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Started by Korea, March 10, 2009, 06:24:26 AM

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crazy canuck

Quote from: Josquius on June 24, 2024, 03:29:19 AMSo many bills this month. I feel incredibly poor.  :cry:

Very few kids named Bill these days.


I blame Bill Stickers.

I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


So going on in Edmonton right now is the world Under 20 tackle football championship.  This means north american football - not soccer.  Unfortunately it means playing under American rules - which is 100 yard field, 11 players, 4 downs, etc.

A US-sized field set up at Canadian stadiums built for a Canadian field apparently makes the field look absolutely tiny.

But anyways, in one of the opening matches, Canada beat Brazil 110 to nothing.  Just a bit lop-sided...
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.



When I saw this very nerdy video, I immediately thought of you guys...


Quote from: Hamilcar on June 24, 2024, 01:38:09 PMWhen I saw this very nerdy video, I immediately thought of you guys...

I hope it has ninjas.
The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.   -G'Kar



Quote from: Hamilcar on June 24, 2024, 01:38:09 PMWhen I saw this very nerdy video, I immediately thought of you guys...

I have actually already seen this  :Embarrass:

Pretty sure it was posted here a few years ago  :ph34r:
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Mrs. MIM wanted some buttermilk for a recipe, but the grocery store didn't have it.

Instead, I bought a quart of heavy cream and put it in my stand mixer for a couple hours. Worked great. I have butter and buttermilk now. I'm thinking of blending the new butter with some garlic and herbs. Like a chimichurri steak butter. That could be good.
"Stability is destabilizing." --Hyman Minsky

"Complacency can be a self-denying prophecy."
"We have nothing to fear but lack of fear itself." --Larry Summers


Oh. When I was at the HEB yesterday, I saw Matt's wife from DemoRanch. Just in the parking lot. Didn't say anything.  :P
"Stability is destabilizing." --Hyman Minsky

"Complacency can be a self-denying prophecy."
"We have nothing to fear but lack of fear itself." --Larry Summers


I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.

Richard Hakluyt

Apparently it was on the wall of the "Waynflete Building of Magdalen College, Oxford.".

This is an old meme though, that predates the internet. I myself have scrawled "Bill Stickers is Innocent" on these annoying posters, that would be in Brighton back in 1973/4. The meme is even older than that however

crazy canuck

I always thought if Bill S. had just turned himself in he would have got a plea deal.


Riots in Nairobi:

Quote from: AP NewsAnti-tax protesters storm Kenya's parliament, drawing police fire as president vows to quash unrest

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Thousands of protesters stormed Kenya's parliament Tuesday to protest tax proposals, burning part of the building, sending lawmakers fleeing and drawing fire from police in unrest that the president vowed to quash. Several people were killed.

It was the most direct assault on the government in decades. Journalists saw at least three bodies outside the complex where police had opened fire, and medical workers reported five people killed. Clashes spread to other cities. There was no immediate word on arrests.

"Today's events mark a critical turning point on how we respond to threats to our national security," President William Ruto said, calling the events "treasonous" and vowing to quash the unrest "at whatever cost."

Kenya's defense minister said the military had been deployed to support police during the "security emergency" and "breaching of critical infrastructure."

Protesters had demanded that legislators vote against a finance bill imposing new taxes on East Africa's economic hub, where frustrations over the high cost of living have simmered. Youth who had voted Ruto into power with cheers for his promises of economic relief have taken to the streets to object to the pain of reforms.


The Daily Mail  :lol:

QuoteThe 14 tell-tale signs you live in a 'rough' area are revealed by veteran estate agents - including the little-known giveaway you're on gang turf

There's something exciting about looking for a new home in an unfamiliar location, especially if the houses or flats on offer fall within your budget.

However, though ignorance is bliss, one thing you may want to know is whether your potential dream home is actually located in what's politely termed a 'rough area'.

'Frankly, the best way to find out if an area is up and coming or rather rough is to talk to someone who lives there or who is very well acquainted with the area,' says Carol Peet, owner of West Wales Property Finders.

'I always try to talk to a postman or person in the local post office or corner shop who is almost always willing to give you a fair assessment of the area and the people who live there. Another great source of information is the local pub.'

So what are the tell-tale signs that may suggest an area is a little rough around the edges?

Staffies, not spaniels

Dog walkers are unlikely to be accompanied by bouncy spaniels tugging on leads or the kind of balls of fluff habitually spotted peeking out of ladies' handbags. Instead, you're likely to see bigger hounds such as pit bulls and staffies. 'The key is also to visit at different times of day – apparently nice areas can become threatening at night,' says Jonathan Rolande of The National Association of Property Buyers.

