Twinklebanner - Languish Dwarf Fortress succession game

Started by Solmyr, April 02, 2010, 06:36:46 PM

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Quote from: Solmyr on April 05, 2010, 06:22:39 PM
Just so you know sbr, setting your bookkeeper to the highest setting makes him work until everything is counted, and afterwards the setting does not matter ever again, since the stocks remain magically exactly updated forever and the bookkeeper can slack.
IIRC our bookkeeper had finished the highest possible count in my reign, so from now on his settings don't matter.

Strange.  I hadn't heard that before but when I started the game the Clerk was Updating Stockpile Records, that is why I checked the setting and it said he has done enough work to attain highest settings but was still working.  That is why I changed it.  Not that is will really matter.


It can take clerks a real long time to count all that stone if you set it on the highest setting; I usually settle for the second-highest, at least until a few immigration waves frees him from whatever his more important duties are.
Three lovely Prada points for HoI2 help


Quote from: sbr on April 05, 2010, 08:11:00 PM
Quote from: Solmyr on April 05, 2010, 06:22:39 PM
Just so you know sbr, setting your bookkeeper to the highest setting makes him work until everything is counted, and afterwards the setting does not matter ever again, since the stocks remain magically exactly updated forever and the bookkeeper can slack.
IIRC our bookkeeper had finished the highest possible count in my reign, so from now on his settings don't matter.

Strange.  I hadn't heard that before but when I started the game the Clerk was Updating Stockpile Records, that is why I checked the setting and it said he has done enough work to attain highest settings but was still working.  That is why I changed it.  Not that is will really matter.

Yeah, he was probably finishing stuff up.

Also, that was quite an eventful year! :o My fortresses never get that much action. Building some better gate defenses would probably be a good idea.

Grey Fox

I like this thread. Good show guys, good read.

Too bad I can't play DF, it's alot like EU for me. Too much to do, get lost, don't do anything, get bored close game.
Colonel Caliga is Awesome.


Update tomorra: I have vastly reorganized this fortress into a true industrial machine.

Lots of action, lots of death.
Winner of THE grumbler point.


Quote from: Jaron on April 07, 2010, 01:55:53 AM
Update tomorra: I have vastly reorganized this fortress into a true industrial machine.

Lots of action, lots of death.

DO you know what happened to the baby?


Its on the floor. Every so often it suffers from thirst but someone always seems to water it. I tell you though the dogs get better treatment. :P
Winner of THE grumbler point.



I need to finish my training but around Sundayish (or later) I should be maybe perhaps be able to be overseer and not kill everyone


I got to warn you future fellows. This fort is getting rather big. I had several migrant waves push us up over 50.
Winner of THE grumbler point.


Quote from: Jaron on April 07, 2010, 01:55:53 AM
Update tomorra: I have vastly reorganized this fortress into a true industrial machine.

Lots of action, lots of death.

Jaron, the Stalin of Dwarves.
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


Winner of THE grumbler point.



To be honest, I'd much rather have an "interesting" fort than an efficient, well-run fort. :D
Three lovely Prada points for HoI2 help



Twinklebanner - Year 3

The fortress Twinklebanner was in a state of absolute chaos and disrepair when Jaron, Master Architect and Engineer arrived:

Dwarves hid inside behind barrels of beer and seed in fear of constant goblin attacks, they slept on the floor like dogs, and the hallways were filled with stone and grit. It was an assault on the eyes, and one that Jaron had no intention to endure.

On a plus note, the fortress did have a few trading goods to barter away and when the Elvish caravans arrived from Thaci Emofe, this is exactly what I did. Elves usually carry pretty worthless stuff , at least by Dwarven standards, but I saw fit to purchase a wolf, some cloth and some seeds. If we ever start an above ground farm, we have a bag of Sunberries that our Dwarves would greatly appreciate once brewed!

Ah, but once business was over, the true work began. The front defenses were minimal. The army was almost non existent. In fact, we had MORE soldiers in the tombs than in the barracks.

This is the old front entrance to Twinklebanner.

At the end of Spring, the new defenses of Twinklebanner were ready: A large fortified wall complete with two ballista batteries and a raised platform for marksdwarves to fire from. It would come quite in handy in the coming year (as you will all very soon see - if not for the new Jaronesian walls, Twinklebanner would have surely fallen!

Also note the beautiful glass statue of Jaron himself in the center courtyard. Included in this masterful design: A ring of walls at the upper level (above the fort) to prevent any bowmen from firing any missiles from above the courtyard and an emergency lever that closes the main gate. I never needed to pull it and expect it will only be needed during a siege to make sure the army is ready. It will technically keep enemies out indefinitely but it will also mean that no caravans will come and we'll have goblin armies wandering the map aimlessly.

By the coming of summer the fortress defenses were rather polished and ready. We had a couple injuries in the fortress and some good Samaritans were running down to the brook to fetch water. And that's when it first happened:

Goblin ambush! Like fiends of yore, they leapt from the trees, from the bushes and seemingly from beneath the rocks! They set upon our good Dwarves with axe, nail, whip and arrow. From the towers of Twinklebanner's walls great bells rang out warning all Dwarves to report immediately to the inside meeting halls. Once secure, a second bell was rung to bring the military forth to engage the damned invaders.

