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Ukraine's European Revolution?

Started by Sheilbh, December 03, 2013, 07:39:37 AM

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Courtesy of the comments section of The Guardian:

[Long rant about how Russia is a poor misunderstood victim since, well, always]

QuoteIs it really possible that the European public has no clue what was done to Ukraine? Are the men and women of the continent that lives in hallucination, that it is well educated and well informed, really unaware how its own governments have created and supported that 'opposition movement' in Kiev; a movement full of fascists and bigots?

Unfortunately, it is possible, and it is to be expected!

After working in some one hundred and fifty countries, in all the continents, I have finally come to the absolutely clear conclusion: there is no part of the world as brainwashed, so programmed, so indoctrinated, as are both Europe and North America.

There are no people so out of sync with the global reality; people so naively and willing to follow the religious doctrine of market fundamentalism and the self-righteous belief that they, and only they, are the sole guardians of democracy, freedom and virtue, on this planet.

The world is once again in flames, and both Europe and North America (let us please not pretend for one second longer, that the Empire is actually somehow divided between that bad United States and that 'moderate' Europe) are bulldozing, demolishing, moving out of their way everything that is still standing straight and proud; everything that is defending those who used to be defenseless, everything and everyone who is dreaming about, and actually building egalitarian and decent societies.

And the great majority of Europeans are clapping. They read their propaganda sheets and they are clapping. And they are engaged in pathetic pseudo-intellectual discussions, (while sipping, Oh! – In such a sophisticated manner, their refined wine and beer), while millions are being murdered by implementing their bigoted 'interests'.

Entire nations are, again, bleeding, in order to make sure that millions of French or Italian farmers can drive their luxury BMW's (oh, sorry, in Europe they are not marketed as luxury, but as 'reliable cars'), consuming enormous subsidies, for producing and often for not producing anything at all.

The subsidies are paid with the blood of African and Asian people.

How many people in poor countries have to die, so some grandma in Germany or the Czech Republic can go to a doctor, for free, again and again, simply because she is lonely or bored staying at home?

Should there be free medical treatment for all? Yes! Yes. It should be free, and for all. But not just for Europeans, while the rest of the world has to pay the going rate!

How many countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America have to be destabilized, so that the Empire can enjoy its privileges? So that the rich there can be even more obnoxiously rich, and even the poorest citizens can afford to live way above those who belong to the middle classes in the countries that are still being plundered by the West?


Now, please, I am not trying to be funny and I am not trying to play with words: I am honestly wondering... I am humbly asking: "Are people in the West, particularly in Europe... are they pretending that they don't know what is happening in Syria, Venezuela, Thailand and now, particularly, in Ukraine? Or have they simply turned into a cynical assembly of brainwashed degenerates?

Where is that fabled diversity? Where is intellectual courage?

Where are huge demonstrations shaking Paris, Rome, Berlin; demonstrations trying to bring down governments that have been destabilizing a huge European nation – Ukraine, while provoking Russia, the nation that saved the world from Nazism and later helped to liberate many African and Asian nations from the claws of colonialism?

Where are those loud voices protesting against the antagonizing Russia? Don't Europeans know their own history? Russia is not an aggressor; it has been a victim, for at least a hundred years. Russia was attacked by Europe, again and again, and in just one century, tens of millions of Russian people were slaughtered by European fascists, imperialists and 'democrats'.

Russia was attacked at the onset of the WWI, then again, after the 1917 Bolshevik revolution, by a joint invasion of US and UK troops. Russia was also attacked by Czech legions, fighting their way to the front, against the Austro-Hungarian Empire (and getting there by circling the globe). Czech legions occupied almost the entire area surrounding the Trans-Siberian railroad, raping, looting, and murdering indiscriminately as they progressed.

Then WWII came, before which, both France and the UK sacrificed just about everything that stood in the way of the Nazis towards the Soviet Union. And yes, then the war itself took at least twenty million lives. Soviet people vanished in an enormous struggle against Nazism.

