Ebola and other Epidemics, Inadequate Healthcare Threatens Millions

Started by mongers, March 23, 2014, 04:48:59 PM

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Quote from: jimmy olsen on October 17, 2014, 02:14:31 AM
Famine is starting to set in. :(

That, at least, should be a straightforward problem to fix.  Plenty of government subsidized over farming in the West.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: alfred russel on October 16, 2014, 09:46:32 PM
The panic we need to galvanize the masses against this disease is also what is causing the overreaction that makes the current state disastrous. It is a paradox. Whoa.

It's an easy paradox to reconcile, since it's a simple misattribution.  The countries' infrastructures are being decimated by the panic, not the disease.  To steal yet another cliche, the tail is wagging the dog.
Experience bij!

alfred russel

Quote from: jimmy olsen on October 17, 2014, 02:14:31 AM
Famine is starting to set in. :(

:( While unpleasant, this is likely the beginning of the end. Humans can only survive for 28 days without food. With starvation already setting in, it will likely be only a week or two more before the infected perish, leaving the survivors to pick up the pieces.
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.

There's a fine line between salvation and drinking poison in the jungle.

I'm embarrassed. I've been making the mistake of associating with you. It won't happen again. :)
-garbon, February 23, 2014


I have always hated the "czar" bullshit.  How fucking infantile.


Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 17, 2014, 01:24:25 PM
I have always hated the "czar" bullshit.  How fucking infantile.

Do you mean the media's use of the title, or the tendency to appoint a point person to deal with specific issues?


Quote from: Jacob on October 17, 2014, 01:26:57 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 17, 2014, 01:24:25 PM
I have always hated the "czar" bullshit.  How fucking infantile.

Do you mean the media's use of the title, or the tendency to appoint a point person to deal with specific issues?


No he just hates anything to do with pre-revolutionary Russia.

"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"


Quote from: Jacob on October 17, 2014, 01:26:57 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 17, 2014, 01:24:25 PM
I have always hated the "czar" bullshit.  How fucking infantile.

Do you mean the media's use of the title, or the tendency to appoint a point person to deal with specific issues?

The media's--and the government's--use of the title.  It's stupid.  Drug czar.  Cybersecurity czar.  Biz czar, you ask me. Why not a Drug Duke?  Drug Dauphin?  It's sztupid.

Monger's quote is a close 2nd.  Why not an Ebola Commissar?  DONT TURN AROUND


Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 17, 2014, 04:11:10 PM
Quote from: Jacob on October 17, 2014, 01:26:57 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 17, 2014, 01:24:25 PM
I have always hated the "czar" bullshit.  How fucking infantile.

Do you mean the media's use of the title, or the tendency to appoint a point person to deal with specific issues?

The media's--and the government's--use of the title.  It's stupid.  Drug czar.  Cybersecurity czar.  Biz czar, you ask me. Why not a Drug Duke?  Drug Dauphin?  It's sztupid.

Monger's quote is a close 2nd.  Why not an Ebola Commissar?  DONT TURN AROUND

US Presidents appointing a czar has a long history - it goes back as far as Woodrow Wilson appointing an "industry czar" in 1920.

Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


QuoteIt was Franklin Roosevelt, though, who solidified the trend.

"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."

I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.



I'm with Money on this, but I've ranted about it on languish before.

Eddie Teach

Just curious, but by your lights are you ranting about it now?
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?

Admiral Yi

He's berserker by Max standards.

Czar is weird, but the alternative is some snoozer of a bureacratic title like chief coordinator.

Richard Hakluyt

Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 17, 2014, 01:24:25 PM
I have always hated the "czar" bullshit.  How fucking infantile.


Yeah, I absolutely agree with you; news of a new "Czar" always raises my blood pressure and gets me fulminating.

Perhaps more importantly I've never noticed these "Czars" ever achieving much  :hmm:

Perhaps they are just an update on a Royal Commission.


Quote from: Admiral Yi on October 17, 2014, 04:34:51 PM
He's berserker by Max standards.

Czar is weird, but the alternative is some snoozer of a bureacratic title like chief coordinator.

Well they do all have bureaucratic titles too.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."

I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.