon, or else things blow up again.
I am going to be very upset if the current NBA coverage is reduced to show an inferior sport played by a small number of countries.
You are one lucky SOB that Raz isn't an hockey fan.
Quote from: crazy canuck on December 06, 2012, 02:52:32 PM
Quote from: Barrister on December 06, 2012, 02:05:35 PM
There's some optimism coming out of the owner-player meetings (Bettman and Fehr both not allowed to attend). But today they're back. Looks like they're either got to get a deal announced soon, or else things blow up again.
I am going to be very upset if the current NBA coverage is reduced to show an inferior sport played by a small number of countries.
To live is to be disappointed, CC. :console:
Now the PA wants the mediators from last week to be brought back in. :hmm:
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 12, 2012, 09:36:36 AM
No season this year. 50% chance of no season next year.
In light of todays even, I think this bear repeating.
If you're okay with NHL hockey not being played this year (which I am, after 15 years of nothing) today was highly entertaining. I do like that Mark Chipman of the Jets was one of the owners involved earlier on in the proceedings.
QuoteNHL commissioner Gary Bettman fired the president of the league's network today, citing a huge drop in ratings to-date compared to last season.
"I was looking at some ratings numbers at my desk this morning and was shocked and horrified by what I saw," said Bettman. "So I called Mark [Custance] in and asked him to explain the dramatic drop. All he had was excuses, so I let him go. Excuses don't work at this level. This is a professional sports league. For some reason, I have to keep reminding everybody of that."
Due to the NHL lockout that now looks likely to cancel the entire 2012-2013 season, the NHL Network has been forced to fill its schedule with rebroadcasts of old NHL games or live junior and minor league hockey action. Custance said he reminded Bettman of that when they spoke this morning.
"I'm not sure he understands that there are no NHL games right now," said Custance. "I think he thinks they're trying to negotiate a contract but that the games are still being played. Actually, I'm fairly positive that's what he believes. He is easily the dumbest man I have ever met or worked with."
The now-unemployed TV exec said losing his job with the NHL Network was bittersweet.
"I love hockey, so that's hard," he said. "But this is probably best for me career-wise to go out and get another employer because it's very unlikely the NHL will be in business a year from now."
LOL what a clown. The NHL should be able to write off Bettman's salary as charity because that is the only reason that idiot still has a job. Worst run league in sports. And that is really saying something.
Quote from: Barrister on December 07, 2012, 01:55:32 AM
If you're okay with NHL hockey not being played this year (which I am, after 15 years of nothing) today was highly entertaining.
Yeah nothing makes me happier than seeing a critical prime year of Ovechkin's career going down the drain while the NHL attempts to complete its suicide in the American market. What really makes me okay with all this is it is the Caps own freaking owner who is leading the charge.
I don't think the NHL can survive this lock-out. This is bad.
Quote from: Valmy on December 21, 2012, 01:39:04 PM
LOL what a clown. The NHL should be able to write off Bettman's salary as charity because that is the only reason that idiot still has a job. Worst run league in sports. And that is really saying something.
Umm, you are aware that you linked to a humour site, right? :unsure:
Quote from: Barrister on December 21, 2012, 03:09:16 PM
Umm, you are aware that you linked to a humour site, right? :unsure:
The commentary was silly but the story is true. He did fire the dude in charge of the NHL network.
Quote from: Valmy on December 21, 2012, 03:19:05 PM
Quote from: Barrister on December 21, 2012, 03:09:16 PM
Umm, you are aware that you linked to a humour site, right? :unsure:
The commentary was silly but the story is true. He did fire the dude in charge of the NHL network.
Maybe. I have yet to see any evidence.
Quote from: Neil on December 21, 2012, 03:23:08 PM
Maybe. I have yet to see any evidence.
I heard the report on 106.7 The Fan in DC. I just grabbed an article online so I could bitch about it.
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 21, 2012, 02:41:22 PM
I don't think the NHL can survive this lock-out. This is bad.
I'm anticipating a return to the old days. a Canadian league with the old American teams tacked on.
Lock-out appears to be over.
Hurray for hockey! Hurray at last! Hurray for Bettman the horse's ass!
:yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:
Less NBA, Mo' NHL please.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 06, 2013, 08:25:44 AM
Lock-out appears to be over.
Really? I hardly noticed there was a lock-out... :whistle:
I've been reading some fairly optimistic peices that are saying under the old CBA the Jets were profitable, but only if they were disciplined when it came to salary and never spent to the cap. But that with 50/50 split, the Jets can and should be able to spend right up to the cap together with all the other heavy hitters of the league. :shifty:
I can't wait for the puck to drop. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on January 07, 2013, 02:48:31 PM
I can't wait for the puck to drop. :cool:
I just hope the Caps can successfully retrieve Ovechkin from the Gulag Archipelago in time.
I've kind of been "meh" since the Hawks won The Cup a few years ago & then promptly ditched literally half the team, but for the past couple of weeks now I've been Ready...
Quote from: C.C.R. on January 08, 2013, 09:28:37 AM
I've kind of been "meh" since the Hawks won The Cup a few years ago & then promptly ditched literally half the team, but for the past couple of weeks now I've been Ready...
Don't worry, we've been taking good care of Ladd and Byfuglien for you. :hug:
Tommy is excited. Hockey is still his favorite sport to watch on TV. Need to check out the Blue Jackets schedule to scout out which games might have cheap tickets available. Funny how I can sometimes go to an NHL game cheaper than an ECHL game.
Quote from: derspiess on January 08, 2013, 10:56:17 AM
Tommy is excited. Hockey is still his favorite sport to watch on TV. Need to check out the Blue Jackets schedule to scout out which games might have cheap tickets available. Funny how I can sometimes go to an NHL game cheaper than an ECHL game.
Yes, funny how that works out. <_<
As for which BJ games have cheap tickets available, I believe the answer is "all of them".
Quote from: derspiess on January 08, 2013, 10:56:17 AM
Tommy is excited. Hockey is still his favorite sport to watch on TV. Need to check out the Blue Jackets schedule to scout out which games might have cheap tickets available. Funny how I can sometimes go to an NHL game cheaper than an ECHL game.
I liked how I could have attended the Orange Bowl this year for less than half of the cost of attending a local High School football game.
Quote from: Barrister on January 08, 2013, 11:01:04 AM
As for which BJ games have cheap tickets available, I believe the answer is "all of them".
Well I'm talking dirt-cheap. They're already a lot less than NFL, NCAA football/basketball and some MLB tickets, but "next to nothing" is what I'm looking for.
Quote from: C.C.R. on January 08, 2013, 09:28:37 AM
I've kind of been "meh" since the Hawks won The Cup a few years ago & then promptly ditched literally half the team, but for the past couple of weeks now I've been Ready...
Yeah? I found the Kings to be really exciting last year. Especially after they beat the Cowardly Canucks.
Hey Viper - Jamison is *still* trying to find investors to purchase the Coyotes.
I'm telling you man - don't worry. You've got this in the bag - eventually.
Quote from: Barrister on January 08, 2013, 10:33:47 AM
Quote from: C.C.R. on January 08, 2013, 09:28:37 AM
I've kind of been "meh" since the Hawks won The Cup a few years ago & then promptly ditched literally half the team, but for the past couple of weeks now I've been Ready...
Don't worry, we've been taking good care of Ladd and Byfuglien for you. :hug:
LOL. They're both pretty good Role Players...
Quote from: Neil on January 08, 2013, 11:16:29 AM
Yeah? I found the Kings to be really exciting last year. Especially after they beat the Cowardly Canucks.
I think that I just OD'd on hockey that year. Out of the 80 or whatever regular season games that year I watched at least part of more than 70 of them, plus every second of the playoffs. That's a tough pace to maintain with a full time job, two weiner kids & a fair-to-middlin' drinking habit...
Quote from: C.C.R. on January 08, 2013, 12:20:20 PM
Quote from: Barrister on January 08, 2013, 10:33:47 AM
Don't worry, we've been taking good care of Ladd and Byfuglien for you. :hug:
LOL. They're both pretty good Role Players...
I wouldn't say that. Role Players are your 3rd line guys - Ladd is good enough to be on anyone's top line. Now neither of them are league superstars to be sure, but easily both are first line (or first pairing) material.
How's Johnny Oduya working out for you guys? ;)
And yeah - I wonder how many of the 48 games I'll be able to squeeze in now that I've doubled the number of children around here... :unsure:
Get them to bed earlier!
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 08, 2013, 12:46:47 PM
Get them to bed earlier!
I'm trying!
But that's the problem of being a fan living in MST, of a CST-based team that is stuck in the EST - all the games will start at either 6:30, or as early as 5.
Quote from: Barrister on January 08, 2013, 12:34:12 PM
I wouldn't say that. Role Players are your 3rd line guys - Ladd is good enough to be on anyone's top line. Now neither of them are league superstars to be sure, but easily both are first line (or first pairing) material.
They were 3rd liners here...
Quote from: Barrister on January 08, 2013, 12:52:37 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 08, 2013, 12:46:47 PM
Get them to bed earlier!
I'm trying!
But that's the problem of being a fan living in MST, of a CST-based team that is stuck in the EST - all the games will start at either 6:30, or as early as 5.
Right. Jets.
I hope they get us Gamer Center Live/Ice free this season. Make us Whole, NHL.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 08, 2013, 01:14:59 PM
Quote from: Barrister on January 08, 2013, 12:52:37 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 08, 2013, 12:46:47 PM
Get them to bed earlier!
I'm trying!
But that's the problem of being a fan living in MST, of a CST-based team that is stuck in the EST - all the games will start at either 6:30, or as early as 5.
Right. Jets.
I hope they get us Gamer Center Live/Ice free this season. Make us Whole, NHL.
Not. Going. To. Happen.
I think I might try out Game Centre Live this year, instead of Centre Ice. :unsure:
Quote from: C.C.R. on January 08, 2013, 01:13:47 PM
Quote from: Barrister on January 08, 2013, 12:34:12 PM
I wouldn't say that. Role Players are your 3rd line guys - Ladd is good enough to be on anyone's top line. Now neither of them are league superstars to be sure, but easily both are first line (or first pairing) material.
They were 3rd liners here...
Big Buff was on the 1st line. :contract:
(of course now we have him on defence)
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 08, 2013, 01:14:59 PM
I hope they get us Gamer Center Live/Ice free this season. Make us Whole, NHL.
They just fought a war that has completely devastated the viability of the league in the US outside traditional strongholds. What makes you think that the league is going to be giving anything away for free?
Quote from: Neil on January 08, 2013, 02:04:08 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 08, 2013, 01:14:59 PM
I hope they get us Gamer Center Live/Ice free this season. Make us Whole, NHL.
They just fought a war that has completely devastated the viability of the league in the US outside traditional strongholds. What makes you think that the league is going to be giving anything away for free?
To make us whole, damn it!
Quote from: Barrister on January 08, 2013, 01:47:49 PM
Quote from: C.C.R. on January 08, 2013, 01:13:47 PM
Quote from: Barrister on January 08, 2013, 12:34:12 PM
I wouldn't say that. Role Players are your 3rd line guys - Ladd is good enough to be on anyone's top line. Now neither of them are league superstars to be sure, but easily both are first line (or first pairing) material.
They were 3rd liners here...
Big Buff was on the 1st line. :contract:
(of course now we have him on defence)
1st line there? Aight, I guess.
1st line here? No. 1st Power Play Unit sometimes, when Net Presence was required...
Quote from: Neil on January 08, 2013, 02:04:08 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 08, 2013, 01:14:59 PM
I hope they get us Gamer Center Live/Ice free this season. Make us Whole, NHL.
They just fought a war that has completely devastated the viability of the league in the US outside traditional strongholds. What makes you think that the league is going to be giving anything away for free?
If nothing else, I sleep well at night knowing that Chicago is one of those Traditional US Strongholds...
Quote from: C.C.R. on January 08, 2013, 02:56:26 PM
1st line there? Aight, I guess.
1st line here? No. 1st Power Play Unit sometimes, when Net Presence was required...
(Buff on 1st line)
(Buff on 2nd line)
(Buff on 1st line in game 4)
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 08, 2013, 02:41:37 PM
Quote from: Neil on January 08, 2013, 02:04:08 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 08, 2013, 01:14:59 PM
I hope they get us Gamer Center Live/Ice free this season. Make us Whole, NHL.
They just fought a war that has completely devastated the viability of the league in the US outside traditional strongholds. What makes you think that the league is going to be giving anything away for free?
To make us whole, damn it!
The thing about Game Centre / Centre Ice is that it is only the hard core fans who care about watching a bunch of out-of-market games anyways, and hard-core fans are the least likely to go anywhere as a result of the lockout.
You just have to accept the fact the Jets suck BB.
Quote from: Barrister on January 08, 2013, 03:16:16 PM
Quote from: C.C.R. on January 08, 2013, 02:56:26 PM
1st line there? Aight, I guess.
1st line here? No. 1st Power Play Unit sometimes, when Net Presence was required...
(Buff on 1st line)
(Buff on 2nd line)
(Buff on 1st line in game 4)
A few playoff games a season doesn't make...
Quote from: Valmy on January 08, 2013, 03:26:09 PM
You just have to accept the fact the Jets suck BB.
Jets Forevah!
Check out the snazzy new Red Line at the MTS Centre. :cool:
Fancy! The Caps will enjoy skating over that en route to one of their many goals.
Unless they totally suck it up like they did last regular season...though frankly I am fine with that if it leads to another playoff run like last year.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 08, 2013, 02:41:37 PM
Quote from: Neil on January 08, 2013, 02:04:08 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 08, 2013, 01:14:59 PM
I hope they get us Gamer Center Live/Ice free this season. Make us Whole, NHL.
They just fought a war that has completely devastated the viability of the league in the US outside traditional strongholds. What makes you think that the league is going to be giving anything away for free?
To make us whole, damn it!
They don't care about that.
You know, I wish I had RDS sometimes.
Quote from: Barrister on January 08, 2013, 12:06:26 PM
Hey Viper - Jamison is *still* trying to find investors to purchase the Coyotes.
I'm telling you man - don't worry. You've got this in the bag - eventually.
Jesus Christ. Get them to Quebec city and stop the drama! Middle East investors, now?? Wtf??
Quote from: Neil on January 08, 2013, 04:18:25 PM
You know, I wish I had RDS sometimes.
you don't get it in ROC? Weird.
Quote from: Neil on January 08, 2013, 04:30:27 PM
Quote from: viper37 on January 08, 2013, 04:29:42 PM
Quote from: Neil on January 08, 2013, 04:18:25 PM
You know, I wish I had RDS sometimes.
you don't get it in angloland?
You can pay extra for it.
Apparently some anglo Habs fans will sign up for RDS to watch Habs games, despite not speaking any French themselves.
Quote from: Barrister on January 08, 2013, 04:32:27 PM
Quote from: Neil on January 08, 2013, 04:30:27 PM
Quote from: viper37 on January 08, 2013, 04:29:42 PM
Quote from: Neil on January 08, 2013, 04:18:25 PM
You know, I wish I had RDS sometimes.
you don't get it in angloland?
You can pay extra for it.
Apparently some anglo Habs fans will sign up for RDS to watch Habs games, despite not speaking any French themselves.
That makes sense. Also, I find that the French commentators are really quite good.
Quote from: Neil on January 08, 2013, 04:30:27 PM
Quote from: viper37 on January 08, 2013, 04:29:42 PM
Quote from: Neil on January 08, 2013, 04:18:25 PM
You know, I wish I had RDS sometimes.
you don't get it in angloland?
You can pay extra for it.
Like all of us. How much is it?
RDS carries 19 games exclusively, in either languages (in a 82 games season).
Pierre Houde has gotten much better over the years, his new partner, Marc Denis, is very good analyst. Joel Bouchard was the best analyst they add but he quit to go run his QJMHL team.
Never have trouble watching Leafs games on TV, so I'm not the least concerned. :P
Quote from: Josephus on January 08, 2013, 11:02:29 PM
Never have trouble watching Leafs games on TV, so I'm not the least concerned. :P
Quote from: Josephus on January 08, 2013, 11:02:29 PM
Never have trouble watching Leafs games on TV, so I'm not the least concerned. :P
Really? You've never been watching a Leafs game, and then wondered why you were subjecting yourself to such torture and bad hockey?
Quote from: Barrister on January 08, 2013, 04:32:27 PM
Apparently some anglo Habs fans will sign up for RDS to watch Habs games, despite not speaking any French themselves.
Once upon a time, the games were on CBC French (SRC).
One day, they went on strike.
SRC aired the games with only the hockey sound, no commentators. The ratings went up :P
Quote from: Neil on January 08, 2013, 11:48:49 PM
Quote from: Josephus on January 08, 2013, 11:02:29 PM
Never have trouble watching Leafs games on TV, so I'm not the least concerned. :P
Really? You've never been watching a Leafs game, and then wondered why you were subjecting yourself to such torture and bad hockey?
In all honesty? Yeah. I actually get bored with the whole thing by October. I'll probably give the whole thing a miss this year ;)
Quote from: Josephus on January 09, 2013, 09:49:36 AM
Quote from: Neil on January 08, 2013, 11:48:49 PM
Quote from: Josephus on January 08, 2013, 11:02:29 PM
Never have trouble watching Leafs games on TV, so I'm not the least concerned. :P
Really? You've never been watching a Leafs game, and then wondered why you were subjecting yourself to such torture and bad hockey?
In all honesty? Yeah. I actually get bored with the whole thing by October. I'll probably give the whole thing a miss this year ;)
For me, it's the other way. I can't start caring until after the Superbowl.
Yeah, but for me, by then the Leafs are already out of playoff contention.
The center of the Hockey Universe is exploding right now. Burke got fired!
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 09, 2013, 12:40:58 PM
The center of the Hockey Universe is exploding right now. Burke got fired!
Great - now I can expect to hear nothing but TML news coming from TSN for the next week or so.
Pretty much. And on Roger Sportsnet too.
Curse them for buying the team together. Curse the CRTC for allowing it.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 09, 2013, 12:55:34 PM
Pretty much. And on Roger Sportsnet too.
Curse them for buying the team together. Curse the CRTC for allowing it.
Meh - pretty much stick with TSN since they have the Jets regional channel, and thus have a dedicated staff in Winnipeg.
And it would be like this no matter who owned the Leafs. After all you don't see massive Jets coverage in the Globe and Mail, despite both being owned by Thomson.
Maybe a little less if the RoBellus didn't own the team. They bought it to have cheap content on the air.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 09, 2013, 01:02:04 PM
Maybe a little less if the RoBellus didn't own the team. They bought it to have cheap content on the air.
No, not cheap content (the NHL has rules to prevent teams owned by media outlets from under-selling their media rights). Rather it was to guarantee access to content.
Bell/Rogers doesn't mind paying for hockey - they just live in fear of losing it altogether.
Weird timing on the Burke firing.
Quote from: Josephus on January 09, 2013, 11:23:25 AM
Yeah, but for me, by then the Leafs are already out of playoff contention.
But isn't that true at all times? Even when they're winning, they're just biding their time until the bottom drops out and they break the hearts of all the fools who adhere to their nonsense out of tradition or mental illness.
Quote from: PRC on January 09, 2013, 01:17:15 PM
Weird timing on the Burke firing.
lockout is over so they don't need as a representative, he's underperformed for four years (even by leafs standards) and new owners who aren't tied to the hiring. Perfect timing, really.
Quote from: PRC on January 09, 2013, 01:17:15 PM
Weird timing on the Burke firing.
No kidding. Who fires their GM right before the season?
Even if they were going to fire him, I would have waited until the end of the season.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the rumoured Luongo to Toronto deal. Didn't Burke have some negative history with Vancouver's GM Mike Gillis?
Quote from: PRC on January 09, 2013, 01:17:15 PM
Weird timing on the Burke firing.
Not really. MLSE has a habit of doing bizare things. Look at the soccer team that they own, Toronto FC. Yesterday they hired a new manger, who is still employed as player with a foreign team.
Quote from: Josephus on January 09, 2013, 01:43:13 PM
Quote from: PRC on January 09, 2013, 01:17:15 PM
Weird timing on the Burke firing.
Not really. MLSE has a habit of doing bizare things. Look at the soccer team that they own, Toronto FC. Yesterday they hired a new manger, who is still employed as player with a foreign team.
who'll be on contract until the end of July at his team :lol:
Guy even have any coaching experience? I know tfc isn't exactly the big leagues, but you'd think they could do better then a 35 year old playing on a soon to be relegated team with no coaching experience.
Quote from: Barrister on January 09, 2013, 01:37:32 PM
I wonder if it has anything to do with the rumoured Luongo to Toronto deal. Didn't Burke have some negative history with Vancouver's GM Mike Gillis?
I hope not. Don't want that over hyped, over paid choker anywhere near the leafs.
Quote from: HVC on January 09, 2013, 01:58:22 PM
Quote from: Barrister on January 09, 2013, 01:37:32 PM
I wonder if it has anything to do with the rumoured Luongo to Toronto deal. Didn't Burke have some negative history with Vancouver's GM Mike Gillis?
I hope not. Don't want that over hyped, over paid choker anywhere near the leafs.
I don't get the Lou-hate. His stats are great. He won the freaking gold medal for Canada.
Now, I wouldn't want him because of his contract, but not because he isn't a good goalie.
Yeah, it's not like a better goalie could carry the Canucks to a Cup. For one thing, you could make a case that there aren't any better goalies, or at least that Luongo is one of the very best. For another thing, no-heart, cheap-shot bitches don't often win the Cup, and the Canucks are no-heart, cheap-shot bitches.
Quote from: HVC on January 09, 2013, 01:53:28 PM
Guy even have any coaching experience? I know tfc isn't exactly the big leagues, but you'd think they could do better then a 35 year old playing on a soon to be relegated team with no coaching experience.
Nope. None. At.All
Ahhh, Toronto sports teams, keep reaching for the stars
Quote from: Barrister on January 08, 2013, 12:06:26 PM
Hey Viper - Jamison is *still* trying to find investors to purchase the Coyotes.
I'm telling you man - don't worry. You've got this in the bag - eventually.
QuoteThe Maloof family is finalizing an agreement to sell the Sacramento Kings to a group that hopes to move the franchise to Seattle for the 2013-14 season, league sources told Yahoo! Sports.
Kings co-owners George, Gavin and Phil Maloof are expected to keep ...
The deal will sell the Kings for approximately $500 million to a group led by hedge-fund manager Chris Hansen and Microsoft chairman Steve Ballmer. The group is seeking to relocate the franchise to Seattle's KeyArena for the 2013-14 season.
The Seattle group's plans, with support of the NBA, is to play two seasons in KeyArena before moving into a new Seattle arena, sources said.
No agreement has been signed, but one source with knowledge of the talks described the deal as "first and goal at the 1." The Maloofs' history of changing course late in negotiations still has some uneasy about getting the sale completed. The Maloofs previously neared a deal with Sacramento leaders to help finance a new arena in the city before backing out.
The Maloofs are expected to keep an extremely small percentage of the team, but will have no real input or say in the franchise, sources said.
Once the sale is completed, the Seattle-based group will have until March to file for relocation. NBA commissioner David Stern has been a big proponent of the Hansen-Ballmer group, and league officials will work diligently to help the franchise move to Seattle if the sale is finalized, sources said. The Seattle-based group is determined to not have the franchise spend a final lame-duck season in Sacramento.
The prospective Seattle ownership plans are to change the Kings' name and logos back to the original proprietors of the city's NBA history: the Sonics. "Same name and logos," a source working with the group told Y! Sports.
When owner Clay Bennett moved the Sonics franchise to Oklahoma City in 2008, he left behind the name, logos and history.
The Kings' status in Sacramento has been tenuous since the arena deal fell apart near the end of last season.
The trouble with the Seattle deal (from an NHL perspective) is that the NHL franchise would be a mere tenant in the new arena. No ancillary revenues whatsoever.
The Yotes may wind up going to Seattle. I'm positive QC will get a team, but it might not be the Yotes. But I think Yotes -> Quebec City is the far more likely option, since there the team will essentially "Own" the building and all profits it generates.
:huh: The plan is the Ownership group that purchases the Basketball team will be same one to acquire the Hockey team.
As Hansen is going to be in both and is head of the private money building the arena, not sure how the NHL team is only just a tenant.
Quote from: katmai on January 09, 2013, 05:05:26 PM
:huh: The plan is the Ownership group that purchases the Basketball team will be same one to acquire the Hockey team.
As Hansen is going to be in both and is head of the private money building the arena, not sure how the NHL team is only just a tenant.
I don't know what to tell you.
everything I've read is that Hansen does NOT want to own an NHL team. He'd love to have one as a tenant, but this deal is all about bringing basketball back to Seattle. The NHL is only a sideshow.
Let me see if I can find a link.
Canadiens tells Gomez to stay home:
1/13/2013 10:35:49 AM
The Scott Gomez era in Montreal appears to be at an end.
According to TSN Hockey Insider Bob McKenzie, the Canadiens have told Gomez he will not be a part of the team this season. Montreal will continue to pay Gomez for the season and his contract will count against the team's salary cap.
Gomez's salary for 2012-13 is $5.5 million but carries cap hit of $7.357 million (based on an 82-game schedule).
The team does not want to risk Gomez being injured before they can buyout his contract this summer.
Holy crap the Caps first game is Saturday? Heh that was fast.
Quote from: Valmy on January 14, 2013, 10:38:51 AM
Holy crap the Caps first game is Saturday? Heh that was fast.
Yup they're not fooling around.
Valmy - the battle continues next Tuesday. Jets at Washington. Be there or be square.
By the way, I understand next Monday is a US holiday, but why the hell would you schedule a Canadian team to play a matinee Monday game when all of your Canadian fans will be at work. :ultra:
Gamecenterlive is 50$ in the US.
The NHL has a real shitty website - I can't even find out how much Game Centre is, or how to order it.
Quote from: Barrister on January 14, 2013, 10:52:25 AM
The NHL has a real shitty website - I can't even find out how much Game Centre is, or how to order it.
It's not like the NHL is a real professional league. It's amateur hour and it shows.
Quote from: Barrister on January 14, 2013, 10:52:25 AM
The NHL has a real shitty website - I can't even find out how much Game Centre is, or how to order it.
Centre Ice (
Game Centre Live (, altho that doesn't appear to work.
Quote from: Barrister on January 14, 2013, 10:40:31 AM
Valmy - the battle continues next Tuesday. Jets at Washington. Be there or be square.
The fanaticism of the wild and crazy Caps fans will intimidate and overwhelm the Jets.
Quote from: Valmy on January 14, 2013, 11:35:29 AM
Quote from: Barrister on January 14, 2013, 10:40:31 AM
Valmy - the battle continues next Tuesday. Jets at Washington. Be there or be square.
The fanaticism of the wild and crazy Caps fans will intimidate and overwhelm the Jets.
On Sunday in Winnipeg approx 5,000 people showed up to watch an hour of Jets practice. That's right, practice.
Quote from: Barrister on January 14, 2013, 11:41:48 AM
On Sunday in Winnipeg approx 5,000 people showed up to watch an hour of Jets practice. That's right, practice.
I mean, we talkin bout practice. Not a game, not a game, not a game. We talkin bout practice. Not a game, not a, not a, not the game that the Caps fans go out there and scream for, and act like every game is like game 7. Not the game. We talkin' bout practice, man. I mean how silly is that?
Free Preview of Game Center Ice Jan 19-31 sources say.
Quote from: Barrister on January 14, 2013, 10:52:25 AM
The NHL has a real shitty website - I can't even find out how much Game Centre is, or how to order it.
Well they finally gave a price - $50.
That's not bad actually. :hmm:
Anyone here ever used Game Centre before? How good is the video feed?
Why do you even ask?
Are you going to not watch the game?
Quote from: Jacob on January 16, 2013, 12:25:55 AM
Why do you even ask?
Are you going to not watch the game?
Of course not.
But the decisions is between GameCentre (watching out of market games via internet/Apple TV) and watching them via Centre Ice (watching out of market games via cable).
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 14, 2013, 10:43:49 AM
Gamecenterlive is 50$ in the US.
Microsoft just announced they're bringing GameCenter to Xbox Live. Tempted to plunk down the $50 fer it.
Quote from: Barrister on January 16, 2013, 01:20:20 AM
Quote from: Jacob on January 16, 2013, 12:25:55 AM
Why do you even ask?
Are you going to not watch the game?
Of course not.
But the decisions is between GameCentre (watching out of market games via internet/Apple TV) and watching them via Centre Ice (watching out of market games via cable).
How are the regular videos? I have no personal experience with it but apparently, it's like that.
I need a Don Cherry fix, stat!
Love the Space Moose avatar Ed. :thumbsup:
Talks that my boy Scott might be signing with Sharks or Ducks.
Quote from: katmai on January 19, 2013, 03:39:53 PM
Talks that my boy Scott might be signing with Sharks or Ducks.
Hopefully coaches there can restrain themselves and keep his playing time under 12 minutes. When Martin could do that, Gomez actually did alright, he didnt score but he didn't float on every shift. The problems start when he gets up around 18 minutes of ice time, now that's asking for trouble.
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 18, 2013, 01:42:58 PM
I need a Don Cherry fix, stat!
Apparently I heard they're giving Cherry two coaches corner segments this year.
What is it with Canadians and gigantic hats? :hmm:
Quote from: Josephus on January 19, 2013, 04:29:17 PM
Apparently I heard they're giving Cherry two coaches corner segments this year.
Yes, a new segment in the first intermission of the late game. I don't know how are they going to keep him awake that long.
I watched the jets game on the free preview. I was thourghly unimpressed with the cbc coverage. Even worse than the NBC jackasses.
Gonna be a long short season for Montreal.
Quote from: HVC on January 19, 2013, 09:37:07 PM
Gonna be a long short season for Montreal.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 19, 2013, 09:39:31 PM
Quote from: HVC on January 19, 2013, 09:37:07 PM
Gonna be a long short season for Montreal.
At least they scored. Still 1 for 5 against the 28th ranked PK team isn't a good sign.
Quote from: HVC on January 19, 2013, 09:43:26 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 19, 2013, 09:39:31 PM
Quote from: HVC on January 19, 2013, 09:37:07 PM
Gonna be a long short season for Montreal.
At least they scored. Still 1 for 5 against the 28th ranked PK team isn't a good sign.
What if you were the worse PP in the league tho?
That teams needs Subban ASAP.
So who's gonna join HVC and I at the Stanley Cup parade in June.... :D
Quote from: Josephus on January 19, 2013, 10:27:31 PM
So who's gonna join HVC and I at the Stanley Cup parade in June.... :D
We're number 8! (in the east) We're number 8 (in the east)!
:P I think toronto can sneak in, but that's the fan in me :lol: But i do like montreal, when they're not playing against the leafs that is, so i'd like them to do well, but if that game is any idication they won't. Then again, first game in a truncated season after 6 days of practise, so this game probably isn't an indication of anything.
Also, bring your niece to the parade :lol:
Quote from: HVC on January 19, 2013, 11:30:24 PM
Also, bring your niece to the parade :lol:
Not if you're gonna be there. :D
Heh, Blackhawks are off to a nice little 2-0 start, with a 5.5 goals-a-game average. Hell, Hossa has 4 goals in the first 2 games. If he can keep from getting his bell rung this year I think he's going to tear it up. Unfortunately, though, missed Saturday's game completely because I was at work & missed a lot of Sunday's game because, well, was "Spending Quality Time" with the wife. Was kind of funny, though, that my wife & I kept stopping mid-coitus to look at the TV every time Pat Foley called out "HE SCORES!!!"
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 19, 2013, 07:58:18 PM
I watched the jets game on the free preview. I was thourghly unimpressed with the cbc coverage. Even worse than the NBC jackasses.
Trouble is that when CBC is doing a triple-header like that we get the leftovers of the CBC crews. The ones doing the main game (which last weekend was TO-MTL) aren't bad, and even the west-coast based team is tolerable.
I'll take the regional TSN-Jets crew any day though.
And I still hate this monday afternoon game. The puck drops at freakin 11am for me. Here's hoping I get away with listening to the radio feed on my work computer.
So I was watching the hockey version of dierdorf and Gannon. Great.
Quote from: Barrister on January 21, 2013, 10:32:30 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 19, 2013, 07:58:18 PM
I watched the jets game on the free preview. I was thourghly unimpressed with the cbc coverage. Even worse than the NBC jackasses.
Trouble is that when CBC is doing a triple-header like that we get the leftovers of the CBC crews. The ones doing the main game (which last weekend was TO-MTL) aren't bad, and even the west-coast based team is tolerable.
I'll take the regional TSN-Jets crew any day though.
And I still hate this monday afternoon game. The puck drops at freakin 11am for me. Here's hoping I get away with listening to the radio feed on my work computer.
Atleast they actually show up at the god damn Arena for the game. TVA Sports & RDS(for non-Habs games), just simulcast someone else's feed & try to describe from TVs IN STUDIO.
Jets score!
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 21, 2013, 01:15:06 PM
Jets score!
Crap! Didn't think they'd have dropped the puck yet!
Quote from: Barrister on January 21, 2013, 01:18:16 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 21, 2013, 01:15:06 PM
Jets score!
Crap! Didn't think they'd have dropped the puck yet!
It was a quick start, the radio crew barely had time to say their names.
Kay - I'm all set now. This is sort of fun - I haven't listened to a game on radio for a long time.
Quote from: Barrister on January 21, 2013, 01:23:39 PM
Kay - I'm all set now. This is sort of fun - I haven't listened to a game on radio for a long time.
It's fun.
Did you get Centre Ice or Center Live in the end?
I'd like to get Live but for the Xbox 360 app it requires to be a Xbox Live gold member, I don't want to do that.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 21, 2013, 01:25:49 PM
Quote from: Barrister on January 21, 2013, 01:23:39 PM
Kay - I'm all set now. This is sort of fun - I haven't listened to a game on radio for a long time.
It's fun.
Did you get Centre Ice or Center Live in the end?
I'd like to get Live but for the Xbox 360 app it requires to be a Xbox Live gold member, I don't want to do that.
Haven't signed up yet (since in the first week 3 games were nationally televised, plus this game which I couldn't watch anyways) but am going to go with GameCentre.
I'm hoping to be able to catch some games while I'm in Brazil. :shifty:
LOL at the Canucks for losing to he Oilers.
If the Caps are going to get beaten up by the likes of the Lightening I would just assume the lockout go back into effect :mad:
Quote from: Valmy on January 21, 2013, 01:48:02 PM
If the Caps are going to get beaten up by the likes of the Lightening I would just assume the lockout go back into effect :mad:
Then you're really not going to like what happens tomorrow. :cool:
Jets have taken Boston to OT.
From the lack of NBA highlights on TSN I can only regret that the NHL is once again back in operation.
Good guys lose in the shoot out. :(
Matinee game on a Monday?
Quote from: Josephus on January 21, 2013, 04:04:48 PM
Matinee game on a Monday?
MLK day in the US apparently.
Why they'd play a Canadian team is beyond me though...
oh,'s a holiday there.
Quote from: crazy canuck on January 21, 2013, 03:41:58 PM
From the lack of NBA highlights on TSN I can only regret that the NHL is once again back in operation.
It was a close run thing though. If they'd held out until after the Superbowl, there would have been no interesting sports in North America.
Quote from: Neil on January 21, 2013, 04:27:23 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on January 21, 2013, 03:41:58 PM
From the lack of NBA highlights on TSN I can only regret that the NHL is once again back in operation.
It was a close run thing though. If they'd held out until after the Superbowl, there would have been no interesting sports in North America.
The wasteland of Alberta would have been unhappy but the civilized world would hot have noticed. I wish I could get ESPN instead of TSN (The Skating Network)
Quote from: crazy canuck on January 21, 2013, 04:48:55 PM
Quote from: Neil on January 21, 2013, 04:27:23 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on January 21, 2013, 03:41:58 PM
From the lack of NBA highlights on TSN I can only regret that the NHL is once again back in operation.
It was a close run thing though. If they'd held out until after the Superbowl, there would have been no interesting sports in North America.
The wasteland of Alberta would have been unhappy but the civilized world would hot have noticed. I wish I could get ESPN instead of TSN (The Skating Network)
The south is not the civilized world.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 21, 2013, 04:52:52 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on January 21, 2013, 04:48:55 PM
Quote from: Neil on January 21, 2013, 04:27:23 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on January 21, 2013, 03:41:58 PM
From the lack of NBA highlights on TSN I can only regret that the NHL is once again back in operation.
It was a close run thing though. If they'd held out until after the Superbowl, there would have been no interesting sports in North America.
The wasteland of Alberta would have been unhappy but the civilized world would hot have noticed. I wish I could get ESPN instead of TSN (The Skating Network)
The south is not the civilized world.
Correct, there are still some enclaves in the South that need to have hockey eradicated
Quote from: crazy canuck on January 21, 2013, 04:48:55 PM
Quote from: Neil on January 21, 2013, 04:27:23 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on January 21, 2013, 03:41:58 PM
From the lack of NBA highlights on TSN I can only regret that the NHL is once again back in operation.
It was a close run thing though. If they'd held out until after the Superbowl, there would have been no interesting sports in North America.
The wasteland of Alberta would have been unhappy but the civilized world would hot have noticed. I wish I could get ESPN instead of TSN (The Skating Network)
Civilized world? Kind of a funny thing to call yourself, when you look at what happened last time Vancouver went to the finals.
And basketball is stupid. Please stop liking it.
Another Sabres win. Man, I forgot how much I enjoy watching hockey and how intense the closing minutes can be. Buffalo better work on their damned faceoff skills all week though. That was just ugly. Nice to see the boys get physical though. A very welcome change from recent years where they simply allowed other teams to bully them.
Stanley Cup parade plans in Toronto temporarily suspended.
Quote from: Josephus on January 21, 2013, 10:48:45 PM
Stanley Cup parade plans in Toronto temporarily suspended.
dammit, i'm never going to meet your niece :( :P
What is backstory here? :huh:
Quote from: katmai on January 21, 2013, 11:32:49 PM
What is backstory here? :huh:
i don't even remember lol. Joe mentioned he had a niece in toronto once, i think.
Yeah me neither...I think it's the stuff of legend. And she's no longer in toronto ;) She's studying at Laurier.
One hour to puck drop Valmy. :menace:
Last year the Jets record against the Caps was 4-1-1. :whistle:
Quote from: Barrister on January 22, 2013, 05:54:53 PM
One hour to puck drop Valmy. :menace:
Last year the Jets record against the Caps was 4-1-1. :whistle:
Eh it is clearly taking awhile to get Adam Oates' system in place. I guess that makes sense considering there was no preseason or training camp or anything.
Quote from: Valmy on January 23, 2013, 12:21:26 AM
I guess that makes sense considering there was no preseason or training camp or anything.
I think it shows for many teams. The players seem to lack some coordination, the least worst team seems to win usually.
Quote from: Valmy on January 23, 2013, 12:21:26 AM
Eh it is clearly taking awhile to get Adam Oates' system in place. I guess that makes sense considering there was no preseason or training camp or anything.
Sure. That's it. :rolleyes:
Jets are now lifetime 5-1-1 against the Caps.
Quote from: Barrister on January 23, 2013, 12:36:04 AM
Sure. That's it. :rolleyes:
It is the second game of a new coach tenure and the season. What do you want? Wailing and gnashing of teeth? I didn't enjoy the game much if that helps.
QuoteJets are now lifetime 5-1-1 against the Caps.
Well good for them. I hope they go beat the teams I hate like the Canes and the Lightening.
Quote from: Valmy on January 23, 2013, 12:45:40 AM
Quote from: Barrister on January 23, 2013, 12:36:04 AM
Sure. That's it. :rolleyes:
It is the second game of a new coach tenure and the season. What do you want? Wailing and gnashing of teeth? I didn't enjoy the game much if that helps.
QuoteJets are now lifetime 5-1-1 against the Caps.
Well good for them. I hope they go beat the teams I hate like the Canes and the Lightening.
What I want is the acknowledgement that the Winnipeg Jets are the best hockey franchise of all time. Since reality seems to conflict with what I want, Iwill continue to mock all those who doubt the Jets greatness. :cool:
Seriously though, the Caps did not look good tonight.
Quote from: Barrister on January 23, 2013, 01:53:44 AM
What I want is the acknowledgement that the Winnipeg Jets are the best hockey franchise of all time.
No one cares about your scrub team that will be moving in less than 5 years.
In important news
Quotehe San Jose Sharks on Wednesday signed free-agent center Scott Gomez to a one-year contract.
Gomez's deal is for $700,000, according to a source.
Gomez was bought out by the Montreal Canadiens last week and became an unrestricted free agent. The Habs still will pay him his $5.5 million (pro-rated) salary for this season, plus two-thirds of the $4.5 million he was slated to earn next season in the final year of his deal.
The Canadiens, however, as per the compliance buyout rule in the new collective bargaining agreement, won't have Gomez on their salary cap next season.
Sharks associate coach Larry Robinson has a key connection to Gomez from their days in New Jersey when Robinson was coach there.
A two-time All-Star, Gomez is expected to center the third line with the Sharks.
You will be very distrust at that signing, Sharks fans.
:lol: Just cause the Habs suck the life out of all who go there. :rolleyes:
Not our fault, Mexilakan boy couldn't handle our night life.
Blackhawks are 4-0 to start the season...
Blackhawks are in Columbus tonight -- looking at YOU, Ed Anger... :menace:
And Mrs. CCR & I are having another couple over tonight for homemade pizza & to watch the game. For some reason the gal coming over likes to text me pics of her vibrators, so Christ only knows what I'm getting myself into tonight...
How come BB hasn't posted yet to crow about the big comeback by the Jets against the Penguins? Or their general competance?
Quote from: Neil on January 26, 2013, 11:51:18 AM
How come BB hasn't posted yet to crow about the big comeback by the Jets against the Penguins? Or their general competance?
That was an awesome, awesome game.
Quote from: C.C.R. on January 26, 2013, 10:42:18 AM
Blackhawks are in Columbus tonight -- looking at YOU, Ed Anger... :menace:
And Mrs. CCR & I are having another couple over tonight for homemade pizza & to watch the game. For some reason the gal coming over likes to text me pics of her vibrators, so Christ only knows what I'm getting myself into tonight...
I don't even know who in the hell is playing on the Columbus team. Except for Fedor Tyutin. :lol:
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 26, 2013, 05:25:49 PM
I don't even know who in the hell is playing on the Columbus team. Except for Fedor Tyutin. :lol:
I had been Out Of It for a couple-few years there, so it took me a couple of games to figure out Who Is Who on the Hawks. Hell, BB asked me about Oduya last week & I was like "Who?"
To answer that question, BB: meh. He doesn't stand out glaringly one way or the other right now...
Known Blackhawks to me are Kane, Crybaby Hossa and Carcillo. :blush:
Quote from: C.C.R. on January 26, 2013, 10:42:18 AM
so Christ only knows what I'm getting myself into tonight...
so, what did you get yourself into? :P
Quote from: viper37 on January 27, 2013, 12:22:50 PM
Quote from: C.C.R. on January 26, 2013, 10:42:18 AM
so Christ only knows what I'm getting myself into tonight...
so, what did you get yourself into? :P
Lol, got my ass smacked a good one, but that was about it. Her hubby (who's also my boss, heh heh) seemed pretty dogged about not leaving the two of us alone...
Quote from: C.C.R. on January 26, 2013, 05:33:20 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 26, 2013, 05:25:49 PM
I don't even know who in the hell is playing on the Columbus team. Except for Fedor Tyutin. :lol:
I had been Out Of It for a couple-few years there, so it took me a couple of games to figure out Who Is Who on the Hawks. Hell, BB asked me about Oduya last week & I was like "Who?"
To answer that question, BB: meh. He doesn't stand out glaringly one way or the other right now...
Well that's pretty much what you want out of a defensive defenceman, isn't it? No mistakes, don't notice him.
It's a shame the league wasn't playing in November - Oduya had an absolutely epic Movember stache last year.
Calgary Sun is reporting the Jets might make a push to trade for PK Subban if Montreal decides to deal him... :unsure:
Finally signed up for GameCentre Live. Pretty slick I must say. Just to test it out I have the Sens-Pens game on right now via AppleTV. It's nice that, unlike Centre Ice, you can pick which feed you want to watch.
Doesn't appear to be HD however.
Quote from: Barrister on January 27, 2013, 06:54:45 PM
Doesn't appear to be HD however.
Yeah. That's a big drawback. What's the price diff between this and Centre Ice?
Quote from: Josephus on January 27, 2013, 07:58:46 PM
Quote from: Barrister on January 27, 2013, 06:54:45 PM
Doesn't appear to be HD however.
Yeah. That's a big drawback. What's the price diff between this and Centre Ice?
Live is 50$ for the season. Centre Ice is totally dependent on who's your provider.
Wow the Caps didn't suck...too badly...tonight. That was a nice change.
Quote from: Josephus on January 27, 2013, 07:58:46 PM
Quote from: Barrister on January 27, 2013, 06:54:45 PM
Doesn't appear to be HD however.
Yeah. That's a big drawback. What's the price diff between this and Centre Ice?
It may just be the choice of feed. I said "No HD" when I was watching a randomly-selected Devils-Habs game (Devils feed). But the Jets game did appear to be in HD.
But what seemed freaky to me is that they showed no commercials, and no intermission. No post-game show either.
Hell of a game by the Jets tonight. Isles took the early 1-0 lead, jets battle back to a 2-1 lead, then Isles came back to 4-2, only for your hometown heroes to tie it up to bring it into overtime, ad Kane with the winner in OT.
3-1-1 baby. :cool:
Sharks are 5-0 :ph34r:
Leafs are 2-3 baby :)
Quote from: Josephus on January 28, 2013, 08:45:06 AM
Leafs are 2-3 baby :)
gotta keep the tradition alive. It's comforting to know nothing changes :D
Get ready to crash Beeb! The Galchenyuk Express is coming.
The Jets will fake losing in the 1st, just to put the Habs in confidence. Then they'll come back with a vengeance, just as they did to the Pens last Friday :)
Quote from: viper37 on January 28, 2013, 08:36:16 PM
The Jets will fake losing in the 1st, just to put the Habs in confidence. Then they'll come back with a vengeance, just as they did to the Pens last Friday :)
LOL @ Sabres. Lose to Leafs.
Quote from: Barrister on January 29, 2013, 09:15:05 PM
Quote from: viper37 on January 28, 2013, 08:36:16 PM
The Jets will fake losing in the 1st, just to put the Habs in confidence. Then they'll come back with a vengeance, just as they did to the Pens last Friday :)
Les Habs will win it all this year.
Quote from: Neil on January 29, 2013, 11:24:37 PM
Les Habs will win it all this year.
And you thought Vancouver fans were annoying?
Tonight though the Jets did not deserve the win - game was not as close as the score might make you think.
We're not annoying. We're omnipresent!
Jamieson still hasn't found the money to buy the Coyotes. The mayor says he won't extend the deal, but is willing to negotiate with someone else.
Of course the NHL has let the rumour float that there is a "someone else".
So, here we are. 4 years in the hands of the NHL, 2 potential buyers depending on public financing from the city of Glendale and still no deal. Well, unless Jamieson can do it before midnight.
Frankly, Betman looks like a fool in this. But he'll keep trying to let this team there for another year, at least. <sigh>
Quote from: viper37 on January 31, 2013, 11:26:07 AM
Jamieson still hasn't found the money to buy the Coyotes. The mayor says he won't extend the deal, but is willing to negotiate with someone else.
Of course the NHL has let the rumour float that there is a "someone else".
So, here we are. 4 years in the hands of the NHL, 2 potential buyers depending on public financing from the city of Glendale and still no deal. Well, unless Jamieson can do it before midnight.
Frankly, Betman looks like a fool in this. But he'll keep trying to let this team there for another year, at least. <sigh>
But in the past Bettman had a problem. He had two troubled franchises (Atlanta and Phoenix), and only one possible destination (Winnipeg). All the other possible destinations did not have viable arenas. Atlanta ultimately moved to Winnipeg of course, but that left him with no viable destination.
But what's happened in the meantime? Quebec City has started building an arena, and Seattle has started to build an arena. Now Bettman has two viable destinations.
So stalling for all this time has paid off. It also shows that maybe there is no more reason to stall...
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 30, 2013, 07:13:52 AM
We're not annoying. We're omnipresent!
I think Beeb just finds anybody who is a fan of any other Canadian team annoying. "Wait did you just say 'I kind of like the Habs and it would put a smile on my face a bit if they win'?! HOW OBNOXIOUS!!" :P
Quote from: Valmy on January 31, 2013, 12:18:00 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 30, 2013, 07:13:52 AM
We're not annoying. We're omnipresent!
I think Beeb just finds anybody who is a fan of any other Canadian team annoying. "Wait did you just say 'I kind of like the Habs and it would put a smile on my face a bit if they win'?! HOW OBNOXIOUS!!" :P
Senators fans are inoffensive.
Senators fans are the best. They have nothing & yet still soldiers own. Gotta admire that.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 31, 2013, 12:37:23 PM
Senators fans are the best. They have nothing & yet still soldiers own. Gotta admire that.
Nope. I've known too many Cubs fans over the years to admire that...
Jamison is out. City will not extend lease. Mayor is trying to find a new buyer. :lol:
If Jamison could not complete the deal, I doubt very much anyone else can. If there was someone, Jamison wouldn't have needed to go to the Middle East to find investors.
The latest news I read are this:
- The NHL will let Jamison as much time as he needs to find the 170M$ needed to pay them.
- The city is willing to negotiate a new deal, albeit more to Glendale advantage than the current one, but it wants to avoid supporting an empty arena.
Quote from: viper37 on January 31, 2013, 04:08:15 PM
The latest news I read are this:
- The NHL will let Jamison as much time as he needs to find the 170M$ needed to pay them.
- The city is willing to negotiate a new deal, albeit more to Glendale advantage than the current one, but it wants to avoid supporting an empty arena.
Always remember - the NHL does not want to play lame duck games. If they announce the team is done they know attendance will plummet. After all, that's what happened in WPG when they had a lame duck year. The NHL will say everything is fine right up until the moment they announce the team is gone.
Maybe all you rich 1 per centers on this forum ought to pool together and buy a team. ;)
I don't want a team in a failing league.
Quote from: Josephus on January 31, 2013, 06:43:54 PM
Maybe all you rich 1 per centers on this forum ought to pool together and buy a team. ;)
1% = 200 000$.
We are maybe 50 here.
1% of 50 = 0,05, but let's round it to one person.
No one here is that rich ;)
Mono is, as long has he has acces to the HK government check books tho.
My eyes!
The Maple Laughs are in Winnipeg tonight.
Gentleman, place your bets. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on February 07, 2013, 02:56:00 PM
The Maple Laughs are in Winnipeg tonight.
Gentleman, place your bets. :cool:
Sorry. Right now the only wager I am considering making is how many points the Caps will finish behind the next-to-last place team. :weep:
Wow. 1.9 to go any they pull it out. Vanek is awesome. :cool:
go laughs go!... er leafs.
Winnipeg failed Canada.
Quote from: HVC on February 07, 2013, 11:02:11 PM
Quote from: Neil on February 07, 2013, 11:01:11 PM
Winnipeg failed Canada.
toronto is canada :P
Don't be ridiculous. It's no more Canadian than Vancouver.
Quote from: Neil on February 07, 2013, 11:08:05 PM
Quote from: HVC on February 07, 2013, 11:02:11 PM
Quote from: Neil on February 07, 2013, 11:01:11 PM
Winnipeg failed Canada.
toronto is canada :P
Don't be ridiculous. It's no more Canadian than Vancouver.
come on, you may hate toronto but it's more canada then vancouver :D
Quote from: HVC on February 07, 2013, 11:10:56 PM
Quote from: Neil on February 07, 2013, 11:08:05 PM
Quote from: HVC on February 07, 2013, 11:02:11 PM
Quote from: Neil on February 07, 2013, 11:01:11 PM
Winnipeg failed Canada.
toronto is canada :P
Don't be ridiculous. It's no more Canadian than Vancouver.
come on, you may hate toronto but it's more canada then vancouver :D
Well, maybe a little. But it's weird for Canadians to cheer for the Leafs, unless they're really really old.
Are you posting from a phone?
Tonight's game was so very, very sad.
It really felt like theJets outplayed the Leafs. More shots on net, more hits. I felt really, really good about the game.
Then Bang! Bang! two goals inside a minute, and the Leafs won in winnipeg for the first time in 17 years. :(
Quote from: Josephus on February 08, 2013, 08:24:20 AM
parade: back on!
And nope Neil, I was posting from home while hiding from the snow
QuotePerhaps most distressing for an organization that has been to the postseason five straight seasons is that, as the game was slipping away during the middle frame, there was no resolve, no sign of being able to arrest the game's shifting momentum.
In the locker room, the term "rock bottom" was bandied about.
"Hopefully, we don't have to go any lower than this," Alzner said.
Sadly, Thursday's loss gives no indication that this team has fully plumbed to the depths it might sink.
Damn. Is it Baseball Spring Training yet?
So, Washington = Toronto?
I dunno. Even if Toronto could somehow manage to beat the good teams in the East (the Habs would crush them in a playoff series, for example), Chicago looks pretty much invincible so far. They've played a quarter of the season, and they've two points short of perfect. That's ridiculous.
Quote from: Neil on February 08, 2013, 11:36:47 AM
I dunno. Even if Toronto could somehow manage to beat the good teams in the East (the Habs would crush them in a playoff series, for example), Chicago looks pretty much invincible so far. They've played a quarter of the season, and they've two points short of perfect. That's ridiculous.
And Chicago has spent almost all of it on the road.
Meh. The Hawks have all of the makings for a 1st round playoff loss. They're winning, but they seem...soft. It's hard to explain.
Quote from: C.C.R. on February 08, 2013, 12:34:17 PM
Meh. The Hawks have all of the makings for a 1st round playoff loss. They're winning, but they seem...soft. It's hard to explain.
Lots of time left to add some toughness.
Chicago needs more Carcillo.
Quote from: Ed Anger on February 08, 2013, 12:40:44 PM
Chicago needs more Carcillo.
Actually, yeah, that. With him out since the first game (which I missed) I totally forgot about him... :P
Quote from: HVC on February 08, 2013, 09:30:45 AM
Quote from: Josephus on February 08, 2013, 08:24:20 AM
parade: back on!
And nope Neil, I was posting from home while hiding from the snow
That's right.
An oh, we got Neil and BB to blame for this "Alberta clipper"
Quote from: Josephus on February 08, 2013, 12:59:38 PM
Quote from: HVC on February 08, 2013, 09:30:45 AM
Quote from: Josephus on February 08, 2013, 08:24:20 AM
parade: back on!
And nope Neil, I was posting from home while hiding from the snow
That's right.
An oh, we got Neil and BB to blame for this "Alberta clipper"
It's sunny with a high of -2 today. :)
Quote from: Josephus on February 08, 2013, 12:59:38 PM
Quote from: HVC on February 08, 2013, 09:30:45 AM
Quote from: Josephus on February 08, 2013, 08:24:20 AM
parade: back on!
And nope Neil, I was posting from home while hiding from the snow
That's right.
An oh, we got Neil and BB to blame for this "Alberta clipper"
That's right. Rather than cutting off your energy, we're trying 'Let those Eastern bastards freeze in the dark!' via burying you in snow. Expect more.
Poor Montreal.
Quote from: HVC on February 09, 2013, 10:30:31 PM
Poor Montreal.
I'm finding a new interest for the Maple Leafs. Up to now, they were just above the Canadiens in my least of all time favorite teams, but after this week-end... nah :P
So in yesterday's practice, Zach Redmond of the Jets had his leg cut by a skate. Apparently the skate cut through his femoral artery, and apparently it was only through the fast actions of an assistant coach and a couple of players in applying a tourniquet that he didn't just bleed out right there on the ice.
Crazy. The kid had just been called up from St. John's, and had looked good in his first couple games. But now he's done for the season.
33 year anniversary of The Miracle on Ice.
So the Jets were going through a rough patch at home, and seemed almost glad to go on an extended road trip.
And for good reason - they're now 3-1 on the road (and led that game in Philly for most of it), and spirits are high as your Winnipeg Jets come into MSG tonight. Should be a good one.
One-time "toughest man in the AHL" Anthony Peluso is again in the line-up. Considering he tried to get into a fight in his first game (his opponent suckered him, leading Peluso to get the instigator), and did get in a fight his second (and left the fight with the other guy leakin'), I expect we'll see some fisticuffs tonight.
You know, it's interesting how overlooked Montreal is right now. Under the radar is a good place to be.
Quote from: Neil on February 26, 2013, 05:07:19 PM
You know, it's interesting how overlooked Montreal is right now. Under the radar is a good place to be.
Who the hell is overlooking Montreal? They're #1 in the East.
Do I think they'll stay there? No. But that doesn't mean I'm overlooking a team that is playing extremely well right now.
Quote from: Barrister on February 26, 2013, 05:28:49 PM
Quote from: Neil on February 26, 2013, 05:07:19 PM
You know, it's interesting how overlooked Montreal is right now. Under the radar is a good place to be.
Who the hell is overlooking Montreal? They're #1 in the East.
Do I think they'll stay there? No. But that doesn't mean I'm overlooking a team that is playing extremely well right now.
The sports media sure seems to be overlooking them. It might be that their relatively quiet success isn't as interesting a story as Ottawa soldiering on without their top defenceman, the apathy and cowardice of the Calgary Flames or the continuing gong show that is hockey in Toronto or Vancouver. I can't remember the last time I heard anybody say anything about them. There was more time talking about how realignment meant that Quebec City wasn't going to be getting the Coyotes under any circumstances.
Quote from: Neil on February 26, 2013, 05:39:25 PM
Quote from: Barrister on February 26, 2013, 05:28:49 PM
Quote from: Neil on February 26, 2013, 05:07:19 PM
You know, it's interesting how overlooked Montreal is right now. Under the radar is a good place to be.
Who the hell is overlooking Montreal? They're #1 in the East.
Do I think they'll stay there? No. But that doesn't mean I'm overlooking a team that is playing extremely well right now.
The sports media sure seems to be overlooking them. It might be that their relatively quiet success isn't as interesting a story as Ottawa soldiering on without their top defenceman, the apathy and cowardice of the Calgary Flames or the continuing gong show that is hockey in Toronto or Vancouver. I can't remember the last time I heard anybody say anything about them. There was more time talking about how realignment meant that Quebec City wasn't going to be getting the Coyotes under any circumstances.
I mostly just follow the Winnipeg sports media without football going on. :)
But even then, I don't know I agree with you. TSN gives quite a bit of coverage to the Habs from what I've seen.
Huh - I just realized tonight's Jets game is on the main TSN network, and not TSN-Jets. Too bad, I'll miss the nasally voice of Dennis Beyak. Thankfully though TSN has people who actually know the Jets so will do a better job than CBC does.
On the upside, it gives all you Canucks a rare opportunity to watch the real most overlooked team right now - the Jets. Oh, and the Rangers too.
If the Caps win tonight they will be juts four points out of first place. Good thing their division is mean crap plus the almighty Jets.
Cool. A Jets game that is actually watchable. That might be interesting. Normally their games either aren't broadcast or are on Saturday afternoon when everyone has better things to do.
It's a crime that I would have to pay extra for RDS.
Quote from: Valmy on February 26, 2013, 05:48:30 PM
If the Caps win tonight they will be juts four points out of first place. Good thing their division is mean crap plus the almighty Jets.
No, it's alright to call a horseshit division what it is. They're only going to send one team to he playoffs, but at the same time you can't write anybody off yet, which is more than you can say about Columbus' chances.
Quote from: Neil on February 26, 2013, 05:58:10 PM
Cool. A Jets game that is actually watchable. That might be interesting. Normally their games either aren't broadcast or are on Saturday afternoon when everyone has better things to do.
It's a crime that I would have to pay extra for RDS.
Yeah, I hate these Saturday afternoon games. I mean I guess it's better than last year when I couldn't watch the Saturday games at all, but I generally have stuff I want to do on Saturdays.
And Valmy, the SE is crap, there's no pretending otherwise. That's how the Jets are only 2 points out of leading the division and 3rd place in the standings, while at the same time are only 4 points out of bottom of the conference.
Quote from: Neil on February 26, 2013, 05:58:10 PM
Cool. A Jets game that is actually watchable. That might be interesting. Normally their games either aren't broadcast or are on Saturday afternoon when everyone has better things to do.
It's a crime that I would have to pay extra for RDS.
It was very interesting. :cool:
Jets are now in a three-way tie for first in the SE.
I've seen plenty of Habs coverage.
Neil, time to shell out & get RDS.
Quote from: fahdiz on February 22, 2013, 11:24:27 PM
It's about hit the point where when somebody finally beats them it's going to be like them winning the Special Olympics -- yeah, you beat the Blackhawks for the first time this year, but you're still retarded...
Of course the Habs' streak will come to an end today <_<
Which one ? The 1 game losing streak or the Points in 8 games streak?
Last meet, The Laffs detroyeds the Habs, they better show up big tonite.
Anyone want to talk realignment?
Seems a little odd, and their plan from last year a little bit cleaner. What seems really bizarre to me is that they introduce wild card rules, but they only work within-conference. That is, a team from the 16-team Eastern conference can not cross over to the 14-team western conference.
But hey, they fixed my #1 gripe - you play home and home with every team in the league. Good. And while it sucks for the Jets to be the only Canadian team in their conference, at least it sucks less than watching Florida, Tampa Bay and Carolina 6 times per year.
Having east vs west conference is a compromise to both owners & NBC. No teams wants to travel cross country before the Final & NBC doesn't really want an all west final.
The Divisions are idiotic. I do not see any particular improvement. And really? Move Detroit East? :yuk:
Quote from: Valmy on February 27, 2013, 02:01:51 PM
The Divisions are idiotic. I do not see any particular improvement. And really? Move Detroit East? :yuk:
What's inherently wrong with Detroit in the east?
This whole thing is driven by time zones. Detroit and Columbus are in the eastern time zone. They didn't like having to play so many of their away games at 8, 9 or even 10 at night (for home tv viewers).
The division between Central and Atlantic seems bizarre. I think it's driven by the fact that NYR/NYI/NJD/PHI/PIT all want to stay together, and that TOR/OTT/MTL/BOS want to remain together.
I'm sure Buffalo doesn't want to let Toronto go either.
Central for the Habs division is a stupid name. Call it North damn it or the Orr.
Gretzky Division
Roy Division
Orr Division
Lemieux Division
Quote from: Barrister on February 27, 2013, 02:24:28 PM
What's inherently wrong with Detroit in the east?
Because they are one of the traditional powerhouses of the West that's why. Granted this 'tradition' only goes back to 1974 but there were no conferences before then.
I know the NHL loves to mock its own history and is governed by people with a pathological hatred of Hockey but is nothing sacred?
And there should be a division with all the Southern teams, having them split up with a bunch of northern teams is stupid and it works best to have the unpopular teams nobody likes all out the way so we can ignore them...except the Caps who are universally beloved. But I guess it makes some sort of Bettman sense to put Florida in the the same division with Detroit and Montreal and the other Southern teams in there with New York.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 27, 2013, 02:34:46 PM
I'm sure Buffalo doesn't want to let Toronto go either.
Central for the Habs division is a stupid name. Call it North damn it or the Orr.
Gretzky Division
Roy Division
Orr Division
Lemieux Division
Names related to or refer to Hockey are hateful to the NHL. The more generic and boring the more it makes Bettman smile...even if the geographical names are misleading and make no logical sense.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 27, 2013, 02:34:46 PM
I'm sure Buffalo doesn't want to let Toronto go either.
Central for the Habs division is a stupid name. Call it North damn it or the Orr.
Gretzky Division
Roy Division
Orr Division
Lemieux Division
Wrong, it's:
Naming divisions for people who are still alive, and some of whom are still involved in the NHL (or are rumoured to be) seems odd.
And Howe>Roy. Hell I can think of a dozen people to put before Roy. He gets ranked #22 in a ranking of the best hockey players of all time.
Even the Midwest division seems odd. Only three of the teams (chicago, Minneapolis, St. Louis) are in what would normally be considered the mid-west.
They might as well give the bluejackets to Quebec or something. What a mess.
Quote from: Ed Anger on February 27, 2013, 02:50:57 PM
They might as well give the bluejackets to Quebec or something. What a mess.
When they traded Nash you knew this year wouldn't be a good one... :console:
What is it with Ohio and bad sports teams? Is there anything that they're good at there?
Quote from: Neil on February 27, 2013, 03:18:49 PM
What is it with Ohio and bad sports teams? Is there anything that they're good at there?
Quote from: Barrister on February 27, 2013, 01:43:09 PM
Anyone want to talk realignment?
Meh. I'm torn. I'm not surprised about Detroit moving to the east (they've been talking about it for years now), but I'll miss them -- they're the team that I Love To Hate. And besides, it's bullshit that the Blackhawks have put up with awesome Detroit teams for like two decades, and now that Detroit is finally going into The Shitter & having to Rebuild they're getting pulled away before the Hawks can give them their Comeuppance. Fucking squid licking squid lickers...
Quote from: C.C.R. on February 27, 2013, 04:05:39 PM
Quote from: Barrister on February 27, 2013, 01:43:09 PM
Anyone want to talk realignment?
Meh. I'm torn. I'm not surprised about Detroit moving to the east (they've been talking about it for years now), but I'll miss them -- they're the team that I Love To Hate. And besides, it's bullshit that the Blackhawks have put up with awesome Detroit teams for like two decades, and now that Detroit is finally going into The Shitter & having to Rebuild they're getting pulled away before the Hawks can give them their Comeuppance. Fucking squid licking squid lickers...
But surely its more than made up for by having the Winnipeg Jets come to town? :)
Quote from: Barrister on February 27, 2013, 04:35:12 PM
But surely its more than made up for by having the Winnipeg Jets come to town? :)
LOL, that was Thought #2: listening to BB ramble on
ad nauseum about Jets vs. Blackhawks 4 to 6 times a year will be sooooo entertaining... :p
Quote from: Barrister on February 27, 2013, 02:50:53 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 27, 2013, 02:34:46 PM
I'm sure Buffalo doesn't want to let Toronto go either.
Central for the Habs division is a stupid name. Call it North damn it or the Orr.
Gretzky Division
Roy Division
Orr Division
Lemieux Division
Wrong, it's:
Naming divisions for people who are still alive, and some of whom are still involved in the NHL (or are rumoured to be) seems odd.
And Howe>Roy. Hell I can think of a dozen people to put before Roy. He gets ranked #22 in a ranking of the best hockey players of all time.
Even the Midwest division seems odd. Only three of the teams (chicago, Minneapolis, St. Louis) are in what would normally be considered the mid-west.
You can't name it the Howe division if Detroit is in the Orr.
Who? It can't be a Jets player, that history is in Phoenix.
Wow, the Leafs sure are good at getting their asses beat.
Quote from: Neil on February 27, 2013, 10:05:08 PM
Wow, the Leafs sure are good at getting their asses beat.
still 2 to 1 :P
Now's the time when the wheat seperates itself from the chaff, and the Leafs put themselves in position to either not make the playoffs or get eliminated in the first round by the Southeast Division winner.
Make the playoffs? The Leafs? Pah...maybe when BB's on his fourth kid.
Quote from: Josephus on February 27, 2013, 10:54:37 PM
Make the playoffs? The Leafs? Pah...maybe when BB's on his fourth kid.
they'll do well enough not get a good draft pick but not make the playoffs. it's the toronto way.
I think the Laffs are making the playoffs this year. Same for Ottawa. The NorthEast is sending 4 teams this year.
It was sort of nice of the Caps to deliver a bitchslap of reality to all their fans who still had hope last night. Best to do it before delusions of adequacy are too far entrenched.
Quote from: Barrister on February 27, 2013, 01:43:09 PM
Anyone want to talk realignment?
No room for an expansion in the East, or moving teams from the West to the East. Columbus and Detroit sure want to play in the East.
Now, what this means? The Coyotes are staying in Pheonix and there's no Nordiques for the foreseeable feature. It also means I might meat Katmai for a hockey game in Seattle before we all die of old age.
Second Toronto team is going to be in the West. Watch.
Quote from: Josephus on February 27, 2013, 10:54:37 PM
Make the playoffs? The Leafs? Pah...maybe when BB's on his fourth kid.
You know, the air just smells so much sweeter after a Jets win. :D
Above .500 baby.
Jets v Caps on right now. Go Jets Go!
1-0 Caps after 2. Go Jets Go!
Well fuck.
That gave me the giggles.
what happened?
Winnipeg Chokers Choked.
Quote from: katmai on March 02, 2013, 09:01:13 PM
Winnipeg Chokers Choked.
that's a given, i was thinking something new and humiliating.
Beeb has a sad.
I still haven't had time to watch a game this year :(
I grow weary of Hawks afternoon games always being on the weekends I work, and Wifey sucks at texting me updates...
New Job
Data Plan
Radio Broadcast
These are options.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 04, 2013, 09:28:25 AM
New Job
Data Plan
Radio Broadcast
These are options.
You left out the best (and most practical) option: New Wife
:P :P
Quote from: C.C.R. on March 04, 2013, 08:57:50 AM
I grow weary of Hawks afternoon games always being on the weekends I work, and Wifey sucks at texting me updates...
Hell of a finish on that one, too.
Well this is just great. Not only are the Jets sucking and losing 4-1 to the lowly Panthers, but my TSN-Jets stream goes down, forcing me to watch the Panthers stream instead. <_<
It's just putting you out of your misery. ;)
I'm liking that Hansen has been scoring a few goals recently. I'm considering getting a jersey just to support one of the few Danes in the NHL.
Stompin' Tom died.
So any of our T.O posters watch tonights Jets-Leafs game? :punk:
Too busy watching the Penguins save the day against the evil Bruins, allowing Les Glorieux to maintain their lead in the division. Then I watched the Oilers beat the piss out of Colorado. Normally I prefer to mock the Oilers, but I have to admit that they played well, albeit against an anaemic Colorado team. Still, they have a homestand against some good teams, so that should restore balance to the universe.
Saw it, unfortunately. Synopsis: jets played better. Questionable refereeing. Toronto won the fights.
Quote from: HVC on March 13, 2013, 08:04:36 AM
Saw it, unfortunately. Synopsis: jets played better. Questionable refereeing. Toronto won the fights.
Questionable reffing? :rolleyes:
Did you miss the fact that the refs gave the Leafs a nearly 2 minute 5 on 3? It's not the refs fault you couldn't capitalize.
Winning the fights - I'll give you the fact that Phaneuf probably won the fight against Ladd (battle of the Captains - you don't see that too often). However the fact that Phaneuf got an extra 2 minutes for roughing, which the Jets capitalized on in the powerplay, means that I'll happily lose that fight every single time.
And any game in Winnipeg where the Jets are winning is a treat to watch. The fans were really in it. I loved the "Lets Go Blue Jays" chants the most (cheerfully stolen from the ACC actually). :lol:
All reffing in the NHL is questionable in every game at every minute of play.
Did HVC mean fights fights or hockey fights?
Anyways the stage is set for a rematch in Toronto between the Jets and Leafs. :menace: Let's see if the ACC fans can match the energy of the MTS Centre. :lol:
Of course the only time the Jets get a Saturday, prime-time HNIC game it is because they are in Toronto. :rolleyes:
Quote from: Barrister on March 13, 2013, 09:56:25 AM
Anyways the stage is set for a rematch in Toronto between the Jets and Leafs. :menace: Let's see if the ACC fans can match the energy of the MTS Centre. :lol:
Of course the only time the Jets get a Saturday, prime-time HNIC game it is because they are in Toronto. :rolleyes:
Do you think that anybody wants to watch the Jets play the Hurricanes?
Quote from: Neil on March 13, 2013, 10:56:50 AM
Quote from: Barrister on March 13, 2013, 09:56:25 AM
Anyways the stage is set for a rematch in Toronto between the Jets and Leafs. :menace: Let's see if the ACC fans can match the energy of the MTS Centre. :lol:
Of course the only time the Jets get a Saturday, prime-time HNIC game it is because they are in Toronto. :rolleyes:
Do you think that anybody wants to watch the Jets play the Hurricanes?
Absolutely - it would be a battle for the lead in the SE Conference. :)
Well... okay. Jets-Canes is not particularly compelling out of their home markets. But the Jets have played plenty of more interesting matchups on Saturday, and they've all been stuck playing at 2pm.
The Jets will get more prime time HNIC saturday spots once they are in the west.
Mothercorp has no interest in showing any less Toronto or Montreal games nationally at 7 pm.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 13, 2013, 11:23:49 AM
The Jets will get more prime time HNIC saturday spots once they are in the west.
Mothercorp has no interest in showing any less Toronto or Montreal games nationally at 7 pm.
It will be even worse then. CBC has no interest in changing the times of their games, so if they have the Jets on HNIC it will be at the 10pm slot EST, which is 9pm in Winnipeg.
Yes but atleast it'll be on TV?
Quote from: Barrister on March 13, 2013, 11:04:43 AM
Absolutely - it would be a battle for the lead in the SE Conference. :)
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 13, 2013, 11:57:25 AM
Yes but atleast it'll be on TV?
Yeah there is just no pleasing some people. The Caps hardly ever are on HNIC :(
Quote from: Barrister on March 13, 2013, 11:04:43 AM
Quote from: Neil on March 13, 2013, 10:56:50 AM
Quote from: Barrister on March 13, 2013, 09:56:25 AM
Anyways the stage is set for a rematch in Toronto between the Jets and Leafs. :menace: Let's see if the ACC fans can match the energy of the MTS Centre. :lol:
Of course the only time the Jets get a Saturday, prime-time HNIC game it is because they are in Toronto. :rolleyes:
Do you think that anybody wants to watch the Jets play the Hurricanes?
Absolutely - it would be a battle for the lead in the SE Conference. :)
Well... okay. Jets-Canes is not particularly compelling out of their home markets. But the Jets have played plenty of more interesting matchups on Saturday, and they've all been stuck playing at 2pm.
Against American teams though. US teams tend to have matches earlier in the day. They're a daytime sports people.
Quote from: Valmy on March 13, 2013, 12:31:19 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 13, 2013, 11:04:43 AM
Absolutely - it would be a battle for the lead in the SE Conference. :)
I am desperately hoping that the Jets win the SE Division ( :blush: ) just so they can hang that banner in the MTS Centre to mess with people's minds 20-30 years down the road...
After a strong win over the Rangers, theJets have sole possession of 8th place in theEast. :punk:
What's even more interesting, is you have WPG with 30 pts, TOR, NJD and CAR with 31, and OTT with 32. Very, very tight - and hell that means the Jets are one point off from division leaders Carolina.
The HNIC game on Saturday of WPG-TOR should be epic. :punk:
don't worry, toronto's gonna be stuck at 31 for a while.
Quote from: HVC on March 14, 2013, 11:49:04 PM
don't worry, toronto's gonna be stuck at 31 for a while.
I hope you're right. :punk:
Fantasy Hockey is the tool of the devil.
I was leading by 10 points when I went to sleep, woke up trailling by 5.
Thanks Jake Muzzin (league scores penalty minutes negatively).
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 15, 2013, 06:44:37 AM
Fantasy Hockey is the tool of the devil.
I was leading by 10 points when I went to sleep, woke up trailling by 5.
Thanks Jake Muzzin (league scores penalty minutes negatively).
What kind of craziness is that? :wacko:
PIMs usually get counted as positive points. -_-
It's romanian crazy business!
Damn it Beeb! Tell your guys to stop failing Canada.
Quote from: Neil on March 16, 2013, 06:29:40 PM
Damn it Beeb! Tell your guys to stop failing Canada.
Giveaway by Wellwood, but otherwise the good guys from the Peg are playing well. :)
It's better than I thought it would be (not saying much) but the HNIC crew is still relentlessly pro-Leafs.
:cool: :cool:
:cool: :cool: :cool:
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
:mad: :mad:
I love my Blackhawks. That is all.
Quote from: fahdiz on March 16, 2013, 07:51:31 PM
I love my Blackhawks. That is all.
So why the Hawks F? :)
I just want to know since I'm collecting targets for taunting next year when the Jets demolish Division B... :shifty:
:mad: :mad: :mad:
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2013, 07:54:29 PM
Quote from: fahdiz on March 16, 2013, 07:51:31 PM
I love my Blackhawks. That is all.
So why the Hawks F? :)
I was born in Illinois. I've been a lifetime Hawks fan. And Cubs (unfortunately). And Bears (sometimes unfortunately, sometimes not). And Bulls, although living in Portland has made me more of a Blazers fan than a Bulls fan.
Quote from: fahdiz on March 16, 2013, 07:56:48 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2013, 07:54:29 PM
Quote from: fahdiz on March 16, 2013, 07:51:31 PM
I love my Blackhawks. That is all.
So why the Hawks F? :)
I was born in Illinois. I've been a lifetime Hawks fan. And Cubs (unfortunately). And Bears (sometimes unfortunately, sometimes not). And Bulls, although living in Portland has made me more of a Blazers fan than a Bulls fan.
Birth is a perfectly legitimate reason for sports fandom. :)
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2013, 07:58:15 PM
Quote from: fahdiz on March 16, 2013, 07:56:48 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2013, 07:54:29 PM
Quote from: fahdiz on March 16, 2013, 07:51:31 PM
I love my Blackhawks. That is all.
So why the Hawks F? :)
I was born in Illinois. I've been a lifetime Hawks fan. And Cubs (unfortunately). And Bears (sometimes unfortunately, sometimes not). And Bulls, although living in Portland has made me more of a Blazers fan than a Bulls fan.
Birth is a perfectly legitimate reason for sports fandom. :)
I'll accept a) birth, b) current city of residence, c) favorite place you ever lived. I'll even accept d) favorite player is X, favorite team is the one he plays for at the moment - although that's not a reason I've ever used, I understand it.
As a last resort, I'll also take e) I fell in love with X team as a child for some reason even though I didn't live anywhere near them and I've been a fan since I was a little kid. But that's really reaching, and for special circumstances only.
Quote from: fahdiz on March 16, 2013, 08:05:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2013, 07:58:15 PM
Quote from: fahdiz on March 16, 2013, 07:56:48 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2013, 07:54:29 PM
Quote from: fahdiz on March 16, 2013, 07:51:31 PM
I love my Blackhawks. That is all.
So why the Hawks F? :)
I was born in Illinois. I've been a lifetime Hawks fan. And Cubs (unfortunately). And Bears (sometimes unfortunately, sometimes not). And Bulls, although living in Portland has made me more of a Blazers fan than a Bulls fan.
Birth is a perfectly legitimate reason for sports fandom. :)
I'll accept a) birth, b) current city of residence, c) favorite place you ever lived. I'll even accept d) favorite player is X, favorite team is the one he plays for at the moment - although that's not a reason I've ever used, I understand it.
As a last resort, I'll also take e) I fell in love with X team as a child for some reason even though I didn't live anywhere near them and I've been a fan since I was a little kid. But that's really reaching, and for special circumstances only.
What about 'through out my child hood I wore a sports team hat that had my name on it, and oh by the way they won a championship when I was 10, and so even though I've never been to that city it's on my bucket list to see a game there...'
It never ceases to amaze me (in a good way) that CBC does an online broadcast of HNIC in Punjabi. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2013, 08:12:34 PM
What about 'through out my child hood I wore a sports team hat that had my name on it, and oh by the way they won a championship when I was 10, and so even though I've never been to that city it's on my bucket list to see a game there...'
I'm pretty sure that falls under e) and sounds acceptable to me.
Well nice come back just the same.
Now those are awesome uniforms. Way to go Vancouver.
Quote from: HVC on March 16, 2013, 09:08:50 PM
Well nice come back just the same.
Christ Allmighty - I thought I was going to have a stroke during that shoot out.
Thank Goodness the Good Guys won. :cool:
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 16, 2013, 09:16:18 PM
Now those are awesome uniforms. Way to go Vancouver.
They are pretty sweet. :thumbsup:
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2013, 09:31:01 PM
Quote from: HVC on March 16, 2013, 09:08:50 PM
Well nice come back just the same.
Christ Allmighty - I thought I was going to have a stroke during that shoot out.
Thank Goodness the Good Guys won. :cool:
everyone is someone's good guys :D
i want to like the jets, but you make it really hard :D
Quote from: HVC on March 16, 2013, 09:46:21 PM
i want to like the jets, but you make it really hard :D
C'mon - you have to love owners that show that kind of passion. :D
Of course if you're a billionaire I wonder why you can't afford a suit...
Don't look now, but as of tonight the Jets are in 3rd place in the Eastern Conference. :ph34r:
Thankfully this is the last year we have to deal with this BS.
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2013, 09:49:42 PM
Of course if you're a billionaire I wonder why you can't afford a suit...
When you're a billionaire, you don't need one.
Quote from: Barrister on March 16, 2013, 09:52:18 PM
Don't look now, but as of tonight the Jets are in 3rd place in the Eastern Conference. :ph34r:
And with that, every Canadian team in the east is in playoff position. In the west, only the evil, lame Canucks are there, as the cowardly Flames and the incompetant Oilers are no threat to anyone.
Gomez seems to be waking up, avg pt a game last week.
Sounds like Jarome Iginla has been traded from the Flames to the Boston Bruins for Windsor Spitfires / Providence Centre Alex Khokhlachev, D Matt Bartkowski and a 1st.
Khoklachev has some upside, Bartkowski is a project and the first will be very late 1st round. Not a decent return but probably all the Flames could get.
Should have traded Iginla two years ago.
Curveball! It's Iginla to the Penguins a first-round pick in the 2013 NHL Draft, the rights to unsigned draft choice Kenneth Agostino and unsigned draft choice Ben Hanowski.
Bruins are pissed.
Bad night for the Bruins.
Division leaders being the top three in the conference is stupid. Winnipeg is going to get in with less points then the 9th seed. Maybe less then the 10th seed.
Quote from: HVC on April 03, 2013, 07:47:48 AM
Division leaders being the top three in the conference is stupid. Winnipeg is going to get in with less points then the 9th seed. Maybe less then the 10th seed.
Your tears - they are delicious.
One more reason why hockey is irrelevant to the concerns of civilized society.
I havent watched a game this year and probably wont. Let me know when they take out the fighting and I may give try watching again.
Quote from: Barrister on April 03, 2013, 11:00:48 AM
Quote from: HVC on April 03, 2013, 07:47:48 AM
Division leaders being the top three in the conference is stupid. Winnipeg is going to get in with less points then the 9th seed. Maybe less then the 10th seed.
Your tears - they are delicious.
admit it, if it wasn't Winnipeg you'd think it was stupid too. Rangers fans should be pissed.
Whatever. If you do not win your division you should feel lucky to be in the playoffs. But fortunately they are mostly doing away with the division structure soon.
Quote from: Barrister on April 03, 2013, 11:00:48 AM
Quote from: HVC on April 03, 2013, 07:47:48 AM
Division leaders being the top three in the conference is stupid. Winnipeg is going to get in with less points then the 9th seed. Maybe less then the 10th seed.
Your tears - they are delicious.
How are you going to feel when the Jets choke their way out of the playoffs? Washington is hot on their tail, and the Jets haven't won a game in a while.
I had a nice laugh today when the Oilers traded for another forward.
Quote from: Neil on April 03, 2013, 01:57:01 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 03, 2013, 11:00:48 AM
Quote from: HVC on April 03, 2013, 07:47:48 AM
Division leaders being the top three in the conference is stupid. Winnipeg is going to get in with less points then the 9th seed. Maybe less then the 10th seed.
Your tears - they are delicious.
How are you going to feel when the Jets choke their way out of the playoffs? Washington is hot on their tail, and the Jets haven't won a game in a while.
I had a nice laugh today when the Oilers traded for another forward.
I believe...
Bluejackets picked up Gaborik. And they are over .500. :huh:
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 03, 2013, 05:25:42 PM
Bluejackets picked up Gaborik. And they are over .500. :huh:
They're doing good... hilarious that the Flyers just traded for Mason today and a large part of the Bluejackets current success is because of former Flyer Boborovsky!
Quote from: Barrister on April 03, 2013, 11:00:48 AM
Quote from: HVC on April 03, 2013, 07:47:48 AM
Division leaders being the top three in the conference is stupid. Winnipeg is going to get in with less points then the 9th seed. Maybe less then the 10th seed.
Your tears - they are delicious.
And how do yours taste?
Yeah, we knew that tonight was hopeless for the Jets. Les Glorieux weren't going to let Boston get ahead.
Never lose the 2nd game in of a 2 in 2.
The Jets were pathetic. There is no other word for this. Well, one less Canadian team in the playoffs.
I'm conflicted. i want toronto to get the full poitns for the win, but i also want to punish Beeb by seeing winnipeg out of the playoffs. Sure, the tie in points puts them in the 9th, but one extra rangers point would be insurance.
Quote from: Valmy on April 10, 2013, 08:40:59 PM
your team is still going in on a stupid rule. Hide those sunglasses in shame
no longer conflicted. i wanted that point :lol:
Quote from: HVC on April 10, 2013, 08:42:27 PM
your team is still going in on a stupid rule. Hide those sunglasses in shame
It is more joy at seeing Oates' system hitting a high gear and the season being turned around. And the timing could not have been better.
Besides there is still alot of Hockey to be played they might not make it in.
Hockey can be a frustrating game. Last night the Jets had there first honest-to-goodness blowout win of the season. 7-2 over the Panthers. It was glorious. The crowd was jeering Florida tough guy George Parros' mustache for goodness sakes!
Then you look at the out-of-town scoreboard and realize that everybody who the Jets are chasing also won. <_<
Jets fate is not entirely in their own hands. They're in 9th place. Technically tied with NYR with 44 points, but NYR has 2 games in hand. Then, 2 points behind WSH, NYI and OTT (all of whom again have games in hand).
So to make the playoffs, the Jets need to finish strong (which seems doable - they're on a 3 game winning streak), PLUS need one or more of the Rangers, Islanders, Senators or Caps to stumble.
It's very doable, but it sucks having to rely on someone else losing...
Habs clinched last nite. :yeah: 15th to Playoff spot, turn around baby.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 12, 2013, 12:14:32 PM
Habs clinched last nite. :yeah: 15th to Playoff spot, turn around baby.
Blackhawks :smoke:
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 12, 2013, 12:14:32 PM
Habs clinched last nite. :yeah: 15th to Playoff spot, turn around baby.
Yeah, 15th in the conference last year, and now they're probably going to finish third in the league, points-wise. They play with speed and skill, but there's also a toughness and grit to this team that I haven't seen out of the Habs in years. They just overcome. Plus they got Bouillon back, which helps. That guy doesn't show up on the stat sheet, but he's a warrior.
Quote from: Barrister on April 12, 2013, 11:57:54 AM
Hockey can be a frustrating game. Last night the Jets had there first honest-to-goodness blowout win of the season. 7-2 over the Panthers. It was glorious. The crowd was jeering Florida tough guy George Parros' mustache for goodness sakes!
Then you look at the out-of-town scoreboard and realize that everybody who the Jets are chasing also won. <_<
Jets fate is not entirely in their own hands. They're in 9th place. Technically tied with NYR with 44 points, but NYR has 2 games in hand. Then, 2 points behind WSH, NYI and OTT (all of whom again have games in hand).
So to make the playoffs, the Jets need to finish strong (which seems doable - they're on a 3 game winning streak), PLUS need one or more of the Rangers, Islanders, Senators or Caps to stumble.
It's very doable, but it sucks having to rely on someone else losing...
They had their chance though, and they threw it away.
Well the Jets certainly did themselves no favours by going on a 5-game losing streak. <_<
Quote from: Barrister on April 13, 2013, 09:17:29 AM
Well the Jets certainly did themselves no favours by going on a 5-game losing streak. <_<
And in local news, the Oilers did pretty much the same thing. After they demolished Vancouver at Easter, everybody was picking their place to riot during the playoffs. And then the Oilers do what the Oilers do, and all of the sudden it's all weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Quote from: Neil on April 13, 2013, 07:52:55 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 12, 2013, 12:14:32 PM
Habs clinched last nite. :yeah: 15th to Playoff spot, turn around baby.
Yeah, 15th in the conference last year, and now they're probably going to finish third in the league, points-wise. They play with speed and skill, but there's also a toughness and grit to this team that I haven't seen out of the Habs in years. They just overcome. Plus they got Bouillon back, which helps. That guy doesn't show up on the stat sheet, but he's a warrior.
if boston didn't lose against fucking carolina montreal would be in fourth now. I'd rather the leafs play montreal. Not only is there a better chance they can beat them ( :P ) it would just be a cool series.
Oilers fire Tambellini as GM - then turn around and hire MacTavish back as their new GM! :lol:
I'm sure glad I'm not a fan of these goofs so I can just sit back and laugh at them...
And they hired Scott Howson too! :lol:
Still, given the talent on the team it's possible that one of these years they'll luck into success again. And then you'll really see some stupid shit happen. Plus you'll get to prosecute rioters!
Another frustrating night in Jetsland.
Jets win in an OT nailbiter.
But then you look at the out-of-town scoreboard - Rangers, Islanders and Senators also all win. So Jets remain in 9th (though tied with the Rangers in 8th. the Rangers have a game in hand). Only good news was that Washington lost, which means the Jets are 3 points out of winning the SE.
Saturday's game against the Islanders is HUGE.
Every game is huge.
Looks like Boston isn't going to play anymore games this year.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 19, 2013, 11:30:19 AM
Every game is huge.
Looks like Boston isn't going to play anymore games this year.
GF - do me a favour and tell the Habs to take the April 25th game off as well - they surely won't have anything to play for.
I'll ask. No guarantee.
Leafs meanwhile are there but not quite there yet
Quote from: Josephus on April 19, 2013, 12:26:42 PM
Leafs meanwhile are there but not quite there yet
Indeed - I haven't even included the Leafs in my list of teams the Jets are chasing.
Though if they keep losing they could be out of the playoffs, and it *is* the Leafs we are talking about... :hmm:
The Canadiens have been phoning it in ever since they clinched. Not very Glorieux.
There's an interesting web site which gives mathmatical percentages for various teams to make the playoffs:
Leafs have a 99.8% chance of making it at this point.
Jets are at 39.4%.
Quote from: Barrister on April 19, 2013, 12:37:50 PM
Quote from: Josephus on April 19, 2013, 12:26:42 PM
Leafs meanwhile are there but not quite there yet
Indeed - I haven't even included the Leafs in my list of teams the Jets are chasing.
Though if they keep losing they could be out of the playoffs, and it *is* the Leafs we are talking about... :hmm:
Yeah...that's my worry. Complete collapse.
Interesting - digging deeper sportsclub stats says that if the Jets go 4-0 in their remaining games they have a 99.9% chance of making the playoffs. 3-1 is 87.7%, and 2-2 means 32.8%
Guess their destiny really is in their own hands.
3-1 is very doable.
Go Jets Go.
Incedentally, Timmy was chanting "Go Jets Go" last night! Mind you he wasn't chanting it at the tv, but it's the thought that counts. :cool:
You should be reported for child abuse.
Quote from: Josephus on April 19, 2013, 12:49:24 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 19, 2013, 12:37:50 PM
Quote from: Josephus on April 19, 2013, 12:26:42 PM
Leafs meanwhile are there but not quite there yet
Indeed - I haven't even included the Leafs in my list of teams the Jets are chasing.
Though if they keep losing they could be out of the playoffs, and it *is* the Leafs we are talking about... :hmm:
Yeah...that's my worry. Complete collapse.
if this was a regular length season this is around the time they crash and burn
Well it isn't. And they didn't. All that matters.
Quote from: Josephus on April 21, 2013, 12:55:06 PM
Well it isn't. And they didn't. All that matters.
they still can, but it'll be the playoffs :P.
They way Montreal is playing there's a good chance it'll be a Montreal Toronto first round. I hope so. Don't want the leafs to play Boston.
Absolutely huge game in Washington tonight.
Nothing personal Valmy, but I'll be hoping that Ovi spontaneously combusts moments before the puck drops all day...
Little over 3 hours to puck drop.
Come on Ovi, combust! You're feeling warmer and warmer, warmer and warmer...
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 02:39:53 PM
Little over 3 hours to puck drop.
Come on Ovi, combust! You're feeling warmer and warmer, warmer and warmer...
He is leading the lead in goals so he has been pretty hot...
Quote from: PRC on April 23, 2013, 03:01:22 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 02:39:53 PM
Little over 3 hours to puck drop.
Come on Ovi, combust! You're feeling warmer and warmer, warmer and warmer...
He is leading the lead in goals so he has been pretty hot...
Hence my desire to see him burst into flames. :shifty:
And while Ovi is leading the league in goals, guess who is number 15 in the league for number of goals? Jets captain Andrew Ladd.
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 03:08:05 PM
And while Ovi is leading the league in goals, guess who is number 15 in the league for number of goals? Jets captain Andrew Ladd.
guess who cares? no one but you, so shut your trap.
I fear for the Jets. They had a shot, but they let it go, and now the Rangers aren't looking like they're going to stumble.
The Jets are the Oilers of the East, only with much better veteran leadership and less young talent. And I suppose they lack the glorious history, but that was a long time ago.
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 03:37:29 PM
I fear for the Jets. They had a shot, but they let it go, and now the Rangers aren't looking like they're going to stumble.
The Jets are the Oilers of the East, only with much better veteran leadership and less young talent. And I suppose they lack the glorious history, but that was a long time ago.
Jets are nothing like the Oilers of the East. They've been in the playoff hunt all season, not polishing up their golf clubs.
Yeah, the Rangers have an easy schedule and don't look like they'll be caught.
But check out the current standings:
Jets have 51 points. 3 teams have 52 points - Rangers, Senators, and Capitals (and yes, they all have a game in hand). Unfortunately it is the Sens who are slumping recently, so maybe they'll be caught. Or, of course, if the Jets can win tonight, maybe they can still win the south east.
Its warming up even in your part of the world. Time for hockey to end.
And the Oilers were in the playoff hunt until last month when they shit themselves. The only difference is the Jets have more ability to recover, due to the easy schedule. Ultimately though, both are bad teams right now that don't belong in the playoffs.
Still, the Jets aren't mathematically out of it, so there's always hope. Really, I'm much more impressed by Ottawa clinging to life. When Karlsson went down, I wrote them off.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 23, 2013, 03:50:34 PM
Its warming up even in your part of the world. Time for hockey to end.
There's still snow on the ground. It's still hockey weather.
I think I can feel Ovechkin tugging at his shirt collar even from here...
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 03:52:22 PM
And the Oilers were in the playoff hunt until last month when they shit themselves. The only difference is the Jets have more ability to recover, due to the easy schedule. Ultimately though, both are bad teams right now that don't belong in the playoffs.
Still, the Jets aren't mathematically out of it, so there's always hope. Really, I'm much more impressed by Ottawa clinging to life. When Karlsson went down, I wrote them off.
But it's not just a question of being mathematically eliminated - they still have a very real shot at it. If the Jets win both of their games, and the Rangers or Ottawa win only one of their remaining three (or Washington, after losing to Winnipeg, loses on of their remaining two) then there is joy at Portage & Main.
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 03:55:52 PM
then there is joy at Portage & Main.
only until the next gust of wind reminds everyone where they are.
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 03:55:52 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 03:52:22 PM
And the Oilers were in the playoff hunt until last month when they shit themselves. The only difference is the Jets have more ability to recover, due to the easy schedule. Ultimately though, both are bad teams right now that don't belong in the playoffs.
Still, the Jets aren't mathematically out of it, so there's always hope. Really, I'm much more impressed by Ottawa clinging to life. When Karlsson went down, I wrote them off.
But it's not just a question of being mathematically eliminated - they still have a very real shot at it.
Until they lose tonight.
Quote from: katmai on April 23, 2013, 04:07:13 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 03:55:52 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 03:52:22 PM
And the Oilers were in the playoff hunt until last month when they shit themselves. The only difference is the Jets have more ability to recover, due to the easy schedule. Ultimately though, both are bad teams right now that don't belong in the playoffs.
Still, the Jets aren't mathematically out of it, so there's always hope. Really, I'm much more impressed by Ottawa clinging to life. When Karlsson went down, I wrote them off.
But it's not just a question of being mathematically eliminated - they still have a very real shot at it.
Until they lose tonight.
That, as they say, is why they play the game. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 04:46:51 PMThat, as they say, is why they play the game. :cool:
To lose tonight?
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 03:53:16 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 23, 2013, 03:50:34 PM
Its warming up even in your part of the world. Time for hockey to end.
There's still snow on the ground. It's still hockey weather.
Really? I haven't seen any today.
Quote from: Jacob on April 23, 2013, 05:13:58 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 04:46:51 PMThat, as they say, is why they play the game. :cool:
To lose tonight?
goal three minutes in by the capitals. BB you brought this on yourself :P
It's weird that the Jets don't get any coverage on TSN in Canada. Instead of BB's game with important playoff implications, we get to watch Boston play the Flyers in a pointless game.
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 06:59:05 PM
It's weird that the Jets don't get any coverage on TSN in Canada. Instead of BB's game with important playoff implications, we get to watch Boston play the Flyers in a pointless game.
that pointless game could keep Montreal on 4th place and lead to their glorious elimination by the Laughs... Er, leafs.
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 07:01:33 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 06:59:05 PM
It's weird that the Jets don't get any coverage on TSN in Canada. Instead of BB's game with important playoff implications, we get to watch Boston play the Flyers in a pointless game.
that pointless game could keep Montreal on 4th place and lead to their glorious elimination by the Laughs... Er, leafs.
Montreal is locked into either fourth or fifth place, since they won't win another game for the rest of the regular season. But the Leafs won't be able to eliminate anyone. Goon-style hockey doesn't win playoff series.
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 07:07:17 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 07:01:33 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 06:59:05 PM
It's weird that the Jets don't get any coverage on TSN in Canada. Instead of BB's game with important playoff implications, we get to watch Boston play the Flyers in a pointless game.
that pointless game could keep Montreal on 4th place and lead to their glorious elimination by the Laughs... Er, leafs.
Montreal is locked into either fourth or fifth place, since they won't win another game for the rest of the regular season. But the Leafs won't be able to eliminate anyone. Goon-style hockey doesn't win playoff series.
they're what, 3-1 against Montreal this season?
But the last game is key. Whoever wins that carries the momentum.
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 06:59:05 PM
It's weird that the Jets don't get any coverage on TSN in Canada. Instead of BB's game with important playoff implications, we get to watch Boston play the Flyers in a pointless game.
Same game we are getting here in States.
Quote from: katmai on April 23, 2013, 07:12:41 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 06:59:05 PM
It's weird that the Jets don't get any coverage on TSN in Canada. Instead of BB's game with important playoff implications, we get to watch Boston play the Flyers in a pointless game.
Same game we are getting here in States.
Yeah, but that's to be expected. Hockey coverage in the US runs on big-name teams, regardless of how competitive they are. Boston and Philly are both big names. In Canada, Canadian content is more important, except for the Leafs who are universally hated due to shitiness.
I'm going to have a heart attack.
Currently 3-2 Caps.
4-2 against languishes most hated hockey team.
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 06:59:05 PM
It's weird that the Jets don't get any coverage on TSN in Canada. Instead of BB's game with important playoff implications, we get to watch Boston play the Flyers in a pointless game.
TSN is lazy on any nites that isn't a Wednesday.
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 07:45:33 PM
4-2 against languishes most hated hockey team.
The Leafs aren't playing tonight...
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 07:53:07 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 07:45:33 PM
4-2 against languishes most hated hockey team.
The Leafs aren't playing tonight...
i said languish, not canada :P
I'm surprised there's a team, let alone a Canadian team, that Neil holds in lower regard than the Canucks :huh:
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 08:04:34 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 07:53:07 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 07:45:33 PM
4-2 against languishes most hated hockey team.
The Leafs aren't playing tonight...
i said languish, not canada :P
People still hate the Leafs more than the Jets. Just because people like player-hating Beeb about his sports team, his pants and his choice in personal computers doesn't mean that they can overlook the evil heart of the Leafs.
Quote from: Jacob on April 23, 2013, 08:08:28 PM
I'm surprised there's a team, let alone a Canadian team, that Neil holds in lowr regard than the Canucks :huh:
Think of the Canucks as being Cassius to the Leafs Judas in the NHL Inferno.
Suck it Trebek!
God damn Habs. We're gonna get destroy by the Laffs ffs.
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 02:39:53 PM
Little over 3 hours to puck drop.
Come on Ovi, combust! You're feeling warmer and warmer, warmer and warmer...
Beeb clearly ain't no Drew Barrymore
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 23, 2013, 08:44:56 PM
God damn Habs. We're gonna get destroy by the Laffs ffs.
Quote from: katmai on April 23, 2013, 08:47:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 02:39:53 PM
Little over 3 hours to puck drop.
Come on Ovi, combust! You're feeling warmer and warmer, warmer and warmer...
Beeb clearly ain't no Drew Barrymore
Stick a fork in the Jets, they're done for the year.
It was fun while it lasted, and at least I'm not an Oilers fan.
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 08:53:33 PM
Quote from: katmai on April 23, 2013, 08:47:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 02:39:53 PM
Little over 3 hours to puck drop.
Come on Ovi, combust! You're feeling warmer and warmer, warmer and warmer...
Beeb clearly ain't no Drew Barrymore
Stick a fork in the Jets, they're done for the year.
It was fun while it lasted, and at least I'm not an Oilers fan.
you could always cheer on canada's true team, the leafs :console: :P
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 08:56:31 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 08:53:33 PM
Quote from: katmai on April 23, 2013, 08:47:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 02:39:53 PM
Little over 3 hours to puck drop.
Come on Ovi, combust! You're feeling warmer and warmer, warmer and warmer...
Beeb clearly ain't no Drew Barrymore
Stick a fork in the Jets, they're done for the year.
It was fun while it lasted, and at least I'm not an Oilers fan.
you could always cheer on canada's true team, the leafs :console: :P
You're a fucking asshole hillary, kicking a man while he's down like that. :ultra:
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 08:59:01 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 08:56:31 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 08:53:33 PM
Quote from: katmai on April 23, 2013, 08:47:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 02:39:53 PM
Little over 3 hours to puck drop.
Come on Ovi, combust! You're feeling warmer and warmer, warmer and warmer...
Beeb clearly ain't no Drew Barrymore
Stick a fork in the Jets, they're done for the year.
It was fun while it lasted, and at least I'm not an Oilers fan.
you could always cheer on canada's true team, the leafs :console: :P
You're a fucking asshole hillary, kicking a man while he's down like that. :ultra:
whose left? vancouver?
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 08:56:31 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 08:53:33 PM
Quote from: katmai on April 23, 2013, 08:47:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 02:39:53 PM
Little over 3 hours to puck drop.
Come on Ovi, combust! You're feeling warmer and warmer, warmer and warmer...
Beeb clearly ain't no Drew Barrymore
Stick a fork in the Jets, they're done for the year.
It was fun while it lasted, and at least I'm not an Oilers fan.
you could always cheer on canada's true team, the leafs :console: :P
Are you trying to kill the man?
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 09:02:33 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 08:59:01 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 08:56:31 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 08:53:33 PM
Quote from: katmai on April 23, 2013, 08:47:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 02:39:53 PM
Little over 3 hours to puck drop.
Come on Ovi, combust! You're feeling warmer and warmer, warmer and warmer...
Beeb clearly ain't no Drew Barrymore
Stick a fork in the Jets, they're done for the year.
It was fun while it lasted, and at least I'm not an Oilers fan.
you could always cheer on canada's true team, the leafs :console: :P
You're a fucking asshole hillary, kicking a man while he's down like that. :ultra:
whose left? vancouver?
Montreal and Ottawa are both acceptable choices.
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 09:14:55 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 09:02:33 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 08:59:01 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 08:56:31 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 08:53:33 PM
Quote from: katmai on April 23, 2013, 08:47:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 02:39:53 PM
Little over 3 hours to puck drop.
Come on Ovi, combust! You're feeling warmer and warmer, warmer and warmer...
Beeb clearly ain't no Drew Barrymore
Stick a fork in the Jets, they're done for the year.
It was fun while it lasted, and at least I'm not an Oilers fan.
you could always cheer on canada's true team, the leafs :console: :P
You're a fucking asshole hillary, kicking a man while he's down like that. :ultra:
whose left? vancouver?
Montreal and Ottawa are both acceptable choices.
There is no acceptable choice. There are the motherfucking Winnipeg Jets, and 29 other teams who stand in their way.
If a Canadian team makes it to the cup finals I'll probably watch out of idle curiosity, but that's it.
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 09:14:55 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 09:02:33 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 08:59:01 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 08:56:31 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 08:53:33 PM
Quote from: katmai on April 23, 2013, 08:47:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 02:39:53 PM
Little over 3 hours to puck drop.
Come on Ovi, combust! You're feeling warmer and warmer, warmer and warmer...
Beeb clearly ain't no Drew Barrymore
Stick a fork in the Jets, they're done for the year.
It was fun while it lasted, and at least I'm not an Oilers fan.
you could always cheer on canada's true team, the leafs :console: :P
You're a fucking asshole hillary, kicking a man while he's down like that. :ultra:
whose left? vancouver?
Montreal and Ottawa are both acceptable choices.
if Montreal beats Toronto (a big if) they're so crashing they won't get past round 2. Ottawa is putting up a good and surprising fight, but I don't think it'll last. Who do you hate more? The leafs you hate just to be contrarian, or the truly evil and disputable Vancouver? There is only one choice for any right thinking Canadian.
Really? After cheering for the Flames for all those years, there's no loyalty whatsoever?
You're a cold, cold man Mr. Prosecutor.
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 09:19:36 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 09:14:55 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 09:02:33 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 08:59:01 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 08:56:31 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 08:53:33 PM
Quote from: katmai on April 23, 2013, 08:47:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2013, 02:39:53 PM
Little over 3 hours to puck drop.
Come on Ovi, combust! You're feeling warmer and warmer, warmer and warmer...
Beeb clearly ain't no Drew Barrymore
Stick a fork in the Jets, they're done for the year.
It was fun while it lasted, and at least I'm not an Oilers fan.
you could always cheer on canada's true team, the leafs :console: :P
You're a fucking asshole hillary, kicking a man while he's down like that. :ultra:
whose left? vancouver?
Montreal and Ottawa are both acceptable choices.
There is no acceptable choice. There are the motherfucking Winnipeg Jets, and 29 other teams who stand in their way.
If a Canadian team makes it to the cup finals I'll probably watch out of idle curiosity, but that's it.
you truly are the Timmy of hockey :(
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 09:21:35 PM
if Montreal beats Toronto (a big if) they're so crashing they won't get past round 2. Ottawa is putting up a good and surprising fight, but I don't think it'll last. Who do you hate more? The leafs you hate just to be contrarian, or the truly evil and disputable Vancouver? There is only one choice for any right thinking Canadian.
As utterly hateful as the Canucks are, at least nobody is telling me that I should love them. Maybe the generation of our grandchildren might be able to ease the Leaf hatred, since they won't have grown up in a time when a bunch of nostalgic oldsters decided on hockey coverage in this country. And the Leafs still won't have won a cup.
Besides, it's not like the Leafs have the capacity to go all the way. Goon hockey might work sometimes, but for a whole series? And even if they manage to beat the Canadians (which is unlikely), there are still teams that have a blend of toughness and skill, rather than the straight up goonery of the Leafs.
I will say this for the Leafs though: At least they're a punch-in-the-face style of goon, rather than cheapshot, backbiting cowards like the Canucks.
Oh, I doubt they'll go all the way, but they'll go further then Montreal and Ottawa. Vancouver, well it depends when loungo decides to choke.
And I wouldn't call them goons. They hit, but they hit clean. It's not like its a team full of Matt cooke's or anything.
Quote from: Neil on April 23, 2013, 09:22:08 PM
Really? After cheering for the Flames for all those years, there's no loyalty whatsoever?
You're a cold, cold man Mr. Prosecutor.
It was only a pale, pale shadow of my Jets fandom.
They were like the rebound girl you dated for awhile - she's a decent person, don't wish her any ill will, but she was never The One and you always kind of knew it.
Quote from: HVC on April 23, 2013, 09:32:18 PM
Oh, I doubt they'll go all the way, but they'll go further then Montreal and Ottawa. Vancouver, well it depends when loungo decides to choke.
Luongo won't get the chance.
S-E-D! S-E-D!
Champs baby! :cool:
Hell of a way to finish eh? I think this Oates guy may work out after all.
Oh and Ovechkin for MVP. That is all.
Quote from: Valmy on April 23, 2013, 10:32:13 PM
S-E-D! S-E-D!
Champs baby! :cool:
Hell of a way to finish eh? I think this Oates guy may work out after all.
This thread beagan in 2011, shouldn't there be seasonal threads liek there is for other sports/?
Quote from: jimmy olsen on April 24, 2013, 05:43:23 AM
This thread beagan in 2011, shouldn't there be seasonal threads liek there is for other sports/?
We don't need that.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 24, 2013, 06:09:44 AM
Quote from: jimmy olsen on April 24, 2013, 05:43:23 AM
This thread beagan in 2011, shouldn't there be seasonal threads liek there is for other sports/?
We don't need that.
Why not?
Is this an admission of hockey[s innate inferiority?
It's not has popular as the NFL, no, if that is what you mean.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 24, 2013, 06:12:27 AM
It's not has popular as the NFL, no, if that is what you mean.
Well, it's less popular than Baseball in North America, but if you just look at this message board I would say that Hockey is more popular than Baseball. ANd bawseball has it's own yearly thereads on this board. So if Hockey is more popular it should have its own yearly threads as well.
Quote from: jimmy olsen on April 24, 2013, 05:43:23 AM
This thread beagan in 2011, shouldn't there be seasonal threads liek there is for other sports/?
it's not like someone is going to start reading the thread from the top. why start a new one? Americans are so wasteful :P
Quote from: jimmy olsen on April 24, 2013, 06:17:05 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 24, 2013, 06:12:27 AM
It's not has popular as the NFL, no, if that is what you mean.
Well, it's less popular than Baseball in North America, but if you just look at this message board I would say that Hockey is more popular than Baseball. ANd bawseball has it's own yearly thereads on this board. So if Hockey is more popular it should have its own yearly threads as well.
Baseball only has a yearly thread because you are the one starting it.
Baseball is even more retarded than basketball.
There's no real reason to do a new thread every year, so we'll just get by with this one.
We'll start a new thread when the Leafs win the Stanley Cup...., yeah, not in this lifetime.
Quote from: jimmy olsen on April 24, 2013, 06:10:34 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 24, 2013, 06:09:44 AM
Quote from: jimmy olsen on April 24, 2013, 05:43:23 AM
This thread beagan in 2011, shouldn't there be seasonal threads liek there is for other sports/?
We don't need that.
Why not?
Is this an admission of hockey[s innate inferiority?
It's an admission of hockey's superior continuity.
Quote from: jimmy olsen on April 24, 2013, 06:10:34 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 24, 2013, 06:09:44 AM
Quote from: jimmy olsen on April 24, 2013, 05:43:23 AM
This thread beagan in 2011, shouldn't there be seasonal threads liek there is for other sports/?
We don't need that.
Why not?
Is this an admission of hockey[s innate inferiority?
It's in recognition of the epic change that happened in the world of languish hockey in the spring of 2011, at the same time this thread was born. -_-
When it fell to 5th most popular sport in USA? :huh:
America is big, there's a place for alot of different sports.
Now that the Jets are done this thread can finally die for a while.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 10:29:18 AM
Now that the Jets are done this thread can finally die for a while.
Nah. Next up is the draft, then free agency.
The Jets only have 11 players under contract for 2013-2014, so you know it will be a busy off-season in Winnipeg.
Or, of course, other people could post about the playoffs.
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 10:34:42 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 10:29:18 AM
Now that the Jets are done this thread can finally die for a while.
Nah. Next up is the draft, then free agency.
The Jets only have 11 players under contract for 2013-2014, so you know it will be a busy off-season in Winnipeg.
Or, of course, other people could post about the playoffs.
I think we need to create a special place to put you and this thread.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 10:29:18 AM
Now that the Jets are done this thread can finally die for a while.
Surely there will be alot to discuss during the Caps' Stanley Cup championship.
Quote from: Valmy on April 24, 2013, 10:41:56 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 10:29:18 AM
Now that the Jets are done this thread can finally die for a while.
Surely there will be alot to discuss during the Caps' Stanley Cup championship.
we already have a crazy dream thread :P
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 10:36:31 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 10:34:42 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 10:29:18 AM
Now that the Jets are done this thread can finally die for a while.
Nah. Next up is the draft, then free agency.
The Jets only have 11 players under contract for 2013-2014, so you know it will be a busy off-season in Winnipeg.
Or, of course, other people could post about the playoffs.
I think we need to create a special place to put you and this thread.
So do you think the Jets will re-sign Nik Antropov or Ron 'the negotiator' Hainsey?
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 10:47:55 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 10:36:31 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 10:34:42 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 10:29:18 AM
Now that the Jets are done this thread can finally die for a while.
Nah. Next up is the draft, then free agency.
The Jets only have 11 players under contract for 2013-2014, so you know it will be a busy off-season in Winnipeg.
Or, of course, other people could post about the playoffs.
I think we need to create a special place to put you and this thread.
So do you think the Jets will re-sign Nik Antropov or Ron 'the negotiator' Hainsey?
Who cares? I dont think hockey in its present form is sustainable.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 10:49:14 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 10:47:55 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 10:36:31 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 10:34:42 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 10:29:18 AM
Now that the Jets are done this thread can finally die for a while.
Nah. Next up is the draft, then free agency.
The Jets only have 11 players under contract for 2013-2014, so you know it will be a busy off-season in Winnipeg.
Or, of course, other people could post about the playoffs.
I think we need to create a special place to put you and this thread.
So do you think the Jets will re-sign Nik Antropov or Ron 'the negotiator' Hainsey?
Who cares? I dont think hockey in its present form is sustainable.
Clearly not, since there is still a team in Phoenix.
But once they move to Quebec City... :shifty:
Its all a pipe dream. The league has tried to expand its market and fails everytime. Eventually it will implode back into the few markets that can sustain it and it will go back to being the local bush league status it deserves.
If they take out the cheap shots and fights and try to turn it into a real sport maybe it has a chance but until then you fans of the game get what you deserve.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 10:54:39 AM
Its all a pipe dream. The league has tried to expand its market and fails everytime. Eventually it will implode back into the few markets that can sustain it and it will go back to being the local bush league status it deserves.
If they take out the cheap shots and fights and try to turn it into a real sport maybe it has a chance but until then you fans of the game get what you deserve.
I am first in line to take fighting and cheap shots out of hockey, but all available evidence seems to say that fans like the violence in the game.
I think you're just projecting your own opinion on hockey.
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 10:56:34 AM
I am first in line to take fighting and cheap shots out of hockey, but all available evidence seems to say that fans like the violence in the game.
I think you're just projecting your own opinion on hockey.
It is undeniable that the current fan base likes the game as it is. It is also undeniable that the current fan base is too small for the NHL to ever amount to a major sports league.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 11:03:27 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 10:56:34 AM
I am first in line to take fighting and cheap shots out of hockey, but all available evidence seems to say that fans like the violence in the game.
I think you're just projecting your own opinion on hockey.
It is undeniable that the current fan base likes the game as it is. It is also undeniable that the current fan base is too small for the NHL to ever amount to a major sports league.
Why do I care if it is a "major" sports league or not?
As long as it exists and is healthy I could care less that it is only a fraction the size of the NFL.
Besides it is an extremely risky move to take out one of your most popular elements to try and appeal to a wider audience (even though I think the league and its players would be better off if they did).
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 11:09:06 AM
Why do I care if it is a "major" sports league or not?
I didnt say you did. In fact the opposite. To the extent you defend the sport in is current form it is quite clear you don't.
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 10:56:34 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 10:54:39 AM
Its all a pipe dream. The league has tried to expand its market and fails everytime. Eventually it will implode back into the few markets that can sustain it and it will go back to being the local bush league status it deserves.
If they take out the cheap shots and fights and try to turn it into a real sport maybe it has a chance but until then you fans of the game get what you deserve.
I am first in line to take fighting and cheap shots out of hockey, but all available evidence seems to say that fans like the violence in the game.
