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Explosions at Boston Marathon

Started by Darth Wagtaros, April 15, 2013, 02:16:35 PM

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Quote from: merithyn on April 15, 2013, 10:41:29 PM
Some people are saying the 8-year-old girl who died was running for the Sandy Hook kids. Fuck. :(
Ah, then it's a new suspect.  Rather than the IRA, I'm changing my suspect to the NRA.  They won't be satisfied while a single grade-schooler remains unkilled, and it's also a protest about the constitutional right to bear pipebombs.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.

Darth Wagtaros

It is a gubbermint false flag operation led by Dear Leader Obama to put TSA agents at every street corner and Little League game.

Quote(NaturalNews) It's now becoming clear that members of the Boston bomb squad had advanced notice of the horrific bombing that took place at the marathon today. As an eyewitness reports, once the bombs went off, officials began announcing, "this is just a drill!" This logically means they were all informed of the "bomb drill" beforehand. Otherwise, why would they respond with, "this is just a drill" ?

According to, a University of Mobile's Cross Country Coach said there were bomb-sniffing dogs at both the start and finish lines, long before any explosions went off. He said:

"They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about. It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill."

The official story of the bombing is that terrorists detonated two bombs at the marathon finish line and that the Boston bomb squad magically located a third bomb one mile away, identified the bomb, rigged it with explosives and initiated a "controlled explosion" all in less than an hour! (Absurd.)

The official story sounds like nothing more than a cover story.

Here are some of the facts we know so far1) Bomb-sniffing dogs were present at the start of the race and the finish line, even before bombs went off.

2) The reported arrest of a "Saudi national" has now been retracted. Apparently that was a mistake published by the NY Post.

3) Instead, the mainstream media is pushing a new narrative that blames "right-wing extremists" for the bombing, even without a shred of evidence to back that up.

4) It is impossible for a bomb squad to have located, analyzed, rigged and detonated the third bomb in under an hour, especially when it was located one mile away, at the Kennedy Presidential Library.

As always with articles like this the best part are the comments.

Where is this coming from? Sounds like yet another conspiracy theory to me produced from fear and nonsense. Keep an even and open mind about everything. This kind of writing serves no purpose and is disrespectful. Wait until some real genuine verifiable facts come in before you start creating drama!
[/q]Reply · 95 · Like · Follow Post · 8 hours agoRandy Ramen · Cairo, Egyptshut up. drama already exists. this is offering another radical perspective radically different from the one already presented through your television get over it because it's just as plausible and no one is telling you to believe it. you clearly aren't keeping an even or open mind about everything.

Marc Authier ·  Top CommenterAll these planted bombs. Near the finish line? Come on! I would  say the people in charge of the ''security'' are probably those that planted the bombs. This story stinks high hell indeed. Anyways thes Saudi animals are your friends. Uncle Satan Sam hires them in Syria to rape women and cut heads and mass murder Christians in Syria. You shoulb be proud of your Saudi animals no? In Syria your hypocritical US terrorist government calls them ''freedom fighters''.  Nobody in USA seems to be particularly touched when this type of stuff about each day in Syria and Christians are murdered. Welcome to Boston Syria. Again USA is the most important country sponsoring these terrorists. They are your monsters.

jimmy olsen

QuoteA perfect Marathon day, then the unimaginable
By Kevin Cullen
|  Globe Columnist 

  April 16, 2013

It was as good a ­Patriots Day, as good a Marathon day, as any, dry and seasonably warm but not hot like last year. The buzz was great. While the runners climbed Heartbreak Hill, the Red Sox were locked in another white-knuckle duel with the Tampa Bay Rays at Fenway Park. The only thing missing was Lou Reed crooning "Perfect Day" in the background.

The winners and the elite runners had long ago finished, when in the Fens, at shortly after 2 p.m., Mike ­Napoli kissed a ball off The Green Monster in the bottom of the ninth, allow­ing Dustin Pedroia to scamper all the way home from first base, giving the Red Sox a walk-off win.

Many of those jubilant Sox fans had walked down through Kenmore Square toward the Back Bay to watch the Marathon. Some of them had just got to the finish line when the first bomb went off, shortly before 3 p.m.

In an instant, a perfect day had morphed into something viscerally evil.

The location and timing of the bombs was sinister beyond belief, done purposely to maximize death and destruction. Among those who watched in horror as a fireball belched out across the sidewalk on Boylston were the parents of the schoolkids murdered in Newtown, Conn. The ­Atlantic reported they were sitting in a VIP section at the finish line, across the street from the explosion.

This is how bad this is. I went out Monday night and bumped into some firefighters I know. They said one of the dead was an 8-year-old boy from Dorchester who had gone out to hug his dad after he crossed the finish line. The dad walked on; the boy went back to the sidewalk to join his mom and his little sister. And then the bomb went off. The boy was killed. His sister's leg was blown off. His mother was badly injured. That's just one ­family, one story.

It would be wrong and a cliche to say we lost our innocence on Monday afternoon as a plume of white smoke drifted high above Boylston Street, as blood pooled on the sidewalk across from the Boston Public Library, as severed limbs lay amid the bruised and the bloodied and the stunned, their ears ringing, their ears bleeding.

We lost our innocence on another perfect day, in September, 12 years ago. But we lost something Monday, too, and that is the idea that we will ever feel totally safe in this city again.

The Marathon is the city's signature event, a tangible link with the rest of the world. It is one of the few things that ­allows us to cling to that pretense of Boston being the Hub of the universe. Patriots Day is a celebration of our revolutionary history, but we share it with the world. It is the one day of the year when the city is its most ­diverse, with people from so many other countries here to run those 26 miles from ­Hopkinton to the Back Bay.

And so it was alternately poignant and horrifying to watch as first responders frantically pulled metal barriers and the flags of so many different countries down into Boylston Street in a desperate rush to get to the dead and the injured on the sidewalk.

Those flags looked like victims, splayed on Boylston Street as the acrid smoke hung in the air.

After the initial explosion, runners instinctively craned their necks toward the blast site. Then, 12 seconds later, a second explosion, further up Boylston. It was pandemonium. I saw an older runner wearing high rise pink socks, about to cross the finish line. He was knocked to the ground by a photographer running up Boylston Street toward the second explosion.

In an instant, so many lives changed. Some ended. The telephone lines burned. Everybody was trying to figure out who and why. The cops I talked to were shaking their heads. It could be anybody. Could be foreign. Could be domestic. Could be Al Qaeda. Could be home-grown nuts.

It was Patriots Day. It was tax day. It was Israel's independence day. Theories swirled like the smoke above Boylston Street. Friday marks the 20th anniversary of the FBI assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, and the 18th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing.

Then there was the story about the young Saudi guy who was being questioned by the FBI. Now, the FBI wouldn't tell me if my pants were on fire, but my old pal John Miller from CBS News reported that the kid did a runner after the explosion and that somebody tackled him and held him for the police. Miller used to be an associate director at the FBI, and let's just say his sources there are impeccable. Miller says the Saudi guy was cooperative and denied he had anything to do with the bombing. He says he took off because, like everybody else in the Back Bay, he was terrified. A law enforcement source later told me that Miller's story is right on the money.

I saw Lisa Hughes from WBZ-TV trying to do her job, amid the blood and the body parts. And then I remembered that Lisa, who is as nice a person as you'll find in this business, married a guy from Wellesley named Mike Casey who lost his wife Neilie on one of the planes out of Boston that crashed into the Twin Towers. And then I tried not to cry and just marveled at how professional Lisa was.

Massachusetts Governor ­Deval Patrick began his day by visiting ailing Mayor Tom Menino of Boston in the hospital. Hours later, Patrick was on the phone with President Obama, and Menino signed himself out of the hospital. He couldn't be cooped up while his city was being attacked. Like so many people in the Back Bay, the mayor needed a wheelchair to get around.

