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[Canada] Canadian Politics Redux

Started by Josephus, March 22, 2011, 09:27:34 PM

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crazy canuck

Quote from: viper37 on January 31, 2021, 08:20:26 PM
So far, the way I see it, only the Conservative Party offers respects&freedom to all the Canadians, including the French Canadians.

The LPC and the NDP just want to centralize everything in Ottawa, with all the good that has done to Quebec in the past, I'll pass.

Well, lets discuss why you think that is so.

Two points to ask you about.

First, what is it about NDP policy that makes you think they want to centralize everything in Ottawa - I understand your point about the Liberals, but I am not sure why you have lumped the NDP in with them, other than they are also a party on the left.

Second, in what way do the Conservatives offer respect and freedom to all Canadians?  In what way does the NDP not do so?

Grey Fox

Quote from: viper37 on January 31, 2021, 08:20:26 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on January 29, 2021, 10:28:35 PM
Quote from: viper37 on January 29, 2021, 09:43:34 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 29, 2021, 09:40:54 PM
Good God Viper is a progressive.
I am.  Just because the word has been co-opted by regressive leftists who dream of a communist state does not mean I stopped believing in real progress and freedom for all individuals.

So you are voting NDP next election?
So far, the way I see it, only the Conservative Party offers respects&freedom to all the Canadians, including the French Canadians.

Unless you are not white. Also for only French Canadians in Quebec, if you're a minority somewhere else, they got shit for you.

Colonel Caliga is Awesome.


Quote from: crazy canuck on February 01, 2021, 11:08:41 AM
First, what is it about NDP policy that makes you think they want to centralize everything in Ottawa - I understand your point about the Liberals, but I am not sure why you have lumped the NDP in with them, other than they are also a party on the left.
They always promote ideas that head to a direct conflict with Quebec's programs, as flawed as they are, like our Kindergarden program, or our medications insurance program.

Since the NDP has never recognized a veto right with full compensation for Quebec, except for a pipeline, it is worrysome.  Also, he refuses to commit when asked if he would stay out of the bill 21 fight that does not concern the Federal govt.

Second, in what way do the Conservatives offer respect and freedom to all Canadians?  In what way does the NDP not do so?

First off, on the budget management issue, they are the only party in Canada who cares aboud budget deficits and the growing debt.  This debt is the inheritance we leave to the next generation.  Rich or poor, everyone will be concerned by this at some point.

Next, we have the issues of official languages.  The NDP and the LPC are well known for saying one thing in French and the total opposite in English, just to please both crowds.  Not the Conservatives, so far.  Harper made a point to begin his speeches in French, despite the anger it provoked in English Canada, bonus point for the party.

So far, the most major elective scandal the Conservatives have been accused of was the robocalls and the in&out, something that was considered an acceptable practice at the time and had been used by other parties too.  Compare that with the Liberal sponshorship scandal, and the many occurences of Trudeau's party using public funds to promote party activities, or the leader himself being repeatedly blamed by the ethics commissionner... That this party would still engage in such tactics demonstrate a basic lack of respect to all Canadians.  It essentially says "you are worthless morons and you will vote for me even I shoot someone in Yonge Street in broad daylight".

When a Quebec patient had to sue his own government so he could seek a private clinic to get him treatment for what he was already paying for in the public but not receiving, the Conservatives were the only party to side with this man, and provide the opportunity for all Canadians to seek alternative clinical treatments for their chronic conditions.  If it wasn't for this lawsuit and the Conservatives attitude, compared to the LPC&NDP who swore to oppose any breach to the Canadian law, I can now see a decent doctor about my crippling headaches.  And millions of Canadians can opt to see a private clinic about their MRIs, or other exams.  And spare me the "ah, but private medicine is evil all our best doctors will move to the private gutting the public", it is pure nonsense.  Private schools have existed for centuries, and public schools is no worst than it always was.

Frivolous expenses.  Remember the most eggregious expense by a Conservative cabinet minister?  Something that made scandal, something that was seen as THE blatant example on how our politicians couldn't care less about our tax dollars?  An 8$ orange juice.  Yep.  How does that compare to the LPC?

