striped shirts and green pitches - Bluebook takes on FM15

Started by Bluebook, July 05, 2015, 09:09:56 AM

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God, my squad is behaving like a bunch of kids.

My midfielder, Sandro, caused a red card in our game against Oxford. As punishment I took one weeks pay. He was extremely disappointed and started whining when I explained that I have to enforce the rules same for everyone. Then this happens:

I try to be calm and explain to them that rules must be applied equally to everyone. Still there are some angry looks

The dissenters refuse to budge.

I decide to call it a day...cant win them all. But the level of unhappiness in the squad is becoming a major concern. Its come to the point that my team-talks before the games hardly does any effect at all.


Naturally, its all over the papers too...

It is really fortunate that Austin has come around to my side though. He wanted to lynch me when we were relegated and I did not sell him to a Premier League-team.


This needs to end now.

This is a football team, not some sort of fucking democracy. Any more lip in the dressing room and I will be throwing people out. I cannot have this sort of rebellion in the team.


So...the next game. We really need to start winning these.

We are facing a team I know nothing about, except that they have a very offensive setup. So I will try to counter it with my defensive setup and see if I can gradually move the game up the pitch.


Not really going great. But the new winger we just bought might be something. Lightning fast along that line on the right side, excellent crosses. Was behind one of the goals.




Here is an overview of my three tactical setups for this season
1-2 are more attack-oriented, and 3 is a more defensive one. Ironically I have had most success with #3. Probably says something about my manager skills  <_<

In all setups I have "retain possession" and "work ball into box". This in an attempt to please the board who wants to see me play a possession-based offensive game.

Any opinions?


Oh, and I know Im not using Alli at his best in #3, but he seems to work fine there, and that formation is fluid so I dont really want to move him up to the middle. And also, I kind of like the defensive symmetry there.


This is getting ridiculous. Why the hell did they put this feature into the game. Fucking cunts.


Looks like my time with the Rs might be coming to a close...

Last game was dreadful. I had the lead with 1-0 and 2-1 but Derby came back and tied the game in the middle of the second. I had all the possession, all the play, we were constanty on the top 1/3 of the pitch...ball just would not go in. Then, at 90+3 they get a free kick, ball sails into my penalty area, and my chief antagonist in the team, Sandro, failed to clear it with a header, and behind him, some obscure fullback scored his first goal ever....Derby 3, QPR 2.


Swindon Town, this dreadful place. Where dreams come to die. Or where they never even dare take shape.

Here, my fate as manager for QPR will be decided, I am sure. The rebellion in the squad is still raging. The players wont react to my team-talk. They still follow orders though. But for how long?

Swindon decides to field a defensive team, or cource. I counter with my best offensive setup. Im aiming to use the flanks to push round the blob in the middle. I have one good winger on the right, and an average one on the right. My two top guys in the middle are top notch. But they have trouble delivering. Its all about scoring now. Scoring and points.


In the 20th minute, Swindon takes the lead. Of cource. We have had 60 percent possession and four or five good attempts. They get up on one counter, and their striker gets his first goal of the season.

I see alot of that, from my opponents..


Swindon wins 2-0. My guys have over 60 percent possession, but at the top 1/3rd of the pitch they cant even connect a five yard pass. When I get back to the office, a note is on my desk.


I think my run as manager of the Rs is coming to an end.

Should I do a re-load from the first day I took over the Rs or should I stay with this game and see where it ends?