Valmy in SPAAAAAAAAACE (Mass Effect Series AAR)

Started by Valmy, March 18, 2017, 07:16:06 PM

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Liara was an option but I turned her down early on. I hoped by pursuing the romance with Ashley I would fake you guys out :P
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Ok now I am downloading the ALOT mod for ME2. Wish me luck.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


QuoteAlso those do not look like Protheans. Just saying.
They're like Vorlons.  They appear differently to everyone  ;)

'Any particular reason you built the Conduit so freaking far from the Archives?'
To confuse attackers?  Or maybe just to piss off any future organic in a rush? :D

So why this is left up to Shepard is anybody's guess but Admiral Hackett sends in the fleet and they drive off the Geth fleet.
Communications are down with the fleet, except with the Normandy (direct comm channel between Sheppard and his ship?) ?
I guess Hackett relies on Shepard's judgement.

Once you defeat Sovereign/Saren Sovereign begins to fall apart. I was never clear on if there is supposed to be a connection, like you weakened Sovereign somehow
Sovereign was running Vista.  Not very good on multi-tasking and splitting stuff accross cores :D

Great AAR, as always :)

I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


ME2 made me nervous the whole time because it was right in that era, before Steam and Origins became almost universal, where if you were a PC user publishers just assumed you were a criminal so there was all this fancy stuff to keep you in line. So before I started this AAR I spent alot of time fucking with ME2 to make sure that all my DLC still worked and I could get the new DLC. So finally the 'Cerberus Network' (ironic name for an anti-crime system) was satisfied and everything seemed to function correctly. So once that was done I started this AAR.

So I went ahead and installed that mod, without first testing ME2 again, and when I logged in the Cerberus Network decided all my DLC were not Kosher and asked me to log in to the Cerberus Network using the ID that bought the DLC. But I only have one login and even if I had multiple ones there is no way to log off the Cerberus Network so I guess I am uninstalling and doing a clean install. Again. For like the fourth time.

Then I will test it again. And then try the mod again.

Fucking ME2 and EA's conviction that I am, in fact, a pirate.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


I remember the tedious Mako run and search for minerals, but I did not remember how many boring and similar parts there were :)

Quote from: Valmy on April 11, 2017, 07:59:48 AM
ME2 made me nervous the whole time because it was right in that era, before Steam and Origins became almost universal, where if you were a PC user publishers just assumed you were a criminal so there was all this fancy stuff to keep you in line. So before I started this AAR I spent alot of time fucking with ME2 to make sure that all my DLC still worked and I could get the new DLC. So finally the 'Cerberus Network' (ironic name for an anti-crime system) was satisfied and everything seemed to function correctly. So once that was done I started this AAR.

So I went ahead and installed that mod, without first testing ME2 again, and when I logged in the Cerberus Network decided all my DLC were not Kosher and asked me to log in to the Cerberus Network using the ID that bought the DLC. But I only have one login and even if I had multiple ones there is no way to log off the Cerberus Network so I guess I am uninstalling and doing a clean install. Again. For like the fourth time.

Then I will test it again. And then try the mod again.

Fucking ME2 and EA's conviction that I am, in fact, a pirate.
Ah, Origin had it free a little while ago.

But right now, you can buy the Digital Deluxe edition for 29.99$.  Or become a member of Origin Access for 29.99$ for one year (4.99$/month) and play it free from there as long as you're a member.

If you have a disk version, there's got to be a way to install it in Origin.  If you have some code with your DVD, try adding it on Origin, it should work from there.

Think I found something:

I think that's what I did with ME2.  Not so sure.
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


I own the game Viper and it is in Origin. It is just that legacy anti-pirate protection that gives me trouble.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Valmy on April 11, 2017, 08:19:16 AM
I own the game Viper and it is in Origin. It is just that legacy anti-pirate protection that gives me trouble.
I know you own the game, but I remember having troubles running it too, and finally solving it, somehow, with Origin.  I'm just trying to find a way to help you :)

We can't stand not reading ME2&3 AAR :)
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


Oh I will get it to work.

