Where has your life taken you since Languish started?

Started by Jaron, December 06, 2009, 02:54:01 AM

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Eddie Teach

To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


I had more teeth then.  Besides that, I'm pretty much the same.
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


Still working in the games industry, but better paid and have more pull.  I'm married and just bought a house.  Had some interesting research trips to a variety of places and met all sorts of colourful personalities, and some other trips as well.  I dress better now than I did then.  Oh, and I have an aquarium.


In 2003, I was still in high school, a wannabe goth, and aspiring to some kind of work within the music industry.

Since then, I dropped out of college, lost my car in a bad car accident, worked with the deaf, worked in a warehouse, worked as a hated telemarketer, and ended up back at the same job working with the deaf only to have it fold a few months later.

Currently, I'm back in college for a bilingual (Spanish) paralegal degree en route to a law degree, trying to get things together to get another car, and trying to figure out how to make my girlfriend of 6 years my wife.

I guess you could say there have been some knocks, but what they've knocked is my ass into gear to do better and more realistic things.
Experience bij!


Quote from: Ed Anger on December 06, 2009, 09:29:44 AM
I was the emperor of mankind in '03.

In '09 still emperor but due to a horrible workplace 'accident' caused by that asshole Horus, I'm encased in a golden throne.

"One beep means show me your tits, two beeps means change my diaper."
I do not hate you, nor do I love you, but you are made out of atoms which I can use for something else.

Ed Anger

Quote from: Neil on December 06, 2009, 08:14:30 PM
Quote from: Ed Anger on December 06, 2009, 09:29:44 AM
I was the emperor of mankind in '03.

In '09 still emperor but due to a horrible workplace 'accident' caused by that asshole Horus, I'm encased in a golden throne.

"One beep means show me your tits, two beeps means change my diaper."


Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


2003- recently married, office assistant of HK government, unhappy with job

2009 - married for 6 years, office assistant of HK government, unhappy with job


good thread jaronimo

Same city and jobs with better pay, our son is twice his age, our daughter is 5 , I was deployed to Kuwait, and now in a better unit, I ran a marathon, and in total have gained a few pounds. I am happy where I am in my life and languish has been part of it.

Same avatar!
Grand Duke of Lurkdom


Through high school...many relationships, had a kid, joined the army, did the whole Iraq and get shot at thing, got out and go to uni now.  Looking to bone all your nieces, especially Eds.
Wait...  What would you know about masculinity, you fucking faggot?  - Overly Autistic Neil

OTOH, if you think that a Jew actually IS poisoning the wells you should call the cops. IMHO.   - The Brain


Kapland in 02 or 03 (iirc) invited there by Sask. was in Japan, not quite liking it yet, still thinking I could date girls there. turned out no Japanese women I was interested in thought of me "that way" either (it's an international conspiracy) so I fell to my fallback of dating guys who either don't or can't communicate in any kind of meaningful, non sexual way.) Eventually I grew to actually enjoy teaching.

I paid off 3/4's of my debt while in japan, came home, scrimped and saved my way to paying the rest off over anoher year, became debt free. in Japan i lost 60 lbs and then gained it all back :(

Back in Van I found that teaching English here was not something I would ever be able to do because all the people hiring are smarmy assholes who think that actual teaching in a foreign country could never prepare you to do so in Vancouver

so i ended up back in the video store biz, quickly became the manger of the coolest store in the city (okay except Happy Bats)

I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. and have lost over 80 pounds since that time and now healthier than I have been since , well ever.

I'm healthier, not in debt but still the same confused, dizzy person I always have been and will always be.


I must say that reading this thread I'm kinda jealous of people with kids. Whether for good or for bad, they seem to fill the life with change like almost no other thing can. Now, I'm debating whether this is all illusory and a case of living vicariously through one's kid's life instead of living one's own, but having kids definitely gives an answer to this thread at least.  :P


Was recently married and had one kid, did psychiatric work with adult psychos. Still married, two children and do psychiatric work with kiddy psychos. Generally speaking life is better these days.


When I registered at Paradox (late 2000) I was a year into my polsci bachelor, living in a dorm in Copenhagen, getting hammered non-stop and with ambitions of working international diplomacy.

Two years later I went to Sarajevo for six months, interning at the embassy there. Came home for six months (finishing my bachelor and starting my polsci masters) and then left for Prague, where I studied for a year. Came back from Prague to live in another dorm and do my thesis.

After graduation I had six months of unemployement hell, then started working in a municipality (with the Danish municipal reform). I got into the talent program at the incumbent telco in Denmark, starting of as a Product Manager in consumer broadband, then moving to Stockholm for an eight month stint as Executive Assistant to a director in the Swedish subsidiary. Came back and started working in product development in digital television in the cable division, where I stayed after the end of the talent program.

In my private life, I've probably gone through 15 girlfriends and an untold number of one night stands. Current girlfriend has been around a year and a half and looks like she may be it. The next milestone will be moving to New Zealand with her in the fall of 2010 for 6-8 months and then moving in together back home afterwards.

Quite a bit happened - and I hit 30 this year.  :(


  Well, when languish -started-, I was just a kid who played starcraft history games (WW2, civil war, etc..) all day. Happy little irresponsible gamer, played solid twelve hour blocks sometimes, slept through school. Convinced the South would rise again in my lifetime. Became interested in women, managed to get arrested, and briefly put in a mental place after spending 11 days in juvenile hall.

I got into languish just before I got into high school, and now I am a freshman in college. Gradually, grades went from being completely irrelevent to important to me. Moved four times. I met the girl I intend to marry, and we've been dating for four years. My mother died, and then the missus's father died, and just recently my father was put in a mental institution.

   Was nearly starving until college, eating one meal every few days and then eating generously on weekends when the Missus could feed me. Now, in college, I have gained 12 pounds this semester. I am eating regularly, and very happy about it.

Found a best friend, reasonably inseperable for four years, now he's my roommate. Flirted with mormonism, but it never came to anything.

Came to terms with the fact that support for the Confederacy is a fringe opinion, but never wavered in it. I've gone through alot of historical 'phases'- Japan, Hungary, South Africa, Franco-Algeria, Carthage, Finland and random wars.

Planned to be a lawyer in 2001, plan to be a lawyer here in 2009. Never once have I been excited about it. Over the years, I have fantasised about moving places: Ireland, independent Scotland, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, France, and Utah. Coming to terms with the fact that I will probably live out my life in the South.

Things are kind of full circle, because now that I am back in college I can finally play starcraft again, but so few of the old group are still around. I am not the best at american civil war 3.0 and other maps anymore, but I am definetely still in that cadre. The group of people I know from starcraft are my longest friends, and we feel suprisingly strongly for each other for people who have never met.

I will turn 20 in about 50 days.
It can't be helped...We'll have to use 'that'


Quote from: Martinus on December 07, 2009, 02:24:06 AM
I must say that reading this thread I'm kinda jealous of people with kids. Whether for good or for bad, they seem to fill the life with change like almost no other thing can. Now, I'm debating whether this is all illusory and a case of living vicariously through one's kid's life instead of living one's own, but having kids definitely gives an answer to this thread at least.  :P

I dunno, man.  Four hours with my nieces is like a 16 hour workday. 

I love em to death, but they adversely affect my sensibilities by not doing what you tell them to do, they never sit still, and they make noise.  My Fortess of Solitude ain't geared for that.

I'd rather children be a spectator sport.