I wasn't gonna do this but I already kinda did. My last fort ended in dragon fire. I'm a year in on the new one and all my dwarves are Languishites. Plus I need help and advice. Here we go.
Spring 112.
I am told I have little choice. My crimes are too great to pardon, and my atonement must be swift and brutal. I am to take command of a colony group headed north to found a new fortress. The site is in the frozen wastes at the far northern edge of the spine of mountains that forms the nexus of the realm. There is nothing beyond. Nothing but cruel ice.
The new home is to be called Razorcrypts. Which is itself a bit of a cool name. But when placed in the context that our group is named The Languishing Razors (or something like that), it seems..a bit more ominous. But I will make the best of it, as I clearly have no choice--and likely neither do any of my new-found comrades. I wonder what it was they did to deserve this fate.
We find ourselves embarked upon a sheer cliffside with no good way up or down for the wagon, which has broken a wheel in any case. This is to be our spot for better or worse. Or swift sweet death.
We are on a small plain interrupting a swift downward slope to the east. There appears to be a small plateau above and nothing but freezing falling death below. There is no indication of non-frozen water anywhere near us, but luckily we have brought a decent supply of ale and wine. Hopefully nobody is injured before we can find some or the summer thaw brings some running snowmelt.
The small outcropping above to the northwest seems the best place to dig in and wait for our friends to arrive to provision us for the next winter.
Slightly higher and to the south lies an even harsher land of snow and rocks. At least there are stunted and hardy-looking trees on the ledges we have found, but this place is fit for only ice beasts.
The ragtag pile of excrement assigned to this mission consists of six dwarves plus me.
I really enjoy reading these. Thanks for posting this. I'll follow this eagerly. ;)
What the eff? No Jaron dwarf? :hmm:
Polar bears? I'm a decent hunter, but I'll stick to whatever hoary marmots and mountain goats I can find for now.
The first thing on the vast list of things to do is begin digging a fucking hole. Tonitrus and Admiral Yi get started on that right away. I try to convince them that this hole in the ground will one day become an international trading hub, but they just look at me like I'm crazy and start swinging the picks.
Strike the motherfucking earth.
Quote from: Jaron on April 16, 2012, 02:49:20 AM
What the eff? No Jaron dwarf? :hmm:
There is, actually. I haven't gotten there yet. ;)
That's our main problem now. Most of the time, dwarves survive on booze. But the injured and sick need water. And everything here is frozen or simply doesn't exist. We need to find a reliable water source right away. And that means digging for the deep caverns. Caverns haunted by evil beasts, demons and forgotten things of which we do not speak.
We have to find the underground caverns, hopefully with water in them.
In the meantime, we've set out some areas for crafting below the main fortress. In the future, all of the above-ground activity will be moved here.
Nothing is there yet but a craftsdwarf's workshop, but it will not be long.
Our miners have been exploring for some time now and finally have found what we have been searching for. After months of digging down in various places, Tonitrus' pick pierces the roof of a mighty cavern, filled with water! Armok be praised!
[awesome pic lost :( ]
It turns out the water is directly below one of our main staircases, so Toni and Admiral Yi get to work immediately extending the stairway all the way down and extending a couple tiles for the well.
After all the well stairways are done, we need to clear out the stones and channel out the floor over the same spot on every level. I only have enough ropes for one well right now, so I decide to put it in the hospital. Only sick dwarves drink water. And ones who have no booze, but we can't let that happen because it slows them down. Dwarves can't work sober.
Hospital with well planned:
Dug out with dwarves drinking:
For some reason, a batch of migrants have arrived from the Mountainhomes. I have no idea if they are bounty hunters, fortune hunters, or simply fools. But we can use all of the help we can get. Most of them seem to have some fighting skill, even if it is on a fake battlefield wearing relics of old, but that is better than nothing. One can brew beer, which should take some pressure off fahdiz, who has too many tasks right now. And brewing is nothing to take lightly in a dwarven hall. Also, garbon has taken over duties making bolts and wooden crafts, fahdiz rejoices this day!
A stack of fighters is nothing to laugh at in these frightful wastes, and we're glad for them---even if we can't properly outfit them. That time will come quickly.
Ed--Military dwarves are taking the herbalist title because they are extra hands harvesting plants in the polar summertime. We don't have Habbaku's precious farms up yet.
You need a Peedyaitch historian someday.
Beware the vampires!
I feel obliged to follow this AAR, but it is also my pleasure. :cool:
I like how Jaron has not a single skill that he's competent at.
My very own dorf, and one of the founders? :showoff:
I can't wait until I can swing my axe in defense of Razorcrypts.
Quote from: sbr on April 16, 2012, 06:39:40 PM
My very own dorf, and one of the founders? :showoff:
I can't wait until I can swing my axe in defense of Razorcrypts.
I'm likely to get you horribly killed. For some reason, I'm just bad at creating a decent military. :P
Maybe I just need to armor the dwarves to the teeth right off the bat. Any tips on that would be useful. Other AARs always wind up with a couple really awesome champions that are nearly un-killable. I have NEVER been able to achieve that.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 16, 2012, 07:21:20 PM
Quote from: sbr on April 16, 2012, 06:39:40 PM
My very own dorf, and one of the founders? :showoff:
I can't wait until I can swing my axe in defense of Razorcrypts.
I'm likely to get you horribly killed. For some reason, I'm just bad at creating a decent military. :P
Maybe I just need to armor the dwarves to the teeth right off the bat. Any tips on that would be useful. Other AARs always wind up with a couple really awesome champions that are nearly un-killable. I have NEVER been able to achieve that.
I could build a decent military in the first 3D version, but I haven't played around with the new military system to have any idea what to do or how to train dwarfs. I have just started my first new fort in about 3 years so I will let you know if I come up with anything.
Quote from: garbon on April 16, 2012, 06:20:24 PM
I like how Jaron has not a single skill that he's competent at.
I"m still finding my place in the world. -_-
Quote from: Jaron on April 16, 2012, 08:47:09 PM
Quote from: garbon on April 16, 2012, 06:20:24 PM
I like how Jaron has not a single skill that he's competent at.
I"m still finding my place in the world. -_-
Apparently I'm an herbalist so I sound like I'm fucked up with weed all the time.
We now have 15 dwarves to feed. The food stores are really low, and the beer is gone.
fahdiz saved us from dying of thirst. He finished building the well just in time. sbr and Yi were mere minutes from dying when the first water-laden bucket arrived. Later that week, Caliga's first brew rolled from the fermenting racks. We are saved.
We need to accomplish two things very soon. First, we need to make some trinkets to trade to the merchants so we can get some supplies. We're behind on production because up until now our craftsdwarf was also our architect, so he kept getting interrupted to go design buildings. We are poor. Tonitrus can understand the heathen elves foul speech, so he's going to be our broker. We have a dedicated gemcutter now, so hopefully he can get all of the stuff we've gathered so far cut before the merchants arrive. Even so, there is not going to be enough time left for us to build up much wealth. Our trading will be meager.
Second, we need to finally move our camp and supplies indoors. I don't like the way those polar bears are looking at the chickens. Our complete lack of farms so far is also an unforgivable omission. Especially since we apparently can't produce enough to trade for food either.
Just before the caravan came, however, we got yet another batch of mouths to feed. The Mountainhomes must be emptying the jails by exiling every dangerous psychopath in the realms to Razorcrypts. Only four new ones this time, though.
We had to build a bunch of new beds in the barracks room because that Ed guy was always hogging the one we had. I've never seen anyone sleep so much. Once in a while he bothers to smooth some walls and clear rocks from the road, so I guess he's all right. A smith would be nice though. Surely there is a murderer or rapist somewhere in the Mountainhomes who knows how to make a sword, right?
Brain has begun our rudimentary fortifications while we wait. We have a lot of bauxite around here, which looks the color of fresh blood. I figured that would make a fitting building material. The contrast of the blood red against the frozen white of our surroundings would stand out like the sucking wound Razorcrypts really is upon the earth. At first he wasn't excited about the project, but I told him to think of the entire fortress as a monument to his personal greatness and he obliged.
When the heaving wagons from home arrived stuffed with supplies with which to taunt us, we had amassed a grand total value in trade goods of roughly five hundred dwarf bucks. Pitiful. Most of that was cut gems finished by grumbler at the last minute. I blew it all on booze.
And that ended our first year in the frozen wastes. Amazingly, nobody is dead yet.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 16, 2012, 10:20:24 PM
I blew it all on booze.
:lol: How dwarvenly. And thanks to fahdiz for keeping me from dieing of thirst.
Year 1 dwarves.
I've no idea what those colors mean but look how happy I am! :w00t:
You need to scroll down I don't see Valmy dwarf there.
The plan for food production is to dig out under the ledge where the wagon sits rotting in the snow. The soil there is suitable for growing. There is also a lake out there, but I have never seen it thaw.
I try to spend most of my time outdoors away from everyone. You could call me antisocial, I suppose, but it seems safer to be in the wilds hunting ravenous beasts than indoors with those crazy dwarves. I've taken a couple of yaks and a number of mountain goats. Once, I was ambushed by a coyote who wanted to steal my goat and I got him too. Just barely got my crossbow reloaded before he was right on top of me. I blasted one of fahdiz's bolts made of yak bone right down his throat. I could use a couple more trained dogs though. I should think about setting up the kennels soon. I wonder if anyone knows how to train dogs...
Tonitrus and Yi rip through that sandy loam like hot butter. Those two are getting good at this. I've noticed lovely cave mold beginng to take root ever since we breached the caverns below. Our well project will end up providing unexpected extra bounty before too much longer. We may be able to grow tower caps for wood indoors at some point.
Toni takes his job as broker seriously, hauling his trading ledgers with him everywhere he goes, even while mining. Maybe he doesn't want anyone else to examine the books, I don't know. I'd rather not see the embarrassing figures in there anyway.
A duck has adopted Jaron as his master and follows him everywhere he goes.
19th Granite, Early Spring 113
More migrants already? Wait, what? 19 of them?
