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Fallen Earth MMO

Started by Tamas, September 15, 2009, 03:33:24 AM

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Quote from: Tonitrus on September 20, 2009, 07:42:06 AM
Quote from: Tamas on September 18, 2009, 09:28:46 AM
Oh and the l33t looterz have not arrived yet and hopefully they will stay away. One of the things where this is apparent is that about 2/3rd of the PCs have decent names with either a first name - last name setup or a nickname not from the "L3goolas" kind so they blend in with the NPCs rather nicely.

Alas, they are like the Borg. 

They will eventually come.

Resistance is futile.

If you build it they will come. It is inevitable. Why you haven't seen them yet is quite obvious but perhaps you haven't played a lot of MMO type games. In any game "l33t looterz" types need a well thought out written play guide in order to play a game. They lack the innovation and intelligence to create their own characters and play the game. They need cookie cutter templates and a step by step description on how to play in order to succeed.
"I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left." - Margaret Thatcher

crazy canuck

Quote from: Tamas on September 20, 2009, 09:01:32 AM
Will reserve my tier 1 crafted jacket and pants for your character.

I appreciate it!


I was wrong, that Embry-place is not the regional capital, Oilville is, which is a neat little town built around some kind of oil well/refinery.

CC, are you sure you can't enter with the Steam copy? Right now these two major noob-towns are choke full of people, causing quite a lag for me, actually. This is the first time I encounter lag so this has to mean a major influx of new players.

crazy canuck

the message I get from steam is that the game is currently unavailable.


I might try it out someday, but what with eve and lotro as well as single-player games taking up pc-time...
well, we'll see.
I'm guessing they're going with a communal server for everyone?


Originally Posted by jbertoglio 
Good news, PVP is working out just as I expected with only modest ganking and counter ganking. The distances involved mean that either people hang outside the zone and group to oust the evil doers or just move on. This bores the evildoers who are left to shoot each other. .

You might have spoken too soon there *could* just be the right crew hasn't arrived on the scene yet..

As for the other, in some cases the "evil doers" are glad to see the rest move on. That leaves them free to call in the rest of the non-PVP troops to serve as "miners" and "haulers" (sound familiar?) back to storage areas for the clan's crafters.

It's not a matter of boredom when you are busy watching the clan vaults fill, and your clan's crafters practically wetting themselves and promising vehicles, guns and other items to everyone both present and not present. It's actually quite humorous.

It's especially nice to see a combat crew go in, run out all of the opposition, then hold a area to the extent that NON PVPers feel safe enough to go in and eagerly scavenge so much they have to make multiple trips back and forth to the bank.

The teamwork and comaraderie that go hand in hand with that scenario is quite amazing, I must say


It would be awesome if an EVEish economy/warfare could develop, altough for that I think they will have to introduce permanent (non-repairable) equipment weardown.


I hope you're getting payed for this promo campaign because im getting more and more tempted.

But I know ill get bored within the month so ill constrain myself till the "play 30 days for free"

Or at least try to do that  :lol:


I am doing the promo campaign mostly because I am bored as hell on a training course :P

Plus also to have people I actually know playing the game, because unless I'll get into the pvp thing either by fighting or supplying the fighters with equipment, I know I'll get bored with it like in case of any other MMO I have played.



QuoteInstead of double-clicking and launching the game via the Steam client.
Go to this path on your hard drive: X:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/fallen earth/FEUpdater.exe

Create a shortcut of the updater and paste it onto your desktop. Run the updater and tah dah. You can play.

crazy canuck


I will see if I can get on tonight.


Soit, I'll check this out (it's great to earn money :p), I can take it with even and lotro (though I'll need to manage my time to play them all).
The crafting intrigued me (as it did with eve), won't make it in today though, nor tomorrow. Wednesday at the earliest.


Well the servers should be just back up after a several hours long final patching session, which tried to raise performance and it will be interesting to see if they managed to, because if not, they might be up to a bumpy launch when all those newbs invade the starter region tomorrow.

Grey Fox

You can always find solace into the fact that FE's launch will be about a 1000 time more smooth then Aion's.
Getting ready to make IEDs against American Occupation Forces.

"But I didn't vote for him"; they cried.


Quote from: Grey Fox on September 21, 2009, 02:56:12 PM
You can always find solace into the fact that FE's launch will be about a 1000 time more smooth then Aion's.

What happened there?
Posts here are my own private opinions.  I do not speak for my employer.