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South Africa

Started by Lettow77, October 27, 2009, 07:04:17 AM

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Quote from: Syt on October 31, 2009, 06:39:30 AM
Havey they copied/pasted those images from I'm not quite sure they're all authentic South African. I also love how none of the depicted victims is black.

Well, since the entire point of the blog is displaying the racist atrocities specifically committed against whites what would be the point of posting pictures of black-on-black violence?  :huh:


Quote from: Queequeg on October 31, 2009, 12:06:02 PM
What should they have done?

Make a Last Trek to the Cape and make African Singapore.  That's still what they should do even now while their anti ANC afrikaans speaking cousins are still the majority there.


Quote from: Syt on October 31, 2009, 06:39:30 AM
Havey they copied/pasted those images from

Scenes like that are not rare in the thousands of South African farm attacks and home invasions that have occurred.  You can read about them all the time in any of the South African online newspapers, though they don't show the photos, they make their way on to the net. 


Quote from: PDH on April 25, 2009, 05:58:55 PM
"Dysthymia?  Did they get some student from the University of Chicago with a hard-on for ancient Bactrian cities to name this?  I feel cheated."


Quote from: Queequeg on October 31, 2009, 04:17:01 PM

What the fuck?

This is old news.

But of course, the people who predicted this type of development in South Africa were duly harassed and persecuted.

You have your part in this shame.

I wonder, though, if you will ever come to realize it, and if the west will ever apologize.


 I dont think the Volkstaat in the northern cape is quite a pie in the sky fantasy- there are signs that the afrikaners are becoming responsive to the crisis, and they own more guns per capita than americans do.
It can't be helped...We'll have to use 'that'



Some of the comments in Slargos' link could have been made by Lettow's cousin.

Wow. I just discovered this blog and what a startling introduction. Those pics are terribly disturbing and make the blood boil with rage. I feel for my white brethren in SA. Truly the only path to freedom and safety for you, is through a valley of vicious fighting and spilt kaffir blood. I sometimes wonder if the US could face the same future one day. Stand strong brothers. I'll do my part (albeit small) by sharing this article and these photos. I just hope the whites in SA all realize that there is no "surviving the ordeal" once a kaffir has set their black eyes on you. You must fight viciously with the spirit of a berserker at the first notice of malicious intent. No mercy to savages. When the revolution finally comes for you in SA, may you be frighteningly victorious, that you will strike fear in the hearts of those around the world whose hate the great white race, and show whites across the globe what can be accomplished when pushed to fight back, rather than submit in a corner. Thank you for this article ... it was very eye-opening.

is anyone surprised by this?you should have known this would happen when you turn over power to niggers the first thing they would do is kill whitey.can you tell me why you are not armed so you can defend your woman from feral silverbacks?i have known since i was a kid that shitskins can not be tamed they must be subdued usually with a bullet to the head.this is why you should never go any where unarmed in south africa and if the nigger cops give any shit shoot and kill them being cowards the nigs will soon leave you alone.grow a pair organize your selves for defence and fuck the mudshaqrk whites have nothing to do with them as they brought this plague savage niggers on you.if i had my way we in the u.s.a would give you our niggers and have all the whites come here.


Quote from: Slargos on October 31, 2009, 04:28:22 PM
I wonder, though, if you will ever come to realize it, and if the west will ever apologize.
I love how all the non-Western types on the internet thing of the West as some kind of monolithic bloc.  In fact, Slargos, haven't you lived in the West for years?  How many more years will it take before you unlearn this absurd notion of the monobloc West?
The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.   -G'Kar



Quote from: grumbler on October 31, 2009, 06:59:20 PM
Quote from: Slargos on October 31, 2009, 04:28:22 PM
I wonder, though, if you will ever come to realize it, and if the west will ever apologize.
I love how all the non-Western types on the internet thing of the West as some kind of monolithic bloc.  In fact, Slargos, haven't you lived in the West for years?  How many more years will it take before you unlearn this absurd notion of the monobloc West?

A reasonable protest. I'm naturally not going to claim that every citizen of every western nation is personally responsible since that would be absurd. By "you" I'm referring to those members of this board who applaud the destruction of apartheid bedamned the consequences. I would appreciate that number to be anywhere between 70-95% of this board without making an actual tally.

However, the embargoes and incessant badgering that brought about the collapse of the Rhodesian and South African regimes, throwing both countries into a crash course with shit-covered ice-bergs were in practice orchestrated by the west acting as your monobloc and as such WE are collectively responsible.


Quote from: Fate on October 31, 2009, 06:37:55 PM

Some of the comments in Slargos' link could have been made by Lettow's cousin.

Classic. "Focus on blowing up the magnitude of what is in essence irrelevant in order to avoid responding to an issue where my arguments fall flat".

