Ladies and Gentlemen, I have found the greatest site ever

Started by Fireblade, June 06, 2009, 06:13:11 PM

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This quickly turned into a trainwreck :D

QuoteYou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: where are you from?
Stranger: spain you?
You: America
You: rather late there, no?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: i come back the party
You: lol
Stranger: haha
Stranger: men
Stranger: im a hot women
You: cool :)
Stranger: wet pussy!
You: ohh yeah
Stranger: years?
You: what do you think about Generalissimo Franco?
You: he was a great man
Stranger: he is a best in the world!
Stranger: do you know him?
You: yes
You: the only bad part about Franco
Stranger: why?
You: is that he's still not alive today
Stranger: yes
Stranger: i hate
Stranger: i'm comunist
You: ah, comunista :)
Stranger: fuck franco
Stranger: pole
You: tu amores son las colores
Stranger: ??
Stranger: eso no tiene sentido
You: que es sentido?
Stranger: hablas algo de español?
You: lol. un poco
You: just what I learn from Mexicans
Stranger: fuch mexicans and sur-americans
You: yeah they're all a bunch of dirty wetbacks
You: fucking dagos
Stranger: i hate fucking mexicqans imigrantes
You: do they steal your jobs?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: in every jobs work fuck panchitos
You: lol
You: where in Spain are you from?
Stranger: and rumanos
Stranger: barcelona
You: I fucking HATE gypsies
Stranger: do you know?
You: ah, Catalan
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: no teneis ni puta idea de geografia verdad?
Stranger: do you know barça team¿¿
You: yeah I know barca
Stranger: the best team
You: I don't have any fucking idea where it is?
You: is that what you said?
Stranger: soccer team
Stranger: champions europe
You: no, "no teneis ni puta idea de geografia verdad?"
Stranger: against manchester
You: in Ingles, por favor :P
You: yes I know where the fuck Catalonia is
You: Barca sucks
Stranger: you sucks
Stranger: and all american retardes
You: you're just as dirty as the mexicans
You: shave the mustache off your face, dago
Stranger: i0m have more money than you and you family
You: lol right I'm sure you do
Stranger: im have a BMW m3...
You: you have millions of worthless pesos
Stranger: i have 20k in my pocket
You: how much is that in real money, like $5?
Stranger: 4,3 euros
You: I hope you're robbed and raped by a bunch of gypsies
Stranger: tu putamadre
Stranger: se folla a todo dios ono?
You: lol, if you're going to insult me
You: do it in English
You: not that fucking gibberish
You: puta
Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Quote from: PDH on April 25, 2009, 05:58:55 PM
"Dysthymia?  Did they get some student from the University of Chicago with a hard-on for ancient Bactrian cities to name this?  I feel cheated."


That's what I hate about Spanish people. They speak dago to me and expect me to understand what the fuck they're saying. Like I want to learn a dirty language.


QuoteYou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: you know what?
You: what?
Stranger: I LOVE YOU
You: I love you too.
Stranger: XD
You: are you on drugs?
You: because I sure as fuck am
Stranger: haha
Stranger: nope
Stranger: that's illegal and hard to get from here
You: where is "here"?
Stranger: japan

Somehow, I'm not surprised. :P


Jesus, this is like having an endless series of chats with bmolsson. :bleeding:

Martinus, Tamas, I give you guys shit for being Europeans, but at least I can understand what the fuck you're saying. Even if you talk like Russians.


QuoteYou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: asian?
You: yes
Stranger: ew
Your conversational partner has disconnected.



rofl, Jaron:

QuoteYou: do you live near oarfish?
Stranger: kinda
Stranger: by the park?
You: yes, meet me there in 10 minutes, okay?!!!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Quote from: Fireblade on June 07, 2009, 01:39:48 AM
rofl, Jaron:

QuoteYou: do you live near oarfish?
Stranger: kinda
Stranger: by the park?
You: yes, meet me there in 10 minutes, okay?!!!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Are you gonna go?


Winner of THE grumbler point.