Alas, these champions of Twinklebanner, these so called local legends. They would not take commands from an architect. "Ha!" they laughed. "The goblins will run once they see a Dwarven wrassler charging them!" And so the Dwarves charged. One of the braver ones, a Dwarf named Mosus, charged into the thick of them. The last thing he heard was the sweet twang of several Goblin bows and he fell dead! Foolishly, even the Marksdwarves abandoned their posts to lustily engage the goblins out in the open. After a bloody battle with heavy casualties on both sides, the goblins retreated. Good thing too, for Twinklebanner's army was in ruins.

The rest of the Summertime was spent in idle peace. During my entire reign over Twinklebanner, I did precious little mining. After all, we had rock, metal, and gems enough for our current needs and so I expanded the workshops to mass produce rock goods. Our woodcutters swiftly deforested the landscape and our carpenter created bins to hold the goodies we would sell to Tastrodingish.

In the late of Summer, two great projects were begun. One was the conscription of several non essential Dwarves into the army. They would begin with wrestling practice and move on to more proper martial arts later on. The second was the creation of a permanent water supply that didn't require leaving the fort, hiking down mountain trails, and walking cross country over beautiful, goblin infested plains.

Unfortunately, my predecessors built straight down and left little room for a well. But I improvised and used the power of Dwarven stoneworking to tear the aforementioned beautiful countryside in two and create a small stream that now feeds our well (seen in picture above - I made it out of beautiful microcline and used an iron chain and an artifact mechanism!)

The new stream that feeds us our water. Also note the quaint little wooden bridge I built over. Quite nice!

A human caravan also arrived! ... and was ambushed by Goblins. I debated in mine mind whether or not to rally our forces and send them forth to lend aid, but in the end I decided that such things were simply part of the risk of humans conducting trade in our lands. After all, should they return safely to Dur Usmik they were sure to make a great profit on authentic Dwarven crafts.

One of the human guardsmen was struck down in the fight, but the Goblins retreated once in range of Twinklebanners marksdwarves. I had the good fortune and sense to import many, many tons of cloth, leather, weapons and armor. Now not only did we have Dwarves in training, but proper equipment for them! Plate mail, spears, swords and axes! Shields of iron and helms of steel! Let the full might of Atozosnun fall upon us! We will tore down that black tower!

As a gesture of goodwill to the humans, I had the skull of one of their guards from an earlier season fashioned into a totem and gave it to them as a gift to take back to his family. We also sent his wife a pair of earrings made from his bones, and for his little son a Microline toy box decorated with the bones of his father. It was quite nice, I'm a little concerned the caravan master might keep it for his own.

Ah yes.

Fall and Winter. Busy months!

The beginning of Fall was marked by tragedy. With all the fighting and battles to keep Twinklebanner free from Goblin control, a wee little baby wandered off and died of thirst. Goblin thieves and child snatchers were spotted lurking in the forests and even in the shadows of the fortress walls. I doubled the guard posted in the main courtyard and had one of mechanics double check all the traps.

The Fall was seemingly peaceful. Other than the fact the Mayor is a complete tyrant and has had two people chained for "crimes" against him, no one would expect the utter carnage the season was about to bring.

It was just after the caravans from Tastrodingish had arrived. As they traveled the dirt roads to Twinklebanner, the Goblins let out a cry and set upon them as they had the humans a season before. Oh, but the mighty Dwarven armies were more than these goblins had anticipated. And their ambush had come too late. The armies of Tastrodingish and Twinklebanner joined up outside the city gates and waged brutal war on these green-skinned thugs.

The toll was heavy: One of the Dwarven caravan guards was hacked in two, but between the marksdwarves and the axe wielding champions of Twinklebanner, no Goblin survived to tell his spawns not to tread near these lands.

Animals and Dwarves combined, about 30 citizens of our village died this year.

The rest of the winter was spent on other building projects. The goods stockpiles should be nice and full for the next commanders. Meanwhile I now shall retire to the comfort of my quarters and submit one request:

In all I had to deal with, I never built a proper tomb for myself. Please build me a tomb worthy of the architect who not only saved Twinklebanner, but safeguarded it for future generations.

The battle site of the last great battle between Dwarves and Goblins. Note the skulls and bloody clothing everywhere.

Jaron's bedroom: Complete with office, dining areas, private quarters (with one way viewing portal into sbr's bedroom) and three engraved pillars. It also had two windows in front that look out into the magnificent hallway.

Status at the end of year 3. Note the magnificently increased wealth under my reign

Advice to whoever comes next:

We need the army rebuilt asap. I was getting raided about once per season. Recommend more traps.

The industry and workforce is extremely inefficient. Need to bring that under control!

Increase metal working projects!!!

Build more rooms!

We have a potential flooding risk. I don't think water can go diagonal in this game so it might be nothing. My fault.

Ignore the giant underground machine. Nothing to see there. The lever in the hallway does nothing.

Watch so that the Marksmen don't run out of their position. I like to post them where the gate is but up one z level. They have nice range on anything trying to get in.

Perdon for not renaming the file. I forgot. :blush:
Winner of THE grumbler point.