Book Reading : Would you switch translation/language in the middle of a series?

Started by Grey Fox, September 11, 2011, 07:35:28 PM

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Eddie Teach

To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?

Martim Silva

Quote from: Grey Fox on September 11, 2011, 07:35:28 PM
Would you do it? Would you switch from a translation to the original version?

The original is always preferrable to any translation, if you can read the language.

That said, I often change languages of the works I read, depending on the avaliability of the books in question. Some collections are in three different languages (and different book sizes, too, which means I don't put them in my shelves, as it makes them look too weird to visitors).

When changing languages, my only word of caution is: pay attention if the original was written in a formal or mostly informal language. Written French is, by nature, fairly formal in nature, while English as spoken today is extremely informal. That can result in a major change in the way the characters express themselves, altering the whole feel of the work.

As such, if you start reading the English versions, you'll probably find the characters as somewhat less serious/respectful than they appeared to be so far. But in this particular case you should do it anyway, as the original work is in English.