The population of the fort just doubled. We're barely able to feed ourselves now, and Caliga can't brew fast enough to keep away the sobriety as it is. I think my death may come at the hands of a hungry, angry, sober mob---and soon. Can someone find out if any of them know how to work a forge?
Oh, the insanity.
We do have a couple bright spots here though. One of the new guys is an animal trainer, so I'll get my hunting dogs and war dogs after all. We have a decent amount of fighting skill across the board with this bunch, but none of them have any skills in persuasion or negotiation of any sort--so I'm fairly sure none of them are secretly vampires. We finally have a doctor, as well.
Strangely, the broker informs me that one of these new guys actually came here by choice. What prompted that particular bout of insanity, I don't know. But he says the guy really loves the harsh forbidding frozen wasteland. He may be the most insane of us all. He is, however, a good mechanic and engineer. He can take that duty so Yi can focus on his mining.
We're all going to die. I think what we need now is a border patrol.
And no. None of them can work a forge. I think I might just give the job to Jaron.
Which tileset are you using?
It makes the game look playable instead of a pile of ascii charachters devoid of any meaning. I may even give it a try. :hmm:
Your tileset hurts my eyes. I don't know what all those shapes are.
Quote from: Pedrito on April 17, 2012, 07:24:44 AM
Which tileset are you using?
It makes the game look playable instead of a pile of ascii charachters devoid of any meaning. I may even give it a try. :hmm:
:mad: Ascii has a hell of a lot more meaning than inscrutable shapes.
Trapper PDH. I see me getting eaten soon.
Quote from: Pedrito on April 17, 2012, 07:24:44 AM
Which tileset are you using?
It makes the game look playable instead of a pile of ascii charachters devoid of any meaning. I may even give it a try. :hmm:
I'm using the Phoebus pack that comes with the Lazy Newb kit.
I feel like whenever I show up, the forge problem will be resolved.
Lovely! :D
I love reading these!
Lucidor Dwarf needs to be a guard.
Lot of Slavs in that last immigrant wave. <_<
7th Slate 113 Mid-Spring
A child has been posessed by evil spirits. He is mumbling and ranting and has taken over a workshop and begun raiding the supply stocks. We are already haunted by the minions of evil, it seems.
In the meantime, Habbaku has finished setting up a couple farms in the growing area. Alexandru offered to help him.
11th Slate
Word has reached me that after three days of non-stop babbling and furious activity, that insidious child who shoved garbon out of his workshop has come out with a wonderous artifact! He took the bones of those beasts I've been hunting and made a warhammer out of them. Strange, but also cool.
Brain takes Katmai, Syt and Slargos to train them in the arts of fortressbuilding. He wasn't particularly interested in this new duty until I referred to his new partners as his "slaves". Neil is beginning the dogs' training regimen. We've got a wood furnace built to make charcoal out of sbr's felled trees.
17th Felsite, Late Spring
A caravan has arrived from the elven lands to trade. They will hate us if we offer them anything made of wood because they like to corner that market for themselves. We do have some rock crafts that Brain has been making in his spare time. I wonder what they'll think of the vast field of fallen logs strewn as far as the eye can see outside as they pass through on their way to the fort.
Tonitrus gets us a new rope, various berries and a bunch of booze, and manages not to get them angry enough to declare war on us.
With so many dwarves, we can't really keep sharing the barracks anymore. We've got random dwarves sleeping on the floor and healthy drunk dwarves sleeping in the hospital beds. They are also
still hanging out at the old dilapidated wagon rotting under the snow on the plain below in their spare time. They need a place to hang out and some real living quarters. We've laid out a plan for a new dining room/gathering hall and some dwarven apartments several flights of stairs below the crafting level.
12th Malachite 113, Mid-Summer
Malthus has gone nuts and kicked grumbler out of his jeweler's workshop. I can't tell if he's been posessed like that feral child or if he just wants a turn at the wheel.
16th Malachite
Another wave of invaders err... migrants. Ten dwarves and four children. One of them neglected to check in with PDH and seems to be acting suspiciously. For now we'll just put his name down as
It's that funny-looking beard that gives me the creeps. That, and the dogs all bark at him.
Meanwhile Malthus finishes his secretive gemcutting.
Quote from: Salvesuns The Untamed Glosses
This is a perfect prase. All craftdwarfship is of the highest quality. This object menaces with spikes of prase.
Malthus is now a legendary gem setter. That should help.
But I noticed something. I don't see our epic bone warhammer anywhere.
What the FUCK is a kea?
That??? A shit-colored parakeet took our awesome warhammer?!
And what the hell is that thing?
Oh hell.
Excellent use of the cliffhanger! :cheers:
We need the Night Stalker!!!!
That finishes up last night's session. Malachite is still mid-summer, so there's lots of year 2 to go. It's starting to get more dangerous out there on the icy wastes. I need to start training up the military, so I'll be creating a squad or two asap. I also got valmy to begin hunting as well after the previous migrant wave came in. I don't need more yak bones, I just want them to get better at shooting. Both hunters have two dogs. I got another hunter in the last wave, but no dogs for him yet. Lots of puppies are around though.
At the rate the migrations are coming, I will be ripping through everyone on Languish all the way to ussdefiant. :P
Notice I STILL didn't get any smiths. We are getting a decent smattering of fighting skills in the migrants. Scip's dwarf does not show up in dwarf therapist. *cue ominous music* But he's still on the team for now. If he kills somebody, he will be sanctioned. Of course, I'm gambling with the life of at least one of my comrades...
Legendary dwarves:
Tonitrus: Legendary Miner (Yi is going to hit it too shortly after I un-pause)
Malthus: Legendary Gem-setter
Mono: Legendary bone carver, even though he's a child and cannot work.
And Scip is innocent of vampirism. I've seem him eating and sleeping.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 17, 2012, 09:10:08 PM
Oh hell.
"Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they learn why they fear the night." :o
Sound the alarm! It looks like a lycanthrope lizard. Sucks to be cold-blooded all the way up here, but ok. We haven't bothered to build a military until now, but being a werelizard, we might be able to wait until he reverts to a weaker form and then kill him while he's weak. valmy and I wait in the gatehouse behind the cage traps hoping to get a lucky shot as we watch this bizarre creature tear a baby reindeer apart in a spray of blood on the opposite hillside.
We wait it out and the creature turns into a human. And then wanders off to the east---farther up the glacier and away from our fort. As we pull up our stakeout, I glance down and notice one of the cage traps has a kea in it. Maybe we caught it trying to escape with the warhammer--so I think I'll release it in the barracks and let the hammerdwarves take care of it or something. Still don't see the hammer. I fear it's gone.
The barracks is on the ugly floor. The lever in the corner operates the drawbridge outside.
sbr has created four squads of melee troops divided by weapon type.
Axedwarves (The Crystalline Hides):
Ed Anger
Eddie Teah
Hammerdwarves(The Walled Treasures):
Swordsdwarf: Caliga. Since he's alone, he is put in The Walled treasures to train. He'll probably lead his own unit later if he becomes good.
Macedwarves(The Helmed Meteors):
Speardwarves(The Lances of Breath):
Now if they only had weapons...
The four squads will take turns training in the barraacks rotating off every month, with each squad training three times a year. Hopefully that will give them a chance to keep up production too.
sbr has left the archers to me, but there are only three of us right now. Hunting is the best training at the moment, since we don't have an archery range.
Things seem to have gotten started. I found Gully practicing in there this morning while sbr slept and Ed kept busy detailing the floor. hmmm
Hey boss, you might get the Mountainhome on the horn and get them to send a motherfucking smith or two up here, like now.
I ain't taking the fall if these weak-assed civilians get killed because they ain't got any weapons or armor.
15th Galena 113, Late Summer
A Human caravan has arrived from a place called Dur Pena. Sounds dirty. The crafting has picked up but we still don't have much of value. I'm sure we can get a couple things though. Maybe axes.
...We ended up buying booze.
I'm giving a pick to Jimmy Olson. The miners just can't do everything fast enough.
Not sure how this happened, but Slargos looks like he's gotten stuck on top of the wall when the builders were building a little tower.
The indicators show he's hungry and thirsty. I don't know how long he's been up there, so we'd better try to rescue him quickly before he dies of thirst.
It's Syt!
He's building a stairway up to Slargos.
Slargos immediately heads for a barrel of beer and gulps furiously.
9th Sandstone, Mid-Autumn
Another wave of migrants arrives. Yay.
Man, don't even bother me with it unless one of them is a...
...Hey wait a minute, who is this guy?
Hey, man. He's got mad skills! I think we should put him in charge of the fort and go take a vacation someplace without glaciers--what do you say?
What did he say his name was again?
PDH: :secret:
Quote from: Maximus on April 17, 2012, 08:12:23 AM
Quote from: Pedrito on April 17, 2012, 07:24:44 AM
Which tileset are you using?
It makes the game look playable instead of a pile of ascii charachters devoid of any meaning. I may even give it a try. :hmm:
:mad: Ascii has a hell of a lot more meaning than inscrutable shapes.
That's surely why someone invented graphics in videogames :P
MIM: So, what are our options?
PDH: Well, there is the time-honored tradition of appointing him to be your immortal accountant...
MIM: In no time he'll get himself elected mayor and be demanding a fresh baby for breakfast every morning. What else?
PDH: Zoo?
MIM: What, like for kids?
MIM: Can we use him as cannon fodder? Maybe send him on an expedition all by himself into the caverns--to "secure our water supply" or something.
PDH: He might get suspicious. He's smart.
MIM: Yeah and he's such a nice guy too...Just the other day he offered to guard little Monoriu's bed while he slept because the kid was having nightmares about keas, and...oh man.
Can we just appoint him to a special office of fortress dragon-fighter and keep him locked in a room until he's needed to, you know, fight dragons? Will he still try to run for mayor then?
Brazen: We could let him be in charge and try to make sure he only eats losers and dead weight?
CdM: We could all drink his blood and build an army of undead superdwarves?
