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Star Trek Online: The Continuing Languish Mission

Started by Barrister, January 28, 2010, 10:22:37 PM

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Quote from: HVC on February 28, 2010, 07:23:20 PM
PVP is a pain in the ass

I think I'm going to leave PvP until max level.  It seems like fun, but too much level disparity when I played.

Besides, I'm at Lt Cmdr 10, so new rank and new ship are around the corner... :shifty:
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Quote from: Barrister on February 28, 2010, 08:25:57 PM
Quote from: HVC on February 28, 2010, 07:23:20 PM
PVP is a pain in the ass

I think I'm going to leave PvP until max level.  It seems like fun, but too much level disparity when I played.

Besides, I'm at Lt Cmdr 10, so new rank and new ship are around the corner... :shifty:
I've done like 4 now. The feds just all split up and get shot down. one two of them we were outnumbered so even if we stayed together it was a lost cause.
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.


Quote from: Barrister on February 22, 2010, 11:33:44 PM
So I'm pretty sure the Languish infatuation with STO is over.

Colour me: surprised. :p

I'm still enjoying it however.  Just made it into Romulan space.   :cool:
I've just started to give it a go.  The only other MMO I really liked was LOTRO.  So far this one's doing well :)
Let's bomb Russia!



Sheilbh, didn't expect to see you in on this.  Glad I'm wrong.   :hug:
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Quote from: Barrister on February 28, 2010, 08:25:57 PM
Quote from: HVC on February 28, 2010, 07:23:20 PM
PVP is a pain in the ass

I think I'm going to leave PvP until max level.  It seems like fun, but too much level disparity when I played.

Besides, I'm at Lt Cmdr 10, so new rank and new ship are around the corner... :shifty:


Now i'm gonna be the one trying to catch up.
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son


D2D had the price knocked down to $40 this week, so I'll be in by the end of the night; gonna have to spend a night or two being one of the losers running around with a light cruiser.
Experience bij!


Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Haven't really played since I'd become Commander. Partially, I guess, because the Tier 3 cruisers are so butt ugly.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.

crazy canuck

I am a Commander 3 or 4.  After the initial rush of getting my Tier 3 Cruiser everything is starting to get a monotonous feeling about it again.  In space go kill the same type of ships you have always been killing for the last several levels.  On the ground go up a road/path to the next group of bad guys and kill them using the same tactics you always use.

The thing that really is getting to me is I dont really notice any difference that any skills actually make.  None of my ground crew has any ground skills and yet I have no trouble at all taking on ground mobs.  In space I cant really tell what difference any of my skills actually make except for the shorter cool downs on my BO skills.

In most MMOs there is some real anticipation of getting a new skill or improving the skills one already has.  Here the only think to look forward to is the next Tier ship but really its just more of the same of more slots.  To add to the bland feel of this game the itemization is terrible.  I suppose they were constrained by the ST universe but its hard to get excited about getting a Mark V to replace your Mark IV so that you can get a few more points of damage (and if really lucky a rare drop with a 2.5% chance of doing some more damage).

I tried some of the fleet actions to see if that would spice things up a bit but that is mostly people running around with no idea what they are doing.  Most of the time the fleet action never gets completed because of that and so you end up spending 30 minutes or more for nothing.  PvP, as has already been said, is no fun for Fed types.  It might be fun for the Klingons.  I might try that.

But really it is the lack of anticipation of what will happen as I advance with in terms of skills and drops that is making me lose interest.  Even if they do create an end game they still have to deal with the itemization issue.  Who is doing to spend time in a five man zone if the items are not worth the expenditure of time?


OK, I think it's safe to say I have no life.  Downloaded around midnight last night; when I go home, I'll pick up from where I left off this morning- Lt. 7. :blush:
Experience bij!


I dunno CC, how is that any different from any other MMO?  Is it any different to go from a Photon Mark IV to Mark V, as compared to going to a ilevel 235 to iLevel 240 sword?  It's all a matter of slightly different stats.  Or what's the difference between Fireball 7 and Fireball 8?

You do slowly gain new abilities.  With my new Tier 3 ship, with extra bridge officer slots have me pondering which abilities to gain.

