The 2012 London Olympics Whinging Bah Humbug Thread.

Started by mongers, June 18, 2012, 02:52:01 PM

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First whinging story in the run up to the Olympics, offical food at venues to be twice the going 'London rate':

Olympic beer to cost £7.23 a pint

Spectators hoping to celebrate British Olympic medals with a drink at the Games face paying the equivalent of more than £7 for a pint of beer, organisers have said.

By  Tim Ross, Political Correspondent
30 May 2012

Bars at the official Games venues will charge £4.80 for a small serving of London 2012 red wine. For visitors with an appetite for traditional British fare, a portion of cod and chips will set them back at least £8.

The London 2012 organisers, who published sample menus yesterday, claimed the prices were "more than comparable" to catering costs at other sporting events.

Rest of article here:
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"


"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Quote from: garbon on June 18, 2012, 02:52:57 PM
So? :huh:

It's not an inclusive 'our' Olympics, 'we' are just paying for a tourist/officials rip-off honey pot.  :bowler:
"We have it in our power to begin the world over again"


"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


I just wish there was more of a time difference;  +5 GMT is not far enough away for this bullshit.


I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.

jimmy olsen

It is far better for the truth to tear my flesh to pieces, then for my soul to wander through darkness in eternal damnation.

Jet: So what kind of woman is she? What's Julia like?
Faye: Ordinary. The kind of beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you just can't leave alone.
Jet: I see.
Faye: Like an angel from the underworld. Or a devil from Paradise.
1 Karma Chameleon point


Quote from: jimmy olsen on June 19, 2012, 02:32:17 AM
Maybe Ann Romney's horse will win?

If she puts it on top of a car it has a good chance.

Looking forward to the Olympics - got some tickets for boxing and handball (whatever that is). Having visited the site in 2004 when it was a wasteland of car breakers, junk yards, polluted waterways and railway sidings it will be great to see the transformation.

Of course there will be whingers. There has been all the way through. It would be massively over-budget, they'd never finish the construction on time, nobody would buty the tickets. Now we have the shcok of sporting venues selling beer at above the pub rate. Just as they do at every single football, rugby of cricket match all year round.


This article reminded me of this thread:
QuoteThe Olympic Spirit, British Style: When Will This Nightmare End?

Toby Melville/Reuters
Amid the wettest summer since records began, officials say they hope the rain will go away before the Olympics begin, but there really is no contingency plan.

LONDON — While the world's athletes limber up at the Olympic Park, Londoners are practicing some of their own favorite sports: complaining, expecting the worst and cursing the authorities.

Asked "What do you feel about the Olympics?" the other day, a random sampling of people here gave answers that included bitter laughter; the words "fiasco," "disaster" and "police state"; and detailed explanations of how they usually get to work, how that is no longer possible and how very unhappy that makes them.

"At the end of the day, it's a pain in the backside," Steve Rogers, a construction site manager, said as he puffed on a cigarette near Victoria station the other day. Particularly painful, he said, were the subway plans ("absolute shambles"), the road closings ("complete nightmare") and the fact that instead of creating construction jobs for Britons, the Olympics had provided work for "a bunch of Lithuanians, Romanians and Czechs."

Even in the best of times, whinging, as Britons call the persistent low-grade grousing that is their default response to life's challenges, is part of the national condition — as integral to the country's character as its Eeyoreish attitude toward the weather ("Start Planning for Floods," The Daily Mail advised recently).

But even allowing for the traditional exaggeration, this degree of distress has a different tone to it.

"We're looking at something above and beyond the solace and comfort that the British seek in gentle moaning," said Dan Hancox, 31, a freelance writer. "The Olympics is actively antagonizing people."

On Twitter, Mr. Hancox said that for Londoners, "it's as if someone else is throwing a party in our house, with a huge entry fee, and we're all locked in the basement."

He elaborated.

"The traffic infrastructure has shut down to the point where we're being prepared for a military conflict," he said in an interview. "They're telling businesses to stockpile goods, advising people to stay at home, don't go anywhere, don't travel on the tube, stay on your sofa — it's like it's for your own safety. We have an army on the streets. We're being put on a war footing, and it's not something, after 60 years of peacetime, that the British people are comfortable with."

The news media have added to the general sense of wretchedness with numerous we-told-you-so accounts of mishaps, glitches and grandiose plans gone awry.

"Tube commuters whose journey is delayed by the Olympics will not be able to reclaim the cost of their travel," reported The Evening Standard, "despite dire warnings of having to wait 30 minutes to board a train."

Meanwhile, The Daily Mail, whose unofficial motto appears to be "What Fresh Hell Is This?" has published articles noting that hundreds of thousands of tickets are still unsold, that no one wants to watch women play soccer and that some of the paths for the mountain bike competition will not be finished in time. "Security Shambles Could Cause Chaos for Spectators," the paper said this week, next to an article with the headline "London's Transport System Fails Again."

