Ladies and Gentlemen, I have found the greatest site ever

Started by Fireblade, June 06, 2009, 06:13:11 PM

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Quote from: Viking on June 07, 2009, 03:58:03 AM
I think I chatted to Molian

QuoteYou: hi
Stranger: sybersex?
You: no
You: and it's spelled "Cybersex"
Stranger: cybersex?
Stranger: :D
You: no
Stranger: ok
Stranger: where r u from
You: anyways you sort of need the a.s.l. first
Stranger: why
You: norway, you?
Stranger: turkey
You: age sex location
Stranger: 19 m istanbul
Stranger: u
You: 34 m trondheim
Stranger: wauw
Stranger: old mn
Stranger: man
Stranger: :d
You: old?
You: wtf?

Dude 34 is way old to a 19 y.o.


First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.


Quote from: Viking on June 07, 2009, 04:07:57 AM
Quote from: Martinus on June 07, 2009, 04:00:44 AM

Dude 34 is way old to a 19 y.o.

for cybersex?
Especially for cybersex. What's the point of cybersex if you are not going to pretend to be someone better looking and younger than you really are? :P


Quote from: Tamas on June 07, 2009, 03:57:41 AM
I need someone to translate from Korean :(

QuoteConnecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi! where r u from? ^^
You: hi
You: Serbia
You: you?
Stranger: Korea
Stranger: Do you know Korea?
You: yes
You: listen
You: can you sell me some uranium?
Stranger: ha..
Stranger: uranium??
You: aren't you the guys making nukes? Serbia must be great again. we need nuclear weapons
Stranger: 뭐라씨부리세여 What's Division of the three
Stranger: 우리핵무기없어여 No Nuclear Weapons us
Stranger: 저희핵무기만드는지도몰라여 We create nuclear weapons; I never did
Stranger: 세르비아가어딘지도모르구여 No idea Serbia structure
Stranger: ok?
You: whats that jibberish?
Stranger: Korean
Stranger: ok?
You: serbian wise men predicts
You: that by 2022, 15% of Korea's population will be Serb
Stranger: 지랄염병떨지마시구 Bloody hell typhoid fever pitch don't trembling
You: and your country will be taken over by us in 2040, the latest
Stranger: 뭔세르비아가한국인구의15퍼? South Korea's population stinking of Serbia's 15?
You: by that time we will have most of Europe
Stranger: Are you crazy?
You: and turkey
Stranger: Thank you
Stranger: you too
Stranger: you turkey
Stranger: ok?
You: uhm
You: Turkey as in the country we wiped the floor with
Your conversational partner has disconnected.]
Added one translation of the korean from a language translator program.
And here's one from babelfish:
You: aren't you the guys making nukes? Serbia must be great again. we need nuclear weapons
Stranger: What about seed beak tax
Stranger: There are not our nuclear weapons, the woman.
Stranger: Our nuclear weapon the map not knowing woman whom makes.
Stranger: Serbia [e] [tin] about map wool [lu] nine.
Stranger: ok?
You: whats that jibberish?
Stranger: Korean
Stranger: ok?
You: serbian wise men predicts
You: that by 2022, 15% of Korea's population will be Serb
Stranger: The epileptic fit epidemic does not tremble to stop, nine.
You: and your country will be taken over by us in 2040, the latest
Stranger: [mwen] Serbia 15 of the soup populations which inflict ladles?

The Brain

QuoteOur nuclear weapon the map not knowing woman whom makes.

Hmmm, I've heard this before.
Women want me. Men want to be with me.


Quote from: Martinus on June 07, 2009, 04:10:08 AM
Quote from: Viking on June 07, 2009, 04:07:57 AM
Quote from: Martinus on June 07, 2009, 04:00:44 AM

Dude 34 is way old to a 19 y.o.

for cybersex?
Especially for cybersex. What's the point of cybersex if you are not going to pretend to be someone better looking and younger than you really are? :P

Hi, I'm amber 18/f/Oahu and I want to party!

First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.

Eddie Teach

Seems Jaron and Fireblade aren't alone.

QuoteStranger: hi
You: howdy
Stranger: from?
You: Atlanta
You: you?
Stranger: moon
Stranger: age ?
You: I hear Neil Armstrong is a good dancer, is that true?
Stranger: i dont know
You: did you meet him when he visited?
Stranger: no
You: have you met any astronauts?
Stranger: no i dont want to
Stranger: í can but dont want 2
Stranger: how old are you ?
You: pretty old
Stranger: tell the age then i will ell mine
Stranger: ill*
You: ok
Stranger: ok
Stranger: im 824
You: lol
You: what's the lifespan of a typical lunar resident?
Stranger: i dont know im only 824 not 1849
You: are there many others like you?
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: the moon is full of us
You: how much do you know of earthlings?
Stranger: a bit
Stranger: and how im online teleporting
You: you're teleporting?
Stranger: Yes i think it is called that way on human languege
Stranger: and sorry im dont so good in this
Stranger: spelling
You: have you ever seen a show called Star Trek?
Stranger: no i dont look tv thats is my brother doing
You: ah, well, they have people in one location dematerialize and instantly materialize somewhere else
You: which is what "teleporting" means
Stranger: i can be online via mybrain
You: ah, so you don't need a computer?
Stranger: well i gotta go to eat steel see ya and no i dont need a computer
You: ok take it easy pal
Stranger: i love mothers steel
Stranger: bye
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