This is great. Keep them coming!
I look forward to seeing the horrible way my dude dies. Maybe find some magma so he can try to drink it after he goes insane?
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 18, 2012, 01:02:55 AM
Man, don't even bother me with it unless one of them is a...
That's right motherfuckers.
Oh! Dorf me, dorf me.
Dwarven democracy. I look forward to being walled into a room and crazily writing the chronicle of how this all went wrong.
11th Timber 113, Late-Autumn
Finally, the caravan from the Mountainhomes has arrived.
26th Timber
Zoupa is taken by strange mood just like Malthus did. I hope he comes out of there with some cool artifact and not in a murderous rampage.
Well that was his own forge he "took over", so I guess we all go on with our lives while he rants and raves in there. I have some modifications to the Dwarven Constitution to draw up...
Tonitrus picked up some seeds we had run out of, some booze and various foods. But the biggest profits came from our lately-hatched platinum crafts industry. We were able to get a few high-quality weapons and armor from those sales.
Zoupa came out fast enough. He seems in fine spirits!
Quote from: Urollisid, "Closeclash", an iron ring (value 28,800)
This is an iron ring. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is encrusted with rectangular claystone cabochons and encircled with bands of cave spider silk. This object menaces with spikes of iron, claystone and mountain goat bone.
Sounds like it would be good in a bar fight. :)
Let's keep it safe from the birds, shall we?
Perhaps more importantly, Zoupa is now a legendary metal crafter.
The platinum crafts he made before this were fetching a nice price when the merchants were just here. I'm guessing next year's haul will be pretty sweet.
The Berkut Question
The dwarves have convinced Berkut that he's so awesome, he needs his very own luxury estate. So Toni and Yi dug him one to the southeast. Then Syt and Slargos helped him make it into an impenetrable fortress to ensure his safety. It has been dubbed "Rochester Castle" in his honor.
Berkut...I mean "Vabok" inspects the fortifications.
Vabok decides he is going to make Rochester Castle the most awesome estate in Dwarvendom, so he gets to work on some stuff to trick out his new digs.
Our resolution to the constitution has passed.
Lots of decent fighters in the last batch of immigrants, so they are assigned to bolster the squads.
Work resumes on the archery tower out front now that Slargos is safe, and a new training dojo has been dug adjacent to the barracks. It's not ready yet, Ed is smoothing the walls and floor to make it awesome.
Nice updates.
Glad to see my complaining finally got a weaponsmith here.
Did you know that craftsdwarf is typed with just the left hand?
Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
And that brings us to the end of year two at this Armok-forsaken icehole called Razorcrypts.
Here's a shot of the progress on the meeting hall.
The dwarves are congregating there now instead of at the frozen wagon down the hill, which I gave orders to dismantle. I haven't checked to see if it's been done. Soon, there will be a kitchen adjacent to the hall so dwarves won't have to go far for their meat and mead. I built another well on this floor as well. You can make as many wells in the same channel as you want--I guess they don't get their ropes tangled.
Here is our fortress' cv for the end of the second year:
We're a bit more wealthy, but still lagging.
Here are our hunters. Still not formed into a squad of any sort.
MIM is not yet legendary at shooting, but he's taking a back seat to let the others get kills.
Kill counts:
Tyr--4 +1 notable (goblin)
The biggest contribution to defending the fort so far are Neil's dogs. :P Nothing has gotten in that can't fly, and even most of them don't get out again unless they've stolen an epic artifact warhammer that would be incredibly cool for dispensing justice.
5 Legendary Dwarves:
The diamond is the legendary skill.
Where the eff is Jaron?
I demand that MadBurgerMaker Zimkelasob be allowed to adequately make some lye. :mad:
Quote from: Jaron on April 19, 2012, 12:31:57 AM
Where the eff is Jaron?
He's right here! Asleep on the dining room floor with his trusty pet duck Erush Craftsglade watching over him. He's taken a new trade, as you can see.
Wow. Someone trusts me with a spear.
15th Slate 114, Mid-Spring
The hard-core educational system of Razorcrypts has loaded another round into the cylinder of childhood as young Norgy is stricken with one of the demonic tremors we are becoming known for.
Our strategy of throwing our children to the ethereal cyclone of demonic influence at an early age looks as though it may pay off again as the kid is very busy and not at all killing anyone.
Quote from: Amidzeber Memrut Tad, "Listensmoulder the Crucifixion of matches", a larch amulet (value=4800)
This is a larch amulet. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. This object menaces with spikes of larch. On the item is an image of Asmel Hammerworked the dwarf and dwarves in pyrite.
Asmel Hammerworked is surrounded by the dwarves. The artwork relates to the ascension of the dwarf Asmel Hammerworked to the position of Queen of the Kindled Boats in 17.
It seems Norgy paid attention in history class. Now he's a legendary woodcrafter.
Meanwhile, training continues. CdM and Jake took a turn in the dojo, adding another legendary dwarf to the ranks.
Well, 35 new dwarves just arrived looking for a place to stay. No smiths. :rolleyes:
This brings us over 100 dwarves.
Things are going too smoothly. I expect a dragon-turtle will show up.
Also, I hope PDH gets that "dorenrash" looked at, it could be contagious.
Yes, it's been shockingly peaceful so far. I think that might be due to the pathetically small export numbers the fort's put up so far. Which doesn't explain the massive immigration, but hey. Two years in and only a couple snatchers and a thief or two. That's really unusual. Might just mean all the vile forces of darkness are going to show up at once...
I, for one, look forward to seeing if my dwarf alter ego is as useless as my primary one. So far, so good...
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 18, 2012, 01:02:55 AM
I am a worthless child :(
Quote from: FunkMonk on April 19, 2012, 06:29:05 PM
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 18, 2012, 01:02:55 AM
I am a worthless child :(
If we keep going the way we are, you'll be a legendary demon-posessed crafter of some type before you reach the third grade. :lol:
Immigration report:
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Babies and kids:
Wow, Jake! What's so special about that cloak of yours?
Umm. Eww.
If you need new names, I can pass on my other aliases.
13th Felsite 114, Late Spring
An Elven caravan from a place called Lolo has appeared on the horizon. Tonitrus is going to try not to anger them, but if they get pissy, we don't particularly care. Elves tend to be assholes, and if we can get our own wood they really don't matter that much. Unless they decide to go to war against us.
Plans for the fort this year:
1: We need a crapload more living space. Our miners just can't keep up with the workload despite their great skill. No dwarf shall need to sleep in the meeting hall.
2: Build the kitchen and bar.
3: We need some crypts. There are a few coffins in stock made by Brain and Queequeg, so burials shouldn't have to wait too long, but the crypts themselves need to be dug and cleaned out. Dwarves who go unburied tend to haunt those who forget.
4: Increase food production dramatically. We've been eating off of trade, and if the elven assmunchers do start to inevitably commit hate crimes against us, we would be cut off from one of our sources of food. Not to mention our population just grew by 40.
5: Offices for the officers need to be built, and possibly a jail. CdM has been appointed Hammerer, and may want some ability to lock up miscreants rather than simply hammering them. Then again, maybe not.
So we bought every single useful item the elves brought with them. And a few other stuff in case the demons if insane tyrades decide they want to make them into soul-eating rope reed baby rattles or something. Our wealth total continues to rise, and with it, our visibility in the world market and our attractiveness as a raiding target!
Come to Razorcrypts!
Cold? We got it!
Lack of food? We got it!
Artifacts stolen by birds? WE GOT IT!
See the "Old wagon site"
Gawk at our "platoon of savants"
Get trapped on top of a wall!
Razorcrypts, it has it all!
Ed has finished carving fortifications on the archery tower.
Well probably stick a stockpile of ammo up there.
For reference, one level below the tower top level and a couple above the wall so you can see where it is.
It would be easier to see with stonesense or something, but I've never used that. Maybe I'll learn it.
Berkut has cleaned the place of debris and made some chairs, tables and statues. Now he's getting to work smoothing the walls and floors of Rochester Castle.
We now have 13 legendary dwarves, two of which are children. Some of the military dwarves are legendary multiple times over.
The meeting hall/living quarters level is expanding. The large room to the right will be the kitchens/bar area.
Dearest mother.
Hope this letter finds you in good health. I have arrived at Razorcrypts safe and sound wearing the green wool sweater you knitted for me. The weather in these parts is of the inclement sort I daresay, so I'm glad to have proper stone over my head once again. The dwarves here are an eccentric lot, one of them cried out "Who the freak are you!" the moment he saw me come down the entrance, or words to that effect. Peculiar one for sure.
Others have been more sociable, one PDH even expressed great interest in my wool sweater, going so far as to proclaim his ownership of it should misfortune befall me. A gruff jest for sure! The overseer of this outpost immediately recognized my worth when he approached me and in his earthy idiom explained that I would be indispensable to the outpost in applying myself to interior decoration via moving things around.
So make no mistake, the Legbiters are starting to make their mark on the world!
Your devoted son.
More demonic hauntings afoot! A farmer named Kleves has been taken by the netherworld this time and claimed a workshop from Brain. Brain says screw you, I'll go have a beer.
Luck remains with us, as Kleves is able to fulfill the requirements of the underworld.
Quote from: Emalozkak, "Sensecarried", a yak bone helm(value=6240)
This is a yak bone helm. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is decorated with badger bone and yak bone and encircled with bands of yak bone. This object menaces with spikes of claystone.
So who gets to be the Lord of Bones?
Hmm. So what should I do? Any opinions?
Elevate me to nobility and I promise to stop poisoning things.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 18, 2012, 01:02:55 AM
...Hey wait a minute, who is this guy?
Hey, man. He's got mad skills! I think we should put him in charge of the fort and go take a vacation someplace without glaciers--what do you say?
What did he say his name was again?
PDH: :secret:
I was wondering if I was going to show up!
Need anything dissected? I'm your dwarf!
"Great Flatterer"? Berkut? :lmfao:
Quote from: grumbler on April 20, 2012, 03:52:57 PM
"Great Flatterer"? Berkut? :lmfao:
Dwarven flattery is different, it has impact. Like a mace blow kind of impact.
