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Started by Maximus, November 07, 2012, 01:42:29 PM

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#40: 1 / Tilbury Speech [COMBAT]
Gain 2 extra dice in a field battle, naval combat or assault (but not piracy). If England, gain 4 extra dice. Must be declared before either side rolls.

Message from France:
Assaulting La Rochelle

Protestant can resolve


#46: 4 / Spanish Fury [RESPONSE]
Play after an assault captures a key. Winning power draws and keeps a card from the loser's hand (if any) and another card from the deck. Finally, award a +1 Card marker to the defending player.

I need a card from the Protestant hand. File is coming


Protestants should get a +1 card marker. Also they lost 6 VP from that key, not 2.


I put the +1 card marker on France incorrectly instead of Prots (Max can move it), and how do you get -6 VP for that key?

In the HRE move, mercs were raised in Innsbruck and the Trent stack marched on Milan.  Parma can evade, fight, or withdraw behind the walls in your discretion.

File sent, over to Max.


Protestants get the printed VP for each key, no? So 2 VP for first Huguenot key, 4 VP for the second, and 6 VP for the third. At least that's how I understood it, otherwise there's no reason why the Protestant keys VP has plus signs while others don't.

Parma will stay behind the walls.


Quote from: Solmyr on March 14, 2013, 01:55:50 PM
Protestants get the printed VP for each key, no? So 2 VP for first Huguenot key, 4 VP for the second, and 6 VP for the third. At least that's how I understood it, otherwise there's no reason why the Protestant keys VP has plus signs while others don't.

QuoteThe Protestant player adds up base VP as follows: take the VP from the lower "Keys in France" line and add 3 VP for each key they control in the Netherlands.

The reason the Protestant keys VP has plus signs is because you have to combine the Netherlands and French keys for key VP.


Another lacklustre attempt by dutch preachers. How did they even get this revolt off the ground?

over to sbr


Quote from: ulmont on March 14, 2013, 02:01:23 PM
Quote from: Solmyr on March 14, 2013, 01:55:50 PM
Protestants get the printed VP for each key, no? So 2 VP for first Huguenot key, 4 VP for the second, and 6 VP for the third. At least that's how I understood it, otherwise there's no reason why the Protestant keys VP has plus signs while others don't.

QuoteThe Protestant player adds up base VP as follows: take the VP from the lower "Keys in France" line and add 3 VP for each key they control in the Netherlands.

The reason the Protestant keys VP has plus signs is because you have to combine the Netherlands and French keys for key VP.

Ah, okay. In that case Protestant VP need to be readjusted. :P


Quote from: Maximus on March 14, 2013, 02:50:53 PM
Another lacklustre attempt by dutch preachers. How did they even get this revolt off the ground?

Four conversions out of five is lackluster? :huh:


Quote from: Solmyr on March 14, 2013, 03:03:42 PM

Ah, okay. In that case Protestant VP need to be readjusted. :P

I make it:

3 (1 Netherlands Key)
+4 (2 non-Netherlands Keys)
+2 (Piracy)
+1 (Wedding)
+2 (23 Protestant Spaces)

You come up with anything different?


Looks correct now. There should be unrest in Haarlem after the last conversion, bringing prot spaces to 22, though it doesn't affect the VP.


#89: 3 / Mary Queen of Scots [RESPONSE]
Only playable if Mary Queen of Scots is alive. Playable either: (1) as response to add 4 French diplomatic influence with Scotland, (2) as event to add 3 French diplomatic influence with Scotland and then resolve its diplomatic status, (3) as response to add 3 dice to an English Catholic Rebellion, (4) as response to add 3 dice to an Assassination attempt against Elizabeth. First two options not allowed if Mary is captured in England. Remove from deck if played after Mary is dead (even if just played for CP).


Message from Ottoman:
Hopefully I didn't butcher this by keeping this card after I drew it at the start of the turn. I assumed since it said it could be played for CP after her death I didn't have to discard it immediately.

I am playing as an event now to remove from play even though I am using it for OPs.

1/3 Fleet to North African Coast

3/3 Pirate in N African Coast


And my luck finally runs out.

One lost Corsair and no hits.


Let's try the Spanish lolwin button. Playing HC for a 5 CP English Catholic rebellion. 12 Spanish dice vs 5 English. I'm guessing Viking will respond with defensive Walsingham and prolong the misery? :p


Quote from: Solmyr on March 16, 2013, 02:55:56 PM
Let's try the Spanish lolwin button. Playing HC for a 5 CP English Catholic rebellion. 12 Spanish dice vs 5 English. I'm guessing Viking will respond with defensive Walsingham and prolong the misery? :p

Walsingham tries to prolong the misery, in the defensive manner
First Maxim - "There are only two amounts, too few and enough."
First Corollary - "You cannot have too many soldiers, only too few supplies."
Second Maxim - "Be willing to exchange a bad idea for a good one."
Second Corollary - "You can only be wrong or agree with me."

A terrorist which starts a slaughter quoting Locke, Burke and Mill has completely missed the point.
The fact remains that the only person or group to applaud the Norway massacre are random Islamists.


QuoteRequest: 6-sided die x 17


Message from Spain:
English Catholic rebellion, 12 Spanish vs 5 English. Spanish dice hit only on 6s.

Walsingham just narrowly keeps Spain from winning by turning 7 Spanish hits into 4, against one English hit. 6 conversion attempts followed by 4 CP rebellion.