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A New Article Of Faith ?

Started by mongers, September 25, 2012, 04:12:06 PM

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Quote from: derspiess on September 25, 2012, 04:40:12 PM
Quote from: PDH on September 25, 2012, 04:33:20 PM
I think Joseph and Mary Christ would beg to differ.

I may have been in my early teens by the time I realized that wasn't a surname  :Embarrass:

I had a student in my Western Civ class get mad because I said Jesus was a Jew.
I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
-Umberto Eco

"I'm pretty sure my level of depression has nothing to do with how much of a fucking asshole you are."



I'd save my ire until the BBC has to say "peace be upon him" after Mohammed's name.  :D
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: PDH on September 25, 2012, 04:44:02 PM
Quote from: derspiess on September 25, 2012, 04:40:12 PM
Quote from: PDH on September 25, 2012, 04:33:20 PM
I think Joseph and Mary Christ would beg to differ.

I may have been in my early teens by the time I realized that wasn't a surname  :Embarrass:

I had a student in my Western Civ class get mad because I said Jesus was a Jew.

Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Quote from: mongers on September 25, 2012, 04:35:44 PM

Well someone else has notice this and posted about it in the last couple of weeks:

He dismissed as "tosh" the explaination that they use the term "prophet Mohammed" to avoid confusion ... but then he goes on to advocate using "the Islamic prophet Mohammed", which is just silly. It isn't like other religions have prophets named Mohammed, is it? 
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: PDH on September 25, 2012, 04:44:02 PM
Quote from: derspiess on September 25, 2012, 04:40:12 PM
Quote from: PDH on September 25, 2012, 04:33:20 PM
I think Joseph and Mary Christ would beg to differ.

I may have been in my early teens by the time I realized that wasn't a surname  :Embarrass:

I had a student in my Western Civ class get mad because I said Jesus was a Jew.

I bet he's not going to like his marks, either.  :D
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Barrister on September 25, 2012, 04:42:49 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on September 25, 2012, 04:39:30 PM
Quote from: Barrister on September 25, 2012, 04:30:04 PM
It's no different that calling You Know Who "Jesus Christ".

Jesus was his name - Christ (or Christos) is just the Greek translation of "Saviour" or "Messiah".

Yeah, using his real last name, Rabinowitz, would look a bit weird wouldn't it?

So, lots of people in the US speak English and have a Yiddish last name.
Since he spoke Aramaic, I think it unlikely he had a Yiddish last name. :hmm:

Jesus of Nazareth was his full name.
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


Quote from: Malthus on September 25, 2012, 04:48:06 PM
I'd save my ire until the BBC has to say "peace be upon him" after Mohammed's name.  :D

Heh, I was just thinking the exact same thing. 
But you know me I'm the type to go overboard on 'bbc bashing', so I'll hold my ire until then, it just sounds rather odd to hear it on the BBC.

Oh, and here's a more confrontational Jew's opinion on the issue from a couple of days ago  :P

Something Is Wrong

By Ben Stein on 9.24.12 @ 8:27AM
I am referring to something worse: Have you noticed that in the past few years, and especially in the past few weeks since the murder of the Ambassador and his guards and colleague in Benghazi (a city that Erwin Rommel loved and whose inhabitants he praised), whenever the New York Times refers to Mohammed, they always call him, without quotation marks, The Prophet Mohammed, as if everyone with any sense understands that OF COURSE Mohammed is The One True Prophet and that it's just understood that Mohammed is The Prophet.

I see this in other news outlets and on TV, too. Sober-looking newsmen and newswomen mention Mohammed as The Prophet Mohammed. No ifs, ands or buts. I hear it on the BBC World Service, too.

Now, if Muslims want to believe that Mohammed is The Prophet, God bless them. Fine and dandy. If anyone wants to believe that, good luck to him or her. But why does our mainstream media here in the USA, an overwhelmingly Christian country, refer to Islam's prophet as "The Prophet"?

