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Languishing some more.

Started by Maximus, November 07, 2012, 01:42:29 PM

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converting Edinburgh (a six), Perth, Rouen (an other six), Boulogne, Nantes, La Rochelle.

unrest to Amiens

French winter is Henry plus 3 regulars to Paris, papal fleet to Rome


Before you get all heated up on the gave-Spain-a-VP talk, I havent given him nothing. Took a VP, gave a VP. I left it exactly where your sorry asses left it :P


Quote from: Tamas on March 19, 2013, 02:26:37 PM
Before you get all heated up on the gave-Spain-a-VP talk, I havent given him nothing. Took a VP, gave a VP. I left it exactly where your sorry asses left it :P

Took a VP that he can easily get back, gave a free VP that doesn't help you much...


Quote from: Tamas on March 19, 2013, 02:26:02 PM
converting Edinburgh (a six), Perth, Rouen (an other six), Boulogne, Nantes, La Rochelle.

unrest to Amiens

Can't unrest Amiens, it wasn't converted in this action.


Anyhow I'll do eot, I'll start with marriage and patronage since it determines whether anything else matters.


Quote from: Solmyr on March 19, 2013, 02:27:51 PM
Quote from: Tamas on March 19, 2013, 02:26:02 PM
converting Edinburgh (a six), Perth, Rouen (an other six), Boulogne, Nantes, La Rochelle.

unrest to Amiens

Can't unrest Amiens, it wasn't converted in this action.

sorry. Make it Boulogne


Isabella dies in childbirth. HRE and France gain 1 VP each (and France 1 VP more for Marguerite).

People age, only William and Rudolf still left.


Titian runs away with the cash.

Taqi al-Din gains 1 VP or a bonus, I assume sbr takes the VP.
Brahe gains 2 VP and a bonus.

And game continues, at least until the Ottomans pirate me one more time.



Ulmont should say which science bonus he wants.



Why'd you calculate +3 VP for France (marriage, Marguerite, Paris) and then give them +4?


Because Paris gives 2 VP from now on.

At least while Henry III rules. Also for Protestants, if they have Navarre in there, and for Spain if they have Guise in there. 1 VP only if those conditions are not true.


Ottoman    24
Spain    23
England    11
France    23
Holy Roman Empire    21
Protestants    12

France is suddenly in the running, although Ottomans still have the easiest path to victory.


Hand sizes
Ottomans 7 (4 base, +1 marker, +1 Suez, +1 saved)
Spain 6 (5 base, +1 ruler)
England 3 (2 base, +1 ruler)
France 5 (4 base, +1 ruler)
HRE 7 (5 base, +1 ruler, +1 saved)
Protestants 6 (5 base, +1 marker)

Dealing cards and sending file in a sec.