If I didn't know better, I'd suspect you of being Swedish.  :D


Quote from: Lettow77 on October 31, 2009, 05:57:52 PM
I dont think the Volkstaat in the northern cape is quite a pie in the sky fantasy- there are signs that the afrikaners are becoming responsive to the crisis, and they own more guns per capita than americans do.

As much as I don't like it, it really is a fantasy.   The Boers and the English are too little.

Ed Anger

I'm not gonna play Sun City.
Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


Quote from: Slargos on October 31, 2009, 07:21:22 PM
A reasonable protest. I'm naturally not going to claim that every citizen of every western nation is personally responsible since that would be absurd. By "you" I'm referring to those members of this board who applaud the destruction of apartheid bedamned the consequences. I would appreciate that number to be anywhere between 70-95% of this board without making an actual tally.
I'd estimate that number to be very close to 0%.  "Bedamned the consequences" isn't a position anyone takes in real life, though it sounds great when one wants to engage in rhetoric-spouting.

QuoteHowever, the embargoes and incessant badgering that brought about the collapse of the Rhodesian and South African regimes, throwing both countries into a crash course with shit-covered ice-bergs were in practice orchestrated by the west acting as your monobloc and as such WE are collectively responsible.
The same happened when the French started their revolution, the Soviet Union fell, and Pol Pot was turfed out.  Regimes that don't prepare their populace for independence of thought should not be mourned simply because they were short-sighted fucks.  If the West had done nothing, the racist regimes would still have fallen, and they would still have fallen while championing the very tribalist concepts that are fucking over Africa today, whether in South Africa or DRC or Nigeria or Kenya or... well, you get the idea.

Your tears over the collapse of apartheid regimes strike s me as funny, indeed, since it was those regimes that failed to plan for this day, and decided to spend their money making white men richer rather than black men better-educated.  They have sown the wind, and the real shame isn't so much that a few white male fucks have lost power, but that innocents suffer bestial violence and those inciting and inflicting the violence seem to gain the benefits of their bestiality.

So, you are blaming the wrong folks.  This didn't have to be the post-Apartheid future of Southern Africa; the white regimes chose this to be that future.
The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.   -G'Kar



Quote from: Slargos on October 31, 2009, 07:25:56 PM
Quote from: Fate on October 31, 2009, 06:37:55 PM

Some of the comments in Slargos' link could have been made by Lettow's cousin.

Classic. "Focus on blowing up the magnitude of what is in essence irrelevant in order to avoid responding to an issue where my arguments fall flat".
Who really cares if the dastardly kaffirs kill off some white religious nutters? Anyone of any importance has already left SA.


 Religious nutters is a pretty callous phrase. As a non-Christian, I still have tremendous respect for sincere practicioners of the faith. It is one of the pillars of the West, or at least the West that was. Are the afrikaners to be castigated because the west's secularisation left them behind?  They dont even have an oppressive, centrally-ran civic church like an orthodox state; they are merely genuinely pious, and this is their religious crime.

It's nonsense to say SA would have fell without the West's persistant and ruinous interference. Treating SA like a basic member of the western family of nations would have sown profitable dividends, for the West, South Africa, and Africa as a whole.

  The eight seperate bantu nations outnumbered whites only on a 4:1 basis before apartheid fell, and they were increasingly moving torwards self rule.  It was a ploddering, stumbling and impoverished self rule, because the african continent is home to ploddering, stumbling and impoverished kaffirs. However, an independent government with heavy economic and governmental assistance from a western country would uplift them, by gradual degrees.   

The millions of Coloureds in South Africa viewed themselves as an extension of Western South Africa, and the real crime of the Apartheid government is not reaching out more to these unfortunate sons. SA had a good concensus amogn the governed, and was hardly a police state- its number of police never equalled that of NYC, and over half of these were non-white. Irregardless, the ANC, PAC and other associated terrorist groups were cheered, trained and armed abroad, while socialists in Europe who would weep and protest for the hanging of a murderer gave tacit or vocal support to the murder of white families in southern Africa, preferring the supposed tyranny of white democracy be replaced with the actual tyranny of black dictatorship.

South Africa was treated by the rest of the world as if it was just another colonial government, that had to be ended for majority rule to surface in Africa. As a result, a western nation was engulfed in flames, overthrown, and an entire people now face destruction- even as those people fought communism and the second world more consistently and at greater cost to themselves than America.  The destruction of SA was not wholly engendered by the West; The Eastern bloc and the odious influence of communism must take enormous credit, but their socialist fellow-travellers in the west were certaintly not slow to applaud the efforts of terrorists inside SA and condemn any attempt to resist them.

The destruction of SA and Apartheid was not at all a foregone conclusion, as some of you say. But it -is- the fault of the West, and the West is that much poorer for it's destruction. 
It can't be helped...We'll have to use 'that'