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Fallen Earth MMO

Started by Tamas, September 15, 2009, 03:33:24 AM

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*sprays the thread down and begins to scrub*

I'll let you folks know when I'm done scraping Tamas' premature ejaculate off these reviews.
Winner of THE grumbler point.


Quote from: Jaron on September 18, 2009, 09:29:45 AM
*sprays the thread down and begins to scrub*

I'll let you folks know when I'm done scraping Tamas' premature ejaculate off these reviews.

:lol: I am sorry it is not my fault that your MMO of choice caters for the pre-teens.


Looks like a Fallout wannabe Everquest clone. I could be great, but I'm out of the habit of getting my hopes up for upcoming MMOs. They all seem to be clones of each other.
"Stability is destabilizing." --Hyman Minsky

"Complacency can be a self-denying prophecy."
"We have nothing to fear but lack of fear itself." --Larry Summers


My new and probably final crafter, standing on the wreck of a Cessna, overlooking the town of Embry Crossroads which is sort of a regional capital. If you study my crafting project on the upper right corner you see that soon I will have my first horse trained. Which will come very handy as I am running out of space to store all the stuff I mine, gather and scavenge.

BTW some towns have these Events which are like the public quests of Warhammer. Embry has the Monster Hunt: you can give away some needed stuff to feed the monster at some NPC's then when the various bars gets filled that way, the monster is released, and whoever kills it gets rewards.

Just to say something negative: every 4 or 5 hours I get a ctd which seems to leave some trash in the memory as I need to reboot to be able to playing without frequently crashing again.

crazy canuck

How are you guys playing this?  Is there some kind of open demo before launch?

Grey Fox

Quote from: crazy canuck on September 19, 2009, 11:05:48 AM
How are you guys playing this?  Is there some kind of open demo before launch?

Test server is already open.
Getting ready to make IEDs against American Occupation Forces.

"But I didn't vote for him"; they cried.


Quote from: crazy canuck on September 19, 2009, 11:05:48 AM
How are you guys playing this?  Is there some kind of open demo before launch?

I have bought it and got early access  :Embarrass:

What I would like to point out among all my positive posts is that despite having the best crafting system yet, with a skill system I also very much like, and with a very good setting, it is still just an MMO. By mid-levels I should reach the faction warfare PvP content, and I think the longevity of the game will depend on that.

crazy canuck

Keep reporting in.

I might just try this one out.


IIRC it either just launched or is launching next week.
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points

Grey Fox

Getting ready to make IEDs against American Occupation Forces.

"But I didn't vote for him"; they cried.


This is a review post from the game's forums, sums up my thoughts nicely:

QuoteI just got into early access last night. I had a serious flashback to launch day of Star Wars Galaxies.

First off they are both complex detailed games. It takes some time to get even the basics down. If you think WoW is complicated then you better stay away from this game lol. Dont get frustrated, pretty soon things will start to come naturally for you.

the graphics are quite similiar to SWG. the terrain reminds me of Lok. and it fits well with the setting. I know many have complained about the graphics but it really isnt bad at all. the details on weapons like the rifle sling over my back looks pretty good. the town buildings all have this rustic fallout kinda appearance which fits in well with the game. yeah it would be nice if the details were better but I will trade good gameplay over graphics anyday

the character creation is pretty similiar to SWG. The only difference was you cant make a fat or thin character. However tattoos on the arms, piercings, etc more than allow for a diverse appearance.

there is a new player channel Im using thats giving me flashbacks to launch day in SWG. So many questions and plenty of responses. there is a volunteer group of players who will answer your questions. Its quite nice. The community in SWG is what made that game so great and its working the same for Fallen Earth. If you like a good mature community then check this game out.

The tutorial was one major difference between FE and SWG. SWG didnt have one and FE does. Its done pretty well, felt very Fallout 3 like. The first voiceover that said the word shi- made me laugh and reminded me that hey this isnt your kiddie WoW game (thank god)

sound is pretty good and works with the setting. SWG may have had the edge because cmon its star wars and who doesnt get chills when the theme song played when you were hunting giant dune kimos on Lok.

combat - let me say this, I hate FPS games. Yet this one is pretty decent. Im actually enjoying it. I can zoom back into 3rd person thankfully and its not too difficult to keep my cursor over the target. My only problem is when an enemy kites because its hard to keep aiming and moving and clicking specials. I only have one special attack so far and honestly I dont use it much. I just run up and bash the mobs with my 2x4 or my knife and its done.

crafting - ive barely scratched the surface of this massive part of the game. I picked up a few schematics that let me collect some copper ore but i havent run across ore yet. There are tons of things to collect and its hard to know what its used for. at this point im overwhelmed and just selling anything i get so i can buy more schematics. I can only say this, crafting is about as close to SWG here than Ive found anywhere else. There is some serious depth here. If you like crafting then this is the game for you.

quests - its not like wow, there arent 5000000 quest givers in a given area. there are just enough to give you some direction and some cash. you otherwise can just go grind if you want. I like that we have options here.

Ive barely scratched the surface of Fallen Earth and its left me wanting more. Such depth, immersion, and complexity is hard to find these days. it helped wash the bad taste out of my mouth from the $50 i wasted on champions online.

My best memories of SWG was just like this. A bunch of players tossed into a wide open world of mystery. We are all lost and struggling to find our way. Its pretty dam fun.

Kudos to the devs here. I know its early and there is much work to be done but this was a wonderful start to the game

Regarding the crafting and quests parts: If you want to be a crafter, do start in one of the crafter towns, and do not buy skill books. The various starter towns are in 3 different category (combat, support, crafting) and the quests in them are built up to give you a headstart in their respective fields. In the crafter towns, if you follow through the quest chains you will be given a lot of skill books to make/harvest various stuff.
Of course, there is nothing stopping you from going the combat way and buying yourself crafting skill books, however for any decent gear there are considerable skill requirements and those skill grow by using them just like any other, so judging by my limited experiences, if you want to grow good in combat asap, I would just make sure to be able to craft ammo, and leave it at that.


Quote from: Tamas on September 18, 2009, 09:28:46 AM
Oh and the l33t looterz have not arrived yet and hopefully they will stay away. One of the things where this is apparent is that about 2/3rd of the PCs have decent names with either a first name - last name setup or a nickname not from the "L3goolas" kind so they blend in with the NPCs rather nicely.

Alas, they are like the Borg. 

They will eventually come.

Resistance is futile.


Ok, gonna get some offline rest while my guy crafts 2 green jackets for a quest, prepares black dye for his own black-red jacket, and creates the skill book to learn more advanced pants from. (pens are expensive goddamit)  ^_^

crazy canuck

Got this from steam but that didnt give me access to the early start.  I guess I had to pre-order earlier to get that.


Quote from: crazy canuck on September 20, 2009, 08:54:18 AM
Got this from steam but that didnt give me access to the early start.  I guess I had to pre-order earlier to get that.
you cant even acess the patch-test server?

Too bad I did not know you were coming, just recently sold some slighty-above-starter-stuff weapons and armor. Will reserve my tier 1 crafted jacket and pants for your character. :) Won't make a big difference but could save your skin in some close encounters.