Two arrested in Chicago for conspiracy to attack Jyllands-posten

Started by Pat, October 27, 2009, 08:25:04 PM

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QuoteWASHINGTON — Two Chicago men have been charged in what officials said was a plot to attack employees of a Danish newspaper that in 2005 published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that offended many Muslims, according to criminal complaints unsealed Tuesday in federal court in Chicago.

The most serious charges, conspiracy to murder and maim in a foreign country, were filed against David Coleman Headley, who was born in the United States, lived in Pakistan and now resides in Chicago.

The federal authorities said Mr. Headley told agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation that he had initially targeted a building occupied by the Danish newspaper, Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten in Copenhagen, but later proposed killing the paper's cartoonist and cultural editor instead.

The arrests were the latest in what federal officials acknowledged was a surprising surge of unrelated terrorism arrests in recent weeks, highlighted by last month's indictment of Najibullah Zazi, a Denver airport shuttle bus driver who has been accused of conspiring to detonate improvised explosives in an attack against an undetermined target, possibly in New York.

The officials offered no specific reason for the increased arrests, though they said some cases involved young men in the United States inspired to militancy by fiery religious appeals on the Internet and in other media outlets rather than by direct contact with terrorist groups.

In contrast, Mr. Headley, 49, who changed his name from Daood Gilani in 2006, and another man, Tahawwur Hussain Rana, 48, are older with seemingly more substantial ties to their communities. Mr. Rana is a businessman who was born in Pakistan and is now a Canadian citizen living legally in Chicago.

Mr. Rana, who is accused of providing material support to terrorism, has known Mr. Headley since they attended the same military school in the Pakistani town of Hasan Abdal, federal officials said. Mr. Rana is accused of using a travel agency to help Mr. Headley arrange visits to Pakistan and two trips this year to Denmark.

Mr. Headley was arrested on Oct. 3 at O'Hare airport in Chicago as he was boarding a plane on the first leg of a trip to Pakistan. Mr. Rana was arrested on Oct. 18 at his home. Both men are scheduled to appear in federal court in Chicago on Wednesday.

Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the top federal prosecutor in Chicago, said there was no imminent threat in the Chicago area. David S. Kris, head of the Justice Department's national security unit, said the case was a reminder of the threat posed by international terrorism organizations. A senior Danish intelligence official, Jakob Scharf, said in a statement issued by PET, the Danish security service, that his agency "views this matter very seriously."

Mr. Headley's lawyer, John Theis, said he had no comment on the case. Mr. Rana's lawyer, Patrick W. Blegen, said Mr. Rana "adamantly denies the charges and eagerly awaits his opportunity to contest them in court and clear his and his family's name."

Officials said they regarded the case as significant because Mr. Headley traveled to Pakistan and consulted closely with three Pakistani men identified in an F.B.I. affidavit as members of Harakat-ul Jihad Islami, a terrorist group affiliated with Al Qaeda, with whom he referred to the plot as the "Mickey Mouse Project."

One F.B.I. document said Mr. Headley reported to Ilya Kashmiri, the operational leader of the terrorist group, who is based in a tribal region of northwest Pakistan. The authorities said that when Mr. Kashmiri was mistakenly reported to have been killed in a drone attack in September, Mr. Headley engaged in a number of coded e-mail exchanges about the impact on planned attacks. But Mr. Headley concluded after a conversation with Mr. Rana that "business must go on."



I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.





Quote from: miglia on October 27, 2009, 09:13:25 PM
I'm glad. Why then?

EUOT.  2003.  Run up to the Big Iraqi Oopsie.

I could take on all the SuperSwedes(tm) at once, parrying their ZOMG U CANT HUG CHILDREN WITH NUCLEAR ARMS Birkenstocks-and-granola Euroweenie peacenik bullshit with my blistering Star Spangled katas of wit and invective, commanding verbal judo throws of debate and discourse designed specifically to destroy their precious little We-Are-The-World bullshit global outlook of post-modern hippie Coke-commerical nitwit fucktardism.

That, and Hans Blix is a cockmunch.


Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 27, 2009, 09:22:36 PM
Quote from: miglia on October 27, 2009, 09:13:25 PM
I'm glad. Why then?

EUOT.  2003.  Run up to the Big Iraqi Oopsie.

I could take on all the SuperSwedes(tm) at once, parrying their ZOMG U CANT HUG CHILDREN WITH NUCLEAR ARMS Birkenstocks-and-granola Euroweenie peacenik bullshit with my blistering Star Spangled katas of wit and invective, commanding verbal judo throws of debate and discourse designed specifically to destroy their precious little We-Are-The-World bullshit global outlook of post-modern hippie Coke-commerical nitwit fucktardism.

That, and Hans Blix is a cockmunch.
And don't forget the guy in those college courses you were taking.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.


Quote from: Neil on October 27, 2009, 09:28:00 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 27, 2009, 09:22:36 PM
Quote from: miglia on October 27, 2009, 09:13:25 PM
I'm glad. Why then?

EUOT.  2003.  Run up to the Big Iraqi Oopsie.

I could take on all the SuperSwedes(tm) at once, parrying their ZOMG U CANT HUG CHILDREN WITH NUCLEAR ARMS Birkenstocks-and-granola Euroweenie peacenik bullshit with my blistering Star Spangled katas of wit and invective, commanding verbal judo throws of debate and discourse designed specifically to destroy their precious little We-Are-The-World bullshit global outlook of post-modern hippie Coke-commerical nitwit fucktardism.

That, and Hans Blix is a cockmunch.
And don't forget the guy in those college courses you were taking.

Oh yeah, that pompous dickhead.  Fucking superiority complex with his snide little Bjork-Bjork-Bjork accent.

Motherfucker had a lot of nerve, too, bashing the American democratic process.  Those fuckers still have a royal family, for fuck's sake.

And while we're at it, fuck IKEA and their bullshit uni-tools and plasterboard.


OK, fair enough  :lol:

I'll add that the American posters of EUOT 2003 made me take the stance that if the yanks want to spend their time, effort and money on making the arabs play nice, they can do so all they want as far as I'm concerned. A stance that has served me well over the years.


QuoteMotherfucker had a lot of nerve, too, bashing the American democratic process.  Those fuckers still have a royal family, for fuck's sake.

That's only symbolism.

You've got a constitution and a bill of rights and shit. Stuff that can't be changed through the democratic process aint democratic :contract:


Quote from: miglia on October 27, 2009, 09:34:00 PM
QuoteMotherfucker had a lot of nerve, too, bashing the American democratic process.  Those fuckers still have a royal family, for fuck's sake.

That's only symbolism.

You've got a constitution and a bill of rights and shit. Stuff that can't be changed through the democratic process aint democratic :contract:

Do the right thing.  Decapitate your royals.  It's The Right Thing To Do.