Because Euroweenism deserves its own MEGATHREAD

Started by CountDeMoney, May 06, 2011, 06:28:37 AM

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OMG those Americans! How can they be so leftist and insane!


QuoteMichael Moore doubled down on his criticism of the killing of Osama bin Laden, telling CNN's Piers Morgan on Thursday that, while he is glad bin Laden is gone, America "lost something of [its] soul" in killing him without putting him on trial.

Meh, we lost our soul a long time ago.

QuoteMorgan asked him why he took issue with the way bin Laden died. Moore said that the killing deviated from the notion that everyone has a right to a trial.

No, not everyone has a right to trial.

Quote...after World War II, we just didn't go in and put a bullet to the head of all the top Nazis. We put them on trial."

And then we put bullets in their heads.

QuoteWe stand for something different than that and we're better than them."

Our Special Forces certainly are.

Ed Anger

I am amused by the EDL trolling the Bin Ladenite protest in London.

QuoteAn EDL member slipped through police lines to unveil an effigy of bin Laden in the middle of the 300-strong group of extremist Muslims.

It prompted screams of "USA, burn in hell" and "Obama, burn in hell" from angry protesters.

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