General Category => Off the Record => Gaming HQ => Topic started by: MadBurgerMaker on March 16, 2011, 10:13:00 PM

Title: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 16, 2011, 10:13:00 PM
I guess the other thread we had occasionally been using was lost in that....thing...that happened. 

Anyway, in EVE news, the silly CSM elections are going on.  Vote for The Mittani or Vile Rat, and if I win the contest we're having, I'll share some of the 10 billion isk prize (or the 5 or 2.5b for 2nd and can't have my Cynabal for being a runner up though).  As a bonus, neither of them seem to have utterly retarded ideas.

I also seem to have found a small-ish glitch that I'm never going to petition:  One of my characters suddenly has Amarr Freighter IV and Amarr Industrial V.  I never bought the freighter skill, and never trained the industrial to V on this one, because I was using the Orcas as my bigger haulers (and the Iteron V on the other character).  :ph34r:  I don't know how long it's been like that, but I just now noticed it while mining and watching basketball:


Well okay then.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 17, 2011, 09:01:47 AM
Nice.   :cool:

Mittens will probably win, so gimme iskies.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 18, 2011, 02:41:49 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on March 17, 2011, 09:01:47 AM
Nice.   :cool:

Mittens will probably win, so gimme iskies.

There's some dude, who has some...uh...not very good...ideas, they're trying to keep from winning the chairman spot.  Doubt that'll happen, no matter how many times he freaks out like an idiot in various threads, or how terrible the ideas get.  He's the main/one of the main Empire dwelling candidates.  A lot of those people will vote for him no matter what (also because Mittani and Vile Rat are OMG GOOOONNNNNNN, and that's about where the thought process ends).

As for the iskies, I'm probably not going to win without some huge amount of luck.   I should probably start spamming Jita.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 18, 2011, 05:55:24 PM
Who do they not want to win?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 18, 2011, 06:04:14 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on March 18, 2011, 05:55:24 PM
Who do they not want to win?

Uhhhhhhhhhh starts with a K, I think? 

Edit:  No's a T.  Trebor Daehdoow.  Dude who wants pinball doomsdays, titan jump portals sucking up surrounding ships randomly (including enemies) and sending them and the titan to the cyno, likes Dominion sov, wants to make it so you can only see the people nearest to you in a battle instead of the whole grid (he thinks that adding another check for the server to run will help lag).  Things like that.

Edit2:  More stuff: 
QuoteHe's argued for highly exploitable features in the game with seemingly no understanding of game mechanics (especially as a self-claimed game developer)

Front loading the client with packets that are 'decrypted' at a later time that supposedly would be 'unreadable'
Fix blobs my making it so that you can't see anyone but the ships right next to you because of 'warp core interference' - Also Here
Don't ban RMT bots, remove CONCORD protection for them!
Allow 'shrink wrap' for more than just courier contracts - while this may be beneficial to goons because of the scamming opportunities, it essentially would destroy the contract system overall since none could be trusted.

They've got links to the posts where he says this stuff, but :effort: and tbh I don't really care all that much.  It's not like CCP listens to the CSM anyway.  I just want the isk.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 18, 2011, 07:59:09 PM
Looks stupid.  Why are people afraid he will win?  Haven't heard any noise about him.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 18, 2011, 11:23:38 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on March 18, 2011, 07:59:09 PM
Looks stupid.  Why are people afraid he will win?  Haven't heard any noise about him.

I think he's already been on the CSM once, so he's well known or something.  He's also giving away isk for votes.  Or it might just be because he stands out as a beacon of stupidity among the candidates, and they don't want to have to deal with him.  Maybe thinking it would be a repeat of what went on when that retard Jade Constantine was the chairman.

I dunno.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 20, 2011, 04:11:03 AM
In my never ending quest for almost entirely passive income, I'm thinking about totally retooling my planetary mining operations to simply produce coolant on all of my planets, instead of extracting + producing water and electrolytes (on two different planets generally), then moving those products to my two factory planets (which I will either keep supplied with lowball buy orders from time to time or turn into robotics factories).   :hmm:  While the amount of effort would go down even more (from almost nothing as is heh), I wonder how well they'll actually be able to produce.  I have easy access to three storm planets, which are best for this, but otherwise it would have to be done on gas planets, which have some limitations.

As far as I can tell, it would be:

                                                                                      launchpad (to space and my wallet)
Extractors (aqueous liquids) -> basic processor (water) -> advanced processor (coolant) <- basic processor (electrolytes) <-extractors (ionic solutions)

There might be some sort of backup/lost materials somewhere, it really seems like there will be, but I'm too stupid to see where it would be right now. 

Hmm.  I guess I'll have to go with a test planet or two and see wtf.  The problem is, the test planet would be one of the storms, and those are some of my best mineral producers.  I supposed I could cover with more regular buy orders, but that actually involves hauling and shit and that sucks.  Theoretically, I could simply set these things to run for about a week and just ignore them while they produce coolant for my vast space empire. 

The gas planets are a problem because they require more CPU and/or power for everything they use, but unless I can find another nice quiet system near a bunch of them, three storm planets is the best I'm going to be able to do.

I'm not entirely sure why I even bother anymore.  It's not like I have anything to spend the isk on anyway.  I'm just hoarding money at this point.

Edit:  Okay I figured out where the wasted materials will occur.  The basic processors take 30 minutes to produce 50% of what the advanced processor needs.  The AP takes 1 hour to make the coolant.  So while it's making the coolant, the two cycles of the BPs get wasted unless they're routed to a storage facility (I just sent them to the launchpad for temp storage).  Derp.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 26, 2011, 04:04:32 PM
Ah, the CSM results are....favorable:

The Mittani 5365
Seleene 3813
Trebor Daehdoow 3306
Killer2 2925
White Tree 2539
Vile Rat 2240
Meissa Anunthiel 2086
Draco Llasa 1986

It's a pretty 0.0 heavy group that CCP will be ignoring this time around.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 28, 2011, 07:20:26 PM
You win my money?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 28, 2011, 07:44:23 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on March 28, 2011, 07:20:26 PM
You win my money?

I won't win shit, which means your 50 isk will never be arriving.  :(   There were people submitting zip files because they had so many convos.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Habbaku on April 08, 2011, 11:55:37 AM

Really long interview with Mittens about...well, everything.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 08, 2011, 12:56:24 PM
Yeah I read that yesterday.  You play habbs?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 13, 2011, 04:08:20 PM
Huh.  My bullshit alt corp is over a year old now (well...this happened a couple months ago, it seems).  I should have posted a mooky CAOD thread. 

Speaking of which, if anyone wants to park an alt somewhere below the radar with no tax rate and that kind of shit, shoot me an eve mail or PM or something.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 13, 2011, 10:20:00 PM
My ACH withdrawal on my bank statement reminded me that, yes, I really should be playing this game.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: LaCroix on April 17, 2011, 11:07:50 AM
Quote from: Habbaku on April 08, 2011, 11:55:37 AM

Really long interview with Mittens about...well, everything.

bob = rome?

goon had some rather excellent propaganda it looks like  :lol:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 17, 2011, 01:30:12 PM
Quote from: LaCroix on April 17, 2011, 11:07:50 AM
bob = rome?

goon had some rather excellent propaganda it looks like  :lol:

Don't forget:  (warning: Nazis and racism)

:P   The DBRB part still makes me laugh.  It's pretty much exactly what a DBRB op is like.

Most of the stuff coming out of the propaganda section on the forums are pictures right now, although that might be changing since we shut down the peacetime stuff and kicked off a new war with....some...people.  I don't remember who.  Triumvirate version <#> is one, IIRC. 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 17, 2011, 01:43:49 PM
You guys kicked me out of the corp  :mad:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 17, 2011, 01:49:54 PM
Yeah I think Djan cleaned house last month.  You didn't log in a single time since joining the corp 3 months ago, for fucks sake.   :P

If you're going to play again, let me know.  Pretty busy myself lately, though.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on May 10, 2011, 10:58:51 AM
So TEST did a thing:




Meanwhile, we are apparently fighting some Russians again, as the standard Russian DDoS attack on the forums is currently taking place.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on May 10, 2011, 11:00:16 AM
Yeah I saw the Test thing yesterday.   Hate Russians.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on May 10, 2011, 11:16:25 AM
Quote from: Alcibiades on May 10, 2011, 11:00:16 AMHate Russians.

They also seem to be doing the same to the Razor and MM forums.  :rolleyes: 

I mean, don't get me wrong, there are certainly some cool Russians around on both sides, but goddamn...
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on May 10, 2011, 09:39:47 PM
Here you go Seedy:


Just an older setup that I upgraded instead of demolishing and starting over (it was in an acceptable location already vOv).  The advanced factory hanging off the bottom is not necessary for T0 -> T1 purposes, and was really all I had to add.  Without that extra factory, you'll be able to have more mining units coming off of the extractors (depending on the length of your lines, upgrades, etc).

Storage for each extractor head and the two factories per mean it can run for a while without getting backed up, or at least not too backed up, depending on the planet and resource you're going after. 

It's not the most efficient or anything like that, but I could/can ignore these for a couple weeks at a time (0.6 sec though, not low or nullsec, which produce more), which I like.

Edit:  That setup there is ionic solutions -> electrolytes -> coolant <- water <-aqueous liquids on a storm planet

If you take out the advanced factory, it just turns into a standard T0 to T1 setup, like what you're looking for.

Edit2:  Since you want to make native T2 products (viral agents, test cultures, coolant), here's a setup that was built specifically to do so:


The T0 products move from the extractors to the warehouse in the middle there.  From there, they are routed out to the four basic factories (the ones that make the X), then the T1 products of those are sent to the launchpad, where they are stored until there is room available in the advanced factory, which makes the T2 product, then sends it back to the pad for export. 

These can also run for a couple weeks at a time (I run them in 3 day 23hour cycles just to kinda keep an eye on them, but don't pick them up for a few cycles), although some of the pads will be 75%+ full with both T1 and T2 stuff in them by that time.  I just pull them all out when I go to pick it up to use in them later.  Due to the way it's routed, these can also function as miniature factory planets:  just import, for example, 1,000 each of bacteria and biomass to the pad, and it'll send them off to the advanced factory for T3 production when there's room.  :) 

I just restarted and emptied these out tonight while we were talking about this, so you can see on the top one, none of the are running (but they have some materials sitting in them waiting), and two basic and the advanced are running (with 75% of the necessary materials for the next cycle waiting in the advanced factory) in the bottom.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on May 10, 2011, 11:19:19 PM
Thanks man, that really clears everything up to see it broken down that way.  I was all fucked up.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on May 11, 2011, 08:43:58 PM
Hey Burger...if I ressurected the Irish Democratic Army, would you guys green me, and let me play in your system?  I just want a nice .4 sector to mine and planetize.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on May 11, 2011, 09:27:17 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 11, 2011, 08:43:58 PM
Hey Burger...if I ressurected the Irish Democratic Army, would you guys green me, and let me play in your system?  I just want a nice .4 sector to mine and planetize.

Yeah sure, I'll blue you, but I'm based out of a 0.7 in the Forge (  For the most part, these alts aren't really capable of defending themselves, although I've entirely stopped training on the main, and am gradually getting around to combat skills with them.  One of them (Iris) can fly a covops pretty well now, actually, if you need a scout.

Edit:  There are three temperate and one ice planet in or within one jump of Ishisomo for you bacteria harvesting needs.  They'll all natively produce test cultures, but only the ice will get you viral agents, if that's what you're looking at. 

Move out two jumps, and there's +1 ice, +1 temperate, and +1 oceanic (which will produce both), but then you're starting to get a little spread out. If you were to base out of Sakkikaine, it would move you back to within one jump of everything, or Friggi would put you at one jump away from the nearest 0.4 there.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on May 11, 2011, 09:45:31 PM
I'm thinking about setting up shop in a nice, cozy .5 system
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on May 11, 2011, 09:48:29 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 11, 2011, 09:45:31 PM
I'm thinking about setting up shop in a nice, cozy .5 system

Friggi seems like a nice spot in this area.  Good station services (Lai Dai and Nugoeihuvi are the station owners), immediate access to some of the same region's lowsec, etc.  It's also still in the COSMOS constellation with Ishisomo, so you're good to go there if you're so inclined.

Edit:  Oh and it's only like 8 jumps from Jita, all through highsec, which is why I set up shop over here in the first place.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on May 13, 2011, 04:44:13 PM
Alliance audit time:


This is Goonswarm for mid March-mid April.  My personal favorite is the "industrial espionage" entry toward the bottom.  One for 30 billion.  Nice.  The 108.2 billion for 1,394 reimbursements is good stuff too.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on May 24, 2011, 03:38:47 PM
There were some mission agent changes in the latest patch.  Something about all of them being 20 quality and -20....uh....necessary standings or whatever.  I guess it makes it easier to grind up standings or something.  I decided to try it out, ran a couple missions for some COSMOS agent, and ended up with a storyline rocket launcher blueprint copy.  Yay.  Rockets.  Worthless shit.  To be fair it was only a L1 agent.  I'll check out an L3 next I guess.  Maybe I'll get something worthwhile there.

Edit:  Oh speaking of the BPC and changes in the patch:  You can actually tell a copy from an original at a glance now.

Edit2:  No.  I won't be doing another COSMOS mission.  This storyline shit they hand out appears to suck.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on May 24, 2011, 10:57:09 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on May 13, 2011, 04:44:13 PMMy personal favorite is the "industrial espionage" entry toward the bottom.  One for 30 billion.

Somebody got paid.  Only 45,000 suspects.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on May 25, 2011, 12:23:41 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 24, 2011, 10:57:09 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on May 13, 2011, 04:44:13 PMMy personal favorite is the "industrial espionage" entry toward the bottom.  One for 30 billion.

Somebody got paid.  Only 45,000 suspects.

Oh hey I set your new corp blue.  Not that it matters for anything.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on May 25, 2011, 05:46:55 AM
12 billion for moon scanning huh?     :hmm:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on May 25, 2011, 02:08:52 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on May 25, 2011, 05:46:55 AM
12 billion for moon scanning huh?     :hmm:

It's for recon work and/or finding moons useful to the alliance.  Things like that.  Lame, time consuming shit that doesn't really benefit the individual doing it in any way, but it's stuff the alliance needs, so...they pay members for it.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on May 25, 2011, 07:49:40 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on May 25, 2011, 12:23:41 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 24, 2011, 10:57:09 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on May 13, 2011, 04:44:13 PMMy personal favorite is the "industrial espionage" entry toward the bottom.  One for 30 billion.

Somebody got paid.  Only 45,000 suspects.

Oh hey I set your new corp blue.  Not that it matters for anything.

Heh, I was goofing around with the corp creator.  I'll start heading your way when I've finished my housekeeping in Masalle.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on June 01, 2011, 09:31:15 PM
Orcas are pretty cool for moving shit around.  I've been puttering around running missions a few jumps away, and took 2 BCs, 3 cruisers, 4 or five frigates, a couple destroyers, and a mammoth, along with all the ammo and fittings needed plus minerals for ammo production.  7 of those ships are fitted and rigged and ready to go. 

Turns out I only need the Drakes because apparently there aren't any limits on what kinds of ships can run the missions, but w/e. 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on June 22, 2011, 04:23:06 PM
Incarna is out, and seems to kinda suck so far.  The captains quarters themselves load slowly, are small, and really seem to be rather pointless.  Your dude walks slowly, looks bad, seems to get stuck on corners, and the chat windows sometimes get in the way.  Oh it also apparently is causing overheating problems with some people's computers.  Seemed okay on mine. 