Quote from: PDH on April 20, 2012, 04:06:17 PM
Quote from: grumbler on April 20, 2012, 03:52:57 PM
"Great Flatterer"? Berkut? :lmfao:
Dwarven flattery is different, it has impact. Like a mace blow kind of impact.
SO it seems like it would be cool if DF allowed for shared servers...
Status to begin the new year 115.
We've decided not to accept the realm's offer of official status at this time. I'm sure we will have another opportunity soon enough if we wish to join. We are now a "city".
17th Felsite 115, Late Spring
The elven traders have appeared again.
19th Felsite 115
An Ambush!
We can't hole up for a siege, there are too many dwarves and animals out on the plain. Not to mention our elven visitors. Perhaps the elves will meet the goblins before we have to. sbr orders one squad-The Helmed Meteors-outside to wait and see.
Sound the alarms. The goblins are poaching our farm animals on the lower plain near the frozen lake. The Helmed Meteors set off at once to attack them.
The Stirred Knives-our archer squad-is ordered to the tower.
Martinus and Scipio are the first to arrive on the scene, charging down the slope at full speed toward the enemy!
The Mace Lord bashes The Goblin Bowmam in the head with his +iron mace+, bruising the muscle, jamming the skull through the brain and tearing the brain!
The +iron mace+ has lodged firmly in the wound!
Marty's a Mace Lord.
They take out the first goblin, but the others go racing past them.
BuddhaRhubarb comes flying down the slope at full speed, and...
The hammerdwarf strikes The Goblin Lasher in the head with his iron shield, bruising the muscle, jamming the skull through the brain and tearing the brain!
Forget your hammer, Buddha? Whatever works, man.
Meanwhile, Marty catches up, but his mace is still stuck in that other dude's skull. No problem.
The Mace Lord bites The Goblin Bowman in the left upper leg, bruising the muscle through the ({leopard leather cloak})!
The Mace Lord latches on firmly!
The Mace Lord shakes The Goblin Bowman around by the left upper leg, tearing apart the left upper leg's fat and bruising the bone!
A tendon in the left upper leg has been torn!
Now Buddha becomes a Hammer Lord by virtue of having shoved his shield through that guy's skull, so he continues his rampage.
The Hammer Lord strikes The Goblin Bowman in the head with his iron shield, bruising the muscle, jamming the skull through the brain and tearing the brain!
The Goblin Bowman has been knocked unconscious!
I'm changing his name to Buddha Shieldbrainer.
The rest of the goblin bowmen sprint for the south away from the frozen glaciers and mad biting dwarves.
The peace lasted several hours.
Katmai and Zoupa catch a straggler lost from the previous ambush right away and dispatch him instantly. He was probably stunned from having his brains shield-bashed from his head.
Meanwhile the new batch of goblins is wandering toward the gates. Katmai is now a Hammer Lord.
Toni closed a trade with the elves for literally everything of any value to us whatsoever that they were carrying. We had tons of valuable crafts left over. Zoupa's master crafted gold and silver items and instruments are worth a mint. He can produce a kea made of lead and the elves will think it's gold-pressed latinum.
The next wave of goblins got to just within crossbow range of the fort before getting plastered with bolts and running away to the east.
Peace again.
One dwarf who has impressed everyone with his wisdom, leadership ability and complete lack of vampirism has been appointed as the new fortress manager. His name is Richard Hakluyt. We've given him an office across the hall from the Mayor's cabinet room.
When the bad finally comes, you're overdue for some serious shit. :D
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 21, 2012, 03:12:39 AM
Katmai is now a Hammer Lord.
I have no idea what that means but Huzzah!
QuoteThe Mace Lord bites The Goblin Bowman in the left upper leg, bruising the muscle through the ({leopard leather cloak})!
The Mace Lord latches on firmly!
The Mace Lord shakes The Goblin Bowman around by the left upper leg, tearing apart the left upper leg's fat and bruising the bone!
Dwarf-Marty likes legs instead of feet? :P
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 18, 2012, 02:22:23 AM
MIM: So, what are our options?
PDH: Well, there is the time-honored tradition of appointing him to be your immortal accountant...
MIM: In no time he'll get himself elected mayor and be demanding a fresh baby for breakfast every morning. What else?
PDH: Zoo?
MIM: What, like for kids?
MIM: Can we use him as cannon fodder? Maybe send him on an expedition all by himself into the caverns--to "secure our water supply" or something.
PDH: He might get suspicious. He's smart.
MIM: Yeah and he's such a nice guy too...Just the other day he offered to guard little Monoriu's bed while he slept because the kid was having nightmares about keas, and...oh man.
Can we just appoint him to a special office of fortress dragon-fighter and keep him locked in a room until he's needed to, you know, fight dragons? Will he still try to run for mayor then?
Brazen: We could let him be in charge and try to make sure he only eats losers and dead weight?
CdM: We could all drink his blood and build an army of undead superdwarves?
What problem are you talking about here? Is it me?
After Action Report
1 Hematite 115
We have had our first contact with the enemy in any great numbers. I have no idea how they found us up here in this Armok-forsaken tundra but I have a feeling the goblins must have followed the Elven Trading Company here, as the enemy appeared just days after the traders. The elves are either stupid and lazy or traitorous, neither would be a surprise, but both are unforgivable and the pointy-earred bastards will need to be dealt with swiftly and harshly.
The soldiers were strong and brave and followed orders well. Every dwarf who met the enemy fought well, though some of the methods were a bit unconventional. We will need to review our training practices and make sure all of the soldiers are equipped properly; there also may be a quartermaster issue, I have heard rumors of soldiers meeting the enemy unarmed.
The last goblin platoon broke and ran as they came into range of the archers, I would have preferred to kill them.
There were no losses of dwarven life, not even any injuries I am aware of, though Martinus is complaining about a dirty goblin hair stuck between his teeth. Hopefully that can be fixed before it becomes an issue.
Also some of the livestock was butchered by the goblins when they got to the undefended pastures.
As mentioned above we need a review of our training program. I find it hard to believe after 3 years we still have dwarves who don't know the purpose of a shield, or that a Macelord can lose his weapon the first time he swings it. However it was the first real contact and everyone made it home safe. These issues will need to be sorted out.
The livestock was attacked before it could be defended. The army will become unruly if they lose access to fresh meat. I will talk to the boss about moving the pastures to an easier to defend spot. If that isn't practical they should at least be penned in, also possibly another archer tower nearby, connected through an underground tunnel, obviously.
Granite Star-for meeting and killing the enemy:
Martinus Amoslan
Scipio Idenod
Budda "Shieldbrainer" Ruthoshinod
Katmai Cattenadag
Zoupa Uzolmozir
A Unit Citation will be given to The Stirred Knives for driving the last wave of the enemy away.
s Identogum
Militia Commander
Quote from: Berkut on April 21, 2012, 07:45:03 AM
What problem are you talking about here? Is it me?
Yep. You are way too skilled at too many things for a dwarf of your age. What could cause a dwarf to look considerably younger than they really are?
Also you sparkle a bit in the sun.
Quote from: sbr on April 21, 2012, 01:00:27 PM
Quote from: Berkut on April 21, 2012, 07:45:03 AM
What problem are you talking about here? Is it me?
Yep. You are way too skilled at too many things for a dwarf of your age. What could cause a dwarf to look considerably younger than they really are?
Also you sparkle a bit in the sun.
Uhhh. I don't get it - are you being serious, or is that part of the story?
He is joking that you are a vampire, specifically one from the Twilight-verse.
Okay, so I am trying to make a burrow alarm for the civilians. From what I understand, I need to create the burrow, assign no dwarves to it and then assign the burrow to a military alert instead. So I created a burrow by painting all of the levels of the fort from the one below the barracks all the way down to the crypts. So basically all the underground parts of the fort are in the burrow. Then I made an alert called "alarm" and assigned that burrow to it but no dwarves. So I guess if I hit enter to turn on the alert for the civ, it will make all the non-military dwarves go inside.
Is that right?
Edit: I hope so, because I need to test it RIGHT NOW! :P
The miners have been digging ever deeper. Exploring the caverns where we get our water but not breaching them fully.
fahdiz takes a newly-built workshop nobody has used yet.
Notice the *CLT*. Yeah, I can't explain that.
13th Galena 115, Late Summer
The human caravan from Dur Pena returns. Some of our eggs are starting to hatch.
15th Galena 115, Late Summer
Rangers report another goblin squad on the road. Sound the Alert! This is the second time a caravan has brought foes.
We've been working on a signal method to warn the dwarves to get inside when under attack. This is our first chance to test it live. We haven't even had a chance to run any drills.
The archers get to the tower, and front door duty falls to The Walled Treasures this time.
The goblins come up the eastern slope near the north edge of the fort before many dwarves could react. They weren't interested in poaching cattle this time I guess. They met the human caravan just under our walls and the humans wasted no time in engaging, with arrows flying as soon as the first goblin rounded the corner.
I love how we have snow on the ground in late summer up here at Razorcrypts.
The first dwarf on the scene was Peter Wiggin, who charged down the ramps with some of the war dogs in the gatehouse.
Right on his heels is vonMoltke.
Just above in the gatehouse, Neil rallies the war dogs.
vM and PW pummel the poor beast, who simply cannot respond to the onslaught of two highly-trained hammerdwarves and a dozen dogs, plus some human caravan guards as well.
The first falls quickly.
The two dwarves, two caravan guards and the dogs rush toward the rest of the goblin squad coming up the hillside.
The next is surrounded by dogs and has no chance to fight back before the hammers fall.
We like breaking brains in Razorcrypts. Two fall to Peter Wiggin's hammer.
Alarm! Another ambush just arrived near the lower pasture and they are shooting at the livestock!
One of the human spearmen managed to land the killing blow on the first goblin, but Peter smashed the other three while vM and the dogs kept them busy. vonMoltke is promoted to Hammer Lord for his service.