Have you ever seen any major newspaper here in the USA refer to Jesus Christ as "The Son of God, God Incarnate, The Lord Jesus Christ"? Can you imagine the New York Times running a story about a crucifix resting in urine at an "art gallery" as an offense against "The Lord Jesus, Son of God"? Can you imagine any large newspaper in this country running a story about the Pope and referring to him as "The Holy Father, The Bridge Between Heaven and Earth"? Or about Mary, as "Holy Mary, Mother of God"? It would never happen.

But somehow, probably because the people writing the articles and editing them or the producers on TV news shows fear being beheaded -- and who doesn't? -- we have adopted in our media the Muslim assertion that Mohammed is The Prophet while giving other religious figures the back of our media hand.

This is frightening. We are not supposed to be doing obeisance to a religious group that has many adherents who want us dead. We are not, as journalists, supposed to be labeling anyone as "The" Prophet. But somehow, it's happening. The MSM has become a voice for Islam.
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"


Quote from: Malthus on September 25, 2012, 04:53:27 PM
Quote from: mongers on September 25, 2012, 04:35:44 PM

Well someone else has notice this and posted about it in the last couple of weeks:

He dismissed as "tosh" the explaination that they use the term "prophet Mohammed" to avoid confusion ... but then he goes on to advocate using "the Islamic prophet Mohammed", which is just silly. It isn't like other religions have prophets named Mohammed, is it?

Hey, I'm not supporting the guy; he's his own sort of nutter, I'm my own sort.   :cool:

Just the first google response that someone else had noticed it.
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"

Eddie Teach

Quote from: mongers on September 25, 2012, 04:56:16 PM
By Ben Stein on 9.24.12 @ 8:27AM

We are not, as journalists,

Economist, actor, game show host, GOP activist, pundit... He needs to pick a career and stick to it, sheesh.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


Quote from: mongers on September 25, 2012, 04:56:16 PM
Quote from: Malthus on September 25, 2012, 04:48:06 PM
I'd save my ire until the BBC has to say "peace be upon him" after Mohammed's name.  :D

Heh, I was just thinking the exact same thing. 
But you know me I'm the type to go overboard on 'bbc bashing', so I'll hold my ire until then, it just sounds rather odd to hear it on the BBC.

Oh, and here's a more confrontational Jew's opinion on the issue from a couple of days ago  :P

As a confrontational Jew, he should have made a crack about how people call Jesus "Jesus Christ" without blinking an eyelid.   :P

I'm afraid I'll have to confiscate his confrontational Jew cred.
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane—Marcus Aurelius


Why bring Erwin Rommel into this?  Poor Ben Stein.  Reduced to writing for the American Spectator.  It's been a long fall from having a bit part in Frerris Beuller's Day Off.
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.


Quote from: Viking on September 25, 2012, 05:09:05 PM
Ben Stein is a crackpot, if you doubt it just look at his movie

OK maybe I should have quoted your rather than him.  :D

"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"


Quote from: Razgovory on September 25, 2012, 04:55:54 PM
Quote from: Barrister on September 25, 2012, 04:42:49 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on September 25, 2012, 04:39:30 PM
Quote from: Barrister on September 25, 2012, 04:30:04 PM
It's no different that calling You Know Who "Jesus Christ".

Jesus was his name - Christ (or Christos) is just the Greek translation of "Saviour" or "Messiah".

Yeah, using his real last name, Rabinowitz, would look a bit weird wouldn't it?

So, lots of people in the US speak English and have a Yiddish last name.
Since he spoke Aramaic, I think it unlikely he had a Yiddish last name. :hmm:

Jesus of Nazareth was his full name.

Goddamn it Raz, why can't you get this shit right?
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


That's a good point raz. Raz should listen to you more often.
Being lazy is bad; unless you still get what you want, then it's called "patience".
Hubris must be punished. Severely.