1st Annual Languish Twilight Struggle Tournament

Started by Berkut, November 21, 2016, 09:58:56 PM

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I see no other way, although I don't think one week is enough with the time zone differences. I have posted my invites


We will see how we go, but otherwise I am sure we can gentlemanly agree on solution? I dont mind going into the looser pile if required.


Well, I think the "1 week" part is not carved in stone. If we need to take a couple days to wrap up a game that is fine, but lets TRY t move it along quickly.
"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

select * from users where clue > 0
0 rows returned


My game with bogh is on, number 171835. I am the US, for the first time in like a year, so it won't end well.


Quote from: Berkut on January 03, 2017, 04:50:41 PM
Well, I think the "1 week" part is not carved in stone. If we need to take a couple days to wrap up a game that is fine, but lets TRY t move it along quickly.

Absolutely - though my weirdo timezone doesn't help.

I'll move back to Europe in a couple of months...so it will be better then!


Does anybody here know who critmass is on the TS server?


Quote from: Nels on January 03, 2017, 06:33:27 PM
Does anybody here know who critmass is on the TS server?

You play with other people, Nels?

I'm hurt.
"The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people."


But I only play Socialist Governments every turn against you. It's a smothering sort of relationship. ;)


My US beat bogh's USSR by VP on T7.

It was a crazy game.  I don't remember all the details right now, but by T3 I was at ~15 VPs but due to some unfortunate cards, luck and play by me bogh had Control of Europe.  Thankfully the Europe scoring card didn't come up and I was able to finally get enough VPs to win before it did.

gg bogh


Yeah, good game. I was pretty sure that one was in the bag, but the points keep trickling in for you...


"The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people."


I can only speak of my game against Tamas but we are on AR4 of Turn 2.  On days I can/remember to make a play at 4AM before work we can play 2 cards each in 24 hours; that doesn't happen every day.  Our weekends don't seem to line up very well either.

Again I can't speak for Tamas' match against bogh, but Tamas and my match is likely going to last for weeks.  I understand that this is sub-optimal and I am open to any sort of solution that might speed things up.

Just to be clear I don't mean to be critical or judgmental of anyone, but I am drunk and sometimes it just slips out (that's what she said?).


"If you think this has a happy ending, then you haven't been paying attention."

select * from users where clue > 0
0 rows returned


End of Turn 6 IIRC. I have had him on the ropes twice but he has managed powerful recoveries.

I am replying to moves within minutes whenever I am able to. Will try to be more responsive during weekends, those were my slow times, oddly.


I would be surprised if the game goes on for to much longer - eventually Tamas will be able to push me over the edge...