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Mass Effect 2

Started by Slargos, January 01, 2010, 04:21:31 PM

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Disagree. Mordin Solus and Legion are two of the most interesting, well developed NPCs in all of BioWare's long history.  Thane Krios and Miranda are both neat, as well. 
Quote from: PDH on April 25, 2009, 05:58:55 PM
"Dysthymia?  Did they get some student from the University of Chicago with a hard-on for ancient Bactrian cities to name this?  I feel cheated."


I was pleased that they added a salarian team member, as it really helped give the race a bit more meat and personality to them.  Actually, I quite like all of the team members.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.


Quote from: Neil on February 09, 2010, 11:49:32 AM
I was pleased that they added a salarian team member, as it really helped give the race a bit more meat and personality to them.  Actually, I quite like all of the team members.
Me too.  Very satisfying.
What I speak out of my mouth is the truth.  It burns like fire.
-Jose Canseco

There you go, giving a fuck when it ain't your turn to give a fuck.
-Every cop, The Wire

"It is always good to be known for one's Krapp."
-John Hurt


Quote from: Queequeg on February 08, 2010, 05:33:47 PM
Disagree. Mordin Solus and Legion are two of the most interesting, well developed NPCs in all of BioWare's long history.  Thane Krios and Miranda are both neat, as well. 

Ohgren and Morrigan are better developped.
Miranda is boring.
Mordin is funny.
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


I don't agree; Mordin is a hilarious, brilliant doctor who is half Saint and half Eichmann.  Even if Morrigan is "more developed", Solus is far, far more interesting.  So is Legion.

And I quite liked Miranda; kind of interesting relationship with her own perfection. 
Quote from: PDH on April 25, 2009, 05:58:55 PM
"Dysthymia?  Did they get some student from the University of Chicago with a hard-on for ancient Bactrian cities to name this?  I feel cheated."


Quote from: viper37 on February 08, 2010, 03:24:45 PM
Quote from: Caliga on February 06, 2010, 07:50:26 AM
So I started playing last night.  I've only played for like 45 minutes in total but:

ME 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dragon Age * 1,000,000,000

Disagree.  the game is dumb&easy.  And the whole planet scanning for resources is retarded.

You dont say. I did that for an evening straight more or less then figured "F this" and downloaded a trainer. I´m not 12 anymore with an unlimited amount of time.


Quote from: Neil on February 09, 2010, 11:49:32 AM
I was pleased that they added a salarian team member, as it really helped give the race a bit more meat and personality to them.  Actually, I quite like all of the team members.

Yeah me to.  Awesome game I like it better than the first one actually.

Here is hoping I can play ME3 on my PC.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Can you do more than one chick in this game, or are you stuck with the first one you go with like in the first Mass Effect?
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


Quote from: Caliga on February 12, 2010, 10:30:17 PM
Can you do more than one chick in this game, or are you stuck with the first one you go with like in the first Mass Effect?

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son


0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


Whenever ME3 gets out I have this nagging feeling that some of my choices are gonna catch up with me. Though since I prefer the paragon path the choices I did in ME1 should have been pretty solid. I probably only have to do a rerun of ME2. For completionists having to rerun 3 games to see all the endings are gonna suck though. :lol:


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son


Quote from: Caliga on February 12, 2010, 10:30:17 PM
Can you do more than one chick in this game, or are you stuck with the first one you go with like in the first Mass Effect?

Well...yes and no.  You can manage to sleep with two if you are crafty.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Valmy on February 13, 2010, 06:13:02 PM
Quote from: Caliga on February 12, 2010, 10:30:17 PM
Can you do more than one chick in this game, or are you stuck with the first one you go with like in the first Mass Effect?

Well...yes and no.  You can manage to sleep with two if you are crafty.

Valmy you slut!
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son


Faithfulness will be rewarded.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.