If you turn it off, you don't go back to the old hangar view.  You just get a picture of a door.  No more ship spinning (also no more double click to open cargo, etc).  From this view, you also can't tell at a glance what ship you're actually in.  Seems like it would have been more useful/interesting if they at least had it show a static picture of the ship you're in.  Then again, the people who read devblogs and such have noted that the option to turn off the CQ is not going to be there after...uh...some future update or another.

The Maller (and the Sacrilege, I assume) has been changed, and looks pretty good.  It's what flies in and starts shooting on the log in screen now.   Oh, there's a new real money market now.  You, too, can pay like 1.4b isk, or ~$68 for the privilege of putting a dorky high tech monocle on your character (you buy PLEX, trade it in for Aurum, or whatever it's called, then buy new clothes for your dude). 

A GFX card capable of displaying Shader Model 3 is now required to play.

Edit: Oh uh...there might be a problem with the way bonuses are applied. 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on June 23, 2011, 06:20:13 AM
I really wish they'd stop breaking this game.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on June 23, 2011, 05:10:11 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on June 23, 2011, 06:20:13 AM
I really wish they'd stop breaking this game.

Here's a sweet bug that was found the hard way:  It seems cynojammers don't always work now.  Caps and supercaps can jump in just like normal as long as they do things in a certain way.

Must've been a nice surprise for the defenders to be having a battle against some subcaps, then suddenly a cyno pops and a shitload of supers drop in on top of an onlined and functioning jammer.  :lol:  CCP is repairing everything, saying it's an exploit, etc, but wow...

Edit:  My drones are behaving strangely in missions now as well.  Two or three of them will just stop fighting and come back and orbit my ship, leaving the other 2/3 shooting the target.   Oh and if you have a Devoter, the bubble works in lowsec now, according to a thread.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Baron von Schtinkenbutt on June 25, 2011, 07:03:18 PM
I wonder how much the new agent rules will affect the datacore market.  I see that, in general, datacore values are in a slide across the board, though its way too early for RP inflation to affect the market.   :hmm:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on June 25, 2011, 08:15:51 PM
 :lmfao: There's total chaos in response to the leaked internal emails and memos.  Something like 1,000 players in Jita running conga lines and shooting some sort of structure there, with hundreds of shuttles on the undock to create lag  (and similar shit going on in other trade hubs).  I haven't been back by, but there are also now apparently bubbles on the undock, along with a Titan in Rens because of the bug dumbass CCP introduced probably when they changed turrets.  Either that or it has something to do with the Maller/Sac/Devoter model change. Either way, bubbles can be used everywhere, and if done in a certain way, cynos as well, which I guess means caps and supercaps can jump into highsec.  Don't know if the titan can DD people though.

Also, something like 3,500 accounts have been unsubbed, and there are wardecs going out against corps and alliances that are cool with the "micro"transactions, corps and alliances are kicking members who buy it, etc.  Good times.

Edit: (

:hmm:  Don't see a cyno lit, so he either warped to the station and the cyno isn't visible in the overview, was sitting there for a while before the SS was taken, or there's some other explanation for it.  Dictor bubbles are a go everywhere for sure though.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Baron von Schtinkenbutt on June 25, 2011, 08:51:31 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on June 25, 2011, 08:15:51 PM
:lmfao: There's total chaos in response to the leaked internal emails and memos.  Something like 1,000 players in Jita running conga lines and shooting some sort of structure there, with hundreds of shuttles on the undock to create lag  (and similar shit going on in other trade hubs).  I haven't been back by, but there are also now apparently bubbles on the undock, along with a Titan in Rens because of the bug dumbass CCP introduced probably when they changed turrets.  Either that or it has something to do with the Maller/Sac/Devoter model change. Either way, bubbles can be used everywhere, and if done in a certain way, cynos as well, which I guess means caps and supercaps can jump into highsec.  Don't know if the titan can DD people though.

Also, something like 3,500 accounts have been unsubbed, and there are wardecs going out against corps and alliances that are cool with the "micro"transactions, corps and alliances are kicking members who buy it, etc.  Good times.

Edit: Rens picture[/img]

:hmm:  Don't see a cyno lit, so he either warped to the station and the cyno isn't visible in the overview, was sitting there for a while before the SS was taken, or there's some other explanation for it.  Dictor bubbles are a go everywhere for sure though.

Yeah, I bumbled into the Jita blockade without realizing what was going on. :P  I need to go back that way shortly, so I'll get a screenshot of the blob.

As an aside, how fucking dumb do you have to be to take a freighter with 11.5b in minerals ( anywhere near lowsec?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Baron von Schtinkenbutt on June 25, 2011, 09:40:35 PM
The nonsense in Jita:

Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on June 25, 2011, 10:23:24 PM
I'm not logging on until they fix the shit they break after they try to fix the shit they just broke.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on June 25, 2011, 10:35:47 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on June 25, 2011, 10:23:24 PM
I'm not logging on until they fix the shit they break after they try to fix the shit they just broke.

Hell man, it's CCP.  The fix for the shit they broke after fixing the shit they broke will just break some other shit.  Before you know it, it'll be time for the winter expansion, and people will be duping monocles and firing doomsdays into Jita through cynos.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Crazy_Ivan80 on June 26, 2011, 09:26:04 AM
and that way there's always something going on in EVE.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on July 02, 2011, 09:56:36 PM
OK, the graphics for the ships and particularly the turrets look good, but the new interface is totally stupid and useless.  What assholes.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on July 04, 2011, 01:27:03 AM
One of my alts has good standings with the Jove.  Why?  How does one get these?  Just shooting pirates?

Anyway, mission running and mining and shit sucks, so I've been thinking about cloning back up to the front and partaking in some PVP for the first time in a long time.  Deklein is being invaded, or at least it's being halfassed invaded by PL/NC./Evoke/Ewoks/Raiden., and they appear to be fighting under jammers and such at the moment, meaning there's an opportunity for subcap combat.   Then again: (

Quote from: CountDeMoney on July 02, 2011, 09:56:36 PM
OK, the graphics for the ships and particularly the turrets look good, but the new interface is totally stupid and useless.  What assholes.

Turn that silly shit off until they bring back ship spinning, or something resembling ship spinning (Mittani has implied that this was one of the outcomes of the dumb emergency meeting they flew him and 7 other members of the CSM to Iceland for). 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on July 10, 2011, 03:15:29 AM
AAA did a thing:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on July 10, 2011, 04:53:31 AM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on July 10, 2011, 03:15:29 AM
AAA did a thing:

Have no idea what that means.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on July 10, 2011, 05:28:31 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on July 10, 2011, 04:53:31 AM
Have no idea what that means.

They aborted two titans and ten motherships by right clicking -> end job (or whatever the exact command is).  No CSAA shooting necessary.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: besuchov on July 10, 2011, 09:06:01 AM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on July 10, 2011, 05:28:31 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on July 10, 2011, 04:53:31 AM
Have no idea what that means.

They aborted two titans and ten motherships by right clicking -> end job (or whatever the exact command is).  No CSAA shooting necessary.

Why would they hide where the things were built?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on July 10, 2011, 04:29:17 PM
Quote from: besuchov on July 10, 2011, 09:06:01 AM
Why would they hide where the things were built?

I don't know.  That image has also been removed. 

Edit:  Oh, and apparently CCP is looking to fix supercaps again. 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on July 14, 2011, 08:07:01 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on July 04, 2011, 01:27:03 AM
Turn that silly shit off until they bring back ship spinning, or something resembling ship spinning

Tell me how, because I sure as shit can't figure it out.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on July 14, 2011, 10:01:52 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on July 14, 2011, 08:07:01 PM
Tell me how, because I sure as shit can't figure it out.

Escape -> display and graphics (first tab) -> uncheck "load station environment" -> apply -> stare at the door

You'll have to either log off then back on, or undock/redock for it to change though.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: besuchov on July 15, 2011, 07:27:28 AM
Ive stopped playing these days, even managed to stop subscribing. Got bored and also with a baby I dont really have the time.

Its pulling at me though... Are you guys still playing, what is fun (if anything) in the game atm?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on July 17, 2011, 01:21:14 AM
Quote from: besuchov on July 15, 2011, 07:27:28 AM
Ive stopped playing these days, even managed to stop subscribing. Got bored and also with a baby I dont really have the time.

Its pulling at me though... Are you guys still playing, what is fun (if anything) in the game atm?

I'm still playing occasionally.  I haven't undocked and PVPed with my main in over a year though.  I've just been screwing around with PI and missions and mining and such lately, none of which are fun.  That might change though (see below).

In other news, Raiden., NC., and PL thought it would be funny to try to invade Deklein.  They even decided to send a relatively small supercap fleet to VFK, the Waffe's home base.  This afternoon, 900 members of the Clusterfuck showed up, set up the jammer, skullfucked a subcap reinforcement fleet (including a Tengufleet), reinforced/destroyed/rapecaged the supercap staging POSes, and FoFoed in local.

Apparently they're having a lot of fun, with the supers caught and/or locked out of the system, and the fights consisting of subcaps only.   It's only the first day, of course, so it could all go wrong and 0.0 could be blue everywhere except the western edge and the Delve preserve, but whatever. I still have two dictors just sitting in DKUK waiting to drop a couple bubbles and die.  I'm seriously considering using them.  I even set up Mumble today.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on July 17, 2011, 06:19:24 AM
I log in long enough to continue raping planets.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on July 17, 2011, 12:50:23 PM
Mostly just skill training, some market mayhem....but my corp is burnt out.  :weep:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on July 24, 2011, 12:28:59 AM
Hey Seedy, you remember Zhek and his personal fleets?  He has upgraded and returned:


:lol:  He's up to 26 ships in his fleets now.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on July 24, 2011, 06:18:22 AM
That's simply sick.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on August 12, 2011, 11:25:10 AM
You know how we were talking about how dumb EVE players can be with their isk?  A couple of dudes set up a Ponzi scheme and got away with a truckload:

A trillion isk for 8 months of "work"?  Very nice.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on August 12, 2011, 12:01:11 PM
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on September 04, 2011, 12:54:42 AM
So this was....big.....


Some dude conned an alliance into thinking they were coming up to live with us. :lol:  They lost, uh, quite a bit.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on September 05, 2011, 08:05:34 PM
What the hell is PL doing in amamake?  They're really gaying up my playground...

Well over a hundred there at any given time, including a lot of supers and Titans.  A few lolmails involving lone stabbers and Avatars floating around....
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on September 10, 2011, 02:59:48 AM
Quote from: Alcibiades on September 05, 2011, 08:05:34 PM
What the hell is PL doing in amamake?  They're really gaying up my playground...

Well over a hundred there at any given time, including a lot of supers and Titans.  A few lolmails involving lone stabbers and Avatars floating around....

Dunno.  Are they still there?

CCP has finally set up their new forums.  I wonder if these actually keep you logged in.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on October 06, 2011, 12:55:27 PM
A couple scams to make CdM proud:

Some GW guy "sold" some other random dude an Erebus that.....well...doesn't exist.  Nice 69,000,000,000isk payday for him (a cut went to The Mittani who helped with the scam).  Immediately afterward, another GW guy told the same individual his titan was being built, but another 500 million was needed for "logistics."  The dude happily paid that as well.

Here's a post:

And a screenshot from the guy who gave his isk away:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: The Brain on October 06, 2011, 01:00:27 PM
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on October 06, 2011, 01:27:41 PM
Shitty goons, surprise.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on October 06, 2011, 01:35:36 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on October 06, 2011, 01:27:41 PM
Shitty goons, surprise.

You should give me isk.  I'm needy, and it'll help with your e-honour cred.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on October 06, 2011, 07:09:46 PM
Tell me how that works for ya
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on October 06, 2011, 08:01:06 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on October 06, 2011, 07:09:46 PM
Tell me how that works for ya for me?  You giving me isk?   I'll let you know when you send it on over.

E:  Oh and to get away from the lame e-honor discussion, the Freeport Delve invasion is apparently still continuing and progressing despite the groups living there getting together to fight the horde off.  The objective of the invasion is to make Delve into a complete free for all, allowing docking at all stations for everyone, etc.  They've been sieging NOL for the last couple of days and are on the third or fourth cycle out of.....eight, I think.   
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on October 07, 2011, 04:04:44 PM
Who's fighting who?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on October 07, 2011, 04:14:16 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on October 07, 2011, 04:04:44 PM
Who's fighting who?

Goonwaffe, TEST, and some smaller alliances like TNT vs. everyone who lives in Delve (morsus mihi, evoke, brick squad, and others) + their buddies.  Here's some killboard type link from a couple days ago that gives you an idea of who's involved, although it is missing evoke.  I haven't heard of some of these from both sides:

I guess they had them bubbled pretty well in that one with all those pod kills. 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on October 09, 2011, 01:22:09 PM
Nice.  Now if only they could do something productive and erase the Russians from 0.0.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on October 09, 2011, 04:42:23 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on October 09, 2011, 01:22:09 PM
Nice.  Now if only they could do something productive and erase the Russians from 0.0.

I don't know, I like being able to read the forums without constant DDoS attacks, so I'm not particularly interested in GW getting involved in the Russian wars.   I wouldn't complain if CCP sent them to the Chinese server though.  Shitting up opponents team speak and reading their forums is one thing.  Shutting down their websites and cutting the power to their houses is entirely different.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on October 14, 2011, 12:15:24 AM
Hey Alci what fighters do you tend to keep in your Archon?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on October 14, 2011, 08:21:32 AM
I use firebolgs personally.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on October 14, 2011, 04:58:47 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on October 14, 2011, 08:21:32 AM
I use firebolgs personally.

And those work pretty well for pvp purposes?  How many do you stick in there?  Do you also roll with a pile of warriors for making little ships fuck off?  Any use for mediums and heavies?

I was looking through killmails to see what people had in their holds when they died, and a lot of them seem to have a mix of firbolgs, dragonflies, and einherji's, but none of the other types really.  This is for a Thanatos instead of an Archon (and the killmails I've been looking at are for thanatos carriers as well), which means it can carry a few more, so maybe that explains the variety.

edit:  Oh and ship spinning is coming back on the 18th:

I like how they basically had to remake ship spinning because they were dumbasses and just deleted it when they came out with the super lame walking in stations garbage.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on October 18, 2011, 07:42:05 AM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on October 14, 2011, 04:58:47 PM
edit:  Oh and ship spinning is coming back on the 18th:

I like how they basically had to remake ship spinning because they were dumbasses and just deleted it when they came out with the super lame walking in stations garbage.

They weren't kidding.  It's back:


Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on October 20, 2011, 09:50:30 AM
Alci, you will be pleased to know that we have purged a couple of the Russian corps from the alliance (not all of them).  They were selling supercaps to reds (something like 15 or 20 that I know of so far), and don't seem to understand why that would be...frowned upon.   I guess they didn't see what happened to the NC.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on October 20, 2011, 10:49:15 AM
Hurray, get them all.  :menace:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on October 21, 2011, 11:07:27 AM
CCP is going to be introducing tier 3 battlecruisers this winter:

Implants are going to be showing up on killmails:

Oh and the PI fuckery+new structure shooting: 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on October 21, 2011, 12:32:16 PM
Interesting.  Like the idea of more ships, of course....Not sure how I like more killboard whoring stats.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on December 17, 2011, 06:12:29 PM
lolz the Zzeks had a battle:

Some dudes showed up to help (he accidentally killed one of them), but then they all started in on the carriers:

:lol:  He wiped out a fairly good sized roaming gang without losing anything.  He was on his way to take down an his ships were fit for that instead of pvp. 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on December 17, 2011, 08:31:03 PM
That's ridiculous, seen him around a few times too.  Too funny.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on December 21, 2011, 09:02:19 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on December 17, 2011, 08:31:03 PM
That's ridiculous, seen him around a few times too.  Too funny.

