The Dutch continue to be ridiculously racist and in denial about it

Started by jimmy olsen, August 14, 2015, 03:07:15 AM

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Quote from: Norgy on August 15, 2015, 07:10:38 PM
I am not pointing out war criminals, I am trying to get you to realise that in Yugoslavia, there was a spread of ethnicities.

If you are going to use the WORST examples of Europe, we'll continue to use your lack of civil rights for blacks up until RFK/LBJ, the Jim Crow laws and indeed that the southern part of your varied country seceded on the issue of slavery.

In the end, it's sort of useless to point fingers. Immigrants from Europe sort of eradicated the real inhabitants of North America, and yet here you are.
You are a European. White and from a previous generation of genocidal people who couldn't hack it in the Old World.

THis is true, which is why I find it bizarre that Euroes would lecture Americans about slavery or race - it's not like those things were invented when they Europeans arrived in America.

They brought it with them - so any holier than thou preaching really makes no sense at all - even less than usual, if fact.
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Quote from: Tyr on August 15, 2015, 03:35:02 AM

99% of modern anti semitism is ignorant semi educated Muslim kids who can't tell the difference between a Jew and an Israeli.

"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

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Quote from: Berkut on August 15, 2015, 10:58:13 PM
Quote from: Tyr on August 15, 2015, 03:35:02 AM

99% of modern anti semitism is ignorant semi educated Muslim kids who can't tell the difference between a Jew and an Israeli.


Aren't you going to "wow just wow" any of the Raz's posts? His posts are 100 times more ridiculous than Tyr's.


Quote from: Berkut on August 15, 2015, 10:56:39 PM
Quote from: Norgy on August 15, 2015, 07:10:38 PM
I am not pointing out war criminals, I am trying to get you to realise that in Yugoslavia, there was a spread of ethnicities.

If you are going to use the WORST examples of Europe, we'll continue to use your lack of civil rights for blacks up until RFK/LBJ, the Jim Crow laws and indeed that the southern part of your varied country seceded on the issue of slavery.

In the end, it's sort of useless to point fingers. Immigrants from Europe sort of eradicated the real inhabitants of North America, and yet here you are.
You are a European. White and from a previous generation of genocidal people who couldn't hack it in the Old World.

THis is true, which is why I find it bizarre that Euroes would lecture Americans about slavery or race - it's not like those things were invented when they Europeans arrived in America.

They brought it with them - so any holier than thou preaching really makes no sense at all - even less than usual, if fact.


That would be like blaming Jews for the atrocities committed by Christians - after all "they" created Christianity.

I find it fascinating that there is this discourse from people like you which not only somehow places the blame for American atrocities at Europeans' feet (which is arguable, given that the practice of slavery flourished in the US the most only after the American Revolution and when European powers were banning it in their colonies; similarly, the most egregious acts of Native American genocide were committed under the stars and stripes, not the union Jack) but also somehow imply these evil Europeans somehow imposed these on the peace loving American people.

And for the record, the argument in this thread did not start with "Europeans lecturing Americans on slavery and race" - it started with a preposterous claim by Languish's resident moron that Dutch are unrepentant racist assholes, which generated a kind of a "pot calling the kettle black" response.


And, Berkut, you are the most milky whitey white ass of an American I ever met - if race relations were so good in the US, you would have at least a mix of other ethnic groups in you. As it is, not only you are European, your ancestors seem to have preserved your "racial purity" with an impressive efficiency.

Eddie Teach

Quote from: Martinus on August 16, 2015, 12:46:33 AM
And, Berkut, you are the most milky whitey white ass of an American I ever met - if race relations were so good in the US, you would have at least a mix of other ethnic groups in you. As it is, not only you are European, your ancestors seem to have preserved your "racial purity" with an impressive efficiency.


Just wow.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?

The Brain

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Quote from: Martinus on August 16, 2015, 12:36:04 AM
Quote from: Berkut on August 15, 2015, 10:56:39 PM
Quote from: Norgy on August 15, 2015, 07:10:38 PM
I am not pointing out war criminals, I am trying to get you to realise that in Yugoslavia, there was a spread of ethnicities.

If you are going to use the WORST examples of Europe, we'll continue to use your lack of civil rights for blacks up until RFK/LBJ, the Jim Crow laws and indeed that the southern part of your varied country seceded on the issue of slavery.

In the end, it's sort of useless to point fingers. Immigrants from Europe sort of eradicated the real inhabitants of North America, and yet here you are.
You are a European. White and from a previous generation of genocidal people who couldn't hack it in the Old World.

THis is true, which is why I find it bizarre that Euroes would lecture Americans about slavery or race - it's not like those things were invented when they Europeans arrived in America.

They brought it with them - so any holier than thou preaching really makes no sense at all - even less than usual, if fact.


That would be like blaming Jews for the atrocities committed by Christians - after all "they" created Christianity.

Except that there is a distinct and clear disconnect between Jews and Christians, and "atrocities" committed by Christians...I don't recall blaming them on anyone, or feeling a need to assign this cute little blame game you love, so I don't see how it is relevant in any case.


I find it fascinating that there is this discourse from people like you which not only somehow places the blame for American atrocities at Europeans' feet

Errrh, no, I don't, actually. I don't really engage in that game you love so very much.

(which is arguable, given that the practice of slavery flourished in the US the most only after the American Revolution

So? Slavery was brought to the Americas by Europeans long before there was any social or political entity that could be called "American".

and when European powers were banning it in their colonies;

The ones who weren't engaged in capturing slaves and enslaving them - sure.

similarly, the most egregious acts of Native American genocide were committed under the stars and stripes, not the union Jack) but also somehow imply these evil Europeans somehow imposed these on the peace loving American people.

I made no such implication of course - you are letting your imagination run away with you.

The Europeans did not impose anything on the Americans, they were all complicit in a horrific practice together. Some ended it earlier for a variety of reasons, some ended it later, and some went on doing it in one form or another for a very, very long time. Some Americans dies in the thousands to stop it, and some Europeans happily went on slaving away long after many other Europeans decried the practice.

*I* don't feel any need to "blame" anyone for slavery - I understand pretty well how it came about, and what forces drove it to spread, stabilize, and eventually be abolished.

The idea that there is any meaning to "blaming" entire groups for it in some ignorant, bigoted, and infantile manner is only made MORE ridiculous when you want to do so while somehow deciding that we should STOP looking for reasons at some point in time or geography that conveniently removes any responsibility from some imagined forefather of yours, rather than mine.

The entire argument is infantile.

And for the record, the argument in this thread did not start with "Europeans lecturing Americans on slavery and race" -

I wasn't commenting on the start of the argument, just the pile of stupid you were gleefully thrashing about in.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

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Quote from: Martinus on August 16, 2015, 12:32:13 AM
Quote from: Berkut on August 15, 2015, 10:58:13 PM
Quote from: Tyr on August 15, 2015, 03:35:02 AM

99% of modern anti semitism is ignorant semi educated Muslim kids who can't tell the difference between a Jew and an Israeli.


Aren't you going to "wow just wow" any of the Raz's posts? His posts are 100 times more ridiculous than Tyr's.

That would require me to read them.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

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Quote from: Martinus on August 16, 2015, 12:46:33 AM
And, Berkut, you are the most milky whitey white ass of an American I ever met - if race relations were so good in the US, you would have at least a mix of other ethnic groups in you.

This is as strong an argument as you've made for how bad race relations are in the US. Surely your having met me and been able to accurately judge my ethnic makeup by how I look (racist much?) is a fine means of drawing your own conclusions about racial strife in America.

I can see now how you have come to such clear and well understood conclusion about American history with such excellent sources of data.

I won't make any similar guesses about your racial makeup, since when I met you I honestly spent exactly zero time or thought wondering about your racial purity. Clearly the same cannot be said about your interests.


As it is, not only you are European, your ancestors seem to have preserved your "racial purity" with an impressive efficiency.

Well, I can only be as "pure" as I was when those ancestors came over from racially diverse and integrated Europe, right?

"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

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Eddie Teach

To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


It sure is interesting how easily worked up Marty gets about race - the bearet suggestion that maybe Europeans might have any kind of work to do or concerns in regards to race gets him flying off the handle.

The entire thing is completely ridiculous of course - the idea of someone who lives in Poland, of all, places, wanting to play "Who has the nastiest historical record on racial atrocity" takes some astoundingly willful blinders.

But its ok, since there isn't any racism in Europe anymore, and certainly no anti-Semitism outside of silly Muslim kids confusing Jews and Israelis.

(There is something kind of ironic and depressing about Europeans using one minority group to dismiss bigotry and violence directed at another minority group).

Note: I would not be so ignorant as to make any kind of similar claims about the US - our problems of race are certainly very real, and not at all limited to some also easily racially or socially identified and vilified group. I am optimistic however that things will continue to improve, in no small part to the majority of people not engaging in making excuses and putting on blinders to the problem.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

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Quote from: grumbler on August 15, 2015, 08:35:24 PM
Quote from: Tyr on August 15, 2015, 07:24:28 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on August 15, 2015, 02:50:36 PM
Nope.  Nowhere does it say that 99% of antisemitism is the fault of Muslims.
Try clicking on the links. It helps.
The only 99 in either article is the two middle numbers in "the 1990s" in the middle of the third paragraph of the second article.

Try clicking on those links and doing the search yourself.  Maybe you meant two other articles?

Even for you.... You cannot possibly be serious.
If you were a non native speaker it would be forgivable but.... Wow.

Edit- ah. And raz was engaging in that idiocy too :bleeding:

Eddie Teach

Maybe you should try not using ridiculous exaggerations to make your point.  :bowler:
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?