The goblins on the plain are having their fun, however.
Tonitrus decides we need a party while the battle rages.
The next goblin squad finds the drawbridges all down and the gates all open wide. The squad's leader Count de Money stands in the middle of the bridge, blocking the way. He is muttering something about "innocent lambs and alpacas".
We cannot find that goblin's corpse, but his weapons are lying under the bridge where he dropped them.
After witnessing that display, the rest of the goblin squad immediately withdraw as fast as possible to the west. The Walled Treasures get to stand down for a well-earned break.
Maybe we should do some trading with these humans.
Quote from: Berkut on April 21, 2012, 10:10:42 PM
Quote from: sbr on April 21, 2012, 01:00:27 PM
Quote from: Berkut on April 21, 2012, 07:45:03 AM
What problem are you talking about here? Is it me?
Yep. You are way too skilled at too many things for a dwarf of your age. What could cause a dwarf to look considerably younger than they really are?
Also you sparkle a bit in the sun.
Uhhh. I don't get it - are you being serious, or is that part of the story?
I am being 90% serious. The "sparkle" part was just to make sure you understood what I was implying without having to spell it out.
The game has vampires now and I am pretty sure that is what MIM was getting at with his posts.
Save the PIGS!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 22, 2012, 12:08:53 AM
The next goblin squad finds the drawbridges all down and the gates all open wide. The squad's leader Count de Money stands in the middle of the bridge, blocking the way. He is muttering something about "innocent lambs and alpacas".
We cannot find that goblin's corpse, but his weapons are lying under the bridge where he dropped them.
After witnessing that display, the rest of the goblin squad immediately withdraw as fast as possible to the west. The Walled Treasures get to stand down for a well-earned break.
:lol: You shall not pass!!
Quote from: Dallithil Rulvumom, "Riddleword the Mute Savant", a yak bone statue of Nish Diamondplains
This is a yak bone statue of Nish Diamondplains. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. The item is a masterfully designed image of Nish Diamondplains the dwarf and dwarves in yak bone by fahdiz Litastlaltur. The dwarves are refusing Nish Diamondplains. Nish Diamondplains is making a plaintive gesture. The artwork relates to the removal of the dwarf Nish Diamondplains from the position of outpost liason of The Kindled Boats in the early winter of 112.
It is encircled with bands of horse bone, rectangular bauxite cabochons and round claystone cabochons. This item menaces with spikes of mule bone.
On the item is an image of Zefon Diamondcactus the dwarf and Ral Flameguild the Luxurious Wealths the dragon in yak bone. Ral Flameguild the Luxurious Wealths is striking down Zefon Diamondcactus. The artwork relates to the killing of the dwarf Zefon Diamondcactus by the dragon Ral Flameguild the Luxurious Wealths in The Adventurous Horns in 18.
Two different events depicted in fahdiz' artwork here. One is an ancient dragon battling a dwarf a hundred years ago.
The other, however depicts an event that apparently happened in the game world during our residence. That is, the outpost liaison assigned to Razorcrypts was sacked by the leaders of the Mountainhomes. Maybe it was because he couldn't get us to accept their fealty offer, I don't know. It's kind of a dickish thing to do for fahdiz to rub it in for all eternity on a statue though. :P
Vampires in the game show up under false names. They have a history as the world generates, and you can find them by their real name if you know where to look. So, they use an alias. Berkut's last name is really Fikukonul. He arrived at Razorcrypts using the name Vabok Rinallikot. I discovered the discrepancy when I changed his nick to Berkut, but he still kept going around displaying "Vabok". Plus, he's super-charasmatic otherworldly strong, never eats food or drinks booze and has been happily building his castle for eighteen months without eating or drinking anything. Also, his relationships tab has exactly one entry. Onget--the god he worships. No mother, father, kids, friends.
I hope I can give him some epic job to do so he can win glory for his badass immortal self.
I am not sure if I should be flattered you assigned me to an undead or not...
Quote from: Berkut on April 22, 2012, 12:50:20 AM
I am not sure if I should be flattered you assigned me to an undead or not...
Heh. I didn't know until it didn't show up properly.
I think vampires are too common. I have had forts of less than 200 dwarves and five or six of them are vampires. That can't be sustainable for long. Plus, they should decide to leave before becoming too entrenched and giving people time to figure them out---you know, move on to the next fort. Not run for office and other high-profile things that would increase the chance of being exposed. The last thing I want is all the dwarves accusing Berkut of murder and CdM hammering him every other week. So I'm keeping him safe and the dwarves safe, and we'll see what happens.
Tonitrus was just setting up the victory party. :mad:
Ed has been doing engravings in the dining room. So far, the most often carving subject is the fight between Diamondcactus and the dragon. It must be a big deal in the land of the Kindled Boats.
The board could be better with the width of the pictures.
The engravings don't lie.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 22, 2012, 12:08:53 AM
The first two goblins seem to be named after STDs.
fahdiz commemorates that poor guy getting fired with a statue and Ed commemorates the statue in a wall engraving. Languish: Assholes since 2003.
Is Dwarf Razgovory okay? Don't let him get eaten by Dwarf Vampire Berkut.
Quote from: Razgovory on April 22, 2012, 09:49:04 AM
Is Dwarf Razgovory okay? Don't let him get eaten by Dwarf Vampire Berkut.
He's fine. Here he is planting some crops. As you can see, he can take care of himself.
As a side note, the dwarves have totally and completely solved the food production problem. Our stockpiles have food stores: 3138, drink:460. The only thing we have at zero is fish, because all the water on the map is frozen year-round. Didn't stop the Mountainhomes from sending us a plethora of fishermen though. :glare:
Lots of the dwarves who now have other careers started as fishermen. Solmyr, Eddie teach, Tim and Jaron all were.
Is that some kind of cruel joke? Exiling Fishermen to remote corners of the world where they can no longer fish?
I am surprised DF doesn't have ice fishing...dozens of dwarves huddled over little holes drilled in the ice. :P
15th Limestone 115, Early Autumn
After the party, Tonitrus did some excellent business with the humans, picking up a lot of wood to keep the furnaces running as well as several new types of human booze. They gave us a good deal this time. Perhaps they are grateful for our aid against the goblins. He is now a legendary broker/Appraiser too.
Tonitrus has an idea to excavate the roadway and add some traps to enhance our defense. It sounds good, so he's off to do that with Admiral Yi as soon as the caravan's business is done.
14th Timber 115, Late Autumn
Alarm! Another goblin ambush is upon us.
They charged up the newly-built causeway, setting off traps.
The Crystalline Hides come charging down the causeway to eliminate the remaining threat, but the foolish goblins that managed to avoid the traps in the first place can't keep their concentration with the dwarves bearing down on them and they all wind up in traps anyway. The Hides never have to swing an axe.
I think sbr is a little disappointed that his squad didn't get bloodied this time. :lol:
15th Timber 115 Late Autumn
The caravan from Stizashkogan has arrived along with another liaison. This time the ambush came before the caravan?
Sound the alarm! Oh no, they've got Wags surrounded already! he must have been out for a stroll in the clear crisp lung-slicingly cold air when they arrived, and now he's vulnerable. There will be no siege or waiting for traps to take the gobbos. There's no telling what dwarves might be the quickest to be able to respond, so we activate all squads and order them to attack.
Now a second ambush squad of goblins appears just to the south and begins shooting at Wags! Time is of the essence.
Wags is running, bleeding, toward the gates as several armed dwarves are already charging down the causeway to save him.
Perhaps thinking to involve the newly-arrived caravan's guards in the fray, Wags takes a left turn rather than bolting straight for the door. Katmai, Queequeg and Legbiter are now tumbling into the goblin lines.
Once the majority of the goblins are engaged with the military and the caravan guards, including all the archer goblins, Wags turns south into the hills with two goblin spearmen chasing him. He deftly loops back north keeping them out of the fight for a time, and when he finally reaches sight of the causeway, the plain is littered with dead goblins. Wags has been wounded in the arm, leg and head, so hopefully he will be on his way to doctor Viking shortly. Seeing the carnage before them, the two spearmen give up in despair and flee.
The battle was epic. Dwarves able to respond were: Capetan Mihali, Brazen, Jacob, lustindarkness, KRonn, Ed Anger, Kleves, FunkMonk, Pedrito, Malthus, Peter Wiggin, Octavian, vonMoltke, stjaba, Razgovory, Alcibiades, Faeelin, Josephus, Queequeg, Legbiter and the entire contingent of caravan guards from Stizashkogan.
Casualties suffered: 2 caravan guards dead, Wags injured.
I'm sure many commendations will be awarded today. Katmai is dubbed with a new cognomen.
Legbiter's combat style seems to be stab-then-twist. :P
Here is a transcript of the action from the perspective of Queequeg: http://i.imgur.com/nDu5A.jpg
Notice, he got promoted to Hammer Lord half way through and then celebrates at the end with a bit of triumphalism by biting a goblin's nose off.
Quote from: Tonitrus on April 22, 2012, 06:30:47 PM
I am surprised DF doesn't have ice fishing...dozens of dwarves huddled over little holes drilled in the ice. :P
Dwarves would try to build ice-huts made of granite, and that wouldn't do well on the ice...
Quote from: Tonitrus on April 22, 2012, 06:30:47 PM
I am surprised DF doesn't have ice fishing...dozens of dwarves huddled over little holes drilled in the ice. :P
I'm sure they could channel the ice, but our lakes are frozen all the way to the bottom. :P
This aar has 215 images so far...
Is Jaron's duck okay?
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 22, 2012, 06:33:17 PM
Here is a transcript of the action from the perspective of Queequeg: http://i.imgur.com/nDu5A.jpg
Notice, he got promoted to Hammer Lord half way through and then celebrates at the end with a bit of triumphalism by biting a goblin's nose off.
:lol: I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
The Hammer Lord latches on firmly!
Quote from: Jaron on April 22, 2012, 06:52:04 PM
Is Jaron's duck okay?