You will be pleased to know that Goonswarm and friends (Razor, TEST, etc) have invaded the space of the neighboring Russian alliance White Noise.

Berkut's old buddies, IRC, are fighting with the Russians (they are Russian renters now) along with Raiden, which is full of former BoB members and at least one of their corps.  Also some Greeks (I'm assuming) called HELL4S are on the latest battle report.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on December 23, 2011, 03:03:05 AM
I guess the forums got DDoS'd this evening while I was gone.  What a strange coincidence!
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on December 23, 2011, 03:39:46 AM
The Russians are so gay.  I wish you guys would just kick both groups out so that all those fuckers would starve irl.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on December 24, 2011, 08:52:11 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on December 23, 2011, 03:39:46 AM
The Russians are so gay.  I wish you guys would just kick both groups out so that all those fuckers would starve irl.

Somehow the swarm has already taken 26 of 93 systems in Branch, including three stations.  I haven't been really keeping up with what exactly is going on, but it seems like they're moving very quickly.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on December 25, 2011, 07:13:42 PM
Do you even log in any more?  :P

Been a lot more active myself down in the amamake area with FW.  Getting a lot of good fights, at least before I came up north to see my family, can't play up here.  Trained Gallente, really enjoying blaster boats.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on December 25, 2011, 08:19:07 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on December 25, 2011, 07:13:42 PM
Do you even log in any more?  :P

I often ask myself that.

QuoteTrained Gallente, really enjoying blaster boats.

Blaster boats are great fun.  But you gotta get in close.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on December 25, 2011, 08:27:17 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on December 25, 2011, 07:13:42 PM
Do you even log in any more?  :P

I do to change skills, but I've been thinking about just unsubbing for a bit.  I've been training 30-40 day skills on the main though.  Current one is Gallente Carrier V, with Fighters V being next.  I probably won't ever bother buying it, but hey..if I did I could fly the shit out of it!  :P

QuoteBeen a lot more active myself down in the amamake area with FW.  Getting a lot of good fights, at least before I came up north to see my family, can't play up here.  Trained Gallente, really enjoying blaster boats.

Did they ever get around to fixing Gallente ships and blasters to balance them out with everything else?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on December 30, 2011, 07:26:15 AM
There was finally a big battle.  Goons/etc lost 150+ battleships.  WN/etc lost 150+ battleships.  And 30+ carriers.  Apparently, DBRB got the reinforcement fleet of like 80 battleships wiped out by sheer dumbass shitty luck when he fleet warped them in on a spot just as a group of WN SBs were tossing the bombs out onto that spot.  :lol:

WN declared victory, btw.  I guess because they saved one system while giving up three others?  I have no idea.  I guess it's the first time they've brought out their supercap blob, so w/e.  Maybe they'll attack Deklein and force me to undock the main "in anger" for the first time in....a year?  I don't even know what system that clone is in anymore.  It's been a really long time.

E:  Oh, the last time I actually undocked to go kill something was in February 2010.  Uhhh....okay.  I did get blown up in April 2010 suiciding a BC into a gatecamp while moving my dictors to Deklein, if that counts.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on December 30, 2011, 02:29:04 PM
Telling you guys you should come down and join me.  Might even get a Kill seedy and MBM. 

Gallente seemed to have been fixed a decent amount.  Using a 1000 dps vigilant is a lot of fun, just face rape stuff.  Always need the people and there is great money to be had, just saying.  :whistle:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on December 31, 2011, 07:21:03 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on December 30, 2011, 02:29:04 PM
Telling you guys you should come down and join me.  Might even get a Kill seedy and MBM.

I should really get in on this WN invasion.   GSF had four full fleets up for attack on the WN capital, had bubbles up all over the completely incapped station in order to keep the capfleet, unfitted subcaps, and pods from leaving.  There are alpha clone kills to be had there right now, it seems.  I guess they have some titans trapped in some bubbled POS there as well.

Also, check out the history of this station (not the capital, that one is a couple jumps away):

I don't know why they would drop a new station right in the middle of an invasion.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on January 10, 2012, 06:03:13 AM
I can't believe they've wasted so much on that bullshit station stuff.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on February 02, 2012, 08:44:58 PM
I'm getting a suicide dread instead.  2.4b for the hull, fittings, topes, and insurance.  Placing the order this weekend.  Can't wait to drop that fucker on a BoB Kenzoku IT Raiden. supercap fleet with 200 other suicide dreads.  Glorious slaughter.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on February 02, 2012, 11:20:03 PM
Let me know how that goes.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on February 02, 2012, 11:21:04 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on February 02, 2012, 11:20:03 PM
Let me know how that goes.

How what goes?  Blowing shit up?  It goes...well?  Do you not blow shit up with your current corp?

The theory has already been tested against a supercap fleet with about 40 titans and another 40SCs.  They traded I think 20 dreads (out of about 60 in a fleet that included three titans and an alphafleet) for one of the titans.  Then lost a titan about an hour later in follow up battles.   :cool:  Shit like that is totally worth the 2.4b buy-in. 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on February 03, 2012, 07:28:45 AM
I'm about halfway to affording my first Jump Freighter. PROFIT
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on February 03, 2012, 09:48:10 AM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on February 02, 2012, 11:21:04 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on February 02, 2012, 11:20:03 PM
Let me know how that goes.

How what goes?  Blowing shit up?  It goes...well?  Do you not blow shit up with your current corp?

The theory has already been tested against a supercap fleet with about 40 titans and another 40SCs.  They traded I think 20 dreads (out of about 60 in a fleet that included three titans and an alphafleet) for one of the titans.  Then lost a titan about an hour later in follow up battles.   :cool:  Shit like that is totally worth the 2.4b buy-in.

Just wanted a baby battle report on how you lose your shit.

And I only got 106 kills last month in small gang pvp because I was gone half the month.   :(
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on February 03, 2012, 12:13:23 PM
You should let me join your corp, Al.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on February 03, 2012, 04:41:34 PM
I keep telling you to, ya lazy bastage.  Tried how many times? I gave you the mumble info via evemail so get on there and talk to peoples, tell them you know vonlutt and they'll be more than accommodating and enthusiastic to help you out.

Been kind of busy with RL lately, but you'll see me on from time to time.  It's a good time, there are small fleets run every day/night, and there really is great money to be had with fw missions.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on February 03, 2012, 05:01:58 PM
I think you bot, because whenever I see you in the Languish channel, you ignore me.  :(
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on February 03, 2012, 06:11:03 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on February 03, 2012, 09:48:10 AM
Just wanted a baby battle report on how you lose your shit.

TBH, unless something changes, they might not actually suicidal as goonswarm suicide shit usually is.  They can apparently soak up multiple doomsdays while shitting out huge amounts of damage (while in siege of course).  This is a problem, since with the current way reimbursements are done, you can actually make cash by losing dreads. 

QuoteAnd I only got 106 kills last month in small gang pvp because I was gone half the month.   :(

Hey have you tried out the new Amarr tier 3 BC yet?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on February 03, 2012, 10:04:04 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on February 03, 2012, 05:01:58 PM
I think you bot, because whenever I see you in the Languish channel, you ignore me.  :(

No, I just have like 15 channels open and I really don't see it blink a lot of the time, especially with the new neocom or what ever.  :bleeding:

Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on February 03, 2012, 06:11:03 PM
Hey have you tried out the new Amarr tier 3 BC yet?

I haven't, it seems pretty weak compared to the others.  The alpha Tornado seems to be the most amusing, but the Naga is really powerful with long range rails.  Something like 700dps at 70km.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on February 04, 2012, 12:15:32 PM
Hey Al,

What do you know about EE (Eternal Evocations)?  One of their corps own a couple of systems in Providence.
Reason I'm asking, I still have substantial assets locked away in one of their stations from when we owned it when I was with Dynaverse before they got kicked out.

Thinking about sending an email to discuss the possibility of docking rights or another form of access privileges.

Anything you know about them?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on February 04, 2012, 05:23:39 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on February 03, 2012, 10:04:04 PM
I haven't, it seems pretty weak compared to the others.  The alpha Tornado seems to be the most amusing, but the Naga is really powerful with long range rails.  Something like 700dps at 70km.

It's a Harbinger with bigger guns and less tank, which sounds like good times to me.  EFT warrioring with it results in a ship that does about 590 DPS at 45+9.6 (Scorch) with 44,328 EHP in a plated pulse Harb style setup and unscripted sensor boosters that is cap stable with the MWD off.

A more glass cannon type setup with tachyons will get you ranges from  19+31 with Gleam (38+31 with MF) up to and 137+31 with Aurora.

Unfortunately, they don't really import them up to Deklein (they bring the Tornado to put on the market since the current fleet doctrine is all about the alpha), so they're rather pricey and the modules are somewhat scarce.

E:  Seedy might like the Gallente one.  Battleship sized blasters with BC mobility for all your ganking needs.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on February 04, 2012, 05:48:49 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on February 04, 2012, 12:15:32 PM
Hey Al,

What do you know about EE (Eternal Evocations)?  One of their corps own a couple of systems in Providence.
Reason I'm asking, I still have substantial assets locked away in one of their stations from when we owned it when I was with Dynaverse before they got kicked out.

Thinking about sending an email to discuss the possibility of docking rights or another form of access privileges.

Anything you know about them?

I'll ask around, but my friend has a couple of JF not far from provi so if you wanted I could ask him to jump your shit out if you really wanted.  I'm sure he'd do it.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on February 04, 2012, 07:45:31 PM
Never mind if its player owned stations then yeah nothing I can do there.  Guys dont know them other than their name.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on February 05, 2012, 04:51:21 PM
They sent me a reply;  apparently they run NRDS, and their station is open to Neuts as long as they follow the same it: A TRAP?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on February 05, 2012, 04:58:42 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on February 05, 2012, 04:51:21 PM
They sent me a reply;  apparently they run NRDS, and their station is open to Neuts as long as they follow the same it: A TRAP?

It might actually be legit.  CVA does that, or at least they used to, so these EE guys (and Severance or Sev3rance or whatever) might do the same thing given their location.  Hell, I've docked in CVA stations to fix my ships up while running with gangs through Providence that shoot up everything that isn't blue.  They charge docking fees, but it wasn't some huge number. 

E: Blaze down there in an interceptor or something and check it out.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on February 05, 2012, 05:02:17 PM
I think I'll give it a go this evening;  I have a tremendous amount of T2 fittings that I could use, and it doesn't hurt that I've got a Stealth Bomber, a Covert Ops and a ratting Hyperion in there.  I could use them.
Hell, it's just two jumps from hi-sec, just need to be careful :P
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on February 07, 2012, 09:09:38 AM
Whew...waiting until the patch this AM, and logged on while the pop was low, so I could transport my Hyperion-stocked-to-the-gills-with-T2-stuff-and-fitted-for-transport outta 0.0 to Choonka.  Talk about a white-knuckler.  Longest 5 jumps of my life.  :P
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on February 07, 2012, 01:53:33 PM
Get it all out?  Grats.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on February 07, 2012, 05:17:14 PM
Yah, mon.  And all my PLEX sold, so I'll be buying my Jump Freighter this evening.  :menace:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on February 11, 2012, 05:12:48 PM
Hey Al,  are T3 Cruisers worth the investment?  Are they primarily for PVE and missioning?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on February 12, 2012, 05:48:12 AM
They don't have to be just for PVE, but they do the best there.  Tengus in particular.

And yes, they are worth it.  30 days can get everything to lvl 5.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on February 15, 2012, 01:50:55 PM
My God, I have spent so much ISK the last three days.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on February 15, 2012, 02:14:54 PM
On what besides the Anshar?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on February 15, 2012, 02:38:30 PM
Tricking out T3 cruisers, Strategic Cruisers, shit load of BPOs, etc.

I've probably spent almost $7B so far in the last week.  Although $6.5B was for the Jump Freighter.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on February 15, 2012, 04:01:55 PM
Yeah, really bad time to buy with mineral prices as they are right now.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on February 23, 2012, 07:56:24 AM
Quote from: Alcibiades on February 15, 2012, 04:01:55 PM
Yeah, really bad time to buy with mineral prices as they are right now.

My God, Mexallon prices are through the fucking roof.  Grabbing all the Plagioclase I can find;  and yet the HiSec bots are still working on Scordite LOL
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on February 23, 2012, 09:19:56 AM
I still haven't gotten around to placing the order for the Revelation, but on the plus side, they've just made the Oracle reimbursable so that it makes you a little isk when you die in it.  Now I'm sitting here thinking about how many of those (and those Minmatar ones that are also reimbursed) 4b isk will buy instead of the Rev and the Thanatos I've been looking at.  :P  Also Drakes and Hurricanes.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on February 23, 2012, 09:27:49 AM
Is that what they're doing with the old motherships? Reimbursing?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on February 23, 2012, 10:01:02 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on February 23, 2012, 09:27:49 AM
Is that what they're doing with the old motherships? Reimbursing?

No, those are supercarriers now.   This is a goonswarm thing.  Paying you to die in certain ships on ops,  or all the time in most ships at lower rates in other areas.  Supercarriers and titans are probably reimbursed too, but I'm never going to bother with those.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Baron von Schtinkenbutt on March 01, 2012, 12:20:13 AM
Tonight is the first time in the almost six years of my EVE existence that I have over 1b ISK in my account.  I came close when I bought my freighter, but never actually went over.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 02, 2012, 11:17:00 AM
Congrats.   :cheers:

What have you been up to?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 02, 2012, 02:11:12 PM
I'm heading your way this weekend, Al.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 02, 2012, 03:29:56 PM
Badass, dont wander in unscouted  :P

Was wondering what you've been up to, hadn't seen you since I got back.   Make sure you drop any corp roles, takes 24h to take effect, by the way.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 02, 2012, 04:03:00 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on March 02, 2012, 03:29:56 PM
Badass, dont wander in unscouted  :P

Was wondering what you've been up to, hadn't seen you since I got back.   Make sure you drop any corp roles, takes 24h to take effect, by the way.

I sent ya an in-game email.

I'll  be setting up shop somewhere between Jel and the low-sec jump into Kuo.  I'll split my main off for FW, and leave my indy alt with the corp.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 06, 2012, 04:39:53 PM

always find it fascinating how the most life threatening issues often come up from the smallest, most innocent moves. For instance, you could enjoy a meal at home, drop the dirty cutlery into the sink with the firm intention to clean it the day after, only to realize two weeks have passed and the kitchen is now inhabited by a new indigenous, hostile life-form derived from all the junk you forgot to wash during that time.

The same shocking, and quite horrifying principles apply with ship balancing. Tweak things a little up, down, right, left and right again, then notice you are two years into the future and are now faced with a system that is in dire need of an overhaul. Identifying roots that need to be plucked out and preparing the soil for healthy balancing is a daunting task, but we now estimate to be in a proper position to give you a glimpse of things to come.

Climbing your way up is a bumpy ride

The first overhaul we are considering is to clean ship progression and skill requirements.

