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Started by Korea, March 10, 2009, 06:24:26 AM

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Quote from: Tamas on Today at 03:50:56 PMLol thank you all.

I was just thinking reading a terrible summary of adult hand foot mouth disease that if I ever had the child version of this myself like my son is having it, it was 40 years and over a thousand miles away, so my immunity is probably zero

So I, too, absolutely went through the phase where my kids were in daycare and brought home every communicable disease known to man.

The flip-side though is - and no doubt this is in part from my kids living through Covid - is my now-14 year old son insists on washing his hands like 20,000 times per day, going through soap like they're going to stop making the stuff, and having his hands completely cracked and bleeding all the time.

But at least he doesn't bring home any germs.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Training the immune system is a good thing though, and let's be grateful that most of the really nasty shit is not really an issue in our neck of the woods. It used to be different, and if we aren't careful it will be different againt


Quote from: Crazy_Ivan80 on Today at 04:29:50 PMTraining the immune system is a good thing though, and let's be grateful that most of the really nasty shit is not really an issue in our neck of the woods. It used to be different, and if we aren't careful it will be different againt

I get so God-damn angry at anti-vaxxers.

I remember my grandfather when I was a kid.  He was a polio survivor back from the 50s.  He survived, but his one leg was permanently paralyzed.  He was lucky - lots of people didn't survive.  He died in the 1980s from a heart attack.  It may well have been just because men of his era didn't have the best diets - but an excellent chance it was also from post-polio syndrome.

But the thing is nobody gets polio anymore because of vaccines.  Except of course it hasn't been completely eradicated, still surviving in the wild in Pakistan, and may well make a comeback if people keep refusing vaccines.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Indeed. Same goes for overuseage of antibiotics. That's creating nightmares of diseases, things we may not be able cure at all.


Anti-vaxxers are the worst of the worst. I can at least understand the motives / arguments of gun owners, death penalty advocates and anti-abortionists even if I disagree with it. But the anti-vaxxers are just pure evil. Of course there is a lot of overlap between them and the others.


To be fair as with most shitty groups I think anti vaxers are a coalition of a small number of very evil arse holes leading a large number of morons (many with cuntish tendencies).

I get how for instance fitness nut anti vaxers come to their conclusions. They don't understand science. Their body is a temple and they don't want any "chemicals" inside it. Stupid as shit. But not necessarily evil.