I think you're just projecting your own opinion on hockey.
CC would only watch if you we're allowed to pick up the puck and skate from one end of the rink to the other and toss it into a tiny net. If anyone touched you in any way you'd get a penalty shot :P
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 10:54:39 AM
If they take out the cheap shots and fights and try to turn it into a real sport maybe it has a chance but until then you fans of the game get what you deserve.
Man, that's grand coming from a Basketball fan.
Also, we get it you don't like hockey.
Hockey is a violent sport, deal with it.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 24, 2013, 11:21:17 AM
Man, that's grand coming from a Basketball fan.
I know it hard for you to understand what a real sport looks like. But that is one of the reasons I dont think hockey will ultimately fail in its attempt to become one.
Hell, pro basketball is a sport the same way the pro wrestling is a sport.
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 11:51:30 AM
Hell, pro basketball is a sport the same way the pro wrestling is a sport.
I concede that the NFL and Major League Baseball are more popular by a big margin but its funny to watch someone try to compare hockey to a sport that is in the top 5. Hell Golf beats out the NHL. GOLF!
It never drops below freezing in a very large portion of North America (the vast majority by population ). Is it that surprising that a winter sport wouldn't be popular?
Quote from: HVC on April 24, 2013, 12:08:06 PM
It never drops below freezing in a very large portion of North America (the vast majority by population ). Is it that surprising that a winter sport wouldn't be popular?
Not sure what the temperature has to do with it. Vancouver is the least wintery city we have in the country and it is the best hockey market outside Toronto. Last time I checked all the games are played indoors - aside from the winter classic.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 12:02:15 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 11:51:30 AM
Hell, pro basketball is a sport the same way the pro wrestling is a sport.
I concede that the NFL and Major League Baseball are more popular by a big margin but its funny to watch someone try to compare hockey to a sport that is in the top 5. Hell Golf beats out the NHL. GOLF!
He's not saying basketball isn't popular.
He's saying it's fixed.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 12:11:21 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 24, 2013, 12:08:06 PM
It never drops below freezing in a very large portion of North America (the vast majority by population ). Is it that surprising that a winter sport wouldn't be popular?
Not sure what the temperature has to do with it. Vancouver is the least wintery city we have in the country and it is the best hockey market outside Toronto. Last time I checked all the games are played indoors - aside from the winter classic.
And thanks to Vancouver now even the Heritage Classic is going to be played indoors. <_<
And Vancouver is by every objective means one of the worst hockey markets in Canada.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 12:11:21 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 24, 2013, 12:08:06 PM
It never drops below freezing in a very large portion of North America (the vast majority by population ). Is it that surprising that a winter sport wouldn't be popular?
Not sure what the temperature has to do with it. Vancouver is the least wintery city we have in the country and it is the best hockey market outside Toronto. Last time I checked all the games are played indoors - aside from the winter classic.
hockey is popular in Russia, Sweden, Finland. Not so popular in France, Italy, Spain. Can you guess why?
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 12:11:21 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 24, 2013, 12:08:06 PM
It never drops below freezing in a very large portion of North America (the vast majority by population ). Is it that surprising that a winter sport wouldn't be popular?
Not sure what the temperature has to do with it. Vancouver is the least wintery city we have in the country and it is the best hockey market outside Toronto. Last time I checked all the games are played indoors - aside from the winter classic.
indoor rinks are expensive. How many southern towns have them? Basketball, on the other hand can be played as a pick up game 3/4 of the year. All you need to hope is that you grow up tall and with the ability to fall over when someone touches you. Children rule sports. You watch and play it as a kid and you'll follow it as an adult.
Quote from: Josephus on April 24, 2013, 12:19:04 PM
hockey is popular in Russia, Sweden, Finland. Not so popular in France, Italy, Spain. Can you guess why?
The lack of real sports?
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 12:13:55 PM
And Vancouver is by every objective means one of the worst hockey markets in Canada.
You just keep telling yourself that as the Jets struggle to survive in that market.... again.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 12:23:46 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 12:13:55 PM
And Vancouver is by every objective means one of the worst hockey markets in Canada.
You just keep telling yourself that as the Jets struggle to survive in that market.... again.
:huh: Two years in and the Jets are still thriving.
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 12:26:48 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 12:23:46 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 12:13:55 PM
And Vancouver is by every objective means one of the worst hockey markets in Canada.
You just keep telling yourself that as the Jets struggle to survive in that market.... again.
:huh: Two years in and the Jets are still thriving.
By thriving you mean they havent left town yet. As predicted the initial glow is still on them and people are still willing to shell out money to watch a team that cant make the playoffs. But how long can that trend last. The history of hockey in Winnipeg tells us the honeymoon wont last forever.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 12:30:13 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 12:26:48 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 12:23:46 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 12:13:55 PM
And Vancouver is by every objective means one of the worst hockey markets in Canada.
You just keep telling yourself that as the Jets struggle to survive in that market.... again.
:huh: Two years in and the Jets are still thriving.
By thriving you mean they havent left town yet. As predicted the initial glow is still on them and people are still willing to shell out money to watch a team that cant make the playoffs. But how long can that trend last. The history of hockey in Winnipeg tells us the honeymoon wont last forever.
You just keep on predicting doom. Surely something bad will happen next year!
This is the one time of year I post in this thread. Its only been two years since the Jets were reborn. Of course I have predicted their doom. Its plain to see.
CC is the ultimate bandwagon fan. Canucks go deep in the playoffs and he is cheering as loud as anyone (as we saw him do in 2011)... they slide and he's not paying attention, not interested in hockey at all. If the Canucks go deep again I wouldn't be surprised to see him right there at the end waving a big # 1 mitt around.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 12:02:15 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 11:51:30 AM
Hell, pro basketball is a sport the same way the pro wrestling is a sport.
I concede that the NFL and Major League Baseball are more popular by a big margin but its funny to watch someone try to compare hockey to a sport that is in the top 5. Hell Golf beats out the NHL. GOLF!
On the other hand, you live in Canada. NHL Hockey is the #1 sport by a gigantic margin. They must be doing something right to so utterly dominate this market.
Quote from: PRC on April 24, 2013, 12:54:47 PM
CC is the ultimate bandwagon fan. Canucks go deep in the playoffs and he is cheering as loud as anyone (as we saw him do in 2011)... they slide and he's not paying attention, not interested in hockey at all. If the Canucks go deep again I wouldn't be surprised to see him right there at the end waving a big # 1 mitt around.
Meh, the only reason I watch deep into the playoffs is because I am forced to notice as I have to wade through a sea of Canuck's fans as I get to my office. I realize that some of you have never experienced a home team going deep into the playoffs but there is no need to get personal about your bitterness.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 01:12:40 PM
I realize that some of you have never experienced a home team going deep into the playoffs but there is no need to get personal about your bitterness.
Really? Who hasn't experienced that?
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 01:12:40 PM
Quote from: PRC on April 24, 2013, 12:54:47 PM
CC is the ultimate bandwagon fan. Canucks go deep in the playoffs and he is cheering as loud as anyone (as we saw him do in 2011)... they slide and he's not paying attention, not interested in hockey at all. If the Canucks go deep again I wouldn't be surprised to see him right there at the end waving a big # 1 mitt around.
Meh, the only reason I watch deep into the playoffs is because I am forced to notice as I have to wade through a sea of Canuck's fans as I get to my office. I realize that some of you have never experienced a home team going deep into the playoffs but there is no need to get personal about your bitterness.
Have you forgotten 2006 already? Oilers make it to game 7 of the finals. I too was surrounded by a sea of home team fans, but I didn't succumb to the bandwagon.
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 01:28:05 PM
Have you forgotten 2006 already? Oilers make it to game 7 of the finals. I too was surrounded by a sea of home team fans, but I didn't succumb to the bandwagon.
Meh that says more about your Jetboyism than anything. Besides it was more of a shot at Toronto... ;)
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 12:30:13 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 12:26:48 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 12:23:46 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 12:13:55 PM
And Vancouver is by every objective means one of the worst hockey markets in Canada.
You just keep telling yourself that as the Jets struggle to survive in that market.... again.
:huh: Two years in and the Jets are still thriving.
By thriving you mean they havent left town yet. As predicted the initial glow is still on them and people are still willing to shell out money to watch a team that cant make the playoffs. But how long can that trend last. The history of hockey in Winnipeg tells us the honeymoon wont last forever.
I'll have to take BB's defense here, being acustomed to root for a team who can't seem to make the playoffs (even worst, a non existent team now :( ).
Last year, the Jets ranked 11th in their conference.
This year, they might not make the playoffs, but they're #9 and they might just finish #8 this year. Probably gonna lose in the 1st round, 5-6 games, but anyway, I'd call this progress. You have to go back to 2006-2007 for the franchise to have made the playoffs, the only time they did.
It's not the Canadiens or the Leafs, it's not a team with a long tradition. The original Jets started around '79, I think? Same time as the Nordiques when the AHL folded into the NHL?
It's Canada here, my friend. People just love the game. Winning or losing, people go to the game, and they buy the caps, the shirts, the hockey sticks, the posters, the calendars, the boots, all those silly derivatives. We're like that, French or English, Arabic or European, the only unifying force of this country is the sport.
Their time will come, and until them, I'm 100% positive the people of Winnipeg will be behind their team, win or lose.
There are two reasons why the Nordiques and the Jets moved to the south in the 90s:
1- unfavorable exchange rate
2- no wage cap.
#1 meant increased costs for canadian teams, nearly 40% more. #2 meant that the same teams kept going to the playoffs and winning the cup spending 5 times as more as the others for their players.
#1 is solved for the time being, and we have a revenue sharing agreement, wich wasn't there in 94-95. Heck, it helps keep the Coyotes in Arizona, despite an empty arena, so I can't see how the Jets would move again with a full arena.
#2 means every team have their chances, dynasties are rare, we see a rotation of the winning teams. Rangers were #1 last year, #8 this year (for BB's sake, maybe even #9 ;) ).
I think the fans are patient. Just like Nordiques fans. Just like Habs fans, nearly 25 years without the cup, nearly a generation.
The NHL ain't such a bad league, it has corrected many things over the years. Of course, they don't do everything like I want them to, but it's not my non-existent millions financing the thing. ;)
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 01:27:50 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 01:12:40 PM
I realize that some of you have never experienced a home team going deep into the playoffs but there is no need to get personal about your bitterness.
Really? Who hasn't experienced that?
Ok. they did, but I was young, and at the time, I was mostly limited to listening hockey on radio, with headphones, so my parents would think I was sleeping :P
I agree with C's* jets hating policy but disagree with his hockey hating policy. I'm torn.
* he has lost the right to use Canuck due to his uncanadianess, origin of the nickname aside.
Quote from: viper37 on April 24, 2013, 02:20:14 PM
It's Canada here, my friend. People just love the game. Winning or losing, people go to the game, and they buy the caps, the shirts, the hockey sticks, the posters, the calendars, the boots, all those silly derivatives. Their time will come, and until them, I'm 100% positive the people of Winnipeg will be behind their team, win or lose.
That is the main problem. People are way too quick to drink the cool aid and buy into the narrative that this is what we do. Fact is more kids here play soccer and basketball then they play hockey. And it is a very large margin when we look at soccer.
If you guys keep approaching the sport as if it were some kind of cult it is never going to clean up its act. And until that day comes it is always going to be a sport only for the fanatics.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 01:34:30 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 01:28:05 PM
Have you forgotten 2006 already? Oilers make it to game 7 of the finals. I too was surrounded by a sea of home team fans, but I didn't succumb to the bandwagon.
Meh that says more about your Jetboyism than anything. Besides it was more of a shot at Toronto... ;)
We were our colours and excitement ALL THE TIME :D
Quote from: viper37 on April 24, 2013, 02:20:14 PM
It's not the Canadiens or the Leafs, it's not a team with a long tradition. The original Jets started around '79, I think? Same time as the Nordiques when the AHL folded into the NHL?
Jets (and Nords) go back to 1972! The WHA counts!
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 03:16:59 PM
That is the main problem. People are way too quick to drink the cool aid and buy into the narrative that this is what we do. Fact is more kids here play soccer and basketball then they play hockey. And it is a very large margin when we look at soccer.
If you guys keep approaching the sport as if it were some kind of cult it is never going to clean up its act. And until that day comes it is always going to be a sport only for the fanatics.
Yeah, kids play soccer and basketball when they're kids, but nobody watches much soccer or basketball on the TV. This isn't new. It was the same way when I was a boy.
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 04:50:15 PM
Yeah, kids play soccer and basketball when they're kids, but nobody watches much soccer or basketball on the TV. This isn't new. It was the same way when I was a boy.
And if the CBC covered soccer and basketball the way they cover hockey we would watch that too. Probably in bigger numbers. The main problem with watching sports other than hockey in this country is it is hard to get the games. I have to subscribe to a specialty channel to watch what I want.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 04:54:55 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 04:50:15 PM
Yeah, kids play soccer and basketball when they're kids, but nobody watches much soccer or basketball on the TV. This isn't new. It was the same way when I was a boy.
And if the CBC covered soccer and basketball the way they cover hockey we would watch that too. Probably in bigger numbers. The main problem with watching sports other than hockey in this country is it is hard to get the games. I have to subscribe to a specialty channel to watch what I want.
Not really. Lots of people have basic cable. And soccer and basketball would still be pretty boring. TSN and Sportsnet cover hockey because hockey is what people want to see.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 04:54:55 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 04:50:15 PM
Yeah, kids play soccer and basketball when they're kids, but nobody watches much soccer or basketball on the TV. This isn't new. It was the same way when I was a boy.
And if the CBC covered soccer and basketball the way they cover hockey we would watch that too. Probably in bigger numbers. The main problem with watching sports other than hockey in this country is it is hard to get the games. I have to subscribe to a specialty channel to watch what I want.
Basketball (and soccer) can certainly be found on the tv dial. They just get terrible ratings (though top European soccer games are growing in their ratings).
My semi annual foray into this thread is now over.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 04:54:55 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 04:50:15 PM
Yeah, kids play soccer and basketball when they're kids, but nobody watches much soccer or basketball on the TV. This isn't new. It was the same way when I was a boy.
And if the CBC covered soccer and basketball the way they cover hockey we would watch that too. Probably in bigger numbers. The main problem with watching sports other than hockey in this country is it is hard to get the games. I have to subscribe to a specialty channel to watch what I want.
Nonsense. Soccer is widely available on TSN and Sportsnet. They draw lower numbers than curling.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 06:02:48 PM
My semi annual foray into this thread is now over.
Maybe this fall, you should try to convince us to like Basketball by promoting it instead of simply saying you are superior because you like & understand basketball.
Psss, no transition game = boring.
Quote from: Josephus on April 24, 2013, 06:06:00 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 04:54:55 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 04:50:15 PM
Yeah, kids play soccer and basketball when they're kids, but nobody watches much soccer or basketball on the TV. This isn't new. It was the same way when I was a boy.
And if the CBC covered soccer and basketball the way they cover hockey we would watch that too. Probably in bigger numbers. The main problem with watching sports other than hockey in this country is it is hard to get the games. I have to subscribe to a specialty channel to watch what I want.
Nonsense. Soccer is widely available on TSN and Sportsnet. They draw lower numbers than curling.
Both are specialty channels that need to be purchased in addition to basic cable.
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 05:14:57 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 04:54:55 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 04:50:15 PM
Yeah, kids play soccer and basketball when they're kids, but nobody watches much soccer or basketball on the TV. This isn't new. It was the same way when I was a boy.
And if the CBC covered soccer and basketball the way they cover hockey we would watch that too. Probably in bigger numbers. The main problem with watching sports other than hockey in this country is it is hard to get the games. I have to subscribe to a specialty channel to watch what I want.
Basketball (and soccer) can certainly be found on the tv dial. They just get terrible ratings (though top European soccer games are growing in their ratings).
You know not of what you speak. In order to watch NBA games I have to by the NBA specialty channel. Also even with a basketball specialty channel I still cant watch all the games and I cant watch any college games during the week. I am restricted to watching whatever the US networks put up during the weekend.
i can't watch college or minor hockey games either, so that's not the best example. and i get a bunch of nba games, i just have no will to watch them. Baseball is at least fun to watch live. i can't imagine basketball would even achieve that, but i haven't tried so maybe i'm wrong there.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 24, 2013, 07:09:32 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 06:02:48 PM
My semi annual foray into this thread is now over.
Maybe this fall, you should try to convince us to like Basketball by promoting it instead of simply saying you are superior because you like & understand basketball.
Psss, no transition game = boring.
pfft, you guys are hopeless when it comes to appreciating true sport
TSN is basic cable.
Quote from: HVC on April 24, 2013, 07:31:30 PM
i can't watch college or minor hockey games either, so that's not the best example. and i get a bunch of nba games, i just have no will to watch them. Baseball is at least fun to watch live. i can't imagine basketball would even achieve that, but i haven't tried so maybe i'm wrong there.
No, you dont get the point. US college basketball is generally considered the best kind of basketball to watch on TV. That is not the case for hockey.
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 07:32:40 PM
TSN is basic cable.
Not the sportsnet channel that shows most of the soccer games...
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 07:31:42 PM
pfft, you guys are hopeless when it comes to appreciating true sport
So, who do you think would win in a match between Kobe Bryant and Hulk Hogan?
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 07:33:07 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 24, 2013, 07:31:30 PM
i can't watch college or minor hockey games either, so that's not the best example. and i get a bunch of nba games, i just have no will to watch them. Baseball is at least fun to watch live. i can't imagine basketball would even achieve that, but i haven't tried so maybe i'm wrong there.
No, you dont get the point. US college basketball is generally considered the best kind of basketball to watch on TV. That is not the case for hockey.
so your minor/nonproffesional league is better then your professional league? Great sport there :D
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 07:33:42 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 07:32:40 PM
TSN is basic cable.
Not the sportsnet channel that shows most of the soccer games...
Sportsnet is on the next level up, but TSN carries a number of MLS games.
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 07:34:27 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 07:31:42 PM
pfft, you guys are hopeless when it comes to appreciating true sport
So, who do you think would win in a match between Kobe Bryant and Hulk Hogan?
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 07:36:42 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 07:33:42 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 07:32:40 PM
TSN is basic cable.
Not the sportsnet channel that shows most of the soccer games...
Sportsnet is on the next level up, but TSN carries a number of MLS games.
TSN also carries a bunch of Raptors games.
CC's argument seems to be he can't watch whatever soccer/basketball game he wants, which is laughable. I have to pay a bunch of money to be able to watch my Jets games, so it's not like you can easily watch every hockey game on basic tv either.
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 24, 2013, 07:39:19 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2013, 07:34:27 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 07:31:42 PM
pfft, you guys are hopeless when it comes to appreciating true sport
So, who do you think would win in a match between Kobe Bryant and Hulk Hogan?
andre would kick both their asses
I do not get why Canadians do not appreciate Basketball more. It was invented by a Canadian after all.
Quote from: HVC on April 24, 2013, 07:31:30 PM
i can't watch college or minor hockey games either, so that's not the best example. and i get a bunch of nba games, i just have no will to watch them. Baseball is at least fun to watch live. i can't imagine basketball would even achieve that, but i haven't tried so maybe i'm wrong there.
No Basketball is surprisingly boring live despite all the loud music they generally play.
But that may just be watching Basketball in Texas. Despite Texans reputation as sports nuts, and they are, they are very laid back and boring crowds.
Quote from: Valmy on April 24, 2013, 08:13:48 PM
I do not get why Canadians do not appreciate Basketball more. It was invented by a Canadian after all.
he was a turncoat who became an American. Never forget!
We have high school basketball ( one of my classmates actually got a scholarship to a good us school) but the Canadian teams (now team) sucks so its hard to follow.
Quote from: Valmy on April 24, 2013, 08:13:48 PM
I do not get why Canadians do not appreciate Basketball more. It was invented by a Canadian after all.
It's not violent enough + too much emphasis on individual athletes compare to the teams. Canadian sports fans, especially Old hockey fans, do not appreciate brashness. See : Evander Kane & Winnipeg fan base.
Quote from: Valmy on April 24, 2013, 08:13:48 PM
I do not get why Canadians do not appreciate Basketball more. It was invented by a Canadian after all.
An important part of the Canadian psyche is our physicality and toughness. Before we were the 'nice' country, we were tough outdoorsmen and vicious shock troops. Rather than basketball, a sport that rewards weakness, cowardice and the ability to pretend that you were fouled, Canadians have always preferred hockey, which selects for strength, speed, courage and toughness.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 24, 2013, 08:20:32 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 24, 2013, 08:13:48 PM
I do not get why Canadians do not appreciate Basketball more. It was invented by a Canadian after all.
It's not violent enough + too much emphasis on individual athletes compare to the teams. Canadian sports fans, especially Old hockey fans, do not appreciate brashness. See : Evander Kane & Winnipeg fan base.
Or at least not past a certain point. I think there's a certain respect for brashness in the form of love of the team. One of the most popular personalities related to hockey is very outspoken, but he's generally a positive guy who talks up teams and shoots straight. Despite the fact that he's a peacock, he doesn't come off as badly as your average basketball player.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 24, 2013, 08:20:32 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 24, 2013, 08:13:48 PM
I do not get why Canadians do not appreciate Basketball more. It was invented by a Canadian after all.
It's not violent enough + too much emphasis on individual athletes compare to the teams. Canadian sports fans, especially Old hockey fans, do not appreciate brashness. See : Evander Kane & Winnipeg fan base.
This is the season Winnipeg fell in love with Evander Kane.
Oh, hey, and the 'hawks win. Again.
Quote from: fahdiz on April 24, 2013, 11:05:25 PM
Oh, hey, and the 'hawks win. Again.
They were playing Edmonton. Of course they won. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 11:10:58 PM
Quote from: fahdiz on April 24, 2013, 11:05:25 PM
Oh, hey, and the 'hawks win. Again.
They were playing Edmonton. Of course they won. :cool:
Clinched the Prezidizzle's Cup with that one. :smoke:
Quote from: fahdiz on April 24, 2013, 11:05:25 PM
Oh, hey, and the 'hawks win. Again.
You must have missed the game on Monday night where they were dominated for a full 60 minutes. First round and out.
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 03:32:10 PM
Quote from: viper37 on April 24, 2013, 02:20:14 PM
It's not the Canadiens or the Leafs, it's not a team with a long tradition. The original Jets started around '79, I think? Same time as the Nordiques when the AHL folded into the NHL?
Jets (and Nords) go back to 1972! The WHA counts!
Ah, that was the WHA, my mistake. So I meant WHA instead of AHL.
Aside that, I only meant their existence in the NHL, not that I forgot their glorious past in that other league :)
Quote from: PRC on April 24, 2013, 11:16:43 PM
Quote from: fahdiz on April 24, 2013, 11:05:25 PM
Oh, hey, and the 'hawks win. Again.
You must have missed the game on Monday night where they were dominated for a full 60 minutes. First round and out.
We'll see :)
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 03:16:59 PM
That is the main problem. People are way too quick to drink the cool aid and buy into the narrative that this is what we do. Fact is more kids here play soccer and basketball then they play hockey. And it is a very large margin when we look at soccer.
True. Soccer and basket are inexpensive sport. A pair of shoes, some clothing, tada!
But hockey remains the professional sport we see and love. Barely no one talks about Montreal's Impact besides European and Arabian immigrants.
If you guys keep approaching the sport as if it were some kind of cult it is never going to clean up its act. And until that day comes it is always going to be a sport only for the fanatics.
We don't approach it as a cult, and it's not cleaning its act because the players and the fans don't seem to really want to.
As we put more&more regs into the game, the probability increases for good players to sit in the penalty box, and they hate that. They don't want to get a dirty hit, but they don't want their players to get thrown out for a bad hit, or to get a penalty for high stick with 2:30 in the 2nd overtime of the playoffs.
As for the fights, I've no idea if Don Cherry's opinion are the mainstream view of the fringe view. Personally, I'd like to see them gone as I find that silly. Best hockey is in the Olympics and the playoffs, and there's barely a fight there, though it happens.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 04:54:55 PM
And if the CBC covered soccer and basketball the way they cover hockey we would watch that too. Probably in bigger numbers. The main problem with watching sports other than hockey in this country is it is hard to get the games. I have to subscribe to a specialty channel to watch what I want.
French CBC does not cover hockey. I have to subscribe to a specialty channel to watch what I want. So does anyone who likes to watch hockey in Quebec. Guess what? It's still the #1 sport in Quebec on television. It is the sports the network will pay for.
Demand drives the offer, not the other way around. If there's demand for soccer on tv, networks will carry it. As it is, it's a filler for when there's no hockey. Heck, sports shows during the summer talk about the Habs, not the Impact or the European soccer clubs.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 07:29:57 PM
You know not of what you speak. In order to watch NBA games I have to by the NBA specialty channel. Also even with a basketball specialty channel I still cant watch all the games and I cant watch any college games during the week. I am restricted to watching whatever the US networks put up during the weekend.
There's no team in Vancouver, only one team in Toronto. Maybe Toronto gets some coverage I don't know.
I know I can't watch a Canucks game on tv, I get a message saying there's a blackout in my area. NFL has something similar too. My cousin is a Canucks fan, he can only watch the occasional game aired on CBC. This is what happens when you root for a team outside you area. It's not some sport racism toward basket ;)
Besides, Basketball being a hugely popular game in the US, I suspect they don't have a "Canadian discount" for our networks.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 07:33:07 PM
No, you dont get the point. US college basketball is generally considered the best kind of basketball to watch on TV. That is not the case for hockey.
Are collegial basket games typically aired outside their area? Can someone from New York watch a game between two California teams?
Quote from: Valmy on April 24, 2013, 08:13:48 PM
I do not get why Canadians do not appreciate Basketball more. It was invented by a Canadian after all.
It's a summer sport. Outside of Vancouver, it's Winter 8 months a year + 2 months in mudd. That leaves 2 months for summer sports. In Vancouver, it's rain for 8 months + 4 months of sun mixed with rain. From time to time, they have an inch of snow to remind them they are Canadian.
When summer comes, people take time off from work. It's usually to site outside in the spa, or by the pool, not to watch some sport on tv during the few sunny days we have.
Basket is popular in the US, because nearly every house as a basket outside the house, or some local court where you can play at the very least 6 months a year in New England and all year long in many States. I guess basket is more popular in Florida than in Maine, but I could be wrong.
Quote from: viper37 on April 24, 2013, 11:44:58 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 07:33:07 PM
No, you dont get the point. US college basketball is generally considered the best kind of basketball to watch on TV. That is not the case for hockey.
Are collegial basket games typically aired outside their area? Can someone from New York watch a game between two California teams?
Though if you want to do something crazy like watch every single game some California team plays it is going to cost you a bit.
Quote from: viper37 on April 24, 2013, 11:50:13 PM
It's a summer sport. is a winter sport. It is supposed to be played inside and the season is from November to March typically (though the NBA, like the NHL, take it right into June). There are generally no basketball games during the summer, that is baseball season.
Quote from: Valmy on April 24, 2013, 11:52:42 PM
Quote from: viper37 on April 24, 2013, 11:50:13 PM
It's a summer sport. is a winter sport. It is supposed to be played inside and the season is from November to March typically (though the NBA, like the NHL, take it right into June). There are generally no basketball games during the summer, that is baseball season.
That doesn't fit the Canadian psyche tho. A sport is either winter/summer by when you can play it outside.
Quote from: Valmy on April 24, 2013, 11:51:32 PM
Quote from: viper37 on April 24, 2013, 11:44:58 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2013, 07:33:07 PM
No, you dont get the point. US college basketball is generally considered the best kind of basketball to watch on TV. That is not the case for hockey.
Are collegial basket games typically aired outside their area? Can someone from New York watch a game between two California teams?
Though if you want to do something crazy like watch every single game some California team plays it is going to cost you a bit.
I meant on regular cable, not on some NBA specialized channel?
Tonight is it. Jets last regular season game. Playoffs are not impossible - but we need a win, then need Ottawa or NYR to lose out.
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 07:39:31 PM
CC's argument seems to be he can't watch whatever soccer/basketball game he wants, which is laughable. I have to pay a bunch of money to be able to watch my Jets games, so it's not like you can easily watch every hockey game on basic tv either.
Strawman for the win!
Jetboy, as a hockey fan you can watch a very large number of hockey games on basic cable. I get no basketball games other than during March madness. See the difference?
Are BC's cable company really that crappy?
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 25, 2013, 12:45:58 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 07:39:31 PM
CC's argument seems to be he can't watch whatever soccer/basketball game he wants, which is laughable. I have to pay a bunch of money to be able to watch my Jets games, so it's not like you can easily watch every hockey game on basic tv either.
Strawman for the win!
Jetboy, as a hockey fan you can watch a very large number of hockey games on basic cable. I get no basketball games other than during March madness. See the difference?
That's just incorrect. Even the most basic cable package gives you TSN, which shows Raptors games.
You'll also get ABC. A quick check on the NBA website shows that ABC shows 30 regular season games during the season.
And NBA playoffs also get some coverage.
Quote from: HVC on April 25, 2013, 12:56:02 PM
Are BC's cable company really that crappy?
No, he's just lying. Or ignorant. Either one is possible.
Sorry BB :console:
CC tv voes are because he is a Telus Optik subscriber. Look at these packages ( :bleeding:
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 25, 2013, 09:26:36 PM
Sorry BB :console:
CC tv voes are because he is a Telus Optik subscriber. Look at these packages ( :bleeding:
Don't you fucking apologize to him, he's been insufferable.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 25, 2013, 09:26:36 PM
Sorry BB :console:
CC tv voes are because he is a Telus Optik subscriber. Look at these packages ( :bleeding:
first the was marti with too many w's and now there's you with too few.
Well Beeb, there's always next year. Although isn't realignment going to move the Jets into a division that isn't a total joke?
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 25, 2013, 09:26:36 PM
CC tv voes are because he is a Telus Optik subscriber. Look at these packages ( :bleeding:
Is he really? What kind of fool is a Telus customer? Ewww.
Quote from: HVC on April 25, 2013, 09:32:11 PM
first the was marti with too many w's and now there's you with too few.
guy can afford a decent package if I can. Not feeling sorry for him. [although I may have to drop my specialty soccer channel soon.. :(]
I was hoping to see BB's Jets during the playoff, too bad. Better luck next year BB :)
On the bright side, Quebec city gets a bit of publicity in the WSJ :)
The Only Thing Missing Is a Team (
Quote from: viper37 on April 25, 2013, 10:20:12 AM
I meant on regular cable, not on some NBA specialized channel?
Yeah regular cable. But you have to remember NBA TV is mainly about getting the big stars like Kobe and Durant and Lebron out there. So regional coverage is far less of a thing for the NBA than it is with most leagues.
Quote from: viper37 on April 26, 2013, 07:36:48 AM
I was hoping to see BB's Jets during the playoff, too bad. Better luck next year BB :)
On the bright side, Quebec city gets a bit of publicity in the WSJ :)
The Only Thing Missing Is a Team (
Man that was a real kick in the nuts.
Jets were playing well, up 2-1 after two periods. I go to check the out of town games - Rangers and Sens both win. Jets officially eliminated.
I turned off the game to go play with Timmy in the backyard. Apparently the players did the same thing because the final was 4-2.
Ah well. Now I've got at least a month of no sports until the CFL training camps get under way...
Well, at least Montreal was able to get going and win a game. So their sacrifice was not in vain.
Stupid leafs. Also, Montreal goalie has Flanders on his mask lol
Yo Ed, your Blue Jackets can't make the playoffs now, but what a turn around season for them. Boborovsky should win the Vezina and he should be in the discussion for the Hart.
So it's either Toronto or Ottawa.
Rangers vs Capitals, great this again.
Quote from: HVC on April 28, 2013, 08:53:30 PM
Yeah. I mean, it wasn't that big a deal. Montreal pecker-slapped your boys last night, but Ottawa did Montreal a favour and allowed them to win the division. And now, their reward is getting beaten by Les Glorieux.
And it sucks to be Leafs after that. The Leafs can out-physical Montreal, and that makes up for their lower level of skill. That would have been an interesting series. But Boston won't be intimidated by the Leafs even a little bit, and has some skill to boot.
Interesting news.
Reports of a new owner for the Coyotes. Deal is close to be closed. The team would stay in place and turn a profit in the first few years.
Strange. I have a feeling of déjà vu here.
Quote from: viper37 on April 30, 2013, 03:53:48 PM
Interesting news.
Reports of a new owner for the Coyotes. Deal is close to be closed. The team would stay in place and turn a profit in the first few years.
Strange. I have a feeling of déjà vu here.
Anthony LeBlanc, one of the two named, is just a recycled former suitor from Ice Edge Holdings.
Gosbee is new, but little is known about him. He's from Alberta for what it's worth.
My guess is, the NHL is discussing with Péladeau right now, "soft talks". And he doesn't want to pay the full price the NHL is asking, so they're trying to up the ante on this.
There's been tons of rumours about a mysterious group of interested buyers to keep the Coyotes in Glendale.
All of them required to city to basically cover their operating losses.
Jamison came along and offered to buy the team with less public financing, then it fell appart because he had no money.
Lo&behold, a new group of investors led by Hullsizer is prepared to buy the team, with no public financing... But the city never hears anything. Then another group of former buyers now want the team, but they haven't dealth with the city either...
I smell bullshit on this one. There's no one willing to operate the Coyotes in Arizona without public financing, even with the new NHL revenue sharing scheme.
The only threat to Quebec city, imho, is Seattle. Bettman would much prefer send a team there than to Quebec city, only problem is, they don't really want hockey there.
Seattle business group is smarting after yesterday's NBA news.
Not sure where the whole NHL to Seattle falls now.
Radios are going crazy. Just like last year. :)
LA ties it with 31 seconds to go. That's a kick to the teeth.
I just realized that TSN is carrying the Canucks playoff series. I wonder if that means that nobody in Vancouver can watch it, since I'm assured by cc that being on cable makes sports unwatchable?
I was watching Golden State vs Denver last nite, on cable. I was wondering what would CC think of that.
Quote from: katmai on April 30, 2013, 08:13:11 PM
Seattle business group is smarting after yesterday's NBA news.
Not sure where the whole NHL to Seattle falls now.
Nowhere. The whole "NHL to Seattle" move was predicated on the NBA team.
The Maple Laffs sure lived up to their name.
Only the first game. They fucked up when they lost to Montreal. They have only themselves to blame.
Les Glorieux wouldn't be denied.
Sharks! :w00t:
Islanders :bash:
Quote from: Barrister on April 25, 2013, 01:18:32 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 25, 2013, 12:45:58 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 07:39:31 PM
CC's argument seems to be he can't watch whatever soccer/basketball game he wants, which is laughable. I have to pay a bunch of money to be able to watch my Jets games, so it's not like you can easily watch every hockey game on basic tv either.
Strawman for the win!
Jetboy, as a hockey fan you can watch a very large number of hockey games on basic cable. I get no basketball games other than during March madness. See the difference?
That's just incorrect. Even the most basic cable package gives you TSN, which shows Raptors games.
You'll also get ABC. A quick check on the NBA website shows that ABC shows 30 regular season games during the season.
And NBA playoffs also get some coverage.
It would help if you would actually read what I write. I said I cant get games NBA games other than on weekends. Those ABC games are on weekends. Even now during the playoffs I cant get many of the playoff games other than on the specialty channels.
If you were not such a hockey fanatic you would know these basic facts. But of course that goes to the basic point that you guys are such fanatics that the game will never change to appeal to a wider market.
Having said that the Canucks will hopefully lose the next three and then the current wave of hockey will be over in this city. Although I must say it is refreshing to see that there isnt a lot of excitement here this time around. Perhaps we are growing up after all.
I prefered when you were a swimming nuts. Basketball, thugs & gang members. Role Models!
Quote from: Neil on May 01, 2013, 08:47:40 PM
The Maple Laffs sure lived up to their name.
That was just one game.
We got three more to play. :D
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 02, 2013, 09:17:54 AM
I said I cant get games NBA games other than on weekends. Those ABC games are on weekends. Even now during the playoffs I cant get many of the playoff games other than on the specialty channels.
That's certainly the case now, as all the regular sports channels are carrying the NHL playoffs, which have a much broader appeal than basketball.
Anderson should really two handed slash someone in the back of he knee. A broken knees will teach them to stop cheap shoting the goalie.
Also haha. And fuck. It could be he leafs humiliating Montreal at home
I don't think this is really that bad a loss. They came out super hot, and then faded after give minutes. Still, they outshot Ottawa by a fair margin, although part of that is because of the penalty on the killshot on poor Eller, which was a huge loss. Anderson was hot, Price is his usual so-so self, and Montreal was very sloppy with their passes and lazy in the defensive zone.
You're going to lose close games in the playoffs. We'll see how they respond.
Eller was as much a victim of a bad pass as anything else.
If every frigging Blackhawks playoff game goes to an OT nailbiter, I am going to have cardiac arrest.
Quote from: HVC on May 02, 2013, 08:58:41 PM
Eller was as much a victim of a bad pass as anything else.
I kind of agree, but you cant put a shoulder into a guy's head anymore. But so many of Montreal's passes were ill-advised tonight that it's amazing the whole team didn't end up in the hospital.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 02, 2013, 09:17:54 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 25, 2013, 01:18:32 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 25, 2013, 12:45:58 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2013, 07:39:31 PM
CC's argument seems to be he can't watch whatever soccer/basketball game he wants, which is laughable. I have to pay a bunch of money to be able to watch my Jets games, so it's not like you can easily watch every hockey game on basic tv either.
Strawman for the win!
Jetboy, as a hockey fan you can watch a very large number of hockey games on basic cable. I get no basketball games other than during March madness. See the difference?
That's just incorrect. Even the most basic cable package gives you TSN, which shows Raptors games.
You'll also get ABC. A quick check on the NBA website shows that ABC shows 30 regular season games during the season.
And NBA playoffs also get some coverage.
It would help if you would actually read what I write. I said I cant get games NBA games other than on weekends. Those ABC games are on weekends. Even now during the playoffs I cant get many of the playoff games other than on the specialty channels.
If you were not such a hockey fanatic you would know these basic facts. But of course that goes to the basic point that you guys are such fanatics that the game will never change to appeal to a wider market.
There's no difference between that and being a Canucks fan in Quebec.
Or a Canadians fan in Alberta.
From the new reports I hear the the NHL continues its fine reportation as a bloodsport not fit for a wider audience.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 03, 2013, 02:54:33 PM
From the new reports I hear the the NHL continues its fine reportation as a bloodsport not fit for a wider audience.
What I find annoying was that the CBC for a split second showed Eller lying facedown in a rapidly spreading pool of his own blood, then quickly turned the camera away. This was the right thing to do.
But newspapers everywhere are using that show of Eller in the blood pool in their coverage.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 03, 2013, 02:54:33 PM
From the new reports I hear the the NHL continues its fine reportation as a bloodsport not fit for a wider audience.
But doesn't it already enjoy the widest audience out of any sport in Canada?
Quote from: Neil on May 03, 2013, 03:33:48 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 03, 2013, 02:54:33 PM
From the new reports I hear the the NHL continues its fine reportation as a bloodsport not fit for a wider audience.
But doesn't it already enjoy the widest audience out of any sport in Canada?
Now that is saying something even if true. :lol:
Gryba gets two games.
Montreal played much better tonight, but they were lucky to get that gift of a first goal. Could have ended much differently.
Played better, but still pretty up and down. Anderson made some pretty impressive saves to keep the game in reach.
Well...almost stoppable. Thank goodness for last minute goals. ;)
I think it is now obvious who the Team of Destiny(tm) is this year:
It is inconceivable that the Caps would ever blow a 2-0 series lead.
Toronto Stanley Cup parade plans back on. :)
Quote from: Josephus on May 05, 2013, 05:12:22 PM
Toronto Stanley Cup parade plans back on. :)
Missed the game though :(
Also, what happened in the montreal game. First time I've seen five separate fights going on at the same time in a long time.
Creation of a rivalry. It's a good thing, the Boston one was getting boring.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 05, 2013, 09:16:43 PM
Creation of a rivalry. It's a good thing, the Boston one was getting boring.
it was a fun game until the habs got blown away (and once the refs cooled down). Suban is a whiney bitch though.
Canucks don't stand a chance!
Quite the choke job by the Canucks to be sure.
Quote from: Barrister on May 05, 2013, 11:29:36 PM
Quite the choke job by the Canucks to be sure.
At least they can make the playoffs before choking...
Might be no Canadian teams past round one. :ph34r:
Quote from: Barrister on May 05, 2013, 11:29:36 PM
Quite the choke job by the Canucks to be sure.
Is it really a choke job? They're getting beat, but by a team that everybody expected them to lose to. I suppose the extent to which they are losing is a bit of a surprise, but that's hockey. When you have the Sedins on your team, you better be ready for them to disappear come playoff time.
Quote from: Josephus on May 06, 2013, 07:26:40 AM
Might be no Canadian teams past round one. :ph34r:
Now I understand Ottawa is disliked by people for its oppressive centralizing ways but surely it is considered part of Canada.
Quote from: Valmy on May 06, 2013, 07:44:54 AM
Quote from: Josephus on May 06, 2013, 07:26:40 AM
Might be no Canadian teams past round one. :ph34r:
Now I understand Ottawa is disliked by people for its oppressive centralizing ways but surely it is considered part of Canada.
Indeed. Ottawa or Montreal, there will be one Canadian team in round 2.
Quote from: Neil on May 06, 2013, 07:51:02 AM
Quote from: Valmy on May 06, 2013, 07:44:54 AM
Quote from: Josephus on May 06, 2013, 07:26:40 AM
Might be no Canadian teams past round one. :ph34r:
Now I understand Ottawa is disliked by people for its oppressive centralizing ways but surely it is considered part of Canada.
Indeed. Ottawa or Montreal, there will be one Canadian team in round 2.
montreal? Ahh, you're as delusion as even the worst maple leafs fan :console: keep the hope alive buddy :hug:
I hate the Leafs. I think the Leafs will be in round 2.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 06, 2013, 08:21:32 AM
I hate the Leafs. I think the Leafs will be in round 2.
why the hate? :( I actually like Montreal (when they're not playing Toronto :D ) I just want them to do badly to cause Neil pain.
Because it's the Leafs. I can't help it, it's in my blood. Plus they have the Traitor(used too atleast) & Graboswhine.
Gomez will see the 2nd rd, and Habs won't :)
Now, that's bad Karma.
Quote from: Valmy on May 06, 2013, 07:44:54 AM
Quote from: Josephus on May 06, 2013, 07:26:40 AM
Might be no Canadian teams past round one. :ph34r:
Now I understand Ottawa is disliked by people for its oppressive centralizing ways but surely it is considered part of Canada.
Oh right........LOL. Forgot about them. :D
Quote from: HVC on May 06, 2013, 08:04:42 AM
montreal? Ahh, you're as delusion as even the worst maple leafs fan :console: keep the hope alive buddy :hug:
It's only a 2-1 lead for Ottawa. Montreal isn't bad, just inconsistent.
Quote from: katmai on May 06, 2013, 08:37:20 AM
Gomez will see the 2nd rd, and Habs won't :)
Maybe, maybe not. Still, Gomez has the advantage of being able to ride to the playoffs on a team where nothing is asked of him. When it's time for him to perform, he falls to pieces. He's the Jim Sorgi of hockey.
Yeah those two Rings prove that. :rolleyes:
Quote from: katmai on May 06, 2013, 12:40:08 PM
Yeah those two Rings prove that. :rolleyes:
Jim Sorgi's got a ring too.
Poor Neil, you need to stick to dreadnoughts and your laughable 2nd rate CFL football as clearly know nothing about 4 down football or hockey. :console:
I hear that there was yet another game which fans of the NHL can be proud of. How many people were thrown out of that game? It turns out Slapshot was a documentary.
For someone with no hockey love you sure keep on top of the game :D
Quote from: HVC on May 06, 2013, 12:59:18 PM
For someone with no hockey love you sure keep on top of the game :D
It goes to my original complaint. One would have to live in a bubble not to be bombarded with this nonsense.
You don't hear me complain when a basketball player goes out and shots up a club. You don't have to care nor listen :P
Quote from: katmai on May 06, 2013, 12:48:22 PM
Poor Neil, you need to stick to dreadnoughts and your laughable 2nd rate CFL football as clearly know nothing about 4 down football or hockey. :console:
I don't accept your criticism, Mexican.
Quote from: HVC on May 06, 2013, 01:02:30 PM
You don't hear me complain when a basketball player goes out and shots up a club. You don't have to care nor listen :P
I guess you have no self awareness of how saturated our media outlets are with the third rate sport of fighting on ice.
And how saturated it is about with news of the star of your sport raping white chicks in hotels ( or you know, actual scores and stuff :D ). if you you don't care about a sport I don't get how the news of said sport effects you. Unless you want to be annoyed, then I can't help you.
I live in the only Canadian city with a basketball and baseball team, I care for neither sport, but I get a lot of news about both teams. So I don't see how the rage builds up in you so CC
Because you are a Porto scum.
Quote from: HVC on May 06, 2013, 01:25:41 PM
And how saturated it is about with news of the star of your sport raping white chicks in hotels ( or you know, actual scores and stuff :D ). if you you don't care about a sport I don't get how the news of said sport effects you. Unless you want to be annoyed, then I can't help you.
I am here to help you with the malady of being an NHL fan. If I convince enough of you that it is a silly sport then maybe, just maybe, room will be given to real sporting events.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 06, 2013, 12:54:00 PM
I hear that there was yet another game which fans of the NHL can be proud of. How many people were thrown out of that game? It turns out Slapshot was a documentary.
Is there no expulsion in Basketball? Is that why they are flopping now?
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 06, 2013, 01:36:56 PM
Quote from: HVC on May 06, 2013, 01:25:41 PM
And how saturated it is about with news of the star of your sport raping white chicks in hotels ( or you know, actual scores and stuff :D ). if you you don't care about a sport I don't get how the news of said sport effects you. Unless you want to be annoyed, then I can't help you.
I am here to help you with the malady of being an NHL fan. If I convince enough of you that it is a silly sport then maybe, just maybe, room will be given to real sporting events.
I'm still waiting for you to advocate for a real sporting event, like, cycling maybe?
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 06, 2013, 01:37:28 PM
Is there no expulsion in Basketball?
That is the point. In hockey you can fight and only get five minutes. In any other sport if you fight you are out, maybe permanently.
You see, in hockey, a certain tolerance is expected. It come from the time when hockey was played by more civilized men.
Who has been kicked out of the NBA for fighting? Shit, didn't Ron Artest fight some fans in the stands way back when, got suspended for the rest of the season, but he's still doing whatever it is that people do on basketball courts these days?
Quote from: Neil on May 06, 2013, 02:19:16 PM
Who has been kicked out of the NBA for fighting? Shit, didn't Ron Artest fight some fans in the stands way back when, got suspended for the rest of the season, but he's still doing whatever it is that people do on basketball courts these days?
I wondered what Ron Artest was up to so I googled him.
Metta World Peace. :bleeding:
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 06, 2013, 01:42:55 PM
It come from the time when hockey was played by more civilized men.
Are you thinking of Field Hockey? :hmm:
Quote from: Neil on May 06, 2013, 02:19:16 PM
Who has been kicked out of the NBA for fighting? Shit, didn't Ron Artest fight some fans in the stands way back when, got suspended for the rest of the season, but he's still doing whatever it is that people do on basketball courts these days?
You see the difference, right?
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 06, 2013, 03:30:33 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 06, 2013, 02:19:16 PM
Who has been kicked out of the NBA for fighting? Shit, didn't Ron Artest fight some fans in the stands way back when, got suspended for the rest of the season, but he's still doing whatever it is that people do on basketball courts these days?
You see the difference, right?
Yeah. What he did was way worse than anything that I can remember an NHL player doing, and yet he continued to be a player in the league. Compare that to Marty McSorley.
Another difference is that hockey is a real athletic competition, whereas the NBA is fixed.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 06, 2013, 03:29:40 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 06, 2013, 01:42:55 PM
It come from the time when hockey was played by more civilized men.
Are you thinking of Field Hockey? :hmm:
No, I am not. You should read up on the history of the NHL. It's always been a violent sport.
What do you expect from a game created by vicious inbred icelanders?
Why couldn't they have beaten Montreal in the last game? Why? :(
Quote from: HVC on May 06, 2013, 08:46:39 PM
Why couldn't they have beaten Montreal in the last game? Why? :(
They couldn't beat Montreal in the last game of the season. What makes you think they could have taken them in the playoffs?
Quote from: Neil on May 06, 2013, 08:48:00 PM
Quote from: HVC on May 06, 2013, 08:46:39 PM
Why couldn't they have beaten Montreal in the last game? Why? :(
They couldn't beat Montreal in the last game of the season. What makes you think they could have taken them in the playoffs?
the three other games they won (as opposed to the one against Boston) and the way Montreal is playing now.
Quote from: katmai on May 06, 2013, 08:29:29 PM
What do you expect from a game created by vicious inbred icelanders?
Apparently, it came from The British. They had a pro hockey league before the NHL, or so I've heard.
minor speed bump is all. All will be rectified on Wednesday
The Kings are defying the Blues!
No reason to panic here. The Caps would never blow a 2-0 series lead. Everything's cool...they got this.
Quote from: HVC on May 06, 2013, 08:49:09 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 06, 2013, 08:48:00 PM
Quote from: HVC on May 06, 2013, 08:46:39 PM
Why couldn't they have beaten Montreal in the last game? Why? :(
They couldn't beat Montreal in the last game of the season. What makes you think they could have taken them in the playoffs?
the three other games they won (as opposed to the one against Boston) and the way Montreal is playing now.
The way Montreal is playing right now the Leafs would be down 0-3. Reimer is no Anderson.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 07, 2013, 08:15:07 AM
Quote from: HVC on May 06, 2013, 08:49:09 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 06, 2013, 08:48:00 PM
Quote from: HVC on May 06, 2013, 08:46:39 PM
Why couldn't they have beaten Montreal in the last game? Why? :(
They couldn't beat Montreal in the last game of the season. What makes you think they could have taken them in the playoffs?
the three other games they won (as opposed to the one against Boston) and the way Montreal is playing now.
The way Montreal is playing right now the Leafs would be down 0-3. Reimer is no Anderson.
we shall never know.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 06, 2013, 08:26:25 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 06, 2013, 03:29:40 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 06, 2013, 01:42:55 PM
It come from the time when hockey was played by more civilized men.
Are you thinking of Field Hockey? :hmm:
No, I am not. You should read up on the history of the NHL. It's always been a violent sport.
Exactly, when has it ever been played by more civilized men?
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 07, 2013, 11:38:41 AM
Exactly, when has it ever been played by more civilized men?
Back when violent sports were played by gentlemen -_-
Quote from: viper37 on May 06, 2013, 08:59:30 PM
Quote from: katmai on May 06, 2013, 08:29:29 PM
What do you expect from a game created by vicious inbred icelanders?
Apparently, it came from The British. They had a pro hockey league before the NHL, or so I've heard.
All sports come from the British. One wonders what the other countries did to amuse themselves before the British came along.
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2013, 11:43:51 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 07, 2013, 11:38:41 AM
Exactly, when has it ever been played by more civilized men?
Back when violent sports were played by gentlemen -_-
Violent sports are still played by gentlemen - just not hockey.
It is funny that only a daily basis I can point to disgraceful conduct in the NHL playoffs that would get players in any other league banned for at least the season and the hockey fanatics around here have to go back in history to find one in basketball....
but that's only because Basketball is played by 'bangers nowadays.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 07, 2013, 11:49:33 AM
but that's only because Basketball is played by 'bangers nowadays.
So "bangers" have more self discipline than hockey players. Interesting.
Yes. They're posers while Hockey players a real strong men.
We're circling back to this again : Hockey is a violent sports & you don't like that. Yet you offer no solution to the problem.
Just saying Basketball is better isn't enough. You are a lawyer, argue god damn it.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 07, 2013, 11:57:58 AM
Yet you offer no solution to the problem.
Any solutions to that "problem" would be heretical and therefore unacceptable.
He could come here to the US. Then he would just be bombarded by the peaceful sport of American Football.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 07, 2013, 11:57:58 AM
Yes. They're posers while Hockey players a real strong men.
So the definition of a "strong man" is one who cannot control himself. Only a true fanatic would come to such a conclusion. :P
FWIW, I think they should do more to remvoe fighting from the game. It's got nothing to do with being "men" or whatever. It's purely a financial thing to keep Americans in small markets interested. As CC says, no other sport will tolerate it. I dont' even think they fight in Europe hockey games. You don't see it in Olympics or World Hockey games. If they make an automatic ejection and multi-game suspension for fighting, the sport will be rid of it in no time.
Quote from: Josephus on May 07, 2013, 12:23:44 PM
FWIW, I think they should do more to remvoe fighting from the game. It's got nothing to do with being "men" or whatever. It's purely a financial thing to keep Americans in small markets interested. As CC says, no other sport will tolerate it. I dont' even think they fight in Europe hockey games. You don't see it in Olympics or World Hockey games. If they make an automatic ejection and multi-game suspension for fighting, the sport will be rid of it in no time.
That's right - fighting is not allowed anywhere else. Not in international play, not in the KHL, not in NCAA hockey.
I've never understood the notion that fighting is used to "police the game". It always seems to me that it is used to try and intimidate the other team.
What does it for me is all the science of concussions and traumatic brain injury. How can you try and protect hockey players from head shots, but seemingly be fine with two guys throwing haymakers at each others heads?
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 07, 2013, 11:38:41 AM
Exactly, when has it ever been played by more civilized men?
You can't have civilization without violence.
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2013, 11:44:48 AM
All sports come from the British. One wonders what the other countries did to amuse themselves before the British came along.
The Frogs invented tennis. Central Asians invented proto-polo. Greeks invented track and field and wrestling.
Didn't a Canuck invent Basketball? And what about ice-hockey? Lacrosse?
An ex-Canuck invented basketball. A pre-Canuck invented lacrosse.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 07, 2013, 08:15:07 AM
Quote from: HVC on May 06, 2013, 08:49:09 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 06, 2013, 08:48:00 PM
Quote from: HVC on May 06, 2013, 08:46:39 PM
Why couldn't they have beaten Montreal in the last game? Why? :(
They couldn't beat Montreal in the last game of the season. What makes you think they could have taken them in the playoffs?
the three other games they won (as opposed to the one against Boston) and the way Montreal is playing now.
The way Montreal is playing right now the Leafs would be down 0-3. Reimer is no Anderson.
you still so sure about that?
Although its a shame Montreal keeps losing so many of their key players.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on May 07, 2013, 08:32:49 PM
An ex-Canuck invented basketball. A pre-Canuck invented lacrosse.
Neither were Brits, though, was my point.
I was not being literal there guys.
Quote from: HVC on May 07, 2013, 09:08:38 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 07, 2013, 08:15:07 AM
Quote from: HVC on May 06, 2013, 08:49:09 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 06, 2013, 08:48:00 PM
Quote from: HVC on May 06, 2013, 08:46:39 PM
Why couldn't they have beaten Montreal in the last game? Why? :(
They couldn't beat Montreal in the last game of the season. What makes you think they could have taken them in the playoffs?
the three other games they won (as opposed to the one against Boston) and the way Montreal is playing now.
The way Montreal is playing right now the Leafs would be down 0-3. Reimer is no Anderson.
you still so sure about that?
Although its a shame Montreal keeps losing so many of their key players.
Yes, Leafs sucks.
I don't like blaming the refs for loses but this they are not responsible. The war room in Toronto is. That wasn't good goal, ffs.
That was so cool I am not even going to watch the 3rd period. THe Caps got this!!11
Damn nerve wracking game.
Fuck. You can mock me now grey fox.
You suck for liking evil hockey teams.
Man, I didn't like CBC showing the guys wife right after he got scored on. That wasn't cool in my book.
Quote from: Neil on May 08, 2013, 09:52:03 PM
You suck for liking evil hockey teams.
Man, I didn't like CBC showing the guys wife right after he got scored on. That wasn't cool in my book.
they were showing her and his mom all game.
Oh well, they put up a valiant fight.
Quote from: HVC on May 08, 2013, 09:58:46 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 08, 2013, 09:52:03 PM
You suck for liking evil hockey teams.
Man, I didn't like CBC showing the guys wife right after he got scored on. That wasn't cool in my book.
they were showing her and his mom all game.
Oh well, they put up a valiant fight.
Yeah. My wife and I were discussing her ugly watch. But I would rather have not seen them right at that moment.
Quote from: Valmy on May 08, 2013, 08:29:10 PM
That was so cool I am not even going to watch the 3rd period. THe Caps got this!!11
Quote from: Neil on May 08, 2013, 10:03:01 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 08, 2013, 08:29:10 PM
That was so cool I am not even going to watch the 3rd period. THe Caps got this!!11
I am like an abused spouse :P
No matter how much they do this to me I keep coming back for more.
Quote from: HVC on May 08, 2013, 09:23:12 PM
Fuck. You can mock me now grey fox.
There is no honour in mocking a child when he falls offs his chair after climbing on it for the first time.
Quote from: Neil on May 08, 2013, 10:01:20 PM
Quote from: HVC on May 08, 2013, 09:58:46 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 08, 2013, 09:52:03 PM
You suck for liking evil hockey teams.
Man, I didn't like CBC showing the guys wife right after he got scored on. That wasn't cool in my book.
they were showing her and his mom all game.
Oh well, they put up a valiant fight.
Yeah. My wife and I were discussing her ugly watch. But I would rather have not seen them right at that moment.
Wife was cute. But mother, poor mother, looked like a guest on one of those American daytime talkshows.
Stupid thugs.
So I guess tonight's the night the Leafs are gonna stop toying with the Bruins.
Probably eek out a victory tonight them go home and get crushed. It's the false hope that keeps leafs fans going :D
Called it.
Quote from: HVC on May 10, 2013, 08:43:32 PM
Called it.
Yup. And I said Leafs have been toying with the Bruins. :lol:
[Stanley Cup parade plans back on]
Quote from: Josephus on May 10, 2013, 10:18:57 PM
Quote from: HVC on May 10, 2013, 08:43:32 PM
Called it.
Yup. And I said Leafs have been toying with the Bruins. :lol:
[Stanley Cup parade plans back on]
you'd think after game 4 they'd learn not to take their foot off the gas. all it takes is reimer to lose his nerve for a few shots and you lose.
Islanders are toast!!!!
The big question will be answered tonight: Ducks or Wings?
I wonder if the Capitals can put the Rangers to bed. Somehow I don't think so. I think the Bruins will toast the Leafs.
The second part of my prediction might have been wrong.
told ya we were just toying with them Bruins. Bring on GAme 7, and the Stanley Cup Parade down Yonge Street. :D
Quote from: Josephus on May 12, 2013, 09:44:17 PM
told ya we were just toying with them Bruins. Bring on GAme 7, and the Stanley Cup Parade down Yonge Street. :D
i'll meet ya downtown for the parade :hug:
Bring your neice :P
Tonights been a real night for underdogs. It'll be interesting to see how Detroit-Anaheim plays out.
C'mon Ducks make it a clean California sweep!
Its not looking good for Anaheim. Down 3-1, but still another full period + to go.
Close, but not close enough. Bye, Ducks!
Jaron moves to Utah and starts following the white man's game. :hmm:
Quote from: Admiral Yi on May 13, 2013, 12:41:39 AM
Jaron moves to Utah and starts following the white man's game. :hmm:
:hmm: Perplexing.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on May 13, 2013, 12:41:39 AM
Jaron moves to Utah and starts following the white man's game. :hmm:
hes gone native
If the natives were cracker Mormons.
Not a good year for my bracket.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 13, 2013, 07:05:43 AM
Not a good year for my bracket.
its not that bad. One Canadian team went through and there's a chance the can be brought up to 2. Pittsburg winning isn't a surprise, and neither Washington nor NY are bad teams or anything.
Quote from: HVC on May 13, 2013, 08:21:17 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 13, 2013, 07:05:43 AM
Not a good year for my bracket.
its not that bad. One Canadian team went through and there's a chance the can be brought up to 2. Pittsburg winning isn't a surprise, and neither Washington nor NY are bad teams or anything.
I picked St-Louis to get out of the West, the Isles to upset the Penguins & Montreal to atleast beat the Sens.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 13, 2013, 08:33:25 AM
huh? I didn't say anything mean. I could of, but you're not Neil so I don't want to hurt you :hug: :lol:
I picked St-Louis to get out of the West, the Isles to upset the Penguins & Montreal to atleast beat the Sens.
hope you didn't put any money on that
Quote from: HVC on May 13, 2013, 08:39:47 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 13, 2013, 08:33:25 AM
huh? I didn't say anything mean. I could of, but you're not Neil so I don't want to hurt you :hug: :lol:
I picked St-Louis to get out of the West, the Isles to upset the Penguins & Montreal to atleast beat the Sens.
hope you didn't put any money on that
I tought that was your bracket. I admit, I was confused.
:lol: Of course not.
Game 7! Come on Caps!!
Game 7! Come on Caps!!
Quote from: Valmy on May 13, 2013, 07:00:17 PM
Game 7! Come on Caps!!
saying it twice? Does a double Valmy curse mean Washington will win? :P
I shouldn't have joked. Valmy has cursed the leafs. Also, fuck you refs.
Don't worry.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 13, 2013, 07:41:37 PM
Don't worry.
im a leafs fan, I have to worry. How do you elbow someone, break their nose, and not get a penalty?
Wouldn't it be something if the Leafs beat the Bruins?
Quote from: Jaron on May 13, 2013, 07:48:14 PM
Wouldn't it be something if the Leafs beat the Bruins?
you're my good luck charm :wub:
So much for the "thank you Kessel" jeering :D
Quote from: Jaron on May 13, 2013, 07:48:14 PM
Wouldn't it be something if the Leafs beat the Bruins?
Boston sports teams are pretty detestable, but there's nothing worse in all the world than the Leafs. Still, there's always an evil team in the playoffs. Lately, it's been Vancouver, but I guess this year it's even worse.
That said, it was pretty funny when Don Cherry contrasted the non-rioting Leafs trash with the rioting Canucks trash.
To an Habs fan, the Boston Bruins are greater evil then the Laffs.
To the 2nd round!
Two phrases that I have heard more in this series than at any point before in the history of hockey:
'Missed the net'
'Off the side of the net'
Claude Julien needs to teach those guys how to fucking aim.
Join the dark side :menace: :P
Besides your Toronto city hate, what's so evil about he leafs? At most in their recent history they were to be pitied. It's a fun young team.
Quote from: HVC on May 13, 2013, 08:14:48 PM
Join the dark side :menace: :P
Besides your Toronto city hate, what's so evil about he leafs? At most in their recent history they were to be pitied. It's a fun young team.
I don't hate the city of Toronto. Toronto doesn't really have much to do with my life, now that Canada has broken into segments. It's the Leafs that I hate. Nothing makes me angrier than the media trying to tell me who I should cheer for, and all my life there ahve been two teams that the media has been trying to force on me: The CBC did the Leafs, and the local stations did the Oilers. I don't care if they're young and exciting. The only way I'll be able to cheer for the Leafs is when every last Baby Boomer is dead and the CBC isn't trying to tell me that it's the patriotic thing to do.
Uh oh.
Mother fucker!
Holy shit. That's a comeback for the ages if they win this.
Sorry, Toronto.
If those two Boston guys didn't tangle their sticks trying to shoot it into the open net, that would have been game. Toronto got lucky. Still, that's the only pressure Boston had really managed without a power play or empty net, so I have my doubts this will end well for the Bruins.
Heck of an OT coming.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on May 13, 2013, 12:41:39 AM
Jaron moves to Utah and starts following the white man's game. :hmm:
Jaron's been posting in the NHL thead for years. He's been pulling for the Sharks for a while now.
Sorry, HVC. :lol:
I guess I lose good luck charm status!
Question: Is that the worst 3rd period meltdown in the history of the NHL?
I was one game off on my prediction :P
The reached high, they played well (last two periods of this game not withstanding ), and as a leafs fan I was always waiting for this.
Epic collapse.
Quote from: Neil on May 13, 2013, 09:08:19 PM
Question: Is that the worst 3rd period meltdown in the history of the NHL?
Of course not, the Bruins once led a series 3-0 & lost in game 7.
Who feels worse right now? The Toronto fans, whose last-minute collapse was agonizing, or Valmy, whose Capitals seem to have been replaced for Game 7 by random fans from the stands. I haven't seen a team lay down this much since... Montreal's last game. :(
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 13, 2013, 09:22:26 PM
Quote from: Neil on May 13, 2013, 09:08:19 PM
Question: Is that the worst 3rd period meltdown in the history of the NHL?
Of course not, the Bruins once led a series 3-0 & lost in game 7.
I suggest you reread my post.
Bruins broke from the script. That last couple minutes of the third wasn't supposed to down like that :mad:
Quote from: PRC on May 13, 2013, 09:11:47 PM
Epic collapse.
Yeah for some teams I guess it was. But for the Caps blowing 2-0 and 3-2 series leads and getting steamrolled in game 7 is just another year.
Quote from: Neil on May 13, 2013, 09:22:33 PM
Who feels worse right now? The Toronto fans, whose last-minute collapse was agonizing, or Valmy, whose Capitals seem to have been replaced for Game 7 by random fans from the stands. I haven't seen a team lay down this much since... Montreal's last game. :(
At least they put me out my misery early.
Listening to DC sports radio has been cathartic. Heh fans are demanding a refund.
Heh. Caps 2-5 all time in series they have a 2 game lead. Maybe they should just drop the first two games just to be safe.
It is difficult being a Leafs fan.
Read somewhere one saying yesterday that, when he dies, his wish is that members of the team act as his pallbearers and lower him into the grave ... as he wants to be let down by the Leafs one last time! :D
If the Caps carried my casket they would get close enough to lowering me down to where one would think there is no way to mess it up them inexplicably flip the casket in the air while they all wet themselves.
Go Sens Go!
Quote from: Valmy on May 14, 2013, 04:01:43 PM
If the Caps carried my casket they would get close enough to lowering me down to where one would think there is no way to mess it up them inexplicably flip the casket in the air while they all wet themselves.
Ovechkin would stand near a blue line and not help.
QuoteQuébecor Média @QuebecorMedia 1h
The rumour that Quebecor is currently in negotiations with the #NHL to buy a franchise is completely false.
Why do they feel the need to refute a mere rumour? :shifty:
Here's the rumour itself I think:
QuoteNHL and Quebecor negotiate the price of Coyotes
Posted by 98.5 fm Sports Wednesday, May 22, 2013 at 08h14. Edited by Danielle Arsenault at 12:25.
The Canadian Press
(98.5 Sports) - The National Hockey League and the Quebecor Group have entered into negotiations with a view to determining the sale price of the team of the Phoenix Coyotes.
"A team is in place to clear the ground, lawyers, accountants to audit the affairs of the Coyotes," said columnist Réjean Tremblay on 98.5 fm with Paul Arcand on Wednesday.
This team is mandated to investigate the financial records of the franchise in Arizona and set the value of the assets of concesssion.
According Réjean Tremblay, the transaction is far from being finalized, but everything indicates that pave the way for the eventual relocation of the franchise to Phoenix Quebec.
"There is no commitment to sell, it is unclear. Negotiations are under way. It is necessary that the two clans already have confidence, it is a step that is done, these are negotiations that are serious. "
Quebecor, communications director Martin Tremblay refused to comment on the report, but the organization has issued a denial on his twitter account.
So which sort of depressed sports fan are you?
When the going gets tough I get online and bitch about it, always makes me feel better. I guess I am probably the going for a walk guy.
I'm this : The Fan Who Manages to Maintain Perspective
Yes, this fan is disappointed in the outcome of the game. But he also understands that a game played by a collection of strangers is not going to have any impact on the truly important things in his life, like his health, his friendships and his family. Put simply, he understands that there are higher priorities in the world than who wins or loses a sporting event.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 22, 2013, 12:43:09 PM
I'm this : The Fan Who Manages to Maintain Perspective
Yes, this fan is disappointed in the outcome of the game. But he also understands that a game played by a collection of strangers is not going to have any impact on the truly important things in his life, like his health, his friendships and his family. Put simply, he understands that there are higher priorities in the world than who wins or loses a sporting event.
What fun is that? If I wanted to keep perspective I wouln't be a sportsfan.
I'm the Single F-Bomb fan.
Or at least I was when the Jets were eliminated a month ago.
Quote from: Valmy on May 22, 2013, 12:44:05 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 22, 2013, 12:43:09 PM
I'm this : The Fan Who Manages to Maintain Perspective
Yes, this fan is disappointed in the outcome of the game. But he also understands that a game played by a collection of strangers is not going to have any impact on the truly important things in his life, like his health, his friendships and his family. Put simply, he understands that there are higher priorities in the world than who wins or loses a sporting event.
What fun is that? If I wanted to keep perspective I wouln't be a sportsfan.
There's always next year!
Alain Vignault is apparently fired.
Quote from: viper37 on May 22, 2013, 02:44:40 PM
Alain Vignault is apparently fired.
That one was seen coming from a long way off. They need a change and he's the obvious first choice. Regular season record of 313-170-57 in his time there.
Quote from: PRC on May 22, 2013, 03:26:46 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 22, 2013, 02:44:40 PM
Alain Vignault is apparently fired.
That one was seen coming from a long way off. They need a change and he's the obvious first choice. Regular season record of 313-170-57 in his time there.
I'm always skeptical of the "a change needs to happen" when you're dealing with an otherwise successful coach.
Quote from: Barrister on May 22, 2013, 03:40:27 PM
Quote from: PRC on May 22, 2013, 03:26:46 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 22, 2013, 02:44:40 PM
Alain Vignault is apparently fired.
That one was seen coming from a long way off. They need a change and he's the obvious first choice. Regular season record of 313-170-57 in his time there.
I'm always skeptical of the "a change needs to happen" when you're dealing with an otherwise successful coach.
In general I agree, but a coaching change is easier for a GM to make than a big trade. The Canucks have a few guys they can shop but they won't get much return for. Luongo will be gone, but they ain't get much more than a bag of pucks for him.
That's a self-inflicted wound, since whoever gets Luongo also gets his contract.
Money quote from a longer article about a conversation with the Commish:
QuoteAsked directly if there's any chance of the Coyotes being moved before next season, Bettman replied: "We hope not."
The ice is finally starting to crack. And once it does it's going to move very quickly.
Quote from: PRC on May 22, 2013, 04:02:38 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 22, 2013, 03:40:27 PM
Quote from: PRC on May 22, 2013, 03:26:46 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 22, 2013, 02:44:40 PM
Alain Vignault is apparently fired.
That one was seen coming from a long way off. They need a change and he's the obvious first choice. Regular season record of 313-170-57 in his time there.
I'm always skeptical of the "a change needs to happen" when you're dealing with an otherwise successful coach.
In general I agree, but a coaching change is easier for a GM to make than a big trade. The Canucks have a few guys they can shop but they won't get much return for. Luongo will be gone, but they ain't get much more than a bag of pucks for him.
but it's the GM who didn't trade Luongo, it's not the coach.
PKP refuses to confirm or deny whether negotiations taking place:
(article is in French, I was goong off of google translate, which is getting really good)
Yeah, everyone denies the rumors.
What (serious) people think happens is this: Quebecor has hired lawyers&accountants specifically for this transaction. Every once in a while, probably same time each year, they communicate with the NHL, formally or informally, to reaffirm their interest in the franchise, should it come to that decision.
Now, seriously. This is getting ridiculous. The city of Glendale was supposed to receive bids this week the management of the arena, but it's been pushed to May 31st. Beacon Sports&Entertainment will submit a proposal to Glendale by July 1st.
When the Arizona Republic revealed the arena management costs to be closer to 6million$ than 15, it kinda screwed all of the potential owners who were hoping to get 10-12 million$ a year from the city. Parking fees will generate about 1.1million a year, gross. It's still a lot of money for the city to give with basically no hope of getting it back. It if costs 5 million to operate the empty arena, and they have to give 12 in order to gain 1,1 million a year, even with the taxation revenue from increased economic activity around the arena, I don't see how they'll get their money back in a reasonable time frame.
Anyhow, when it happens, it happens. Betman has been stubborn as hell on this, and he sure didn't like moving the Thrashers to Winnipeg.
There's been rumors for the last 3 years now.
Imho, a good sign that nothing is done yet is that Patrick Roy just became the Colorado Avalanche head coach and Vice-President of hockey development.
If there had been a confirmation, even privately, that the Nordiques were soon to be back in Quebec city, he would have stayed here to become head coach of this team, closer to the Remparts.
Quote from: viper37 on May 23, 2013, 03:54:04 PM
Yeah, everyone denies the rumors.
What (serious) people think happens is this: Quebecor has hired lawyers&accountants specifically for this transaction. Every once in a while, probably same time each year, they communicate with the NHL, formally or informally, to reaffirm their interest in the franchise, should it come to that decision.
Now, seriously. This is getting ridiculous. The city of Glendale was supposed to receive bids this week the management of the arena, but it's been pushed to May 31st. Beacon Sports&Entertainment will submit a proposal to Glendale by July 1st.
Do you know what else? There is currently no lease for the Coyotes in place for 2013-2014 at
The NHL appears to be doing the same dance as in years past - holding a gun to Glendale's head and saying "pay us the subsidy or we're moving the team". BUt it seems like the new mayor and council aren't playing.
I think it's happening this year.
Quote from: Barrister on May 23, 2013, 03:59:41 PM
The NHL appears to be doing the same dance as in years past - holding a gun to Glendale's head and saying "pay us the subsidy or we're moving the team". BUt it seems like the new mayor and council aren't playing.
I think it's happening this year.
I sure hope it's happenning. The city is moving ahead with its plan of repairing the old arena, making it ok by NHL standards. Everything is ready, media coverage is excellent, the fans are as extatic as Winipeg's... But, I've been so disapointed in the past, I don't want to hold my breath.
Quote from: viper37 on May 23, 2013, 02:43:06 PM
Quote from: PRC on May 22, 2013, 04:02:38 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 22, 2013, 03:40:27 PM
Quote from: PRC on May 22, 2013, 03:26:46 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 22, 2013, 02:44:40 PM
Alain Vignault is apparently fired.
That one was seen coming from a long way off. They need a change and he's the obvious first choice. Regular season record of 313-170-57 in his time there.
I'm always skeptical of the "a change needs to happen" when you're dealing with an otherwise successful coach.
In general I agree, but a coaching change is easier for a GM to make than a big trade. The Canucks have a few guys they can shop but they won't get much return for. Luongo will be gone, but they ain't get much more than a bag of pucks for him.
but it's the GM who didn't trade Luongo, it's not the coach.
And it's the GM who meets with the owners at the end of the year to decide the future and not the coach.
I don't disagree at all. I don't think Vigneault should have been fired and more of the blame for falling short belongs on Gillis's shoulders than the Vigneaults. All i'm saying is that for a team looking for a change, the easiest thing to do is to fire the coach.
Quote from: PRC on May 23, 2013, 04:18:09 PM
All i'm saying is that for a team looking for a change, the easiest thing to do is to fire the coach.
True. But as we saw sometimes, it's only a short reprive for the GM, as Gauthier learnt with the Habs.
Okay, so today could be a key, key day for the Yotes (or not - you never can tell for sure in Glendale).
Arizona Republic is reporting that the NHL has an agreement to sell the Yotes to Albertan George Gosbee.
(I can't get the AZ Republic link to work, so here is Bloomberg re-reporting it).
The NHL now has a meeting scheduled with Glendale today. The issue is going to be arena management. All previous deals hinged around the City paying the Coyotes something in the neighborhood of $15 mil per year to manage the arena. But now Glendale has sent out a RFP (Request For Proposals) to all interested parties to manage the arena, which are due May 31st. Best estimates seem to be that private arena operators would ask for around $6 mil per year.
The clock is ticking. Thrashers to Winnipeg was announced May 31st, and it is now May 28th. The options seem to be
-Glendale agrees to give the NHL / Gosbee an inflated management contract in order to help offset losses unti deal can close. New mayor has said they won't do that.
-NHL decides to keep the team in Glendale for one more year in order to close, but with nobody covering the team's losses. Bettman has said in the past they won't do that.
-team moves. Of course Bettman has said they don't want to do that either.
I'm not saying an announcement comes today, but the behind-closed-doors decision could be made today.
Leblanc & Gosbee.
Here's a blog from a former city councilor explaining why she thinks it won't work:
What I think is going to happen is that the city will tell them politely they'll wait for the result of the RFP before making their decision. May 31st is the date the RDF is due, but the city will only get the final results around mid-june.
Ah, apparently the Coyotes just made a step further toward their new home. :cool:
I can't find confirmation of that yet, but from what I hear Gosbee and Leblanc are asking 15 million$ a year for 5 years. After that, if it doesn't work, they're free to move/sell the team.
It's doubtful Glendale would agree.
Quote from: viper37 on May 28, 2013, 01:30:18 PM
Leblanc & Gosbee.
Here's a blog from a former city councilor explaining why she thinks it won't work:
What I think is going to happen is that the city will tell them politely they'll wait for the result of the RFP before making their decision. May 31st is the date the RDF is due, but the city will only get the final results around mid-june.
But mid-June is probably too late for the NHL. It locks them into playing another year in Phoenix.
So the question is - is the NHL giving Glendale a "take it or leave it" offer to Glendale in order to stay that extra year? That's what happened in 2010 after all, and it worked. And 2011 for that matter.
God damn it. :(
Sorry Jaron.
Now, onto important matters. The yearly activity is to find an owner for the Coyotes.
Glendale officials meet with NHL (
Nothing new here, Glendale is waiting to see the proposals for the arena management. Wich are exepected to be around 6million$.
Now, going back to that Quebec-NHL discussions rumor. Everyone is pointing a finger at Quebecor as it was one of their employee after all. But really, what would Quebecor gain by doing that? Pissing off the NHL knowing how pricky they are on this? It doesn't really make sense.
However, if we analyse this from the NHL's point of view, they had everything to gain. First, they put pressure on RSE, reminding them others want the franchise if they don't want it, so the price can be decent. Then, they also put pressure on Glendale by reminding them the team will stay if they open their checkbook, otherwise, there are people willing to buy and move the team.
That does not seem to work however. Glendale city council does not seem as eager as the previous one to finance hockey, or pro sports in general in their town. So Glendale will take its sweet time deciding what to do. And the NHL will have to either wait - wich means keeping the team there without city subsidy, or move the team without waiting for the city, in wich case, they'll look silly.
Looks like Glendale is calling Betman's bluff and the Coyotes will play one more year in the desert. What happens after that though... Will the NHL still try to make it work in Arizona or will they negotiate with a new owner and prepare to move the team for fall 2014? I doubt they would start negociations with Quebecor to move the team during summer, it's kinda late for that.
At this point, we don't know how stubborn Betman can be. He never deployed that much effort to keep a team in Winnipeg or Quebec city, that's a given.
Quote from: viper37 on May 29, 2013, 09:09:14 AM
At this point, we don't know how stubborn Bettman can be. He never deployed that much effort to keep a team in Winnipeg or Quebec city, that's a given.
Or Atlanta or Hartford, for that matter.
But there is one difference between all of those situations - Glendale is the only one where the city build an arena specifically for the hockey team. Winnipeg, Quebec City and Hartford all had aged arenas with no new building in sight, while Atlanta had a new building, but one that was built for both the NHL and NBA.
Still not sure how this is going to turn out. It seems inconceivable to me the NHL would stay in Glendale without a subsidy, but if they're going to pull the plug they have to do it NOW.
Atlanta, the 2011 version, is a weird one too. New Arena owner who basically tells the hockey to GTFO. There isn't much Bettman could do in that situation.
Man did Chicago get jobbed.
Damn, that's brutal.
That was incredibly fucked up.
Fucking NHL Properties.
Well, they just won anyway, so there's that.
Well, that was fortunate for the NHL.
Ha! Suck on that. What a check and turnover.
I haven't been much of a hockey fan since Roenick was a 'Hawk, but I fucking hate Detroit.
Detroit :cry:
I hope the Blackhawks crush the Kings.
Again, back to important businesses. Who cares about the last 4 Stanley Cup winners when we have an on-going drama like that? :P
NHL to partially fund the Coyotes sale (
A source close to the negotiations, who traded candor for anonymity, revealed the purchase price as $170 million. The capital structure would consist of RS&E putting in $45 million of equity, Fortress Investment Group lending $120 million (to be repaid by the fee Glendale taxpayers are going to pay the team to run the arena), and an $85 million loan from the NHL.
What that means is RSE is really only paying 45 million$ for the team, to operate it for 5 years. The NHL loans 85 million$ for 5 years wich is almost entirely used to absorb the losses of the team, on top of the revenue sharing paid for by the other teams. And Glendale tax payers pay the rest of the deal under the guise of an arena management fee.
If the team does not lose money, the NHL gets is 85 million$ back. If the team loses money, the NHL gets its 85 million$ back paid for by the revenue sharing agreement.
That means 29 teams are paying to keep a losing team in place. Again. Oh, and the tax payers of Glendale too. Who said socialism doesn't work?
Well, if it's what the owners want, if it's what Molson wants to pay to avoid getting a team in Quebec city, I can't see how we can fight that.
Yeah, that's quite the deal. If the NHL wants to go to this length then I guess the Coyotes aren't moving - at least this year.
Mind you it's still an open question whether or not RSE can come up with even $45 mil.
Quote from: PRC on April 24, 2013, 11:16:43 PM
Quote from: fahdiz on April 24, 2013, 11:05:25 PM
Oh, hey, and the 'hawks win. Again.
You must have missed the game on Monday night where they were dominated for a full 60 minutes. First round and out.
I just wanted to come back to this so I could say:
Are LA Kings fans the most obnoxious people you've ever met or what?
I have a few of my old California people STILL heckling me about their 'Stanley Cup Champion' team 'destroying' the Sharks.
3-4 more days and you'll heckle them about their team being destroyed 4-0.
Nothing new on the Coyotes front, except goalie Mike Smith doesn't want to sign for a team with no owner.
Quote from: viper37 on June 03, 2013, 01:43:54 PM
3-4 more days and you'll heckle them about their team being destroyed 4-0.
:yes: It's a terrible misfortune for them to have to face the 'hawks.
Could have been the leafs :weep:
Probably not, but still.
Quote from: HVC on June 03, 2013, 09:13:35 PM
Could have been the leafs :weep:
Probably not, but still.
Has the Cup Parade been cancelled yet?
Quote from: Neil on June 03, 2013, 10:25:56 PM
Quote from: HVC on June 03, 2013, 09:13:35 PM
Could have been the leafs :weep:
Probably not, but still.
Has the Cup Parade been cancelled yet?
we started planning for next year :D
It's going bad for the Penguins. Damn. They have what, 2 goals in 3 games now? I watched 2nd and 3rd period, wasn't impressed by the Penguins attack, it seemed half hearted at times.
Bye Penguins! Bye LA!
Quote from: Jaron on June 06, 2013, 07:09:53 PM
Bye Penguins! Bye LA!
it ain't over 'til it's over.
Still, seeing how they played the first 3 games, I think the Penguins are dead. I haven't seen much of LA this year, I can't really comment. Stupid timezones. When I rule the world, I shall abolish them so I can watch western hockey teams at a decent time.
Quote from: viper37 on June 07, 2013, 09:34:53 AM
Quote from: Jaron on June 06, 2013, 07:09:53 PM
Bye Penguins! Bye LA!
it ain't over 'til it's over.
Still, seeing how they played the first 3 games, I think the Penguins are dead. I haven't seen much of LA this year, I can't really comment. Stupid timezones. When I rule the world, I shall abolish them so I can watch western hockey teams at a decent time.
Wouldn't it just be easier to move someplace decent?
Quote from: Neil on June 07, 2013, 10:29:42 AM
Quote from: viper37 on June 07, 2013, 09:34:53 AM
Quote from: Jaron on June 06, 2013, 07:09:53 PM
Bye Penguins! Bye LA!
it ain't over 'til it's over.
Still, seeing how they played the first 3 games, I think the Penguins are dead. I haven't seen much of LA this year, I can't really comment. Stupid timezones. When I rule the world, I shall abolish them so I can watch western hockey teams at a decent time.
Wouldn't it just be easier to move someplace decent?
then I'd complain about not watching the eastern games at a decent time ;)
Quote from: viper37 on June 07, 2013, 01:12:13 PM
Quote from: Neil on June 07, 2013, 10:29:42 AM
Quote from: viper37 on June 07, 2013, 09:34:53 AM
Quote from: Jaron on June 06, 2013, 07:09:53 PM
Bye Penguins! Bye LA!
it ain't over 'til it's over.
Still, seeing how they played the first 3 games, I think the Penguins are dead. I haven't seen much of LA this year, I can't really comment. Stupid timezones. When I rule the world, I shall abolish them so I can watch western hockey teams at a decent time.
Wouldn't it just be easier to move someplace decent?
then I'd complain about not watching the eastern games at a decent time ;)
Earlier games are better though. Having the eastern games start at 5-6 and finish at a decent time is a pleasure and a joy.
See ya, Penguins. You could have at least put up a bit of a fight. Or maybe they did and they just couldn't withstand the Bruins. I almost wish the Kings would win their series so I could enjoy watching the Bruins tear them apart, but that would mean having to endure Kings fans bragging about reaching the finals two straight years.
Iginla is the classic example of the player who has held on too long. He'll still have his good games next season... but for every one good game he will have seven games where he is invisible and two games where he's atrocious.
Quote from: Jaron on June 07, 2013, 10:36:44 PM
See ya, Penguins. You could have at least put up a bit of a fight. Or maybe they did and they just couldn't withstand the Bruins. I almost wish the Kings would win their series so I could enjoy watching the Bruins tear them apart, but that would mean having to endure Kings fans bragging about reaching the finals two straight years.
Don't worry; the Kings won't make it :)
Early still, but I think you called it. ;)
Boston vs. Chicago.
Game 1 tonight. The Bruins are going to be tough as nails but I think Chicago can do it. I think it will be down to the wire, and I think we'll see some overtime battles.
Chicago in 7.
This game is giving me heart palpitations.
Fucking finally, crazy game, great goalie play
Amazing stuff. Best playoffs of any sport, and one of the most amazing games I've watched. Hats off to all the players and coaches tonight for putting on one hell of a show. :worthy:
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on June 13, 2013, 12:07:13 AM
Amazing stuff. Best playoffs of any sport, and one of the most amazing games I've watched. Hats off to all the players and coaches tonight for putting on one hell of a show. :worthy:
Ditto to this. I ended up watching the entire game in a bar and drinking myself silly because it took so fucking long. There was a contingent of Chicago fans at the bar and we all roared when the final goal was scored.
Deal - another - reached between Glendale, the NHL and a new owner for the Coyotes.
Yet another overtime for the hawks. :XD:
QuoteCoyotes Sale: NHL meets with Seattle mayor about KeyArena
By Jon Benne on Jun 16 2013, 6:11p
Steven Bisig-USA TODAY Sports
Seattle mayor Mike McGinn confirmed that he met with the NHL about the possibility of hosting a team in KeyArena. The wheels are starting to turn on bringing a team in Seattle.
As the city of Glendale approaches a vote on the sale of the Phoenix Coyotes, the city of Seattle is starting to make their move. Seattle mayor Mike McGinn confirmed, via Chris Daniels of KING 5, that he has met with NHL commissioner Gary Bettman about the possibility of moving the team to the city.
The NHL has also met with the Seattle City Council. McGinn says that a representative from Chris Hansen's group introduced him to potential investors two weeks ago. Daniels confirmed that those investors are Ray Bartoszek and Anthony Lanza.
CBC's Hockey Night in Canada Hotstove reported earlier that Glendale will hold a city council meeting to potentially approve a sale on June 25. A local ownership group has a "handshake agreement" to buy the team, but if the deal isn't approved by the city, Bartoszek and Lanza could move the team to Seattle as early as the 2013-14 season.
If the Coyotes do move to Seattle, it's assumed that they will play in KeyArena until a new facility is built. Hansen's group has an arena plan in place, but that deal is now up in the air after he failed to buy the Sacramento Kings.
KeyArena is hardly an ideal NHL spot, and there are still a lot of hurdles to clear. For now, however, McGinn and the investor group seem optimistic about their chances of bringing professional hockey to Seattle.
QuotePhoenix Coyotes moving to Seattle? Roenick reportedly part of Plan B for NHL
By Sean Leahy
Getty ImagesDuring their press availability before Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final on Wednesday, NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman and Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly discussed the on-going Phoenix Coyotes ownership situation and the need for a resolution. Four years after they were put into bankruptcy, the team remains without an owner, with the league running it since.
During CBC's Hockey Night in Canada Hotstove segment Saturday, the future plans of the Coyotes became a bit clearer, with a report that Plan B for the franchise to a move to Seattle.
According to Elliotte Friedman, the Vancouver Canucks, who announced on Friday that their AHL team was moving to Utica, N.Y., originally had planned to put it in Seattle in KeyArena. Turns out, they were told "it was not available for hockey," reported Friedman.
In a twist, turns out it is available for hockey: NHL hockey, that is. Plan B for the NHL and Coyotes, if the latest candidate doesn't go through with the purchase, is to sell the team to investors Ray Bartoszek and Anthony Lanza, who previously engaged in discussions to purchase a 49-percent stake in the New York Mets in 2011, for $220 million. According to Glenn Healy, if those two do not get what they want by July 2 from the city of Glendale, then they would move the team to The Emerald City. Part of the new ownership group would be former NHLer and current NBC analyst Jeremy Roenick, who would help run the hockey operations department.
KeyArena would be a temporary home until a new facility is built, something Chris Hansen has been working on in his quest to bring basketball back to Seattle.
It appears that the Coyotes saga will come to an end one way or another before next season. We've come a long way since Jim Balsillie, haven't we?
This seems more like a squeeze play for Phoenix to be honest. I can't imagine the NHL wants to play out of the 11,000 seat Key Arena.
They did something similar last winter here in Edmonton. During negotiations in for a new arena Oilers management took a very conspicuous trip to Seattle and met with city officials. That time it actually backfired on them -the idea they'd leave Edmonton, where they make money hand over fist, for the unknown market of Seattle was laughable.
Not sure what this says about Quebec City though...
Quote from: Barrister on June 17, 2013, 09:21:32 AM
Not sure what this says about Quebec City though...
3 things:
1) The NHL doesn't want to come back ot Quebec city, they never did and the current owners don't like Peladeau (the guys from Bell and Molson specifically and Thompson is also rumored to be no friend).
2) They hope to make a ton of money with an expansion in Quebec city while no one would pay for that in Seattle or Vegas
3) They realize the only viable plan B is Quebec city but they hope to gauge more money from Quebecor.
Imho, it's a combination of 1&2. I doubt very much I'll be seeing a team in Quebec city for the near future.
What do owners think doesn't have much bearing on anything. It's all Betmann's show.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 17, 2013, 12:43:15 PM
What do owners think doesn't have much bearing on anything. It's all Betmann's show.
But Betman need the owners on his side or ultimately he loses his job.
He only needs 6 owners & he's one of them.
I agree with you on Peladeau, I'm just saying it's not Molson & Thompson that are making it hard, it's Bettman.
Quote from: Barrister on June 17, 2013, 09:21:32 AM
This seems more like a squeeze play for Phoenix to be honest. I can't imagine the NHL wants to play out of the 11,000 seat Key Arena.
The intention isn't to stay at Key, do you know how to read Beeb?
Quote from: katmai on June 17, 2013, 03:31:35 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 17, 2013, 09:21:32 AM
This seems more like a squeeze play for Phoenix to be honest. I can't imagine the NHL wants to play out of the 11,000 seat Key Arena.
The intention isn't to stay at Key, do you know how to read Beeb?
But there's no other arena, nor any plans to build one currently, afaik. Or am I wrong? Do you have an arena project under construction?
Until last week-end, there were no prospective owner in Seattle, the deal was to get both NBA&NHL franchise, maybe just NBA, but certainly not just NHL.
Quote from: katmai on June 17, 2013, 03:31:35 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 17, 2013, 09:21:32 AM
This seems more like a squeeze play for Phoenix to be honest. I can't imagine the NHL wants to play out of the 11,000 seat Key Arena.
The intention isn't to stay at Key, do you know how to read Beeb?
But the plan *IS* to play out of Key Arena until a new arena is built.
Quote from: viper37 on June 17, 2013, 03:46:39 PM
But there's no other arena, nor any plans to build one currently, afaik. Or am I wrong?
You are not wrong, the other plan for arena is sitting there and the city council wants to review as that was based as you say on NBA team first, NHL secondary.
He I'm as surprised by this as anyone. From reading the Seattle sports reporters this is a very fast moving project.
I thought my wedding was pretty good, but this couple had a better one.
That's right - their marriage was a Hartford Whalers themed wedding:
How your wife ever agreed to marry you...
The Hartford Whalers? Wow they must be old.
Quote from: Valmy on June 18, 2013, 11:48:20 PM
The Hartford Whalers? Wow they must be old.
You don't have to be old to reminisce about the return of WHA teams to the NHL. :mad:
Quote from: Barrister on June 18, 2013, 11:44:03 PM
I thought my wedding was pretty good, but this couple had a better one.
That's right - their marriage was a Hartford Whalers themed wedding:
How could that possibly be better than your wedding!?
The fattest bridesmaid couldn't even wear a tube-top dress and the shade of her mismatched curtain is a different cast than what everyone else is wearing... and fatty looks like the happiest one there.
It's a lame, gimmicky, grasping event that can only end in tears and spouse-breach.
How could your wedding conceivably be worse than this farce!?
Mayor Labaume of Quebec City sounds very positive about getting a team for September, although of course he didn't actually say anything...
BB, the article is dated april 30th:
Le 30 avril 2013 à 16h26 | TVA Sports / Patrick Caisse
All he says he's that there might be a team available, and he will do everything he can, along his partners, to get it. It says nothing else really, because he doesn't know anything.
And the construction strike will complicate matters. There will be delays for the new arena, and the old one can not be renovated either.
So it is. Ignore please. :Embarrass:
Glendale city council has pushed back it's decision the June 29th, possibly July 5th.
I think they want to try Bettman's bluff.
In my opinion, Bettman is fucked with this. He really doesn't want to be seen as the "bad guy" who will move the team, but he sure doesn't want to finance the full losses of the team. And there are some contracts expiring by June 30th...
And it's getting too late to move a team. Anywhere. Who wants a team in July with no arena ready, no coach, no goalie, lots of free-agents? All for a price in excess of 170M$?
The NHL will likely have to support a team for a full year, with no help from Glendale this time, so that means 25-30M$ less in their pockets by the end of the year.
I still don't trust the news about these mysterious owners in Seattle willing to pay 220M$ for this year. But if they think they can make it work, well, so be it.
They don't talk about dates, but it's still an update:
Hossa missed the morning skate but is supposed to play tonight. You think he'll get on the board for the 'hawks or do you think he'll be playing at less than 100%?
Quote from: viper37 on June 19, 2013, 03:31:46 PM
Glendale city council has pushed back it's decision the June 29th, possibly July 5th.
I think they want to try Bettman's bluff.
In my opinion, Bettman is fucked with this. He really doesn't want to be seen as the "bad guy" who will move the team, but he sure doesn't want to finance the full losses of the team. And there are some contracts expiring by June 30th...
And it's getting too late to move a team. Anywhere. Who wants a team in July with no arena ready, no coach, no goalie, lots of free-agents? All for a price in excess of 170M$?
The NHL will likely have to support a team for a full year, with no help from Glendale this time, so that means 25-30M$ less in their pockets by the end of the year.
I still don't trust the news about these mysterious owners in Seattle willing to pay 220M$ for this year. But if they think they can make it work, well, so be it.
I think Seattle is a bluff to be honest. There just isn't time to move a team. Quebec City at least has some infrastructure on the ground (remember it's not just the on-ice stuff - you have to sell ads and tickets and the like), but there's nothing in Seattle.
But Phoenix does seem to be pushing back.
Questions remains about Coyotes deal (
What I edited above. Basically, they have questions, and they want to review carefully their other proposals for the arena.
They're not saying yes, they're not saying no, but they're calling the NHL bluff.
Little known about potential Coyotes' buyers
Ray Bartoszek and Anthony Lanza are New Yorkers and hedge-fund investors who don't have many ties to Seattle, but want to bring the struggling Phoenix Coyotes franchise to the city.
By Percy Allen
Seattle Times staff reporter
Unlike Chris Hansen, who grew up a Sonics fan in Seattle, the men hoping to bring a major professional hockey franchise to town don't have many connections to the city.
Raymond Bartoszek and Anthony Lanza are Westchester, N.Y., natives and lifelong New York Mets fans.
In 2011 they failed to become minority partners in the Mets and later that year, Bartoszek purchased an undisclosed stake in the New York Yankees.
"They heard that I was a baseball guy, that I was a New Yorker," Bartoszek told Newsday. "They asked me if I'd be interested in joining their team.
"When the Yankees call, you gotta listen."
The same could have been said of Hansen when a representative of the San Francisco-based hedge-fund millionaire introduced Bartoszek and Lanza to local officials, who began discussions about the NHL in Seattle two weeks ago.
The two men described in general terms their plan to purchase the Phoenix Coyotes from the NHL if the league's deal with another prospective ownership group falls apart.
Early in the conversations, Councilman Tim Burgess said it was apparent the New York investors had a different message than Hansen, who wants to return the Sonics to Seattle.
"One of them clearly had more sports motivation than the other," Burgess said. "The other one was very business-oriented and was looking for an investment that would have long-term benefits. Neither one of them struck me as Chris Hansen, who I'm sure has a business orientation towards the NBA, but clearly has a lot of Seattle motivation and basketball motivation.
"They didn't strike me as having that. They spoke very highly of Seattle as a media market and recognized as it relates to the NHL that this market had great potential and had not been tapped and they wanted to be hopefully a part of that. Beyond that they weren't that detailed."
Still, Burgess said the mayor's office and the potential hockey owners "have a framework, an understanding as to what the lease agreement would look like and how they could use KeyArena for two, three or four seasons if a team were awarded here." Burgess said Bartoszek and Lanza agreed to assume financial responsibility for improvements to KeyArena if the NHL team began playing in Seattle next season.
The New York investors also asked about the Memorandum of Understanding between Hansen, the city and Metropolitan King County Council on a $490 million downtown arena. The agreement demands Hansen acquire an NBA franchise before construction begins.
Burgess said changing the MOU and starting the project early for hockey "would present some significant questions and challenges." Burgess described the meeting with Bartoszek and Lanza as an initial introduction, which makes sense because they're considered baseball enthusiasts with low profiles in the sports community.
Bartoszek, 48, a resident of Greenwich, Conn., graduated from the United States Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point in 1986. He made a fortune as an oil trader for Glencore International, a Switzerland-based giant commodities trader.
Lanza, 46, is the son of Frank Lanza, who founded L-3 Communications, which is one of the nation's largest military contractors. In 2009 Anthony Lanza began the private equity firm Carriage House Partners, where Bartoszek is a partner.
"A couple of years ago they led a group trying buy into the Mets, which would have been a significant investment," said Andrew Zimbalist, an economist at Smith College. "But even in baseball circles, I'm not sure they have a big reputation.
"I'll admit their connection to hockey and Seattle is unclear, but if they're willing to commit millions to the team, then the NHL has to listen."
The league is waiting for negotiations to be resolved between prospective ownership group Renaissance Sports & Entertainment and the Glendale City Council on a rental deal.
At issue is the management of the city-owned Arena where the Coyotes have played since 2003. The city has budgeted $6 million while the RSE group reportedly is targeting $13-15 million.
Contrary to recent reports that a deal is imminent, there was no resolution when the Glendale Council met Tuesday.
Commissioner Gary Bettman hopes the two sides are able to agree on a lease agreement before next Tuesday's council meeting. Without an arena lease there's speculation RSE's deal to buy the team will collapse and the NHL, which has owned the team since 2009, would sell to Bartoszek and Lanza.
"For a long time I thought the team is not viable in Phoenix and it is certainly viable in Seattle," Zimbalist said. "They've been trying to make it work in Glendale now for three years. They haven't been able to find a situation that works. That's because the situation doesn't work.
"It's not economically feasible to have a team down there. It's costing the other owners in revenue sharing, loss at the gate and media revenue. Seattle is a good choice for several reasons, but most importantly there's investors who have stepped up and want to move a team there."
Glendale gets more time (
The Glendale, Ariz., City Council has gotten an extra week to deliberate a possible deal to keep the NHL's Phoenix Coyotes, but the plan has hit a new snag.
Los Angeles Kings Phoenix Coyotes
The Phoenix Coyotes and Los Angeles Kings face off at Arena in Glendale, Ariz. (Christian Petersen/Getty Images)
Not surprisingly, it's all about money.
An ownership group that wants to buy the league-owned Coyotes also wants the city of Glendale to pay it $15 million a year to operate the city's Arena, where the NHL team plays. But the City Council has budgeted only $6.5 million.
Before it offers to bridge that funding gap, Glendale wants the potential owners to guarantee the city's proposed cut of revenue from the Coyotes, amounting to $7 million to $8 million from sources like arena naming rights, game parking and ticket surcharges, according to a report from The Arizona Republic newspaper.
Yet the Republic's Dan Bickley wrote Thursday that the ownership group, Renaissance Sports and Entertainment, "won't go down that road." The disagreement could be a "potential deal-killer," Bickley wrote.
Which could mean the Coyotes may soon be available for Seattle, where an alternative ownership group has reportedly made an offer to the NHL to buy the team for $220 million — more than Renaissance's $170 million offer.
Nevertheless, the Glendale City Council now has until its July 2 meeting to make a decision. The NHL has agreed to wait until then rather than the council's June 25 session, though league Commissioner Gary Bettman has said time is quickly running out.
"We're getting to the point where some decisions are going to have to be made," Bettman said last week, noting that the NHL still doesn't know where the Coyotes will play next season.
"There are a number of markets that have been expressing interests to us over the years," Bettman added, according to numerous reports. "And the phone keeps ringing more regularly as long as the Coyotes situation stays unresolved."
Citing an anonymous source, the Republic's Bickley reported that Glendale won't have "a minute longer" than the July 2 meeting to agree with Renaissance on an arena-operating deal. If the plan falls through, Renaissance likely won't have the financing it needs to purchase the Coyotes and keep them in Arizona.
"That also means the nuts-and-bolts negotiating must be done by the end of an electronic session scheduled for Friday, according to the source," Bickley wrote. "If there is no clarity or progress, it could set the Coyotes in motion, and on the road to Seattle."
So, either way, we will be fixed by July 2nd.
Gretzky is on our side! (
The Great One firmly believes the NHL will return to Quebec City.
The Quebec capital has been without an NHL franchise since the Nordiques left in 1995. But hockey legend Wayne Gretzky said Tuesday his gut feeling is that Quebec City will again have its own pro hockey franchise.
"I think it's only a matter of time before Quebec City is going to get a franchise," Gretzky told reporters at the Joe Carter Classic Golf Tournament. "Listen, I think we all agree it's a good city and it can support an NHL team, especially now with the salary cap rules and the parity we have in the game of hockey.
"When that's going to be, it's anybody's guess but when they do come back in, it's going to be a strong, solid franchise just like Winnipeg is now and it will be as successful as they are."
The NHL made a triumphant return to Winnipeg in 2011 when the Atlanta Thrashers relocated there and were renamed the Jets. The original Winnipeg Jets operated in the NHL from 1979 until 1996 when they left for Phoenix.
The Quebec Nordiques were founded in 1972 and played in the World Hockey Association before joining the NHL in '79. But following the 1994-'95 season the franchise was sold, moved to Denver and renamed the Colorado Avalanche.
To add insult to injury for Quebec hockey fans, the Avs won the Stanley Cup their first year in Denver.
Future of Coyotes
The uncertainty surrounding the NHL's future in Phoenix has helped fuel speculation Quebec City could be a potential landing spot for the Coyotes. Trouble is, Seattle has also been mentioned as a frontrunner for the troubled club, which is currently owned and operated by the league.
Renaissance Sports & Entertainment is trying to purchase the Coyotes and keep them in Arizona. But Glendale city council must decide whether to accept a tentative lease agreement with the group.
Talk around hockey circles is if the deal isn't accepted, the Coyotes could be playing elsewhere next season. Gretzky, 52, was a part-owner in Phoenix as well as the club's head coach (2005-'06 to 2008-'09) following his playing career but couldn't shed any light on his former club's future.
"Honestly, I've not followed it at all," he said. "I don't live in Arizona anymore and you probably know more about it than I do.
"I'd be just guessing if I said anything . . . and probably so would you."
Despite the Coyotes' struggles in Phoenix, Gretzky feels there is potential for an NHL club to succeed there.
"It's a great city and it's a great sports city," he said. "When you look at franchises . . . Columbus is a great example: They turned their season around this year, they started winning, they got some excitement, they started selling out again.
"Phoenix is a very good sports city and hopefully they get the right owner that can go in there and keep that franchise in Phoenix."
Gretzky's illustrious NHL career spanned 20 seasons and was spent with four teams (Edmonton, LA, St. Louis and New York Rangers). He retired following the '98-'99 season and the four-time Stanley Cup champion with the Oilers remains the game's all-time leader in goals (894), assists (1,963) and points (2,857).
The six-foot, 189-pound of Brantford, Ont., was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame shortly after he retired.
Wayne. You're supposed to be pushing for a new franchise in a "Canadian" city, not city that hates our country.
Detroit and Buffalo are more Canadian than the center of the separatist movement. Try and find one Canadian flag in that displaced European outpost of xenophobes and racists.
A Neil wannabe? :)
Looks like pretty much says the same as vipers PI link :)
D-Day for Phoenix Coyotes? Deal for team hits snag
By Dan Bickley, columnist azcentral sports Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:15 AM
The voice on the phone sounded urgent.
"It's the most important 24 hours in the history of the Phoenix Coyotes," the source said.
Here's the latest:
To complete its financing, the Renaissance Sports and Entertainment group needs a firm commitment from the Glendale City Council. They need a number on paper. They say they need $15 million annually.
The city has budgeted $6.5 million for management of Arena.
To bridge that $8.5 million gap, the two parties have negotiated revenue streams that will theoretically benefit both sides. The city will get a cut of parking, which will no longer be free for Coyotes fans. It gets a cut of future naming rights, which expire in 2016. It's get a portion of ticket surcharge, and will oversee an escrow account that could pay the city even more money.
On paper, it could amount to $7-8 million of new revenue for Glendale every year.
But word is, the city of Glendale wants that number guaranteed. RSE won't go down that road. And some fear that snag could be a potential deal-killer.
RSE's Anthony LeBlanc wouldn't comment on negotiations, but wanted to address his group's intentions and loyalty to the Phoenix market.
"We're not doing this to relocate the team," LeBlanc said. "If we end up exercising an out clause, it's going to mean that we lost a whole lot of money. And the way things are trending, we really believe this franchise will be in the middle of the pack in the NHL in terms of revenue generated."
But time is getting short. The NHL has agreed to wait until a July 2nd meeting for a proposed deal to go to vote, but not a minute longer. That would make next Tuesday's meeting informational by nature, and allow the city time to make the proposal public, to satisfy the need for transparency.
That also means the nuts-and-bolts negotiating must be done by the end of an electronic session scheduled for Friday, according to the source. If there is no clarity or progress, it could set the Coyotes in motion, and on the road to Seattle.
Quote from: viper37 on June 20, 2013, 05:49:20 PM
Wayne. You're supposed to be pushing for a new franchise in a "Canadian" city, not city that hates our country.
Detroit and Buffalo are more Canadian than the center of the separatist movement. Try and find one Canadian flag in that displaced European outpost of xenophobes and racists.
A Neil wannabe? :)
Sounds like something Raz would post.
Quote from: Valmy on June 21, 2013, 08:29:08 AM
Quote from: viper37 on June 20, 2013, 05:49:20 PM
Wayne. You're supposed to be pushing for a new franchise in a "Canadian" city, not city that hates our country.
Detroit and Buffalo are more Canadian than the center of the separatist movement. Try and find one Canadian flag in that displaced European outpost of xenophobes and racists.
A Neil wannabe? :)
Sounds like something Raz would post.
Yes, especially the part about "the center of the seperatist movement" when the majority in the area voted "no" twice.
I would think that urban areas would be more likely to vote 'no' and be less likely to vote for the racists and xenophobes that dominate the PQ.
But they're pushing it awfully late if they're planning on moving the team. It seems to me that this is a surrender.
Quote from: Neil on June 21, 2013, 09:55:32 AM
I would think that urban areas would be more likely to vote 'no' and be less likely to vote for the racists and xenophobes that dominate the PQ.
Well, Montreal, can be split in two: the racist anglos of the West-Island, building fences to protect themselves from the hordes of filthy French Canadians, and the Eastside. West votes no&Liberal no matter what, east vote yes and seldom change party affiliation, but still more often than the west.
QuoteBut they're pushing it awfully late if they're planning on moving the team. It seems to me that this is a surrender.
Quebecor has made a few moves that could be interpreted that they are preparing for a move... But, frankly, I don't think they can do it in time. The old arena is better than anything in the aforementionned cities, but it's not up to par with NHL regulations.[/quote]
About time this season ended.
Fantastic game, epic series, brilliant finish.
If you didn't love that series, even if you're a fan of neither Boston nor Chicago, I seriously question your hockey cred.
Quote from: fhdz on June 01, 2013, 11:25:25 AM
Quote from: PRC on April 24, 2013, 11:16:43 PM
Quote from: fahdiz on April 24, 2013, 11:05:25 PM
Oh, hey, and the 'hawks win. Again.
You must have missed the game on Monday night where they were dominated for a full 60 minutes. First round and out.
I just wanted to come back to this so I could say:
Your team did it! Kudos! :bowler:
Agreed, fhdz. One heck of a series. A great later playoffs as a whole as well. I loved seeing Buffalo's own Patrick Kane win the CS and a second Cup. It's probably the closest I'll come to seeing the Sabres ever win. :weep:
Thank God its over.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 25, 2013, 12:43:05 PM
Thank God its over.
Finally we can all focus on the NBA...oh wait.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 25, 2013, 12:43:05 PM
Thank God its over.
Not to mention with the correct result!
Well now we have an almost insane amount of off-season activity packed into about 7 days. Draft is coming up on Sunday, with free agency coming on (July 2nd)? Curious to see if the Jets make any moves...
Quote from: Barrister on June 25, 2013, 12:51:56 PM
Curious to see if the Jets make any moves...
The only move I'm interested in is the one in Glendale :P
Quote from: Barrister on June 25, 2013, 12:51:56 PM
Well now we have an almost insane amount of off-season activity packed into about 7 days. Draft is coming up on Sunday, with free agency coming on (July 2nd)? Curious to see if the Jets make any moves...
Quote from: viper37 on June 25, 2013, 01:03:23 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 25, 2013, 12:51:56 PM
Curious to see if the Jets make any moves...
The only move I'm interested in is the one in Glendale :P
Just when you thought the deal couldn't get any worse for Glendale, it does...
QuoteCity Hall, escrow account come into play in Coyotes saga
Published: Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 10:20am
Tippett's importance to Coyotes can't be overstated Tippett's coaching skills, style have worked wonders for Coyotes. GLENDALE, Ariz. – They're playing politics in Glendale. Get ready for a wild, week-long ride of expertly timed leaks of information in attempt to influence public opinion -- both by groups supporting and those attempting to scuttle a deal keeping the Coyotes at Arena.
On Monday, multiple reports surfaced that Glendale might use City Hall as collateral to borrow $30 million to help pay off two $25 million commitments the city made to the National Hockey League for arena management fees. The fees were made in exchange for the league operating Arena in fiscal years 2011 and 2012.
If the council approves the plan, city officials would seek a one-time, up-front payment of $30 million from outside investors, and lease back the City Hall complex for a 20-year period.
The information clearly casts a dark cloud over the city's past dealings with the team, and a dark cloud over the current negotiations on a Arena lease with Renaissance Sports and Entertainment, the prospective ownership group headed by George Gosbee and Anthony LeBlanc.
Here's the flip side: One of those $25 million payments (from 2012) has not been collected by the league yet. There is $20 million sitting in an escrow account and $5 million which the city hasn't yet paid (the city didn't pay the NHL anything during the 2013 lockout-shortened season).
In the latest concession to the city, the NHL has agreed to allow repayment of that money over a five-year period, allowing Glendale to use the money in the meantime and possibly earn interest, multiple sources have confirmed to FOX Sports Arizona.
Council member Gary Sherwood had previously wondered if the NHL were leaving the money in escrow for such a purpose, to help ease any financial burden on the city, and that has now been confirmed.
However, if the RSE deal fails and the Coyotes relocate, the NHL would require Glendale to repay the entire $25 million immediately.
The council will further discuss the RSE deal Tuesday during an executive session and is expected to vote on leveraging city hall during its regular Tuesday session. Two city sources said Glendale is expected to make public details of the proposed RSE deal early Wednesday.
Quote from: Barrister on June 25, 2013, 12:51:56 PM
Well now we have an almost insane amount of off-season activity packed into about 7 days. Draft is coming up on Sunday, with free agency coming on (July 2nd)? Curious to see if the Jets make any moves...
5th. Buyouts starts 48h after the end of the final altho I'm unsure when the timer actually started.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 25, 2013, 01:26:16 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 25, 2013, 12:51:56 PM
Well now we have an almost insane amount of off-season activity packed into about 7 days. Draft is coming up on Sunday, with free agency coming on (July 2nd)? Curious to see if the Jets make any moves...
5th. Buyouts starts 48h after the end of the final altho I'm unsure when the timer actually started.
Apparently plenty of players have already been told they're being bought out.
Quote from: Barrister on June 25, 2013, 01:29:33 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 25, 2013, 01:26:16 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 25, 2013, 12:51:56 PM
Well now we have an almost insane amount of off-season activity packed into about 7 days. Draft is coming up on Sunday, with free agency coming on (July 2nd)? Curious to see if the Jets make any moves...
5th. Buyouts starts 48h after the end of the final altho I'm unsure when the timer actually started.
Apparently plenty of players have already been told they're being bought out.
Bryzgalov, Brière, and Lecavalier, I think, among others.
Of course, according to Montreal media, they're all heading there. I suppose one will tell us some player already ordered gloves or something...
Blackhawks look ahead (
good analysis of where Fahdiz's team is headed (hint: not into oblivion :) ).
Nothing new on the Glendale front (
Glendale has pushed back vote on NHL payments of the arena management fees wich was supposed to be held yesterday night. they still don't know if they will meet the NHL July 2nd deadline.
Yet more news from Glendale:
QuoteGlendale city council to force July 2 vote on Coyotes' future
Published: Wednesday, June 26, 2013, 9:54am
Some time during the Glendale City Council's executive session Tuesday afternoon, the coalition of council members in favor of a Arena lease deal with Renaissance Sports and Entertainment (RSE) fell apart.
They lost faith in all of the information they'd been comfortable with — swayed by a communications blitz of repackaged concerns spearheaded by Mayor Jerry Weiers.
There was no way the council could produce deal points for a one-week public vetting prior to a July 2 vote on the future of the Phoenix Coyotes because there was no deal. The deal was dead.
Meanwhile, just out of a series of meetings with the NHL in New York, one of RSE's principals, Anthony LeBlanc, was celebrating his 43rd birthday when he got the news. Feeling betrayed and utterly spent after a lengthy effort to buy the Phoenix Coyotes, LeBlanc instructed his attorneys to pull his arena-lease bid off the table.
With Renaissance out of the picture, less than two days before the NHL Board of Governors was due to meet, the fate of the Phoenix Coyotes was sealed. NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman was told it was time for Plan B — whatever that might be.
Then the Coyotes ownership saga did what it always does: It veered in another direction.
Somehow, in the last hours of Tuesday and the wee hours of Wednesday morning, everything changed. The deal gained new life, its supporters decided to give it one more go and Wednesday morning the deal points were being prepared for release to the public.
Sources told FOX Sports Arizona on Wednesday that council member Gary Sherwood and Vice Mayor Yvonne Knaack will force a vote on the deal on July 2, a tactic that is well within their rights. Four yes votes are required for passage in what is believed to a make-or-break vote for the team's future in Glendale.
