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Here Languish Stands game thread

Started by Solmyr, June 12, 2012, 02:15:58 AM

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does tamas even know I reached vienna?

I'm attacking with Suleiman, Ibrahim 9I and 1C 12 dice versus his 7. I'm giving him a chance to play a combat card. I'm not, but I can play jannisaries after I see the result of the battle.
First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.


Viking read back :P

I have taken the field battle, played my merc-giving event so I have 9 units against your guys. if I lose, I retreat back to the fort, and PROBABLY keep my cardplay (war in persia as event). Same if I win.


Well, better you play them there than just before your assault on Algiers.

I have Suleiman, 9I and 1C for 2+9+1 dice = 12
You have Ferdinand defending, 5I and 4M for 1+1+5+4 = 11

First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.


First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.


The risk of blitzing Vienna on turn 2 instead of pacing yourself for a turn 3 push...
The medievals were only too right in taking nolo episcopari as the best reason a man could give to others for making him a bishop. Give me a king whose chief interest in life is stamps, railways, or race-horses; and who has the power to sack his Vizier (or whatever you care to call him) if he does not like the cut of his trousers.

Government is an abstract noun meaning the art and process of governing and it should be an offence to write it with a capital G or so as to refer to people.

-J. R. R. Tolkien


5 Ottoman hits vs 7 Hapsburg Hits.

To quote Col. Kurtz - "the horror" - am doing the math on the chance of getting 3 or more hits with the janissaries card. brb.
First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.


not even close.

Hapsburgs remain with Ferdiand and 4I in Vienna, Suleiman et. al. retreat to pressburg with 2I and 1C.

well, thats the end of that invasion... sigh...
First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.


I take it Tamas you are still playing that evil little card?
First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.


Quote from: Tamas on June 19, 2012, 03:54:57 PM
Viking read back :P

I have taken the field battle, played my merc-giving event so I have 9 units against your guys. if I lose, I retreat back to the fort, and PROBABLY keep my cardplay (war in persia as event). Same if I win.

if you just fucked off Tamas after all capping the word "PROBABLY" you are an asshat.
First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.


Quote from: Habbaku on June 19, 2012, 03:56:48 PM
The risk of blitzing Vienna on turn 2 instead of pacing yourself for a turn 3 push...

Yeah, that turned out badly... But only because the dice were evil.
First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.


I think it's safe to assume that, with the Ottoman army thrashed and anemic, Tamas will keep his play.  You don't exactly have many troops to spare to send off, after all.
The medievals were only too right in taking nolo episcopari as the best reason a man could give to others for making him a bishop. Give me a king whose chief interest in life is stamps, railways, or race-horses; and who has the power to sack his Vizier (or whatever you care to call him) if he does not like the cut of his trousers.

Government is an abstract noun meaning the art and process of governing and it should be an offence to write it with a capital G or so as to refer to people.

-J. R. R. Tolkien


Quote from: Habbaku on June 19, 2012, 04:13:57 PM
I think it's safe to assume that, with the Ottoman army thrashed and anemic, Tamas will keep his play.  You don't exactly have many troops to spare to send off, after all.

I know that; you know that but...

First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.


fuckit, he's gone...

Ulmont, do you mind helping a turk out and doing what we agreed last turn?
First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.



Quote from: Maximus on June 19, 2012, 06:58:04 PM
So did he play it or not?

I'm saying yes and moving on. If he didn't want to play it tough. He made it 99% clear that he was going to play it. The annoying bit is that he did this by focusing on the 1% rather than the 99%.
First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.