Bilinguism.  Granted, the NDP has not opposed official bilinguism in the same way as the Liberals.  Still, being a socialist party who wants everything to be done in Ottawa, a place where nearly half of French speaking bureaucrats are afraid to use French as their work language for fear of retributions, it speaks a lot as to what this party thinks of us lowly French.  About the same as Trudeau the elder: low class hot-dog eaters.  They don't oppose, but they have proposed nothing to promote it either.  Their leader only speaks French when there are French network cameras tuned in his direction.  I'm not expecting a Federal politician to call English Montrealers for the racist they are, but still, at least, try to promote bilinguism in Canada, a bilingual coutry.  Or be honest and propose to repeal the official languages act.

Taxation. The Liberals promised a fairer tax scheme, one where the rich would pay more and the middle class less.  So far, nothing of the sort, outside of cosmetic adjustments to the tax rates.  No real changes in the brackets, no major changes to the tax code, dismantling the teams that were going after the worst offenders, etc.  The NDP is more of the same. They will raise the tax rates and that's about it.  They'll turn a blind eye to the use of fiscal paradise, just because lots of artists use them and they don't want to anger their support.

Undue influences from unions.  The NDP regularly receives indirect funding from union, disregarding the laws on political financing. The Conservatives proposed to fight that.  The NDP wants more of it, the LPC abandoned that idea.  Same goes for corporations.

And there's probably more, it's what I can come up with for now.
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


Quote from: Grey Fox on February 01, 2021, 11:18:05 AM
Quote from: viper37 on January 31, 2021, 08:20:26 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on January 29, 2021, 10:28:35 PM
Quote from: viper37 on January 29, 2021, 09:43:34 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 29, 2021, 09:40:54 PM
Good God Viper is a progressive.
I am.  Just because the word has been co-opted by regressive leftists who dream of a communist state does not mean I stopped believing in real progress and freedom for all individuals.

So you are voting NDP next election?
So far, the way I see it, only the Conservative Party offers respects&freedom to all the Canadians, including the French Canadians.

Unless you are not white. Also for only French Canadians in Quebec, if you're a minority somewhere else, they got shit for you.
First Nations are so much better off with the Liberals now.  All reservations have electricity, current water, easy access to covid-19 vaccines... oh wait, that was a dream, sorry. ;)

Give some examples of the unfair discrimination received by other minorities in Canada, from the Conservative party, please.
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.




Que le grand cric me croque !

crazy canuck

QuoteNext, we have the issues of official languages.  The NDP and the LPC are well known for saying one thing in French and the total opposite in English, just to please both crowds.  Not the Conservatives, so far.  Harper made a point to begin his speeches in French, despite the anger it provoked in English Canada, bonus point for the party.

There was anger in English Canada (whatever that is) because Harper spoke French in his speeches?  :huh:

No Conservative so far has altered their message depending on their audience, and especially when speaking in French?  Come on Viper, you can't really believe that is true.

QuoteSo far, the most major elective scandal the Conservatives have been accused of was the robocalls and the in&out, something that was considered an acceptable practice at the time and had been used by other parties too. 

A person was convicted in the Robocall scandal - not exactly something considered acceptable.  ;)

QuoteAnd spare me the "ah, but private medicine is evil all our best doctors will move to the private gutting the public", it is pure nonsense.  Private schools have existed for centuries, and public schools is no worst than it always was.

Well, the Supreme Court of British Columbia decision disagrees with you on this point.  It is pretty clear that our medical system is put at risk by what you propose and so not exactly the way to show respect to all Canadians - certainly a portion of the population who can afford the private care, but definitely not all.

