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Guild Wars 2 Roll Call

Started by Martinus, August 13, 2012, 08:53:18 AM

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So I'm back to my guardian.  :blush:

I know guardians are easy mode but I just love the concept and playstyle, plus I like the idea of encountering a group event going badly for the players, charge into the fray and turn the tide of the battle with my support skills.  :cool:

I think I will just alternate between my elementalist and my guardian, depending on my mood.

Richard Hakluyt

meh, I'm playing my warrior with rifle and greatsword......probably one of the easiest roles; I'm just pleased that the game can accommodate 55-year-olds with dodgy hands  :cool:

Europe must have gone back to work today, the server is comparatively quiet. I found a camp that oscillates between the seraph and bandits being in control...........and the bad guys currently hold the camp!!! First time I've seen this. I started trying to get it back to Seraph maybe a third or a quarter there, then got jumped by four bandits and blasted by some a gun turret I'd overlooked; there was also a certain amount of trouble with respawn. Anyway, it looked to me like it would be doable by a disciplined duo or small group; which would also be a lot more fun then 20 guys zerging it.

Unless I get distracted I'll give that camp another try later, maybe if I am more cautious............


There's some rather permanent group events in the north-Eastern corner of the Norn starter area. One has you collecting ice wurm[sic] eggs for a mead hall. If successful, the wurms will attack the lodge, and you have to kill them all before they break down the door. It's a pretty intense fight with literally dozens of wurms attacking - and very rich in loot. There's also grawls trying to summon ice demons, etc., which has a rather fun event chain (though it's easy to die because four or five ice elementals spawn next to where you stand).

There's a skill point near the lodge where you have to go into a cave infested by ice wurms. Haven't managed to solo it (three of them attack you at once and as warrior you're pretty much screwed, despite buffs and aoe damage), and no one seemed to want to go with.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


I'm playing at weird times myself during week-days (to combat my insomnia I switched to a different daily rhytm, getting up at 6 a.m. and going to bed at 10 p.m.) so at 6 a.m. in the morning it's also vewy vewy quiet. Fortunately, while guardians are very good group supporters, they can also solo most of the stuff, so it is a good time to do some exploring.

One thing that perhaps has been said many times already but keeps amazing me - I am frequently reminded how beautiful this game is. When you discover a new vista and the camera pans around to show the fortifications of a town, or a multi-level waterfall, or inside of an underwater cave of the sea witch, with captives in cages hanging from the ceiling - this is simply breathtaking.

Some people have criticised the lack of flight paths as depriving the player of nice views on the way - but I think the vistas perform this role so much better, without turning into annoyance when you fly on the same route for the 20th time.


Quote from: Syt on September 03, 2012, 04:32:40 AM
There's some rather permanent group events in the north-Eastern corner of the Norn starter area. One has you collecting ice wurm[sic] eggs for a mead hall. If successful, the wurms will attack the lodge, and you have to kill them all before they break down the door. It's a pretty intense fight with literally dozens of wurms attacking - and very rich in loot. There's also grawls trying to summon ice demons, etc., which has a rather fun event chain (though it's easy to die because four or five ice elementals spawn next to where you stand).

There's a skill point near the lodge where you have to go into a cave infested by ice wurms. Haven't managed to solo it (three of them attack you at once and as warrior you're pretty much screwed, despite buffs and aoe damage), and no one seemed to want to go with.

There are points like this in Queensdale and Kessex Hills too. In Queensdale the bandits attacking the pipe and the cattle farm near Claypool are more or less on a permanent loop. In Kessex Hills the "naga" (forgot how they are called in Guild Wars 2) attacking a town to capture villagers - and then being able to rescue them - is another (although it involves a lot of underwater combat, which is a bit of a pain getting used to without aggroing too many mobs).


So, is anyone regretting this one yet? How is it holding up?
Winner of THE grumbler point.


Quote from: Jaron on September 03, 2012, 04:58:25 AM
So, is anyone regretting this one yet? How is it holding up?

Most (all?) Languishistas haven't reached the dungeon content yet, but I think everyone likes World PvE so far.


I am enjoying the game so far, but with no past MMO experience I can't make any comparisons there.  It has mostly been a single-player game as I run through some of the starting areas.

So far I have played:

Level 12 Charr Warrior - This was my first character I made.  The Warrior is fine, not too difficult but not terribly interesting either.  The Charr starting area is fine too.  I agree with other that have said it starts off slow but there are some good missions as you get going.

Level 6 Sylvari Necromancer - The Sylvari starting area is terrible, I had to quit playing it.  Even though I barely got anywhere with it, the Necromancer was interesting and I will have to try it again somewhere else.

Level 5 Human Engineer - No complaints about the Human area.  I like the idea of the Engineer but in the fast moving zerg hordes that were running around all weekend it didn't feel much different that any other ranged class; any time I tried to build a turret 15 people ran by and killed what ever it was going to be aiming at before it was built.  I will definitely continue playing this one off and on as I think I will like it once things calm down.

Level 4 Norn Ranger - I haven't gotten far enough through the Norn world to see most of the stuff Syt has mentioned so I am going to have to play at least far enough to see that.  The Ranger is very close in concept to the class I played the most of in my short time in LotRO, send in the pet to tank and blast away from range.

Level 4 Charr Elementalist - I went with Charr again since I already knew the story and could skip through cut-scenes and just run with it.  The Elementalist is definitely both harder and more interesting than the Warrior, and really every other class I have played so far.  I am definitely going to continue to play an Elementalist, but I'm not sure it will be this Charr one.

I definitely want to try a Mesmer and will do that sometime soon probably.  The Thief and Guardian aren't that interesting to me at the moment, but I will try them out at some point, just to see.

I am playing on Tarnished Coast and my name is sbr.8170.  I would be up for moving to a world with other North Americans.


Can anyone get to every Vista point just by walking or jumping, specifically no special skills involved?


That's been my experience so far. Some map markers can throw you off, because you may have to take some detours or find that the vista is inside a cave/mine.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


Quote from: sbr on September 04, 2012, 03:29:22 AM
Can anyone get to every Vista point just by walking or jumping, specifically no special skills involved?

So far (having completed two human starting areas - Queensdale and Kessex Hills) yes. Some are hard, though (e.g. it requires you to jump down from another point for example).


Quote from: Syt on September 04, 2012, 03:36:38 AM
That's been my experience so far. Some map markers can throw you off, because you may have to take some detours or find that the vista is inside a cave/mine.

I can see most of them I just can't figure out how to get up there.  I am not good at jumping puzzles or platformers though. :(

EDIT: Thanks Marti :)


Quote from: Syt on September 04, 2012, 03:36:38 AM
That's been my experience so far. Some map markers can throw you off, because you may have to take some detours or find that the vista is inside a cave/mine.

It took me a while to figure out the point of interest in the frog people village cave in Kessex Hills.


I need one Vista, the one in the Ruins of Rin, to get the Black Citadel 100% but it is worse than a Batman Arkham Asylum jumping puzzle.  I need the grappling hook and the zip line. :mad:


That one's pretty finicky. You have to look for the beams that run up the building. Also, the "entry" point is a broken wall that you have to jump on first. I only figured it out because I watched others do it.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.