Dave McGillivray, the Marathon director, had just arrived in Hopkinton, and was about to run the 26-mile route, as he does every year hours after the last runner has departed. A state cop told McGillivray what had happened and McGillivray jumped in a cruiser and raced back to the finish line.

Before 3 p.m., the medical tent at the finish line had seen nothing worse than a blister. Then, in an instant, it was transformed into a battlefield triage unit. Doctors and nurses who had been running the race in turn raced to the medical tent and volunteered their ­services, still sweating, still wearing their running gear. People in the Back Bay opened their homes to runners who couldn't get back to their ­hotels.

We will get through this, but we will never be the same.

Even as the smoke drifted away from Boylston, we are still in the fog, still in the dark, our ears still ringing from the bombs.

And we are left with this unnerving proposition: If it was home-grown, it was probably an aberration, the work of a ­lunatic. If it was foreign ­inspired or sponsored, we will never feel safe again in our own town.

President Obama asked the rest of the country to pray for Boston. But we need more than prayers. We need answers. We need peace of mind, and we'll never have that again on ­Patriots Day. Ever. Because somebody came here on our ­­­­­P­atriots Day and launched their own revolution.
It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point


Well, I'm glad we got this out of the way.

QuoteDr. Syed Wasimul Haque, the president of the United Maryland Muslim Council, condemned the "cowardly terrorist act" at the Boston Marathon Monday that has killed three and wounded more than 100.

"Our prayers go out for the fallen victims and to the city of Boston," Haque, a Frederick physician, said in a statement.

He and others in Maryland's Muslim community have condemned past acts of violence and terror against the United States.

"The Muslims have always stood shoulder to shoulder during perilous times that our nation has faced and will do so in the future as well against all terrorist attacks," Haque said. "These terrorist attacks do nothing but strengthen our resolve to fight back such cowardly act and unite us more as a nation."

The complete statement follows.

"The Muslims of Maryland condemn the terrorist act in Boston which took the lives of two Americans and injured many spectators during the Boston marathon event. The Muslims along with the rest of the nation are deeply saddened and distressed by this cowardly terrorist act which targeted innocent victims of this event which was supposed to forge friendship and brotherhood among participants from different nations and from within our country.

"The Muslims have always stood shoulder to shoulder during perilous times that our nation has faced and will do so in the future as well against all terrorist attacks. These terrorist attacks do nothing but strengthen our resolve to fight back such cowardly act and unite us more as a nation.

"Our prayers go out for the fallen victims and to the city of Boston. May the families of the victims have the forbearance and may the inflicted recover from their injuries quickly.

"We hope and pray that the criminal or criminals who committed this heinous act are caught soon and brought to justice and punished to the greatest extent according to the laws of our country."


Turns out the Saudi guy was just a bystander who got tackled by someone else and then arrested.
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.

Ed Anger

Quote from: HVC on April 16, 2013, 08:18:04 AM
Turns out the Saudi guy was just a bystander who got tackled by someone else and then arrested.

I didn't know Mart was in Boston.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


Latest updates are that there were in fact no additional unexploded devices, and that nobody is in custody.
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 16, 2013, 08:15:54 AM
Well, I'm glad we got this out of the way.

QuoteDr. Syed Wasimul Haque, the president of the United Maryland Muslim Council, condemned the "cowardly terrorist act" at the Boston Marathon Monday that has killed three and wounded more than 100.

"Our prayers go out for the fallen victims and to the city of Boston," Haque, a Frederick physician, said in a statement.

He and others in Maryland's Muslim community have condemned past acts of violence and terror against the United States.

"The Muslims have always stood shoulder to shoulder during perilous times that our nation has faced and will do so in the future as well against all terrorist attacks," Haque said. "These terrorist attacks do nothing but strengthen our resolve to fight back such cowardly act and unite us more as a nation."

The complete statement follows.

"The Muslims of Maryland condemn the terrorist act in Boston which took the lives of two Americans and injured many spectators during the Boston marathon event. The Muslims along with the rest of the nation are deeply saddened and distressed by this cowardly terrorist act which targeted innocent victims of this event which was supposed to forge friendship and brotherhood among participants from different nations and from within our country.