QuoteBilinguism.  Granted, the NDP has not opposed official bilinguism in the same way as the Liberals.  Still, being a socialist party who wants everything to be done in Ottawa, a place where nearly half of French speaking bureaucrats are afraid to use French as their work language for fear of retributions, it speaks a lot as to what this party thinks of us lowly French.  About the same as Trudeau the elder: low class hot-dog eaters.  They don't oppose, but they have proposed nothing to promote it either.  Their leader only speaks French when there are French network cameras tuned in his direction.  I'm not expecting a Federal politician to call English Montrealers for the racist they are, but still, at least, try to promote bilinguism in Canada, a bilingual coutry.  Or be honest and propose to repeal the official languages act.

Wait, the Liberals are against official bilingualism?  And what Conservative has done what you suggest - call English Montreal racists?

QuoteThe NDP regularly receives indirect funding from union, disregarding the laws on political financing

That is a very serious allegation to make Viper.  Do you have anything to back it up?


Quote from: Oexmelin on February 01, 2021, 06:55:50 PM
The life and times of a professional defamer in Toronto:

That is terrifying. There is so little you could do, if you become a target of someone that nuts.
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Malthus on February 01, 2021, 08:27:31 PM
Quote from: Oexmelin on February 01, 2021, 06:55:50 PM
The life and times of a professional defamer in Toronto:

That is terrifying. There is so little you could do, if you become a target of someone that nuts.

I must admit, I also posted it as a PSA for you and your colleagues...
Que le grand cric me croque !


Quote from: Oexmelin on February 01, 2021, 09:09:52 PM
Quote from: Malthus on February 01, 2021, 08:27:31 PM
Quote from: Oexmelin on February 01, 2021, 06:55:50 PM
The life and times of a professional defamer in Toronto:

That is terrifying. There is so little you could do, if you become a target of someone that nuts.

I must admit, I also posted it as a PSA for you and your colleagues...

Thankfully, I am not really at risk, at least through my work - I mostly deal with regulatory matters of interest to companies and government, not dealing directly with the public. I'm unlikely to attract the attention of someone like this, at least because of the job.

Interestingly, I've heard it said that by far the most dangerous area of law for lawyers is not criminal law, but rather family law.

The reason given for this is that in criminal law, you are either acting as defence counsel (so on the side of the accused) or as a prosecutor (so just a representative of various government forces arrayed against the defendant). They are either "on your side" or, if against you, are part of the bureaucracy - not necessarily more of a focus than the cops, the judge, the jailers, etc.

In family law, it is your lawyer against your former spouse's lawyer, trying to take away what you think of as your income, your house, and your kids ... it is easy for all the anger felt to get projected onto the lawyer for the other side. It is more personal. This makes it more dangerous.
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: crazy canuck on February 01, 2021, 07:03:31 PM
QuoteNext, we have the issues of official languages.  The NDP and the LPC are well known for saying one thing in French and the total opposite in English, just to please both crowds.  Not the Conservatives, so far.  Harper made a point to begin his speeches in French, despite the anger it provoked in English Canada, bonus point for the party.

There was anger in English Canada (whatever that is) because Harper spoke French in his speeches?  :huh:
There were complaints and grumbling.  I agree, anger was to strong a word for me to use.

No Conservative so far has altered their message depending on their audience, and especially when speaking in French?  Come on Viper, you can't really believe that is true.
Since the new Canadian Conservative Party was formed, I have not noticed a single time where the message used by Conservative party candidates and leaders would differ in English Canada vs French Canada.

Every message is tailored to the right audience.  You don't talk about fisheries in Alberta, after all.  But to say that, like the Libs and the NDP, they used radically different discourse in French and in English is a false statement.

A person was convicted in the Robocall scandal - not exactly something considered acceptable.  ;)
I meant the in&out, sorry.

The robocall was a dirty trick taken by an intern with little experience in the party and no knowledge of other insiders.  Or so I was told ;) :P
I agree, it was a dirty trick, unbecoming of the Conservatives and they should have been sanctionned for this, doubly so for using a scapegoat.  Still, compared to the Libs, they seem to have learnt their lesson.

Well, the Supreme Court of British Columbia decision disagrees with you on this point.  It is pretty clear that our medical system is put at risk by what you propose and so not exactly the way to show respect to all Canadians - certainly a portion of the population who can afford the private care, but definitely not all.
I know the Supreme Court says so. It does not make it right either.

