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Blood Bowl coming out on the 26th June 2009

Started by Syt, June 17, 2009, 02:20:12 PM

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Yeah we will do it sometime during the weekend.


It's a plan.

Anyone know what the update that came today does?


Quote from: The Brain on July 03, 2009, 04:19:44 AM
I have a friend who is on a one year old mid-range laptop. Can he play the game and it won't look like crap?

No clue. They keep pushing updates out that tell me I should lower my settings, but the game runs fine at the max settings for me. I'd imagine it would be OK, but maybe you should ask in the cyanide forum?


Got it, never played the tabletop, but having fun with it so far.  Made a Lizard team, and brutally damaged a Skaven team.  Now I'm getting stomped by a human team.  Still figuring out whats what  :P


Quote from: DocDoom7 on July 04, 2009, 12:15:11 AM
Got it, never played the tabletop, but having fun with it so far.  Made a Lizard team, and brutally damaged a Skaven team.  Now I'm getting stomped by a human team.  Still figuring out whats what  :P

Excellent! Maybe we should try doing a cup soon? I mean straight elimination so we can declare a winner faster than in a leauge?

Maybe my attention has been slipping against the AI but I highly recommend the competitions in SP against the campaign. On hard I have been running into some good opposition by the AI. Last game as humans, I only had two players left on the pitch against some dwarfs by the end, but this did took time for them since they barely managed to score a TD and win 1-0 on turn 16.


A cup with six players (which is according my count our current number) is a little silly - you can't make the schedule fair.

How about just making a league with six teams, everybody plays five games (one against every opponent).

3 points for wins, 1 for draws, goal difference as tiebreaker.

It will be longer running, but that's cool in my book. It's also open to new players joining, as they'd just add another game for everyone.

Tamas; I am online now, if you want our game to go down - we could even call it the first game of the improved league if you want?


DD7 and katmai - what are your nicks in the BB-game?


Quote from: bogh on July 04, 2009, 06:37:02 AM
A cup with six players (which is according my count our current number) is a little silly - you can't make the schedule fair.

How about just making a league with six teams, everybody plays five games (one against every opponent).

3 points for wins, 1 for draws, goal difference as tiebreaker.

It will be longer running, but that's cool in my book. It's also open to new players joining, as they'd just add another game for everyone.

Tamas; I am online now, if you want our game to go down - we could even call it the first game of the improved league if you want?

I agree. Sure, I will be looking for you online soon, will just remake my human team from scratch for the new leauge. Perhaps the leauge warrants its own thread? 


Kept my account name the same as this, so DocDoom7.  I look forward to being in last place  :lol:


Cool - DD7 you've been added and Tamas and I play the first game of the new tournament....

Gonna start a new thread on our new tournament, this one is getting clogged.


To move discussion here from the leauge thread: I am a bit unsure about humans myself as well but I like them.
The big question for me is how to level with them.


I've tried human teams now, and I think I may like them better than orks.

While I like the stability of orks, their slightly lower movement  and no dedicated catcher makes them focused on a running game - and I couldn't even break through a human elves player's defence so far (though doing fine against AI).

Humans give the flexibility to pull off a quick rush or pass to turn around the situation; and they pack somewhat decent punch against single opponents.

Bit undecided here.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.

The Brain

My friend can report that it works OK on his laptop at moderate quality settings. :)
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


Quote from: The Brain on July 04, 2009, 02:56:22 PM
My friend can report that it works OK on his laptop at moderate quality settings. :)

Nice. Will you be buying this?

The Brain

Quote from: Tamas on July 04, 2009, 03:00:50 PM
Quote from: The Brain on July 04, 2009, 02:56:22 PM
My friend can report that it works OK on his laptop at moderate quality settings. :)

Nice. Will you be buying this?

LOL hint: there is no "friend".
Women want me. Men want to be with me.