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[Canada] Canadian Politics Redux

Started by Josephus, March 22, 2011, 09:27:34 PM

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Grey Fox

Quote from: Barrister on October 16, 2019, 03:06:06 PM
Quote from: Josephus on October 16, 2019, 02:08:55 PM
Quote from: Barrister on October 16, 2019, 02:07:56 PM
Also surprised slightly that Obama, being the guy with the funny name and America's first black President, wouldn't have more time for Jagmeet Singh, the first person of colour to lead a Canadian political party.

Maybe he puts policy ahead of ethnicity? :hmm:

I didn't say support: I said "have time for".

If I were advising Obama, I would have suggested something like "Watching with interest  the Canadian election campaign.  I enjoyed my time working with Justin Trudeau.  Jagmeet Singh, the first POC to lead a Canadian party seems like an interesting character.  But I am certain that whomever wins this election Canada will continue to be a strong ally of the US".

You don't endorse anyone specifically, you name drop candidates you might quietly prefer, but above all else you point out it's for Canadians to decide.

You are just looking to muddy the water so the outright rejection of your candidate, to his #1 rival, isn't such an hard blow.

Colonel Caliga is Awesome.

Admiral Yi

Quote from: Grey Fox on October 16, 2019, 06:11:53 PM
Obama always does this, did it for France & Germany.

You should listen to him, he's a great leader.

All I could google up is he endorsed Macron and told Pomistan to stay in the EU.

I'm agin it.


I think the advance poll numbers represent a slice of the politically motivated, life long voters. The keeners.

Overall election turn out will be about the same or slightly down, I suspect, yet I think Singh might be the only one driving participation up, especially among younger eligible voters. He's having a good week and has some public buzz.
humans were created in their own image

crazy canuck

Quote from: saskganesh on October 16, 2019, 07:47:25 PM
I think the advance poll numbers represent a slice of the politically motivated, life long voters. The keeners.

Overall election turn out will be about the same or slightly down, I suspect, yet I think Singh might be the only one driving participation up, especially among younger eligible voters. He's having a good week and has some public buzz.

I don't know, my boys report there has been a lot of talk on their respective campuses about getting out and voting since the start of the election - and the thing that has everyone talking is climate change.

I wonder how successfully the polsters are capturing that vote

Rex Francorum

Quote from: saskganesh on October 16, 2019, 07:47:25 PM
I think the advance poll numbers represent a slice of the politically motivated, life long voters. The keeners.

Overall election turn out will be about the same or slightly down, I suspect, yet I think Singh might be the only one driving participation up, especially among younger eligible voters. He's having a good week and has some public buzz.

Yeah, it is not a memorable campaign, the kind that appeal to the ordinary people and incite him to vote early and often. ;)
To rent


Quote from: Grey Fox on October 16, 2019, 06:13:15 PM
You are just looking to muddy the water so the outright rejection of your candidate, to his #1 rival, isn't such an hard blow.

Obama was never going to endorse Scheer.  Scheer is right wing, Obama is left.  Doesn't matter if their parties use the same colour.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


I feel Obama's involvement was in poor taste.

crazy canuck

Quote from: Rex Francorum on October 16, 2019, 09:30:59 PM
Quote from: saskganesh on October 16, 2019, 07:47:25 PM
I think the advance poll numbers represent a slice of the politically motivated, life long voters. The keeners.

Overall election turn out will be about the same or slightly down, I suspect, yet I think Singh might be the only one driving participation up, especially among younger eligible voters. He's having a good week and has some public buzz.

Yeah, it is not a memorable campaign, the kind that appeal to the ordinary people and incite him to vote early and often. ;)

That is why the dramatic increase in advance polls is surprising

Rex Francorum

Maybe it is just like people prefer to have flexibility when voting.
To rent


QuoteKINSELLA: Why Trudeau's popularity is plummeting
Warren Kinsella
October 17, 2019

Justin Trudeau is less popular than Donald Trump.

Say it aloud, so that those still considering voting for Trudeau can hear you.

Because, you know, Donald Trump. The most sexist, most racist, most dishonest U.S. president is more highly regarded than the Canadian prime minister. That's hard to do, but Justin Trudeau has done it.