Yeah I usually see it standing by Jaron's forge hanging out or following him around while he goes to eat or whatever. I looked just now and couldn't find it at first. Then I looked in the duck pen and found it hanging with other ducks. Probably getting her duck on.
Ed misses seafood.
Caliga's is titled "The Rat of renown". :lol:
I thought Wags would be in the hospital a while, but I just found him in his workshop. He's still injured, but it looks like he'll be all right.
Diary of PDH, dwarven historian
'We are doomed, and I knew it from the beginning. The constant ice and snow, the demonic possessions, the traders bringing in wave after wave of gobbos...I should have taken up that position as 2nd book-keeper at Livercrypts, but I had to have the life of adventure.'
'Sure, things seem alright now, but how long til one of the boys opens up something that should have been left alone down below? How long til those gobbos who run away come back with something BIG in tow? How long til that damned vampire whittles himself a key and persuades us all to donate blood?'
'Oh, I'll play it smart, pretend to be fine with everything. Still, in a century or two when this gets found out, know that "I TOLD YOU SO!"'
'p.s. it sucks having to carve my diary each day in stone blocks so they will last.'
After Action Report
1 Moonstone 115
I wasn't able to finish the report on the Summer battle before the goblins showed up again the in the fall.
The Summer battle went well for the soldiers that bothered to show up. Thankfully the human traders brought some worthwhile guards along to help pick up the slack from those too busy to defend their own homes.
Peter Wiggin and CountdeMoney showed particular bravery in meeting the enemy and preventing the goblins from entering the fort.
The Fall battle didn't go nearly as well. In the first wave all of the goblins were caught in traps. I tried to talk the boss out of this cowardly idea but he wouldn't budge. He seems to think the safety of the fort is more important than the glory of the Army. I have to slightly disagree; this Army will keep this fort secure without needing to hide behind walls or tricks.
Thankfully the second and third waves of goblins were met in the field . One of the civilians, a Legendary Stonecrafter, was caught in the open but in true dwarven spirit didn't run for the walls or behind a line of traps. He was able to lure the enemy into a trap by the Caravan Guards from the Mountainhome. I would like to see Wags' bravery cited but as a civilian that is out of my jurisdiction.
Once the squads reached the battle the army showed how much the new training program has helped. Everyone seemed properly equipped and I didn't hear any rumors of unorthodox tactics (outside of Queequeg gettign a little carried away after things had already been decided). The War Dogs were fantastic. I hope the breeding and training program is expanded. Unfortunately the pastures are still exposed and we lost more livestock. I may have to look into assigning a permanent garrison there if the boss won't do anything about it.
Granite Star-for meeting and killing the enemy:
Peter Wiggin
Capetan Mihali
Ed Anger
Microline Star-for exceptional bravery in battle
Peter Wiggin
Pitchblende Heart-for suffering a wound in the face of the enemy
A Citation of Merit to Neil, for his work with the war dogs.
And lastly and heartfelt thank you to human and dwarven the Caravan Guards that helped us defend our home. It would be nice if they could keep the goblins from following them here, but at least they are willing to stand and fight with us.
16th Moonstone 115, Early Winter
Tonitrus just completed a trade with the Mountainhomes worth 88,690. We got literally everything they brought with them that was of any use to us, including all of their food. And a lot of things we don't need. We even got a big batch of fish, so maybe Ed will be happier. In addition, he snagged a big stack of iron and steel armor and some weapons, various trinkets and luxuries and a couple oddities as well--like huge serrated discs and spiked iron balls the size of a human. I'm not sure what we can use those for, but if we can't be creative enough they can always be melted down and reforged into other things.
I'll ask that engineer Barrister what he thinks of them.
The traders are leaving two guards lighter, but very wealthy.
I'm sure the goods that left here today will make us renowned in the Mountainhomes and their lords will be especially eager to annex Razorcrypts for glorious tribute. I will need to discuss the matter in council. The dwarves have understandable ambivilance toward the homeland for sending us to this frozen hell in the first place. The only place we can get warm is at the forges. Is it any wonder the dwarves spend countless hours there lingering over every detail of their crafts?
I've had an ominous feeling recently, and a strange tingling in my beard.
Ah well. Back to work. While Tonitrus has been occupying himself with trading, parties and digging a new area above the crypts to use for a jail, Admiral Yi has has a different digging project going. He's set out to find the next cavern layer below the one where we get our water. He's found a safe location to dig a shaft and has made his way below. On the way, he found several marble layers, which is a flux stone and valuable for many things.
Ed's work continues to impress, as he commemorates our excellent trading.
Berkut is becoming bored, and needs a purpose. Can he go down and help Yi explore the caverns?
I need to find a law enforcement dwarf soon.
I'm glad I finally got a chance to mace a goblin or two.
As for the vomit on the cloak, it's a memento from the ex-girlfriend who got me exiled to begin with (do I still have the cloak?)
Yeah, but the vomit is washed off. The description now says "this item is showing signs of wear". I don't think it is getting thrown away though. :)
Quote from: Berkut on April 22, 2012, 10:33:49 PM
Berkut is becoming bored, and needs a purpose. Can he go down and help Yi explore the caverns?
Possibly. Yi is not going in now though. I need to find a good way to get Berkut armed to the teeth and ready before making him do something that might get him killed. I'm thinking a vampire airlock of some sort in Rochester that I can use to bring him supplies.
Edit: Supplies like worthless nobody dwarves to eat... :menace:
What's Syt-dorf up to these days? :unsure:
Quote from: sbr on April 22, 2012, 10:09:06 PM
Granite Star-for meeting and killing the enemy:
:huh: :yeah:
I didn't even know I was arrived! I think in your last report about new arrivals you've posted double Benedict arnold's profile and did not post mine.
What's the profession of my dorf?
1st Opal 115, Mid-Winter
Admiral Yi makes the breach he was hoping for.
Unfortunately, he has breached it at ground level and not in the ceiling as we hoped he would. We'll have to wall that off for now.
12th Obsidian 115, Late Winter
The evil that inhabits the northern wastes has taken another soul. When I went to ask Barrister about the strange devices, I found him in a state of madness.
He promptly removed to his workshop and will not speak for now.
"Tonecat the Disembobeled Jaw", a limonite mechanism (value=57600)
This is a limonite mechanism. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is encircled with bands of cushion limonite cabuchons. This object is adorned with hanging rings of limonite and menaces with spikes of limonite.
Wow. That's expensive.
Quote from: Pedrito on April 23, 2012, 03:12:21 AM
Quote from: sbr on April 22, 2012, 10:09:06 PM
Granite Star-for meeting and killing the enemy:
:huh: :yeah:
I didn't even know I was arrived! I think in your last report about new arrivals you've posted double Benedict arnold's profile and did not post mine.
What's the profession of my dorf?
He's mostly a fighter, but also animal trainer while Neil is off in the dojo.
He notched one kill in that last goblin fight. The goblin's name was Nguslu Seducedfaithful. :P
Cool I wasn't aware I had arrived as well. Hopefully many Goblins will be slain be my hand before I die with honor in the service of my fortress.
Don't let me be killed be a zombie sheep please!
Cool - my namesake did something! :cool:
Quote from: Syt on April 23, 2012, 02:08:06 AM
What's Syt-dorf up to these days? :unsure:
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 23, 2012, 03:57:49 AM
He's mostly a fighter, but also animal trainer while Neil is off in the dojo.
He notched one kill in that last goblin fight. The goblin's name was Nguslu Seducedfaithful. :P
I believe we are in need of a full update on the status of every Languish Dwarf.
Quote from: Grey Fox on April 23, 2012, 12:40:49 PM
I believe we are in need of a full update on the status of every Languish Dwarf.
I am going to do that for some. Some of them are not children anymore--Mono, meri, Hans I think at the beginning of 116. We have more dorfs now that are not Languishites. Lots of nobody vampire food dorfs. So I can certainly add more Languishites who want to be in. I think I may have taken babies and gave them different adult dwarves later.
I'm sure I made a bunch of mistakes and the dwarves were never 100% accurate. I've also noticed that sometimes when I change the nicks in therapist, not everything in the game quite gets transferred. For example, a wall carving about a languishite dwarf I renamed in therapist will not show the nick of the dwarf. But then I go to the dwarf in-game and change the nick again, the same carving will have the correct name. I would report it as a bug, but since therapist is technically a 3rd party app, I guess it's not Toady's job to fix that.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 22, 2012, 11:38:40 PM
Yeah, but the vomit is washed off. The description now says "this item is showing signs of wear". I don't think it is getting thrown away though. :)
Moving to Razorcrypts is a way of coping with the breakup. The vomit being washed off is the first part of the healing process. Let me know what happens next :)
1st Granite 116, Early Spring
The new year has arrived, and we haven't had a battle for at least six weeks.
We are a metropolis now, and worth half a million of whatever our currency is, so that's impressive. Impressive to would-be attackers, particularly.
The masons have been working on the topside a bit this year. By that, I mean only Slargos and Syt. Brain prefers to stay downstairs with Katmai making furniture, doors and coffins. Unlike Katmai, he's not in the military, so he doesn't get outside much. I think he's becoming myopic. There is another larger tower going up over top of the main stairs. We got tired of birds crapping down into the fort, so we figured we'd cover it up. Give the dragons one more door to break down. I wish one of those stupid keas would crap our warhammer back.
Barrister wants to do something or other with catapults or ballistas or somesuch on the roof. I don't know how useful that might be. I'll ask about it in council. We need a law enforcement officer too. Anyway, the new tower is bigger than the archery watchtower and has several floors we can make into things like barracks and...hell I don't know. Stuff.
Tonitrus dug a small rudimentary jail area just above the crypts. Nothing but some alcoves and ropes at the moment. We don't have much crime anyway. We're all to busy trying not to freeze to death.
We've trapped a number of goblins in cages. Another thing to bring up in council. We can't just put them in storage forever. We should think of something for them to do.