We currently have four racial skill requirements for Frigates, Cruisers, Battleships and Capitals, while the Destroyer and Battlecruiser skills are totally generic. This creates a certain number of issues, such as:

For tech 1 ships, training the Destroyer or Battlecruiser skill allows you mastery over all racial variants, provided you have their respective Frigate / Cruiser skills trained to 3. That means 12 ships unlocked by the Battlecruiser skill, for instance.
For tech 2 ships, it creates an overcomplicated nest of skill requirements, as you need both the Cruiser and Battlecruiser skills to 5 to train for a Command Ship for example.
It also impacts progression as a whole, as the Destroyer and Battlecruiser skills are not required to move into the upper classes at all. Training Battleships requires racial Cruiser at 4, not Battlecruiser.
Current ship progression:

As such, we want to streamline ship training by implementing the changes below:

Split Destroyers and Battlecruisers skills into 4 racial variants, and turn them into requirements for training upper classes. Amarr Battleship would now require Amarr Battlecruiser at 4.
Cut needless requirements for tech 2 ships across classes. Tech 2 philosophy is all about specializing into a specific hull and role, thus, requiring players to train for Assault Ships, then Heavy Assault Ships when aiming for Field Command Ships, is quite redundant.
Increase progression consistency by ensuring all navy ships and entry requirement for upper classes have a skill level 4 requirement, while tech 2 has a level 5 requirement. For example, that means lowering the Covetor's Mining Barge requirement from 5 to 4, but also reducing Battleship requirement from 5 to 4 for capitals.
New ship progression:

To sum up, this means that tech 1 sub-capital vessels would take a bit longer to train for (from 9 to 17 days for Battleships for instance), capitals would be less time consuming (30 days faster) and tech 2 ships like Interdictors and Command Ships would require 14-20 less days to train for.

If and when such changes occur, we would remove the generic Destroyer and Battlecruiser skills, reimburse the skill points (and possibly the cost) not to penalize players. Due to the way nested requirements work, it would also mean pilots would not need to re-train anything to fly Battleships or Cruisers. All of this is work in progress of course and subject to change, especially since we are still discussing skill reimbursement options.

However, reducing training requirements for various ship classes is not a side-effect we are necessarily happy with. That is why we want to introduce new skills, tied with the new concept of ship lines.

Stating the not so obvious

To understand what ships lines are all about, let’s recap the four theoretical factors that sort ships out:

Size, fairly straightforward for being the most evident to grasp. Size impacts on module fitting requirements, mobility, replacement costs, required player experience, play session length.

Tech, which impacts ship performance, and roles. Tech 1 is the reference in ship balancing, while faction ships (navy and pirate variants) are most often plain improvements, tech 2 offer a specialized purpose and tech 3 give opportunities for generalization.

Tiers, mainly used for tech 1 and faction ships. In each class, it influences how many slots, hitpoints, fitting options a ship has next to others, and is theoretically used as a progression system for players climbing up sizes.
Manufacturers, tech 2 schools that specialize in specific roles, like missiles for Khanid or sniping for Ishukone.
Combining all these elements, we arrive at the following ship trees:

In practice however, after assessing ship slots, EHP, speed, fitting potential and role overlap, we estimate almost half of our currently available ships to have suboptimal use, or are just be plain not worth it at all for pilots looking to min-max.

There are many reasons for that, one is due to the way we balance ships according to the tier system. Indeed, because the tier system dictates raw slots and hit points, it directly impacts ship performance, and thus affects balance. This is most obvious with the tier 1 versus tier 2 battlecruiser comparison, or even with the cruiser class as a whole. Battleship hulls, for having comparatively more base slots to play with, are less affected by this problem than their smaller counterparts.

Introducing ship lines

That is why we want to remove ship tiers altogether, then refocus our balancing philosophy to be based on role. That means finding common themes, or lines that fit ships with the same purpose, then adjusting slot layout, HP and fittings within each class to support this goal.

Combat ships: designed for direct fights, such vessels are usually found spear heading an attack force, or sniping from long range. Have great damage and defense, but poor mobility. A good representation would be 18th century "ships of the line". EVE examples: Abaddon, Rokh, Hyperion, Maelstrom, Ferox, Maller.
Attack vessels: Made for hit and run assault, or flanking opportunities. Have great damage and mobility, but average defense. Similar in role with cavalry. EVE examples: Armageddon, Megathron, Tempest, Oracle, Thorax, Hurricane, Dominix, Myrmidon.
Bombardment ships: provide heavy fire support to pin the enemy down with constant barrage of ordnance. Have great damage and range, average defense and mobility. Can be compared to artillery. EVE examples: Raven, Drake, caracal.
Support vessels: mainly focused on assisting a friendly force, or disrupting an enemy fleet. Have average damage, poor defense, average mobility. Electronic warfare is the prime illustration of this line. EVE examples: Scorpion, Blackbird, Celestis, Arbitrator.
Industrial ships: provide the mining and logistic backbone to replace military losses and cover operating costs. Poor offense, average defense and poor mobility. An Oil platform is a fairly accurate depiction of industrial ships . EVE examples: Covetor, Orca, Rorqual, Iteron V.
The advantages of such approach are multiple:

As said above, ships that desperately need slots or EHP to fulfill their role will get them.
Removing the tier system makes it significantly easier for us to balance ships, as there is no more artificial barrier dictating ship attributes within the same class.
It groups vessels into easily identifiable lines for each race and allow us to add new skills to support them. That is the purpose of the ship line skills mentioned above, which could further boost respective advantages. Combat ship line skills could give a bonus to defense, while attack ship skills benefit offense and mobility for example.
This opens up possibilities in terms of new ships. For example, why does the Amarr drone and tracking disruption line ends with the Arbitrator? Or the Gallente drone and dampening abilities stop with the Exequror? Can’t Minmatar use short range missile platforms to make use of that target painting bonus?
Paving the way for the future

So, how does all that affect you? Starting with EVE Online: Inferno, we will begin revamping ship classes one after the other, making sure obsolete hulls serve a purpose. This is still in the research phase and constructive feedback is most appreciated while we wait for the next ship balancing blog to come out, dedicated to how such changes will impact the Amarr Empire fleet.

Should be...interesting.   I fear change.    Click the link for pictures and stuff.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 06, 2012, 04:58:59 PM
Sounds like people are still bitching about the whole time versus power-leveling thing.  LEVEL IV WHAAMBULANCE
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 06, 2012, 06:17:45 PM

E: I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to the shitton of free skillpoints I'm probably going to end up with from this (although I'm not looking forward to potential clone costs if I end up with a bunch of extra SP because they just added it), and it'll be nice if a bunch of new ships suddenly become useful, but I'm just thinking about all the ways CCP can fuck this up.  Some of the stupid shit written in that devblog means they might already be off to a pretty solid start in the "fucking things up" department. 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Baron von Schtinkenbutt on March 08, 2012, 11:44:43 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on March 02, 2012, 11:17:00 AM
Congrats.   :cheers:

What have you been up to?

Skill flipping for most of the past couple years.  For the moment now I'm mining roids and rats to make my wad bigger while I figure out what I want to do.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 09, 2012, 05:27:11 AM
Quote from: Baron von Schtinkenbutt on March 08, 2012, 11:44:43 PM
Skill flipping for most of the past couple years.  For the moment now I'm mining roids and rats to make my wad bigger while I figure out what I want to do.

It takes a while, but once you start generating level 3 commodities out of Planetary Production, you start seeing some real profit.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 09, 2012, 05:27:57 AM
Then again, I just loooove mining.  Still lotsa profit in HiSec for that.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 09, 2012, 09:40:39 AM
Highest profit in highsec mining right now than I've seen since I started playing in 06.  And supposedly theyre going to continually ban macros now instead of the once a year purges, so they can only continue to increase.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Baron von Schtinkenbutt on March 10, 2012, 10:28:29 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on March 09, 2012, 09:40:39 AM
Highest profit in highsec mining right now than I've seen since I started playing in 06.  And supposedly theyre going to continually ban macros now instead of the once a year purges, so they can only continue to increase.

Indeed.  The the best I've ever seen highsec mining prior to this a miner could make 12m/hour[1].  Now its at 20m+.  Lowsec and nullsec ore prices are as shitty as ever, though.

I don't see how this can be driven by cracking down on macros, though.  Nocxium has bounced up significantly, even though its not available in significant quantities in highsec, and pyerite has barely moved in comparison to the other three highsec minerals.

[1] Theoretically.  Practically, due to lack of asteroids, moving, and incomplete cycles its less.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 10, 2012, 10:59:58 PM
The Russian civil war probably has a lot to do with it, started around the first week of December, same as when the patch came out and prices began to rise through the roof.

Lots of Russian macros probably having a rougher time.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 10, 2012, 11:03:03 PM
Fuck the Russians.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Razgovory on March 11, 2012, 01:09:37 AM
Ain't that always the way?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 12, 2012, 02:00:19 PM
They are doing something tomorrow.  Crucible 1.5.  A new launcher, some UI stuff, rookie ship models, and some other stuff.

The Reaper doesn't seem to look like a pile of trash anymore.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on March 13, 2012, 12:12:34 AM
I am tempted...but I don't know if it is because I really actually want to play, or I am just bored.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 13, 2012, 03:26:58 AM
Quote from: Berkut on March 13, 2012, 12:12:34 AM
I am tempted...but I don't know if it is because I really actually want to play, or I am just bored.

You would just get bored by next Thursday anyway.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 13, 2012, 10:55:56 AM
DL'd the new launcher.  Looks like they didn't overwrite anybody's boot.ini files this time.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: katmai on March 14, 2012, 02:22:43 AM
Well I am bored, so trying out game again, Alci is only one whose name i can remember.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 14, 2012, 05:50:34 AM
Just log into the Languish channel.  There's 7 alts for 3 guys in there.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 14, 2012, 07:45:21 AM

Maybe I can drag you into Fw, since seedy is dragging ass.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 14, 2012, 07:47:19 AM
Quote from: Alcibiades on March 14, 2012, 07:45:21 AM

Maybe I can drag you into Fw, since seedy is dragging ass.


Just knocked out my last Armor Elite certs.  :P  I'll be down there presently.  Won't fly anything bigger than an inty, assault or HIC/HACs, though.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 14, 2012, 08:42:29 AM
Well im about to go on vaca for 2 weeks and then  bs army stuff for a week after that so im basically gone until April 2nd.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 14, 2012, 08:47:33 AM
Quote from: Alcibiades on March 14, 2012, 08:42:29 AM
Well im about to go on vaca for 2 weeks and then  bs army stuff for a week after that so im basically gone until April 2nd.

Nice, that'll give me time to finish my Drone Interfacing V and Large Rail Gun Specialization V.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 14, 2012, 09:52:07 AM
[alabamaGOP]Hey Al, who am I voting for in the CSM elections?[/alabamaGOP]
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on March 14, 2012, 10:16:44 AM
Actually, FW is about the one thing I've never tried that I wish I had...
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 14, 2012, 11:00:14 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 14, 2012, 09:52:07 AM
[alabamaGOP]Hey Al, who am I voting for in the CSM elections?[/alabamaGOP]

Hans jagerblix or something like that is the guy to vote for in FW.  And seriously, a gun spec to V is pretty wasteful unless you are at like 120m sp and nothing else to train.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 14, 2012, 11:44:46 AM
Quote from: Alcibiades on March 14, 2012, 11:00:14 AM
And seriously, a gun spec to V is pretty wasteful unless you are at like 120m sp and nothing else to train.

Fine, I have some EWAR stuff I can spruce up then.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 16, 2012, 07:42:46 PM

Banned in Empire space: true

for comparison:
T1 crystal: x 1.625
T2 crystal: x 1.75
T? crystal: x 2.25 (i.e. 30% better than t2)
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on March 16, 2012, 11:30:55 PM
Wait, WAT?

Banned? How so?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 16, 2012, 11:35:04 PM
It's illegal, they'll confiscate it, fine you, and you'll take a sec hit.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on March 17, 2012, 12:30:42 AM
Oh, is that a tech III crystal? Never seen one of those.

So I signed back up with both my toons. Some interesting changes.

Love that they finally made a true salvaging ship, don't love that it costs 60M Isk.

So, am I correct in thinking that if I join a FW corp, then I am fair game anywhere for anyone else in an opposing FW corp?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 17, 2012, 12:54:24 AM
It's not Tech 3 so far.  Is that off of Singularity?  Is there an Advanced Veldspar Mining Crystal I?  If not, it could end up faction (ORE) if they actually change it from Tech 2. 


E:  Man, the launcher is kinda funky.  I have EVEMon in the same folder as EVE itself, and the launcher makes me shut it down for some reason when it wants to update.  It says it can't do anything with applications running in the folder or some such.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 17, 2012, 07:29:51 AM
Yeah supposedly a dev linked it while they were waiting to run tests on sisi.

And if you join fw, minmatar or gallente for instance, any amarr or caldari fw can shoot you on sight, and you aren't allowed in each other's highsec or the navies will kill you.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on March 17, 2012, 09:13:45 AM
Ahhh, so then you are safe in your own high sec.

I was thinking that it would suck to always be killable when mining or something.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 17, 2012, 03:32:21 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on March 17, 2012, 12:54:24 AM
It's not Tech 3 so far.  Is that off of Singularity?  Is there an Advanced Veldspar Mining Crystal I?  If not, it could end up faction (ORE) if they actually change it from Tech 2. 


If you'll notice, it's used with a "Frequency Mining Laser", which doesn't look like it's in the item database, either.  Unless it's a Modulated Deep Core Miner.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 17, 2012, 10:14:03 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 17, 2012, 03:32:21 PM
If you'll notice, it's used with a "Frequency Mining Laser", which doesn't look like it's in the item database, either.  Unless it's a Modulated Deep Core Miner.

I'm not really good with the mining module names.  I wonder if that particular laser is an "outlaw" item as well.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on March 18, 2012, 11:30:22 AM
What is the point of exploration?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 18, 2012, 11:32:15 AM
Quote from: Berkut on March 18, 2012, 11:30:22 AM
What is the point of exploration?

Wormholes, Ladar, Radar, Gravimetric sites, other deadspace stuff.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on March 19, 2012, 12:00:15 PM
I am in the market for 2x60 day GTCs. Anyone looking to sell?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 19, 2012, 12:02:03 PM
Quote from: Berkut on March 19, 2012, 12:00:15 PM
I am in the market for 2x60 day GTCs. Anyone looking to sell?

I sell them all the time. 
For you, I make good deal, no?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on March 19, 2012, 12:29:40 PM
Cool. How much?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on March 21, 2012, 08:23:28 AM
Seedy? You actually interested, or just talking out of your ass?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 21, 2012, 08:47:03 AM
Languish down for most of the last 24 hours, and you're going to give me shit?  Go fuck yourself then.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on March 21, 2012, 11:26:53 AM
So what are you trying to say then?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 21, 2012, 11:31:02 AM
That you are one impatient ass motherfucker.

Bet you didn't even wait for your wife to finish gestation.  Probably pushed that shit out in 6 months, just to shut you up.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 23, 2012, 12:46:54 AM
They showed a little of Dust 514 at the nerd convention Fan Fest.

It actually looks.....well shit it looks like it's coming along nicely.  Orbital bombardment looks pretty groovy.

Also, apparently The Mittani and Darius JOHNSON were belligerently drunk during their presentations.  Mittens read hatemail various goons had received for scamming/ganking/stealing/etc and supposedly handed out booze to audience members who asked questions (uncomfirmed, I haven't watched it myself).
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Drakken on March 23, 2012, 07:05:36 AM
Sucks that it's available only for console players. I bet quite a few Evetards would like to bomb the shit out of planets on PC, too.

I like the societal implications, though: console players are mere mooks that will fight on planets for free because it's fun, while EVE players are the elite subscribers that act like demi-gods and call the strategic shots.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on March 23, 2012, 09:27:38 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 21, 2012, 11:31:02 AM
That you are one impatient ass motherfucker

Perhaps, but all I need is a yeah or nay, so I can find one elsewhere if you aren't interested.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 23, 2012, 09:50:06 AM
Goddamn, lemme log on and see what the market is.

I can dump a 30 day for 485m, but if you want 2 x 60 days, I can extrapolate accordingly and figure out the Languish bonus.

You sure you want 240 days' worth?  You're so not going to play that long, bro.