And when I entered Romulan space suddenly the enemies were quite different, with different tactics (namely, they were now using special abilities against me).  I imagine though things will be pretty static until I move on to the next area of space (which I think is Cardassian space, then Borg).
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


crashed now verifying. kept winning really good drops in the protect the sector instance too
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.

crazy canuck

In other MMO's there is a good chance that if you do something wrong you will die and you need to learn from those mistakes to refine your use of abilities or to get better items or both.  There is no sense of that in this game.  I have never been in jeopardy of dying except in PvP.

Also in both WoW and LotR - the only MMOs I have played a lot, an upgrade in items was something to look forward to because it usually meant a substantial improvement in either defensive or offensive ability.  In this game I really cant tell the difference after I upgrade items or skills with one exception - I did pick up a rare plasma rifle that made a nice difference to ground combat.  But I havent experienced that at all in the rare space items I have received.

At first I was excited about my new BO slots on the heavy cruiser but after using them I cant really tell what they actually do except for the obvious ones that fix hulls and shields.  I can tell by the description that some of the skills are supposed to boost weapons in some way but I dont really notice anything different.

As for the change in mob tactics yes the Romulans use more abilities then the starter mobs but after the first few battles that becomes routine because every battle (both in space and on the ground) is exactly the same.  You never have to adjust for anything.  Its kind of like being a bot hunter in WoW - the same routine is used everytime.


Quote from: crazy canuck on March 01, 2010, 01:34:04 PM
I am a Commander 3 or 4.  After the initial rush of getting my Tier 3 Cruiser everything is starting to get a monotonous feeling about it again.  In space go kill the same type of ships you have always been killing for the last several levels.  On the ground go up a road/path to the next group of bad guys and kill them using the same tactics you always use.

The thing that really is getting to me is I dont really notice any difference that any skills actually make.  None of my ground crew has any ground skills and yet I have no trouble at all taking on ground mobs.  In space I cant really tell what difference any of my skills actually make except for the shorter cool downs on my BO skills.

In most MMOs there is some real anticipation of getting a new skill or improving the skills one already has.  Here the only think to look forward to is the next Tier ship but really its just more of the same of more slots.  To add to the bland feel of this game the itemization is terrible.  I suppose they were constrained by the ST universe but its hard to get excited about getting a Mark V to replace your Mark IV so that you can get a few more points of damage (and if really lucky a rare drop with a 2.5% chance of doing some more damage).

I tried some of the fleet actions to see if that would spice things up a bit but that is mostly people running around with no idea what they are doing.  Most of the time the fleet action never gets completed because of that and so you end up spending 30 minutes or more for nothing.  PvP, as has already been said, is no fun for Fed types.  It might be fun for the Klingons.  I might try that.

But really it is the lack of anticipation of what will happen as I advance with in terms of skills and drops that is making me lose interest.  Even if they do create an end game they still have to deal with the itemization issue.  Who is doing to spend time in a five man zone if the items are not worth the expenditure of time?

This is what I hit as I got close to the Galaxy class Cruiser..... It was all just the same nothing was different. :(
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain


I have to agree with CC about the sameness and lack of expectation.

In WoW or LotRO I was looking forward to going to a new region, get a cool new weapon, that nifty looking piece of armor, see new enemies or fight that boss that required special group tactics.

Picking up "Phaser Beam Array Mk. VI [Cri+2]" doesn't have the same ring as picking up "Frostmantle's Bane", even if the under the hood game effects are similar. A phaser will always look like a phaser; having high level phasers does not add any visual candy. Equipping special items doesn't change the look of your ship, and most people probably opt to not have tehir armor/kits shown on the body. Not knowing what half the stats/skills you have actually does due to meager tooltips doesn't help either.

That fits of course very well with the game universe, so I'm not sure how this could be addressed. Having your own customizable bridge officers and ship alleviates that a fair bit, but once they're set up you won't change them for a long time. The enemies don't come in large varieties, either, except they gain more skills. The only real boss battle is against the Crystalline Entity so far. And the quests could be more varied. 90% is "kill these ships" and "kill the enemies in your way, then use an object". Not even drop quests (collect troll ears) seem to be in.

I'm sure that Cryptic will fill up the game over time, but currently STO is not very good into goading people to see what's around the next corner.

I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.