striped shirts and green pitches - Bluebook takes on FM15

Started by Bluebook, July 05, 2015, 09:09:56 AM

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The stadium of light might actually be the worst name for a stadium I have ever heard.

Gloomy skies hang over the pitch, light rain, 9 degrees (C) in the air. The stadium is not even at full capacity, despite all that is at stake this time.

Pre-game tactical setup shows a surprise from the black cats. They put up a 4-5-1 squad, which is odd because they are best at 4-4-2 and they almost always play 4-4-2.

We will face this with our usual 4-3-1-2. Mostly because it worked against both Liverpool and Tottenham, but also because we are best in this form and I dont want to change too much between games unless I absolutely have to.

The two teams

Before the game I find myself second-guessing myself...should I start out more defensively, should we move one player to the midfield to counter the black cat wall? I decide to play an offensive game though. Mostly because my defensive line probably cannot hold an entire game anyway, but also because I need the 3 points more than they do.

Looking at their setup, I think it is kinda obvious how they will play. Two strong and fast wingers will be fed from two very capable playmakers. I have two weak wingbacks (really weak since the best wingback is out 4 games due to a ruthless tackle against Liverpool). I need to hit them higher up on the pitch, and instruct the team to focus on the two playmakers.

I also give my two defensive-oriented midfielders order to specifically man-mark the two playmakers.

And with that...all we can do is wait and see how this plays out.


Its funny how the small things can decide a game.

In the first attack, their central playmaker hit a ball out on their right, where the winger easily left my defender behind him, hit a perfect cross that was met by their striker and put in the net. In the first minute of the game we find ourselves trailing 0-1.

This is the start of a massive offensive from Sunderland. And the first 15 minutes they have three-four chances that really should have been in the net, but pure luck saves us.

We try to stop the bleeding on the left by shifting focus for our wingback to a more aggressive and
Two minutes after that Sunderland has a picture perfect attack that ends with the ball bouncing off the crossbar. We are in deep trouble here and our current tactic is clearly not working.

We will not be able to defend our way out of this, so I order the entire team to push up higher to make the battle for the midfield harder for the cats. We are still not taking an offensive positioning though, we are still balanced. Simply because we are better tactically in that form, and I need to save something for the second half.

After 25 minutes we have our first foray into the offensive box. Ends with a shot going miles wide. Still its something. That is quickly followed by another Sunderland shot in the goalpost however. Some more small tactical changes and we manage to get the game moved from our defensive third to the middle of the pitch. It seems the bleeding has stopped at least.

We are slowly getting into the game, having some counters, getting some plays into the box. Late in the first we get a free kick halfway up Sunderlands side. Too far for anything really, but at least a chance to move the team up into attacking position.

The kick is a short pass to Sandro, and...

An amazing shot, from 30 yards, sails past the goalie. We have tied the game. Completely unfair, absolutely, but wow.


The second half starts almost identical to the first. Their central playmaker hit the ball to their right, where Giaccherini starts a run. This time however, my wingback does what he is supposed to. I find myself hoping this is an omen of things to come...

In the next 20 minutes, we manage to score twice, but both goals being disallowed for offside. Just inches each time mind you, so they might aswell have been given. Asshole refs. Im constantly looking at the clock, wanting oh-so-much to give the order to start an all-out offensive. But since we have the game roughly where we want it now, with several really good scoring chances for us. I decide to be patient. Never change a winning team might sound true, it is not neccesarily true in this game though. But for now, I make no tactical changes.

Passing the 70th minute, the game is a mirror of the first half, but with us in the drivers seat. We have almost all the possession, we are lining up the chances, we have had two in goal and disallowed and two in the woodwork. I still fight the urge to set the overall tactic to attack. Not yet.

In the 84th minute, the score is still 1-1, and I unleash the offensive. Much higher tempo and change the overall tactic to attack. Im hoping that my guys have better stamina than theirs. Perhaps 10 minutes left of the game, and we go on the offensive.

Almost immideately Sunderland scores. However it is dissallowed for offside. God. My nerves.

Then we the 87th minute.

Then they the 90th minute.


I am so pissed off right now I want to throw the computer into the wall



Watford        27
Sunderland   27
QPR              24
Aston Villa    24
Fulham          22


Quote from: Norgy on July 05, 2015, 01:56:26 PM
I believe you have Taraabt in his best position.

The bench?


It seems the coming West Brom-game will be the big decider...


Amazingly enough we get something from the game against Stoke. An early goal from us is followed by a very late equalizer from the potters. And then...

11 yards of hell


He scores, and we bag 3 points. Its in our hands now... it really is.

West Brom    32
Sunderland   31
Watford        30
QPR             30
Aston Villa   28
Fulham         24



Did you lose the Ukraine money on agent fees and sign-on fees? Or yellowcake uranium?


I still have the Ukraine player, Im planning to apply for a work permit again in 100 days


Here we are, going in to the West Brom game. As you can see, results in other games have favoured us. Now all we need to do is take 3 points from this game


We face West Brom at our own pitch, which is good.

Here is a look at the pre-game matchup. As you can see, both teams will start out with an offensive-minded tactic. Im not sure how I feel about that, but we will focus on trying to sieze the midfield and play offensively...our defence sucks anyway.

Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant

We have identified the opposing playmaker, and hope that Sandro can close him down. Sandro is my ball-winning midfielder in this setup, and all the other midfielders have offensive jobs.

The whistle blows and the first minutes see the game roll back and forth across the pitch. Both teams get good attacks, both teams have chances. Then... as chance would have it, the ball finds its way to my striker in a clear position..

1-0  after 12 minutes.

2-0 after 22 minutes. And that is the end of the first half.

We go into second with the same tactic as the first, but West Brom is pushing hard and we have to switch over to defensive already around 50 minutes, and we are forced to focus everything on defence after 60 minutes. Tactic is set to contain, and everyone drops back to our side of the pitch. Now to defend a two goal lead for thirty minutes...