Twinklebanner - Languish Dwarf Fortress succession game

Started by Solmyr, April 02, 2010, 06:36:46 PM

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Another question for Solmyr.  I am building a Tomb complex, would you like your tomb moved there or leave it where it is?  No skin off my back either way, just thought I would ask.



Now would be a good time to set up a turn order:

So far we have:

1. Solmyr
2. sbr
3. Jaron (me)
4. ??? Sign up plx

Habbaku wanted to go after everyone else who had already listed themselves as interested. Please do not pull a BB/LaCroix with this.
Winner of THE grumbler point.


I can go after Jaron, provided I'm starting later this week.
Three lovely Prada points for HoI2 help


Quote from: Solmyr on April 04, 2010, 04:00:18 AM
You are running it now, you decide. :P

I know I just hate to change something personal like that that a previous ruler set-up.  I did move your tomb, I re-built it with the exact same items in the same place as before.  I even added a superior quality glass statue for the trouble. :)

I have about a month or two left to play, then I will put up the write up and post the save, hopefully tonight.  If not early tomorrow.


Finishing the game and fucking with the screenshots took way too long and too many beers for me to finish tonight.  I should be able to get the write-up and save posted some what early (US West Coast time) tomorrow/today.


Quote from: sbr on April 05, 2010, 12:12:55 AM
I know I just hate to change something personal like that that a previous ruler set-up.  I did move your tomb, I re-built it with the exact same items in the same place as before.  I even added a superior quality glass statue for the trouble. :)

Main rule is don't get "named" dwarves killed on purpose, otherwise I think everyone is free to change the fortress layout as they want.


1 Granite 383

The first thing I did was have an Engraver make an engraving on the wall of the Great Hall.  It would be nice if future rulers could do the same to create a calender or sorts.

It looks like the previous ruler left us in decent shape but there were a few concerns.

The food stocks looked good, even though there is no meat or fish there is loads of fabulously prepared meals.  The booze situation while not dire is getting a bit worrisome so farming and brewing was one of the higher priorities.  I took the existing 5x5 farm plot apart and re-built it as 5 1x5 plots; this allows more flexibility in crop variety with very little increase in management.  Most of the plots were set to plant Plump Helmets with the rest set for cave wheat and sweet pods for brewing purposes.  There is a lack of Pig Tail seeds which will limit our cloth making ability in the near future.  We also have one male horse, but no female which means no breeding.  That also means we have no native ability to produce meat and leather unless we start butchering the dogs.  I would prefer not to do that as they are much more useful as wardogs than mittens but they do reproduce pretty quickly so that could be an option in coming years when their numbers and our military have grown.

The next step was to change the bookkeeper's settings.  He was set to count each and every item in the fort, which is an unending and unnecessary job.  The next step down counts everything up to 4 digits, anything over 10,000 is estimated to the nearest 10.  We are not going to have 10,000 of anything anytime soon and even if we do I can live with a +/-10 on those items.  This will free up the Clerk to do some other jobs like building mechanisms, training wardogs and managing large jobs through the manager cutting down the micro needed.  The first job was a run of 25 rock cabinets for the dwarves bedrooms; I took the liberty of adding one of the nicest ones to Solymr's bedroom.

Powering the industry of the fort was next on the agenda.  With an apparent lack of magma :Dr. Evil: and no coal deposits we need charcoal, and that means we need wood.  A clear cutting program was installed and anyone with any ability with an axe was sent out to start chopping.  Bim, Solymr's lady friend was given another wardog to assure her safety; while we need wood we cant be recklessly endangering the lover of a former ruler can we?  The other stray wardog were assigned to Atis 'sbr' Kutelbelal, the Fisherdwarf.

