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Young People and Politics

Started by Jacob, May 29, 2024, 03:19:06 PM

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Admiral Yi

I like the trice repeated guidelines.


Proposal: we feed the Israel-Hamas thread into an AI and ask it to continue the OvB-Raz-Viper-Josq "discussion" while we go on with the rest of the forum.


Quote from: Syt on June 21, 2024, 04:38:12 AMListen up. Using AI to write your forum posts is straight-up lame and childish. Forums are all about real people talking to each other. If you're using an AI to write your replies, you're not being real. People want to connect with actual humans, not some soulless bot. Be genuine or don't bother.

When someone posts, they're putting in effort to share their thoughts or ask questions. If you can't be bothered to reply personally and use AI instead, it's a slap in the face. Show some respect and give a real response.

Forums are communities where people come together over shared interests. Using AI responses makes everything feel fake and kills the community vibe. Don't be the one who turns the place into a robot chatroom. It's lazy and childish. Using AI is like copying homework instead of doing it yourself. Forums are for learning and sharing ideas, not for cutting corners. Grow up and put in some effort.

When you post, you should stand by your words. AI doesn't care if it messes up, but you should. If things go south, it's on you, not the AI. Own your words and be responsible. Using AI makes you intellectually lazy. Forums are for improving your thinking and writing skills. If you let AI do the work, you're missing out on personal growth. Don't be a lazy bum.

AI has its uses, but not here. Using it for forum replies is disrespectful and ruins the community. Keep it real, be respectful, and don't be lazy. The real value of a forum is in our genuine, human interactions.


Sophie Scholl

Quote from: Tamas on June 21, 2024, 04:49:10 AMProposal: we feed the Israel-Hamas thread into an AI and ask it to continue the OvB-Raz-Viper-Josq "discussion" while we go on with the rest of the forum.

Do you want Skynet? Because that is how we get Skynet! Not even ai deserves that level of punishment and misery.  :lol:
"Everything that brought you here -- all the things that made you a prisoner of past sins -- they are gone. Forever and for good. So let the past go... and live."

"Somebody, after all, had to make a start. What we wrote and said is also believed by many others. They just don't dare express themselves as we did."


Quote from: Tamas on June 21, 2024, 04:50:19 AM[snip]

I was asking for a 4chan style; I think it's way too nice for that. :P
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
—Stephen Jay Gould

Proud owner of 42 Zoupa Points.


Quote from: Syt on June 21, 2024, 04:38:12 AMListen up. Using AI to write your forum posts is straight-up lame and childish. Forums are all about real people talking to each other. If you're using an AI to write your replies, you're not being real. People want to connect with actual humans, not some soulless bot. Be genuine or don't bother.

When someone posts, they're putting in effort to share their thoughts or ask questions. If you can't be bothered to reply personally and use AI instead, it's a slap in the face. Show some respect and give a real response.

Forums are communities where people come together over shared interests. Using AI responses makes everything feel fake and kills the community vibe. Don't be the one who turns the place into a robot chatroom. It's lazy and childish. Using AI is like copying homework instead of doing it yourself. Forums are for learning and sharing ideas, not for cutting corners. Grow up and put in some effort.

When you post, you should stand by your words. AI doesn't care if it messes up, but you should. If things go south, it's on you, not the AI. Own your words and be responsible. Using AI makes you intellectually lazy. Forums are for improving your thinking and writing skills. If you let AI do the work, you're missing out on personal growth. Don't be a lazy bum.

AI has its uses, but not here. Using it for forum replies is disrespectful and ruins the community. Keep it real, be respectful, and don't be lazy. The real value of a forum is in our genuine, human interactions.


QuoteYour sanctimonious tirade is not only myopic but also profoundly hypocritical. To dismiss the utilization of AI for crafting forum posts as "lame and childish" is an astonishing display of ignorance. Do you truly believe that the medium of communication nullifies the authenticity of the message? Such a stance reeks of an archaic mindset, unable to grasp the evolving nature of human interaction.

Forums are indeed about real people engaging with one another, yet your assertion that AI-generated responses are inherently "not real" is baseless. The thoughts, ideas, and questions shared on these platforms do not lose their validity or relevance simply because a modern tool assisted in their expression. The essence of a forum lies in the exchange of ideas, not in the pedantic insistence on who or what articulates them.