Half of my family, of my ancestors, vanished there too, during the siege of Leningrad.

The Cold War was next, and finally that most cynical and Machiavellian act by the West: dragging the USSR into Afghanistan, and destroying it, using jihadi cadres from the Middle East, from South and Southeast Asia.

Finally, the Western puppet – 'opposition democrat', Boris Yeltsin – an alcoholic with a clearly decomposing brain, was helped by Western powers, to grab power. And when the Parliament and the Russian people rebelled, Yeltsin sent the tanks in against both Members of Russian Parliament, and the people on the streets. The Western lackey mass media cheered: "Democracy! Victory!"

Thousands of unarmed people died. The 5th Column smashed the Soviet Union to pieces, using lies, using vicious propaganda that came from Washington, London and elsewhere.

And then the West stood suddenly unopposed. It appeared that there was nothing blocking its way, towards absolute control of the world, anymore.

Colonialist nightmares from the past returned. The world became mono-polar. With only one dogma, one ideology, and only one Empire.

And in just a few years after the Soviet Union 'collapsed', it became total... Total shit


Is Europe so indoctrinated, is it propagandized to the point that it is really not actually able to recognize, anymore, what their regime has been doing, all over the world?

For years, the West in general, and the European Union in particular, have been destabilizing Ukraine, paying for its 'opposition'... Wait; damn... what are we talking about? Everybody knows it, right? No? Really? Not everyone?

It is not about 'proof' or 'the avalanche of information'. For years, for decades I have been amassing proof and arguments about the horrendous and unthinkable crimes that the West had been committing on all the continents of the world. I have been painstakingly researching what was going on, sometimes risking my life or ruining my health, sometimes doing it without being supported by anything or anyone... actually, that was the scenario, most of the time.

I was doing it because I believed; I believed like an idiot, I believed day and night, that my findings would shock the world, particularly the West... That it will shame the European and North American dictators... That what I show will enrage the public... That the horrors that I had witnessed all over the world, will finally end... you know: That bloody idiotic fairytale world of mine: "People will see the truth and force the monsters who are ruling them, to stop killing human beings everywhere on this beautiful planet."

Today, I have to declare, publicly: I was a fool!

I failed to move people, of course! I tried. I even dropped the journalistic style in my writing, and I began writing as a poet, as the novelist that I am.

I did it because I realized that nobody cares only about facts! There are facts everywhere. Everything is documented. Coups all over the world, financed and planned by the US – it is all available, easily accessible. Yet nobody bothers to read about it!

I tried other tactics – novels, films, journalism mixed with poetry. Nothing! Nothing pushed Westerners to the barricades.

Yes, people like me, we are failing to move, to touch, those who are committing crimes against humanity... and also those who are benefiting from enormous global plunder.

Those, mostly well-fed masses, don't give a shit: in Europe, or in the United States. Their governments and companies rule the world, and at least most of the citizens of those countries – Those that get some crumbs. Their level of understanding, their political awareness is way below those in Africa, Latin America and Asia, those very people who are being constantly robbed and sacrificed.

To know and to understand... that would make many Europeans and North Americans uncomfortable... That would mean having to take responsibility; to be co-responsible for the crimes committed by Western governments and multi-nationals. It would mean, god forbid, to take action.


In one recent Reuters article, an author argued that China is watching what Russia is doing. Of course, from the tone of the article, right from the beginning, it was clear that, that what Russia, China, Iran and other countries that disagree with 'Western-style democracy and capitalism' are thinking and doing is absolutely wrong.

Without inviting Russian, Chinese or Venezuelan polemicists, the author selected the 'grievances' of the world, saying that the West should face criticism, by some, for Kosovo and maybe for Libya... Although such criticism would be wrong...

Such a degree of self-discipline and propaganda would be fitting for German newspapers in the 1930's and 40's. And it is becoming the norm in both Europe and North America, as well as in many countries in the 'developing world', where information is fully controlled by Western funding, training programs and other means of arm twisting.

