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Hey Nerds, you ready for D&D 5e?

Started by Ed Anger, January 09, 2012, 07:48:24 PM

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Ed Anger

Quote from: Benedict Arnold on January 10, 2012, 03:36:11 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 10, 2012, 09:20:15 AM
Quote from: Valmy on January 10, 2012, 09:15:13 AM
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 10, 2012, 09:13:03 AM
You are never to old to wear +5 helm of pony friendship.

Ewwwww.  I am not teh Brain.

I just sat through my kids watching a recorded my little pony episode. So pony references for everybody.
You a big Rainbow Dash fan?  Heh. 

No. But I enjoy thread bombing forums with MLP pics.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive

Ed Anger

Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


I'm looking forward to it.

I enjoyed 4E, but about a year or two ago it reached a saturation point for me. Too many options and too much stuff all over the place, also it kind of required you to use the online tools that I personally didn't like too much.

4E came out in the middle of 2008, a little less than a year after they announced it. This time around they apparently want to do some consulting with people, so I think we can expect that 5E is at least another year out. If it comes out in the beginning of 2013 that'll be 4 1/2 year since the last edition. It's a little bit short, but not ridiculously short given the space between previous editions in D&D nor that of similar products - GW runs about 5-6 years between editions (40K is likely getting a new edition this summer).

So for my part, I'm looking forward to the new edition. I'll definitely get the core set and play a few games, then see where it goes from there.

crazy canuck

Quote from: Jacob on January 10, 2012, 06:25:16 PM
So for my part, I'm looking forward to the new edition. I'll definitely get the core set and play a few games, then see where it goes from there.

Hmmm, you might have two maybe three of the CC clan to play with.


Quote from: crazy canuck on January 10, 2012, 06:27:04 PM
Quote from: Jacob on January 10, 2012, 06:25:16 PM
So for my part, I'm looking forward to the new edition. I'll definitely get the core set and play a few games, then see where it goes from there.

Hmmm, you might have two maybe three of the CC clan to play with.

I'll be down :)

Ed Anger

Man, the D&D subforum has turned into one big wet aborted fetus. The Wargarbl is high on EVERY random thread I clicked.

Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Quote from: Ed Anger on January 10, 2012, 07:29:27 PM
Man, the D&D subforum has turned into one big wet aborted fetus. The Wargarbl is high on EVERY random thread I clicked.


Those people are tiring even at the best of times.  I keep thinking I'm talking to a bunch of Starbucks Baristas.
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


Quote from: Jacob on January 10, 2012, 06:25:16 PM
I'm looking forward to it.

I enjoyed 4E, but about a year or two ago it reached a saturation point for me. Too many options and too much stuff all over the place, also it kind of required you to use the online tools that I personally didn't like too much.

4E came out in the middle of 2008, a little less than a year after they announced it. This time around they apparently want to do some consulting with people, so I think we can expect that 5E is at least another year out. If it comes out in the beginning of 2013 that'll be 4 1/2 year since the last edition. It's a little bit short, but not ridiculously short given the space between previous editions in D&D nor that of similar products - GW runs about 5-6 years between editions (40K is likely getting a new edition this summer).

So for my part, I'm looking forward to the new edition. I'll definitely get the core set and play a few games, then see where it goes from there.

I like Yakie's attitude with this. Why do people whinge about new versions so much though. I've realized by playing a bunch of systems in the past few years that the actual system you use is secondary to having a GM who can keep people interested and wanting to play. Good source material and campaign settings are far more important than whether you use AD&D THAC0 or some newer.

Currently I'm just starting a Pathfinder Adventure Path (Kingmaker) playing a Ranger (two sword path) and a Druid. I like Pathfinder. The settings are useful, and well written for the most part. Character creation is reasonably easy. Game play is as wonky as your DM is a rules lawyer. We've only done one session so far, but it was very fun.

I'm running a 3.5 game (I have loads of 3.5 books still) and enjoying the heck out of that, I also play in a M&M 2.0 game that uses a melding of "Aberrant", and "Call Of Cthulhu" settings. Also a hoot. Really good GM. It makes all the difference.

Rules systems are just that. More variety of style is a good thing.


Quote from: Ed Anger on January 10, 2012, 07:29:27 PM
Man, the D&D subforum has turned into one big wet aborted fetus. The Wargarbl is high on EVERY random thread I clicked.


I totally love that forum.  It's a delightful complement to CSW.  Those forums put to shame anything we could ever come up with.


Quote from: BuddhaRhubarb on January 12, 2012, 12:21:35 PM
Why do people whinge about new versions so much though.

Because WOTC is fucking with our childhoods.  AD&D was broken permanently when they started pushing out those asinine Greyhawk novels.

And besides, from what I've read about 4E there are so many more cleaner, simpler systems out there.  And if you want high-end numbers-crunching, there's better systems out there, too.


Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 15, 2012, 11:05:31 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 10, 2012, 07:29:27 PM
Man, the D&D subforum has turned into one big wet aborted fetus. The Wargarbl is high on EVERY random thread I clicked.


I totally love that forum.  It's a delightful complement to CSW.  Those forums put to shame anything we could ever come up with.

Do you troll that forum? Tell me that you do  :ph34r:


Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 15, 2012, 11:08:55 PM
Because WOTC is fucking with our childhoods.  AD&D was broken permanently when they started pushing out those asinine Greyhawk novels.

While I do not deny the existence of "D&D" novels, I categorically reject any connection between the game of D&D and the fantasy fiction put out by the various publishers of D&D.

QuoteAnd besides, from what I've read about 4E there are so many more cleaner, simpler systems out there.  And if you want high-end numbers-crunching, there's better systems out there, too.

4E, IMO, is probably the best system for playing with minis on a grid and having cool fights with cool powers. If that's not what you're up for, it's not the right system, but if you're in the mood for that then it's pretty good.


Quote from: Jacob on January 16, 2012, 12:12:30 AM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 15, 2012, 11:05:31 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on January 10, 2012, 07:29:27 PM
Man, the D&D subforum has turned into one big wet aborted fetus. The Wargarbl is high on EVERY random thread I clicked.


I totally love that forum.  It's a delightful complement to CSW.  Those forums put to shame anything we could ever come up with.

Do you troll that forum? Tell me that you do  :ph34r:

Oh, fuck yeah.  They deserve it.
I think I was warned on my 4th post.  :ph34r:


Quote from: CountDeMoney on January 16, 2012, 01:40:55 AMDo you troll that forum? Tell me Oh, fuck yeah.  They deserve it.
I think I was warned on my 4th post.  :ph34r:

Alright... now I'm going to try to guess who you are....

Ed Anger

TheRpgSite is the RPG Languish.

They loathe like some of us loathe Paradox OT.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive