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Blood Bowl coming out on the 26th June 2009

Started by Syt, June 17, 2009, 02:20:12 PM

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What I speak out of my mouth is the truth.  It burns like fire.
-Jose Canseco

There you go, giving a fuck when it ain't your turn to give a fuck.
-Every cop, The Wire

"It is always good to be known for one's Krapp."
-John Hurt



My new team, the Sons of Thrace, are ready to roll. :P
Winner of THE grumbler point.


After trouncing Jaron's team twice (dwards are really screwed against lizardmen: the lizards can hold their own in the figting against them altough they are inferior, and due to their massively superior mobility they can switch and create numerical superiority wherever needed. Caging seems to be the only solution), I played an online game against an 1300 pointish Orc team, whose coach seemed to have experience with the real game.
I won 2-1, but I admit it helped that after halftime there was a pitch invasion and so I could get the ball I kicked and score.

So the Velence Lakers are unbeaten after three games. :cool:


I'll probably buy it tomorrow...the reviews seem mixed, but most complaints I can live with (some inducements missing, no weather effects etc)...

I'll be looking for some online play right off the bat.

What races are available?


Quote from: bogh on June 28, 2009, 08:24:20 AM
What races are available?

Orcs, Humans, Dwarves, Lizards, Skaven, Chaos, Elves, Goblins
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


I am experimenting with a human team consisting:
5 linesman
4 blitzers
2 catchers


In my first online game the Vienna Carnivores (orks) got brutally raped by dwarves.  :cry:

The thrower/gobbo combination is potentially useful, though.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.

Malicious Intent

Big fan of the board game here, so I'm enjoying this version. The AI is better than I thought, but the game will really shine in MP.

Playing the campaign with orcs (Bastrag's Bäd Boyz), I once managed to comletely clear the field of every single opposing skaven.  :D
Dwarfes on the other hand give the greenskins some trouble. Unimpressive stats, but after a few games, the whole team has Guard and Mighty Blow.   <_<

Some things I do not like: No spectator function like in FUMBBL, no high and dark elves means there are few teams with a decent passing game, no undead  :mad:


Quote from: Malicious Intent on June 28, 2009, 11:54:33 AM
Some things I do not like: No spectator function like in FUMBBL, no high and dark elves means there are few teams with a decent passing game, no undead  :mad:

Give them some room for expansions. ;)
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.



I'm Syt1976. I signed up with one team for a German League, but my opponent wasn't on. :(

I played three games against folks who weren't new to Blood Bowl. They were friendly and gave me some pointers about strategy, team development etc.

I was playing against a Chaos team which was fun ... not only because my goblin ran with the ball into my own endzone.   :hide: Unfortunately, the opponent's network died/he was disconnected during the second half, so I was credited with an win. The way I was stomping his players I would have had to struggle to lose anyways, though. He said Chaos usually needed a few games to catch to other teams and before becoming impressive. He'd use those early games to wreak havoc to level up his players.

In another game I scored a touchdown at the last moment (was behind 2-0 so it didn't matter). Thrower picked up the ball after fumbling a turn earlier. Wanted to pass to goblin waiting near the endzone, but out of range by a hair's breadth. So I tried a pass to a linesman who miraculously caught the ball, then ran to the gobbo to hand over. Goblin runs a few steps - touchdown.  :cool:

Important thing to buy early on for the team: re-rolls. Plenty.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


Quote from: Syt on June 28, 2009, 03:36:34 PM
Important thing to buy early on for the team: re-rolls. Plenty.

Yeah. Pretty much always get as many RRs as you can. You can save up for everything else, but RRs become twice as expensive after creation (if it's anything like the version I used to play).

Installing right now.


Quote from: bogh on June 28, 2009, 04:03:06 PM
Installing right now.

BTW: The four part dl is pretty retarded and I got both emails and download pages in French. Not really too clever.


The medium AI is definitely weak - my skaven kicked first a human team and then a dwarf team 3-0. The humies did kill one of my gutter runners, setting back team development somewhat, but one of my gutters got a double on his skill roll and now has four arms (helping in catching, intercepting and picking up the ball).

I am up for a game tomorrow evening, if anyones available. Look for "bogh".