Edit:  Going rate on the forums is 900m for a 60 day GTC.  I geef Languisht deescount of 850m.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on March 23, 2012, 10:51:06 AM
Send one to Bhender, and one to Khif Kroker.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 23, 2012, 10:52:16 AM
A'ight, will do this evening.

Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 23, 2012, 01:11:23 PM
Quote from: Drakken on March 23, 2012, 07:05:36 AM
Sucks that it's available only for console players. I bet quite a few Evetards would like to bomb the shit out of planets on PC, too.

I like the societal implications, though: console players are mere mooks that will fight on planets for free because it's fun, while EVE players are the elite subscribers that act like demi-gods and call the strategic shots.

I hope there's the possibility of friendly fire from orbital bombardment.  GoonFeet/GoonPlatoon is so fucked if there is.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 23, 2012, 01:29:32 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on March 23, 2012, 12:46:54 AM
They showed a little of Dust 514 at the nerd convention Fan Fest.

It actually looks.....well shit it looks like it's coming along nicely.  Orbital bombardment looks pretty groovy.

Looks stupid as all fuck, and a completely unnecessary waste of time and resources that could be better applied to EVE content, much in the same way as wasting all that programming horsepower on the stupid-ass character clothes and other walking-around-the-space-station bullshit.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 23, 2012, 01:37:28 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 23, 2012, 01:29:32 PM
Looks stupid as all fuck, and a completely unnecessary waste of time and resources that could be better applied to EVE content, much in the same way as wasting all that programming horsepower on the stupid-ass character clothes and other walking-around-the-space-station bullshit.

Except no, it isn't the same.  They are using CCP Shanghai to develop Dust.  They aren't stripping the devs you're actually familiar with from EVE development. 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 23, 2012, 01:39:19 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on March 23, 2012, 01:37:28 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 23, 2012, 01:29:32 PM
Looks stupid as all fuck, and a completely unnecessary waste of time and resources that could be better applied to EVE content, much in the same way as wasting all that programming horsepower on the stupid-ass character clothes and other walking-around-the-space-station bullshit.

Except no, it isn't the same.  They are using CCP Shanghai to develop Dust.  They aren't stripping the devs you're actually familiar with from EVE.

Still, stupid as all-fuck concept, integrating it into EVE.

I hope they do employ orbital bombardment, because I'm going spawn nuke ass rape every fucking Ritalin-starved 15 year old fucking Chinky monkey nigger that plays that mother fucking game.  All. Fucking. Day. Long.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 23, 2012, 01:47:48 PM
Nah, it's a pretty solid concept.  You're just a moron. :)  Having dudes dropping down onto planets as part of system invasions (or whatever they're going to be doing with them at first in the NPC systems) makes sense.  There's just no way to have that in EVE Online itself, unless you turn it into a spreadsheet or something else that totally sucks, so the next best way is to have it as a separate FPS. 

The problem is going to be when the twitchy console tards move on to the next FPS in a couple months and all that is left are EVE players waging their own wars.  Well, I don't know, maybe that isn't really a problem for CCP.  EVE players are probably more likely to spend real life money buying shit for Dust than the stereotypical consoletard anyway, at least if it gives them any sort of advantage in EVE at all.

Anyway, re: PC version of it:

QuoteWhile many EVE Online players aren't thrilled with DUST 514's PlayStation 3 exclusivity, there may be hope for a PC release yet. And while the devs weren't ready to make any official statements on the spot, a bit of wink-nudging indicates that a PC release may still be in the cards. As the devs note, mouse and keyboard controls are already supported in the PS3 version of the title. "I wonder why we did that," Hilmar joked during the interview.

If they do release it on PC, it'll be another game to play while playing EVE!  Sweet!
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 23, 2012, 02:19:05 PM
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on March 24, 2012, 03:31:16 PM
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 24, 2012, 05:55:11 PM
Bought a Megathron Navy Issue today, should be fun.

With the boosts I plan on whoring with.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Razgovory on March 24, 2012, 09:29:33 PM
So the prostitutes in the future will need 16 meters of reinforced rolled tungsten plates before they go out at night?  What ever for?  I can see the reason behind the Domination Warp Scrambler, sorta.  Some kind of S&M thing.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 28, 2012, 11:35:00 PM
Alright, I'm off to play army tomorrow morning until Sunday night.  You better be ready to go next weekend, just saying.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 29, 2012, 07:23:17 AM
 :lol:  Mittani got into a bit of trouble on stage at Fanfest.


CCP, trying hard to cover their asses (they approved the powerpoint slide in the first place lolz), banned him for 30 days in game.  Alci, you should bring that Mega by Jita on or soon after April 28.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 29, 2012, 07:40:18 AM
Quote from: Alcibiades on March 28, 2012, 11:35:00 PM
Alright, I'm off to play army tomorrow morning until Sunday night.  You better be ready to go next weekend, just saying.

Yah mon, ready to join the corp when you return.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 29, 2012, 07:40:52 AM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on March 29, 2012, 07:23:17 AM
Alci, you should bring that Mega by Jita on or soon after April 28.

Why, what's happening?  New Navy Mega custom colors or something?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 29, 2012, 08:03:38 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 29, 2012, 07:40:52 AM
Why, what's happening?  New Navy Mega custom colors or something?

Mass suicide ganking.  :)  You got a new jump freighter, right?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on March 29, 2012, 08:51:52 AM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on March 29, 2012, 07:23:17 AM
(they approved the powerpoint slide in the first place lolz)

Yeah but supposedly it all went down during an unscripted Q&A after the presentation.  Either way you should be smarter than  to say that shit when you're representing something in front of a lot of people.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 29, 2012, 08:52:56 AM
Mittani being an asshole?  Shocking.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 29, 2012, 09:28:29 AM
The slide with the dude's evemail about killing himself over the loss of some mining ships was pre-screened and approved, his wife specifically mentioned it as being part of the presentation afaik, just the question about it and the response with his game name was in the Q&A or whatever.

It doesn't really matter either way.  He was already going to resign because of it (because he acted like "The Mittani," CEO of GoonSwarm and destroyer of pubbies, when he was supposed to be "Alex Ghoweveritsspelled," actually pretty chill dude and representative of the players of a video game, instead), the only surprise was the ban, and since the guy barely logs into the game as it is, that didn't really matter all that much either.  Only thing I can see that it really did in the end was give us a date to start the 10,000 vote Jita thing.  His wife seemed kind of pissed off about it though, despite not wanting him to be on the panel in the first place, since they hadn't ever done anything about the death threats,etc, from EVE weirdos they (and their dog  :huh:) had been getting pretty regularly.

TEST declared war on the miner.  DurrHurrDurr told him they might stop it if he self destructs a fitted battleship called "bottle of xanax" or something similar.

Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on March 29, 2012, 09:48:34 PM
You get what you paid for. The lemmings voted for Mittani, and he came right on through.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 29, 2012, 09:55:44 PM
Quote from: Berkut on March 29, 2012, 09:48:34 PM
You get what you paid for. The lemmings voted for Mittani, and he came right on through.

Yeah he did.  Unfortunately, he won't be there to continue actually getting shit done this time around. 

Oh wait, did you think CSM6 was the same as 1-5?  :lmfao:

He did say Two Step (who didn't want Mittani off the CSM along with most of the other members) is a good guy and busted his ass on 6, so hopefully he'll get the chair and will be able to work with CCP like Mittani was vs. the types of retards you apparently want on there.  CCP is probably pretty happy to oblige you though so they can go back to just being able to mostly ignore the CSM.  Riverini (absolutely fucking nuts), Xenuria (focus on walking in stations!), and Darius III (broke the NDA to give info about CCP meetings to Riverini) for CSM!  I can't remember the neo-Nazi's name right now, but that guy too!  These are seriously the types of alternatives you're talking about the "lemmings" NOT voting for.  Darius is already on there, Rivierini is now one away from being on it.  Thankfully Xenuria is way back behind all of them. 

Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 29, 2012, 10:36:14 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on March 29, 2012, 09:28:29 AM
TEST declared war on the miner.

Exsqueeze me?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 29, 2012, 10:46:34 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on March 29, 2012, 10:36:14 PM
Exsqueeze me?

He's in a corp with his 30 other alts.  They wardecced the corp.

This whole thing happened during the ice interdiction thing.  They ganked him once, then scammed him out of ~1.5b in "protection money," then went and offed all ~25 of his exhumers at once.  He sent an email about wanting to kill himself.

E: Wait, they hit five of his guys at once the first time:

QuoteTo: Aylar N, Bec MonChu Skjem, LaCaitin, Riakuken, UnCouillon,

Dear Valued Customer,

We here at Goonswarm Federation value your patronage and wish to make every Goon experience a GREAT EXPERIENCE!!!

In order to better serve you, please answer the following questions:
1. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being poor, 10 being excellent) rate your gank.
2. What can we do to improve your ganking experience.
3. What other services would you be interested in experiencing from Goonswarm Federation?
4. Would you be interested in purchasing a protection package to avoid future ganks in the future? We offer low competitive rates starting at 200M per person, and each package is good for 6 months!

Those names are all alts, from what I can tell.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 29, 2012, 11:54:41 PM
Hey, Molle is back!  Evolution just rejoined IT Alliance. 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on March 29, 2012, 11:59:42 PM
QuoteTo: Aylar N, Bec MonChu Skjem, LaCaitin, Riakuken, UnCouillon,

Dear Valued Customer,

We here at Goonswarm Federation value your patronage and wish to make every Goon experience a GREAT EXPERIENCE!!!

In order to better serve you, please answer the following questions:
1. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being poor, 10 being excellent) rate your gank.
2. What can we do to improve your ganking experience.
3. What other services would you be interested in experiencing from Goonswarm Federation?
4. Would you be interested in purchasing a protection package to avoid future ganks in the future? We offer low competitive rates starting at 200M per person, and each package is good for 6 months!

Goons are such assfucks.
That is pretty fucking funny, though.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on March 30, 2012, 12:13:41 AM
 :lol:  Figured you'd like that.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on April 02, 2012, 08:55:47 PM
This is a pretty long video (30 minutes) but it has excellent commentary, and a lot of cool insight into how the guys who know what they are doing fight.

Stuff like this makes me realize how far away from competency I am at this game.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 02, 2012, 09:13:21 PM
Yeah, Rooks and Kings are one of those crews that are just good at this game.   I think they were the ones who figured out the tracking exploit AHARM were using in their wormhole too.

E:  Oh in case you missed that in your absence:  The exploit was that inside of a certain type of wormhole system, they figured out that if you use tracking disruptors on your own ships, the game puts the tracking number and optimal below zero.  Which the game, of course, interprets as "unlimited," or if not unlimited, something really really high.  So they were using short range, high damage guns and hitting for max damage from like 200km away.  :lol:  Pretty rough on anyone trying to come into that particular system.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 06, 2012, 12:15:39 AM

Sign up here, Garmon does instructional videos almost weekly.  Some really good stuff in here for you guys to learn about pvp, for those interested.

Garmon of Garmonation fame:    (Garmonation 9, just came out.  Can learn a lot from watching these, too.)
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 07, 2012, 10:41:42 AM
Ah.  Helicity came back, so Hulkageddon V is on once GSF gets done killing everything in Jita.  There's isk to be made off of it this time even if you don't win: GSF will provide 100 million isk per 10 Hulks or Macks you kill.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 07, 2012, 01:48:36 PM
Eh, Helicity has been back for a while, been shitting around my local every once in a while.   :P
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 07, 2012, 04:51:08 PM
Slightly more info (and a graphic hey) on how you miners can get paid to wreck the botter competition in your systems:

Note that it requires a congratulatory email for each one.  I'm sure a survey would work too, or they might have some sort of template.  Basically, it sounds like it'll have to be a nice gloating mail.  You'll have to CC that to a GSF dude of some sort (include a link to the killmail) who will be keeping track of shit to get your payout. 

Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 07, 2012, 05:32:21 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on April 07, 2012, 10:41:42 AM
Ah.  Helicity came back, so Hulkageddon V is on once GSF gets done killing everything in Jita.  There's isk to be made off of it this time even if you don't win: GSF will provide 100 million isk per 10 Hulks or Macks you kill.

All that shit is a myth, anyway.  There is no "Hulkageddon" except in some lowsec systems.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 07, 2012, 05:43:03 PM
Who mines in lowsec?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 07, 2012, 05:55:51 PM
Exactly.  It's bullshit.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 08, 2012, 02:30:56 AM
yeah man there's a big suicide ganking "market" for lowsec

wait what?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Baron von Schtinkenbutt on April 10, 2012, 07:26:17 AM
Quote from: Alcibiades on April 07, 2012, 05:43:03 PM
Who mines in lowsec?

One of Oda's corpmates recently caught a Hulk in lowsec.  By himself, apparently.  You'd think someone with enough money and skills for a Hulk would be smarter than that.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 10, 2012, 08:24:20 AM

We just caught a chimera cynoing into a safe in the middle of our system in lowsec, you'd think someone with enough money and skills for a hulk would be smarter than that.   :P
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 10, 2012, 09:06:46 AM
Fuck that;  you're better off mining in 0.0 than that.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on April 10, 2012, 09:56:35 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 10, 2012, 09:06:46 AM
Fuck that;  you're better off mining in 0.0 than that.

Many parts of 0.0 space are vastly safer than most parts of low-sec space.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 10, 2012, 09:59:47 AM
In my time occasionally mining for Mercoxit in 0.0, I'd use the Skiff (or maybe the blockade running transport) with one strip miner and one cloaking device in the high slots, and keep an eye in local.  Rats?  Time to scoot.

Time consuming, but hauling back the raw Mercoxit for high sec markets made for some decent ISK.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 10, 2012, 12:02:01 PM
Probably more efficient to mine in highsec than mine in null with a transport  :P
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 10, 2012, 12:24:30 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on April 10, 2012, 12:02:01 PM
Probably more efficient to mine in highsec than mine in null with a transport  :P

No Mercoxit in hisec.

And stop being so judgmental.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 10, 2012, 05:23:48 PM
Accepted your app  :cheers:

Didn't expect to see ya actually join.    :P       Get ya the mumble info and stuff next time we see ya on, good group of guys.  Get you killing stuff and smacking in local before you know it.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 10, 2012, 07:00:56 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on April 10, 2012, 05:23:48 PM
Accepted your app  :cheers:

Didn't expect to see ya actually join.    :P       Get ya the mumble info and stuff next time we see ya on, good group of guys.  Get you killing stuff and smacking in local before you know it.

:P  I wanna kill stuff and get that sweet, sweet loot.

I divested from Mobtown Industries;  Rae Lewis is going into business on her own.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Arvoreen on April 12, 2012, 09:22:30 AM
So I'm considering re-joining the EvE universe again.... Any pointers for someone that hasn't played in about 2 years?  Would love to be able to join an active corp, as I recall that was always the most fun I had.

At this point, I don't even remember how many SP I had when I stopped....I know I was flying most Tech 2 Caldari ships though, and either had the skills or was working on dreads/carriers :)
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 12, 2012, 03:10:52 PM
More than welcome to join my corp for minmatar fw and some low sec pvp.  We're based out of huola, one jump out of amarr highsec.

Being in Min fw keeps you out of amarr and caldari highsec, though.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 12, 2012, 08:36:29 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on April 12, 2012, 03:10:52 PM
Being in Min fw keeps you out of amarr and caldari highsec, though.

Noobland anyway.

What's on the agenda for Friday night, Al? I want in on gankage.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Arvoreen on April 12, 2012, 08:37:59 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on April 12, 2012, 03:10:52 PM
More than welcome to join my corp for minmatar fw and some low sec pvp.  We're based out of huola, one jump out of amarr highsec.