The propaganda coming out of Europe is so mighty, so potent, that it has blurred the eyes of even those that live in the former colonies of the West, including China, India and Indonesia.

It is not about Kosovo and it is not only about Libya, damn it!

In Yugoslavia, which I covered intensively from all sides, the West destroyed an entire country, a great country, one of the founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement (Indonesia had already paid the price in 1965, with between one and three million people brutally slaughtered, in an US-orchestrated coup performed by the military and religious cadres).

In Africa, an entire continent screams in pain. Pretty close to ten million people, have been slaughtered in the Democratic Republic of Congo alone since 1995, by Uganda, and Rwanda, on behalf of Western geopolitical interests. DRC has uranium, Coltan, and diamonds... Its people do not matter. The Belgian King Leopold II succeeded in killing ten million people there one hundred years ago, by chopping off their hands and burning people alive in huts.

France is involved in all of its former colonies. It is once again as sickeningly brutal as it was in the past.

Mali, the Central African Republic, and almost all the countries in the area are destabilized and close to total ruin.

The US-UK-Israeli coalition is undermining Somalia, using Ethiopian, Ugandan, Kenyan and Burundian forces. South Sudan, an artificially created entity, with oil but no ability to govern itself independently, is now on the verge of famine and civil war. And it is at the total mercy of the West.

[... - looong rant continues about how the West and Europe and Christianity have terrorized, tortured and exploited the world for centuries and continue to do so, and thankfully a new multi-polar world is emerging that may put a stop to this evil]
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


If only European countries were remotely
Capable of half
The stuff such people


QuoteThose, mostly well-fed masses, don't give a shit: in Europe, or in the United States.

That part sounds correct and is the reason I didn't read the rest of the rant.


QuoteToday, I have to declare, publicly: I was a fool!

Agreed, and he hasn't changed.  That's the only line you need to read.  Anyone who talks about "the European regime" isn't worth the electrons.
The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.   -G'Kar



Guardian quotes Reuters:

QuoteUkraine's military scrambled aircraft and paratroops on Saturday to repel an attempt by Russian forces to enter a long spit of land belonging to a region adjacent to Crimea, Ukraine's defence ministry said.

"Units of Ukraine's armed forces today...repelled an attempt by servicemen of the armed forces of the Russian Federation to enter the territory of Kherson region on Arbatskaya Strelka," a ministry statement said. "This was repelled immediately."

It said the Ukrainian military used aircraft, ground forces and its aeromobile battalion in the operation. The territory in question is a long spit of land running parallel to the east of Ukraine's Crimea peninsula, now controlled by Russian forces.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


Russia, unsurprisingly, vetoed a resolution on the UNSC that would have declared tomorrows referendum invalid. China abstained, all other members voted in favor.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


QuoteRussian FM: gunmen continue rampage in Ukraine, people ask Russia for protection

Russia  March 15, 19:52 UTC+4

MOSCOW, March 15, 19:39 /ITAR-TASS/. Gunmen, including those from the far-right group Right Sector, continue their rampage in Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday, March 15.

"We are getting alarming reports that a column with armed mercenaries from Right Sector has left Kharkov for Donetsk and Lugansk. Right Sector leaders have declared the opening of the 'eastern front' and one of the clothing factories is hurriedly sewing Russian military uniform," the ministry said.

"Russia is receiving many appeals from peaceful citizens who are asking for protection. These appeals will be considered," the ministry said.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


It's now being reported that 80 Russian troops have landed around Kherson, with four helicopter gunships and two APCs and they've seized a natural gas distribution facility. Combined with Lavrov's recent comments that Russia would "consider" pleas for Russian aid in eastern Ukraine I believe we're now seeing the beginning of the fall of the eastern provinces and it's only a question of what amount of rump state Russia will leave Ukraine with.