The release of the deal points and contract also comes just ahead of a deadline the NHL had set for the release of such information: At the end of the business day, Wednesday — in anticipation of Thursday's Board of Governors meeting.
Where do we go from here? Given the rampant and rapid twists and turns this story has taken over the past four years, no one can say. Opponents of this deal still want more guarantees on revenue that RSE will not give, reasoning that both sides should assume some risk in a business deal, and that Glendale bears some burden because it chose to build the arena.
This much, however, can be safely predicted: There will be more behind-the-scenes shenanigans, more political plays, more alliances being leveraged.
Behind the scenes, other ownership groups may continue their quest through local lobbyists or local attorneys.
Some of the questions surround John Kaites, a longtime chum of Weiers with deep business ties to the city who visits City Hall frequently and has long been pursuing the purchase of this team. What are his ties to one of the two arena-management bids that are up for consideration if the Coyotes leave, and what will he and his elected buddy do if this deal appears to have traction?
Will Matthew Hulsizer's representatives offer more infusions of equity into RSE's deal out of the goodness of their hearts, as multiple sources say they have proposed? Or will they finally realize everyone knows there are very real strings attached — in the form of a prominent role in the hockey operations department that might end GM Don Maloney's relationship with the team?
Maybe public opinion will hold some sway. Maybe another well-timed release of a red herring will alter the climate once again, as some believe Tuesday's idea of leveraging City Hall did to the uninitiated in this saga. Maybe the mayor has another power play up his sleeve.
But the deal points are expected to be on the table later Wednesday for everyone to see, so there can at least be some clarity.
If the city decides to go ahead with this deal, the votes will tell who shares the credit or blame for whatever the Coyotes do in Glendale from here on out.
And if the deal fails, it should be abundantly clear now that Weiers is the responsible party.
If the city comes out the other end of the Coyotes deal in fine shape, Weiers should get the credit and congratulations for his foresight.
But if Westgate falters, businesses close, Arena fails to secure enough events in a highly competitive market, city revenue falls and the picture turns as bleak as some have suggested it will, that, too, will be on Weiers.
So July 2 is The Date.
Quote from: viper37 on June 26, 2013, 01:02:09 PM
Blackhawks look ahead (
good analysis of where Fahdiz's team is headed (hint: not into oblivion :) ).
It's a young team, and very talented at that. Crawford's going to continue to improve in goal, too.
Here's the executive summary of the proposed arena deal, now being published by the COG:
Points out that COG assumes all the risk, while the proposed owners still have an out clause after 5 years...
Looking for a news report, but from Twitter Bettman is saying COG must approve lease by July 2nd, or else he doesn't think the team will be there next year.
Also says "there are relocation options" and when asked about QC he "wouldn't rule it out".
When it's done, I'll celebrate. Not a minute before.
Quote from: viper37 on June 27, 2013, 08:55:24 PM
When it's done, I'll celebrate. Not a minute before.
Oh, I'm definitely not saying you should celebrate.
But the game is still afoot.
Quote from: viper37 on June 27, 2013, 08:55:24 PM
When it's done, I'll celebrate. Not a minute before.
very kind of you to celebrate the Seattle team. :)
Quote from: katmai on June 27, 2013, 11:39:23 PM
Quote from: viper37 on June 27, 2013, 08:55:24 PM
When it's done, I'll celebrate. Not a minute before.
very kind of you to celebrate the Seattle team. :)
it will simply prove the hypocrisy of the league. It would be almost enough to become a basketball fan. Almost.
Quote from: viper37 on June 28, 2013, 10:15:09 AM
It would be almost enough to become a basketball fan. Almost.
Trying to become like the NBA is what has hurt the NHL so much. Screw Stern and his Bettman monster.
Quote from: viper37 on June 28, 2013, 10:15:09 AM
Quote from: katmai on June 27, 2013, 11:39:23 PM
Quote from: viper37 on June 27, 2013, 08:55:24 PM
When it's done, I'll celebrate. Not a minute before.
very kind of you to celebrate the Seattle team. :)
it will simply prove the hypocrisy of the league. It would be almost enough to become a basketball fan. Almost.
One of last columns i read from Seattle posited the theory that NHL would rather move team to Seattle just because they know Quebec City would pony up money for expansion team. ;)
yes, I know that, I've talked about it earlier.
I don't get that, myself. How is an existing team which is available for relocation worth $170 mil, but an expansion team (where you have to build everything from scratch, and is usually terrible for several years) worth more?
I know I'd much rather have the existing team.
And QC isn't exactly huge. It's even smaller than Winnipeg. I don't know if they can make a go of it paying $300 mil or so.
PKP need a team for the same reason Bell owns part of the Habs & Leafs and Rogers part of the Leafs.
Phoenix isn't coming to QCC. The NHL just went tru a realignment, there is no place for them in the East.
Quote from: Barrister on June 28, 2013, 03:57:42 PM
I don't get that, myself. How is an existing team which is available for relocation worth $170 mil, but an expansion team (where you have to build everything from scratch, and is usually terrible for several years) worth more?
I know I'd much rather have the existing team.
The idea is: how much is a team worth to you?
Quebec city has an arena. Quebecor rents the arena (3M$/year without hockey, 6M$ if NHL plays there). Quebecor has a sports channel wich can't compete with RDS because they only show some of the Senators' games (not many fans in Quebec outside the Gatineau area and even there still lots of Habs fans).
So Quebecor needs the NHL. Quebec city now needs the NHL. But the NHL doesn't need any of these two. In fact, playing in Seattle, Vegas, heck even Glendale is probably better in the long term for the league, it means they can renew their tv contract for a much higher number because of a broader audience.
Now, Péladeau might be willing to shell 400M$ for an expansion club made from unwanted players. Aside the cost of buying the team, the revenues will be similar. Win or lose, the old arena was almost always full. I figure it's gonna be the same with the new one.
And QC isn't exactly huge.
QuoteIt's even smaller than Winnipeg. I don't know if they can make a go of it paying $300 mil or so.
False. ;)
Quebec is ranked 7th with 765 000 people in the metro area, Winnipeg is 8th with 730 000 souls. Quebec city has over 100 000 people living near/around the city while not being incorporated into Quebec city proper (de-merger + St Lawrence river between Québec and Lévis).
Quebec wins by a hair :)
Now, can they make it with 300, 400 million for an expansion? I honestly don't know. Québécor doesn't want a hockey team because it pays a lot, it wants a hockey team because Bell has one, and they need something on their sports channel. I have no idea how much hockey would bring them. I have no idea how many ex-Nordiques would go back to their team after they went turncoat and cheered for the ennemy :cry: :glare: :mad: :yucky:
I heard on radio they already held the vote and decided to keep the team there, however, I can't find a source for this anywhere.
So today is Deadline day in Glendale.
Glendale has scheduled a vote. HOWEVER the proposal that they have tabled to vote on tonight is a proposal that the purchasers, RSE, have already said is not acceptable to them.
The issue is that the purchasers want an "out" clause after 5 years. Glendale will give them that, but in return want an "out" clause themselves after five years. The way the deal is structured Glendale gives the Coyotes 15 mil per year, guaranteed, and in return their are various revenue streams that are projected to give the city back approximately 8 mil per year. Trouble is those revenue streams are not guaranteed to the City.
But the thing is - if Glendale also gets an "out" clause it appears as if RSE will not be able to get financing to purchase the team - the financing is dependant on having stable, guaranteed income for a number of years.
Gary Bettman and Bill Daly are going to be at the meeting tonight. I find it impossible to believe they'll fly across the country only to have Glendale vote on a proposal that can't be accepted, so I think something is up. But who knows?
The sad news is, when coach Dave Tippet and goalie Mike Smith signed new deals, they both said 'well we knew the options were Phoenix or Seattle, and I was okay with either'. :(
Quote from: viper37 on July 02, 2013, 02:57:06 PM
I heard on radio they already held the vote and decided to keep the team there, however, I can't find a source for this anywhere.
Vote is scheduled for 7pm MST, so the official vote at least hasn't happened.
Sounds like it's gonna pass from glimpses of twitter feed of AZ sportswriter i'm following.
Quote from: Barrister on July 02, 2013, 03:56:52 PM
The sad news is, when coach Dave Tippet and goalie Mike Smith signed new deals, they both said 'well we knew the options were Phoenix or Seattle, and I was okay with either'. :(
Smith got the assurance the team wouldn't move to Quebec city, he didn't want to play here. Canadians at it, again.
Can you blame them? Edmonton is bad enough, although I suppose now Winnipeg is the worst city with and NHL team.
Quote from: Neil on July 02, 2013, 11:43:04 PM
Can you blame them? Edmonton is bad enough, although I suppose now Winnipeg is the worst city with and NHL team.
Well the truth hurts.
QuoteThe Phoenix Coyotes are staying in Arizona. For real, this time. For now, anyway.
During a four-hour meeting on Tuesday night that was at times contentious, at times dreadfully boring, and at times positively surreal, Glendale's city council voted 4-3, over the objection of Mayor Jerry Weiers, to accept a lease deal with Renaissance Sports and Entertainment.
The vote paves the way for that group to buy the Coyotes from the NHL after four years of league ownership of the franchise. RSE has until August 5 to close the deal with the league.
Well, RSE has got the best deal ever. The NHL and the city are gonna spend a gazillion bucks to keep the team there, but it's their choice.
Scotty signed 1yr deal for $900,000 with Florida.
Quote from: katmai on August 01, 2013, 05:03:14 AM
Scotty signed 1yr deal for $900,000 with Florida.
Good for him. It's a huge drop, though, going from 4,5 million$ in Montreal to 900 000$ with Florida.
Still, it's an opportunity to finish his carreer on a good note.
I got to say, I respect Gomez a lot more now than I did before. The guy has some balls, going into a state where it's open season on anybody with dark-coloured skin.
Quote from: viper37 on August 01, 2013, 02:59:53 PM
Quote from: katmai on August 01, 2013, 05:03:14 AM
Scotty signed 1yr deal for $900,000 with Florida.
Good for him. It's a huge drop, though, going from 4,5 million$ in Montreal to 900 000$ with Florida.
Still, it's an opportunity to finish his carreer on a good note.
It is actually $200,000 more than the 1yr contract he had last year. :D
In news I never thought I'd be linking to, the Phoenix Coyotes have officially been sold to ownership intending to keep them in Phoenix.
I just assumed they'd fail to close, much like Jamison did.
Quote from: viper37 on June 20, 2013, 05:40:39 PM
Gretzky is on our side! (
The Great One firmly believes the NHL will return to Quebec City.
The Quebec capital has been without an NHL franchise since the Nordiques left in 1995. But hockey legend Wayne Gretzky said Tuesday his gut feeling is that Quebec City will again have its own pro hockey franchise.
"I think it's only a matter of time before Quebec City is going to get a franchise," Gretzky told reporters at the Joe Carter Classic Golf Tournament. "Listen, I think we all agree it's a good city and it can support an NHL team, especially now with the salary cap rules and the parity we have in the game of hockey.
"When that's going to be, it's anybody's guess but when they do come back in, it's going to be a strong, solid franchise just like Winnipeg is now and it will be as successful as they are."
The NHL made a triumphant return to Winnipeg in 2011 when the Atlanta Thrashers relocated there and were renamed the Jets. The original Winnipeg Jets operated in the NHL from 1979 until 1996 when they left for Phoenix.
The Quebec Nordiques were founded in 1972 and played in the World Hockey Association before joining the NHL in '79. But following the 1994-'95 season the franchise was sold, moved to Denver and renamed the Colorado Avalanche.
To add insult to injury for Quebec hockey fans, the Avs won the Stanley Cup their first year in Denver.
Future of Coyotes
The uncertainty surrounding the NHL's future in Phoenix has helped fuel speculation Quebec City could be a potential landing spot for the Coyotes. Trouble is, Seattle has also been mentioned as a frontrunner for the troubled club, which is currently owned and operated by the league.
Renaissance Sports & Entertainment is trying to purchase the Coyotes and keep them in Arizona. But Glendale city council must decide whether to accept a tentative lease agreement with the group.
Talk around hockey circles is if the deal isn't accepted, the Coyotes could be playing elsewhere next season. Gretzky, 52, was a part-owner in Phoenix as well as the club's head coach (2005-'06 to 2008-'09) following his playing career but couldn't shed any led lights ( on his former club's future.
"Honestly, I've not followed it at all," he said. "I don't live in Arizona anymore and you probably know more about it than I do.
"I'd be just guessing if I said anything . . . and probably so would you."
Despite the Coyotes' struggles in Phoenix, Gretzky feels there is potential for an NHL club to succeed there.
"It's a great city and it's a great sports city," he said. "When you look at franchises . . . Columbus is a great example: They turned their season around this year, they started winning, they got some excitement, they started selling out again.
"Phoenix is a very good sports city and hopefully they get the right owner that can go in there and keep that franchise in Phoenix."
Gretzky's illustrious NHL career spanned 20 seasons and was spent with four teams (Edmonton, LA, St. Louis and New York Rangers). He retired following the '98-'99 season and the four-time Stanley Cup champion with the Oilers remains the game's all-time leader in goals (894), assists (1,963) and points (2,857).
The six-foot, 189-pound of Brantford, Ont., was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame shortly after he retired.
NHL is very exciting concept.. I love hockey sport and NHL just takes it to another level
Who the fuck are you?
It says "sock puppet", so I kinda figure it's one of our illustrious members. I'm betting on anyone but CC, 'cause even as a joke, he would never admit to like NHL hockey :P
On other news, it seems we now have hockey teams too big too fail:
Quote from: viper37 on August 08, 2013, 02:17:11 PM
It says "sock puppet", so I kinda figure it's one of our illustrious members.
That title is given to anyone on Languish with a low enough post count.
Ah, then my apology, and welcome Troy :)
Well I finally managed to get on the wait list for Jets season tickets.
Not sure if that makes me :cool: or :wacko:
Edit: the potentially crazy part makes more sense when I tell you I have to pay $100 per year for the pleasure of being on the waiting list. That amount is a credit on the eventual tickets, but still...
How long is the wait?
Habs waiting list is min 10 years at 200$/year. I don't think it's credited if you ever get to buy tickets.
Quote from: Grey Fox on August 16, 2013, 03:07:40 PM
How long is the wait?
Habs waiting list is min 10 years at 200$/year. I don't think it's credited if you ever get to buy tickets.
Who the hell knows?
Team's only been back for 2 years. Initial season ticket holders were required to sign up for 3-5 year minimums. So starting next year we'll start to get some idea how fast it moves.
If the fee wasn't credited to your eventual tickets there's no way I do this, but what the hell.
The crazy thing is I tried the past two years to get on the list and couldn't. They only have so many places on the list, and so it was only open for a few hours on one specific day. In 2011 I decided to do it too late and it was full. In 2012 my work computer/browser kept timing out, and by the time I got home it was full.
But wouldn't your tickets be in Winnipeg? That's a long commute, 40 times a year.
Quote from: Neil on August 16, 2013, 06:57:55 PM
But wouldn't your tickets be in Winnipeg? That's a long commute, 40 times a year.
Go to Winnipeg 2-3 times and see 4-6 games (weekends with back to backs), sell the rest to hopefully break even. I'll take a different kid with me each time so I can convince my wife it's a father-son bonding thing. If they ever make it to the Conference or Cup finals take holidays and stay in Winnipeg with my folks.
Or that's he dream, anyways.
Quote from: Barrister on August 16, 2013, 10:47:11 PM
I'll take a different kid with me each time so I can convince my wife it's a father-son bonding thing.
:showoff: :lmfao:
Quote from: viper37 on August 17, 2013, 10:54:45 AM
Quote from: Barrister on August 16, 2013, 10:47:11 PM
I'll take a different kid with me each time so I can convince my wife it's a father-son bonding thing.
:showoff: :lmfao:
After talking about my idiot brother-in-law who bought a motorcycle without discussing it with his wife (my wife's sister) and what an idiot he is, I felt obliged to mention the Winnipeg season tickets waiting list to Tracy.
When I mentioned the "bring a kid to Winnipeg for father-son bonding" she thought that was a nice idea, and wasn't the least upset. :wub:
lawyer mind tricks!
I am: number 3,363 on the waiting list. :cool:
I have: a ticket to tonight's Jets at Oilers game! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
Only four hours to puck drop...
Quote from: Barrister on October 01, 2013, 04:55:53 PM
I have: a ticket to tonight's Jets at Oilers game! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
Only four hours to puck drop...
I was wondering if you were going to make it to that game. Have fun! :)
Quote from: PRC on October 01, 2013, 07:06:25 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 01, 2013, 04:55:53 PM
I have: a ticket to tonight's Jets at Oilers game! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
Only four hours to puck drop...
I was wondering if you were going to make it to that game. Have fun! :)
Not a game Coach Noel will be happy with, but thrilling to be watch. :cool:
I have to say though - Oilers fans suck. Man were they ever quiet. :mellow:
TO is not alone?
My face hurts, poor Parros.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 02, 2013, 06:50:55 AM
TO is not alone?
My face hurts, poor Parros.
The leafs have good fans... They just can't afford to go to home games :lol:
And ya, I feel bad for Parros. Came back from his shoulder injury only to be out on his first game. Does Montreal have anyone to replace him?
Has a tough guy? No.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 02, 2013, 06:50:55 AM
TO is not alone?
My face hurts, poor Parros.
No kidding. To get hurt because some clumsy Toronto buffoon falls over and drags you face first onto the ice? Ouch.
Quote from: Neil on October 02, 2013, 07:45:17 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 02, 2013, 06:50:55 AM
TO is not alone?
My face hurts, poor Parros.
No kidding. To get hurt because some clumsy Toronto buffoon falls over and drags you face first onto the ice? Ouch.
helps if you're not swinging with your eyes closed.
Quote from: HVC on October 02, 2013, 07:55:53 AM
Quote from: Neil on October 02, 2013, 07:45:17 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 02, 2013, 06:50:55 AM
TO is not alone?
My face hurts, poor Parros.
No kidding. To get hurt because some clumsy Toronto buffoon falls over and drags you face first onto the ice? Ouch.
helps if you're not swinging with your eyes closed.
Probably not.
I don't know why, but I googled George Parros.
Wow. The guy went to Princeton. :o
And of course he has epic moustaches. :worship:
I watched the first part of last nights game. I enjoyed it. For the first time in a long time I really enjoyed a hockey game. It was fast moving end to end action. And then the fight. Really? I will be tuning out for another season.
Quote from: crazy canuck on October 02, 2013, 03:35:12 PM
I watched the first part of last nights game. I enjoyed it. For the first time in a long time I really enjoyed a hockey game. It was fast moving end to end action. And then the fight. Really? I will be tuning out for another season.
Which game? There was a fight last night in Jets-Oilers, but not much of one.
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 03:36:43 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on October 02, 2013, 03:35:12 PM
I watched the first part of last nights game. I enjoyed it. For the first time in a long time I really enjoyed a hockey game. It was fast moving end to end action. And then the fight. Really? I will be tuning out for another season.
Which game? There was a fight last night in Jets-Oilers, but not much of one.
Quote from: crazy canuck on October 02, 2013, 03:48:23 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 03:36:43 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on October 02, 2013, 03:35:12 PM
I watched the first part of last nights game. I enjoyed it. For the first time in a long time I really enjoyed a hockey game. It was fast moving end to end action. And then the fight. Really? I will be tuning out for another season.
Which game? There was a fight last night in Jets-Oilers, but not much of one.
Well that's your problem - you watched the wrong game then.
Jets-Oilers was a doozy with several lead changes, and just a minor little fight.
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 03:53:21 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on October 02, 2013, 03:48:23 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 03:36:43 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on October 02, 2013, 03:35:12 PM
I watched the first part of last nights game. I enjoyed it. For the first time in a long time I really enjoyed a hockey game. It was fast moving end to end action. And then the fight. Really? I will be tuning out for another season.
Which game? There was a fight last night in Jets-Oilers, but not much of one.
Well that's your problem - you watched the wrong game then.
Jets-Oilers was a doozy with several lead changes, and just a minor little fight.
Also a fight in that one.
Fighting is stupid. I wont watch the NHL until they grow up.
Out of curiosity why do you keep posting in the same 260 page thread every year instead of starting a new one every season?
Quote from: sbr on October 02, 2013, 04:01:27 PM
Out of curiosity why do you keep posting in the same 260 page thread every year instead of starting a new one every season?
Because this thread goes back to 2011 and chronicles the re-birth of that fabled franchise, the Winnipeg Jets. :cool:
Quote from: crazy canuck on October 02, 2013, 04:00:29 PM
Also a fight in that one.
Fighting is stupid. I wont watch the NHL until they grow up.
May happen in the next few seasons.
Tampa Bay Lightning general manager Steve Yzerman is among a group of NHL GMs and executives who believe the time has come for the league and Players' Association to take a more aggressive path towards eliminating fighting.
"Yes, I believe a player should get a game misconduct for fighting," Yzerman told The Dreger Report. "We penalize and suspend players for making contact with the head while checking, in an effort to reduce head injuries, yet we still allow fighting.
"We're stuck in the middle and need to decide what kind of sport do we want to be. Either anything goes and we accept the consequences, or take the next step and eliminate fighting."
Yzerman's comments carry significant weight, given his Hall of Fame playing career and years of playing alongside legendary tough guys in Detroit such as Darren McCarty, Joe Kocur and the late Bob Probert.
When asked if the league and players should stop trying to make fighting safer and focus on banning fighting in general instead, Carolina Hurricanes GM Jim Rutherford said, "We've got to get rid of fighting, it has to go."
Rutherford said he would support an open and full discussion on additional penalties such as a game misconduct for fighting - with a significant suspension for any player, for example, who fights multiple times in a season.
Pittsburgh's Ray Shero has been a strong advocate in the league's crackdown on checking to the head. He believes that the NHL has a responsibility to consider a ban on fighting and not just simply raise the discussion when an isolated incident happens.
"It won't happen overnight, but we need to be leaders, not followers in this area," he explained. "I respect other GMs and their views, but we need to look at this and not just when an incident like last night (Parros) happens."
After reading the quotes from these three NHL executives, it didn't take long for one of the game's most celebrated builders to chime in as well. "I support views of Steve Yzerman, Ray Shero and Jim Rutherford on their opinions for addressing most fighting issues," tweeted the legendary Scotty Bowman on Wednesday afternoon. "Poll all Players."
George Parros has been released from a Montreal hospital and was diagnosed with a concussion. That's positive news, given the state that the hulking Canadiens enforcer appeared to be in after smashing face first into the ice during a fight with Toronto's Colton Orr.
It's unclear as to how the NHL will tackle this issue, if at all. However, moreso than ever before, NHL decision makers seem concerned enough to initiate discussions at their November meeting.
It's unlikely the NHLPA will endorse any radical change given the impact of such a move on the role of the enforcer.
Ninety-eight per cent of NHL players polled in 2011-2012 were in favour of keeping fighting in the game and while there's no immediate plan to conduct a new players survey, the overwhelming support to leave things as they are may not change. And while sensitive to Parros' injury, Flyers forward Vincent Lecavalier said Wednesday that if he was asked to vote again, he would vote the same way and believes fighting still has its place.
I wouldn't shed a tear if fighting disappeared. Most of the time it's just a meaningless spectacle, and even when it's holding back the development of officiating in the NHL. Right now, the refs are useless retards who can't protect anyone, and there's an expectation that the players handle their business on the ice.
That said, it would be a shame if cc started watching hockey again.
Quote from: crazy canuck on October 02, 2013, 04:00:29 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 03:53:21 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on October 02, 2013, 03:48:23 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 03:36:43 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on October 02, 2013, 03:35:12 PM
I watched the first part of last nights game. I enjoyed it. For the first time in a long time I really enjoyed a hockey game. It was fast moving end to end action. And then the fight. Really? I will be tuning out for another season.
Which game? There was a fight last night in Jets-Oilers, but not much of one.
Well that's your problem - you watched the wrong game then.
Jets-Oilers was a doozy with several lead changes, and just a minor little fight.
Also a fight in that one.
Fighting is stupid. I wont watch the NHL until they grow up.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I'm curious which of you has played hockey, and of those, which have been in an on-ice fight.
Josephus, time to prepare the parade :P
Quote from: HVC on October 02, 2013, 09:40:14 PM
Josephus, time to prepare the parade :P
Yup. 2-0. I'm taking all of June off to celebrate.
If anybody can win the new Metrosexual division it is the Caps. They just have to give up fewer than six goals in future games.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on October 02, 2013, 09:01:12 PM
I'm curious which of you has played hockey, and of those, which have been in an on-ice fight.
I played hockey for one year, was terrible, and never fought.
I'm tremendously mixed on whether my boys should play hockey.
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 PM
I'm tremendously mixed on whether my boys should play hockey.
I am going to encourage my boys to play Baseball or Basketball and just hope they do not get seduced by the concussion side of the force. But if one of them REALLY wants to play football or hockey well I will go along with it.
Quote from: Valmy on October 02, 2013, 11:38:34 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 PM
I'm tremendously mixed on whether my boys should play hockey.
I am going to encourage my boys to play Baseball or Basketball and just hope they do not get seduced by the concussion side of the force. But if one of them REALLY wants to play football or hockey well I will go along with it.
Well there's only one sport my boys are going to play whether they like it or not, and it's not hockey, football, baseball or basketball... :shifty:
Quote from: Admiral Yi on October 02, 2013, 09:01:12 PM
I'm curious which of you has played hockey, and of those, which have been in an on-ice fight.
Played up to early teens, never been in a fight. I wasn't really good either, so I didn't play with the higher leagues.
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:41:24 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 02, 2013, 11:38:34 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 PM
I'm tremendously mixed on whether my boys should play hockey.
I am going to encourage my boys to play Baseball or Basketball and just hope they do not get seduced by the concussion side of the force. But if one of them REALLY wants to play football or hockey well I will go along with it.
Well there's only one sport my boys are going to play whether they like it or not, and it's not hockey, football, baseball or basketball... :shifty:
curling? :)
Quote from: viper37 on October 02, 2013, 11:41:54 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:41:24 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 02, 2013, 11:38:34 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 PM
I'm tremendously mixed on whether my boys should play hockey.
I am going to encourage my boys to play Baseball or Basketball and just hope they do not get seduced by the concussion side of the force. But if one of them REALLY wants to play football or hockey well I will go along with it.
Well there's only one sport my boys are going to play whether they like it or not, and it's not hockey, football, baseball or basketball... :shifty:
curling? :)
Not a sport.
Quote from: viper37 on October 02, 2013, 11:41:54 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:41:24 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 02, 2013, 11:38:34 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 PM
I'm tremendously mixed on whether my boys should play hockey.
I am going to encourage my boys to play Baseball or Basketball and just hope they do not get seduced by the concussion side of the force. But if one of them REALLY wants to play football or hockey well I will go along with it.
Well there's only one sport my boys are going to play whether they like it or not, and it's not hockey, football, baseball or basketball... :shifty:
curling? :)
But of course.
I had my first curling game of the season on Monday. Timmy saw my broom out and had lots of questions about what it was for. He then said he wanted to come with me to curling. :w00t:
I had to say no of course. But maybe I can nurture that flame of interest... :shifty:
Quote from: katmai on October 02, 2013, 11:43:48 PM
Quote from: viper37 on October 02, 2013, 11:41:54 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:41:24 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 02, 2013, 11:38:34 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 PM
I'm tremendously mixed on whether my boys should play hockey.
I am going to encourage my boys to play Baseball or Basketball and just hope they do not get seduced by the concussion side of the force. But if one of them REALLY wants to play football or hockey well I will go along with it.
Well there's only one sport my boys are going to play whether they like it or not, and it's not hockey, football, baseball or basketball... :shifty:
curling? :)
Not a sport.
You try sweeping rocks for 10 ends and tell me it's not a sport afterwards. :contract:
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:46:03 PM
You try sweeping rocks for 10 ends and tell me it's not a sport afterwards. :contract:
I'll let you know next week :shifty:
Quote from: katmai on October 02, 2013, 11:47:01 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:46:03 PM
You try sweeping rocks for 10 ends and tell me it's not a sport afterwards. :contract:
I'll let you know next week :shifty:
Do tell!
So, should I follow the NHL this season? How're the Penguins looking? Problem with hockey is, most games are on in the middle of the night over here.
No, we don't need more eurowhining over fights & violence.
Seriously, watch the KHL, atleast games will be during the day. A team of the Austrian league, Zagreb moved to the KHL this season.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on October 02, 2013, 09:01:12 PM
I'm curious which of you has played hockey, and of those, which have been in an on-ice fight.
In an organized league? No.
I've punched my cousins on multiple occasions of ad-hoc games.
But I'm a bad hockey player.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 03, 2013, 07:01:05 AM
No, we don't need more eurowhining over fights & violence.
QuoteSeriously, watch the KHL, atleast games will be during the day. A team of the Austrian league, Zagreb moved to the KHL this season.
Thanks, but ... no.
Quote from: Syt on October 03, 2013, 07:11:28 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 03, 2013, 07:01:05 AM
No, we don't need more eurowhining over fights & violence.
QuoteSeriously, watch the KHL, atleast games will be during the day. A team of the Austrian league, Zagreb moved to the KHL this season.
Thanks, but ... no.
It's a joke, CC is the eurowhiner.
Alright no KHL. The Penguins have great offense, bad defense, no goalies. They haven't played a game yet.
Quote from: Syt on October 03, 2013, 03:40:44 AM
So, should I follow the NHL this season? How're the Penguins looking? Problem with hockey is, most games are on in the middle of the night over here.
You should start following the Winnipeg Jets. Their 2011 and 2012 1st round picks both cracked the lineup this year, and both looked AWESOME in the season opener.
Quote from: Syt on October 03, 2013, 03:40:44 AM
So, should I follow the NHL this season? How're the Penguins looking? Problem with hockey is, most games are on in the middle of the night over here.
way too early to tell. Hockey isn't very exciting until after Christmas.
Quote from: Barrister on October 03, 2013, 09:43:24 AM
Quote from: Syt on October 03, 2013, 03:40:44 AM
So, should I follow the NHL this season? How're the Penguins looking? Problem with hockey is, most games are on in the middle of the night over here.
You should start following the Winnipeg Jets. Their 2011 and 2012 1st round picks both cracked the lineup this year, and both looked AWESOME in the season opener.
Yeah, but they weren't playing a very good team in the opener.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 03, 2013, 07:01:05 AM
No, we don't need more eurowhining over fights & violence.
Best talk to that Euroweenie Yzerman.
My Winnipeg Jets season ticket wait list card arrived in the mail today. :w00t:
Now I can get 15% off Jets merchandise purchased at any of three locations in Winnipeg! :showoff:
So BB how about those Caps eh? :showoff:
Quote from: katmai on October 02, 2013, 11:43:48 PM
Quote from: viper37 on October 02, 2013, 11:41:54 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:41:24 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 02, 2013, 11:38:34 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 PM
I'm tremendously mixed on whether my boys should play hockey.
I am going to encourage my boys to play Baseball or Basketball and just hope they do not get seduced by the concussion side of the force. But if one of them REALLY wants to play football or hockey well I will go along with it.
Well there's only one sport my boys are going to play whether they like it or not, and it's not hockey, football, baseball or basketball... :shifty:
curling? :)
Not a sport.
Eh, it's at least as athletic as golf.
Quote from: fhdz on October 23, 2013, 09:41:02 PM
Quote from: katmai on October 02, 2013, 11:43:48 PM
Quote from: viper37 on October 02, 2013, 11:41:54 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:41:24 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 02, 2013, 11:38:34 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 PM
I'm tremendously mixed on whether my boys should play hockey.
I am going to encourage my boys to play Baseball or Basketball and just hope they do not get seduced by the concussion side of the force. But if one of them REALLY wants to play football or hockey well I will go along with it.
Well there's only one sport my boys are going to play whether they like it or not, and it's not hockey, football, baseball or basketball... :shifty:
curling? :)
Not a sport.
Eh, it's at least as athletic as golf.
You should see me golf. I am judge Smails reborn.
Quote from: Valmy on October 23, 2013, 09:24:26 PM
So BB how about those Caps eh? :showoff:
people with glass teams shouldn't throw stones :P
Quote from: fhdz on October 23, 2013, 09:41:02 PM
Quote from: katmai on October 02, 2013, 11:43:48 PM
Quote from: viper37 on October 02, 2013, 11:41:54 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:41:24 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 02, 2013, 11:38:34 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 PM
I'm tremendously mixed on whether my boys should play hockey.
I am going to encourage my boys to play Baseball or Basketball and just hope they do not get seduced by the concussion side of the force. But if one of them REALLY wants to play football or hockey well I will go along with it.
Well there's only one sport my boys are going to play whether they like it or not, and it's not hockey, football, baseball or basketball... :shifty:
curling? :)
Not a sport.
Eh, it's at least as athletic as golf.
Also not a sport :)
Anthony Leblanc hopes to attract more Canadians to see the Coyotes, in Phoenix. His plan? Include a Tim Horton's in the arena...
Tim Horton's at Phoenix Coyotes games? (
The temptation might be strong for BB. I hope for the Jet's sake they have a Tim Horton's near the arena... :P
Quote from: katmai on October 24, 2013, 12:21:14 AM
Quote from: fhdz on October 23, 2013, 09:41:02 PM
Quote from: katmai on October 02, 2013, 11:43:48 PM
Quote from: viper37 on October 02, 2013, 11:41:54 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:41:24 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 02, 2013, 11:38:34 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 PM
I'm tremendously mixed on whether my boys should play hockey.
I am going to encourage my boys to play Baseball or Basketball and just hope they do not get seduced by the concussion side of the force. But if one of them REALLY wants to play football or hockey well I will go along with it.
Well there's only one sport my boys are going to play whether they like it or not, and it's not hockey, football, baseball or basketball... :shifty:
curling? :)
Not a sport.
Eh, it's at least as athletic as golf.
Also not a sport :)
That's silly. It's low impact, to be sure, but "sport" doesn't equal "high impact". At least not in any mature definition.
Quote from: fhdz on October 24, 2013, 06:18:25 PM
Quote from: katmai on October 24, 2013, 12:21:14 AM
Quote from: fhdz on October 23, 2013, 09:41:02 PM
Quote from: katmai on October 02, 2013, 11:43:48 PM
Quote from: viper37 on October 02, 2013, 11:41:54 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:41:24 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 02, 2013, 11:38:34 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 02, 2013, 11:36:33 PM
I'm tremendously mixed on whether my boys should play hockey.
I am going to encourage my boys to play Baseball or Basketball and just hope they do not get seduced by the concussion side of the force. But if one of them REALLY wants to play football or hockey well I will go along with it.
Well there's only one sport my boys are going to play whether they like it or not, and it's not hockey, football, baseball or basketball... :shifty:
curling? :)
Not a sport.
Eh, it's at least as athletic as golf.
Also not a sport :)
That's silly. It's low impact, to be sure, but "sport" doesn't equal "high impact". At least not in any mature definition.
Do people need to take performance enhancing drugs to compete at high level? If yes? Sport. If no? Not a sport.
Quote from: fhdz on October 24, 2013, 06:18:25 PM
That's silly. It's low impact, to be sure, but "sport" doesn't equal "high impact". At least not in any mature definition.
See my comment in Batmen thread in regards to what i think of your opinion sirrah!
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 24, 2013, 06:24:57 PM
Do people need to take performance enhancing drugs to compete at high level? If yes? Sport. If no? Not a sport.
Quote from: viper37 on October 24, 2013, 05:43:15 PM
Anthony Leblanc hopes to attract more Canadians to see the Coyotes, in Phoenix. His plan? Include a Tim Horton's in the arena...
Tim Horton's at Phoenix Coyotes games? (
The temptation might be strong for BB. I hope for the Jet's sake they have a Tim Horton's near the arena... :P
Tim Horton's has terribad coffee. :mellow:
Quote from: Barrister on October 24, 2013, 08:59:25 PM
Quote from: viper37 on October 24, 2013, 05:43:15 PM
Anthony Leblanc hopes to attract more Canadians to see the Coyotes, in Phoenix. His plan? Include a Tim Horton's in the arena...
Tim Horton's at Phoenix Coyotes games? (
The temptation might be strong for BB. I hope for the Jet's sake they have a Tim Horton's near the arena... :P
Tim Horton's has terribad coffee. :mellow:
:blink: You're not a true Canadian! :P
But I totally agree with you, I can't stand the coffee there. ;)
Unfortunately, they grow like mushroom, and along the road, they are often the only place to get a coffee. :glare:
These days, honestly, my go-to place for morning coffee is McDonalds. :mellow:
Quote from: Barrister on October 24, 2013, 10:52:21 PM
These days, honestly, my go-to place for morning coffee is McDonalds. :mellow:
I have two Tim-addicts in my family. God, they're crazy :P
So my wife tells me when I get home "Hey, you have a message on the phone from the Winnipeg Jets."
Of course they were merely confirming that I received my waitlist card, but still a personal call was kind of cool.
When there is only 20 fans doesn't take that much of effort to call each and every one :rolleyes:
Good news Canadian hockey fans!
Today is one of those very rare occasions where you can watch the one and only WINNIPEG JETS on tv (unless you have Centre Ice / GCL).
Winnipeg at Chicago is on the full TSN channel. Jets were slumping, but looked really strong against a pretty good Detroit team on Monday, so I'm hoping for another good performance.
Go Jets!
Didn't Chicago just kick the crap out of the Jets on Saturday? Expect more of the same.
Quote from: PRC on November 06, 2013, 01:36:51 PM
Didn't Chicago just kick the crap out of the Jets on Saturday? Expect more of the same.
Yes. Jets started out really strong, looked really good. Then early in the 2nd they let in two soft goals and then completely fell apart.
Obviously I'm hoping for a different outcome tonight. They did switch to their backup goalie on Monday, Big Al Montoya, who looked good, and is getting the start again tonight. Maybe that makes the difference.
My post was more a comment on how fucking rare it is for the Jets to get on prime time national tv.
Oh, and it's also a taunt to see if I can get CCR to post.
It must be weird to live in a world where you can't always watch your team's game on TV.
Luckily, all 82 of the Habs game are televised nationaly.
With baseball season done, I'm paying more attention to hockey. I still have not been to a Blue Jackets game. Looking at taking Tommy up to one in the next couple of weeks. Tickets are still cheap :)
Quote from: derspiess on November 06, 2013, 01:55:47 PM
With baseball season done, I'm paying more attention to hockey. I still have not been to a Blue Jackets game. Looking at taking Tommy up to one in the next couple of weeks. Tickets are still cheap :)
I'd love to take Timmy, but the tickets here are anything but cheap.
Quote from: Barrister on November 06, 2013, 02:06:12 PM
Quote from: derspiess on November 06, 2013, 01:55:47 PM
With baseball season done, I'm paying more attention to hockey. I still have not been to a Blue Jackets game. Looking at taking Tommy up to one in the next couple of weeks. Tickets are still cheap :)
I'd love to take Timmy, but the tickets here are anything but cheap.
Looks like for the next few home games I can get them around $15-$20 each for the upper level. Goes up pretty steeply for lower seats. Or I could do that Tim Hortons deal where you pay $30 per seat and get a $10 food voucher, hat, and coupon for free Timbits :D
For shits & giggles I looked at stubhub prices for Jets games. Ho-Lee-Fuk! Tickets *start* at $130-$199-- do people really pay that much??
Quote from: derspiess on November 06, 2013, 02:17:16 PM
Quote from: Barrister on November 06, 2013, 02:06:12 PM
Quote from: derspiess on November 06, 2013, 01:55:47 PM
With baseball season done, I'm paying more attention to hockey. I still have not been to a Blue Jackets game. Looking at taking Tommy up to one in the next couple of weeks. Tickets are still cheap :)
I'd love to take Timmy, but the tickets here are anything but cheap.
Looks like for the next few home games I can get them around $15-$20 each for the upper level. Goes up pretty steeply for lower seats. Or I could do that Tim Hortons deal where you pay $30 per seat and get a $10 food voucher, hat, and coupon for free Timbits :D
For shits & giggles I looked at stubhub prices for Jets games. Ho-Lee-Fuk! Tickets *start* at $130-$199-- do people really pay that much??
$15-$20 for a ticket :ultra:
For Jets, stubhub does seem wildly inflated. Instead what you can do is go through the Jets website and buy tickets from season ticket holder through seat exchange. If I wanted to go to Friday's game against Nashville it would cost me $57-$94 - but only tix available are upper bowl. Lower bowl would be more.
Edit: ah - found lower bowl. Going for $140-$190 per ticket.
Plus, Nationwide arena doesn't smell like stale Canadians.
Quote from: derspiess on November 06, 2013, 02:17:16 PM
Quote from: Barrister on November 06, 2013, 02:06:12 PM
Quote from: derspiess on November 06, 2013, 01:55:47 PM
With baseball season done, I'm paying more attention to hockey. I still have not been to a Blue Jackets game. Looking at taking Tommy up to one in the next couple of weeks. Tickets are still cheap :)
I'd love to take Timmy, but the tickets here are anything but cheap.
Looks like for the next few home games I can get them around $15-$20 each for the upper level. Goes up pretty steeply for lower seats. Or I could do that Tim Hortons deal where you pay $30 per seat and get a $10 food voucher, hat, and coupon for free Timbits :D
For shits & giggles I looked at stubhub prices for Jets games. Ho-Lee-Fuk! Tickets *start* at $130-$199-- do people really pay that much??
Now look for Toronto games.
Quote from: Barrister on November 06, 2013, 02:22:42 PM
$15-$20 for a ticket :ultra:
For Jets, stubhub does seem wildly inflated. Instead what you can do is go through the Jets website and buy tickets from season ticket holder through seat exchange. If I wanted to go to Friday's game against Nashville it would cost me $57-$94 - but only tix available are upper bowl. Lower bowl would be more.
Edit: ah - found lower bowl. Going for $140-$190 per ticket.
Lulz. With fees that $57 ticket would actually cost me $76 per seat.
Quote from: Barrister on November 06, 2013, 02:06:12 PM
Quote from: derspiess on November 06, 2013, 01:55:47 PM
With baseball season done, I'm paying more attention to hockey. I still have not been to a Blue Jackets game. Looking at taking Tommy up to one in the next couple of weeks. Tickets are still cheap :)
I'd love to take Timmy, but the tickets here are anything but cheap.
hey. It usually costs less for our group to drive up to Ottawa to see a game than see the Habs lose in all their glory.
I figure driving to Tampa Bay wouldn't cost much more than a trip to Montreal either.
Quote from: viper37 on November 06, 2013, 03:12:27 PM
Quote from: Barrister on November 06, 2013, 02:06:12 PM
Quote from: derspiess on November 06, 2013, 01:55:47 PM
With baseball season done, I'm paying more attention to hockey. I still have not been to a Blue Jackets game. Looking at taking Tommy up to one in the next couple of weeks. Tickets are still cheap :)
I'd love to take Timmy, but the tickets here are anything but cheap.
hey. It usually costs less for our group to drive up to Ottawa to see a game than see the Habs lose in all their glory.
I figure driving to Tampa Bay wouldn't cost much more than a trip to Montreal either.
Supposedly, it can be cheaper to fly to, say, Phoenix to see the Jets, than to see them in Winnipeg, even with the cost of the airfare.
If the Nordiques ever get back, I'll try to form a group to buy season tickets. 10 people, 4 games each, probably gonna be reasonable.
So long as they don't have Celine Dion or Arianne Moffat to sing the National anthems every game, I'll be allright.
Quote from: Barrister on November 06, 2013, 03:13:56 PM
Supposedly, it can be cheaper to fly to, say, Phoenix to see the Jets, than to see them in Winnipeg, even with the cost of the airfare.
I don't even doubt it. But Phoenix does not sound like an attractive place to visit. One day, I'll visit California and see the Ducks or the Kings live, hopefully, in one of their good years.
Quote from: viper37 on November 06, 2013, 03:15:25 PM
If the Nordiques ever get back, I'll try to form a group to buy season tickets. 10 people, 4 games each, probably gonna be reasonable.
So long as they don't have Celine Dion or Arianne Moffat to sing the National anthems every game, I'll be allright.
Here's a pro tip:
When the Jets came back, it was the same ownership group as owned the Moose. Therefore anyone who had moose season tickets, or even a mini-pack, had first dibs for Jets season tickets. Once those were done the rest of the tickets were sold in 17 minutes.
So - you need to do whatever you can to get on the advance list. Is it too late to get on the waiting list that was trying to raise money for the new arena?
Quote from: viper37 on November 06, 2013, 03:16:33 PM
Quote from: Barrister on November 06, 2013, 03:13:56 PM
Supposedly, it can be cheaper to fly to, say, Phoenix to see the Jets, than to see them in Winnipeg, even with the cost of the airfare.
I don't even doubt it. But Phoenix does not sound like an attractive place to visit. One day, I'll visit California and see the Ducks or the Kings live, hopefully, in one of their good years.
I dunno. My aunt and uncle winter in Phoenix, and my folks have been down a bunch of times. Sounds like there's enough to do in the region. Think of it more as visiting Arizona. There's the Grand Canyon of course, Monument Valley (and all those other areas right out of a Road Runner cartoon), Tombstone...
My uninformed opinion of Arizona is that it is suburban strip mall retirement community hell.
Only game for us tonight was Penguins at Rangers. Was interesting up until halfway through the second period but Tommy & I fell asleep after that. I woke up 'cuz I had to put clothes in the dryer.
After this hot streak the Caps have risen to second place! Which would be good for the 7th seed if the season ended today :hmm:
Teams still qualify for the playoffs based on conference, and not division, standing right? So essentially this means that it is harder to squeeze through thanks to your wimpy division. They really should have just done away with the divisions entirely.
Quote from: Valmy on November 06, 2013, 11:40:18 PM
After this hot streak the Caps have risen to second place! Which would be good for the 7th seed if the season ended today :hmm:
Teams still qualify for the playoffs based on conference, and not division, standing right? So essentially this means that it is harder to squeeze through thanks to your wimpy division. They really should have just done away with the divisions entirely.
You qualify through your division, though there is some cross-over mechanism for the 4th spot in each division.
Top 3 by divisions & the remaining 2 best teams.
Really? Sweet! Glad they are in the weak sauce Metro division.
Still say that's a stupid way to seed the playoffs.
Quote from: HVC on November 07, 2013, 09:25:23 AM
Still say that's a stupid way to seed the playoffs.
The Leafs are in the tough division :nelson:
Well...tougher anyway...both the West Divisions are better. I mean the Jets are in last place, if they had stayed with the Caps where they belong they could practically the planning the division championship victory parade.
Quote from: HVC on November 07, 2013, 09:25:23 AM
Still say that's a stupid way to seed the playoffs.
Divisions playoffs create more Rivalries.
You'll start hating the Lightning when you lose 3 playoff series in a row against them.
Quote from: Barrister on November 06, 2013, 03:21:27 PM
So - you need to do whatever you can to get on the advance list. Is it too late to get on the waiting list that was trying to raise money for the new arena?
No, but only the places at 5000$ and 25 000$ are left, IIRC. I already tried to form a group for this, but they weren't interested until it was sure there'd be a team.
I just discovered that a Dayton got another minor league team. In a 4 team league. :lol:
I might go to a game, just for the fights. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD
Quote from: viper37 on November 07, 2013, 10:49:53 AM
Quote from: Barrister on November 06, 2013, 03:21:27 PM
So - you need to do whatever you can to get on the advance list. Is it too late to get on the waiting list that was trying to raise money for the new arena?
No, but only the places at 5000$ and 25 000$ are left, IIRC. I already tried to form a group for this, but they weren't interested until it was sure there'd be a team.
But it'll be too late by then. :(
The Winnipeg Jets have given up. They need a new coach, multiple player moves need to happen but at any rate, this season is lost. Any moves they make are for the future.
Quote from: PRC on November 07, 2013, 11:46:31 AM
The Winnipeg Jets have given up. They need a new coach, multiple player moves need to happen but at any rate, this season is lost. Any moves they make are for the future.
I'm not quite there yet, but things don't look good so far.
Mind you, almost nobody looks good against Chicago.
Quote from: PRC on November 07, 2013, 11:46:31 AM
The Winnipeg Jets have given up. They need a new coach, multiple player moves need to happen but at any rate, this season is lost. Any moves they make are for the future.
Oh is November. The season has only just started and it is not like they are 0-16 or something.
They need a new coach, Thompson's promise to Noel's has ran it's course.
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 07, 2013, 12:04:41 PM
They need a new coach, Thompson's promise to Noel's has ran it's course.
Thomson (no "P") has nothing to do with hockey operations.
They gave Noel a one year extension on his contract to prevent him from being a lame duck this year. I think the message is clear - playoffs or Noel is fired at the end of the year. There's little point to a mid-season firing.
Someone gave Noel a promise back when he was coaching the Moose. He's not a good enough coach to do it in the NHL.
Quote from: Valmy on November 07, 2013, 12:00:39 PM
Quote from: PRC on November 07, 2013, 11:46:31 AM
The Winnipeg Jets have given up. They need a new coach, multiple player moves need to happen but at any rate, this season is lost. Any moves they make are for the future.
Oh is November. The season has only just started and it is not like they are 0-16 or something.
Any team that is 4 points out of the playoff race on November 1st is not making the playoffs. There have only been three teams to come back and make the playoffs after being four points out on November 1st since 2005-06. It's exceptionally rare.
The three teams to do it were the Calgary Flames 2006-07 who were seven points out on Nov 1 that year and went to 40-22-9 in their remaining games to make it. Bufffalo Sabres did it 2010-11 and they went 40-22-8 to make the playoffs. The final team to do it was the Boston Bruins in 2011-12 and they went 45-22-4.
So basically you have to have a .700 winning percentage from November 1st to game 82. Not going to happen for the Winnipeg Jets this year.
Quote from: PRC on November 07, 2013, 12:44:44 PM
Quote from: Valmy on November 07, 2013, 12:00:39 PM
Quote from: PRC on November 07, 2013, 11:46:31 AM
The Winnipeg Jets have given up. They need a new coach, multiple player moves need to happen but at any rate, this season is lost. Any moves they make are for the future.
Oh is November. The season has only just started and it is not like they are 0-16 or something.
Any team that is 4 points out of the playoff race on November 1st is not making the playoffs. There have only been three teams to come back and make the playoffs after being four points out on November 1st since 2005-06. It's exceptionally rare.
The three teams to do it were the Calgary Flames 2006-07 who were seven points out on Nov 1 that year and went to 40-22-9 in their remaining games to make it. Bufffalo Sabres did it 2010-11 and they went 40-22-8 to make the playoffs. The final team to do it was the Boston Bruins in 2011-12 and they went 45-22-4.
So basically you have to have a .700 winning percentage from November 1st to game 82. Not going to happen for the Winnipeg Jets this year.
Meh - the Jets are only 6 points out right now. They just need to put a good 5-6 game winning streak, then continue to play .550 hockey.
Quote from: Barrister on November 07, 2013, 12:49:07 PM
Meh - the Jets are only 6 points out right now. They just need to put a good 5-6 game winning streak, then continue to play .550 hockey.
Sounds good in theory. But in practice that's not an easy thing to do. I don't know if the Jets have a lot of players leaving for the Olympics but if they don't maybe they will have some rested guys for that break and be able to catch some teams by surprise late. I don't think they have a shot this year, like I said, they look like they've given up.
Quote from: PRC on November 07, 2013, 11:46:31 AM
The Winnipeg Jets have given up. They need a new coach, multiple player moves need to happen but at any rate, this season is lost. Any moves they make are for the future.
That one guy needs a new helmet too.
Quote from: PRC on November 07, 2013, 12:54:47 PM
Quote from: Barrister on November 07, 2013, 12:49:07 PM
Meh - the Jets are only 6 points out right now. They just need to put a good 5-6 game winning streak, then continue to play .550 hockey.
Sounds good in theory. But in practice that's not an easy thing to do. I don't know if the Jets have a lot of players leaving for the Olympics but if they don't maybe they will have some rested guys for that break and be able to catch some teams by surprise late. I don't think they have a shot this year, like I said, they look like they've given up.
Likely no one for Canada :(, but Byfuglien, Wheeler and Bogosian likely for Team USA (and maybe Trouba), Pavelec for team Czech, and possibly Jokinen for Team Finland.
Quote from: Jacob on November 07, 2013, 01:00:22 PM
Quote from: PRC on November 07, 2013, 11:46:31 AM
The Winnipeg Jets have given up. They need a new coach, multiple player moves need to happen but at any rate, this season is lost. Any moves they make are for the future.
That one guy needs a new helmet too.
Did the guy who took it ever look trashed...
From last night's Jets game...
(no, it's not a photoshop)
From tonight's Jets game...
It was Jets @ Minnesota. Now Twin Cities is the closest other NHL franchise to Winnipeg, and there were a LOT of Winnipeg fans present. And Winnipeg fans have a tradition of yelling out "True North" during the Canadian national anthem, in honour of our ownership group, True North Sports and Entertainment.
So the Wild, to try and screw with all the Winnipeg fans, sang 90% of O Canada in French. :lol:
Jets fans being the intelligent bunch they are, still yelled out "True North" at the appropriate point in the song though. :menace:
Too bad the outcome wasn't to my liking. 4 game win streak snapped. :(
Josh Motherfucking Harding.
First place until at least Wednesday!
I think we can start planning the route of the Stanley Cup victory parade through DC.
I wonder what Byfuglien did to earn himself a double minor there? I didn't see anything to earn it.
Quote from: Neil on November 18, 2013, 10:04:46 PM
I wonder what Byfuglien did to earn himself a double minor there? I didn't see anything to earn it.
I hate to say it (and won't blame the loss on it) but some brutal reffing that game. The double minor on Buf at the end of the 2nd, missing the blatant interference on Buf that led to the Flames goal, the 10 minute misconduct on Little (?!? he's one of the least penalized players on the Jets) which took our top shooter out of the shootout...
But still - you have to beat the still very bad Flames team.
Big Blockbuster this morning has Rogers steals national hockey rights from TSN.
Even bigger in the French world where RDS loses it's exclusivity to TVA.
It sucks, Rogers has too many channels to subscribe too.
I'll have to check my packages carefully.
I wonder if Peladeau tried to outbid Bell because he's pissed off at not getting the Nordiques? "Give me a team or I'll steal your tv revenues" ? :)
Quote from: viper37 on November 26, 2013, 10:18:41 AM
I'll have to check my packages carefully.
I wonder if Peladeau tried to outbid Bell because he's pissed off at not getting the Nordiques? "Give me a team or I'll steal your tv revenues" ? :)
Peladeau didn't do anything, he has an ongoing partnership with Rogers.
Rogers outbid Bell, badly.
Reports are that TSN paid 40 millions a year for the rights & wasn't willing to go much above. With CBC giving 200 millions for the Saturday games, it leavess a ~250 millions/year from Rogers.
So digging into the details, the NHL gave Rogers everything. Wednesday night games, Saturday games, Sunday games. They also give Rogers the right to operate Centre Ice and Game Centre Live. Rogers signed a side deal with CBC to give CBC some Saturday night games, but that deal is only for 4 years, and it looks like Rogers gets all of the playoffs.
I really question whether that's the best strategy. Would it not be better to follow the NFL model and have multiple broadcasters involved? Sure, the NHL gets a big payday now, but in 12 years will Bell (TSN/CTV) or CBC be interested any longer?
PLus I'm a little disappointed - I much prefer watching TSN games to Sportsnet ones (albeit those are regional games) or even CBC HNIC.
Habs fans are NOT happy but we can expect TVA/Sportsnet to hire new talent for their shows. Like I read on twitter, you don't buy a case of lobster & serve it on paper plates.*
*except in the South, in that case you do.
Apparently CBC pays no licensing rights for hockey, and will receive zero revenue.
Rogers assumes full editorial control over HNIC broadcasts on CBC. The only thing CBC gets is the ability to promote some of its own shows during HNIC broadcasts. Plus the deal is only for four years.
CBC had no pay to the amount the NHL wanted.
Rest of Canada will survive without hockey on the CBC, Quebec is doing A-ok without any SRC hockey. We'll be doing even better now that it'll be on OTA TVA.
So does this signal the end for TSN? Discuss. I guess we'll be seeing more poker and darts in winter.
So does this signal the end for TSN? Discuss. I guess we'll be seeing more poker and darts in winter.
No, not the end of TSN. TSN2 might shutdown, TSN will be in deep shit, but it will stay. Same with RDS, btw.
I guess we'll see what happens. I'm sure this will go pretty badly for the NHL, as most of their decisions since Bettman showed up have turned out to be bad. But we'll see.
I get the feeling that the CBC's deal is more of a phasing-out of HNIC.
Quote from: Josephus on November 26, 2013, 05:54:14 PM
So does this signal the end for TSN? Discuss. I guess we'll be seeing more poker and darts in winter.
They still have their regional deals.
What about CBC? Not sure what they gain by running HNIC on Saturday nights for four more years. From what I've read Sportsnet will produce the shows and CBC doesn't make any revenue. So why even bother?
Quote from: Josephus on November 27, 2013, 12:35:23 PM
What about CBC? Not sure what they gain by running HNIC on Saturday nights for four more years. From what I've read Sportsnet will produce the shows and CBC doesn't make any revenue. So why even bother?
1. Hanging on to Prestige. Current CBC management (and apparently Rogers management) doesn't want to be the ones who killed HNIC.
2. Gotta fill that airtime with something. And apart from hockey, Saturday nights are a ratings dead zone. Trying to show non-hockey would probably be suicide.
3. Not really a concern for CBC, but it still meets CanCon requirements (though CBC relies on very few foreign imports and is probably well over CanCon minimums).
Quote from: Neil on November 26, 2013, 08:40:23 PM
Quote from: Josephus on November 26, 2013, 05:54:14 PM
So does this signal the end for TSN? Discuss. I guess we'll be seeing more poker and darts in winter.
They still have their regional deals.
But those are regional deals. They can't use that programming on the main network.
TSN is talking a big game about still being the go-to source for hockey. And they're Tier 1 cable channel so it's not likely they'll lose many subscribers. But clearly they'll lose out on advertising revenue, have to downsize somewhat. Maybe they'll try and show more euro soccer games, try and get CHL rights. Maybe some KHL games (though who wants to watch that?).
I wonder how much HNIC's ad revenue subsidized other CBC projects? We may see a drastically different CBC overall, not just with the Hockey Night in Canada program.
Sportsnet has the weakest production value. They are going to really need to up their game if they're going to match the excellent broadcasts that both TSN and CBC pull off.
Quote from: Barrister on November 27, 2013, 12:43:12 PM
Quote from: Josephus on November 27, 2013, 12:35:23 PM
What about CBC? Not sure what they gain by running HNIC on Saturday nights for four more years. From what I've read Sportsnet will produce the shows and CBC doesn't make any revenue. So why even bother?
2. Gotta fill that airtime with something. And apart from hockey, Saturday nights are a ratings dead zone. Trying to show non-hockey would probably be suicide.
Yeah. I understand that, IF they were making revenue. but it all goes to Sportsnet anyways. They're better off showing re-runs of GoldenGirls and getting the old lady viewers. That's what I don't understand. Never mind your other two reasons, which are valid.
Quote from: Josephus on November 27, 2013, 01:59:54 PM
Quote from: Barrister on November 27, 2013, 12:43:12 PM
Quote from: Josephus on November 27, 2013, 12:35:23 PM
What about CBC? Not sure what they gain by running HNIC on Saturday nights for four more years. From what I've read Sportsnet will produce the shows and CBC doesn't make any revenue. So why even bother?
2. Gotta fill that airtime with something. And apart from hockey, Saturday nights are a ratings dead zone. Trying to show non-hockey would probably be suicide.
Yeah. I understand that, IF they were making revenue. but it all goes to Sportsnet anyways. They're better off showing re-runs of GoldenGirls and getting the old lady viewers. That's what I don't understand. Never mind your other two reasons, which are valid.
But showing Golden Girls reruns and getting no viewers would pull down CBCs overall viewership which might impact overall advertising revenue? :unsure:
Maybe they rationalize it thru a cultural & nostalgia factors?
Quote from: Barrister on November 27, 2013, 12:45:56 PM
Maybe some KHL games (though who wants to watch that?).
You never know. There are people in this country who watch basketball ( :yuk: ), so I guess anything is possible. :P
I expect Bell to ante up for the CHL rights. Rogers deal is in it's last year.
Next Jets game is at 9am MST on Friday. Don't those fuckers know Canadian fans are working on Friday? <_<
Actually, I think it's 9:30am.
Quote from: Barrister on November 27, 2013, 09:43:29 PM
Next Jets game is at 9am MST on Friday. Don't those fuckers know Canadian fans are working on Friday? <_<
But at least they won last night.
Quote from: Neil on November 28, 2013, 08:49:32 AM
Quote from: Barrister on November 27, 2013, 09:43:29 PM
Next Jets game is at 9am MST on Friday. Don't those fuckers know Canadian fans are working on Friday? <_<
But at least they won last night.
I'm really missing being in the Eastern Conference right now. Hell we'd be in 2nd place in the Metropolitan Division.
Quote from: Barrister on November 27, 2013, 09:43:29 PM
Next Jets game is at 9am MST on Friday. Don't those fuckers know Canadian fans are working on Friday? <_<
I saw a couple of games this year, in the middle of the week, in the afternoon... wtf??
Sharks :worship:
Woah a Jaron sighting.
Was :worthy: always : worthy : ? :hmm:
PS - Hey Valmy!
New Edmonton arena just had its new name announced:
Rogers Place.
This is a country where we already have a Rogers Arena (Vancouver) and a Rogers Centre (Toronto).
In Montreal, there's the Bell Centre, the Complexe Bell & they are building the Place Bell.
Leads me to believe y'all are paying too much for your phone service.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on December 03, 2013, 07:08:56 PM
Leads me to believe y'all are paying too much for your phone service.
That's what the government thinks too. They keep trying to find ways to get another player into the market.
Not just phones, though. Bell and Rogers own fucking everything.
I know it is still early but barring Tanya Harding taking out Crosby I doubt the Caps can ever catch Pittsburgh now.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on December 03, 2013, 07:08:56 PM
Leads me to believe y'all are paying too much for your phone service.
cellphone + internet + cable + satellite tv + landline phones for Bell.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on December 03, 2013, 07:08:56 PM
Leads me to believe y'all are paying too much for your phone service.
Almost certainly.
There was talk about Verizon coming in, buying up several bit wireless players and building up a national alternative to Rogers on one side, and Telus/Bell on the other (Telus/Bell nominally compete on wireless, but they share each other's infrastructure - Telus in the west, Bell in the east).
The wireless companies launched a huge advertising campaign against it, now the gov't has a huge advertising campaign against the wireless companies. It's all moot though, since Verizon is now distracted by buying out Vodafone of its minority stake in Verizon.
Winnipeg to get the Heritage Classic in 2015-2016. :punk:
Bold move, thinking there will still be NHL team in the 'peg
Quote from: katmai on December 10, 2013, 01:22:04 PM
Bold move, thinking there will still be NHL team in the 'peg
season tickets for 2015-2016 are already sold out ;)
Quote from: viper37 on December 10, 2013, 05:13:49 PM
Quote from: katmai on December 10, 2013, 01:22:04 PM
Bold move, thinking there will still be NHL team in the 'peg
season tickets for 2015-2016 are already sold out ;)
Actually, some tickets need to be renewed by the end of 2014-2015, and the rest after 2015-2016. I'm sure the timing of the Heritage Classic is entirely coincidental.
Sorry Beeb, but it seems my prediction that people in the Peg would get over their excitement of having the team back after a couple losing seasons is becoming reality. There is an article on the Globe and Mail about the honeymoon coming to an end which notes that there are now seats available at the games. It will be interesting to see how many people shell out to renew their three year commitments for season tickets after yet another dismal year.
Quote from: crazy canuck on December 26, 2013, 09:12:56 AM
Sorry Beeb, but it seems my prediction that people in the Peg would get over their excitement of having the team back after a couple losing seasons is becoming reality. There is an article on the Globe and Mail about the honeymoon coming to an end which notes that there are now seats available at the games. It will be interesting to see how many people shell out to renew their three year commitments for season tickets after yet another dismal year.
I will grant you that the "honeymoon is over".
But all honeymoons end. Winnipeg and the team are now settling into a long marriage.
But the :roll eyes: is for "seats are now available". Yes, if you want to buy single tickets the day of the game you can almost certainly get into the MTS Centre. But that's certainly true for Edmonton and Calgary as well (don't know other markets). But I don't see you saying Edmonton and Calgary are going anywhere, despite multiple losing seasons.
It's just that Winnipeg fans are no longer "just happy to be in the league" anymore.
The Leafs-Wings game on New Year's Eve is being played at Comerica Park. The city of Detroit is playing this up and has a little winter carnival going on in the city. The opening games of the Great Lakes Invitational College Hockey tournament was played there yesterday. The first game (Michigan Tech - Michigan State) was played on mostly slush. In the second game (Western Michigan - University of Michigan) the game clock stopped in the third period; putting Michigan on a never-ending power play. Despite that both were good games; Tech (my alma mater) won in a shoot out and Western (my parents' alma mater) won in overtime. :)
It's supposed to turn bitterly cold next week, so the ice should be in better shape for the Winter Classic; no guarantees about the clock, though.
Quote from: Barrister on December 26, 2013, 09:55:28 AM
But the :roll eyes: is for "seats are now available". Yes, if you want to buy single tickets the day of the game you can almost certainly get into the MTS Centre. But that's certainly true for Edmonton and Calgary as well (don't know other markets). But I don't see you saying Edmonton and Calgary are going anywhere, despite multiple losing seasons.
I dont mention Calgary and Edmonton because those two cities because, unlike the Peg, they didnt already lose an NHL franchise. No matter how poorly Calgary plays there is enough corporate money buying tickets just in case some client might want to see a game that they will always be viable. There has been talk off and on about Edmonton losing their team for a number of years. But similar to Calgary, so long as the oil patch is thriving Edmonton will have a team.
The Peg is different in that they have to rely on a regular fan base.
Winnipeg has various levels of government and a few old transport companies from back before NAFTA.
Winnipeg Jets fire coach Claude Noel, hire Paul Maurice as replacement.
How the hell does Maurice keep getting a job?
Claude Noel sucks, no doubt there.
but Paul Maurice is the worse coach in the expension era of the NHL, ffs.
What's so terrible about Maurice?
Don't really know the man, so I was looking him up. Record is decidedly mediocre - is about .500 for winning percentage. Has made it to the cup finals, has missed the playoffs lots of times too.
I don't know that I'm thrilled, but it's not terrible either.
Leafs @ Jets an the National HNIC game. :cool:
CBC is still so pro-Leafs it's painful. Good thing it's 2-0 Jets then.
Game of two halves, as they say...
Leafs took a point. :D
What an age we live in. :cool:
I'm stuck on a bus coming back to Edmonton after having to make an appearance in Calgary court. There's a Jets game on, which you'd think I miss.
Except this bus has wi-fi, and as a result I'm able to sit back and listen to the game. Hell I could probably watch the game, but I don't want to push my luck on the bandwidth.
And the Jets even won.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 05, 2014, 08:22:25 AM
And the Jets even won.
Jets are 9-2 since Maurice took over, and are now just two points back of Vancouver for the final spot in the playoffs.
Quote from: Barrister on February 05, 2014, 10:25:55 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 05, 2014, 08:22:25 AM
And the Jets even won.
Jets are 9-2 since Maurice took over, and are now just two points back of Vancouver for the final spot in the playoffs.
They will probably take it. Vancouver is a team moving in the wrong direction, that team's window has closed and we're likely to see some major changes before the trade deadline there.
So quick poll.
Should the NHL suspend play during the Olympics? Should NHLers particpate?
Yes and yes.
Double Yes.
The Olympics just need to stop being in shitty places.
Quote from: Josephus on February 06, 2014, 07:14:10 PM
Should the NHL suspend play during the Olympics? Should NHLers particpate?
The problem would arise with European countries, mainly russia, that if the NHL does not participate, the KHL will participate anyway, so the competition would be to their advantage.
But I do remember the Lillehammer games, it was only a bronze medal for Canada, but damn, these guys were playing with their heart.
Quote from: Barrister on February 04, 2014, 07:36:22 PM
What an age we live in. :cool:
I'm stuck on a bus coming back to Edmonton after having to make an appearance in Calgary court. There's a Jets game on, which you'd think I miss.
Except this bus has wi-fi, and as a result I'm able to sit back and listen to the game. Hell I could probably watch the game, but I don't want to push my luck on the bandwidth.
The joys of listening hockey on radio. Haven't done that since I was 8 years old and supposedly asleep in my room :D
Quote from: viper37 on February 07, 2014, 10:42:07 AM
Quote from: Josephus on February 06, 2014, 07:14:10 PM
Should the NHL suspend play during the Olympics? Should NHLers particpate?
The problem would arise with European countries, mainly russia, that if the NHL does not participate, the KHL will participate anyway, so the competition would be to their advantage.
But I do remember the Lillehammer games, it was only a bronze medal for Canada, but damn, these guys were playing with their heart.
that's the problem as I see. The "juniors" put their heart into get the sense the NHLers are only calling it in.
Quote from: Josephus on February 07, 2014, 01:29:08 PM
Quote from: viper37 on February 07, 2014, 10:42:07 AM
Quote from: Josephus on February 06, 2014, 07:14:10 PM
Should the NHL suspend play during the Olympics? Should NHLers particpate?
The problem would arise with European countries, mainly russia, that if the NHL does not participate, the KHL will participate anyway, so the competition would be to their advantage.
But I do remember the Lillehammer games, it was only a bronze medal for Canada, but damn, these guys were playing with their heart.
that's the problem as I see. The "juniors" put their heart into get the sense the NHLers are only calling it in.
At the World Championship held annually, sure.
But at the Olympics? These guys are giving it their all.
Quote from: Josephus on February 07, 2014, 01:29:08 PM
Quote from: viper37 on February 07, 2014, 10:42:07 AM
Quote from: Josephus on February 06, 2014, 07:14:10 PM
Should the NHL suspend play during the Olympics? Should NHLers particpate?
The problem would arise with European countries, mainly russia, that if the NHL does not participate, the KHL will participate anyway, so the competition would be to their advantage.
But I do remember the Lillehammer games, it was only a bronze medal for Canada, but damn, these guys were playing with their heart.
that's the problem as I see. The "juniors" put their heart into get the sense the NHLers are only calling it in.
Not at the Olympics, especially not the Europeans.
Still seemed better when 18-21 year olds were kissing medals, not multi-millionaires....just saying.
Canucks trade Luongo to Florida. :lmfao:
Quote from: Barrister on March 04, 2014, 05:03:51 PM
Canucks trade Luongo to Florida. :lmfao:
Smartest move they have made in years. The teams sucks and needs a reboot. I had to laugh at all the nashing of teeth over not starting Luongo in the Classic - pretty obvious the reason was he was being traded and the condition was he not play and risk injury.
Hopefully they can also unload Kesler and the Twins before the day is done.
On another topic I read an article advocating for the NHL to adopt Olympic Rules. As I said in the Sochi thread, I think that would be a great idea.
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 04, 2014, 05:45:29 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 04, 2014, 05:03:51 PM
Canucks trade Luongo to Florida. :lmfao:
Smartest move they have made in years. The teams sucks and needs a reboot. I had to laugh at all the nashing of teeth over not starting Luongo in the Classic - pretty obvious the reason was he was being traded and the condition was he not play and risk injury.
Hopefully they can also unload Kesler and the Twins before the day is done.
On another topic I read an article advocating for the NHL to adopt Olympic Rules. As I said in the Sochi thread, I think that would be a great idea.
It would have been a smart move - if they had done it a year ago when it was rumoured. Or even longer ago - I think the Luongo circus has been going on for two years now. But it was just a few months ago when the Canucks traded Schneider and said they were re-committing to Luongo going forward.
You're asking for the team to be blown up and rebuilt. Be careful what you wish for.
Mind you, since the Nucks are one of the 4 teams chasing that final western playoff spot, anything that weakens them is fine by me. :)
Quote from: Barrister on March 04, 2014, 05:51:40 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 04, 2014, 05:45:29 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 04, 2014, 05:03:51 PM
Canucks trade Luongo to Florida. :lmfao:
Smartest move they have made in years. The teams sucks and needs a reboot. I had to laugh at all the nashing of teeth over not starting Luongo in the Classic - pretty obvious the reason was he was being traded and the condition was he not play and risk injury.
Hopefully they can also unload Kesler and the Twins before the day is done.
On another topic I read an article advocating for the NHL to adopt Olympic Rules. As I said in the Sochi thread, I think that would be a great idea.
It would have been a smart move - if they had done it a year ago when it was rumoured. Or even longer ago - I think the Luongo circus has been going on for two years now. But it was just a few months ago when the Canucks traded Schneider and said they were re-committing to Luongo going forward.
You're asking for the team to be blown up and rebuilt. Be careful what you wish for.
Mind you, since the Nucks are one of the 4 teams chasing that final western playoff spot, anything that weakens them is fine by me. :)
They traded Schnieder in June BB. When it was apparent they couldnt unload Lu. Now they did. Its a great accomplishment to convince someone to take him.
There is no upside for this team without blowing it up. They peaked three years ago. The current GM needs to remake the team the way he wants it and for that he needs cap room.
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 04, 2014, 05:45:29 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 04, 2014, 05:03:51 PM
Canucks trade Luongo to Florida. :lmfao:
Smartest move they have made in years. The teams sucks and needs a reboot. I had to laugh at all the nashing of teeth over not starting Luongo in the Classic - pretty obvious the reason was he was being traded and the condition was he not play and risk injury.
Hopefully they can also unload Kesler and the Twins before the day is done.
On another topic I read an article advocating for the NHL to adopt Olympic Rules. As I said in the Sochi thread, I think that would be a great idea.
Do you mean the ice surface? Because 90% of the other rules are the same. It's ice size & icing the big differences.
Going to Olympic size ice is not a good idea, especially since the NHL is usually trying to have more goals, not less.
Quote from: Barrister on March 04, 2014, 05:51:40 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 04, 2014, 05:45:29 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 04, 2014, 05:03:51 PM
Canucks trade Luongo to Florida. :lmfao:
Smartest move they have made in years. The teams sucks and needs a reboot. I had to laugh at all the nashing of teeth over not starting Luongo in the Classic - pretty obvious the reason was he was being traded and the condition was he not play and risk injury.
Hopefully they can also unload Kesler and the Twins before the day is done.
On another topic I read an article advocating for the NHL to adopt Olympic Rules. As I said in the Sochi thread, I think that would be a great idea.
It would have been a smart move - if they had done it a year ago when it was rumoured. Or even longer ago - I think the Luongo circus has been going on for two years now. But it was just a few months ago when the Canucks traded Schneider and said they were re-committing to Luongo going forward.
You're asking for the team to be blown up and rebuilt. Be careful what you wish for.
Mind you, since the Nucks are one of the 4 teams chasing that final western playoff spot, anything that weakens them is fine by me. :)
Eddie Lack is the new parametres in that equation.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 04, 2014, 07:38:26 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 04, 2014, 05:45:29 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 04, 2014, 05:03:51 PM
Canucks trade Luongo to Florida. :lmfao:
Smartest move they have made in years. The teams sucks and needs a reboot. I had to laugh at all the nashing of teeth over not starting Luongo in the Classic - pretty obvious the reason was he was being traded and the condition was he not play and risk injury.
Hopefully they can also unload Kesler and the Twins before the day is done.
On another topic I read an article advocating for the NHL to adopt Olympic Rules. As I said in the Sochi thread, I think that would be a great idea.
Do you mean the ice surface? Because 90% of the other rules are the same. It's ice size & icing the big differences.
Going to Olympic size ice is not a good idea, especially since the NHL is usually trying to have more goals, not less.
Do you remember me talking about the lack of fighting in Olympic hockey?
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 05, 2014, 03:52:41 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 04, 2014, 07:38:26 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 04, 2014, 05:45:29 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 04, 2014, 05:03:51 PM
Canucks trade Luongo to Florida. :lmfao:
Smartest move they have made in years. The teams sucks and needs a reboot. I had to laugh at all the nashing of teeth over not starting Luongo in the Classic - pretty obvious the reason was he was being traded and the condition was he not play and risk injury.
Hopefully they can also unload Kesler and the Twins before the day is done.
On another topic I read an article advocating for the NHL to adopt Olympic Rules. As I said in the Sochi thread, I think that would be a great idea.
Do you mean the ice surface? Because 90% of the other rules are the same. It's ice size & icing the big differences.
Going to Olympic size ice is not a good idea, especially since the NHL is usually trying to have more goals, not less.
Do you remember me talking about the lack of fighting in Olympic hockey?
That has nothing to do with rules.
Bluejackets dump Gaborik.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 05, 2014, 04:28:32 PM
That has nothing to do with rules.
•NHL players are penalized five minutes for fighting.
•Players fighting in international or Olympic hockey receive a match penalty and are ejected from the game
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 04, 2014, 05:45:29 PM
On another topic I read an article advocating for the NHL to adopt Olympic Rules. As I said in the Sochi thread, I think that would be a great idea.
some of them make sense, but not all of them. Well, most of them make sense.
But it doesn't prevent nasty hit, concussions and such.
There's less nasty hits during olympics because they take top scorers who play a limited number of games against one another. European leagues, like one of the pro Swiss league, while still playing under IHF rules, do have problems with multiple concussions and some almost non legit hit resulting in serious injuries.
Quote from: viper37 on March 05, 2014, 07:18:47 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 04, 2014, 05:45:29 PM
On another topic I read an article advocating for the NHL to adopt Olympic Rules. As I said in the Sochi thread, I think that would be a great idea.
some of them make sense, but not all of them. Well, most of them make sense.
But it doesn't prevent nasty hit, concussions and such.
The icing rule would go a long way in that regard.
Ok so they wont be taking fighting out of the NHL and now this.
QuoteGeorge Stroumboulopoulos will become the new face of Canadian hockey on TV this fall, as the CBC personality becomes the host of Hockey Night in Canada as well as the new Sunday night Hometown Hockey broadcasts on Rogers Media's City TV network.
It's the most wonderfull thing to ever comeout of the ROC.
Yay Strombo!
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 10, 2014, 12:03:11 PM
It's the most wonderfull thing to ever comeout of the ROC.
Yay Strombo!
I am beginning to think you and I have nothing in common.
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 10, 2014, 01:02:37 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 10, 2014, 12:03:11 PM
It's the most wonderfull thing to ever comeout of the ROC.
Yay Strombo!
I am beginning to think you and I have nothing in common.
Different sides of the same coin.
Why do you hate Strombo? I've never watch his CBC show(why would I watch the CBC?) but I have strong love for him from his MuchMusic days & he's an Habs fan.
Its hard to put into words. Its more of a negative visceral reaction.
Strombo - I like that it's a bit out of the box. Experienced broadcaster. Not sure how good his "hockey chops" are - I see he started out at a sports radio station, but that was 20 years ago.
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 10, 2014, 01:40:44 PM
Its hard to put into words. Its more of a negative visceral reaction.
I see. You're Racists against Punks. I understand.
Can't believe Strombo is 41.
It's hard for me to understand English Canada hatred of Sports Broadcasters. I'm only ever exposed to TSN's crew, I watch the Habs in french.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 10, 2014, 01:54:47 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 10, 2014, 01:40:44 PM
Its hard to put into words. Its more of a negative visceral reaction.
I see. You're Racists against Punks. I understand.
Can't believe Strombo is 41.
Yeah, something like that.
It's easy not to like punks.
MuchMusic. :rolleyes:
Thank god that crap disappeared from my cable lineup.
They should bring back Dave Hodge. :P
Quote from: Josephus on March 10, 2014, 06:34:49 PM
They should bring back Dave Hodge. :P
What do you mean back? He has a weekly show on TSN.
Quote from: Josephus on March 10, 2014, 06:34:49 PM
They should bring back Dave Hodge. :P
Yeah, now that would have been great.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 10, 2014, 06:35:48 PM
Quote from: Josephus on March 10, 2014, 06:34:49 PM
They should bring back Dave Hodge. :P
What do you mean back? He has a weekly show on TSN.
He was fired years ago by the CBC Hockey Night in Canada for iirc complaining on air that a game that went late should was being pre-empted by other programing.
He went to TSN shortly after that.
Player had a heart attack during a game and nothing gets posted here. I see how it is! :mad:
Quote from: jimmy olsen on March 11, 2014, 07:33:25 PM
Player had a heart attack during a game and nothing gets posted here. I see how it is! :mad:
Its what we have you for
Man. Hell of a comeback by Les Glorieux.
Jets are up 4-0 in Anaheim at one point.
So of course they wind up losing 5-4 16 seconds into overtime.
Atlanta Thrashers suck.
We are all Jets fans tonight.
Nuh uh
Good job Winnipeg. Way to strike a blow for Canada!
It's pretty unlikely but to reach my final fantasy league final, I need an hat trick from Joe Thornton.
Quote from: Neil on April 05, 2014, 08:59:37 PM
Good job Winnipeg. Way to strike a blow for Canada!
Toronto is Canada (both the team and the city :P ), but beyond that, meh.
No, Les Glorieux are Canada. The only Canadian team in the playoffs, and the only Canadian team in our hearts.
Quote from: Neil on April 05, 2014, 10:09:32 PM
No, Les Glorieux are Canada. The only Canadian team in the playoffs, and the only Canadian team in our hearts.
Nice job by the Jetties though. :)
Winnipeg Atlanta Thrashers.
Quote from: Neil on April 05, 2014, 10:09:32 PM
No, Les Glorieux are Canada. The only Canadian team in the playoffs, and the only Canadian team in our hearts.
When I hear things like this, I totally don't feel Canadian.
Quote from: viper37 on April 05, 2014, 10:57:28 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 05, 2014, 10:09:32 PM
No, Les Glorieux are Canada. The only Canadian team in the playoffs, and the only Canadian team in our hearts.
When I hear things like this, I totally don't feel Canadian.
Fuck the Habs. Vive les Nordiques!
Les Nordiques vivent au Colorado
They really don't.
Quote from: Valmy on April 05, 2014, 11:45:49 PM
Les Nordiques vivent au Colorado
Get out. Get out now <_<
Go Habs Go.
Patch is getting hot at just the right time. Hell, the whole team is hot at the right time.
Quote from: Neil on April 06, 2014, 10:59:49 PM
Patch is getting hot at just the right time. Hell, the whole team is hot at the right time.
I'm going to love their first round flame-out. :menace:
Quote from: Barrister on April 06, 2014, 11:43:03 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 06, 2014, 10:59:49 PM
Patch is getting hot at just the right time. Hell, the whole team is hot at the right time.
I'm going to love their first round flame-out. :menace:
That's alot of smack for someone who's team hasn't made the playoffs in 20(18) years.
Quote from: Barrister on April 05, 2014, 10:59:46 PM
Quote from: viper37 on April 05, 2014, 10:57:28 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 05, 2014, 10:09:32 PM
No, Les Glorieux are Canada. The only Canadian team in the playoffs, and the only Canadian team in our hearts.
When I hear things like this, I totally don't feel Canadian.
Fuck the Habs. Vive les Nordiques!
Quote from: Barrister on April 06, 2014, 11:43:03 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 06, 2014, 10:59:49 PM
Patch is getting hot at just the right time. Hell, the whole team is hot at the right time.
I'm going to love their first round flame-out. :menace:
The way this season has gone I would love to see the Caps flame out in the first round. Of course when you are the 7th or 8th seed a first round exit is not really a flame out.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 07, 2014, 06:51:49 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 06, 2014, 11:43:03 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 06, 2014, 10:59:49 PM
Patch is getting hot at just the right time. Hell, the whole team is hot at the right time.
I'm going to love their first round flame-out. :menace:
That's alot of smack for someone who's team hasn't made the playoffs in 20(18) years.
And never won a Cup, ever.
Atlanta Thrasher fans are weird.
Quote from: Neil on April 07, 2014, 03:58:49 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 07, 2014, 06:51:49 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 06, 2014, 11:43:03 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 06, 2014, 10:59:49 PM
Patch is getting hot at just the right time. Hell, the whole team is hot at the right time.
I'm going to love their first round flame-out. :menace:
That's alot of smack for someone who's team hasn't made the playoffs in 20(18) years.
And never won a Cup, ever.
The Winnipeg Jets won three cups. :contract:
Right and the Buffalo Bills have two championships.
Quote from: Barrister on April 07, 2014, 04:05:39 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 07, 2014, 03:58:49 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 07, 2014, 06:51:49 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 06, 2014, 11:43:03 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 06, 2014, 10:59:49 PM
Patch is getting hot at just the right time. Hell, the whole team is hot at the right time.
I'm going to love their first round flame-out. :menace:
That's alot of smack for someone who's team hasn't made the playoffs in 20(18) years.
And never won a Cup, ever.
The Winnipeg Jets won three cups. :contract:
The cups they won when you played NHL 1994 dont count.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 07, 2014, 04:23:18 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 07, 2014, 04:05:39 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 07, 2014, 03:58:49 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 07, 2014, 06:51:49 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 06, 2014, 11:43:03 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 06, 2014, 10:59:49 PM
Patch is getting hot at just the right time. Hell, the whole team is hot at the right time.
I'm going to love their first round flame-out. :menace:
That's alot of smack for someone who's team hasn't made the playoffs in 20(18) years.
And never won a Cup, ever.
The Winnipeg Jets won three cups. :contract:
The cups they won when you played NHL 1994 dont count.
Sure looks cup-shaped to me.
Pretty much the same thing :P
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 07, 2014, 04:45:13 PM
Pretty much the same thing :P
Don't blame me just because you forgot about the Avco Cup. :P
I consider it as legitimate as the Cleveland Brown's four straight AAFC championships.
Quote from: Barrister on April 07, 2014, 04:05:39 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 07, 2014, 03:58:49 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 07, 2014, 06:51:49 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 06, 2014, 11:43:03 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 06, 2014, 10:59:49 PM
Patch is getting hot at just the right time. Hell, the whole team is hot at the right time.
I'm going to love their first round flame-out. :menace:
That's alot of smack for someone who's team hasn't made the playoffs in 20(18) years.
And never won a Cup, ever.
The Winnipeg Jets won three cups. :contract:
I'm not going to say that the Avco Cup has about as much value as a 'Participant' ribbon from a junior high track meet. But I could say that, and I wouldn't be far off.
Quote from: Valmy on April 07, 2014, 04:57:47 PM
I consider it as legitimate as the Cleveland Brown's four straight AAFC championships.
Interesting. I was aware of the AFL-NFL merger, but wasn't familiar with the AAFC. :)
Quote from: Barrister on April 07, 2014, 05:04:27 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 07, 2014, 04:57:47 PM
I consider it as legitimate as the Cleveland Brown's four straight AAFC championships.
Interesting. I was aware of the AFL-NFL merger, but wasn't familiar with the AAFC. :)
Niners Baby!
Gillis relieved as GM in Vancouver, according to the NHL app on my phone.
QuoteMike Gillis has been let go as President and General Manager of the NHL Vancouver Canucks.
It had been expected there would be changes, after one of the most disappointing seasons in the history of the franchise.
The Canucks were blanked by Anaheim last night, officially eliminating them from the playoffs.
The Canucks had bright points throughout the season, but went into a brutal tail-spin down the home stretch.
Some will point to coach John Tortorella, trying to storm the Calgary locker room, and getting suspended for 15 days, as a major turning point in the season. The Canucks have called a news conference for tomorrow.
No word if Torts will be sticking around as coach.
Statement from the owners, below:
"On behalf of my entire family, I would like to sincerely thank Mike Gillis for his hard work and the many contributions he made on and off the ice during his tenure," said Francesco Aquilini, Chairman, Canucks Sports & Entertainment. "The Vancouver Canucks had success under Mike's leadership, and we nearly reached our ultimate goal; but I believe we have reached a point where a change in leadership and new voice is needed." "I also want to thank our fans for their support for the Vancouver Canucks through a difficult and frustrating season," continued Aquilini. "We haven't met their expectations or ours. We are committed to bringing the Stanley Cup to Vancouver for our fans and we will continue to do everything possible to reach that goal."
Tortorella needs to go too.
The whole team needs to be nuked form orbit and the Grizzles need to fill the void.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 08, 2014, 02:31:20 PM
The whole team needs to be nuked form orbit and the Grizzles need to fill the void.
The lack of oxygen from your high altitude is starting to damage your brain.
Quote from: PRC on April 08, 2014, 02:28:18 PM
Tortorella needs to go too.
I don't see what good that would do. Unless you don't think he's the guy to lead the full-on rebuild that Vancouver will have to undertake.
Quote from: Neil on April 08, 2014, 04:05:43 PM
Quote from: PRC on April 08, 2014, 02:28:18 PM
Tortorella needs to go too.
I don't see what good that would do. Unless you don't think he's the guy to lead the full-on rebuild that Vancouver will have to undertake.
Agreed. The rumour mill has it that Torts was the pick of managment over the objections of the GM and that there has been a power struggle between the two ever since. Seems Torts won.
Olé Olé Olé
Now, lets go burn a cop car. It's tradition.
The playoffs sure are a lot more unpredictable without the Caps there.
Quote from: Barrister on April 06, 2014, 11:43:03 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 06, 2014, 10:59:49 PM
Patch is getting hot at just the right time. Hell, the whole team is hot at the right time.
I'm going to love their first round flame-out. :menace:
Quote from: Zoupa on April 22, 2014, 10:48:46 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 06, 2014, 11:43:03 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 06, 2014, 10:59:49 PM
Patch is getting hot at just the right time. Hell, the whole team is hot at the right time.
I'm going to love their first second round flame-out. :menace:
Cheerfully corrected. :)
You, sir, are a sore loser.
Poor BB could not even get that bit of enjoyment out of the playoffs. The Jets miss the old Southeast Division yet? Bet they wouldn't have finished last.
Quote from: Zoupa on April 22, 2014, 10:55:25 PM
You, sir, are a sore loser.
Every season the Winnipeg Jets are in the NHL is a glorious season of hockey. I will never, ever forget that important fact. :)
The Habs though can Die In a Fire, same as always. :menace:
I like the habs*, so I wish them well... except when they play Toronto, than I want them to crash and burn.
*don't like Southern Ontario Habs fans, because they're fans just to spite Toronto fans.
We have those too and then there's the Bruins fans.
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2014, 12:16:52 AM
The Habs though can Die In a Fire, same as always. :menace:
That Bluejackets Penguins game was something special. Columbus deserved a better fate but they did themselves proud, great heart.
The LA Kings are a bunch of cocksucking mother fuckers.
Everytime the Habs win I keep coming here hoping to see Zoupa gloating. I guess he is going to wait until the series is over.
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2014, 07:37:04 PM
Everytime the Habs win I keep coming here hoping to see Zoupa gloating. I guess he is going to wait until the series is over.
When do Habs fan riot? Victories or defeats?
Quote from: Jacob on May 07, 2014, 10:06:14 PM
When do Habs fan riot? Victories or defeats?
Why? :frusty:
Im cautiously optimistic Val... If we take game 4 we finish it in 5 in Boston. If they win tomorrow... I don't know. It'll go to 7 and then just flip a coin.
Quote from: Jacob on May 07, 2014, 10:06:14 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2014, 07:37:04 PM
Everytime the Habs win I keep coming here hoping to see Zoupa gloating. I guess he is going to wait until the series is over.
When do Habs fan riot? Victories or defeats?
- When the weather is nice
- When the Habs win
- When the Habs lose
- When the weather has been horrible for a few weeks and there's a nice evening
- When tuition fees increase
- When they want to protest against police brutality
- When they need a new shirt conveniently on display in a window that happens to suffer a mishap with a brick
- When there is a war involving the US somewhere
- When there is a war involving Israel somewhere
- When they want to promote peace over war
- When they are unhappy about government spending cuts
- When the Habs win the cup (thankfully, it's once every 25 years now)
- When a Habs player gets suspended after hitting the referee
- When a Habs player is seriously injured by a Boston player
- When a Habs player seriously injur a Boston player
Quote from: Zoupa on May 08, 2014, 01:28:50 AM
Im cautiously optimistic Val... If we take game 4 we finish it in 5 in Boston. If they win tomorrow... I don't know. It'll go to 7 and then just flip a coin.
Boston wins tonight, I can feel it!
Quote from: viper37 on May 08, 2014, 05:01:11 PM
- When the weather is nice
- When the Habs win
- When the Habs lose
- When the weather has been horrible for a few weeks and there's a nice evening
- When tuition fees increase
- When they want to protest against police brutality
- When they need a new shirt conveniently on display in a window that happens to suffer a mishap with a brick
- When there is a war involving the US somewhere
- When there is a war involving Israel somewhere
- When they want to promote peace over war
- When they are unhappy about government spending cuts
- When the Habs win the cup (thankfully, it's once every 25 years now)
- When a Habs player gets suspended after hitting the referee
- When a Habs player is seriously injured by a Boston player
- When a Habs player seriously injur a Boston player
Hmmm... I don't think there have been that many riots involving Habs fans?
We dont riot when the weather is bad.
Quote from: Jacob on May 08, 2014, 06:13:44 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 08, 2014, 05:01:11 PM
- When the weather is nice
- When the Habs win
- When the Habs lose
- When the weather has been horrible for a few weeks and there's a nice evening
- When tuition fees increase
- When they want to protest against police brutality
- When they need a new shirt conveniently on display in a window that happens to suffer a mishap with a brick
- When there is a war involving the US somewhere
- When there is a war involving Israel somewhere
- When they want to promote peace over war
- When they are unhappy about government spending cuts
- When the Habs win the cup (thankfully, it's once every 25 years now)
- When a Habs player gets suspended after hitting the referee
- When a Habs player is seriously injured by a Boston player
- When a Habs player seriously injur a Boston player
Hmmm... I don't think there have been that many riots involving Habs fans?
they're Montrealers, it's the same ;)
Bye Boston! Not this year! :homestar:
Quote from: Jaron on May 12, 2014, 09:53:37 PM
Bye Boston! Not this year! :homestar:
it ain't over yet, and the Habs have yet to win 2 games in a row...
I'm not a particular fan of any of the teams left, but the Habs-Bruins series has been entertaining.
I took my brother in law to his first hockey game last night, an ECHL conference semi-final. I hadn't been to a Cyclones game all season. Not many people were there due to the Reds game next door, but it was a good time. Finally got to see an empty net goal and caught a puck for Tommy. Cyclones won the series and move on to the finals for their conference.
Quote from: viper37 on May 13, 2014, 05:07:36 PM
Quote from: Jaron on May 12, 2014, 09:53:37 PM
Bye Boston! Not this year! :homestar:
it ain't over yet, and the Habs have yet to win 2 games in a row...
We will soon find out if they have what it takes!
Allez les Habitants! I eagerly await Zoupa's victory dance.
It is time to party like its 1979 eh? Rangers vs. Habs.
Congrats to the jabs fans. Still kind of surprised by the rangers Win though.
Clearly my hockey prognostication skills are demonstrably faulty - never thought the Habs would make it this far. Grats guys.
While I can see them taking the Rangers, I can't see how they survive any of the remaining Western Conference teams though.
It looks like the Kings hold on for another game.
The big question in WEST - Can LAK defeat the Ducks at home in Game 7?
The Kings are looking slower and clumsier each game and I think two rough series has worn them down. Even if they beat Anaheim, I can't see them finishing off Chicago.
Prediction: Blackhawks repeat.
Quote from: Zoupa on May 08, 2014, 01:28:50 AM
Im cautiously optimistic Val... If we take game 4 we finish it in 5 in Boston. If they win tomorrow... I don't know. It'll go to 7 and then just flip a coin.
Ah, the Bruins. You big, stupid crybabies.
I hope we finish the Rangers quickly. Gonna need to rest up for the Hawks...
Quote from: Barrister on May 14, 2014, 10:53:14 PM
Clearly my hockey prognostication skills are demonstrably faulty - never thought the Habs would make it this far. Grats guys.
While I can see them taking the Rangers, I can't see how they survive any of the remaining Western Conference teams though.
That's true for ANY East team.
Quote from: Zoupa on May 15, 2014, 01:52:02 AM
Quote from: Zoupa on May 08, 2014, 01:28:50 AM
Im cautiously optimistic Val... If we take game 4 we finish it in 5 in Boston. If they win tomorrow... I don't know. It'll go to 7 and then just flip a coin.
Ah, the Bruins. You big, stupid crybabies.
I hope we finish the Rangers quickly. Gonna need to rest up for the Hawks...
Listen to Claude Julien. The Habs are the cry babies, always whining about everything, even in victory. Sore losers and sore winners too it seems.
Quote from: Zoupa on May 15, 2014, 01:50:11 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 22, 2014, 10:50:54 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on April 22, 2014, 10:48:46 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 06, 2014, 11:43:03 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 06, 2014, 10:59:49 PM
Patch is getting hot at just the right time. Hell, the whole team is hot at the right time.
I'm going to love their first second round flame-out. :menace:
Cheerfully corrected. :)
I pre-empted your snark by already posting my mea culpa. :cool:
Lucic acted like quite the cunt in the handshake line (and in the rest of the series too I guess).
Lucic said to Dale Weise in the line: "I'm going to fucking kill you next year" and he said something similar to Emelin.
Here is a 20 second video of his fuckery:
Although it also looks like PK kind of gave it to him:
Quote from: viper37 on May 15, 2014, 02:30:21 PM
Listen to Claude Julien. The Habs are the cry babies, always whining about everything, even in victory. Sore losers and sore winners too it seems.
Cry moar!
Quote from: viper37 on May 15, 2014, 02:30:21 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on May 15, 2014, 01:52:02 AM
Quote from: Zoupa on May 08, 2014, 01:28:50 AM
Im cautiously optimistic Val... If we take game 4 we finish it in 5 in Boston. If they win tomorrow... I don't know. It'll go to 7 and then just flip a coin.
Ah, the Bruins. You big, stupid crybabies.
I hope we finish the Rangers quickly. Gonna need to rest up for the Hawks...
Listen to Claude Julien. The Habs are the cry babies, always whining about everything, even in victory. Sore losers and sore winners too it seems.
Are you a Bruins fan?!
I'm starting to worry the Kings are going to run away with this thing. I'll put my fears to rest until I see the Blackhawks get smoked. As a Sharks fan, my only remaining wish this season is to see the Kings go down. :showoff:
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 15, 2014, 08:36:40 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 15, 2014, 02:30:21 PM
Quote from: Zoupa on May 15, 2014, 01:52:02 AM
Quote from: Zoupa on May 08, 2014, 01:28:50 AM
Im cautiously optimistic Val... If we take game 4 we finish it in 5 in Boston. If they win tomorrow... I don't know. It'll go to 7 and then just flip a coin.
Ah, the Bruins. You big, stupid crybabies.
I hope we finish the Rangers quickly. Gonna need to rest up for the Hawks...
Listen to Claude Julien. The Habs are the cry babies, always whining about everything, even in victory. Sore losers and sore winners too it seems.
Are you a Bruins fan?!
I kinda like 29 teams ;)
But I always had a weakspot for the Penguins and lately, the Bruins.
Poor poor POOR Montreal. There's always game 2.
Montreal goalie is OUT for the entire series. That collision in game 1 screwed up his knee.
This is some BULLSHIT, typical Rangers cheap shot.
Go Rangers.
Budaj has his work cut out for him.
Its seems to be typical Kreider BS. Oh well. Conference Final is a good result.
The team needs to gather its spirit. The young goalie isn't bad, but he's inexperienced and he's nervous, similar to maybe Carey Price in his first year. But scoring 1 goal in the series isn't enough. 2 goals is the absolute bare minimum, but you can't allow a team to score 4 goals in 2 periods before changing the goalie to get another 3.
The hockey gods are cruel to Montreal! Maybe there'll be a bit of mercy for them in the OT?
OMG, these Canadiens! :showoff:
My Cyclones are going to the ECHL finals! :punk:
Also go Rangers & Kings :barf:
If the Canadiens can score 7 goals a game for the rest of the series I think they might eek it out.
The Rangers better not let me down like the Bruins did.
Quote from: viper37 on May 28, 2014, 04:06:37 PM
The Rangers better not let me down like the Bruins did.
The Rangers love smashing the hopes of teams from Quebec
Quote from: viper37 on May 28, 2014, 04:06:37 PM
The Rangers better not let me down like the Bruins did.
The Nordiques are never coming back. Nor the Bulldogs.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 28, 2014, 08:33:20 PM
The Nordiques are never coming back.
I know that, but I still ain't betraying my heart.
Les Régions :rolleyes:
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 28, 2014, 08:33:20 PM
The Nordiques are never coming back.
How much do you want to bet? :contract:
Quote from: Barrister on May 29, 2014, 07:50:43 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 28, 2014, 08:33:20 PM
The Nordiques are never coming back.
How much do you want to bet? :contract:
I will bet you an authentic replica of the 1977 Avco Trophy.
Quote from: viper37 on May 29, 2014, 01:32:01 AM
I know that, but I still ain't betraying my heart.
I always liked the Nordiques, or at least I did for the short amount of time they were around after I started following hockey.
Quote from: Barrister on May 29, 2014, 07:50:43 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 28, 2014, 08:33:20 PM
The Nordiques are never coming back.
How much do you want to bet? :contract:
Altho, never is too indefinite a time period. How do I win?
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 29, 2014, 08:34:36 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 29, 2014, 07:50:43 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 28, 2014, 08:33:20 PM
The Nordiques are never coming back.
How much do you want to bet? :contract:
Altho, never is too indefinite a time period. How do I win?
By 2020. Deal?
Fine. I didn't have space for a replica 1977 Avco Trophy anyway.
Quote from: Valmy on May 29, 2014, 09:23:46 AM
Fine. I didn't have space for a replica 1977 Avco Trophy anyway.
Well, umm, neither you or I actually have a 1977 replica AVCO Cup, which is why I didn't know how to respond to your post. :unsure:
Quote from: Barrister on May 29, 2014, 09:29:06 AM
Quote from: Valmy on May 29, 2014, 09:23:46 AM
Fine. I didn't have space for a replica 1977 Avco Trophy anyway.
Well, umm, neither you or I actually have a 1977 replica AVCO Cup, which is why I didn't know how to respond to your post. :unsure:
I am sure you could have had one specially made -_-
Quote from: Barrister on May 29, 2014, 09:29:06 AM
Quote from: Valmy on May 29, 2014, 09:23:46 AM
Fine. I didn't have space for a replica 1977 Avco Trophy anyway.
Well, umm, neither you or I actually have a 1977 replica AVCO Cup, which is why I didn't know how to respond to your post. :unsure:
By 2020 you would have to acquire one and Valmy would have one.
Quote from: Barrister on May 29, 2014, 09:22:53 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 29, 2014, 08:34:36 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 29, 2014, 07:50:43 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 28, 2014, 08:33:20 PM
The Nordiques are never coming back.
How much do you want to bet? :contract:
Altho, never is too indefinite a time period. How do I win?
By 2020. Deal?
Deal. To make this YI Approve, it's 10$ in 2020 money.
Miroslav Satan retired. Farewell fun puns. :weep:
Quote from: derspiess on May 29, 2014, 08:29:28 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 29, 2014, 01:32:01 AM
I know that, but I still ain't betraying my heart.
I always liked the Nordiques, or at least I did for the short amount of time they were around after I started following hockey.
See GF? What we have here is a true admirer of hockey. :showoff:
Quote from: Barrister on May 29, 2014, 07:50:43 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 28, 2014, 08:33:20 PM
The Nordiques are never coming back.
How much do you want to bet? :contract:
Honestly, with PKP has making the jump into politics, it means that the Nordiques ain't close to coming back to Quebe city. Also, with the departure of Quebecor's #2, PKP's semi-replacement, it means the 2 architects of the Nordiques come back have left ship.
We have to remember that with the deal the signed with Quebec city, Quebecor won't assume the majority of losses for operating the arena without a hockey team. Basically, all operating losses up to 3M$/year (the cost of the rent if there is no team) will be expunged by the city. It means they have the arena for free, so there's no rush for them, with PKP not there.
Goodbye Montreal!!!!
Quote from: viper37 on May 29, 2014, 04:04:29 PM
Quote from: derspiess on May 29, 2014, 08:29:28 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 29, 2014, 01:32:01 AM
I know that, but I still ain't betraying my heart.
I always liked the Nordiques, or at least I did for the short amount of time they were around after I started following hockey.
See GF? What we have here is a true admirer of hockey. :showoff:
I have no memories of the Nords. What can I say, I'm not ancient.
Quote from: Jaron on May 29, 2014, 09:53:35 PM
Goodbye Montreal!!!!
LA better not let this happen.
Lundqsucks is already too successful, a stanley cup would be too much.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 30, 2014, 06:14:36 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 29, 2014, 04:04:29 PM
Quote from: derspiess on May 29, 2014, 08:29:28 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 29, 2014, 01:32:01 AM
I know that, but I still ain't betraying my heart.
I always liked the Nordiques, or at least I did for the short amount of time they were around after I started following hockey.
See GF? What we have here is a true admirer of hockey. :showoff:
I have no memories of the Nords. What can I say, I'm not ancient.
You're from the Montreal area, so I can sorta forgive you for cheering the Habs. When it comes to people from Quebec city who used to be Nords fans though, they shall burn in hell.
Just like you, Bruins fan.
If I had a favorite hockey team it would be the rangers! :w00t:
Quote from: sbr on May 30, 2014, 11:19:31 AM
If I had a favorite hockey team it would be the rangers! :w00t:
Quote from: sbr on May 30, 2014, 11:19:31 AM
If I had a favorite hockey team it would be the rangers! :w00t:
So you are also a Cowboys fan?
Zuccarello. :cool:
First Norwegian to play a Stanley Cup final.
Gotta be the first Norwegian to be named Zuccarello too. :huh:
Quote from: Admiral Yi on May 30, 2014, 11:37:29 AM
Gotta be the first Norwegian to be named Zuccarello too. :huh:
They also got Italian immigrants.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on May 30, 2014, 11:37:29 AM
Gotta be the first Norwegian to be named Zuccarello too. :huh:
His dad made a mean pasta.
Edit: His name is really Mats Zuccarello Aasen. He does have some Italian genes in him, but grew up in Oslo, and played in Sweden before moving to the NHL. Aside from Espen Knutsen, he's probably the best hockey player we've ever had. He was sorely missed in the World Cup.
The world cup. :lol: :mad:
It's important to people who don't have the NHL.
IS the Hockey World Cup actually going ahead? I've heard it talked about, but nothing ever official.
Quote from: Norgy on May 30, 2014, 12:16:07 PM
It's important to people who don't have the NHL.
I will fight to make The Oslo Monastery Burners a reality Norgy.
We already have anglicised the team names of some clubs:
Stavanger Oilers
Storhamar Dragons
My hometown's team's in the third tier and basically sucks, despite having one of the best arenas in Norway. 5000 seats inside solid rock. It's a bloody travesty.
Oslo has Vålerenga, which are good. Strangely enough, both Bergen and Trondheim really struggle to have anything above decent hockey teams. Hockey is mostly limited to eastern/central Norway, with the counties bordering on Sweden having decent to good sides.
Quote from: Norgy on May 30, 2014, 12:57:34 PM
My hometown's team's in the third tier and basically sucks, despite having one of the best arenas in Norway. 5000 seats inside solid rock. It's a bloody travesty.
Well that sounds awesome. We should make those guys a NHL team.
Quote from: Norgy on May 30, 2014, 12:57:34 PM
This wouldn't happen to mean village sackers would it?
Quote from: Valmy on May 30, 2014, 01:05:49 PM
Quote from: Norgy on May 30, 2014, 12:57:34 PM
My hometown's team's in the third tier and basically sucks, despite having one of the best arenas in Norway. 5000 seats inside solid rock. It's a bloody travesty.
Well that sounds awesome. We should make those guys a NHL team.
It's a fricking huge man-made cave, basically. Yes, that's solid, polished rock on the sides.
No, Valmy, Vålerenga basically means something like this or that meadow.
3rd tier hockey, so, Midget AAA level?
Let's just say the arena is better than the team.
Quote from: Norgy on May 30, 2014, 01:21:49 PM
It's a fricking huge man-made cave, basically. Yes, that's solid, polished rock on the sides.
Well that is just awesome. Cannot believe they built that amazing facility for some minor league nothing team.
QuoteNo, Valmy, Vålerenga basically means something like this or that meadow.
The Meadows? I guess this is a reference to a part of Oslo they play in or something.
It was built for the 1994 Winter Olympics. The US played Slovakia there. I was there, and Satan scored. :lol: :sleep:
Oslo's a fairly old city, and there used to be meadows where the lifestock grazed.
The council basically finances the running of the place, with clubs paying to train and play there. It has hosted football, handball and whatnot really. Playing footie there was by no means a good experience, as I remember it. The pitch was hard, and with five-a-side, there was almost no space play in. Lost all our matches, I think.
The arena is used as a concert venue. The acoustics are good.
Satan! :w00t:
Quote from: Norgy on May 30, 2014, 01:45:52 PM
The US played Slovakia there. I was there, and Satan scored. :lol: :sleep:
Did you stand up and scream 'Hail Satan' when he scored like I always do at home?
I always included Satan in a created team in the NHL video games. Who needs defense?
Quote from: Valmy on May 30, 2014, 03:28:19 PM
Quote from: Norgy on May 30, 2014, 01:45:52 PM
The US played Slovakia there. I was there, and Satan scored. :lol: :sleep:
Did you stand up and scream 'Hail Satan' when he scored like I always do at home?
I was there with my stepbrother, so I did what Satan would want me to: I punched the fucker in the gut.
Quote from: Barrister on May 30, 2014, 11:25:14 AM
Quote from: sbr on May 30, 2014, 11:19:31 AM
If I had a favorite hockey team it would be the rangers! :w00t:
That didn't come out right.
I am not a big hockey fan at all, but the Rangers ARE my favorite NHL team.
Back in the early '90s when I was living in Phoenix one of my best friends was a Rangers fan from New Jersey. We went out a couple of times a month to sports bars and watched Rangers games and I became a fan. I don't follow hockey but my ears a;ways perk up when the Rangers are mentioned.
I was completely sure that I watched Messier and the Rangers win Game 7 in 1994 just hours after my oldest daughter was born but no. Not only was Game 7 2 days later, but there was no hockey game that day at all. We ended up being in the hospital for a week, so I did watch the Rangers win the Cup in the hospital room but it was not that same day.
I probably haven't watched the Rangers play since, but I will definitely watch some of the Finals games this year.
Ah, the 94 Rangers. Sticking it to the shitty Canucks.
Quote from: Ed Anger on May 30, 2014, 07:23:47 PM
shitty Canucks.
Department of Redundancy Department.
Game 7 anyone?!?!? Yes!
Patrick Kane :wub:
Okay, so the Jets were no great hell this year, but the farm team (and former Manitoba Moose) is in the Calder Cup Finals ba-by! :yeah:
Goal tending prospect Michael Hutchinson has just been on FIRE in the playoffs.
These Rangers will DESTROY the LA Kings. :yeah:
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2014, 12:28:31 AM
Okay, so the Jets were no great hell this year, but the farm team (and former Manitoba Moose) is in the Calder Cup Finals ba-by! :yeah:
Yeah they are playing Austin's hockey team. They keep hockey weird.
Quote from: Jaron on June 04, 2014, 01:02:33 AM
These Rangers will DESTROY the LA Kings. :yeah:
The Kings are battle tested and nothing seems to keep them down. I'm hoping for the Rangers though!
I like the Kings :)
What do y'all make of this Kings-Rangers match up so far?
The Kings fan (naturally) predicted NY didn't stand a chance and the Kings would steamroll them in four. So far the Kings have rebounded from being behind each game, but at the end of the day both games have gone to OT. Not good for the Rangers defense, but neither has it been a feather in the cap of the Kings goal tending or offensive lines.
Quick hasn't been great this year, but he's been good. The LA offensive has to have more output than the Rangers typically because Lundqvist is playing well.
If the Rangers can tighten up and protect their leads they have a chance at an upset.
Rangers have deserved the wins but the Kings keep finding a way.
Quote from: Jaron on June 07, 2014, 09:47:05 PM
What do y'all make of this Kings-Rangers match up so far?
I have seen only the 1st game, seen only the score for the 2nd.
It seems the Kings are adept at coming back from behind, hitting the players, getting the puck. Rangers aren't the push over everyone thought, 2 losses in overtime against LA is nothing to be ashamed off. But it's still a loss, and it's 2-0, and it will be hard to come back from there against LA.
I watched more hockey last night than in the last 20 years combined. It seemed to be a good game even though the bad guys won.
EDIT: was the non-call on the interference on Lundquist as bad as it seemed to someone who knows nothing? The NBC TV announcers seemed to think so.
It would have been as bad to call it.
btw the good guys won.
Any unbiased opinions?
Hockey is stupid.
These playoffs really haven't grabbed my attention.
Pity the Canadiens didn't win. They know how to handle the Kings.
Shit. This season is going to have a bad ending for me. :cry:
Quote from: derspiess on May 27, 2014, 11:37:25 PM
My Cyclones are going to the ECHL finals! :punk:
Also go Rangers & Kings :barf:
and lost to my Aces!!!
LA is damn good, probably be there again next year.
Lundquist was amazing, 50+ shots to 30 was just too much.
Lundqvist kept the Rangers in the series. The Rangers offense was lackluster against the Kings defense and their only shot at victory was to sneak some past Quick while Lundqvist held the line. It could have worked, but it was a long shot.
Legitimately big hockey news today around the extended Barrister family.
Winnipeg Jets announce their new radio play by play announcer will be Paul Edmonds, who has been a long-time minor league baseball play by play announcer in Winnipeg.
Why the hell is this big news? Paul is my cousin - in fact my only cousin on my dad's side. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on August 14, 2014, 10:48:22 PM
Legitimately big hockey news today around the extended Barrister family.
Winnipeg Jets announce their new radio play by play announcer will be Paul Edmonds, who has been a long-time minor league baseball play by play announcer in Winnipeg.
Why the hell is this big news? Paul is my cousin - in fact my only cousin on my dad's side. :cool:
That's awesome, congrats... I certainly assume that means a few more comped tickets coming your way, either in Winnipeg or when the Jets are in town.
Fuck Tickets, a night on the media area is the shitz.
Budaj traded to the Jets where he expected a chance to compete for #2 spot. He is sent to the American league instead.
Sad for him. I hear he's an hard worker, always training. But there are lots of better goalies now.
Looking at the stats, it doesn't seem abysmal, but I can't say he did a good job in the last season and playoffs with the Habs.
Quote from: viper37 on October 07, 2014, 02:23:06 PM
Budaj traded to the Jets where he expected a chance to compete for #2 spot. He is sent to the American league instead.
Sad for him. I hear he's an hard worker, always training. But there are lots of better goalies now.
Looking at the stats, it doesn't seem abysmal, but I can't say he did a good job in the last season and playoffs with the Habs.
Nah - Jets have a very bad, but expensive #1 goalie under contract in Pavelec, and a very promising prospect in Hutchinson. They also have an even more promising (but very young) prospect in Hellebuyck. Hutchinson was fantastic in the A, and they want to give him more of a look in the NHL. But Hellebuyck is still developing, and in case of injury the organization wouldn't want him just riding the pine in Winnipeg - he needs to play. So Budaj's role would be as a mentor to Hellebuyck, and can act as a call up if either goalie goes down for injury (or if Hutchinson goes down in flames - he only has 3 career NHL starts).
So there's an opportunity there for him if he wants to try and grab it. But he cleared waivers - nobody out there thought he was good enough to earn a roster spot in the NHL.
The Jets should have taken Markstrom when the Canucks had to put him through waivers to get him to their AHL team in Utica.
Calgary is not going to have a stellar year, but they're going to be competitive and they are looking like they've got a lot of solid youngsters. This Johnny Gaudreau kid has skills and Sam Bennet (injured) is going to be a star player.
Canucks will have a rebound year and compete for that 8th spot in the playoffs.
The Western Conference is going to be a hell of a hard battle once again.
Quote from: PRC on October 07, 2014, 04:41:43 PM
The Jets should have taken Markstrom when the Canucks had to put him through waivers to get him to their AHL team in Utica.
Calgary is not going to have a stellar year, but they're going to be competitive and they are looking like they've got a lot of solid youngsters. This Johnny Gaudreau kid has skills and Sam Bennet (injured) is going to be a star player.