Being in Min fw keeps you out of amarr and caldari highsec, though.

I'll keep that in mind.  I haven't made the leap back yet, but probably in the next week or so...
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 13, 2012, 03:17:26 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 12, 2012, 08:36:29 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on April 12, 2012, 03:10:52 PM
Being in Min fw keeps you out of amarr and caldari highsec, though.

Noobland anyway.

What's on the agenda for Friday night, Al? I want in on gankage.

Not sure yet, the nights can be hit or miss.   Busy times are usually weekend afternoons.  :mmm:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 13, 2012, 07:38:52 AM
Quote from: Alcibiades on April 13, 2012, 03:17:26 AM
Not sure yet, the nights can be hit or miss.   Busy times are usually weekend afternoons.  :mmm:

What do you recommend I should run with?  Interceptor?  Heavy Assault?  Disposable,  T1-maxed 1600mm x2 Gankathrax repper?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 13, 2012, 10:12:59 AM
I'd recommend you start with an inty for a little while but bring your thorax as well.  And t2 fit it you scrub.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Drakken on April 21, 2012, 11:36:32 AM
I'm somewhat interested in coming back with my Gallente char, my Hulk, my 13mil skill points and my 750mil in bank, but this time I'd want to be more involved in low-sec and nullsec, in particular as a transport and smuggling mule, or a plain pirate. My char has already the skills for cloakings and covert ops.

Would it be more profitable to just make an alt and build it from the ground up for smuggling and cloaking transportation, and keep my Gallente in reserve?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 21, 2012, 01:12:37 PM
Not really, you already presumably have the core skills...unless you have other things you want to train concurrently why not?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Drakken on April 21, 2012, 04:13:07 PM
Well then, do you accept Gallente turncoats? :shifty:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 21, 2012, 05:22:21 PM
Gallente are our allies in fw so :cheers:

You can join the corp and never log in again just like every time that other gallente turncoat seedy does when he joins my corp.   :rolleyes:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 21, 2012, 06:06:30 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on April 21, 2012, 05:22:21 PM
Gallente are our allies in fw so :cheers:

You can join the corp and never log in again just like every time that other gallente turncoat seedy does when he joins my corp.   :rolleyes:

Oh for fuck's sake, I haven't seen you online either.

I don't know these guys :unsure:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Jaron on April 21, 2012, 10:07:15 PM
It would be fun to play a game with someone, but I'd have to play for a year to catch up. :P

"Now training random skill..complete in 6m, 24 days, 8 hours, 32 minutes, 55 seconds" :ultra:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: katmai on April 22, 2012, 02:00:11 AM
Quote from: Jaron on April 21, 2012, 10:07:15 PM
It would be fun to play a game with someone, but I'd have to play for a year to catch up. :P

"Now training random skill..complete in 6m, 24 days, 8 hours, 32 minutes, 55 seconds" :ultra:

same boat i'm in.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 22, 2012, 02:13:08 AM
Get some Rifters,  tackle some bitches for CdM and Alci. 

You can train for one with an MWD, some T1 guns, warp disruptors, etc, in less than a day and for less than 1m ISK (a little more if you want to use +1 implants, which lower the time a bit).  Hell, I'd give you both the money for the skillbooks and a couple ships if you need it.  Either one of those two could easily do that too.

E:  This training plan:

Cybernetics I  (this is for the +1 implants)
Propulsion Jamming I
Energy Grid Upgrades I
Energy Grid Upgrades II
Hull Upgrades I
Navigation IV
Afterburner I
Afterburner II
Afterburner III
High Speed Maneuvering I
Minmatar Frigate III
Missile Launcher Operation I
Rockets I

Will let you roll around in this:

3x 200mm AutoCannons
Some sort of rocket or missile launcher

1mn MWD
1x Warp Scrambler I or Warp Disruptor I
1x Stasis Webifier I or Cap Recharger I

1x Capacitor Power Relay I
2x Nanofiber Internal Structure

If you start with a Minmatar character.  My blank Minmatar guy on Evemon looks like it would take 15 hours, 25 minutes to train this at a cost of 756,500 ISK.

You're not going to be a PvP god or anything (you'll probably die a lot) with this, but it's a disposable ship that can get points on targets that cost a whole helluva lot more than you and do some damage to those targets as a bonus.  With a little more training (And experience on your part), a pro fit Rifter can actually roam around solo pretty successfully.  People use them to get some practice before moving up to things like the Wolf, which can really kick some ass in PvP.

Just keep in mind this won't really be able to make you any money.  For that, you'll have to train up some other skills.  Maybe train for PI + a hauler and get your spacebux up with that, train up some mining skills, or train for salvaging and follow some ratters around salvaging their wrecks.  Or just steal stuff from cans.  Whatever you can do to support your pvp habit (looting wrecks after PvP fights can go a long way too).
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: katmai on April 22, 2012, 07:56:54 AM
Well found my account and tried to log in.
Couldn't remember the password so had them reset it.
now they are asking for character name as a final security test and i can't recall what my characters from two years ago were :lol:

Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 22, 2012, 02:30:30 PM
Like Burger said, I'll throw a bit of isk at you guys too, to get you on your feet.

@ katmai, the only associate I could find that *may* be you is Frederick Corrino, otherwise you never died or killed anyone.   :P
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Jaron on April 22, 2012, 02:35:10 PM
Does anyone want to do this Buddy invite crap with me since I'm going to sign up anyway?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 22, 2012, 02:56:21 PM
Sure, I just need your email and I'll throw you a 21 day trial.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Baron von Schtinkenbutt on April 22, 2012, 03:26:35 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on April 22, 2012, 02:30:30 PM
@ katmai, the only associate I could find that *may* be you is Frederick Corrino, otherwise you never died or killed anyone.   :P

Nope, that's me. :P
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: katmai on April 22, 2012, 10:54:57 PM
I found my guy, he has a few Destroyers and Cruisers laying around. And all the skills that MBM suggested.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 22, 2012, 11:03:11 PM
Oh those were for brand new dudes.  If you've already got a guy you have a huge head start on a starter character, especially if you can fly cruisers and destroyers with it.  You can do a lot more than just tackle with those, although they aren't nearly as cheap as frigates.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: katmai on April 22, 2012, 11:10:49 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on April 22, 2012, 11:03:11 PM
Oh those were for brand new dudes.  If you've already got a guy you have a huge head start on a starter character, especially if you can fly cruisers and destroyers with it.  You can do a lot more than just tackle with those, although they aren't nearly as cheap as frigates.

Yeah i had account for few months back in '10. Was working towards Hurricane when i cancelled my account.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: katmai on April 23, 2012, 12:55:58 AM
Alci follows the Berkut practice of responding in chat channels i see.

Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Jaron on April 23, 2012, 01:00:18 AM
I made a character but I don't see any of the skills I am supposed to train. Do I have to train these basic ones first?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: katmai on April 23, 2012, 01:06:26 AM
Quote from: Jaron on April 23, 2012, 01:00:18 AM
I made a character but I don't see any of the skills I am supposed to train. Do I have to train these basic ones first?

you should be able to train a few with brand new guy, rest need to buy skill books
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 23, 2012, 01:40:33 AM
Quote from: Jaron on April 23, 2012, 01:00:18 AM
I made a character but I don't see any of the skills I am supposed to train. Do I have to train these basic ones first?

You should run through the tutorials.  You'll get some skillbooks, some ships, and a little ISK from those. 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 23, 2012, 08:52:01 AM
Quote from: katmai on April 23, 2012, 12:55:58 AM
Alci follows the Berkut practice of responding in chat channels i see.


Sorry, was playing dota 2, left up the game to keep boosts going for the corpies.   :sleep:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: katmai on April 23, 2012, 08:52:35 AM
Sure Berkut!

I was just saying hi anyways.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 23, 2012, 09:06:08 AM
Quote from: Alcibiades on April 23, 2012, 08:52:01 AM
left up the game to keep boosts going for the corpies.   :sleep:

How do you manage to get away with that, anyway?  Aren't you docked up?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 23, 2012, 10:20:14 AM
We have poses in the area, so just pos up and leave the the t3s in the pos with boosts running.  Throw on free move, create advert, open up a few squads and everyone is set for the day.   Try to leave them up most days for the guys to have unfair advantages.   :cool:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: katmai on April 23, 2012, 10:24:20 AM
Uh.  I didn't understand a thing you just wrote.
How the hell am I gonna join in when cant understand the language.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 23, 2012, 10:46:06 AM
Quote from: Alcibiades on April 23, 2012, 10:20:14 AM
We have poses in the area, so just pos up and leave the the t3s in the pos with boosts running.  Throw on free move, create advert, open up a few squads and everyone is set for the day.   Try to leave them up most days for the guys to have unfair advantages.   :cool:

But when you log off, aren't you supposed to warp out into the ether or something?  What happens to your ship?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 23, 2012, 10:56:57 AM
It's why I didn't log out, so that I was still there passing boosts, in the Pos.  And when you log off your ship warps off into basically oblivion, you're pretty much completely safe to log off from a pos.  Your ship just warps back to the spot you were at before when you log back in.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 24, 2012, 09:46:12 AM
Inferno is out today.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Drakken on April 24, 2012, 04:21:26 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on April 24, 2012, 09:46:12 AM
Inferno is out today.

What's in it as cool, new feature? From what I've seen it's mostly a set of fixes, mini rule changes, and a few new ships.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 24, 2012, 06:13:33 PM
Quote from: Drakken on April 24, 2012, 04:21:26 PM
What's in it as cool, new feature? From what I've seen it's mostly a set of fixes, mini rule changes, and a few new ships.

The only parts of it I payed any attention to during the development process are the drone region fixes and the titan tracking adjustments.   I don't even know what's in it other than those two things.  What are the new ships? 

E:  Actually, this one seems to be called "Escalation to Inferno."   I guess that means "Inferno" is coming later.   Or something.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: katmai on April 26, 2012, 05:45:38 PM
Yo seedy you ever play this game ffs?!?


Only person i ever see on is Alci, who isn't really playing even sheesh.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 26, 2012, 06:44:27 PM
No, I don't think he's logged into the game in about 2 weeks.  He's lame.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 26, 2012, 06:54:08 PM
I logged in yesterday.  :P  I play more than CdM, it seems.

E: I'm logged in right now.  Only one in the languish channel is Alci's bot.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: katmai on April 26, 2012, 07:15:30 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on April 26, 2012, 06:54:08 PM
I logged in yesterday.  :P  I play more than CdM, it seems.

E: I'm logged in right now.  Only one in the languish channel is Alci's bot.

Yeah watching the Draft so not logged in, and training bunch of skills so I can get into the bigger ships.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 26, 2012, 07:21:25 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on April 26, 2012, 06:44:27 PM
No, I don't think he's logged into the game in about 2 weeks.  He's lame.

Oh, bullshit.  Been busy at game time.  This weekend I'm free.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 26, 2012, 08:47:31 PM
Quote from: katmai on April 26, 2012, 07:15:30 PM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on April 26, 2012, 06:54:08 PM
I logged in yesterday.  :P  I play more than CdM, it seems.

E: I'm logged in right now.  Only one in the languish channel is Alci's bot.

Yeah watching the Draft so not logged in, and training bunch of skills so I can get into the bigger ships.

Bot my ass, did that like an hour ago.   :glare:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 26, 2012, 08:57:55 PM
Hey Alci, what's the corp's policy on looting/salvaging in a situation like that?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 26, 2012, 10:03:29 PM
Free for all unless someone loses a ship, then he gets loot.  Faction/shiny loot is usually divvied up.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 27, 2012, 12:55:19 PM
The Jita interdiction has already scored some solid kills, with this one being the biggest I've seen yet:

Killed by two Tornadoes and eight Thrashers.

This one was interesting to me.  It's not a particularly valuable kill, but everything in the cargohold dropped: 

Did they change something with the chances of cargo dropping?  I don't think I've ever see one that just had everything drop, although to be fair, I don't look at killmails much these days.

E:  Nevermind on that being the biggest one I've seen yet.  I scrolled down in the "death threats" thread and found:

There's also an interesting thing going on with some of the highsec types not understanding the mechanics or something and suiciding T3s and shit in an attempt to kill guys on the undock.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 27, 2012, 01:28:26 PM
I was bored earlier and tried to ninja loot some stuff with an alt, too many whores out there already.  Anything dies it's instantly getting tractor beamed and is already looted within seconds.   :lol:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 27, 2012, 01:51:37 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on April 27, 2012, 01:28:26 PM
I was bored earlier and tried to ninja loot some stuff with an alt, too many whores out there already.  Anything dies it's instantly getting tractor beamed and is already looted within seconds.   :lol:

:lol: Can't really blame them with some of the stuff that's dropping.

In other news, in case you haven't noticed on the sov map, Raiden totally fucked up and lost almost all their remaining space.  They apparently accidentally set a renter holding corp as the alliance holding corp.  They then found out that the renters were leaving, so they kicked them, which means they suddenly lost all their sov in Vale, which was all they had left after getting skullfucked in Tenal.  The renter corp then joined NCdot and now.....well NCdot and the renters (Rolling Thunder) control Vale.   
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 27, 2012, 08:19:59 PM
Haha what idiots.  Was wondering about that.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 28, 2012, 05:04:21 PM
This just happened about 5 minutes ago, but we put a raiden pos into reinforced a couple of days ago, it was sitting on a tech moon ( Which is several billion isk in profit a month, so quite profitable) 2 jumps out of amamake.  Comes out of reinforced about 3 hours ago.  We take down the pos while sparring with Shadow Cartel.  Take down about 7-8 tornados and nags as they keep warping into us at range.   We take down the pos and as we do it 7 Pandemic Legion Super Carriers cyno in 200km off of us.

So we are forced to warp out.  Shadow Cartel warps in a viator and pops down a small pos which means PL isn't able to put their own pos down.  Pl warps in and waits to takes down their pos, which they eventually do.  Shadow cartel ninjas ANOTHER pos in.  At this point our FC has coordinated with amarr militia and we are going to try to take down a PL Nyx and Rorqual which is a bit off of everyone else, and we are hoping PL doesn't have too many caps close by on stand by.  We have a bunch of our guys refit to neuting abaddons and Typhoons.  As we undock the Nyx warps off, but the Rorq isn't even aligning yet almost completely by itself.

We land on the Rorqual and we absolutely melt it.  At this point another Cyno goes up and about 8 Supercarriers are on top of us.  We have Heavy interdictors point a Nyx and we primary one of them.  They launch fighters and fighter bombers and we switch to taking those down.  I must have destroyed at least 15 fighters throughout the battle, which are around 25m isk a piece.
I got the killmail ^_^


At this point the Amarr bridge in about 20 battleships to help us try and do something.  We get a nyx to half armor and half of their supercarriers are neuted out when 3 cynos go up and about 25 more supercarriers and 15 titans cyno in.  At this point the amarr bail and we decide to abandon field as well.


As I'm warping out...

Battlereport is here, but there were more Supercaps and titans here than shown.