One thing EA has that is pretty nice is their online 24 hour customer support that is actually pretty decent. Valve doesn't have anything like that. So if I do a clean install and it is still fucked they can make it work for me. But I really want to play with your fancy graphics mod, I hope that is not the source of the problem.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Ok I got it to work! Going back to read the FAQ on the mod gave me the solution, I mean I read it before but that section didn't mean anything to me at the time.

Ok so my pregame spiel about Mass Effect 2 will soon be posted. Watch this space.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Mass Effect 2 or The One With No Plot

Alright there is a plot but let's just say you tend to forget about it for most of the game.

Ok this game changed a lot of how I felt about Bioware and I think it represents a big change in the direction of the developer. But I think I will talk about that stuff at the end of the Mass Effect 2 section, I think it fits the time between ME2 and ME3 much better. But know this was the last Bioware game I played before I started the Dragon Age AAR two years ago.

Mass Effect 2 is really different from the first game in ways that are surprising given the fact they continue the same character in the same universe. Some of the basic building blocks of the first game are dramatically shifted.


First Mass Effect was really dependent on guns and armor. Sure you had abilities but they were on very long cool downs. Even with tons of biotics you were still shooting things mostly to kill them, even if they were floating in the air.

Mass Effect 2 changes this by making guns far less desirable by introducing an ammo mechanic that rewards you by conserving your shots. In Mass Effect you would just let off your guns from time to time to let off steam. Not in Mass Effect 2, here every damn heat clip is precious. You are now much more dependent on abilities, especially combo moves. You have abilities to take down armor, you have abilities to take down shields, you have abilities to kill organics, you have abilities to kill synthetics. You better spam the hell out of them. You also have heavy weapons which can be used to efficiently kill large groups of enemies or efficiently take out bosses. And again the emphasis is on conserving ammo and resources and being efficient and using your powers constantly.

Armor is now almost useless. Once your shields are down you are in deep shit since the game will cover the screen in blood vessels and all you can hear is Shepards heart beating meaning you will likely panic and it is hard to see what the hell you are doing. You will spend most of the game running for cover or staying in cover since you cannot take a punch anymore. Also, along with guns being less dominant, there is a lot more melee to try to flush you out of cover. Likewise there is little reason to heal anybody anymore since everybody is so squishy so now medigel gets up unconscious squad mates rather than heal anybody.

Mass Effect one got a little bullet spongy and unbalanced so I think overall these changes make the game better. I would criticize the over-reliance on cover, the lame lore reasons they dig up for these changes, and the obsessive need you have to not shoot your gun in a shooter game.


Mass Effect 2 makes each class very specialized and more distinct. My class is still the Inflitrator and in Mass Effect One that meant I had some soldier skills and some Engineer Skills. Here it means I get a tactical cloak so I can move around the battle field for a few seconds without instantly dying. I am basically a rogue assassin now. The other classes are similarly changed. You have much less ability to customize. Which I guess is the price you pay for being more unique and distinct.

The way loot and money is done is changed pretty radically as well. Now the amount of credits you get is tightly controlled and you cannot sell your stuff, not that you get much stuff. Now you just get a few rare fire arms to add to your collection. But you are not constantly upgrading them with better guns from now on. You only have a small handful of weapons for each weapon class and the later ones you get are not necessarily better than the ones you start with, they just have different strengths and weaknesses. The ability to carefully min/max and get tons of credits and super gear is gone. But I guess better balance replaces it.

The levels are now really cut off from the rest of the game in distinct mission segments with a beginning and a summary screen at the end which is more like a shooter than an RPG. It puts pressure on you to do each mission perfectly and get all the credits and minerals and upgrades and guns in each mission.


This is mostly gone. The going down to the surface to find collectibles is over and only a small handful of that kind of side mission content remains. Though they do leave in mining for minerals with another time sink with planet scanning so hurrah!

The DLC gives you a new vehicle though I recall those sections are more linear, like the old Mako parts of the main missions in Mass Effect. But it has been awhile I could be wrong.