Many Londoners feel that they are getting the worst parts of the Olympics — the cost, the hassle, the officials telling them not to do things or go places — without any of the benefits. The security company hired by the government at huge expense proved to be wildly incompetent; the Olympic brand managers have made it clear that no one, apart from official sponsors, will be allowed to appear to capitalize on the Games.

"It's like living in a police state," said a business owner, explaining that her company had wanted to start a social media campaign tied to the Olympics but had been warned by lawyers that it would be prosecuted and fined if it used the word "Olympics."

"That's why you don't see any references to the Games in shop windows or on the streets — people are too scared," she said.

Also: What if it does not stop raining? Even amid the wettest summer since records began, characterized by deluges and floods, officials keep saying they hope the rain will go away before the Games begin. There really is no contingency plan; the Olympic Stadium, where the opening ceremony is to take place, has no roof.

Sebastian Coe, the chairman of the Games, said this week that some of the Olympic sites outside London were "waterlogged," and he urged spectators to wear raincoats and rubber boots. Should the bad weather continue, even the beach volleyball players will be allowed to change out of their bikinis — one of the things that many spectators appear to like best about them — and into "long pants and/or tops," officials said.

"At the risk of sounding a little bit like a father about to issue their kids off on an Outward Bound trip," Mr. Coe told reporters, "let me make the obvious point that we are a northern European country."

Walking near Victoria station, Linda Vaughn, 68, said she was bewildered by the bombardment of seemingly contradictory messages: Welcome to the Olympics, Now Please Go Away.

"We keep getting told to 'get ahead of the Games,' " she said, referring to the city's program for persuading people to make alternative travel plans. "But it's still a mystery where we're supposed to go, especially because nothing moves in London on the best of days."

Sandy Macaskill contributed reporting.
Let's bomb Russia!


A lot of the venues for the 2008 Beijing Olympic games are now virtually deserted. 


Only six of the London venues are permanent. The rest of the site's going to be further redeveloped after the games.

I think the other venues are actually modular, so may be given to future hosts who want them.
Let's bomb Russia!

Eddie Teach

Quote from: Sheilbh on July 19, 2012, 10:23:08 PM
that no one wants to watch women play soccer

Hear this, Valmy? There should be tickets available.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


The Olympics are terrible.  Worse than the Iraq war.
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.


Bad weather and bad traffic are the least of London's concerns.  This was posted on the Bethsoft forums today.  :tinfoil:

QuoteThe Illuminati are planning to attack the 2012 London Olympics, How i know this, The proof.
Back in 1995ish, Trading cards were published, they were released by what seems to be an Illuminati member. many of the cards, seem to have predicted 9/11, The Japan nuclear crisis earthquake, haiti, ETC. Even future events. You can no longer buy these cards, as they stopped printing in 1997 due to the secret service. One of the cards, showed people that seemed to be running from an explosion, all dressed in the Olympic colors. Big ben is Exploding in the backround. These cards are prophecies, all 400 of them. Bethesda please don't close this, people deserve to know our future.
The card was made in 1995

More proof

Look at the mascots

Note the one eye, that is the symbol for the illuminati.

Cars 2 poster

Note the plane heading for Big Ben

More proof

Note the word zion?

Its obvious in this one,
Marsonic much?
Who are the illuminati?
A satanic group who bid no mercy for a new world order, a population decrease. Cant you see? The illuminati caused 9/11, And blamed it on arabs. The illuminati are enemies of them, and will most likely blame them this time around. Look at the cards! They knew of 9/11, just watch a video on the 9/11 attack, you can see satanic faces.
There you have it, if you dont believe me, i will find more proof.
Please share this, try to get a hold of the cards (Almost impossible) and try to decipher the clues.


QuoteLondon Eye Will Have Light Show Based on Twitter Enthusiasm

The 2012 London Olympic Games will officially begin in one week, and the queen's city has been sprucing itself up in anticipation of being at the center of the world stage. Along with new stadiums and enhanced security measures comes news that one of the city's biggest landmarks, the London Eye, will be transformed into an illuminating social media indicator of how people feel about the international games.

Former British decathlete Daley Thompson arranged for the Ferris wheel, the largest in Europe, to display a light show based on positive and negative reaction to the Olympics on Twitter. Here's how it works: When users use the hashtag #Energy2012, an algorithm based on "sentiment analysis" will track the tweets. The more positive the comments, the more the London Eye will glow. The program will rely on real-time "social sentiment tracking" that will split the tweets into positive and negative conversations, filter them, and then convert them into a light show

Thompson, who won gold in 1980 and 1984 in Moscow and Los Angeles, said he knows how important it is for athletes to know they're being supported. So far, people on Twitter are excited about the plan. One user wrote, "This is amazing," and another tweeted, "Let there be light."

According to EDF Energy, the company sponsoring the Ferris wheel, this will be the first-ever social media-driven light show. Thompson said, "We want to make the EDF Energy London Eye a spectacular showcase of national support for the athletes -- and one that will inspire them every night of the games."
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.