Interesting either way, we didn't pop the rorq wreck though, and the pos dropped  :yuk:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 28, 2012, 05:20:29 PM
It's too bad yall couldn't finish the Nyx off.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 28, 2012, 05:38:52 PM
Yeah.... I'm not sure when the tide turned, was either when the 25th nyx came in, or maybe it was the 15th titan I'm not sure.   :P
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 28, 2012, 06:49:38 PM
Oh yeah, I would know exactly what to do in that mess.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 28, 2012, 07:00:19 PM
Nice, an uber-patch.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 28, 2012, 07:41:29 PM
Bunch of small ones actually, you just haven't logged into the game in so long they've condensed into one big one.   :P
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on April 28, 2012, 10:14:42 PM
Here we go:

10 PLEX.  I wonder if he bought those with real money or with ISK. 

Quote from: Alcibiades on April 28, 2012, 05:38:52 PM
Yeah.... I'm not sure when the tide turned, was either when the 25th nyx came in, or maybe it was the 15th titan I'm not sure.   :P

Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on May 22, 2012, 03:38:04 PM
Nice of you to log on seedy....and then off again 3 minutes later.   <_<

Snip - Patch notes are too long for the forum.   :rolleyes:

Huge fights as a result of this, biggest in years in fw.   3000 ships were destroyed in 3 days across Kourmonen and Kamela, was pretty fun.  Im at nearly 200 kills for logging in 3 days.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on May 22, 2012, 03:53:57 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on May 22, 2012, 03:38:04 PM
Nice of you to log on seedy....and then off again 3 minutes later.   <_<

Meh, sorta difficult to be in game mode these days WHAT WITH INEVITABLE UNEMPLOYMENT LOOMING BEFORE ME YOU KNOW
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on May 22, 2012, 04:21:44 PM
Hey Alci and MadBurger, what anniversary items did you guys select?  I just noticed that shit.

Personally, I would've preferred cool shuttles and shit, like they did before.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on May 22, 2012, 04:27:01 PM
I couldn't pick anything and they disappeared hmm... 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on May 22, 2012, 04:31:57 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on May 22, 2012, 04:21:44 PM
Hey Alci and MadBurger, what anniversary items did you guys select?  I just noticed that shit.

Personally, I would've preferred cool shuttles and shit, like they did before.

The +4s and the skillbooks. 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on May 22, 2012, 04:32:48 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on May 22, 2012, 04:27:01 PM
I couldn't pick anything and they disappeared hmm...

I think you have until June 4th...
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on May 31, 2012, 07:16:43 AM
OK, guys, tell me about this fucking Mumble.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on May 31, 2012, 07:49:23 AM
Like Teamspeak, but better.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on May 31, 2012, 10:04:24 AM
OK, gonna install it today and see how well it works.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on June 03, 2012, 06:17:13 AM
Hung out with Djan and Lov and some of the fellas last night, goofed on you for whatever fag game you're playing now since you were online.

Had no idea there were so many Irishmen in the corp;  for some reason, they got a kick out of the Irish Democratic Army.

Interesting reading on the patch:

Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on June 03, 2012, 03:20:38 PM
Nice, shocked you actually logged in! hah

Yeah there are some good guys in the corp, and lot of new paddys  :P

I actually wasn't around last night, was out trying to impress wimmenz.  Umm....  Probably won't be on again until tomorrow.   Glad to see you actually logged in, and hopefully had a decent time.

Interesting read btw, hadn't seen that but that's a pretty heavy 'the sky is falling!' article, but it seems like it may be correct with how things are panning out.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on June 03, 2012, 03:42:18 PM
One thing you gotta give CCP - they are not afraid to fuck with their game.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on June 03, 2012, 06:43:29 PM
Quote from: Berkut on June 03, 2012, 03:42:18 PM
One thing you gotta give CCP - they are not afraid to fuck with their game.

No shit.  And it's got nothing to do with the fan base, either.  Sure, they'll listen, but they don't pull "Blood Elf" nonsense, either.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on June 18, 2012, 09:08:31 AM
So we're moving to Egglehende.  That's gonna make shit REAL busy.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on June 18, 2012, 03:21:32 PM
Actually I think we're moving out to Covryn in Placid/Gallente space.  Might look a bit more like home for you.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on June 18, 2012, 06:51:07 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on June 18, 2012, 03:21:32 PM
Actually I think we're moving out to Covryn in Placid/Gallente space.  Might look a bit more like home for you.

Wait a minute, all the mail is saying Eggs...gack.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on June 19, 2012, 05:08:29 PM
Well log in already, some good fleets going around and the area is pretty busy.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on August 09, 2012, 09:55:03 AM
QuoteDear Cyclicus Remba,

The EVE invasion of DUST 514 has begun, so get set to dive into the free-to-play, massively multiplayer sci-fi shooter that has heralded as "the deepest FPS you've ever played".

We've opened the DUST 514™ closed beta to present EVE Online subscribers, and that means you! Follow these instructions to get your All Access beta pass and jump into the massive ground-war set to erupt, exclusively on PlayStation®3.

1.   Login to EVE Account Management Voucher Center.
2.   Claim your DUST 514 Beta CCP Code.
3.   Copy the CCP Code displayed in the Voucher Center.
4.   Go to and enter the CCP Code to begin.
5.   Follow the instructions at to obtain your PlayStation®Network Voucher.

Then, just follow the instructions on the PSN Voucher code page to redeem the voucher and start playing in the DUST 514 closed beta.

The DUST 514 beta server is open this weekend from Thursday, 9 August at 11:30 UTC through Monday, 13 August at 11:00 UTC. (Servers will be offline for daily maintenance from 11:00 UTC to 11:30 UTC.)

See you on the battlefield!

- The EVE Online Dev Team
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Arvoreen on August 09, 2012, 10:11:14 AM
Now if only I had a PS3...  :Embarrass:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on August 09, 2012, 04:37:19 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on August 09, 2012, 09:55:03 AM
QuoteDear Cyclicus Remba,

The EVE invasion of DUST 514 has begun, so get set to dive into the free-to-play, massively multiplayer sci-fi shooter that has heralded as "the deepest FPS you've ever played".

We've opened the DUST 514™ closed beta to present EVE Online subscribers, and that means you! Follow these instructions to get your All Access beta pass and jump into the massive ground-war set to erupt, exclusively on PlayStation®3.

1.   Login to EVE Account Management Voucher Center.
2.   Claim your DUST 514 Beta CCP Code.
3.   Copy the CCP Code displayed in the Voucher Center.
4.   Go to and enter the CCP Code to begin.
5.   Follow the instructions at to obtain your PlayStation®Network Voucher.

Then, just follow the instructions on the PSN Voucher code page to redeem the voucher and start playing in the DUST 514 closed beta.

The DUST 514 beta server is open this weekend from Thursday, 9 August at 11:30 UTC through Monday, 13 August at 11:00 UTC. (Servers will be offline for daily maintenance from 11:00 UTC to 11:30 UTC.)

See you on the battlefield!

- The EVE Online Dev Team

I got one of those today too, despite being unsubbed for kindof a while now.  Only for my alt account, not my main.  :hmm: 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Habbaku on September 12, 2012, 01:05:34 AM
So, the casualty at the Libyan embassy?  An EVE player.  And a Goonswarm officer :
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Crazy_Ivan80 on September 12, 2012, 05:52:00 AM
Quote from: Habbaku on September 12, 2012, 01:05:34 AM
So, the casualty at the Libyan embassy?  An EVE player.  And a Goonswarm officer :

one of 4 dead.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on September 12, 2012, 06:36:21 AM
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on September 12, 2012, 08:06:19 AM
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on September 12, 2012, 08:08:31 AM
Man, that is fucked up. Even for a goon.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Crazy_Ivan80 on September 12, 2012, 09:10:44 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on September 12, 2012, 06:36:21 AM

no, eve.

Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Drakken on September 12, 2012, 11:07:44 AM
Quote from: Habbaku on September 12, 2012, 01:05:34 AM
So, the casualty at the Libyan embassy?  An EVE player.  And a Goonswarm officer :

He got goonswarmed and suicided ganked, it seems.  :nelson:

Too soon?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Habbaku on September 12, 2012, 01:33:35 PM
 :rolleyes:  If it were actually funny, it wouldn't be too soon.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on September 12, 2012, 07:16:10 PM
FYI, MSNBC's doing a piece on him right now;  if you don't catch it, it's on reruns overnight for The Ed Show.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on September 13, 2012, 01:05:44 AM
Has anyone considered whether the riots were just cover for continuing 0.0 moves?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on September 13, 2012, 05:59:42 AM
Maybe somebody should jettison cargo in the form of a Star of David at Egypt's jump gates.  :lol:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Habbaku on September 21, 2012, 11:07:45 AM

Glenn Beck thinks Goonswarm is a CIA front.

He's probably right.   :ph34r:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 26, 2014, 03:28:33 PM
So this is what happens when you get greedy and you're too busy popping data sites in low-sec instead of keeping an eye on the local channel...

Quote2014.04.26 18:40:00

Victim: Cyclicus Remba
Corp: Mobtown Industries
Alliance: Unknown
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Helios
System: Tzvi
Security: 0.3
Damage Taken: 1841

Involved parties:

Name: Zen Guerrilla (laid the final blow)
Security: -9.70
Corp: CTRL-Q
Alliance: Iron Oxide.
Faction: Minmatar Republic
Ship: Crow
Weapon: Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile
Damage Done: 1841

Destroyed items:

Metal Scraps (Cargo)
Occult Symmetry (Cargo)
Scan Pinpointing Array II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Electronic Parts, Qty: 6 (Cargo)
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
Core Scanner Probe I, Qty: 32
Occult Attainment (Cargo)
Data Analyzer II
Hydrogen Batteries, Qty: 6 (Cargo)
Small Emission Scope Sharpener I
Combat Scanner Probe I, Qty: 16 (Cargo)
Broken Drone Transceiver, Qty: 8 (Cargo)
Scan Acquisition Array II
Carbon, Qty: 6 (Cargo)

Dropped items:

Core Scanner Probe I, Qty: 40 (Cargo)
Relic Analyzer II
Inertia Stabilizers II
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Expanded Probe Launcher II
Damaged Artificial Neural Network, Qty: 6 (Cargo)
Scan Rangefinding Array II
Occult Parity (Cargo)
Datacore - High Energy Physics, Qty: 7 (Cargo)
Data Sheets, Qty: 10 (Cargo)
Auxiliary Parts, Qty: 47 (Cargo)
Datacore - Amarrian Starship Engineering, Qty: 6 (Cargo)
Photonic CPU Enhancer I
Occult Augmentation (Cargo)
Tripped Power Circuit, Qty: 5 (Cargo)
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: mongers on April 26, 2014, 04:53:32 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on April 26, 2014, 03:28:33 PM
So this is what happens when you get greedy and you're too busy popping data sites in low-sec instead of keeping an eye on the local channel...

Quote2014.04.26 18:40:00

Victim: Cyclicus Remba
Corp: Mobtown Industries
Alliance: Unknown
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Helios
System: Tzvi
Security: 0.3
Damage Taken: 1841

Involved parties:

Name: Zen Guerrilla (laid the final blow)
Security: -9.70
Corp: CTRL-Q
Alliance: Iron Oxide.
Faction: Minmatar Republic
Ship: Crow
Weapon: Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile
Damage Done: 1841

Destroyed items:

Metal Scraps (Cargo)
Occult Symmetry (Cargo)
Scan Pinpointing Array II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Electronic Parts, Qty: 6 (Cargo)
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
Core Scanner Probe I, Qty: 32
Occult Attainment (Cargo)
Data Analyzer II
Hydrogen Batteries, Qty: 6 (Cargo)
Small Emission Scope Sharpener I
Combat Scanner Probe I, Qty: 16 (Cargo)
Broken Drone Transceiver, Qty: 8 (Cargo)
Scan Acquisition Array II
Carbon, Qty: 6 (Cargo)

Dropped items:

Core Scanner Probe I, Qty: 40 (Cargo)
Relic Analyzer II
Inertia Stabilizers II
Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
Expanded Probe Launcher II
Damaged Artificial Neural Network, Qty: 6 (Cargo)
Scan Rangefinding Array II
Occult Parity (Cargo)
Datacore - High Energy Physics, Qty: 7 (Cargo)
Data Sheets, Qty: 10 (Cargo)
Auxiliary Parts, Qty: 47 (Cargo)
Datacore - Amarrian Starship Engineering, Qty: 6 (Cargo)
Photonic CPU Enhancer I
Occult Augmentation (Cargo)
Tripped Power Circuit, Qty: 5 (Cargo)

Your Bluesmobile is dead ?  :(
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 27, 2014, 07:47:33 AM
Yes, you could say that.

Almost lost my Deimos HAC to low-sec piewats while trying to finish up a mission.  Making buckets of cash on courier contracts with my alt, though.  The freighter's paid for itself.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 28, 2014, 11:34:23 PM
I know that guy!  You were in my neck of the woods.   :lol:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 28, 2014, 11:36:24 PM
Yeah, I was doing wormholing, and wound up over there.  We got to the same relic site at the same time, but he left in his Helios and I thought I could crack the last relic before he got back.
I was a little wrong.  :lol:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on April 28, 2014, 11:38:18 PM
Yeah most people are conflict prone out there.  I'm still subbed but haven't logged into the game in about.....5 months except to skill train.  Up to 120m   :showoff:

Friends have started playing again which is good, theyre doing a lot of lowsec exploration and lowsec mission running.  Not sure if I'll give it a go again right now, though.  Time is limited...
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on April 28, 2014, 11:53:42 PM
Lows ex is the suck.  Fucking piewats.  <_<
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on May 17, 2014, 04:25:13 PM
Vonlutt, you've got some fucked up friends.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on May 18, 2014, 12:19:37 PM
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on May 31, 2014, 11:55:11 AM
This was an instapop, and I felt dirty about it afterwards

Quote2014.05.31 05:15:00

Victim: Klaus Faust
Corp: The Scope
Alliance: Unknown
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Imicus
System: J154145
Security: -1.0
Damage Taken: 885

Involved parties:

Name: Cyclicus Remba (laid the final blow)
Security: 4.70
Corp: Mobtown Industries
Alliance: None
Faction: None
Ship: Proteus
Weapon: Heavy Neutron Blaster II
Damage Done: 885

Destroyed items:

Core Scanner Probe I, Qty: 6 (Cargo)
Core Scanner Probe I, Qty: 4
Core Probe Launcher I
Miner I

Dropped items:

Core Scanner Probe I, Qty: 6 (Cargo)
Expanded Cargohold I
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on June 02, 2014, 12:47:15 AM
Eh, don't feel bad unless you get the pod. 
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Jaron on June 02, 2014, 12:51:38 AM
The pod is the most important thing. It's like the cherry on the sundae.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on July 13, 2014, 09:01:24 AM
I wardec'd three Hi-Sec mining corporations.  Shit just got real.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on July 16, 2014, 11:37:28 PM
So there I am, in my little dead-end corner of the galaxy, mining my little rocks in my little two-toon corp, and what happens?  I start seeing mining bots;  what they'll do is they'll warp to a belt at roughly 350km out, cycle, warp into the belt right on top of me, cycle, and then start mining rocks in a pre-plotted order.  I got their routines down to the point that I was preempting the rocks they were mining, since they follow a specific bot plan.  So the next time I see one, I wardec the corp.  See the next one, wardec that one, too.  And so forth.

First couple days, I keep them docked up in station and listen to the woofing.  They're not coming out because I've got a cloaked tackler and a Marauder just waiting to huff and puff and blast the holy fuck out of their little anti-rat Skiffs.  Next couple days, they're not even logging on into the system anymore.  Mission: Accomplished.  No more mining.  The way I see it, I don't need to blow up ships to win, I win by not letting them mine in the system.  No 'roids, no tickey, no laundry.  Even managed to get a carebear corp in the system to pitch in to defray the wardec costs;  they don't have the ponies for combat, so I'll be the fly in the ointment.

But I start getting a bit itchy, since I don't see any war targets in the system for a couple days;  do some research on the killboards and see where some of these guys have been popped and I decide to grab the keys for the SS Bernie Kosar II and go for a little stroll.  And who do I see in a shuttle coming out of Dodixie?  The CEO of one of the corps.  Well, locking onto his ass certainly got his attention.   If only he had been on autopilot.