Canucks will have a rebound year and compete for that 8th spot in the playoffs.
The Western Conference is going to be a hell of a hard battle once again.
Why? Jets are A: stuck with Pavelec, and B: want to see what Hutchinson can do. If we take a goalie off waivers we have to keep that player with the club.
I predict the Jets will again be the top team in Western Canada, which isn't saying much as they'll still miss the playoffs.
Markstrom is an upgrade on Hutchinson, they can see what he does in the minors. Pavelec sucks, they should have bought him out.
Canucks will finish higher in the standings than the Jets.
Markstrom is a dead prospect until he finds a work ethics. Time is also running out for him.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 08, 2014, 07:45:15 AM
Markstrom is a dead prospect until he finds a work ethics. Time is also running out for him.
Probably true.
Winnipeg has a good team - other than their goaltending. If they can't fix it they don't have a hope and they're in a tough division.
Quote from: PRC on October 08, 2014, 12:09:00 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 08, 2014, 07:45:15 AM
Markstrom is a dead prospect until he finds a work ethics. Time is also running out for him.
Probably true.
Winnipeg has a good team - other than their goaltending. If they can't fix it they don't have a hope and they're in a tough division.
Very true, but as I said Markstrom's not the answer. Going through hockeyDB he's been a sub .900 goaltender most years in the NHL, while playing as a backup. His numbers make even Pavelec look good.
btw, remind your GM that the Habs is always ready to embrace your great black players in exchange for Rene Bourque.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 08, 2014, 01:14:47 PM
btw, remind your GM that the Habs is always ready to embrace your great black players in exchange for Rene Bourque.
It was always funny how a team in whitebread Winnipeg* had three black hockey players (two of whom are still there). But I'll pass on your trade.
*In fact, Winnipeg is known for it's rye bread, but that doesn't work as well.
I just don't understand's Cheveldayoff love of his Atlanta core of players. He should have Jetstison that after the first season.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 08, 2014, 01:20:12 PM
I just don't understand's Cheveldayoff love his Atlanta core of players. He should have Jetstison that after the first season.
Disagree. It's a reasonably talented team (with bad goaltending). Never been any need to blow it up. All that would do is have us become like Edmonton and be out of it by December.
Now Chevy is probably a little TOO conservative (he's still never made a NHL player-for-player trade!) but slow-and-steady is the way to do it.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 08, 2014, 01:14:47 PM
btw, remind your GM that the Habs is always ready to embrace your great black players in exchange for Rene Bourque.
Remembering Bourque from his days in Calgary I can confirm he is an invisible floater more often than not... but he did seem to deliver for you guys in the playoffs last year.
Quote from: Barrister on October 08, 2014, 01:23:39 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 08, 2014, 01:20:12 PM
I just don't understand's Cheveldayoff love his Atlanta core of players. He should have Jetstison that after the first season.
Disagree. It's a reasonably talented team (with bad goaltending). Never been any need to blow it up. All that would do is have us become like Edmonton and be out of it by December.
Now Chevy is probably a little TOO conservative (he's still never made a NHL player-for-player trade!) but slow-and-steady is the way to do it.
Now it is! but the Atlanta core after the first year was full of no work ethics players.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 08, 2014, 01:51:50 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 08, 2014, 01:23:39 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 08, 2014, 01:20:12 PM
I just don't understand's Cheveldayoff love his Atlanta core of players. He should have Jetstison that after the first season.
Disagree. It's a reasonably talented team (with bad goaltending). Never been any need to blow it up. All that would do is have us become like Edmonton and be out of it by December.
Now Chevy is probably a little TOO conservative (he's still never made a NHL player-for-player trade!) but slow-and-steady is the way to do it.
Now it is! but the Atlanta core after the first year was full of no work ethics players.
Other than Antropov, the core is pretty much unchanged...
WHeeler gets a pass.
Only Little, Kane & Big Buff, Enstrom, Bogosian, Pavelec remain.
Oh, damn you are right.
That's such a bad team. :bleeding:
God fucking dammit
That was a really good hockey game. You really saw how Montreal was a much better team than the Leafs. They really know how to close out games and win, whereas the Leafs know how to let their fans down.
In fact, the game was a microcosm of the Leafs seasons in general: Promising start, followed by a bit of a letdown, followed by a hopeful surge, followed by crushing defeat and humiliation.
Is it still preseason?
Quote from: katmai on October 08, 2014, 09:31:11 PM
Is it still preseason?
No, tonight was the first night of the regular season.
QuoteNo, tonight was the first night of the regular season.
And the Leafs' season is already over.
I hate you all :D
HVC, last year at the same time (and the previous 3) you were planning a Stanley Cup Parade. A Change of pace is a good thing.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 09, 2014, 07:16:06 AM
HVC, last year at the same time (and the previous 3) you were planning a Stanley Cup Parade. A Change of pace is a good thing.
I was never planning a parade. I was just having fun with Josephus. As a leafs fan I know my fate :lol:
Cautious optimism for a Leafs fans = SC parade.
Well it's always nice to win your season opener.
It's even nicer to demolish the opposition, doubly so when it's the Coyotes. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on October 09, 2014, 11:56:55 PM
It's even nicer to demolish the opposition, doubly so when it's the Coyotes. :cool:
Serves them well for not moving to Quebec city! :mad:
Mike Smith :bleeding:
Quote from: viper37 on October 10, 2014, 09:40:34 AM
Quote from: Barrister on October 09, 2014, 11:56:55 PM
It's even nicer to demolish the opposition, doubly so when it's the Coyotes. :cool:
Serves them well for not moving to Quebec city! :mad:
They're going to Seattle. :sleep:
Weirdest team commercial ever
So after a bit of a swoon initially, the Jets have been on a tear, and are now in third spot in the Central Division after a 3-1 win over the Preds. :cool:
At the 20 game mark, with one quarter of the season now over, your Winnipeg Jets remain in 3rd place in the Central. :cool:
Edmonton remains in their rightful place of course in last place in the Western Conference. :ph34r:
Apparently the PA system died during the singing of the American National anthem at the recent Toronto-Nashville game, and the fans responded by finishing the song themselves.
So Evanker Kane tweets today:
QuoteToday is the 3 year anniversary of the infamous #moneyphone #hadtodoit
:lol: I like this kid.
So it's a bit of a rough game, but Jets beat the Oilers today in OT.
Quote from: Barrister on December 04, 2014, 01:11:32 AM
So it's a bit of a rough game, but Jets beat the Oilers today in OT.
Eakins gets fired?
The Sabres are actually showing some life! :o
Quote from: PRC on December 04, 2014, 02:00:53 AM
Quote from: Barrister on December 04, 2014, 01:11:32 AM
So it's a bit of a rough game, but Jets beat the Oilers today in OT.
Eakins gets fired?
Not sure that would really help. The failure begins much higher up in the organization. It's no coincidence that the Oilers recent history has been littered with underdeveloped players and a complete disregard for defence, and that was long before Eakins hit town. It'd probably be a good idea to start the axe with Kevin Lowe, and then just keep on moving. Either way, the Oilers won't be worthwhile again for a very long time. There just isn't anything to build on.
I totally agree with that. They need to clean house starting with Lowe and MacT. Eakins needs to go as well though... the Oilers don't play team defence and that's on him. Taylor Hall puts up the points now but is also a giveaway machine and Eakins has not been able to get him to backcheck, he's part of the problem. The whole organization is messed up.
I've given up on the Bluejackets. Totally hopeless.
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 04, 2014, 08:17:19 PM
I've given up on the Bluejackets. Totally hopeless.
Too many injuries unfortunately.
Oilers fired their coach today. My wife is quite amused by the depths of Oiler failure. Still, they need to be seen to do something, and they can't fire the players.
Gomez signed by Devils has 1g, 3a for 4 points in 8 games.
Quote from: Neil on December 15, 2014, 11:46:49 PM
Oilers fired their coach today. My wife is quite amused by the depths of Oiler failure. Still, they need to be seen to do something, and they can't fire the players.
firing the GM isn't an option? Or did they already do it?
Quote from: viper37 on December 16, 2014, 02:28:58 PM
Quote from: Neil on December 15, 2014, 11:46:49 PM
Oilers fired their coach today. My wife is quite amused by the depths of Oiler failure. Still, they need to be seen to do something, and they can't fire the players.
firing the GM isn't an option? Or did they already do it?
Not an option. Dude is a Stanley Cup winner with the Oilers, that's not allowable under Lowe management(another Stanley Cup winning Oilers).
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 16, 2014, 02:39:17 PM
Quote from: viper37 on December 16, 2014, 02:28:58 PM
Quote from: Neil on December 15, 2014, 11:46:49 PM
Oilers fired their coach today. My wife is quite amused by the depths of Oiler failure. Still, they need to be seen to do something, and they can't fire the players.
firing the GM isn't an option? Or did they already do it?
Not an option. Dude is a Stanley Cup winner with the Oilers, that's not allowable under Lowe management(another Stanley Cup winning Oilers).
If found what I was searching for:
Oilers need to get rid of GM and President (
Quote from: viper37 on December 16, 2014, 02:28:58 PM
Quote from: Neil on December 15, 2014, 11:46:49 PM
Oilers fired their coach today. My wife is quite amused by the depths of Oiler failure. Still, they need to be seen to do something, and they can't fire the players.
firing the GM isn't an option? Or did they already do it?
To be fair, the GM is a pretty new on the job and might have some solutions (although they would take a while to have any effect on a team so devastated by years of mismanagement), but the real problem is the team President, Kevin Lowe.
Quote from: Neil on December 16, 2014, 02:55:14 PM
Quote from: viper37 on December 16, 2014, 02:28:58 PM
Quote from: Neil on December 15, 2014, 11:46:49 PM
Oilers fired their coach today. My wife is quite amused by the depths of Oiler failure. Still, they need to be seen to do something, and they can't fire the players.
firing the GM isn't an option? Or did they already do it?
To be fair, the GM is a pretty new on the job and might have some solutions (although they would take a while to have any effect on a team so devastated by years of mismanagement), but the real problem is the team President, Kevin Lowe.
Other than having been coach for a number of years beforehand, and other than the fact his acquisitions have been universally terrible.
GM and coach are two different things.
At any rate, MacTavish will fail no matter what, unless Lowe is driven out. And if Lowe going means that MacTavish goes too, then that'd be fine.
Quote from: Jacob on November 20, 2014, 05:09:55 PM
Apparently the PA system died during the singing of the American National anthem at the recent Toronto-Nashville game, and the fans responded by finishing the song themselves.
I saw someone mentioning this elsewhere today. Pretty cool.
Jets win 8-2 over Florida, and Mathieu Perreault scores 4 goals. Luongo is chased from the game. It may not have been exciting, but a good old fashioned curb-stomping sure does feel good once in a while. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on January 13, 2015, 11:04:15 PM
Jets win 8-2 over Florida, and Mathieu Perreault scores 4 goals. Luongo is chased from the game. It may not have been exciting, but a good old fashioned curb-stomping sure does feel good once in a while. :cool:
When Lou collapses he collapses. It happens.
Quote from: Jacob on January 13, 2015, 11:34:16 PM
Quote from: Barrister on January 13, 2015, 11:04:15 PM
Jets win 8-2 over Florida, and Mathieu Perreault scores 4 goals. Luongo is chased from the game. It may not have been exciting, but a good old fashioned curb-stomping sure does feel good once in a while. :cool:
When Lou collapses he collapses. It happens.
I didn't make any great predictions of Jets world domination. It's just nice to see them dominate a game like that (and they kept it up against Florida's backup Montoya, who they signed from Winnipeg). :cool:
And the odds of a CCR sighting are low, but nevertheless I wanted to point out that the Jets are now 3-0 against the Blackhawks in Chicago this year. :cool:
On Wednesday I was sick at home & in the afternoon Sportnet showed game #2 of the Stanley Cup final between the Minnesota North Stars & the Pittsburgh Penguins in 1991.
Wow. I was not ready for how the game has changed since then. I was screaming at my tv for a good defensive coverage?! No wonder Lemieux would score so many goals, no one is challenging him at the blueline. Goalies can't play the puck nor skate. Defense do nothing but collapse to defend their own net.
Damn thing was atrocious to watch.
I wonder how the low Canadian dollar is going to affect Canadian NHL teams. I don't think it's going to be a positive.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 30, 2015, 12:11:54 PM
On Wednesday I was sick at home & in the afternoon Sportnet showed game #2 of the Stanley Cup final between the Minnesota North Stars & the Pittsburgh Penguins in 1991.
Wow. I was not ready for how the game has changed since then. I was screaming at my tv for a good defensive coverage?! No wonder Lemieux would score so many goals, no one is challenging him at the blueline. Goalies can't play the puck nor skate. Defense do nothing but collapse to defend their own net.
Damn thing was atrocious to watch.
But Jagr's goal against Chicago the next year was a thing of beauty.
Quote from: Jacob on January 30, 2015, 12:15:19 PM
I wonder how the low Canadian dollar is going to affect Canadian NHL teams. I don't think it's going to be a positive.
It shouldn't actually be too bad.
It's all thanks to the salary cap. Teams pay a fixed percentage of league revenues in salaries (50%?). League revenues are calculated in US$. As the CDN$ decreases, league revenue falls, and with it, the salary cap.
And if things get really bad, there's always revenue sharing.
Quote from: Jacob on January 30, 2015, 12:15:19 PM
I wonder how the low Canadian dollar is going to affect Canadian NHL teams. I don't think it's going to be a positive.
What's great about the NHL 3.0 is that a bad canadian dollar affects all 30 teams almost equally. The cap won't grow too much, that's not very good for the on-ice product. (or maybe it is, as it will squeeze out out-layer veterans).
I've heard rumours of at least one ownership group of a Canadian team looking to sell their team, and the reason given is the low exchange rate.
Just a rumour of course.
Quote from: Jacob on January 30, 2015, 02:19:26 PM
I've heard rumours of at least one ownership group of a Canadian team looking to sell their team, and the reason given is the low exchange rate.
Just a rumour of course.
I find that hard to believe, and have not read any such rumour on the hockey-cites I check out about every day.
The only team that has been in any level of trouble is the Senators, and that's apparently due to Melnyk having trouble in his non-hockey businesses.
Pretty much everyone else though has the NHL team as part of a bigger media or land development strategy.
This rumour is a little more inside than hockey websites.
Quote from: Jacob on January 30, 2015, 04:20:23 PM
This rumour is a little more inside than hockey websites.
Well their usual stock-in-trade is rumour and wild-ass guesses!
Share the rumour here if you wish, and why you put credence in it. I enjoy the off-the-ice side of hockey almost as much as the on-ice action.
Basically I know someone who does business with a Canadian NHL team and when I asked him how it was going, he said not too well because the ownership were not spending money on the kind of stuff my friend was proposing right now due to uncertainty. When I inquired what he meant by uncertainty, he said they were looking at selling the team, and that the change in CDN$ vs US$ was a significant contribution to that.
Plenty of room for misunderstood implications along the chain, as he usually deals with a few people in their office rather than the owners directly. And I didn't get the impression that it was imminent either, but rather a "let's give the business a good look and decide if it still makes sense for us" rather than a "alright, we're selling."
... but yeah, just a rumour, and not one I'd expect to see on rumour websites quite yet.
Katz, eh.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 01, 2015, 05:28:01 PM
Katz, eh.
Why sell right before getting your brand new arena you fought so hard to get
Oh it makes no sense, that's why it's Katz.
Or it's Melnyk but he didn't need a new reason to sell the team.
Big trade today by the Jets. In fact it's the first "player for player" trade the Jets have ever made since their return!
To Winnipeg: Stafford, Myers, couple of prospects, and a 1st round pick (Buffalo has 3, it won't be their own)
To Buffalo: Kane, Bogosian, a minor goalie prospect
Interesting. :hmm:
Good trade. Kane was already gone & Bogosian vs Myers is a trade up.
+the picks and prospects. Stafford is a salary dump.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 11, 2015, 02:53:59 PM
Good trade. Kane was already gone & Bogosian vs Myers is a trade up.
+the picks and prospects. Stafford is a salary dump.
Buffalo retains half of Stafford's salary. :cool:
Plus, being short a F made the Jets put Buff back to the wing. With Stafford they already announced Buff is back again to D. Which means he has gonf from Forward, to defence, to forward, to defence, all just in this season.
Good god Beeb. That hit. That's a big dude.
So it's trade deadline day, though it seems like many/most trades have been completed in the few days run up to today.
It's interesting times as a Jets fan. After three years where the team either stood pat, or were sellers at the deadline, this year they're buyers, having [icked up Myers and Stafford from Buffalo, TLusti from Carolina, and now STempniak from NYR.
I think management not only thinks they'll make the playoffs, but might make some noise in the playoffs. :shifty:
Quote from: Barrister on March 02, 2015, 11:49:29 AM
I think management not only thinks they'll make the playoffs, but might make some noise in the playoffs. :shifty:
they have a pretty good chance of making it as the highest-placed finishers in their conference. If it was the old system, at #5 they'd be almost assured of a place.
Quote from: viper37 on March 02, 2015, 01:52:19 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 02, 2015, 11:49:29 AM
I think management not only thinks they'll make the playoffs, but might make some noise in the playoffs. :shifty:
they have a pretty good chance of making it as the highest-placed finishers in their conference. If it was the old system, at #5 they'd be almost assured of a place.
The nice thing about where the Jets are at though is that the Pacific seems like a weak division (aside from Anaheim). So the #2 and #3 teams in the Pacific have less points that the Jets, and all of the teams chasing are also in the Pacific (except for Minnesota). So if LA or San Jose gain a few more points theey just bump Calgary or Vancouver out of the playoffs, not bump the Jets out.
I am sorry you have to endure 3.5 more seasons of failure BB.
yes, the Jets seems to get better&better every year, contrary to Edmonton, always finishing in the last spots and never being able to climb the stairs.
Caught a bit on Sports Center last night about the Leafs losing two tenders to injury and suiting up a forward and...the goalie coach! Signed him to a one day, $500 player contract.
Neither of them played however, as the two regular goalies came back out on the ice.
My apologies if this was covered on a previous page.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on March 04, 2015, 01:46:45 PM
Caught a bit on Sports Center last night about the Leafs losing two tenders to injury and suiting up a forward and...the goalie coach! Signed him to a one day, $500 player contract.
Neither of them played however, as the two regular goalies came back out on the ice.
My apologies if this was covered on a previous page.
No, hadn't heard about it.
Apparently it was Florida, who was playing the Leafs, that had both goalies go down.
You do hear these kinds of stories from time to time. e.g. the STarter is injured, the team calls up a minor league backup but isn't able to make the game in time, so they go out and sign someone, anyone, to a one-day contract to suit up as a backup. In Canada it's most common to sign a goaltender from a local university squad (since CIS doesn't have the same amateur rules as the NCAA).
Derek McKenzie, not a regular goalie, was even all dressed up ready to go in when Montoya(goalie #2) sucked it in & went back in. Crazy.
For Katmai... Scott Gomez penned Player's Tribune article:
Scott Gomez
Early in my career, I'd hear about guys with long scoreless droughts and just think, How's that even possible? It made no sense to me.
But then there I was, sitting on the bench for the Montreal Canadiens, watching our home fans in the stands dancing around in sombreros and singing "Happy Birthday" in honor of my one-year goal drought.
By that point, I was fully aware of my poor play. My lack of scoring was the subject of TV reports, newspaper columns and, yes, its own website. But it was at that moment, serving as the butt of a bad joke for 20,000 fans at the Bell Centre, that it hit me hardest.
"Holy shit, I'm that guy now."
Life and hockey kind of mirror each other in the sense that when you're having good times, it's difficult to imagine how things will ever go wrong. And when you're having bad times, well, yeah.
One of the questions athletes often get asked is what profession they would go into if they weren't playing their sport, and my honest answer is that I have no idea. I knew I wanted to play in the NHL when I was 5 years old, and from that time until now, it was hockey, hockey, hockey.
Life and hockey kind of mirror each other in the sense that when you're having good times, it's difficult to imagine how things will ever go wrong. And when you're having bad times, well, yeah.
By the time I was eligible for the draft, I was considered one of the top prospects in the world. I ended up suffering an injury, which resulted in me falling in the draft. I was devastated at the time, but I realize now that it was one of the best things to ever happen to me because I ended up getting picked by the New Jersey Devils.
Talk about being spoiled. The Devils provided me with an Ivy League education in hockey. Larry Robinson, Slava Fetisov, Scott Stevens, Bobby Holik, Randy McKay, Jay Pandolfo, Scott Niedermayer, Ken Daneyko — not to mention the leadership that comes from Lou Lamoriello at the very top of the organization. I can't think of a better group of guys to show someone the ropes in the NHL, and learning from them flat-out made me a better hockey player and person.
That's not just lip service. I'll give you an example.
Once when I was riding a hot streak, I remember being on the team plane reading about how great I was doing. Joe Nieuwendyk walked over, grabbed the paper from me and said, "Gomer, don't read that shit." And I was kind of confused and then he told me, "Get in the habit right now of not reading the paper, because one day they're going to start writing things about you that you won't want to read." Joe was one of the best leaders I've ever been around in this sport. There's a certain code amongst hockey players. When a guy like Joe Nieuwendyk tells you not to do something, you listen.
I had no idea at the time just how valuable his advice would turn out to be.
My greatest skill on the ice has always been passing the puck. The greatest joy I feel during a game is when I'm able to set up a goal for my teammate. When your best skill is passing and you play on a team with extremely talented players, you're going to look pretty decent. There's no greater satisfaction than knowing that you're doing what you're meant to do in the place you're meant to do it. In those first seven seasons with the Devils, we won two Stanley Cups.
I remember when I was 23 or 24 watching a game in the training room, and during the broadcast they mentioned someone's salary and I went, "Wow!" And the trainer looked at me and said, "You dumb ass, you're going to be making that one day."
Growing up in Alaska, my mom was a hairdresser and my dad was a construction worker. My parents came from a poor upbringing, but I didn't grow up poor. They always provided me with everything I needed. I promised my Mom when I was 8 years old that I would buy her a house one day. That was certainly one of the motivating factors in wanting to make it to the NHL, but it wasn't the only one. During my childhood, I wasn't surrounded by money, so it was never really glamorized.
Regardless, when I was presented with the opportunity to sign my first big contract in 2007, I took it. Every player wants to stay in the league long enough to make it to free agency. You're never going to make this kind of money again. Any vet will tell you that you should take advantage of the opportunity, and be smart with it. Four teams made offers, but the best one came from the New York Rangers, and I decided that I couldn't pass on the opportunity to play in New York City at Madison Square Garden. To a hockey fan, signing a contract with the Rangers after spending several years with New Jersey probably sounds like treason. But the truth is that most of my teammates were happy for me. They understand as much as anybody that this is a business.
That's not to say it was an easy decision. I played on the same team with some guys for seven years. We grew up together. We were like family. There's no question that I felt a certain loyalty to them and the organization. But at the same time, we've all seen the other side of it. We've watched our friends get cut. We've seen guys buy a house and then get traded a couple of months later. When you see those things, you learn very quickly how important it is to take care of yourself when you can.
I didn't really skip a beat when I moved to the Rangers. We had some success while I was there and I even made an all-star team. The Rangers were a great organization that played a style of hockey that I was comfortable with.
Alex Mogilny once told me, "You're going to get traded at least once during your career, just hope it happens during the summer." After a couple of years with the Rangers, my number was called and I was traded to Montreal. I was upset about leaving New York City but I was excited about the opportunity – who wouldn't be?
The assumption might be that everything went to downhill as soon as I put on that Habs uniform, but that's not really telling the whole story. My first season in Montreal, I led the team in assists and we made it to the Eastern Conference Finals. My stats might not have been as high as they were in previous years, but if your team is thriving, that's what matters. You want to fill up a stat sheet? Go sit in the press box. If you want to win hockey games, focus your attention on the final score.
I began struggling with the Canadiens at the same time when the team as a whole was underperforming. When you're playing in a city as hockey crazy as Montreal and have a large contract, your bad plays become amplified. As noted poet Biggie Smalls once said, "Mo money, mo problems." But I know that's what I signed up for. I'm a sports fan, so I'm familiar with the stigma – guy signs a big contract and then starts taking it easy.
Let's address that for a moment: It's bullshit. This is the National Hockey League and the game has only one speed. We all work hard. That's just the way it is. Over my last decade and a half in the NHL, I only saw one or two guys who I think weren't as committed to the sport as much as they should have been. If you don't put everything you have into this game, you open yourself up for injury and, the worst possible punishment for a hockey player, losing the respect of your peers. But, that being said, I also get the fans' perspective. If I was sitting in the stands, I might have started booing me too.
Being mocked I could deal with. But having my closest friends and family feel genuinely sorry for me really got to me. Up to that point I'd had a proud career, and when I began slumping the people around me began acting like I'd contracted a life-threatening disease. Getting made fun of is one thing, but being pitied? That's a hockey player's worst nightmare. Teammates wouldn't let it on, but I could tell that they didn't want to play on my line. And that really killed me because I'm a guy who passes the puck and tries to set up other players to succeed.
I really started to struggle when Montreal employed a dump-and-chase approach. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not that kind of player. If you give me minutes on a line with guys who move the puck, I can help a team win hockey games. But if I'm getting limited minutes on the fourth line in a system that requires me to grind against the boards, I simply won't be my best. And that's extremely frustrating. Anyone who has ever been in a work environment where they feel their talents aren't being properly utilized can probably relate.
With all that being said, I still can't bash Montreal. The truth is that I loved it there and met a lot of people that I still consider to be really close friends. I just wasn't a good fit for the style of hockey they wanted to play. The hardest part about my experience with the Canadiens was knowing how good we could have been. We had the talent to be a great team, but we just couldn't put it together. That's my biggest regret.
I kept thinking about all those times throughout my career when I'd seen a guy get cut or bought out. You never imagine being that guy, but there I was.
When the team hired Michel Therrien as the new head coach in 2012, I was excited about the opportunity for a new start. I worked extra hard during that off-season so that I could bounce back strong with the team.
The first day of training camp, I was going to the rink with Tomas Kaberle and I got a call from Marc Bergevin, the GM of the Canadiens, asking me to come to his office. I remember getting off the phone and turning to Kabby and saying, "Yeah, that's not good."
When I made it to the building, I passed by Michel and he kind of shuffled away into his office, which pretty much sealed my fate.
Bergevin basically told me that I wasn't part of the future plans for the team. The Canadiens wanted to sit me for the shortened 48-game season, and then buy me out the following summer. They didn't want to risk me getting injured and complicating the buy-out process.
I didn't say anything in that meeting, because there was nothing to say. It was business. But at that moment, I kept thinking about all those times throughout my career when I'd seen a guy get cut or bought out. You never imagine being that guy, but there I was.
My agent stepped in to speed up my buy-out process so I'd be eligible to sign with a new team right away. They ended up altering the rule because of my situation so that teams can no longer stop a guy from playing hockey.
After that whole experience, I just wanted to get away. I got an opportunity to play in San Jose and decided to jump at it.
Lou was the first person I called when I made the decision to go to the Sharks. He tried to talk me out of it. He wanted me back in New Jersey. He said he wasn't going to let me fail. I should have listened to him, but at that point I was so set on trying something new that I didn't hear him out. I thought getting a new start would build my confidence, but what I probably needed was some familiarity. At that point my mind was made up and I just wanted to get the hell out of the east coast.
NHL: Stanley Cup Playoffs-San Jose Sharks at Los Angeles Kings
Sure enough, I had the same troubles in San Jose that I did in Montreal. Fantastic team, great organization but I just didn't fit well with the style of play. We ended up making it to the Western Conference Semifinals, but I wasn't overly surprised when they told my agent after the season that I wasn't in the Sharks' future plans.
My next stop was with the Panthers, and that's about when things really started to bottom out for me. I knew pretty early on in training camp that it wasn't going to work out.
The drive from my home in Boca Raton to the practice rink was about 35 minutes, which gave me a little too much time to think about how far I'd fallen professionally every day. Part of me wondered if I didn't show up one day if they'd even notice I was gone. I was like George Costanza in Seinfeld.
I needed inspiration and I found it, of all places, with Howard Stern. I've always been a huge fan of the show. I'd listen to him during my commute and when I was at one of my lowest moments, I remember him saying, "They wanted me to quit and get off the radio. Everyone thought I was done. I said 'f— you, I'll have the last laugh.'"
And honestly I thought, Wow, he's right. It gave me a little push at a time when I really needed it.
My former Devils teammates Mike Mottau and Scott Clemmensen were also with the Panthers and I was thankful for the opportunity to reconnect with them. They kept me sane on and off of the ice.
Throughout the entire time I was struggling, my focus remained on being a professional and upholding the standard I'd learned in New Jersey. Just because I wasn't playing didn't excuse me from my responsibilities as a veteran in a young locker room. When I was at work, I didn't sit alone and sulk. I did everything I could to contribute to make sure those young guys got the education I received coming into the league. Handling things any other way would have been a slap in the face to Scott Stevens, Jay Pandolfo, Bobby Holik, Randy McKay and the rest of the players who taught me the correct way to do things.
I really started to think Florida would be my last stop. There was no chance of getting traded – who would I get traded for? I wasn't playing. And at that point, I started thinking about my legacy and what I left behind. I hated the idea of being the guy who slumped and then fizzled out. You get one shot at this, and I didn't want this experience to be the final chapter of the most important thing I'll ever be involved with.
My final six games with the Panthers, they had a few injuries and I got into the lineup. I figured this was my last hurrah in the NHL, so I went full-out balls to the wall. I decided I didn't care about fitting in whatever scheme was in place; I just grabbed the damn puck and played my style of hockey. I figured in a few months, I'd probably be in a TV booth so I left everything out there. My ice time jumped from 6 minutes to 17 minutes and I played better than I had in years. At that point, the people closest to me got in contact and told me the same thing: You're not done.
I got encouragement from guys I really respected, like Steve Valiquette. He knew I was sitting at 987 career games, and he was constantly in my ear about getting to 1,000. He was adamant about it. He said he wasn't going to let one of his best friends miss their chance to get to that milestone. He knew I could still play in this league. That was something I really needed to hear, but beyond that, I believed it.
After that season I called Lou and said I wanted a shot. He offered me a try-out during training camp then told me to call Vladimir Bure, the same guy I trained with when I was fresh-faced 19-year-old who had no idea what it took to play in the league. I knew that if there was anyone that could bring me back to a high level, it was Vlade. Beyond being the father of two NHL stars, as well as an Olympic swimmer, Vlade was the longtime fitness coach of the Devils and he knew how to make you work. We've always had a close relationship, he's kind of like a second father to me.
Vlade spent that summer building me back up, essentially brainwashing me into thinking I could not fail. I would not fail.
And so during the off-season, I was with him twice a day, six days a week doing intense, Soviet-style workouts. But it wasn't just about the physical workouts, Vlade also spent that summer building me back up, essentially brainwashing me into thinking I could not fail. I would not fail. We knew that we were going to surprise everyone, it was like our secret.
I remember seeing old colleagues from the Devils around the facility and to them I probably looked like some sort of tragic figure. Aw, there's old Gomer still trying to make it in the NHL. Used to be a great player, what a shame. But look at him trying, that's pretty cute.
The tryout very well might have been a courtesy, but by the end of that summer with Vlade, I was back. I knew I could make the team. The greatest sports advice I've ever gotten was from my dad, who told me, "Make it to the point where they have to keep you."
The roster was stacked at the forward position, but I told Lou that I was going to put him in a bad situation. I was going to force him to give me a roster spot. Call it arrogant, but after facing the reality of never playing in the NHL again, I needed to have that confidence.
Before camp, I remember having dinner with Scott Stevens, my captain. He told me that he thought I still had what it took to make the team. I knew he wasn't the type of person that would say that if it wasn't true. Hearing that from him really meant a lot.
During the pre-season, I felt like I was home. All the frustration I'd felt over the previous years and all the training I'd put in with Vlade combined to make me feel reborn on the ice. Hockey was fun again.
When I got the call from the Devils to join the team, I was ready. Once I got my chance, I made them keep me. A few months in, I'm a regular in the line-up. And even though I'm 35, I'm still learning new things about the game of hockey from my coaches Scott Stevens and Adam Oates. If you can show a professional player how to get better, they'll do anything for you. There's no question that both of them have made me a better hockey player.
I suppose the easy narrative is to chalk this up as a story of a guy getting lost before finding his way. That's just not true, I never, ever lost my ability to play hockey. If anything, those experiences in Montreal, San Jose and Florida made me appreciate the game even more. If you never struggle, it's difficult to appreciate success. I needed those experiences to make me a more well-rounded person. I knew I could play, I just needed a chance.
I can say that I've experienced just about every emotion hockey can give you. I've been to the peak of the mountain, and you can bet I've been at the bottom of the trash heap.
My story isn't finished. I feel like I'm in control of my career and there's still tread on these tires — after getting limited minutes the past few years, I feel fresh. I'm a smarter player too. I used to think I had to carry the puck end to end, but Adam Oates has taken that out of my game. He's helped change my approach to hockey and that's a big part of what has made this season so great.
Looking back on the entire experience, it's difficult to pinpoint something I'd change. I've met the most incredible people in cities across the world because of this game. And I take a lot of pride in the fact that I can say that I've experienced just about every emotion hockey can give you. I've been to the peak of the mountain, and you can bet I've been at the bottom of the trash heap. Ultimately, I'm glad that I have these life lessons to share with young guys in the league trying to find their way.
I remember when I was with Canadiens and things weren't going well, we had a game in Montreal against the Devils. We lost and I had a terrible game, but afterwards I asked a trainer if I could speak with Lou – we hadn't talked since I left the Devils. In natural form, Lou had me meet him in some private room that he somehow knew about in the depths of the Bell Centre. When we were alone, I told him that I wasn't sure what he might have heard about me or what had been said since I left, but that I wanted him to know that I still live by his standard every day I come to the rink.
I always will.
Thanks PRC, yeah his sister posted a link to it on Facebook.
Oh and yeah Devils aren't doing great, but guess who is leading team in Assists playing in like 20 less games than everyone else.
I've got tickets for the most epic tank battle since Kursk: Coyotes v. Sabres. I'm expecting all sorts of madness and entertainment. :lol:
Expect a game that gets to Shootout.
I liked the Gomez story, very nice to hear is point of view on his Montreal time. Can't blame the guy, I blame Jacques Martin for playing a career average 16 minutes guy 22 minutes a night.
Man playoff races do strange things to a man. I'm sitting here riveted to a LA vs Van game...
I just cannot seem to get into it this year. I have tried to watch a couple Caps games but it is just not getting into my blood as usual. Maybe it is the inevitability of it all. I cannot even delude myself into thinking this might be the year anymore.
Quote from: Valmy on April 07, 2015, 08:37:52 AM
I just cannot seem to get into it this year. I have tried to watch a couple Caps games but it is just not getting into my blood as usual. Maybe it is the inevitability of it all. I cannot even delude myself into thinking this might be the year anymore.
Why not? Caps are having a good year, have already guaranteed themselves a playoff spot. Barry Trotz has them playing extremely well. Plus of course once you get into the playoffs you never know what might happen.
YOUR Winnipeg Jets now sit with 94 points, and in the 2nd wildcard position. Three games left - St Louis, Colorado, and Calgary. With them being only one point up on Calgary that final game looks to be huge...
Quote from: Barrister on April 07, 2015, 12:22:54 PM
Plus of course once you get into the playoffs you never know what might happen.
Well that's the thing...I do kind of know.
Quote from: Valmy on April 07, 2015, 12:29:01 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 07, 2015, 12:22:54 PM
Plus of course once you get into the playoffs you never know what might happen.
Well that's the thing...I do kind of know.
Not under Trotz you don't.
Holy shit - Jets pull off back to back shut out wins against Minnesota and St Louis. :cool:
With the Kings losing to the Oilers :nelson: the Jets have to win one of either of their next two games against Colorado and the Flames to guarantee themselves a spot in the playoffs.
Flames will beat the Kings on Thursday and the Jets in the last game. Jets will have to do it against Colorado.
Quote from: PRC on April 08, 2015, 12:13:29 AM
Flames will beat the Kings on Thursday and the Jets in the last game. Jets will have to do it against Colorado.
If the Flames beat the Kings, that ends matters. The Kings are out.
Which is almost too bad - I had plans to go watch the game with my brother-in-law on Saturday (who is a huge Flames fan). Wouldn't be as much fun if the game is meaningless.
Not that I care as long as the Jets are in the playoffs... Here comes the Whiteout...
Yesterday I was in a meeting with a client and they mentioned the great game on Monday night. We went on talking about it for a few minutes when it became obvious to both of us that they were not talking about the most important game that night - the NCAA final - but some game related to trying to make the NHL playoffs.
While the NCAA final was a great game. It was not important.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 08, 2015, 12:38:38 PM
Yesterday I was in a meeting with a client and they mentioned the great game on Monday night. We went on talking about it for a few minutes when it became obvious to both of us that they were not talking about the most important game that night - the NCAA final - but some game related to trying to make the NHL playoffs.
Presumably the Canucks - Kings game which went to a shootout. Hell I even mentioned that game several posts ago, as I watched it once Jets-Wild was over.
And remember the significance of the Jets making the playoffs (which they haven't done quite yet) - this will be the first NHL playoff game in Winnipeg in nineteen years. The Jets 1.0 went out in the playoffs - losing 4 game to 2 against Detroit. Making it back into the playoffs is the last, final step in the "return of the Jets" saga.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 08, 2015, 12:45:26 PM
While the NCAA final was a great game. It was not important.
So did Kentucky win that game or what?
No, the great evil of UK was defeated in the Semi-Final.
Sadly the Champions of Man, Wisconsin was defeated by the greatest of evil, Duke.
Kings are out! Flames and Jets in! :yeah:
Sharks though... :weep: Oh well. That team has some soul searching to do.
Congrats Atlanta, both your franchises clinched playoffs spots on the same night!
Last night was a good night. :cool:
I see the New York Islanders will have the honor of breaking our hearts this year. Stupid Caps, getting my to start hoping.
'Come on Valmy they have the #1 Power Play in the league!'
Pick a different team Valmy. A good team, like the Jets.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 10, 2015, 10:28:23 AM
Pick a different team Valmy. A good team, like the Jets.
I gotta admit for all of my trying to gets your hopes up, I don't like the Caps chances against the Isles.
Caps will go thru the Isles.
Halak cannot play against his old teams.
The Caps will go up three games to one, have a 4-0 lead in the second period of game 5, and then somehow lose the series. Devin, I've led a Caps fan's life, and I've never seen anything as brutally clear as this.
Quote from: Valmy on April 10, 2015, 11:08:22 AM
The Caps will go up three games to one, have a 4-0 lead in the second period of game 5, and then somehow lose the series. Devin, I've led a Caps fan's life, and I've never seen anything as brutally clear as this.
What a rough life it must be, being a Capitals fan.
What with all the regular playoff appearances, occasional playoff wins, and even a Stanley Cup appearance in '98.
It certainly doesn't compare to not even having a team for 15 years, and not having any playoff appearances for 19 years (and having a franshice that has never, ever won a single playoff game).
Eh plenty of the teams I support are just plain horrible. Somehow that is easier to deal with :lol:
Quote from: Valmy on April 10, 2015, 11:34:10 AM
Eh plenty of the teams I support are just plain horrible. Somehow that is easier to deal with :lol:
Yes, the University of Texas is just an awful team in every sport it plays. :rolleyes:
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2015, 11:36:02 AM
Yes, the University of Texas is just an awful team in every sport it plays. :rolleyes:
Lately? Yeah pretty much. Their men's swimming and diving is pretty amazing though. If young men in speedos is your thing.
But the Orioles had a losing season every year from 1998 until 2011. The Redskins might be the most putrid franchise in professional sports on so many levels.
I used to be huge on the Bullets to until their stupid name change. And boy were they shit. I at least appreciated the Wizards having Unis that kid of remind me of them.
But come now. Wallowing in the misery of playoff failures is what being a Caps fan is all about. The Washington Post's collection of agonizing articles on this topic is only rivaled by those on the Israel-Palestine conflict. I am only trying to fit in.
Reports are there are one hour plus lines at the Jets Store locations in Winnipeg to buy jerseys. White jerseys, of course. #whiteout
And people wondered why I have an away jersey...
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2015, 12:59:26 PM
Reports are there are one hour plus lines at the Jets Store locations in Winnipeg to buy jerseys. White jerseys, of course. #whiteout
And people wondered why I have an away jersey...
To sell at a 1000% markup to those people standing in line?
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2015, 12:59:26 PM
Reports are there are one hour plus lines at the Jets Store locations in Winnipeg to buy jerseys. White jerseys, of course. #whiteout
And people wondered why I have an away jersey...
Collectibles when they leave town again...
Friend of mine just directed a Budweiser Commercial.
Here is pic of him with the two stars of the spot.
I don't know who these people are.
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2015, 12:59:26 PM
Reports are there are one hour plus lines at the Jets Store locations in Winnipeg to buy jerseys. White jerseys, of course. #whiteout
And people wondered why I have an away jersey...
Because you don't intend to go to a game?
I heard a report that the secondary market is selling upper bowl tickets there for over $1000 each.
It's apparently cheaper to fly to Anaheim to catch a game there but then you don't get to be part of the whiteout.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 14, 2015, 10:59:38 AM
It's apparently cheaper to fly to Anaheim to catch a game there but then you don't get to be part of the whiteout.
Warm weather teams are so lame.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 14, 2015, 08:21:39 AM
I don't know who these people are.
clearly you aren't a true Canadian.
Quote from: Valmy on April 14, 2015, 11:02:29 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 14, 2015, 10:59:38 AM
It's apparently cheaper to fly to Anaheim to catch a game there but then you don't get to be part of the whiteout.
Warm weather teams are so lame.
Anaheim has a good fan base. No hate for them - they're not Arizona or Florida.
But yeah, lots of talk on Jets boards about getting tix in Anaheim. Should be a good loud "True North" shout out down there, even with the playoffs going on.
Quote from: Valmy on April 14, 2015, 11:02:29 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 14, 2015, 10:59:38 AM
It's apparently cheaper to fly to Anaheim to catch a game there but then you don't get to be part of the whiteout.
Warm weather teams are so lame.
after the winter I got, I think of moving there to follow hockey :P
Quote from: katmai on April 14, 2015, 02:54:09 AM
Friend of mine just directed a Budweiser Commercial.
Here is pic of him with the two stars of the spot.
Is that Gretzky on the right? If so, who's the guy on the left?
It is.
Pavel Bure
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 14, 2015, 01:31:16 PM
Pavel Bure
Oh, him. I liked him in Ghostbusters 2. :) :P
Quote from: Barrister on April 14, 2015, 01:14:13 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 14, 2015, 11:02:29 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 14, 2015, 10:59:38 AM
It's apparently cheaper to fly to Anaheim to catch a game there but then you don't get to be part of the whiteout.
Warm weather teams are so lame.
Anaheim has a good fan base. No hate for them - they're not Arizona or Florida.
But yeah, lots of talk on Jets boards about getting tix in Anaheim. Should be a good loud "True North" shout out down there, even with the playoffs going on.
Plus it's a good excuse to go to Anaheim, which is a nice place.
Ottawa - Montreal
One heck of a game! :)
It sure was tense in the end. I missed the beginning because I was busy finishing up painting my house. Then I'll miss the next few days of games while I move in.
that is why people of Quebec move on July 1st, we sure have no hockey then! ;)
Quote from: Neil on April 15, 2015, 09:31:09 PM
It sure was tense in the end. I missed the beginning because I was busy finishing up painting my house. Then I'll miss the next few days of games while I move in.
But you'll miss tomorrow's Jets game! :o
Quote from: Barrister on April 15, 2015, 10:14:04 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 15, 2015, 09:31:09 PM
It sure was tense in the end. I missed the beginning because I was busy finishing up painting my house. Then I'll miss the next few days of games while I move in.
But you'll miss tomorrow's Jets game! :o
Which is a shame. I really want to cheer for the Jets. On the other hand, the first games are in Anaheim, and I want to make sure to see the games in Winnipeg, so I should get it over with. I like it when fans chant during songs (Baltimore's 'O', Winnipeg's 'True North', Detroit's 'South Detroit', and so on).
The Blackhawks won't go down easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So learneth the Predators, Grallons team.
Quote from: Neil on April 15, 2015, 10:18:59 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 15, 2015, 10:14:04 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 15, 2015, 09:31:09 PM
It sure was tense in the end. I missed the beginning because I was busy finishing up painting my house. Then I'll miss the next few days of games while I move in.
But you'll miss tomorrow's Jets game! :o
Which is a shame. I really want to cheer for the Jets. On the other hand, the first games are in Anaheim, and I want to make sure to see the games in Winnipeg, so I should get it over with. I like it when fans chant during songs (Baltimore's 'O', Winnipeg's 'True North', Detroit's 'South Detroit', and so on).
Last time the Habs were in Winnipeg, Tokarski was in net(closest to a hometown start he can get) and after he'd giving up 4 goals the crowd started chanting "We want Carey".
Winnipeg fans are awesome.
22:30 for the game. Damn, way too late for me. :(
I don't think the Jets will win against the Ducks, but I think they'll put up a good fight :)
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 16, 2015, 06:53:15 AM
Quote from: Neil on April 15, 2015, 10:18:59 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 15, 2015, 10:14:04 PM
Quote from: Neil on April 15, 2015, 09:31:09 PM
It sure was tense in the end. I missed the beginning because I was busy finishing up painting my house. Then I'll miss the next few days of games while I move in.
But you'll miss tomorrow's Jets game! :o
Which is a shame. I really want to cheer for the Jets. On the other hand, the first games are in Anaheim, and I want to make sure to see the games in Winnipeg, so I should get it over with. I like it when fans chant during songs (Baltimore's 'O', Winnipeg's 'True North', Detroit's 'South Detroit', and so on).
Last time the Habs were in Winnipeg, Tokarski was in net(closest to a hometown start he can get) and after he'd giving up 4 goals the crowd started chanting "We want Carey".
Winnipeg fans are awesome.
And later in that same game when it was safely in hand (I think it was 5-1), the fans were giving the Habs an ironic "Ole Ole Ole" song. :D
You know it's going to be insane in the MTS Centre. Can't wait.
PK Subban broke Stone's wrist with that sherwood chop.
Excellent work.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 16, 2015, 10:49:54 AM
PK Subban broke Stone's wrist with that sherwood chop.
Excellent work.
I can't believe there's no additional suspension for Subban.
Quote from: Barrister on April 16, 2015, 12:48:24 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 16, 2015, 10:49:54 AM
PK Subban broke Stone's wrist with that sherwood chop.
Excellent work.
I can't believe there's no additional suspension for Subban.
You have to take in the playoffs games multiplicator.
1 Playoffs games is 2 regular season games to the Player Safety Department.
He already was out for half of one. You suspend Subban for 1 game he then has miss 1.5 playoff game, equivalent to 3 regular season games & that's too harsh a punishment for that chop.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 16, 2015, 12:55:57 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 16, 2015, 12:48:24 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 16, 2015, 10:49:54 AM
PK Subban broke Stone's wrist with that sherwood chop.
Excellent work.
I can't believe there's no additional suspension for Subban.
You have to take in the playoffs games multiplicator.
1 Playoffs games is 2 regular season games to the Player Safety Department.
He already was out for half of one. You suspend Subban for 1 game he then has miss 1.5 playoff game, equivalent to 3 regular season games & that's too harsh a punishment for that chop.
Byfuglien was suspended for four (really important!) regular season games for a crosscheck that didn't cause any injury.
By not suspending Subban for even one game now the Sens are just going to goon up the whole series.
Just over six hours to game time. :cool:
A cross check to the head!
One aha half hours to go! :w00t:
So...I watched that shit yesterday. Contemplating not bothering tomorrow.
Man of poor faith.
Cheer for the Jets, Valmy do it.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 16, 2015, 09:17:15 PM
Man of poor faith.
Cheer for the Jets, Valmy do it.
I would sooner root for Soviet Russia. Or rather have Soviet Russia root me. Or something.
Quote from: Valmy on April 16, 2015, 09:18:20 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 16, 2015, 09:17:15 PM
Man of poor faith.
Cheer for the Jets, Valmy do it.
I would sooner root for Soviet Russia. Or rather have Soviet Russia root me. Or something.
And I used to call you my brother by another mother... :weep:
well fuck me.
The Ducks look unstoppable!
Quote from: Jaron on April 17, 2015, 12:28:47 AM
The Ducks look unstoppable!
I definitely disagree with this post.
But the Jets did not do enough to stop the Ducks this game.
On a plus note, the Jets did deny them the empty net.
Quote from: Barrister on April 16, 2015, 11:23:13 PM
And I used to call you my brother by another mother... :weep:
Nothing against the Jets at all. But I never switch teams.
Quote from: Valmy on April 17, 2015, 01:02:26 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 16, 2015, 11:23:13 PM
And I used to call you my brother by another mother... :weep:
Nothing against the Jets at all. But I never switch teams.
and that's your main fault. You need to let go of the D.C. teams.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 17, 2015, 07:33:26 AM
and that's your main fault. You need to let go of the D.C. teams.
Not going to happen.
Well, they did come back pretty strong against a Jets team that plays stupid, undisciplined hockey. The Ducks will make short work of the Jets, but the next round they'll face more of a challenge against the Flames.
The NHL network is a godsend to the American NHL fan.
Rogers is NOT a godsend to the Canadian NHL fan.
They have so many channels, the games are spreadout too fucking much.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 17, 2015, 08:38:55 AM
Rogers is NOT a godsend to the Canadian NHL fan.
They have so many channels, the games are spreadout too fucking much.
they're less annoying than TVA Sports though. And what the fuck is it with that delay on Bell?? TVA Sports seems to have a 20-30 seconds delay for the game. Not gonna watch this crappy channel again. CBC all the way.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 16, 2015, 10:49:54 AM
PK Subban broke Stone's wrist with that sherwood chop.
Excellent work.
And my disgust with the NHL is affirmed.
Not this, again.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 17, 2015, 10:36:38 AM
Not this, again.
I know. It is terrible that this sort of thing keeps happening.
It is sort of an annual tradition. The NHL playoffs start and CC starts getting outraged by the NHL, which means he has more emotions invested in Hockey than 99% of the Florida Panther's fanbase.
Which is the other annual tradition: me making fun of the southern based teams.
Quote from: Valmy on April 17, 2015, 10:43:21 AM
It is sort of an annual tradition. The NHL playoffs start and CC starts getting outraged by the NHL, which means he has more emotions invested in Hockey than 99% of the Florida Panther's fanbase.
Which is the other annual tradition: me making fun of the southern based teams.
It is the time of year that the media goes nuts about hockey and intrudes on my otherwise enjoyable life.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 17, 2015, 10:33:23 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 16, 2015, 10:49:54 AM
PK Subban broke Stone's wrist with that sherwood chop.
Excellent work.
And my disgust with the NHL is affirmed.
Except to be fair Stone's wrist has a "microfracture", which is a fancy term for a bone bruise.
Quote from: Barrister on April 17, 2015, 10:59:24 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 17, 2015, 10:33:23 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 16, 2015, 10:49:54 AM
PK Subban broke Stone's wrist with that sherwood chop.
Excellent work.
And my disgust with the NHL is affirmed.
Except to be fair Stone's wrist has a "microfracture", which is a fancy term for a bone bruise.
True, but any sport that allows a player to continue competing after intentionally using their equipment as a weapon because its the "playoffs" is worthy of scorn.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 17, 2015, 11:05:55 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 17, 2015, 10:59:24 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 17, 2015, 10:33:23 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 16, 2015, 10:49:54 AM
PK Subban broke Stone's wrist with that sherwood chop.
Excellent work.
And my disgust with the NHL is affirmed.
Except to be fair Stone's wrist has a "microfracture", which is a fancy term for a bone bruise.
True, but any sport that allows a player to continue competing after intentionally using their equipment as a weapon because its the "playoffs" is worthy of scorn.
Again, to be fair, he wasn't allowed to continue. He was ejected from the game.
He will be playing tonight
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 17, 2015, 11:15:31 AM
He will be playing tonight
Punishment needs to be permanent?
half a game is appropriate.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 17, 2015, 01:11:41 PM
half a game is appropriate.
And not to beat a dead horse but that is exactly why I think the NHL brand of hockey will always enjoy limited appeal
and the opposite is why I think Basketball is boring.
Did you tune in Valmy?
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 17, 2015, 09:07:32 PM
Did you tune in Valmy?
No -_-
Now I am wondering if I should again. Maybe I am bad luck. Somehow they know I am watching.
I did watch the analysis on the NHL network once it was over. :w00t:
But seriously nice to see their mighty powerplay come back to life.
The Oilers won the draft lottery, which means Connor McDavid's career is over before it began.
So sad for him.
Gretzky was drafted to the Oilers and he went on to have a record breaking career.
Man, that 'true north' really travels well.
It cannot be!
Quote from: Jaron on April 18, 2015, 09:12:04 PM
Gretzky was drafted to the Oilers and he went on to have a record breaking career.
By the way, Gretzky was not drafted by the Oilers. The late 70s were a very long time ago, but Gretz signed with the WHA Indianapolis Racers as a 17 year old, only to be traded to Edmonton. When Edmonton joined the NHL, they were allowed to keep only one or two players - Gretz was one of those.
I read that on Wikipedia after I posted that, just in case. It sucks to be wrong but I guess it happens to everyone from time to time. :( :(
Quote from: Jaron on April 19, 2015, 01:15:09 AM
I read that on Wikipedia after I posted that, just in case. It sucks to be wrong but I guess it happens to everyone from time to time. :( :(
I'll admit I checked wiki for the details (no, I could not remember the name of the WHA Indianapolis team) but I knew he was never in the NHL entry draft. Never doubt a Jets fan when it comes to WHA trivia.
It is vaguely laughable that Edmonton wins the McDavid sweepstake. The trouble with the Oilers is not that they are short on skilled forwards - rather that they are short on everything else...
If they use this to turn around and trade, say, Nugent-Hopkins for a #1D they might be able to be good down the road (since they now have a surplus of top-ranked centres). Of course the Oilers being the Oilers I expect nothing of the sort.
If the Sharks can't win it I'd like to see the Ducks get it. That way the Kings fans will lose their "most cups by a California team" claim. :showoff:
Quote from: Barrister on April 19, 2015, 01:19:02 AM
I'll admit I checked wiki for the details (no, I could not remember the name of the WHA Indianapolis team) but I knew he was never in the NHL entry draft. Never doubt a Jets fan when it comes to WHA trivia.
It is vaguely laughable that Edmonton wins the McDavid sweepstake. The trouble with the Oilers is not that they are short on skilled forwards - rather that they are short on everything else...
If they use this to turn around and trade, say, Nugent-Hopkins for a #1D they might be able to be good down the road (since they now have a surplus of top-ranked centres). Of course the Oilers being the Oilers I expect nothing of the sort.
Not even everything else. If they had a single decent defence pairing, they would be so much better. Trading Hall (who on the surface is probably the most valuable of their four top-level forwards) for a #1D would be a great move. Because Hall is stupid and makes bad decisions.
If the Canadiens win today, the Senators fairytale season will be in jeopardy.
:ph34r: Man this OT is huge
Valmy we won't let this happen to you.
:nelson: @ Senators
Man, those Vancouver Canucks are a bunch of goons.
Quote from: Jaron on April 19, 2015, 09:14:36 PM
:nelson: @ Senators
Fuck you, and fuck Greyfox too. The Habs are lucky, as always.
Quote from: viper37 on April 20, 2015, 09:13:35 AM
Quote from: Jaron on April 19, 2015, 09:14:36 PM
:nelson: @ Senators
Fuck you, and fuck Greyfox too. The Habs are lucky, as always.
They're simply too good for a Senators team that can't control their emotions to challenge.
A whiteout is coming... :ph34r:
I'd like for the Jets to win this game. If they can keep from taking too many penalties, they just might be able to pull it off.
Jets are but 9 minutes away from putting an end to the Ducks dreams of sweeping the Jets!
OT anyone?! :P
Go Jets Go!
I can't get this game on the damn TV so I am listening to it on internet radio. <_<
Welp, that's that.
Quote from: Jaron on April 20, 2015, 11:20:37 PM
I can't get this game on the damn TV so I am listening to it on internet radio. <_<
Check /r/NHLstreams on reddit. You'll find an online stream for sure and if your at all savy you can setup VLC player to stream your games for you. Instructions are there.
PS, that's some dedication to hockey to pickup radio play to listen to a game. You're a real fan Jaron!
I listen to most Habs games on the radio. makes it easy too, all the games have 2 radio feed on their gamecenter app.
Hey Valmy,
How about those Capitals?!?!?
Man, those Canucks are just thugs. I don't know what it is with Vancouverites and their love for mayhem and violence. Everybody is trying to have a nice hockey game here, and the cowardly, backbiting Vancouverites have to try and fight everyone.
They'll receive their comeuppance.
Quote from: Jaron on April 21, 2015, 09:59:29 PM
Hey Valmy,
How about those Capitals?!?!?
Caps 0-2 when I watch
2-0 when I don't
:hmm: If I just catch highlights maybe this could be the year.
Quote from: PRC on April 21, 2015, 12:00:54 AM
Quote from: Jaron on April 20, 2015, 11:20:37 PM
I can't get this game on the damn TV so I am listening to it on internet radio. <_<
Check /r/NHLstreams on reddit. You'll find an online stream for sure and if your at all savy you can setup VLC player to stream your games for you. Instructions are there.
PS, that's some dedication to hockey to pickup radio play to listen to a game. You're a real fan Jaron!
Thank you for this! I've been all huffy and puffy because I can't catch any NHL games on my local networks except once in a great while but now thanks to your advice I got to watch Blackhawks-Predators last night!!!!
Just pay for Gamecentre Live. $100 or so for the season has been well, well worth the money to me as an out-of-market fan.
I don't think American cable companies would allow that spelling of center.
Quote from: Barrister on April 22, 2015, 02:07:30 PM
Just pay for Gamecentre Live. $100 or so for the season has been well, well worth the money to me as an out-of-market fan.
Or download VLC player for free then watch the games for free.
Quote from: PRC on April 22, 2015, 03:34:42 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 22, 2015, 02:07:30 PM
Just pay for Gamecentre Live. $100 or so for the season has been well, well worth the money to me as an out-of-market fan.
Or download VLC player for free then watch the games for free.
That would mean being a damn dirty :pirate
Plus GCL allows me to watch GCL on locked-down devices likes tablets and cell phones. VLC player is limited to desktops.
Quote from: Barrister on April 22, 2015, 03:36:31 PM
Quote from: PRC on April 22, 2015, 03:34:42 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 22, 2015, 02:07:30 PM
Just pay for Gamecentre Live. $100 or so for the season has been well, well worth the money to me as an out-of-market fan.
Or download VLC player for free then watch the games for free.
That would mean being a damn dirty :pirate
Plus GCL allows me to watch GCL on locked-down devices likes tablets and cell phones. VLC player is limited to desktops.
Good point, GCL also gives you access to some of those crazy camera angles.
I had subbed to something, NHL Center Ice or something, but the service expired when the playoffs begin. :rolleyes:
Why wont you just subscribe to NBC sports?
The Bruins failed to make the playoffs. :weep:
Hey Beeb... here is a 360 degree gigapixel image of the whiteout:
Son of a bitch.
Oh well. Finish them off at home.
They're coming back! One goal at a time! :)
(I seriously don't have much hopes for Ottawa, event though I'd like to see them win).
When do the Ducks finish the sweep?
In less than 20 minutes.
Nail in the coffin? :(
Quote from: Jaron on April 22, 2015, 10:58:43 PM
Nail in the coffin? :(
We're not dead yet. :menace:'re at least on your death bed. :P
Someone needs to tell the fans in the MTS Centre it isn't 1996 all over again. The team will be back next year. They can go home now.
I didn't expect the Jets to win the Cup or anything. But the whole "lead three games into the third period", combined with the "only franchise to never win a playoff game" leaves a bit of a bitter taste in the mouth.
Ah well. At least I'm not an Oilers fan. :)
At least your team made the playoffs. <_<
Quack, Quack, Quack, Quack!
Quote from: Barrister on April 22, 2015, 11:29:33 PM
Someone needs to tell the fans in the MTS Centre it isn't 1996 all over again. The team will be back next year. They can go home now.
I didn't expect the Jets to win the Cup or anything. But the whole "lead three games into the third period", combined with the "only franchise to never win a playoff game" leaves a bit of a bitter taste in the mouth.
Ah well. At least I'm not an Oilers fan. :)
I didn't expect them to survive against the Ducks, but maybe next year, with more experience, they'll do better :)
Three stars from the Jets game last night:
You might think that a little bit pandering (and it is), but those fans in the MTS Centre were incredible. Just the sheer volume and intensity right up until the end - especially at the end. And of course the creativity of some of those white costumes.
Yes. Creative.
WTF is with the guy with the Habs jersey? :ultra:
I also didn't love Harpers's white Team Canada jersey, though I guess I understand why he can't play favourites.
Habs fans are everywhere.
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2015, 01:58:19 PM
WTF is with the guy with the Habs jersey? :ultra:
I also didn't love Harpers's white Team Canada jersey, though I guess I understand why he can't play favourites.
He's also a Maple Leafs fan.
The Islanders are nearly spent; The Capitals need only put them out of their misery now.
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2015, 01:58:19 PM
WTF is with the guy with the Habs jersey? :ultra:
you just found Neil :)
Quote from: Jaron on April 23, 2015, 10:06:38 PM
The Islanders are nearly spent; The Capitals need only put them out of their misery now.
Team of destiny!!!111
Plenty of room on the bandwagon people!
So how 'bout them KC Royals?
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2015, 09:35:04 AM
So how 'bout them KC Royals?
They beat the hell out of the White Sox. In more ways than one.
More NHL for at least two days in the local market :yuk:
Still no NBA in the local market for either me or CC. :yeah:
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 24, 2015, 10:29:43 AM
Still no NBA in the local market for either me or CC. :yeah:
I thought he was more of a college basketball guy, since the NBA teams don't really play defence. Or was that maybe Berkut?
Either way, basketball isn't really my thing, so I try and avoid it.
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2015, 10:48:14 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 24, 2015, 10:29:43 AM
Still no NBA in the local market for either me or CC. :yeah:
I thought he was more of a college basketball guy, since the NBA teams don't really play defence. Or was that maybe Berkut?
Either way, basketball isn't really my thing, so I try and avoid it.
I would think that most basketball fans prefer watching the college game. But the NBA playoffs are entertaining to watch. The downside is most of the games in Canada are being shown on TSN so I have to put up with stupid hockey commercials in between the good stuff.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2015, 10:52:54 AM
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2015, 10:48:14 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 24, 2015, 10:29:43 AM
Still no NBA in the local market for either me or CC. :yeah:
I thought he was more of a college basketball guy, since the NBA teams don't really play defence. Or was that maybe Berkut?
Either way, basketball isn't really my thing, so I try and avoid it.
I would think that most basketball fans prefer watching the college game. But the NBA playoffs are entertaining to watch. The downside is most of the games in Canada are being shown on TSN so I have to put up with stupid hockey commercials in between the good stuff.
:yeahright: You're not going to find many hockey commercials on TSN these days...
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2015, 10:54:03 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 24, 2015, 10:52:54 AM
Quote from: Neil on April 24, 2015, 10:48:14 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 24, 2015, 10:29:43 AM
Still no NBA in the local market for either me or CC. :yeah:
I thought he was more of a college basketball guy, since the NBA teams don't really play defence. Or was that maybe Berkut?
Either way, basketball isn't really my thing, so I try and avoid it.
I would think that most basketball fans prefer watching the college game. But the NBA playoffs are entertaining to watch. The downside is most of the games in Canada are being shown on TSN so I have to put up with stupid hockey commercials in between the good stuff.
:yeahright: You're not going to find many hockey commercials on TSN these days...
Try watching sometime. Not only are there commercials for the junior and womens hockey events TSN will be broadcasting there are all kinds of misplaced beer and car adds with hockey themes. Its as if the network doesn't realize that the people watching the NBA playoffs during the NHL playoffs are not hockey fans.
Does the network have all that much say in crafting the ads? It's the individual companies that craft their own beer and car ads, and since most sports fans in Canada are hockey fans, they're going to produce hockey-themed ads. The basketball fan population is fairly small, and for most companies it probably wouldn't be worth the expense of crafting an ad just for the poorly-watched NBA playoffs, unless you had some sort of sponsorship role. The network does pimp their own programming, but that's true of anywhere.
So a changing of the guard is happening in Edmonton. Kevin Lowe and Craig McTavish are out, Bob Nicholson and Peter Chiarelli are in.
We'll see if that helps. I guess now with new management and McDavid on his way, they're essentially re-starting the rebuild?
That's surprising. I find myself doubting the dedication of the Oilers to failure and ruining young players' careers.
This is not good.
Could it be.... ?
Do the Senators have a comeback cake in the oven?!?
Anderson has a crazy .960 avg against the Habs over 8 playoff games, I think they might.
I want them to play Hammond next game so they can throw hamburgers on the ice.
The Islanders hold on!
The Canucks can suck it in hell.
It's funny. I know I used to be a Flames fan, back when the thought of the Jets returning was but a fevered dream.
But right now, since the Ducks creamed the Jets in four straight, I really want them to go on and crush the Flames.
Why do you hate the Flames?
Yeah, I don't get it. I guess if the Ducks beat the Flames, then that means that the Flames aren't better than the Jets?
Quote from: Neil on April 25, 2015, 11:29:00 PM
Yeah, I don't get it. I guess if the Ducks beat the Flames, then that means that the Flames aren't better than the Jets?
Pretty much. If they have to lose in the first round, let it be to the eventual SC champ.
Oh no! The Blues are gone!!!!!
Yes, I can now breathe again, the Snoozors are gone.
How do you like the odds against the Red Wings or Lightning?
Good against the Wings, bad against the Lightning.
Altho the Lightning are not coming back to win the serie(s).
When I wear my Habs jersey, they always win. I was finally able to wear it, and the series was closed out.
Well at least the Caps are at home.
You Okay, Valmy?
Destiny fulfilled!
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 27, 2015, 09:07:45 PM
You Okay, Valmy?
Still recovering from the shock. HOLY SHIT THEY WON!!!111
Quote from: Jaron on April 27, 2015, 09:11:51 PM
Destiny fulfilled!
:yeah: :yeah: :yeah:
So now the Caps are 4-9 all time in game 7s. Sure feels better than 3-10.
Only one question remains to be answered this week: Red Wings or Lightning?
Quote from: Jaron on April 28, 2015, 08:04:13 PM
Only one question remains to be answered this week: Red Wings or Lightning?
It'll be Lightning. There goes the Habs. :(
Wow, fuck the Lightning.
BB, sorry but yesterday the Ducks DESTROYED the Flames. Hopefully its not a sign of things to come for them.
Go Lighting! Go!
Wow, the Canadiens can eat a dick. They can do better than this.
Quote from: Jaron on May 01, 2015, 11:21:19 PM
Wow, fuck the Lightning.
BB, sorry but yesterday the Ducks DESTROYED the Flames. Hopefully its not a sign of things to come for them.
What's to feel sorry about? I hope they continue to destroy the Flames.
Oh yeah, that's right. For some reason I thought you wanted the Flames to exact revenge on the Ducks. But its the other way around.
I kinda feel bad for the Wild. I'm not counting them out yet, but they seem outclasses by Chicago.
I want the Wild to do well. Their successes prove the idiocy and incompetence of the Oilers organization.
I am having a hard time getting into this series after the last one. Not even upset about game 2....yet.
Capitals WIN!
Yeah so I was at a restaurant last night for my son's end of Tee-ball season party and made them turn the Caps game on. They were like 'WTF?' I had most of the table getting into it hehe.
The Caps scored just before we went home :yeah:
Doesn't matter it will go to Chicago any way. :bowler: (or anaheim -_-)
Go to Hell, Viper.
Sorry but I agree with Viper. :yeah: :hug:
The series in the east could be over pretty darn quickly.
Quote from: Jaron on May 06, 2015, 10:57:49 PM
The series in the east could be over pretty darn quickly.
Can Jaron jinx teams or is it just Tim?
Tonight the world asked the Canadiens if they'd go quietly.
They answered in one loud, clear voice: WE WILL NOT!
Hawks about to finish the sweep in Minnesota. :yawn:
The Wild got...Wild in the last few minutes. I thought they might actually tie it up.
The Fox should be pretty happy tonight.
I swear to Hod Jaron if the Caps lose in seven I to...always try to jinx the Sharks! Yeah that will show you.
There is no way the Capitals will lose game 7!
And well...gee...would a curse mean early playoff exits or no playoffs at all for the Sharks? Can't imagine how soul crushing that would be. :P
I was happy, yes. :yeah:
A Sharks jinx is them getting to the Stanley Cup final & losing in 4.
I'm loving the playoff run the Utica Comets are putting together. Hooray for AHL hockey in my hometown again! :yeah:
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on May 11, 2015, 09:43:56 PM
I'm loving the playoff run the Utica Comets are putting together. Hooray for AHL hockey in my hometown again! :yeah:
AHL hockey is making it back to my hometown starting next year.
That's fine and all - I wish them well. But for some reason I'm not quite as excited about it as you are. ;)
Quote from: Jaron on May 10, 2015, 10:53:14 PM
There is no way the Capitals will lose game 7!
And well...gee...would a curse mean early playoff exits or no playoffs at all for the Sharks? Can't imagine how soul crushing that would be. :P
Sorry, Valmy. :weep:
There would have been a time blowing a 3 games to 1 lead would have been a heart crusher.
But the Caps have me trained well. This is the fifth time they have blown a 3 games to 1 lead. In fact the very first playoff series I watched them play as a fan they did this against the Penguins back in 1992.
That is kind of amazing to me. Does any other franchise in North America have more than two blown 3-1 series leads?
I heard the news this morning Valmy. :console:
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on May 11, 2015, 09:43:56 PM
I'm loving the playoff run the Utica Comets are putting together. Hooray for AHL hockey in my hometown again! :yeah:
We lost our AHL team almost a decade ago. For whatever reason, the ECHL team got much more support.
Much cheaper tickets?
Quote from: derspiess on May 14, 2015, 11:58:48 AM
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on May 11, 2015, 09:43:56 PM
I'm loving the playoff run the Utica Comets are putting together. Hooray for AHL hockey in my hometown again! :yeah:
We lost our AHL team almost a decade ago. For whatever reason, the ECHL team got much more support.
Utica used to be home to the Devils AHL affiliate. As things were hitting rock bottom in the 90's locally, they left for Albany. Now with Utica on the rebound, an AHL team is back. Good things lie ahead for the team and the city. :)
I really want the Ducks to win.... for anti-Los Angeles purposes. I'd also be okay with NY.
As predicted, the Ducks show they'll have no problem dealing with the Hawks.
Easy one to take in Anaheim. :yawn:
I was curious if the Blackhawks would be able to steamroll the Ducks. This one will probably go to 7.
The Blackhawks are 16-0 in games after a series is tied 2-2 under Joel Quenneville.
Can't believe they just sent this game into over time :w00t:
My jaw hit the ground, first goal I was glad but didn't see them getting a second goal with 30 seconds left.
Dumb play :(
Oh well. At this point I'd like to see Chicago win. My friend, a rabid Kings fan, wants the Lightning to win so Chicago can't claim a dynasty has begun. He'd like Los Angeles to do that. I suspect the best of LA is behind us though.
I think I'll root for the Lighting. The probability that I will ever see a hockey match live in Florida is higher than for Chicago. :P
Seriously, it's 2 very good teams, I thought it would be NYR vs Anaheim and my prognostic was defeated. Well, I think I'm 0% for all my prognostics this year, still... :P
Down with the Lightning.
Not sure who to pull for here, since my bandwagon team (the Ducks) has lost out.
Both teams have some big star players who I can't really hate (Toews and Stamkos). I don't really like pulling for a multiple-winner like the Hawks, but neither do I like pulling for sunbelt teams like the Lightning (plus, they have won a cup 12 years ago anyways).
Meh - CFL training camps have started - that's probably what I'll pay attention to.
Watch the Calder Cup! The Comets are one win away from making the Cup finals. The city is electric. Tickets sold out in a matter of hours on a Monday morning for Tuesday's game 6.
Quote from: Barrister on June 01, 2015, 12:15:39 PM
Not sure who to pull for here, since my bandwagon team (the Ducks) has lost out.
Both teams have some big star players who I can't really hate (Toews and Stamkos). I don't really like pulling for a multiple-winner like the Hawks, but neither do I like pulling for sunbelt teams like the Lightning (plus, they have won a cup 12 years ago anyways).
Meh - CFL training camps have started - that's probably what I'll pay attention to.
I'm mildly pulling for the Blackhawks, because I've always been somewhat partial to them. But yeah, I haven't actually watched a hockey game since Calgary and Montreal went out, nor am I likely to. Just waiting fo rht eNFL to start up at this point, although I'm sure I'll be a little excited about the CFL, as by the time they start up I'm so football-starved that I'll watch the CFL.
Guess what - more drama in the desert as the City of Glendale calls a special meeting to cancel it's 15 year lease with the Coyotes. :lol:
*cue Sonny and Cher playing on the clock radio*
And the Glendale City Council does in fact vote to rescind the lease agreement. The Coyotes promise a massive lawsuit in response.
QuoteOkay, campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cooooold out there today.
The Portland Coyotes has a nice ring to it.
Quote from: sbr on June 11, 2015, 12:37:04 AM
The Portland Coyotes has a nice ring to it.
TheNHL would be happy to have a team in Portland. Question is does Paul Allen want to pay the hundreds of millions of dollars the NHL would want to see as a fee paid.
Quote from: Barrister on June 11, 2015, 12:38:38 AM
Quote from: sbr on June 11, 2015, 12:37:04 AM
The Portland Coyotes has a nice ring to it.
TheNHL would be happy to have a team in Portland. Question is does Paul Allen want to pay the hundreds of millions of dollars the NHL would want to see as a fee paid.
Until recently the answer was no, and he didnt want the competition for the Trailblazers. But a couple of years ago he hired Chris McGowan, who ran the LA Kings when they won a Stanley Cup, to run the Blazers and the word is is that now McGowan has Allen convinced that an NHL team can make money even along side an NBA team. It also helps that Portland has one of the better NHL arenas around already built and waiting.
Quote from: sbr on June 11, 2015, 12:37:04 AM
The Portland Coyotes has a nice ring to it.
Quebec City Coyotes... hmm, that's nice. I think I can get used to it.
But it's never gonna happen :(
Keep hope alive Viper!
If Tampa loses this series will their local newspaper accidentally print the article that says they won?
Quote from: viper37 on June 11, 2015, 08:59:09 AM
Quote from: sbr on June 11, 2015, 12:37:04 AM
The Portland Coyotes has a nice ring to it.
Quebec City Coyotes... hmm, that's nice. I think I can get used to it.
But it's never gonna happen :(
Damn, right!
Quote from: viper37 on June 11, 2015, 08:59:09 AM
Quote from: sbr on June 11, 2015, 12:37:04 AM
The Portland Coyotes has a nice ring to it.
Quebec City Coyotes... hmm, that's nice. I think I can get used to it.
But it's never gonna happen :(
Keep the faith Viper - Quebec City will get a team.
and then lose it to Portland or Kansas City While Winnipeg in the same year will win the Cup.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 11, 2015, 09:37:10 AM
and then lose it to Portland or Kansas City While Winnipeg in the same year will win the Cup.
Arena, no Arenas, Quebecor or No Quebecors, the Nords are a dead dream, an unsustainable dream. Let them RIP.
This is HABS country now, boy.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 11, 2015, 09:40:37 AM
Arena, no Arenas, Quebecor or No Quebecors, the Nords are a dead dream, an unsustainable dream. Let them RIP.
This is HABS country now, boy.
So long as NHL teams in Florida is a thing there is always hope.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 11, 2015, 09:40:37 AM
Arena, no Arenas, Quebecor or No Quebecors, the Nords are a dead dream, an unsustainable dream. Let them RIP.
This is HABS country now, boy.
Vive les Nordiques! WHA solidarity forevah! (except for the Oilers)
Quote from: Barrister on June 11, 2015, 09:47:30 AM
(except for the Oilers)
Jealousy is not a good look for you BB.
Quote from: Valmy on June 11, 2015, 09:46:07 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 11, 2015, 09:40:37 AM
Arena, no Arenas, Quebecor or No Quebecors, the Nords are a dead dream, an unsustainable dream. Let them RIP.
This is HABS country now, boy.
So long as NHL teams in Florida is a thing there is always hope.
The NHL has teams in Florida because it makes sense for the National TV rights Holders, adding a team in Quebec City will do nothing for Rogers and cost NBC millions.
Quote from: Valmy on June 11, 2015, 09:48:08 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 11, 2015, 09:47:30 AM
(except for the Oilers)
Jealousy is not a good look for you BB.
I'm pretty sure I'm not jealous of a team that is perpetually the worst team in all of hockey.
Quote from: Barrister on June 11, 2015, 10:05:45 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 11, 2015, 09:48:08 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 11, 2015, 09:47:30 AM
(except for the Oilers)
Jealousy is not a good look for you BB.
I'm pretty sure I'm not jealous of a team that is perpetually the worst team in all of hockey.
I think we can all agree there is no reason to be jealous of the Leafs. But if you want to compare how many cups WHA teams have won...
Yeah, the Oilers are total garbage now, and have been for years and years now. Honestly, even their last Finals run was an aberration in an ocean of suck. But they definitely had glory years in the 80s and early 90s. That was a pretty long run of total domination.
Quote from: Neil on June 11, 2015, 11:28:32 AM
Yeah, the Oilers are total garbage now, and have been for years and years now. Honestly, even their last Finals run was an aberration in an ocean of suck. But they definitely had glory years in the 80s and early 90s. That was a pretty long run of total domination.
Yeah I would rather be a has-been like the Oilers than a never-were like our clubs BB :P
Quote from: Valmy on June 11, 2015, 01:29:30 PM
Quote from: Neil on June 11, 2015, 11:28:32 AM
Yeah, the Oilers are total garbage now, and have been for years and years now. Honestly, even their last Finals run was an aberration in an ocean of suck. But they definitely had glory years in the 80s and early 90s. That was a pretty long run of total domination.
Yeah I would rather be a has-been like the Oilers than a never-were like our clubs BB :P
Good for the Blackhawks. Solid team they got there. I do wonder if they'll be able to keep their core intact though.
Quote from: Valmy on June 11, 2015, 09:46:07 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 11, 2015, 09:40:37 AM
Arena, no Arenas, Quebecor or No Quebecors, the Nords are a dead dream, an unsustainable dream. Let them RIP.
This is HABS country now, boy.
So long as NHL teams in Florida is a thing there is always hope.
Did I not post about how Glendale City Council has purported to "cancel" the Coyotes lease, and the whole mess is back in court? It's fascinating if you get off on sports-legal stories (and I do).
Going to court that means what? The Coyotes management team gets a temporary injunction to force the city into paying them while they hear the cause in various tribunals? So they go to local court, than District appeal court, than Federal court than Supreme court? So in 15 years or so, year 17-18 out of 20 year deal, the courts will rule that the city had the rights to cancel the lease?
The team is out of the city in 3 more years when Vegas has it's arena ready.
So in year, 17-18 of a 20 year deal that was nullify by the other party in year 5.
Quote from: Jaron on May 31, 2015, 11:25:11 PM
Oh well. At this point I'd like to see Chicago win. My friend, a rabid Kings fan, wants the Lightning to win so Chicago can't claim a dynasty has begun. He'd like Los Angeles to do that. I suspect the best of LA is behind us though.
Dynasty :sleep:
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 16, 2015, 09:41:44 AM
The team is out of the city in 3 more years when Vegas has it's arena ready.
So in year, 17-18 of a 20 year deal that was nullify by the other party in year 5.
Vegas is ready to go in fall 2016.
It's only a 15 year in Glendale BTW.
For the 100th anniversary of the league!
Comets lost the Calder Cup, but it was an amazing run and an amazing experience for the city of Utica. I think the players and coaches thoroughly enjoyed it as well. The Canucks even jumped in on the action and sent a lot of representatives around town. A ton of current and former players hit up games, too. So much fun. Maybe next year...
Why is a English language Korean newspaper reporting on the NHL?!
NHL expansion announced. Vegas is a sure bet, even for the most non gambler people.
Quebec City, Markham, Seattle are other possibilities.
Only Quebec City has an arena fit for NHL standards.
However, the team won't be playing until 3 years from now, wich gives time to other teams to get the arena built, worst case, play 1 year in an older/shared arena.
With the current imbalance, adding two teams in the West would be perfect for the NHL. Will they receive 2 bets from the West? Your guess is a good as mine.
Harper says Quebec city is the best Canadian city to get a new hockey team. IN YOUR FACE ONTARIO!!!! He just gained my vote (wich was the objective) :P
At this point, 2 things can happen:
- Quebecor submits a token bid, to appear as if they really want to bring back hockey to Quebec city. They submit a price lower than what the NHL will expect, so that they can shift the blame on the NHL
- The NHL receives an interesting proposal from Quebec city, but prefers to expand for 2 teams in the West instead, with larger markets.
Crunching the numbers, it gives 500 million$ for the team, 100 million$ to set up the management. Then there are operating costs. Even if they get the arena for free (I hope no one in Quebec city ever expected them to pay 6M$/year for the arena...), they have to pay somewhere around 60M$ in players wage every year. Plus all the management they require. And it will be 5-6, more likely 10 years of misery with 3rd rate players just good enough for the American League, players that nobody wants in their roster.
A full arena is close to 18 000 places. At 150$ per place on average, it gives 2,7M$ per local game, if every single place is sold out. Realistically, on average, we should expect 70% fill rate, paying places (often, teams give away tickets, for promotional purpose, or to try to book their seats for non popular games, like say, buy a ticket for Nashville and we'll give you a ticket for Florida. Even Montreal does this.
So, that makes us 75,6M$ per year in gross revenues. 60 million$ is substracted for the players (I know the minimum is 52M$, but by the time there's a team, the cap and min will have increased to at last 55M$ and no team really competes at the absolute minimum). That leaves us 15,6M$/year to play with. We need to pay the management team (coaches, GM and all other staff). We need to pay the arena staff, wich, granted, isn't the highest cost here.
Quebecor is steadily losing ground (well, shareholder's value) evern since PKP took over. They won't be in a better position 3 years from now than they are today. And that's with some form public funding for most of their operations.
So that means a net loss for Quebecor with the Nordiques alone. However, it means they will have content for their sport networks. My Nordiques will be as kétaine as the Habs have become :(
Surely tickets do not comprise a club's revenues on their own.
Quote from: viper37 on June 25, 2015, 10:57:27 AM
NHL expansion announced. Vegas is a sure bet, even for the most non gambler people.
Quebec City, Markham, Seattle are other possibilities.
Only Quebec City has an arena fit for NHL standards.
However, the team won't be playing until 3 years from now, wich gives time to other teams to get the arena built, worst case, play 1 year in an older/shared arena.
With the current imbalance, adding two teams in the West would be perfect for the NHL. Will they receive 2 bets from the West? Your guess is a good as mine.
Harper says Quebec city is the best Canadian city to get a new hockey team. IN YOUR FACE ONTARIO!!!! He just gained my vote (wich was the objective) :P
At this point, 2 things can happen:
- Quebecor submits a token bid, to appear as if they really want to bring back hockey to Quebec city. They submit a price lower than what the NHL will expect, so that they can shift the blame on the NHL
- The NHL receives an interesting proposal from Quebec city, but prefers to expand for 2 teams in the West instead, with larger markets.
Crunching the numbers, it gives 500 million$ for the team, 100 million$ to set up the management. Then there are operating costs. Even if they get the arena for free (I hope no one in Quebec city ever expected them to pay 6M$/year for the arena...), they have to pay somewhere around 60M$ in players wage every year. Plus all the management they require. And it will be 5-6, more likely 10 years of misery with 3rd rate players just good enough for the American League, players that nobody wants in their roster.
A full arena is close to 18 000 places. At 150$ per place on average, it gives 2,7M$ per local game, if every single place is sold out. Realistically, on average, we should expect 70% fill rate, paying places (often, teams give away tickets, for promotional purpose, or to try to book their seats for non popular games, like say, buy a ticket for Nashville and we'll give you a ticket for Florida. Even Montreal does this.
So, that makes us 75,6M$ per year in gross revenues. 60 million$ is substracted for the players (I know the minimum is 52M$, but by the time there's a team, the cap and min will have increased to at last 55M$ and no team really competes at the absolute minimum). That leaves us 15,6M$/year to play with. We need to pay the management team (coaches, GM and all other staff). We need to pay the arena staff, wich, granted, isn't the highest cost here.
Quebecor is steadily losing ground (well, shareholder's value) evern since PKP took over. They won't be in a better position 3 years from now than they are today. And that's with some form public funding for most of their operations.
So that means a net loss for Quebecor with the Nordiques alone. However, it means they will have content for their sport networks. My Nordiques will be as kétaine as the Habs have become :(
Why would you expect a 70% attendance rate?
Look at the attendance rates for Canadian franchises:
Vancouver: 98.9%
Calgary: 99%
Edmonton: 100%
Winnipeg: 100.2%
Toronto: 101.3%
Ottawa: 95.3%
Montreal: 100.1%
They already get the arena: not for free, but for $3-5 mil per year. That deal's already been signed - and it's well beneath fair market value.
And you're forgetting that each franchise gets a share of the TV rights, and that TVA will be required to pay fair market value to the team for its regional rights. Plus advertising, merchandising...
Nordiques 2.0 will be fine.
Quote from: Valmy on June 25, 2015, 11:26:33 AM
Surely tickets do not comprise a club's revenues on their own.
no, of course not.
There are revenues from sales of derivated products (jerseys, caps, etc), advertising revenues and profit sharing schemes from the NHL.
TV rights go the NHL wich shares it with the team on a an unknown basis, I think.
Jerseys&other stuff, sales are gonna be very low. This is the Nordiques, we are talking about, they will be popular in Quebec city and eastern Quebec, north&south shore, two very poor and lowly populated areas. Montreal still gets 50% of the hockey fans just by existing in Montreal, then they compete with the Nordiques for everything else.
Advertising revenues. Well, see, the Nordiques, and the Videotron center, despite belonging to the same entity will, in all likelyhood, be two different organizations. Easy to screw things up to make the Nordiques unprofitable and avoir giving the city 6M$/year. By their contract with the city, they pay a rent according to the profit they make. If they make 6M$ or more in net profits at the end of the year, they pay 6M$ to the city. If they make less, they pay less, up to 0$/year.
Profit sharing. Depending on how the accounting is done, either the Nordiques pay a share of their revenus to American teams, or they receive payment. If they receive payment, they'll probably exclude it from their hockey operation income. If they have to pay it, they'll include it in their expenses.
Back when we had the Nordiques, the team was in deficit every year. And they had 19-20M$ at most to pay to players, in their best years. Of course, there's a huge difference between paying 19M$ wages when the other teams spend 90M$ and paying 60M$ when the others are paying 75M$. That means more competitive teams. Still, that's a lot of money upfront.
We've always been told that the Montreal Canadians, one of the most successful franchise in the NHL breaks even at the end of the season and makes money during the playoffs. The Nordiques might be making the playoffs the first year, but are unlikely to reach that far for the next 5-6 years.
Quote from: viper37 on June 25, 2015, 12:28:46 PM
Back when we had the Nordiques, the team was in deficit every year.
Times have changed.
Back in the 90s you could buy a ticket to a Jets game for $10 at 7-11, and they rarely sold out.
Now, the average price is around $100, and they've sold out every game since coming back.
Quote from: Barrister on June 25, 2015, 11:39:01 AM
Why would you expect a 70% attendance rate?
Because a lot of tickets are given for free, as I said. It happenned in the past, and it is still happening with other franchises.
Look at the attendance rates for Canadian franchises:
Winnipeg: 100.2%
Toronto: 101.3%
Montreal: 100.1%[/quote]
I'm surprised. Winnipeg does better than Montreal, but less than Toronto. Wow.
They already get the arena: not for free, but for $3-5 mil per year. That deal's already been signed - and it's well beneath fair market value.
Actually, it's 6M$ if they have an NHL team playing there. But it's contingent on the profit of the Videotron Center. If they lose money, they don't have anything to pay.
And you're forgetting that each franchise gets a share of the TV rights, and that TVA will be required to pay fair market value to the team for its regional rights. Plus advertising, merchandising...
Nordiques 2.0 will be fine.
I hope so. I must be a pessimist by nature. Or simply don't trust PKP anymore.
Quote from: viper37 on June 25, 2015, 12:44:28 PM
Because a lot of tickets are given for free, as I said. It happenned in the past, and it is still happening with other franchises.
Look at the attendance rates for Canadian franchises:
Winnipeg: 100.2%
Toronto: 101.3%
Montreal: 100.1%
I'm surprised. Winnipeg does better than Montreal, but less than Toronto. Wow.
:huh: I've never heard of tickets being handed out for free. I mean, I'm sure the teams comp a few tickets for friends and family of players and what not, but that's not very many tickets.
And at those silly 100+% numbers, it's all in how they count attendance. Essentially, other than Ottawa, Canadian NHL teams sell out every game.
If the NHL is anything like every other sporting league from college to pros I've ever read about, there is major book cooking going on every single year to make their profits into "losses" or "break even" numbers.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on June 25, 2015, 02:36:20 PM
If the NHL is anything like every other sporting league from college to pros I've ever read about, there is major book cooking going on every single year to make their profits into "losses" or "break even" numbers.
Oh, I'm sure there is.
While the NHL is still a attendance driven league, the 1990s Nordiques didnot have the benefit of revenue sharing & 2 massive National TV deals.
I really wish the NHL would do away with region based conferences/division & go the way of NFL/MLB instead.
Bettman built the NHL to be the NBA's little brother. That is why he made the conferences and divisions as boring as possible.
Quote from: Barrister on June 25, 2015, 02:29:57 PM
:huh: I've never heard of tickets being handed out for free. I mean, I'm sure the teams comp a few tickets for friends and family of players and what not, but that's not very many tickets.
A Montreal-Quebec game will always be sold out. But against the 22nd team? Often they had to give away tickets to big buyers, wich in turn gave them to their clients. I saw a lot of hockey games that way in the past.
There was an interview with someone working for the Nordiques later for the Habs who describred how it worked.
I doubt very much it has changed that much. Except maybe for Winnipeg, people are cracy there :P
It could be similar for the Nordiques for the first few years. Eventually, it may change. Even Montreal had some trouble selling tickets when the team was dragging at the bottom.
Quote from: viper37 on June 26, 2015, 08:59:06 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 25, 2015, 02:29:57 PM
:huh: I've never heard of tickets being handed out for free. I mean, I'm sure the teams comp a few tickets for friends and family of players and what not, but that's not very many tickets.
A Montreal-Quebec game will always be sold out. But against the 22nd team? Often they had to give away tickets to big buyers, wich in turn gave them to their clients. I saw a lot of hockey games that way in the past.
There was an interview with someone working for the Nordiques later for the Habs who describred how it worked.
I doubt very much it has changed that much. Except maybe for Winnipeg, people are cracy there :P
It could be similar for the Nordiques for the first few years. Eventually, it may change. Even Montreal had some trouble selling tickets when the team was dragging at the bottom.
No - what happens is those "big buyers" have season tickets. For a midweek game against a nothing opponent in January, no one in the big business wants to go, so that's how they wind up with you.
But the tickets were still bought and paid for.
Quote from: Barrister on June 26, 2015, 10:13:41 AM
Quote from: viper37 on June 26, 2015, 08:59:06 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 25, 2015, 02:29:57 PM
:huh: I've never heard of tickets being handed out for free. I mean, I'm sure the teams comp a few tickets for friends and family of players and what not, but that's not very many tickets.
A Montreal-Quebec game will always be sold out. But against the 22nd team? Often they had to give away tickets to big buyers, wich in turn gave them to their clients. I saw a lot of hockey games that way in the past.
There was an interview with someone working for the Nordiques later for the Habs who describred how it worked.
I doubt very much it has changed that much. Except maybe for Winnipeg, people are cracy there :P
It could be similar for the Nordiques for the first few years. Eventually, it may change. Even Montreal had some trouble selling tickets when the team was dragging at the bottom.
No - what happens is those "big buyers" have season tickets. For a midweek game against a nothing opponent in January, no one in the big business wants to go, so that's how they wind up with you.
But the tickets were still bought and paid for.
I'm telling you as I read it. Lots of the tickets were given away for free, especially when the team was really bad.
The tickets I got as a youth were given by a group of owners for wich my dad's boss was doing lots of contracts at the time (wich is why I want to move up the scale in the construction industry :P ), don't know if they were paid by the owners (as in season tickets) or given away as part of their allotment of free tickets to give.
Wow, Lucic traded to the Los Angeles Kings in exchange for a goalie, a greenhorn, and a 13th pick? :wacko:
Also, the Habs' first pick? Yet again a defenceman. <_<
1st round. You pick best player available.
All of the different levels and layers of minor league hockey confuse me. Do NHL draft picks start in the minors for a period of time like in MLB* or do they go right to their NHL team?
*and yes I know there are exceptions for everything
It depends where they are from. The draft is for players 18 years old.
Players from the CHL (canadian network) either go to their NHL team or CHL if they are 18 or 19 years old.
If the player is 20, he will go to NHL team or their AHL or ECHL affiliate. NHL team decides.
21 and over don't play in the CHL network.
Players from the NCAA chose either to start a pro career or stay in the NCAA, if they chose pro they will go NHL, AHL or ECHL. NHL team decides.
Euros from euro league sign NHL contracts & either play in ECHL, AHL or the NHL or they stay in their Euro leagues.
It goes ECHL -> AHL -> NHL in terms or skill rankings. There are other minor leagues under the ECHL but they dont matter much.
This is a new era for San Jose.
Jets - 6
Bruins - 2
(Yes, I skipped the game and watched the Royals-Astros instead. Doesn't make me any less excited about the opening win)
Ugh. Didn't see the game, but from the score it looks like the same old Hurricanes we've had for the last few years.
The Sharks are the hottest team in west. They have some magic so far this season.
Beat Kings 5-1
Beat Ducks 2-0
Beat Capitals 5-0
Meanwhile, the Kings look really flat this season. They've yet to win a single game.
Most likely outcome for 2015-2016: Sharks win Stanley Cup.
What do you all think of the 3 v 3 overtime?
I've watched a few and decided I really like them. It's a much faster game with a lot more opportunities to score. It feels like a good addition.
I miss ties but I understand that it is un fathomable for the casual fan so anything that gets us a tie-breaker that is not the shootout is alright for me.
My beloved Sharks beat the Devils in a shoot out. It was close. :showoff:
Connor McDavid out for many months. Sad for the Oilers, they weren't so bad this year.
Flames suck.
Quote from: viper37 on November 04, 2015, 02:02:01 PM
Connor McDavid out for many months. Sad for the Oilers, they weren't so bad this year.
:nelson: to the Oilers
:( for McDavid, who seems like a nice enough kid
So as of today, the Winnipeg Jets are in fifth place league-wide, with a record of 8-4-1.
Which is only good enough for third place in the Central.
Chicago, with a record of 7-5-1, is 13th overall in the league. Which puts them in 6th place in the Central and out of a playoff spot.
#1, mofos.
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 05, 2015, 01:41:21 PM
#1, mofos.
You're one Carey Price away from a failed season. Canucks are the best team in Canada.
Quote from: PRC on November 05, 2015, 03:32:18 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 05, 2015, 01:41:21 PM
#1, mofos.
You're one Carey Price away from a failed season. Canucks are the best team in Canada.
Canadiens 11-2-1
Jets 8-4-1
Canucks 6-3-4
Even if completely discount the Habs because of Price (which is ridiculous - he's part of the team), there's another team you're forgetting about...
Quote from: Barrister on November 05, 2015, 03:36:30 PM
Even if completely discount the Habs because of Price (which is ridiculous - he's part of the team), there's another team you're forgetting about...
The Leafs!
Quote from: Valmy on November 05, 2015, 03:38:43 PM
Quote from: Barrister on November 05, 2015, 03:36:30 PM
Even if completely discount the Habs because of Price (which is ridiculous - he's part of the team), there's another team you're forgetting about...
The Leafs!
In 29th place, with a 2-8-2 record.
Quote from: Barrister on November 05, 2015, 03:40:25 PM
In 29th place, with a 2-8-2 record.
#1 in the heart of Torontans though. Does that not mean something? :cry:
So I check the Bluejackets standings, since I've paid zero attention to hockey so far:
Glad I didn't waste time on those losers.
Quote from: PRC on November 05, 2015, 03:32:18 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 05, 2015, 01:41:21 PM
#1, mofos.
You're one Carey Price away from a failed season. Canucks are the best team in Canada.
While that is true, having the best goalie is important, there is no world where the Canucks are or were the best.
Quote from: PRC on November 05, 2015, 03:32:18 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 05, 2015, 01:41:21 PM
#1, mofos.
You're one Carey Price away from a failed season. Canucks are the best team in Canada.
They have Condon, Tokarski and another one in the AHL that I forgot the name.
Quote from: viper37 on November 05, 2015, 11:09:55 PM
Quote from: PRC on November 05, 2015, 03:32:18 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 05, 2015, 01:41:21 PM
#1, mofos.
You're one Carey Price away from a failed season. Canucks are the best team in Canada.
They have Condon, Tokarski and another one in the AHL that I forgot the name.
They ain't Carey Price. They're good, but they're backups. Price is the best goalie in the game at the moment, props to him, but if he gets hurt the Canadiens are in trouble. And I don't want too sound to harsh, I like the Canadiens, but I think their early success is based on the goalie, not the team and that's not a recipe for long term success.
Carey Price is hurt right now.
So far, Condon is holding the fort & the players have adjusted accordingly.
The Habs early success is based on Price, a good thing.
The Leafs & Jackets early season disaster is based on not having a good goalie, a bad thing.
Quote from: PRC on November 05, 2015, 11:25:44 PM
Quote from: viper37 on November 05, 2015, 11:09:55 PM
Quote from: PRC on November 05, 2015, 03:32:18 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 05, 2015, 01:41:21 PM
#1, mofos.
You're one Carey Price away from a failed season. Canucks are the best team in Canada.
They have Condon, Tokarski and another one in the AHL that I forgot the name.
They ain't Carey Price. They're good, but they're backups. Price is the best goalie in the game at the moment, props to him, but if he gets hurt the Canadiens are in trouble. And I don't want too sound to harsh, I like the Canadiens, but I think their early success is based on the goalie, not the team and that's not a recipe for long term success.
I don't like the Habs. At all. But I have to admit they're more than Carey Price, the proof is he isn't there right now and they're still winning. Do they have a chance at the Stanley Cup without Carey Price? Probably not. Are they one of the best team in the league without Carey Price right now? yes.
Okay, Condon has looked good in starts there.
Valmy! It's on tonight! Jets @ Capitals. :menace:
Go Capitals!
So my nephew got tickets to the OIlers-Sabres game last night. His boyfriend was out of town, so in hunting around for someone to go with he wound up taking me.
Fantastic seats. Section 101, so right at centre ice, row 14. The list price for the tickets is $294, each. Way better seats than I've ever had before, though I think I'll stick with the nosebleeds at less than one third the price.
LOL I missed your anti-Cap trash talking.
It is futile BB. The Caps are the TEAM OF DESTINY this season.
Quote from: Valmy on December 07, 2015, 10:49:07 AM
LOL I missed your anti-Cap trash talking.
It is futile BB. The Caps are the TEAM OF DESTINY this season.
Then why did they lose to the Jets last Saturday night. :contract:
Almost 100 clams (even discounted Frostback clams) seems like an awful lot to pay for nosebleed seats.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on December 07, 2015, 11:11:34 AM
Almost 100 clams (even discounted Frostback clams) seems like an awful lot to pay for nosebleed seats.
Welcome to the NHL in Canada. -_-
Quote from: Barrister on December 07, 2015, 10:57:01 AM
Quote from: Valmy on December 07, 2015, 10:49:07 AM
LOL I missed your anti-Cap trash talking.
It is futile BB. The Caps are the TEAM OF DESTINY this season.
Then why did they lose to the Jets last Saturday night. :contract:
Evil and corruption. Paid off review officials. Canadian shenanigans destroying the purity of sports in the USA.
I still hate the Kings.
Quote from: Valmy on December 07, 2015, 11:14:02 AM
Quote from: Barrister on December 07, 2015, 10:57:01 AM
Quote from: Valmy on December 07, 2015, 10:49:07 AM
LOL I missed your anti-Cap trash talking.
It is futile BB. The Caps are the TEAM OF DESTINY this season.
Then why did they lose to the Jets last Saturday night. :contract:
Evil and corruption. Paid off review officials. Canadian shenanigans destroying the purity of sports in the USA.
Actually the answer is the new Jets Saviour - rookie goaltender Connor Hellebuyck. He's undefeated in three starts, with a 0.97 GAA and .962Sv%. :cool:
Jets fans have been clamoring to see this kid since he was first drafted and put up fantastic numbers in the NCAA, and really strong numbers in front of the IceCaps / Moose with pretty poor teams in front of him. Oh, and he was the starting goalie for the US World Championship team last year (despite zero NHL experience) and took them to a bronze. And so far he has not disappointed.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on December 07, 2015, 11:11:34 AM
Almost 100 clams (even discounted Frostback clams) seems like an awful lot to pay for nosebleed seats.
If you're in Montreal and want to watch hockey, it's cheaper to bord a plane in Plattsburgh, go to Tampa, sleep one night, board the plane back to Plattsburgh.
Quote from: viper37 on December 07, 2015, 02:08:49 PM
If you're in Montreal and want to watch hockey, it's cheaper to bord a plane in Plattsburgh, go to Tampa, sleep one night, board the plane back to Plattsburgh.
Why is that?
Quote from: Admiral Yi on December 07, 2015, 02:09:29 PM
Quote from: viper37 on December 07, 2015, 02:08:49 PM
If you're in Montreal and want to watch hockey, it's cheaper to bord a plane in Plattsburgh, go to Tampa, sleep one night, board the plane back to Plattsburgh.
Why is that?
I don't know that that is necessarily true.
On the Habs official resale site the cheapest ticket for Wednesdays game against the hated Bruins is $72 for the upper nosebleeds. I could buy tickets equivalent to what I sat in last night for $200 / seat (which seems cheap, actually).
The cheapest seats for Tamps' game next Thursday against the Senators is $14. Roughly equivalent seats would be $71.
So I don't think Viper's statement is literally true. But when you look at the price differences you see why a number of Canadian fans will make a weekend of it to go see their favourite team on the road...
Quote from: Admiral Yi on December 07, 2015, 02:09:29 PM
Quote from: viper37 on December 07, 2015, 02:08:49 PM
If you're in Montreal and want to watch hockey, it's cheaper to bord a plane in Plattsburgh, go to Tampa, sleep one night, board the plane back to Plattsburgh.
Why is that?
The tickets are way cheaper in Florida than in Montreal, no sales tax, no airport taxes in Plattsburgh, no tax on hotel.
But as BB said, it's not literraly true, and not always the case.
In Ottawa, you can get decent tickets for 55-70$, no such luck in Montreal. In Tampay Bay, the same tickets are sold for 10-15$US.
Of course, the drop in CAN$ value has hurt that scheme, but at some point, I'm gonna visit some southern US city just to watch a hockey game. :cool:
Are there any other factors besides supply and demand at work? Smaller venues? Private vs. public arenas? Crazy taxes?
Quote from: Admiral Yi on December 07, 2015, 02:42:49 PM
Are there any other factors besides supply and demand at work? Smaller venues? Private vs. public arenas? Crazy taxes?
People are willing to pay top $ to see the old Canadian teams, like the Habs and Toronto.
Taxes don't do much in the equation, the crazy taxes are mostly for individuals, not corporations who are more mobiles. Private vs public arenas, I don't really know the status of all NHL arenas, but Montreal is 100% private, with a municipal tax break while Tampa got money from the city. To make a complete answer, I'd need to compare all variables, something I don't really have time to dig for.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on December 07, 2015, 02:42:49 PM
Are there any other factors besides supply and demand at work? Smaller venues? Private vs. public arenas? Crazy taxes?
Pretty sure it's just supply and demand. Hockey is the #1 sport around here, and by a lot. No particular tax incentives I can think of that don't also apply in the US. Venues are all generally quite large (exception for Winnipeg, but it's small in a small market). Mix of public and private arenas.
Quote from: Barrister on December 07, 2015, 12:05:28 PM
Actually the answer is the new Jets Saviour - rookie goaltender Connor Hellebuyck. He's undefeated in three starts, with a 0.97 GAA and .962Sv%. :cool:
Jets fans have been clamoring to see this kid since he was first drafted and put up fantastic numbers in the NCAA, and really strong numbers in front of the IceCaps / Moose with pretty poor teams in front of him. Oh, and he was the starting goalie for the US World Championship team last year (despite zero NHL experience) and took them to a bronze. And so far he has not disappointed.
Like I said. Canadian perfidy. At least the Caps still got a point.
Quote from: Valmy on December 07, 2015, 03:23:39 PM
Quote from: Barrister on December 07, 2015, 12:05:28 PM
Actually the answer is the new Jets Saviour - rookie goaltender Connor Hellebuyck. He's undefeated in three starts, with a 0.97 GAA and .962Sv%. :cool:
Jets fans have been clamoring to see this kid since he was first drafted and put up fantastic numbers in the NCAA, and really strong numbers in front of the IceCaps / Moose with pretty poor teams in front of him. Oh, and he was the starting goalie for the US World Championship team last year (despite zero NHL experience) and took them to a bronze. And so far he has not disappointed.
Like I said. Canadian perfidy. At least the Caps still got a point.
But Hellebuyck is American. :)
Kane's streak up to 25 :showoff:
Was reading an article about scoring in the NHL, how come teams were averaging 5+ goals a game before the 90s, what changed?
Lots of factors. Goalies g
Quote from: Alcibiades on December 13, 2015, 02:55:39 AM
Was reading an article about scoring in the NHL, how come teams were averaging 5+ goals a game before the 90s, what changed?
Lot's of factors.
Goalies getting better, getting bigger equipment is probably at the top of the list.
The mid-nineties to 2004 also was known as the "clutch & grab" era... when referees weren't calling interference penalties and players were able to literally clutch & grab puck holders holding them up.
Coaches also got much better at defensive hockey, slowing games down with the neutral zone trap, lead by the Devils but duplicated by a lot of other teams.
After the 2004 lockout one of the main rule changes was focusing on calling interference penalties so the clutch & grab largely went away, but the other two factors still contribute to the drop in scoring since.
Like I said, goalies are probably the number one factor. Go look at some images of goalies in the eighties like Grant Fuhr or Mike Liut and then compare them with what goalies look like today. Back then they look like normal players with small-ish pads on their legs, you can see a lot of net behind them. These days there are only a handful of goalies under 6 feet tall, the equipment they wear is big and you don't see much net behind them at all.
Goalies also used to play a stand-up style and Patrick Roy helped bring a butterfly style into vogue in the mid to late eighties, most goals are scored at the bottom of the net and his style focused on defending the bottom of the net. Hasek was the master of blocking the net down low, though he didn't really have a style others could emulate easily.
Write it down y'all.
Today the Sharks downed the Maple Leafs - one time Stanley Cup champions, 7-0. :showoff: :cool:
I've always thought the Mormonism was more believable than becoming a hockey fan.
Quote from: Jaron on January 10, 2016, 01:08:41 AM
Write it down y'all.
Today the Sharks downed the Maple Leafs - one time Stanley Cup champions, 7-0. :showoff: :cool:
Defeating the Leafs is supposed to be an accomplishment worthy of note? :huh:
Quote from: Barrister on January 10, 2016, 02:12:59 AM
Quote from: Jaron on January 10, 2016, 01:08:41 AM
Write it down y'all.
Today the Sharks downed the Maple Leafs - one time Stanley Cup champions, 7-0. :showoff: :cool:
Defeating the Leafs is supposed to be an accomplishment worthy of note? :huh:
The way the Sharks have played lately, yes. :P
Quote from: Admiral Yi on January 10, 2016, 02:06:00 AM
I've always thought the Mormonism was more believable than becoming a hockey fan.
Son, I've watched hockey since I was 13. :blink: It's kind of the family sport of choice.
Evander Kane is coming back to the MTS Centre today. :menace:
They were talking about how the Sharks are having trouble filling seats due to poor performance. It made me think of the Jets in the playoffs last year when all the fans stayed and cheered even when it was clear a sweep was imminent. I wish San Jose had fans like that but California is known for its fair weather - not just environmentally but it in its sports fans.
Quote from: Jaron on January 10, 2016, 05:07:02 PM
They were talking about how the Sharks are having trouble filling seats due to poor performance. It made me think of the Jets in the playoffs last year when all the fans stayed and cheered even when it was clear a sweep was imminent. I wish San Jose had fans like that but California is known for its fair weather - not just environmentally but it in its sports fans.
Unfair comparison for the Sharks though. Last years playoffs were the first playoff games in the Peg in 18 years, and the fans knew that.
I don't know how well you follow hockey J-dawg, but you've always expressed an interest in the Sharks for as long as you've been on Languish. :hug:
And :yuck: to today's game in Winnipeg.
Quote from: Barrister on January 10, 2016, 06:47:47 PM
And :yuck: to today's game in Winnipeg.
:yeah: Classy move by Kane to give up the sure goal so Reinhart could get the hat trick.
Bizarro game in Winnipeg last night. Jets go into the third 3-1, get an early goal to go up 4-1.
But then Nashville comes on strong, score two back to back goals. Now Jets are hanging on to a 4-3 lead.
Then the Refs start going crazy. They call coincidental minors - one for hooking, then one on the player who went down for embellishment. Never seen them do that before.
Then once that penalty is over, they do it again! coincidental minors against both teams. They moments later they call Blake Wheeler. So it's 4 on 3, but before they even start they throw the San Jose guy out of the face off. He argues it, so they give him 2 minutes for unsportsmanlike! The teams play almost two whole minutes of non-overtime three on three.
Anyways, with 0:13 left San Jose scores, to send it into overtime. The Jets had done it - blown a three goal lead.
Thankfully just one minute into overtime Wheeler absolutely snipes one past Pekka Rinne to secure the win.
Quote from: Barrister on January 15, 2016, 12:57:35 PM
Bizarro game in Winnipeg last night. Jets go into the third 3-1, get an early goal to go up 4-1.
But then Nashville comes on strong, score two back to back goals. Now Jets are hanging on to a 4-3 lead.
Then the Refs start going crazy. They call coincidental minors - one for hooking, then one on the player who went down for embellishment. Never seen them do that before.
Then once that penalty is over, they do it again! coincidental minors against both teams. They moments later they call Blake Wheeler. So it's 4 on 3, but before they even start they throw the San Jose guy out of the face off. He argues it, so they give him 2 minutes for unsportsmanlike! The teams play almost two whole minutes of non-overtime three on three.
Anyways, with 0:13 left San Jose scores, to send it into overtime. The Jets had done it - blown a three goal lead.
Thankfully just one minute into overtime Wheeler absolutely snipes one past Pekka Rinne to secure the win.
What a bizarre game. They started playing Nashville and ended the game against San Jose.
With all the Nashville players too.
In more exciting news:
Patrick Kane most overrated.
Quote from: Jaron on January 16, 2016, 02:13:53 AM
Patrick Kane most overrated.
The NHL is shamefull with the way it found a way to keep John Scott away from the NHL All Star game.
I am ashame the Habs were involve.
John Scott is in fact going to be the captain of the Pacific Division team (despite now playing for the AHL's St John's IceCaps).
Such a weird story. Good for Scott though - apparently he gets $90k for appearing in the All-Star game. Most of these guys could care less - but Scott's making the league minimum so I'm sure he appreciates it.
A guy like me (
John Scott talking about the event.
That Player's Tribune article was great. Really enjoying that site.
That's a really good article. :thumbsup:
So far all star game is a long horrible country music concert.
Was pretty nice with John Scott winning MVP.
And he scored two goals AND he hugged some retarded kid.
Quote from: Jaron on January 31, 2016, 09:13:19 PM
And he scored two goals AND he hugged some retarded kid.
The kid might have been Darryl Sutter's (Kings coach) son. Sutter brings him to all the family friendly league events.
Quote from: Jaron on January 31, 2016, 09:13:19 PM
And he scored two goals AND he hugged some retarded kid.
QuoteScott Gomez, a Onetime Rookie Star, Is Again an N.H.L. Prospect
HERSHEY, Pa. — Less than 21 hours after a game in Syracuse, and less than 17 hours after the team bus rolled back into town, Scott Gomez perched astride the boards at Giant Center, awaiting the first shift of the seventh American Hockey League game of his life.
Gomez, a 36-year-old center who was the N.H.L.'s top rookie in the 1999-2000 season, had two assists for the Hershey Bears in that game, a 5-1 win over the Syracuse Crunch here on Saturday, and the sellout crowd of 10,964, including dozens of children tooting vuvuzelas, went home happy.
"I'm not just hanging around," Gomez, his bag packed and his tie askew, said as he stood in the empty Hershey locker room afterward.
Gomez, who had 181 goals and 574 assists in his 1,066-game N.H.L. career and helped the Devils win two Stanley Cups, was waived on Dec. 30 by the St. Louis Blues, his sixth N.H.L. team. He considered retiring until the man he calls his "paid consultant" talked him out of it.
That consultant is Adam Oates, a Hall of Fame forward who coached the Washington Capitals, the Bears' N.H.L. parent club, for two seasons before returning to the Devils, with whom he was one of three coaches last season, alongside Lou Lamoriello and Scott Stevens.
Oates, 53, sees Gomez's quest this way: If Jaromir Jagr, who turns 44 on Feb. 15, can thrive with the Florida Panthers despite not being the player he once was, Gomez can find an N.H.L. spot to land — ideally as a third-line, 14-minute-a-game center who can direct a team's power play.
"I think Gomer's still got that skill," Oates said Sunday. "If he plays the right minutes and is put in the right situation, he can help somebody. There are parts of his game where he's still elite. He's an elite passer.
"You've got to get that edge back, that conditioning back. In another week or so, he can reach another level of skating, and hopefully an N.H.L. team will notice."
Gomez, who played for the Devils for seven years before signing a seven-year, $51.5 million contract with the Rangers, earned a spot with the Devils again last year after Lamoriello, the longtime general manager, promised only a tryout. Gomez had 34 points in 58 games.
Gomez said he and Lamoriello had all but agreed to a contract for this season when Lamoriello retired last May, appointing Ray Shero as his successor. Lamoriello was named Toronto's general manager in July, and both Oates and Gomez had to look for work.
"Hey, that's business," Gomez said. "There were no hard feelings."
Gomez was signed on Oct. 7 by the injury-ravaged Blues, whose assistant general manager, the former goaltender Martin Brodeur, was Gomez's teammate with the Devils. Gomez played in 21 games, recording a goal and seven assists, but was cut after injured players returned.
"I wasn't in the plan from Day 1; that's what happened," Gomez said. He added: "I knew right away I wasn't going to play more than seven or eight minutes a game. That's not the reason why I went there."
Oates had helped him set up the tryout with the Blues. As a way to prepare to coach the Capitals, Oates had become a coach with the Bears, who play 130 miles north of Washington, during the 2012-13 N.H.L. lockout. He suggested to Gomez that he could stay in shape by playing in Hershey. The Bears are the top-drawing team in the 30-club A.H.L.
"I don't want to say he convinced me," Gomez said of Oates. "But he said: 'Hey, you're still good. You've still got it.'
"And all the older players I talked to said: 'Gomer, don't. You're going to regret it,' " Gomez said of retiring.
Gomez's last game with St. Louis was on Dec. 27. He signed a professional tryout agreement with the Bears on Jan. 14 and played his first game with the team two days later.
The Bears have not lost in regulation with Gomez. His coach in Hershey, Troy Mann, said Gomez played his best game Saturday, displaying his vision, his "skill set" and his playmaking ability.
