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Fitness 2015

Started by Maladict, December 28, 2014, 02:07:52 PM

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Baron von Schtinkenbutt

Thanks. :)

I don't do anything except lift and rest, at least right now.  As long as I am hitting max effort on five reps I rest just long enough to recover between them.

In general, I'm not too focused on increasing my weights beyond the effect it has on total burn (obviously more weight == more energy).  At this point it isn't too hard for me to keep adding a little each session.  It won't really bulk me up any unless I supplement and try to do it.  I figure I will slowly reach a natural plateau, and when I do I will probably stay there and add some more conditioning-focused auxiliary exercises in.  I haven't heard of inter-set cardio before, so that may be something I try.  I have seen a couple of the amateur MMA fighters who train at my gym doing circuits that mix cardio with strength exercises, though.

crazy canuck

Quote from: Baron von Schtinkenbutt on July 22, 2015, 06:16:43 PM
Thanks. :)
I haven't heard of inter-set cardio before, so that may be something I try. 

Apparently it is much more effective than doing separate weight and cardio workouts.  I don't quite remember the physiological reason why but it has to do with the amount of calories your body will burn after the workout.  Iirc when you do just a cardio session the calorie burn essentially stops when you do.  But when you mix the two the calorie burn continues for a long time post workout.  I had the reason explained to me once but all I remember is mixed is better than doing them separately.


So today I go run some trails, hoping the shade helps since it is hotter than Satan's ass crack and as humid as the Mariana Trench. My first stupid mistake is I left my water bottle in the truck thinking I will just run a short 3 miles or so. But it was so nice and a great combination of easy and technical trails that 8.72 miles of fun later, I was a bit thirsty. :nelson: What a moron.

I am half tempted to get serious with my running again, maybe set a goal race for motivation. I have not run a half in a few years.  :hmm:
Grand Duke of Lurkdom


Just did 106km roundtrip to Elsinore on my steel 2-speed bike. Denmark might be flat but it was still close to 500 meters ascending, ouch.
"Af alle latterlige Ting forekommer det mig at være det allerlatterligste at have travlt" - Kierkegaard

"JamenajmenømahrmDÆ!DÆ! Æhvnårvaæhvadlelæh! Hvor er det crazy, det her, mand!" - Uffe Elbæk


Quote from: Liep on July 29, 2015, 12:41:44 PM
Just did 106km roundtrip to Elsinore on my steel 2-speed bike.

Watch out for ghosts telling you to avenge their death. :ph34r:
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


I did a 10K race in the Olympic park the Sunday before last. It was slow but I finished happy and full of running. I had plans to do my next run in September 10 minutes faster then start training up for a half-marathon in October. Then I saw what a fat, waddling old cow I looked in the photos and haven't run a step since  <_<


Quote from: Brazen on July 31, 2015, 06:03:13 AM
I did a 10K race in the Olympic park the Sunday before last. It was slow but I finished happy and full of running. I had plans to do my next run in September 10 minutes faster then start training up for a half-marathon in October. Then I saw what a fat, waddling old cow I looked in the photos and haven't run a step since  <_<

That's a cool place to finish a race.  :cool: You look fine and if you continue to run you will look even better you know.  :rolleyes:
Grand Duke of Lurkdom

alfred russel

Quote from: Brazen on July 31, 2015, 06:03:13 AM
Then I saw what a fat, waddling old cow I looked in the photos and haven't run a step since

Hmmm, I am rather certain you don't qualify as a fat waddling old cow, however, not running may be a way to get there.  :bowler:

I think you should do the half marathon in October.
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

There's a fine line between salvation and drinking poison in the jungle.

I'm embarrassed. I've been making the mistake of associating with you. It won't happen again. :)
-garbon, February 23, 2014

crazy canuck

Now that you have the momentum of doing this keep it going.

You look great.  No reason to stop now.


Only thing I have to say regarding this morning's workout:

Grand Duke of Lurkdom


Today is recovery so I'm just ambling along on walks followed by a trip to the local swimming pool to laze in the hot pots and enjoy the sun. Tomorrow is bench press day.
Posted using 100% recycled electrons.

crazy canuck

Quote from: lustindarkness on August 04, 2015, 10:10:55 AM
Only thing I have to say regarding this morning's workout:



They seemed so easy back in the day.  Now they are pure hell.


Quote from: crazy canuck on August 04, 2015, 11:01:38 AM
Quote from: lustindarkness on August 04, 2015, 10:10:55 AM
Only thing I have to say regarding this morning's workout:



They seemed so easy back in the day.  Now they are pure hell.

I feel exactly the same. :(
Grand Duke of Lurkdom


Burpees hurt my toe joints :unsure:

Experimented with running at lunchtime from work as we have a an acceptable shower room. technically feasible, but lots of roads to cross before I get to Victoria Embankment along the Thames and people who don't know how to walk to pass. Also I radiate in the infrapink spectrum for an hour after running #gingerbproblems


Grand Duke of Lurkdom