The military consisted of two raw unarmed recruits who were just wandering the fort aimlessly.  I used the armor stand to make the barracks by the front gate a true barracks so the recruits could start to train and spar.  This is when I noticed the next, hopefully minor problem, besides the miner's picks we have no weapons other than axes but those are needed to chop down trees.  I prefer to get the little guys some experience and levels in wrestling so it should be fine for now, but without an anvil we are going to need a caravan to hook up up as soon as possible.  I also ordered the wall between the barracks and the entrance corridor to be smoothed and for fortifications to be carved into it so marksdwarves can stay in teh barracks and shoot any intruders.

Just a few days into the new year an Elven caravan showed up at the door step.  In the first round of trading we got all of the logs they brought, which wasn't many, and a couple of handfuls of berries.  The second round of trading created a bit of an incident, I wanted to get some cloth and offered a very valuable clear glass bauble.  The elves were not amused as the creation of the bauble resulted in the death of a tree so they stormed off in outrage.  This incident combined with the clear cutting effort is very likely to cause the pointy-eared granola eating bastards' panties to bunch up, but we can't be too concerned with that at the moment.

In mid-spring we had some migrants from the Mountainhome appear; actually some than some, there were 20 migrants most of whom were worthless of course.  Thankfully one of the migrants had some experience in woodcutting and had brought an axe so he was quickly sent out to help Bim.  There was also a Wood Burner so Solymr would have some help in the furnaces making charcoal allowing Solymr to focus more on his glass work.  The shortage of wood made charcoal production a start-andstop affair and the lack of bags quickly ground the glass industry grind to a halt rather quickly.  The new migrants needed rooms so a new dormitory block was order to be dug out.  Three of the most useless migrants were drafted into the military.  Two were set to learn to wrestle and one was set to learn how to use a crossbow at the new archery range.

In early summer a Clothier entered a strange mood, there was no Clothier Shop and no cloth so his rantings and raving were ignored for the most part, at least until she finally went berserk.  She kicked one dwarf then stormed out of the Great Hall, she was quickly chewed to death by some roaming dogs right outside of sbr's new bedroom.

Thankfully before this episode the miners and masons had finished the preliminary work on the new fort tombs.

This is the tombs for the common citizens, the stairs in the center go down to the nicer private tombs.  Teh second level downf rom teh public tombs are the final resting places for Solymr and sbr.  The Mason Workshop was set up to build statues for the tombs; I prefer to place workshops close to where they are needed then tear them down when finished.

By the time Late summer came around I realized that there had been no human caravan; a check of the nearby civilizations confirmed that there were no humans nearby so we have one less trading partner.  That's too bad as we really need a female horse, a anvil and some weapons.  The first two recruits we had were now Legendary Wrestlers and Champions but we still didn't have any melee weapons for them to train with, and no capacity to make any.

The next project for the miners and masons was a new Dining Room.

The Great Hall is nice but I prefer larger, grander rooms.  I also dug out a new bigger area to set up the furnaces and hopefully the metalworking forges.    While this was being dug out we found a vein of hematite; now that we have iron we really need an anvil.

Our population was also now large enough to support a Sheriff so the Trapper was promoted to Sheriff and the miners went to work on digging out his office, dining room and bedroom which were attached to the new jail complex.  Now we need ropes/chain and metal cages for the jail.

A caravan from the Mountainhome came in the fall, thank goodness.  The liaison met with the Clerk and they worked out an import/export agreement for next year.  We asked for Pig Tail seeds, Rock Nuts,  all kinds of livestock with horses being a higher priority and thread since without Pig Tails we still can't make our own.  The liaison asked us to try and provide these items

Hopefully my successor can work to make sure we have these items on hand by the time they come back next year.

Thankfully we weren't trading with the emo elves and we were able to get some good stuff for our rock crafts and glass baubles.  We traded all of our crafts and were able to squire:

an anvil  :yeah:
2 ropes
a Bronze War Hammer
a bin of leather
2 spools of thread
a dwarven cheese
some assorted fish and turtles

The caravan from the Mountainhome did not arrive alone; a small group of goblins seem to have followed them in as they appeared at almost the same time.  The goblins terrorized the civilians could be ordered inside killing a fisherdwarf and a peasant who was collect logs.  The military was called into action and sent out; the weaponless dwarves were no match for the skilled goblins and one Elite wrestler and one Champion were killed in the battle, though they were able to chase the gobbos off so they didn't die completely in vain.

