What does a TRUMP presidency look like?

Started by FunkMonk, November 08, 2016, 11:02:57 PM

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QuoteDonald Trump, who casts himself as a master negotiator, took the first offer Democrats put on the table.

Republicans left the Oval Office Wednesday stunned. Trump had quickly sided with Democrats on a short-term debt ceiling increase, even overruling his own Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to concur with "Chuck and Nancy," as he later called them on Air Force One.

But Trump defied more than his top aides. He turned on Republican leaders in Congress when he caved to Democrats' demands to raise the debt limit and fund the government for three months, setting up a brutal year-end fiscal cliff. The move shocked everyone, as top White House officials and GOP leaders had been gearing up to raise the debt ceiling through the 2018 midterm election, looking to pass legislation as soon as Friday.

But even after Mnuchin, Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pushed back on the Democratic demands in the meeting, Trump agreed to the three-month deal that will also head off the possibility of a government shutdown until mid-December.

During the meeting, Ryan sharply criticized the Democratic proposal, a source familiar with the exchange said. But Schumer reminded him that Ryan had supported short-term increases in the past intended to help create bipartisan deals in 2013.

So after Democrats rejected GOP proposals to raise the debt ceiling for 18 months, and then six months — Trump endorsed Schumer's three-month pitch.


Donald probably trusts Chuck and Nancy more than Paul and Mitch at this point. Hell, he must know Chuck pretty well already.

Donald slowly realizing he might be better off working with Democrats rather than Republicans would be a hilarious troll on the GOP.
Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.


Quote from: FunkMonk on September 06, 2017, 05:55:59 PM

Donald probably trusts Chuck and Nancy more than Paul and Mitch at this point. Hell, he must know Chuck pretty well already.

Donald slowly realizing he might be better off working with Democrats rather than Republicans would be a hilarious troll on the GOP.

This is the one thing that might erode the last of Donald's support.


It is probably all the deep state's doing  :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."

jimmy olsen

 I don't get how this is supposed to work. But I'm seeing a lot of stuff all over the place that Trump agreeing to a 3 month extension is a strategic disaster for the GOP. I guess they assume the Dems will hold the economy hostage in December to save the dreamers and the GOP doesn't have the votes on their own because the Tea Party is insane. I'd like that to be the case, but the Dems haven't exactly proven they have the stones for that. And if they do, who's to say that Trump won't veto it and blow it up all out of spite.


QuoteJust spoke to a top Republican close to leadership about Trump's decision. Here's what they said:
It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point

The Minsky Moment

Quote from: FunkMonk on September 06, 2017, 05:55:59 PM

QuoteDonald Trump, who casts himself as a master negotiator, took the first offer Democrats put on the table.

Republicans left the Oval Office Wednesday stunned. Trump had quickly sided with Democrats on a short-term debt ceiling increase, even overruling his own Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to concur with "Chuck and Nancy," as he later called them on Air Force One.

But Trump defied more than his top aides. He turned on Republican leaders in Congress when he caved to Democrats' demands to raise the debt limit and fund the government for three months, setting up a brutal year-end fiscal cliff. The move shocked everyone, as top White House officials and GOP leaders had been gearing up to raise the debt ceiling through the 2018 midterm election, looking to pass legislation as soon as Friday.

People keep forgetting this.  Much of Trump's "dealmaking" historically consisted of extending repayment schedules from creditors.  Getting a 3 month extension quick without strings is better than jerking around.  He's figuring out that the GOP Congress is a gaggle of unherded cats divided against each other, he knows that in 3 months, "Chuck and Nancy" will be ready to give him 3 more months with fewer headaches.

Donald probably trusts Chuck and Nancy more than Paul and Mitch at this point. Hell, he must know Chuck pretty well already.

Of course and vis-a-versa.  Trump rips McConnell and the guy mopes around with a hurt expression and tsks tsks for weeks.  He rips Schumer and Schumer fires back a quick FU, but hours later he'll be all smiles if he can get a deal from it.  Chuck rocks the New York attitude and has thick, thick skin.  That's what you need to deal with Trump.
The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists.
--Joan Robinson


Ta-Nehisi Coates on Trump, in the Atlantic:

Quote"The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes," charged the celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain, "is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we're seeing now."

That black people, who have lived for centuries under such derision and condescension, have not yet been driven into the arms of Trump does not trouble these theoreticians. After all, in this analysis, Trump's racism and the racism of his supporters are incidental to his rise. Indeed, the alleged glee with which liberals call out Trump's bigotry is assigned even more power than the bigotry itself. Ostensibly assaulted by campus protests, battered by arguments about intersectionality, and oppressed by new bathroom rights, a blameless white working class did the only thing any reasonable polity might: elect an orcish reality-television star who insists on taking his intelligence briefings in picture-book form.