"It's very difficult for an N.H.L. player to come down here, because in the N.H.L., you know if you make a play, the guy is going to be there," Mann said, referring to a teammate who receives a pass.
Mann, a second-year coach for the Bears who played for 14 teams in his career, all in the minors, added: "That's not always a guarantee in the American League. So that's a difficult adjustment."
Wearing No. 39, the reverse of the No. 93 he wore in St. Louis, Gomez played center on Saturday on a line that included left wing Nathan Walker and right wing Riley Barber, both born on Feb. 7, 1994. Walker scored the Bears' first goal, Barber the last three. Gomez was the game's second star.
Barber said it was an honor to play with Gomez.
"I grew up watching him play for the Devils," Barber said. "It's really cool to play with someone who sees the ice so well and wants to help you. He's been playing great since he's been here. He looks great."
Although he is still trying to get back into top hockey shape, Gomez said he generally felt good. He appreciates what Oates, whom he calls hockey's Bill Belichick, has been able to do to extend his career, he said. He can even deal with the long bus rides.
"I'm still the Alaskan kid who came in," Gomez said. "Maybe the body gets a little stiffer afterward, but there's no ego. I never had an ego — that's the thing."
36 :rolleyes:
NoGoal Gomez :rolleyes:
Olds. :rolleyes:
QuoteTORONTO -- Calgary Flames defenseman Dennis Wideman has been suspended 20 games for his hit on linesman Don Henderson in last week's home loss to Nashville.
The NHL Players Association filed an appeal on his behalf to NHL commissioner Gary Bettman on Wednesday evening. Wideman can then appeal further to a neutral arbitrator if the suspension is still six or more games after Bettman rules.
"We strongly disagree with the League's decision to suspend Dennis Wideman," the union said in a statement announcing the appeal. "Dennis has played in 11 NHL seasons and almost 800 games without incident. The facts, including the medical evidence presented at the hearing, clearly demonstrate that Dennis had no intention to make contact with the linesman."
aka Dennis Wideman is a dumb person. Don't get in his way?
As of the standings right now, no Canadian team would make the playoffs this year.
The Liberals are really hurting us :(
Quote from: Barrister on February 04, 2016, 10:27:17 AM
As of the standings right now, no Canadian team would make the playoffs this year.
Quote from: Barrister on February 04, 2016, 10:27:17 AM
As of the standings right now, no Canadian team would make the playoffs this year.
What is funny with the Habs is seeing how bipolar the media are.
From the same journalist, in less than one week interval:
"Let's not make any drastic move, Bergevin has a plan, Therrien must remain in place until Carrey Price is back"
5 days later, after two consecutive defeats against Columbus:"Let's fire the coach, trade half the players and see from there if we need another move".
I almost pity the Habs fans.
Hockey is more of an American sport nowadays.
Quote from: katmai on January 31, 2016, 11:20:21 PM
QuoteScott Gomez, a Onetime Rookie Star, Is Again an N.H.L. Prospect
HERSHEY, Pa. — Less than 21 hours after a game in Syracuse, and less than 17 hours after the team bus rolled back into town, Scott Gomez perched astride the boards at Giant Center, awaiting the first shift of the seventh American Hockey League game of his life.
Gomez, a 36-year-old center who was the N.H.L.'s top rookie in the 1999-2000 season, had two assists for the Hershey Bears in that game, a 5-1 win over the Syracuse Crunch here on Saturday, and the sellout crowd of 10,964, including dozens of children tooting vuvuzelas, went home happy.
"I'm not just hanging around," Gomez, his bag packed and his tie askew, said as he stood in the empty Hershey locker room afterward.
Gomez, who had 181 goals and 574 assists in his 1,066-game N.H.L. career and helped the Devils win two Stanley Cups, was waived on Dec. 30 by the St. Louis Blues, his sixth N.H.L. team. He considered retiring until the man he calls his "paid consultant" talked him out of it.
That consultant is Adam Oates, a Hall of Fame forward who coached the Washington Capitals, the Bears' N.H.L. parent club, for two seasons before returning to the Devils, with whom he was one of three coaches last season, alongside Lou Lamoriello and Scott Stevens.
Oates, 53, sees Gomez's quest this way: If Jaromir Jagr, who turns 44 on Feb. 15, can thrive with the Florida Panthers despite not being the player he once was, Gomez can find an N.H.L. spot to land — ideally as a third-line, 14-minute-a-game center who can direct a team's power play.
"I think Gomer's still got that skill," Oates said Sunday. "If he plays the right minutes and is put in the right situation, he can help somebody. There are parts of his game where he's still elite. He's an elite passer.
"You've got to get that edge back, that conditioning back. In another week or so, he can reach another level of skating, and hopefully an N.H.L. team will notice."
Gomez, who played for the Devils for seven years before signing a seven-year, $51.5 million contract with the Rangers, earned a spot with the Devils again last year after Lamoriello, the longtime general manager, promised only a tryout. Gomez had 34 points in 58 games.
Gomez said he and Lamoriello had all but agreed to a contract for this season when Lamoriello retired last May, appointing Ray Shero as his successor. Lamoriello was named Toronto's general manager in July, and both Oates and Gomez had to look for work.
"Hey, that's business," Gomez said. "There were no hard feelings."
Gomez was signed on Oct. 7 by the injury-ravaged Blues, whose assistant general manager, the former goaltender Martin Brodeur, was Gomez's teammate with the Devils. Gomez played in 21 games, recording a goal and seven assists, but was cut after injured players returned.
"I wasn't in the plan from Day 1; that's what happened," Gomez said. He added: "I knew right away I wasn't going to play more than seven or eight minutes a game. That's not the reason why I went there."
Oates had helped him set up the tryout with the Blues. As a way to prepare to coach the Capitals, Oates had become a coach with the Bears, who play 130 miles north of Washington, during the 2012-13 N.H.L. lockout. He suggested to Gomez that he could stay in shape by playing in Hershey. The Bears are the top-drawing team in the 30-club A.H.L.
"I don't want to say he convinced me," Gomez said of Oates. "But he said: 'Hey, you're still good. You've still got it.'
"And all the older players I talked to said: 'Gomer, don't. You're going to regret it,' " Gomez said of retiring.
Gomez's last game with St. Louis was on Dec. 27. He signed a professional tryout agreement with the Bears on Jan. 14 and played his first game with the team two days later.
The Bears have not lost in regulation with Gomez. His coach in Hershey, Troy Mann, said Gomez played his best game Saturday, displaying his vision, his "skill set" and his playmaking ability.
"It's very difficult for an N.H.L. player to come down here, because in the N.H.L., you know if you make a play, the guy is going to be there," Mann said, referring to a teammate who receives a pass.
Mann, a second-year coach for the Bears who played for 14 teams in his career, all in the minors, added: "That's not always a guarantee in the American League. So that's a difficult adjustment."
Wearing No. 39, the reverse of the No. 93 he wore in St. Louis, Gomez played center on Saturday on a line that included left wing Nathan Walker and right wing Riley Barber, both born on Feb. 7, 1994. Walker scored the Bears' first goal, Barber the last three. Gomez was the game's second star.
Barber said it was an honor to play with Gomez.
"I grew up watching him play for the Devils," Barber said. "It's really cool to play with someone who sees the ice so well and wants to help you. He's been playing great since he's been here. He looks great."
Although he is still trying to get back into top hockey shape, Gomez said he generally felt good. He appreciates what Oates, whom he calls hockey's Bill Belichick, has been able to do to extend his career, he said. He can even deal with the long bus rides.
"I'm still the Alaskan kid who came in," Gomez said. "Maybe the body gets a little stiffer afterward, but there's no ego. I never had an ego — that's the thing."
He's with the Senators now ( (in French)
575 000$ per season, about 120k$ for the remainder of this season.
He was doing ok in the AHL, maybe he'll bring something to the Sens, at this price, they ain't losing much.
It migth be hard on his ego to play for so little, but at least, he's back in the NHL.
Good luck to him :)
Yeah heard about signing earlier today.
It's becoming increasingly clear to me that there won't be a Stanley Cup Parade in Toronto this year :(
The Jets are having their worst season since coming back.
What's really galling is that they're currently tied with :bleeding: Edmonton :bleeding: in the standings.
Quote from: Barrister on March 04, 2016, 10:30:51 AM
The Jets are having their worst season since coming back.
What's really galling is that they're currently tied with :bleeding: Edmonton :bleeding: in the standings.
How's attendance / fan outrage levels?
Quote from: PRC on March 04, 2016, 12:04:29 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 04, 2016, 10:30:51 AM
The Jets are having their worst season since coming back.
What's really galling is that they're currently tied with :bleeding: Edmonton :bleeding: in the standings.
How's attendance / fan outrage levels?
Attendance is about the same. Every game is a "sellout" (though they don't count single tickets or tickets that go on sale on gameday) but it's easy enough to get a ticket if you ask around.
Hasen't reached the level of outrage. Disappointed, going on to anger, but if this is a one-off everyone will be okay with it. If it takes another 3-4 years to make it back to the playoffs though people will be out for blood.
So by time they move to Seattle, cool!
Quote from: katmai on March 04, 2016, 05:02:53 PM
So by time they move to Seattle, cool!
Now Winnipeg is 24 out of 30, but only because they play in the smallest rink in the entire league. Their overall percentage of seats sold is 101.9
Bottom of the league? Carolina, at 64.5%
Let's go SHARKS!
I hear the Stanley Cup parade has been cancelled in Montreal.
Hey Valmy,
Your crapitals got owned by the Sharks.
Quote from: Jaron on March 13, 2016, 03:12:31 PM
Hey Valmy,
Your crapitals got owned by the Sharks.
Twice. This clearly means they are destined to ruin the dream in the Finals :weep:
Lots, lots & lots of rumours about the Hurricanes moving to Quebec city.
No newspiece, most of what I've read is in French. They quote unnamed well-connected Canadian and American sources.
A local radio called all the NHL teams ticket sales to see if season tickets would be refundable. All said no, except the Hurricanes. Ergo, they must be moving here! Right?
The owner says he's not moving the team, the NHL says it's not moving the team.
There is an expansion process, and I'm pretty sure the NHL will find a way to not implant a new team in Quebec city.
The reasoning people are doing is US$ too high, therefore 500 million$ for a team is too much, ergo it makes sense the NHL would move a team TO Quebec city instead of having them pay 500 million$ for a new team filled with players no one really wants to have anymore.
I fail to see the logic in there, but who am I to argue with dillusional people? It's real life out here, not an internet forum! :P
I still don't think the NHL will announce a new team in Quebec city, either via expansion or from moving a team that loses too much money where it is now. Not with Gary Bettman in place, he does not believe another Canadian team is in the best interests of the league. I suppose he fears brand dilution.
Hockey doesn't have much of a following here in Florida. On the 30 or so sports stations we get there was only some sort of Hockey Talk show and the Rangers-Penguins game. Even though Tampa Bay is the closest city with a hockey team to us Lightning-Wings was nowhere to be found.
Time to move the Lightning to a city where they can be appreciated! :punk:
So since the Leafs are out I thought I'd cheer for another Canadian team.
Quote from: Josephus on April 15, 2016, 11:55:49 AM
So since the Leafs are out I thought I'd cheer for another Canadian team.
I'm stuck following MLB (Go Royals!) and waiting for the CFL season to start.
Plus running the draft lottery simulator more times than is healthy.
Quote from: Barrister on April 15, 2016, 12:07:19 PM
Quote from: Josephus on April 15, 2016, 11:55:49 AM
So since the Leafs are out I thought I'd cheer for another Canadian team.
I'm stuck following MLB (Go Royals!) and waiting for the CFL season to start.
Plus running the draft lottery simulator more times than is healthy.
I just ran it and had
1. Canucks
2. Leafs
3. Jets
I'd be happy with that.
I ran it and got:
1. Oilers
and then I stopped. :frusty:
Quote from: Barrister on April 15, 2016, 12:07:19 PM
Quote from: Josephus on April 15, 2016, 11:55:49 AM
So since the Leafs are out I thought I'd cheer for another Canadian team.
I'm stuck following MLB (Go Royals!) and waiting for the CFL season to start.
Plus running the draft lottery simulator more times than is healthy.
May the Hockey gods smite thee heathens & let Winnipeg reap the son of the Usurper.
(Auston Mattews is from Arizona)
Quote from: Barrister on April 15, 2016, 12:28:44 PM
I ran it and got:
1. Oilers
and then I stopped. :frusty:
I got this strange logo...
It's too bad the Jets had to go on a three game winning streak to end the season (and at away games against the Ducks, Kings and Sharks too). They could have had much better odds than 7.5%.
If the Oilers get the 1st again it will be such a travesty and we will see a rule change about teams getting consecutive # 1 picks. My gut says the Leafs will get it.
We were able to get lasts night's Tampa Bay - Red Wings game brawl. It looks like 4 and done for the Wings. :(
The Caps are sure to go ahead 2-0 tonight. And after that the series is just about over right Caps history? :P
Sharks looking damn good this year.
Quote from: Valmy on April 16, 2016, 11:34:30 AM
The Caps are sure to go ahead 2-0 tonight. And after that the series is just about over right Caps history? :P
It was a good game yesterday night. The Caps did not even have to play and they won. One very lucky goal, one very good goaltender, Ovy doing Ovy and voilà, victory!
Ouch. Capitals smoked the Flyers.
Son of a BITCH there goes the sweep.
Quote from: Jaron on April 18, 2016, 09:20:13 PM
Ouch. Capitals smoked the Flyers.
That beautiful :weep:
Not even the Caps have ever blown a 3-0 lead. This season feels different guys. TEAM OF DESTINY.
Quote from: Valmy on April 19, 2016, 08:03:02 AM
Quote from: Jaron on April 18, 2016, 09:20:13 PM
Ouch. Capitals smoked the Flyers.
That beautiful :weep:
Not even the Caps have ever blown a 3-0 lead. This season feels different guys. TEAM OF DESTINY.
I watched the game Saturday night. The only game I managed to get a glimpse of so far, but well, busy spring.
You know, I was disapointed by the Caps. They had an excellent goalie, and hadn't it been for him, I'm not sure it would be 3-0. The Flyers, for the 1st period, and a little less in the 2nd, were very busy around the Caps' net. Many opportunities to score. Of course, they made defensive mistakes, they let Ovy alone, their goalie granted a silly, silly, silly, goal. But still, I was wondering how the Caps would fare against a better team in the 2nd round or conference final. I can't see them going beyond the conference finals if they don't up their game. Being opportunistic has its limits.
They...they are saving themselves for the real competition. That's it. Don't want to show their A game for scrubs like the Flyers. I talk to Ovy every night so I know this.
Quote from: Valmy on April 20, 2016, 09:19:06 AM
They...they are saving themselves for the real competition. That's it. Don't want to show their A game for scrubs like the Flyers. I talk to Ovy every night so I know this.
Good luck!
I'm cheering for the Penguins for now, in the East. Will see how it evolves. They are somewhat shacky too, I think.
But I like to think they too, save themselves for the real competition. Against the Caps :ph34r:
Viper is one of the few Canadians watching. Ratings are reported to be down 61%. Not only are there no Canadian teams but viewership was already dropping during the regular season.
Hopefully the Raptors make it further in the playoffs this year and more Canadians will be introduced to a good alternative.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 20, 2016, 05:26:53 PM
Viper is one of the few Canadians watching.
"watching" is strong word :)
QuoteRatings are reported to be down 61%. Not only are there no Canadian teams but viewership was already dropping during the regular season.
Yeah, it's bad for Rogers and TVA Sports.
Hopefully the Raptors make it further in the playoffs this year and more Canadians will be introduced to a good alternative.
True Canadians won't let it come to that. We still have honour and dignity to preserve, even in the face of such an horrible tragedy, we must not change ourselves, questions who we are as a people and uphold are values.
Quote from: Valmy on April 20, 2016, 09:19:06 AM
They...they are saving themselves for the real competition. That's it. Don't want to show their A game for scrubs like the Flyers. I talk to Ovy every night so I know this.
well, it seems the Flyers did get their A game tonight ;)
Sharks on the brink of eliminating LA again....its like 2014 all over again. :cry:
Ahh what a feeling. Valmy, you will feel such an endorphin rush on Saturday.
In 2014, Sharks lead Kings 3-0 and then the Kings reverse sweep them and go on to win the Stanley Cup.
In 2016, the Sharks needed to redeem themselves and they have done so by dispatching the Kings 4 games to 1!!!!! Final score: 6-3. YES!
Caps vs Pens will be a great series.
Quote from: Brezel on April 23, 2016, 03:31:22 AM
Caps vs Pens will be a great series.
yes, a Pens victory will be nice :)
(Sorry Valmy)
The spirit of Prince possesses the Wild...
Quote from: viper37 on April 24, 2016, 02:24:44 PM
Quote from: Brezel on April 23, 2016, 03:31:22 AM
Caps vs Pens will be a great series.
yes, a Pens victory will be nice :)
(Sorry Valmy)
I don't get this. The Pens always beat the Caps, usually in a horrible demoralizing soul smashing way. So why would the same thing that always happens occurring be 'nice'? Do you also feel happy when you discover Warren Buffet made money? :P
Quote from: Valmy on April 25, 2016, 07:47:25 AM
Quote from: viper37 on April 24, 2016, 02:24:44 PM
Quote from: Brezel on April 23, 2016, 03:31:22 AM
Caps vs Pens will be a great series.
yes, a Pens victory will be nice :)
(Sorry Valmy)
I don't get this. The Pens always beat the Caps, usually in a horrible demoralizing soul smashing way. So why would the same thing that always happens occurring be 'nice'? Do you also feel happy when you discover Warren Buffet made money? :P
The Pens have not made great playoffs in a while. I cheer for the Pens since Mario Lemieux's time. Having the Pens make it at least to the Conference finals this year would be nice. Does not matter to me if it's the Caps as it is now, or if it were an entirely different scenario.
Wow - Blues defeat the Hawks. I did not see that one coming.
Poor Andrew Ladd. :hug:
Winner of the west will be the Sharks or Ducks.
So I can't decide if I'm going to watch the NHL draft lottery tomorrow or not. I mean, we already know Edmonton is going to win, right?
The Jets, they came so close.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 01, 2016, 08:49:53 AM
The Jets, they came so close.
#2 is still a win in my book! :yeah:
Quote from: Barrister on May 01, 2016, 09:12:44 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 01, 2016, 08:49:53 AM
The Jets, they came so close.
#2 is still a win in my book! :yeah:
Such bullshit for the Nucks. Oh well, great for the Jets, they will likely get Laine who some teams have over Matthews.
Quote from: PRC on May 01, 2016, 02:14:49 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 01, 2016, 09:12:44 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 01, 2016, 08:49:53 AM
The Jets, they came so close.
#2 is still a win in my book! :yeah:
Such bullshit for the Nucks. Oh well, great for the Jets, they will likely get Laine who some teams have over Matthews.
How is it "bullshit". It's a random draw. And at least the Fucking Oilers didn't win it.
Sharks go up 2-0 on Predators. ITS HAPPENING.
Quote from: Barrister on May 01, 2016, 09:12:44 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 01, 2016, 08:49:53 AM
The Jets, they came so close.
#2 is still a win in my book! :yeah:
Yes but taking Matthews would have more shadenfreude.
I have to say it is refreshing to just get stomped by the Pens instead of blowing a huge series lead. I knew this year felt different.
It's time for an EPIC COMEBACK!
Quote from: Jaron on May 05, 2016, 10:43:49 AM
It's time for an EPIC COMEBACK!
The teams that play the Caps have those, not the Caps :P
This is a very bad playoff year.
Hopefully, San Jose pulls thru.
I'm getting Valmy'd <_<
Quote from: Valmy on May 05, 2016, 10:54:51 AM
Quote from: Jaron on May 05, 2016, 10:43:49 AM
It's time for an EPIC COMEBACK!
The teams that play the Caps have those, not the Caps :P
Well, it's now or never. I can't watch the game Saturday night, so if your Caps could win this one and the Pens play one more, I'd be very grateful! :P
Quote from: viper37 on May 06, 2016, 12:51:04 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 05, 2016, 10:54:51 AM
Quote from: Jaron on May 05, 2016, 10:43:49 AM
It's time for an EPIC COMEBACK!
The teams that play the Caps have those, not the Caps :P
Well, it's now or never. I can't watch the game Saturday night, so if your Caps could win this one and the Pens play one more, I'd be very grateful! :P
See a Caps fan at this point would be almost suicidally neurotic. Pen supporters are excited about which night the series will be won.
CAPS comeback in progress!
Looks like the Caps will need to get through the Lightning.
Quote from: Jaron on May 08, 2016, 12:24:37 AM
CAPS comeback in progress!
I find your faith disturbing.
Son of a BITCH. Please let San Jose survive Wednesday...
Peace be with you, Valmy... :(
they almost did it Valmy. that was one hell of a game.
sorry for your loss, but they really fought until the end at least.
Caps deserved a win.
All fucking Washington sports teams must fucking hang.
Fuck the Caps. My only regret is they didn't choke in the conference finals in truly heroic fashion.
Quote from: Jaron on May 10, 2016, 10:20:27 PM
Peace be with you, Valmy... :(
There was never really a point I thought they would pull it out. I still watched though because...I don't know watching the Caps lose is kind of a rite of Spring.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 11, 2016, 08:44:16 PM
All fucking Washington sports teams must fucking hang.
Fuck the Caps. My only regret is they didn't choke in the conference finals in truly heroic fashion.
Hey the Orioles are in first place still! :P
Quote from: Jaron on May 09, 2016, 11:34:55 PM
Son of a BITCH. Please let San Jose survive Wednesday...
Thursday* ;)
Home team has won every game in the Sharks / Preds series. Sharks are a lock.
You nailed it!
Western FINALS here we go
Congratulations, Jaron
Thank you, Sir Sav.
I would like to dedicate this win to Valmy. May he someday know the sweet taste of victory and be free of the bitter draught of defeat.
Quote from: Jaron on May 14, 2016, 02:37:53 PM
Thank you, Sir Sav.
I would like to dedicate this win to Valmy. May he someday know the sweet taste of victory and be free of the bitter draught of defeat.
Sharks stll have to rounds to go though.
Quote from: Jaron on May 14, 2016, 02:37:53 PM
Thank you, Sir Sav.
I would like to dedicate this win to Valmy. May he someday know the sweet taste of victory and be free of the bitter draught of defeat.
I will always have the Caps' Cup appearance of 1998. Oh how glorious it was :P
Quote from: Brezel on May 14, 2016, 06:23:20 PM
Quote from: Jaron on May 14, 2016, 02:37:53 PM
Thank you, Sir Sav.
I would like to dedicate this win to Valmy. May he someday know the sweet taste of victory and be free of the bitter draught of defeat.
Sharks stll have to rounds to go though.
Yes, but as a Sharks fan you take your victories as they come. Even if they fall to the Blues they did really well this year.
Only thing that worries me is they'll probably lose Marleau, Thornton and Ward to retirement in the next couple of years. They've been great anchors for the younger more undisciplined players.
Quote from: Valmy on May 14, 2016, 09:54:45 PM
Quote from: Jaron on May 14, 2016, 02:37:53 PM
Thank you, Sir Sav.
I would like to dedicate this win to Valmy. May he someday know the sweet taste of victory and be free of the bitter draught of defeat.
I will always have the Caps' Cup appearance of 1998. Oh how glorious it was :P
And glorious it was!
Atleast you remember a cup appearance. I don't remember 1993 at all.
The 1993 Montreal Stanley Cup riot occurred in Montreal after the Montreal Canadiens won their 24th Stanley Cup. People poured into the streets of the city and some began to commit acts of vandalism and violence while the Canadiens were celebrating inside the Montreal Forum.[11] In the epicentre of the riot on Saint Catherine Street, stores were looted and police cruisers were set ablaze. The riot caused $2.5 million in damage,[12] $3.7 million in 2016 dollars.[13]
At the high point of the riot 980 officers were dispatched and they made 115 arrests. The police reported 47 police cars damaged, 8 of those 47 cars were completely destroyed. Rioters were arrested after they broke windows, looted stores and set fires. Some of the rioters were suspected of planning to loot stores using the riot as a decoy. 168 were injured, including 49 police officers.[14]
Due to the Kings being the Canadiens' opponents, most of the Los Angeles news media, including the Los Angeles Times and the Daily News, also covered the riot; Times staff writer Helene Elliott was pressed into service as a news reporter minutes after the riot began.
Glorious, indeed.
3.7 millions damage in 2016 dollars? That riot reputation is totally unwarranted.
Quote from: Jaron on May 13, 2016, 03:40:25 AM
You nailed it!
Western FINALS here we go
FINALS here they go :)
Today begins the finals between the SJ Sharks and Pittsburgh Penguins.
It should be pointed out this is the first time two animal mascot teams have been in a finals against each other. It should also be noted there aren't a ton of animal based teams in the NHL.
Who do y'all have winning the series? Analysts favor the Sharks but we'll see.
Quote from: Jaron on May 30, 2016, 02:06:04 PM
Today begins the finals between the SJ Sharks and Pittsburgh Penguins.
It should be pointed out this is the first time two animal mascot teams have been in a finals against each other. It should also be noted there aren't a ton of animal based teams in the NHL.
Who do y'all have winning the series? Analysts favor the Sharks but we'll see.
I have to think it will be the Sharks.
Quote from: Jaron on May 30, 2016, 02:06:04 PM
Today begins the finals between the SJ Sharks and Pittsburgh Penguins.
It should be pointed out this is the first time two animal mascot teams have been in a finals against each other. It should also be noted there aren't a ton of animal based teams in the NHL.
Who do y'all have winning the series? Analysts favor the Sharks but we'll see.
Penguins. in 7, by the skin of their teeth, but Penguins. :)
But, yeah, the Sharks are probably the better team.
1 down :)
Hopefully, it won't be the last.
Only saw a little part of 2nd & 3rd period. Forces are pretty much equal. Penguins have a stronger attack while Sharks have a much stronger defence able to aptly counter-attack. Goalies seem to be on par.
Should be interesting :)
I got my email confirming my early access to tickets to the Winnipeg Heritage Classic in October. :shifty:
I told you buying a spot on the season ticket waiting list (despite living in Edmonton) wasn't crazy...
Sorry Jaron :(
The dream is dead :weep:
The Caps lose and the fucking Pens win again. Oh well wait till next year so we can suck again.
Quote from: Valmy on June 12, 2016, 11:48:38 PM
The Caps lose and the fucking Pens win again. Oh well wait till next year so we can suck again.
Valmy, today is not about the Capitals...
Quote from: Valmy on June 12, 2016, 11:48:38 PM
The Caps lose and the fucking Pens win again. Oh well wait till next year so we can suck again.
Being a Jets fan gives one a certain perspective on fandom. It could always be much worse...
Quote from: Jaron on June 12, 2016, 11:09:36 PM
The dream is dead :weep:
Sorry. But even though they lost, the score was pretty close all the time. You have an excellent goalie. Some really good defense guys, but you're a little weak on the attack. I think if the Sharks can manage to keep the core and supplement the attack, they have a very good chance of winning the cup next year. It is doubtful the Penguins can keep all their players with the salary cap and reach the finals next year too.
I like living in a world where the bad guy, Crosby, has 2 cups while the good guy, Ovie, has none.
Quote from: Barrister on June 13, 2016, 12:23:29 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 12, 2016, 11:48:38 PM
The Caps lose and the fucking Pens win again. Oh well wait till next year so we can suck again.
Being a Jets fan gives one a certain perspective on fandom. It could always be much worse...
At least when the Jets are good you don't get depressed knowing the inevitable is coming :P
Most fanbases are happy when the team is good.
Quote from: Valmy on June 13, 2016, 07:58:04 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 13, 2016, 12:23:29 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 12, 2016, 11:48:38 PM
The Caps lose and the fucking Pens win again. Oh well wait till next year so we can suck again.
Being a Jets fan gives one a certain perspective on fandom. It could always be much worse...
At least when the Jets are good you don't get depressed knowing the inevitable is coming :P
Most fanbases are happy when the team is good.
I don't know the problem with the Caps, honestly. They have a good coaching staff, they have excellent players, but when it comes to the playoffs, they always underperform. Or is it just that everyone this year underestimated the Pens? Ever since the series against the Caps, I'm hearing people say the Pens won't make it. Before the Finals, journalists were saying how it was impossible for the Sharks to lose this series. I kept hearing all along this season how Crosby was no more the player he was. How in series he wasn't there like he should be.
And yet, even without scoring goals, Crosby's presence was felt. Unlike Ovie. Ovie is dangerous when he shoots at the net, but he doesn't tie down 2-3 players trying to cover him. He has an harder time escaping with the puck and passing it when he is marked.
Maybe they should exchange him to the Habs, he'd make a perfect fit with Subban :P
Sorry, Jaron
I thought it was nice they had the #9 (for Gordie Howe) up near the score last night.
Quote from: viper37 on June 13, 2016, 09:57:07 AM
I don't know the problem with the Caps, honestly.
Magic. Destiny. Fate. They built the Verizon Center on top of an old Amerindian burial ground.
Quote from: Valmy on June 13, 2016, 01:00:16 PM
Quote from: viper37 on June 13, 2016, 09:57:07 AM
I don't know the problem with the Caps, honestly.
Magic. Destiny. Fate. They built the Verizon Center on top of an old Amerindian burial ground.
probably that last one ;)
Reading the comments on some newspaper's site, I stumble upon this gem:
QuoteLa punition des Sharks pour avoir perdu, ils déménagent à Québec.
Shark's punishment for losing, they move to Quebec cityJaron will be pleased :P
But you know Valmy, since you seem to have so much trouble with the Caps, maybe we should take them off your hands. After all, a thousand km more or less to your favorite team, no big deal! :P
Just because I am in a horrible abusive relationship does not mean I could bear to see it end Viper :(
Quote from: Valmy on June 13, 2016, 01:29:24 PM
Just because I am in a horrible abusive relationship does not mean I could bear to see it end Viper :(
Sorry :(
With the Nordiques, I've seen mediocrity more often than victory. Just as I was coming of age to watch hockey on tv (and I could watch it, not rely solely on radio), they started having really bad years. And then, they renewed with some success, did a Caps out of themselves against L'ennemi Héréditaire and decided to move to Denver :(
Wait the Rangers were their rival? Huh.
Quote from: Valmy on June 13, 2016, 01:47:47 PM
Wait the Rangers were their rival? Huh.
When the Nords met the Habs in the playoffs, multiple times they took 2-0 leads & each time they eventually lost the series.
So it's not NHL hockey but...
It's done. Timmy is signed up for Timbits Hockey in the fall. Complete with an evaluation camp to divide the kids by skill level. These are six year old kids. Also I have to complete an hour long "respect in sport" course. :bleeding:
No idea how Tim will do. Undoubtedly some of these kids will have been 'playing' hockey for the past two years (though they only start organized games at this level). The games are done on only half the ice. Tim did do a full year of skating lessons and his skating isn't bad.
I'm not sure if I'm more worried that he'll hate it, or that he'll love it and we just signed ourselves up for the whole "Canadian hockey parent" experience... :ph34r:
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 13, 2016, 03:06:30 PM
Quote from: Valmy on June 13, 2016, 01:47:47 PM
Wait the Rangers were their rival? Huh.
When the Nords met the Habs in the playoffs, multiple times they took 2-0 leads & each time they eventually lost the series.
Ah I was thinking of 1995 when they finished #1 and then lost to the #8 Rangers in the first round.
that made me laugh:
Sounds like 31st NHL team will be calling Las Vegas home.
Quote from: katmai on June 14, 2016, 05:50:47 PM
Sounds like 31st NHL team will be calling Las Vegas home.
:bleeding: Another team for me to hate.
Quote from: Valmy on June 14, 2016, 06:11:14 PM
Quote from: katmai on June 14, 2016, 05:50:47 PM
Sounds like 31st NHL team will be calling Las Vegas home.
:bleeding: Another team for me to hate.
I don't think they'll be in a shape to beat the Caps anytime soon...
The Las Vegas Jack Pots.
We will call them the Jack Offs.
So it's draft night tonight. Jets fans have been abuzz since we won the #2 selection, then watched presumed #2 Patric Laine light it up in the World Championship as an 18 year old playing against NHLeres.
Plus, I got my tickets to the Heritage Classic outdoor game in October. :yeah:
Laine is awesome, I think he is he going to be better than Matthews, so the Jets got a great player.
PK Subban to Nashville for Shea Weber.
Good move for the Habs. Long overdue.
I'm saddened I won't be able to mock the Habs fan next year. :(
I don't understand that move - why clear out Subban?
Also - Stamkos re-ups with the Lightning, and not Toronto.
And - Taylor Hall traded to NJ for Adam Larsson from NJD
Quote from: Barrister on June 29, 2016, 05:08:05 PM
I don't understand that move - why clear out Subban?
Toxic presence in the player's room.
Individualistic player.
Lots of errors that could be forgiven for a rookie, but he keeps making them year after year after year, game after game.
Weber is 7.8M$ until 2025-2026, Subban is 9M$, that gives 1.2M$ room under the salary cap.
He is a very talented player, but he often runs on ice like an headless chicken.
Also - Stamkos re-ups with the Lightning, and not Toronto.
No surprise there. The Lightning said they wanted to keep him.
Habs win, Leafs lose. So far, the Habs, with a nearly full team, has managed to defeat two of last year's worst teams in the pre-season games. Fans are already preparing for the Stanley Cup parade.
In other news, EA Sports, with NHL 2017, has predicted a Stanley cups finale with the Predators and the Canadiens, with the Preds winning. While I see the Predators going far this year, I'm not sure we'll see them against the Habs.
Eastern Quebec Habs fans must be so optimistic for you to say that. Around here, it's the same old pessimism of having Therrien has the coach.
Pekka Rinne ain't carying any team to the Stanley Cup final.
He's still angry that the nordiques are gone.
Quote from: HVC on October 07, 2016, 11:23:13 AM
He's still angry that the nordiques are gone.
Not sure why he takes it out on the Habs.
Quote from: Valmy on October 07, 2016, 11:29:19 AM
Quote from: HVC on October 07, 2016, 11:23:13 AM
He's still angry that the nordiques are gone.
Not sure why he takes it out on the Habs.
Not francophone enough :(
:P . Actually don't know why I was pretty young when the nordiques left, but I assume there was a big rivalry. They actually used to be my second favorite team, but mainly because of NHL 94 :D
There is a Quebec vs Montreal rivalry. It applies to all spheres of life.
So they're the Toronto of Quebec?
My boy Scott Gomez retired this offseason after a nice career. He is starting up as analyst for the NHL network.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 07, 2016, 11:21:10 AM
Eastern QuebecHabs fans must be so optimistic for you to say that.
corrected ;)
Quote from: HVC on October 07, 2016, 11:45:18 AM
So they're the Toronto of Quebec?
Yes, but snobbier and eviler.
Took Timmy to the pre-season Jets vs Oilers game, wearing a snazzy new retro-Heritage Classic jersey. Too bad the Jets got shelled 5-2. That McDavid kid looks like he knows a thing or two about hockey.
Our new arena... looks pretty snazzy. Their "true HD" jumbotron is something else. Sitting in the upper bowl I think we were further up than in the old arena, but due to the steep pitch you're actually closer to the ice. On the downside it felt like there were very few concessions on the upper level, and bathroom lines were pretty bad.
Quote from: Barrister on October 07, 2016, 03:03:17 PM
Sitting in the upper bowl I think we were further up than in the old arena, but due to the steep pitch you're actually closer to the ice.
seems similar to the Ottawa arena. It's almost scary being in the top rows :) But you have an excellent view.
So Auston Matthews scores 4 goals for the Maple Leafs last night... and the Leafs still lose. :D
But on to more important news: It's the Season opener for YOUR Winnipeg Jets tonight. And only 9 days away from me being in Winnipeg to see my first home Jets game in 20 years - and my first ever outdoor NHL game. :cool:
Will it be cold enough?
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 13, 2016, 10:55:44 AM
Will it be cold enough?
If they can have an outdoor game in Los Angeles, or even 25 years ago in Las Vegas, they'll have no problem making ice in Winnipeg in October. We might miss out on the ambience of having falling snow, but I'll take it to avoid sitting in 20 below in December or November.
Apparently the one and only risk is rain - if there's a steady rain they won't be able to play the games.
Yeah, there is no technical difficulties but ambiance is important.
Long-term forecast for Winnipeg for next Wednesday says a high of +8. Sounds pretty good to me. Cold enough you need to bundle up a bit, but not so cold you're uncomfortable. Pretty much the same temperature as sitting rinkside at my kids hockey games. :)
Ah hockey, how I've missed thee.
Jets season opener tonight. They score the opening goal, but soon fall behind 4-1.
But in the third period they score three unanswered goals, and finish the Hurricanes off in OT. :yeah:
Quote from: Barrister on October 13, 2016, 10:47:53 AM
So Auston Matthews scores 4 goals for the Maple Leafs last night... and the Leafs still lose. :D
But on to more important news: It's the Season opener for YOUR Winnipeg Jets tonight. And only 9 days away from me being in Winnipeg to see my first home Jets game in 20 years - and my first ever outdoor NHL game. :cool:
good game! :)
Edit: ah, time flies :P
So sorry Leafs fans (are their any besides HVC?) Jets vs Leafs, Jets give up a 4 goal lead, only to take it to OT and a win, with Patrik Laine scoring a hattrick and pulling even with Matthews in goals for the season.
So excited to go to Winnipeg on Friday for the Heritage Classic. :punk:
Josephus is the only other one I think. Although my fandom has waned didn't watch a single game last year.
Also, the Toronto market is retarded. They're already calling the team Matthews leafs ( or a variation thereof)
Quote from: HVC on October 20, 2016, 12:04:57 AM
Josephus is the only other one I think. Although my fandom has waned didn't watch a single game last year.
Also, the Toronto market is retarded. They're already calling the team Matthews leafs ( or a variation thereof)
Well don't get me wrong - Matthews is a very good hockey player. It's just nice that the Jets beat him and the Leafs (and the cocky fans chanting "Laine's better!" was a nice touch).
But excited to see the Heritage Classic on Sunday against Edmonton. I think I went on record as saying "Connor McDavid is pretty good at hockey". It should be a fun couple of games, and always nice to visit your home town.
Well that was a heck of a game last night. Just saying.
Quote from: Valmy on November 02, 2016, 07:00:13 AM
Well that was a heck of a game last night. Just saying.
I fucking hate the Capitals. Just saying.
Quote from: Barrister on November 02, 2016, 09:32:02 AM
Quote from: Valmy on November 02, 2016, 07:00:13 AM
Well that was a heck of a game last night. Just saying.
I fucking hate the Capitals. Just saying.
After they have so kindly rolled over in the playoffs for so many years? :(
Quote from: Valmy on November 02, 2016, 09:39:16 AM
Quote from: Barrister on November 02, 2016, 09:32:02 AM
Quote from: Valmy on November 02, 2016, 07:00:13 AM
Well that was a heck of a game last night. Just saying.
I fucking hate the Capitals. Just saying.
After they have so kindly rolled over in the playoffs for so many years? :(
Caps have always just seemed to have the Jets number. Way back in their first or second season, when they played in the same division as the Caps, right at the end of the season the Jets were pushing hard for the playoffs - then got steamrolled by the Caps in two back to back games and lost out on the playoffs.
And then last night - after falling behind 2-0, then storming back to tie it up... then lose with 30 seconds remaining off a weak goal? Heartbreaking.
True. The Caps are regular season assassins.
Vegas Golden Knights
Quote from: katmai on November 22, 2016, 09:57:21 PM
Quebec City Hurricanes sounds better, but geographically illogical :(
Quote from: katmai on November 22, 2016, 09:57:21 PM
Vegas Golden Knights
Don't understand the "Golden" - Vegas Knights sounds just fine to me.
They want to take a page from the great athletic tradition of the University of Central Florida?
Quote from: Barrister on November 23, 2016, 12:55:14 AM
Quote from: katmai on November 22, 2016, 09:57:21 PM
Vegas Golden Knights
Don't understand the "Golden" - Vegas Knights sounds just fine to me.
AFAIK, London Knights (OHL) objected. They have a trademark and didn't want to share.
I was hoping for Boogie Knights myself.
Quote from: Barrister on November 23, 2016, 12:55:14 AM
Quote from: katmai on November 22, 2016, 09:57:21 PM
Vegas Golden Knights
Don't understand the "Golden" - Vegas Knights sounds just fine to me.
Gold = rich = casinos = Vegas.
Bad marketing ploy, imho, but I get it. Not many people get rich by playing in a casino, but they like to entertain the idea.
Name sucks. I get the London Knights trademark thing but I feel like the NHL could squeezed on the OHL team to make that a non-issue.
Quote from: PRC on November 23, 2016, 11:58:19 AM
Name sucks. I get the London Knights trademark thing but I feel like the NHL could squeezed on the OHL team to make that a non-issue.
I don't get it - that's not how I understood trademarks to work, but I googled and Goley did cite the London Knights as an obstacle to the name Knights in Canada.
Surely they could have worked something out. Winnipeg had to pay $1,000,000 to military charities to be able to use the RCAF Roundel as part of it's logo. Perhaps a donation to some London charities?
But whatever - Golden Knights it is. I'm not certain about the "Golden" part, but I do like the logo - in particular the negative space "V". Should look fairly sharp.
Foley didn't want to negotiate anything.
I like the name & logo. I hate losing the "Las".
A NHL team in Las Vegas is a travesty. Canada should have gotten another one.
Quote from: Valmy on November 23, 2016, 07:34:44 PM
A NHL team in Las Vegas is a travesty. Canada should have gotten another one.
you are outta your god damn cotton picking mind.
Quote from: katmai on November 23, 2016, 08:45:52 PM
Quote from: Valmy on November 23, 2016, 07:34:44 PM
A NHL team in Las Vegas is a travesty. Canada should have gotten another one.
you are outta your god damn cotton picking mind.
An American city of 5 million people lost their team to a Canadian city of 700 thousand for a reason. Canadians (well except for CC) live for the NHL. People in Vegas don't give two shits except as something else to bet on.
It's fine. We like to have hockey teams to watch when we go on vacation somewhere.
Quote from: Valmy on November 23, 2016, 07:34:44 PM
A NHL team in Las Vegas is a travesty. Canada should have gotten another one.
Heh, so my Timmy has become hockey mad. It's all he wants to play, everything he wants for Christmas is hockey-related. And of course since I try to watch as many Jets games as I can, he watches a lot of Jets games.
My cousin Paul does the radio play-by-play for the Jets, and they're coming to town on Sunday. I tried to see if he could sneak us is so Tim could get an autograph or two, but he said there wouldn't be any time because the team plays in Calgary the night before and will get in very late.
But he did just now text me a picture of a Winnipeg Jets puck autographed by rookie sensation Patrik Laine. I'll pick it up for Tim on Sunday. Tim will be super impressedI'm sure. :)
The Future is bright. (for Tim)
Quote from: Barrister on December 08, 2016, 02:25:20 PM
But he did just now text me a picture of a Winnipeg Jets puck autographed by rookie sensation Patrik Laine. I'll pick it up for Tim on Sunday. Tim will be super impressedI'm sure. :)
great gift!
I once had a t-shirt autografed by Stéphane Fiset and a puck by Joe Sacick :)
Lost the puck somewhere, sometime, unfortunately :(
The t-shirt is also long gone. :(
Nice goal by laine, BB :P
Quote from: HVC on December 12, 2016, 12:32:45 PM
Nice goal by laine, BB :P
They showed a couple shots of him sitting on the bench - he looked just devastated. Poor kid.
I did pick up Tim's Laine puck yesterday though. :)
Quote from: Barrister on December 12, 2016, 12:34:44 PM
Quote from: HVC on December 12, 2016, 12:32:45 PM
Nice goal by laine, BB :P
They showed a couple shots of him sitting on the bench - he looked just devastated. Poor kid.
I did pick up Tim's Laine puck yesterday though. :)
I,liked the captain consoling him. It's just a game after all :)
Quote from: HVC on December 12, 2016, 12:35:51 PM
Quote from: Barrister on December 12, 2016, 12:34:44 PM
Quote from: HVC on December 12, 2016, 12:32:45 PM
Nice goal by laine, BB :P
They showed a couple shots of him sitting on the bench - he looked just devastated. Poor kid.
I did pick up Tim's Laine puck yesterday though. :)
I,liked the captain consoling him. It's just a game after all :)
I don't think it was so much a consoling thing, as a "now just go out there and get one back for us" kind of thing. Yeah Wheeler seems like a pretty decent captain.
And when I see how our old captain, Ladd, is doing on Long Island I'm pretty glad we traded him. :)
So the Florida Panthers just took yet another strange twist.
A few weeks after firing their head coach and leaving him on the curb in Raleigh, NC, and after various off-uce shake-ups in who is responsible for what, it has now been announced that Panthers owner Vinnie Viola will be Trump's new Secretary of the Army. :huh:
Quote from: Barrister on December 19, 2016, 04:20:20 PM
So the Florida Panthers just took yet another strange twist.
A few weeks after firing their head coach and leaving him on the curb in Raleigh, NC, and after various off-uce shake-ups in who is responsible for what, it has now been announced that Panthers owner Vinnie Viola will be Trump's new Secretary of the Army. :huh:
Our army is going to lose in the first round of so many Stanley Cup playoffs we will not even believe it.
I watched the Jets vs Avalanche on Sunday. Winnipeg played a decent enough game, I like Wheeler, Little and Scheiliffe (sp?). Laine has a good shot.
Quote from: Delirium on December 20, 2016, 03:21:20 AM
I watched the Jets vs Avalanche on Sunday. Winnipeg played a decent enough game, I like Wheeler, Little and Scheiliffe (sp?). Laine has a good shot.
Most teams look good when playing the 30th place team in the league. ;) But yeah, I have the feeling this team could be really good if they can put everything together...
So little Timmy, when asked, would says his favourite team is Winnipeg. As a result he's getting a Winnipeg jersey for Christmas.
If you ask him, his second favourite team is Toronto. Why Toronto? Because the little boy that comes to our house after school (and is in grade 3, so he's very cool to a grade 1 kid) likes Toronto.
But yesterday in school was "jersey day" - kids were encouraged to wear a sports jersey to school. Timmy wore his Timbits hockey jersey. But this being Edmonton, lots and lots of kids wore Edmonton Oilers jerseys.
So after school, he comes up to me and says "you know, I think my new favourite team is Edmonton. Do you think I could get an Edmonton jersey some day"?
I mean - I don't care, he can cheer for any team he wants to. But it's 3 days before Christmas - I sure hope he's not disappointed in getting a Winnipeg jersey (and a signed Laine puck, and I think an aunty is getting him a Jets blanket for his bed).
And as for the Jets themselves, after a nice showing on the weekend, they stunk up the joint against a not-very-good Canucks on Tuesday. And weirdly, they stay in Vancouver and play the Canucks again tonight. Hopefully we get a better showing.
Quote from: Barrister on December 22, 2016, 01:40:37 PM
I mean - I don't care, he can cheer for any team he wants to.
Except the Penguins. If he ever announces his love for the Pens I demand immediate and fierce intervention.
The Penguins are A-Ok. They are lead by the ultimate Good Ol' Canadian boy.
The Bruins on the other hand.
I've been considering switching my allegiances to the Jackets. Tonight's victory over the Pens was fun. :menace:
Went to my first live NHL game tonight, with the Wild visiting Habs. :w00t:
We lost 4-2, and Price was less than stellar. I jinxed the game. :cry:
Oh! You are the one to blame.
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 23, 2016, 09:14:53 AM
Oh! You are the one to blame.
Yes, I was in the Red section just behind the net where Price was goaltending on 1st and 3rd periods. :shifty:
Okay so last week the Jets played in Tampa Bay, Florida. In the stands was former WWE Wrestler Chris Jericho wearing a Jets jersey. Makes sense as he's originally from Winnipeg. I guess he lives in Florida now.
But last night at the game in Winnipeg was current WWE star Brock Lesnar - also wearing a Jets jersey. That made... less sense.
Afterwards the Jets posted a brief interview with Lesnar. He talked about how he lives in Canada now and his kids are huge into hockey so they decided to go to a game. I couldn't figure out why he lives in Canada now (he still has a broad midwestern accent, and originally is from Minnesota). So I looked it up - he and his almost equally famous wife Sable (a former WWE star) live on a farm near Maryfield, Saskatchewan, in the SE corner (and right on the MB border). I kind of know the area as my grandparents had a cottage maybe a half hour from there when I was growing up. It's really in the middle of nowhere though.
It's quite the odd path for his personal life. Between Lesnar's WWE and UFC career's he's not hurting for money, but he chooses to settle down in rural saskatchewan and become a hockey dad. :huh:
Anyways, jets were 2 for 2 when WWE wrestlers are in the house.
Jets just wanted Lesnar's drugs.
Jets still suck.
Big Buff could take Lesnar out.
Quote from: PRC on January 11, 2017, 12:31:00 PM
Big Buff could take Lesnar out.
Lesnar's still bigger. First guy I've seen who makes Big Buff look kind of small.
Maybe he's one of those "I'm moving to Canada" people who actually acted on it?
As for the real reason, google says:
QuoteLesnar said he was visiting his brother's farm in Maryfield, southeast of Regina, near the Manitoba boundary, to help with the harvest.
Lesnar said "in the near future," he would like to get dual citizenship and live in Saskatchewan full time.
"I just want to raise my kids on the farm and have them grow up learning how to work on the farm and building that strong work ethic, just like I did."
So, he wants his kids to have an upbringing similar to his own and figures Saskatchewan is the place for that, and he has close family in the area.
He's been reported "Fighting out of Saskatchewan" in UFC fights for a couple of years now.
Therrien fired, Julien hired to replace him.
They're still gonna lose big time in the playoffs :)
Quote from: viper37 on February 14, 2017, 05:57:34 PM
Therrien fired, Julien hired to replace him.
They're still gonna lose big time in the playoffs :)
That's a pretty aggressive move. Especially for a team that's in first place in it's division. They must really have wanted Julien (and to be fair, it's not often high-quality francophone head coaches come on the market).
I am so glad I get almost two more months to enjoy THE BEST SEASON EVAH before the playoffs come along and break my heart.
Quote from: Barrister on February 14, 2017, 06:02:08 PM
Quote from: viper37 on February 14, 2017, 05:57:34 PM
Therrien fired, Julien hired to replace him.
They're still gonna lose big time in the playoffs :)
That's a pretty aggressive move. Especially for a team that's in first place in it's division. They must really have wanted Julien (and to be fair, it's not often high-quality francophone head coaches come on the market).
they're in a downward slope since december. They're barely playing for .500, if not below. If they keep this rythm, they risk not making the playoffs, just like last year.
I don't think the coach is the problem. Well, maybe he is part of the problem, maybe he lost the respect of the players. Imho, there were two questionable decisions he made regarding the goalies. Well, rather one. He let Montoya in the net to lose something like 10-1 or 10-0 early this fall because he wanted to give Price a day off. That was a mistake. And when Price had a bad moment, he pulled him out after 4-5 goals (Grey Fox will remember the exact stats, he's a fan ;) ).
In itself, pulling your goalie after 4-5 goals is not a bad thing, but when earlier in the season you let the other goalie 'til the end, it sends a bad message to the team, imho. And Price was really, really pissed off at the coach for pulling him out this night.
So, yeah, maybe there are tensions between Price and Therrien. I don't know.
What I do know is, over the years, they've made pretty questionnable moves in the recruitment department. And right now, they don't really have great prospects in the minors really to re-lauch the team. If they don't win the cup in the next 3-4 years, they don't stand a chance for the next 15-20. So that plays heavily in the mind of their GM.
But they have a shitty team. Even though the fans like to think their team is worth the millions they get, they're closer to a 4 3rd line team than anything ressembling the Penguins, or the Caps or many other good teams or not so good teams that are climbing back the ladder.
Recruiting Andrew Shaw to "bring character to the team" was a stupid move. This guy keeps getting silly penalties and putting the team in trouble. That's not the coach's fault. Most of the top scorers wouldn't make it to a 3rd line in the better teams. They have had a lot of injuries, and they don't have the deepness teams like Pittsburgh can have to supplement their losses. This team needs to rebuild itself and emphasize speed&attack, not rely on the goalie and a strong defensive as they did int he 90s. It ain't the 90s anymore. No matter the coach they get, they always keep to that stupid philosophy and they always lose. They aim for the average and not for the top. And they miss the mark.
Winnipeg Jets rookie sensation Patrick Laine scores his third hat-trick of the year. :)
I had a whole bunch of pictures of the Leafs' 100th Anniversary Gala made by Canadian colleagues show up in my Facebook feed. :unsure:
Quote from: viper37 on February 14, 2017, 11:33:32 PM
Quote from: Barrister on February 14, 2017, 06:02:08 PM
Quote from: viper37 on February 14, 2017, 05:57:34 PM
Therrien fired, Julien hired to replace him.
They're still gonna lose big time in the playoffs :)
That's a pretty aggressive move. Especially for a team that's in first place in it's division. They must really have wanted Julien (and to be fair, it's not often high-quality francophone head coaches come on the market).
they're in a downward slope since december. They're barely playing for .500, if not below. If they keep this rythm, they risk not making the playoffs, just like last year.
I don't think the coach is the problem. Well, maybe he is part of the problem, maybe he lost the respect of the players. Imho, there were two questionable decisions he made regarding the goalies. Well, rather one. He let Montoya in the net to lose something like 10-1 or 10-0 early this fall because he wanted to give Price a day off. That was a mistake. And when Price had a bad moment, he pulled him out after 4-5 goals (Grey Fox will remember the exact stats, he's a fan ;) ).
In itself, pulling your goalie after 4-5 goals is not a bad thing, but when earlier in the season you let the other goalie 'til the end, it sends a bad message to the team, imho. And Price was really, really pissed off at the coach for pulling him out this night.
So, yeah, maybe there are tensions between Price and Therrien. I don't know.
What I do know is, over the years, they've made pretty questionnable moves in the recruitment department. And right now, they don't really have great prospects in the minors really to re-lauch the team. If they don't win the cup in the next 3-4 years, they don't stand a chance for the next 15-20. So that plays heavily in the mind of their GM.
But they have a shitty team. Even though the fans like to think their team is worth the millions they get, they're closer to a 4 3rd line team than anything ressembling the Penguins, or the Caps or many other good teams or not so good teams that are climbing back the ladder.
Recruiting Andrew Shaw to "bring character to the team" was a stupid move. This guy keeps getting silly penalties and putting the team in trouble. That's not the coach's fault. Most of the top scorers wouldn't make it to a 3rd line in the better teams. They have had a lot of injuries, and they don't have the deepness teams like Pittsburgh can have to supplement their losses. This team needs to rebuild itself and emphasize speed&attack, not rely on the goalie and a strong defensive as they did int he 90s. It ain't the 90s anymore. No matter the coach they get, they always keep to that stupid philosophy and they always lose. They aim for the average and not for the top. And they miss the mark.
Fuck Andrew Shaw.
Depth is not the issue. Habs don't have 6 top 6 players. They have 4.
Winnipeg 3, Canadiens 1.
I love your team BB!
Quote from: viper37 on February 18, 2017, 10:53:32 PM
Winnipeg 3, Canadiens 1.
I love your team BB!
That was a spiffy game. :)
Last Thursday in Pittsburgh was another awesome game as well (even though they did not come away with the win).
Unfortunately though they do not play all games like that. <_<
Quote from: viper37 on February 18, 2017, 10:53:32 PM
Winnipeg 3, Canadiens 1.
I love your team BB!
The Nordiques are never coming back.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 19, 2017, 09:24:46 AM
Quote from: viper37 on February 18, 2017, 10:53:32 PM
Winnipeg 3, Canadiens 1.
I love your team BB!
The Nordiques are never coming back.
They are so coming back.
The Hurricanes are for sale and lose money.
The Islanders are getting kicked out of the Barclays Centre and have no arena to play in.
The Coyotes are trying to get Arizona to build them a new arena, when their "old" arena is only 15 years old or so.
Odds of the Wings making it to the playoffs for the 122 year in a row?
Quote from: Delirium on February 19, 2017, 04:46:29 PM
Odds of the Wings making it to the playoffs for the 122 year in a row?
According to, they have a 0.8% chance of making it.
I sure hope the Islanders can hold on. They were once a great franchise. The Hurricanes and Coyotes can, of course, GTFO.
Quote from: Barrister on February 19, 2017, 10:05:40 AM
They are so coming back.
I doubt it. Bettman was very clear:
- currency "instability". Canadian dollar has been lower than US dollar for most of the time since the 60s. Even if there was a decade of high canadian dollar, he'd still want to wait a little longer.
- league imbalance. He did it on purpose, trying to attract Seattle and Kansas city. Didn't work out as expected, but they're still semi-interested.
These aren't changing anytime soon.
The Hurricanes are for sale and lose money.
I've seen that scenario before...
The Islanders are getting kicked out of the Barclays Centre and have no arena to play in.
I've seen that scenario before...
The Coyotes are trying to get Arizona to build them a new arena, when their "old" arena is only 15 years old or so.
I've seen that scenario before...
The first two would be solve by moving the team to Seattle. Bettman has been in Seattle a few times lately. He hasn't been in Quebec city or Montreal.
I want a team. but I'm not holding my breath. The NHL doesn't like small markets, they want big markets where hockey isn't really popular because they believe they have space for growth. Imho, it's a mistake, but I'm heavily biased :)
Quote from: Valmy on February 19, 2017, 08:56:39 PM
I sure hope the Islanders can hold on. They were once a great franchise. The Hurricanes and Coyotes can, of course, GTFO.
The Hurricanes, I don't really care, but the Coyotes are quite popular with Canadian expats, apparently. Arizona is the new spot for Snow Birds, apparently.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 19, 2017, 09:24:46 AM
Quote from: viper37 on February 18, 2017, 10:53:32 PM
Winnipeg 3, Canadiens 1.
I love your team BB!
The Nordiques are never coming back.
Look, I don't like their defensive playstyle. Since 1993, I don't think I've ever seen a very exciting Habs game. A game similar to a Pittsburgh - Washington game, say. I like that kind of speed skating and energetic gameplay.
Montreal invests everything in the goalie and pray for the best. It's a flawed strategy. It's the same thing they're trying since 1993. All other teams have evolved, the Habs have not.
No, your lenses are just blue tinted.
Montreal plays the same style than Pittsburgh with lots of speed.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 20, 2017, 08:04:49 AM
No, your lenses are just blue tinted.
Montreal plays the same style than Pittsburgh with lots of speed.
look who's talking about lenses :P
It's a copycat league, all 30 teams(31) play the same style.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 19, 2017, 07:57:52 PM
Quote from: Delirium on February 19, 2017, 04:46:29 PM
Odds of the Wings making it to the playoffs for the 122 year in a row?
According to, they have a 0.8% chance of making it.
Right, I watched them against Pittsburgh, and I declare that Detroit will actually make it this year. Their goalie is really spectacular, Zetterberg leads the way, Ott is a bastard and there is a new desperation to the team. You heard it from me first.
Quote from: Delirium on February 21, 2017, 10:06:47 AM
Right, I watched them against Pittsburgh, and I declare that Detroit will actually make it this year. Their goalie is really spectacular, Zetterberg leads the way, Ott is a bastard and there is a new desperation to the team. You heard it from me first.
Ugh, Detroit needs like 40 points in remaining 23 games to make it. They have a relatively easy schedule but it's not going to happen. Too weak on defense.
The same site gives the Jets a 13.1% chance of making it. Pretty tough, but not impossible. The Jets have looked fantastic though the last three games, so there's still some hope.
Hurts to lose Trouba for 2 games though. Ah well should be a good one tonight - Laine vs Matthews, the re-match. :cool:
looks like the leafs face Washington. so sorry valmy, but I hoe they keep their choke streak alive.
Quote from: HVC on April 09, 2017, 08:16:59 PM
looks like the leafs face Washington. so sorry valmy, but I hoe they keep their choke streak alive.
I mean the President's Trophy winner always wins the Stanley Cup! Right?
I don't know about the Stanley Cup, but I really struggle to imagine the Leafs beating the Caps in a 7 game series.
I was watching the Ducks-Kings game last night - if the Kings could have won in regulation it would have been a Calgary-Edmonton series. But it was not to be. :( Oilers-Sharks should be entereating - Flames-Ducks probably not so much.
Good matchup all around. There is a real possibilities of 5 Canadian teams in the 2nd round.
I have no faith in Washington winning even 1 round.
Never say never, but it's a young team, and while talented the playoffs are a totally different animal. As long as they put up a fight against Washington I'll be pleased.
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2017, 11:59:17 AM
I don't know about the Stanley Cup, but I really struggle to imagine the Leafs beating the Caps in a 7 game series.
The Caps have a magical regular season and then get humiliated by some weak Canadian team in the first round? IMPOSSIBLE!!!111
In my world 2010 is just a big empty hole in the calendar.
A 2010, the year of all hope.
Hopefully some Bluejacket player will cripple whiny boy Sidney Crosby.
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 10, 2017, 08:13:45 PM
Hopefully some Bluejacket player will cripple whiny boy Sidney Crosby.
Fuck you!
The Pens will walk over Columbus, even without Letang.
Somebody is overly attached to dirty whiny players.
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 11, 2017, 07:47:09 PM
Somebody is overly attached to dirty whiny players.
It's a Quebec thing. If you're not a Montreal fan you have to be a penguins fan. Ontarios contrarian fan team is Montreal.
Atleast it's not the Bruins.
Eastern Quebec thinks Sid is theirs because he played Junior there.
Ugh - Oilers first playoff game is on tonight.
I hope the Sharks smush them into a thick paste on the ice tonight. <_<
where's your Canadian pride?
Wanting to see your own son cry is pretty hardcore BB :P
Quote from: HVC on April 13, 2017, 06:14:52 PM
It's ok. Everything is fine. They got this. Magical season. This is their year.
Wooo number 2
Excuse me I think there might be something I need to check out in the oven.
It's ok. 2 periods and 6 games to go :console:
See. Dammit.
I mean...wahoo!
Quote from: Valmy on April 13, 2017, 06:29:55 PM
It's ok. Everything is fine. They got this. Magical season. This is their year.
Burn, baby, burn.
Quote from: HVC on April 13, 2017, 06:38:07 PM
It's ok. 2 periods and 6 games to go :console:
I may be a little tense. 40 years of playoff failure is hard to get past :P
Quote from: Valmy on April 13, 2017, 06:49:28 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 13, 2017, 06:38:07 PM
It's ok. 2 periods and 6 games to go :console:
I may be a little tense. 40 years of playoff failure is hard to get past :P
Uhm, leafs fan here.
Hey at least you have glory days to remember. Or at least ask your grandpa about.
Well good game valmy
Yeah this is going to be a tough series.
Quote from: Valmy on April 13, 2017, 09:13:49 PM
Yeah this is going to be a tough series.
As the game went on the caps became the better team. But this game should give the leafs players heart.
Quote from: Valmy on April 13, 2017, 09:13:49 PM
It will make the inevitable choke all the more sweet. :ph34r:
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 11, 2017, 07:47:09 PM
Somebody is overly attached to dirty whiny players.
Talent 2
Nastyness 0.
I can see why you like that team of bullies. I think I'm really beginning to dislike Tortorella.
Quote from: Ed Anger on April 11, 2017, 07:47:09 PM
It's a Quebec thing.
Nah. I had a sweet spot for the Penguins since the 90s due to their star player. And they keep having competitive teams, most of the time.
So far as I know, my best friend and I are the only ones rooting fo the Penguins, everyone else is indifferent while the Habs are in the playoffs. No one is talking about that superb yesterday night's game. They're all talking about a extraordinary lucky team with average players who manages to win most of its games in overtime instead of regular time.
I am watching the game at a restaurant and nearly gave my mother-in-law a heart attack on that last goal :P
Great. My meal is ruined :(
BBQ? (I don't know what else Texans eat lol)
Quote from: HVC on April 15, 2017, 08:15:03 PM
BBQ? (I don't know what else Texans eat lol)
Shitty hamburgers
Quote from: HVC on April 15, 2017, 08:15:03 PM
BBQ? (I don't know what else Texans eat lol)
Deep dish ziti and wheat beer actually. It was pretty good until the Caps started sucking.
Well looks like you can enjoy your desert at least.
And OT once again.
Quote from: Valmy on April 15, 2017, 09:09:24 PM
And OT once again.
Best games of the playoffs at least.
I have to go to bed. Hopefully I wake up tomorrow to good news...and not just that thing about Jesus coming back to life.
Sleep? This is why you could never be an honourary Canadian.
Well you picked the right time to stop watching.
I hope you're happy valmy <_<
You cannot blow a 3-1 lead without first getting up 3 games to 1 :ph34r:
But sure. So far so good.
Not liking these refs.
:w00t: I was going to be satisfied with the Leafs just making it to game 6. Now that is guaranteed and even a series victory no longer seems far-fetched.
Quote from: Camerus on April 17, 2017, 09:11:44 PM
:w00t: I was going to be satisfied with the Leafs just making it to game 6. Now that is guaranteed and even a series victory no longer seems far-fetched.
Wait you went into this series against the chokiest franchise in the history of any sport thinking a victory was far-fetched? Have you never watched the NHL before? Are you patronizing me? Because that is really mean :P
Anyway at least the Caps cannot blow another 3 games to 1 lead. So it cannot be a top 10 disappointment for me.
Here I will dig this one up from last year:
QuoteThe Washington Capitals experienced yet another early, [synonym for surprise] exit from the NHL playoffs on Thursday, dropping a [adjective for close], [indicate whether or not it was in overtime – it was] [Game 6 or 7] against the [team that finished in 6th, 7th or 8th place] in the [round before the Eastern Conference Finals]. The Capitals had [statistic indicating strength of the team's regular season] while [team mentioned above] made the playoffs after a final-week push.
Washington, which entered the playoffs as a [type the word "favorite" without being brought to tears by laughter – water is bad for your keyboard] to win the Stanley Cup, experienced another [variant of "choke"] that's become all but the playoff norm for one of the most underachieving teams in sports over the last [take the last two digits of the current year and add 14] years. This series loss was the [count up playoff appearances since 1998]th time in [subtract 1998 from current year] seasons that the Caps failed to win more than one playoff series and the [let's just go with 9]th time they were ousted by a higher-seeded team.
Not even a [variant of "sold out"] Verizon Center nor a sea of [whatever color the Stepford-like Caps fans have decided to dress en masse this year], could change the team's luck. The [deluded number of attendees at Verizon Center] were whipped into a frenzy [cringeworthy number of minutes] before the drop of the puck. But those fans [phrase to replace "gluttons for punishment'] were hushed early when [other team] scored a goal at the [minute mark between 15 and 19] of the first period. Despite fits and starts over the next [time of first goal subtracted from 60] minutes, the ending was as predictable as [Michael Bay movie – any Michael Bay movie].
It was a [try to make it sound like this wasn't foretold in the stars] loss for the Caps, who were out to a [2-0 or 3-0 or 3-1] lead in the series before the [other team] forced a Game 7 after a [overtime win in whichever game of the comeback involved overtime].
The Caps were done in by their usual playoff demons. The team went [percentage less than 10%] on their power play, goaltender [name of goalie] allowed [percentage over 40] more goals than he had in his [adjective for good] regular season and, once again, Alex Ovechkin was a virtual no-show, scoring fewer points in the series than [unheralded defenseman] despite being a favorite to win his [number of current MVPs] MVP award.
Despite the [too-early round] exit, fans were still [something nicer than "clinging to the desperate fantasy"] that the Caps are closer than ever to making the [whatever the next round of the playoffs is].
"[Hilariously upbeat quote from man wearing red], said [name of poor sap whose playoff beard had been growing for all of 11 days] of Potomac. "[Continuation of quote that already looks ahead to next season which, in a slice of good news for Caps fans, starts in like 3 weeks]."
After acknowledging he'd take a few days to recover from the latest playoff [collapse/meltdown/choke job/implosion/explosion/some kind of -ion], coach [name of guy about to be fired] said it was time to start focusing on [next calendar year].
"We were so close," said [soon-to-be temporarily unemployed coach]. "It's a disappointment but [flowery outlook that treats the regular season like it actually matters and is something to be built upon.]"
But wait they can still win game four! :ph34r: :( :weep:
Quote from: Barrister on October 20, 2016, 12:00:58 AM
So sorry Leafs fans (are their any besides HVC?) Jets vs Leafs, Jets give up a 4 goal lead, only to take it to OT and a win, with Patrik Laine scoring a hattrick and pulling even with Matthews in goals for the season.
So yeah, BB, how's that going for you these days?
Quote from: Josephus on April 18, 2017, 01:30:56 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 20, 2016, 12:00:58 AM
So sorry Leafs fans (are their any besides HVC?) Jets vs Leafs, Jets give up a 4 goal lead, only to take it to OT and a win, with Patrik Laine scoring a hattrick and pulling even with Matthews in goals for the season.
So yeah, BB, how's that going for you these days?
That's the spirit, hold a grudge. hold it hard!
also, about time you showed up :P
Quote from: Valmy on April 18, 2017, 09:04:21 AM
Wait you went into this series against the chokiest franchise in the history of any sport thinking a victory was far-fetched? Have you never watched the NHL before? Are you patronizing me? Because that is really mean :P
Is a Leafs fans. They haven't done shit in the series for as long as the combined aged of all Languish members. :P
still the second most winningest team :P
Yeah, but as a Leafs fan of my generation, I have rock bottom expectations.
Quote from: HVC on April 18, 2017, 01:36:15 PM
Quote from: Josephus on April 18, 2017, 01:30:56 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 20, 2016, 12:00:58 AM
So sorry Leafs fans (are their any besides HVC?) Jets vs Leafs, Jets give up a 4 goal lead, only to take it to OT and a win, with Patrik Laine scoring a hattrick and pulling even with Matthews in goals for the season.
So yeah, BB, how's that going for you these days?
That's the spirit, hold a grudge. hold it hard!
also, about time you showed up :P
So let's meet up during the Stanley Cup parade up Yonge Street OK?
Quote from: Josephus on April 18, 2017, 01:30:56 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 20, 2016, 12:00:58 AM
So sorry Leafs fans (are their any besides HVC?) Jets vs Leafs, Jets give up a 4 goal lead, only to take it to OT and a win, with Patrik Laine scoring a hattrick and pulling even with Matthews in goals for the season.
So yeah, BB, how's that going for you these days?
Obviously disappointing the Jets aren't in these playoffs, but not sure why you'd drag up a post from one game six months ago...
Laine is still an exciting and dynamic young player and we're lucky to have him.
Quote from: Josephus on April 18, 2017, 04:17:31 PM
Quote from: HVC on April 18, 2017, 01:36:15 PM
Quote from: Josephus on April 18, 2017, 01:30:56 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 20, 2016, 12:00:58 AM
So sorry Leafs fans (are their any besides HVC?) Jets vs Leafs, Jets give up a 4 goal lead, only to take it to OT and a win, with Patrik Laine scoring a hattrick and pulling even with Matthews in goals for the season.
So yeah, BB, how's that going for you these days?
That's the spirit, hold a grudge. hold it hard!
also, about time you showed up :P
So let's meet up during the Stanley Cup parade up Yonge Street OK?
Deal :P
Quote from: Barrister on April 18, 2017, 04:49:44 PM
Quote from: Josephus on April 18, 2017, 01:30:56 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 20, 2016, 12:00:58 AM
So sorry Leafs fans (are their any besides HVC?) Jets vs Leafs, Jets give up a 4 goal lead, only to take it to OT and a win, with Patrik Laine scoring a hattrick and pulling even with Matthews in goals for the season.
So yeah, BB, how's that going for you these days?
Obviously disappointing the Jets aren't in these playoffs, but not sure why you'd drag up a post from one game six months ago...
Laine is still an exciting and dynamic young player and we're lucky to have him.
I actually clicked on this thread, and that was the first that came up (I haven't been in this thread since october :lol:).
But my point really game in regular season means nothing.
C'mon... Leafs fans need to revel in small victories. Besides, there's no statute of limitations on talking smack.
Sharks destroy the Oilers 7-0 tonight.
I'm kind of turned on?
That pretty much shows my internal reaction every-time the regular season ends. Hockey is about to stop being fun real fast.
But because I am a delusional moron I feel like they have a chance tonight. I know. It is pathetic.
some talking head I heard on tv last night was going on about how the Caps do so well in the regular season is because they have the easiest travel schedule. any truth to that?
Quote from: HVC on April 19, 2017, 02:39:05 PM
some talking head I heard on tv last night was going on about how the Caps do so well in the regular season is because they have the easiest travel schedule. any truth to that?
Might be something to that. Recently anyway. They have won the President's Trophy three times recently, including back to back, and with some of the highest point totals of the last several decades.
But it is not like them blowing playoff series against lower seeded teams is recent. That goes all the way back to the mid 1980s.
Quote from: HVC on April 19, 2017, 02:39:05 PM
some talking head I heard on tv last night was going on about how the Caps do so well in the regular season is because they have the easiest travel schedule. any truth to that?
I don't see why their travel schedule would be any easier than anyone else in the Metropolitan division. But yes, that division must have the easiest travel in the league, with all those cities bunched up pretty close to each other.
Quote from: Valmy on April 19, 2017, 02:09:51 PM
That pretty much shows my internal reaction every-time the regular season ends. Hockey is about to stop being fun real fast.
But because I am a delusional moron I feel like they have a chance tonight. I know. It is pathetic.
Try another team. I don't know, root for the Rangers :P
Quote from: viper37 on April 19, 2017, 04:49:30 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 19, 2017, 02:09:51 PM
That pretty much shows my internal reaction every-time the regular season ends. Hockey is about to stop being fun real fast.
But because I am a delusional moron I feel like they have a chance tonight. I know. It is pathetic.
Try another team. I don't know, root for the Rangers :P
I thought you wanted Montreal to lose? :P
Quote from: HVC on April 19, 2017, 05:39:35 PM
Try another team. I don't know, root for the Rangers :P
I thought you wanted Montreal to lose? :P
lolz :D
It's Valmy's fault if Washington crumbles in the series, I should have known! :P
On another subject, that kind of scenes always makes me feel all weird:
It's like, all suddenly, I feel totally Canadian. Super weird :P
I never abandon my teams no matter how loathsome they may be. If I did not leave the Redskins you really think I would leave a team that wins? I mean at least during the regular season.
Anyway so that was a fun first period.
Too fun
Now Washington just wants to lose.
Can't win em all, and while it was an exciting game, the leafs did not play well.
Holy shit that was nerve wracking. Ah well. Back to DC we go!
Not so wounded as we were led to believe.
So much the better.
Quote from: Valmy on April 19, 2017, 08:53:50 PM
Holy shit that was nerve wracking. Ah well. Back to DC we go!
The curse just want make sure they lose game 7 at home. Yeah, that's it.
Quote from: HVC on April 19, 2017, 08:58:47 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 19, 2017, 08:53:50 PM
Holy shit that was nerve wracking. Ah well. Back to DC we go!
The curse just want make sure they lose game 7 at home. Yeah, that's it.
I dunno... if we're talking about cursed teams I'm not sure it's Washington that has the biggest curse going...
Why can't you let me have this one thing :(
Quote from: HVC on April 19, 2017, 09:54:28 PM
Why can't you let me have this one thing :(
Because you're a Leafs fan. :console:
And the Ducks sweep the Flames. :weep:
Quote from: Barrister on April 20, 2017, 12:09:07 AM
And the Ducks sweep the Flames. :weep:
Flames just couldn't get it done. Bad goaltending in the last few games, bad decisions in the first couple of the series. Monahan showed up, but Gaudreau was invisible. Lot's of issues to address and with GM Treliving not under contract their seems to be a lack of direction at the moment.
And another Canadian team falls
Quote from: HVC on April 22, 2017, 09:49:06 PM
And another Canadian team falls
But not the right one. <_< Stupid Oilers.
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2017, 08:22:37 AM
Quote from: HVC on April 22, 2017, 09:49:06 PM
And another Canadian team falls
But not the right one. <_< Stupid Oilers.
Aren't your kids Oilers fans?
Quote from: Josephus on April 23, 2017, 02:35:50 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2017, 08:22:37 AM
Quote from: HVC on April 22, 2017, 09:49:06 PM
And another Canadian team falls
But not the right one. <_< Stupid Oilers.
Aren't your kids Oilers fans?
shht! don't remind him! ;)
I'll try to watch the Caps tonight. Maybe we'll get a 7th game (Sorry Valmy).
Quote from: viper37 on April 23, 2017, 03:53:42 PM
Quote from: Josephus on April 23, 2017, 02:35:50 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2017, 08:22:37 AM
Quote from: HVC on April 22, 2017, 09:49:06 PM
And another Canadian team falls
But not the right one. <_< Stupid Oilers.
Aren't your kids Oilers fans?
shht! don't remind him! ;)
I'll try to watch the Caps tonight. Maybe we'll get a 7th game (Sorry Valmy).
Leafs will win tonight....then get blown out in Game 7
The Caps blow somebody out in a game 7? :wacko:
What happens when an stoppable force meets an movable object?
Quote from: Valmy on April 23, 2017, 05:36:02 PM
The Caps blow somebody out in a game 7? :wacko:
you should stop watching hockey, it's too hard for you. Go play Mass Effect 2 instead :P
They put up a good fight and had their chances.
Oh well. "next year." the old Toronto sports fan mantra.
Quote from: Josephus on April 23, 2017, 09:11:15 PM
Oh well. "next year." the old Toronto sports fan mantra.
they were actually pretty good until overtime.
Quote from: Josephus on April 23, 2017, 09:11:15 PM
Oh well. "next year." the old Toronto sports fan mantra.
Given how dreadful the team has been, I would think that 2016-2017 should be considered a success in Leafs Nation. No one really expected them to even make the playoffs.
And congrats Valmy. :hug: But a series against the Penguins promises to be a lot tougher. Still I think out of the remaining non-Canadian, non-Oilers teams (Go Sens!) I'm pulling for Ovi to finally win a Cup.
It's all good. It will just make the heartbreak more heartbreakier later.
Maybe Ovechkin will cripple Crosby.
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2017, 09:41:23 PM
I'm pulling for Ovi to finally win a Cup.
I don't like you anymore, sir! :glare:
I'm gonna root for Edmonton and wish them a Stanley cup finals agains the Penguins, just for you!
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2017, 09:41:23 PM
And congrats Valmy. :hug: But a series against the Penguins promises to be a lot tougher. Still I think out of the remaining non-Canadian, non-Oilers teams (Go Sens!) I'm pulling for Ovi to finally win a Cup.
That is kind of you to say. I really despise the Pens in a very petty and envious way. The Pens have beaten the Caps in eight of their nine playoff matchups. The Caps have, of course, won game 1 in every single one of those series except 2000 and blown two game leads four times. I doubt many clubs have blown that many two game series leads in all their history, much less to just one opponent. The 2009 series was especially shit and there was this very vocal Pens fan on the board I blew up at at the time. I don't remember who that was but definitely not my best moment.
So, yeah, you don't need to tell me this series is going to be tougher. I think CdM will be enjoying this one alot.
Quote from: Valmy on April 24, 2017, 02:12:16 PM
That is kind of you to say. I really despise the Pens in a very petty and envious way.
Nothing wrong with that. Where do you think my anti-Oilers feelings come from?
Penguins and Capitals? Haven't been this jazzed since the Cambodian–Vietnamese War.
Quote from: Valmy on April 24, 2017, 02:12:16 PM
That is kind of you to say. I really despise the Pens in a very petty and envious way. The Pens have beaten the Caps in eight of their nine playoff matchups. The Caps have, of course, won game 1 in every single one of those series except 2000 and blown two game leads four times. I doubt many clubs have blown that many two game series leads in all their history, much less to just one opponent. The 2009 series was especially shit and there was this very vocal Pens fan on the board I blew up at at the time. I don't remember who that was but definitely not my best moment.
So, yeah, you don't need to tell me this series is going to be tougher. I think CdM will be enjoying this one alot.
Well, Letang is injured, so is Matt Murray. You got two very good players totally absent from the line-up, not coming back soon (Letang is not coming back for the entire season, Murray is unsure). Hagelin and Kunitz are still injured, not sure if they're coming back for the series.
This your chance Valmy.
I'm sorry, but I'm on the other side of this one. :)
Caps seemed to let the Leafs dictate the play in that first series, and in the regular season they were the ones dictating how the game would go. Washington's talent and experience won out, but that worries me for the Caps against the Pens because Crosby has no issue dominating the game his way. The Caps need to get back to their confident brand of hockey and demand a series win with sure as shit solid play.
Well ok considering how the Caps usually win game 1 and lose anyway maybe it is for the best.
Quote from: Valmy on April 28, 2017, 09:58:43 AM
Well ok considering how the Caps usually win game 1 and lose anyway maybe it is for the best.
Sorry V. :console:
So the Devils win the lottery, and the Flyers move up like 10+ spots. Guess it really doesn't pay to tank. :hmm:
The Pens are due. They once lost to the Caps 23 years ago.
Quote from: Valmy on April 30, 2017, 01:50:26 AM
The Pens are due. They once lost to the Caps 23 years ago.
Well, if you want to look at the bright side, a few years ago, the Flyers were losing 3-0 in game 4, also 3-0 in the series.
And suddenly, they won the game and the series 4-3. And they went on for the cup. So it ain't over 'til it's over.
Quote from: Valmy on April 30, 2017, 01:50:26 AM
The Pens are due. They once lost to the Caps 23 years ago.
There was an odd moment at the start of yesterday's Oilers-Ducks game. Since the 2006 playoff run the anthem singer will belt out the first couple bars of Oh Canada, and then the fans in the arena take over. It's a nice bit of patriotism, but that's about it.
But last night they had a country singer in to sing the Star Spangled Banner, but his microphone wasn't working. So he got the crowd to sing it - and they did a remarkable job considering, you know, it's not their own anthem. It was kind of neat to watch.
Quote from: Barrister on May 01, 2017, 03:20:49 PM
There was an odd moment at the start of yesterday's Oilers-Ducks game. Since the 2006 playoff run the anthem singer will belt out the first couple bars of Oh Canada, and then the fans in the arena take over. It's a nice bit of patriotism, but that's about it.
But last night they had a country singer in to sing the Star Spangled Banner, but his microphone wasn't working. So he got the crowd to sing it - and they did a remarkable job considering, you know, it's not their own anthem. It was kind of neat to watch.
Fuck Canada and your politeness. :P
There is a guy I recently met who is a West Point grad and did a couple tours in Afghanistan before leaving the army. Seems like he would be a macho guy, right? Only he is 29, but seriously overweight, and is about the opposite of macho. He apparently got his mother to send him Gilmore Girls tapes in Afghanistan so he could keep up.
Anyway, I heard a story that he was in a piano bar in South Carolina and they were taking song requests. He requested "O Canada", because "it is a great song." Everyone started booing, and half the bar requested the "star spangled banner", which got a rousing ovation. After the "Star Spangled Banner" played, they invited all the veterans in the audience to come on stage for acknowledgement. He was apparently the only veteran in the building. :lol:
Video evidence
Your prayers have been rewarded Valmy. :)
Quote from: viper37 on May 01, 2017, 09:51:39 PM
Your prayers have been rewarded Valmy. :)
and Ed is happy too
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 01, 2017, 10:00:56 PM
Let Ed be happy. He gets all cranky and needy when he's not :D
Tonight was a good night.
Quote from: Valmy on May 01, 2017, 11:09:45 PM
Tonight was a good night.
How do you feel about last night with the news that Crosby is out with a concussion?
Quote from: Valmy on May 01, 2017, 11:09:45 PM
Tonight was a good night.
They injured one of the league's best player, certainly the most inspiring player of their opponent, they lead 2-0 for most of the game, manage to get 2 goals scored in the last 5 minutes and only to win by the skin of their teeth in overtime?
yeah, good night. And good luck against the Senators. :menace:
Quote from: viper37 on May 02, 2017, 01:35:37 PM
They injured one of the league's best player, certainly the most inspiring player of their opponent, they lead 2-0 for most of the game, manage to get 2 goals scored in the last 5 minutes and only to win by the skin of their teeth in overtime?
Gosh I was not aware nobody ever got injured in Hockey. Clearly the Caps should now have to forfeit the series in shame. Maybe you Canadians should burn DC down a second time.
Any victory against the Pens in the playoffs is a good night.
Edit: Oh and if they make it to play the Sens it would be their best season in 19 years. I will happily take their beat down.
Quote from: Barrister on May 02, 2017, 01:23:33 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 01, 2017, 11:09:45 PM
Tonight was a good night.
How do you feel about last night with the news that Crosby is out with a concussion?
Bummer for him. I hope he is ok.
Still glad the Caps won.
Crosby is fragile, incidental stick to the face from a badly timed crosscheck.
This is hockey, shit happens.
Quote from: Valmy on May 02, 2017, 01:38:50 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 02, 2017, 01:35:37 PM
They injured one of the league's best player, certainly the most inspiring player of their opponent, they lead 2-0 for most of the game, manage to get 2 goals scored in the last 5 minutes and only to win by the skin of their teeth in overtime?
Gosh I was not aware nobody ever got injured in Hockey. Clearly the Caps should now have to forfeit the series in shame. Maybe you Canadians should burn DC down a second time.
Any victory against the Pens in the playoffs is a good night.
Edit: Oh and if they make it to play the Sens it would be their best season in 19 years. I will happily take their beat down.
What an oddly passive way of putting it.
Niskanen deliberately cross-checked Crosby (who has a history of concussion problems) in the head. He was immediately ejected from the game for doing so. This wasn't some "oh well injuries will happen" kind of moment.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 02, 2017, 01:44:19 PM
Crosby is fragile, incidental stick to the face from a badly timed crosscheck.
This is hockey, shit happens.
A "badly timed" crosscheck? Since cross-checking is, you know, a penalty, when is there a good time to throw a cross-check? :hmm:
Quote from: Barrister on May 02, 2017, 01:50:29 PM
Niskanen deliberately cross-checked Crosby (who has a history of concussion problems) in the head. He was immediately ejected from the game for doing so. This wasn't some "oh well injuries will happen" kind of moment.
The Pens also crosschecked the Caps during the game and series. It was bad luck. At least that is what it looked like to me.
Easy to call it malicious when scrutinizing a slow motion replay. If you view it in real time it was a hockey play that unfortunately went bad.
Quote from: PRC on May 02, 2017, 02:19:35 PM
Easy to call it malicious when scrutinizing a slow motion replay. If you view it in real time it was a hockey play that unfortunately went bad.
Again - in what way is a cross-check a "hockey play"?
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 02, 2017, 01:44:19 PM
Crosby is fragile, incidental stick to the face from a badly timed crosscheck.
This is hockey, shit happens.
Didn't even seem like a cross check, more like a body stop that would have gotten Crosby in the elbow if he wasn't tripped up. Ovie two handing him on the back of the head seems worse.
Quote from: Barrister on May 02, 2017, 02:23:16 PM
Quote from: PRC on May 02, 2017, 02:19:35 PM
Easy to call it malicious when scrutinizing a slow motion replay. If you view it in real time it was a hockey play that unfortunately went bad.
Again - in what way is a cross-check a "hockey play"?
Well sure it is a penalty. There is a reason he was ejected.
At the time it did not look nefarious or that he intentionally went for the head.
Quote from: Valmy on May 02, 2017, 01:38:50 PM
Gosh I was not aware nobody ever got injured in Hockey. Clearly the Caps should now have to forfeit the series in shame. Maybe you Canadians should burn DC down a second time.
It ain't an accident, it was a deliberate gesture.
I saw it. It did not look deliberate to me.
Quote from: Barrister on May 02, 2017, 02:23:16 PM
Quote from: PRC on May 02, 2017, 02:19:35 PM
Easy to call it malicious when scrutinizing a slow motion replay. If you view it in real time it was a hockey play that unfortunately went bad.
Again - in what way is a cross-check a "hockey play"?
In that it happens dozens of times in a game and appears to be a discretionary call for the refs, even though by the rule book it is not, and is only usually called when a guy falls down.
Quote from: viper37 on May 02, 2017, 04:30:12 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 02, 2017, 01:38:50 PM
Gosh I was not aware nobody ever got injured in Hockey. Clearly the Caps should now have to forfeit the series in shame. Maybe you Canadians should burn DC down a second time.
It ain't an accident, it was a deliberate gesture.
To protect one knees, yes. To hit Crosby in the head? Nope.
@BB it is, it has been for 50+ years. When done right by a defenseman it gets a clear view for his goalie to make a stop.
Ovie deserve the ejection & penalty. Niskanen was just protecting himself from a player losing his footing.
Slashing is another play that is against the rules but occurs against the puck carrier on every single shift of every single game.
Anyway I fully expect the Pens to still find a way to win this series. Tomorrow will be ferocious.
I can't lie to you about your chances, but... you have my sympathies. #Ash
LOLZ. Fuck me.
Well that was their finest minute all season.
It's a whole new game boys!
Bad call. Sorry valmy.
Well fuck - goal in the final minutes drives the Oilers-Duck game into overtime. <_<
Quote from: Barrister on May 03, 2017, 11:54:41 PM
Well fuck - goal in the final minutes drives the Oilers-Duck game into overtime. <_<
Ducks score within the first minute of OT. :)
Quote from: HVC on May 03, 2017, 09:14:22 PM
Bad call. Sorry valmy.
I feel conflicted. On one hand the Caps are going down like punks to the hated Pens. On the other at least they are losing in a totally conventional way that normal teams lose series.
There is still this concern they will Cap this thing up. The Caps will win the next two games and then Sid comes back for game 7 and scores the winning goal in overtime in DC. The Pens then go on to win the Cup.
HVC I've led a Cap fan's life, and I have never seen anything as brutally clear as this. As if I can see the Pens, in one horrifying moment, skating around with the Cup. As if it were already done...already a memory. An odd...set...stony quality to it. As if the future has already happened and there's nothin' you can do about it. The way I feel before every Capitals playoff run, knowin' it'll fail, but you cannot stop it. You must even tune in and watch it fail.
Still, it's a crappy way to lose game 4. I'm indifferent to the Caps, but they're recent history of choke-itude makes me feel bad for them. That and I actually like Ovie. he has heart and is funny.
Quote from: HVC on May 04, 2017, 01:24:51 PM
Still, it's a crappy way to lose game 4. I'm indifferent to the Caps, but they're recent history of choke-itude makes me feel bad for them. That and I actually like Ovie. he has heart and is funny.
There is nothing recent about their history of choke-itude :P
But thanks.
Nice Ottawa rangers game going on.
Well see you in Pittsburgh Monday night Caps.
On TV I will not actually be there.
The f'ing Oilers just can't die for me already.
:mad: :glare:
Back to DC. Wow.
Well I don't know if I will be able to sleep tomorrow night. What...the...oh...please...Caps just this one time. PLEASE!!!
I swear to God if they lose at home in overtime in Game 7 again.
Quote from: Valmy on May 08, 2017, 09:27:02 PM
Back to DC. Wow.
Well I don't know if I will be able to sleep tomorrow night. What...the...oh...please...Caps just this one time. PLEASE!!!
I swear to God if they lose at home in overtime in Game 7 again.
Lots of time left.
That's it. Time to start drinking.
I guess that was a good game... Stupid recorder, stupid tv networks for allowing only 2h30 for a game :mad:
I'm sorry Valmy, I know the disapointment. But I'm happy for my team this year.
Hard choice for the next round.
Ottawa I see is fucking up the Stanley Cup playoffs from being a proper Trump approved Conference finals.
Thank goodness the Oilers lost. :worthy:
(Don't tell Mrs. B I said that) :ph34r:
Quote from: viper37 on May 10, 2017, 10:12:45 PM
I guess that was a good game... Stupid recorder, stupid tv networks for allowing only 2h30 for a game :mad:
I'm sorry Valmy, I know the disapointment. But I'm happy for my team this year.
Hard choice for the next round.
Fuck the Pens. Fuck Pittsburgh. Fuck black and gold. Fuck Sid the kid. Fuck hockey.
Quote from: Valmy on May 11, 2017, 12:02:28 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 10, 2017, 10:12:45 PM
I guess that was a good game... Stupid recorder, stupid tv networks for allowing only 2h30 for a game :mad:
I'm sorry Valmy, I know the disapointment. But I'm happy for my team this year.
Hard choice for the next round.
Fuck the Pens. Fuck Pittsburgh. Fuck black and gold. Fuck Sid the kid. Fuck hockey.
Remember - you could always be a fan of a team that has not won a playoff GAME in over twenty years... :ultra:
But at least I have my team back. :)
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2017, 12:08:58 AM
Remember - you could always be a fan of a team that has not won a playoff GAME in over twenty years... :ultra:
But at least I have my team back. :)
Really? If the Edmonton Oilers took down the Jets nine times in the playoffs in humiliating fashion and then went on to win Stanley Cup glory time after time while your franchise became synonymous for chokers and losers you would think that was great because they won a few playoff games in there? At least they did beat the Oilers to win a championship once.
How can you be so clueless? At least the Jets might do something to surprise you next season. Every season for the Caps is the same season.
I mean after all I basically called this. I just thought the Pens would beat them in Overtime. But basically I knew what was going to happen and so did CdM. I look forward to puking my guts out during the Pens' fifth Stanley Cup.
Ah well. At least it will be the regular season again soon.
Quote from: Valmy on May 11, 2017, 12:02:28 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 10, 2017, 10:12:45 PM
I guess that was a good game... Stupid recorder, stupid tv networks for allowing only 2h30 for a game :mad:
I'm sorry Valmy, I know the disapointment. But I'm happy for my team this year.
Hard choice for the next round.
Fuck the Pens. Fuck Pittsburgh. Fuck black and gold. Fuck Sid the kid. Fuck hockey.
your team played like savages, trying to hurt the Pens star players in the first 4 games. Then they played real hockey and they won 2 great games. Maybe, just maybe, if you weren't as blind as a Habs fan, you could recognize that there is something wrong with the Caps strategy and it has nothing to do with the Pens, since they manage to lose against other teams too.
Quote from: viper37 on May 11, 2017, 06:49:52 AM
Maybe, just maybe, if you weren't as blind as a Habs fan,
Gonna have to use that one in a bar fight sometime.
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2017, 12:08:58 AM
Quote from: Valmy on May 11, 2017, 12:02:28 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 10, 2017, 10:12:45 PM
I guess that was a good game... Stupid recorder, stupid tv networks for allowing only 2h30 for a game :mad:
I'm sorry Valmy, I know the disapointment. But I'm happy for my team this year.
Hard choice for the next round.
Fuck the Pens. Fuck Pittsburgh. Fuck black and gold. Fuck Sid the kid. Fuck hockey.
Remember - you could always be a fan of a team that has not won a playoff GAME in over twenty years... :ultra:
But at least I have my team back. :)
Really? :huh:
Quote from: viper37 on May 11, 2017, 06:49:52 AM
Quote from: Valmy on May 11, 2017, 12:02:28 AM
Quote from: viper37 on May 10, 2017, 10:12:45 PM
I guess that was a good game... Stupid recorder, stupid tv networks for allowing only 2h30 for a game :mad:
I'm sorry Valmy, I know the disapointment. But I'm happy for my team this year.
Hard choice for the next round.
Fuck the Pens. Fuck Pittsburgh. Fuck black and gold. Fuck Sid the kid. Fuck hockey.
your team played like savages, trying to hurt the Pens star players in the first 4 games. Then they played real hockey and they won 2 great games. Maybe, just maybe, if you weren't as blind as a Habs fan, you could recognize that there is something wrong with the Caps strategy and it has nothing to do with the Pens, since they manage to lose against other teams too.
We are not blind, we just don't tell you, traitors.
I'm sorry, Valmy. :console:
And I mean it, too. There are plenty of Caps fans here I can drive this chokefest into the ground with in person.
Quote from: viper37 on May 11, 2017, 06:49:52 AM
your team played like savages, trying to hurt the Pens star players in the first 4 games. Then they played real hockey and they won 2 great games. Maybe, just maybe, if you weren't as blind as a Habs fan, you could recognize that there is something wrong with the Caps strategy and it has nothing to do with the Pens, since they manage to lose against other teams too.
I am well aware the Caps choke against everybody when the calendar does not say '1998'. But since this has been going on for more than 30 years, covering numerous groups of players, coaches, and management I doubt it is related to any particular strategy.
My hatred for the Pens is completely petty and irrational. Fuck the Pens. My hatred is based on jealousy so you Pens fans should take it as a compliment. I don't spend my time hating the Blue Jackets.
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 11, 2017, 11:10:07 AM
I'm sorry, Valmy. :console:
And I mean it, too. There are plenty of Caps fans here I can drive this chokefest into the ground with in person.
Thanks :hug:
I really get annoyed by the delusional Caps fans who cannot seem to accept their place in the world. 'Come on! The Caps had a great season. Next year it will all come together.' :bleeding:
Hey at least the caps are now second in most game 7 losses. That's something, right?
Quote from: HVC on May 11, 2017, 11:38:20 AM
Hey at least the caps are now second in most game 7 losses. That's something, right?
Impressive considering the NHL has been around for 100 years and the Caps have only been part of it for 43. But it is a record they are destined to hold.
Quote from: Valmy on May 11, 2017, 11:31:40 AM
I am well aware the Caps choke against everybody when the calendar does not say '1998'. But since this has been going on for more than 30 years, covering numerous groups of players, coaches, and management I doubt it is related to any particular strategy.
The Nordiques never went beyond the Conference finals.
The thing with the Caps is timing. The Pens had very good players from the mid 80s to the mid 2000s centered around Mario Lemieux and then around Crosby as Mario left the team for good. And it just so happens they are in the same division as your Caps. I don't think the Nordiques were reaching the conference finals around the time the Pens had Lemieux, but even if they did, it's not like my parents would have let me stay up all evening to watch hockey, if it had even been aired on tv.
I think the Caps have a tendancy to rely too much on veterans, like the Habs, prefer autonomous players to reach the finals rather than build a team, even if it means sucking like the Oilers or the Jets. The Oilers haven't been in a playoff game since 2003 (ok, maybe once or twice, but not far) and they are now out in the 2nd round.
But they have a core of young, determined, players, where as the Caps and the Habs have uncertain veterans. They can be extremely good one night, extremely bad the other.
Quote from: viper37 on May 11, 2017, 02:48:31 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 11, 2017, 11:31:40 AM
I am well aware the Caps choke against everybody when the calendar does not say '1998'. But since this has been going on for more than 30 years, covering numerous groups of players, coaches, and management I doubt it is related to any particular strategy.
The Nordiques never went beyond the Conference finals.
The thing with the Caps is timing. The Pens had very good players from the mid 80s to the mid 2000s centered around Mario Lemieux and then around Crosby as Mario left the team for good. And it just so happens they are in the same division as your Caps. I don't think the Nordiques were reaching the conference finals around the time the Pens had Lemieux, but even if they did, it's not like my parents would have let me stay up all evening to watch hockey, if it had even been aired on tv.
I think the Caps have a tendancy to rely too much on veterans, like the Habs, prefer autonomous players to reach the finals rather than build a team, even if it means sucking like the Oilers or the Jets. The Oilers haven't been in a playoff game since 2003 (ok, maybe once or twice, but not far) and they are now out in the 2nd round.
But they have a core of young, determined, players, where as the Caps and the Habs have uncertain veterans. They can be extremely good one night, extremely bad the other.
You seem to have forgotten that the Oilers made it to game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals in 2006.
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2017, 03:00:04 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 11, 2017, 02:48:31 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 11, 2017, 11:31:40 AM
I am well aware the Caps choke against everybody when the calendar does not say '1998'. But since this has been going on for more than 30 years, covering numerous groups of players, coaches, and management I doubt it is related to any particular strategy.
The Nordiques never went beyond the Conference finals.
The thing with the Caps is timing. The Pens had very good players from the mid 80s to the mid 2000s centered around Mario Lemieux and then around Crosby as Mario left the team for good. And it just so happens they are in the same division as your Caps. I don't think the Nordiques were reaching the conference finals around the time the Pens had Lemieux, but even if they did, it's not like my parents would have let me stay up all evening to watch hockey, if it had even been aired on tv.
I think the Caps have a tendancy to rely too much on veterans, like the Habs, prefer autonomous players to reach the finals rather than build a team, even if it means sucking like the Oilers or the Jets. The Oilers haven't been in a playoff game since 2003 (ok, maybe once or twice, but not far) and they are now out in the 2nd round.
But they have a core of young, determined, players, where as the Caps and the Habs have uncertain veterans. They can be extremely good one night, extremely bad the other.
You seem to have forgotten that the Oilers made it to game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals in 2006.
yeah, I thought it was 2003.
Are you still watching the series or is it done now that the much hated (by BB ;) ) Oilers have been defeated?
The game tonight was pretty good. The Sens were put out of the zone of comfort after 2 goals, and it showed until the 3rd period. Too bad for them they didn't wake up in 2nd, the Pens almost lost that one. 5 more minutes like that, and they were undone.
The Sens lack the deepness to fully oppose a team like the Penguins, they have some very good players, but not enough to fill all positions and Anderson seems a little too weak from time to time.
Haven't watched Nashville-Anaheim yet. I hear PK has joined the well populated club of ex Habs doing wonders somewhere else.
So I was at the UT Baseball game last Saturday and at one point they fired the stupid T-Shirt gun in my direction. My son really wanted a shirt so I get myself into position and the shirt is headed right for me. At the last second this asshole in a Pens hat jumps in front of me and steals it at the last second and gives it to his kid. Doesn't that just sum it up?
My son was upset. Life is tough as the son of a Caps fan :weep:
Quote from: Valmy on May 04, 2017, 12:14:17 AM
HVC I've led a Cap fan's life, and I have never seen anything as brutally clear as this. As if I can see the Pens, in one horrifying moment, skating around with the Cup. As if it were already done...already a memory. An odd...set...stony quality to it. As if the future has already happened and there's nothin' you can do about it. The way I feel before every Capitals playoff run, knowin' it'll fail, but you cannot stop it. You must even tune in and watch it fail.
By the way. Painfully accurate. Viper should clear his calendar for his trip down to the victory parade now.
I will be able to tell the Russians that now the Caps and Wizards are out, the regional coverage pressure is off.
Pens score in 2OT to advance to meet Nashville. :(
couldn't watch the 2nd OT, way too late for me. The 3rd and the 1st OT were great though.
Well, your predictions for the finale, gentlemen?
Poor poor senators. Now I'm torn. A southern team or the penguins. Hmmm go predators. Subban's a good guy.
Quote from: HVC on May 26, 2017, 05:11:02 AM
Poor poor senators.
yes, they were very surprising. A bit too defensive for my tastes, but still a good team.
Quote from: HVC on May 26, 2017, 05:11:02 AM
Poor poor senators. Now I'm torn. A southern team or the penguins. Hmmm go predators. Subban's a good guy.
Meh...think I'm done with hockey for they year.
Quote from: viper37 on May 26, 2017, 05:08:24 AM
Well, your predictions for the finale, gentlemen?
I already made mine back on May 4th.
Go PK.
Penguins win. :(
Quote from: Valmy on May 22, 2017, 11:52:06 AM
Quote from: Valmy on May 04, 2017, 12:14:17 AM
HVC I've led a Cap fan's life, and I have never seen anything as brutally clear as this. As if I can see the Pens, in one horrifying moment, skating around with the Cup. As if it were already done...already a memory. An odd...set...stony quality to it. As if the future has already happened and there's nothin' you can do about it. The way I feel before every Capitals playoff run, knowin' it'll fail, but you cannot stop it. You must even tune in and watch it fail.
By the way. Painfully accurate. Viper should clear his calendar for his trip down to the victory parade now.
I should go, take a picture with Sydney or Letang and use that as my avatar here :)
'Your way doesn't really work does it? Yes this. This is how you win the Stanley Cup hahahaha'
'Why? Why would God choose Pittsburgh to be his instrument?'
Sooner or later, you will have to face it Valmy: God hates you. That's why the Caps consistantly lose and Donald Trump is in Washington. He's out to get you!
In other news, the Habs have chosen to protect Andrew Shaw and let go of Alexander Radulov.
Great move. I was afraid, with the Drouin trade, that somehow the Canadiens had the will to win, to reach, at the very least, the Stanley Cup finals, but it seems they are hellbent on protecting insured mediocrity to the expense of potential talent.
My Faith has been reaffirmed. I can now hate the Habs in peace, live well with my conscience. :)
Jets have asked long-time defenceman Toby Enstrom (who has played his entire career with the Thrashers/Jets) to waive his No Move clause, which he agreed to do. Curious to see if he is then selected or not. His point production has fallen off of a cliff, but he's still one of their most defensively reliable d-men, and is often paired up with Byfuglien to cover up for his, shall we say, aggressive style of play.
Plus, by exposing Enstrom the Jets were able to protect a bunch more forwards, so other than Enstrom their best exposed players are Marko Dano and Shawn Matthias.
Fun times.
Quote from: viper37 on June 18, 2017, 11:32:07 AM
In other news, the Habs have chosen to protect Andrew Shaw and let go of Alexander Radulov.
What makes you think they've let go Radulov? Dude doesn't have a contract, can't protect him.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 19, 2017, 08:03:25 AM
Quote from: viper37 on June 18, 2017, 11:32:07 AM
In other news, the Habs have chosen to protect Andrew Shaw and let go of Alexander Radulov.
What makes you think they've let go Radulov? Dude doesn't have a contract, can't protect him.
I'm pretty sure they will get rid of him in favour of some defenceman or two.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 19, 2017, 08:03:25 AM
Quote from: viper37 on June 18, 2017, 11:32:07 AM
In other news, the Habs have chosen to protect Andrew Shaw and let go of Alexander Radulov.
What makes you think they've let go Radulov? Dude doesn't have a contract, can't protect him.
Teams can protect players not under contract. Why you would when they're going to hit UFA is a valid question. But they can be protected.
Quote from: viper37 on June 19, 2017, 09:26:05 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 19, 2017, 08:03:25 AM
Quote from: viper37 on June 18, 2017, 11:32:07 AM
In other news, the Habs have chosen to protect Andrew Shaw and let go of Alexander Radulov.
What makes you think they've let go Radulov? Dude doesn't have a contract, can't protect him.
I'm pretty sure they will get rid of him in favour of some defenceman or two.
well they are 4 short right now, so need some.
but it might be a good thing. Long term contracted Radulov will be a disappointment.
Quote from: viper37 on June 18, 2017, 11:32:07 AM
Sooner or later, you will have to face it Valmy: God hates you. That's why the Caps consistantly lose and Donald Trump is in Washington. He's out to get you!
No no no it is a movie reference. God loves me, my life kicks ass.
But God may indeed hate the USA and the Caps but we probably deserve it :P
Quote from: Valmy on June 20, 2017, 06:55:52 AM
Quote from: viper37 on June 18, 2017, 11:32:07 AM
Sooner or later, you will have to face it Valmy: God hates you. That's why the Caps consistantly lose and Donald Trump is in Washington. He's out to get you!
No no no it is a movie reference. God loves me, my life kicks ass.
But God may indeed hate the USA and the Caps but we probably deserve it :P
Prosperity gospel. <_<
You guys sure are touchy about theological matters. :P
Quote from: Valmy on June 20, 2017, 09:39:43 AM
You guys sure are touchy about theological matters. :P
Hey, I just didn't know you were a big Joel Osteen guy. You go ahead and believe in whatever heresy makes you happy Valmy. :hug:
A Houston Preacher.
Quote from: Valmy on June 20, 2017, 10:05:01 AM
Well if you're going to make me explain the joke, that'll take all of the humour out of it. :(
Big televangelist. He is probably the biggest proponent of "prosperity gospel", which preaches that faith in God will bring health and prosperity to your family. Which seems pretty opposite to almost all of what Jesus was saying. And which I'm sure you don't believe in, hence the joke.
Golden Knights draft.
Of note for Languishites:
Winnipeg Jets: Chris Thorburn , F -- Thorburn, 34, who can become an unrestricted free agent on July 1, scored three goals in 64 games this season and has 127 points in 750 games in his NHL career, which dates to the 2005-06 season.
Montreal Canadiens: Alexei Emelin , D -- Emelin, 31, who has one year left on his contract, has 72 points in 380 NHL games, all with Montreal, after getting 10 in 76 games this season.
Toronto Maple Leafs: Brendan Leipsic, F -- Leipsic, 23, played six games for the Maple Leafs last season and spent this season in the AHL with the Toronto Marlies, scoring 51 points in 49 games and five points in 11 playoff games.
With what they have right now, I think they have a solid core for a competitive team this year. Depending on the trades they do in the coming days, maybe enough to be close to the playoffs this year.
The Thorburn pick was a nothing pick. He's UFA in 10 days.
In exchange for picking Thorburn, Jets trade from 13th overall in the entry draft to 24th, plus throw in a 2018 third round pick.
I'm not sure how I feel about this. :mellow:
And I don't think Vegas is going to be competitive at all. They have a handful of nice players - but then they made a ton of deals to pick low-rent players in exchange for tons of draft picks. Which may pay off for them in 5 years, but the 2017-2018 version of the Golden Knights will be dreadful.
Quote from: Barrister on June 21, 2017, 09:49:43 PM
And I don't think Vegas is going to be competitive at all. They have a handful of nice players - but then they made a ton of deals to pick low-rent players in exchange for tons of draft picks. Which may pay off for them in 5 years, but the 2017-2018 version of the Golden Knights will be dreadful.
they have, I think, 4 extra defencemen, so I'm pretty sure they will be active on the trade market before the season begins.
I haven't check the details, but I'm pretty sure they have a lot of room under the salary cap.
Quote from: Barrister on June 20, 2017, 10:11:00 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 20, 2017, 10:05:01 AM
Well if you're going to make me explain the joke, that'll take all of the humour out of it. :(
Big televangelist. He is probably the biggest proponent of "prosperity gospel", which preaches that faith in God will bring health and prosperity to your family. Which seems pretty opposite to almost all of what Jesus was saying. And which I'm sure you don't believe in, hence the joke.
Ah I missed this. That guy! No if you give money to your church God will reward you with 20 Stanley Cups for the your favorite NHL team!!11
change to coaches' challenges (
4 – "Fixing" the coaches' challenge, which just as a spoiler: It still sucks really bad
Oh wow you know how everyone hates the coaches' challenge? The NHL has a plan to fix it.
No, they're still going to enforce the "a guy had his skate a quarter-inch off the ice nine minutes before the goal was scored" rule. And they're still gonna make every review take goddamn forever. But if you're wrong, now you're gonna lose a timeout AND get a penalty for delay of game.
To which I say:
"................ cool."
Turns out, the things any rational human being hates about the rule? That's still in there. But now, there's something that's going to piss even more people off about it! What a change!
Obviously the idea here is that the penalty will in some way deter coaches from using the challenge, but let's be honest: Probably not. Especially in the playoffs, when the stakes are higher and the goals are rare. And especially especially if the opponent power play is as bad as Nashville's was in the Final.
And by the way, even this basic, common-sense change, Colin Campbell still said one team out of 31 was like "Whoa, hey, let's not do that." That team is awful. I hope they go 0-82 next year. They're bad, morally.
WTF are the flames doing?
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 30, 2017, 06:11:54 AM
WTF are the flames doing?
I'm really not sure. :hmm:
Not really sold on them trading for Mike Smith in the first place, but Lack is even worse. Murphy bounces between the NHL and AHL without much success in either, while the player going the other way I've never heard of, and appears to be an ECHLer.
I'm just waiting for tomorrow. Jets have made no moves so far this offseason (they traded down in the 1st round in order to keep all their players from Vegas), but badly need a goalie. Steve Mason and Brian Elliott have both been rumoured to be coming to Winnipeg, but I'm always nervous about signing free agents to the Peg - the risk is we have to vastly overpay to get them to come.
Lack will be a fine backup. Glen Gulutzan had him in Vancouver the last year they went to the playoffs and Lack had lot's of starts and good numbers. His issues in Carolina were more team related and unfair to place solely on him. If Smith wets the bed, and he may very well, then Lack will be fine to start 40+ games.
BB's team makes a strange move:
Dmitry Kulikov to the Jets (,%20Winnipeg%20Jets)
1 – Dmitry Kulikov, Winnipeg Jets
That hearty laugh you heard during the afternoon of July 1 where Buffalo Sabres fans and media hearing about Kulikov getting a three-year deal worth $4.33 million annually from the Jets.
Maybe this is a change-in-scenery type deal. Kulikov seems to believe so. The Jets better hope so, because he's been abjectly terrible over the last few seasons. ( In what should have been a "show us" contract, the Jets went three years with him. So Happy Canada Day, or something.
Quote from: viper37 on June 19, 2017, 09:26:05 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 19, 2017, 08:03:25 AM
Quote from: viper37 on June 18, 2017, 11:32:07 AM
In other news, the Habs have chosen to protect Andrew Shaw and let go of Alexander Radulov.
What makes you think they've let go Radulov? Dude doesn't have a contract, can't protect him.
I'm pretty sure they will get rid of him in favour of some defenceman or two.
See? What did I say? They let him go. Not even a question of money or duration of contract, since they offered him the same, after the ridiculed him thinking no one would want him.
Montreal is anti-offence.
It's a good move. 5 years is 4 years too long.
Quote from: viper37 on July 01, 2017, 07:43:13 PM
BB's team makes a strange move:
Dmitry Kulikov to the Jets (,%20Winnipeg%20Jets)
1 – Dmitry Kulikov, Winnipeg Jets
That hearty laugh you heard during the afternoon of July 1 where Buffalo Sabres fans and media hearing about Kulikov getting a three-year deal worth $4.33 million annually from the Jets.
Maybe this is a change-in-scenery type deal. Kulikov seems to believe so. The Jets better hope so, because he's been abjectly terrible over the last few seasons. ( In what should have been a "show us" contract, the Jets went three years with him. So Happy Canada Day, or something.
I have my doubts about Kulikov, but to be fair he is not being signed as an offensive defenceman. The Jets needed a left-handed D-man to play alongside Tyler Myers or maybe DUstin Byrufglien are take care of the puck in our own end.
It does seem rather rich, but perhaps the Jets had to overpay to fill the need. If the player still fills the role you need how much does it matter if we overpaid him a bit since we're not at the cap anyways.
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 04, 2017, 08:16:30 AM
It's a good move. 5 years is 4 years too long.
yet, they were prepared to give it to him.
oh, well, not my team, so I don't care. Enjoy another year of misery :)
My family friend took a job with the Islanders. :)
Name dropping without naming anyone, good work.
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 05, 2017, 10:17:10 AM
Name dropping without naming anyone, good work.
ex habs player, quite disliked in Montreal after his 1st year.
He's assistant coach for NYI now.
good luck to him :)
The Montreal hate is the sole responsibility of the 3 coaches who were too afraid to only play him 18 mins a night on the 3rd line.
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 05, 2017, 10:17:10 AM
Name dropping without naming anyone, good work.
Pretty sure you all knew I'm talking about already. ;) :P
I'm closer to the cup than Valmy, it would seem:
Crosby lands in Rimouski (
Pour Grey Fox, si tu veux l'admirer de ton vivant ;) (
Fleury, Letang & Dea viennent de plus proche ;)
Jagr signs with the Flames
QuoteJagr is done to CAL. $1M+$1M in bonuses. I think it might not be announced until he gets to the city, but there is a commitment.
Okay move for the Flames. They had no one take the reins and grab the available lineup spot out of training camp. They have a good deep with some prospect depth at the AHL level to come up and pitch in when injuries occur.
Only dark mark on the team going into the season is the whole arena debate. Fuck Ken King.
Tomorrow the Caps begin their quest to three peat as President's Trophy Champions!!!111
I splurged this year and got the Rogers NHL season pass, which I intend to use only for Leafs games now that they (hopefully) have a team worth watching.
Leafs up 3-0 on Winnipeg after one. Suck it, Beeb. :p
Quote from: Camerus on October 04, 2017, 07:11:38 PM
Leafs up 3-0 on Winnipeg after one. Suck it, Beeb. :p
It's only Winnipeg. Gotta see how they do against a real team :P
7-2 now.
Just goofy game. Jets were just dominating the Leafs, but in a couple minute span Leafs score 3 goals. Then it became 4, then 5 nothing, and now it's just goofy.