The anvil let us build our first forge so a peasant set off to build that.  Once it was done he went to work; he created a handful of iron chains, some iron short swords a and copper axe.  The bin of leather was sent off to the Leatherworkers shop to be turned into needed armor and leggings.

In late fall a another small group of migrants showed up, there was enough rooms for them to move right in without having to wait for rooms to be built.  At about the same time the Lye Maker entered a strange mood; he claimed the Craftdwarfs workshop, grabbed a turtle shell and went to work.  A few weeks later he emerged with Sedilartob, a turtle shell amulet.

The first 9 months of the year were productive, but there were some tragedies- 5 dwarves had died, 4 of them killed by goblins.  Unfortunately the last season of the year had just as many tragedies, but not nearly as much production.  One of the first messages was the terrible news that Sigun, our best marksdwarf had bled to death.  I have no idea what happened I didn't even know he was hurt.  Shortly after that another small band of goblins appeared.  Most of these goblins were armed with crossbows and were crack shots.  The military was called into action again with the marksdwarfs stationed behind the fortifications in the barracks.  The goblins swarmed the front gate shooting anything that moved.  That consisted of the two wardogs chained there, the Ranger who was just coming back from hunting and 4 of sbr's wardogs.  The lone champion jumped into the fray killing two goblins before he was shot and killed himself.  The two melee goblins were caught in cage traps just inside the entrance and the assault failed and the remaining goblins broke and ran.  Two dwarves and 6 war dogs lay dead at the front gate.

The caged goblins were moved to the Great Hall so they could be taunted and tortured, I will leave their final fate to my successor.

sbr was so distraught by the death of her beloved pets that she tantrumed and attacked the Clerk causing a serious upper body injury that sent the Clerk to bed; sbr was sent off to the jail.

In the final days of the year Atir Dedukes, the remaining Clothier withdrew from society; I had no idea that clothes makers were so moody.  This time there was a shop for her to claim so she did so and grabbed the one piece of cloth we had in the fort.  Unfortunately that was not enough; she seems to want more cloth and some leather that we don't have either.  There is a chance that my successor will be able to get the needed materials before she goes insane but just in case I built a door to the shop so she can be locked in in case she does go berserk.  Just to top things off Atir gave birth to a baby shortly after going crazy, Atir was so obsessed with finding some cloth that she let the baby wander away unattended.

Will Atir get the cloth and leather she needs to complete her obsession?

What will happen to her baby in the meantime?

Can my successor rebuild and arm the military to fight off the increasingly aggressive goblins?

Will the elves next appearance be to trade or to invade?

Tune in to find our next....

Save file:


Forgot one. The situation at the start of the year.


I'll go next. Its time to give this fort a proper touch of Jaron, master architect.
Winner of THE grumbler point.


Dwarves don't eat tacos, so don't bother constructing stands for them.
The medievals were only too right in taking nolo episcopari as the best reason a man could give to others for making him a bishop. Give me a king whose chief interest in life is stamps, railways, or race-horses; and who has the power to sack his Vizier (or whatever you care to call him) if he does not like the cut of his trousers.

Government is an abstract noun meaning the art and process of governing and it should be an offence to write it with a capital G or so as to refer to people.

-J. R. R. Tolkien

Ed Anger

Quote from: Habbaku on April 05, 2010, 05:30:41 PM
Dwarves don't eat tacos, so don't bother constructing stands for them.

Taco Trucks     30
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Just so you know sbr, setting your bookkeeper to the highest setting makes him work until everything is counted, and afterwards the setting does not matter ever again, since the stocks remain magically exactly updated forever and the bookkeeper can slack.
IIRC our bookkeeper had finished the highest possible count in my reign, so from now on his settings don't matter.


Winner of THE grumbler point.


"Come grow old with me
The Best is yet to be
The last of life for which the first was made."