"The Muslims have always stood shoulder to shoulder during perilous times that our nation has faced and will do so in the future as well against all terrorist attacks. These terrorist attacks do nothing but strengthen our resolve to fight back such cowardly act and unite us more as a nation.

"Our prayers go out for the fallen victims and to the city of Boston. May the families of the victims have the forbearance and may the inflicted recover from their injuries quickly.

"We hope and pray that the criminal or criminals who committed this heinous act are caught soon and brought to justice and punished to the greatest extent according to the laws of our country."

Nice to see them starting to figure out that the correct response does include a "...but," anywhere in it.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

select * from users where clue > 0
0 rows returned


I am so glad the 24 hour news media keeps us so well-informed.
and the horse you rode in on


Quote from: fahdiz on April 16, 2013, 10:39:55 AM
I am so glad the 24 hour news media keeps us so well-informed.

Yeah, but on the other hand we do get the bad information out of the way faster.
"If you can play a guitar and harmonica at the same time, like Bob Dylan or Neil Young, you're a genius. But make that extra bit of effort and strap some cymbals to your knees, suddenly people want to get the hell away from you."  --Rich Hall


Quote from: Berkut on April 16, 2013, 10:39:54 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 16, 2013, 08:15:54 AM
Well, I'm glad we got this out of the way.

QuoteDr. Syed Wasimul Haque, the president of the United Maryland Muslim Council, condemned the "cowardly terrorist act" at the Boston Marathon Monday that has killed three and wounded more than 100.

"Our prayers go out for the fallen victims and to the city of Boston," Haque, a Frederick physician, said in a statement.

He and others in Maryland's Muslim community have condemned past acts of violence and terror against the United States.

"The Muslims have always stood shoulder to shoulder during perilous times that our nation has faced and will do so in the future as well against all terrorist attacks," Haque said. "These terrorist attacks do nothing but strengthen our resolve to fight back such cowardly act and unite us more as a nation."

The complete statement follows.

"The Muslims of Maryland condemn the terrorist act in Boston which took the lives of two Americans and injured many spectators during the Boston marathon event. The Muslims along with the rest of the nation are deeply saddened and distressed by this cowardly terrorist act which targeted innocent victims of this event which was supposed to forge friendship and brotherhood among participants from different nations and from within our country.

"The Muslims have always stood shoulder to shoulder during perilous times that our nation has faced and will do so in the future as well against all terrorist attacks. These terrorist attacks do nothing but strengthen our resolve to fight back such cowardly act and unite us more as a nation.

"Our prayers go out for the fallen victims and to the city of Boston. May the families of the victims have the forbearance and may the inflicted recover from their injuries quickly.

"We hope and pray that the criminal or criminals who committed this heinous act are caught soon and brought to justice and punished to the greatest extent according to the laws of our country."

Nice to see them starting to figure out that the correct response does include a "...but," anywhere in it.

I assume you meant "does not include a "...but," ..."  ;)
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius


There's rumors on the internets that the bombs were made out of 5 liter pressure cookers and left in duffle bags on the ground.  Apparently, Al-Q has used pressure cooker bombs before. :ph34r:
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


Quote from: Caliga on April 16, 2013, 12:17:49 PM
There's rumors on the internets that the bombs were made out of 5 liter pressure cookers and left in duffle bags on the ground.  Apparently, Al-Q has used pressure cooker bombs before. :ph34r:

That's what the Fort Hood bomber intended to use.
"If you can play a guitar and harmonica at the same time, like Bob Dylan or Neil Young, you're a genius. But make that extra bit of effort and strap some cymbals to your knees, suddenly people want to get the hell away from you."  --Rich Hall


Quote from: Caliga on April 16, 2013, 12:17:49 PM
Apparently, Al-Q has used pressure cooker bombs before. :ph34r:

That method has been advertised on teh Islamowebs for years now.

Considering nobody under the age of 50 actually cooks with pressure cookers anymore, you'd think they'd be easier to trace to points of sale.