Berkut's construction of Rochester Castle is coming along nicely. He's smoothed most of the stone in there already, and built a bunch of furniture. He's beginning to plan out his room layout and has even built some of the walls. It's going to be luxurious. We went ahead and placed fahdiz' epic statue of the outpost liaison who got fired in the middle of our meeting hall. Everybody likes it, and maybe it will make future liaisons treat us with extra deference. Plus it has a dragon on it too.
Yi's digging expedition has found a second level of caverns beneath our cistern level. While the first seems to be populated mostly by tower caps and fungiwood (we saw some sparsely-scattered cave spider silks about), the second one is full of goblin caps, blood thorns and tunnel tubes. We saw quite a number of crundle tracks in the mud there as well. Again, lots of water. The diggers are again probing as much as possible without breaching an opening. Yi is already talking about continuing down beyond this level as well.
There are a total of 42 legendary dwarves. They say a hard life makes a hard dwarf, and our frozen icedwarves of the north are certainly hardier than your average southerner.
Admiral Yi
Ed Anger
Gem Setter:
Too many to list the military so I'll just post the grid.
Bigger squares=more skill. Diamond=legendary.
Some dwarves finally came of age, including a legendary child prodigy.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 23, 2012, 10:32:56 PMThe masons have been working on the topside a bit this year. By that, I mean only Slargos and Syt.
I'm useful. :)
Huh. A Raz the Dwarf appears to be a farmer, I'm curiously one of the few Dwarfs who leaves his subterranean home.
I'm apparently a legendary macedwarf, shield user, and fighter, yet I never see myself going out to actually fight.
DSB: All talk and no action since 2004. :lol:
Valmy Dwarf was all kicking ass there for awhile what happened? Is he taking a nap?
Nah, valmy's doing great. I just can't train the archers as fast, that's all. The only one who has reached legendary is the one we started with--MIM. And only barely. It's just time spent.
stonesense is easy to use/install.
install appropriate version of Dfhack (iirc) and type stonesense at the prompt.
Stonesense does look easy enough. I couldn't run the game with it though as my comp is too old. -_-
Working with fatmai? :yucky:
Quote from: The Brain on April 26, 2012, 02:15:11 PM
Working with fatmai? :yucky:
it is all your dreams come true.
What's Solmyr doing?
That should pay handsomely.
Smiths working. Zoupa and Grey Fox not in the frame, but their forges are respectively, Zoupa's on the north wall, Grey fox on the right wall north, Jaron right wall south. Malthus and grumbler share the jeweler's workshop and several dwarves share the various smelters. Jaron's dwarf now officially wears the outfit of an armorsmith, since he's reached "talented" in that skill and that's better than his highest fishing skill ever was when he arrived. :P
It's about time Jaron got a real job.
Well, we have a problem. There is another vampire, and I'm not sure who it is. Almost certainly one of a pile of crappy dwarves with no name. But here's the thing. He's killed Neil. And Pedrito's pissed because he's Neil's son and freaking out a bit. I need to find this fool asap. Why oh why do the vampires not content themselves with babies and peasants? Why take really high-profile dwarves that the fort badly needs? I wonder if there is a vampire probability variable I can mod.
Edit: We are immediately beginning work on a suitable tomb for Neil. I'm sure Ed will cover it in pictures of war dogs tearing the throats out of goblins and vampires assaulting Neil in his sleep.
I guess dwarf Neil is not a god...
2nd Malachite 116
There is a vampire on the loose in the fort. Pedrito found Neil dead in his chambers, drained of all his blood. I fear a witchhunt may be necessary, no matter how distasteful. As our hammerer,
CdM is asking around and making notes of dwarves he sees eating, drinking beer and sleeping. Vampires have no need of such things.
The loss of our master animal trainer is going to hurt us, especially with his apprentice in a state of depression over his death. We're doing what we can to cheer Pedrito up, and the council has apportioned funds for a suitable tomb to be built for Neil.
16th Galena 116, Late Summer
Sound the alarm! Get everybody inside. Send out the special scout.
The scout reports that it is a very large band of goblins, a couple of them riding cave crawlers. The scout didn't survive. Pity. Somewhere, Neil is smiling.
Once our scout died, the goblins seemed content to stand off at the edge of our territory and wait. Technically, I doubt we even need to open the roads to survive, as we have everything we need for survival right here. Armies throughout history have shown how fruitless it is to besiege the dwarven halls. Actually, I feel sorry for them out there sitting on the ledge of a cliff hanging off a glacier. It's covered in snow, even now in summer. Yet some dwarves want to give battle.
Before the battle began, Admiral Yi and Tonitrus had found magma deep under the fort. More specifically, they found warm stone. They are currently probing upward along the sides of it to find the top without breaking through and melting themselves. That work has stopped for now, as the alarm brings the dwarves inside the burrow.
So the Vamp was some scrub? :unsure:
Quote from: katmai on April 28, 2012, 06:47:10 PM
So the Vamp was some scrub? :unsure:
Yes, some newb who showed up in the last wave of immigrants. Not even impressive like Berkut.
20th Limestone
The huge goblin force still seems to have no taste for fighting us. The squads have been rotating between watching the gates and being off-duty. The army Neil built remains ever vigilant.
The Helmed Meteors stand guard
12th Sandstone
A while passed, and we wondered what the goblin force had been up to. Sadly, the news was not good. Ten dwarves had gone out to take the livestock inside from the meadow where they had been grazing. While they were out there, a goblin advance scout had seen the group. In haste, the dwarves gathered the animals and took off for home. Unfortunately, the goblin horde had quickly put together a raiding party and were on their way up the hill. The dwarves were not going to make it, but one dwarf volunteered to screen their retreat and delay the pursuers.
The pursuing force consisted of twelve goblin hammermen and a voracious cave crawler, and just as they were cresting the ridgline, chipwich slammed headlong into them and caught them off-guard.
Most of the group fell down the hill in a mass tangle of bodies, and the ones who didn't get caught in the charge quickly turned to chase the others back down. The result was a bloody spectacle that lasted for what seemed like an eternity, as chipwich whirled and spun with his spear, goblin body parts flying in every direction. The goblins were seemingly unable to hit him at all. Most of chipwich's energy had been spent dodging and blocking the incoming blows until he got tired, and one of the goblins got lucky.
A hammer blow to chip's upper arm caused him to drop his shield. He was able to hold them off a bit longer, whirling his spear to block the hammer blows, but then he was forced to drop his spear when the cave crawler bit on to his leg and would not let go. The voracious cave crawler thrashed so hard it came away with chipwich's separated leg still in its jaws. Finally, chipwich passed out from blood loss. Only then, were the battered goblins able to finally strike him cleanly in the head as he lay unconscious. chipwich died a hero's death and saved the lives of all the livestock, plus ten dwarves.
The fort is in an uproar, and I believe if I urged further patience in waiting out the vile force of darkness the dwarves would turn on me in their rage. The council will likely give sbr the go-ahead to destroy this goblin army immediately.
13th Sandstone
The order is given, and The Helmed Meteors and chipwich's old unit The Lances of Breath are mustered at the kennels. Once the squads are assembled, they are given the order to attack and The Walled Treasures are called up to stand guard while they are off. As the attack force approaches the goblin position, they see the goblins have broken rank are are in full-blown pursuit of Joan Robinson and Wags, who had apparently been up on top of the cliff tossing rocks down into their camp. Wags didn't learn his lesson last time, apparently.
Down the hill is a dead goblin--did they get a lucky hit? (Wags and Joan have no kills, so he probably died from bleeding out a wound chipwich gave him earlier).
The dwarves charge down the hillside smashing the goblins over the side with them. The battle is over in an instant as goblin bodies explode into shreds flying in every direction. The cave crawler catches Scipio in midair just as he takes down another goblin, causing him to bleed out from the wound. Only the cave crawler does not break and run at the charge, and a second later, Malthus ends the fight by taking it down.
Brazen 1
Malthus 1 cave crawler
DisturbedPervert 1 (dp has 9 elf kills from a previous fort-awesome)
Kleves 1
Jacob 1
Scipio 1
All of the other gobbos either ran away or died of bleeding chipwich wounds. The battle was literally on the edge of the map. A body count is not yet complete, but there are six confirmed kills from the onslaught and one more up the hill, plus one dead cave crawler with Malthus'spear through its head. All other corpses we find will be attributed to chipwich.
I support our troops.
No blood for plump helmets!
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on April 28, 2012, 09:38:53 PM
Brazen 1
Malthus 1 cave crawler
DisturbedPervert 1 (dp has 9 elf kills from a previous fort-awesome)
Kleves 1
Jacob 1
Scipio 1
I like how I got a kill without even participating. How did I manage that?
I think the kills are "participating and then some"
Quote from: PDH on April 29, 2012, 09:50:26 PM
I think the kills are "participating and then some"
Curse your reading comprehension skills!
Well, at least I got a kill. That's better than reading comprehension.
Oh... you got both reading comprehension and a kill. I'd offer you my vomit stained cloak as a sign of respect, but I believe the vomit has all worn off by now.
To console myself of Neil's demise I went to Munich and drowned my sorrows in abundant quantitites of (rather excellent) beer :P
Quote from: Jacob on April 30, 2012, 12:36:54 AM
I'd offer you my vomit stained cloak as a sign of respect, but I believe the vomit has all worn off by now.
I'd say that's a problem any dwarf could solve pretty much on demand. :lol:
Work is proceeding on Berkut's castle. He's getting a bit weak and not working much on his own, so we're bringing him some supplies and some weapons.
18th Timber 116, Late Autumn
It never gets dull here.
The enemy consists of ten goblin lashers led by a mace lord, each of them riding either a cave crawler, elk bird, cave crocodile or jabberer. They've approached from the north and appeared just outside the walls. They took us unawares. Dwarves are outside. The alarm is sounded immediately. Hopefully we can rescue the dwarves before they get caught.
All squads are activated and ordered to the dog pile, and archers to the tower.
To add to our problems, a contingent of trolls arrives from the west!
And another force of goblin spearmen led by a goblin swordmaster as well, also all riding monsters. Oh boy.