That and an equipment penalty
So the leafs beat a real team now. The goals against and letting them make a come back was disappointing though.
Time to start planning that Yonge Street parade. :D
Quote from: Josephus on October 07, 2017, 10:10:15 PM
Time to start planning that Yonge Street parade. :D
Buy your streamers now while they're still cheap :D
So I was at the Jets @ Calgary game. :bleeding:
I wasn't at the Jets @ Edmonton tonight. But thank goodness the Jets win (and Ehlers gets a hattie :yeah:).
Tomorrow the Caps will get REGULAR SEASON REVENGE!!11 The best kind of revenge.
Quote from: Valmy on October 10, 2017, 10:59:12 AM
Tomorrow the Caps will get REGULAR SEASON REVENGE!!11 The best kind of revenge.
the best kind of revenge would be seeing the Pens not make it to the playoffs and have Washington in Stanley cups finals, ideally, win in 5.
Quote from: viper37 on October 10, 2017, 12:59:26 PM
Quote from: Valmy on October 10, 2017, 10:59:12 AM
Tomorrow the Caps will get REGULAR SEASON REVENGE!!11 The best kind of revenge.
the best kind of revenge would be seeing the Pens not make it to the playoffs and have Washington in Stanley cups finals, ideally, win in 5.
We do not talk about the p-word during the glorious run to a third straight President's Trophy :angry:
Trump likes the Penguins. And Mario Lemieux is a great golfer, apparently.
He expects them to be at the White House next year because they are real champions.
I think I might root for the Capitals this year... :yuk:
Lemieux does play alot of golf. Almost made it to the PGA. Avid golfer hang around Trump knows this, no surprise.
Habs sucks, Go Vegas.
why Vegas?
They have no history of ineptitude.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 11, 2017, 08:27:47 AM
They have no history of ineptitude.
But that is only because they have yet to play the Caps (in the regular season).
I remember when I was a big Caps fan.
Olaf Kolzig was my favorite. Too bad they had to change the colors back to this hideous & boring red & white.
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 11, 2017, 09:31:42 AM
I remember when I was a big Caps fan.
Olaf Kolzig was my favorite. Too bad they had to change the colors back to this hideous & boring red & white.
Heh. I hated the weird teal-blue It was the most 90s thing ever. But I am glad you liked them.
Edit: Though I guess since the Caps were wearing them during the Season of Glory
TM maybe they should go back.
5 on 3 shorthanded. Parade off.
Quote from: HVC on October 11, 2017, 08:15:20 PM
5 on 3 shorthanded. Parade off.
I'm keeping the faith alive till Christmas. Like every year.
They can score, and they go through seasons where scoring isn't an issue, it always the defence/goalie that is torontos downfall.
Penguins fans are without mercy.
Nice win over the 'Nucks tonight. :cool:
Matthews looking like the future Hall of Famer tonight.
Well the Caps did a shitty job cheering me up after the UT football game :weep:
Washington has an Aussie playing for them?
Quote from: HVC on October 17, 2017, 06:27:22 PM
Washington has an Aussie playing for them?
Huh. Not that I am aware of. Who are you thinking of?
Edit: Oh ok I found him. Yes some rookie. But he is from Wales originally.
Nathan Walker, first Australian to play in the NHL.
Not that having that Aussie did the Caps much good. Come on guys! The President's Trophy must not slip through your grasp!
GF's new favourite team is doing nicely.
Seriously, I am so depressed. I knew the Habs czar was Andrei Markov. He was the unchallengeable Don of the locker room. I expected that Price & crew would feel liberated without his presence but so far, it's a giant clusterfuck.
Things are back as they should be, Toronto is doing badly again.
But more importantly, Valmy, what's with Ovie and Putin? he starting a fan group for great leader? it's all well and good for your president to be in Putin's pocket, but a star hockey player? for shame!
Jets are 7-3-2 so far on the season, in 2nd place in the Central. :cool:
Quote from: Barrister on November 03, 2017, 02:48:31 PM
Jets are 7-3-2 so far on the season, in 2nd place in the Central. :cool:
7-3-3. Frustrating game against the Habs. :grr:
In Hellebuyck we trust.
This kind of cracked me up. Predators fans were supposed to sing O Canada to repay the favor and did IMO a pretty shyte job.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on November 04, 2017, 10:05:02 PM
This kind of cracked me up. Predators fans were supposed to sing O Canada to repay the favor and did IMO a pretty shyte job.
I thought they did an OK job of it.
Reminds me of the incident in the spring during the playoffs, when the mike for the anthem singer in Edmonton wasn't working, so the crowd just belted out the Star Spangled Banner.
OMG - I just realized the anthem singer (Brett Kissel) is the same guy in both clips. :o :o :o
YOUR Winnipeg Jets are tied in points for first place in the entire National Hockey League (although Tampa Bay has one less game played).
I... I... don't know what to say in such a situation. Nothing in my entire lifetime of being a Winnipeg sports fan has ever prepared me for such a situation.
The greater the height the greater the fall :D
Quote from: HVC on December 02, 2017, 09:05:55 AM
The greater the height the greater the fall :D
Leafs are 2nd in the Atlantic / 5th in the League. :ph34r:
I know from experience :lol:
Quote from: Barrister on December 02, 2017, 12:57:55 AM
YOUR Winnipeg Jets are tied in points for first place in the entire National Hockey League (although Tampa Bay has one less game played).
I... I... don't know what to say in such a situation. Nothing in my entire lifetime of being a Winnipeg sports fan has ever prepared me for such a situation.
You do what we all do. Prepare for the Parade.
Quote from: Grey Fox on December 02, 2017, 10:29:06 AM
Quote from: Barrister on December 02, 2017, 12:57:55 AM
YOUR Winnipeg Jets are tied in points for first place in the entire National Hockey League (although Tampa Bay has one less game played).
I... I... don't know what to say in such a situation. Nothing in my entire lifetime of being a Winnipeg sports fan has ever prepared me for such a situation.
You do what we all do. Prepare for the Parade.
You know, the one that never happens.
We're having a parade in Toronto. :)
Jets lose three in a row (although last night was in OT so they get a point). :weep:
Quote from: HVC on December 02, 2017, 09:05:55 AM
The greater the height the greater the fall :D
QuoteWinnipeg Is Good
FEB 6 2018
Patrik Laine, Left Wing / Winnipeg Jets - The Players' Tribune
Other than destroying Nik Ehlers in Call of Duty, I think the best thing to happen to me last year was falling in love with Winnipeg.
I mean, I heard some guys talking bad about the city and that Winnipeg was not a good place. What do they know? I love Winnipeg. This is my home. These are my people now. I play for them. It's a great, great city. Everyone who lives here really cares about one another, that's what stands out to me. We are one group, all of us. Everybody is your neighbor.
Winnipeg is bad? No. Winnipeg is good.
And my Wi-Fi — it's sick.
But Wi-Fi is so important ... it might be the most important thing. People sometimes ask me about my favorite city to visit on the road. I tell them the same thing every time: Whichever one has the fastest Internet at the hotel. Like, Los Angeles, for example. When we play the Kings, we stay downtown. I don't know what the hotel is called but it doesn't matter — the Wi-Fi is very fast, which is great for me and my roommate, Nik.
We're on CoD all the time on the road. Sometimes we just split-screen and 1-v-1 against each other. It's O.K., but, I have to say, he's not as good me, so. Also I think he screen-cheats. You know, like, where you look at the other person's part of the screen to see where they are on the map? Yeah, that's how he (almost) keeps up with me. I don't do that. I would never. Not classy. Haha.
And then sometimes we play online together. I carry him. He's good at hockey but, like I have to be honest here ... I need to teach him some things about gaming. I don't think he is as dedicated as I am, and that's fine — not many are. (Just a little Finnish sarcasm.)
Like, my schedule on off days is pretty simple:
• Wake up.
• Eat with Mom. (Yes. I live with my mom. I will explain.)
• Go to practice.
• Practice and work out.
• Go home.
• Turn on my PlayStation, and game.
I probably play too much, but that's fine. It helps me stay close with my friends back home in Finland and even some guys in the NHL. Like Aleksander Barkov. I used to look up to Barkie back in Finland because he was a couple of years older than me. I watched him play in the World Juniors. What a player. He's big, and has sweet hands. And then we met during the World Cup of Hockey in 2016, and I found out he plays CoD, so that was good. I have him on PlayStation. Barkie is probably the only player in the NHL who has the same level of dedication as me. In CoD, I mean. He's on all the time. Like ... a lot. I'm not sure how he has time for hockey.
It's pretty cool to play PlayStation with one of your idols. I wish I could play with Ovi — that would be sick. Ovi, are you reading this? Do you game?
Ovi was probably my first idol. Do you remember the goal where he, like, fell on his back and still scored against Arizona? That's my first memory of him. I really enjoy his style of play. I used to watch him on YouTube all the time when I was 13. He was all over the ice. He'd lay a big hit in his own end, pick up the puck and be at the other end of the rink before the video had to start buffering. (The Wi-Fi, it's not as good back then.)
When I was in the backyard with my dad as a little boy, shooting at soda cans, I wasn't really thinking about Ovi — or anyone. I was just ... me. Like, how do I want to shoot? Who do I want to be as a player? How can I score more than the other guy?
My dad was a beer league player, so he wasn't much help. No. I am joking. He was a very big part of my life and why I became the player I am. You might already know, but I actually played goalie until he told me that I should be a skater. Good decision, I think.
My dad still lives in Finland. But he watches every Jets game. We still enjoy talking about hockey but he doesn't give me much advice anymore. He comes and visits me and Mom a few times a year.
So, yes. I live with my mom.
But, like, be honest ... you would live with your mom if you could, too.
Why would you want to cook your own food?
And she still drives me home from games, just like she did in Finland. She comes to every home game. It's very nice. In Winnipeg, everyone looks out for you.
Recently, my cousin was visiting. He's growing out his beard and asked me to grow mine out too. So I was like, O.K. Now the guys in the room are telling me I look like I'm Amish. I didn't get it at first. Had to Google it. Now, since our team is doing well, I'm going to keep it going for luck. Maybe I will get some new Amish fans ... but they don't have TVs, right? Maybe they can come to games? Come to Winnipeg, guys.
Yeah, things are good in Winnipeg right now. People are happy around the rink and the season is going well so far. Last year was tough. Everyone was saying I should be happy with how I played and stuff. But, like, I don't care about that. I want to win. That's is the only reason I play hockey — or even CoD. I want to beat you. We didn't do that enough last year. Now we're winning, and I'm loving it and so is the city.
This is my home. These are my people now. I play for them.
When I first came here from Finland, the Jets helped me a lot.
I owe the team a lot for putting me in a good spot for my rookie season. I never felt too much pressure. I was able to be me. I was able to be that kid in the backyard with his dad. And that kid loved to score. So I scored. And I remember every goal. Like, I'm not kidding. I can tell you who got the primary assist, secondary assist, who I scored on, what the situation was ... all that stuff. For all 36 goals. But my first one was definitely my best.
Someone told me, "You only score your first one once, so remember it."
But, like, obviously? Weird saying, I think.
Now, I am home here. Quick story. So, before I got drafted, I would play the NHL video games a lot. I knew a few teams pretty well. But Winnipeg was ... really bad. Maybe like an 80 overall. I never wanted to be the Jets, nobody did. So I didn't know any of their players. When I came to camp with the team in 2016, and I met the guys for the first time, I didn't know anything about who they were. I had to make mental notes.
Mark, center, likes to pass.
Nik, winger, sneaky.
Buff, defense, hits hard.
And then there was Blake. And the first time I was on the ice with him ... he blew me away. He was so good. I thought, O.K., this guy is the superstar of the team. He is the big deal. I assumed he was like the biggest star in the NHL. But when we started going on the road and people weren't really talking about him. Even in Winnipeg he doesn't get that much attention. I don't get it. He's as good as anyone in the league.
I thought that might change this year. He's, what, top 10 in NHL scoring? Pretty sick. Actually, I don't think people pay enough attention to our entire team. So let me give you the quick scouting report on us:
Best skater: Nik.
Best passer: Blake. (He told me I have to say this because he's the center on my line now.)
Best chirps: Buff.
Best shooter: Me — lol.
I also can't talk about our team without mentioning Connor in goal. He's been so good. And I know how much he wants to win, too. He was good last year, but we didn't help him as much as we could have. This year, I know I score much less on him in practice. So ... he must be better then, right? I am not worse ... right?
So why are people hating on Winnipeg? I think maybe I know why they don't like coming here. Maybe guys are too cold? Maybe this is a hard place to play because of our fans? I've only been to each NHL building a few times, but I know for sure — our rink is the loudest.
Our fans give us so much confidence.
And I know that they get even louder in the spring. I remember I was on YouTube the year before I was drafted, and I found this video — "The Return of The Winnipeg WhiteOut."
It was really cool. Like, I got ... what are they called ... the goose pimples?
I didn't know anything about the team or city then, but I knew that was awesome.
And that needs to happen again.
So The Players Tribune is a fun site where they get athletes to write stories in their own words. And boy can you tell that Laine wrote this himself. He's quite the odd duck, but quite unashamed of it in public and is never one to just give stock answers to reporters.
from one frozen hell hole to another, of course he feels at home :P
Despite, or maybe becasue of, his writting style i liked the article.
Quote from: HVC on February 06, 2018, 12:00:51 PM
from one frozen hell hole to another, of course he feels at home :P
Despite, or maybe becasue of, his writting style i liked the article.
It reads exactly like it was written by a 19 year old hockey player whose first language isn't english. I love how he constantly rips on Nik Ehlers - the two have a very obvious bromance going on.
Quote from: HVC on December 10, 2017, 12:16:39 PM
Quote from: HVC on December 02, 2017, 09:05:55 AM
The greater the height the greater the fall :D
And by the way - Jets are tied with Nashville for 3rd place in the league / first place in the Central.
Habs sucks, Vegas on top.
The Jets are one of the clubs standing in the way of the Caps three-peat :angry:
It was NHL trade deadline day yesterday. And because I gotta be me, I'm here to tell you about what happened for the Winnipeg Jets.
They made a trade for a player.
I know - hardly shocking for some teams. But this is Kevin Chevaldayoff. He's only made I think 2 player-for-player trades in his six and a half years. But here he is - bringing in veteran centreman Paul Stastny.
What's more - Stastny had a full "no move" clause in his contract. He could have easily vetoed the trade. But he didn't - he chose to come to Winnipeg.
Exciting times. :)
He's also picked to wear Thomas Steen's number.
Quote from: Barrister on February 27, 2018, 03:42:47 PM
But he didn't - he chose to come to Winnipeg.
What did they have on him?
So now that the NHL destroyed the glory of Canadian Hockey will they reverse course?
Quote from: crazy canuck on February 27, 2018, 06:13:29 PM
Quote from: Barrister on February 27, 2018, 03:42:47 PM
But he didn't - he chose to come to Winnipeg.
What did they have on him?
Wheeler (Jet's Captain) is apparently a friend. They played together at some point. If the team is successful with him, he'll enjoy Winnipeg.
Quote from: saskganesh on February 28, 2018, 09:54:05 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on February 27, 2018, 06:13:29 PM
Quote from: Barrister on February 27, 2018, 03:42:47 PM
But he didn't - he chose to come to Winnipeg.
What did they have on him?
Wheeler (Jet's Captain) is apparently a friend. They played together at some point. If the team is successful with him, he'll enjoy Winnipeg.
A friendly place where he can play out the last days of his career. Makes sense.
Quote from: crazy canuck on February 28, 2018, 10:50:10 AM
A friendly place where he can play out the last days of his career. Makes sense.
Stastny is only 32 - he's not quite "in the last days of his career".
He waived his no-trade because he likes Winnipeg's chances to win. He said something like 'it's only 3 months out of a career, I don't want to be thinking back at the end what could have been'.
Stastny (although born in Quebec when his dad played for the Nords) mostly grew up in St Louis and considers it home. It's a pretty good bet that he re-signs with St Louis in the off season. But you never know - he looked damn good playing with Laine and Ehlers last night, and if the Jets make a lengthy run maybe the Jets can re-sign him. Although in a Jets team that's going to spend to the cap for the first time, and with several young players going to need expensive new deals, it's not clear who would have to walk in order to afford Stastny's salary.
Quote from: Barrister on February 28, 2018, 10:57:40 AM
Quote from: crazy canuck on February 28, 2018, 10:50:10 AM
A friendly place where he can play out the last days of his career. Makes sense.
Stastny is only 32 - he's not quite "in the last days of his career".
He waived his no-trade because he likes Winnipeg's chances to win. He said something like 'it's only 3 months out of a career, I don't want to be thinking back at the end what could have been'.
Stastny (although born in Quebec when his dad played for the Nords) mostly grew up in St Louis and considers it home. It's a pretty good bet that he re-signs with St Louis in the off season. But you never know - he looked damn good playing with Laine and Ehlers last night, and if the Jets make a lengthy run maybe the Jets can re-sign him. Although in a Jets team that's going to spend to the cap for the first time, and with several young players going to need expensive new deals, it's not clear who would have to walk in order to afford Stastny's salary.
Yeah, not exactly in the prime of his career. He gets to play among friends and if things work out play out his career there or another place of his choosing. Not much downside for him once he gets past having to spend a winter there.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 27, 2018, 05:49:34 PM
He's also picked to wear Thomas Steen's number.
Oh, I meant to reply to this:
Stastny has almost always worn #26. It's the same number his father, Hall of Famer Peter Stastny wore. But Jets captain Blake Wheeler also wears 26. Wheeler offers to give the number to Stastny, but Stastny refuses.
One of Stastny's teammates on the Blues is/was Alex Steen. Steen's father is Thomas Steen, a Winnipeg Jets defenceman from back in the day. Steen was from Sweden, but remained in Winnipeg and Alex mostly grew up there.
Anyways, Alex urges Stastny to take his dad's old number 25. :)
International good old canadian boys.
I like it!
Seattle was able to get 10,000 deposits for season tickets in minutes.
Quote from: Barrister on February 28, 2018, 04:21:29 PM
Thomas Steen, a Winnipeg Jets defenceman from back in the day.
Good story. But Steen was a centerman. :Canuck:
apparently Seattle is going for Seattle Totems as a name. I know it has history, but still ugh.
The Sharks beat the Golden Knights!
J-Dawg good to see you.
So, has anyone checked out where YOUR Winnipeg Jets are in the standings? :shifty:
Jets clinch a playoff spot tonight with a shoot-out win over the Preds. :yeah:
Lol Jets couldn't even beat a Goalie off the streets. :nelson:
An accountant too :lol:
So... at the end of the regular season, the Nashville Predators win the Presidents Trophy for the most points in the regular season.
Guess who comes in at #2? YOUR Winnipeg Jets. :cool:
This is crazy. I was too young to remember the Jets WHA days, and I didn't really follow the team in the 80s (where they were good, but Edmonton/Calgary were always better). My memory from the 90s, and then again once the team came back, was they were good enough to maybe, kind of, push to make it in at the last minute, and once you were in "hey anything can happen (though it never really did)".
Now the Jets are being talked of as one of the 4-5 teams that are favourite to win the cup.
Quote from: Barrister on April 09, 2018, 12:23:35 AM
So... at the end of the regular season, the Nashville Predators win the Presidents Trophy for the most points in the regular season.
Quote from: Valmy on April 09, 2018, 11:02:47 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 09, 2018, 12:23:35 AM
So... at the end of the regular season, the Nashville Predators win the Presidents Trophy for the most points in the regular season.
I thought you, of all people here, would recognize the Presidents Trophy for being the poisoned chalice that it is.
It's time to plan the parade route!
EA Sports NHL 2018 Playoff Predictor has the Winnipeg Jets winning the Stanley Cup.
Yes, I know this is if anything a curse, not an accurate prediction. But I still thought it was funny.
:( Going to lose in the 2nd round now.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 11, 2018, 08:02:42 AM
:( Going to lose in the 2nd round now.
I'll take it.
Nashville looks very tough to beat.
A loss in the second round would still be the very best Winnipeg Jets season in 30 years.
Get to the Final, can't let Vancouver have that crown anymore.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 11, 2018, 10:48:52 AM
Get to the Final, can't let Vancouver have that crown anymore.
Oh, I want them to to do more than just get to the final. I don't want Montreal to be the last Canadian team to have won the cup. :ph34r:
But first thing's first.
Why, oh why, isn't it 5pm MDT yet? :(
I know a trick to make time fly.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 11, 2018, 10:55:33 AM
I know a trick to make time fly.
My boss might frown on it.
Go Jets! as a former winnipegger who went to lots of Jets games in the 80's when they had a decent squad, and i'm old enough to recall their Avco cup days, and how all their best players went to more established nhl teams during the merger, I'd love for the Jets to bring the cup back to Canada. Also would love to see the Leafs win if that were to occur. a Winnipeg/Toronto final would have me actually watching every game, something i haven't done in a few years. is it unlikely? probs. but nostalgia is all i got hockey wise these daze.
6 1/2 hours to puck drop...
4 hours...
Less than two...
Fuck it. I'm heading home. I have to file my taxes then I should be sitting on my couch wearing my jersey for puck drop.
Good luck to your team BB.
This is the first time I have ever entered a hockey pool. I took some Jets based on your optimism :D
Quote from: Barrister on April 09, 2018, 11:49:00 PM
Quote from: Valmy on April 09, 2018, 11:02:47 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 09, 2018, 12:23:35 AM
So... at the end of the regular season, the Nashville Predators win the Presidents Trophy for the most points in the regular season.
I thought you, of all people here, would recognize the Presidents Trophy for being the poisoned chalice that it is.
What do you mean? It is the only Cup the Caps ever win :P. I wanted a three-peat!
It is not like there is much difference between their post-season performance with or without the President's Cup.
Does anybody have number for child protective services in Alberta, beeb is firing his kid to wear an Jets jersey :x
Quote from: katmai on April 11, 2018, 08:22:18 PM
Does anybody have number for child protective services in Alberta, beeb is firing his kid to wear an Jets jersey :x
Hey, at the start of the season I take him to a pre-season game here in Edmonton. We meet spot Jets GM Kevin Cheveldayoff, and I can't resist saying "hi". Anyways - Timmy tells Cheveldayoff that the Jets are his favourite team. :contract:
And I still don't know whether the Vegas Golden Knights should be considered a real threat for the cup or not. :unsure:
Congrats on your first victory in forever, BB.
Vegas to the Conference final.
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2018, 10:24:14 PM
It's time to plan the parade route!
EA Sports NHL 2018 Playoff Predictor has the Winnipeg Jets winning the Stanley Cup.
Yes, I know this is if anything a curse, not an accurate prediction. But I still thought it was funny.
NO way's yonge street or bust this time
QuoteRest of Canada 'super torn' whether to support Winnipeg or Toronto in NHL playoffs
Photo Credit
OTTAWA – As the NHL playoffs get started, Canadian hockey fans whose teams did not make the playoffs are faced with the incredibly difficult decision of whether to go with the Jets or Maple Leafs as "Canada's team."
"Oh man, tough call," said Sens fan Keith Daugherty. "Do I go with the plucky upstarts from the city full of nice people, or the team representing the city I swore a blood oath to always despise?"
"Hopefully they don't meet in the finals or my loyalties will really be put to the test!"
From coast to coast Canadians are finding it almost impossible to decide. While many say it would be nice if Winnipeg, which has the best fans in the league despite losing their team for nearly 20 years, could win, they would also like to see Toronto, which looks down on them 365 days a year and has two other major sports franchises, win it all.
"I mean at the end of the day, who do I want to see happy: fans who would give their arm to see their team win, or fans who take their seats 10 minutes into each period," advised Edmonton resident Catherine Lawrence. "I just don't know."
One thing all long-suffering Canadian hockey fans can agree on however: if expansion franchise Las Vegas wins the Cup, we burn the entire NHL to the ground.
I want the Nordiques back.
Quote from: Josephus on April 12, 2018, 10:34:55 AM
NO way's yonge street or bust this time
So, uh... which way down Yonge Street does the parade go?
Oh, and Valmy: :console:
Btw BB, can't believe you guys are playing Joe Morrow.
Quote from: Barrister on April 12, 2018, 10:57:10 PM
Quote from: Josephus on April 12, 2018, 10:34:55 AM
NO way's yonge street or bust this time
So, uh... which way down Yonge Street does the parade go?
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 13, 2018, 08:09:32 AM
Btw BB, can't believe you guys are playing Joe Morrow.
He's been reasonably solid for us. :huh:
Quote from: Barrister on April 13, 2018, 09:33:17 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 13, 2018, 08:09:32 AM
Btw BB, can't believe you guys are playing Joe Morrow.
He's been reasonably solid for us. :huh:
How can that be. Dude can't skate, can't shoot, afraid of corners & has no grit.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 13, 2018, 10:26:02 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 13, 2018, 09:33:17 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 13, 2018, 08:09:32 AM
Btw BB, can't believe you guys are playing Joe Morrow.
He's been reasonably solid for us. :huh:
How can that be. Dude can't skate, can't shoot, afraid of corners & has no grit.
Watch the game tonight and see.
You do know he scored the game winning goal on Wednesday, right?
I screamed at my tv for a good minute when it happened.
I keep hearing about how this was Winnipeg's first playoff win. Confused me for a bit, then I realized they meant Winnipeg Jets 2.0
Quote from: Josephus on April 13, 2018, 12:45:36 PM
I keep hearing about how this was Winnipeg's first playoff win. Confused me for a bit, then I realized they meant Winnipeg Jets 2.0
Well, it's the franchise's first win, going back to '99 when the Thrashers came into the league. The Thrashers only made the playoffs once and were swept, and Jets 2.0 only made the playoffs once before, and were swept.
Or, alternatively, it's the first Winnipeg Jets playoff win since April 1996.
After an even start, Jets just dominated the wild the next 2 periods. It was a thing of glory.
Jets looking good this year.
Vegas is a team to watch. Kings look to be done.
Sharks are hot and will probably take the whole thing.
Quote from: Barrister on April 12, 2018, 11:35:16 PM
Oh, and Valmy: :console:
Whenever the Caps go into overtime in the postseason I just turn the game off now. I think their winning percentage is about 10%.
Wow the kings have been swept.
I hope 30 other GM get fired when the VGK win the cup in their 1st year. GMGM played you all so good!
Quote from: Valmy on April 14, 2018, 02:46:52 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 12, 2018, 11:35:16 PM
Oh, and Valmy: :console:
Whenever the Caps go into overtime in the postseason I just turn the game off now. I think their winning percentage is about 10%.
Hope you watched last night :)
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 18, 2018, 10:04:24 AM
Hope you watched last night :)
No. I had to watch Eller shooting a puck off himself for the winning goal on replay. It was still pretty awesome.
Gratz to Valmy's team for tying up the series 2-2. You know, that's a series where I wouldn't mind either team going far - even though I don't like either's chances against the Penguins in the next round.
And sorry to HVC, Josephus, and the other Leafs fans. :console:
Quote from: Barrister on April 19, 2018, 09:43:43 PM
even though I don't like either's chances against the Penguins in the next round.
Oh yeah. That should be fun.
'Hello again Caps!'
'Why has God chosen this obscene team to be his instrument?'
But they still reserve the right to lose in overtime in game 7 to the Blue Jackets first :P
Valmy - you don't get to pull history on me, a Winnipeg Jets fan. My team has not won a playoff series since '86-'87. You know I was soooo happy a couple years ago when the Royals won the world series again after 31 years? Well it has been that long since the Jets just won a single round.
And if you talk to Jets fans old-times... they well remember the 89-90 first round where the Jets were up 3-1 against the hated Oilers... and still managed to lose the series.
We Jets fans still need a lot of therapy is what I'm saying...
Quote from: Barrister on April 19, 2018, 10:40:45 PM
Valmy - you don't get to pull history on me, a Winnipeg Jets fan.
This isn't about you man. This about the Caps and my endless and painful love for them and my petty hatred for their nemesis who always seem to be covered in glory while the Caps are covered in shit. And the Caps have blown two game playoff leads to the Pens FOUR times know...I know a bit about blowing 3-1 leads. So let me have my fun man. I am well aware that other franchises just stink and not in a position to be tormented by a franchise like the Pens, I am a fan of a few of them. Being the Salieri to somebody's Mozart at least has some sick entertainment going for it.
Besides the Oilers' glory is a distant memory and they are not even in the playoffs to torment you, where as the Penguins glory is constant and eternal and lurk in the Caps way almost every year.
Final Edit: I should say that, of course, after the Caps put the Bluejackets in their place tonight a part of me was thinking 'yeah! They got these guys! It was clear the Caps were the better team even when they were losing in overtime. THEY ARE GOING TO WRECK THESE FOOLS and then oh yes momentum is building. THIS IS THE YEAR.' It is sad. But it is why I keep watching. Hockey is great.
Well Valmy - I would love perhaps nothing more than a Caps-Jets Cup final. Revenge for those couple seasons my boys were in the SE division. Laine vs Ovi. And, well, Valmy vs BB.
Let's see if it might happen. Go Capitals!
That would be amazing :w00t:
But let's not put the cart before the horse. Both your country and my team are cursed in the NHL playoffs these days.
Nashville/SanJose - Pittsburgh/Boston is inevitable.
Quote from: Barrister on April 19, 2018, 09:43:43 PM
And sorry to HVC, Josephus, and the other Leafs fans. :console:
The can still win three in a row!
Quote from: HVC on April 20, 2018, 09:23:07 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 19, 2018, 09:43:43 PM
And sorry to HVC, Josephus, and the other Leafs fans. :console:
The can still win three in a row!
Never say die.
But I've a feeling next week I'll be cheering the Jets.
Quote from: Josephus on April 20, 2018, 05:40:35 PM
But I've a feeling next week I'll be cheering the Jets.
Did you ever think you would hear yourself saying that?
I'll switch to cheering for Vegas just because it's so weird.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 20, 2018, 05:48:00 PM
Quote from: Josephus on April 20, 2018, 05:40:35 PM
But I've a feeling next week I'll be cheering the Jets.
Did you ever think you would hear yourself saying that?
How about you CC - still plenty of room on the bandwagon. :)
Jets with a dominant 5-0 win move on to round 2. Winnipeg Police have shut down Portage & Main for the party. :cool:
I will not be able to watch Game 5. That is a bummer.
And Colorado just won game 5 to stretch their series against the Preds to a game 6... excellent...
The Hamburglar at work!
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 20, 2018, 05:48:00 PM
Quote from: Josephus on April 20, 2018, 05:40:35 PM
But I've a feeling next week I'll be cheering the Jets.
Did you ever think you would hear yourself saying that?
Sad I know.
Thank Hockey Christ. OK maybe the Caps weren't going to wreck them. Ah well. Back to Ohio.
And there was much rejoicing in Valmyland, and some bittersweet relief in Toronto and the Leafs take it to 7 games.
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2018, 10:16:32 PM
And there was much rejoicing in Valmyland, and some bittersweet relief in Toronto and the Leafs take it to 7 games.
Yeah I told you they would WRECK THOSE FOOLS!
That was a fun game to watch. The result was never in doubt. Ohio doesn't even care, they are all watching the Cavs.
Well look forward to many more Amadeus references over the next couple weeks.
Quote from: Valmy on April 23, 2018, 11:42:52 PM
That was a fun game to watch. The result was never in doubt. Ohio doesn't even care, they are all watching the Cavs.
I cared. Good night, sweet Jackets. :cry:
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on April 24, 2018, 12:02:50 AM
I cared. Good night, sweet Jackets. :cry:
I stand corrected. -_- My apologies.
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on April 24, 2018, 12:02:50 AM
Quote from: Valmy on April 23, 2018, 11:42:52 PM
That was a fun game to watch. The result was never in doubt. Ohio doesn't even care, they are all watching the Cavs.
I cared. Good night, sweet Jackets. :cry:
You really are a masochist when in comes to sports teams, aren't you. :console:
one more to go!
Quote from: Valmy on April 23, 2018, 11:42:52 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 23, 2018, 10:16:32 PM
And there was much rejoicing in Valmyland, and some bittersweet relief in Toronto and the Leafs take it to 7 games.
Yeah I told you they would WRECK THOSE FOOLS!
That was a fun game to watch. The result was never in doubt. Ohio doesn't even care, they are all watching the Cavs.
Well look forward to many more Amadeus references over the next couple weeks.
What one ESPN writer said when asked what his response would be if the Caps beat the Pens in this upcoming series:
QuoteWhoa, how crazy is it that the Penguins had their NHL franchise charter revoked in the middle of the playoffs, as that's clearly the only way they could possibly lose a series to the Capitals?
May Saint Oveckin mangle Sidney the whining baby.
I don't think you can break Sidney to win the series, Valmy.
You need someone to concuss him.
I'm going to call it: Caps will beat the Pens.
Only to lose in 5 against Tampa or Boston.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 25, 2018, 09:02:12 AM
I don't think you can break Sidney to win the series, Valmy.
You need someone to concuss him.
Secondly: Having said that the Caps clearly showed that Sid could be murdered shortly before game 1 and they would still lose the series.
Quote from: Barrister on April 25, 2018, 09:29:45 AM
I'm going to call it: Caps will beat the Pens.
Only to lose in 5 against Tampa or Boston.
That would be great!
Wait why couldn't they lose to the Leafs in 5?
Quote from: Valmy on April 25, 2018, 09:32:30 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 25, 2018, 09:29:45 AM
I'm going to call it: Caps will beat the Pens.
Only to lose in 5 against Tampa or Boston.
That would be great!
Wait why couldn't they lose to the Leafs in 5?
No way the Leafs make it that far.
because BB hates when i'm happy.
It is a great dream of everyone that the Raptors win a championship before the Leafs win a cup again.
Neither are likely this year.
Quote from: Barrister on April 25, 2018, 09:29:45 AM
I'm going to call it: Caps will beat the Pens.
Only to lose in 5 against Tampa or Boston.
Surely you mean Toronto not Boston
Quote from: Josephus on April 25, 2018, 11:31:53 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 25, 2018, 09:29:45 AM
I'm going to call it: Caps will beat the Pens.
Only to lose in 5 against Tampa or Boston.
Surely you mean Toronto not Boston
I meant what I said.
And stop calling me Shirley. :mad:
I'm with Barrister here and unabashedly rooting for the Jets this year. They are my Cinderella team.
I'll never root for Toronto even with a gun pointed to my head. No self-respecting Habs fan would. :mad:
We are just minutes away from THE BIGGEST HOCKEY GAME IN LEAFS HISTORY*
*Since 2013
Living in North Carolina, I have to ask, just what is this NHL playoffs of which you speak?
Jusr saw it's up to 6-4 for Boston in the 3rd. Sorry Leafs fans.
Well there was a brief glimmer of hope.
Quote from: HVC on April 25, 2018, 09:20:55 PM
Well there was a brief glimmer of hope.
I realized how to put it into words today - I fucking hate the Maple Leafs organization, but I have lots of respect for the fanbase.
Quote from: Barrister on April 25, 2018, 09:11:40 PM
Jusr saw it's up to 6-4 for Boston in the 3rd. Sorry Leafs fans.
Good night, sweet prince.
I watched the Leaf game on TV yesterday, at least until the Toronto FC game started, which means I watched the first two periods. And the Leafs were up 4-3.
At halftime of the soccer game, I flipped back to the Leafs and saw the Bruins celebrating. :(
So I finished off the TFC game. At least they won. No even though they won, they lost. It's a soccer thing.
Sorry Valmy. :console:
Who will stop this Vegas train?!
San Jose game 2. :P
9 hours till puck drop in Round 2. :(
Quote from: Barrister on April 26, 2018, 08:57:27 PM
Sorry Valmy. :console:
How perfectly did that 3rd period reflect the entire history of this matchup?
'The first two goals in that five minute span were bold, brilliant. The third was astounding.'
Believe me, I noticed the Pen fan smiling at Ovie right after he scored that second goal like 'we know we are winning, this is cute Caps.' I was intensely furious in the moment to :lol:
I hate them all so very very much :mad: Pen fan fuckers.
So remember how the narrative at the start of the playoffs was that the Thrashers/Jets franchise had never won a playoff game in it's entire existence - that the two times they made the playoffs they were swept?
Now I'm seeing a similar narrative. In Winnipeg NHL history (so combining 1.0 and 2.0) the franchise made it to the second round only twice - and each time they were swept. Therefore the Winnipeg NHL Jets have never won a second round playoff game.
We shall see if that particular record can be broken tonight...
They got the Preds twice during the regular season. They should have no problem getting at least one win.
But hopefully they do a bit better than just that.
3 hours to go...
Classic jets jersey: on.
30 minutes to puck drop... :w00t:
Holy shit - Preds are definitely out-playing the Jets, but the score after 2 periods is 3-0 Jets. :unsure:
Final score: 4-1 Jets
Final shots on net: 48-19 Preds
So that's what it's like when a goalie absolutely steals you a game. Nice. I like it. :cool:
They sure as fuck better play better in game two though. :ph34r:
Told you the Jets would cross that big barrier that only a few nerds were aware of.
I gotta say - Mrs B has been super understanding about my obsessive need to watch Jets playoff hockey.
I think we let the boys stay up almost an hour past their bed time until the game was final. I didn't want to say anything... but I also didn't want to miss that third period.
We've been married 11+ years. We have disagreements like any married couple, but sometimes I feel grateful like "my wife really gets me! - and my need to watch the Winnipeg Jets" :wub:
I was right about Sharks and GK!
90 minutes to game two!
After Friday's game I really can't predict a win. But really... taking the first two on the road would be massive...
That did my heart good!
Jets-Preds going to overtime...
Ok now win this thing Caps.
What a hell of a game. Jets go down 3-0 in the first period, storm back with 3 goals in the first 5 minutes or so of the second. They take the lead late in the second. Preds come back to tie it up, but Jets score one more to take the 5-4 lead. Jets also get two empty-netters for a 7-4 win, and Peg City goes wild tonight.
Excited to see the Caps do well tonight. Game 4 in both series will be critical.
THIS IS IT! THIS IS THE YEAR!! I know this time everything is going to work out this time. The Pens are not coming back I tells you!
'What could go wrong?'
And of course we have another controversial hit. This one is even weaker sauce than last year.
Maybe your prediction of a Caps-Jets finals is indeed destined to come to pass :hmm: Do we dare to dream BB?
Because BB never responds to any Facebook tags or message, I am forced to come here ;)
Watch this guys:
Did I tell you or not the Knights would be competitive this year? Ah! They exceeded my expectations (and frankly, everyone's expectations :D )
The Pens are still missing Hagelin and Aston-Resse, but Malkin should be coming back.
The Caps don't stand a chance.
I still have a bottle of very locally made (my dad's trees, for the most part, right next to my door) maple syrup to trade for some great texan chili. ;)
Unfortunately, it seems I would be raided by DHS, FBI, CIA and ICE if I tried to ship this to you in this current plastic container. I could cross the border with it and send it from some Maine postal office though. But I don't have a passport to cross the border, so I'm still having issues with trigger happy ICE agents. Plus, I don't want to wreck my car, bullets can make such a mess on my paint job :P.
So really, the Pens must win. :D
Quote from: viper37 on May 02, 2018, 11:52:29 AM
Because BB never responds to any Facebook tags or message, I am forced to come here ;)
Still don't know what to make of Vegas. I've been discounting them all season, but I've stopped now. They are a bona fide contender to win the friggin Stanley Cup this year.
But seriously guys, if you like hockey just a tiny bit, you need to be watching this Jets-Preds series. The last two games have just been fantastically entertaining hockey to watch.
Quote from: viper37 on May 02, 2018, 11:52:29 AM
The Caps don't stand a chance.
:ultra: :ultra: :ultra:
It's all true :weep:
Quote from: Barrister on May 02, 2018, 12:04:56 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 02, 2018, 11:52:29 AM
Because BB never responds to any Facebook tags or message, I am forced to come here ;)
You asked me via PM to add you on my FB. I did. I keep tagging you on english subjects and hockey clips and you never respond. I sent you something about the Jets via Messenger a couple of months ago, you never responded either. :)
Still don't know what to make of Vegas. I've been discounting them all season, but I've stopped now. They are a bona fide contender to win the friggin Stanley Cup this year.
I tought they would make it to the 1st round, and lose in 5 or 6 games. Nobody expected them to be competitive in the 2nd round. :)
But seriously guys, if you like hockey just a tiny bit, you need to be watching this Jets-Preds series. The last two games have just been fantastically entertaining hockey to watch.
Sure. I can totally watch a frigging hockey game at 22h00, go to bed at 1:00am, maybe 2:00am if there's OT and wake up at 6:00 for work every day for 2 months in the spring :)
It's not that I don't want to watch them, it's that there's this thing called "timezone" that affects my hockey viewing. And available time to. I do work a lot more than usual for this time of the year, so I even often miss the eastern hockey games. :)
Quote from: viper37 on May 02, 2018, 01:47:26 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 02, 2018, 12:04:56 PM
Quote from: viper37 on May 02, 2018, 11:52:29 AM
Because BB never responds to any Facebook tags or message, I am forced to come here ;)
You asked me via PM to add you on my FB. I did. I keep tagging you on english subjects and hockey clips and you never respond. I sent you something about the Jets via Messenger a couple of months ago, you never responded either. :)
Sorry. I check FB all the time but don't post much. I'll try and remember to respond to you in future.
Sure. I can totally watch a frigging hockey game at 22h00, go to bed at 1:00am, maybe 2:00am if there's OT and wake up at 6:00 for work every day for 2 months in the spring :)
It's not that I don't want to watch them, it's that there's this thing called "timezone" that affects my hockey viewing. And available time to. I do work a lot more than usual for this time of the year, so I even often miss the eastern hockey games. :)
Umm, dude... The Jets aren't playing on the west coast. Tomorrow's game is the latest one so far, and it will start at 9:30 EDT. But some of the games have started as early as 7 EDT!
9:30PM EST for the next two games.
Only Saturday would be manageable at this time for me.
Well on the brightside the Caps cannot possibly blow a fifth two game lead to the Pens now.
Boo-urns. :thumbsdown:
I logged on to Languish expecting triumphant Valmy post.
I am teh disappointed. :(
So Instead I will post a triumphant BB post:
WOOOOOO! Fuckyah! That's what I'm talking about! YOUR Winnipeg Jets are one win away from the Western Finals! :yeah:
Quote from: Barrister on May 05, 2018, 11:47:41 PM
YOUR Carolina Hurricanes are one decade away from their last postseason appearance! :yeah:
Well obviously I enjoyed seeing those bastards put in their place BUT now I really feel that the Caps are the better team and they are about to vanquish the spectre of the Pens FOREVER*
*lulz not really.
Hope and dreams of victory...always a concerning position for a Caps fan to be in.
So Valmy, our opponents are now set - Vegas and Tampa. Now the Jets and Caps just need to make it a reality.
Two horrible, horrible franchises. Well ok the franchises might be fine. Let me restate: two horrible horrible cities full of horrible horrible people.
Ah well. Tonight occupies all my thoughts right now.
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2018, 12:15:47 AM
Two horrible, horrible franchises. Well ok the franchises might be fine. Let me restate: two horrible horrible cities full of horrible horrible people.
Yet you're rooting for a team from DC? :lmfao:
Quote from: Eddie Teach on May 07, 2018, 12:55:41 AM
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2018, 12:15:47 AM
Two horrible, horrible franchises. Well ok the franchises might be fine. Let me restate: two horrible horrible cities full of horrible horrible people.
Yet you're rooting for a team from DC? :lmfao:
Don't tar the people with the sins of the federal government. :sleep:
Quote from: Eddie Teach on May 07, 2018, 12:55:41 AM
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2018, 12:15:47 AM
Two horrible, horrible franchises. Well ok the franchises might be fine. Let me restate: two horrible horrible cities full of horrible horrible people.
Yet you're rooting for a team from DC? :lmfao:
What's your point Eddie? :hmm: :unsure:
If only Fleury could have been this good between 2010-2015. Crosby would have 2-3 more cups.
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2018, 07:54:37 AM
Quote from: Eddie Teach on May 07, 2018, 12:55:41 AM
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2018, 12:15:47 AM
Two horrible, horrible franchises. Well ok the franchises might be fine. Let me restate: two horrible horrible cities full of horrible horrible people.
Yet you're rooting for a team from DC? :lmfao:
What's your point Eddie? :hmm: :unsure:
Name a Tampa resident as horrible as Donald Trump.
RIP Sharks.
Go Jets?
In my defense Reagan was President when I became a fan and Trump lost DC by 70 points :P
Congrats valmy.
Shame you'll end up losing to Vegas though :P
Gratz V. I hope you were watching tonight.
Boo on the Jets-Preds result. I feel like the effort was about equal, but Preds just got some bounces and took the very early lead and hung on to it. Game was closer than the 4-0 score at present (with 2:00 minutes left in the game).
:yeah: :yeah: :yeah:
I have waited for so long for this day...I...I am very very drunk.
Quote from: HVC on May 07, 2018, 09:09:13 PM
Congrats valmy.
Shame you'll end up losing to Vegas though :P
Worth it. Zero shits given.
Quote from: Valmy on May 07, 2018, 11:58:25 PM
Quote from: HVC on May 07, 2018, 09:09:13 PM
Congrats valmy.
Shame you'll end up losing to Vegas though :P
Worth it. Zero shits given.
Man the air just seems a bit fresher. Colors seem a bit more vibrant. The sun seems a bit warmer. The world is magical and full of joy now that the vile Pens have been vanquished.
However tonight it is the time for the Jets to put Canada back into the conference finals.
Quote from: Valmy on May 09, 2018, 06:45:46 PM
Man the air just seems a bit fresher. Colors seem a bit more vibrant. The sun seems a bit warmer. The world is magical and full of joy now that the vile Pens have been vanquished.
However tonight it is the time for the Jets to put Canada back into the conference finals.
:secret: Tomorrow is the night...
Yeah I realized that when I got home last night and went online to see how the game was going :P
I hope the Jets win tonight!
I'm feeling the tension. This may be the biggest hockey game in Winnipeg history since the 1970s.
:yeah: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:
8 wins down, 8 to go. :ph34r:
By the way, serious props to Nashville. During the handshake line, they played the Top Gun theme quietly in the background.
So fucking pumped to take on Vegas!
By the way, I can't wait for the annual bumping of the "See I Told You So" thread. :ph34r:
The mountain gets a bit steeper at this point.
May the hockey gods save us from a Vegas-Tampa Stanley Cup Finals.
Quote from: Valmy on May 11, 2018, 12:02:26 AM
The mountain gets a bit steeper at this point.
May the hockey gods save us from a Vegas-Tampa Stanley Cup Finals.
Let me say I am NOT TAKING VEGAS LIGHTLY! I discounted them all year, but no longer.
But that being said I was more afraid of Nashville than I was Vegas (though I am afraid). I am by no means just sitting quietly and expecting the Jets to move on.
I don't know if you remember this V, but back in either 2012, or maybe 2013, the Jets were close to the playoff line... but they had back-to-back games against the Caps late in the season (with the Caps being division rivals). Win both, and the Jets were looking pretty. Of course, the Caps win both and effectively end the Jets season. I would like nothing more at this point than a Caps-Jets Cup final.
The Western Final is a pretty nice set up. Win-win for me.
I'm happy for BB and I'm happy for the Jets
But I will be bitter if this June's parade will be on Portage and Main and not Yonge.
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2018, 12:14:55 AM
I don't know if you remember this V, but back in either 2012, or maybe 2013, the Jets were close to the playoff line... but they had back-to-back games against the Caps late in the season (with the Caps being division rivals). Win both, and the Jets were looking pretty. Of course, the Caps win both and effectively end the Jets season. I would like nothing more at this point than a Caps-Jets Cup final.
Yeah but those were the regular season Caps, a totally different team than the post-season Caps.
Quote from: Valmy on May 11, 2018, 09:28:11 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2018, 12:14:55 AM
I don't know if you remember this V, but back in either 2012, or maybe 2013, the Jets were close to the playoff line... but they had back-to-back games against the Caps late in the season (with the Caps being division rivals). Win both, and the Jets were looking pretty. Of course, the Caps win both and effectively end the Jets season. I would like nothing more at this point than a Caps-Jets Cup final.
Yeah but those were the regular season Caps, a totally different team than the post-season Caps.
Well these are apparently a totally different post-season Caps team than in years past...
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2018, 10:36:56 AM
Well these are apparently a totally different post-season Caps team than in years past...
The jury is still out on that part :ph34r:
Caps win game 1. :ph34r:
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2018, 11:27:26 PM
Caps win game 1. :ph34r:
Tonight we're going to party like its 199...8!
Quote from: Valmy on May 12, 2018, 12:56:11 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2018, 11:27:26 PM
Caps win game 1. :ph34r:
Tonight we're going to party like its 199...8!
You do realize that the Winnipeg comparables go back to the 1970s, right? It's funny - this weekend has a re-union of the 1978 AVCO championship winning Jets, complete with a Bobby Hull appearance. Apparently they have re-scheduled the dinner over to a lunch, so that everyone can watch the game tonight.
So I'm just guessing, but there should be a fun TV commercial time-out with a huge cheer to the Hot Line of Hull - Hedberg - Nilsson.
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2018, 01:48:10 AM
You do realize that the Winnipeg comparables go back to the 1970s, right?
I don't think the Caps have any league championships to compare that to :hmm:
Winnipeg has three.
Quote from: Valmy on May 12, 2018, 05:26:33 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2018, 01:48:10 AM
You do realize that the Winnipeg comparables go back to the 1970s, right?
I don't think the Caps have any league championships to compare that to :hmm:
Winnipeg has three.
Thank you for recognizing Winnipeg has three professional league championships to it's name. :hug:
What an awesome game tonight. My boys just dominated Vegas. :ph34r:
I of course expect a big push-back on Monday.
Hoping the Jets can put the Knights to sleep quickly and painfully. I have a co worker who is gloating CONSTANTLY about the GK defeating the Sharks and I need to see him get his comeuppance. :ph34r:
Quote from: Barrister on May 12, 2018, 09:19:03 PM
What an awesome game tonight. My boys just dominated Vegas. :ph34r:
The Caps crushed the Lightning tonight...starting to get excited. Your crazy prediction might come true.
Jets couldn't do it today, but that's okay. I'm confident they'll still take down these meddlesome knights.
Beeb, do you have an opinion on the "True North" controversy (such as it is)?
Quote from: Jacob on May 15, 2018, 01:16:40 AM
Beeb, do you have an opinion on the "True North" controversy (such as it is)?
I have no idea what you mean.
I'm not saying there is no controversy - it is always possible I live deep within a Jets fandom bubble - but I just can't even conceive what you're talking about.
So last night was the first one of the playoffs where I absolutely couldn't sit down to watch even a portion of the game live. It was an early start and I had to coach Andrew's soccer team. But oh well - all through the regular season I would just watch the games after the boys went to bed. I just avoid social media and have score notifications turned off.
So I sit down last night after the boys are in bed, turn on the NHL App on my Apple TV - and some how score notifications are "on". I immediately see the score - and the Jets lost. :(
I don't know of any True North controversy.
While True North claims to have a bearing purely north their bearing actually veers slightly to the Northwest!
I guess it's not much of a controversy if none of you have heard of it :lol:
So - according to my Facebook feed - Winnipeg Jets fans (a few/ some/ many?) have taken to shout out "True North" during the national anthem (to support the company that brought back the Jets/ because they think it's cool?).
The "controversy", such as it is, is whether it's just a harmless display of exuberance by enthusiastic fans or an offensive display of disrespect for the national anthem belittling the sacrifice of those who have fought and died...etc.
... though on a quick google it appears the story is actually from 2017... so... uh... I guess it's resolved one way or the other?
Quote from: Jacob on May 15, 2018, 02:12:12 PM
I guess it's not much of a controversy if none of you have heard of it :lol:
So - according to my Facebook feed - Winnipeg Jets fans (a few/ some/ many?) have taken to shout out "True North" during the national anthem (to support the company that brought back the Jets/ because they think it's cool?).
The "controversy", such as it is, is whether it's just a harmless display of exuberance by enthusiastic fans or an offensive display of disrespect for the national anthem belittling the sacrifice of those who have fought and died...etc.
... though on a quick google it appears the story is actually from 2017... so... uh... I guess it's resolved one way or the other?
So, I hung out for several years on a "Return of the Jets" forum on the internet. Why do you think I was so adamant about the topic back then? It of course hit it's peak in the summer of 2011 when the Jets came back. The city was beside itself with excitement. Anyways, one poster on that web forum (not me) posted a suggestion that "to say thanks to Chipman and his company, True North Sports and Entertainment, we should shout the words "True North" during the anthem". A bunch of people thought that was a good idea, so at the very first pre-season game somewhere from a few dozen to a couple hundred people did just that. It rapidly grew from there to the point that just a few weeks later, at the regular season opener, most of the audience did it.
And they've been doing it ever since. A fun game for those watching Jets games on the road is to listen for the "True North" chant, to see how many fans they have in the arena.
It's been almost universally supported. But yes, there's always someone who has to be contrarian. Yes, some say it's disrepectful to the anthem and the country. Although various US franchises fan bases will do the same, for example shouting out the word "red" in "rockets red glare". And specific to Winnipeg, some complain about showing loyalty not to the team, but to the corporate owners.
But for all that, the fans keep doing it.
Here's a G&M story about the whole thing if you want (though they get the start of it wrong - they missed that internet-driven origin I retold you):
We shouldn't have anthem at sporting events.
I imagined some connection to Michael Clayton. :hmm:
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 15, 2018, 02:36:52 PM
We shouldn't have anthem at sporting events.
But that is the only time you get to sing it :(
Ok about time to turn on the game! I will see you guys on the other side!
Quote from: Valmy on May 15, 2018, 06:54:10 PM
Ok about time to turn on the game! I will see you guys on the other side!
Quote from: Valmy on May 15, 2018, 06:54:10 PM
Ok about time to turn on the game! I will see you guys on the other side!
Valmy, if you can read this from where ever you are, tell Stonewall Jackson "hi" for us.
Quote from: alfred russel on May 15, 2018, 10:00:56 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 15, 2018, 06:54:10 PM
Ok about time to turn on the game! I will see you guys on the other side!
Valmy, if you can read this from where ever you are, tell Stonewall Jackson "hi" for us.
I would tell that crazy bastard to go suck a lemon!
Anyway I lost interest at some point early in the 3rd period. I guess I should have known the Lightning would not go out like punks.
No reason to know...until after game 4.
4 games in Tampa Bay anyway, I think the Caps are in good shape.
Obviously disappointing game for the Jets faithful.
But the Jets dominated the 3rd period, with Fleury saving the Knights bacon time after time. I for one shall not give up hope.
So Caps lose, tying that series up at 2-2. Now I think the Jets have to win tonight to tie up their series as well and bring it back to the Peg. Here's hoping!
Oh, and because this is the age we live in, the Winnipeg and Las Vegas Public Libraries are involved in an all-out twitter war. :unsure:
Life is cruel and full of pain
Quote from: Valmy on May 18, 2018, 12:05:48 PM
Life is cruel and full of pain
I still have faith in my prediction.
Quote from: Barrister on May 15, 2018, 02:33:44 PM
And they've been doing it ever since. A fun game for those watching Jets games on the road is to listen for the "True North" chant, to see how many fans they have in the arena.
I forgot to mention this tidbit from game 3 in Vegas.
The Vegas anthem singer didn't sign the words "True North" during Oh Canada, letting all the Winnipeg fans in attendance shout out those words. Very classy. :thumbsup:
Stick a fork in the Jets. So Sad!
Why must you mock my pain fatmai? :cry:
Don't be sad BB. There are only 31 NHL teams, so if every team gets a turn to win a Stanley Cup, the Jets will get one in the next 31 years. Of course NHL teams don't just take turns, and as a small market team, the Jets may have to wait longer than many, but I think there is a good chance they get one in the next 50 years.
Looks like neither of the fraternal twins are gonna be happy as Caps are back to be Caps.
I don't know how I feel about first year team making it all the way to finals.
Quote from: katmai on May 20, 2018, 04:57:04 PM
I don't know how I feel about first year team making it all the way to finals.
No sir, I don't like it.
It feels conspiratorial.
Quote from: Jaron on May 20, 2018, 06:13:58 PM
It feels conspiratorial.
fleury is just playing really good
Of course they blow another two game lead. Of course they did.
Game 7 soon :w00t:
NHL should be ashamed to let an expansion team get this far.
I think it's pretty great. The GMs conned themselves.
Quote from: jimmy olsen on May 21, 2018, 11:53:57 PM
NHL should be ashamed to let an expansion team get this far.
The league should decide who goes to the finals? Sounds like a true patriots fan.
History suggests a game 7 overtime loss in the Caps future but NOT THIS TIME!!!!!11
I mean...right?
Don't worry Valmy, they'll make it to the finals :)
and then lose hahah
Quote from: HVC on May 22, 2018, 10:50:37 AM
Don't worry Valmy, they'll make it to the finals :)
and then lose hahah
Note that if they lose in 5 instead of 4 it will be officially the greatest Caps post-season EVAH!!
Ovechkin has declared game 7 to be the biggest game of his life. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!
Everything is on the shoulders of Holtby?
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 23, 2018, 08:22:29 AM
Everything is on the shoulders of Holtby?
So I'm still digesting the Jets loss last weekend, but I have seen this sentiment expressed a few times: that Winnipeg should be proud not only for getting over 20,000 people to the outdoor street party, but throughout the playoffs and even after the loss, that there were no riots and no arrests for anything more serious than intoxicated in public. :)
another year another cup where i have no team that excites me to cheer for, really in the final. ah well. i can't believe of the teams left the only one i feel nostalgia for is the Caps. i am olde.
Well here we go. I hope everybody enjoys the biggest game in Ovechkin's career.
Ok now just run out the clock :P
For the first time I can remember the Caps are making me cry with joy instead of anguish :yeah:
Suddenly it seems like anything is possible!
If only someone told you this would happen... oh wait :P
Oh my GOSH congrats Valmy! That is pretty cool! Hopefully you don't get Penguined by LV like my Sharks did a couple of years ago.
Woohoo grats Valmy!
Now crush those upstart Knights. :mad:
Quote from: Barrister on May 23, 2018, 10:00:47 PM
Woohoo grats Valmy!
Now crush those upstart Knights. :mad:
The Slayers of Sharks MUST be routed. :menace:
BB and Jaron, do you ever have dance battles?
Quote from: Eddie Teach on May 24, 2018, 12:12:45 AM
BB and Jaron, do you ever have dance battles?
Every other weekend.
Why do you ask? :huh:
Congrats Valmy, your Caps pulled it :) I didn't believe they could go that far, then again, I never believed in my wildest dreams that the Knights would go that far in the playoffs. I expected them to lose in 5 or 6 in the 1st round. :)
I am extremely pleased for Marc-André Fleury and Jonhatan Marchessault, and I shall watch each and every game of the finals.
I am extremely sorry for BB and Valmy, I love you guys, but I shall root for LV. Just to piss off Jaron. :menace: :P
Nah, I like the underdog, and I really, really like Fleury as a player. If the Pens had betted on him instead of Murray, they'd be in the finals right now :(
Go ahead and root for the TEAM OF EVIL Viper, it doesn't bother me.
It is what you do after all :P :hug:
Quote from: viper37 on May 24, 2018, 09:32:47 AM
Congrats Valmy, your Caps pulled it :) I didn't believe they could go that far, then again, I never believed in my wildest dreams that the Knights would go that far in the playoffs. I expected them to lose in 5 or 6 in the 1st round. :)
I am extremely pleased for Marc-André Fleury and Jonhatan Marchessault, and I shall watch each and every game of the finals.
I am extremely sorry for BB and Valmy, I love you guys, but I shall root for LV. Just to piss off Jaron. :menace: :P
Nah, I like the underdog, and I really, really like Fleury as a player. If the Pens had betted on him instead of Murray, they'd be in the finals right now :(
You really can't call Vegas an underdog anymore. I just checked a sports betting site - Vegas is the favourite in game 1 over Washington.
Quote from: viper37 on May 24, 2018, 09:32:47 AM
I am extremely sorry for BB and Valmy, I love you guys, but I shall root for LV. Just to piss off Jaron. :menace: :P
:lol: :P
That pregame routine was too fucking much.
Vegas sure knows how to throw a party.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 29, 2018, 07:39:15 AM
Vegas sure knows how to throw a party.
Yeah that was insufferable. Not as insufferable as the third period though.
Is the series over?
You may be right about this HVC. In every other series, even when the Caps were tripping over their sticks, I still thought they were clearly the better club. The Knights just look better than they are :hmm: I hope the Caps can somehow steal one here tonight.
Well I just have to hope they are not as good away from home.
I called a sweep a while ago to annoy you lol, but the last two Tampa game really wore the capitals down.
Ovie!!! :yeah:
Maybe they will steal one tonight!
Edit: :yeah: :yeah: :yeah:
But I know Vegas can score fast :ph34r:
Congrats valmy.
Quote from: HVC on May 30, 2018, 10:04:26 PM
Congrats valmy.
I figured it would take a miracle and the Caps got one. But they are unlikely to get three more of them so hopefully they can slow down the Knights eventually.
Now this is officially the finest post-season in Caps history. :yeah:
I am so happy I am almost delirious.
This game is pretty awesome. Clearly the Knights have been slowed down.
Now just have to grit through the third period. Hands are being wrung.
Easy win. That was the not the same Knights team from the first two games. Feeling good now.
:cheers: Valmy
Well guess I was wrong lol
I got a little emotional seeing the Caps crush the Knights last night. I remembered back in 1992 when I watched the Caps beat the Pens to go up 3-1 and I went to school the next school day telling everybody this was the year and they were going to win the Cup...and then they collapsed and boy did I get shit. I will soon be vindicated! And when I was in France in 1998 and watched the Caps get run over by the Wings in the middle of the damn night with this one Quebec guy who was there.
My family is totally laughing at me. I am probably the only hockey fan within 2,000 miles they always look at me like I am a crazy man this time of year...and especially this year. And since ESPN sucks ass now I know there are very few Sportscenter kids out there like I was, who pretty much became a fan of all sports because of that show. They just don't get the joy of enjoying the entire sports calendar.
This is the year!
When I was a kid, I was a big caps fan. I hope Kolzig shows up to the Parade & feel vindicated!
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 05, 2018, 10:01:44 AM
When I was a kid, I was a big caps fan.
But you have the historically best team in the NHL, why would you root for a crappy American team?
Quote from: Eddie Teach on June 05, 2018, 11:03:13 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 05, 2018, 10:01:44 AM
When I was a kid, I was a big caps fan.
But you have the historically best team in the NHL, why would you root for a crappy American team?
I'm a contrarian. Everyone at school was either a Red Wings or Penguins fan.
The Habs have not been worth anything for decades now. I wish it weren't so. I think they make the NHL better when they are good.
Quote from: Valmy on June 05, 2018, 11:31:48 AM
The Habs have not been worth anything for decades now. I wish it weren't so. I think they make the NHL better when they are good.
Montreal is the new Toronto. Toronto is, well, something you don't discuss in polite company.
Tomorrow is Valmy's big day!
Quote from: Jaron on June 06, 2018, 07:22:26 PM
Tomorrow is Valmy's big day!
One day to a new beginning!
The Caps will raise the cup high!
Ovie will finally be a king!
Just kidding LA he will stay a Cap
There's a new world to be winning
Now that the Pens are gone
Tomorrow we'll discover what the Gods of Hockey have in stooooore
One more dawn
One more day
Quote from: Jaron on June 06, 2018, 07:22:26 PM
Tomorrow is Valmy's big day!
He's already married. :hmm:
Valmy, you will lose the game tonight. So you can win the cup at home in game 6. So it is said, so it shall be.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 07, 2018, 09:48:38 AM
Valmy, you will lose the game tonight. So you can win the cup at home in game 6. So it is said, so it shall be.
So let it be written, so let it be done.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 07, 2018, 09:48:38 AM
Valmy, you will lose the game tonight. So you can win the cup at home in game 6. So it is said, so it shall be.
while they sing the US national anthem during a hockey game, I always wondered if Americans realized this was written at a time when Canada threatened their national security? I guess I had my answer this week. ;)
I swear to God every game in Vegas has this weird WWE feel to it.
Knights with a few good chances so far. They seem like a different team at home :hmm:
Maybe more NHL teams should go for a pro-wrestling style pre-game :P
Quote from: viper37 on June 07, 2018, 07:25:04 PM
while they sing the US national anthem during a hockey game, I always wondered if Americans realized this was written at a time when Canada threatened their national security? I guess I had my answer this week. ;)
Our President holds grudges.
Speaking of our beloved leader I wonder if the Caps will be invited to visit the White House if they win after all this shit with the Eagles. But then the Caps have lots of Russian players and maybe Trump prefers them to American athletes :P :ph34r:
I am having a hard time here guys I am so giddy I am shaking. I never thought I would see the Caps in a game to win the Stanley Cup. I have no idea how the players play games like this I would be puking in the bathroom.
Quote from: Valmy on June 07, 2018, 07:34:10 PM
Speaking of our beloved leader I wonder if the Caps will be invited to visit the White House if they win after all this shit with the Eagles. But then the Caps have lots of Russian players and maybe Trump prefers them to American athletes :P :ph34r:
Here is your answer:
Ovi is one of Putin's biggest fans (
They'll be there. ;)
I had a net preference for the 2nd period... oh well. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be :(
Off to sleep.
Well, Valmy just had an aneurysm. At least he died happy.
Congrats valmy.
Let's go Caps!!! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
Quote from: HVC on June 07, 2018, 10:13:45 PM
Congrats valmy.
Is he on the team now? :yeahright:
Quote from: PDH on June 07, 2018, 10:10:34 PM
Well, Valmy just had an aneurysm. At least he died happy.
Well I certainly do not expect to ever see that again!
I just had to soak it up. FUCK YEAH. I was leaping around screaming with my sons hanging off me. A great moment.
Quote from: Eddie Teach on June 07, 2018, 10:16:29 PM
Quote from: HVC on June 07, 2018, 10:13:45 PM
Congrats valmy.
Is he on the team now? :yeahright:
Oh FFS :lol:
Are you contractually obligated to say stuff like this?
Quote from: HisMajestyBOB on June 07, 2018, 10:14:47 PM
Let's go Caps!!! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:
:hug: I wish I could be there for the celebration I would be out all night
At least Vegas didn't win it. Congrats to Ovi and the Caps.
Quote from: Barrister on June 07, 2018, 10:30:09 PM
At least Vegas didn't win it. Congrats to Ovi and the Caps.
Thanks man. :hug:
Seeing that huge crowd by Capitol One Arena...damn I wish I was there. I know the Cap fans are going to have an amazing time in Vegas tonight to. I am going to watch TV for a few hours, have a celebratory beer, and go to bed and go to work tomorrow :lol:
As much as I tried to enjoy being miserable chokers this is going to be a nice change to the identity of the franchise.
Heh, enjoy mate. Have an extra beer on me.
Quote from: Barrister on June 07, 2018, 10:30:09 PM
At least Vegas didn't win it. Congrats to Ovi and the Caps.
Vegas winning would have been funny
Quote from: Valmy on June 07, 2018, 10:32:48 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 07, 2018, 10:30:09 PM
At least Vegas didn't win it. Congrats to Ovi and the Caps.
Thanks man. :hug:
I'm not a massive Ovi fan or anything, but you couldn't help but pull for the man in this final.
Plus I knew I had a doppelganger in Texas who would lose his mind is the Caps won. :hug:
Quote from: Valmy on June 07, 2018, 09:51:32 PM
A Danish player!
Grats to the Caps and enjoy, Valmy :cheers:
Congrats to the Caps and the long suffering Valmy. I hope one day to be in your position. I've got the long suffering part down pat. :(
Quote from: Jacob on June 07, 2018, 11:48:07 PM
A Danish player!
Jake, have you followed the career of Danish-born Winnipeg Jets player Nik Ehlers?
He's dreamy. :wub:
I wanna know, some day down the road, just what went down with the Caps winning the Stanley Cup in Las Vegas. I'm guessing there are some stories...
Quote from: Valmy on June 07, 2018, 10:38:51 PM
As much as I tried to enjoy being miserable chokers this is going to be a nice change to the identity of the franchise.
Only 4 to go :)
Congrats on your team, I haven't watched all series (not even all games against the Pens) but they were on fire. :)
Have fun :)
Quote from: Barrister on June 07, 2018, 10:58:13 PM
I'm not a massive Ovi fan or anything, but you couldn't help but pull for the man in this final.
Our team won the Stanley Cup :)
I'm not a hockey fan but I hope this makes everyone in and around DC a little happier.
Quote from: FunkMonk on June 08, 2018, 06:44:38 AM
Our team won the Stanley Cup :)
I'm not a hockey fan but I hope this makes everyone in and around DC a little happier.
I was so happy I couldn't even find any hatred in me when Gary Bettman came onto the Ice to present the Conn Smythe and the Stanley Cup. Now that is a crazy level of happiness.
Quote from: viper37 on June 07, 2018, 09:55:57 PM
Quote from: Valmy on June 07, 2018, 07:34:10 PM
Speaking of our beloved leader I wonder if the Caps will be invited to visit the White House if they win after all this shit with the Eagles. But then the Caps have lots of Russian players and maybe Trump prefers them to American athletes :P :ph34r:
Here is your answer:
Ovi is one of Putin's biggest fans (
They'll be there. ;)
Putin is definitely a jock's President. Anyway it does disturb me to be taking so much joy in something, Putin, and Donald Trump are taking so much pleasure in...but that is sports for you. :lol:
Are you buying every possible things that says "Stanley Cup Champions" Valmy?
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 08, 2018, 08:35:43 AM
Are you buying every possible things that says "Stanley Cup Champions" Valmy?
Ordered my swag before I went to bed last night :lol: :blush:
What did you get?
Just a T-shirt. That shit is expensive.
I might get the DVD later while they are still doing free shipping.
I like that for $50.00 you can get a chunk of ice that they played on during the finals :lol:
Quote from: Valmy on June 08, 2018, 08:59:11 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 08, 2018, 08:35:43 AM
Are you buying every possible things that says "Stanley Cup Champions" Valmy?
Ordered my swag before I went to bed last night :lol: :blush:
Quote from: Valmy on June 08, 2018, 09:31:16 AM
Just a T-shirt. That shit is expensive.
I might get the DVD later while they are still doing free shipping.
I like that for $50.00 you can get a chunk of ice that they played on during the finals :lol:
Lol ripping up vegas' rink as a victory celebration, savage.
After several days of watching drunk Ovechkin and the Caps (I swear to God I don't think they have had a sober moment since last week) I have to admit it still is not really settled in that they really won it. I almost don't want next season to happen.
Really crazy story out of Ottawa today - the wife of Erik Karlsson applied in court for a peace bond (a kind of restraining order) against the partner of another Senator's player, Mike Hoffman, for carrying out a campaign of online bullying and intimidation.
So Valmy, your Caps have won the Cup, but have lost their coach: Barry Trotz resigns.
Can you say, "contract dispute"
Yup - Trotz is going to get PAID on his next contract.
Trotz off to the islanders
Apparently double what the Caps were going to pay him.
I am wearing my awesome Caps championship T-shirt. I don't really care :P
Good news from the Hockey Hall of Fame? Willie O'Ree, the first black player in the NHL, is going to be inducted. :w00t:
The bad news? So is current commissioner Gary Bettman. :thumbsdown:
Might not be everyone's team ;) but that's still some nice play :)
So everything is pretty much set now. The Lightning are the Regular Season Champions and can proudly hoist the President's Cup. I only hope the Caps are filled with outrage at having their crown stolen and take vengeance in the playoffs.
The only thing yet to be determined is if the Leafs can ruin the Canadiens season tomorrow night after the Caps partially stuck a fork in them last night.
Speaking of which I was flipping through the channels last night and realize my cable package now includes the DC sports station so I could have been watching the Caps all season! DOH! Ah well. Now I know for next season.
Jets have gone on a major slump, losing 6 of the last 8. WIth the final games coming up this weekend they could finish anywhere from 1st to 3rd in the Central, and could play any of St. Louis, Nashville, or Dallas.
On the plus side with the OIlers out of it, I got three cheap tickets to watch the Oilers-Sharks game last night. For some reason when he was 5 my middle kid Andrew decided the Sharks were his favourite team, and by damn he's stuck with it. So I took him last night and despite being 6 he was right into the game the whole way through.
Quote from: Valmy on April 05, 2019, 01:14:21 PM
The only thing yet to be determined is if the Leafs can ruin the Canadiens season tomorrow night after the Caps partially stuck a fork in them last night.
I hope not. I want the fans to delight at the idea of a Stanley Cup parade on St-Catherine's street, only to see their hopes crushed in 4 games. :)
Speaking of which I was flipping through the channels last night and realize my cable package now includes the DC sports station so I could have been watching the Caps all season! DOH! Ah well. Now I know for next season.
I change cable company last spring and it is ultra complicated to get my sports channel back. I either fork 40$ for RDS (french TSN/ESPN) or lose AMC.
My friend just bought a decent tv, so I think I'm gonna watch hockey at his place for a couple of weeks ;)
Quote from: Barrister on April 05, 2019, 01:22:01 PM
Jets have gone on a major slump, losing 6 of the last 8. WIth the final games coming up this weekend they could finish anywhere from 1st to 3rd in the Central, and could play any of St. Louis, Nashville, or Dallas.
At least, they will make the playoffs and stand a good change of advancing 1 or 2 rounds :)
Quote from: viper37 on April 05, 2019, 04:37:07 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 05, 2019, 01:22:01 PM
Jets have gone on a major slump, losing 6 of the last 8. WIth the final games coming up this weekend they could finish anywhere from 1st to 3rd in the Central, and could play any of St. Louis, Nashville, or Dallas.
At least, they will make the playoffs and stand a good change of advancing 1 or 2 rounds :)
Not the way they've been playing. I'm worried about being bounced in the first round.
Well it looks like Montreal got eliminated yesterday so the very cool game they played against Toronto was meaningless. Ah well.
On to the playoffs! I look forward to the inevitable Pens vs. Caps second round matchup.
Jets at least win their final game. Onwards against the Blues!
Does CBC airs playoffs?
I am disinclined to pay 15$/month to get TVA Sports :(
Quote from: viper37 on April 09, 2019, 09:01:41 AM
Does CBC airs playoffs?
I am disinclined to pay 15$/month to get TVA Sports :(
I was going to answer, but then realized I had no idea what the French broadcast schedule is like. Do your own googling! :mad:
It doesn't really matter to me, but a lot of folks around here are excited that the Hurricanes are finally back in the playoffs.
Quote from: dps on April 09, 2019, 07:06:20 PM
It doesn't really matter to me, but a lot of folks around here are excited that the Hurricanes are finally back in the playoffs.
I am glad they have fans.
Quote from: Barrister on April 09, 2019, 09:31:36 AM
Quote from: viper37 on April 09, 2019, 09:01:41 AM
Does CBC airs playoffs?
I am disinclined to pay 15$/month to get TVA Sports :(
I was going to answer, but then realized I had no idea what the French broadcast schedule is like. Do your own googling! :mad:
He knows. TVA Sports has the exclusive rights. They show all the games.
@Viper Yes, there will be a game or 2 on CBC almost every night.
Quote from: Barrister on April 09, 2019, 09:31:36 AM
Quote from: viper37 on April 09, 2019, 09:01:41 AM
Does CBC airs playoffs?
I am disinclined to pay 15$/month to get TVA Sports :(
I was going to answer, but then realized I had no idea what the French broadcast schedule is like. Do your own googling! :mad:
I did :)
French CBC has had no sports for a while now (except Olympics).
Réseau Des Sports (RDS, French TSN) does not air playoffs.
In French, only TVA Sports has the playoffs. But I'm not a fan of their commenting.
Due to Videotron's constraints, I'm going to lose some of my english channels if I pick a sports package that include TVA Sports and all the other sports channels.
But I have CBC.
And I couldn't find an answer on their site. I figured one of you would know :)
Yeah, the one downside to the playoffs is instead of the TSN crew doing 60+ games, we get random Sportsnet crews announcing Jets games. :thumbsdown:
But on the positive side we get Scott Oake, who lives in Winnipeg and (in addition to being very good) has an obvious fondness for the Jets and their fans. :cool:
Why isn't it puck drop time already? :ultra:
In other exciting NHL news, the Canucks continued their streak of dropping down lottery picks from their ranking going into the draw.
Quote from: crazy canuck on April 10, 2019, 03:46:40 PM
In other exciting NHL news, the Canucks continued their streak of dropping down lottery picks from their ranking going into the draw.
If you don't "win" one of the top three sports, you automatically drop down. It's not like there won't be a good player available at #10.
So here's the thing about this Jets-Blues matchup.
Jets were one of the hottest teams in the league for the first half of the year, then skidded playing .500 hockey the second half, losing out on 1st place in the division. Blues were the opposite - last place in the league at one point, only to turn it on in the second half and make the playoffs.
Can the Jets just "flip a switch" and move into playoff mode? They weren't playing for much that second half. We'll start to find out tonight!
Columbus comes back from a 3-1 deficit with three goals in the 3rd period to beat Tampa 4-3! :o
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2019, 08:59:16 PM
Columbus comes back from a 3-1 deficit with three goals in the 3rd period to beat Tampa 4-3! :o
Heck, it was 3-0 after 1. Go Jackets!!! :wub:
I am glad the Jackets put the usurpers in their place!
Jets lose 2-1. :(
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2019, 10:03:03 PM
Jets lose 2-1. :(
I saw :console:
I am a little baffled and confused by the idea of the Blues not being horrible. Clearly something weird happened in the second half of the season for them.
Quote from: Valmy on April 10, 2019, 10:45:35 PM
Quote from: Barrister on April 10, 2019, 10:03:03 PM
Jets lose 2-1. :(
I saw :console:
I am a little baffled and confused by the idea of the Blues not being horrible. Clearly something weird happened in the second half of the season for them.
I knew the Blues were going to be good and a challenge. And losing Game 1 is not the end of the world.
But what is worrying is the Blues just really outplayed the Jets in the third period, and spent nearly the entire time in the Jets zone.
Toronto wins. Start planning the parade, national media. <_<
Quote from: Barrister on April 11, 2019, 09:54:06 PM
Toronto wins. Start planning the parade, national media. <_<
Thoughts after game one:
Carolina has a very good team... :ph34r:.
with very unimpressive goaltending :yeah:
I mean unless the Caps just shot unusually awesomely last night. Sometimes it is hard to tell.
Quote from: Barrister on April 11, 2019, 09:54:06 PM
Toronto wins. Start planning the parade, national media. <_<
No love for that...other Canadian team...
Quote from: Barrister on April 11, 2019, 09:54:06 PM
Toronto wins. Start planning the parade, national media. <_<
Quote from: Valmy on April 12, 2019, 07:54:43 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 11, 2019, 09:54:06 PM
Toronto wins. Start planning the parade, national media. <_<
No love for that...other Canadian team...
The Calgary Flames? A little bit. :)
My favourite part of tonight's game is when Dustin Byfuglien scored a goal by banking a shot off the Blues goalies's head.
Go Avs!
Quote from: Barrister on April 14, 2019, 11:37:09 PM
My favourite part of tonight's game is when Dustin Byfuglien scored a goal by banking a shot off the Blues goalies's head.
My favorite part was those IMPOSTERS, those PRETENDERS, to the Caps rightful title as best regular season NHL franchise embarrassing themselves against the Blue Jackets.
Did someone else watch game 2 of Sharks v Goldenrods? Incredible first period with three soft goals scored by the Knights, then San Jose fighting their way back to 3-3, momentum building up to climactic proportions from the comeback. They come out for the second and Sharks almost immediately score 4-3, building explodes, but play is called off before that and Couture gets a minor for goalie interference (so no challenge) which left everyone in disbelief. Stone predictably scores on the Vegas power play instead.
I really think the series was decided by that single call. Goal allowed, Sharks have superior momentum and the edge. Now, completely deflated.
Tampa Bay out here destroying everyone's playoff pools / bracket chances.
Quote from: Valmy on April 15, 2019, 10:26:46 AM
Quote from: Barrister on April 14, 2019, 11:37:09 PM
My favourite part of tonight's game is when Dustin Byfuglien scored a goal by banking a shot off the Blues goalies's head.
My favorite part was those IMPOSTERS, those PRETENDERS, to the Caps rightful title as best regular season NHL franchise embarrassing themselves against the Blue Jackets.
I still have your maple syrup in my freezer, from that Pittsburgh bet :P
Toronto - Boston.
Half of 2nd period, 1-1 in a series that is 1-1, with shots on goal 23-20.
"Oh, wow! This series is really tied! It could go both ways now!"
Take a phone call. Back to the game. 3-1 Toronto. Leave the game again for a few min, 3-2, shots 26-26. Good game :)
...And just like that, Toronto suddenly looks like a joyful place to live in... :P
Look Ovechkin, I want you to beat the hell out of the Hurricanes figuratively not literally.
That was the only entertaining thing about that game. The Canes have outplayed the Caps for the most part it was just in games 1 and 2 their goal tender let them down. Not tonight.
Quote from: Valmy on April 15, 2019, 09:27:53 PM
Look Ovechkin, I want you to beat the hell out of the Hurricanes figuratively not literally.
That was the only entertaining thing about that game. The Canes have outplayed the Caps for the most part it was just in games 1 and 2 their goal tender let them down. Not tonight.
What the hell - two Russian players get in a fight? In the playoffs?
JACKETS!!!! :wub:
:punk: Almost went to that game.
Quote from: derspiess on April 16, 2019, 09:19:49 PM
:punk: Almost went to that game.
It looked and sounded like it was an amazing game to be at. The crowd was super into it.
The Pens are also out. Huh. No Caps-Pens second round series for the first time since 2015.
Flames eat shit and die. It was in the cards for them all along, their strong Western conference standing based on wins in and against a weak division. Their best players didn't show up and their supposedly worst (Smith) did. Next year won't be a next step forward for them, they have bigger questions to answer.
I am hoping for better things now that we are headed back to DC.
I'd like to see a Leafs-Islanders third round match up for the Tavares drama. :ph34r:
Plus the Isles should be a weaker playoff team than the Caps. :sleep:
Well what the fuck was that?!?
So... how long till CFL season?
Ok well I am glad game 7 is back on F street.
The Preds are now gone as well.
The Lightening, The Jets, The Flames...all gone.
The Sharks and Caps are next on the high seed chopping block. The Bruins better be sweating.
I am glad the Bruins pulled it out. Boston had not seen a major postseason victory in a few days since the Celtics swept the Pacers and they were due to end the drought.
Quote from: Valmy on April 24, 2019, 07:26:22 AM
I am glad the Bruins pulled it out. Boston had not seen a major postseason victory in a few days since the Celtics swept the Pacers and they were due to end the drought.
Bah. Boring sports are not much concern to me.
I am glad Boston wins when they thrash the Habs, but this... feels like an empty victory. I mean, Toronto, yeah, ok, I guess there's this part of me that is still Canadian and want to hate Toronto... But it's so distant, it's like it doesn't matter, it's like hearing about victory or losses of the Canadian lacrosse team at the Olympics over Kazakstan... ;)
I don't hate Toronto... I just hate the Toronto-based national sports media gushes over the Leafs whenever they are remotely relevant.
I am glad Boston is around to not be insufferable then
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2019, 11:58:23 AM
I don't hate Toronto... I just hate the Toronto-based national sports media gushes over the Leafs whenever they are remotely relevant.
Montreal has the same problem.
Anyone else joining the Jackets Bandwagon? :)
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on April 24, 2019, 03:09:22 PM
Anyone else joining the Jackets Bandwagon? :)
Yes. :)
Another dad at my kid's school who I've gotten to know is an Oilers fan, but he lived in Columbus for several years (I think he was getting his PhD from some school there), so we text back and forth during hockey games, and he's got me jumping on the bandwagon.
Plus I like the "all in" approach the GM took. Not sure it was smart, but it's entertaining. :)
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on April 24, 2019, 03:09:22 PM
Anyone else joining the Jackets Bandwagon? :)
I mean I wouldn't be sad if the Bruins lost or anything.
Sorry V. :hug:
Man, this really is the crazy season of the Stanley Cup playoffs.
Quote from: Barrister on April 25, 2019, 12:12:41 AM
Sorry V. :hug:
Man, this really is the crazy season of the Stanley Cup playoffs. was pretty obvious they were better than the Caps from game 1, I just hoped their shitty goal tending on the road would carry the Caps to victory. Not to be.
I'm sorry for it but I think I want the Boston teams to complete the Ultimate Grand Slam.
MLB - Winner
NFL - Winner
NBA - 2nd Round
NHL - 2nd Round
Quote from: Barrister on April 24, 2019, 11:58:23 AM
I don't hate Toronto... I just hate the Toronto-based national sports media gushes over the Leafs whenever they are remotely relevant.
To be honest, Beeb, i know what you mean. Even during the intermission in one of yesterdays games, they were still going on about Toronto. I could see why everyone else is annoyed.
So not NHL, but hockey related...
One of my colleagues in the office is also a hockey dad. He's an interesting guy, former police who went to law school. We're not super close because we're both more busy in out-of-work stuff (like our kids), but I have gone to him a few times for "hockey dad" kind of advice. His kid plays goal at a high level for a high school prep team (Northern Alberta Xtreme if you must know).
Anyways, his kid is 14, and WHL draft eligible. Apparently scouts have been sniffing around, but no guarantees. So I saw him in court, he tried to play it off but you could tell he's a bit anxious about what might happen. And now I've been checking the WHL draft listings every once in awhile just to see if his kid gets picked up or not.
And, by the way, yes - it is kind of insane to be drafting 14 year olds.
So Edmonton Oilers announce Ken Holland as their new GM.
For those who don't know him, Ken Holland was the GM of the Detroit Redwings for 22 years, winning 3 Stanley Cups (and won a 4th as an assistant GM). He was pushed upward earlier this year to make room for Steve Yzerman, a Hall of Fame player with the Redwings who has been GM of Tampa for 8 years until he stepped down to "spend more time with family" (he's maintained a residence in Detroit the entire time).
Holland apparently wasn't ready to retire just yet.
The argument against Holland is that he won most of his cups in the pre-cap era, where Detroit could just spend their way out of any problem. But with that kind of track record he certainly has to be respected. Interesting to see how this turns out.
Goodbye, Jackets. :cry: I really, really hope karma comes back to bite the Bruins. Two intentional hits to the head of Jackets players with little to repercussions. Unacceptable. Be better, NHL. Also, I hope very bad things happen to Brad Marchand in particular. Saying he's rehabilitated is like saying Lex Luthor or The Joker is rehabilitated.
As a Caps fan I see nothing wrong with physical play.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 25, 2019, 07:59:38 AM
I'm sorry for it but I think I want the Boston teams to complete the Ultimate Grand Slam.
MLB - Winner
NFL - Winner
NBA - 2nd Round
NHL - 2nd Round
The Celtics look to be ruining your dreams GF.
It just wasn't meant to be. Plus, you know, cheering for Boston teams really sucks.
Pretty good chance I'll have my yonge street parade after all, just not in the sport I would prefer it to be.
Probably won't go down to it, be pretty dangerous....lots of black pipple after all.
Quote from: Josephus on May 31, 2019, 08:09:49 AM
Pretty good chance I'll have my yonge street parade after all, just not in the sport I would prefer it to be.
Probably won't go down to it, be pretty dangerous....lots of black pipple after all. would get to hang out with Drake.
Ok let's not go nuts. Congrats to Toronto for winning game 1, but Golden State is still most likely going to win this series.
Quote from: Josephus on May 31, 2019, 08:09:49 AM
Pretty good chance I'll have my yonge street parade after all, just not in the sport I would prefer it to be.
Probably won't go down to it, be pretty dangerous....lots of black pipple after all.
It's just one game! :bleeding:
Quote from: Barrister on May 31, 2019, 09:24:11 AM
Quote from: Josephus on May 31, 2019, 08:09:49 AM
Pretty good chance I'll have my yonge street parade after all, just not in the sport I would prefer it to be.
Probably won't go down to it, be pretty dangerous....lots of black pipple after all.
It's just one game! :bleeding:
I suspect the point of the post was to poke fun at the racial issues involved in the two sports' fandoms, not really to overestimate the chances of the Toronto team winning. :lol:
Wait, Drake doesn't attend Leafs games? :o
Quote from: Malthus on May 31, 2019, 09:44:55 AM
Quote from: Barrister on May 31, 2019, 09:24:11 AM
Quote from: Josephus on May 31, 2019, 08:09:49 AM
Pretty good chance I'll have my yonge street parade after all, just not in the sport I would prefer it to be.
Probably won't go down to it, be pretty dangerous....lots of black pipple after all.
It's just one game! :bleeding:
I suspect the point of the post was to poke fun at the racial issues involved in the two sports' fandoms, not really to overestimate the chances of the Toronto team winning. :lol:
I went to one Raptors game, several years ago, a comp ticket. Man, and I thought the music at Leafs games was annoying...this was just dreadful.
My dad used to get courtside tickets in his old job and invited me sometimes when I was in my early 20s. I have no interest in basketball and I suspect rarely were courtside tix ever more of a waste.
I basically used thrm as an opportunity to drink overpriced beer and ogle the girls' asses in those tight Lululemons.
Quote from: Valmy on May 31, 2019, 09:46:42 AM
Wait, Drake doesn't attend Leafs games? :o
He's not on that payroll.
Yeah, Toronto is all B-ball right now. No one is thinking hockey, it's a footnote.
"We the north" annoys me for grammatical reasons, but it's still cool to see the city getting excited even if the sport doesn't really do anything for me.
But its a Toronto team, its only a matter of time before it breaks everyone's heart
Quote from: HVC on June 04, 2019, 01:58:10 PM
But its a Toronto team, its only a matter of time before it breaks everyone's heart
They should be proud that they made Golden State play a fifth game.
Quote from: HVC on June 04, 2019, 01:58:10 PM
But its a Toronto team, its only a matter of time before it breaks everyone's heart
I think that only works for hockey.
Certainly the Argos have won multiple Grey Cups, the Blue Jays won a couple of World Series wins back in the day...
The Raptors is the only Toronto team I can really cheer for, even tho it's really weird.
I watch a lot of NBA, it's fun to finally see some success & not ending in a disappointing sweep at hand of LeBron.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 04, 2019, 02:29:57 PM
The Raptors is the only Toronto team I can really cheer for, even tho it's really weird.
I watch a lot of NBA, it's fun to finally see some success & not ending in a disappointing sweep at hand of LeBron.
I have to admit this Raptors run has increased my interest in the NBA.
Now, on a ten point scale it's gone from a 1 (complete indifference) to a solid 2 (mostly indifferent), but I am aware that the series is split at 1 game apiece, and that someone named Kahwi Leonard plays for the Raptors.
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2019, 02:13:24 PM
Quote from: HVC on June 04, 2019, 01:58:10 PM
But its a Toronto team, its only a matter of time before it breaks everyone's heart
I think that only works for hockey.
Certainly the Argos have won multiple Grey Cups, the Blue Jays won a couple of World Series wins back in the day...
Toronto Fc...cough...Toronto fc
Quote from: Josephus on June 04, 2019, 08:34:13 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2019, 02:13:24 PM
Quote from: HVC on June 04, 2019, 01:58:10 PM
But its a Toronto team, its only a matter of time before it breaks everyone's heart
I think that only works for hockey.
Certainly the Argos have won multiple Grey Cups, the Blue Jays won a couple of World Series wins back in the day...
Toronto Fc...cough...Toronto fc
And what exactly have they won?
Ah, they did win the MLS and some other stuff. Then yes, that also reinforces my point.
Anyone still in denial that there will be a parade down Yonge Street shortly?
Quote from: Josephus on June 08, 2019, 07:11:51 AM
Anyone still in denial that there will be a parade down Yonge Street shortly?
Went out last night. Friends invited me so wasn't pure bandwagoning. The atmosphere was really fun. So many people.
Lots of happy people in my hood. At work, we will serve a free breakfast Monday because of the win.
That was a pretty ugly game for TO and the players had an off shooting night too. What were the fans thinking when they cheered the injury?
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 11, 2019, 11:49:48 AM
That was a pretty ugly game for TO and the players had an off shooting night too. What were the fans thinking when they cheered the injury?
They thought it was hockey. at least they cheered after for him. Still, not a good showing.
Keep the NBA talk in the NBA thread! :mad:
Game 7 of the finals is tomorrow... :mmm:
Quote from: Barrister on June 11, 2019, 12:29:24 PM
Keep the NBA talk in the NBA thread! :mad:
Game 7 of the finals is tomorrow... :mmm:
Wait, hockey is still going on?
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 11, 2019, 12:39:22 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 11, 2019, 12:29:24 PM
Keep the NBA talk in the NBA thread! :mad:
Game 7 of the finals is tomorrow... :mmm:
Wait, hockey is still going on?
It. Never. Stops.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 11, 2019, 12:41:42 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 11, 2019, 12:39:22 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 11, 2019, 12:29:24 PM
Keep the NBA talk in the NBA thread! :mad:
Game 7 of the finals is tomorrow... :mmm:
Wait, hockey is still going on?
It. Never. Stops.
Sadly, it does stop. After the finals, we then roll right into the NHL draft on June 21, then free agent frenzy on July 1.
But after July 1, there's nothing going on in the world of hockey till September, when rookie training camps start opening up.
Unless you play summer rec hockey like me, then it truly never stops. :cool:
From a recent song by English proggers Marillion, and a song called Montreal
And inside the steel-glass building I gazed up to the trapeze
The building 30 metres tall, we watched the acrobat fall
He was quite safe
He was falling into Montreal
Down at the sports bar, the Ice Hockey never ends
Down at the sports bar, the Ice Hockey never ends
So up in my room I discovered Leonard Cohen on TV
Live in London, ain't that perfect symmetry?
It warmed the heart to watch him float around the hall
Soaking up, reflecting, radiating
Just as I would tomorrow night on the outstretched tender hands, tender hands, tender hands
Of Montreal ...
Quote from: Barrister on June 11, 2019, 12:52:55 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 11, 2019, 12:41:42 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 11, 2019, 12:39:22 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 11, 2019, 12:29:24 PM
Keep the NBA talk in the NBA thread! :mad:
Game 7 of the finals is tomorrow... :mmm:
Wait, hockey is still going on?
It. Never. Stops.
Sadly, it does stop. After the finals, we then roll right into the NHL draft on June 21, then free agent frenzy on July 1.
But after July 1, there's nothing going on in the world of hockey till September, when rookie training camps start opening up.
Unless you play summer rec hockey like me, then it truly never stops. :cool:
Only month really off is August. Lots of activities & rumors swirl all of July.
Quote from: Barrister on June 11, 2019, 12:52:55 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 11, 2019, 12:41:42 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 11, 2019, 12:39:22 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 11, 2019, 12:29:24 PM
Keep the NBA talk in the NBA thread! :mad:
Game 7 of the finals is tomorrow... :mmm:
Wait, hockey is still going on?
It. Never. Stops.
Sadly, it does stop. After the finals, we then roll right into the NHL draft on June 21, then free agent frenzy on July 1.
But after July 1, there's nothing going on in the world of hockey till September, when rookie training camps start opening up.
Unless you play summer rec hockey like me, then it truly never stops. :cool:
If you were a francophone relying exclusively on Réseau Des Sport (RDS) or TVA Sports for your sports, you would see for yourself that hockey never stops ;) Even during a football game of F1 racing tournament, they'll find a way to squeeze some insignificant news about a Canadiens player..
TVA Sports is the worse with that. Watching Memorial cup final & they spent the 1st intermission talking about the Habs! The 2nd about the NHL playoffs.
FFS, analyze the current game!
I can't believe the St Louis Blues are about to win the Stanley Cup. Who saw that coming? First the Caps curse now this.
There may be hope for the Canadian teams yet...well except Ottawa.
Good for St-Louis, because fuck Chara now and forever.
Boring game. :(
If your team has to lose in the first round, let it at least be to the eventual Champs. Good job Blues.
I feel obligated to point out that the Blues were supposed to move to Saskatoon in the early 80s. :contract:
I went for the Anyone but Boston team. So go team from Missouri. Well done.
Oscar Sundqvist won his 3rd cup in 4 years. The Maple Leafs will trade for him.
Long-time Winnipeg Jets tough-guy Chris Thorburn also wins the cup. Good for him - though I should note he only actually played in one game of the playoffs. Is that enough to get your name on the cup?
Yup - One game played is enough.
Quote from: Barrister on June 13, 2019, 12:05:27 PM
Long-time Winnipeg Jets tough-guy Chris Thorburn also wins the cup. Good for him - though I should note he only actually played in one game of the playoffs. Is that enough to get your name on the cup?
Yup - One game played is enough.
One game played is enough, but I wonder about long term injuries? Do player unable to participate in any playoff games due to injury but remaining on support/staff duty to help with training have their name on the Cup and a ring too?
no buzz on this at all. I had to google "Stanley Cup" to find out the game was played and won.
Congrats Blues *crickets*
Quote from: saskganesh on June 14, 2019, 05:57:36 PM
no buzz on this at all. I had to google "Stanley Cup" to find out the game was played and won.
Congrats Blues *crickets*
It was a fun series. I guess the Raptors overwhelmed coverage of it in Canada.
It's also hot outside, it's Summer. The NHL season and playoffs is too long and unless you're a super fan or if your team isn't in it... it's easy to get distracted. It will never happen but 10 or 12 less games in the regular season would be a good thing.
Quote from: PRC on June 14, 2019, 10:32:48 PM
It's also hot outside, it's Summer.
I must have missed it while sleeping.
( (
got a box ticket for the CIBC OHL versus Russia game in London. That should be fun
So what is Rogers going to do with the Coach's Corner slot? That slot has been owned by Don Cherry since 1982, but they did have others in that position beforehand (I think Howie Meeker once had it?).
The easiest fix would be to put Brian Burke into that position. He already works for Sportsnet, has a bombastic personality in some ways similar to Cherry, but is certainly savvier in terms of knowing what to say / what not to say.
So another hockey controversy.
Calgary Flames head coach was Bill Peters. On Monday night former player Akim Aliu posted on Twitter about a time when Peters was his head coach in the AHL back in 2009. Peters walked by Aliu in the dressing room, and said he was tired of listening to "fucking n-word shit music" (referring to the rap music Aliu was listening to). She said variations on that phrase a couple more times, then left. Aliu, of course, is black.
Aliu said he confronted the coach about it later that day, but nothing was resolved. Apparently at a practice a couple of days later Peters barked at Aliu, Aliu responded with "don't fucking talk to me", and within days Aliu (who had been having a strong season) was sent to the ECHL, an even lower level of hockey.
Peters was immediately suspended. Two team mates confirmed the story. After two days Peters issued an apology - it very much had the aroma of being written by lawyers, but it was a full apology with no weasel words.
Today Peters was fired.
I want to hear the Flames reasoning on this, but I have a bit of an issue with this. Clearly the words used in 2009 were completely unacceptable. But so far no other allegation of Bill Peters using abusive racist language has come out in public (there have been examples of him being a jerk to players, but that's kind of how certain old-school coaches roll).
But should a person be fired for a single incident (if it was a single incident) that happened years before the person was even with the organization?
Morally speaking: yes, if the behaviour passed a certain threshold. Racial abuse crosses that threshold IMO, particularly in our current day. It also significantly compromises the coach's moral authority and ability to lead in the future.
Financially speaking: yes. Marketing and sales are extremely important for a pro sports team. The organization doesn't need the drag on its brand.
Normal job, no*. A job that has to deal with PR, yeah he's getting fired every time.
*assuming the one incident years ago and never again as stipulated in the question
Peters resigned today, he wasn't actually fired - but either way he was done with the Flames.
Wound up going to the OIlers-Canes game last night.
It was kind of comical. Canes get 3 goals in the first period. Oilers do battle back and get it tied 3-3 (although the highlight of the comeback was the Oilers getting a penalty shot, then watching as McDavid comes in, bobbles the puck, and doesn't get a shot off).
Then, of course, the Canes rattle off three more, including the back-breaking 6th goal which is shot from centre ice cleanly yet Oilers goalie Koskinen doesn't stop.
Bluejackets have been on a tear basically since.. the last time someone posted here! They went from bottom of the league and time for a total rebuild to playoff contention. Just... amazing to watch. I definitely am enjoying the run, especially with having sworn off the NFL and baseball being a) out of season and b) a total shit show. Hooray for hockey! :)
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on January 23, 2020, 12:24:56 AM
Bluejackets have been on a tear basically since.. the last time someone posted here! They went from bottom of the league and time for a total rebuild to playoff contention. Just... amazing to watch. I definitely am enjoying the run, especially with having sworn off the NFL and baseball being a) out of season and b) a total shit show. Hooray for hockey! :)
You just had to post this when the Jets lose to the Jackets... :mad:
Quote from: Barrister on January 23, 2020, 01:09:44 AM
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on January 23, 2020, 12:24:56 AM
Bluejackets have been on a tear basically since.. the last time someone posted here! They went from bottom of the league and time for a total rebuild to playoff contention. Just... amazing to watch. I definitely am enjoying the run, especially with having sworn off the NFL and baseball being a) out of season and b) a total shit show. Hooray for hockey! :)
You just had to post this when the Jets lose to the Jackets... :mad:
It's not like they blew three consecutive leads and then lost. Oh. Right. :goodboy: But honestly, I didn't want to jinx it before the break. I hope the hot streak continues. Considering all the injuries they had, it is even more amazing. I was a little afraid of the return of injured players messing with the mojo that was going on, but I think Bjorkstrand in his two games back has alleviated a lot of that concern.
More than 24 hours later and the whole city of Edmonton seems to be buzzing about the Saturday Night Oilers-Flames game, which culminated in the ultra-rare goalie fight between the Oilers Mike Smith and the Flames Cam Talbot. The last goalie fight was in 2013 as far as I can tell.
What made that fight extra odd is that last season, Mike Smith played for the Flames, and Cam Talbot played for the Oilers!
A 42 year old Zamboni driver was called into action for Carolina yesterday against the Maple Leafs as the emerency goalie. After letting in his first two shots, he made 8 saves and CArolina won
There have been a lot of low points in the Laffs' most disappointing season in recent memory, but this one stands out as particularly debasing.
They got 2 goals on 10 shots on him. That's a respectable average. That they couldn't stop the Carolina train on the other end is the real problem.
Habs trade Kovalchuk and Thompson. I believe both will become free agents on July 1st, so Montreal could get them back if they both want it.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 23, 2020, 11:50:44 AM
They got 2 goals on 10 shots on him. That's a respectable average. That they couldn't stop the Carolina train on the other end is the real problem.
Respectable if you're shooting on a professional goalkeeper, not a 42 year old zamboni driver (unless he had his Zamboni parked in front of the net)
Pro goalies respectability starts at 10 saves for every goal allowed.
Quote from: Josephus on February 24, 2020, 03:26:15 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 23, 2020, 11:50:44 AM
They got 2 goals on 10 shots on him. That's a respectable average. That they couldn't stop the Carolina train on the other end is the real problem.
Respectable if you're shooting on a professional goalkeeper, not a 42 year old zamboni driver (unless he had his Zamboni parked in front of the net)
TBH, he played in the AMH and ECHL. Also, I've read he seldom replaces a goalie for the Toronto Marlies.
Stilll....he' a 42 year old amateur.
I don't get why they have emergency goalies anyway. Seems pretty stupid. Do like every other sport and dress an outfielder.
It's the general context of the Leafs' recent and disappointing suckitude that makes it much worse and heightens the shame.
If the Leafs were comparable to the the Bruins this year - which many analysts believed they would be going into this season - losing that game might have elicited a more lighthearted reaction from Leaf fans.
Quote from: Josephus on February 25, 2020, 03:06:37 PM
Stilll....he' a 42 year old amateur.
I don't get why they have emergency goalies anyway. Seems pretty stupid. Do like every other sport and dress an outfielder.
That would be even worse than a 42 year old amateur. Goalies wear completely different equipment, move in completely different ways, than regular players. Most of those pros have probably not worn goalie pads since middle school.
Looking him up, Ayers had a decent run in hockey. He played rep as a youth, even went to a couple of junior camps. It looks like he played senior men's hockey at a high level. Plus he's been working with the Toronto Marlies for the last few years and would be their fill-in goalie during practices. Heck he's even dressed for the Marlies several times (though I don't think he saw action). He even commented how he knew each of the Leaf's tendencies.
Plus, for fun, here's Ayers HockeyDB page.
Quote from: Josephus on February 25, 2020, 03:06:37 PM
Stilll....he' a 42 year old amateur.
I don't get why they have emergency goalies anyway. Seems pretty stupid. Do like every other sport and dress an outfielder.
That used to be the rule, they changed it. I don't know why.
In reading an article about the history of emergency backup goaltenders in the NHL, it finished with this gem from the 1938 Stanley Cup playoffs:
QuoteIt was April 5, 1938. Game 1 of the Stanley Cup final. Chicago Blackhawks vs. the hometown Toronto Maple Leafs.
In the afternoon, the Blackhawks learned that goalie Mike Karakas would be unable to play because of a broken big toe. For reasons that aren't entirely clear but seemed to be logical at the time, the Blackhawks brain trust was determined to replace Karakas with Dave Kerr, the gifted goalie of the New York Rangers.
To be clear, the Rangers had lost in the first round of the playoffs.
What happened next is a bit murky, but Maple Leafs owner Conn Smythe supposedly refused to give the Blackhawks permission to play Kerr. That led to a meeting with NHL president Frank Calder, who ruled that Kerr couldn't play because he had already been bounced from the playoffs.
So the Blackhawks needed a goalie, and since it was the home team's responsibility to furnish a replacement, the Maple Leafs had one ready and waiting: Alfie Moore.
That is when the controversy exploded. Apparently, the Maple Leafs had called Moore, an old minor-league goalie, and told him to bring his gear to the arena. Smythe greeted him at the entrance to Maple Leaf Gardens, carried his equipment and ushered him into a little room, where Smythe told Moore to wait.
There is one other minor detail to the story: As legend has it, Moore had spent the day buried in the bottom of pints in a Toronto tavern.
In other words, he was some version of shitfaced.
Shortly before the game, Moore was told to go to the Blackhawks locker room because he would start in goal. When Moore entered the dressing room, however, none of the Blackhawks had any idea what was going on. Kerr was getting dressed as if he was the one who was about to play.
"Right then I knew I had been made the sucker," Moore said later. "I was so mad that when Smythe poked his head into the door, I told him, 'I hope I stop every puck you fellows fire even if I have to eat the rubber.'"
If Moore was mad, Bill Stewart, the coach of the Blackhawks, was irate. The Blackhawks claimed they had no idea Kerr was ineligible until Moore showed up and told them. They believed Smythe and his right-hand man, Frank Selke, had pulled a dirty trick.
In the corridor between the two dressing rooms, Stewart saw Smythe and proceeded to berate him. Soon, Selke walked up to the argument.
"You're a liar," Stewart yelled at Selke.
"You are the guy that's always been talking about fighting everybody," Smythe said, according to a totally real-sounding quote in the next day's paper, "but you can't call my pal Selke a liar and get away with it."
So Smythe punched Stewart in the face. Stewart punched him right back in the face. They stood there punching each other in the face until a couple of former Toronto players broke it up.
Mind you, this was all before the game.
In the meantime, Moore's new Chicago teammates supposedly held him under a cold shower and forced coffee down his throat just to sober him up some.
"When we were warming up, Stewart said, 'Take it easy, don't shoot too hard. I don't want him hurt,'" recalled Johnny Gottselig in the Chicago Daily News. "But he was stopping everything, laughing, waving at his friends."
Moore wasn't laughing when the Maple Leafs scored just 1:53 into the game. It looked like a disaster, and Stewart was still fuming.
After the first period, he stood outside his dressing room and loudly talked about "the Toronto racketeers who were Smythe's bodyguards" — the two former Toronto players who broke up the fight. One of those former players, Hal (Baldy) Cotton, heard Stewart running his mouth and so he punched Stewart in the face. Stewart entered the locker room with a bruised cheek and blood running down his face, at which point he apparently gave a rather rousing pep talk.
Moore didn't allow a goal the rest of the way. The Blackhawks won, 3-1, and went on to win the Stanley Cup. Alfie Moore was a certified legend. Neither booze nor the Maple Leafs could stop him.
Many years later, a newspaperman asked him if he was, in fact, drunk that day. Moore supposedly scratched his head and said, "I've always been sorta hazy about that. I had quite a few beers that day and I just can't remember."
(Paywall for the entire article)
Love it.
The weird thing to me in this recent case, is that it was a Toronto employee and Toronto fan who played for the visiting team.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on February 27, 2020, 02:18:42 PM
The weird thing to me in this recent case, is that it was a Toronto employee and Toronto fan who played for the visiting team.
Home team supplies an EBUG to be available for either team. They have to be in the building with their gear, and if one goalie goes down the get into the dressing room and dressed, just in case.
Pretty much anyone who has played hockey as a kid dreams of playing in the NHL at some point. If you got that opportunity, even just for a few minutes, you're going to take advantage of it and play your heart out.
great story :D
Reading a little bit more about the '38 finals, apparently Alfie Moore was ruled ineligible afterwards, but the result allowed to stand.
Apparently the 1938 Blackhawks were such underdogs (their record in the regular season was 14-25-9) the league didn't even bother to have the Stanley Cup in Chicago when they clinched in game 4 (it was a best of 5 series).
The best hockey movies to binge watch (
#1 is Slap shot, of course.
Just like Shakespeare, better in its original French Canadian version ;) :P
Miracle is a great film. I like how at the end it is revealed that a bizarrely disproportionate number of players went on to work in investment banking :ph34r:
Lets say NHL comes back in July. Hardly time to play meaningful playoffs, but a shame to see the Stanley Cup go unawarded.
I want to see a "March Madness"-style 31 team single elimination tournament. 1 plays 16, 2 plays 15, etc. (obv one team gets a 1st round bye).
It would be ridiculous. It would be completely unfair. I wouldn't rule out the Red Wings or Senators from winning it all (NHL is a lot more balanced than NCAA BB). The winner would forever have an asterisk beside their win.
But tell me you wouldn't watch every game of it...
I would not watch every game of it.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on March 17, 2020, 06:12:32 PM
I would not watch every game of it.
Okay, the question kind of assumes that you have a reason to be reading the NHL thread.
Quote from: Barrister on March 17, 2020, 06:10:09 PM
Lets say NHL comes back in July. Hardly time to play meaningful playoffs, but a shame to see the Stanley Cup go unawarded.
I want to see a "March Madness"-style 31 team single elimination tournament. 1 plays 16, 2 plays 15, etc. (obv one team gets a 1st round bye).
It would be ridiculous. It would be completely unfair. I wouldn't rule out the Red Wings or Senators from winning it all (NHL is a lot more balanced than NCAA BB). The winner would forever have an asterisk beside their win.
But tell me you wouldn't watch every game of it...
I love it! This would be such an awesome alternative. The teams, at least the ones who are in or currently in the WC race would hate it... but this would be a fantastic resolution if it comes to it.
Quote from: Valmy on March 17, 2020, 11:37:18 AM
Miracle is a great film. I like how at the end it is revealed that a bizarrely disproportionate number of players went on to work in investment banking :ph34r:
yeah, great movie :)
that's a problem with modern finance, they tend to hire just anyone who can do some maths, regardless of their comprehension of the science.
Quote from: Barrister on March 17, 2020, 06:10:09 PM
Lets say NHL comes back in July. Hardly time to play meaningful playoffs, but a shame to see the Stanley Cup go unawarded.
I want to see a "March Madness"-style 31 team single elimination tournament. 1 plays 16, 2 plays 15, etc. (obv one team gets a 1st round bye).
It would be ridiculous. It would be completely unfair. I wouldn't rule out the Red Wings or Senators from winning it all (NHL is a lot more balanced than NCAA BB). The winner would forever have an asterisk beside their win.
But tell me you wouldn't watch every game of it...
I read something about a first round being 3 of 5 but involving 12 teams on each side, with the top 2 teams on each division going straigth to round 2.
So it would be Penguins-Montreal and so following.
In another place, they talked of having positions 7&8 determined by one game with each of the first 4 teams in the wild cards. The game would be played on the ice of the team with the most point.
I think we should do the opposite. Top 8 only, 1 vs 8 scheme.
So the NHL has been floating a plan on trying to finish off it's full season, and a full playoffs.
The idea is to find 4 cities (1 for each division) where the containment conditions have eased (but they don't expect a full lifting). All the teams from that division will hole up in a nearby hotel. They'll play up to 3 games a day at a single arena to finish out the regular season. They're talking about July-August for this. No fans, obviously.
Not sure anyone except the NHL itself really wants this. I can't imagine networks want to broadcast a whole bunch of mid-week, mid-day hockey games just so that the league doesn't have to refund any of it's broadcast or advertising revenues.
Bomani Jones said, about Baseball but it applies to all of them, what we are realizing now is that we don't need Baseball but Baseball needs Baseball.
I think he's right. This is whataboutism taken to the extreme.
Yeah, much as i was looking forward to marching down Yonge Street in June, I think it's time to call the season off. And this applies to all sports. Sports are meaningless right now. Let's call it a day, and hope we have a season next year. Take the NHL for instance. Can they play in September?
They could but September is NFL season. Don't compete against them.
Long open letter by Akim Aliu, about bullying/hazing in hockey.
Saddening. I knew some of it, but I'm still surprised by the viciousness of some acts.
Link (
QuoteYou ever fought for your life?
Like, really fought for your life?
In 2005, in a tiny arena in Windsor, Ontario, I fought for my life.
It was the year I'd left my family home in Toronto to go play hockey in the OHL. I was just a raw 16-year-old kid with a big ol' dream that he'd make it to the show one day. Nothing unusual about me, really. But from the moment I joined the Windsor Spitfires, I had a target on my back. There was this guy on the team — he was the top-prospect, future-NHL-star type that most junior teams in Canada have — and he looked at me, Akim Aliu, and chose to make my life a living hell.
First couple of practices he put Tiger Balm in my jock. Then he took my gear outside and threw it on the roof. And then he began to belittle me in front of my teammates, the coaches, whoever would listen to him. He'd make fun of my clothes, the way I spoke. He was two years older than me and a rising star, and he wielded his power over me like I was nothing — like I was subhuman.
If you've heard of me, you've heard of the hazing incident that took place that season. Thanks to this guy, that was the way I was introduced to the entire hockey world. I was the kid who wouldn't go along with it. The kid who didn't "get" the culture.
I dreamed of my parents reading in the paper back home about their son scoring a hat trick in his first game, or leading his team to the playoffs. Instead they had to hear about my refusal to strip naked and get in a bathroom in the back of the team bus with three other rookies. And, somehow, the whole issue was treated like some sort of discussion. I read headlines like, WAS WHAT HAPPENED TO AKIM ALIU WRONG?
Stripping 16-year-old boys and shoving them in bathrooms and cranking up the heat. Amusing.
One NHL player called it "amusing."
Stripping 16-year-old boys and shoving them in bathrooms and cranking up the heat.
You know what I think is amusing?
The NHL's title for their annual diversity campaign, "Hockey is For Everyone."
Makes me crack up.
Because, right now, hockey is not for everyone.
I learned that when I was 16.
That same kid — the guy who went on to play over 400 NHL games — came up to me a few days after I refused to take part in his horrific ritual and tapped me on the shoulder during a practice. I turned, and he shoved his fiberglass stick through my mouth. I lost seven teeth in half a second. Blood gushing down my chest into my pants. And that was when I knew.
Claus Andersen/Getty Images
This game, it's not for me.
It never has been.
And I knew another thing.
I had to fight for my life.
So I dropped my gloves and took part in another Canadian ritual. We fought, and I did my best to show the rest of the kids surrounding us on the ice that day that I wouldn't give up on the game.
I fought for my right to have a life that I had earned. I'd worked so hard to get on that team. My parents and brother had sacrificed their time, their ambitions, to help me succeed in hockey and get me to the OHL.
And then in my few months in Windsor, I went through hell at the hands of a racist sociopath. His name's Steve Downie. I don't really give a crap what he thinks about the way I just described him. I'd say it to his face today. He had nothing but hate in his heart back then. He looked at me and saw a black boy with a weird accent — and didn't like me because of it. I was attacked because of the color of my skin. I knew it then. And I know it even more now.