Vape smoke and shops
Forget clean air. You're more likely to be breathing in clouds of bubble-gum or cola-scented smoke if the area is home to clusters of vape shops. These can be a magnet for youths who opt for this colourful way to get their nicotine fix. Not then, a sign of tranquil suburbia.

Shoe tossing

An odd place to showcase the latest footwear, shoes which have been strung over telephone wires are said to be linked to organised crime, signifying the location of gang turf or commemorating the death of a gang member who lived in the area.

Pound shops
Great for the thrifty shoppers but let's face it, these airless emporiums heaped with piles of multi-packs and special offer loo roll are never going to scream a gentrified retail experience. The shops often line up side by side on high streets.

Unwanted goods on the street

Rather than take unwanted items to the tip or put them for sale online, the default position in rundown areas seems to be to leave a discarded sofa outside presuming someone will come past and take it away – which they often do. 'One surefire way to note if an area is a little rougher around the edges than most is simply by observing the personal pride residents take in their area. Practices such as fly-tipping, or other discarded household items and rubbish, are usually obvious indicators of this,' says Marc von Grundher, director of Benham and Reeves.

Betting shops

Can there be anything louder, more agitating and – sadly – addictive as the local betting shop? That garish promise of a dream ticket which usually ends in the crumpled reality of an empty pocket. As such, you're more likely to find them in the more rundown side of town. 'While even the smartest towns have a betting shop, a profusion of betting shops and charity shops is often a sign of a rough area as are small cramped corner shops with a few tired vegetables outside and unpacked boxes of energy drinks and vapes inside and scruffy looking kebab shops and other takeaways,' explains Carol Peet. 'Tattoos may be trendy but again a surfeit of scruffy tattoo shops tends to indicate a rough area and too many adults hanging around aimlessly during the working day is a bad sign.'

Noise pollution
Good manners cost nothing. Yet consideration for others seems to be lacking in rougher parts of town. A situation articulately expressed by backfiring motorbikes, a thumping playlist which booms day and night and those who choose to shout rather than talk at a normal decibel level when conversing in the street. 'It always pays to observe the type of people who might be loitering during working hours as well and you can also access in-depth crime statistics online to see what sort of crime is rife, such as anti-social behaviour,' says Marc von Grundher.

Poorly maintained properties
Not a look that suggests anyone is attempting to keep up with the Joneses. Broken windows, peeling paint, overgrown gardens or structural damage may shriek potential but they also semaphore neglect. 'Homes with shutters, barbed wire, CCTV signage and more are also a sign the area is rather rough,' adds Jonathan Rolande.

Thick graffiti

Free speech and the right to self-expression may be highly prized. But when 'Gaz luvs Debs' as well as more choice declarations of personal or political intent are daubed across every available surface, it suggests the creators might not be traditional art enthusiasts. This is criminal damage. 'Excessive litter and graffiti on walls and public spaces suggest neglect and can provide a perception of a lack of community pride,' adds Wirrall estate agent Liam Gretton.

Piles of rubbish
From curls of sweet wrappers and empty take-out cartons to crushed cans of beer and cigarette packets, rubbish-strewn streets are a sign the neighbourhood has seen better days. 'Bins left on the street after collection day are another sign of a rough area,' adds Jonathan Rolande.

Bars on doors and windows

If house owners have turned their homes into Fort Knox and installed bars on doors and windows to stop break-ins, then this is a sign that the area is a magnet for crime. Spy it also in an abundance of locks. 'Overgrown front gardens and poorly maintained properties may also provide some insight, not to mention if the houses themselves have additional security measures such as bars on the doors and windows,' says Marc von Grundher.

Delivery black spot
If the area is a black spot for delivery drivers then it's a strong sign the neighbourhood isn't a place you'd want to hang around. After all, if the drivers or cyclists responsible for your pizza margherita won't chance it, then why would you?

Cars without wheels
Decrepit cars with no wheels which have been abandoned on the street or in front gardens are another telltale sign. 'Look at the type of cars parked in the housing estates or outside people's houses,' adds Carol Peet. 'If they are old beaten-up cars, then it is probably a rough area and smarter tidier cars are a good sign.' Jonathan Rolande also suggests looking at how much it costs to insure a car in a given area.

Lack of well-maintained facilities
Charming neighbourhoods usually have parks, recreational centres, libraries or lovely chi-chi cafes. 'That's why another thing to look at is children's playgrounds,' says Carol Peet. 'If they are unkempt with gangs of older children hanging around, it is probably not a place you would want to send your child to play. In an up-and-coming area, playgrounds and open spaces will be well-tended and have children playing happily with their parents looking on.'

The points are generally perfectly valid. But hilarious middle class kneejerk outrage that they need an article to point them out.
Also some vibes of getting their carts and horses back to front.


I did not realize having big dogs in the neighborhood meant the place had gone to hell. Good to know.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."