The Hungarian Election Thread (it's this sunday, folks!)

Started by Tamas, April 08, 2010, 04:42:54 AM

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Quote from: Fate on April 13, 2010, 03:20:27 PM
Quote from: derspiess on April 13, 2010, 02:51:45 PM
Quote from: Razgovory on April 13, 2010, 12:52:17 PM
Quote from: derspiess on April 13, 2010, 12:48:34 PM
Functionally, gypsies = immigrants.  Many of the same issues are in play.

What issues are those?

Crime, education, employment, poverty, cultural issues/refusal to assimilate, sense of entitlement, etc.
Why would any of that be the responsibility of the government? I don't see the line in the constitution that grants Congress the authority to regulate education, poverty, and white entitlement culture.

No, what I (and he, I think) mean is that there is no discussion about these things on a political party level. None. But these are issues. At least, they are PERCEIVED issues by the vast majority of the public. But you only get the xenophob idiot nazi parties talking about it. So they nail every single vote which is not disgusted by their attitude.

Like, when your back is hurt. You keep asking the doctor what to do. He keeps telling your back does not hurt, you are stupid. Or just ignores you. Then after a while a guy comes along and say he has a magic potion that will cure your back. After a while, you will say what the hell and buy that "potion"


Back to topic: there are 57 districts where there will be a second round in two (1.5) weeks time. IIRC, Fidesz has to win 48 of those to secure 75% of the seats.

Considering that they won each of those except for one, chances are slim. The only chance for the opposition parties is that Fidesz voters will think the game has been won and will stay away.

And of course one or two votes short of the 2/3rd majority ain't that much of a big deal since they could buy a vote here and there, especially considering that there are already several MSZP politicans/functionaries are under investigation for various corruption scandals and they have been on government. (the fact that all of these cases started during or near to the election campaign despite having been investigated for years hints at the amount of influence Fidesz has over the attorney's office, by the way)


That scandal about Fidesz' voter database... The Election Comittee sent the issue to the Supreme Court, as required, and the Supreme Judges decided that it is not proven that the audio track is of the person it is claimed to be, so case closed.
Never mind that even the Fidesz official in question does not deny that it is he talking, and Fidesz' defense has been "so what? we havent done anything illegal".


I just love this modern democracy we have.


So, the 2/3rd majority has been achieved with much ease.

Let's see what happens. Fidesz's leader, Orbán now has a chance to make it into the history books, one way or the other... Or he can just sit on top of the shitpile in comfort.

I hope for true right-centrist reforms of course, altough Fidesz has floated to the left economically more than a decade ago.

And let's hope a true libertarian party will rise so I will have someone to vote on.


Is this a discussion thread or more of a personal blog?
Winner of THE grumbler point.



Richard Hakluyt

It was the "two=1.5" that Yi was raising his eyebrows about. The finer points of Magyar mathematics elude his dumbed-down American mind  :P

Martim Silva

Quote from: Tamas on April 26, 2010, 02:16:54 AM
Let's see what happens. Fidesz's leader, Orbán now has a chance to make it into the history books, one way or the other... Or he can just sit on top of the shitpile in comfort.

Let me simplify it for you:

Capitalist party elected by morons tries to apply the only economic doctrine known to them: more debt and government spending (to 'stimulate' the debt-laden economy).

Hungary asks EU to extend its loan.

Then asks for even more money, pointing to the need to 'stimulate' the economy.

Speculators take what then can and go away, pockets full after looting the nation.

Fidesz sees that none of its policies actually stimulate anything, because people have no money to consume wildly and because most stimulus is lost in corruption.

Fidesz sees its near bankrupcy and asks for more emergency loans to the EU...

living standards deteriorate in Hungary.

Fidesz is totally unable to comprehend anything, its politicans caring only about lining their own pockets with bribes.

Rinse and repeat until the EU (i.e. Germany) is no longer able to give out free handouts (aka emergency loans) to Hungary.

Country goes bankrupt, GDP plummets, misery everywhere.

Fidesz will say more "liberalization" and "market-driven" reforms are needed.

People like Tamas will believe it.

Continue until Hungary is a wasteland with only Orbán and Tamas living in it, wondering why that happened after so much wonderful liberalization.


Quote from: Martim Silva on April 26, 2010, 10:55:49 AM
Let me simplify it for you:

Capitalist party elected by morons tries to apply the only economic doctrine known to them: more debt and government spending (to 'stimulate' the debt-laden economy).

Because nothing says Capitalism like huge government programs!  If only we had some socialists and left wingers around who never go into government debt because of their fondness for small governments with small manageable budgets.
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."

Martim Silva

Quote from: Valmy
Because nothing says Capitalism like huge government programs!


Because without government stimulus, the capitalist financial system collapses.

We've seen that. Take the government out of the equation and by now your only thought would be "how can I eat today?"



I am so going to regret this, but...

so what is your solution Martim?
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.


Quote from: Martim Silva on April 26, 2010, 10:55:49 AM
Quote from: Tamas on April 26, 2010, 02:16:54 AM
Let's see what happens. Fidesz's leader, Orbán now has a chance to make it into the history books, one way or the other... Or he can just sit on top of the shitpile in comfort.

Let me simplify it for you:

Capitalist party elected by morons tries to apply the only economic doctrine known to them: more debt and government spending (to 'stimulate' the debt-laden economy).

Hungary asks EU to extend its loan.

Then asks for even more money, pointing to the need to 'stimulate' the economy.

Speculators take what then can and go away, pockets full after looting the nation.

Fidesz sees that none of its policies actually stimulate anything, because people have no money to consume wildly and because most stimulus is lost in corruption.

Fidesz sees its near bankrupcy and asks for more emergency loans to the EU...

living standards deteriorate in Hungary.

Fidesz is totally unable to comprehend anything, its politicans caring only about lining their own pockets with bribes.

Rinse and repeat until the EU (i.e. Germany) is no longer able to give out free handouts (aka emergency loans) to Hungary.

Country goes bankrupt, GDP plummets, misery everywhere.

Fidesz will say more "liberalization" and "market-driven" reforms are needed.

People like Tamas will believe it.

Continue until Hungary is a wasteland with only Orbán and Tamas living in it, wondering why that happened after so much wonderful liberalization.

STFU you asstard. People from a PIIGS nations dont get to complain about running up their debts ever. The day the countries in the north stop subsidizing your lazy asses is the day I start believing in a higher power because we have certainly been blessed.