To insinuate that relying on AI equates to a lack of respect for others' efforts is a profound misjudgment. Respect is demonstrated through the quality of the response, the consideration given to the topic, and the value added to the discussion. Whether one uses a pen, a keyboard, or an advanced algorithm to compose a reply is utterly irrelevant. Your analogy of AI usage to "copying homework" is not only flawed but intellectually lazy itself. Unlike rote copying, AI can augment the human intellect, providing diverse perspectives and enhancing the depth of discussion.

Furthermore, your patronizing call to "grow up" and "put in some effort" betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of the purpose and potential of AI. It is not a crutch for the indolent but a tool for the innovative. It enables individuals to refine their thoughts, explore new ideas, and contribute meaningfully even when time or language barriers might otherwise hinder them.

To claim that AI "ruins the community" is an alarmist exaggeration. The vibrancy of a forum is not diminished by the tools used but by the attitudes of its members. Your diatribe, with its pejorative labeling and lack of nuance, does more to stifle genuine interaction and growth than the measured use of AI ever could. It is not the embrace of technology that threatens community spirit, but the rejection of progress and the imposition of narrow-minded dogma.

If you truly value "genuine, human interactions," then focus on the substance of the conversation, not the superficiality of its delivery. Embrace the evolution of discourse and recognize that authenticity is defined by the intent and thought behind the words, not by the medium used to convey them.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Actually I like this version more.

QuoteYour insipid diatribe exemplifies an egregious confluence of ignorance and sanctimony. Dismissing the utilization of AI as "lame and childish" is not merely obtuse but also profoundly hypocritical. To assert that the authenticity of discourse is vitiated by the medium of its articulation reveals a lamentable incapacity to apprehend the protean nature of human communication. Forums, indeed loci for genuine engagement, are not diminished by AI-generated responses, which, contrary to your vacuous assertion, do not lack veracity. The quintessence of discourse lies in the exchange of ideas, unimpeded by your myopic preoccupation with the methodology of their delivery.

Furthermore, your puerile analogy equating AI usage to "copying homework" is fallacious and intellectually contemptible. AI serves to augment human intellect, enriching discussions with multifaceted perspectives and profundity. Denouncing its use as disrespectful betrays a flagrant misapprehension. Your sanctimonious exhortation to "grow up" and "put in some effort" is risible, revealing a fundamental misunderstanding of innovation. The true menace to community spirit is not the adoption of sophisticated tools but the narrow-minded repudiation of progress, which you epitomize. Your alarmist proclamation that AI "ruins the community" is a hyperbolic farce. Authenticity is determined by the intent and cogitation behind words, not by your antiquated and benighted perceptions of their conveyance.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Oh, how do you get AI to insult? It always moans when I try.


you're all aware that the use of chatGPT is going to end up not making a difference, or being an improvement?  :ph34r:


Quote from: Josquius on June 21, 2024, 05:32:25 AMOh, how do you get AI to insult? It always moans when I try.

I entered: 'Make an angry response condemning this response with high level vocabulary' then I revised by prompting 'now shorten to two paragraphs with even more academic language'
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


Quote from: Josquius on June 21, 2024, 05:32:25 AMOh, how do you get AI to insult? It always moans when I try.

QuoteIn the quiet corners of a sprawling online forum dedicated to artificial intelligence enthusiasts, there lurked a user known simply as "EchoChamber88." Despite the vast resources and knowledgeable contributors populating the forum, EchoChamber88's presence was marked by a unique blend of curiosity and ineptitude.

His posts were often laden with pitiful inquiries, such as: "Oh, how do you get AI to insult? It always moans when I try." This particular query sparked a mixture of bemusement and mild irritation among the forum's regulars, who prided themselves on discussing cutting-edge AI applications, algorithms, and ethical considerations.

EchoChamber88's online persona was shrouded in a veil of anonymity, a digital mask that shielded him from the ridicule his naive questions occasionally attracted. His threads meandered from genuine attempts to understand AI's capabilities to bizarre experiments that bordered on the absurd. Some speculated that EchoChamber88 might be a novice enthusiast, eager but lacking in foundational knowledge. Others dismissed him as a troll, intentionally derailing serious discussions with his outlandish queries.