The only dwarf missing at the moment is legendary engraver Ed Anger. He's currently taking a nap in Berkut's castle. Raise the drawbridge!
Oh no, Tamas was across the bridge shooting at trolls when the bridge went up!
What should we do?
With the bridge up, can they even breach the fortress? Or is it a siege now?
The trolls can break stuff like doors. The entrance is a level up from the ground though and there's no ramps. I don't think anything on the battlefield can actually get in. Including Tamas of course. I am worried they might decide to go kill Anger and Berkut though. I think the trolls could get in there.
Edit: It looks like the enemy have no archers. Which is good.
Sayonara Ed and Vampire Berk :weep:
Is Vampire Berk uber enough to demolish some trolls? :P
Quote from: Tonitrus on May 05, 2012, 10:51:16 PM
Is Vampire Berk uber enough to demolish some trolls? :P
He would have a much better chance if he were armed. but he isn't. Even then I think it's too many. I' hoping for the things to keep their attention on the main fort. If they don't, I may have to do a mass charge or something to save Berk and Ed.
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on May 05, 2012, 10:55:51 PM
Quote from: Tonitrus on May 05, 2012, 10:51:16 PM
Is Vampire Berk uber enough to demolish some trolls? :P
He would have a much better chance if he were armed. but he isn't. Even then I think it's too many. I' hoping for the things to keep their attention on the main fort. If they don't, I may have to do a mass charge or something to save Berk and Ed.
Woah, woah, woah, it's not like they are that important now!
Razorcrypt's great artist must be saved. :mad:
Katmai's flatulence will be engraved on the walls. :mad:
If we have to sally forth to save them, we should. Every Dwarf is important.
Well, boys, I reckon this is it - dwarven combat toe to toe with the goblins. Now look, boys, I ain't much of a hand at makin' speeches, but I got a pretty fair idea that something doggone important is goin' on out there. And I got a fair idea the kinda personal emotions that some of you fellas may be thinkin'. Heck, I reckon you wouldn't even be dwarven bein's if you didn't have some pretty strong personal feelin's about dwarven combat. I want you to remember one thing, the folks back home is a-countin' on you and by golly, we ain't about to let 'em down. I tell you something else, if this thing turns out to be half as important as I figure it just might be, I'd say that you're all in line for some important promotions and personal citations when this thing's over with. That goes for ever' last one of you regardless of your race, color or your creed.
Somehow, Josephus has found himself on the battlefield. I don't know how, but his corpse is mocking us from the walls. The archers have taken several prize targets, including a couple of the trolls. Tamas remains on the far side of the drawbridge, valiantly taking out targets. Some of them reach him and have a crossbow jammed down their throats, others tripping on the traps in the causeway.
But the main enemy groups have begun to turn away and head southeast. That is where Ed and Berkut are trapped, and we can't let them be taken without a fight.
Lower the drawbridge. :menace:
We waited as long as we could to weaken the enemy forces, but they stopped playing the game on our terms after only a few of them had fallen to our crossbows. The goblin forces turned their attention to an easier secondary target--the construction project in the southeast where Ed Anger and berkut are vulnerable. We elect to open the drawbridge in the hopes they will be tempted back and fight the army instead.
As soon as the bridge is down, Tamas leaps through the gates to join the archers above, throwing the severed head of a troll at the nearest goblin force and shouting a series of taunts in a language nobody could understand but later revealed to be something called Magyar. Which means beet-eater in our language.
The goblins may have understood this speech because his taunts were successful. The beasts almost all turned toward the jucier target of the fort itself and the riches within. As they turned distracted, the next caravan's bodyguards fell upon them from behind. A small help, but welcome.
Note: traps immediately filled up. Caravan just south. Enemies on the western edge appear to be trying to escape the pincer move or the archers or both. They are trying to flee.
After watching the goblins trying to charge our position fall to traps and bolts, our squads all charged the causeway at once to relieve the caravan and break the enemy. The wall of Jaron-forged steel bearing down upon their formation was too much for even the remaining trolls and they mostly broke ranks immediately.
We sadly found Joan Robinson and Fireblade dead on the hillside below. Both surrounded by goblin and monster corpses.
So there was a bunch of Dwarves outside :unsure:
Josephus was outside somewhere. I don't know where. I never saw him until he was corpsified. That was before we lowered the bridge. FB and Joan were chasing the gobbos going to kill Ed. I think they came out in the initial rush. It all happened quickly. I suspect they delayed the force enough to get them swamped by the others or simply wiped them all out themselves and died by bleeding. I waited too long to get the combat report, but I think Ed may document their heroism in the future, so we'll see.
I opened the bridge as the caravan was coming up from behind the enemy. The traders had several fighters and a crossbowman. The crossbowman still lives and has a couple kills to his name. I don't see any other caravan fighters around.
Like a good duplicitous Languishite penal colony resident, I waited until the Mountainhomes' men had fully engaged the enemy before letting our forces charge. :P
Ah gotcha, was thinking FB and Joanie were out and about before bridge went up.
The demons of hell continue to remind us periodically that they will eventually take us and teach us what it means to suffer by posessing one of our citizens and using them to perform slave labor under their influence. The latest victim is Queequeg.
He duly hijacks a workshop and begins running around taking crafting materials. He is already a legendary stonecrafter. One wonders what the demons may teach him.
And a couple months later, he's gathered a bunch of things and seems to be sitting in the workshop howling and ranting.
I hope he's all right. That guy knows how to smash some serious skull, and if he fails at this it could go badly for us. I will ask Katmai to keep an eye on him.
I needn't have worried, he just took longer than we all expected.
It's a drinking cup commemorating a legendary carving by Ed Anger and also showing some images of the legendary ring created by Zoupa.
The captured beasties.
On the wall of Neil's tomb, a pic of Wiggin busting goblin heads.
4th Granite 117 Early Spring
The ledgers are remarkably accurate to start the year, thanks to the efforts of PDH. He keeps the books to ten decimals of accuracy while still finding time to be a masterful swordsdwarf goblinslayer. A true renaissance dwarf. The crafting facilities are much more productive as well thanks to Richard Hakluyt.
The Council
As the new year begins, the forces of evil feel the need to torment us once more.
Merithyn has gone up on top of the archer's tower and is just sulking. Has the demon convinced her to jump? What's going on?
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on May 15, 2012, 09:48:49 PM
We sadly found Joan Robinson and Fireblade dead on the hillside below.
In the long run, we're all dead.
She's still up in the tower. I don't know what she wants, but I built a loom and a clothier's shop in case that was it. We've got all the other kinds of workshops.
Anyway, here is some of the decor from the tombs of JR and Fireblade.
17th Slate 117
Ah crap.
She's gone insane up in that tower. At least she's away from the others for now. Hopefully she won't go all sniper in the clocktower on us. She's got enough ammo up there to supply a whole squad for a year of siege. Maybe we should try to talk her down.
20th Slate
meri has left the tower and bolted straight for the meeting hall where she continues to mumble nonsense and frighten the children. Hopefully, some time spent among the great artworks in there will soothe her and drive the demons away before something terrible happens.
Later that same day:
A great rumbling and howling is coming up from the wellshaft. Suddenly the entire population is on edge. Something is in the caverns, and not the far deep ones. It is close.
27th Slate 117
The roars and howls have faded but we still hear them. I think I am beginning to hear them in my sleep. Some dwarves have reported the well water tastes more bitter than it used to. Salty.
The liaison once again offers to make us pay taxes to the 'Boats, and I decline his generosity.
16th Felsite 117
Another goblin ambush is spotted in the south, and the alarm is sounded. I was out hunting with Valmy at the time. The enemy somehow were able to approach rather close to the fort before they were seen, and some of them had already ambushed some unarmed dwarves. There was general chaos. Our fort Manager managed to get three of them to chase him up the causeway.
One of them was caught, but then RH began running away from the traps. sbr, who had been out cutting trees saw it and came rushing out after them.
One down.
The other goblin is swinging furiously at Rich, but sbr is almost there.
RH is saved, but he's badly injured.
On the other side of the clearing, Raz dispatched another one.
DSB stumbled on another near the entrance looking to take some children. That goblin met a similar fate with an iron mace in its skull.
The last one is up in the hills chasing Tyr and Barrister, both of whom are unarmed! And Barrister is wearing his bright-red mechanic's outfit, which stands out like blood in the snow. It has a big white leaf on the back of it. Looks ridiculous.
After a bit of running in circles, Barrister takes a left, splitting away from Tyr. The goblin stays right on Tyr's heels, and Barrister escapes!
Suddenly, Tyr sees an Elven caravan arriving just to the north, and heads right for them.
The elves spot the action and a well-placed arrow ends the situation. Our hunter escaped with an injured hand. Barrister unscathed.
Barrister's Great Project
After Yi accidentally breached a cavern wall the first time, it occurred to the council that we may not be able to rely solely on our existing defenses in the event of attack from below. We would need something to slow down the enemy in the event that the lower tunneling projects made another breach which was exploited before we could wall it off. Since that time, Barrister has been down in a passage that leads between the lower reaches and our home creating a backup contingency.
It is a mix of stonefall traps and cages mostly, with the odd eccentricity thrown in the mix.
21st Hematite 117, Early Summer
merithyn has died of thirst in her rooms, not having had the sense to get a drink. Truly she will be marked in the records as having been slain by demonic posession. A tomb is set aside for her, and will be engraved shortly. I think we should begin some burial slabs for the others we've lost as well.
No sooner had we eulogised merithyn than another dwarf falls prey to the evil winds of the heartless north.
He's claimed one of the craftsdwarf's workshops from Wags, who now is telling everyone he's "on vacation".
Quote from: MadImmortalMan on May 15, 2012, 09:48:49 PM
We sadly found Joan Robinson and Fireblade dead on the hillside below. Both surrounded by goblin and monster corpses.
So I died like a true dorf? I approve. :ccr
PDH marks in his private ledger:
At next council meeting, bring up need for many, many more tombs.