[de Blasio] Living in a post-Bloomberg era

Started by garbon, January 30, 2014, 12:59:19 PM

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Well this is an encouraging piece of news. Could be Mr. Union Man has overplayed the political hay he was trying to make.


QuoteScreaming match erupts between cops, union head over de Blasio

Tempers exploded among the NYPD's rank-and-file yesterday when insurgent PBA members blasted union President Pat Lynch for demanding an apology from Mayor de Blasio instead of focusing on the safety of officers.

During an "open mike"session near the end of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association's monthly meeting, one union delegate said that what cops ­really needed were new ­patrol cars, better computers, updated bulletproof vests and more manpower, sources told The Post.

"I don't care if the mayor apologizes or not, I just care about safety!" the delegate yelled, according to a source.

On Monday, an exclusive Post report revealed how most NYPD cops are wearing body armor that should have been replaced years ago because the warranties have expired.

Lynch has demanded an apology from de Blasio for a lack of support in the aftermath of the Eric Garner grand-jury decision, particularly when the mayor announced that he had told his mixed-race son, Dante, to be wary of cops.

All-out dissention erupted following the delegate's outburst Tuesday, and the meeting of roughly 400 cops degenerated into a shouting match, another source said.

In a statement released ­afterward, Lynch tried to downplay the incident at Antun's catering hall in Queens Village, blaming "a few agitators." Lynch also vowed to "continue to voice the serious concerns of New York City police officers to this administration at City Hall and Police Plaza and not be distracted by sideshows.

"The frustration with the mayor's policies and concerns for safety continues to be expressed by our members," he added.

"They are rightly angered by the lack of support from City Hall, the dangerous lack of staffing, the lack of proper equipment to deal with the lethal environment we face and the reinstituted quota policies and retaliation against police officers who fail to meet them."

But another source, who called the meeting a "blowout," said: "Patty is losing control of the union. That's the bottom line."

Also Tuesday, NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton took a shot at Lynch over the war of words with de Blasio, which Bratton called "unfortunate" and "inappropriate."

"My relationship with Pat is both a personal and a professional one," Bratton told PBS's "Charlie Rose" show. "Do I agree with everything he's doing? Certainly not. And I think in this instance that I'd certainly trust my concerns about it."
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Wonder when the next union election is. 


And the fucker caves. Though perhaps he is just demonstrating the proper deferential behavior that residents of the city should adopt when dealing with the NYPD.


QuoteNYC mayor takes new tack after latest grand jury decision

Eric Garner and Akai Gurley were black men killed by New York City police officers. Although both deaths provoked anger in the city's minority communities and renewed debate about policing in the nation's largest city, the grand juries in each case brought different outcomes, with one officer indicted, one not.

And there was another striking difference: the public reactions from Mayor Bill de Blasio.

De Blasio was emotional and pained in December after a grand jury declined to indict an officer for placing Garner in a fatal chokehold, but he was cool and restrained last week when the officer who shot Gurley in a darkened stairwell was charged with manslaughter. That measured response may have helped the mayor maintain the uneasy truce he has struck with a police force that recently rebelled against him.

"The change in strategy implies the mayor may be trying to avoid fallout similar to the prior incident," said Costas Panagopoulos, a Fordham University political science professor. "If his previous response was judged to be problematic, the mayor may be learning from what he perceives to be mistakes."

Garner's death last July was captured on cellphone video shown around the world. It included his repeated cries of "I can't breathe!" after Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who is white, wrapped Garner in a chokehold. Police maintain it was a legal takedown maneuver.

When the grand jury on Staten Island, the city's only majority white borough, declined to indict Pantaleo on Dec. 3, it reignited a rage that had been simmering since a grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri, declined to charge a white officer in the shooting death of Michael Brown, a black unarmed 18-year-old.

The moment was precarious for de Blasio, who enjoyed the support of the city's African-American community and centered his administration on mending relations between the nation's largest police force and the communities of color.

With protests breaking out across the city, he traveled that night to a small church on Staten Island where the Garner family worshipped and addressed the moment by saying he understood black families' despair, framing it in the context of his own biracial teenage son.

"I've had to worry over the years, (my wife) Chirlane has had to worry: Is Dante safe each night?" he said. "And not just from some of the painful realities of crime and violence in some of our neighborhoods but safe from the very people they want to have faith in as their protectors."

Two weeks later, when a man who had ranted online about Garner and Brown killed two city police officers, de Blasio's words were held against him by police union leaders, who blamed him for creating an anti-New York Police Department sentiment they believe led to the killings. Patrick Lynch, head of the Patrolman's Benevolent Association, said the mayor had "blood on his hands," and officers turned their backs to de Blasio repeatedly.

After weeks of tension, the rift faded, in part because public opinion turned against the police as de Blasio took the high road, largely refusing to criticize the union leaders.

That peace was endangered Feb. 10 when a Brooklyn grand jury indicted Officer Peter Liang, who is Asian-American, for shooting Gurley in a housing project stairwell. As minority activists applauded the indictment, police union leaders, who had called the shooting accidental, were quick to urge that Liang receive a fair day in court.

With his relations with police again in the spotlight, de Blasio took a very different tack than he did two months prior.

Instead of an emotional speech, his press office put out a three-sentence statement in which the mayor "urged everyone to respect the judicial process as it unfolds."

The next day, de Blasio faced reporters and was careful not to say anything that could appear to antagonize the police or share in any satisfaction that minority communities may have felt about the indictment. He again deferred to the judicial process, warned against comparing the two cases and noted that the Garner case was particularly painful "because people watched every second of his death."

His aides dismissed the notion that de Blasio changed tactics because he was second-guessing his comments after Garner's death.

"He calibrates according to context and circumstances while always steadfast to the core principles of public safety and reform," Peter Ragone, a senior adviser to de Blasio, said Monday.

The police unions, to this point, have declined to comment further. Liang could face up to 15 years in prison.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Wrong cop got indicted as far as I'm concerned.  Mr. Chokehold should be doing time.  Officer Panic McClusterfuck should be fired for his accidental discharge and have to deal with the wrongful death suit for many years.


Why is that caving?  There seems to be no disagreement about the facts, nor does there seem to be a disagreement between facts and the grand jury decision.  It really was an accident, so what is there to be outraged about?