Where has your life taken you since Languish started?

Started by Jaron, December 06, 2009, 02:54:01 AM

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Couldn't agree more, Count.

I'm not sure, but perhaps having and raising kids has become a lot more difficult and expensive (and not only in money) these days. When I was a kid we spent a lot of time by ourselves, playing in the street. Today it's all organized and planned: sure, the sons of my brothers are learning to ride horses and things like that, things I couldn't even dream about, but they seem to be always under adult surveillance, and their fathers usually 'hover' over them.

That has got to be exhausting for both fathers and sons. 


Quote from: CountDeMoney on December 07, 2009, 06:41:29 AM
I dunno, man.  Four hours with my nieces is like a 16 hour workday. 

Amen. My girlfriends nephews are great, but I tire just from thinking about them.


Moved to London and to Bristol then to London again.  Tramped around a lot of Dorset and Somerset in my new found West Country love (just got back from the Bath Christmas Market last night - NO FREE SAMPLES <_<).  Finished university.  Started applying for an MA.  Had a number of boring jobs.  Avoided dysfunctional relationships by leaving people's houses when they go to buy a paper, leaving only a half-full packet of fags and memories.  I've not changed much.

Edit:  I've got better friends than I've had before and some are planning weddings, which is exciting.  I can't wait for my first friend's wedding + open bar :mmm:
Let's bomb Russia!

Grey Fox

I was 18 year, 7 years ago.

Life happened. More girls then one cares to count, more jack daniels then workers in the factory, enough Jobs to make one cry. More debt, more stuff.

Still can't write properly.
Colonel Caliga is Awesome.

Ed Anger

Quote from: Alatriste on December 07, 2009, 07:04:09 AM
Couldn't agree more, Count.

I'm not sure, but perhaps having and raising kids has become a lot more difficult and expensive (and not only in money) these days. When I was a kid we spent a lot of time by ourselves, playing in the street. Today it's all organized and planned: sure, the sons of my brothers are learning to ride horses and things like that, things I couldn't even dream about, but they seem to be always under adult surveillance, and their fathers usually 'hover' over them.

That has got to be exhausting for both fathers and sons.

Its not that hard. Stick 'em in the room with me, erect those kid fences and watch TV while they play with something.

I'm old school.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive



I think I joined Languish in late 2004 or early 2005. In the years since, I spent quite a bit of time abroad in Australia and the US, got a bachelor's and a master's degree and started working in a trainee program at a good company.


Social life sucks as much now as then, for much of the same reasons.
Professionally, back then I was drifting without any kind of goals or motivation, spending most of my time learning how to do random stuff in front of a computer. Eventually I found that I could actually get paid doing that instead boring myself to death in dull jobs.

The biggest difference is obviously Crohn's which has completely changed my life (and not precisely for the better) during the last years. I'm going to have to leave my career. Unlike what happens in more civilized places an engineer is expected here to work from sunrise to sunset (without compensation). Having had half a meter taken out already, I'd rather keep the rest of my bowels, so I'm becoming a boring, inefficient civil servant ASAP. Damned global crisis is getting in the way, though.


Quote from: bogh on December 07, 2009, 05:42:14 AMThe next milestone will be moving to New Zealand with her in the fall of 2010 for 6-8 months and then moving in together back home afterwards.

What are you doing in New Zealand?


Quote from: Jacob on December 07, 2009, 05:12:12 PM
Quote from: bogh on December 07, 2009, 05:42:14 AMThe next milestone will be moving to New Zealand with her in the fall of 2010 for 6-8 months and then moving in together back home afterwards.

What are you doing in New Zealand?

Besides his GF?
Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son