Star Trek Online: The Continuing Languish Mission

Started by Barrister, January 28, 2010, 10:22:37 PM

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Okay, so STO goes live tomorrow.

In beta we had created a languish chat channel.  Unfortunately I can't remember how off the top of my head, so I'll edit in instructions later on.

So far the people who have bought the game are (followed by their in-game account name):

Barrister - @BarristerBoy
Katmai - @katmai523
Grey Fox - @Couchaddict
Alci - @vonlutt
Crazy Canuck - @TheRealCrazyCanuck
Syt - @Syt
Tamas - @dansky
Crazy_Ivan80 - @crazyivan80
Seen - @Seen25
Octavian - @Centius

See you in game. :)
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Alci should be @vonlutt
Tamas should be @dansky
CC i can't recall and same with CI
never was told the others, damn dirty euros.
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son


Shameless shilling for STO:

QuoteJust because we're about to launch Star Trek Online doesn't mean we don't have some great updates ready for you in the coming weeks. From endgame raid Episodes, to more PvP maps, to more Klingon content, no matter what you love about STO we've got something you'll love even more. Here's a taste what we have planned over the next two months. And just in case you were wondering, everything listed here is free!
The Hive Mind Is Everywhere
The Borg are invading! Just in time for many of you to reach the rank of Admiral, we've got three new high-level Episodes centered around the classic Alpha Quadrant menace, the Borg. Here's what you can expect:
Collateral Damage - Help save civilians caught in a battle between the Borg and Undine.
Recovery - In this follow-up to Collateral Damage, Rescue colonists infected by the Borg virus and fight Undine determined to destroy them!
State of Q - Q transports you back in time to do him a special favor.
More to come!
In addition to our compelling scripted content, you'll be able to check out a brand new, Borg-themed Deep Space Encounter. Can you and your friends hold off the coming invasion? It won't be long until you're called upon by Starfleet to save the galaxy!
Don't forget to check out the new exploration content included in the Borg content pack, too. When you find some respite from the Collective, seek out new life and civilizations at your own pace. The universe is just waiting to be discovered.
Raid Episodes Coming Your Way
If you're looking for a challenge, look no further than our upcoming Raid Episodes, which combine bold storytelling with our toughest five-man missions yet. These are just a few of the Raid Episodes we'll be rolling out over the coming weeks, beginning a week after launch. Raid Episodes are available to both Federation and Klingon players.
Infected - Investigate a federation station that Starfleet has lost contact with.
The Cure - A planet has been completely taken over by the Borg. Fight them for control of the planet.
Khitomer Accord - Travel back in time and uncover and participate in the events that led to the release of old Borg you encountered in the Tutorial Episode.
Into the Hive - Track down a missing Starfleet captain and come face to face with the new Borg Queen.
More Action in the Alpha Quadrant
We've got even more great additions planned for Star Trek Online. Here's just a bit of what's coming:
Klingon Fleet Actions - Form up with your closest friends and do battle in large engagements.
A New Klingon Ship - You asked for it, we made it: A Tier 2 Klingon Battle Cruiser.
Klingon Star Clusters - Seek out new life and civilizations ... and subjugate them! Additional PvE content for the Klingon faction.
Federation vs. Federation PvP - Practice against your allies before engaging your enemies.
New Ground Maps - We'll be adding a new Ground Assault PvP map, as well as a new ground Fleet Action.
More IP Locations - Check out Rura Penthe and our whole solar system, from Mercury to Pluto.

These updates are entirely free to Star Trek Online subscribers. To begin your Star Trek Online adventure today, visit our retail page to purchase your copy. And check out our exclusive specials page to see what great deals we're offering on subscription packages.
We'll see you February 2, 2010!
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


The last few days of open beta I was cruising the galaxy with Lt. Shevchenko, on the theory that if the French, Koreans, Scots, Irish, and Russians can be ongoing ethnicities in Star Trek, then there should be a Ukrainian starship captain.

But since I plan on rolling a liberated borg, I wasn't sure how to combine the two.

Then it hit me: the Borg's name will be Svoboda (means freedom in Ukrainian).   :cool:

Of course I may still ditch that toon and roll a joined trill on Tuesday.  We'll see what I feel like.

Now that being said, I'm stuck in a remote Yukon town for circuit court in the morning.  No idea when I'll make it back to town, or if I'll make it back to town.  This time the motel at least has heat (it had very, very little 2 months ago), but the door doesn't close. :frusty:  We'll see if moving the futon in front of the door is good enough.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.



Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 29, 2010, 12:02:57 AM
Well? Is the game worth it?

It was worth it enough for me to drop 300 clams on the damn game (the game + lifetime subscription).  Some others played the open beta and decided not to buy the game at all.

You might not like it because it's very care bear - no equivalent to dropping an infernal on a lowbie town.  PvP is only instanced encounters (but even then, playing as a Klingon and dropping cloak right behind an unsuspecting Federation cruiser sounds like fun).

But on the other hand : IT'S MOTHER-FUCKING STAR TREK.  You can walk the promenade of DS9.  There's a Guardian of Forever Mission.  There are tribbles and green-skinned Orion women.  And at least so far it's fun.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


I realized you can change your account name, so I am going to try and change it to something shorter.  Hopefully just Barrister.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


I might pick this up at some point. Right now I'm mmoed out.
Winner of THE grumbler point.


Quote from: Jaron on January 29, 2010, 12:47:14 AM
I might pick this up at some point. Right now I'm mmoed out.

Don't worry about it J.  You wouldn't like this game.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Winner of THE grumbler point.


Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


A hunch based on what exactly?

I think I'd prefer the Star Wars one. The Wow Cat only mildly interests me. I looked at STO as a time filler (as if I had a lot of free time to fill!)
Winner of THE grumbler point.


Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Eh, I don't see why you'd try to drive me away from the game. Its not like you'd be forced to play with me or communicate with me and I seriously doubt you're saying what you're saying out of concern for helping me save a buck so why don't we just cut the act and agree we won't play together or chat if I do end up buying this game (unlikely anyway) ? Deal ?
Winner of THE grumbler point.