As far back as March, Trump was doing better than Trudeau. In that month, Ipsos found Trump's approval rating was 43%. Trudeau's was 40%.

In August, it got even worse. Zogby Analytics revealed that Trump had an approval rating of 51%. Trudeau was "underwater," Zogby reported, at 43%.

And Toronto Sun pollster John Wright, of DART, has analyzed the data and come up with the same conclusion as the others. "Trudeau's personal approval numbers are below Trump's," says Wright. "So more selfies won't help."

And therein lies the rub. Wright has put his finger on the zeitgeist: This election isn't remotely about issues. It's a referendum on Trudeau. And he's been losing it.

What went wrong? How is Trudeau — once the darling of international media, the beneficiary of Trudeaumania II, and the guy who propelled his party from a parliamentary third place to first — now facing what HuffPo's Althia Raj, no less, has declared the "possibility he won't be prime minister much longer." How did that happen?

Three reasons. The first: He over-promised and under-delivered.

Trudeau did that a lot. On electoral reform, on balanced budgets, on ethical reform, on being the feminist champion and the indigenous reconciler: In every case, he promised the Earth but delivered only dust.

Trudeau's true legacy is seen in the Lavscam scandal, where he obliterated his credentials as the ethical paragon and liberator of women and indigenous peoples. There, he cravenly tried to rescue a Quebec-based Liberal Party donor facing a corruption trial — and, along the way, revealed himself more than willing to brutalize two women, one indigenous, who bravely stood up for the rule of law.

Second reason: He thinks he's far more charming and entertaining than he actually is.

Some time ago, a member of Trudeau's insular inner circle told this writer that one of their biggest problems was Trudeau's unshakeable belief that he is funny. "He thinks he's a comedian," said this man. "He isn't."

Thus, making blackface his go-to party favour. Thus, his puerile penchant for dress-up, even when it humiliates Canadians, as in the infamous Griswolds-style Indian vacation. Thus, his utterly bizarre penchant for making jokes — remember "peoplekind?" — that aren't merely jokes. They're jokes that render him one.

The third and final reason that Trudeau is less popular than Trump is neatly, and expertly, mirrored in the Conservative Party's shrewd attack ad slogan: "Justin Trudeau. Not as advertised."

That pithy catchphrase, more than anything else, is why Trudeau is plumbing the polling depths, even more than Trump. Canadians have grown to believe that the former drama teacher is, indeed, just an actor.

Donald Trump, as detestable as he is to so many, is at least truthful about who he is. He doesn't hide it.

Justin Trudeau, meanwhile, wears blackface to parties.

Because he's never as comfortable as when he is wearing a mask.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.

Grey Fox

Kinsella is not a reputable source of insights on Trudeau's popularity.
Colonel Caliga is Awesome.


Quote from: Grey Fox on October 17, 2019, 12:43:39 PM
Kinsella is not a reputable source of insights on Trudeau's popularity.

Kinsella is kind of an asshole, and he definitely hates JT's guts.

But when he is quoting pollsters, he's quoting pollsters.  And I thought the observation that 'the biggest problem is Trudeau thinks he's funny but he isn't' is quite probably quite true.  Think of how many times he's tried to be funny, but was just cringingly awful, from "peoplekind", to "thanks for your donation", to yesterday's "your jealous of my eyebrows".  Heck it even explains the blackface!
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.

Grey Fox

Yeah, JT's a spuzz.

and all the time he used to fall down stairs for the lolz?

Did it on Quebec tv back in...2012 or so.
Colonel Caliga is Awesome.


Zogby is not exactly top-tier pollsters...

But yeah, Trudeau is not as popular as Trump. Kind of apples and oranges though. The US only has 2 viable parties.


Quote from: Zoupa on October 17, 2019, 01:08:16 PM
Zogby is not exactly top-tier pollsters...

But yeah, Trudeau is not as popular as Trump. Kind of apples and oranges though. The US only has 2 viable parties.

It's comparable because it's not asking about voting intention, but rather favourable/unfavourable.
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.