So Mr. CEO starts a convo with me in short order, wants to know what's up with wardeccing his corp.  I explain I'm not interested in his corp, just certain asshats in it, but unfortunately the corp comes with it, so solly. He then invites a neutral to the conversation, somebody who states he has "interests" in the wardec'd corp and who immediately begins the Bad Cop routine and starts breaking bad with me, all "what makes you think you control the system" and shit like that.  And I'm all, like, you don't know me, bitch.  Trying to have a decent conversation with Mr. CEO and explain my actions, and meanwhile Bad Cop keeps getting chipper with me, and I finally have enough of that shit, and I'm all, like, fuck you and fuck the fucking Diaz Brothers, you want a war, we go to war.  Mr. CEO says, how about this, I'll keep my people out of your system, you don't wander too far off the reservation looking for war targets.  I'm all, OK, I can deal with that, but nooooo, Bad Cop has to start woofing again.   

So now I'm sitting outside Dodixie, cloaked up about 250km, ready to warp in on the first industrial chock full of heady trade goodness I see.  Because somebody throws a rock at me, I send ICBMs over the polar cap.  Because that's how I roll.  Because I'm motherfucking crazy like that.  I bury deez cockaroaches.

Big game update coming.  Totally revamping the industrial aspects of the game.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Jaron on July 16, 2014, 11:43:02 PM
Haha. Eve is definitely a unique experience among MMOs. Can't get negotiations like that in WoW.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Malicious Intent on July 18, 2014, 07:35:58 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on July 16, 2014, 11:37:28 PM
So now I'm sitting outside Dodixie(...)

OhdeargodpleasedontkillmeIamjustabloodynoobinthisgameandhavetoferrymystuffthereohgodohgodohgod...  :cry:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on July 18, 2014, 08:54:59 AM
I wonder how Mr. CEO and Bad Cop are going to take my extending the wardec another week.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on July 21, 2014, 09:46:40 AM
Lately I've been getting an urge to resurrect my dudes and play some Eve again.  I suspect that urge will go away immediately after logging in though.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on July 21, 2014, 12:43:29 PM
It usually does  :lol:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on July 21, 2014, 03:20:18 PM
I lost a Navy Megathron because I was doing missions in Hi-Sec and I forgot I had publicly accessible kill rights on me.  Whoopsie :lol: 

Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on July 21, 2014, 04:19:05 PM
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on July 21, 2014, 10:02:04 PM
Well, c'mon.  They last a month.  After a while you just kinda forget about them. 

It was two frigates trying to scramble and neut me, but I was out-repping and out-capping them, just that I had nowhere to go, and I couldn't target it them for shit with PVE railguns;  they wanted to ransom me for 1.5B and link them my fit, and I said no peeking at the panties without dinner and a movie first, so they raised it to $2B, and I was, like, LOL, I'll just wait for your buddies.  Took something like 40 minutes to finally bring me down;  Nantucket whalers didn't take that fucking long in the 19th century, for Christ's sake.

Now, regardless of where I go, I spend to mid slots for a target breaker and a micro jump drive.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on July 23, 2014, 05:50:08 AM
Industry revamp looks pretty cool.  Makes working with blueprints a hell of a lot easier now.

I now has: my own starbase.   :ph34r:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on July 23, 2014, 10:46:02 AM
Like...a POS?  Or something different?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on July 23, 2014, 10:58:29 AM
Got a link to the big changes or a quick summary?
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on July 23, 2014, 11:43:21 AM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on July 23, 2014, 10:46:02 AM
Like...a POS?  Or something different?

My very own POS. Space Station Monistat 7
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on July 23, 2014, 11:46:52 AM
Quote from: Alcibiades on July 23, 2014, 10:58:29 AM
Got a link to the big changes or a quick summary?

Complete revamp of the entire industry/production model
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on July 24, 2014, 08:28:24 AM
I love my POS.  I need more. :ph34r:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on October 18, 2014, 09:52:02 PM
More big changes coming in November with Phoebe:

1)  Buh bye, 24 hour max Training Queue;  it will now be unlimited;
2)  The nullsec crowd is doing some major QQing, since there are major changes to coming to warp travel in 0.0, most notably "warp fatigue" your character will accumulate, limiting the amount of jumps via player owned bridges in a day;
and lots of other stuff that involves none of you fagits because you guys don't play anymore.  :glare:

In unrelated news, a player I was hanging with from time to time--nice guy, but by no means a friend, just somebody to goof on people with in local--apparently decided to retire from the game and left me 6.5 billion ISK.  :unsure:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Ed Anger on October 18, 2014, 09:55:12 PM
Shareholder value
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on October 19, 2014, 12:38:40 AM
Throw a couple billion isk my way and I could come back.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on October 19, 2014, 07:50:34 AM
You should give me all your stuff, so it doesn't waste away and rust in station, like old Soviet warships.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on October 28, 2014, 11:07:24 PM
Somebody peeked into the Languish channel.  :ph34r: :unsure:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on October 29, 2014, 06:36:11 PM
Was my alt.  Just changing those skills until my sub expires  :XD:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on October 29, 2014, 09:24:21 PM
You realize next month they're dropping the 24 hour queue, right?

QuoteAs many of your already know from CCP Seagull's Phoebe release blog, we will be making a major change to EVE's skill training system in the upcoming release by removing the 24-hour training queue limitation.

Quick history lesson: once upon a time there was no skill training queue and much use of alarm clocks and other reminders was involved in "optimizing" a skill-training plan. There was therefore great joy when the skill queue was released in the revered Apocrypha expansion in 2009. This joy was only slightly tempered by the limitation that skills could only be inserted into the queue as long as they started within the next 24 hours.

In Phoebe, by removing the 24-hour window for inserting additional skills, we will be providing the possibility of skill queues containing multiple skill entries requiring many more than 24-hours to train. We believe the value of this for you, with many of you needing to manage your skill training alongside busy and varied schedules throughout the year, will be considerable.

Since the skill queue will now be opened up to provide for skill training plans that are not limited by a short installation window and be effectively unlimited in time, there are a few points to note.

    Trial accounts will remain limited to the 24-hour window for inserting skills into the queue.

    Strictly speaking the skill queue will have an installation window of 10 years. Further, the skill queue will remain limited to 50 entries in total for the time being. These limits are being maintained for safety as this significant change to the skill-training system goes live, and are not set in stone.

We wanted to focus on (effectively) removing the arbitrary time limit without getting lost in new user interface design or additional features. As the skill-training system is so central to EVE, we felt that it is important to take small steps and not change too much at this time.

Really never understood why they couldn't do it years ago.  Rather silly for just a 24 hour queue if you ask me.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on October 29, 2014, 10:36:33 PM
There was some nerd rage about having a queue at all when that 24 hour one was implemented.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on October 29, 2014, 10:40:02 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 29, 2014, 09:24:21 PM
You realize next month they're dropping the 24 hour queue, right?

QuoteAs many of your already know from CCP Seagull's Phoebe release blog, we will be making a major change to EVE's skill training system in the upcoming release by removing the 24-hour training queue limitation.

Quick history lesson: once upon a time there was no skill training queue and much use of alarm clocks and other reminders was involved in "optimizing" a skill-training plan. There was therefore great joy when the skill queue was released in the revered Apocrypha expansion in 2009. This joy was only slightly tempered by the limitation that skills could only be inserted into the queue as long as they started within the next 24 hours.

In Phoebe, by removing the 24-hour window for inserting additional skills, we will be providing the possibility of skill queues containing multiple skill entries requiring many more than 24-hours to train. We believe the value of this for you, with many of you needing to manage your skill training alongside busy and varied schedules throughout the year, will be considerable.

Since the skill queue will now be opened up to provide for skill training plans that are not limited by a short installation window and be effectively unlimited in time, there are a few points to note.

    Trial accounts will remain limited to the 24-hour window for inserting skills into the queue.

    Strictly speaking the skill queue will have an installation window of 10 years. Further, the skill queue will remain limited to 50 entries in total for the time being. These limits are being maintained for safety as this significant change to the skill-training system goes live, and are not set in stone.

We wanted to focus on (effectively) removing the arbitrary time limit without getting lost in new user interface design or additional features. As the skill-training system is so central to EVE, we felt that it is important to take small steps and not change too much at this time.

Really never understood why they couldn't do it years ago.  Rather silly for just a 24 hour queue if you ask me.

Yeah, I head back out to the field again on Friday for 10 days or
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on October 29, 2014, 10:46:06 PM
Quote from: Alcibiades on October 29, 2014, 10:40:02 PM
Yeah, I head back out to the field again on Friday for 10 days or

You want me to take care of your queue, just send me a PM. 

Also, this CODE permit shit has gotten out of control.  Every little punk with a destroyer is starting their own CODE Lite bullshit.  Little gangster wanna-bes.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on October 30, 2014, 01:53:27 AM
What is CODE?

And appreciate it, but that was why I was fiddling with my que, should see me through my field time now.  :cheers:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on October 30, 2014, 11:48:36 AM
Quote from: Alcibiades on October 30, 2014, 01:53:27 AM
What is CODE?

One of the most ingenious moneymaking scams in EVE.  Ostensibly started (tongue-in-cheek) as an initiative to identify and destroy mining bots, CODE is a collection of corporations that charge mining "permits" in hisec;  permit mining allows you, in essence, to not get ganked.  Spend $$$, get a permit number, put it in your bio, and mine away.  No permit?  Expect two or three destroyers to suicide your mining barge before Concord responds.  A delightfully imaginative extortion scheme as a protection racket. 

Now, however, everybody and their grandmother has caught on, and all these little punk corps are trying the same thing, undercutting CODE.  Don't want to get ganked?  Pay us, too!

Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on January 07, 2015, 03:17:42 PM
I know none of you asshats play anymore, but I have got to tell you this story from last night:

Last night, I have my alt checking out a wormhole...I always scan for ships first to see if there's anybody in the system, and I see 5 battleships on the scanner.  Not unusual, since many people living in wormhole space park their ships at their POS towers.  But for shits and giggles I go to check them out anyway, because you never know when a tower is off-line and the force field is down.

Now, I take a closer look at the ships, because their ranges to the Tower seem a little too off kilter.  I zoom in, and guess what:  all 5 battleships (2 Ravens, 2 Dominixes and a Hyperion, the owner of which belongs to a corp that is different to the tower's owner corp), are all parked barely OUTSIDE the force field, just in range of some small defenses.  Because he's in a different corp, the ship's owner must have good standing to not trip the defenses but must not know the password for the force field, and figured they'd be safe there--after all, you see a Tower and 5 ships on the scanner, you figure they're parked inside the force field, right--so maybe he's being a little slick parking them right up against the field.  For you non-EVE players, this is the equivalent of leaving the doors unlocked with the keys up in the window visor. 

I can drive 3 of them.  The WH entrance into the system is only medium-size, so there's no stealing them and taking them back home.  I look for other WHs in the system, thinking maybe I can ferry them to a safe harbor somewhere--but there's only 2 wormhole entrances active, for small and medium ships.  So there will be no Gone in Sixty Seconds stuff with big fucking battleships.  So I'm going to do the next best thing. 

I get my main character to warp into the WH in a destroyer with a Mobile Depot, to use as a chop shop.  Then, in my capsule, I warp over and board the Hyperion, and discover it's fully fitted with T2 gear for ratting.  The capsule's too small for the meager defense systems to lock on, so I'm not worried about getting popped.  I blow up both Ravens with the Hyperion, because I can't fly them.  I then take their loot back to the Mobile Depot, and then warp back in my capsule to get the Dominixes, figuring I'll jump in them, drive off to the chop shop and strip them down.  Turns out, since I started blowing up the Ravens, the defense systems automatically start plinking the Dominixes as the tower owner had his settings on aggressive, and I can't get into a ship from another corp that's being targeted. 

So I go back for the Hyperion, and come back to blow up both Dominixes and loot their wrecks.  Once it's done, I take the Hyperion back to the Mobile Depot, stripping it down to the frame and leaving that shit on cinder blocks, and then self-destruct it--which, as it turns out, the owner had insured for over 88m ISK.

In the end, I got 4 free battleship killmails worth about 500m in ISK, a ton of looted T2 modules, and a really nice insurance pay-out in 88M of free money.  It was pure luck that I had jumped into the Hyperion, as it was the only one with weapons;  the Domis were rigged for remote repairing.

That guy is going to be pissed when he logs back on, but he has nobody else to blame but himself.  Only you can prevent forest fires.  Dummy.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: MadBurgerMaker on January 07, 2015, 08:33:32 PM
This game is more fun to read about than it is to play.  Nice grab, seedy.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Berkut on January 08, 2015, 11:52:13 AM
Quote from: MadBurgerMaker on January 07, 2015, 08:33:32 PM
This game is more fun to read about than it is to play.  Nice grab, seedy.

That is actually a really good point, and nails why I tend to not stick with Eve for long.

The ratio of cool things happening to boredom is too low. However, the cool things that do happen are often just fucking incredibly cool.

They just don't happen that often...

Contrast that with something like WoW, where the cool things that happen really aren't that cool, mostly, but they serve them up to you very consistently. :P
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on January 08, 2015, 12:00:01 PM
Yeah, I can see that.

WOW rewards you with the pellets whenever you want to press the lever.
EVE, you have to earn the pellet, at a time and place of its choosing.  And then it beats you with the lever.  And then the cage.  And then posts the kill mail, for all to see.
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: Alcibiades on January 08, 2015, 01:19:25 PM
Great job, bet you felt good about yourself. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on January 08, 2015, 02:38:22 PM
It was arguably my greatest EVE moment :smarty:
Title: Re: New EVE Online Thread
Post by: CountDeMoney on February 04, 2015, 07:05:12 PM
As a devout carebear I pretty much stay in hisec 24/7, but when I find a wormhole, I'll go in and do some mining for ores I don't see in hisec.

So there I am, mining away inside a wormhole with my Prospect--for the uninitiated or the "I-haven't-played-in-a-year" crowd, the Prospect is a covert ops mining barge--chewing on some Arkonor. 

All of a sudden, a Manticore stealth bomber comes out of nowhere and starts scrambling me as he plunks away at my Prospect with rockets or some sort of lightweight bullshit.  Apparently enamored with the possibility of a freebie killmail of a poor unarmed Prospect, Mr. Manticore doesn't see my alt's Kronos Marauder and its 425mm oh-mama broadsides decloaking 120km away.  Imagine Mr. Manticore's surprise when I drop his ass down to 30% hull with just two volleys.  Imagine the question marks circling Mr. Manticore's head as he warps off with a fiery tail of wreckage trailing being him, all butthurt confused over how a free kill could all so wrong. 

I decide, well, maybe I should upgrade to my Skiff, and get some real yield going.  So I warp out, swap out the Prospect for the Skiff, and hop back in for that heady Arkonor goodness.  And once again, all of a sudden, a Curse cruiser shows up on d-scan;  just as I'm about to dinky dau most riki tik, he shows up and locks onto my Skiff.  Now my Skiff is pushing 40K total hit points, so I'm not completely concerned as it's going to take a little bit to kill it, and apparently Mr. Curse isn't either, as he doesn't do anything when my Kronos decloaks 100km away and starts blasting him like Ed's Normandy chateau on D-Day.  I suppose Mr. Curse uses some scratch paper and figures out the math on how the chunks I'm taking out of his ass with the Kronos are more than the chunks he's taking out of my Skiff.   So Mr. Curse decides to scoot.

You know, for all the bullshit pride the assholes in this game take in being uber hunter-killers pouring it on for the free kill of the intergalactic Serengeti against something that can't defend itself, they won't fucking stick around to fight for the carcass.  Fucking pussies.