It is a sign of respect that all Canadians can freely choose their healthcare provider.  It is certainly a sign of respect for me that my headaches are under control, instead of being told I am finished for life.

Wait, the Liberals are against official bilingualism?
It's narrow-minded and tribalist.  Trudeau said it himself about the seperate school system of New Brunswick.  And the Liberals have refused funding for French defense groups in Canada, but have sent money in truckloads for opponents of bill 101 in Quebec.  Ever since Laurier, this party has taken against the interests of French speaking Canadians.  Trudeau the elder was the worst offender.

And what Conservative has done what you suggest - call English Montreal racists?
I said they didn't.  They never will either, sadly.  Nobody's perfect. ;)

That is a very serious allegation to make Viper.  Do you have anything to back it up?

One, among others.
This studies the links between the NDP and Union and posits that links will persists, post 2006- when Harper changed the laws.

This about Ontario:
This about the Federal NDP sharing space with its union, at the expense of tax payers:
This about BC NDP:
In Quebec, the Charbonneau inquiry traced a direct link with financing of political parties by unions contribution thier resources instead of money.
This from the horse's mouth, so to speak:
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.

Grey Fox

Quote from: viper37 on February 01, 2021, 06:28:47 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on February 01, 2021, 11:18:05 AM
Quote from: viper37 on January 31, 2021, 08:20:26 PM
Quote from: crazy canuck on January 29, 2021, 10:28:35 PM
Quote from: viper37 on January 29, 2021, 09:43:34 PM
Quote from: Grey Fox on January 29, 2021, 09:40:54 PM
Good God Viper is a progressive.
I am.  Just because the word has been co-opted by regressive leftists who dream of a communist state does not mean I stopped believing in real progress and freedom for all individuals.

So you are voting NDP next election?
So far, the way I see it, only the Conservative Party offers respects&freedom to all the Canadians, including the French Canadians.

Unless you are not white. Also for only French Canadians in Quebec, if you're a minority somewhere else, they got shit for you.
First Nations are so much better off with the Liberals now.  All reservations have electricity, current water, easy access to covid-19 vaccines... oh wait, that was a dream, sorry. ;)

Give some examples of the unfair discrimination received by other minorities in Canada, from the Conservative party, please.

I am not saying the Liberals are perfect. I am saying that the Conservatives are liars & racists.
Colonel Caliga is Awesome.


Quote from: Grey Fox on February 02, 2021, 09:40:10 AM
I am not saying the Liberals are perfect. I am saying that the Conservatives are liars & racists.

I'm not saying the Conservatives are perfect.  But your take is wrong.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Quote from: Malthus on February 01, 2021, 09:47:35 PM
Interestingly, I've heard it said that by far the most dangerous area of law for lawyers is not criminal law, but rather family law.

The reason given for this is that in criminal law, you are either acting as defence counsel (so on the side of the accused) or as a prosecutor (so just a representative of various government forces arrayed against the defendant). They are either "on your side" or, if against you, are part of the bureaucracy - not necessarily more of a focus than the cops, the judge, the jailers, etc.

In family law, it is your lawyer against your former spouse's lawyer, trying to take away what you think of as your income, your house, and your kids ... it is easy for all the anger felt to get projected onto the lawyer for the other side. It is more personal. This makes it more dangerous.
I can imagine. I always feel that must be one of the most difficult and stressful areas of law to work in.
Let's bomb Russia!


Government announces they have licensed the Novavax vaccine for domestic production, together with investments in a MOntreal-based production facility.

This is all good of course, but really begs the question - why now?  We agreed to purchase the Novavax vaccine in August 2020.  Why wasn't this arrangement made at the time?

The article says Trudeau suggests production can begin at the end of the summer, but his minister clarifies that the earliest possible date is at the end of the year. :rolleyes:

Why is this government so fucking slow and reactive when it comes to the virus and vaccines? :grr:
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.