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Fitness 2009

Started by fhdz, March 23, 2009, 11:38:44 AM

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Almost a year has passed since I went under the knife. Latest blood tests confirm I'm still in complete remission. One of the bilirubin indicators is slightly high*, but every other marker is right on target, including iron, B12 and folic acid.
Which is kind of puzzling, since I'm not taking supplements anymore and logic dictates I should absorb less of those nutrients than a couple years ago (even if I had damaged walls I also had more of the relevant intestinal surface and ate a lot more, including things like lentils or spinach which are off-limits now).

*Apparently having no distal ileum screws up bilirubin cycle so I guess that might be it.


Quote from: Lucidor on August 15, 2009, 05:24:50 AM
Doing some running to stay in shape. I am currently in a town in rural Transylvania. My problem is with those free running canines everywhere. They all seem to bark a lot, and from my GF who is a canophobic, I get no sound advice, only that I really shouldn't be outside at all, or just run in the city centre.

I did about 5-6 km along a heavily trafficked main road today, but I am longing for the lush green hills I see everywhere.

What are people's strategies for dealing with loose dogs, "tame" and feral. I don't see too many sheep, so I don't think any of them are overprotective sheepdogs.

You should not fear "proper" loose lonely dogs, they fear you more. Problem is when the dog is in fact living in a household very near by and you tresspass into what he considers his territory. Then you are fucked. :P


Started to run about one and a half month back and is now up to 10km 5 times a week. Wasnt overweight before but had a few extra kilos I had wanted to get rid of. Now 6 week on my ass and legs havent looked this good in 10 years and my 6 pack is slowly making a like it. Too bad I´m going on vacation on friday which will ruin some of my hard work. :(


Quote from: Tamas on September 08, 2009, 01:41:45 AM
You should not fear "proper" loose lonely dogs, they fear you more. Problem is when the dog is in fact living in a household very near by and you tresspass into what he considers his territory. Then you are fucked. :P
Exactly, those are the vibes I was getting.


Down 5.6lbs in three weeks. It's amazing how a simple thing like measuring your servings out can make a difference. I am trying very hard to stay on a lean diet as well, but mostly just watching how much goes in. And walking every day.

Slow and steady, right?
Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish he'd go away...

Eddie Teach

Quote from: merithyn on September 08, 2009, 10:12:08 PM
Slow and steady, right?

Turtles look kinda chunky to me, while the Trix rabbit is rather lean.  :D
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


Quote from: Peter Wiggin on September 08, 2009, 10:14:10 PM
Quote from: merithyn on September 08, 2009, 10:12:08 PM
Slow and steady, right?

Turtles look kinda chunky to me, while the Trix rabbit is rather lean.  :D


You don't want to see me run even when I'm thin. The *snap, crackle, and pop* makes even the stout of heart cringe.
Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish he'd go away...


I'm going to give myself c. 5 weeks to make some inroads into the belly flab.  9 years on, I can't honestly use being pregnant as an excuse.
Today, c. 50 min walking, 30 min swimming (30 lengths, only 2 crawl)
Height: 5ft 10/11, weight: c. 12 stone 12


Walked 50 min Thurs and did 10 min slow sit ups with twists and pauses (50)
Today did 20 min walk and 30 min sawing and lopping.  Eating as normal - 12 stone 8 Maybe its an exercise issue for me?


It is for me. If I did as much exercising as you've been doing, I'd drop weight without changing anything I ate. As it is, I can't find the time to get in that much exercise, so I diet as well as exercise the small amounts I can.

And you're 5'10"?? Dang, I'm short.  :blush:
Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish, I wish he'd go away...


I have no idea how you fit so much in.  One of the reasons I'm trying to get fit is to increase my energy levels which seem to have dropped to nil.  Managed 41 lengths in the pool today in 30min with 3 lengths of crawl this time.  I'm 5'10'' for men with low self esteem only  :menace: .  My best friend from school is probably shorter than you are and wears the bestest heels evah!    Sh J :Joos  we have no girley shoe smiley :mad:


trade show. so moving 30 lb boxes up and down flights. then down and up again. then standing all day. just one more day of this...
humans were created in their own image


Signed up for a 4 mile race, 4 weeks from now.
Last time I ran any distance was years ago, I wonder if my knees will hold out.  :(


I'm as big as a house at the moment. Doing a walk in aid of Alzheimer's at the weekend, and the public (i.e. cheap) gym near work opens again next week so I can get back in training. Just about the time I find out if I've got a place in the London Marathon...


 :( Nope, it's not just exercise after all - up 2 to 12 stone 10 despite gardening and cricket on Sunday,  and cycling 25 min, walking c. 20 min Mon and Tues .  It seems that giving into the three course lunches at work is my downfall.