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TV/Movies Megathread

Started by Eddie Teach, March 06, 2011, 09:29:27 AM

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Eddie Teach

Quote from: katmai on October 15, 2012, 04:11:25 PM
They are other programs pullin in more than 11 million. The impressive number is in the covered 18-49 demo. :contract:

Ah, right, cause if they were looking at ratings among children Glee would kick everyone's ass.  :hmm:
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


Quote from: frunk on October 15, 2012, 08:33:13 AM
Reposted from BGG, because it's bugging me now too:

QuoteYou know those vending machines back in the day that would dispense a paper cup out of a chute into a little transparent enclosure, and shoot hot or cold beverages into it?

There was a TV show with an intro sequence which ended with a closeup shot of one of these vending machined malfunctioning. Maybe with the liquid shooting out and then a cup dropping down later.

The reason I think it was an intro is because I think I saw it repeatedly as a kid.

What was the TV show?

I'm going crazy trying to remember.

Lou Grant?
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Eddie Teach

So how did they like Blade Runner?  :huh:
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


Quote from: Peter Wiggin on October 15, 2012, 05:04:58 PM
So how did they like Blade Runner?  :huh:

I don't think either one liked it that much, although the visuals impressed them.  Ebert did revise his opinion later on.


Quote from: frunk on October 15, 2012, 04:59:25 PM
The Winner, about a minute in.

Heh, Blade Runner AND Diner.  That was a good release week.


Hey, 'The Final Countdown' is on the bbc catch-up site, I'm finding it hard to resist, F14s FTW. 
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"


Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 15, 2012, 08:21:32 AM
Quote from: HVC on October 15, 2012, 07:46:36 AM
Also, of they're all infected anyway what's with all the amputations? Gonna get doubly infected?  Or just I guess if something dead takes a bite out of you normal infection is a worry too.

I figured it was just a chance to stave off the infection bite.  You know the infection works slowly, maybe but chopping off the leg it'd work similar to stemming poison.  We'll see.

But I thought the idea was that everyone was already infected. What exactly does a zombie bite do?

That said they do seem to still be worried about scratches so...
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Well from what I recall the zombies bite or scratch can kill, but yeah every single person is gonna turn when they die.
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son


Quote from: garbon on October 15, 2012, 10:24:03 PM
But I thought the idea was that everyone was already infected. What exactly does a zombie bite do?

Well yeah, but that doesn't mean you can't try to save someone's life.

QuoteThat said they do seem to still be worried about scratches so...

I'd be worried about all that blood splattering everywhere when they do that close quarters shit.  Talk about bio fluid hazards.  OMG MAH MOUF WAS OPEN ITS IN MY EYE


Quote from: garbon on October 15, 2012, 10:24:03 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 15, 2012, 08:21:32 AM
Quote from: HVC on October 15, 2012, 07:46:36 AM
Also, of they're all infected anyway what's with all the amputations? Gonna get doubly infected?  Or just I guess if something dead takes a bite out of you normal infection is a worry too.

I figured it was just a chance to stave off the infection bite.  You know the infection works slowly, maybe but chopping off the leg it'd work similar to stemming poison.  We'll see.

But I thought the idea was that everyone was already infected. What exactly does a zombie bite do?

That said they do seem to still be worried about scratches so...

Yeah, that confused me too.
Seems they got caught up in standard zombie universe rules despite their universe having different rules.

My only guess is zombies have some sort of super infection super power. Their biting you introduces a microbe which really activates the disease or they infect you with something else that kills you quickly.

QuoteI'd be worried about all that blood splattering everywhere when they do that close quarters shit.  Talk about bio fluid hazards.  OMG MAH MOUF WAS OPEN ITS IN MY EYE
Yeah, all that crap is stupid too. But then most zombie settings do that. 28 days is about the only one that handles that right.

One thing that got me about yesterdays episode is how much of a hurry they were in.
Why were they in such a dash to race through the prison ASAP?
Surely it would make the most sense to just keep the zombies fenced off and go very slowly killing them with spears/long pointy things from a distance.
Sure, with various gates open more will keep coming in but those numbers are finite and they do secure several areas. There's no rush.

Though the armoured zombies were awesome.


The preganant woman does make a valid point though. If the baby dies inside her, and it's likely infected, it will become a zombie and likely start eating her inside. Can't take that risk. Abort the fucker.

But I agree about the blood. In the last episode they even made a point of showing the main character (I suck at names) getting sprayed badly by one of the zombies when he impaled him. Maybe blood isn't the catalyst, it's spit from the bites. who knows?
Civis Romanus Sum<br /><br />"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world." Jack Layton 1950-2011


Quote from: Josephus on October 16, 2012, 07:21:37 AM
The preganant woman does make a valid point though. If the baby dies inside her, and it's likely infected, it will become a zombie and likely start eating her inside.

I think that would be cool.


The thing with zombies is that unlike, say, vampires or werewolves, the zombie lore isn't quite so cut and dry.

Let's take the zombies in the prison cells. I assume they were prisoners who starved to death, and then the virus kicks in and zombifies them. But how have they stayed "alive" as zombies all this time? Do zombies eat? Back at the farm the zombies in the shed were being fed, so we assume they need some sustanance to reamain zombies. What happens if they don't eat? Do they die a zombie death? There were plenty of dead zombies in the prison. What did they die of?
Civis Romanus Sum<br /><br />"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world." Jack Layton 1950-2011


IIRC, zombies who don't eat go into a sort of coma.
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.