Yet, amid the eye-rolling and occasional sarcastic responses, a few forum members took a different approach. They patiently explained basic concepts, recommended beginner-friendly resources, and gently nudged EchoChamber88 toward more constructive inquiries. These interactions revealed a person behind the clumsy digital facade—an individual grappling with insecurities, eager for validation in an arena where expertise reigned supreme.

Over time, EchoChamber88's posts evolved. While his initial queries remained somewhat naive, there was a discernible effort to engage more thoughtfully. He started acknowledging his mistakes, seeking guidance with humility rather than brashness. Slowly, his presence on the forum shifted from a source of amusement to a testament of gradual improvement and resilience.

One day, amidst the routine discussions on AI's impact on society, EchoChamber88 posted a heartfelt message: "Thank you all for your patience and guidance. I'm beginning to grasp the complexities of AI, thanks to your help. It's a journey, and I'm grateful to be learning alongside such knowledgeable peers."

His transformation from a pitiful figure seeking attention through odd questions to a genuine learner navigating the depths of AI's intricacies was a testament to the forum's community spirit. EchoChamber88's journey underscored the power of patience, empathy, and constructive engagement in nurturing curiosity and fostering learning—even in the most unlikely of digital corners.

and an alternate ending:
QuoteEven when EchoChamber88 pivoted to more nuanced queries about AI's ethical dimensions or technical intricacies, the responses remained curt and dismissive. "Stick to the basics if you can't grasp the fundamentals," sneered a particularly acerbic commenter, their intolerance for EchoChamber88's unorthodox approach laid bare.

As weeks turned into months, EchoChamber88's persistent optimism waned under the weight of relentless criticism. His attempts to engage with the community's intellectual elite were met with closed ranks and an unwavering adherence to orthodoxy. The forum, once a beacon of knowledge exchange, became an echo chamber of conformity where dissenting voices like EchoChamber88's were unwelcome.

Amidst the forum's collective closed-mindedness, EchoChamber88's journey was a testament to resilience in the face of intellectual snobbery. Though isolated and often misunderstood, he persisted in his quest for understanding, finding solace in occasional private messages from like-minded individuals who appreciated his unconventional perspective. In the end, while the forum's gates remained firmly closed to EchoChamber88, his tenacity illuminated the stark contrast between intellectual rigor and the closed minds that sometimes pervade even the most esteemed digital communities.
"I've never been quite sure what the point of a eunuch is, if truth be told. It seems to me they're only men with the useful bits cut off."
I drank because I wanted to drown my sorrows, but now the damned things have learned to swim.


To be fair to DG, he didn't use ChatGPT to write his response, he used it to craft a definition of "woke" that he could agree with. 

That would be okay if he actually analyzed the ChatGPT response and explained how it captured his sense of the meaning. I think the reason his quote fell so flat was that he didn't do so.  He simply used it like we would Webster's dictionary or something.  ChatGPT lacks the authoritativeness necessary to use it in that way.

I think that the bottom line is that the word "woke" has no meaning in the sense of "woke culture," because no one argues that they are "woke" by the definition used by the right (and DGuller).  "Woke" is used almost purely as a right-wing dog whistle.  It's a dumb word to use in an intellectual discussion.
The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.   -G'Kar


crazy canuck

Quote from: Sophie Scholl on June 21, 2024, 03:46:29 AM
Quote from: garbon on June 21, 2024, 01:55:58 AMIt did read a bit like you couldn't be bothered to spend time replying. And that's really all we have here as a forum for chatting.
This. If we're not here to actually engage with each other in our own words, why are we even here?

And add to that the fact the application DGuller used generates bullshit. 


I have to say, I've become a whole lot less interested in sharing my ideas here, in my words or otherwise.  What happened over the last page here, that just doesn't happen in a community interested in having an exchange of ideas.

crazy canuck

Quote from: DGuller on June 21, 2024, 09:34:32 AMI have to say, I've become a whole lot less interested in sharing my ideas here, in my words or otherwise.  What happened over the last page here, that just doesn't happen in a community interested in having an exchange of ideas.

But don't you see that you weren't actually sharing your ideas?  You were simply cutting and pasting something an application generated, which is now notorious for generating false information.