This, to me, is one of the most jarring differences. Mass Effect had a very distinct aesthetic and Mass Effect 2 changes it pretty sharply.

Mass Effect is dark and blue; Mass Effect 2 is bright and red (though the amber remains)

Mass Effect is gritty and takes itself very seriously; Mass Effect 2 is more campy

Mass Effect is about world building; Mass Effect 2 is about character building

The music is also different. I cannot really put my finger on it but Mass Effect is more...swelling I guess. Mass Effect 2 is more driving. I don't know how to explain it but I can easily tell a Mass Effect song from a Mass Effect 2 song.

It is definitely a dramatic shift in the series and it will be interesting to experience them again and see how/if it shifts again in Mass Effect 3.

Oh one more thing I get to do in Mass Effect 2:

Oh yeah! Time to die a lot! Just how I like it.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Mass Effect 2 Part One or Damn it Joker!

So it is time to make the transition!

'Alright Commander it is time to go hunt down the Reapers.'

We open with a conversation between a very bloody Australian woman and President Bartlet. Eventually you learn this is Cerberus leader 'The Illusive Man' and his top agent Miranda Lawson.

'You hoped somebody would foil all your evil plans? Oh and I told you this game was red and amber.'

The Council is sending Shepard to fight Geth instead of the Reapers. Again I thought I was free to do whatever I wanted so long as I thought Galactic security was at stake. The Illusive Man whines that being a terrorist organization that regularly murders Alliance military personnel and destroys colonies has made it unlikely anybody would help Cerberus with the Reapers. Miranda points out that...

'Wait weren't you just saying how nobody was following or listening to me?'

Miranda so pretty :wub:

Oh what were we talking about? Right the intro. So Miranda then says that if Shepard is lost all of humanity is DOOMED. The Illusive Man tells her to make sure that he is not lost. Well that's weird what could cause them to lose an invincible space hero like Commander Fucking Shepard?

'See in the last game this font would have been blue.'

But, despite all the fiery speeches and promises the Council mysteriously continues to stubbornly ignore obvious evidence and eye witness testimony and still refuses to believe Shepard. Damn. Is it really realistic to have politicians ignore obvious evidence when their an existential threat looms? I mean there are hardly more than a few hundred examples of that happening throughout history...and today actually. In my own country. Damnit.

But still backtracking on such public decorations such a short time after uttering them is still impressive political cowardice even by American standards. So congrats!

The Normandy is flying by some planet in the Terminus Systems and Pressly is annoyed by the busywork. He gets more lines over the next few seconds than he got in the entire first game. BUT THIS JUST LETS YOU KNOW HE IS DOOMED! A mysterious ship appears and moves to intercept the Normandy despite its stealth drive. Joker prepares for evasive maneuvers. Really I think it would have been smarter just to activate the FTL engines at this point but I am no space tactician.

'Oh wow another huge mysterious warship. It seems like things went badly last time one of those showed up.'

So it shoots some kind of beam weapon at the Normandy, shattering the CIC. Pressly is killed immediately, RIP old bean. Shepard is then seen telling Kaidan to evacuate the ship and call the Alliance Kaidan says Joker will not abadon ship and he is not going either. Well let's see: the hull is breached, the weapon systems are off line, the kinetic barriers are down, and a hostile ship is trying to blow us up. Damnit Kaidan! We didn't choose you over Ashley for you to commit suicide! Shepard orders him to go and he does. But Joker's idiotic refusal to abandon the Normandy means Shepard cannot just get in the escape pods with the rest of the crew. Did I mention the ship is on fire? So from the pod bays Shepard has to walk up the stairs in the back from the second deck and across the ruined CIC, in space mind you, to the cockpit to get Joker who STILL refuses to go even as the big mysterious warship comes back around to finish the job.
So Shepard grabs Joker and carries him back (though really that should have been fatal to him since parts of his skin would be exposed to space but whatever) and puts him in an escape pod. Just then an explosion throws Shepard into space just as he saves Joker.  SO THANKS JOKER. Asshole. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU.

