Ebola and other Epidemics, Inadequate Healthcare Threatens Millions

Started by mongers, March 23, 2014, 04:48:59 PM

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Quote from: derspiess on October 29, 2014, 07:28:11 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 29, 2014, 05:38:48 PM
This poor woman.   :lol:

She is a bit of a drama queen/attention whore.  Rather self-congratulatory about her white-knighting, though.

If she were a man, you'd be championing her dedication to freedomtude and libertyness for these obscene violations of her constitutional rights.

But she's a woman, so you're more than happy to see her confined to the home, as it should be.

Ed Anger

Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive

Eddie Teach

Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 29, 2014, 07:57:58 PM
Quote from: derspiess on October 29, 2014, 07:28:11 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 29, 2014, 05:38:48 PM
This poor woman.   :lol:

She is a bit of a drama queen/attention whore.  Rather self-congratulatory about her white-knighting, though.

If she were a man, you'd be championing her dedication to freedomtude and libertyness for these obscene violations of her constitutional rights.

But she's a woman, so you're more than happy to see her confined to the home, as it should be.

If she was a man, he'd make fun of her being a nurse.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?


Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 29, 2014, 07:57:58 PM
Quote from: derspiess on October 29, 2014, 07:28:11 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 29, 2014, 05:38:48 PM
This poor woman.   :lol:

She is a bit of a drama queen/attention whore.  Rather self-congratulatory about her white-knighting, though.

If she were a man, you'd be championing her dedication to freedomtude and libertyness for these obscene violations of her constitutional rights.

But she's a woman, so you're more than happy to see her confined to the home, as it should be.

I thought the point was she is a woman so she is a whore one way or another :P
Quote"This is a Russian warship. I propose you lay down arms and surrender to avoid bloodshed & unnecessary victims. Otherwise, you'll be bombed."

Zmiinyi defenders: "Russian warship, go fuck yourself."


Well, she's tested negative twice now, so those whore pills must be doing something right.


QuoteLiberia's Red Cross said its teams collected 117 bodies last week, down from a high of 315 in September. Treatment centres also have empty beds available for patients.

Dr Aylward said : "It appears that the trend is real in Liberia and there may indeed be a slowing."

"Do we feel confident that the response is now getting an upper hand on the virus? Yes, we are seeing a slowing rate of new cases, very definitely."

The real question is, for how long will the US be scared shitless of this?
"Af alle latterlige Ting forekommer det mig at være det allerlatterligste at have travlt" - Kierkegaard

"JamenajmenømahrmDÆ!DÆ! Æhvnårvaæhvadlelæh! Hvor er det crazy, det her, mand!" - Uffe Elbæk


Quote from: Liep on October 30, 2014, 02:18:19 AM
QuoteLiberia's Red Cross said its teams collected 117 bodies last week, down from a high of 315 in September. Treatment centres also have empty beds available for patients.

Dr Aylward said : "It appears that the trend is real in Liberia and there may indeed be a slowing."

"Do we feel confident that the response is now getting an upper hand on the virus? Yes, we are seeing a slowing rate of new cases, very definitely."

The real question is, for how long will the US be scared shitless of this?

Given how ebola is transmitted, wouldn't a more appropriate expression be that the US is "scared shitful"?  :hmm:


Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 29, 2014, 07:57:58 PM
Quote from: derspiess on October 29, 2014, 07:28:11 PM
Quote from: CountDeMoney on October 29, 2014, 05:38:48 PM
This poor woman.   :lol:

She is a bit of a drama queen/attention whore.  Rather self-congratulatory about her white-knighting, though.

If she were a man, you'd be championing her dedication to freedomtude and libertyness for these obscene violations of her constitutional rights.

But she's a woman, so you're more than happy to see her confined to the home, as it should be.

He and Monkeybutt aren't concerned about the home as such.  It's the kitchen and the bedroom, specifically.

Ed Anger

Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


"If you can play a guitar and harmonica at the same time, like Bob Dylan or Neil Young, you're a genius. But make that extra bit of effort and strap some cymbals to your knees, suddenly people want to get the hell away from you."  --Rich Hall


QuoteEbola nurse Kaci Hickox: 'Flaming' liberals love her. 'Bully' conservatives hate her.
Morning Mix

Not since "Hawkeye" Pierce and Frank Burns jousted over "Hot Lips" Houlihan in "M*A*S*H*" have liberals and conservatives fought so heatedly over a nurse.

When Kaci Hickox, RN — fresh from fighting Ebola in Sierra Leone — spoke out against a mandatory quarantine in New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie was the first Republican into the breach. While refraining from attacking Hickox personally, Christie took up an unusual rallying cry for a member of the party of Reagan: the need for big government to contain a crisis.

"The government's job is to protect [the] safety and health of our citizens," Christie said on "Fox News Sunday." "And so we've taken this action, and I absolutely have no second thoughts about it."

Christie had second thoughts on Monday, when he freed Hickox from quarantine after taking heat from, among others, President Obama. By then, Hickox was well on her way to becoming the left's poster child — though those of that political persuasion do not typically object when government intervenes in the name of public health.

"When Kaci Hickox stood up to Governor Chris Christie for quarantining her against her will and claiming she was 'obviously ill' when she wasn't, she did more than bring a little sanity to our Ebola-panic politics," the Nation wrote. "She also struck a blow for all the teachers, nurses, public employees, minimum-wagers and workers of all kinds that Christie has bullied, belittled and silenced over the years."

When back at home in Maine, Hickox — now unwittingly a stand-in for the entire labor movement — defied another mandatory quarantine from another Republican governor, the partisan divide over her irresponsibility or moxie only deepened. To the right, she was a do-gooder who fell from grace, trading praiseworthy humanitarian work for obnoxious grandstanding as she and her boyfriend set off on a defiant bicycle ride with a scrum of TV camera crews in tow. To the left, she was a hero standing up to "bully governors."

"There is something uniquely jarring about a display of selfish insolence from someone who is so praiseworthy in other respects," Townhall wrote in a piece called "Kaci Hickox, Self-Absorbed Hero." "Maddening traits usually come from maddening people, as their true character surfaces."

This contrasted with Salon's take: "America's new Ebola hero: Defying hysteria, Kaci Hickox bravely goes for bike ride."

The fact Hickox is a registered Democrat only further inflamed the Rush Limbaugh crowd in their atypical demand an individual bow to the will of the state:

    CALLER: I think she's a flaming liberal. The rules don't apply to me. The rules apply to everyone else.

    RUSH:  Well, that could be partly true. And she didn't find any lawyer. She went and found Norm Siegel of the ACLLU.

    CALLER:  Exactly.

    RUSH:  The American Civil "Liberal" Liberties Union. But there's even more of an answer to this I think. Is this not a little bit sanctimonious? I mean, here you volunteer and you let everybody know, by the way. ... "I am a good person. I have volunteered to go to Africa, and I am helping Ebola patients. Look at me. See me? I am a good person." You come back, "I have just returned from Africa helping Ebola patients, and you are not going to quarantine me so that I can't be noticed."

    CALLER:  Absolutely ridiculous.

To make matters worse, the Daily Caller revealed that her lawyer once attended a dinner at the Obama White House.

Meanwhile, over at MSNBC, Rachel Maddow was worried. In a segment called "Uncowed Kaci Hickox supported by state health leaders," Maddow said Maine wanted to "force her into basically house arrest — involuntary strict quarantine even though she does not have Ebola."

The culprit infringing upon Hickox's individual rights as Ayn Rand might have imagined them? According to Maddow: "Maine's bombastic walking carnival of a governor, tea party republican Paul LePage," who "has basically now threatened that that nurse may not be safe in Maine."

The Daily Kos agreed.

"Hickox is smart, well-spoken, and determined to teach politicians a direct lesson about science and about public health," Joan McCarter wrote. "She's a strong voice of reason in the midst of Republican-induced Ebola panic, and has already made a fool of Christie. LePage should think twice before taking her on."

Ed Anger

Stay Alive...Let the Man Drive


This woman, and other health care workers returning from treating Ebola patients should put themselves on a real 21 day quarantine. I would think as health care profs they'd do so. The US military is quarantining service members who come back, and probably even those who were not involved in treating patients. It's not a big deal, just a precaution. Like that doctor who was self quarantined but wandering around NYC and he came down with Ebola, so I figure that Cuomo and Christie tried to take some pre-emptive measures for future returnees.

Eddie Teach

Eh, she's not exposing anyone to her fluids by taking a bike ride.
To sleep, perchance to dream. But in that sleep of death, what dreams may come?