Its quite a task to strike a balance between silly and dumb.
QuoteStranger: whaddup
You: what? whats whaddup?
Stranger: It means how do u do
You: oh. How strange. Never heard that one before.
Stranger: where u from?
You: Norway
Stranger: age, sex?
You: 21, no thank you wrong time on month
Stranger: kiddin me?
Stranger: i mean male or female?
You: oh
You: well the time of month reference should have gave insight there
You: unless men get that...I suppose they do. Unless they have sex with each other then.
Stranger: ye
You: Are you a man? Do you do that?
Stranger: I ain't no freaken faggot
You: I don't know what one of those is
You: its something to do with wood my dictionary says...but thats strange.
You: freaken just isn't in there
Stranger: well it's like "goddamn"
You: I ain't no goddamn bundle of sticks....I suppose it is one of those things that cannot translate literally
You: like tunfisk i håret mitt
Stranger: shit, Im outta


Quote from: Tyr on June 07, 2009, 12:09:48 PM
Its quite a task to strike a balance between silly and dumb.
QuoteStranger: whaddup
You: what? whats whaddup?
Stranger: It means how do u do
You: oh. How strange. Never heard that one before.
Stranger: where u from?
You: Norway
Stranger: age, sex?
You: 21, no thank you wrong time on month
Stranger: kiddin me?
Stranger: i mean male or female?
You: oh
You: well the time of month reference should have gave insight there
You: unless men get that...I suppose they do. Unless they have sex with each other then.
Stranger: ye
You: Are you a man? Do you do that?
Stranger: I ain't no freaken faggot
You: I don't know what one of those is
You: its something to do with wood my dictionary says...but thats strange.
You: freaken just isn't in there
Stranger: well it's like "goddamn"
You: I ain't no goddamn bundle of sticks....I suppose it is one of those things that cannot translate literally
You: like tunfisk i håret mitt
Stranger: shit, Im outta
something to do with wood   :lmfao:


Quote from: Viking on June 07, 2009, 03:58:03 AM
I think I chatted to Molian

Yeah, there does seem to be a lot of randy Turkish guys on there. I told one I was a 20 year old Swedish girl and he instantly started complimenting me (despite never having seen me...) and bugging me for my msn :lol:

Eddie Teach

QuoteStranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: how horny are you?
You: not very
Stranger: can you get horny?
You: not without my pills :(
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


QuoteYou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: r u a girl?
You: yes
Stranger: age?
You: where are you from?
You: 19
You: you?
Stranger: omg sa!!!!!
Stranger: Englan
Stranger: d
You: oh cool :)
Stranger: name?
You: where in England?
You: Zoe
You: i am from greece
Stranger: bedfors
Stranger: nice name
You: hehe
You: whats urs?
Stranger: im a boii
Stranger: AwsafAhmed
Stranger: wots yah msn?
You: [email protected]
You: add me :)
Stranger: i did
Stranger: ur not online

Simultaneously, on MSN...

QuoteStephen says:
[email protected] says:
[email protected] says:


QuoteYou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: asl?
Stranger: f
You: kewl
You: me too
You: where r u from?
Stranger: germany
Stranger: and you?
You: israel
Stranger: i like israel
You: its a nice country
You: where in germany do u live
Stranger: stuttgart and you?
You: tel bashir
You: have u heard of it?
Stranger: of course
You: hehe
You: it's strange livin here
Stranger: xD
You: it is in west bank
Stranger: ok
Stranger: how old r u?
You: 19
You: u?
Stranger: 22
You: hehe cool
Stranger: do you go to school or study?
You: well
You: not right now..
You: i am in the IDF
Stranger: whats that?
You: israel defense force
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Anti-semitism is alive and well in Germany? :(


Quote from: Jaron on June 07, 2009, 02:17:04 AM
Stranger: what do you do?
You: I teach english
Stranger: oh
Stranger: in public school?
You: yes
Stranger: oh
Stranger: then you can teach me very well :)
You: yes....
You: but you seem to be very well educated already
Stranger: no :(
You: no more training is necessary
You: have that which you need
Stranger: Thanks but my conversation is not good :)
Stranger: and
Stranger: my grammar skill is not good and many koreans have same problems
You: The intelligence of your race is beneath that of many animals, but you have spirit and tenacity
You: That is what really counts
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: that comments have some problems
Stranger: but I would think you preise me
You: Isn't that praise?
Stranger: sorry
Stranger: it's my error and I think you would understand :)
You: I understand
Stranger: you're so kind
You: Thank you, I do try
Stranger: ok :)
Stranger: Have you teach someone who can speak english?
Stranger: ah
Stranger: can-> can't
You: Of course
You: mostly Mexicans, and if those mongrels can learn, surely other races of beastmen are not beyond my aid
Stranger: hmm
Stranger: I think you say like a racist
You: I think you misunderstand me
Stranger: well I would be
Stranger: but I think that saying some people 'beastmen' is not so good thing
You: Haven't you heard that term before?
Stranger: yeah but I think that is a word similar to beast, and if I misunderstood you I'm so sorry
Stranger: plz explain meaning of that word
You: the word has more than one meaning..not beast in animal, but beast as in 'foreign'
Stranger: aha
You: so for example, as an american, a beastman is anyone who isn't from the USA
Stranger: you're a good teacher and I learned a important thing
You: Thank you :)
Stranger: sorry for my misunderstanding
You: It is my pleasure as a teacher to enlighten a student. :)

I'm sure I violated some code of ethics, but who cares? :lol: I'm Jaron.

That is just excellent Jaron.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

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