An analysis of exit polls conducted during the presidential primaries estimated the median household income of Trump supporters to be about $72,000. But even this lower number is almost double the median household income of African Americans, and $15,000 above the American median. Trump's white support was not determined by income. According to Edison Research, Trump won whites making less than $50,000 by 20 points, whites making $50,000 to $99,999 by 28 points, and whites making $100,000 or more by 14 points. This shows that Trump assembled a broad white coalition that ran the gamut from Joe the Dishwasher to Joe the Plumber to Joe the Banker. So when white pundits cast the elevation of Trump as the handiwork of an inscrutable white working class, they are being too modest, declining to claim credit for their own economic class. Trump's dominance among whites across class lines is of a piece with his larger dominance across nearly every white demographic. Trump won white women (+9) and white men (+31). He won white people with college degrees (+3) and white people without them (+37). He won whites ages 18–29 (+4), 30–44 (+17), 45–64 (+28), and 65 and older (+19). Trump won whites in midwestern Illinois (+11), whites in mid-Atlantic New Jersey (+12), and whites in the Sun Belt's New Mexico (+5). In no state that Edison polled did Trump's white support dip below 40 percent. Hillary Clinton's did, in states as disparate as Florida, Utah, Indiana, and Kentucky. From the beer track to the wine track, from soccer moms to nascar dads, Trump's performance among whites was dominant.

The rest here: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/10/the-first-white-president-ta-nehisi-coates/537909/?utm_source=fbb
Que le grand cric me croque !


Quote"The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes," charged the celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain, "is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we're seeing now."

This has been repeated over and over and over again since at least the late 80s. The supposed contempt and smugness of liberals have is dead horse that repeatedly gets hauled out to be beaten. It gets pretty tiresome. Eastern elites of all stripes hold those people in contempt and plenty of liberals live in red-state, gun-country, working class America. Plenty of liberals are among the morons and rubes. God knows. This is not a sectional conflict between the east coast and the rest of the country. Most red states have a third or more of the population voting Democrat.

I find this a very tiresome strawman but the supposed 'smug' east coast liberals keep wringing their hands over it.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Valmy on September 07, 2017, 01:04:19 PM
Quote"The utter contempt with which privileged Eastern liberals such as myself discuss red-state, gun-country, working-class America as ridiculous and morons and rubes," charged the celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain, "is largely responsible for the upswell of rage and contempt and desire to pull down the temple that we're seeing now."

This has been repeated over and over and over again since at least the late 80s. The supposed contempt and smugness of liberals have is dead horse that repeatedly gets hauled out to be beaten. It gets pretty tiresome. Eastern elites of all stripes hold those people in contempt and plenty of liberals live in red-state, gun-country, working class America. Plenty of liberals are among the morons and rubes. God knows. This is not a sectional conflict between the east coast and the rest of the country. Most red states have a third or more of the population voting Democrat.

I find this a very tiresome strawman but the supposed 'smug' east coast liberals keep wringing their hands over it.

While West Coast liberals are just super chill. :cool:
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


By the way that was a badass article by Coates but he usually delivers.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Interesting, I generally dislike his output. -_-
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."

The Minsky Moment

I think there is some truth to the claim that upwardly mobile east coasters have a bad tendency to stereotype "heartlanders".  My experience is that its the one socioeconomic stereotype that retains some degree of social acceptability among bien pensants.

That said, if you're trying to fight back against a stereotype of unsophistication and ignorance, voting for and then sticking by Donald Trump is not going to help much.
The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists.
--Joan Robinson


QuoteBefore Barack Obama, niggers could be manufactured out of Sister Souljahs, Willie Hortons, and Dusky Sallys. But Donald Trump arrived in the wake of something more potent—an entire nigger presidency with nigger health care, nigger climate accords, and nigger justice reform, all of which could be targeted for destruction or redemption, thus reifying the idea of being white. Trump truly is something new—the first president whose entire political existence hinges on the fact of a black president.

I told you people all this last November.  But no, as usual, when CdM traffics in the truth, Languish misses the bus with their rolleyes bullshit.
Gimme my Pulitzer.


QuoteUpbeat Trump raves to Schumer, Pelosi about news coverage of their deal
The president called the Democratic leaders after striking a budget deal that Republicans hate.
By JOSH DAWSEY 09/07/2017 11:42 AM EDT Updated 09/07/2017 02:50 PM EDT
Many Republicans were furious with President Donald Trump's budget deal Wednesday, stunned that the president quickly gave in to Democratic demands to pair hurricane relief with a three-month debt limit hike — though getting nothing in return.

But in calls with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi Thursday morning, Trump raved about the positive news coverage it had received, according to people familiar with the calls, and he seemed very pleased with his decision.

Trump specifically mentioned TV segments praising the deal and indicated he'd been watching in a call with Schumer, two people said. And he was jovial in a call with Pelosi and agreed to send a tweet she asked for about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, these people said, while also mentioning the attention the deal had gotten. He indicated to both leaders he would be willing to work together again.

"He seemed super upbeat," one person familiar with the calls said.

Hahahahaha it's happening
Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.


So the shtick was getting stale and it was time for a face turn? I think Trump's presidency is easier to understand when applying wrestling storyline logic.  :hmm: