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Russo-Ukrainian War 2014-23 and Invasion

Started by mongers, August 06, 2014, 03:12:53 PM

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a new week, a new attempt at nucleair blackmail.
russia needs to sink into the sea, it'll be better for everyone.

Grey Fox

And Sullivan still wants to manage escalation because we gotta keep doing business with the enemy.

Colonel Caliga is Awesome.


Thanks, Sav. I'd forgotten how obvious and unfunny Bloom County really was.
The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.   -G'Kar



I don't do meditation.  I drink alcohol to relax, like normal people.

If Microsoft Excel decided to stop working overnight, the world would practically end.


Orthodox purity seals. No really, the russki military equipment company Ratnik just launched these. With Psalm 90 in Church Slavonic. :wacko:

Posted using 100% recycled electrons.


This really is turning into Warhammer 40k isn't it.
Confirmed; Putin is already long dead?


I do wonder if the Russian people ARE indeed still deeply religious after a generation of communism, or it's the aristocracy assuming they are.


Probably the ignorant people in the rural areas still are, but not the Muscovites or Petersburgites.
Russia's weird that way. You step a few miles out of the main urban areas and you're literally in early 19th century Russia with chickens running around houses and babooshkas in head scarves.
Civis Romanus Sum<br /><br />"My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world." Jack Layton 1950-2011


I expect for those who aren't there's a lot of performative "cultural Christianity" too.
This is Russian identity et al.

Things don't sound good In ukraine


The frontline news is pretty dire at the moment. I wonder quite what can be done to improve it.
Kursk has run into the scenario I agonised over when it was first launched - it's all very well taking the land but then you have to defend it.
Right now the Ukrainian forces are not doing a good job of that, they are outmanned and out equipped and they are loosing ground at an alarming rate. They've lost almost 35% of the captured territory. Their offensive into Glushkovo has failed to make any progress worthy of the name. We have to face facts, the Russians have done far better far more quickly than anyone gave them credit for being able to organise.
The Pokrovsk salient expunged its biggest weakness - forcing Ukraine to cede a huge tranche of land in its southeastern corner before they were encircled.
The situation at Vuhledar has worsened so fast and dramatically that according to the mapping the only two evacuation roads left are already under Russian fire control. Ukrainian forces must evacuate if they haven't already done so, or risk encirclement. The town came under blistering attack from the air making it untenable.
I'm not going to sugar coat this for you.
Right now the war is going very badly for Ukraine. The best thing that could happen today is massive rainstorm that doesn't stop for a week and turns the whole front into a muddy bog.
It's the only thing that's going to stop further Russian advances.
And yes it is that bad.
And just in case you thought it couldn't get any worse, yesterday the last $5.4 billion was released to Ukraine of American aid from the May $60 billion aid package.
It had to be released because the money must be spent by Dec 20th as Congress finally managed a temporary government funding bill which expires that day and republicans wouldn't agree on an aid extension.
Another $2.6 billion in industrial aid to initiate programs inside Ukraine to provide its own equipment was also released.
That's the end of the aid until a new administration is installed on Jan 20th 2025. It also depends on who then controls the senate and the house. If Trump wins there will be no more.
It's now down to Europe to keep the supply of weapons up. Especially ammunition.
The aid package did include a refurbished Patriot system and missiles. In addition a number of MWRAPS, shells and training for more F-16 pilots. The rest is mostly ammunition and spares, small arms, armoured engineer units and so on.
I'll be frank, Ukrainian command decisions have been wrong. Deep problems inside the command of frontline forces have been a major cause. The failure to properly mobilise the population for some esoteric notion, that while admirable in itself is simply inappropriate in the circumstances, has left insufficient combat forces in the frontline.
Ukraine is not yet defeated. Not by any means, because its frontline troops are outstanding and brave men and women.
But these bad decisions and a refusal to address command issues are making things worse.
I watch some of the video reporting various aspects of the war. One American and very popular channel that's contributed greatly to understanding the war for many has simply become so pro-Ukraine it doesn't report anything bad. It's like it isn't happening.
One of the most consistent analytical channels has become so disillusioned that it's stopped daily frontline reporting because it's so unpalatable, and it's become difficult to keep up with the changing situation.
I know it's been a bit gloom and doom today but we have to understand - it is bad. Telling you what you want to hear isn't the best way of understanding what's happening.
The question now is how does Ukraine manage the situation in the coming months and how does Europe step up?
And importantly- does the massive loss of ammunition Russia suffered finally impact the front and make a difference?

'The Analyst' MilStratOnX
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦!


Quote from: Josephus on Today at 06:13:39 AMProbably the ignorant people in the rural areas still are, but not the Muscovites or Petersburgites.
Russia's weird that way. You step a few miles out of the main urban areas and you're literally in early 19th century Russia with chickens running around houses and babooshkas in head scarves.

To be fair that was Hungary and I am sure the rest of Eastern Europe as well until something like the late 00s maybe? I am sure it still is at the poorer parts but close to cities it's gone now.


Quote from: Tamas on Today at 04:54:32 AMI do wonder if the Russian people ARE indeed still deeply religious after a generation of communism, or it's the aristocracy assuming they are.
It's hard to tell.  People seem to have some void in their psyche that religion fills, so without active suppression of the church I'm sure even some non-rural folks are genuinely religious.  There are a couple of Jewish immigrant chess grandmasters who converted to Russian Orthodox faith, while living in Brooklyn.  (:bleeding:) That said, I have a really hard time believing that Putin or other Chekists like the church leaders really are genuine when they perform religious rituals from time to time.


That what happens if the west gets self-deterred by non-existing red lines, hopes for non-existant reset buttons and half the economy is breaking sanctions because they love their greenbacks more than their liberty.
And that's ignoring the many people who are rooting for Russian de facto allies in the middle east and spreading Russian bs because they love the orange man or Russian gas so much.
It's unbelievable how a retarded society like the Russian one has managed to inflict so much ideological damage to the western societies that they've become incapable to find a way to kick the Russians out.

And while this may still turn into a Russian defeat it sure won't be a western victory (which someone in this thread has already mentioned... I'm guessing minsky, but I won't bet my head on it)