The SSV Normandy then blows up.

'Nearer My God to Thee...'

And Shepard goes floating off into space before seeming to burn up in the atmosphere in the planet they were flying by.

'Goodbye cruel'

So the Normandy blows up and Joker gets Shepard burned up into tiny cinders in the atmosphere of a planet. Well that is pretty definitive...or is it?

Miranda has obtained Shepard's body...which I guess did not burn up in the atmosphere? And she is carrying out The Illusive Man's orders.

'The Lazarus Project eh? Nobody will guess what that project is about.'

For a secretive terrorist organization they need to be more subtle with their codenames.

Here you have the ability to change your class and face but I think I will just go with what I had before.

'My quest to take revenge on Joker has just begun.'

So you get a brief scene where Miranda and some dude named Wilson are freaking out because you woke up early and they shoot you full of sedatives. Soon(?) Miranda is waking you up over a communicator and telling you to get up. The robots are turning on the personnel in the station and you need to get up and start shooting them.

Wait robots? Well ok so the game says that during the battle of the Citadel somebody thought it would have been awesome is they had filled it with lots of killer robots to help beat Saren. But of course that is stupid because in Mass Effect 2 the robots always end up attacking the people they are supposed to be defending so really if they had had robots in the Citadel they probably would have all switched sides anyway. So that is something new and the lame lore explanation for why it is around. The one for why guns are now much worse is even more lame.

So the robots have gone nuts and are killing all the Cerberus people. They may have gone a little nuts with the robots since they seem to outnumber the human security personnel about 15 to 1.

Miranda asks Shepard to get a pistol and a clip and get ready for fighting. Even though this change in weaponry happened after he died Shepard seems to know exactly how to use it.

'Man I am so glad this turned out to be bulletproof glass.'

So you advance through the base with Miranda guiding you along. Shepard hasn't seen so many Cerberus operatives since the last time he was in a Cerberus base. Eventually she cuts off as it sounds like the robots have found her position. So Shepard is on his own. As he goes on he finds video logs of Miranda and Wilson talking about how building him again is going. Weirdly they put these all on different computers.

'That language is most unbecoming of a medical professional Doctor Wilson.'

Shepard finds another person.

'Who the fuck are you?'

It is Cerberus Security Chief Jacob Taylor fighting off more of the incredible volume of robots they had at this facility. So marvelous job with all the security Mr. Taylor. He fills Shepard in with some details. Shepard was dead and they spent the past two years bringing him back to life. The Alliance classified him as KIA and the fuckers did not even give him a posthumous promotion to captain. And Jacob absolutely assured him he is not a clone. Which is comforting. I would hate to think there are more Commander Shepards running around out there.

He has no idea who is behind the attack though.

'The temperature of the fire is not hot enough to melt steel robots!'

Yeah...maybe the head of security is behind it. Oh wait that's you.

As they are chatting the foul mouthed Dr. Wilson calls up and tells them they need to head down this service tunnels. Just before they go they find another log by the good doctor.

'Oh so you think performing the greatest medical miracle of the age entitles you to something from women eh? Pig.'

And strangely the advice from Wilson to go into the service tunnels leads them right into a squad of robots. But Wilson assures them it is all good and keep going to the control room and then he mysteriously gets non-fatally shot. He just happened to be in the room where the robots are controlled from and hey he seemed upset at his employer in his logs. And he insists Miranda is dead and they should just leave her behind and evac the station. Huh. Probably nothing to worry about.

So at this point Jacob lets Shepard know he works for...*drum roll*

'And I see it went about as well as your little Rachni project did.'

Shepard doesn't want to work with vile terrorists but Jacob reminds him that Cerberus did spend a fortune bringing him back from the dead. Well...ok fair enough.

Oh by the way we have cool new minigames to do in this game. And they are both matching games.

One works like memory:

And the other is where you match colored text so I am sure colorblind people love it!

Fun for the whole family or space marine squad.