Out of everything I felt that day in Windsor — the rage, the crippling pain, the sadness — the worst part was the feeling I had right when the fight ended and I got a look at my teammates, my peers, standing in a circle, watching this go on. It felt ... tribal. Or like I was an animal in the circus. I was with all these people who were supposed to be my brothers, right? That's what hockey is all about. Brotherhood. Togetherness. Teamwork. And they just stood there. I was surrounded by the types of players I had dreamed of playing with, and I had never felt more alone.
I felt it in my gut.
I've known that feeling my entire life.
It's in my family's blood.
The purpose of this story is not to drag everyone in hockey, or the sport itself, into the mud. This is about the biggest problems facing the game I love — and how we can fix them.
I'm talking about the racism, misogyny, bullying and homophobia that permeates the culture of hockey. These issues have ramifications that most cannot — or will not — see. They are not fun to talk about. And it seems like most only want to discuss them when something drastic happens, like K'Andre Miller's horrific experience in an online Q and A a few months ago. Someone hijacked the Zoom call and called him the n-word over and over again through the chat feature.
He's 20 years old, goddammit.
Breaks my heart.
There was a lot of discussion, of course, around the league about how to move forward from such an incident. To be fair, I think the league has made positive steps regarding what happened. The NHL, though, is not hockey. It's a hockey league, but hockey is its own thing. The NHL has its own prerogatives and its own sets of people to serve. From owners, to shareholders and all those behind the scenes, it feels like the essence of what the game should be has been forgotten by so many inside the NHL head office.
Though it has handled some things fine, I believe the league has a long way to go before it can be a proper leader in the fight for equality.
And you know the first thing that came to my mind when I heard about what had happened to K'Andre?
For every vocal racist, there's a thousand silent ones.
Man, that was a hockey fan who did that.
Who else is joining a Zoom call for a prospect? That was a hockey fan who said those things. And he or she was just the only one stupid enough to actually go and say that terrible word. For every vocal racist, there's a thousand silent ones.
I can imagine that as K'Andre saw those words in the chat, he felt that feeling that anyone who has been a victim of a racial attack knows all too well.
He probably felt alone.
For me, after I was attacked in 2005, I remember sitting in the locker room thinking about my father.
I remembered one day in particular, in 1996, in Kyiv, where I grew up. It was just before we moved to Canada. It was a regular day, I was about seven, and I was doing homework at the kitchen table, I think. My mom, dad, brother and I all lived in an old apartment that couldn't have been more than 500 square feet. Tiny. Cramped. Cold. It was just the way they used to build them back in the Soviet Union.
My dad came in through the front door, and I could see he was crying. He had nowhere to hide. He had to cry in front of his seven-year-old son.
Courtesy of Akim Aliu
He told me that the police had stopped him on his way home the day before for no reason. They asked for his passport and a bribe to stop them from arresting him, despite his having done nothing wrong. He refused, so they strip-searched him, robbed him of all his cash and arrested him so he had to spend the night in jail. We barely had any money at the time, too. I couldn't really grasp what had happened. I was just sad. My dad was in pain, I knew that. But there's nothing you can do about it. I learned what an isolating thing it was to experience something like that.
I remember though, a few days later when he was feeling better, he sat my brother and me down.
"No matter what happens, your mother and I are going to build a better life for the both of you. No matter what."
He had met my mom in Kyiv at university where he was on a scholarship that was for equal parts track and academics. He was a boy from Nigeria who fell in love with a girl from Ukraine during the '80s. Going through an experience like that, and raising two black boys in neighborhoods where there weren't any other minorities? That's what made it so difficult, my dad would tell me. There was no community to support him, nobody else who had any idea what he was going through. That will give you some perspective on life. And it will show you the hate that exists in the world. Our parents protected us, as best they could, from all of it.
Eventually, they got us to that better life with the help of my grandfather on my mother's side. And to get his help, that was a huge deal.
You see, he was a tough guy. He flew fighter jets for the Soviet Union back in the '60s and '70s. He didn't approve of his daughter's relationship with my dad at first. He refused to come to their wedding because my dad was black. But as years passed, and my grandfather eventually got to know my dad, and his grandchildren more and more, something in his heart changed.
And when my parents needed money to start a life in Canada in 1997, my grandfather sold the apartment that had been given to him after his military career ended. We used that money to start over in a far away country. Now, my grandfather is best friends with my dad and incredibly close with my brother and me.
I knew it had been the right decision to move, but adjusting to our new life was so hard. Everything was different. I cried a lot. I was a black boy who only spoke Russian. You should have seen the looks I used to get from kids and parents.
I had to go into the English as a Second Language program at our school in Parkdale. The way kids saw other kids who were going through ESL? Man, some children can be so nasty. There were certain kids who treated me like I was mentally disabled or something. And you get segregated into different parts of the school like you don't belong. In reality, I could read and do math at a higher level than most of the kids who called me "FOB" (meaning "fresh off the boat") from across the parking lot — I just did it in Russian.
The transition was difficult for my whole family.
Courtesy of Akim Aliu
Back then we lived near Dundas and Dufferin in Toronto. Dad delivered pizzas during the day and worked as a security guard at night. Mom cleaned rooms at the Westin Prince Hotel, on the corner of York Mills and Don Mills roads in North York. We struggled to make ends meet.
So when I started to get into hockey, we couldn't actually afford for me to play on a team. I found a pair of skates at a yard sale just down the street from our apartment for nine dollars. They were all-leather beauties. They didn't fit quite right, but man, they felt good. I went down to Trinity Bellwoods Park most days after school in the winter and skated on the rink there. I got so damn hooked.
The speed, the agility, the cold air on your face.
There's really nothing like it.
And the thing in Canada is, skating is the language everyone can speak.
You do a crossover, or skate backwards well?
All of sudden you're approachable, all of sudden you're one of them. I felt that.
I fell in love with the game and forced my parents to find a way to let me play. I wore the cheapest equipment, used old wooden sticks instead of the new fiberglass ones. None of it mattered because I was playing — I was a part of something. I was Canadian.
You do a crossover, or skate backwards well? All of sudden you're approachable, all of sudden you're one of them.
But Canada is a big place with all sorts of people. And lots of people who don't look like me or my dad. When I was 11, at a tournament in Quebec, I saw a part of Canada I didn't know existed.
I can still hear this guy's voice in my head. He had that French Canadian accent.
"How many times are we going to let this n***** score?"
His voice just punched through the air in the rink. I heard him as clear as day.
And nothing happened, really. The game went on, none of my teammates or coaches said anything to me. I didn't expect them to. I didn't fully understand the weight of what had just happened. I just looked up and down the bench. I was the only black boy.
I felt alone.
When Bill Peters looked me in the eye in 2009 in our Rockford IceHogs locker room, and said that same word I'd heard in Quebec — over and over in front of me and my teammates just because he didn't like my choice of music — it was that same familiar feeling.
Surrounded by teammates. Surrounded by the boys. But completely alone.
I felt like I was on the ice in Windsor looking for my teeth.
I felt like I was in Quebec, looking into the stands.
I felt like I was sitting in the kitchen in Kyiv, watching my father cry.
The way he used that word, he completely stripped me of my humanity.
To him, I was nothing.
He made that immensely clear.
AHL coaches have an incredible amount of power. NHL coaches are so busy that I'd be willing to bet that the majority of them barely have time to watch more than five AHL games in a season. So they rely heavily on the word of their minor league coaches about who is playing well and who deserves to be called up. But sometimes, those farm-team coaches wield their power like maniacs. Every team I've ever been on, I've seen players who have no business being called up go to the next level purely based on their relationship with the coach.
Peters knew that. And it made him invincible in a sense. Jake Dowell, our team captain, confronted him after what he did to me, but there was only so much he could do. I respect Jake for even taking my side and making a stand. But he knew that to have any future in the sport — to make money and support his family — he could only push Peters so far.
And that's how it went. That's how it goes for so many players who operate in fear of the hockey machine. Even at the pro level. How many players speak out about any issues? Barely any. Everyone tiptoes around every little thing because they're petrified about being an outcast. For every player who acts a little different or has any personality whatsoever, whether it's a Henrik Lundqvist or a David Pastrnak, there are hundreds who look different and whose 'quirks' are looked down on by their coaches because they aren't white. They get told to cut the crap or get lost. So they get lost. And that's what happened to me.
Over the next few weeks I, admittedly, acted cold toward Peters. That was enough for him to send me away. He wrote a letter to the GM and got me sent down to the ECHL. I was on pace to be one of the top young scorers on the team, but that didn't matter anymore.
That was the full power of the oppressive hockey machine at work, in my opinion.
There are hundreds of coaches at all levels of hockey in Canada and the United States just like him. They operate under the pretense of absolute power.
They will pummel you mercilessly until you break, or until you give in, whichever comes first.
That, right there, is what I believe to be the crux of the problem. There is a power structure in place to turn bright, loving kids into something they were not born to be.
There is a power structure in place to turn bright, loving kids into something they were not born to be.
You think it's a coincidence that hockey players are all "robotic" in the way they speak and carry themselves?
No. They are products of a machine. And part of what that machine does is create tribalism amongst young players. Some of those kids in Windsor had hate in their hearts, yes, but they were allowed to act on it because they had been told their entire hockey careers that anything different from you is bad. And different, nowadays, often means different in the way someone looks, or speaks, or dresses.
Hockey doesn't have a marketing problem. There are tons of people who don't look like the stereotypical hockey player who fall in love with the game instantly. Look at my story.
The problem is the power dynamics once you start playing.
If you're a junior hockey coach, or a minor league coach, or a player, or a fan, and you're a racist, you should have no place in the game. Period. Everyone should stand up and say, "Enough. Get him out."
That should be the end of it.
Why is it so hard?
NHL is set to open formal training camps in July, but most teams that are in the modified playoffs have opened their training facilities for informal practicing.
Tampa Bay Lightning though have had to close their facilities due to Covid-19. 3 players and 2 staff tested positive.
this is Toronto's year. cup with an asterisk and no parade :D
Quote from: HVC on June 19, 2020, 12:54:32 PM
this is Toronto's year. cup with an asterisk and no parade :D
You think they will do a draw to determine the winner?
Quote from: HVC on June 19, 2020, 12:54:32 PM
this is Toronto's year. cup with an asterisk and no parade :D
We'll have a parade. If we can gather in the streets for BLM we will certainly riot for the Leafs.
And the good news is, if it happens this year---I'll be able to go.
Although the league hasn't announced it, it's being widely reported that the NHL's two hub cities will be Toronto and Edmonton. Vegas, which had seemed like the front-runner all along, has been axed because of spiking Covid numbers. And the finals themselves will be in Edmonton.
In other news, free agency, which normally starts July 1, will not happen November 1. Which tells you the 2020-2021 season isn't happening until 2021.
We'll start with the Winter Classic. That's pretty cool. No Hockey in Decembre will weird tho.
Finally, we may yet see a Stanley Cup final in Toronto
Quote from: Josephus on July 02, 2020, 04:29:37 PM
Finally, we may yet see a Stanley Cup final in Toronto
Nope - according to Bob Mackenzie it's going to be in Edmonton.
Quote from: Barrister on July 02, 2020, 04:49:03 PM
Quote from: Josephus on July 02, 2020, 04:29:37 PM
Finally, we may yet see a Stanley Cup final in Toronto
Nope - according to Bob Mackenzie it's going to be in Edmonton.
Oh FFS. This was the best chance they'll ever get.
And it's official: the NHL's newest team is the Seattle Kraken.
Such a lame name.
Should've been the Thunderbirds, or if they insist on having a name with no "S" on the end then the "Grunge".
Seattle Kraken is an awesome name! :mad:
And I do like that they listened to fan feedback (Kraken got lots of attention), rather than the owner just going with his own personal preference (looking at you Vegas) <_<
Well it is better than Ducks at least.
I like the name and the design/colors. :)
Unfortunately I don't care about hockey. :(
There are some cool and fairly subtle design elements I missed until they were pointed out:
-The S shaped logo goes back to the logo of the Seattle Metropolitans which was the first US-based team to win the Stanley Cup back in 1917
-the anchor shoulder logo forms into the space of the Space Needle
Quote from: Syt on July 23, 2020, 11:55:06 AM
Unfortunately I don't care about hockey. :(
Even after Germany's miracle run at the 2018 Olympics? :(
What is wrong with hockey? It is like soccer only with big sticks and fighting.
Quote from: Valmy on July 23, 2020, 12:07:23 PM
Even after Germany's miracle run at the 2018 Olympics? :(
The what? :unsure:
I used to really been into the Olympics, esp. Winter Games, but not since 2006 or so. Too commercialized and gigantomanic these days.
I used to watch the hockey World Championships in the 80s, and German hockey league in the 90s, but I lost interest since.
Germany beat Canada and won the silver medal in 2018. It was ridiculous.
Huh. Nice.
Quote from: Syt on July 23, 2020, 12:14:34 PM
Huh. Nice.
Well I hope whomever in Germany cares about this kind of thing enjoyed it because that is unlikely to ever happening again :lol:
Quote from: Valmy on July 23, 2020, 12:14:03 PM
Germany beat Canada and won the silver medal in 2018. It was ridiculous.
NHL did not allow its players to play in the Olympics that year, so Canada had to make due with a bunch of scrubs I'd never heard of before.
Edit: regarding the Seattle Kraken, it perhaps makes more sense when you remember that Jerry Bruckheimer is a part owner of the team - famous for producing movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean.
Quote from: Valmy on July 23, 2020, 12:15:40 PM
Quote from: Syt on July 23, 2020, 12:14:34 PM
Huh. Nice.
Well I hope whomever in Germany cares about this kind of thing enjoyed it because that is unlikely to ever happening again :lol:
Dude, I'm completely out of the loop with pro sports at the moment. There's nothing I follow right now, and neither do any of my friends (except one coworker who is into football). :blush:
I used to be the complete opposite.
Quote from: Syt on July 23, 2020, 12:20:27 PM
Quote from: Valmy on July 23, 2020, 12:15:40 PM
Quote from: Syt on July 23, 2020, 12:14:34 PM
Huh. Nice.
Well I hope whomever in Germany cares about this kind of thing enjoyed it because that is unlikely to ever happening again :lol:
Dude, I'm completely out of the loop with pro sports at the moment. There's nothing I follow right now, and neither do any of my friends (except one coworker who is into football). :blush:
I used to be the complete opposite.
Why the change?
I ws going to defend you saying "well no one can follow all sports"... but to not follow any of them?
Trending on Twitter is the Seattle Kraken.
Also trending? Liam Neeson. :lol:
Dunno, just happened. Some sports, like soccer, have become way too commcercialized for my tastes over the last 20, 30 years. Others I just drifted away from.
I don't watch TV anymore, which plays a big role, I guess. For soccer I would have to pay one subscription for the Bundesliga on Sky, or two if I wanted to watch Champions League (Sky and DAZN split the rights for this season, haven't looked at who had what rights now).
Quote from: Barrister on July 23, 2020, 11:41:42 AM
Seattle Kraken is an awesome name! :mad:
And I do like that they listened to fan feedback (Kraken got lots of attention), rather than the owner just going with his own personal preference (looking at you Vegas) <_<
Kraken feels too hipstery/"oooh, I saw Pirates of the Caribbean!"
Thunderbirds has a long, local hockey tradition. :sleep:
Quote from: Barrister on July 23, 2020, 12:17:02 PM
Edit: regarding the Seattle Kraken, it perhaps makes more sense when you remember that Jerry Bruckheimer is a part owner of the team - famous for producing movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean.
I should have known. Whenever a shitty name for a NHL team is selected you know a disney film is behind it.
Quote from: Tonitrus on July 23, 2020, 12:36:26 PM
Quote from: Barrister on July 23, 2020, 11:41:42 AM
Seattle Kraken is an awesome name! :mad:
And I do like that they listened to fan feedback (Kraken got lots of attention), rather than the owner just going with his own personal preference (looking at you Vegas) <_<
Kraken feels too hipstery/"oooh, I saw Pirates of the Caribbean!"
Thunderbirds has a long, local hockey tradition. :sleep:
Pirates of the Caribbean is about as anti-hipster as you can get. -_-
Thunderbird is also a mythic creature of First Nations spirituality. In 2020 I wouldn't want to touch something like that with a 10' pole.
I don't think anyone has gone after the Seahawk's logo yet. :hmm:
Quote from: Barrister on July 23, 2020, 12:17:02 PM
Quote from: Valmy on July 23, 2020, 12:14:03 PM
Germany beat Canada and won the silver medal in 2018. It was ridiculous.
NHL did not allow its players to play in the Olympics that year, so Canada had to make due with a bunch of scrubs I'd never heard of before.
Canadian scrubs still should have beaten Germany. Come on man.
But nevertheless, the Thunderbirds is also an existing Seattle Western Hockey League probably problematic/confusing to usurp the name.
I really like the Kraken name. I like the black less color scheme even more.
Excellent news all around.
Quote from: Tonitrus on July 23, 2020, 12:42:18 PM
I don't think anyone has gone after the Seahawk's logo yet. :hmm:
No they haven't. Nor the existing Thunderbirds. And maybe nobody ever will.
But I'm just saying if I'm starting from scratch I wouldn't go near those kind of symbols.
Quote from: Barrister on July 23, 2020, 12:40:12 PM
Pirates of the Caribbean is about as anti-hipster as you can get. -_-
Thunderbird is also a mythic creature of First Nations spirituality. In 2020 I wouldn't want to touch something like that with a 10' pole.
If that's your worry you might as well ask if the team had any focus groups with the descendants of Andromeda... how could they name their organization after an entity that terrorized her so!?
You get the First Nations on board with it from the start, bring tobacco gifts, have the ceremony and do it right.
Anyways, I do like the sweaters, but not the name.
Fucking lame Name, of course Beeb likes it.
So the playoffs are underway, the Carey Price is keeping the Habs in the game, but all you talk about for 2 pages worth of comments is the name of some stupid hockey team that should have been located north and east of its current position?
You disapoint me guys. :(
Hockey and August just don't feel right. I guess I am a creature of habit but these kinds of things are very seasonal to me.
I will make an effort to get into it though.
Quote from: Valmy on August 04, 2020, 10:17:42 PM
Hockey and August just don't feel right. I guess I am a creature of habit but these kinds of things are very seasonal to me.
I will make an effort to get into it though.
I understand. I watched the Saturday game, I'm itching to subscribe to NHL central to watch other games, but really, I have lots of things to do in this time of the year, and I usually only watch hockey in winter and playoffs.
Just realized, I was right about the Jets moving away from Winnipeg to play their games. :P
Kraken is kind of whatever, but why the singular? Each player is a kraken and together they're the krakens.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on August 07, 2020, 05:48:06 AM
Kraken is kind of whatever, but why the singular? Each player is a kraken and together they're the krakens.
According to Merriam-Webster, the plural of kraken is krakens or kraken, so it's correct. Moreover, shouting "Release the krakens!" sounds weird.
Well. That one hurt. :(
Quote from: Benedict Arnold on August 11, 2020, 08:27:19 PM
Well. That one hurt. :(
Blue Jackets fan? :console:
For some reason I thought you liked the Sabres.
I was a Sabres fan for a longtime, but their eternal awfulness finally broke me. I started rooting for Columbus like... 8 years ago as part of my gradual shift to all sports teams being Cleveland or Ohio based on the pro level (The Monsters are in Cleveland, aka the AHL team for the Jackets). When the Sabres and Jackets played in the Kraft Hockeyville game in Clinton, NY right next to my hometown, I made the decision that whoever won would be my #1 team going forward. In typical Sabres fashion, they blew a lead and lost so it has been the Jackets ever since.
Screw this!
At least the Orioles are starting hot.
Quote from: Valmy on August 14, 2020, 09:48:03 PM
Screw this!
At least the Orioles are starting hot.
If the CH can win against Pittsburgh, nothing surprises me anymore.
Just for Valmy:
Barry Trotz is in Todd Reirdens' head and the results are clear on the ice (
QuoteThe small type that summarizes the various series in the Stanley Cup playoffs would show that the New York Islanders lead the Washington Capitals three games to none in the first round, and across North America there's little more to learn than that. That competition could be staged in a bubble in Toronto or on the fifth moon of Jupiter, and fans in D.C. (and Austin? ;) ) might well read it as: Barry Trotz 3, Todd Reirden 0.
The coaching matchup has colored this series since before it began, and with the Capitals on the brink of being ousted, it's much more than a slight tint or a pale hue. Trotz has basically taken a black crayon and drawn a mustache on Reirden to mock him, then scribbled out any advantage the more talented Caps might have.
That Trotz is the better, more established coach who has built a new team in his image, just as he once built the Caps the same way, is not a surprise. Shoot, he won the Stanley Cup all of two years ago with the very team he's skating circles around now, then took the Islanders from irrelevant to threatening in a single season. That was all established before the puck dropped here.
But it's worth wondering as this season slips away just as it was restarting: How does Capitals General Manager Brian MacLellan evaluate Reirden, his choice as Trotz's replacement, in the midst of a tournament without fans, with no meaningful home-ice advantage and with key center Nicklas Backstrom on the shelf with a concussion? More than that, how does owner Ted Leonsis — never quick on the trigger finger with leadership positions — process all this information?
:grr: The Caps have had shit goal tending ever since the NHL came back from the COVID cancellation, then they have one decent performance in goal and they lose anyway. My only consolation is that the Pens are out.
Dale Howerchuk. :(
Quote from: Josephus on August 18, 2020, 02:53:16 PM
Dale Howerchuk. :(
The nemesis of the Canucks many a time.
Welcome back Caps! Time for a playoff run...*beat*...and the season is over! See you in a few months!
Steamed Caps:
NHL awards announced last night. Jets goalie Connor Hellebuyck wins the Vezina (best goalie). :cool:
Edmonton's Leon Draisaitl wins the Hart (MVP)
And in other words, the Bolts strike back to even the series at 1-1.
So when is the new season gonna start? Have they made any announcments about that? Is it going to be in home markets? What about Canadian teams?
Quote from: Josephus on September 22, 2020, 10:54:49 AM
So when is the new season gonna start? Have they made any announcments about that? Is it going to be in home markets? What about Canadian teams?
Bettman gave a press conference before the start of game 1. Short answer is - they don't know. They won't do a bubble. In order to play they need the border to be open again, and they need some amount of fans in the stands. Notionally they've said Dec 1, but that's almost certainly not happening.
Hmmm...maybe they'll get the season going at first by having Canadian teams only play each other. they sort of did something like that in MLS
it is amazing how little I care about September Stanley Cup. Hell it is almost time to start the 2020-2021 season.
Quote from: Valmy on September 22, 2020, 11:41:30 AM
it is amazing how little I care about September Stanley Cup. Hell it is almost time to start the 2020-2021 season.
It's funny - the games are being played 3 blocks from my current location, but because of the bubble there's really no local interest or excitement.
Maybe you should care because it's going to be a long while before more hockey is played after this.
The vaccine will save us all!
First Sunbelt Stanley cup final & no one cares.
Just as expected.
Quote from: Barrister on September 22, 2020, 11:43:43 AM
Maybe you should care because it's going to be a long while before more hockey is played after this.
Don't be so sure. NFL is playing, baseball is playing. Most others sports leagues are up and running. They'll figure something out.
Quote from: Josephus on September 22, 2020, 02:48:31 PM
Quote from: Barrister on September 22, 2020, 11:43:43 AM
Maybe you should care because it's going to be a long while before more hockey is played after this.
Don't be so sure. NFL is playing, baseball is playing. Most others sports leagues are up and running. They'll figure something out.
Problem is most of the sports that are playing are played outside. NHL also has the added problem of 7 Canadian franchises.
NBA hasn't announced plans for 2020-2021 either.
I think the NHL needs attendance but our close border & it's 14 days quarantine is a deal breaker.
It's very odd to be following the NHL Free Agent Frenzy... in the middle of October.
It's always July 1.
Did someone win yet?
Quote from: crazy canuck on October 09, 2020, 03:07:17 PM
Did someone win yet?
Um, yeah? Tampa Bay won the Cup.
That's why they just had the draft, and are now doing free agent signings.
The most exciting news of the day, of course, was Winnipeg trading to bring Paul Stastney back to the Peg.
Quote from: crazy canuck on October 09, 2020, 03:07:17 PM
Did someone win yet?
Yes. The fucking Tampa Bay Lightning.
Still better than having to endure the LA Lakers win another title. Sports suck this year.
In NHL news... the Calgary Flames, hot off the heels of a 7-3 win over the Ottawa Senators, fire their head coach and bring in Darryl Sutter. Sutter had previously been the Flames head coach from 2002-2006, bringing them to the Stanley Cup finals in 2004. Sutter was also head coach for the LA Kings and won the Stanley Cup twice with them in 2012 and 2014.
Also, YOUR Winnipeg Jets have a 15-7-1 record good for 2nd place in the North Division, 5th place in the league.
Walter Gretzky passed away
Winnipeg Jets hired coach Paul Maurice in January 2014.
Since then Montreal and Vancouver have had 2 coaching changes, Edmonton, Toronto and Ottawa have had 3 coaching changes, and Calgary has had 4 coaching changes. In fact Maurice is the second longest-serving coach in the NHL right now (Tampa Bay coach Jon Cooper was hired in March 2013).
Quote from: HVC on March 05, 2021, 11:36:14 AM
Walter Gretzky passed away
It is remarkable that he became so well known and beloved in his own right. Very much not just the dad of the Great One.
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 05, 2021, 03:14:06 PM
Quote from: HVC on March 05, 2021, 11:36:14 AM
Walter Gretzky passed away
It is remarkable that he became so well known and beloved in his own right. Very much not just the dad of the Great One.
Yeah, he's sort of seen as the "all-Canadian" dad, especially for those in our generation. The sort of guy who'd get up early in the morning on his weekends, and drive his son for hours through a snow storm to play in some pee wee hockey tournament. I think a lot of Canadians relate.
Quote from: Barrister on March 05, 2021, 03:10:34 PM
Winnipeg Jets hired coach Paul Maurice in January 2014.
Since then Montreal and Vancouver have had 2 coaching changes, Edmonton, Toronto and Ottawa have had 3 coaching changes, and Calgary has had 4 coaching changes. In fact Maurice is the second longest-serving coach in the NHL right now (Tampa Bay coach Jon Cooper was hired in March 2013).
And he's not any good.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 05, 2021, 06:34:21 PM
Quote from: Barrister on March 05, 2021, 03:10:34 PM
Winnipeg Jets hired coach Paul Maurice in January 2014.
Since then Montreal and Vancouver have had 2 coaching changes, Edmonton, Toronto and Ottawa have had 3 coaching changes, and Calgary has had 4 coaching changes. In fact Maurice is the second longest-serving coach in the NHL right now (Tampa Bay coach Jon Cooper was hired in March 2013).
And he's not any good.
Quote from: BarristerAlso, YOUR Winnipeg Jets have a 15-7-1 record good for 2nd place in the North Division, 5th place in the league.
Imagine your record with a good coach :P
Quote from: HVC on March 05, 2021, 09:17:34 PM
Imagine your record with a good coach :P
One thing is Jets have hardly played the Leafs at all this year, but have a lot of games against them still to play. Including a series of 3 in a row next week. That'll be the real test.
Life imitates art. Straight out of the movie Goon.
Quote from: HVC on March 05, 2021, 09:17:34 PM
Imagine your record with a good coach :P
My coach is better than your coach. :P,game_state=final
Quote from: Admiral Yi on March 09, 2021, 09:05:15 PM
Life imitates art. Straight out of the movie Goon.
Exhibit 2345235246 why the NHL isn't worth watching. Maybe one day they will not condone fighting. But that doesn't seem to be a priority.
you just don't like the game, which is fine. it'd be like me complaining that i don't like basketball because of all the dribbling. Yes, i know there are no fights in international hockey. but they also use different rink sizes so its not exactly the same.
Fighting is pretty rare in the NHL these days. It is not the 1970s anymore.
A bunch of millionaires are just not as motivated to get their teeth knocked out.
Quote from: HVC on March 10, 2021, 11:42:17 AM
you just don't like the game, which is fine. it'd be like me complaining that i don't like basketball because of all the dribbling. Yes, i know there are no fights in international hockey. but they also use different rink sizes so its not exactly the same.
The fact that you equate fighting with a fundamental part of the game is a big part of the problem. Not sure what rink size has to do with stupid rules that condone fighting.
there isn't a fight every five minutes, but it happens. it is what it is. if you don't like it, fair, I'm not saying you should like it. you don't like the nhl. not everyone does.
Quote from: Admiral Yi on March 09, 2021, 09:05:15 PM
Life imitates art. Straight out of the movie Goon.
Ryan Reaves (the Vegas player) was born and raised in Winnipeg. His father Willard Reaves is an American who played for the CFL Blue Bombers for several years, then stuck around after his playing career to raise his family.
He's arguably the last pure 'enforcer' in the NHL.
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 10, 2021, 11:40:22 AM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on March 09, 2021, 09:05:15 PM
Life imitates art. Straight out of the movie Goon.
Exhibit 2345235246 why the NHL isn't worth watching. Maybe one day they will not condone fighting. But that doesn't seem to be a priority.
It is on it's way out just like it was in the NBA & is in the MLB. You are not patient enough. Gary Bettman doesn't run a proactive organisation.
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 10, 2021, 01:28:09 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 10, 2021, 11:40:22 AM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on March 09, 2021, 09:05:15 PM
Life imitates art. Straight out of the movie Goon.
Exhibit 2345235246 why the NHL isn't worth watching. Maybe one day they will not condone fighting. But that doesn't seem to be a priority.
It is on it's way out just like it was in the NBA & is in the MLB. You are not patient enough. Gary Bettman doesn't run a proactive organisation.
I am pretty sure you told me the same thing a number of years ago. :P
That is actually why I bothered posting something about hockey - it seems this is never going away.
But it is going away, very slowly.
It took 20 years for helmets, it's going to take that again.
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 10, 2021, 02:14:29 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on March 10, 2021, 01:28:09 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on March 10, 2021, 11:40:22 AM
Quote from: Admiral Yi on March 09, 2021, 09:05:15 PM
Life imitates art. Straight out of the movie Goon.
Exhibit 2345235246 why the NHL isn't worth watching. Maybe one day they will not condone fighting. But that doesn't seem to be a priority.
It is on it's way out just like it was in the NBA & is in the MLB. You are not patient enough. Gary Bettman doesn't run a proactive organisation.
I am pretty sure you told me the same thing a number of years ago. :P
That is actually why I bothered posting something about hockey - it seems this is never going away.
there are many less fights nowadays then there were 5-6 years ago. And sports commenters have dropped the hypocrisy of denouncing violence in sports while cheering for hockey fights. So, it's coming.
But so far, there's still a large portion of the public that likes these fights, and they are increasingly turning toward other professional leagues that will offer them staged fights.
I missed the game, I was working :(
So here's an interesting one.
I a game last night NHL referee Tim Peel is caught on a "hot mic" to say "It wasn't much, but I wanted to get a (expletive) penalty against Nashville early in the". Referees wanting to even the game has long been known to happen in the NHL.
So what does the NHL do? They announce Tim Peel will never ref another game again (he was due to retire at the end of the season).
The curtain was peeled a little too wide last night. The retiring actor gets put on the bench for the remainder of the season.
Not really a big deal.
Playoffs in the North Division start tonight - with Edmonton Oilers vs Winnipeg Jets. :w00t:
Now this game is huge - HUGE - for me, as a Winnipegger living in Edmonton. I've got my Jets car flag on my car, my Jets flag-flag on my flagpole, and I'm wearing my Jets tie at work.
But there's a lot of bad mojo going on too. In the olden days of the 80s the Jets played the Oilers 5 times in the playoffs - and lost all 5 times (all 5 of those years being ones where the Oilers won the Stanley Cup). Jets also played the Oilers a lot this season - and lost the last 6 games in a row, being outscored 26-7. Plus there are several Jets players who may or may not play tonight.
So we shall see what happens. A lot of Oilers fans are already looking forward to the next round. But here's hoping!
I mean Mark Messier and Wayne Gretzky are not skating out there for the Oilers so I don't think you need to worry too much about 1980s mojo.
I know the Caps have a long and infamous history of cheap shots and thuggery but it seems like Toronto's own Tom Wilson has turned them into the villains.
We'll see how things go in Boston tonight now that the Caps have dropped a game.
Quote from: Valmy on May 19, 2021, 12:24:16 PM
I mean Mark Messier and Wayne Gretzky are not skating out there for the Oilers so I don't think you need to worry too much about 1980s mojo.
But Connor McDavid is. He scored 105 points in a 56 game season, the highest in the league by a lot.
Second highest in the league was Leon Draisaitl, with 84 points. He... also plays for the Oilers.
Third place is Brad Marchand with 69 points.
So I mean their weakness is they are hardly a balanced team. If you can stop McDavid / Draisaitl you can beat them. It's just that's a pretty big IF.
You don't need to stop them. You need to outscore them when they are not on the ice.
Win 6-5.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 19, 2021, 12:33:33 PM
You don't need to stop them. You need to outscore them when they are not on the ice.
Win 6-5.
Nope. They've tried that in the past. You can't run-and-gun with those two.
No - slow them down, play a hard-hitting game, count on Vezino-winning goalie to stop the chances that do get through, and count on your own shooters to bury a few.
Yeah Urinating Tree did a gag where Edmonton was trying to make it illegal to change lines.
He didn't think much of the Jets I have to say:
Quote from: Valmy on May 19, 2021, 12:43:55 PM
Yeah Urinating Tree did a gag where Edmonton was trying to make it illegal to change lines.
He didn't think much of the Jets I have to say:
I appreciate you queuing it up to the right spot of the video.
I'm not as negative as that guy, but I'm also not betting any money on the Jets either!
Habs should be out playing golf by May 25th or 27th.
4-1 Jets. :ccr
Now two of those were empty-netters so let's not get cocky, and the Jets were outshot - but relying on the reigning Best Goalie in the League(tm) was always part of Teh Plan.
The irony is the Leafs have a semi-realistic chance of winning the cup; but odds are there won't be a parade :(
Toronto's No Fun Summer.
Quote from: Barrister on May 19, 2021, 10:53:51 PM
but relying on the reigning Best Goalie in the League(tm) was always part of Teh Plan.
you mean there are other good goalies in this league, beside Carey Price?! Shocking! Montreal's media never told me that!
Apparently Canada lost to Latvia in men's hockey.
Latvians pay their respects at the Canadian embassy in Riga:
It's fair. Gotta celebrate beating Goliath once in a while.
That's kind of hilarious :lol:
Denmark beat Sweden as well, for the first time ever in the World Cup.
Always love for the Lettish. Wonderful baltic burn there.
Happy about the Jets, who have not beaten the Oilers in the playoffs since 1979.
Quote from: Jacob on May 22, 2021, 10:03:42 AM
Denmark beat Sweden as well, for the first time ever in the World Cup.
World Cup is always kinda off the radar because it coincides with the NHL playoffs and the best players are often not participating.
But it's losing an important game in the olympics to an unknown entity that sucks. I'm not sure Sweden has yet gotten over their loss against Belarus in the Salt Lake City olympics so many years ago ;)
Quote from: viper37 on May 22, 2021, 04:21:28 PM
World Cup is always kinda off the radar because it coincides with the NHL playoffs and the best players are often not participating.
But it's losing an important game in the olympics to an unknown entity that sucks. I'm not sure Sweden has yet gotten over their loss against Belarus in the Salt Lake City olympics so many years ago ;)
Oh Sweden knows Denmark alright. And they know they're better than us :D
Quote from: saskganesh on May 22, 2021, 03:41:10 PM
Always love for the Lettish. Wonderful baltic burn there.
Happy about the Jets, who have not beaten the Oilers in the playoffs since 1979.
They haven't beaten them yet! :ph34r:
Edit: The last time the Jets and Oilers played in the playoffs was 1990. Jets eventually led the series 3 games to 1 after a double-OT thriller in game 4.
Oilers went on to win the next three straight and then won the Stanley Cup.
This thing 'aint over till it's over. 2 games to zero is nothing.
Disaster is striking in Edmonton, except in the BBs household were it's celebration all around.
Go Jets!
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 23, 2021, 09:48:28 PM
Disaster is striking in Edmonton, except in the BBs household were it's celebration all around.
Go Jets!
That. Was. Epic!!!!!11111
I mean I still had the game on but had mostly written the Jets off tonight. But then they come back from 4-1 with 10 minutes left, score 3 goals in 3 minutes, then score again in OT to take a 3-0 series win. Holy shit - that was one of the best hockey games I've ever watched in my life.
Edit: celebrating with my son Tim was everything I hoped being a dad would be like.
Quote from: Barrister on May 24, 2021, 12:10:42 AM
Edit: celebrating with my son Tim was everything I hoped being a dad would be like.
Yeah I took my kids to watch Texas beat West Virginia and win the Big 12 Baseball title last Saturday. That was everything I hoped it would be when I dreamed of taking my kids to sporting events :P
Anyway the Caps have reverted to an even more pathetic and chokier version of their past selves since 2018. This is brutal man, they barely even put up a fight anymore. Three straight first round exits, each one more uninspired than the last. I did not even watch the last two games man. Ah well, at least they had a 2018 that can last me a few decades.
Okay, so Oilers-Jets went into 3 OTs before a winner was decided.
I have to admit - I tapped out at midnight after 2 OTs (100 minutes of hockey, or just over 4 hours since puck drop). I had an 8:30 pre-trial and went to bed.
Of course now this morning I learn that the Jets Kyle Connor did score to win the game late in the 3rd OT to give he Jets the win, and to sweep the series 4 wins to 0. :punk:
Listening to Edmonton sports talk radio on my drive in this morning was a hoot. :menace:
I'll never understand how McD thought signing an 8 year contract with that organization was a good idea. He owned them nothing.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 25, 2021, 09:47:57 AM
I'll never understand how McD thought signing an 8 year contract with that organization was a good idea. He owned them nothing.
He wanted to be the next Gretzky. He wanted to not only win championships, but take a sad-sack team and lead them to greatness.
Easy to want, hard to do.
Oilers really need more depth to win anything though. In particular in Winnipeg when the Jets had last change, they just put the checking line of Lowry-Copp-Appleton on McDavid's line every time and were fairly successful in shutting them down.
Even Gretzky wasn't successful at that.
Whats McDavid going to do anyways?
He carries a $12.5 mil salary cap hit for the next five years. While every tea, would want McDavid, in a flat cap world it would be extremely hard for the Oilers to trade him. And McDavid values his squeaky-clean, good-Canadian-boy image so he'd never go public in any kind of trade request.
Oilers have him under salary for 5 years. If they don't do something in that time he can sign as a free agent at age 28 and make all the money in the world with any team he wants.
Now? Nothing. Hope Mickey Mouse North can whip out something.
But 3 years ago? Sign a 2 years contract & leave Edmonton.
QuoteOilers finish off sweep of Jets with 4-3 victory in 3 OTs
YOu know running 3 games, all which went to overtime, in 4 nights, is pretty fucking intense for players. Good that the Jets will get to rest up a few days.
I guess this means I need to pay attention to the Leafs-Habs series now. :hmm:
Quote from: Barrister on May 25, 2021, 12:54:14 PM
YOu know running 3 games, all which went to overtime, in 4 nights, is pretty fucking intense for players. Good that the Jets will get to rest up a few days.
I guess this means I need to pay attention to the Leafs-Habs series now. :hmm:
So long as you pay no attention to what happened in the Caps-Bruins series
The Habs survive which means Fans in the building! Woo!
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 28, 2021, 05:42:27 AM
The Habs survive which means Fans in the building! Woo!
Yay Habs! Take this series to 7 games!
A Jets-Habs series would be a first.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 28, 2021, 10:32:37 AM
A Jets-Habs series would be a first.
So would Jets-Leaves.
I'm just cheering for the series to go to 7 games so whomever wins is more tired for the next round. :ph34r:
I'm not sure I want the Habs to win. It's time for a new GM & Coach. Give the keys to Patrick Roy.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 28, 2021, 12:08:35 PM
I'm not sure I want the Habs to win. It's time for a new GM & Coach. Give the keys to Patrick Roy.
When was his reputation rehabilitated?
From which incident?
His Mtl playing days; after he retired from the NHL.
1st Rempart stint; when he came back for stint 2
Avs debacle; probably still hate him but he's been clearer about his requirements with the Habs than he seemed to have been with the Avs.
2nd Rempart stint; he's still in it!
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 28, 2021, 01:04:18 PM
From which incident?
His Mtl playing days; after he retired from the NHL.
1st Rempart stint; when he came back for stint 2
Avs debacle; probably still hate him but he's been clearer about his requirements with the Habs than he seemed to have been with the Avs.
2nd Rempart stint; he's still in it!
Has it ever been revealed why he quit on the Avs?
Not as far as I know. Not more than he disagreed with the GM.
That's the thing with Roy, he wants total hockey ops control. Now, he's actually forthwith with it.
Patrick Roy returning to the Habs would be a tremendous story so I'm all for it from that perspective.
I'm just not sure if I was a fan of the Habs whether I'd think it was a good idea... :hmm:
I'm willing to try anything to shakeup 20 years of dump and chase.
Quote from: Barrister on May 28, 2021, 10:33:53 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 28, 2021, 10:32:37 AM
A Jets-Habs series would be a first.
So would Jets-Leaves.
I'm just cheering for the series to go to 7 games so whomever wins is more tired for the next round. :ph34r:
I think we should have this Canadian division for ever. A Leafs-Habs series is far more entertaining than Leafs v. Nashivlle or whomever.
And yeah a Leaves (sic) v. Jets series would also be a lot of fun.
I've actually haven't enjoyed a playoff series like this since 1993.
I don't. It was a very boring season. I don't care about Vancouver, Edmonton or Calgary. I hate Boston, Philadelphia and the Rangers.
Looks like BB's getting his wish.
I haven't rooted for the Habs (or watched hockey at all) ever since they traded PK, but I have to say I'm enjoying the FUCK out of the tears and anxiety coming out of Toronto :lol:
Quote from: Josephus on May 29, 2021, 09:54:30 PM
Looks like BB's getting his wish.
Even with no rooting interest that was an entertaining game.
Quote from: Zoupa on May 30, 2021, 02:44:14 AM
I haven't rooted for the Habs (or watched hockey at all) ever since they traded PK, but I have to say I'm enjoying the FUCK out of the tears and anxiety coming out of Toronto :lol:
Not just TO, monster! :cry:
Quote from: Zoupa on May 30, 2021, 02:44:14 AM
I haven't rooted for the Habs (or watched hockey at all) ever since they traded PK, but I have to say I'm enjoying the FUCK out of the tears and anxiety coming out of Toronto :lol:
That was fucking hilarious :lol:
This should be a good'er. :w00t:
Zoupa/GF/viper - it's on! Wednesday night at the corner of Portage Ave and Donald St! :cool:
Game On!
Pandemic restriction, I have to fly there since can't cross Ontario.
The Leafs man...I guess no matter what else happens you can always be grateful you are not a Leafs fan.
Quote from: Valmy on May 31, 2021, 10:01:40 PM
The Leafs man...I guess no matter what else happens you can always be grateful you are not a Leafs fan.
Quote from: Josephus on June 01, 2021, 06:31:08 AM
Quote from: Valmy on May 31, 2021, 10:01:40 PM
The Leafs man...I guess no matter what else happens you can always be grateful you are not a Leafs fan.
My sincere condolences. You guys are much better fans than that franchise deserves.
now i'm conflicted on who i want to win the next round.
To get destroyed by the Avs/GKs train? Does it matter?
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 01, 2021, 08:28:50 AM
To get destroyed by the Avs/GKs train? Does it matter?
Yeah Vegas sure looked invincible losing 7-1.
Quote from: Barrister on May 31, 2021, 09:22:17 PM
This should be a good'er. :w00t:
Zoupa/GF/viper - it's on! Wednesday night at the corner of Portage Ave and Donald St! :cool:
I'll be on your side of the corner :P
Quote from: viper37 on June 01, 2021, 07:48:11 PM
Quote from: Barrister on May 31, 2021, 09:22:17 PM
This should be a good'er. :w00t:
Zoupa/GF/viper - it's on! Wednesday night at the corner of Portage Ave and Donald St! :cool:
I'll be on your side of the corner :P
Go Jets Go!
Maybe one day Viper will get over the Nordiques.
Viper it has been 26 years. The Nordiques were not even in existence 26 years
Quote from: Valmy on June 01, 2021, 11:12:37 PM
Viper it has been 26 years. The Nordiques were not even in existence 26 years
Don't listen to him Viper. The Nords had 23 years of proud history. Never give up the faith!
Quote from: Barrister on June 01, 2021, 11:57:11 PM
Quote from: Valmy on June 01, 2021, 11:12:37 PM
Viper it has been 26 years. The Nordiques were not even in existence 26 years
Don't listen to him Viper. The Nords had 23 years of proud history. Never give up the faith!
The Nords gave their fans a middle finger after 23 years of loyalty and ran off for Colorado Gold. They don't deserve Viper's faith. Fuck them.
Quote from: Valmy on June 02, 2021, 12:01:03 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 01, 2021, 11:57:11 PM
Quote from: Valmy on June 01, 2021, 11:12:37 PM
Viper it has been 26 years. The Nordiques were not even in existence 26 years
Don't listen to him Viper. The Nords had 23 years of proud history. Never give up the faith!
The Nords gave their fans a middle finger after 23 years of loyalty and ran off for Colorado Gold. They don't deserve Viper's faith. Fuck them.
These are seriously fighting words John.
A sports franchise doesn't belong to the corporate organization that owns the team. It belongs to the fans. Quebec City will get a team again. It probably won't be the same franchise (the Avs), but it will belong to the fans, and will be the Nordiques.
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2021, 12:29:17 AM
These are seriously fighting words John.
A sports franchise doesn't belong to the corporate organization that owns the team. It belongs to the fans. Quebec City will get a team again. It probably won't be the same franchise (the Avs), but it will belong to the fans, and will be the Nordiques.
Damn. Using my real name. I might have crossed a line there.
I will never ever not hate the Avs. I want them to lose every game. They left Quebec with a team that everybody knew was about to do great things. No fanbase ever got a bigger kick in the balls than them. Viper should hate them. They are the evil ones, they deserve his scorn. They certainly have mine.
But will the NHL put another team in Quebec City? No. Fuck no. They have almost gone out of their way to fuck over Quebec City every time they expand. The Videotron Centre has sat empty for years. They will have to steal one of those shitty southern franchises the NHL loves so much and even then they will need big money backers like Winnipeg had.
The NHL takes all you Canadians for granted while desperately wanting to get people in Florida and Georgia and Texas to love Hockey. It is so contemptible, they will put a franchise in Houston before they put one in Quebec City.
I mean does anybody in Atlanta even remember or care they once had a Hockey franchise? Oh hell no.
I hate the Pens, like I have a healthy hatred for franchises that torment the one I am a fan of. But if they went away I would miss them because hating them is part of the fun. If Florida or the fucking Lightning went away nobody would miss them. Because even though they have been there for decades, longer than the Nordiques existed I might add, they are weird outsiders in football land. And the Lightning are fucking champions.
But I guess hating the Habs is what brings Viper just a little joy. I don't know. If the NHL stole the Caps from me I have a hard time imagining me still hate watching the Pens.
FWIW, I may have to support the Jets in this one too.
The thought of the Habs going far after such a dismal season is hard to contemplate.
i do enjoy valmy's passion for hockey (or against the NHL, i guess haha). How did you become a fan? you're a texan born and raised, right?
Quote from: Valmy on June 02, 2021, 01:41:59 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2021, 12:29:17 AM
These are seriously fighting words John.
A sports franchise doesn't belong to the corporate organization that owns the team. It belongs to the fans. Quebec City will get a team again. It probably won't be the same franchise (the Avs), but it will belong to the fans, and will be the Nordiques.
Damn. Using my real name. I might have crossed a line there.
I will never ever not hate the Avs. I want them to lose every game. They left Quebec with a team that everybody knew was about to do great things. No fanbase ever got a bigger kick in the balls than them. Viper should hate them. They are the evil ones, they deserve his scorn. They certainly have mine.
But will the NHL put another team in Quebec City? No. Fuck no. They have almost gone out of their way to fuck over Quebec City every time they expand. The Videotron Centre has sat empty for years. They will have to steal one of those shitty southern franchises the NHL loves so much and even then they will need big money backers like Winnipeg had.
The NHL takes all you Canadians for granted while desperately wanting to get people in Florida and Georgia and Texas to love Hockey. It is so contemptible, they will put a franchise in Houston before they put one in Quebec City.
I mean does anybody in Atlanta even remember or care they once had a Hockey franchise? Oh hell no.
I hate the Pens, like I have a healthy hatred for franchises that torment the one I am a fan of. But if they went away I would miss them because hating them is part of the fun. If Florida or the fucking Lightning went away nobody would miss them. Because even though they have been there for decades, longer than the Nordiques existed I might add, they are weird outsiders in football land. And the Lightning are fucking champions.
But I guess hating the Habs is what brings Viper just a little joy. I don't know. If the NHL stole the Caps from me I have a hard time imagining me still hate watching the Pens.
Quebec Remparts :mad:
They do have a really nice building for a Junior team.
How's the pull of the Oil Kings in Rogers Place?
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 02, 2021, 10:38:07 AM
They do have a really nice building for a Junior team.
How's the pull of the Oil Kings in Rogers Place?
They average 6-8k per game. So lower bowl about half full, upper bowl closed off.
Quote from: HVC on June 02, 2021, 09:17:10 AM
i do enjoy valmy's passion for hockey (or against the NHL, i guess haha). How did you become a fan? you're a texan born and raised, right?
ESPN. They did a great job covering the NHL in the late 80s, early 90s. I eagerly learned about all the teams and all the players and all the history and learned to love the NHL...just in time for the NHL to start really changing things in an attempt to become more like the NBA. The NBA? :x
Also my cousin was a big Caps fan so would take me to their games and give me Caps stuff when I used to go to DC all the time.
I miss the Norris Division.
Quote from: Valmy on June 02, 2021, 11:45:35 AM
I miss the Norris Division.
The Caps weren't in the Norris though.
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2021, 11:55:17 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 02, 2021, 11:45:35 AM
I miss the Norris Division.
The Caps weren't in the Norris though.
They were originally :P but that is not the point. The point I was making is I loved the league as it existed back in those days with its oddball small market northern teams, like the Hartford Whalers, and weird division names.
Quote from: Valmy on June 01, 2021, 11:12:37 PM
Viper it has been 26 years. The Nordiques were not even in existence 26 years
It's like asking a Jedi why he fights a Sith he never met before the day.
It's a solemn duty to oppose Montreal. :sleep:
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2021, 10:52:09 AM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 02, 2021, 10:38:07 AM
They do have a really nice building for a Junior team.
How's the pull of the Oil Kings in Rogers Place?
They average 6-8k per game. So lower bowl about half full, upper bowl closed off.
That's good!
Quote from: Josephus on June 02, 2021, 09:06:33 AM
FWIW, I may have to support the Jets in this one too.
The thought of the Habs going far after such a dismal season is hard to contemplate.
I think that's the Habs' strategy, let the other teams score a ton of goals against them this year so they would be tired come playoffs season.
It seems to be working right now. ;)
Well fuck.
Jets did in fact seem rusty, giving up a couple of Grade A scoring opportunities in the first that went right to the back of their own net.
Hope Evans is okay. Nobody likes to see that.
The fact it was Scheifele that hit him though... don't think I've ever seen him lay out a dirty hit. The dude doesn't even swear. I hope this series doesn't get stupid as a result of that.
Plus no Stastny, no DeMelo... :(
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2021, 11:08:01 PM
Well fuck.
Jets did in fact seem rusty, giving up a couple of Grade A scoring opportunities in the first that went right to the back of their own net.
Hope Evans is okay. Nobody likes to see that.
The fact it was Scheifele that hit him though... don't think I've ever seen him lay out a dirty hit. The dude doesn't even swear. I hope this series doesn't get stupid as a result of that.
Plus no Stastny, no DeMelo... :(
Well, the whole ambiance got ruined because of that coward.
I hope for the Jets het gets suspended by the League, because if not the series is gonna forget real quick that this is supposed to be 21st century hockey and a couple more guys are gonna go out on stretchers.
Quote from: Zoupa on June 03, 2021, 02:34:06 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 02, 2021, 11:08:01 PM
Well fuck.
Jets did in fact seem rusty, giving up a couple of Grade A scoring opportunities in the first that went right to the back of their own net.
Hope Evans is okay. Nobody likes to see that.
The fact it was Scheifele that hit him though... don't think I've ever seen him lay out a dirty hit. The dude doesn't even swear. I hope this series doesn't get stupid as a result of that.
Plus no Stastny, no DeMelo... :(
Well, the whole ambiance got ruined because of that coward.
I hope for the Jets het gets suspended by the League, because if not the series is gonna forget real quick that this is supposed to be 21st century hockey and a couple more guys are gonna go out on stretchers.
How is he a "coward"?
Scheifele is racing back to try to prevent the empty net goal. The goal goes in he has a fraction of a second to try to pull back - which he didn't. 55 has been in the league a number of years now has zero history with dirty hits.
He has a phone interview today, which if I understand correctly means a 5 dames or less suspension (more than that requires an in-person meeting). I think he'll get one game.
Scheifele on his return is probably going to have to fight someone on his return. :rolleyes: But if the Habs are going to go out and try to injure Jets players that's on them, not Scheifele.
The one weird thing about the aftermath there is that once all of Montreal's players rush at Scheifele it takes Jets forward Nik Ehlers to come and try to protect Evans (who of course is motionless on the ground) from being bumped or hit by the melee going on above him.
Sounds like Evans was not hospitalized as a result of the hit, although is expected to miss a number of games. Sounds like a concussion.
Yes. Habs comfirmed it's a concussion. Out indefinitely.
To me, the most aggravating circumstance of the hit is that the play is over.
Maybe this will help people forget about Tom Wilson.
Quote from: Valmy on May 31, 2021, 10:01:40 PM
The Leafs man...I guess no matter what else happens you can always be grateful you are not a Leafs fan.
One could be a Canucks fan.
Quote from: Valmy on June 03, 2021, 01:46:39 PM
Maybe this will help people forget about Tom Wilson.
Tom Who?
"Scheifele is racing back to try to prevent the empty net goal." Give me a break BB.
He never played the puck. Dude got mad they were losing, took 12 strides before hitting Evans viciously.
And yes, Jets players will get hurt. You can blame the Habs but I'll blame the league. "Oh his skates didn't leave the ice and his elbow was tucked". They never consider the intent.
The intent was to injure since he did not go for the puck. So fuck that guy, I don't care if he goes to church 3 times a week, he's still a piece of shit.
Quote from: Barrister on June 03, 2021, 01:56:39 PM
Quote from: Valmy on June 03, 2021, 01:46:39 PM
Maybe this will help people forget about Tom Wilson.
Tom Who?
Nobody. Nobody at all. Enjoy your playoff series :P
Quote from: Barrister on June 03, 2021, 10:14:40 AM
55 has been in the league a number of years now has zero history with dirty hits.
Can't say that anymore.
He saw he was going to be late several strides away.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 03, 2021, 01:56:27 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 31, 2021, 10:01:40 PM
The Leafs man...I guess no matter what else happens you can always be grateful you are not a Leafs fan.
One could be a Canucks fan.
They have had a few nice runs in living memory. The Leafs haven't even played for the Stanley Cup*checks* 1967? Holy shit.
Quote from: Valmy on June 03, 2021, 02:04:08 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 03, 2021, 01:56:27 PM
Quote from: Valmy on May 31, 2021, 10:01:40 PM
The Leafs man...I guess no matter what else happens you can always be grateful you are not a Leafs fan.
One could be a Canucks fan.
They have had a few nice runs in living memory. The Leafs haven't even played for the Stanley Cup*checks* 1967? Holy shit.
1993, I think, or 94 was pretty close. Lost to the Kings in semi final overtime on a controversial Gretzky goal. Otherwise would have made the final against Montreal. And we would have won. I lived downtown at the time, and the parade would have been right outside my window. :mad:
Nobody could have beaten Patrick Roy that year, sorry buddy
Quote from: Zoupa on June 03, 2021, 02:10:52 PM
Things always look way worse when you go frame-by-frame, Zapruder-style.
Play the clip at game speed and Scheifele's hit is a fraction of a second late. He's going to get suspended for it, but there's no malice there, and definitely no intent to injure.
4 games.
It's fine. The Parros DPS doesn't have the clout to hand 10+ games.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 03, 2021, 09:14:47 PM
It's fine. The Parros DPS doesn't have the clout to hand 10+ games.
No it's not fine. Scheif is a goddamn choir boy whose never been subject to supplemental discipline in his entire career.
Quote from: Barrister on June 03, 2021, 10:38:27 PM
No it's not fine. Scheif is a goddamn choir boy whose never been subject to supplemental discipline in his entire career.
Is prior history something that typically gets considered with NHL discipline?
Quote from: Jacob on June 03, 2021, 11:32:36 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 03, 2021, 10:38:27 PM
No it's not fine. Scheif is a goddamn choir boy whose never been subject to supplemental discipline in his entire career.
Is prior history something that typically gets considered with NHL discipline?
... sometimes.
I think the NHL is having a "tough-on-crime" moment. The league has faced a lot of criticism this year on its inconsistent officiating, more than normal, and wants to save face. Scheifele is the perfect stooge.
Quote from: Jacob on June 03, 2021, 11:32:36 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 03, 2021, 10:38:27 PM
No it's not fine. Scheif is a goddamn choir boy whose never been subject to supplemental discipline in his entire career.
Is prior history something that typically gets considered with NHL discipline?
Quote from: Barrister on June 03, 2021, 10:38:27 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 03, 2021, 09:14:47 PM
It's fine. The Parros DPS doesn't have the clout to hand 10+ games.
No it's not fine. Scheif is a goddamn choir boy whose never been subject to supplemental discipline in his entire career.
You're an idiot, seriously. Evans will probably have lifelong consequences from that hit and you're big mad because your church buddy got caught being a fucking asshole.
Quote from: Barrister on June 03, 2021, 10:38:27 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 03, 2021, 09:14:47 PM
It's fine. The Parros DPS doesn't have the clout to hand 10+ games.
No it's not fine. Scheif is a goddamn choir boy whose never been subject to supplemental discipline in his entire career.
Yes. But he forgot to make an hockey play.
Yeah, I watched the video - not the frame by frame one, but the real-time play one - and it looks like a deliberate hit with great follow-through that has no relation whatsoever to what the puck is doing. Doesn't seem excuseable to me.
Beeb defending it and whining about the suspension is rapidly evaporating any of the goodwill I've felt towards his support of the Jets. Fuck that.
Quote from: Zoupa on June 04, 2021, 12:36:57 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 03, 2021, 10:38:27 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 03, 2021, 09:14:47 PM
It's fine. The Parros DPS doesn't have the clout to hand 10+ games.
No it's not fine. Scheif is a goddamn choir boy whose never been subject to supplemental discipline in his entire career.
You're an idiot, seriously. Evans will probably have lifelong consequences from that hit and you're big mad because your church buddy got caught being a fucking asshole.
I hope Evans does not have life long consequences. I understand that Evans has had several concussions in the past. If he has those consequences it is from the cumulative effects of his multiple concussions.
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 12:35:15 PM
I hope Evans does not have life long consequences. I understand that Evans has had several concussions in the past. If he has those consequences it is from the cumulative effects of his multiple concussions.
"I feel really bad, but if there are negative consequences for my actions, it's totally not my fault! And also I've never done anything bad before!"
Quote from: Jacob on June 04, 2021, 12:22:21 PM
Yeah, I watched the video - not the frame by frame one, but the real-time play one - and it looks like a deliberate hit with great follow-through that has no relation whatsoever to what the puck is doing. Doesn't seem excuseable to me.
Beeb defending it and whining about the suspension is rapidly evaporating any of the goodwill I've felt towards his support of the Jets. Fuck that.
Here's how I see it. Scheif is racing to get back to the puck. When you're going after someone with the puck you basically have two options - you can play the body, or you can play the puck. You can't do both at the same time.
At the last second it becomes obvious Scheif is going to be a fraction of a second too late - Evans is going to score. And in that fraction of a second Scheifele makes a bad decision - rather than lay up he follows through on the hit.
I expected a suspension was coming. I thought it would be one game, two at the most. I listened to a few different sports shows (both Winnipeg-based and national) on the topic. Nobody was expecting 4 games.
The reason is there was no intent to injure. He didn't go after the head. He has no prior history of supplemental discipline. It was a bad choice made in a split second.
Contrast it of course to what the same DOPS gave to Tom Wilson, who does have a history of prior supplemental discipline, and was acting well after the whistle was blown. He was given a $5000 fine. This led to the Rangers publicly calling for Parros to be fired, and the league fined them a cool quarter-million.
There is also a debate to be had that Evans really should have had his head up, or not gone for the goal at all. He did put himself in a very vulnerable position by doing so. I've seen several former-players on social media say he really should have just taken the puck to the corner and tried to eat up more time - there were only 58 seconds left in the game. By scoring the empty-netter you go back to a face-off which could give the puck right back to the Jets. You can have that discussion, but I won't say that in any way would diminish Scheifele's responsibility there. You can point out it's a bad idea to flash large amounts of money late at night in a bad part of town, but when you get mugged that's still 100% on the mugger.
Quote from: Jacob on June 04, 2021, 12:45:08 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 12:35:15 PM
I hope Evans does not have life long consequences. I understand that Evans has had several concussions in the past. If he has those consequences it is from the cumulative effects of his multiple concussions.
"I feel really bad, but if there are negative consequences for my actions, it's totally not my fault! And also I've never done anything bad before!"
You remember what I do for a living, right?
Past history is probably the single biggest factor in determining a sentence. There's a massive difference in sentence between a first-time offender and a repeat offender.
Pointing out other contributing factors is also a valid consideration.
Wait a minute? Are there pundits claiming he shouldn't score since that might mean that the other team might get the puck with less than a minute left?
Were those retards fired immediately or will they be fired tomorrow?
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 12:57:04 PM
Quote from: Jacob on June 04, 2021, 12:45:08 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 12:35:15 PM
I hope Evans does not have life long consequences. I understand that Evans has had several concussions in the past. If he has those consequences it is from the cumulative effects of his multiple concussions.
"I feel really bad, but if there are negative consequences for my actions, it's totally not my fault! And also I've never done anything bad before!"
You remember what I do for a living, right?
Past history is probably the single biggest factor in determining a sentence. There's a massive difference in sentence between a first-time offender and a repeat offender.
Pointing out other contributing factors is also a valid consideration.
This is not a criminal court. The kid he laid out is seriously injured, and he only got 4 measly games. That says more about the NHL's problem dealing with violence in the sport than anything.
Quote from: Threviel on June 04, 2021, 01:07:07 PM
Wait a minute? Are there pundits claiming he shouldn't score since that might mean that the other team might get the puck with less than a minute left?
Were those retards fired immediately or will they be fired tomorrow?
The Habs were already in the lead with less than a minute to play. I have definitely heard in other circumstances the smarter play is often to just keep possession of the puck to eat up time rather than score an empty-netter and go to a new face-off.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 04, 2021, 01:18:08 PM
This is not a criminal court. The kid he laid out is seriously injured, and he only got 4 measly games. That says more about the NHL's problem dealing with violence in the sport than anything.
The incident definitely looked scary out on the ice. And I'm very aware the seriousness of concussions.
But just for some perspective, Evans was assessed by the team doctor and was not taken to hospital. He walked out of the building and to his hotel room. He's staying with the team right now.
If this series goes to 7 games I'm pretty sure we'll see Scheifele before we see Evans back, but there are reason to be optimistic for his recovery.
And things like prior history, intent to injure, pre-planning or deliberation have always been factors in assessing supplemental discipline in the NHL.
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 01:32:42 PM
Quote from: Threviel on June 04, 2021, 01:07:07 PM
Wait a minute? Are there pundits claiming he shouldn't score since that might mean that the other team might get the puck with less than a minute left?
Were those retards fired immediately or will they be fired tomorrow?
The Habs were already in the lead with less than a minute to play. I have definitely heard in other circumstances the smarter play is often to just keep possession of the puck to eat up time rather than score an empty-netter and go to a new face-off.
The key part of your sentence is, "in other circumstances". With less than a minute to play the smart move is definitely to put the puck into the open net - and assume there is not a dirty player on the other side who will try to get a big cheap shot when you are doing it. :P
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 01:37:12 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 04, 2021, 01:18:08 PM
This is not a criminal court. The kid he laid out is seriously injured, and he only got 4 measly games. That says more about the NHL's problem dealing with violence in the sport than anything.
The incident definitely looked scary out on the ice. And I'm very aware the seriousness of concussions.
But just for some perspective, Evans was assessed by the team doctor and was not taken to hospital. He walked out of the building and to his hotel room. He's staying with the team right now.
If this series goes to 7 games I'm pretty sure we'll see Scheifele before we see Evans back, but there are reason to be optimistic for his recovery.
And things like prior history, intent to injure, pre-planning or deliberation have always been factors in assessing supplemental discipline in the NHL.
Which all supports my point that the NHL has a real problem with dealing with violence in the sport, when it can be so easily equated to the considerations in criminal sentencing.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 04, 2021, 01:38:45 PM
Which all supports my point that the NHL has a real problem with dealing with violence in the sport, when it can be so easily equated to the considerations in criminal sentencing.
What we do in court is not some arcane mystery - we're just trying to apply principles of fundamental justice. Sentence should be proportional to the seriousness of the offence and moral culpability of the offender.
Just as another example, Habs player Corey Perry knocked out Toronto captain John Tavares in game 1 of that series. Despite Perry being a repeat offender, and despite it being a very serous consequence (again a concussion, and Tavares didn't play for the rest of the series) Perry received no suspension, as it was assessed to be an accident i.e. no moral culpability.
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 12:53:32 PM
Contrast it of course to what the same DOPS gave to Tom Wilson, who does have a history of prior supplemental discipline, and was acting well after the whistle was blown. He was given a $5000 fine. This led to the Rangers publicly calling for Parros to be fired, and the league fined them a cool quarter-million.
That's the real issue. The DoPS has no consistency we can discerned. It is trying at all times to be lenient but sometimes the hit, like Schef and Kadri's, is so mind-numbingly dumb on a hockey sense that it has to actually suspend the player for a number of games.
The Shanahan regime scared the GM out of their pants with it's harsh suspension that they complained endlessly at their meetings. Luckily, MLSE hired him has the Leafs President.
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 01:45:08 PM
Just as another example, Habs player Corey Perry knocked out Toronto captain John Tavares in game 1 of that series. Despite Perry being a repeat offender, and despite it being a very serous consequence (again a concussion, and Tavares didn't play for the rest of the series) Perry received no suspension, as it was assessed to be an accident i.e. no moral culpability.
That's fucking Bullshit and you are just eating sports radio's lunch here. Tavares was hit by Chiarot & bounced into Perry who was trying to jump over him.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 04, 2021, 01:47:59 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 01:45:08 PM
Just as another example, Habs player Corey Perry knocked out Toronto captain John Tavares in game 1 of that series. Despite Perry being a repeat offender, and despite it being a very serous consequence (again a concussion, and Tavares didn't play for the rest of the series) Perry received no suspension, as it was assessed to be an accident i.e. no moral culpability.
That's fucking Bullshit and you are just eating sports radio's lunch here. Tavares was hit by Chiarot & bounced into Perry who was trying to jump over him.
Yes, that's what happened. I'm okay with it.
But CC seemed to be saying we should only lok at the effect of what happened, and not anything else. This was my reminder why all the other stuff is important.
By the way if Perry had deliberately done this, he should properly receive a lengthy suspension due to his lengthy history..
Scheifele speaks to the media this morning. Says he disagrees with the 4 game suspension but will not appeal as he doesn't want this to be a distraction.
He also commented on how his family (parents and siblings) have been getting harassed and even threatened as a result of the hit.
Pulled some more complete Scheifele quotes from a longer article here:
Quote"I could care less about people saying things about me. I'm a big boy, I can handle it. I signed up for this. That's what you put yourself in this situation for. The media scrutiny, whatever that is, I can handle that," said Scheifele. "In a society where you can hide behind a keyboard, that is the problem. I can handle the criticism. I got suspended four games. I got held accountable. But there's no right to go after my parents, to go after my loved ones. That's completely unacceptable. It's bad to say but that's our society.
"My parents are the salt of the Earth. For my parents to get hate like that, and my brother and sister, it's awful. It's pretty gross to see. I can handle it, I'm a grown man But for my family to get that, it hurts me a lot."
"My intention on that play is to try to negate a goal. There's no intent, there's no malice there," said Scheifele. "I don't go in with a frame of mind of injuring a hockey player. My record precedes itself. I think I've had not one charging penalty in 600 games. My thought process there is to cut him off at that post."
As for belief expressed by many — including this writer — that letting up or taking his bottom hand off his stick was a sign he made a conscious decision to focus on the hit and abandon the race to that post, Scheifele offered another theory.
"When he gets behind the net I don't know if he's going to cut back, so I stop moving my feet in case he does a cut-back behind the net and I can re-route, go to the other side and cut him off at the other post," said Scheifele. "He might shallow out in the corner and then I have to gear down and try to angle him off into the corner. My thought process there is cutting him off at the post, and I'm back-checking and my thought process the entire way is there's a minute left in the game, we just scored, it's a one-goal game. My only thought in my mind is to negate a goal and prevent a goal."
"Having a guy hurt is what no one wants in this league, no one wants in this world. Obviously the league made their decision, I don't agree with it, but that's my opinion, what was going through my mind. No one knows what was going through my mind except for myself and I tried to portray that to the league," said Scheifele. "I keep on going back to my record. I think I've had 12 penalty minutes this year. I've had one boarding penalty in my entire 600-game career, I haven't had a charging penalty. I don't think I've had more than 20 frickin' hits a year. So my intention is not to injure or to make a hit, but to prevent a goal.
"That's what my entire life is, that's my job to keep pucks out of the net and score. That's why I'm out there on six-on-five: to prevent a goal and go back the other way and score."
Even church-going little angels can be violent assholes. Film at 11.
The surefire way to stop a goal when you're that far is to use your stick, WHICH IS LIKE 2 METERS LONG. As soon as he stopped skating he knew what he was gonna do.
The only way to stop dangerous, gratuitous plays is to take what the NHL DoPS sentences and multiply it by 10 (on average).
Quote from: Zoupa on June 04, 2021, 03:18:29 PM
Even church-going little angels can be violent assholes. Film at 11.
The surefire way to stop a goal when you're that far is to use your stick, WHICH IS LIKE 2 METERS LONG. As soon as he stopped skating he knew what he was gonna do.
The only way to stop dangerous, gratuitous plays is to take what the NHL DoPS sentences and multiply it by 10 (on average).
Even the DOPS admitted he doesn't have to try to play the puck. It's perfectly valid to play the body to separate the player from the puck.
You have Scheifele's own words to say why he stopped: Evans was behind the net, he didn't know if he was going to reverse and come around the other way.
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 02:08:41 PM
Scheifele speaks to the media this morning. Says he disagrees with the 4 game suspension but will not appeal as he doesn't want this to be a distraction.
He also commented on how his family (parents and siblings) have been getting harassed and even threatened as a result of the hit.
Pulled some more complete Scheifele quotes from a longer article here:
Quote"I could care less about people saying things about me. I'm a big boy, I can handle it. I signed up for this. That's what you put yourself in this situation for. The media scrutiny, whatever that is, I can handle that," said Scheifele. "In a society where you can hide behind a keyboard, that is the problem. I can handle the criticism. I got suspended four games. I got held accountable. But there's no right to go after my parents, to go after my loved ones. That's completely unacceptable. It's bad to say but that's our society.
"My parents are the salt of the Earth. For my parents to get hate like that, and my brother and sister, it's awful. It's pretty gross to see. I can handle it, I'm a grown man But for my family to get that, it hurts me a lot."
"My intention on that play is to try to negate a goal. There's no intent, there's no malice there," said Scheifele. "I don't go in with a frame of mind of injuring a hockey player. My record precedes itself. I think I've had not one charging penalty in 600 games. My thought process there is to cut him off at that post."
As for belief expressed by many — including this writer — that letting up or taking his bottom hand off his stick was a sign he made a conscious decision to focus on the hit and abandon the race to that post, Scheifele offered another theory.
"When he gets behind the net I don't know if he's going to cut back, so I stop moving my feet in case he does a cut-back behind the net and I can re-route, go to the other side and cut him off at the other post," said Scheifele. "He might shallow out in the corner and then I have to gear down and try to angle him off into the corner. My thought process there is cutting him off at the post, and I'm back-checking and my thought process the entire way is there's a minute left in the game, we just scored, it's a one-goal game. My only thought in my mind is to negate a goal and prevent a goal."
"Having a guy hurt is what no one wants in this league, no one wants in this world. Obviously the league made their decision, I don't agree with it, but that's my opinion, what was going through my mind. No one knows what was going through my mind except for myself and I tried to portray that to the league," said Scheifele. "I keep on going back to my record. I think I've had 12 penalty minutes this year. I've had one boarding penalty in my entire 600-game career, I haven't had a charging penalty. I don't think I've had more than 20 frickin' hits a year. So my intention is not to injure or to make a hit, but to prevent a goal.
"That's what my entire life is, that's my job to keep pucks out of the net and score. That's why I'm out there on six-on-five: to prevent a goal and go back the other way and score."
Well, it is the Montreal fan base. We called the police on Chara back in 2011.
While obviously I didn't like the outcome, but that game was just hard to watch no matter who you were cheering for.
Stolen from Twitter: good luck to whomever has to try and put together a highlight package of that game.
Beeb nous aurait surement expliqué que Chara, dans le fond, c't'un bon gars tsé. Il a pas de dossier, il joue l'homme pas la rondelle, ca ce défend son geste! En plus il sacre meme pas, c'est clair que c'est un ptit ange.
Anyway. 2-0. Série pas mal finie, pis tant mieux.
Je ne comprends pas.
Quote from: Zoupa on June 04, 2021, 10:48:16 PM
Anyway. 2-0. Série pas mal finie, pis tant mieux.
Oublie pas 2006!
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 10:50:04 PM
Je ne comprends pas.
Don't worry - it's about you, not addressed to you.
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 10:50:04 PM
Je ne comprends pas.
He links Chara's hit on Max Pac to the one we're discussing now and says you would have approved and defended the guy..
Quote from: Jacob on June 05, 2021, 12:39:19 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 10:50:04 PM
Je ne comprends pas.
Don't worry - it's about you, not addressed to you.
I gave it 24 hours or so.
I'm still white hot angry about this junior-high-style "Oh we're not talking TO you, we're just talking ABOUT you."
Fuck You Jacob, and Fuck You Zoupa.
KC out.
Quote from: viper37 on June 05, 2021, 12:43:54 PM
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 10:50:04 PM
Je ne comprends pas.
He links Chara's hit on Max Pac to the one we're discussing now and says you would have approved and defended the guy..
Which is odd because by moving to other incidents he seems to imply that Montreal was never on the giving side of a dirty hit.
And while I'm not as adamant as BB I do agree that that was pretty childish, zoupa.
You guys in the ROC have been raised since birth on Don Cherry. I guess I can't fault you too much when you take the same stances.
Shrugging it off as "well, that's just hockey. Unfortunate incident!". Especially you BB. Wouldn't you want the game and the mentality around it to change before your kids reach the age where body checks are allowed?
As I said, in Evans' case it WILL have lifelong consequences. Chara broke Pacioretty's fucking neck. Literally broke his neck. Zero games suspended, all on the strength of the game's "culture" (lol) and the much touted fact that he had never been suspended before. Which honestly is an incredibly stupid metric.
These offenders are professional players with hundreds of games under their belt. They know that DoPS is a joke, and it definitely factors in to how they play.
It was a bad hit. He got punished for it. I'm with you there. My comment about you being childish was about switching French to take a shot at BB knowing he wouldn't understand.
Quote from: HVC on June 06, 2021, 03:53:01 AM
It was a bad hit. He got punished for it. I'm with you there. My comment about you being childish was about switching French to take a shot at BB knowing he wouldn't understand.
I just used google translate.
Isn't french mandatory in Canadian schools?
In a crucial game 3, Jets have 10 shots to 25. Habs up 3 nil with a short handed goal.
Sometimes karma's a bitch :showoff:
A decade or two ago we had the same discussion in the Swedish league. Someone did something violent and stupid and there was an uproar. Eventually the police got involved and there was a charge and trial over assault. I don't remember the verdict, but the result was that the league cleaned itself up a bit. They realized that it's not all fun and games when the police comes knocking.
And fair game, if someone does something on the ice with the intent to harm police bloody well should get involved.
Half the Caps starting line would be in prison :ph34r:
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 01:45:08 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 04, 2021, 01:38:45 PM
Which all supports my point that the NHL has a real problem with dealing with violence in the sport, when it can be so easily equated to the considerations in criminal sentencing.
What we do in court is not some arcane mystery - we're just trying to apply principles of fundamental justice. Sentence should be proportional to the seriousness of the offence and moral culpability of the offender.
Just as another example, Habs player Corey Perry knocked out Toronto captain John Tavares in game 1 of that series. Despite Perry being a repeat offender, and despite it being a very serous consequence (again a concussion, and Tavares didn't play for the rest of the series) Perry received no suspension, as it was assessed to be an accident i.e. no moral culpability.
What you do in court is deal with people accused of criminal offences. The fact the NHL still tolerates behaviour that would constitute a criminal offence is the point.
Quote from: Zoupa on June 06, 2021, 02:34:59 AM
You guys in the ROC have been raised since birth on Don Cherry. I guess I can't fault you too much when you take the same stances.
Shrugging it off as "well, that's just hockey. Unfortunate incident!". Especially you BB. Wouldn't you want the game and the mentality around it to change before your kids reach the age where body checks are allowed?
As I said, in Evans' case it WILL have lifelong consequences. Chara broke Pacioretty's fucking neck. Literally broke his neck. Zero games suspended, all on the strength of the game's "culture" (lol) and the much touted fact that he had never been suspended before. Which honestly is an incredibly stupid metric.
These offenders are professional players with hundreds of games under their belt. They know that DoPS is a joke, and it definitely factors in to how they play.
Some of us who grew up watching Cherry recognized him for what he was and rejected his hate filled messages.
Quote from: Zoupa on June 06, 2021, 06:41:17 PM
Isn't french mandatory in Canadian schools?
It is also our second official language. But whatever I learned was quickly unlearned through lack of use. I notice that in my boys as well. Both feel much less comfortable using their other language which is a real shame.
Mines still ok, but no where what it used to be (especially my verbal). when reading i can get the gist of stuff when its a more complicated sentences, but a lot of that has to do with my being able to read portuguese.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 07, 2021, 10:31:24 AM
It is also our second official language. But whatever I learned was quickly unlearned through lack of use. I notice that in my boys as well. Both feel much less comfortable using their other language which is a real shame.
Yeah you really need a consistent stream of cases where using the language is necessary or cool even while not perfect to maintain a second language.
Kings of the North!
Olé Olé Olé
Na Na Na hey hey hey good bye!
Quote from: HVC on June 06, 2021, 12:04:53 AM
Which is odd because by moving to other incidents he seems to imply that Montreal was never on the giving side of a dirty hit.
He's a Montreal fan, it comes with the territory. Their team is perfect, never plays dirty and their only flaw is to not have enough French speaking players when they are losing. Right now, I do not hear any complaints about this. Weird, huh?
And while I'm not as adamant as BB I do agree that that was pretty childish, zoupa.
Yes it was childish Zoupa, you should apologize.
Quote from: HVC on June 07, 2021, 11:23:39 AM
Mines still ok, but no where what it used to be (especially my verbal). when reading i can get the gist of stuff when its a more complicated sentences, but a lot of that has to do with my being able to read portuguese.
I'm struggling more&more to speak english. Writing is ok, reading is ok, understanding is mostly fine - I usually understand as much as French, but speaking the darn language, it seems my accent is getting thicker and thicker, even though it sounds totally fine in my head before I speak.
Quote from: Zoupa on June 06, 2021, 02:34:59 AM
You guys in the ROC have been raised since birth on Don Cherry. I guess I can't fault you too much when you take the same stances.
I'm not one to let a good Canadian bashing opportunity pass by me, but... We ain't that different.
There are still a lot of minor leagues where there's a lot of fighting. It's almost scripted that there is a need to be at least two "good" fights by game, and if you think the hits like you see in the NHL are dirty, that's nothing to what sometimes goes on in these leagues. And the people are happy. And they're demanding it again&again.
And those who comment NHL hockey and call about "a disagracious scene" whenever a Habs is down are hypocrites. They're the first ones to cheed when there's a fight and the Canadien player is winning. They're the first one to say in those after sports show "had I been a coach, after so many solid [legal] hit, I would have sent my toughest player after their best" to scare them. How many times did you hear Habs fans complaining their club was too small, they were getting too many hits in the corners? They weren't talking about lacking a Chara. They wanted a new Brashear on the team.
The NHL will not change the rules much because it's what the people want. Still today, in the NHL, whenever there's a fight, are people booing? Are they in Montreal? No, they're all cheering. Until their player goes down. If he's the one on top, they're cheering.
So let's leave Cherry aside and before looking for the straw in thy neighbour's eye...
I understand if you dislike violence in hockey. I do too. I think CC doesn't even watch hockey because he's tired of this violence. I don't even light fighting in hockey and I wish any player starting a fight be expelled for the game. And during playoffs, I wished that every dirty hit, every little fistfight during the last seconds of the game had a carryover penalty to the next game. Sure go ahead, do that double check in the back of the player and get a 5 min penalty when there's 10 seconds to play and you're losing 4-1. But keep that penalty at the start of the next game. That will dissuade such dirty hits. And the Habs have done their share of hypocrit acts like that whenever they were losing during the playoffs, in other years.
It has nothing to do with Cherry, it's equally popular in Quebec than in Canada, equally popular among French speakers than English speakers.
The only thing unique to Cherry is that he carried his dislike of Euro players through the 2000s and beyond while our own commentors dropped the act sometimes in the late 90s/early 2000s. Before that, you'd regularly read comments about how Euro players "have no heart" and don't care what happens to their clubs, unlike good French Quebec players who had to spend the summer home and live the humiliation of an early defeat.
Can't comment on 90s sports journalism in English Canada, I didn't have the internet back then. What I do know is that nowadays, their hockey coverage is pretty similar to what we have. Minus the focus on Cherry, but Quebec&French bashing is Canada's #2 sports and even permeates throught politics, so it's obvious he got a pass for so long. It's like being an anti-semite in 1920s Germany, no one would have lost his job for that.
Let us all now join together to laugh at the Ottawa Senators:
This is amazing. UT is always good to reignite my love of the game.
Quite crazy how back then the league almost didn't want their expansion team to succeed.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 11, 2021, 12:44:14 PM
Quite crazy how back then the league almost didn't want their expansion team to succeed.
Well to be fair neither did the Senators.
Probably not.
My favorite part was the hilarious skating Romans for their opening game. :lmfao:
Any of you guys watch match 3 of the Habs-Vegas series? Am I crazy or was that the worst officiating I've ever seen?
Wasn't the worst but wasn't good either. Nothing surprising Chris Lee was there.
Fucking Lightning. Nothing makes the NHL worse and more boring and bland than the team with no fans in the state that gives no fucks being good. I really want to hate them but I just can't bring myself to care that much.
It is like if they put the best NFL team in Spain or something.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 07, 2021, 10:22:46 AM
Quote from: Barrister on June 04, 2021, 01:45:08 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 04, 2021, 01:38:45 PM
Which all supports my point that the NHL has a real problem with dealing with violence in the sport, when it can be so easily equated to the considerations in criminal sentencing.
What we do in court is not some arcane mystery - we're just trying to apply principles of fundamental justice. Sentence should be proportional to the seriousness of the offence and moral culpability of the offender.
Just as another example, Habs player Corey Perry knocked out Toronto captain John Tavares in game 1 of that series. Despite Perry being a repeat offender, and despite it being a very serous consequence (again a concussion, and Tavares didn't play for the rest of the series) Perry received no suspension, as it was assessed to be an accident i.e. no moral culpability.
What you do in court is deal with people accused of criminal offences. The fact the NHL still tolerates behaviour that would constitute a criminal offence is the point.
all sports leagues more or less tolerate bad stuff meaning they don't turn it over to courts.
With hockey, it starts from the youngest age and it includes coaches and parents behaviour.
it's not as bad as it used to be in the NHL, but it's still not where I'd like to see it, as in, most of the olympic's rules.
Congrats to Habs fans. <sigh>
And they said 2020 was bad.
They're going to win aren't they? Parade down Ste.-Catharine?
By Hod and the Virgin Gary I hope we get a Isles-Habs Stanley Cup Finals.
But either way congrats Habs. I have long wished to see the Habs fans destroy their downtown again.
I watched the OT and man, crazy. The Knights came out on fire and had some great shots and then BOOM Montreal wins. Great moment.
Quote from: Josephus on June 25, 2021, 06:59:32 AM
They're going to win aren't they? Parade down Ste.-Catharine?
Yes. I'd go, but I no longer have my Nordiques' jersey. :(
Quote from: Valmy on June 25, 2021, 08:18:06 AM
But either way congrats Habs. I have long wished to see the Habs fans destroy their downtown again.
No danger of this happening in Tampa, or Seattle in a few years :P
Everybody ready for the Stanley Cup Finals?
The Habs have no forum spirits to help them like in 1993. I am not optimistic but will be checking it out.
The Habs actually had a ceremony for the ghosts to move lol.
Desperation time for the Habs. :(
It's only game 1.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 28, 2021, 09:38:10 PM
It's only game 1.
I know. At least they hang with the Lightning for two periods. Better luck on Wednesday.
Quote from: Valmy on June 28, 2021, 09:56:38 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 28, 2021, 09:38:10 PM
It's only game 1.
I know. At least they hang with the Lightning for two periods. Better luck on Wednesday.
I've only seen the 3rd period. Good game, but the Habs weren't keeping up while the Lightning wasn't at the top of its game.
a southern team with a weak fan base is gonna win, aren't they? Curse you bettman!
Quote from: HVC on June 29, 2021, 02:28:02 PM
a southern team with a weak fan base is gonna win, aren't they? Curse you bettman!
Most likely.
But the Habs have already beaten far better teams somehow so...we'll see.
Quote from: HVC on June 29, 2021, 02:28:02 PM
a southern team with a weak fan base is gonna win, aren't they? Curse you bettman!
I've seen worst. The arena was quite full yesterday night. TBL has 99.2% average capacity attendance, MPL has 102.6%, Dallas had 113%, all for 2019-2020. Montreal Canadians were at 99.1%, below Tampa. Curse those Norther teams with no fan base! :P
The Bell Centre being bigger, it means 21,085 average attendance vs 18,922 for TBL. Ottawa Senators were at 12-14k attendance for 2018-2019 (76%) and 2019-2020 (65% capacity). The Arizona Coyotes are doing better than the Sens and the Islanders.
However, there would be a lot more people in town to watch the game in bars&restaurants than there would be in TB, so yeah, the fan base is overall bigger in Montreal, no doubt about it.
Still, it ain't doin' so bad.
Facts? I don't need your facts!
Quote from: HVC on June 29, 2021, 04:31:59 PM
Facts? I don't need your facts!
I can prove anything with facts! :P
Quote from: viper37 on June 29, 2021, 04:48:13 PM
Quote from: HVC on June 29, 2021, 04:31:59 PM
Facts? I don't need your facts!
I can prove anything with facts! :P
True but not always true things :P
Sure the Stars have done a great job becoming a great source of corporate entertainment and their mission was always close relationships with the corporate business community in Dallas and they have done a great job. But they have no effort at all to cultivate the regular people or even Texan sports fans in general. So they were in the Stanley Cup Finals last year. During work last September I asked if anybody was watching the Finals and nobody had any idea they were on or that Dallas was in them (and being told they were generated a polite golf clap in the Stars direction along with an empty promise to maybe check it out at some point), out of all those state bureaucrats who normally waste precious meeting time talking sports.
Now I don't know what the situation in Tampa is, granted. However:
The Dallas Fort Worth metro area has a total population of 6 million people. The total population of Texas is about 29 million.
The Tampa Bay metro area has a total population of 3 million people. The total population of Florida is about 21 million.
With that in mind: the total viewership of the 2020 Stanley Cup Finals ranged from about 1.1 million to 2.8 million the entire United States. Bear in mind nearly 9 million Americans tuned in to see the Blues beat the Bruins in 2019.
I probably don't need to tell you that Missouri and Massachusetts are not nearly as big of states as Texas and Florida. They just have actual fanbases who care.
Now, granted, the worst NHL ratings happen when you get not-very-popular Canadian team versus apathetic southern US team. So the biggest yawner ever was the Ducks vs the Senators in 2007 but even that series generated more viewers by the end of the series.
I am just telling you hockey has no significant cultural relevance down here. If the Stars had won last year their corporate fans would have high-fived around the water cooler at the office (or I guess on Zoom since this was 2020) and maybe a few of them might have bought T-shirts. The rest of Texas wouldn't have know or cared the Stanley Cup was just won in their state. Now I don't know what Tampa thought of winning but I know damn sure nobody else in Florida gave a shit. But if even a majority of Tampa Residents had tuned in the TV ratings in that one market would have been higher than the nationwide ratings some of those games got.
Edit: Also remember when Tampa won their first Stanley Cup against Calgary and the local newspaper printed the wrong article by mistake, thinking Tampa had lost? LOLZ. I don't think the Calgary Paper would have made that mistake.
One of my favorite shows from my teenage years is coming back for the first time since the 2004 strike:
Nostalgia feels everywhere. Unfortunately, ESPN has been horrible in their non-live events shows for years so it will probably suck. But I will check it out anyway. Maybe it might not be bad. Their shows used to be for a sports fan audience but eventually it became for social media. Which is probably more lucrative than sports fans but as the abandoned demographic that gave me little consolation :P
Quote from: Valmy on June 30, 2021, 12:07:43 PM
I am just telling you hockey has no significant cultural relevance down here.
Oh really? I never noticed how Americans barely talk of hockey... :P
I know all that. Even northern hockey teams can't compete with the Canadian interest in hockey. Lots of people are watching/attending an NY Islanders playoff run, but how many people will talk about it the next morning at work vs how many people will talk about the latest NBA/MLB/NFL regular season game?
But 2020 was a special year, the season was interrupted and the playoffs were in August, and the series format was changed from its usual. Anyway, 2019 might not have been that different.
QuoteNow I don't know what Tampa thought of winning but I know damn sure nobody else in Florida gave a shit. But if even a majority of Tampa Residents had tuned in the TV ratings in that one market would have been higher than the nationwide ratings some of those games got.
Sure, I don't deny that.
But the NHL's thinking, and it seems to work, is that it's always better to have a the deep pocket 1% out of 20 million rather than 80% of the 7 million mass. So far, it has reflected in their tv contracts. Even though commentators will always say "it's gonna be much lower next time as TV channels see it ain't popular" but it never does.
Also, teams like the Coyotes, the Lighting and the Panthers are to satisfy the Canadian Snowbirds' taste of hockey. Even if not a huge hockey fan, my uncle will tune in to watch a Habs game whenever they are playing in Florida and he's at his flat. I'm guessing he's not alone like that, and many will go to the Panthers, or foreign visitors to Disneyland will attend games in TB.
I understand your point of view that teams with a huge fanbase are more deserving of winning than others. I understand you want to prefer such teams rather than one playing in a virtually empty arena. But I'm usually a fan of talent on ice, rapid skating, challenging plays, intensity in offence. Ever since '93, the Habs have played the trap, than the dump&chase after the rules changes. Even when some of their players seem to have speed, it's like they almost never press the attack. Kinda like Meade against Lee in Gettysburg :P
It makes for boring gameplay, the only interesting bits are the goalies making huge saves. Montreal's sports fans seems to be in awe of defensive play and are always clamoring for bigger defensemen. It's always defense, defense, defense. Honestly, I always find this playstyle boring. I like the good old Pens of Crosby, seeing them against the Caps, both teams using their speed, or even better, Olympic hockey, much more fluid and with referees that actually enforce the rules. Sadly, instead of the NHL emulating international hockey, it's going in the opposite direction.
Edit: Also remember when Tampa won their first Stanley Cup against Calgary and the local newspaper printed the wrong article by mistake, thinking Tampa had lost? LOLZ. I don't think the Calgary Paper would have made that mistake.
Didn't remember that one :D
Nice first period by the Habs. Pity they couldn't convert that power play there at the end.
Ugh. It is probably not a good sign that this 1-0 lead feels insurmountable.
There we go Montreal.
Ok I guess nobody else is watching this game on Languish. Well enough talking to myself. See you guys tomorrow.
I can barely breathe.
Habs had 40 shots and could only get 1 goal. Lightning played like shit and got 3.
I don't think mtl can play any better than they did in game 2, so...
Canadian drought extended to 29 years I guess.
Quote from: Zoupa on July 01, 2021, 01:28:23 AM
Habs had 40 shots and could only get 1 goal. Lightning played like shit and got 3.
I don't think mtl can play any better than they did in game 2, so...
Canadian drought extended to 29 years I guess.
Probably. That goal right at the end of the 2nd period was devastating.
BUT the Habs just have to get one in Tampa. They still have two chances to do that.
First though they have to win all the games in Canada and while that is unlikely it is still possible.
We just have to hope whatever weird séance they did to transfer the forum spirits into the Bell Centre worked. :P
Quote from: Valmy on June 30, 2021, 08:45:01 PM
Ok I guess nobody else is watching this game on Languish. Well enough talking to myself. See you guys tomorrow.
Sorry, I was working yesterday night, couldn't watch the game.
Quote from: viper37 on July 01, 2021, 10:40:44 AM
Quote from: Valmy on June 30, 2021, 08:45:01 PM
Ok I guess nobody else is watching this game on Languish. Well enough talking to myself. See you guys tomorrow.
Sorry, I was working yesterday night, couldn't watch the game.
No worries. I was just posting in case somebody else was watching the game with Languish open.
This is the most important game since Game 2. I kind of feel like Tampa sort of threw game four just because they wanted to win it at home.
But hey if Montreal can somehow magically get this thing back to Canada we might have something resembling a competitive series again.
I really want Montreal to win this game, only to lose game 6 at home.
The Boos the Montreal fans give Bettman when he hands over the cup would be epic.
Quote from: Barrister on July 07, 2021, 09:13:04 PM
I really want Montreal to win this game, only to lose game 6 at home.
The Boos the Montreal fans give Bettman when he hands over the cup would be epic.
Well instead the Lightning are now back to back champions.
Ah well.
Ah well.
Can't win if you don't score. The Lightning was the better team in every aspect so they would have won the series in any case, but I just want to take a final dump on NHL referees. We get that Bettman and co want to make the game popular in the southern US, but can we get just a semblance of professionalism next time please?
The Vegas series officials were clearly biased. It was slightly better for the final but come on. We were never going to win the series, but a call going our way once in a while would have been nice.
Rant over.
Quote from: Zoupa on July 08, 2021, 01:23:28 AM
Can't win if you don't score. The Lightning was the better team in every aspect so they would have won the series in any case, but I just want to take a final dump on NHL referees. We get that Bettman and co want to make the game popular in the southern US, but can we get just a semblance of professionalism next time please?
The Vegas series officials were clearly biased. It was slightly better for the final but come on. We were never going to win the series, but a call going our way once in a while would have been nice.
Rant over.
I would have thought that a complaint about Tampa's obvious salary cap circumvention would be better received rather than a tired old complaint about the refs being agin' ya.
But you do you Zoupa. :hug:
Might be tired but it's true! I think. It's hard to be impartial but still... How did Anderson not get a call or a penalty shot for that breakaway where he crashed into the goal?
And apparently the Habs were also above the cap during the playoffs so I can't bitch too much about that can I :P
Full list of players available for the expansion draft (
Will we see Carey Price next putting on the Kraken's jersey? Stay tuned! ;)
If Seattle picks him despite his hefty contract, Bergevin will look like a fool.
But if they don't, it'll look like no team wants of him, even free.
QuoteBut if they don't, it'll look like no team wants of him, even free.
What? No it doesn't. Price lifted his no-move clause specifically for the expansion, meaning Seattle can't pick him and trade him right away. The no-move clause goes back into effect if Seattle picks him (they won't).
It's just gaming the rules so the Habs can keep Allen as backup goalie.
Quote from: viper37 on July 19, 2021, 12:36:46 PM
Full list of players available for the expansion draft (
Will we see Carey Price next putting on the Kraken's jersey? Stay tuned! ;)
If Seattle picks him despite his hefty contract, Bergevin will look like a fool.
But if they don't, it'll look like no team wants of him, even free.
Price is gone. Book it.
He had to waive his no move clause to allow him to be exposed, so he's clearly OK with the idea of going to Seattle. His contract is almost certainly more than Price is worth (I'm not a huge fan), but he's still a very good goalie who just helped drag his team to the Cup Finals. Price is also from Vancouver, and used to play in Washington state in juniors so he's almost certainly comfortable with going to Seattle.
Looking at the goalie list, there's no goalie under contract who I'd take ahead of Price (Tuukka Rask is not under contract, and Pekka Rinne announced he'll retire). And when starting with a blank sheet for contracts they can likely afford the $10.5 mil cap hit.
Because you're all worried and Winnipeg's expansion draft situation :P - I can't believe they exposed Dylan DeMelo ahead of Logan Stanley. Stanley is 23, been with the Jets system for the last 5 years and only just made it to the Jets in highly sheltered minutes. DeMelo on the other hand was frequently on our first pair and was a very solid defender. The analytics guys all love DeMelo. The Jets have been very week on their right side D(DeMelo shoots right) ever since Byfuglien left. It seems like the team is making the classic mistakes of considering the sunk costs of 5 years invested in Stanley, plus falling in love with his 6 foot 7 height.
Look for Seattle to take either Mason Appleton (who is a good player ready for a bigger role, but the Jets can survive losing him) or DeMelo (who we don't have anyone to replace him with).
If Seattle picks Price than Bergevin is a genius.
I expect they will pick Brett Kulak out of the Habs for a cheap 6-7-8 defenseman.
Or maybe not. The signs are really pointing that Price will be a Kraken. That will be quite the lucky break to get out of under that bad contract halfway in.
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 19, 2021, 01:28:35 PM
If Seattle picks Price than Bergevin is a genius.
I expect they will pick Brett Kulak out of the Habs for a cheap 6-7-8 defenseman.
Or maybe not. The signs are really pointing that Price will be a Kraken. That will be quite the lucky break to get out of under that bad contract halfway in.
All of a sudden there are multiple reports about how Price is injured, how he probably needs surgery and will miss the start of the year...
I think Bergevin is nervous. :D
And apparently Price's wife is from Washington state, which re-inforces that he'd have no issue playing there.
He wouldn't, I agree with you.
They also spent the pandemic offseason in Washington State. All signs point to him being a Kraken but it's want I want so I'm not objective.
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 20, 2021, 01:46:21 PM
He wouldn't, I agree with you.
They also spent the pandemic offseason in Washington State. All signs point to him being a Kraken but it's want I want so I'm not objective.
You'll miss him once he's gone...
Okay now I'm less certain about Price, since apparently the Kraken have signed Chris Dreiger to a 3 year, 3.5 mil contract. Togethger with Price that would mean $14 mil for two goalies, which sounds pretty extreme.
Quote from: Barrister on July 20, 2021, 01:49:02 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on July 20, 2021, 01:46:21 PM
He wouldn't, I agree with you.
They also spent the pandemic offseason in Washington State. All signs point to him being a Kraken but it's want I want so I'm not objective.
You'll miss him once he's gone...
Yes. Now or in 5 years, we will miss him. It's perfect opportunity with Primeau coming into the league.
Price to stay with the Habs.
Jets to lose Mason Appleton.
Flames are losing their Captain.
They didn't take any bad contracts. Those savvy Sea Monsters.
They took both Fleury brothers too.
The plan was never to move Price. The playoff run proves that.
I think lots of folks don't like him because he's not flashy. He makes his stops look easy. He's very rarely pleased or pissed after a goal or at the end of the game.
He remains one of the few goalies out there that can steal a game, and god knows he had to over the years with the Habs perennial anemic offense.
How about them Blackhawks
The Chicago Blackhawks have always been a shitshow organization. Nothing surprising to see here.
Quote from: jimmy olsen on October 28, 2021, 07:55:29 PM
How about them Blackhawks
Quote from: Grey Fox on October 29, 2021, 06:50:23 AM
The Chicago Blackhawks have always been a shitshow organization. Nothing surprising to see here.
Yeah, for a variety of personal reasons I'm just not into sports in general anymore, but as a lifelong Blackhawks fan that 2010 Stanley Cup win was pretty special to me at the time, and to find out about all of this now just sickens me. Like, "getting that indian head tattoo laser-removed from my arm" sickens me. Fucking douchebags...
Holy crap - a CCR sighting???
Sorry it was such sickening news that brought you back.
This has been quite the news in the Winnipeg Jets online circles I also run in, since Jets GM Kevin Cheveldayoff was Assistant GM for Chicago back in 2010. He was the only one in that meeting that has kept his job, and not all are convinced that was the right call.
I have this bold prediction to make: Montréal will not be back in the finals this season.
Homme de peu de foi, va!
So NHL playoffs... Edmonton Oilers are now down 3 games to 2 against the LA Kings, in a series the Oilers were expected to dominate.
I have to admit I'm conflicted. On the one hand I live in Edmonton, tons of people I know love the Oilers, and they would be very happy if they win this series.
On the other hand - I hate the Oilers. Always have, ever since I was a kid.
Who expected them to dominate the Kings? The Oilers are a 2 man team with no great goalie. Plus, when big McD gets rattled he wants to do everything by himself. Easy to counter.
Dumb hockey players signing LTCs with badly run teams.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 11, 2022, 12:56:49 PMWho expected them to dominate the Kings?
Oilers fans, probably.
Toronto is preparing the parade route as we speak.
And because you are all dying to know the latest Winnipeg Jets news... :P
Jets long-term coach Paul Maurice resigned mid-way through the season. Jets promoted assistant coach Dave Lowry to be interim coach (he's also father of Jets player Adam Lowry). It didn't really work, as the Jets missed the playoffs. The Jets, in their typical Jets way, announced that Lowry could apply for the full time position - Lowry declined to do so.
So the Jets are looking for a new coach. Media has been going through the usual collection of retreads to speculate - until Monday. On Monday the NY Islanders fired coach Barry Trotz for missing the playoffs (despite making them each of the 3 years previously, and despite winning the Stanley Cup with the Washington Capitals before that).
Could Barry Trotz be coming to Winnipeg?
Normally you'd dismiss talk of a high-profile candidate like that coming to lowly Winnipeg. But there's an ace in the hole - Trotz's hometown is Dauphin, Manitoba. He comes back to Manitoba every summer. He brought the Cup back here when he won it with the Caps. He got his start coaching with the University of Manitoba Bisons. And apparently he closely follows the Jets.
Congrats Montreal on winning the Shane Wright lottery.
I am so used to the Caps losing OT games in the playoffs I almost turned it off on Monday. I should have. Now I am all depressed. Hope for better things tonight.
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2022, 01:25:25 PMNormally you'd dismiss talk of a high-profile candidate like that coming to lowly Winnipeg. But there's an ace in the hole - Trotz's hometown is Dauphin, Manitoba. He comes back to Manitoba every summer. He brought the Cup back here when he won it with the Caps. He got his start coaching with the University of Manitoba Bisons. And apparently he closely follows the Jets.
That would be a nice catch :)
Quote from: Valmy on May 11, 2022, 05:49:49 PMCongrats Montreal on winning the Shane Wright lottery.
Within two years, he will be center #1 in MTL. Then, halfway through the season, he'll be benched, relegated to #2 center. By the time the training camp begins, he'll be #4 and will be exchanged before Christmas for some defenseman and a choice at the next draft.
This is the (Montreal) way. It is known.
Quote from: Valmy on May 11, 2022, 05:49:49 PMNow I am all depressed.
There's no reason to be depressed:
Sidney Crosby Has Turned Back the Clock (
QuoteCrosby has shown no signs of slowing down, only getting better and elevating his play at the precise moment the Penguins needed him to. That's what Crosby does.
Let's be clear about something right off the hop: Sidney Crosby never left.
Sure, a few shiny new toys named Connor McDavid and Auston Matthews dramatically burst onto the scene in recent years to tear up the record books and absorb all the media attention for their nightly showcases of on-ice wizardry. But Crosby has only continued to chug along at his typically elite clip throughout this, quietly scoring at his highest per-game rate this season since 2018-19 with an impressive 84 points in 69 games despite starting the year on the injured reserve.
Crosby's place among the NHL's elite was never in doubt. He may no longer be the league's consensus top player as he was during his prime, but he's certainly keeping himself, at the very least, in the vicinity of the conversation -- even at 34 years old.
What he's managed to do through the first four games of the 2022 Stanley Cup Playoffs, however, should thrust him right back into the middle of it.
The Penguins rode into the playoffs this year on a cloud of dour pessimism.
The depleted group that fought injuries and health scares all year long dropped 11 of its final 17 games to cap off the season, nine of which came in regulation, all while their starting goaltender succumbed to yet another serious ailment at the worst possible moment before one of their franchise pillars earned himself a four-game suspension.
Ceding home-ice advantage to the rival New York Rangers and their Vezina-favorite puck-stopper was merely the icing on this very sad cake, plunging expectations among the Pittsburgh fanbase to a season-low.
Then Crosby re-entered the fray, as he's want to do, and has proceeded to drag them back up into the stratosphere.
No one should be surprised. And yet, we still are.
Crosby has turned back the clock through four games of postseason action thus far. The pride of Cole Harbour has carried the Penguins to an improbable 3-1 series lead against the higher-seeded Rangers, with Crosby's nine points in four games landing him just one point shy of the league lead, while his seven assists pace the field.
Vintage Crosby is a transcendent player -- good enough to plaster over other would-be fatal roster flaws such as relying on third-stringer Louis Domingue, minutes removed from devouring a full meal, as your goaltending savior.
Credit to Domingue, of course, whose .906 save percentage through four appearances and three starts is better than anyone could've expected. But few teams would be able to weather the losses the Penguins have been dealt and still sit poised to knock off the 110-point Rangers in five games.
A team with Sidney Crosby can. That's what he brings at the height of his powers.
But it hasn't just been box-score gold that Crosby has spun. No, Crosby's underlying numbers illustrate a player who, while carrying the second-largest even-strength workload of any Penguins forward, has completely and utterly dominated the opposition in every facet of the game whenever he's stepped on the ice.
In over 73 minutes of even-strength ice time to this point in the series, Crosby's ridiculous 73.26 percent scoring-chance share is exceeded only by his otherworldly 76.67 percent expected-goals share.
Those are some gaudy numbers. But math can be confusing, so it's important to break down just what exactly they mean.
Despite drawing the toughest matchups his opponent can possibly throw at him, Crosby's play has tilted the ice in Pittsburgh's favor when it comes to scoring chance generation and the possession game for roughly 75 percent of his overall even-strength usage. And considering how Crosby has logged more even-strength minutes than all but one of his fellow forwards, the Penguins essentially control the two most vital facets of play for a staggering chunk of each contest -- earning the series lead to show for it.
Factor in all situations outside of five-on-five, and Crosby's workload only grows to his heaviest in well over a decade. But he's shown no signs of slowing down in spite of this, only getting better and elevating his play at the precise moment the Penguins needed him to.
He's once again given the Pittsburgh faithful a hero. The same hero they've relied on for the past 15 years and counting.
That's what Crosby does. When the odds are the longest, and when onlookers have counted him out, Sid the Kid finds a way to reach new levels that few thought possible.
These playoffs have showcased exactly that. And the most terrifying part is, he's only getting started. Again.
See, Valmy? All is good. :showoff:
Viper is a Debby Downer but he is right. No center thrives in Montreal. This is the way.
First time in my life they have the 1st overall choice. I'm pretty hyped.
Yeah I hope I get to suffer the curse of the Pens one more time. Right now we have the Panthers being all #1 seed at us.
Hey look a goal! Stupid hope...flowing through me. THIS IS OUR YEAR AGAIN! THIS VERSION OF THE CAPS WILL DO IT ONE MORE TIME!!!! IT IS THEIR DESTINY!!!!1111111
Well that was the most 2022 Caps thing ever. Our goal tending is trash.
Just horrid. I fucking hate Florida. Screw those guys and their fake fairweather fans.
I'm surprised there aren't any Ukrainian flags at the Florida home games. You'd think it'd be. A great way to taunt the caps.
Quote from: HVC on May 12, 2022, 03:37:10 AMI'm surprised there aren't any Ukrainian flags at the Florida home games. You'd think it'd be. A great way to taunt the caps.
They have their own Russians.
Though a tractor pulling Ovechkin around would sum up the last two games.
Quote from: Valmy on May 12, 2022, 08:47:05 AMQuote from: HVC on May 12, 2022, 03:37:10 AMI'm surprised there aren't any Ukrainian flags at the Florida home games. You'd think it'd be. A great way to taunt the caps.
They have their own Russians.
Though a tractor pulling Ovechkin around would sum up the last two games.
Barkov is Finnish.
Looking at their roster the Panthers only have one Russian player - Maxim Mamin. Mamin has only played in 1 game so far in the playoffs, with total icetime of 9:35, so I don't think they're too worried about offending him.
Barkov's father is Russian!
Anyway the Caps were as successful at holding their lead as Ovechkin's buddy Putin was at taking Kharkiv.
Fucking leafs
Quote from: HVC on May 12, 2022, 09:59:56 PMFucking leafs
Yeah I had a bad feeling about that series. I will be shocked if the Lightning don't win game 7, but here's hoping.
Quote from: HVC on May 12, 2022, 09:59:56 PMFucking leafs
What? They like playing hockey and want that moment to last, that's all. ;)
they had excellent opportunities to score in OT while the Lightning was shooting for the sake of shooting. I'm not sure they can rely on such luck all along the series, should they beat TO in game 7.
Quote from: Barrister on May 11, 2022, 12:53:02 PM*bump*
So NHL playoffs... Edmonton Oilers are now down 3 games to 2 against the LA Kings, in a series the Oilers were expected to dominate.
I have to admit I'm conflicted. On the one hand I live in Edmonton, tons of people I know love the Oilers, and they would be very happy if they win this series.
On the other hand - I hate the Oilers. Always have, ever since I was a kid.
Oilers take it to game 7. :mellow:
Sorry Valmy.
Leafs will win tonight. :)
Quote from: HVC on May 13, 2022, 11:21:35 PMSorry Valmy.
Another OT playoff game, another loss. Such as it always is.
Hard to believe just a few nights ago they almost went up 3-1 on the Panthers. Sigh.
Le sigh.
Good god, they fail again.
John Tavares was such a bad signing. Not because he's bad but because he can never be good enough for the havoc his cap hit does to the Leafs cap. He takes the place of 4 other potential goal scorer while barely scoring above replacement level.
Quote from: HVC on May 14, 2022, 08:48:26 PMLe sigh.
Bad 1st round for my Languish friends.
Sorry Valmy :console: , Sorry HVC. :console:
Pittsburgh is tied 3-3 with Rangers. But I don't care for them as much as I used to. Don't care that much about playoff hockey anymore, I don't really know why. Ah, well. Gives more time for other things.
Probably because it's in the summer. My nhl watching has been hit or miss the last few years too
Fuck man, I'm 56, don't have much more time left. C'mon Leafs, let's do it in my lifetime.
Oilers win. :mellow:
Okay, so at least let's hope the Flames win tonight. A Battle of Alberta second round would be pretty fun.
Quote from: Barrister on May 15, 2022, 12:36:10 PMOilers win. :mellow:
Okay, so at least let's hope the Flames win tonight. A Battle of Alberta second round would be pretty fun.
Looks like it's going to be a great series. Way too late for me, though :P
This Calgary-Edmonton game is crazy.
Currently 7-6 Calgary with 15 minutes left in the third period.
Quote from: Barrister on May 18, 2022, 11:00:55 PMThis Calgary-Edmonton game is crazy.
Currently 7-6 Calgary with 15 minutes left in the third period.
9-6 at the end of it. Damn. You don't see that everyday. :)
This Alberta series is the weirdest one I've seen in a long time.
Quote from: HVC on May 26, 2022, 04:07:20 AMThis Alberta series is the weirdest one I've seen in a long time.
That goal from the opposite blue line was something crazy. And the Oilers still won!
I'm really hoping for a Calgary win tonight though to extend the series. Because I'm set to take my son down to Calgary for a hockey tournament for the weekend. I think the idea of watching the game in Calgary with a bunch of Edmonton hockey parents would be quite amusing. :)
Last week news, Shea Weaber was exchanged by the Habs to the Vegas Knights.
I get why the Canadiens wanted to trade him. He is, in all likelyhood, not coming back to play and he has something like 4 years left to his contract. Even on the long term injured list, he costs money and the CH takes a hit on their salary cap. By trading him for a less expensive player, they get some more free room.
What I do not understand if what the VG gain of it.
I always thought he would go to a team that had trouble reaching the salary floor. But Vegas is apparently close to the cap too and does not have that much wiggle room. What do they gain by having a costly player on their long term injured list? IRRC, they can't write off 100% of his salary. What am I missing?
His actual salary is 3 millions next year & then 1 million for each of the last 3 years. Although, that doesn't really matter; insurance is paying that out.
LTIR is a confusing aspect of the NHL Salary cap system. Basically, when a player is placed on LTIR the team gets his daily cap hit reduced from the daily payroll. Depending on how the team is set up, they can accrue space on the difference to the upper cap limit.
Read this :
Winnipeg Jets announce Rick Bowness as their new head coach, only their third in Jets 2.0 history.
I'm not really a fan of the hire, but damn this guy has an interesting history.
Rick Bowness is 67 years old. He spent most of his playing career as a minor leaguer, but made his NHL debut with the Atlanta Flames back in 1975-1976. He also played with Jets 1.0 in their inaugural 1980-1981 season (a season which was historically bad).
He became a player-coach (which you never see anymore) with the Jets AHL affiliate Sherbrooke Jets in 1982 through 1984, where he then moved on to be an assistant coach with the Jets 1.0 in 1984. He became interim head coach mid way through the 1989-1990 season, although he was let go at the end of the season.
Since then he was an interim head coach for the Bruins, became the first ever head coach for the expansion Ottawa Senators, head coach for the wretched mid-90s Islanders, an assistant (and interim head coach) in Phoenix (which was the old Jets 1.0), assistant with Vancouver, assistant with Tampa, assistant then full time head coach in Dallas until being let go recently.
His lifetime head coaching record is 212-351-48, which obviously is not good. But he mostly coached some terrible teams, most notably the expansion Senators. His record in Dallas was decent at 89-62.
It sometimes feels like Jets management/ownership is a little too in-touch with Jets history, and this fits right in that pattern, with Bowness having both played and coached for Jets 1.0. So I don't expect a lot from the upcoming season, but damn - he seems like a guy to share a beer with and hear some amazing stories about back in the day...
Börje Salming has passed away.
RIP :(
How are the Pens not #1? They are a team of pure evil!
Quote from: Valmy on December 09, 2022, 10:52:08 PMHow are the Pens not #1? They are a team of pure evil!
You can rejoice in the fact that they are above the Caps! :P
Quote from: viper37 on December 09, 2022, 10:55:07 PMQuote from: Valmy on December 09, 2022, 10:52:08 PMHow are the Pens not #1? They are a team of pure evil!
You can rejoice in the fact that they are above the Caps! :P
Well with their Putin loving star combined with their reputation for thuggery I understand -_-
But still :mad:
Quote from: Valmy on December 09, 2022, 10:52:08 PMHow are the Pens not #1? They are a team of pure evil!
No - the only possible answer is the Leafs.
Going to see the Rangers playing the Canucks early January. I know the Canucks suck right now. How are the Rangers?
Quote from: Barrister on December 10, 2022, 01:21:15 AMQuote from: Valmy on December 09, 2022, 10:52:08 PMHow are the Pens not #1? They are a team of pure evil!