Stranger: what do you do?
You: I teach english
Stranger: oh
Stranger: in public school?
You: yes
Stranger: oh
Stranger: then you can teach me very well :)
You: yes....
You: but you seem to be very well educated already
Stranger: no :(
You: no more training is necessary
You: have that which you need
Stranger: Thanks but my conversation is not good :)
Stranger: and
Stranger: my grammar skill is not good and many koreans have same problems
You: The intelligence of your race is beneath that of many animals, but you have spirit and tenacity
You: That is what really counts
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: that comments have some problems
Stranger: but I would think you preise me
You: Isn't that praise?
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: it's my error and I think you would understand :)
You: I understand
Stranger: you're so kind
You: Thank you, I do try
Stranger: ok :)
Stranger: Have you teach someone who can speak english?
Stranger: ah
Stranger: can-> can't
You: Of course
You: mostly Mexicans, and if those mongrels can learn, surely other races of beastmen are not beyond my aid
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: I think you say like a racist
You: I think you misunderstand me
Stranger: well I would be
Stranger: but I think that saying some people 'beastmen' is not so good thing
You: Haven't you heard that term before?
Stranger: yeah but I think that is a word similar to beast, and if I misunderstood you I'm so sorry
Stranger: plz explain meaning of that word
You: the word has more than one meaning..not beast in animal, but beast as in 'foreign'
Stranger: aha
You: so for example, as an american, a beastman is anyone who isn't from the USA
Stranger: you're a good teacher and I learned a important thing
You: Thank you :)
Stranger: sorry for my misunderstanding
You: It is my pleasure as a teacher to enlighten a student. :)

I'm sure I violated some code of ethics, but who cares? :lol: I'm Jaron.
Winner of THE grumbler point.


Quote from: Fireblade on June 07, 2009, 01:39:48 AM
rofl, Jaron:

QuoteYou: do you live near oarfish?
Stranger: kinda
Stranger: by the park?
You: yes, meet me there in 10 minutes, okay?!!!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.





I need someone to translate from Korean :(

QuoteConnecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi! where r u from? ^^
You: hi
You: Serbia
You: you?
Stranger: Korea
Stranger: Do you know Korea?
You: yes
You: listen
You: can you sell me some uranium?
Stranger: ha..
Stranger: uranium??
You: aren't you the guys making nukes? Serbia must be great again. we need nuclear weapons
Stranger: 뭐라씨부리세여
Stranger: 우리핵무기없어여
Stranger: 저희핵무기만드는지도몰라여
Stranger: 세르비아가어딘지도모르구여
Stranger: ok?
You: whats that jibberish?
Stranger: Korean
Stranger: ok?
You: serbian wise men predicts
You: that by 2022, 15% of Korea's population will be Serb
Stranger: 지랄염병떨지마시구
You: and your country will be taken over by us in 2040, the latest
Stranger: 뭔세르비아가한국인구의15퍼?
You: by that time we will have most of Europe
Stranger: Are you crazy?
You: and turkey
Stranger: Thank you
Stranger: you too
Stranger: you turkey
Stranger: ok?
You: uhm
You: Turkey as in the country we wiped the floor with
Your conversational partner has disconnected.]


I think I chatted to Molian

QuoteYou: hi
Stranger: sybersex?
You: no
You: and it's spelled "Cybersex"
Stranger: cybersex?
Stranger: :D
You: no
Stranger: ok
Stranger: where r u from
You: anyways you sort of need the a.s.l. first
Stranger: why
You: norway, you?
Stranger: turkey
You: age sex location
Stranger: 19 m istanbul
Stranger: u
You: 34 m trondheim
Stranger: wauw
Stranger: old mn
Stranger: man
Stranger: :d
You: old?
You: wtf?
First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.


Quote from: Jaron on June 07, 2009, 02:17:04 AM
Stranger: what do you do?
You: I teach english
Stranger: oh
Stranger: in public school?
You: yes
Stranger: oh
Stranger: then you can teach me very well :)
You: yes....
You: but you seem to be very well educated already
Stranger: no :(
You: no more training is necessary
You: have that which you need
Stranger: Thanks but my conversation is not good :)
Stranger: and
Stranger: my grammar skill is not good and many koreans have same problems
You: The intelligence of your race is beneath that of many animals, but you have spirit and tenacity
You: That is what really counts
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: that comments have some problems
Stranger: but I would think you preise me
You: Isn't that praise?
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: it's my error and I think you would understand :)
You: I understand
Stranger: you're so kind
You: Thank you, I do try
Stranger: ok :)
Stranger: Have you teach someone who can speak english?
Stranger: ah
Stranger: can-> can't
You: Of course
You: mostly Mexicans, and if those mongrels can learn, surely other races of beastmen are not beyond my aid
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: I think you say like a racist
You: I think you misunderstand me
Stranger: well I would be
Stranger: but I think that saying some people 'beastmen' is not so good thing
You: Haven't you heard that term before?
Stranger: yeah but I think that is a word similar to beast, and if I misunderstood you I'm so sorry
Stranger: plz explain meaning of that word
You: the word has more than one meaning..not beast in animal, but beast as in 'foreign'
Stranger: aha
You: so for example, as an american, a beastman is anyone who isn't from the USA
Stranger: you're a good teacher and I learned a important thing
You: Thank you :)
Stranger: sorry for my misunderstanding
You: It is my pleasure as a teacher to enlighten a student. :)

I'm sure I violated some code of ethics, but who cares? :lol: I'm Jaron.

LOL classic Jaron. Sorry, FB, but Jaron is better at this than you. :D