The number at the top is how many credits you get for solving them so you are always well motivated. At least there are two varieties or games this time (or more? We will see.)

They reach the shuttle bay doors and when Wilson opens them Miranda shows up ecstatic to see her colleague.

'Funny story see I know it looks like I was killing you and stealing Shepard to hold hostage to get money from Cerberus but it is really not what it looks like.'

So she shoots him all badass-like. Shepard is a little taken aback by this lack of due process but then he worked with Garrus in the last game so he should be used to it. She claims Wilson was behind the attack.

'Oh Miranda you so funny.'

She cracks a few other groaners as well. She should probably keep her day job as an evil terrorist super-agent.

So Shepard insists they go back and look for survivors but both Jacob and Miranda are like 'no screw our colleagues only you matter.' And they leave. Jacob has a weird ability to make horrific things sound just fine. 'Yeah they will all die but hey it is just part of the job you know? Let's go.' Ok Jacob you are such a nice dude.

So they take off in the shuttle and go to another Cerberus base to meet the Illusive Man...who is actually not even on the base. Shepard talks to him via hologram.

'Welcome Commander Shepard to a hologram of my secret super nova viewing lair.'

The Illusive Man gives him grave news on the state of the galaxy.

'Dear God man! Destroying human colonies is supposed to be your job!'

Cerberus thinks the Reapers are behind it somehow so he is sending Shepard, Miranda, and Jacob to Freedom's Progress. That is a colony was just cleaned out of colonists and he is hoping they will be the first ones on the spot. Shepard REALLY doesn't like Cerberus but he agrees to go along with it.

Back with his two new best buds Shepard talks a little about the mission. Miranda distrusts Shepard and is eager to see if he can justify Cerberus' investment. She says that the colony is completely unremarkable before the recent disappearance. Huh. She also drops this gem:

'Ok look I am not one to question your tactics but you probably should have kept that piece of information to yourself.'

Miranda was recruited to Cerberus as a young teenager and has been thoroughly indoctrinated to their ways of thinking. Shepard will be keeping an eye on this one...I mean for reasons besides one might normally keep eyes on her.

Jacob is an ex-Alliance special forces guy. He used to do covert operations out beyond Citadel Space but even that was too weighed down by stupid procedures and rules.

'Hey I have a Turian friend I want you to meet. I bet you guys would get along great!'

So with that they pack up and head to the colony. And it is weird everybody just poofed gone but fortunately their security robots are shooting everybody because yeah that is what they do.

Soon they enter a building and discover that they are actually not the first crew on the scene. It is a squad from the Quarian Flotilla and it is being led by none other than Tali'Zorah. Damn small galaxy eh?

'Yes! Do you have any more charming facts about Quarian society to share?'

Since Shepard is actually running into other Quarians now I hope he can still remember all that stuff. Shepard proves it really is him to Tali by reminding her of the Geth data he got her back in part five of Mass Effect. The Quarians are here for a young Quarian named Veetor who was in Freedom's Progress for his pilgrimage. The Quarians really hate Cerberus for raiding the Flotilla during a book that takes place between Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2. It is....ok. Miranda insists it was nothing personal. I can see why she is not Cerberus' top diplomat.

Anyway Veetor is still here in the colony and has hidden in a warehouse on the far side of town and he is the guy ordering the robots to kill everybody. So Shepard and the Quarians head off in that direction to rendezvous near the warehouse.

Unfortunately the Quarians have this crazy idea that Cerberus may want to capture Veetor so they rush ahead and get slaughtered by a giant robot Veetor is controlling. So Shepard and his squad take up positions and Tali opens the doors to the warehouse. AND NOW THE FUN BEGINS!

The Quarian squad gets completely annihilated.

'Stop dying you cowards!'

No wonder the Geth won. Now it is Shepard's turn and he unleashes Miranda's Overload on its shields. Did I mention her powers are amazing? She has overload for shields and synthetics, and Warp for armor and organics. Her class skill buffs everybody's health and damage. So since I am doing insanity I am basically always going to have her in my squad if I can.