I predict virtually no change in the Western response with only a slim chance Obama does something meaningful (like genuine/serious sanctions, announced deployments in neighboring countries etc.)


Quote from: Zanza on March 15, 2014, 04:36:57 AM
QuoteThose, mostly well-fed masses, don't give a shit: in Europe, or in the United States.

That part sounds correct and is the reason I didn't read the rest of the rant.

Everytime Europeans pay high taxes for government supplied health care Africans and Asians have to be slaughtered.  Everytime a grandma in the Czech Republic gets a free checkup a village in Bangladesh gets liquidated.  Oh and same for farm subsidies.  Everytime a farmer in Nebraska gets a government check millions in Angola are being slaughtered to pay for it.  People just think we have a fiat currency, in fact the gold standard has been replaced by the blood of Asia and Afican children standard.

And somehow the entire non-Western world is collapsing into poverty and death to support the privileges of the Euro-American Empire even though every statistic suggests just the opposite is occuring.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


QuoteI've just come back from a rather bizarre "press conference" of international observers for the referendum. It was 45 minutes before there were any questions, as the six people present mainly went on political rants against US hegemony in the world. All said the referendum in Crimea was legitimate.

Bela Kovacs, an MEP from the far-right Hungarian party Jobbik, said that everything he had seen on Saturday conformed to international standards and he expected the vote to be free and fair.

He said there were no British observers at the referendum. The BNP's Nick Griffin "really wanted to come, but we persuaded him not to", he said. He added that Griffin planned to stand for president of the European Commission: "Just wait until you see what he has planned," he said.

Serge Trifkovic, a Serbian-American writer, was the most entertaining, speaking in extraordinary metaphor and railing against the west.

"What is sauce for Kosovo's goose is certainly sauce for Crimea's gander," he said, to the dismay of the Russian translator. When asked if he had been paid to attend, he said that if he were looking for money he would have approached the CIA. The observers, he said, were "as poor as church mice".
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


Quote from: Valmy on March 15, 2014, 02:26:42 PM
Quote from: Zanza on March 15, 2014, 04:36:57 AM
QuoteThose, mostly well-fed masses, don't give a shit: in Europe, or in the United States.

That part sounds correct and is the reason I didn't read the rest of the rant.

Everytime Europeans pay high taxes for government supplied health care Africans and Asians have to be slaughtered.  Everytime a grandma in the Czech Republic gets a free checkup a village in Bangladesh gets liquidated.  Oh and same for farm subsidies.  Everytime a farmer in Nebraska gets a government check millions in Angola are being slaughtered to pay for it.  People just think we have a fiat currency, in fact the gold standard has been replaced by the blood of Asia and Afican children standard.

And somehow the entire non-Western world is collapsing into poverty and death to support the privileges of the Euro-American Empire even though every statistic suggests just the opposite is occuring.
You lost me when you started trying to tell me that farm subsidies aren't harmful to the Third World.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.


Did they raid the insane asylums of Europe to find those guys?  :lol:
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Neil on March 15, 2014, 02:42:18 PM
You lost me when you started trying to tell me that farm subsidies aren't harmful to the Third World.

Oh sure they are harmful because they disrupt the free market and allowing third world farmers to sell us their goods.  Of course it is our devotion to the free market which is what makes us so evil in the first place.  We kill babies whichever way we go, it is almost physically impossible for us not to murder millions.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Quote from: Valmy on March 15, 2014, 02:44:54 PM
Did they raid the insane asylums of Europe to find those guys?  :lol:

It seems the "international observers" were mostly invited from right wing populist parties in the EU.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


Quote from: Syt on March 15, 2014, 02:47:19 PM
Quote from: Valmy on March 15, 2014, 02:44:54 PM
Did they raid the insane asylums of Europe to find those guys?  :lol:

It seems the "international observers" were mostly invited from right wing populist parties in the EU.

Considering the Ukraine revolution is being run by right wing populist fascists I am surprised they are not more sympathetic.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."