No - the only possible answer is the Leafs.
The Leafs? For what? Being too easy a playoff series win?
Quote from: Valmy on December 10, 2022, 02:16:15 AMQuote from: Barrister on December 10, 2022, 01:21:15 AMQuote from: Valmy on December 09, 2022, 10:52:08 PMHow are the Pens not #1? They are a team of pure evil!
No - the only possible answer is the Leafs.
The Leafs? For what? Being too easy a playoff series win?
From what I can recall other Canadians are sour that CBC used to show Toronto games around the country.
Quote from: HVC on December 10, 2022, 05:24:16 AMQuote from: Valmy on December 10, 2022, 02:16:15 AMQuote from: Barrister on December 10, 2022, 01:21:15 AMQuote from: Valmy on December 09, 2022, 10:52:08 PMHow are the Pens not #1? They are a team of pure evil!
No - the only possible answer is the Leafs.
The Leafs? For what? Being too easy a playoff series win?
From what I can recall other Canadians are sour that CBC used to show Toronto games around the country.
It still does! And spends too much time in the intermission on them.
The top 2 teams are the Habs eternal rivals. I'm good with that hatred.
Quote from: Valmy on December 10, 2022, 12:42:58 AMQuote from: viper37 on December 09, 2022, 10:55:07 PMQuote from: Valmy on December 09, 2022, 10:52:08 PMHow are the Pens not #1? They are a team of pure evil!
You can rejoice in the fact that they are above the Caps! :P
Well with their Putin loving star combined with their reputation for thuggery I understand -_-
But still :mad:
Ahem. Ovechkin is the founder of that Putin's fan club...
Quote from: viper37 on December 11, 2022, 02:04:25 AMQuote from: Valmy on December 10, 2022, 12:42:58 AMQuote from: viper37 on December 09, 2022, 10:55:07 PMQuote from: Valmy on December 09, 2022, 10:52:08 PMHow are the Pens not #1? They are a team of pure evil!
You can rejoice in the fact that they are above the Caps! :P
Well with their Putin loving star combined with their reputation for thuggery I understand -_-
But still :mad:
Ahem. Ovechkin is the founder of that Putin's fan club...
That is who I was referring to. :(
That and the Caps reputation for cheap shots.
Quote from: Valmy on December 11, 2022, 10:08:24 PMQuote from: viper37 on December 11, 2022, 02:04:25 AMQuote from: Valmy on December 10, 2022, 12:42:58 AMQuote from: viper37 on December 09, 2022, 10:55:07 PMQuote from: Valmy on December 09, 2022, 10:52:08 PMHow are the Pens not #1? They are a team of pure evil!
You can rejoice in the fact that they are above the Caps! :P
Well with their Putin loving star combined with their reputation for thuggery I understand -_-
But still :mad:
Ahem. Ovechkin is the founder of that Putin's fan club...
That is who I was referring to. :(
That and the Caps reputation for cheap shots.
Ah, I thought you were talking of Malkin, sorry :(
Most viewed team pages by state and province:
I admit, I am surprised by the Bruins, up there in... North Dakota :huh:
Quote from: viper37 on December 15, 2022, 05:48:07 PMI admit, I am surprised by the Bruins, up there in... North Dakota :huh:
You see a few of these: Original 6 teams that seem popular in places without NHL teams.
Also the Avs being a popular search term - they just won the cup.
What cracks me up is the Calgary Flames popping up in Georgia. 50 years later, they still miss their Flames I guess... :lol:
Quote from: Barrister on December 15, 2022, 05:51:54 PMQuote from: viper37 on December 15, 2022, 05:48:07 PMI admit, I am surprised by the Bruins, up there in... North Dakota :huh:
You see a few of these: Original 6 teams that seem popular in places without NHL teams.
Also the Avs being a popular search term - they just won the cup.
What cracks me up is the Calgary Flames popping up in Georgia. 50 years later, they still miss their Flames I guess... :lol:
Yeah, could be that.
I would have expected the Bruins to be more popular in the Maritimes though. :)
Actually, I know gotta call BS on this map.
Up in New England the most popular team page in Vermont is - the Nordiques?????
Quote from: Barrister on December 15, 2022, 06:04:58 PMActually, I know gotta call BS on this map.
Up in New England the most popular team page in Vermont is - the Nordiques?????
They are good people!
I did two student exchange trips there, I must have left a lasting impression. :lmfao:
In my experience, the most popular hockey team was the Canadiens. I do not know whey they would visit a Nordiques page. Especially since there are no official Nordiques page.
Not the nhl, but Canada just won the world juniors for the 20th time in a OT winner over the Czech Republic.
Really Maryland and Virginia? Bunch of fucking traitors.
Quote from: HVC on January 05, 2023, 11:45:10 PMNot the nhl, but Canada just won the world juniors for the 20th time in a OT winner over the Czech Republic.
I hadn't watched any of the tournament, but wound up watching the last bit of the gold medal game because my oldest son (Tim, 12) wanted to.
Anyways... we watched Canada score the winning goal by Canada in 3-on-3 overtime. My middle kid (Andrew, 10) who was half watching asks Tim who scored. Dylan Guenther, he says.
To which Andrew says "Oh yeah - he played for the Oil Kings, and was selected 10th overall by Arizona".
What the fuck - who did he know that? Actually it was 9th overall, but yes played junior for the Oil Kings and selected by Arizona.
Anyways - yay Canada!
So some NHL drama from last night.
Before the start of the Philly-Anaheim game, the Flyers had a Pride Night. The players come out for warm-up in rainbow jerseys, and sticks wrapped in rainbow tape, which are then auctioned off to support LGBTQ+ causes.
One player did not come for the warm-up - D-man Ivan Provorov.
He said he didn't come out "because he wanted to stay true to myself and my religion". His religion is Russian Orthodox (he's from Russia, obviously).
Now look - no offence to AmScipio if he shows up, but the Russian Orthodox church under Patriarch Kirill is a garbage church, and has definitely taken anti-LGBTQ positions (I have no problem with orthodoxy generally). And of course Kirill has also taken the rather un-Christ-like position of being in favour of killing Ukrainians.
So there's a bunch of terrible takes on Twitter, many being how brave Provorov was being, or of course how Provorov should be run out of the league.
I saw one take I liked. It said "we only want LGBT allies to wear rainbow colours. If he wants to show the world he isn't an ally, then the whole world can see what kind of person he is". That seemed sensible to me.
Generally, I'm mostly supportive but occasionally mixed on pride week/rainbow flags and the like. I'm 100% supportive for equal rights for LGBTQ people, but sometimes Pride supporters drag in a lot of unrelated political matters under the rainbow flag - for example when they started disallowing police forces to march in pride parades.
That being said... There has never been an openly gay NHL player. Not current, not retired. Out of thousands and thousands of players. So don't tell me that NHL doesn't have some level of problem of homophobia. If I were an NHLer (ha!) I'd wear the freaking pride jersey.
(there is one kid - Luke Prokop, from Edmonton. 3rd round selection by the Predators in 2020 and signed to an NHL contract that year. Came out as gay in 2021. To date he has never played an NHL game however. If he makes the team he'll shatter that barrier. If he doesn't, I suspect there will always be lingering questions if his sexuality had something to do with it)
The Russian Orthodox Church has been nothing but a department of the Russian Government since 1700 or so (with a small break from 1917 until 1941). I have to think that is somewhat damaging to its spiritual authority in the eyes of the rest of the Orthodox world.
It is interesting to me that the Pens and Caps are declining at basically the same rate and same way and are basically tied as the #7 and #8 teams in the East. It always seems like we are linked.
What the hell is happening in Boston? I thought they were also declining with age but now look awesome.
Meanwhile everybody is sucking trying to get Connor Bedard. Sorry GF, the Habs suck but they don't suck enough.
Quote from: Valmy on January 27, 2023, 09:17:00 PMIt is interesting to me that the Pens and Caps are declining at basically the same rate and same way and are basically tied as the #7 and #8 teams in the East. It always seems like we are linked.
What the hell is happening in Boston? I thought they were also declining with age but now look awesome.
Meanwhile everybody is sucking trying to get Connor Bedard. Sorry GF, the Habs suck but they don't suck enough.
Pens and Caps have had success at aroumd the same time and their players climbed to the top, leaving less room for new recruits.
They always make the playoffs so they get average choices at the draft, and the they trade their best hopes for vetersns that can lead them far away on playoff season, but it's never enough.
As for thr Habs, I don't knoe what they'e trying to do. Everyone was omboard their reconstruction plan. But then, they started to wim early on and produce some quality hockey for the first trio and everyone started dreamimg at the cup again, players included I guess - or - the players have discovered that Montreal does have a nightlife, and unlike New York, being a young hockey player makes you popular with the ladies. Which could explain why so many on the team look so tired.
Or the higher ups realized they needed to lose some games to imcress their draft lottery chances
Not sure if anyone is noticing what is happening in Vancouver-I mean why would you. But they can't even fire their coach properly. In the process, they turned him into a beloved martyr.
My main measure of how the Canucks are doing is how many calls I get from clients asking for tickets. These days we have clients turning down offers to give them tickets.
Luckily, the Habs also get the Panthers odds for Bedard.
Quote from: crazy canuck on January 28, 2023, 07:09:31 AMNot sure if anyone is noticing what is happening in Vancouver-I mean why would you. But they can't even fire their coach properly. In the process, they turned him into a beloved martyr.
My main measure of how the Canucks are doing is how many calls I get from clients asking for tickets. These days we have clients turning down offers to give them tickets.
We did. We even got news article covering this. For our newspapers to report about anything else than the Habs, it has to be big news.
Good. Canucks fans deserve nothing but the worst.
Quote from: Barrister on January 18, 2023, 12:39:35 PMSo some NHL drama from last night.
Saw that elsewhere.
If I were a Russian player I would just keep my mouth shut for a couple of years. You can't win if you open your mouth and start opining. On anything.
I gotta imagine he and his agent had some heated exchanges about his decision.
Quote from: HVC on January 28, 2023, 07:23:21 PMGood. Canucks fans deserve nothing but the worst.
Canuck fans are the good guys in this story. It's Canucks management that are Teh Baddies.
RIP Bobby Hull.
Fuck that Nazi POS.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 30, 2023, 02:51:00 PMNo.
Fuck that Nazi POS.
Oh. I was unaware he was a Nazi POS. What is up with the Blackhawks and horrible people?
Granted my favorite club is Team Z.
Quote from: Valmy on January 30, 2023, 02:57:47 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on January 30, 2023, 02:51:00 PMNo.
Fuck that Nazi POS.
Oh. I was unaware he was a Nazi POS. What is up with the Blackhawks and horrible people?
Granted my favorite club is Team Z.
He was quoted (in a Russian newspaper) that "Hitler, for example, had some good ideas. He just went a little bit too far."
I also mentioned in the Dead Pool thread there were very credible allegations of domestic violence.
But the man died today. I very much believe that if you can't say anything nice about the recently deceased, you say nothing at all.
So anyways - he was a great player for the WHA Jets, helped win several AVCO Cups. And I am aware of the other stuff.
I only knew him as a legend from the old days whose son was Brett Hull. Obviously Bobby was never the celebrity here in the US he was in Canada, except maybe in Chicago I guess.
Quote from: Valmy on January 30, 2023, 03:08:12 PMI only knew him as a legend from the old days whose son was Brett Hull. Obviously Bobby was never the celebrity here in the US he was in Canada, except maybe in Chicago I guess.
I kid (slightly) with the WHA stuff - he was absolutely a huge star in his Blackhawk days.
But seriously - his ONE MILLION DOLLAR contract with the Jets was mind-blowing at the time.
I gotta say - that suit Hull is wearing is AMAZING.
Maybe with that million dollars Bobby bought himself a better suit.
Quote from: Barrister on January 30, 2023, 03:18:06 PMI gotta say - that suit Hull is wearing is AMAZING.
Very 1970s :lol:
Quote from: Valmy on January 30, 2023, 03:23:58 PMQuote from: Barrister on January 30, 2023, 03:18:06 PMI gotta say - that suit Hull is wearing is AMAZING.
Very 1970s :lol:
How to tell that picture was taken in 1972 without saying it was taken in 1972...
So I've always followed the career of Buffalo Sabres centre Dylan Cozens. Now I don't know Dylan at all - but Dylan was born in Whitehorse, and both his parents were one-time colleagues as federal prosecutors in Yukon (his dad subsequently was appointed a Territorial Court Judge). Weirdly I also worked with Dylan's uncle (his dad's brother) 20+ years ago in Calgary. The uncle subsequently quit the practice of law, grew his hair out, and went on to have his own reality tv show.
Anyways - Dylan just signed a $49 million, 7 year contract with the Sabres. Good for him!
Lots and lots of rumors lately about a new NHL team expansion! :hug:
In Atlanta... :glare:
Meanwhile, Quebecor is acquiring the Montreal Alouettes (CFL).
This is the 2nd season in a row I have not watched a single NHL hockey game in full. Followed by two where I haven't watched a full game. If Atlanta gets a team before Quebec city, that's gonna be permanent.
Why try Atlanta again? 3rd time will not be the charm.
Expand? They should just move the Coyotes out of Arizona.
NHL playoffs started last night.
We had Carolina over the Islanders, Boston over Florida, Minnesota over Dallas in double OT.
BUt I want to talk aboutis how the Oilers blew a 2 goal lead in the third period and lost in OT to the LA Kings. :lmfao:
Jets play tonight in Vegas. Now the Jets came in as a Wildcard team, and Vegas #1 in the West, but I think I like their chances a bit more than the standings might suggest. But we'll see - they're still the underdog here.
There's actually a surprising lot of Vegas-Manitoba connections. Vegas GM is Kelly McCrimmon - he was the owner/GM of the WHL Brandon Wheat Kings (Brandon is Manitoba's second largest city). Vegas's goalie is Laurent Brossoit - he was Winnipeg's backup for three seasons. Vegas has Winnipeggers Nolan Patrick and Mark Stone on the roster. And of course the teams played back in 2018 in the Western Conference final, with Vegas winning.
At least it is impossible for the Caps to lose to the Pens in the second round this year.
5-1 Jets over Vegas. :smoke:
Quote from: Valmy on April 18, 2023, 01:56:13 PMAt least it is impossible for the Caps to lose to the Pens in the second round this year.
The Pens are weird.
They hire a GM to rejuvenate the team. The new owner stops the plan and wants him to keep the extended core intact.
Then they don't make the playoffs by following the plan of the owner, so the owner fires the GM and the assistant GM.
No, not weird, not the right word. It's exactly what the Canadiens have been doing since Molson bought back the team.
Leafs leafed it.
Quote from: HVC on April 19, 2023, 03:08:22 PMLeafs leafed it.
Or the Lightning lightninged it. Either way works.
Quote from: Valmy on April 19, 2023, 03:47:25 PMQuote from: HVC on April 19, 2023, 03:08:22 PMLeafs leafed it.
Or the Lightning lightninged it. Either way works.
The lightning can't lightning just any team, but the leafs can leaf it with anyone.
Silly move by the Golden Knights:
Quote from: HVC on April 19, 2023, 03:08:22 PMLeafs leafed it.
Yonge Street parade this June? :P
Quote from: viper37 on April 20, 2023, 05:58:09 PMSilly move by the Golden Knights:
I saw from a reputable Jets-based reporter that it was only one bike.
The story from 2018 where Vegas wouldn't turn the arena lights on for a game-day warm up is completely true however.
Damn it hockey is weird.
The Jets looked completely dominant in Game 1, and again in period 1 of game 2.
But for periods 2 and 3 it was all Vegas.
No idea what happened.
Quote from: Barrister on April 21, 2023, 09:55:26 AMDamn it hockey is weird.
The Jets looked completely dominant in Game 1, and again in period 1 of game 2.
But for periods 2 and 3 it was all Vegas.
No idea what happened.
Happens all the time. Leafs got hammered in Game 1, hammered right back in game 2
Bruins are going to win
Leafs still lead 3-2 in their series against the Lightning. So can still lose this one in 7 games. In case you are inclined to be pessimistic. :shutup:
I haven't watched any games this season. I've barely heard any sports comments either. I usually listen to a radio show on the morning and listen through the hockey and football segment but skip over the golf part, and usually the other sports too.
I wish the best of luck to the Leafs. After so many years of getting thrown out of the playoffs early on, they deserve it. :)
There's only so many times you can come back from behind
Jets lose to the Golden Knights.
After winning the first game, they then lose 4 straight.
Last night it was a 4-1 loss that hardly looked like the Jets were trying.
Post-game presser coach Bowness was spicey saying how disgusted he was at his team's efforts. That's not typical language for Bones.
Could be an interesting off-season. Wheeler, Schiefele, PLD and Hellebuyck all UFAs after next season. So if you think they won't re-sign, or you don't want to re-sign them, the time to trade them is now. But then you're in re-build mode.
Quote from: Barrister on April 28, 2023, 09:34:59 AMJets lose to the Golden Knights.
After winning the first game, they then lose 4 straight.
Last night it was a 4-1 loss that hardly looked like the Jets were trying.
Post-game presser coach Bowness was spicey saying how disgusted he was at his team's efforts. That's not typical language for Bones.
Could be an interesting off-season. Wheeler, Schiefele, PLD and Hellebuyck all UFAs after next season. So if you think they won't re-sign, or you don't want to re-sign them, the time to trade them is now. But then you're in re-build mode.
On radio they said lots of rumor are sending Pier-Luc Dubois to the Habs over the summer.
Quote from: Barrister on April 28, 2023, 09:34:59 AMJets lose to the Golden Knights.
After winning the first game, they then lose 4 straight.
Last night it was a 4-1 loss that hardly looked like the Jets were trying.
Post-game presser coach Bowness was spicey saying how disgusted he was at his team's efforts. That's not typical language for Bones.
Could be an interesting off-season. Wheeler, Schiefele, PLD and Hellebuyck all UFAs after next season. So if you think they won't re-sign, or you don't want to re-sign them, the time to trade them is now. But then you're in re-build mode.
Well look on the bright side: You didn't go up 3-1 and then lose three straight like the Caps have done five times.
Quote from: viper37 on April 28, 2023, 04:25:09 PMOn radio they said lots of rumor are sending Pier-Luc Dubois to the Habs over the summer.
It's very clear that's exactly what PLD wants.
Jets aren't exactly going to give him away for free though.
I do think he has to go though.
Quote from: Barrister on April 28, 2023, 10:04:35 PMQuote from: viper37 on April 28, 2023, 04:25:09 PMOn radio they said lots of rumor are sending Pier-Luc Dubois to the Habs over the summer.
It's very clear that's exactly what PLD wants.
Jets aren't exactly going to give him away for free though.
I do think he has to go though.
I've read a few articles about it yesterday, they talked about some prospects the Canadiens would trade to the Jets for compensation and a 9M$/year contract for Dubois.
It's all a lot of rumors.
Quote from: viper37 on April 29, 2023, 11:55:50 AMQuote from: Barrister on April 28, 2023, 10:04:35 PMQuote from: viper37 on April 28, 2023, 04:25:09 PMOn radio they said lots of rumor are sending Pier-Luc Dubois to the Habs over the summer.
It's very clear that's exactly what PLD wants.
Jets aren't exactly going to give him away for free though.
I do think he has to go though.
I've read a few articles about it yesterday, they talked about some prospects the Canadiens would trade to the Jets for compensation and a 9M$/year contract for Dubois.
It's all a lot of rumors.
Let me guess - it's a bunch of crap that Habs fans think they can foist off on the Jets.
Even if PLD is 100% set on going to Montreal, the Jets can still trade him as a one year rental in the offseason.
Leafs make it through to round 2 for first time in 19 years. Lucky in game 6. Even play for 2 periods but lightning controlled the third period and all but the last minute of OT.
Go leafs.
Quote from: HVC on April 29, 2023, 09:04:56 PMLeafs make it through to round 2 for first time in 19 years. Lucky in game 6. Even play for 2 periods but lightning controlled the third period and all but the last minute of OT.
Go leafs.
I was watching the TFC game but caught the overtime on the GO Train.
Quote from: Josephus on April 29, 2023, 09:16:35 PMQuote from: HVC on April 29, 2023, 09:04:56 PMLeafs make it through to round 2 for first time in 19 years. Lucky in game 6. Even play for 2 periods but lightning controlled the third period and all but the last minute of OT.
Go leafs.
I was watching the TFC game but caught the overtime on the GO Train.
I see that they won. Good day for Toronto.
Amazing. The Lightning have lost.
Thank you Leafs. It will be nice not to have a Stanley Cup Finals without those turds for once this decade.
Quote from: Barrister on April 29, 2023, 12:38:44 PMQuote from: viper37 on April 29, 2023, 11:55:50 AMQuote from: Barrister on April 28, 2023, 10:04:35 PMQuote from: viper37 on April 28, 2023, 04:25:09 PMOn radio they said lots of rumor are sending Pier-Luc Dubois to the Habs over the summer.
It's very clear that's exactly what PLD wants.
Jets aren't exactly going to give him away for free though.
I do think he has to go though.
I've read a few articles about it yesterday, they talked about some prospects the Canadiens would trade to the Jets for compensation and a 9M$/year contract for Dubois.
It's all a lot of rumors.
Let me guess - it's a bunch of crap that Habs fans think they can foist off on the Jets.
Even if PLD is 100% set on going to Montreal, the Jets can still trade him as a one year rental in the offseason.
Don't know why the Habs would trade for PLD right now. He's coming and next year they have a glut of 2nd/3rd line centers to go through first before the 2024 summer to find a real #1 goaltender.
Quote from: Barrister on April 29, 2023, 12:38:44 PMLet me guess - it's a bunch of crap that Habs fans think they can foist off on the Jets.
Even if PLD is 100% set on going to Montreal, the Jets can still trade him as a one year rental in the offseason.
Knowing Montreal's sports jourmalists, they are highly valuable assets that would rival with the likes of Sidney Crosby and Connor McDavid in their rookie year, if only drafters would recognize their full potential and not put them on the 234th position :P
I believe the rules are clear, they have to be 1st and 2nd round picks, it's based on his salary.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 30, 2023, 10:13:12 AMQuote from: Barrister on April 29, 2023, 12:38:44 PMQuote from: viper37 on April 29, 2023, 11:55:50 AMQuote from: Barrister on April 28, 2023, 10:04:35 PMQuote from: viper37 on April 28, 2023, 04:25:09 PMOn radio they said lots of rumor are sending Pier-Luc Dubois to the Habs over the summer.
It's very clear that's exactly what PLD wants.
Jets aren't exactly going to give him away for free though.
I do think he has to go though.
I've read a few articles about it yesterday, they talked about some prospects the Canadiens would trade to the Jets for compensation and a 9M$/year contract for Dubois.
It's all a lot of rumors.
Let me guess - it's a bunch of crap that Habs fans think they can foist off on the Jets.
Even if PLD is 100% set on going to Montreal, the Jets can still trade him as a one year rental in the offseason.
Don't know why the Habs would trade for PLD right now. He's coming and next year they have a glut of 2nd/3rd line centers to go through first before the 2024 summer to find a real #1 goaltender.
He is a free agent with compensation. Any team must offer money + draft round picks.
Again these are all rumours.
Yes and he'll be UFA for the 2024-25 season.
The Habs have no need for him for the 2023-24 season and barely any after that.
I'm not high on him at all. His only positive is that he's from here.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 30, 2023, 10:34:09 AMYes and he'll be UFA for the 2024-25 season.
The Habs have no need for him for the 2023-24 season and barely any after that.
What the Habs need and what the journalists want are two things. Reading
Le Journal de Montréal this week-end, there were at least 3 text about him. At least another 2 in
La Presse.I am no way suggesting the Habs should try to get him this year or the next, I know nothing about hockey lately, I haven't watched a game in 2 years. I'm just reporting what I read. :)
QuoteI'm not high on him at all. His only positive is that he's from here.
Things worked out well with Jonhatan Drouin. Oh wait...
Surprised Florida took out Boston. Also annoyed Tkachuk got some success.
Snoop dog wants to join in on the Ottawa purchase. We truly live in the strangest time line :D
Vegas beats Draisaitl 6-4. Vegas' success since entering the league deeply annoys me :D
Le sigh.
Stupid Florida. I hates them.
:yeah: Go Cats! Smells like '96.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 04, 2023, 10:05:27 PM:yeah: Go Cats! Smells like '96.
Oh God. Please no. We just finally got rid of the Lightning.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 04, 2023, 10:05:27 PM:yeah: Go Cats! Smells like '96.
Love of Florida, or hate of the Leafs? Just want to know how triggered I should be :P
Quote from: Valmy on May 04, 2023, 10:12:10 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on May 04, 2023, 10:05:27 PM:yeah: Go Cats! Smells like '96.
Oh God. Please no. We just finally got rid of the Lightning.
As long as it's not Vegas. At least they're more then 5 years old.
Quote from: HVC on May 04, 2023, 10:18:36 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on May 04, 2023, 10:05:27 PM:yeah: Go Cats! Smells like '96.
Love of Florida, or hate of the Leafs? Just want to know how triggered I should be :P
They came in right after the Habs 93 cup win and the 9 year old me was much more excited by the cool panther logo & color than the old red white & blue of the Canadiens. A lot like kids were when Vegas came into the league 5 years ago.
God damn you gf.
It would be great if the team could score more than 2 goals in a game. 5 in a row now.
John Tavares remains a useless part of the team.
Mathew's hasn't done anything either. It seem like it's been a bunch of first time scorers
Matthews is a 60 goals scorer, while Tavares destabilizes the Leafs salary cap scheme. You could 5 better bottom 6 forwards for the price of Tavares.
The stars are what we talk about but the bottom 6 forwards and 5-6 defenseman are what wins championships.
Connard Bedard goes to Chicago, 1st overall.
Habs will be selecting 5th overall.
Penguins are selecting 14th, nothing to really rejuvenate the team.
Valmy will be please that the Capitals are drafting on the 8th position.
Caliss. That's just not fair from the Hockey Gods. Going directly from the Toews/Kane era to the Bedard one.
Quote from: viper37 on May 08, 2023, 07:30:48 PMConnard Bedard goes to Chicago, 1st overall.
Habs will be selecting 5th overall.
Penguins are selecting 14th, nothing to really rejuvenate the team.
Valmy will be please that the Capitals are drafting on the 8th position.
Lots of rebuilding to do. Absolutely ridiculous the Blackhawks won the #1 pick.
I don't like parades anyway.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 08, 2023, 07:42:59 PMCaliss. That's just not fair from the Hockey Gods. Going directly from the Toews/Kane era to the Bedard one.
That gives you more chances when you don't trade away all your #1 picks, I guess.
Leafs survive. Still only 2 goals tho, 7 games in a row. Really have to start scoring more 3 or more in a game guys.
Getting knocked out at home after offering feint hope is more in keeping with leafs tradition :P
Fucking refs.
Quote from: HVC on May 11, 2023, 05:44:30 AMGetting knocked out at home after offering feint hope is more in keeping with leafs tradition :P
:contract: :weep:
I am not sorry.
Gotta score more than 2 goals to win hockey games.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2023, 09:43:44 PMI am not sorry.
:D fair enough. Bobrovsky was very good, but I want Tkachuk to get hit by a truck. Both because it rhymes and because he deserves it.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2023, 09:43:44 PMGotta score more than 2 goals to win hockey games.
They technically had three if you include disallowed goals :P
Carolina vs Florida :boring:
How lame. I cannot even hate watch it since they both can't lose.
Tempe Citizens have rejected the mega construction project that included a new arena for the Coyotes.
In all likelyhood, this team will move to Houston or Salt Lake City. <sigh>
French link (
Great news.
Oh God, please don't move to Houston. Anything but that.
Quote from: Valmy on May 17, 2023, 12:09:33 PMOh God, please don't move to Houston. Anything but that.
Another Floria team, or Houston? Which do you choose?
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 17, 2023, 10:38:51 AMGreat news.
Southern team swap? What's the difference?
Quote from: HVC on May 17, 2023, 12:16:13 PMQuote from: Valmy on May 17, 2023, 12:09:33 PMOh God, please don't move to Houston. Anything but that.
Another Floria team, or Houston? Which do you choose?
I would rather the NHL contract :lol:
I guess given that choice I would choose Houston. The Dallas Stars are a blandly inoffensive entity, which has no fans but mostly caters to corporations whose large out-of-state workforce enjoy hockey. I mean they exist but definitely not within the general Texas sports culture. And the reason I hate the Dallas Stars is because of this blandness. I love the NHL for the culture and the the Dallas Stars are the strip mall of hockey franchises. I hate them precisely because they are barely worth hating. And a Houston version of the Dallas Stars would be almost exactly the same.
But there is this force in Texas, the Houston vs Dallas rivalry. Those cities hate each other for no particular reason that I can see. But it would spice things up a bit if there was a Houston team for the Dallas team to hate. So at least having a Houston NHL team would have that going for it.
Sometimes I think the only reason Houstonians care about the Houston Texans at all is that they sometimes might beat the Dallas Cowboys.
I have a soft spot for Dallas because I liked Modano as a kid.
Quote from: HVC on May 17, 2023, 12:28:31 PMI have a soft spot for Dallas because I liked Modano as a kid.
Yeah well, that was so long ago he played for the Minnesota North Stars.
Quote from: Valmy on May 17, 2023, 12:35:40 PMQuote from: HVC on May 17, 2023, 12:28:31 PMI have a soft spot for Dallas because I liked Modano as a kid.
Yeah well, that was so long ago he played for the Minnesota North Stars.
I'm in the oldest age group now, I know :weep: :P
Quote from: HVC on May 17, 2023, 12:16:37 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on May 17, 2023, 10:38:51 AMGreat news.
Southern team swap? What's the difference?
It's not Arizona, worth a try. Better get use to it before the 2030s are here Houston, Kansas City and Salt Lake City will have a team.
All before Quebec city. :lol:
Salt Lake City and KC could be good Hockey cities though...maybe.
Pier-Luc Dubois ( wants to be traded from the Jets to anywhere this summer, unwilling sign a 1 year bridge extension to his contract with Winnipeg.
This is the second team he asks to be exchanged of.
Also, the Jets are looking at trading other players.
Quote from: viper37 on June 08, 2023, 12:59:25 PMPier-Luc Dubois ( wants to be traded from the Jets to anywhere this summer, unwilling sign a 1 year bridge extension to his contract with Winnipeg.
This is the second team he asks to be exchanged of.
Also, the Jets are looking at trading other players.
PLD is still a RFA. Jets can take him to arbitration, and then either flip him at the trade deadline or keep him as an own-rental.
Who exactly are the Jets looking to trade (although of course they're talking about PLD). Wheeler has negative trade value at his current contract. Hellebuyck - wants to know if the Jets are going to be a contender or not.
Personally, I think now *is* the time to do a bit of a rebuild. Not a "take it down to the studs" kind of rebuild, but trade a few pieces with the idea you might not be good for 2-3 years. But that does not appear to be Kevin Cheveldayoff's plan.
Quote from: Barrister on June 08, 2023, 01:05:01 PMWho exactly are the Jets looking to trade (although of course they're talking about PLD).
I first read this in La Presse a month ago, and again this morning. So it's obvious where the journalists want Dubois to go. ;)
The Jets' GM would obviously not announce his hand by saying he wants his star player gone, that would weaken his value.
Fuck Dubois. What I want is Hellebuyck.
Quote from: viper37 on June 08, 2023, 01:20:52 PMQuote from: Barrister on June 08, 2023, 01:05:01 PMWho exactly are the Jets looking to trade (although of course they're talking about PLD).
I first read this in La Presse a month ago, and again this morning. So it's obvious where the journalists want Dubois to go. ;)
The Jets' GM would obviously not announce his hand by saying he wants his star player gone, that would weaken his value.
The message is clear - PLD wants to go to Montreal. I know and understand this. Jets had hoped to change his mind (his father works in the organization!) but apparently it is not to be. c'est la vie.
But what the Jets are not going to do is trade him to Montreal for a handfull of magic beans. Even as a 1 year rental to someone else he carries good value.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 08, 2023, 01:30:11 PMFuck Dubois. What I want is Hellebuyck.
The journalists want a Frenchie. Another Drouin.
Reports in The Athletic that LPD will give the Jets a list of 5-6 teams he'd want to be traded to. The idea then is he'd sign an 8 year deal as part of a sign-and-trade.
Time to step up to the plate Habs. Give us your best offer.
Dvorak and this year's 31/32 choice.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 08, 2023, 05:58:36 PMDvorak and this year's 31/32 choice.
Fuck that.
A 30 point per year guy who is only under contract for 2 years, and a 31/32 overall draft pick?
Someone's going to offer more than that for sure. Even as a deadline rental he gets more than that.
Quote from: Barrister on June 08, 2023, 07:24:23 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on June 08, 2023, 05:58:36 PMDvorak and this year's 31/32 choice.
Fuck that.
A 30 point per year guy who is only under contract for 2 years, and a 31/32 overall draft pick?
Someone's going to offer more than that for sure. Even as a deadline rental he gets more than that.
A 30 point per year guy playing for Montreal.
Once he's out of Montreal, he's going to explode!
Take a look at John Leclair ( 19 goals a year in Montreal. 50 goals a year once traded to Philadelphia.
You could get your next star player right there, a hidden gem!
Quote from: Barrister on June 08, 2023, 07:24:23 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on June 08, 2023, 05:58:36 PMDvorak and this year's 31/32 choice.
Fuck that.
A 30 point per year guy who is only under contract for 2 years, and a 31/32 overall draft pick?
Someone's going to offer more than that for sure. Even as a deadline rental he gets more than that.
It's a better offer than a 3rd round pick in this year's draft. ;)
The reality is that there is no established players that are attractive to keep the Jets window open. What the Habs can offer is salary shedding & help start the rebuild.
I'm just wondering why 2 or 3 of the biggest Jets players wants to leave the team, burn the bridges.
Is there a coaching problem with the team? PLD wants to leave, the goalie wants to leave, other players want to leave... It does not even seem a question of salary, they just want out.
Quote from: viper37 on June 10, 2023, 06:59:13 PMI'm just wondering why 2 or 3 of the biggest Jets players wants to leave the team, burn the bridges.
Is there a coaching problem with the team? PLD wants to leave, the goalie wants to leave, other players want to leave... It does not even seem a question of salary, they just want out.
PLD - wants to play in Montreal.
Hellebuyck - wants to play for a contender. He doesn't see the Jets as a contender.
Not sure who else wants out. I think Wheeler asked about a trade. Former captain who is the only remaining Atlanta Thrasher still with the team he clearly didn't hate Winnipeg, but I think he feels like his time is up with the club.
Quote from: Barrister on June 12, 2023, 10:33:40 AMQuote from: viper37 on June 10, 2023, 06:59:13 PMI'm just wondering why 2 or 3 of the biggest Jets players wants to leave the team, burn the bridges.
Is there a coaching problem with the team? PLD wants to leave, the goalie wants to leave, other players want to leave... It does not even seem a question of salary, they just want out.
PLD - wants to play in Montreal.
Hellebuyck - wants to play for a contender. He doesn't see the Jets as a contender.
Not sure who else wants out. I think Wheeler asked about a trade. Former captain who is the only remaining Atlanta Thrasher still with the team he clearly didn't hate Winnipeg, but I think he feels like his time is up with the club.
Yeah Wheeler was the 3rd one.
It's just curious that 3 players want out now. Not even one more year in Winnipeg, out now.
Quote from: viper37 on June 12, 2023, 10:56:10 AMQuote from: Barrister on June 12, 2023, 10:33:40 AMQuote from: viper37 on June 10, 2023, 06:59:13 PMI'm just wondering why 2 or 3 of the biggest Jets players wants to leave the team, burn the bridges.
Is there a coaching problem with the team? PLD wants to leave, the goalie wants to leave, other players want to leave... It does not even seem a question of salary, they just want out.
PLD - wants to play in Montreal.
Hellebuyck - wants to play for a contender. He doesn't see the Jets as a contender.
Not sure who else wants out. I think Wheeler asked about a trade. Former captain who is the only remaining Atlanta Thrasher still with the team he clearly didn't hate Winnipeg, but I think he feels like his time is up with the club.
Yeah Wheeler was the 3rd one.
It's just curious that 3 players want out now. Not even one more year in Winnipeg, out now.
I think PLD is the only one trying that trick.
Hellebuyck has said he won't sign an extension. He's under contract for one more year. That's his right.
Wheeler asked for a trade last year after he was stripped of being the captain. I think the Jets would like to move him as well, since even without the "C" he carries a lot of influence in the locker room and the team would like to move on. But his contract (only one more year) probably means he has negative trade value at his age.
Jets have always been in kind-of a tough spot - it is a small and cold city, it does have relatively high tax rates. We certainly have seen players sign extensions to play there and/or waive no-trade conditions to go there, but it's not like a Florida where players will go no matter how the team is doing - Winnipeg is only attractive if the team is doing well.
Jets seem like their window to compete for the Cup has closed. So they're having trouble keeping players.
I've always been told the high tax rates don't bother hockey players that much since they can manage, with some help, to dodge a lot of these taxes.
It's not like Florida, mind you, it takes work, but it's doable, and not like they would lose 45% of their income.
As for the cold, well, yeah, lots of players said the same about Quebec city back in the days, even when they originated from Manitoba of Saskatchewan.
At least quebec city is only like 2 hours away from Montreal.
One thing I will note about the Jets - they do seem like they have prioritized drafting Americans, in particular from the US National Development Team. Think Jacob Trouba, Connor Hellebuyck, Andrew Copp, Kyle Connor, Jack Roslovic, and even recent picks like Chaz Lucius and Rutger McGroarty (that's an awesome name, by the way).
I think the Jets view it as a form of arbitrage - that US players aren't viewed as highly as "good ole Canadian boys" so they can get better value for their draft picks. And there probably is something to that. Problem is when the draft pick works out and it comes time to sign players long-term, they may well want to go back to the US and not stay in Winnipeg.
I don't think there is a single Manitoban on the Jets roster. Compare that to Vegas, who have 5 (plus their GM was the long-time GM for the WHL Brandon Wheat Kings).
I kind of think the Jets should focus more on recruiting Manitobans, or at least prairie kids, as they have a better shot at keeping them long-term.
Quote from: Barrister on June 12, 2023, 12:30:38 PMI kind of think the Jets should focus more on recruiting Manitobans, or at least prairie kids, as they have a better shot at keeping them long-term.
There's always been lots of talk about this in Quebec city, and Montreal now.
The reasoning was that players from Quebec would read the papers and hear the radio, know about the frustration of their bad performances on ice. And also feel some kind of attachment to the city they're playing in.
However... If we're looking at it frankly, to the owners of the franchise feel any loyalty toward the player? Not really. If he starts slowing down, local or not, they'll try to trade him for the best possible value. The players know the game. They'll ask for the best possible salary when they can.
I think, from memory, only Crosby signed a deal where he would received less money as he neared the end his of career. He's making 3M$ a year as we speak, although 8,7M$ still count toward the cap (I do not know the technicalities, it seems is salary was spread out evenly for all the years of his contract under the cap hit).
As for small markets like Winnipeg and Quebec city, I think there comes a point when some of these people are simply too rich and can't spend their money. At 3-4 millions $ /year, there's still lots of places to go, but once they reach the 9-11 millions$, where are they supposed to go?
Judging by its size, Winnipeg must not be much different than Quebec city. There's a limit to what kind of bars/clubs and restaurants the city than have. Montreal and Brossard (close to the Habs training center) can have place where they serve whiskys at 400$ for half a ounce no problem. In Quebec city, such bottles are rarely used and bars carrying them would lose their product once open if too many are carrying such bottles.
Crosby's contract structure is very simple. 3 years at 12 millions, 3 years at 10.9 millions, a year at 10 millions, a year at 9 millions, a year at 9.6 millions, another year at 9 millions and; 3 years at 3 millions.
The 9.6 millions year is key to allow for the 3 millions years.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 12, 2023, 05:37:58 PMCrosby's contract structure is very simple. 3 years at 12 millions, 3 years at 10.9 millions, a year at 10 millions, a year at 9 millions, a year at 9.6 millions, another year at 9 millions and; 3 years at 3 millions.
The 9.6 millions year is key to allow for the 3 millions years.
Yes, but when you look at the column "Cap hit", it's always 8.7M$/year.
I thought his contract was designed so that later in his career the team would have room to hire another top player under the cap.
I thought it was the real value of the yearly contract that was counting, but it seems it's the average over the years.
Quote from: viper37 on June 12, 2023, 06:11:41 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on June 12, 2023, 05:37:58 PMCrosby's contract structure is very simple. 3 years at 12 millions, 3 years at 10.9 millions, a year at 10 millions, a year at 9 millions, a year at 9.6 millions, another year at 9 millions and; 3 years at 3 millions.
The 9.6 millions year is key to allow for the 3 millions years.
Yes, but when you look at the column "Cap hit", it's always 8.7M$/year.
I thought his contract was designed so that later in his career the team would have room to hire another top player under the cap.
I thought it was the real value of the yearly contract that was counting, but it seems it's the average over the years.
It's one of those back-diving contracts that are explicitly disallowed under the new(ish) CBA signed in 2012. The cap hit is always the average salary over time, but the really low salary in the later years is what lowers the overall average.
Glad Florida didn't win*, annoyed that Vegas did :lol:
*sorry GF, but Tkachuk deserves bad things to happen to him.
Sure but why? He's not Brady.
1. Sorry Habs fans. Pierre-Luc Dubois signed to an 8 year deal then promptly traded to LA. So much for the "we can just get him for free in a year".
Almost always the team getting the best player wins the trade, so Winnipeg didn't "win" the trade' but the haul is acceptable for a player who said he wouldn't sign.
2. Hockey website is doing "man on the street" interviews at the NHL Draft in Nashville. They interview "Kyle from Chicago" who turns out to be Blackhawks GM Kyle Davidson. Pretty funny.
Some of the better lines is when asked how much he knows about hockey on a 1-10 scale, he says "well some people say I don't know a lot about hockey" and gives himself a 4. Or when he's asked if he thinks the league rigged the Draft Lottery to give Chicago the #1 draft pick...
That's pretty cool :)
Quote from: Barrister on June 28, 2023, 03:04:28 PM1. Sorry Habs fans. Pierre-Luc Dubois signed to an 8 year deal then promptly traded to LA. So much for the "we can just get him for free in a year".
fan. Singular.
There's only Grey Fox. Zoupa will now be a Vancouver Canucks fan due to his moving. He has had to adapt to his new surroundings. :sleep:
There's always you. Closet Habs fan.
Jets place Blake Wheeler on waivers for the purpose of buying out his contract.
End of an era. He's the last remaining former Atlanta Thrasher on the franchise, and the Jets 2.0 second ever captain.
Probably the right move but he'll be missed. Wheeler released a video saying how much it was an honour playing for the team.
Habs fans / Habs haters might find this interesting.
Alex Galchenyuk signed as a UFA with Arizona on July 1. This would be his third time with the team.
Today, 13 days later, Arizona puts his contract on waivers for the purpose of buying it out. The Coyotes decline to comment further, although a source said it had to do with "personal issues".
Probably not a in a good head space. Sad to see a career end in this way. However, hockey players need to learn to walk away before the sports kills them.
Galchenyuk: new facts (French text) (
- He told police officers he would cut him in pieces, he would end his line, one phone call and he and his family would be dead. He would cut the kidneys of all his family.
- His dad was on the scene and said he's never seen his son acting like this.
I kinda understand why the Coyotes let him go...
Quote from: Barrister on June 28, 2023, 03:04:28 PM1. Sorry Habs fans. Pierre-Luc Dubois signed to an 8 year deal then promptly traded to LA. So much for the "we can just get him for free in a year".
Almost always the team getting the best player wins the trade, so Winnipeg didn't "win" the trade' but the haul is acceptable for a player who said he wouldn't sign.
More details on PLD's trade. It's in French, use Google translate for the full translation, I'm only going to translate the relevant part.
New details emerged in Pier-Luc Dubois' file (
Quote« Décider où je voulais passer la majorité de ma carrière, c'est un choix que je voulais faire par moi-même. J'ai passé de belles années à Winnipeg, mais j'étais à un an de pouvoir décider où je voulais être. [...] Pour moi, c'était Los Angeles, peu importe le prix. On aurait pu avoir un peu plus ailleurs, mais ce n'était pas vraiment important pour moi. Il y avait quelques équipes qui m'intéressaient, mais je ne veux pas rentrer dans les détails.»
– Pierre-Luc Dubois, 98,5 fm
Deciding where I would spend most of my carrer, it was a choice I wanted to make by myself. I spent a lot of good years in Winnipeg, but I was one year away from being able to decide where I'd like to be [...]. To me, it was LA, no matter the cost. We could have gotten a little more elsewhere, but it wasn't that important to me. There were a few teams of interest to me, but I won't go into details.
- Pier-Luc Dubois, 98,5 FM.
QuoteInterrogé à savoir si le Canadien avait démontré un intérêt significatif envers lui, Dubois s'est tout simplement contenté de répondre ceci :
Quote« Non, le Canadien ne m'a pas fait d'offre formelle. »
– Pierre-Luc Dubois, 98,5 fm
(Paraphrasing here)
Asked if the Canadiens showed any interest toward him:
No, the Canadiens did not make me a formal offer.
– Pierre-Luc Dubois, 98,5 fm
PLD is such a liar.
Found on Facebook.
QuoteThe "Good Friday Massacre" was a memorable second round playoff series during the 1984 Stanley Cup playoffs.
The game occurred on Good Friday, April 20, 1984 in Montreal, Quebec between the Quebec Nordiques and the Montreal Canadiens.
After a number of fights, a bench-clearing brawl broke out as the siren sounded to end the second period.
Among the fourteen altercations at the end of the second period were the Canadiens' Mario Tremblay smashing the nose of the Nordiques' Peter Stastny, and Nordiques' Louis Sleigher knocking Canadiens' Jean Hamel unconscious by sucker-punching him in the eye. Bruce Hood, the referee for the game, sent the teams off the ice without officially ending the second period by assigning penalties for the brawl.
After the intermission, with all players from both teams on the ice to warm up for the third period, a second brawl broke out.
The public address announcer started reading the penalty summary as the players warmed up, and as players heard the confirmation that they were to be ejected from the game anyway, some felt they "might as well take some guys with (them)" (per Larry Robinson), as "they had nothing to lose" (per Guy Carbonneau). In particular, the Canadiens players went after the Nordiques' Louis Sleigher, furious with him for the damage he had inflicted on Jean Hamel in the original brawl. The second brawl included a fight between brothers Dale Hunter (Nordiques) and Mark Hunter (Canadiens).
The game resulted in 11 ejections, a total of 252 penalty minutes and
referee Bruce Hood's retirement.
Apparently, mother Hunter was really angry at her sons for that fight.
Hood went on to a career being an international ref and trained hockey refs. He also wrote a couple of books that did well.
Quote from: crazy canuck on August 31, 2023, 01:50:03 PMHood went on to a career being an international ref and trained hockey refs. He also wrote a couple of books that did well.
Much better career than being an NHL ref in these times.
Quote from: viper37 on August 31, 2023, 02:01:38 PMQuote from: crazy canuck on August 31, 2023, 01:50:03 PMHood went on to a career being an international ref and trained hockey refs. He also wrote a couple of books that did well.
Much better career than being an NHL ref in these times.
Maybe, I had a buddy growing up I got to know through competitive swimming who became a ref - he seemed to enjoyed it.
Story time...
NHL teams have done "theme nights" for a lot of years. Military appreciation night, Hockey Fights Cancer night, Black History Month night, whatever. Typically what happens is there's a little ceremony at centre ice, and the players come out for the warm-up in unique themed jerseys. Those jerseys then get auctioned off with proceeds to whatever the theme of the night was.
One of those nights for almost all teams is Pride Night. Players come out in rainbow-coloured jerseys. This has gone on for several years.
Well last year one player refused to wear the jersey saying it conflicted with his religious beliefs. He was Russian. After that a handful of other players also refused to wear Pride jerseys - mostly Russians but also some Canadians.
So the league banned players wearing fancy jerseys altogether during warm up. Which seems like overkill to me, but they didn't want the bad publicity. This was announced in the off-season.
As we get close to the somehow the issue of stick tape comes up. In particular - rainbow coloured stick tape, which could be seen as showing support for Pride and gay rights. So the league bans coloured tape.
Multiple players speak out against this - saying they should be allowed to show support that way.
So last night NHLer Travis Dermott comes out with some multi-coloured pride tape on his stick. And the NHL - completely folds. They realize how bad it would look to punish Dermott for having some multi-coloured tape on his stick, so they rescind the policy completely.
It was all so completely predictable. Did the league not expect players to try and stick it to the league by supporting gay rights?
The conspiracist in me thinks that was the plan all along. Make it a player vs player issue instead of a Team vs Player issue like the jerseys are and let the PA handle it.
Decided to visit my friend yesterday night. Obviously, Saturday night, the Habs are playing.
Winnippeg is winning 3-1 in the 2nd tier. Can't be a bad game, now can't it?
That curse is following me. Every time I sit down with that friend to watch a game, the Habs win.
Stupid Canadiens had to tie the game in the 3rd and win in the shootout. BB, I am extremely disappointed in your team. Why is it they always lose against the Habs?? :glare: Dammit. Can't trust any team from Canada to do right by me. No Stanley Cup, no victory against the forces of Evil. :(
Quote from: viper37 on October 29, 2023, 05:42:14 PMno victory against the forces of Evil. :(
Gary Bettman?
Viper expresses the smugness of someone wearing a Charlton Athletic kit walking around Old Trafford* but in the end it doesn't matter, he doesn't have a team. For 29 years now.
*Thank Jeremy Clarkson for that timeless analogy.
Damn, 29 years already.
Can I still hate them? I still have a team. I mean it's a cursed team, but still a team.
The Nords? Feels like that would be really petty.
The Habs, of course. I wish nothing but for the Leafs to keep on failing year after year.
The Habs. I actually used to like the Nordiques, thanks is to nhl 94 :D
Imo, the Leafs problem is John Tavares cap hit. A 6 millions player and 4 more 1.25 millions players would beget more success.
Hockey fans are climbing out onto the ledges here in Edmonton.
The Edmonton Oilers went into the season with high expectations; Two years ago they went to the third round of the playoffs, last year to the second round - both times losing to the eventual Stanley Cup champion. The phrase "Cup or Bust" was thrown around.
But here we are on November 10, and the team sits at 2 winds, 9 losses, and one overtime loss. They were in 31st spot in the league last night, but they were playing the only team worse than them - the San Jose Sharks. And of course they lost to the Sharks 3-2, the Sharks had been winless in the season until earlier in the week, but now they've won 2 in a row.
Their goaltenders sucks.
I am of the opinion that having two or more players that take over 10% of the cap makes for a unbalanced team that cannot compete year to year.
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 10, 2023, 07:10:18 PMTheir goaltenders sucks.
I am of the opinion that having two or more players that take over 10% of the cap makes for a unbalanced team that cannot compete year to year.
That was pretty much the Habs with Carey Price.
Too much for one player.
Well, you need 1. 2 is iffy really. 3 is really bad. Look at the Leafs.
Caps suck this year. Probably need to blow it up and rebuild after the season is over.
Quote from: Valmy on November 10, 2023, 09:32:13 PMCaps suck this year. Probably need to blow it up and rebuild after the season is over.
Trade Ovechkin to the KHL or something. ;)
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 10, 2023, 07:10:18 PMTheir goaltenders sucks.
I am of the opinion that having two or more players that take over 10% of the cap makes for a unbalanced team that cannot compete year to year.
Well we'll see.
at a salary cap of 82 million, next year the Jets will have two players at $8.5 (Schiefele and Hellebuyck), which is just over 10%, depending how much it goes up or not.
Jets are having a fairly decent season, despite coach Rick Bowness having to leave the team due to his wife's illness and Scott Arniel taking over.
Jets are at 16 points, tied with the Avs and only one point back from the Central-leading Stars at 17 points.
Glad I'm not an Oilers fan though. :)
Quote from: Barrister on November 10, 2023, 11:19:47 PMGlad I'm not an Oilers fan though. :)
All Canadian teams are doomed. It really doesn't matter which doomed team you are a fan of.
Quote from: Valmy on November 11, 2023, 12:23:59 AMQuote from: Barrister on November 10, 2023, 11:19:47 PMGlad I'm not an Oilers fan though. :)
All Canadian teams are doomed. It really doesn't matter which doomed team you are a fan of.
That's what happens when you make an American a commissioner of a Canadian game :cry: :P
Quote from: HVC on November 11, 2023, 12:35:51 AMQuote from: Valmy on November 11, 2023, 12:23:59 AMQuote from: Barrister on November 10, 2023, 11:19:47 PMGlad I'm not an Oilers fan though. :)
All Canadian teams are doomed. It really doesn't matter which doomed team you are a fan of.
That's what happens when you make an American a commissioner of a Canadian game :cry: :P
I aren't lying :ph34r:
Quote from: Valmy on November 11, 2023, 12:23:59 AMQuote from: Barrister on November 10, 2023, 11:19:47 PMGlad I'm not an Oilers fan though. :)
All Canadian teams are doomed. It really doesn't matter which doomed team you are a fan of.
My team has been doomed for a while now. :(
And the only prospective buyer in line is doing massive cuts to its media empire.
Apparently there's some brouhaha about Fleury wearing a mask honouring Native American heritage. It's a nice looking mask too.
It doesn't make the NHL look particularly good, I don't think.
It does not. Stupid league.
Quote from: Jacob on November 25, 2023, 01:16:41 AMApparently there's some brouhaha about Fleury wearing a mask honouring Native American heritage. It's a nice looking mask too.
It doesn't make the NHL look particularly good, I don't think.
Marc-André Fleury native american heritage night (
His wife is of Abenaki and Mi'kmaq descent. Fleury opted to pay the fine, the NHL said they would slap the team with a more significant fine if he put the mask on.
Chicago Blackhawks locker room in shambles
Quote from: jimmy olsen on November 28, 2023, 09:16:06 AMChicago Blackhawks locker room in shambles
That's such a weird rumour.
For those that don't know, long-time NHLer Corey Perry has "stepped away from the Chicago Blackhawks to attend to personal matters". The team, and Perry, haven't commented any further than that as to why.
So of course the internet has gone wild.
The Chicago Blackhawks won the NHL draft lottery back in the spring, and as a result they got the first overall draft pick and selected 18 year old phenom Connor Bedard. Bedard has been playing very well so far this season with 10 goals and 7 assists in 19 games (as an 18 year old rookie).
But anyways, the rumour is that on a recent "Moms trip" (where the team flies everyone's mom out on the road) that Corey Perry (age 38) hooked up with Connor Bedard's mom.
And the NHL deserve all those insane rumours that we start left & right. Be transparent about absences and injuries, ffs.
Good on whoevers mom got to bang CP.
Quote from: Grey Fox on November 28, 2023, 11:57:04 AMAnd the NHL deserve all those insane rumours that we start left & right. Be transparent about absences and injuries, ffs.
Good on whoevers mom got to bang CP.
Melanie Bedard is not a bad looking woman.
That being said whenever it's an unexplained absence like this it's almost invariably drugs, alcohol or mental health issue.
She's YI approved.
If true, it seems like incredibly poor judgement to bang your son's team mate in a sport that has as much toxic misogyny as hockey does. Bedard is going to hear about this every day for years - and probably for the rest of his career. That's potentially pretty tough for an 18-year old trying to prove himself.
Corey Perry is placed on waivers for the purpose of terminating his contract.
QuoteAfter an internal investigation, the Chicago Blackhawks have determined that Corey Perry has engaged in conduct that is unacceptable, and in violation of both the terms of his Standard Player's Contract and the Blackhawks' internal policies intended to promote professional and safe work environments,
So this story is getting pretty wild. The "Perry bangs Bedard's mom" rumour is EVERYWHERE on hockey-related social media (and I use the cruder phrasing just because that's how it's being discussed). If it wasn't true you'd think either the Blackhawks, or Bedard's agent, or someone would put a flat denial on the record. Even though I have no idea what the source of the rumour is, or what it is based on, or anything - it's so widespread it has to be commented on.
So, here's a story going around from my kids minor hockey. Not his team, but he knows all the kids involved. As I've heard it 3rd hand I can not vouch for it's truth.
So anyways, the kids involved are 13-14 years old.
Anyways, the report is that two kids were showering after a game. First kid apparently pissed on the second kid in the shower. Second kid in response called first kid the n-word (first kid is indeed black)
What we do know is the first kid was suspended for a game. Second kid was suspended for the season.
Is this a fair outcome? I'm not sure what to think. Part of me thinks that urinating on someone should be worse than merely saying a word, no matter how ugly. But part of me thinks "come on - you know that in 2023 that word is so ugly we can't even type it".
Blackhawks GM says firing Perry has nothing to do with other players or their families, and says the internet rumours are "frankly disgusting".
They do not otherwise give a reason beyond saying it was a "workplace issue".
I consider the rumour debunked. Won't stop speculation however.
Just say it. Stupid league.
Pissing on someone in the shower is not loaded with centuries of systemic exploitation and racism.
Quote from: Barrister on November 28, 2023, 05:10:44 PMBlackhawks GM says firing Perry has nothing to do with other players or their families, and says the internet rumours are "frankly disgusting".
They do not otherwise give a reason beyond saying it was a "workplace issue".
I consider the rumour debunked. Won't stop speculation however.
I mean, they got to say that whether it's true or not, don't they?
I'm not so annoyed that the second kid got a harsh sentence, it is what it is and the kid should have known better. Pee-er only getting one day is what is shocking. Hope parents are going for assault/battery charges.
Quote from: Barrister on November 28, 2023, 04:00:03 PMSo, here's a story going around from my kids minor hockey. Not his team, but he knows all the kids involved. As I've heard it 3rd hand I can not vouch for it's truth.
So anyways, the kids involved are 13-14 years old.
Anyways, the report is that two kids were showering after a game. First kid apparently pissed on the second kid in the shower. Second kid in response called first kid the n-word (first kid is indeed black)
What we do know is the first kid was suspended for a game. Second kid was suspended for the season.
Is this a fair outcome? I'm not sure what to think. Part of me thinks that urinating on someone should be worse than merely saying a word, no matter how ugly. But part of me thinks "come on - you know that in 2023 that word is so ugly we can't even type it".
I think the urinating part should be worth a year suspension.
The n*word from a 13 year old was a reaction of anger, not necessarily indicating racism. He could have called him a cunt, but n* came to mind in the heat of the moment. Other remedies could have been applied if this was the first offense.
Quote from: Barrister on November 28, 2023, 05:10:44 PMBlackhawks GM says firing Perry has nothing to do with other players or their families, and says the internet rumours are "frankly disgusting".
They do not otherwise give a reason beyond saying it was a "workplace issue".
I consider the rumour debunked. Won't stop speculation however.
I think there might have been a rumor he did it. Or he might have hit on CB's mom, who knows. And then there was a fight in the player's room. That's there the workplace issue and the safety issue comes from.
Whatever started it, there was a fight between Corey Perry and another player, quite possibly Connor Bedard. It's possible Corey Perry has a loud mouth too, or has other problems on top of this. I don't know the player very well.
More on Perry (
QuoteEmbattled forward Corey Perry cleared unconditional waivers on Wednesday, paving the way for the Chicago Blackhawks to terminate his contract, which the team said it would do "effective immediately" for what it only described as a "workplace matter" and "conduct that is unacceptable."
Now what? The Blackhawks claimed in a statement on Tuesday that Perry was "in violation of his Standard Playing Contract and the Blackhawks' internal policies intended to promote professional and safe work environments." The big question lingering is whether Perry's alleged misconduct has risen to the level of a material breach of his contract. For the test of time, NHL player contracts have been ironclad agreements that guarantee employment with only vaguely worded and limited exceptions that grant teams the right to terminate.
Given the lack of detail provided by the Blackhawks, it is impossible to know whether Perry's conduct met that mostly unprecedented level of material breach. Teams have previously sent players home and continued to pay them until the expiration of their contracts, but there does not appear to be one example in recent NHL history of an active player's contract being terminated for conduct that may be inappropriate but not illegal. The Los Angeles Kings attempted to terminate Mike Richards' contract in 2015, four months after he was charged with attempting to cross the border in possession of controlled substances, but even then the Kings were forced to pay cap recapture penalties and termination fees to Richards totaling $10.5 million over 17 years through 2032.
According to sources, an alcohol-fueled incident involving Perry was alleged to have occurred during an event that included corporate partners and team employees in attendance. It remains unclear what allegedly took place, who witnessed it, and who reported it to the team.
Blackhawks GM Kyle Davidson said that the front office learned of the allegation while in Columbus last week and "immediately pulled" Perry from the lineup prior to a Thanksgiving eve game against the Blue Jackets. Davidson declined to provide any detail about the allegation or subsequent investigation before resulting in the termination that was scheduled to be completed on Wednesday.
"As this is an individual personnel matter, I will not be able to disclose any details relating to the initial reporting, investigation or the findings," Davidson said in prepared remarks on Tuesday before taking questions.
Valmy, any thoughts on your team moving out to Alexandria? (
First game of the PWHL is live now! New York v. Toronto
Quote from: viper37 on December 15, 2023, 02:52:51 PMValmy, any thoughts on your team moving out to Alexandria? (
It's no big deal. I prefer the Washington teams stay in the District, but Alexandria is really part of Washington. Really all of Northern Virginia has been culturally annexed by this point. You could probably walk from Capital One Arena to the new location in an hour or so.
Quote from: Valmy on January 02, 2024, 11:02:42 PMReally all of Northern Virginia has been culturally annexed by this point.
I didn't realize Alexandria was so close though. One hour walking. I guess it's the same time driving? :P
Don't look now, but the Winnipeg Jets are in first place in the league at the half-way mark, and are on an 8 game winning streak.
This has never happened in Winnipeg NHL history outside of a blip in the first couple of games of the season.
What's more interesting is they're doing it without having a single scorer in the top 30 in the league - their leading scorer is Schiefele with 14g 27A, good for #33.
Lots of hockey to play, not making any predictions, but it's an exciting time to be a Jets fan. They're doing better even than the 2017-2018 team that went to the conference final, even though I think most would agree that team had more talent overall.
Hope springs eternal. Just ask the Leafs.
Quote from: Jacob on January 12, 2024, 12:59:27 PMHope springs eternal. Just ask the Leafs.
I thought you were going to point out that the Canucks are #2 in the league, only 1 point back of the Jets (albeit with 1 more game played).
Canucks are the more surprising team, as I think everyone figured the Jets would be in the playoff pictures, but I don't think anyone predicted the Canucks to be in the playoffs, nevermind near the top of the league standings.
I'm happy a Canadian team is doing well. Shame it's the jets though :P
Quote from: Barrister on January 12, 2024, 01:02:55 PMI thought you were going to point out that the Canucks are #2 in the league, only 1 point back of the Jets (albeit with 1 more game played).
Canucks are the more surprising team, as I think everyone figured the Jets would be in the playoff pictures, but I don't think anyone predicted the Canucks to be in the playoffs, nevermind near the top of the league standings.
... hope springs eternal :hug:
My personal way of engaging is to not get my hopes up, because I've found a strong (if unscientific) correlation between getting my hopes up and the team immediately tanking across a large number of sports :lol:
Quote from: Jacob on January 12, 2024, 01:26:46 PMQuote from: Barrister on January 12, 2024, 01:02:55 PMI thought you were going to point out that the Canucks are #2 in the league, only 1 point back of the Jets (albeit with 1 more game played).
Canucks are the more surprising team, as I think everyone figured the Jets would be in the playoff pictures, but I don't think anyone predicted the Canucks to be in the playoffs, nevermind near the top of the league standings.
... hope springs eternal :hug:
My personal way of engaging is to not get my hopes up, because I've found a strong (if unscientific) correlation between getting my hopes up and the team immediately tanking across a large number of sports :lol:
Personally, I think it's okay to get excited, as long as you stay humble.
The moment you, as a fan, start getting cocky and thinking "meh - they boys have got this in the bag" is the moment they'll start on an epic losing streak.
The Caps have been just painful to watch this year. They suck and look really bad when they lose...well at least when it comes to scoring. But they have been able to consistently win the close games so somehow have a winning record at the halfway mark. It is smoke and mirrors though, they are going to fall apart soon and I am not looking forward to it.
Quote from: Valmy on January 12, 2024, 02:06:20 PMThe Caps have been just painful to watch this year. They suck and look really bad when they lose...well at least when it comes to scoring. But they have been able to consistently win the close games so somehow have a winning record at the halfway mark. It is smoke and mirrors though, they are going to fall apart soon and I am not looking forward to it.
The Caps have a -26 goal differential, which is very not good and perhaps indicates the Caps have just been lucky.
(Jets are +44, Canucks are +54, but Jets are lower in both Goals For and Goals Against)
Quote from: Barrister on January 12, 2024, 02:09:16 PMThe Caps have a -26 goal differential, which is very not good and perhaps indicates the Caps have just been lucky.
Oh yeah. It seems like they either lose 6-0 and look like total garbage, or squeak out a defensive slogfest 3-2.
Once they start losing those one goal games it is all over.
Two hugs news stories dropped in NHL world today.
First - owners of the NBA's Utah Jazz announce they are requesting the NHL open an expansion process. NHL responds with favourable interest.
Second - police in London, Ontario announce they have requested 5 players from the 2018 World Junior Team Canada to turn themselves in on charges of sexual assault. A handful of NHL players have been announced to be given "leaves of absence" from their teams (and who were also on the 2018 Team Canada) so people are connecting the dots. Most prominent is probably Carter Hart of the Philadelphia Flyers.
Also some speculation that it's not an accident that both stories came out on the same day.
Hopefully, they won't expand again into Atlanta.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 24, 2024, 02:05:52 PMHopefully, they won't expand again into Atlanta.
Don't look now, but there's been talk of it...
Quote from: Barrister on January 24, 2024, 02:06:32 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on January 24, 2024, 02:05:52 PMHopefully, they won't expand again into Atlanta.
Don't look now, but there's been talk of it...
In the NHL everything that seems stupid to happen will 100% happen. I expect that the Thrashers will live again.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 24, 2024, 02:10:02 PMQuote from: Barrister on January 24, 2024, 02:06:32 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on January 24, 2024, 02:05:52 PMHopefully, they won't expand again into Atlanta.
Don't look now, but there's been talk of it...
In the NHL everything that seems stupid to happen will 100% happen. I expect that the Thrashers will live again.
Atlanta is still a major US marketplace, and an NHL Atlanta franchise is no stupider then one in Tampa Bay or Nashville - both of which are pretty successful franchises.
There's still some desert states they haven't expanded into. New Mexico Vaqueros?
Quote from: Barrister on January 24, 2024, 02:13:41 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on January 24, 2024, 02:10:02 PMQuote from: Barrister on January 24, 2024, 02:06:32 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on January 24, 2024, 02:05:52 PMHopefully, they won't expand again into Atlanta.
Don't look now, but there's been talk of it...
In the NHL everything that seems stupid to happen will 100% happen. I expect that the Thrashers will live again.
Atlanta is still a major US marketplace, and an NHL Atlanta franchise is no stupider then one in Tampa Bay or Nashville - both of which are pretty successful franchises.
Yes it is. They failed there twice already!
41% of active NHL players say Winnipeg is their least-favorite road city to play in according to The Athletic's annual anonymous player poll
It's a freakin' paywall, but here's the full link:
I don't suppose CC is subscribed the this one? :P
This might work for y'all:
NHL player poll (
Unsurprisingly, Vegas is their favorite city to play in.
Edit #2:
About the top choice of worst place to play:
"It's always so cold," one player said of Winnipeg. "I don't have anything against the people or the city."
"Cold. Grey. Not much to do," another said.
"Nothing to do," echoed a third.
The complaints about Ottawa were similar, though many players said it's the rink location, not the city.
"I've heard the downtown is actually good," one player said. "But where the rink is ... nothing there."
"We always stay by the rink, and it's kind of out in the middle of nowhere," another said.
Buffalo? Same deal.
"It just seems gloomy when you get there," one player said.
"There's not much in Buffalo," another added.
I don't know anything about Edmonton. But I know a lot about Ottawa. And I know they picked a stupid location for the ice rink, totally in the middle of nowhere. It's a cool arena, well built, but there's nothing around and a lack of transportation, save for you car, jammed in traffic, far away from the city, to get there.
The don't like the two season Winnipeg has? Mosquito and winter seems like two seasons that would be a blast :P
They do this survey every year. It's always Winnipeg. #1 is it's just cold of course. Arena is fine but nothing special, downtown kind of sucks, not a lot to do around there.
Edmonton is often another top choice, but not so much this year.
My image was shortly deleted, sorry. Does unpaywalled link work for you guys?
The whole survey can be interesting for the gossip.
The Canadian tire centre is surrounded by car dealerships. I get that players don't find that interesting.
For BB, poll of current NHL Players least favourite city to play in:
There is a reason people living in Vancouver are from Manitoba or are descended from people who lived in Manitoba.
Surprised Detroit did so well.. isn't it a shithole?
Quote from: Josephus on February 01, 2024, 04:12:18 PMSurprised Detroit did so well.. isn't it a shithole?
It's all from a "visiting hockey player" perspective.
So if it's a nice rink to play in, easy to fly in and out of, has nice hotels and amenities near to the rink, it'll do okay.
But still - out of 177 votes, it means two players did vote for Detroit to be worst in the league. You'll still notice no one voted for Tampa or Miami.
Quote from: Josephus on February 01, 2024, 04:12:18 PMSurprised Detroit did so well.. isn't it a shithole?
The new stadium (Little Caesars Arena) is the theater district, about midway between downtown and midtown. That whole stretch of the city has really taken off in the post-bankruptcy world.
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 31, 2024, 09:45:06 PMThe Canadian tire centre is surrounded by car dealerships. I get that players don't find that interesting.
No Ferrari dealers, unfortunately. :(
QuoteLow attendance at Winnipeg Jets games 'not going to work over the long haul,' chairman says
Winnipeg Jets chairman Mark Chipman says the NHL team's future could be in jeopardy if attendance doesn't improve.
In an interview with The Athletic, Chipman said the Jets need to get back to a season ticket base of 13,000, and current attendance numbers are "not going to work over the long haul."
The Jets are struggling to draw fans to Canada Life Centre, the NHL's smallest permanent arena with a capacity of 15,225 for hockey games.
Despite icing a competitive team led by star goaltender Connor Hellebuyck, the Jets have the second-lowest average attendance at 13,098. Only the Arizona Coyotes, who are temporarily playing at 4,600-seat Mullett Arena in Tempe, draw fewer fans.
Beeb, how worried are you?
They could reduce the prices if only raw attendance numbers count.
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 24, 2024, 08:13:00 PMThey could reduce the prices if only raw attendance numbers count.
The problem is with the season tickets. Not enough corporations to buy season tickets around the arena.
I hope they can find a solution.
Quote from: viper37 on February 25, 2024, 02:34:46 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on February 24, 2024, 08:13:00 PMThey could reduce the prices if only raw attendance numbers count.
The problem is with the season tickets. Not enough corporations to buy season tickets around the arena.
I hope they can find a solution.
That and their arena has limited capacity so they can't really make up the price drop in volume sales.
Quote from: Jacob on February 24, 2024, 08:00:37 PMBeeb, how worried are you?
Like a 2 out of 10.
QuoteWinnipeg Jets unlikely to fly away again, experts in pro sports say
Revenue sharing, public subsidies, wealthy ownership and downtown investment all play roles in retaining NHL
Bartley Kives · CBC News · Posted: Feb 27, 2024 3:00 AM MST | Last Updated: February 27
Hockey players in dark blue uniforms group together in celebration
Winnipeg Jets winger Kyle Connor celebrates his winning goal against the Arizona Coyotes on Sunday. The Jets are having one of the strongest seasons ever this year, on the ice. Average attendance, however, is the lowest for Winnipeg since the NHL returned to the city, not counting seasons in which pandemic restrictions were in place. (Fred Greenslade/The Canadian Press)
Social Sharing
There's little danger of Winnipeg losing a National Hockey League franchise a second time, experts in the business of professional sports say in the wake of comments about low ticket sales from Jets co-owner Mark Chipman.
After selling out almost every game for the first nine seasons after the NHL returned to Winnipeg, average attendance at home games this season is 13,140 fans, which works out to 86 per cent of the hockey seating capacity at Canada Life Centre.
Some of the tickets the Jets are selling are discounted, such as $29 seats the club has offered to university students via text message for Tuesday night's game against the St. Louis Blues.
Gross ticket revenue for all events at Canada Life Centre — including the Jets, Manitoba Moose and concerts — appears to be down almost 20 per cent since 2019, according to entertainment-funding tax estimates included in City of Winnipeg budget documents.
The most concerning stat is season ticket sales, which were capped at 13,500 when the NHL returned to Winnipeg in 2011. Those season tickets now number approximately 9,500, The Athletic reported on Friday.
QuoteWinnipeg Jets not in 'crisis' despite low ticket sales: NHL commissioner
'Get over your anxiety and come to games,' Gary Bettman urges Jets fans
Ozten Shebahkeget · CBC News · Posted: Feb 27, 2024 12:49 PM MST | Last Updated: February 27
Two men are pictured answering questions in a press conference with a Winnipeg Jets logo in the background.
NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly and NHL commissioner Gary Bettman answer questions from reporters in Winnipeg on Tuesday. (Jeff Stapleton/CBC)
Social Sharing
The man who granted Winnipeg a National Hockey League franchise 13 years ago says he believes that the Jets will overcome struggles to keep fans in the seats.
"This is a place — Winnipeg — where hockey matters," NHL commissioner Gary Bettman said at a 5 p.m. CT Tuesday press conference before the Jets' home game against the St. Louis Blues.
"I believe that this is a strong NHL market. I believe that ownership has made extraordinary commitments to the Jets, to this arena, to the downtown area, involving hundreds of millions of dollars," he said.
"I'm not sure why people are now speculating that somehow they're not going to be here."
[full articles at each link]
The team had a sell-out streak for years and years - and now they don't. So something is going on. But the idea of the team relocating seems incredibly small. Unlike in the 1990 the team owns its own arena, has multiple revenue streams, has an incredibly well-capitalized ownership group, the league has a salary cap and revenue sharing...
Quote from: Barrister on February 28, 2024, 04:05:23 PMThe team had a sell-out streak for years and years - and now they don't. So something is going on. But the idea of the team relocating seems incredibly small. Unlike in the 1990 the team owns its own arena, has multiple revenue streams, has an incredibly well-capitalized ownership group, the league has a salary cap and revenue sharing...
Yeah, I also get the feeling its overblown, even from far away.
QuoteWhen the rest of the league hears "It only costs $5000 to cross check Brad Marchand in the face.
QuoteCredit to Mike Hoover for the meme
Oh but the Pens get to check Brad Marchand in the face for free. Typical.
AI art is so weird.
I mean I recognize the Pens jersey, but not any of the other unis. Or whats up with the name brands on the gear?
Quote from: Barrister on March 11, 2024, 04:03:19 PMAI art is so weird.
I mean I recognize the Pens jersey, but not any of the other unis. Or whats up with the name brands on the gear?
Black Hawks, Bruins, Minnesota, St-Louis
Can't recognize everyone.
What name brands? CCM?
It seems like the model was trained on a lot of Cyrillic writing. Still can't draw fingers properly.
With the Jackets in blow it up mode, I'm really glad the PWHL is so amazing. I've watched more hockey via their games than I had in the past few years combined of AHL and NHL games. I also plan on going to catch a few of the IIHF Women's Tournament games in person.
Quote from: Sophie Scholl on March 12, 2024, 07:03:03 AMWith the Jackets in blow it up mode, I'm really glad the PWHL is so amazing. I've watched more hockey via their games than I had in the past few years combined of AHL and NHL games. I also plan on going to catch a few of the IIHF Women's Tournament games in person.
The Women are impressive to watch. Good hockey there, for the few parts I could watch.
This looks like the movie Slapshot:
Right at the beginning of the game, as the puck drops, all players drop their gloves to fight one another. :huh: All players except the goalies are involved in the fights and the crowd is cheering.
The coaches were insulting one another and this game had the most penalty minutes since a 2014 game when John Tortorella tried to assault the locker room of the opposing team.
There is no such thing as violence problem in modern major league hockey.
Repeat after me: there is no such things as a violence problem in modern major league hockey.
The Coyotes are done for. Moving to Salt Lake City for the next season.
The new owner is paying 1.2 billion$ to the NHL, the current owner receives 1 billion$ of those.
Link (
While Israel conveniently diverted everyone's attention away with its attack on Iran, the NHL's governor board could easily proceed to ratify the official move of the Coyotes to Salt Lake City. :sleep:
Their arena has a capacity of 12 000 seats ( for hockey. Plans are in motion to expand it to 17 000, apparently. No name has been announced for the team yet.
Meruelo, the
current former Arizona Coyote owner has 5 years to buy a plot of land and build a modern arena on it if it wants to bring back the franchise to this desert. Although he does not require public funding or tax rebates, there are major obstructions to his project: city infrastructures, notably the water needed in a desert city that is already stretched for this resource.
This does not feel like satire:
NHL to expand to every city in North America except Quebec City (
QuoteIf you don't have an NHL ready arena don't worry. Just not speaking french or having a rich history of loving hockey is enough for us!"
Quote from: viper37 on April 19, 2024, 07:09:48 PMThis does not feel like satire:
NHL to expand to every city in North America except Quebec City (
QuoteIf you don't have an NHL ready arena don't worry. Just not speaking french or having a rich history of loving hockey is enough for us!"
Ryan Smith, owner of the Utah Jazz, and soon-to-be owner of the former Arizona Coyotes, is spending $1.2 billion to buy the Coyotes.
Is there anyone out there willing to spend $1.2 billion to buy a team in Quebec City?
It's a real shame, but money is the only language the NHL will listen to. I don't think PKP had $500 mil a decade ago to get an expansion team back when Vegas entered the league, and I'm sure he doesn't have $1.2 bil now.
I'd love to see the Nords back. But the NHL's actions are more easily explainable than just being anti-french bigots.
No, there isn't and PKP doesn't have 1.2B USD to spend on this.
Just like with a MLB team, no one is really interested in paying with their own money.
Hamilton doesn't speak French and will never get a team either.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 19, 2024, 10:14:09 PMNo, there isn't and PKP doesn't have 1.2B USD to spend on this.
Just like with a MLB team, no one is really interested in paying with their own money.
Winnipeg is so lucky to have gotten back in to the league when we did. 2011 the price was $170 mil IIRC. Now it's 1.2 bil. I know Winnipeg has the wealthiest man in Canada as part of it's ownership group, but almost no chance he'd step up to finance a hockey team at that price.
Quote from: Barrister on April 19, 2024, 09:11:50 PMQuote from: viper37 on April 19, 2024, 07:09:48 PMThis does not feel like satire:
NHL to expand to every city in North America except Quebec City (
QuoteIf you don't have an NHL ready arena don't worry. Just not speaking french or having a rich history of loving hockey is enough for us!"
Ryan Smith, owner of the Utah Jazz, and soon-to-be owner of the former Arizona Coyotes, is spending $1.2 billion to buy the Coyotes.
Is there anyone out there willing to spend $1.2 billion to buy a team in Quebec City?
It's a real shame, but money is the only language the NHL will listen to. I don't think PKP had $500 mil a decade ago to get an expansion team back when Vegas entered the league, and I'm sure he doesn't have $1.2 bil now.
I'd love to see the Nords back. But the NHL's actions are more easily explainable than just being anti-french bigots.
The price was not 1.2 billion$ a decade ago though. :)
The NHL sunk money in Arizona. Now they recoup their costs. It's fair. But they could have made money elsewhere.
I know it ain't about racism or language. It's about expanding markets. Montreal dominates Quebec and the NHL already dominates Canada. One more team in Quebec will not increase the amount of $$ for the TV rights in the next bidding round. Even if it was in Hamilton, I don't think Rogers would be more.
But in the US, there are still new viewers to get.
No matter what they do, we are still going to watch the games. The NHL teams arenas in Canada are still going to be filled, the merchandises is still going to sold and the games are gonna be watched.
Maybe if we really increase our pop to 100 million soccer watchers there's something to be done. :glare:
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 19, 2024, 10:14:09 PMNo, there isn't and PKP doesn't have 1.2B USD to spend on this.
Just like with a MLB team, no one is really interested in paying with their own money.
PKP alone, no.
PKP with others, if he was willing to listen, yes.
The MLB needs a tax-payer funded stadium. Until then, ain't going to happen. This is the way it works for most cities.
Ah the NHL playoffs...a war between contenders sure that this year is their year and the Washington Capitals who are probably the shittiest playoff team since back when 80% of the league made the playoffs. A team that is either able to win 2-1 or lose 7-0.
The Caps cannot even suck properly these days.
No Viper!
Do you honestly think the NHL believes there is more money to be made in fucking Utah? That there's some horde of mormons out there that'll become huge hockey fans if only there is a team placed in Salt Lake City?
It is honestly as simple as the fact they found a guy who would spend $1.2 billion to put a team there.
If Saskatoon had someone willing to spend $1.2 billion to put a team in Saskatchewan, that's where the team would be going instead.
It's just that cold. It's all about franchise value.
In more proper hockey talk - YOUR Winnipeg Jets face off against the Colorado Avalanche.
So I mean the Jets have had a pretty good season, securing second in the Central. They were tops of the league at one point, and Connor Hellebuyck seem to be the favourite to win the Vezina. They also just crushed the Avs 7-0 earlier in the week.
I like the Jets against the Avs (though it's not going to be as easy as 7-0 suggests), but getting past Dallas in the second round would be a different story.
Quote from: Barrister on April 20, 2024, 12:00:00 AMNo Viper!
Do you honestly think the NHL believes there is more money to be made in fucking Utah? That there's some horde of mormons out there that'll become huge hockey fans if only there is a team placed in Salt Lake City?
It is honestly as simple as the fact they found a guy who would spend $1.2 billion to put a team there.
If Saskatoon had someone willing to spend $1.2 billion to put a team in Saskatchewan, that's where the team would be going instead.
It's just that cold. It's all about franchise value.
The league only gets 200 million US$.
The 1 billion$ goes to Meruelo, not the league, so they don't care.
The NHL pays 1 billion$ to buy the Franchise, than Smith pays the NHL 1.2 billion$.
It's really a net profit of 200M$.
The real money to be made is in the increase value of the tv rights.
Look again the at deal:
Meruelo, meanwhile, received $1 billion in the sale, according to sources, and will maintain the name, intellectual property and historical records of the Coyotes -- which will now be considered an inactive franchise. Meruelo will have a five-year window in which he can try to build an arena and bring a team to Arizona, for an expected price tag of $1 billion.The extra $200 million in this week's sale will be split among NHL teams.ESPN story ( they really hate French speakers, or they think they can make more money with tv rights by constantly expanding in the US.
I think 2 things have happened in the last decade.
1. Is that the NHL has figured out that it can get 30 teams in the USA without saturating the market.
2. Is that sport teams owner I've figured that the NHL is cheap to run compared to the NBA and NFL. You also don't have the trouble of dealing the Don Garber's MLS.
Quote from: viper37 on April 20, 2024, 01:46:49 PMQuote from: Barrister on April 20, 2024, 12:00:00 AMNo Viper!
Do you honestly think the NHL believes there is more money to be made in fucking Utah? That there's some horde of mormons out there that'll become huge hockey fans if only there is a team placed in Salt Lake City?
It is honestly as simple as the fact they found a guy who would spend $1.2 billion to put a team there.
If Saskatoon had someone willing to spend $1.2 billion to put a team in Saskatchewan, that's where the team would be going instead.
It's just that cold. It's all about franchise value.
The league only gets 200 million US$.
The 1 billion$ goes to Meruelo, not the league, so they don't care.
The NHL pays 1 billion$ to buy the Franchise, than Smith pays the NHL 1.2 billion$.
It's really a net profit of 200M$.
Repeat after me -
franchise value.
How is the valuation of something determined? Comparables. Trying to figure out what your home is worth on the open market? You see what other houses, similar to yours, have sold for.
If the freaking Arizona Coyotes are worth $1.2 billion then so is every other franchise - at a minimum.
If the NHL gave PKP (or anyone else) a franchise in Quebec City for $250 million then boom - suddenly franchises are only worth $250 mil. Because that then becomes the comparable.
Look- this is not necessarily a healthy way for the league to look at valuation. It seems very bubble-like. But it is a much more easy explanation than anti-french racism.
There will be a PWHL team in Quebec City before and NHL one. You heard it here.
At least we get rid of either the Lightning or the Panthers in the first round.
There isn't a single team I like in the playoffs so it is going to be a little rough to keep engaged. I guess I'll root for the Jets for Beeb's sake?
I *am* super excited to have the PWHL back from their break and with the playoffs looming there, though. :showoff:
Oh no! We suck again!
That game last night was wild. 7-6 Jets win over the Avs.
Not the game plan I would have drawn up if I were the Jets coach.
But a win is a win, so I'll take it. Jets up 1-0 in the series.
Sweet, sweet false hope
Were the announcers really celebrating Matthews' "70 goal season" last night?
Quote from: HVC on April 22, 2024, 10:30:38 PMSweet, sweet false hope
Nice win.
My comfort tonight is that if the Caps humiliate themselves again I am closer to not having to watch any more blowout losses for awhile. So many this season.
well fuck.
1-1 Jets Avs
The Rangers were just hanging out and then whenever the Caps would score they would wake up and kick some ass for a bit, take a lead, and then just hang out again. On the plus side the Caps were not blown out but on the negative side they actually lost a one goal game. Oh dear, the one thing they were really good at...
Sorry HVC :(
It's false for a reason :lol:
OK serious question:
I agreed to take my kids to the Oilers watch party tonight. The Oilers game is in Los Angeles, but we're going to the arena to watch the game on the jumbotron. Tickets are sold out it should be fairly raucous even though we're only watching the tv broadcast.
I didn't realize however that the Jets are playing at the exact same time! :o
So obviously I'm still taking my kids because I said I would.
But the question is - would I be a tool if I wore my Jets jersey?
You see it sometimes at live games - that guy who is wearing a jersey of neither of the teams that is actually playing. The arena staff will often do a "lost fan" bit where they put that person up on the jumbotron during a TV time out.
But given that it's the playoffs, that the Jets are playing at the same time, and that it's only a watch party - can I pull it off?
Lawyer beaten and left in an alley, News at 11
Quote from: HVC on April 26, 2024, 02:05:14 PMLawyer beaten and left in an alley, News at 11
See that's the last thing I'd worry about. I've worn a Jets jersey to Rogers Place lots of time - when the Jets are the visiting team. It's actually fun - never really been hassled, I'm definitely not the only one (lots of us Toban expats out in Alberta).
Just more wondering about wearing it when the Jets aren't even playing - but then again it's only a watch party to begin with.
Yes, you would be a tool.
Quote from: Barrister on April 26, 2024, 03:26:52 PMQuote from: HVC on April 26, 2024, 02:05:14 PMLawyer beaten and left in an alley, News at 11
See that's the last thing I'd worry about. I've worn a Jets jersey to Rogers Place lots of time - when the Jets are the visiting team. It's actually fun - never really been hassled, I'm definitely not the only one (lots of us Toban expats out in Alberta).
Just more wondering about wearing it when the Jets aren't even playing - but then again it's only a watch party to begin with.
It's only a match party, but it's an Oilers match party.
Get your Slayer jersey instead, you'll look badass in it. :showoff:
At least the Rangers are putting me out my misery quickly.
Wearing a jersey that doesn't belong to one of the two teams playing is generally viewed as tool-like behaviour. If it's from another sport altogether but matches the colours or city of one of the teams (IE wearing a red Stampeders shirt to a Flames game or wearing a Broncos jersey to a Nuggets game) that gets a pass.
It's a bit like showing up at a wedding and loudly and incessantly talking about how much better some other wedding you went to last week was.
Leafs assure devastated fans that this is them trying their best (
Quote"Can't question the effort," said head coach Sheldon Keefe. "Our fans should take solace in the fact that we are about to lose in 5 to a weak Bruins team not because of something fixable like hustle, but because we are a fundamentally flawed hockey team."
"And no, we won't be making any changes to our power play so stop asking."
The Caps led the Rangers for all of 3 minutes in this series. But it was a glorious 3 minutes of hopes and dreams. 3 minutes where we dared to dream of 1998 and 2018, of glory and ultimate triumph.
I will always treasure that brief time :cry:
Anyway enough of hockey. Baseball now has my full attention.
Quote from: Barrister on April 26, 2024, 12:22:26 PMOK serious question:
I agreed to take my kids to the Oilers watch party tonight. The Oilers game is in Los Angeles, but we're going to the arena to watch the game on the jumbotron. Tickets are sold out it should be fairly raucous even though we're only watching the tv broadcast.
I didn't realize however that the Jets are playing at the exact same time! :o
So obviously I'm still taking my kids because I said I would.
But the question is - would I be a tool if I wore my Jets jersey?
You see it sometimes at live games - that guy who is wearing a jersey of neither of the teams that is actually playing. The arena staff will often do a "lost fan" bit where they put that person up on the jumbotron during a TV time out.
But given that it's the playoffs, that the Jets are playing at the same time, and that it's only a watch party - can I pull it off?
In addition to what everybody else has said, you will be telling your kids in a very passive aggressive way that you would rather be doing something else than being with them doing something they want to do.
It would be worse than being a tool.
False hope back on!
Well that was quick lol
Quote from: Barrister on May 04, 2024, 10:41:20 PM:console:
Series comeback, take game 7 lead, only for a few minutes later tied and lose in OT. Leafs fan experience to a T :lol:
Quote from: HVC on May 05, 2024, 12:00:29 AM:cry:
Series comeback, take game 7 lead, only for a few minutes later tied and lose in OT. Leafs fan experience to a T :lol:
May I interest you in: PWHL Toronto? :Canuck:
Quote from: Sophie Scholl on May 05, 2024, 02:30:15 AMQuote from: HVC on May 05, 2024, 12:00:29 AM:cry:
Series comeback, take game 7 lead, only for a few minutes later tied and lose in OT. Leafs fan experience to a T :lol:
May I interest you in: PWHL Toronto? :Canuck:
I'm ashamed to say that if the PWHL Toronto team did better then the NHL team it would irk me some :blush: :D
I would be up for watching/following another team. Say Montreal. Or at least giving it an honest attempt. Give me a little bit to grieve and shun hockey as a "stupid game that doesn't matter anyway" to make me feel better though.
Today is the last day of the PWHL regular season. The playoffs start... Wednesday I think? Toronto is the top seed. :lol:
The Athletic has a piece on whether Winnipeg can keep its team. The article identifies the issues I thought, wrongly, would mean it would have a quick exit. But goes on to say that the excitement of fans who can't really afford NHL priced tickets can only get the team so far.
Here is an excerpt
As a market, Winnipeg falls short in almost every key component. The population is too small, the per capita income is too low, and there are a dwindling number of corporations with a head office in Canada's windy city.
"But then you get to the intangibles, like passion," Hodgson said. "And Manitoba is off the chart."
Hodgson knows the psyche of the city's sports fans well. He grew up in Winnipeg and was a devoted follower of the CFL's Winnipeg Blue Bombers, the other franchise that holds a deeply rooted place in the region's culture and identity.
For many, like Burnett, the NHL's return in 2011 was a miracle, faithfully prayed for.
Nostalgia and pride alone were enough to sell the team to local fans. For more than a decade, True North was viewed as a savior.
The franchise was able to operate in an "if you build it, they will come" mode, Hodgson said.
But after the pandemic, amid a wavering Canadian economy, high inflation, and growing dissatisfaction with rising prices, stringent policies and a perceived lack of appreciation from the organization, many fans decided to stay home. The magic faded. The season-ticket waiting list disappeared. And the franchise entered a new, critical era.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 11, 2024, 11:44:09 AMBut after the pandemic, amid a wavering Canadian economy, high inflation, and growing dissatisfaction with rising prices, stringent policies and a perceived lack of appreciation from the organization, many fans decided to stay home. The magic faded. The season-ticket waiting list disappeared. And the franchise entered a new, critical era.
As long as the owners can keep it afloat for another 2-3 years, the boat will pick up the wind again and start moving.
Canada is in a bad spot, the entire country. The smaller markets are hit first, but Montreal has its problems too, the attendance isn't as high as it was pre-pandemic and a lot of tickets are given for free.
Ottawa. Do I need to talk about Ottawa?
I don't know about TO and Vancouver though. I suspect things aren't as rosy as they seem and some tickets are given there too for the less exciting teams.
I haven't watched a game yet in the playoffs, but all I see are clips of dirty hits and near dirty hits or very rough play.
Not encouraging. :glare:
It's a violent contact sport, it's not handball.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2024, 07:12:48 PMIt's a violent contact sport, it's not handball.
I like fine play and I don't mind rough play. I don't like dirty hits and ref's blindness.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2024, 07:12:48 PMIt's a violent contact sport, it's not handball.
Do you watch handball?
Quote from: Jacob on May 13, 2024, 05:31:47 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2024, 07:12:48 PMIt's a violent contact sport, it's not handball.
Do you watch handball?
Yes, when it's on tv. Obviously, I don't follow closely.
I like sports, all sports and I'll watch almost anything.
Quote from: viper37 on May 13, 2024, 05:27:55 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on May 12, 2024, 07:12:48 PMIt's a violent contact sport, it's not handball.
I like fine play and I don't mind rough play. I don't like dirty hits and ref's blindness.
Just saw the replay of the double cross check on the Oilers'
Star player. Yeah, amazed a professional league lets this happen.
They did not? Both Vancouver players were disciplined.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 15, 2024, 01:16:41 PMThey did not? Both Vancouver players were disciplined.
Fine on one. 1 game suspension on the other. Doubtful it was sufficient.
But Oilers came out last night trying to be just as dirty. Playoff officiating has always been something of a joke.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 15, 2024, 01:16:41 PMThey did not? Both Vancouver players were disciplined.
The fact this sort of nonsense continues is a good indication that the league is quite happy for it to continue. Give
Season long or life time bans and see how many times it happens.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2024, 11:31:32 AMGive Season long or life time bans and see how many times it happens.
Well it certainly wouldn't happen for awhile as the players would probably strike if the league decided to take on itself that kind of extreme arbitrary power.
Quote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2024, 11:31:32 AMQuote from: Grey Fox on May 15, 2024, 01:16:41 PMThey did not? Both Vancouver players were disciplined.
The fact this sort of nonsense continues is a good indication that the league is quite happy for it to continue. Give
Season long or life time bans and see how many times it happens.
I see.
Quote from: Valmy on May 16, 2024, 11:47:50 AMQuote from: crazy canuck on May 16, 2024, 11:31:32 AMGive Season long or life time bans and see how many times it happens.
Well it certainly wouldn't happen for awhile as the players would probably strike if the league decided to take on itself that kind of extreme arbitrary power.
You might want to look up the meaning of arbitrary. Of the rule was that conduct gets you kicked out of the league, that is the exact opposite of arbitrary.
It's arbitrary in the sense that in the NHL everything is governed by the CBA.
Quote from: Grey Fox on May 16, 2024, 03:33:24 PMIt's arbitrary in the sense that in the NHL everything is governed by the CBA.
So just change the CBA
It's amusing to watch this Vancouver-Edmonton series as a neutral-but-not-disinterested observer.
Vancouver scores with 38 seconds left in game 5 to take the win. Game 6 will now be here in Edmonton, at 6pm on a Saturday of a long weekend. Vancouver is up 3 games to 2, so Edmonton is in a must-win situation.
It could get wild.
Yeah. It's kind of fun for hockey fans. The bandwagons are rolling and people are having a good time :cheers:
My heart is with Edmonton because of Connor McDavid. Sorry Oilers I have jinxed you :(
I think I've said this before: I'm a neutral but not a disinterested observer of this series.
Oilers beat Vancouver, advance to meet Dallas in the Western Conference Final.
Down with the Panthers and the Stars.
So mid way through the third I was like "hey don't anyone say anything, but Skinner has an "s-word" going on". I never said the word, that was an exact quote.
Canucks promptly score two gals, 3-2 final.
Am I in the wrong?
Thankfully we have avoided a riot for another year
Quote from: Barrister on May 20, 2024, 11:12:46 PMSo mid way through the third I was like "hey don't anyone say anything, but Skinner has an "s-word" going on". I never said the word, that was an exact quote.
Canucks promptly score two gals, 3-2 final.
Am I in the wrong?
QuoteDepth can't all be Euro skill guys. Some? Sure - not all. Need more Saskatchewan, less Stockholm.
Mark Spector wants to replace Don Cherry? :P
Quote from: Valmy on June 03, 2024, 07:29:17 AMQuote from: HVC on June 03, 2024, 05:06:39 AMHa, take that bettman!
Still have to beat the Panthers -_-
Ugh, that would be fitting. To lose to a team from fucking Florida.
*moved not to clutter up BBs gloating thread :D
Quote from: HVC on June 03, 2024, 08:03:56 AMQuote from: Valmy on June 03, 2024, 07:29:17 AMQuote from: HVC on June 03, 2024, 05:06:39 AMHa, take that bettman!
Still have to beat the Panthers -_-
Ugh, that would be fitting. To lose to a team from fucking Florida.
*moved not to clutter up BBs gloating thread :D
Very thoughtful of you. -_-
I'm very ambivalent about this Stanley Cup Final. So on the one hand we have the Florida Panthers. A southern market that has had pretty terrible attendance. Their head coach is Paul Maurice - who coached the Winnipeg Jets for I believe 7 years. He wasn't fired though - he quit on the team. So I don't like that he quit. but I still kind of like Maurice. He's a great interview if nothing else.
On the other hand we have the Edmonton Oilers. I have hated the Oilers my entire life. It's a good, clean, pure hate. But I live in Edmonton, and I've raised 3 kids here - all of whom are big Oilers fans (even the kid who doesn't play hockey has gotten super into this playoff run). So I know it would make them happy if the Oilers won.
So I guess I want the Oilers to win? Doesn't feel right though...
I'd like for the Oilers to win. I'd like Canada to win the cup again while avoiding it being the Maple Leafs.
However, I am fine with it being the Panthers. Like the Vegas Golden Knights were for the 12 years back in 2018, the Panthers were that for me in 1996.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 03, 2024, 03:38:21 PMI'd like for the Oilers to win. I'd like Canada to win the cup again
Quotewhile avoiding it being the Maple Leafs.
Although I haven't watched a game since the leafs blew up (this season)
Several times my youngest has tried asking me who my second favourite team is (trying to get me to say Oilers). I politely decline.
So he asks why I hate the oilers. My reply is that when I was a kid the Oilers just won all the time and it didn't seem fair (which is true!) - but that the Oilers aren't my most hated team.
That would be the Maple Leafs. -_-
There's a very short video of a woman flashing her breasts at a recent Oilers game floating around on social media.
So of course at last night's rec hockey game every single guy there had seen that video and commented on it.
We men can be so predictable. -_-
If only there was another place on the internet to see breasts :(
Quote from: HVC on June 03, 2024, 03:53:34 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on June 03, 2024, 03:38:21 PMI'd like for the Oilers to win. I'd like Canada to win the cup again
Quotewhile avoiding it being the Maple Leafs.
Although I haven't watched a game since the leafs blew up (this season)
I'm not sorry. When the Bruins play the Leafs, I want the arena to be swallowed by the earth.
I fucking hate Florida and they are almost certainly going to win. :cry:
Quote from: Barrister on June 03, 2024, 03:55:41 PMSeveral times my youngest has tried asking me who my second favourite team is (trying to get me to say Oilers). I politely decline.
So he asks why I hate the oilers. My reply is that when I was a kid the Oilers just won all the time and it didn't seem fair (which is true!) - but that the Oilers aren't my most hated team.
That would be the Maple Leafs. -_-
One of my cousins hates the Bruins with a passion. He hates Marchand too, obviously. Now, his 8 year old boy plays hockey in the street and calls himself "Brad Marchand". :P
Yeah. Fucking Florida.
Damn you Edmonton for being so shitty outside of your big stars.
Valmy, your Capitals are stealing Cap Friendly from all of us.
I hope no good things ever come to that team ever again.
Quote from: Valmy on June 09, 2024, 01:32:12 PMYeah. Fucking Florida.
Damn you Edmonton for being so shitty outside of your big stars.
I dunno - I thought the oilers just got goalied yesterday,
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 09, 2024, 07:00:51 PMI hope no good things ever come to that team ever again.
It's ok even if they don't. That one Stanley Cup can sustain me for a very long time.
QuoteThe few ratings numbers that have been released haven't been great. They're up in Canada, but not up in a way that suggests the Oilers have captivated any non-sports obsessives. According to the NHL, seven million people across North America watched Game 1.
When the Toronto Raptors were rolling to the 2019 NBA championship, the nightly number crested eight million. And that was just in Canada.
The NHL should consider becoming a sport. Rather than cheap shots and fighting on ice.
If the Oilers can just score 8 goals every night they might have a shot at this comeback.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 16, 2024, 09:25:00 AMQuoteThe few ratings numbers that have been released haven't been great. They're up in Canada, but not up in a way that suggests the Oilers have captivated any non-sports obsessives. According to the NHL, seven million people across North America watched Game 1.
When the Toronto Raptors were rolling to the 2019 NBA championship, the nightly number crested eight million. And that was just in Canada.
The NHL should consider becoming a sport. Rather than cheap shots and fighting on ice.
People consider MMA a sport.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 16, 2024, 09:25:00 AMQuoteThe few ratings numbers that have been released haven't been great. They're up in Canada, but not up in a way that suggests the Oilers have captivated any non-sports obsessives. According to the NHL, seven million people across North America watched Game 1.
When the Toronto Raptors were rolling to the 2019 NBA championship, the nightly number crested eight million. And that was just in Canada.
The NHL should consider becoming a sport. Rather than cheap shots and fighting on ice.
Dude - you're like "almost there" about why 2019 had such great ratings in Canada, and why 2024 has merely okay ratings...
And it has nothing to do with cheap shots and fighting (of which there's basically no fighting in the SC Finals).
Quote from: Valmy on June 16, 2024, 01:33:45 PMQuote from: crazy canuck on June 16, 2024, 09:25:00 AMQuoteThe few ratings numbers that have been released haven't been great. They're up in Canada, but not up in a way that suggests the Oilers have captivated any non-sports obsessives. According to the NHL, seven million people across North America watched Game 1.
When the Toronto Raptors were rolling to the 2019 NBA championship, the nightly number crested eight million. And that was just in Canada.
The NHL should consider becoming a sport. Rather than cheap shots and fighting on ice.
People consider MMA a sport.
Yes, it is.
Are you trying to suggest the NHL is similar to MMA?
Quote from: Barrister on June 16, 2024, 11:10:12 PMQuote from: crazy canuck on June 16, 2024, 09:25:00 AMQuoteThe few ratings numbers that have been released haven't been great. They're up in Canada, but not up in a way that suggests the Oilers have captivated any non-sports obsessives. According to the NHL, seven million people across North America watched Game 1.
When the Toronto Raptors were rolling to the 2019 NBA championship, the nightly number crested eight million. And that was just in Canada.
The NHL should consider becoming a sport. Rather than cheap shots and fighting on ice.
Dude - you're like "almost there" about why 2019 had such great ratings in Canada, and why 2024 has merely okay ratings...
And it has nothing to do with cheap shots and fighting (of which there's basically no fighting in the SC Finals).
Did you notice that the number of people in all of North America who are watching is less than just the Canadian audience for the Raptors run?
I don't think transforming the NHL into the NBA is a good thing. The NBA already exists.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 17, 2024, 08:10:58 AMQuote from: Barrister on June 16, 2024, 11:10:12 PMQuote from: crazy canuck on June 16, 2024, 09:25:00 AMQuoteThe few ratings numbers that have been released haven't been great. They're up in Canada, but not up in a way that suggests the Oilers have captivated any non-sports obsessives. According to the NHL, seven million people across North America watched Game 1.
When the Toronto Raptors were rolling to the 2019 NBA championship, the nightly number crested eight million. And that was just in Canada.
The NHL should consider becoming a sport. Rather than cheap shots and fighting on ice.
Dude - you're like "almost there" about why 2019 had such great ratings in Canada, and why 2024 has merely okay ratings...
And it has nothing to do with cheap shots and fighting (of which there's basically no fighting in the SC Finals).
Did you notice that the number of people in all of North America who are watching is less than just the Canadian audience for the Raptors run?
Yeah and that has zero to do with fighting in the NHL. If they leaned into that and it was as common as you seem to think they would probably get much higher ratings.
It is because the NHL ignores, and really works to alienate, its traditional markets while desperately trying to get Americans in the south to watch. It isn't going to happen.
Quote from: crazy canuck on June 17, 2024, 08:10:58 AMYes, it is.
Are you trying to suggest the NHL is similar to MMA?
No. People like MMA though, more fighting less skating.
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 17, 2024, 08:33:55 AMI don't think transforming the NHL into the NBA is a good thing. The NBA already exists.
Not for lack of trying on the part of the NHL.
Quote from: Valmy on June 17, 2024, 09:01:10 AMQuote from: crazy canuck on June 17, 2024, 08:10:58 AMYes, it is.
Are you trying to suggest the NHL is similar to MMA?
No. People like MMA though, more fighting less skating.
Right, so why not have a sport which is about skating, be about skating and not about fighting
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 17, 2024, 08:33:55 AMI don't think transforming the NHL into the NBA is a good thing. The NBA already exists.
My guess is the owners of the NHL teams would disagree with your as
The funny part is, they have been trying and failing to be the NBA so long that the version of the NBA they sought to emulate doesn't really exist anymore.
Edmonton is buzzing. Oilers, after being down 3-0 in the series, is now at 3-2 with the series coming to Edmonton for game 6. Connor McDavid with 4 points in each of the last two games.
BY the way - right at the end of the game, Florida is down 4-3, Florida has an empty net.
Matthew Tkachuk has the most AMAZING save on the empty net - he skates back hard, dives on his belly, and with just the tip of his stick he scoops the puck out just an inch away from crossing the goal line.
Then Connor McDavid gets the puck and scores like 3 second later. But still it was an amazing move.
If Vancouver was in that position, I'd begin to worry about riots...
I trust Edmonton is more chill than that?
Quote from: Jacob on June 19, 2024, 12:21:46 PMIf Vancouver was in that position, I'd begin to worry about riots...
I trust Edmonton is more chill than that?
So on the one hand, no - Edmonton is not more chill than that. Check out the entry for 2006. I lived in Alberta (if not Edmonton) at that time and remember hearing the stories about the craziness on Whyte Ave.
On the other hand... 2006 (or 2011 in Vancouver) was now a long time ago. Maybe it's just a factor of changing times, but there's been no reporting of general mayhem and rooting so far.
Or - unlike in 2006 the Oilers have huge outdoor areas set up beside the arena for fans to come and celebrate. It sounds like a fun scene - but you also have to get scanned before going in (so no weapons) and you have to pay full arena prices for booze (which limits the drunkeness to some extent). Plus it puts all the hardest core fans in one area where police can keep a close eye on them.
Hoping it works out.
Not sure the impact of keeping all the hardest core fans in one area.
I was reading a couple of retrospective threads on the riots on reddit Vancouver recently, and it sounds like there was a significant influx of people from their homes into the downtown core as the game wound down who were explicitly looking forward to rioting.
Basically, while the anger and disappointment of the hard core fans no doubt helped create the conditions for the riot, I don't know if it's sufficient to control them to contain a riot kicking off. Maybe suburban shit-kickers bussing in have sufficient weight of their own, basically.
(Not to imply that the Edmonton police aren't on top of all these other things as well, of course)
In any case, hope it all goes smoothly however the games turn out.
Game 6 is tonight. Win or lose, the last game of the season in Edmonton.
People are pumped. After going down 0-3 in the series there were some long faces, but after winning two in a row now victory seems quite possible - even if Florida still has the advantage.
Game is supposed to start at 6pm (puck drop is probably more like 6:25). I have a rec league game at 9pm - we'll see how many guys make it out tonight... :unsure:
Dammit - the Oilers are going to do it just to spite me, aren't they.
Not only are they going to win the Cup.
Not only are they going to be the first Canadian team to do so since 1991.
Not only are they going to be the first team to come back from a 3-0 series deficit since fucking 1942.
Ah well - at least my kids and wife will be happy.
And at least Paul Maurice won't win the Cup.
Montreal won it in 1993.
Anyway Oilers haven't done it yet. Got to win in Florida.
So it's gameday.
You have to hand it to the master schedulers at the NHL to arrange for game 7 in the Stanley Cup finals to be held on a Monday.
It also sounds like there will be a sizeable contingent of Edmonton fans down in Sunrise Florida tonight. And this is despite the fact there are no direct Edmonton-Miami flights. Now this was 10 years ago but the only time I've ever been to Miami (which itself was just a connection to get to Brazil) I think we had to drive to Calgary and connect through Dallas.
Quote from: Barrister on June 24, 2024, 10:58:35 AMYou have to hand it to the master schedulers at the NHL to arrange for game 7 in the Stanley Cup finals to be held on a Monday.
Yes. A historic possible reverse sweep after going down 3-0. The first championship opportunity for Connor McDavid. Maybe the first time since 1993 the Stanley Cup goes to Canada.
Hope you don't need to work on Tuesday.
Let's see who wins tonight, Edmonton or Bettman :P
Feels about right...
Haven't been paying too much attention since the Leafs.
But I am cheering for Edmonton because it would suck now to lose after such a comeback
Quote from: Josephus on June 24, 2024, 03:11:09 PMHaven't been paying too much attention since the Leafs.
But I am cheering for Edmonton because it would suck now to lose after such a comeback
Or... it would be hilarious... :ph34r:
Just a feeling, but I think this game will not be particularly close - whichever way it goes. Either Florida cruises to victory, or the Oilers do - that one side or the other just has nothing left to give anymore.
I drove by the arena at 11:30 - there were already people lined up to get into the watch party. for a 6pm game. Being played in Florida.
So I drove by the arena again at 3pm.
There's two separate viewing areas - one south of the arena, one east of the arena. They open at 4 and 4:30 respectively. Fans are lined up all the way around the block, looping back on themselves. Thousands and thousands of people.
All for a game in Florida.
Edit: Apparently Alanis Morissette is signing the anthem (not sure which, or if both). Interesting choice - so many ways to go with it. A Canadian singing plus all kinds of "isn't it ironic" jokes... At least she's a hockey fan.
If it was the Jets you would be there.
This is the biggest game for Edmonton since 2006. I would be there if I was an Oilers fan and I couldn't be in Florida.
Quote from: Barrister on June 24, 2024, 03:30:12 PMQuote from: Josephus on June 24, 2024, 03:11:09 PMHaven't been paying too much attention since the Leafs.
But I am cheering for Edmonton because it would suck now to lose after such a comeback
Or... it would be hilarious... :ph34r:
Just a feeling, but I think this game will not be particularly close - whichever way it goes. Either Florida cruises to victory, or the Oilers do - that one side or the other just has nothing left to give anymore.
Your euro predictions are better 😁
Le sigh.
How lame. The NHL sucks again.
Oh don't be like that. Your favorite team is also too south.
No epic comeback for the Oilers.
McDavid wins the Conn Smythe - first time in like 20 years it goes to someone from the losing team.
At least I don't have to hear it from Oilers fans tomorrow. :ph34r:
But my kids are sad. :(
Quote from: Grey Fox on June 24, 2024, 10:11:05 PMOh don't be like that. Your favorite team is also too south.
Even if the Panthers and Lightning weren't located in a shitty place like Florida I would still hate them just because they are in our division. The fact that they are also soulless bullshit teams created by Bettman in the endless quest for US national relevance only makes them more contemptible.
Sort of like the Dallas Stars. The Mavs, the Rangers, and especially the Cowboys are north Texas' obsession. The day I hear somebody talk around there talk about the Stars season will be the first, well the first since a few people noticed they won the Stanley Cup back in 1999. If Buffalo had won that championship people up there would still be talking about it, it would have been the single greatest sports day in that city's entire cursed history.
But the Stars won so barely anybody noticed and now nobody remembers.
When the Oilers were winning cups everybody knew Wayne Gretzky and Mark Messier. When the Penguins won people know who Mario Lemieux and Sid Crosby were. Nobody in this country could name a player on the Lightning or the Panthers. Nobody gives a shit. And Bettman thinks this is good for the NHL? This is why the league is failing.
Quote from: Barrister on June 24, 2024, 10:16:18 PMAt least I don't have to hear it from Oilers fans tomorrow. :ph34r:
Once the spoiled Canadian fans start winning something they might start expecting a championship every 31 years and that kind of entitlement would be unbearable.
Quote from: Valmy on June 25, 2024, 02:07:13 PMQuote from: Grey Fox on June 24, 2024, 10:11:05 PMOh don't be like that. Your favorite team is also too south.
Even if the Panthers and Lightning weren't located in a shitty place like Florida I would still hate them just because they are in our division. The fact that they are also soulless bullshit teams created by Bettman in the endless quest for US national relevance only makes them more contemptible.
Sort of like the Dallas Stars. The Mavs, the Rangers, and especially the Cowboys are north Texas' obsession. The day I hear somebody talk around there talk about the Stars season will be the first, well the first since a few people noticed they won the Stanley Cup back in 1999. If Buffalo had won that championship people up there would still be talking about it, it would have been the single greatest sports day in that city's entire cursed history.
But the Stars won so barely anybody noticed and now nobody remembers.
When the Oilers were winning cups everybody knew Wayne Gretzky and Mark Messier. When the Penguins won people know who Mario Lemieux and Sid Crosby were. Nobody in this country could name a player on the Lightning or the Panthers. Nobody gives a shit. And Bettman thinks this is good for the NHL? This is why the league is failing.
So look - I'm sure there must be some passionate Panthers fans out there. And that franchise in particular has been fairly cursed, so good on them for finally having some success.
But I mean - if you looked out at pictures of the crown in the building yesterday - it had to be 40-50% Oilers jerseys. Which means not only were Oilers fans willing to spend ridiculous sums of money to buy tickets and get down to Miami on very short notice - but that Panthers season ticket holders were willing to sell their tickets and give up the chance of seeing their team win the Stanley Cup.
LOL I said division. They were in our division back in the day but I meant conference.
The Stars and The Avalanche are teams to hate. Bunch of crooks that stole team from good communities. Both Florida teams are good old fashion expansion teams that worked for their success.
Unlike what CC would have you believe the league is not failing. It's never been more profitable. By the 2026-27 season the cap will be 100 millions. That's great!
I live in a place where hockey is everything and we have other sports and levels of hockey that can find success without us knowing the life of every player.
CBJ player Johnny Gaudreau, aka Johnny Hockey, killed by drunk driver last night.
Along with his brother.
Apparently his sister was getting married this weekend. Just tragic.
Younger brothers wife is also pregnant with their first kid. It's a nesting doll of tragedy.
Matiss Kivlenieks in 2021 and now Johnny Hockey. Columbus has too much tragedy of late. :(
I'm real bummed by the death of the Gaudreaus. Some of the internet trollery on this subject is a new low.
Quote from: saskganesh on September 01, 2024, 08:00:06 PMI'm real bummed by the death of the Gaudreaus. Some of the internet trollery on this subject is a new low.
Ugh. I have learned to avoid NHL fan spaces pretty heavily. The level of meanspirited awfulness that dominates so many is one of the many reasons I've taken my love of hockey to the PWHL and been so, so much happier.
Quote from: Sophie Scholl on September 02, 2024, 12:41:07 AMQuote from: saskganesh on September 01, 2024, 08:00:06 PMI'm real bummed by the death of the Gaudreaus. Some of the internet trollery on this subject is a new low.
Ugh. I have learned to avoid NHL fan spaces pretty heavily. The level of meanspirited awfulness that dominates so many is one of the many reasons I've taken my love of hockey to the PWHL and been so, so much happier.
NHL, Star Wars, Olympics, WWE, there is no more refuge for the sane...
Utah not having a name annoys me. Well, adds to the annoyance of existing at all. I'll be sad when they win the cup before toronto.
Canadian hockey fans prepare to call the 4 Nations Face-Off a brilliant idea or some made-up bullshit depending on whether we win (
Trying to lighten the mood a bit. :)