'Yeah! Die being! Hey Miranda ran up into that building and annihilated it. I didn't even think of that.'

The stupid thing kept blowing apart the cover but Shepard's cloak helped him stay upright.

At that they collect all the loot and go see Veetor.

He is a little shaken up. He recorded some security footage that shows some kind of weird humanoids hauling away the colonists while some kind of swarm of insects flew around.

'Can you really tell from that? Because that is pretty horrible resolution.'

Man even grainy films are amber. The Collectors are a new species we didn't see in Mass Effect, but they do show up in that ok book. More about them later.

Veetor says they freeze the colonists by using 'seeker swarms' and then just take them away. They didn't take Veetor though. They seem to only care about humans. Veetor helpfully gathered lots of data about the Collectors and recorded it on his Omnitool.

Just showing how WRONG the Quarians were about Cerberus, Miranda immediately asks that we kidnap the Quarian to get more information. Tali frowns on that. Jacob, though comes through.

'So is there anything Cerberus does that you don't rationalize as innocuous Jacob?'

Anyway fortunately Shepard and not those goons are in charge so he agrees to return Veetor to the Quarians and Tali sends him the data. Man Shep works with some psychos.

Shepard goes back to talk to the Illusive Man and he is not surprised at all by the findings. He explains the Collectors are a strange race that rarely appears and when they do they only can be found in the Terminus Systems exchanging their advanced technology for weird genetic samples. Like peaceful Krogans and stupid Salarians. Then they vanish into the Omega 4 relay. No ship that follows them has ever returned. The fact they can manipulate relays like that makes the Illusive Man sure the Reapers are involved.

So he wants Shepard to go through this relay nobody has ever returned from and take care of it.

To do this Shepard needs to assemble a team.

'Oh great where are they? Oh...I have to go get them?'

Oh sure he can raise the dead but he needs me to go assemble a few mercs. He also has found a pilot for Shepard. Oh great who is he?


Great. Do I really want a guy whose bad judgment got me killed on this mission?

Next: Meet the new crew! And return to the Citadel
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Wait robots? Well ok so the game says that during the battle of the Citadel somebody thought it would have been awesome is they had filled it with lots of killer robots to help beat Saren. But of course that is stupid because in Mass Effect 2 the robots always end up attacking the people they are supposed to be defending so really if they had had robots in the Citadel they probably would have all switched sides anyway.
Everything has happenned before.  Everything will happen again.  ;)

Even though this change in weaponry happened after he died Shepard seems to know exactly how to use it.
He's an highly trained soldier, not a civilian.  He might have had knowledge of some prototype weapon too.

I would hate to think there are more Commander Shepards running around out there.
:ph34r: :shutup:

Btw, to scan the minerals, only worry about rich and super rich planets, it will be enough.  once they drop to poor or moderate, leave for another.
I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


Man, I hated the minigames in this game.  I eventually just gave up on the whole thing because I didn't want to play them.  So, I'm glad for this AAR, so I'll finally get to see what I missed.
The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.   -G'Kar



Peeps on the tube likely thought I was crazy, chuckling to myself. :D :thumbsup:
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Quote from: viper37 on April 14, 2017, 01:02:28 PM
Everything has happenned before.  Everything will happen again.  ;)

I knew those damn robots would be trouble! And yes I refuse to call them 'mechs'. This isn't Battletech Bioware.

He's an highly trained soldier, not a civilian.  He might have had knowledge of some prototype weapon too.

Yes yes yes. They should have just changed it and pretended it was always that way. Trying to pretend that shittier weapons are some kind of advance is ridiculous.

:ph34r: :shutup:

Wait...really? Am I a clone? Woah. *mind blown*

QuoteBtw, to scan the minerals, only worry about rich and super rich planets, it will be enough.  once they drop to poor or moderate, leave for another.

Yes I know how it goes. Mass Effect 2 is all about conservation of resources. You don't want to use valuable credits mining moderate planets.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."