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Fallen Earth MMO

Started by Tamas, September 15, 2009, 03:33:24 AM

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Quote from: Tamas on September 16, 2009, 12:54:41 AM
Habs, Jaron talked about Vanguard as an example of my recommendation going wrong, and did not compare Fallen Earth to Vanguard.

As for Jaron's original point, he was all over that game like a flaming homo.

Maybe I'll make the jump.  Of Course if it sucks Tamas will be labeled the cheap eastern European version of Tim.
I've given it serious thought. I must scorn the ways of my family, and seek a Japanese woman to yield me my progeny. He shall live in the lands of the east, and be well tutored in his sacred trust to weave the best traditions of Japan and the Sacred South together, until such time as he (or, indeed his house, which will periodically require infusion of both Southern and Japanese bloodlines of note) can deliver to the South it's independence, either in this world or in space.  -Lettow April of 2011

Raz is right. -MadImmortalMan March of 2017


Some things to bear in mind:

Even though its a FPS/RPG hybrid, don't expect good graphics. Good graphics + MMO usually don't mix well.

Don't expect realism. I've seen shots of people unloading an entire pistol into an enemy's head and have them keep going. It is like Fallout in that regard, and more of an RPG element.

However, it looks very promising, its done on a small scale unlike WoW and could be fun. If I had money, I'd buy it today and give you a review. :P

Reviews are somewhat mixed so far. The people who are complaining are complaining mostly about the graphics.
Winner of THE grumbler point.


Quote from: Razgovory on September 16, 2009, 01:09:00 AM
Quote from: Tamas on September 16, 2009, 12:54:41 AM
Habs, Jaron talked about Vanguard as an example of my recommendation going wrong, and did not compare Fallen Earth to Vanguard.

As for Jaron's original point, he was all over that game like a flaming homo.

Maybe I'll make the jump.  Of Course if it sucks Tamas will be labeled the cheap eastern European version of Tim.

I am not recommending it yet. :P I can't play it until I get home from work


A PvP video. BTW there is supposed to be some kind of town-capture thingie in PvP zones.


okay so my ISP decided to fuck things up during my fallen earth night so i could not play much, but still:

-the setting is so refreshing. Sure, I still harvest from nodes, but those being cactuses and piles of junk is a breath of fresh air. Or seeing PCs run around in bike helmets, and with various weaponry from a plank to a sniper rifle. In general, the atmosphere is very good

-Jaron was pissed off to learn that there is no crafting animation and you can do whatever while your stuff gets done, altough it is much slower if you dont stay in an applicable workshop. I think this is excellent because it will mean I can start the construction of my motorbike and log off for the night

-in general, the game looks to be very similar to pre-fuckup SWG


No, I thought it was lame that you could set your guy to keep auto crafting stuff while you do things like fighting. It feels silly to begin crafting, go clear out a cave or something and come out with 50 shirts magically created.
Winner of THE grumbler point.


Sure but it is also a good compromise: it looks a  bit silly but not only it means people with a real life on the side can also get good at crafting, but also the entire game feels less of a grind due to two aspects (questing and crafting) running in parallel.


Oh and lets not forget that when it takes 10 minutes to sew a t-shirt, I am glad I dont have to stand still, Jaron-style.

Eventually, I want to craft one of these:


Watching the sunrise:

What you can't see, is my new 3D glasses I found while salvaging near the junkyard of that town, called Midway. Beside looking stupid, they give you a minor defense against psych attacks.


Interesting.  Let's see how this game progresses.  Earlier I had decided to play EVE Online once the inevitable WoW fatigue got overwhelming, but I adore the post-apocalyptic genre.
0 Ed Anger Disapproval Points


I would like to be raving all around in this thread, the only reason I refrain myself is that my enthusiasm may be due to the unusal (and -by me- well liked) setting.

Still: the map is so huge I don't even try to figure out the "strategic" zoomed-out maps yet. Good music. The FPS combat is something you get used to really fast if you play FPS games, even just occasionaly. The crafting is complex and very important to the world, especially if it is true that quests do not give better items than crafting. And due to the mechanic Jaron hates, you can go about making decent equipment for yourself while also doing other stuff, unlike other MMOs I have tried. (sure, you would still have to scavenge heavily while on the move and buy recipes, but the point stands).

Some people call this the lovechild of SWG and EVE, altough I would not go that far until seeing the PvP content. Until the RvR element really kicks in (and judged by what I have read, some additional benefits to town captures should be given), the game can't claim to have the free-form nature of EVE. Altough it is still much more sandboxy than WoW.

There are the usual quests in the noob areas, but they feel much less of a grind due to the new setting.

There were like 5 horses all the time in front of the Midway bank because people left them there while they took care of their stuff inside.

It appears there are multiple fighting styles to specialize/combine: meele, pistol, rifle, and support stuff with mutations. People have yet to discover the über build, so lets hope that there is indeed none (I read some meele PVPer who said how he can be in big trouble if spotted by riflemen at a distance, but sneaking works against PCs as well so he often manages to sneak upon them and destroy them, as the only firearms with no sever penalties in meele are pistols, which in turn have bad accuracy and fast use of ammunition).

So again: right now I think the game is awesome, but I am clearly excited because of the setting.


Winner of THE grumbler point.


I would soooooooo try this one, if the requirements didn't require a modern behemoth.  :cry:


I have created 3 alts, one for each main training areas. You see, after -or skipping- the tutorial story you get to choose 3 categories: combat, crafting, support, then you select among 3 or 4 towns within that category to "teleport" to, thus deciding what kind of training you can most easily get.
My crafter guy did mostly crafting missions and received mostly recipe books in exchange, for example, and my combat guy has been taking up "kill them" quests (skill raise by using them so the more shooting, the more expertise in it). BTW, the FPS combat is influenced by skill so just because you get the enemy in your rectangle, you are not guaranteed to hit, or to hit well.

My crafter alt is my favourite so far altough I barely touched the other two. Soon I will be at the point where I have to venture out of Midway and find some less central sources of materials.

I have created a combat alt with the plans of making him a rifleman, but this will go on the backburner as I have managed to find a town where it is hard to solo: there is a cloning facility whose AI went nuts and spawning out crazy zombied humanoids ad infinitum. Their caves are tough at level 2.

And I have just created my support alt, at the Clinton FARM which is not a farm but some kind of past science station and still tries to educate people while some local cultists are poisoning stuff through the mines below the station. I plan to make him a healer/combat support guy. If there ever will be a languish crowd playing this, I'll probably stick to this one.


Oh and the l33t looterz have not arrived yet and hopefully they will stay away. One of the things where this is apparent is that about 2/3rd of the PCs have decent names with either a first name - last name setup or a nickname not from the "L3goolas" kind so they blend in with the NPCs rather nicely.